HomeMy WebLinkAboutCROWNE AT SUNIGA - PDP230007 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 2 - GEOTECHNICAL (SOILS) REPORT 4396 GREENFIELD D RIVE W INDSOR, C OLORADO 80550 (970) 545-3908 FAX (970) 663-0282 www.earth-engineering.com June 7, 2023 Crowne Partners, Inc. 505 North 20th Street – Suite 1150 Birmingham, AL 35203 Attn: Mr. Oaky Dover (odover@crownepartners.com) Re: Supplemental Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Apartment Complex Development – Crowne at Suniga Approximate 11-Acre Parcel – Northeast Corner of 9th Street and Suniga Road Fort Collins, Colorado EEC Project No. 1222009 Mr. Dover: Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC (EEC) personnel have completed the supplemental geotechnical subsurface exploration as requested for the approximate 11-acre parcel – proposed Crowne at Suniga apartment complex development located at the northeast corner of 9th Street and Suniga Road in Fort Collins, Colorado. In the summer of 2022, Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC (EEC) conducted a subsurface exploration for the referenced project by drilling a total of twenty-one (21) test borings throughout the property using a Geo- Probe drill rig in lieu of a more conventional CME – 75 rig due to the previous property owner’s concerns of potential “crop/terrain” damage. Unfortunately, the Geo-Probe utilized did not have the torque capacity to turn the hollow stem augers through the very dense cobble zones encountered across the site and the borings terminated at approximate depths of 5 to 10 feet below existing site grades. EEC prepared an appropriate project-specific Geo-Report for foundation, slab, and pavement support; however, the civil design team required greater depths of borings to assist in their utility design approach for the project. EEC hereby confirms that all of the recommendations provided in the preceding subsurface exploration/report are valid and those results were confirmed by the findings of this supplemental exploration/report. For further information and recommendations based on the 21 shallow borings, please refer to our “Subsurface exploration Report” dated June 9, 2022, EEC Project No. 1222009. For this supplemental subsurface exploration, EEC completed eight (8) additional test borings across the site at pre-selected locations determined by the design team, using a conventional CME-75 drill rig to approximate depths of 20 to 25 feet below the existing site grades at Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Crowne Partners, Inc. Crowne at Suniga – Proposed Apartment Complex June 7, 2023 Page 2 approximate locations as indicated on the enclosed “Boring Location Diagram”. Upon completion of the drilling operations of the eight (8) supplemental borings, the open boreholes were converted into registered piezometer (PZ) devices (approximately 1-inch in diameter field slotted PVC casings); with the State of Colorado – Division of Water Resources, for future groundwater elevation/evaluation monitoring purposes. This supplemental study was performed in general accordance with our proposal dated May 9, 2023. The purpose of this report is to describe the general soil, bedrock, and groundwater profiles within the eight (8) supplemental soil borings to provide additional information on the existing subsurface conditions to greater depths across the site. EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES The supplemental borings were located in the field by EEC personnel by use of a hand-held GPS unit using the latitude and longitudinal coordinates as determined from “Google Earth” and at locations agreed upon with the design team. Those locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to make the field measurements. Photographs of the site taken at the time of our drilling are provided with this report. The borings were performed using a truck mounted, CME-75 drill rig equipped with a hydraulic head employed in drilling and sampling operations. The boreholes were advanced using 4-¼ inch nominal inside diameter continuous hollow stem augers and samples of the subsurface materials encountered were obtained using split barrel and California barrel sampling procedures in general accordance with ASTM Specifications D1587, and D3550, respectively. In the split barrel and California sampling procedures, standard sampling spoons are driven into the ground by means of a 140-pound hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the samplers is recorded and is used to estimate the in- situ relative density of cohesionless soils and, to a lesser degree of accuracy, the consistency of cohesive soils and hardness of weathered bedrock. All samples obtained in the field were sealed and returned to our laboratory for evaluation and testing. