HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST LAKE AND PROSPECT ROAD ANNEX ORDINANCE # 38 1957 - Filed A-ANNEXATIONS - 2002-11-21Page is too large to OCR. ENGINEERING DEPT. NOTE: 's `' '"� THIS REPRESENTS THE BEST ' ' -� QUALITY IMAGE POSSIBLE TAKEN FROM VERY POOR QUALITY ORIGINALS ORDIMAMCE We 38 1957 ACCILFTIM AND AFMVIMB THE PLAT OF WHAT 13 KNOWN AS INE WZST LAKE AND PROSPECT STRMS CONSOLIDATED AN►iR "TION V) THE CITY OF PORT COLLLN$o CMARADOo :1ND AVTADRITTtG THL &::. MRZATIOS OF ALL TNK TMIMRY WSSAACY.D IN SAID PLAT '10 TIE CITY CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND TO U INCLUM WITHIN THE LIMITS Ala JURISDICTUM Taw. MASUART TO THE AV MORITY CUNTA'IMI. [IN MTICLZ lit CMT'T1cR I"m MUM WRERFAS. beretofors a written petition ban been presented to thr• Council of the City of Pott Collins in substantial compliance witty the q u-- visions of Article Ile Chmpter 139. Colorado Revised Statutes 1933 by 'a i a,:vet one (31) individuals purporting to be 51.77. of the land owners of Ow aarc<_ involved and further purporting to be the owners of 55.3i or the area us tLm, smibreeed in %bat is known as the west Lake and Prospect Streets «wwnotid v.:c :,. Annexation to the City of Fort Collinss wherein and whereby said petiLior:;ias and applicants petitioned the City of Fort Collins for the annexing of c:.io the torritory embraced in what is known as the West Lake and froopsect Consolidated Annexation to the City of Fort Coliinse Colorado, c-,:-�ra zS w;r lade show in the plat tbereof attached to said petition and more partictiia, . described as hereafter act forth, and WORKASp said petition was accepted by the eoutcii of the Fort Collins by resolution passed mad adopted on the 10th day of QctOase__ 19170 and MSaiREAR& notice for bowing on the 14th day of November. A. a),. on m ordinance approving the snnmomatian of said territory wand iueludltar, .l. seen within the lloito and jurisdiction of the City of Port Collins wa is ,;..i,. published ae provided by law. and WSUSRMAII, the Council of the City of Fort Colliuss has fwu tfz",: petition and the documents attwachedthersto scot the requirements Of AEL4,Clcl 0_ Chapter 139. Colorado Revised Statute@ 1953, and WHRREAB, no proceedings for on election to deterodue tihe yuearw IOS ;1, *=onetime bow, been initiated by written counter -petition as provided oy lu and so abjection to amm>sation having been made$ W, IT ORDAIW-11) BY TV 001WIL OF Tal CITY OF YORT COLLI134 Section 1. That after due consideration Of tt4 rvtitI.Or r'v, that the petition for the annexation of all the torritory in what ir described as the West Lake WLI fl`DSPtct Stracts &�- City of Fort Collins, Colorado, as shown by the plat thproo.amf!.x,.,z petition and mAch ID more paxtioularly described as followo, paa-t or t,le &outheaxt Ii of section 1-4 and Northeast of 3"Ot' CO F V� i both.,.in Townedt; 7 K'��eUho RaN,,o ' `,ist Of tikO 6U Colorado, co,-ltalaei within 1.aL)Uzldary Linea wilich bob, n at rnts oox-nor of t46 :'froutivaaast ' of said Saotlon 14 " raA feett along V.-a +vest kulo 0.1, V19 3eluthrea!st It, at said S)e(,tlora I),r, t". line of Lake Streotq Ui*nce ',)evtcr4v 3463-4 faet, wre or lase &Bn, t,,- Ureat to the °outavest corner of st" 1& 4 s 3utydjvisi on oaf Tr z .xights, Subdivision, toonoe RaMb 5*75.2 fast, aloft t4'-aat linti of Sxeelels thence ;,sat 3L3.1t feet, more or less, to Y;at of said beation 114, thence North 130 felt, along t'le WQVt lin?D of the Section 14, to the Ucrv!,juest eornAr of tirlc 30uth of t`o' Section 14, thence zamiorly 696.8 feetv more or lose, aloes -, the '.4.ort'i South j of the Southeast i Of Said i9etIO" ljj, to the 4r)rtheast said Stoolote Subdivision, thence South 102.3 feet, mare or less, to the Korth lijitof Street, theme West 666.8 fast, more or lessw along the North lim Straoto to the: Soethwaot corner of Lot 2, said twigh's Subdivinto:a, theme Worth 696.4 foet, more or less, to tbla (i0-7t)IvOSt, J,ot 2, said Smilghfa Subdivision, thence East, 333.4 feat, morn or leas, to the VortllezwM Lot 2, said Ludghts Subdivision, thence South 100 feet, theme Rest 80 feet; thence