HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTH SHIELDS STREET SECOND ANNEX ORDINANCE # 6 1959 - Filed A-ANNEXATIONS - 2002-11-18Page is too large to OCR. a � rl�....ffAA �y�{ Own"c wiiya.�����y� . 1959 yy ACCIMf/„� AM APPWVM TO ft" O IS MIV�1fF1 AS SS+ObSSi SOVIS SSIRIPS STU "T A$NEIRATZON TO TNS CITY OF YOU COI.LIN86 COLOSASOt AIM AWNDILIZINS TM ANNSEATIDW OP ALI, TSS 'Ii =100 IMtACSD IN SAW PLAT TO TO C1Tf Oy MLT CO UNS AND To At INCLWID NITSIN TNS LIMITS An l901SDICTIon TSSIISOPa PIJ RStdW TO THR MINORITY COMINSD IN ARTICLE Ill, CNAPTES 139. COWSASO SSVISSO =- 1957. MSiASAS, heretofore writtoa patitime we pre*auted to the COUNCIL of the City of fort Collins to subatestlal complies" with the provisions of Artiele its Chapter 1910 Colorado RovLsmd statutess lMo by the oole ewaar* of the area of lur! ambwaced to what to kwows sr the $eared Soutb Shield* Street Ansesatios to the City of Port Collins, wherein and wbnvby said potitLorero p*titionod'the City of left Collin* for the amo n"Lom of all the territory embraced is vbat is knew as Sooead South Shield$ Street AMM"Loo to the City of fort Conies. Celorade, easprisiag the dada $bow 10 the plat thereof attsabod to *aid petition ad servo powtiselarly dossribad as beroieueftsr Got forth, aed wSRSASe said potitwe we oseaptod by the eounail of the City of Fort Collins by roeolatios pasead mad adopted on the Us% day of SnoaNLer. Lobs$ sad NMRMS# eottes for !*$flag an the 26th day of yobruasy, A. 0. 1959. go as oraioaseo appmvioS the aesasaties of sold term" anal LealviLma the aor within the livAto and juriodiatioad the City of fort Collies wee duly published as provided by lsw, +mod MIRES►S, the Conseil of the City of fort Collins bas lewd that the potitioo sd the dusamrsts thwow attached snot tin roudsiresmuts of Article 11. Chmpter 139. 6alowado bovised Statutes. 19530 mad WNiRSUO so pr+oseedINP few an eleatiea to determine the gw*tLoa of onn*Mtion haw bum initiated by written comater-patition ar psovid*d by law geld so ebleation to aea*xstion having been Bodo. SS 17 OR MINSO ST 'TNS COUNCIL OF To CITY Of WORT COWNSa Seatioa 1. That after dw co aLdevotias of the petition for assex- *ties, the potitioa far, the ammeag as of all the territory in what is known coved described me Named South Shields $treat AMAMtioe to the City of port r=-►llbws Colorado, as show* by the plat thereof unsaved to raid petition sad VAch is Mrs portieularly do"ribad AS follows. towttt ' tart of tbo Wk of sostion 150 =mssbip 7 Nortbo Ragrt to vast of the 6th P,N. s Lorimer Cobotys Colorado► eaetaimed Kt4ia bawadary liaeo 1609imatag at a point 270 fast vast of the Rest lino abd 1724,E foot South of tbo north line of the 04 of said Seetiate ISO mod awwdba thou" Vest parallel to the North line of tba NRt at said Section no 1059.51 fast► memo or loss, to a Point oa the nest line of the s15C of the Uk of said Sectiou 33. tbaaoo South &Iowa the vast line of the 09% of the 0% of said Seetiea no 204.6 feet, more or team* to a point ubtcb to 719,4 feet North of the SV toraor of the Oft of tbo 0% of said Sowtiou 154, house Rbety parallel to the IWO% Kato of oho NR$ of maid sestina 150 603.18 fats tiro or loss, to a plat 726,33 feet free the Rest #,lee of the m of said Section ISO thobao 60"b► Parallel to the Raat Lino of the M of said gestion 150 359.7 feats tbomeo Rant, parallel to the sooak lino of the NRt of said Section ISO 121,11 fats then" Northo parallel to the Meet line of the NO be said Sneetoa Uo 359.7 fact, tbtmoe Salts Parallel to the pouth Iiue of the Wk of said SomUoa I30 45.22 foots thence Northo prallel to the Rest line of the wk tf seid Section ISO 117*3 feet. tboaee Rost► parallel to the South lino of raid Sewtloa 130 250 foots and thecae Northo parallel to the Rebt line of the M of o"d secttea 15o $7,3 foots more or tabors to the pica of bgtaaiago eoataintoa 5,303 aetmso sore am Iewd be ateopted and approved end that the said territory be onaoaed egad me" a part of the City bf Port CoUlas and be tnelwbd idtbia the lt"ts and jvrisdtetion tbossof cad chat the City Clark be cad he to hereby "%ortoed aid directed to prepare oartiftod ooptes of this ordiaawaeo to Saab of vbtoh oball be otteebod a Plat of maid Seemed Stack Meldo Street Aaaaration to tho City of Part Colitass Colorado, sad *MAI file a ttpy thereof is the offtow of tbo Clark and Recorder of eke Coaatyof Lbrtmar and Smother copy tbaroof to the efftee of the Clock of the City of Port Colliaoo ta4ether vitb a certified copy of said petition and sootier "" of amid Petition cad epproviaa ordtaenma with the Sowratary of stria of tb state of Colorado. Saeetom L That is asttpttao bad approvtq the Plat of the .stead #wok sitelde ttroot Aaumwtisa to tbo City of Port Collimso the City of tort Collies dam bat aoomne obliaettems res mums the mweetramttoa of voter mataso .semi 1taMs on inetato elaseris light limos or otbor serrtoes or utilities vitb resPaat to servtee of said addttiabo Oft"Pt as mq be required sad provided by the wrosa of poorsrty tlthta the lints of acid odditleo to aorrltaraa with the toms aril P"Misiras of o dtseoAo No* 70 19210 salatl,ad to bail and prblla iarrouworts* as srsade& 2atmks"d, •sosidorN tavarably or tirot roodias gad oxdrsod ra►lisaad thin Utb doy at Ta►rwsy, 1959, gad to be yeaaaatod tar tioal room" or tM 26tb day at mambo Mg. �r A9lNt9'tt Rased and adgtad or ttral toadU4 this 2" dry *UVNarwv, a 1959. A"WI STATE OF COLORADO ) ) as COUNTY OF LARDUM ) I. Miles F. House, duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordninance No. 61 1959 annexing property kr.�wn as Second South Shields Street Annexation to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado passed and adopted on final reading om the 26th day of March A. D. 1959. INDWITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of FortnCollina, this 27th day of March A. D. 1959. y 0rer��