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Crowne Partners, Inc. Crowne at Suniga – Proposed Apartment Complex June 7, 2023 Page 3 Laboratory moisture content tests were completed on each of the recovered samples. In addition, the unconfined compressive strength of appropriate samples was estimated using a calibrated hand penetrometer. Washed sieve analysis and Atterberg limits tests were completed on select samples to evaluate the quantity and plasticity of the fines in the subgrade soils. Grain-size distribution/sieve analyses tests were performed on select granular subsoil samples collected at various intervals across the site. Results of the outlined tests are indicated on the attached boring logs and summary sheets. As part of the testing program, all samples were examined in the laboratory by an engineer and classified in accordance with the attached General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System, based on the soil’s texture and plasticity. The estimated group symbol for the Unified Soil Classification System is indicated on the boring logs and a brief description of that classification system is included with this report. Classification of the bedrock was based on visual and tactual observation of disturbed samples and auger cuttings. Coring and/or petrographic analysis may reveal other rock types. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on results of field borings and laboratory testing, subsurface conditions can be generalized as follows. The surficial material at each test boring location generally consisted of a zone of topsoil and/or fescue grass. Encountered beneath the surficial layer/vegetation were cohesive to slightly cohesive sandy lean clay to silty/clayey sand soils extending to a granular stratum at depths of approximately 1 to 3 feet below the existing site grades. The near surface sandy lean clay to silty/clayey sand soils were generally dry, low to moderately plastic, and were medium stiff/medium dense to stiff/dense. Underlying the upper cohesive to slightly cohesive soils was a stratum of poorly/well graded sand with varying amounts of silt and gravel with intermittent coble zones extending to the bottom of the completed borings at borings B-2 thru B-3, approximately 20 feet below the ground surface or to underlying bedrock formation at approximate depths of 16 to 19 feet below the site grades at the remaining borings. The poorly/well graded sand with silt and gravel soils were generally loose to very dense. Claystone bedrock was encountered beneath the granular stratum and extended to the depths explored, approximately 20 to 25 feet below the ground surface. The bedrock was generally hard. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Crowne Partners, Inc. Crowne at Suniga – Proposed Apartment Complex June 7, 2023 Page 4 The stratification boundaries indicated on the boring logs represent the approximate locations of changes in soil and rock types; in-situ, the transition of materials may be gradual and indistinct. In addition, the soil borings show conditions at the test borings locations; variations in subsurface conditions can occur relatively short distances from the boring locations. Groundwater Conditions Observations were made while drilling and on May 18 and 24, 2023, within the installed registered piezometers, to detect the presence and level of groundwater. At the time of drilling and on May 18 and 24, 2023, groundwater was observed in the test borings at depths ranging from approximately 7 to 9 feet below existing site grades. The measured depths to groundwater are recorded near the upper right-hand corner of each boring log included with this report. The groundwater measurements provided with this report are indicative of groundwater levels at the location and at the time the measurements were completed. Notable Comments One of the primary concerns and the rationale of the supplemental subsurface exploration was to better determine/evaluate the presence of the groundwater conditions across the site to assist the civil engineer in designing the site-specific utilities, mainly the infiltration basin as depicted in the vicinity of our supplemental borings 5 and 6. Of note, groundwater in this vicinity was measured at depths of approximately 8 feet below existing grades as depicted on the enclosed log of borings. Also, based on the topographic map provided, it appears fill material across the site will range from approximately 2-1/2 feet near the northwest