HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHUNDERBIRD ESTATES THIRTEENTH ANNEX ORDINANCE # 36 1973 - Filed A-ANNEXATIONS - 2002-10-07Page is too large to OCR. MDT'Xr-V'( IE NO. 36, 1973, KING 1VN l)tZDI uti,E AKFXING ITIDPi'T'IFY Y"D"'N !\S 711E r){U.:Di:IBIzD rrilRil rii , r1o; Io 711E c1] mr FORT' COI LINS ',oretoforc, a irrittcn petition, tavether with four prints of an annexation i;uup i-as filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins requesting the ar,_exation of contain territory more particularly describe; below to the City, and 111ICR1JIS, tho City Cnuncil has fow-id and determined and does hereby find and dctennino that said petition is in substantial conplianco with the provisions of CoJorado Revised Statutes, 1963, Section 137-21-6 as e amended, and MIERP;AS, the oi%ners of 100`0 of the property to be annexed have petitioned for said anncxati.on, and I%UEREAS, not less than one -sixth (1/6th) of the perimeter of the area to be annexed is contiguous with the City of Fort Collins and a coin- mwilty of interest exists between the territory to be muiexcd and the City of Fort Collins and the territory to be amtexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future and such territory is integrated or is canal -le cf being integrated with the City of Fort Collins, and 1%411T AS, none of the provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes, 1963, Section 139-21-4, as amended, are violated by the annexation of this territory to tho City, and I%HEr_'\S, no elects -on is required under the provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes, 1963, Section 139-21-6(2), as amended, and no additional rms and conditions are to be imposed in coimen-tion with +,iis annexati,;i, an d WHERT1S, the territory is eli2;ible for oiulexation and the City Council desires to annex the sane to the City of, Fort Collins. COLLINS: N'Cr,i, 1]ii:REFORE, BF. I'I' URD.`kIND-' BY "IIIE COUNCIL Oi. IM CITY OF FORT Section 1. That all of the territory more part iculaxly describs:d as situate in the Couoty of Larimer, State of Colorado, to -writ: A tract of ]_and situate in ti,e Nort.hWest --.i of Section 25, Township 7 North, Rnr?e 69 ",est of the Sixth IMI., I -rimer County, Colorad-o, whiclj, consic'. ring floo E,3st line o( said 1AJ)Tv Est ', as b ring IN 00 16' 05" 1,and with all bcarinpn cont-:i I h:r �n re-k� five thereo, is clhlta irr" d within the Lx)ond l rT ' l iOs 1-w("in at a poi nt - on t1. Last lime of said io:th�es-, '., whir-J, L_u..� ?4 00 16'05" W 295.10 feet f om the Center ' corns of said Sccti.on. 2S and T un trance `� 89�44' W280.(10 feet; thence N 07o4S; 1V 4.70 feet; ° thenco S 846S7' W 113.76 feet; thence along the arc of a 9=17.33 foot radius curve to the left a- distance of 19.29 feet, the long_ chord of lrhich bears N 05��38' 19 19 29 feet, thenc S 83°47' l9 03.48 feet; thence Ivrth 101.9.82 fc t, thence N S9 46'04" E 489.02 feet to tho A;ontheast corner of the South '- of said Northv.est t; thence S 00 16' OS" E 1023.68 feat to 'the point of beginning, cuntaining 11.S292 acres, more or less. be and it hereby is annexed to the City of Fort Collins and made a part of said City to be known as the Thw.cerbird Thirteenth Annexation to the City of Fort Collj.s. Section 2. That in annexing said territory to the City of Fort Collins, the City does not assume any obligation respecting the construc- tion of ;:; —r mains, selzer lines, gas rains, electric service lines, streets or any other services or utilities in connection with the territory hereby annexed c_cC:)t as may be provided by the orilinances of the City of Fort Co1.l i=1s . Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered nu~)lis'i-!l this '�2nd Jay of inrch, A.D. 1973, and to be presented for final passage on the 12th day of April, A.D. 1973. 11 c.-- _ P+l�iyo I' A'I. EST: Passed and adopted on final reading this _ Gl` day of A.D. 1973. ATTEST: City Clerk T�- m -6-