HomeMy WebLinkAbout121 DARMOUTH TRL - MISCELLANEOUS - 10/9/2020TOTAL ROOFING SYSTEM WARRANTY WARRANTY NO.: 1528365 BUILDlNG OWNER: CHALET PROPERTIES NAME OF BUILDING: C HA~T APARTMENTS BUILDING ADDRESS: 12 1 DARTMOUTH TRAIL FORT COLLINS, CO VERSICO ROOFING SY STE MS DATE OF COMPLETION OF THE VERSICO TOTAL ROOFING SYSTEM: 10/2/2020 DATE OF ISSUE: I 0/9/2020 Versico, a divis ion of Carlis le Construction Materials Incorporated (Versico), warrants to the Building Owner (Owner) of the above described building, that; subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations stated in this warranty, Versico will repair any leak in the Versico Roofing System (Versico Total Roofing System) installed by a Versico Authorized Roofing Contractor for a period of20 years, commencing with the date ofVers ico 's acceptance of th e Vers ico Total Roofing System in s tallation. However, in no event shall Versico's obligations extend beyond 20.5 years, subsequent to the d ate of s ubs tantial completion of the Ve rs ico Total Roofing System. See below for exact date of warranty expiration. The Versico Total Roofing System is defined as the fo llowing Vers ico brand mate rials: Membrane, Flas hings, Adhesives and Sealants, In s ulation, Cover Boards, Fasteners, Faste ne r Plates, Faste ning Bars, In s ulation Adhesives and any other Vers ico brand products utili zed in thi s installation. TERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS I . Owner shall provide Versico with written notice via letter, fax or e mail within thirty (30) days of any leak in the Vers ico Total Roofing Syste m . Owner s hould send written n o tice of a leak to Versico's Warranty Services Department at th e address set forth at the bottom of this warranty. By so notifying Versico, the Owner authorizes Versico or its designee to investigate the cause of the leak. S hould the investigation reveal the cause of th e leak to be outside the scope of this Warranty, inves ti gation and repair cos ts for thi s service shall be paid by the Owner. 2. If, upon inspection, Versico d etermines that the leak is caused by a defect in the Vers ic o Total Roofin g System's materials, or workmanship of the Versico Authorized Roofing Contractor in insta lling the sam e, Owner's remed ies and Vers ico's liability s hall be limi ted to Versico's repair of the leak. Vers ico s hall have s ole respons ibili ty in dete rmining th e method of repair of the area. 3. This warranty sha ll not be applicable if, upon Versico's in s pection, Vers ico determines that any of the following has occurred: (a) The Vers ico Total Roofing System is damaged by: natural di sasters, lightnin g, fire, in sects, a nim a ls, windbl own debris or objects, earthquakes, tornados, hai l, hurri canes, and winds of (3 second) peak gust s peeds of 55 mph or hi g her measured at I 0 meters above ground; or (b) Loss of integri ty of the building e nve lope and/or structure, in c luding, but not limited to, partial or complete loss of roof decking, wal l s iding, w indows, rooftop units, doors or other envelope components; or (c) A ll associa ted building compone nts, including but no t limited to the d eck substrate, joists, columns and foundation , must a lso meet wind s peed des ig n requirements. (d) The Vers ico Total Roofing Syste m is damaged by any acts, accidents, mis use, a buse, vandali sm , civil di sobe di e n ce or the like; or (e) Deterioration or fa ilure of bui lding components , including, but not limited to, the roof s ub strat e, walls, mortar, HVAC un its, non Versico brand metal work, etc., occurs a nd causes a leak, or otherwise damages the Versico Total Roofing System ; or (t) Deterioration of metal materials a nd accessories .caused by marin e salt water, atmosphe re, or by regular spray of either s alt or fresh water; o r VSW _I Rev 04/1 9 P.O. Box 128 9 Ca rlisl e, PA 17013 toll free/ 800.233.0551 fax/ 717.245.7121 www.versico.com ✓ Id\ 7),A(lllft\OUtf''-.J T~; I (g) Acid s, o il s, h arm ful chemicals a nd the like c o me in contact with the Vers ico T otal Roofing Syste m and c ause a leak, or oth e rwi se damage the Versico Tota l Roofing System ; or (h ) T he V ers ic o Total Roofing Syste m e ncoun ters leaks or is othe rwi s e da m aged by conde nsati on resultin g from any c ondition within the building that may generate mois ture; or (i) The Ve rs ico Authori zed C ontractor or any ad d itiona l c ontractor or s ubcontrac tor failed to follo w Versico 's publishe d s pecifications and details for th e approved sy s tem assembly or failure to correct all insta llation defic iencies li sted in any Vers ico in spection report. 