portion of the site to as much as approximately 10 feet near the southeast portion of the site; therefore, groundwater below finished grades across the site would range at depths of approximately 10 to 16 feet below finished grades. Excavating to the design elevations may encounter variations of subsurface conditions. Some additional effort may be necessary to extract cobble or possible boulder sized materials at increased depths. Consideration should be given to obtaining a unit price for difficult excavation in the contract documents for the project. Areas of well-cemented sandstone Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC    DRILLING AND EXPLORATION DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS:  SS:  Split Spoon ‐ 13/8" I.D., 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted  PS:  Piston Sample  ST:  Thin‐Walled Tube ‐ 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted  WS:  Wash Sample    R:  Ring Barrel Sampler ‐ 2.42" I.D., 3" O.D. unless otherwise noted  PA:  Power Auger       FT:  Fish Tail Bit  HA:  Hand Auger       RB:  Rock Bit  DB:  Diamond Bit = 4", N, B     BS:  Bulk Sample  AS:  Auger Sample      PM:  Pressure Meter  HS:  Hollow Stem Auger      WB:  Wash Bore     Standard "N" Penetration:  Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2‐inch O.D. split spoon, except where noted.     WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS:  WL  :  Water Level      WS  :  While Sampling  WCI:  Wet Cave in      WD :  While Drilling  DCI:  Dry Cave in       BCR:  Before Casing Removal  AB  :  After Boring      ACR:  After Casting Removal    Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the time indicated.  In pervious soils, the indicated  levels may reflect the location of ground water.  In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of ground water levels is not  possible with only short term observations.    DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION    Soil Classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification  system and the ASTM Designations D‐2488.  Coarse Grained  Soils have move than 50% of their dry weight retained on a  #200 sieve; they are described as:  boulders, cobbles, gravel or  sand.  Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight  retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as :  clays, if they  are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non‐plastic.   Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor  constituents may be added according to the relative  proportions based on grain size.  In addition to gradation,  coarse grained soils are defined on the basis of their relative in‐ place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their  consistency.  Example:  Lean clay with sand, trace gravel, stiff  (CL); silty sand, trace gravel, medium dense (SM).     CONSISTENCY OF FINE‐GRAINED SOILS  Unconfined Compressive  Strength, Qu, psf    Consistency             <      500    Very Soft     500 ‐   1,000    Soft  1,001 ‐   2,000    Medium  2,001 ‐   4,000    Stiff  4,001 ‐   8,000    Very Stiff  8,001 ‐ 16,000    Very Hard    RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE‐GRAINED SOILS:  N‐Blows/ft    Relative Density      0‐3    Very Loose      4‐9    Loose      10‐29    Medium Dense      30‐49    Dense      50‐80    Very Dense      80 +    Extremely Dense                            PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BEDROCK    DEGREE OF WEATHERING:   Slight Slight decomposition of parent material on  joints.  May be color change.     Moderate Some decomposition and color change  throughout.     High Rock highly decomposed, may be extremely  broken.     HARDNESS AND DEGREE OF CEMENTATION:    Limestone and Dolomite:  Hard Difficult to scratch with knife.    Moderately Can be scratched easily with knife.     Hard Cannot be scratched with fingernail.     Soft Can be scratched with fingernail.     Shale, Siltstone and Claystone:  Hard Can be scratched easily with knife, cannot be  scratched with fingernail.     Moderately Can be scratched with fingernail.  Hard     Soft Can be easily dented but not molded with  fingers.     Sandstone and Conglomerate:  Well Capable of scratching a knife blade.  Cemented     Cemented Can be scratched with knife.     Poorly Can be broken apart easily with fingers.  