HomeMy WebLinkAbout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ee Detail Displayed on Next Page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ommunity Development & Neighborhood Services 281 N. College Ave Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6760 970.224.6134 - fax %XLOGLQJ 3HUPLW % ,VVXHG )XOO 3HUPLW 7\SH%DVHPHQW )LQLVK 6LWH $GGUHVV  7($/ (<( &7 -RE 9DOXDWLRQ&DWHJRU\5HVLGHQWLDO 5HPRGHO Signature:Print Name:Date: )RUP 5HYLVHG 2FW  7UDQVDFWLRQV 0HWKRG &KHFN 1XPEHU 'DWH 3DLG $PRXQW 3DLG &RPPHQWV &UHGLW &DUG &.   5HFHLSW LVVXHG7RWDO 3DLG WR 'DWH  )HH 'HVFULSWLRQ $FFRXQW &RGH )HH $PRXQW $PRXQW 3DLG 'DWH 3DLG $PRXQW 'XH &LW\ 6DOHV8VH 7D[ &RXQW\ 6DOHV8VH 7D[ 3HUPLW )ODW )HH   727$/ )((6 727$/ %$/$1&( '8( $6 2)  Community Development & Neighborhood Services 281 N. College Ave Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6760 970.224.6134 - fax %XLOGLQJ 3HUPLW % ,VVXHG )XOO 3HUPLW 7\SH%DVHPHQW )LQLVK 6LWH $GGUHVV  7($/ (<( &7 -RE 9DOXDWLRQ&DWHJRU\5HVLGHQWLDO 5HPRGHO )HH $PRXQWV DUH YDOLG IRU GDWH RI WKLV GRFXPHQW RQO\ )HHV VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH ZLWKRXW QRWLFH )RUP 5HYLVHG 2FW  BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: Job Site Address Unit# PROPERTY OWNER INFO: (All owner information is required – NOT optional) Last Name First Name Middle Street Address City State Zip Phone # Email Name of Business (COMMERCIAL USE ONLY) CONTRACTOR INFO: Company Name License Holder Name LIC # CERT # LEGAL INFO: Subdivision/PUD Filing # Lot # Block # Lot Sq Ft CONSTRUCTON INFO: Total Building Sq Ft (NOT including basement) Total Garage Sq. Ft. Residential Sq Ft Commercial Sq Ft # of Stories Bldg Ht # of Dwelling Units 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft 3rd Floor Sq Ft Unfinished Basement Sq Ft Finished Basement Sq Ft # of Bedrooms # of Full Baths ¾ Baths ½ Baths # Fireplaces ENERGY INFORMATION: (CHECK ONE) ComCheck ܆܆ UA (ResCheck) ܆܆ SPA(Simulated Performance Alternative) ܆܆ Prescriptive܆܆ ERI(Energy Rating Index) ܆܆ Air Conditioning? YES տտ NO ܆܆ City of Fort Collins Approved Stock Plan # SP0 List Option #s UTILITIES INFO: Gas տտ Electric ܆܆ Electric Temp. Pedestal Yes ܆܆No ܆܆ Electric Main Breaker Size (Residential Only): 150 amp or less ܆܆ 200 Amp ܆܆ Other տտ ZONING INFO: (COMMERCIAL USE ONLY) Proposed Use: (i.e. medical, office, bank, retail, etc.) For Commercial remodels and tenant finishes, please answer the following questions: Is the remodel/tenant finishes for an existing or new tenant? (Please check one) Existing Tenant ܆܆New Tenant ܆܆ If for a new tenant, is this the first tenant to occupy this space? Yes ܆܆No ܆܆ If not for the initial tenant for this unit, what was the previous use of this tenant space? Are there any exterior building changes (including mechanical) associated with the work? Yes ܆܆ No ܆܆ If yes, please describe: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 281 N. College Ave. xx Fort Collins, CO 80524 x Phone: 970.416.2740 x www.fcgov.com/building Job Site Address PROPERTY OWNER INFO: (A Finished Basement Sq Ft # of Bedrooms of Full Baths## o ¾ Baths ½ Baths # Fireplaces  7HDO (\H &RXUW $OEHUWV &DPHURQ $OOHQ  7HDO (\H &RXUW )RUW &ROOLQV &2  FDD#PVQFRP 4XDLO +ROORZ     ■ ✔ B2101251 2/17/2021 Value of Construction (materials and labor): $ Description of Work: JOBSITE SUPERVISOR CONTACT INFO: Name Phone SUBCONTRACTOR INFO: Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Framing Roofing Fireplace Solar Other ASBESTOS STATEMENT DISCLOSURE: In accordance with the State of Colorado Senate Bill 13-152, property owners, applying for a remodel permit, shall indicate their awareness about their property having been inspected for Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM's). տ I do not know if an asbestos inspection has been conducted on this property. տ An asbestos inspection has been conducted on this property on or about (enter date) տ An asbestos inspection has not been conducted on this property. Applicant: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct and agree to comply with all requirements contained herein and City of Fort Collins ordinances and state laws regulating building construction. Applicant Signature Type or Print Name Phone # Email THIS APPLICATION EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM APPLICATION DATE Value of Construction (materials and labor): Description of Work: Applicant Signature Phone #Email Type or Print Name SUBCONTRACTOR INFO: JOBSITE SUPERVISOR CONTACT INFO:  , ZLOO EH DGGLQJ WZR ZDOOV WKURXJK WKH FHQWHU RI WKH EDVHPHQW DGGLQJ D IDPLO\ URRP WKDW ZLOO EH LQVXODWHG DQG GU\ZDOOHG WR WKH HDVW HQG  DQG OHDYLQJ WKH RWKHU VLGH RI WKH EDVHPHQW WR UHPDLQ DV D VWRUDJH URRP ZLWK QR DGGLWLRQDO ZRUN EHLQJ GRQH RQ WKH ZHVW HQG &XUUHQWO\ WKH IDPLO\ URRP LV FRQFUHWH ZDOOV VR L ZLOO QHHG WR IUDPH LQVXODWH DQG GU\ZDOO WKHP DV ZHOO ,W GRHV DOUHDG\ KDYH ILUH EDUULHULQVXODWLRQ LQ SODFH IURP WKH RULJLQDO EXLOG &DPHURQ $OEHUWV  &DPHURQ $OEHUWV &DPHURQ $OEHUWV &DPHURQ$OEHUWV 'LJLWDOO\VLJQHGE\&DPHURQ$OEHUWV 'DWH  &DPHURQ $OEHUWV  FDD#PVQFRP ✔ City of �tCollt�s lkltld,n, S.Nk:41, P08'i, � 21t N' Cot.:·c• A.;e F"" '°''""· coeo�1• �J '�16 740 phOntf 91'0 11-4 bl,� fu HOMEOWNER AFFIDAVIT Uww -·-..,,.��,_._.. ---;;;... __ _;..;;;. ... -.) .. _ ol lho .. _.l _ At _____ ...;290=:..I T.:_:e al:,:E:1Y:::•_::C.,,::u�n!...... ___ F.,, C.,,iltlS, cab-.� dodateand _, lO tho loi-.ng, (p,l,taM Cl>oc/r only f!o ona 11>01 ,w,Ne•t OPTION 1; OPTION 2· D I am/ we are acting on my/ our behalf for !he P\l'PO!le or obllliOlng a buil6ng pe,m� and penionaJly consllUClJng my/ov, home The t,ome IO be oon•INCtod la on 11\o above p,opo,ty """ will be my/our primary R!$ldence. 11v,.., have not pe"""8Uy oonsuucted any other ,_ home$ In lhe Fon Collins Olly llmill "'1th1n Ille palll 2A-month period QPTION3· la I am/we ore actlng .,, my/our behalf for Ille PUIJIOSO of ob lalnlng • building pe,mll and pe,sonally cons1rucung an ollerollon or adclnJon 10 myfour house, actlng as our own gen8"11oontrador. The hcvso to be alb!red Is on !ho above proporty and Is my/our pe,aonlll pnmary residence 0 I am/wo ore llcilng on my/our beholl for the purpooe of oblainlng • buijd,ng pe,mtt and pe<sonalty eonslruaing a non-sttuctural altsf8tlon IO my/our attached slngla lamlty dwelllng unit The house to be lllt&rod I• my/our personal •clro•ry lalctonce t am nware that I/We canno1 do any sln.letura� eledrical, plumbing or mechanical worl< and must hire contr&dOrsisuboonlractors who are Q/rronlly licensed and mured with Ille C.ty of Fort Colina I am/we are p0<$0nally perlGrmlng alt of the wOrl< or hiring City of Fort Colfina licensed trades people. or wrll be oonbnuOusly supe<v!slng unpaid \/Cluntoers (lff Option 3 lor aaached dwelllngs� The worl<"' directly related to the construction of the above rererenced home. lfwe understand lhat any pe,son(s) or agent(s) contractod to perform structu ral wood-rrarmng. plumbing. HVAC. electncal or roofing work. MUST BE licensed con1rac1cn in acoordanco w.th the regulation of the City o( For1 Colm. I/We undOfStand 11\at failure IO comply wtlh any of the ebove oond1bons may result In revocabon of any perm,ts nsoaated with the above Pem1il Appllcatlon number, forfeiture ol eny roes lha1 have been cell acted, 1 Stop Worlt Order and potenoally a court summons. s,g,, In""'-·-o/ ,;-, - Tho (Qr990lng Affldavll was aCMDW!edged before me on Ihm rz- l'eu..,'""1 • �,(monll\, year) by C., !5 ,:? lh-"ftO dayol c32 27·NOIJl<y Pubhc B2101251