HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCOTT SHERWOOD ADDITION BLOCKS 8-11 ANNEX MARCH 6 1925 - Filed A-ANNEXATIONS - 2004-05-12ENGINEERING DEPT. NOTE: THIS REPRESENTS THE BEST QUALITY IMAGE POSSIBLE TAKEN FROM VERY POOR QUALITY ORIGINALS P''CTITIO!d 70` THE' ATEL,T XAT T_OE TO m7 C!"' CnLO`�.DO, Oh T2.CT` ��P ,.y' yT 170 10, and 11, 5CC'TT SHE2l'IOOD iD!;I11TC pn 'IT 11 1, COLLII,TS, COLOif:^:DO: TO TIHE t[UNC)71.,1R.' CITY `Ol'.'I lr i', OF T1 � (,IN OF FC T CC)LLII�J, COLn ADO, uIT`@IIdG It ^OUNCIL: Gentlemen; Ce, the undersigned, R. Ir1 7!,I rson, Isa;,el A. ',1. Scott, Irving it C '!JE, Mena T. Ina in, Benno It:., 7d :10L. i- I being tiie owners of more than two-thirdsof ti:e £ollowin., describeu adjoining tre City of Fort Collins, in the Count;,, of Laricnie Colorado, to -wit: v BLOCKS 8, 9, 10 and 11, SOOT T-SJF_ 7'OD 2- THB CI':"' O, "()LT COLLIis3, CCLO ; DO; which said lands have been laid out and surveyed as a proposed a(i , : the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, hereby cake applicntio. f,r r,_, of said lands to the City of Fort Collins, Colo:ado, to be Y 8, 9, 10 and 11, SCCTT-SliER7001) ADDIiIOjT 'i'0 '' Ci "I R DO; lSe and each of us, for ourselves and our associates, and agree for ourselves and our grauteos, to and ws th the Collins, Colorado, that upon the acceptance of tTAS aCplicL.: ion is expressly agreed and understood that t'i�e a nlica;nts and tsC! expressly covenant and agree that they will be uound b,, an. and obey all ordinances in force and effect at tue t 1,rie c of said annexation of said addition respectinv the in ' .=1_t>>:_:;_ public improvements. PJe certify that the requirements of ordinance hc. 1?, i`_'.` the City of Fort Collins, have been complied With as 'ollo•a have been surveyed under the direction of a licensed e<<;in, r . the proposed addition (submitted iiereviiGh in duplicate), ano �,,> of the engineer as to the correctness of the survey and plat. Said survey has defined the corners of tpe bloc'.:ys iron stakes, not less than one-half inch in diameter and not eighteen inches in length and imbedded in concrete blocks at 1...-:+,:;�_ .. four inches in depth and four to six inches in diameter, sa,iti truding approximately one-fourth of an inch above Ou concrote. corner of each and every lot iron pins not less than oiLhtoon inv . length and one-half inch in diameter have been driven flush to the The proposed streets and alleys as laid out and 5urvoy,, s proposed addition are in conformity as to courses anu anglos :,ic. .,-. streets and alleys of the adjoining blocks of tAe City of 'Port co?,`,..s, except as shown in said plat. Duplicate copies of maps and plat of said proposed midi:' submitted herewith, one for filing with the City Clarh of do 21, Collins, Colorado, and the other when properly certified to to in the office of the Colony Clerk and Recorder of 'arimer Cony;, All of taxes assessed against said lands have been noij. 00 further covenant and agree that upon the grades !:,v lished for the streets of the said proposed addition that saio. str::o_ . be brought to grade and the cost thereof paid by these r.oplicnnt „ as the cost of constructing any necessary bridges or culvert, i with the ordinances of the citt, of Fort Collins, and antler Law and direction of the Commissioner of ;forks. fA -2- Page is too large to OCR.