Cemented                                    Group Symbol Group Name Cu≥4 and 1<Cc≤3E GW Well-graded gravel F Cu<4 and/or 1>Cc>3E GP Poorly-graded gravel F Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravel G,H Fines Classify as CL or CH GC Clayey Gravel F,G,H Cu≥6 and 1<Cc≤3E SW Well-graded sand I Cu<6 and/or 1>Cc>3E SP Poorly-graded sand I Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand G,H,I Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand G,H,I inorganic PI>7 and plots on or above "A" Line CL Lean clay K,L,M PI<4 or plots below "A" Line ML Silt K,L,M organic Liquid Limit - oven dried Organic clay K,L,M,N Liquid Limit - not dried Organic silt K,L,M,O inorganic PI plots on or above "A" Line CH Fat clay K,L,M PI plots below "A" Line MH Elastic Silt K,L,M organic Liquid Limit - oven dried Organic clay K,L,M,P Liquid Limit - not dried Organic silt K,L,M,O Highly organic soils PT Peat (D30)2 D10 x D60 GW-GM well graded gravel with silt NPI≥4 and plots on or above "A" line. GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay OPI≤4 or plots below "A" line. GP-GM poorly-graded gravel with silt PPI plots on or above "A" line. GP-GC poorly-graded gravel with clay QPI plots below "A" line. SW-SM well-graded sand with silt SW-SC well-graded sand with clay SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC IIf soil contains >15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name JIf Atterberg limits plots shaded area, soil is a CL- ML, Silty clay Unified Soil Classification System Soil Classification Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests Sands 50% or more coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve Fine-Grained Soils 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve <0.75 OL Gravels with Fines more than 12% fines Clean Sands Less than 5% fines Sands with Fines more than 12% fines Clean Gravels Less than 5% fines Gravels more than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve Coarse - Grained Soils more than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve CGravels with 5 to 12% fines required dual symbols: Kif soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel", whichever is predominant. <0.75 OH Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor ABased on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve ECu=D60/D10 Cc= HIf fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name LIf soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. MIf soil contains ≥30% plus No. 200 predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. DSands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: BIf field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name.FIf soil contains ≥15% sand, add "with sand" to GIf fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC- CM, or SC-SM. Silts and Clays Liquid Limit less than 50 Silts and Clays Liquid Limit 50 or more 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ML OR OL MH OR OH For Classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction of coarse-grained soils. Equation of "A"-line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5 then PI-0.73 (LL-20) Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL=16 to PI-7, then PI=0.9 (LL-8) CL-ML CROWNE APARTMENTS FORT COLLINS, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1222009 MAY 2023 SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 SB-5 SB-6 SB-7 SB-8 1 2 Boring Location Diagram Graham Property Apartment Complex Fort Collins, Colorado EEC Project #: 1222009 Date: June 2023 Approximate Boring Locations 1 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Legend Site Photos Photos taNen in approximate location, in direction oI arroZ DATE: RIG TYPE: CME-75 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" HAS SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET)(BLOWS/FT)(PSF)(%)(PCF)LL PI (%)PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF _ _ SILTY/CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC)1 _ _ WELL GRADED SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL (SW-SM)2 white/brown/rust/black, dry to moist to wet _ _ very dense 3 with intermittent cobble zones _ _ 4 _ _ SS 5 50/11"1.2 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ 10 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SS 15 50/10"12.7 6.8 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ CLAYSTONE 20 gray _ _ hard 21 *bedrock is classified as lean clay (CL)_ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ CS 25 50/4"19.9 108.3 43 27 97 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 25'_ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC GRAHAM PROPERTY APARTMENT COMPLEX LOG OF BORING SB-1PROJECT NO: 1222009 JUNE 2023 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 5/3/2023 WHILE DRILLING 7.5' SURFACE ELEV N/A CHECKED 5/24/23 7' 9" FINISH DATE 5/3/2023 CHECKED 5/18/23 7' 8" A-LIMITS SWELL DATE: RIG TYPE: CME-75 