South 50 feet thence East 10" fec:tA thence South 541 fact., ivore or less, to lUxe Ncirth Linn of th sac* fast,, along the North line of TAke Stiwit, 44 4'm1+, thaws North 190 feetj thence t;agt 106 feet to tho Vest right-of-way line of tile r!QL0(--, Southern Railway CoapWW,, thence Worth along said right-of-way line 501 feat, more or the Northeast corner of Let I in said 1; 1. ,ntghIq ftbdivialonx thence East 100 fact to the rawt right-of-wo-y IiM: of ttk- Southern RaUijay ComanYi which point in the Northwest eorwr ejf 310c L. C. Moore's rirst Addition to the City of Fort Collins COIOM(,u, to the plat dated. July 9,, 1921, thence Soutbo along the West line of said Blook 10 L. 0. Addition) 327 foot, mom or losas, to the Northwest corner of B1061 2" Addition to the City. of Fort Conine) according to a plat dAte,4 - 2 . thence foutbe aloof{ the heat 111r of Slocks 2 and 1, said Mark a b Addition. 993 feet* more or lease to the South line of the Southeast ak @action 140 thence Masterly along the South line of the Southeast ` of t€A%• ,+.<.. ties 14, 577.911 foot. Moro or lea* to a point 30t North of the wocttroy:sea, corner of fat 1t in the Houser subdivisions m ordinf, to a plat filed a;:�a�: 19420 thanes South 30 fact, acre or less, to the borthesst corawr aZ Lot fe them:* fI{ WNU 20 foot to the Southsast 40=6 ' 41 41id :M L 2, Mouser 9010dirlsl0nt theesC:0 vat 225 feat to the southwest soraar of Lot fat said ha=w SUb"vialcn, theaee worth 230 fact to the South lime of the Southeast x oil - Section 149 tho=m west along the South lire of the Boutheast ;car atsid „•..wc,; <. 14t 1327.95 facts more or less, to the point of beaixmieav, 400teini46 of -47.74 Aerials son or last be accepted wed approved cad that the said territory be stm4mtd Aud um& of the City of Tort (olllkw as -A ern included within the limtLs azwt Sari.-t;.-� i— tbassof and that the City Clark be and be to hereby outho-rit" 4ubd 41,rr.;;::t prepare certified copies of this ordinances to each of wiAc6 "11 dried a plat of said vast Lmko and Prospect Street* C:onsoll"ted AaacryxAci.,aca L. City of port Colliwet Colorados and shall file ono copy tbgr**f R% c.`s`u; «fs <: . of the Clerk and @acarder of the County of Lariomer and another ctipr the office of the Clark of the City of fftt Collina, t0&6ttWr With aspy of the acid petition and another copy of said peetitlan And dismiss with the Secretary of State Of tic® State of ColorA,40. Section 3. That Is accepting and approving the plat of t:4e take and prospect Street$ Coseolidatad Ameeoetion to the City of Wort the City of part Collins does not ascmme obligations restieetiM OW Cs9 a'- r :_. ties of water mainso saver pips gas main*, electric U2,ht 1Ex91e or a,F'V', d visa or utilities with respect to the service of said addition. exa:,:Pa...+. ._ be ropeired aml provided by the oA3v" of property within Out ,Updea ..iz. :>,bk, addition at their own e>epausa and ow>cpt as may be Luititstaa#y Ly C1w ,dome::;..:. of said property within the limits of: said additions iu c000ki"co a id'. cep terns and provisions of ordinance 1O. Is 19219 relating, to laca►i areas eat f.,'A; lnprovaoatog as amended. .3. iatroduood, oonsidared favorably an first reading and ordmrc- Pablisbad this 14ah day of Movewboro A. D. 19570 and to bra prassnneJ, Lo.. Mal Passage on the 12th day of bsoember. A. 0. 1957. ATRSit ZL t%ayo:W City c:lasic Paso" and adopted on final roodiog this ilth day of tl"weus,, A. a. 1937e ATlgg1 t , �___� �2:•�Gi-O fr ✓_� City Clark STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I, Miles F. House, duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the Fort Collins, Colorado, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance J,; true and correct copy of the Ordinance No. 38, 1957 passed and adopted 01, final reading on the 12th day of December A. D. 1957, annexing what :is as The West Labe and Proppect Streets Consolidated Annexation to the (AL, o' Fort Collins, Colorado. IN WITNIsSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the scat City of Fort Collins, this 13th day of December, A. D. 1957. City uIerK-� .4.