4 . This Warranty shall be null and void i f any o f the fo llowing shall o ccur : (a) If, afte r installation of th e Vers ico Tota l Roofing System by a V e rs ico A uthori zed Roofing Contractor, th ere a re any alte ra tions o r r epairs m ad e o n or t hroug h the roo f or o bj ects s uch as, but not limite d to, structures, fi x tures, solar a rrays, wind turbines, roof gardens or utiliti es are placed upon or atta ched to the roof without first obta ining w ritte n a uthori zati o n fro m V ersic o ; or (b) Failure by th e Owne r to use reasonable care in mainta ining the roof, s aid maintenance to include, but not be limited to, those item s li s ted on Ve rs ic o's C are & Ma inte na nce Guide w hich accompa nies t his Warranty. 5. In add iti o n , it s hall be O w ne r's sole respons ibility to re move and re-install at Owne r 's exp en se, a ll obstru ctions, in c luding, but not limited to, structures, fixtur es, solar arrays, wind turbines, ro o f gardens, utilities or other overburde n from the affecte d area as d ete rmine d by Vers ico that w ould hinde r o r impe de re pairs be ing m ade in t he most exp edient and least expe ns ive manner poss ibl e . Owne r shall be responsible for all costs associated with any loss of power ge nerati o n in the event that re mov a l o f a s olar array is required to re pair the roo fin g syste m . 6. During the term of th is Wa rra nty, V ers ico shall have free a c ce ss to the roo f during regular bus in ess hours. 7. Ve rs ico shall have no obligation under this Warranty w hil e a ny bills for ins ta ll ation, suppli es, se r v ice, and/or warranty cha rg es have not been paid in full to the V e rsico Authori z ed Ro ofing C ontractor, Vers ico, or materi a l s uppliers. 8. Ve rs ico 's failure at a ny tim e to e nforce any of the terms or conditions st a ted h erein s h a ll not be construed to be a waiv e r of s uch pro v ision. 9. V e rs ico s hall n ot be r esp o ns ible for the c leanliness or di sc o lo rat io n o f the Ve rs ico Tota l Ro ofing System caused by environmental c onditio ns including , but not limi te d to, dirt, pollutants or biological age nts. I 0 . Vers ico shall have no liability under a ny theory of la w for any cl a ims, re pairs, resto ration, or oth er damages including, but not limited to, c onsequenti a l or incid enta l damages re la ting, dire ctl y or in d irectly, to the presence of a ny irrita nts, contaminants, v a pors, fumes, m o ld s, fungi , bacte ri a, spores, m ycotox in s, or the like in the building or in the a ir, land, or w ater serving the building . 11 . This warranty s hall be tra ns ferabl e upon a c hange in owne rs hip of the buildin g w he n the Owner has complete d ce rta in procedures, includin g a transfer fe e a nd an in s pection of the Ro ofing System by a Ve rs ico representat iv e. 12. Any dispute, controversy or cl a im b et ween t he Owne r and Vers ico concerning thi s Limite d Warranty s hall be s ettled by m e diati on . In the e ve nt that th e O w ne r and Vers ic o d o not resolv e t he dis pute, c ontroversy o r claim in media tion , t he Owne r and Vers ic o agree that a ny and all s uits, pro ce edings, or claim s s hall be filed in e ithe r the state courts of C umberla nd C ounty, Pe nnsy lvania or in the United States Di strict Court for the Middle Di strict of Pe nnsylvania. Each party irrevo cably consents to the j uri s di ction a nd venue of the a bove-ide ntifie d courts . VSW _ I Rev 04/19 2 or 4 P.O . Box 1289 Carlisle, PA 17013 t o ll free/ 800.233 .0551 fax/ 717.245.712 1 • www.versico.com 13. Roof Sy stem Design Assembly: Vers ico, as manufacturer of commercial roofing products w ith the so le purpose of offeri ng products for an Owner, design pro fess ional, architect, consu ltant, or engineer when des ignin g/cho os ing a roof system assemb ly, assumes no li ab ili ty nor implie s to the s uitability of th e products for any particular assembly or spec ifi c building operation or structure. The Owner, des ign professional, architect, consultant, or engineer is so lely res pon s ible for the assemb ly chosen for a particular bui ldin g structure to in clude th e responsibility to properly calcu late wind uplift va lu es, des ign dead loads and li ve loads, and suitability and cond ition of building enve lope substrate, decking, parapets, draina ge, slope, and other attributes pe rtaining to the performance of th e roof system assembly. 14. The Versico Authorized Contractor or any additional contractor or subcontractor are not agents of Versico. VERSICO DOES NOT WARRANT PRODUCTS UTILIZED IN THIS INSTALLATION WHICH IT HAS NOT FURNISHED AND SPECIF ICALLY DI SCLA IM S LIABILITY, UNDER ANY THEORY OF LAW, ARIS ING OUT OF THE INSTALLAT IO N AND PERFORMANCE OF, OR DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY OR CAUSED BY, PRODUCTS NOT FURNISHED BY VERS ICO OR THE PRIOR EX IST ING ROOFING MATER IAL OVER WHICH THE VERS ICO ROOF ING SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSTALLED. THE REMED IES STATED HEREIN ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR FA IL URE OF THE VERS ICO TOT AL ROOF[NG SYSTEM OR ITS COMPONENTS. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IM PLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PART ICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE FACE HEREOF. VERS ICO SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO , LOSS OF PROFITS OR DAMAGE TO THE BUILDING OR ITS CONTENTS UNDER ANY THEORY OF LAW. BY: Lo rraine Ru ss AUTHOR IZED SIGNATURE TITLE: General Manager Th is Warranty Expi res: I 0/8/204 0 VSW_I Rcv04/19 P.O . Box 1289 Car li sle, PA 17013 3 of 4 t oll free/ 800.233.0551 fax/ 717.245.7121 www.versico.com Versico Care and Maintenance Guide In order to ensure the long-term performance of your Roofing System and continued warranty service and coverage, regu lar rooftop maintenance in s pections are neces sary. While normal aging will occur on all roofs, if not detected early, problems stemm in g from abuse, contamination, accidents and severe weathe r can result in extensive and costly repairs or premature failure of the roofing system. Single-ply Roofing Systems are typically low-s lope and easy to inspect, but caution must be taken to ens ure safety. Vers ico di scla im s a nd assumes no liability for any rooftop activity . -Owner must retain records related to the Roofing System. Such records include, but are not limited to: the warranty d ocum e nt and serial numbe r, maintenance inspection logs, rooftop traffic logs, s ervice logs, and invoices for work performed on th e roofing system. -In s pect the roof at least every s ix months (preferably sprin g and fall) and immediately following any weather eve nt that inc ludes excessive rainfall , hi gh winds and/or hail warnings. In cr eased number of rooftop maintenance in spections may be required on some roofs as the locati o n may dictate, such as hig her trees near the building which will accumulate leaves and debri s on the roof and have adverse e ffects on drainage. In addition, rooftop ma inte nance inspections s hould occur after regul ar maintenance of any rooftop unit. When in s pecting the Roofing System, pay special attention to the following: -Walls/Parapets/Roof Edge -Wind damage often beg ins at the perimeter of the roof. Ensure a ll m embrane termina tions and edge metal and copings are secure. -Roof Deck Membrane -Ins pect the field of the roof, scanning for da mage caused by wind-blown debris or traffic. -Penetrations/Rooftop U nits -Inspect the membrane, flashings and terminations around penetrations and rooftop units for possib le damage from service work. Ensure the units a nd terminations are secure. -Remove debris (leaves, dirt, trash, e tc.)-Good roofing practi ce dictates that water should drain from the roof and that ponded water should evaporate within 48 to 72 hours afte r a rainfall. Debris can inhibit dra inage. Additional Maintenance Items: -Foot Traffic -Walkways must be provided if regular traffic is required or if rooftop equipment has a regular thirty (30) day or less maintenance schedule. -Petroleum Products & Chemicals -Keep all liquids containing petroleum products or chemicals off the m em brane to avoid product degradation. -A nimal Fats/Vegetable Oils: EPDM Membranes -Do not exhaust animal fats/vegetab le oils directly onto EPDM roof surfaces. TPO & PVC Membranes -Animal fats/vegetable oils mus t be regularly removed and the rooftop s urface cleaned w ith a mi xture of soap and water. What to do if a leak occurs: -After verifying the leak is through the roofing system, contact Vers ico at 1-800-233 -055 1 or at www.versico.com. -If minor, emergency temporary repairs are mad e to a sus pected le ak area, use V ers ico 's Lap Sealant or a good-grade rubber caulk to address the repa ir area (do not use asphaltic roof cement). Please note, Versico is not responsible for the cost associated w ith any em ergency temporary re pairs . Alterations to th e Roofing System: -Alterations to the Roofing System must be completed by a Versico Authorized Contracto r. The Vers ico Authorized Contractor must notify Vers ico when the r evis io n work is complete. T he necessary form can be found on the Vers ico webs ite via the Authorized Contractors login. Warranty Transfer: -Warranties s ha ll be transferable upon a change in owners hip of the building when the Owner has completed certain proce dures. This form can be found on the Versico website for additional g uidelines. VSW_I Re v04/19 P.O. Box 1289 • Carlisle, PA 17013 t oll free/ 800 .233 .0551 fox/ 717 .2 45 .7121 www.versico.c om 4 o r 4