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" HAS SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET)(BLOWS/FT)(PSF)(%)(PCF)LL PI (%)PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF VEGETATION AND TOPSOIL _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY / CLAYEY SAND (CL / SC)_ _ brown, dry , medium stiff/medium dense 2 _ _ WELL GRADED SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL (SW-SM)3 white/brown/rust/black, dry to moist to wet _ _ loose to very dense 4 _ _ SS 5 9 1.1 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 50/11"10.0 8.8 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ 15 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 50/11"8.9 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.5'21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC A-LIMITS SWELL SURFACE ELEV N/A CHECKED 5/24/23 7' 5" FINISH DATE 5/3/2023 CHECKED 5/18/23 7' 2 '' SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 5/3/2023 WHILE DRILLING 8' GRAHAM PROPERTY APARTMENT COMPLEX PROJECT NO: 1222009 LOG OF BORING SB-2 JUNE 2023 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME-75 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" HAS SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET)(BLOWS/FT)(PSF)(%)(PCF)LL PI (%)PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF VEGETATION AND TOPSOIL _ _ 1 SILTY/CLAYEY SAND (SM-SC)_ _ brown, dry, medium dense 2 _ _ SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL (SP-SM)3 white/brown/rust/black, dry to moist to wet _ _ very dense to dense to very dense 4 _ _ SS 5 50/2"2.3 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 43 11.7 6.6 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ 15 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 50/5"18.9 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.5'21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC A-LIMITS SWELL SURFACE ELEV N/A CHECKED 5/24/23 8' FINISH DATE 5/3/2023 CHECKED 5/18/23 8' SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 5/3/2023 WHILE DRILLING 8' GRAHAM PROPERTY APARTMENT COMPLEX PROJECT NO: 1222009 LOG OF BORING SB-3 JUNE 2023 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME-75 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" HAS SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET)(BLOWS/FT)(PSF)(%)(PCF)LL PI (%)PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF VEGETATION AND TOPSOIL _ _ SANDY LEAN CLAY / CLAYEY SAND (CL / SC)1 brown, dry, stiff/dense _ _ 2 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH GRAVEL (SP)_ _ white/brown/rust/black, dry to moist to wet 3 very dense to medium dense to very dense _ _ 4 _ _ SS 5 50/11"1.1 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 21 14.1 4.5 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ 15 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 50/11"13.8 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.5'21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC GRAHAM PROPERTY APARTMENT COMPLEX PROJECT NO: 1222009 LOG OF BORING SB-4 JUNE 2023 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 5/3/2023 WHILE DRILLING 9' SURFACE ELEV N/A CHECKED 5/24/23 7' 4" FINISH DATE 5/3/2023 CHECKED 5/18/23 7' 2" A-LIMITS SWELL DATE: RIG TYPE: CME-75 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" HAS SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET)(BLOWS/FT)(PSF)(%)(PCF)LL PI (%)PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF VEGETATION AND TOPSOIL _ _ 1 SILTY/CLAYEY SAND (SM-SC)_ _ brown, dry, medium dense 2 _ _ WELL GRADED SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL (SW-SM)3 white/brown/rust/black, dry to moist to wet _ _ very dense 4 _ _ SS 5 50/11"1.9 8.7 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 50/9"9.5 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ 15 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ CLAYSTONE 19 gray _ _ hard CS 20 50/7"9000+15.2 117.1 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20'_ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC GRAHAM PROPERTY APARTMENT COMPLEX PROJECT NO: 1222009 LOG OF BORING SB-5 JUNE 2023 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 5/3/2023 WHILE DRILLING 8.5' SURFACE ELEV N/A CHECKED 5/24/23 8' FINISH DATE 5/3/2023 CHECKED 5/18/23 8' A-LIMITS SWELL DATE: RIG TYPE: CME-75 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" HAS SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET)(BLOWS/FT)(PSF)(%)(PCF)LL PI (%)PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF VEGETATION AND TOPSOIL _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY / CLAYEY SAND (CL / SC)_ _ brown, dry, medium stiff/medium dense 2 _ _ SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL (SP-SM)3 white/brown/rust/black, dry to moist to wet _ _ dense 4 _ _ SS 5 50 1.0 8.7 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 50 11.8 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ 15 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ CLAYSTONE 18 gray _ _ hard 19 _ _ SS 20 50/8"6000 16.9 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.5'21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC GRAHAM PROPERTY APARTMENT COMPLEX PROJECT NO: 1222009 LOG OF BORING SB-6 JUNE 2023 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 5/3/2023 WHILE DRILLING 9' SURFACE ELEV N/A CHECKED 5/24/23 8' 3" FINISH DATE 5/3/2023 CHECKED 5/18/23 8' 3" A-LIMITS SWELL DATE: RIG TYPE: CME-75 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" HAS SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET)(BLOWS/FT)(PSF)(%)(PCF)LL PI (%)PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF VEGETATION AND TOPSOIL _ _ 1 CLAYEY SAND (SC)_ _ brown, dry 2 dense _ _ CS 3 42 9000+7.0 122.9 34 19 49.6 _ _ SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL (SP-SM)4 white/brown/rust/black, dry to moist to wet _ _ dense 5 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 44 9.8 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ 15 _ _ 16 _ _ CLAYSTONE 17 gray _ _ hard 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 50/8"4000 18.0 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.5'21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC GRAHAM PROPERTY APARTMENT COMPLEX PROJECT NO: 1222009 LOG OF BORING SB-7 JUNE 2023 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 5/3/2023 WHILE DRILLING 8' SURFACE ELEV N/A CHECKED 5/24/23 7' 1" FINISH DATE 5/3/2023 CHECKED 5/18/23 7' A-LIMITS SWELL DATE: RIG TYPE: CME-75 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" HAS SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET)(BLOWS/FT)(PSF)(%)(PCF)LL PI (%)PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF VEGETATION AND TOPSOIL _ _ CLAYEY SAND / SANDY LEAN CLAY (SC / CL)1 _ _ WELL GRADED SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL (SW-SM)2 white/brown/rust/black, dry to moist to wet _ _ dense to very dense 3 _ _ 4 _ _ SS 5 49 1.8 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 50 11.2 9.3 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ 15 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ CLAYSTONE 19 gray _ _ hard CS 20 50/7"9000+17.8 112.4 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20'_ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC GRAHAM PROPERTY APARTMENT COMPLEX PROJECT NO: 1222009 LOG OF BORING SB-8 JUNE 2023 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 5/3/2023 WHILE DRILLING 9' SURFACE ELEV N/A CHECKED 5/24/23 6' 10" FINISH DATE 5/3/2023 CHECKED 5/18/23 6' 9" A-LIMITS SWELL 2 1/2"(63 mm) 2"(50 mm) 1 1/2"(37.5 mm) 1"(25 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1/2"(12.5 mm) 3/8"(9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project:Crowne at Suniga Location:Fort Collins, Colorado Project No:1222009 Sample ID:B-1, S-2 @ 14' Sample Desc.:Well Graded Sand With Silt and Gravel (SW-SM) Date:June 2023 80 71 64 10 6.8 63 54 32 22 16 100 100 96 93 84 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) 100 Sieve Size Percent Passing EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or ClayGravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium June 2023 37.50 1.75 1.07 Crowne at Suniga Fort Collins, Colorado 1222009 B-1, S-2 @ 14' Well Graded Sand With Silt and Gravel (SW-SM) D100 D60 D50 0.56 0.15 Fine 11.35 1.18 D30 D10 Cu CC 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.010.11101001000Finer by Weight (%)Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2 1/2"(63 mm) 2"(50 mm) 1 1/2"(37.5 mm) 1"(25 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1/2"(12.5 mm) 3/8"(9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project:Crowne at Suniga Location:Fort Collins, Colorado Project No:1222009 Sample ID:B-2, S-2 @ 9' Sample Desc.:Well Graded Sand With Silt and Gravel (SW-SM) Date:June 2023 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) 100 Sieve Size Percent Passing 100 100 86 81 70 68 55 45 12 8.8 42 35 25 21 17 0.91 0.11 Fine 60.91 1.21 D30 D10 Cu CC June 2023 37.50 6.44 3.55 Crowne at Suniga Fort Collins, Colorado 1222009 B-2, S-2 @ 9' Well Graded Sand With Silt and Gravel (SW-SM) D100 D60 D50 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or ClayGravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.010.11101001000Finer by Weight (%)Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2 1/2"(63 mm) 2"(50 mm) 1 1/2"(37.5 mm) 1"(25 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1/2"(12.5 mm) 3/8"(9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project:Crowne at Suniga Location:Fort Collins, Colorado Project No:1222009 Sample ID:B-3, S-2 @ 9' Sample Desc.:Poorly Graded Sand With Silt and Gravel (SP-SM) Date:June 2023 74 66 58 10 6.6 56 49 34 24 16 100 100 94 86 78 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) 100 Sieve Size Percent Passing EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or ClayGravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium June 2023 37.50 2.99 1.27 Crowne at Suniga Fort Collins, Colorado 1222009 B-3, S-2 @ 9' Poorly Graded Sand With Silt and Gravel (SP-SM) D100 D60 D50 0.52 0.16 Fine 18.73 0.58 D30 D10 Cu CC 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.010.11101001000Finer by Weight (%)Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2 1/2"(63 mm) 2"(50 mm) 1 1/2"(37.5 mm) 1"(25 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1/2"(12.5 mm) 3/8"(9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project:Crowne at Suniga Location:Fort Collins, Colorado Project No:1222009 Sample ID:B-4, S-2 @ 9' Sample Desc.:Poorly Graded Sand With Gravel (SP) Date:June 2023 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) 100 Sieve Size Percent Passing 100 100 100 98 95 92 85 71 7 4.5 67 53 32 21 13 0.57 0.22 Fine 7.39 0.93 D30 D10 Cu CC June 2023 25.00 1.61 1.11 Crowne at Suniga Fort Collins, Colorado 1222009 B-4, S-2 @ 9' Poorly Graded Sand With Gravel (SP) D100 D60 D50 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or ClayGravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.010.11101001000Finer by Weight (%)Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2 1/2"(63 mm) 2"(50 mm) 1 1/2"(37.5 mm) 1"(25 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1/2"(12.5 mm) 3/8"(9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project:Crowne at Suniga Location:Fort Collins, Colorado Project No:1222009 Sample ID:B-5, S-1 @ 4' Sample Desc.:Well Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel (SW-SM) Date:June 2023 65 51 40 11 8.7 38 32 24 20 16 100 100 100 82 70 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) 100 Sieve Size Percent Passing EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or ClayGravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium June 2023 25.00 7.78 4.62 Crowne at Suniga Fort Collins, Colorado 1222009 B-5, S-1 @ 4' Well Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel (SW-SM) D100 D60 D50 1.04 0.11 Fine 69.46 1.23 D30 D10 Cu CC 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.010.11101001000Finer by Weight (%)Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2 1/2"(63 mm) 2"(50 mm) 1 1/2"(37.5 mm) 1"(25 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1/2"(12.5 mm) 3/8"(9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project:Crowne at Suniga Location:Fort Collins, Colorado Project No:1222009 Sample ID:B-6, S-1 @ 4' Sample Desc.:Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel (SP-SM) Date:June 2023 62 50 39 11 8.7 37 32 24 19 15 100 100 95 80 68 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) 100 Sieve Size Percent Passing EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or ClayGravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium June 2023 37.50 8.71 4.87 Crowne at Suniga Fort Collins, Colorado 1222009 B-6, S-1 @ 4' Poorly Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel (SP-SM) D100 D60 D50 1.05 0.12 Fine 71.17 1.04 D30 D10 Cu CC 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.010.11101001000Finer by Weight (%)Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2 1/2"(63 mm) 2"(50 mm) 1 1/2"(37.5 mm) 1"(25 mm) 3/4"(19 mm) 1/2"(12.5 mm) 3/8"(9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project:Crowne at Suniga Location:Fort Collins, Colorado Project No:1222009 Sample ID:B-8, S-2 @ 9' Sample Desc.:Well Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel (SW-SM) Date:June 2023 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) 100 Sieve Size Percent Passing 100 100 97 88 78 72 59 49 13 9.3 46 38 28 24 20 0.70 0.09 Fine 57.55 1.11 D30 D10 Cu CC June 2023 37.50 5.04 2.69 Crowne at Suniga Fort Collins, Colorado 1222009 B-8, S-2 @ 9' Well Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel (SW-SM) D100 D60 D50 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or ClayGravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.010.11101001000Finer by Weight (%)Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size