HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAKOTA RIDGE PUD - Filed GC-GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE - 2003-07-31f PARSONS & lt-l- ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS August 20, 1992 Ms. Cathy Malers Stormwater Utility City of Fort Collins 235 Mathews Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 RE: Dakota Ridge P.U.D. First Filing - Erosion Control Estimate Our Project Number 92.08 PIN Dear Cathy: Here are the cost estimates for the erosion control alternatives for Dakota Ridge P.U.D. First Filing. These three alternatives are calculated based on guidelines established in Section 2.3 of the City of (Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria. Within the twenty-six (26) acre site, six (6) acres of roadway and five (5) acres of Tract "A" will not need to be reseeded. The net area of the total site being disturbed and reseeded will be fifteen (15) acres. Alternative "A". Owner's Construction Costs ITEM ITEM QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT TOTAL NUMBER COST 1. Sediment 1 Each 500.00 $ 500.00 Trap 2. Seeding & 15 Acres 700.00 $ 10,500.00 Mulching TOTAL $ 11,000.00 The security amount required for Alternative "A" will be 1.5 X $ 11,000.00 = $ 16,500.00 432 Link Lane Plaza - Ft. Collins, Colorado 80524 [3031 221-2400 Colorado State University 1-4 SBA Meeting - February 10, 1993 MATTERS FOR ACTION: Land: Approval of a Contract to Exchange Real Estate at the South Agricultural Campus RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOVED, that the following recommended action submitted by the Vice President for Administrative Services be and is hereby approved: The Contract to Exchange Real Estate with Timberline Partners for the exchange of land (1.4875 acres if SBA :Land for 1.7106 acres of Timberline Partners land) at the South Agricultural Campus is approved. The President of the Board is authorized to sign the exchange Contract on behalf of the Board and subsequent sale documents approved by Legal Counsel. EXPLANATION: Presented by Arthur M. Darbie, interim Vice President for Administrative Services. 11 Timberline Partners has requested this land trade to accommodate an inadvertent error on its part whereby a new sanitary sewer main was installed approximately 50 feet north of the intended placement. The trade provides the SBA with 1.15 acres per 1 acre traded. Both parcels involved in the trade are within three hundred feet of each other and are of comparable value. The trade has no programmatic impact to CSU activities at the South Agricultural Campus. The land being acquired will benefit the SBA by providing improved separation between adjacent property being developed for residential use and ongoing livestock research operations at the South Agricultural Campus. All costs associated with the trade are being paid by Timberline Partners. The exchange Contract has been reviewed and approved by the Board's General Counsel. Colorado State University 1-4(a) SEA Meeting - February 10, 1993 n.r (.Ln,lw a•d L•�wr r�-..:.:.. �czai.u.r7/ CONTRACT TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE (Without Valuations) THISAGREEMEST mrdeAnd enlcred into thie day of _103byand bet.rrn '.�.�i�'"!:J'�S.aS° 2Ca:S�_cf �t'1eu1tU'e vlrurenddresris gl-vc�_ 1r=rg. Co'credo St-te Lnit' -t. Col_ins. CO b0523 hereinafter rcfcrre.i is A,"Firrt ('arty "and- �1 "'P rs'c ne"` Li� 'ed, a Colorado lir.ited yP- whoscAdd ressis i600 S+echt Font Rd. _ -r r..t' =e C`r'1 ef�5'S _.he Icinnrler refer red to a "Sc c and Pn r l y," tt'I7NESSE7H, 1. 1'irvt I,—ty ncrecs to convey Le Second 1'arly the fonnv ing describrd rent eslnle, silunle in the - County or t a "7e r Sir.te of Cobra do, to w-il: the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. with all eavemen L• end right, or -'ay appurtenant thereto, all imprc emenLs thereon and all rixlurct era permanent nature,currenth on the premises except none in their prevent condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and the following personal properly: none by and sufficient SL7i t—claim :1�i��ty Jeed �a'ntf fidli �pf �r� Said propertywill be conveyed subject to the following encumbrances which the Second Party (will) (will not) assume and agree to pay: ncne required' and the Second ('arty agrees to pay Ll) a loan lrnnsrer fee not to exceed g and (2) an init re et rate not to exceed _".• per annum. If the lender's ronre nt ton {non ass nit required, Lhis contract. is exprersly conditioned upon obtaining such consent ailhoul cha rc Le and conditions of such Innn except as above rleted. If • eecured or unrecu red to ue carried by the Fi vet )`arty, Fi rsl part}• a1, 11 not be obligated to every said loan for any per. i ity in lieu of the Second Tarty named herein, 2. Second Party acrees to convey to First party live following described real eslole, ailuale in live County of La rimer , State of Colorado, to- -it: the property described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference KNOWS AS %/A with all easements and right orway appurtenant thereto, all improvements thereon and all fixtures of a permanent nature, currently on the premises except r'^Ie in their present condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and the following personal property: none by Rand and sufficient reneral wvranty deed ifi" Said property will lee conveyed subject to the following encumbrances which the First party (will) (will not) aaaume and agree to pay: none Colorado State University 1-4(b) SBA Meeting - February 10, 1993 �I required nn,l the Pirsl I'urty ul;rrrs to pay (!) n loon trunsfrr fee not to ext•rrd j—_ —and (_) an i interest r;,Le nut 1,1 vxcee I I er mununt. Irihc lender's consent to a loan As- al is required, this contract it rsprrasly ruuditiuned upon uLtaining such eunseul without c•h:- it leruts and r—Iiti.ns ursucil luun except as IIslay claled. If a >erur-1 err unsa•rurr.l tut rc rarri—1 by the Second Party, Second I'arly shall nut he ol•ligated to carry II said Itiu„ (or one . ur rntily ill lieu nrlhe Virsl Party nun—1 hert•in. 3. The difrerenre between the v:durs of the respectis•r properties, lifter having considered and deducted the enc•umbranres slave drsrribed, sh:dl Lc domed fur the purposes of lbis :agri-cmrnt lu hr j --_ �_.—_—.-- an,l s:,,d Burn shall lie Jar and pays Llr by —2ti /A -furl)• to furl)• us folio..: NIA !I 4. Title .shall Le mcrchuntuble in the respective parties hereto. Each party agrees, at his option and expense, to I i furnish to the other party, on or Lrfurr 1y t.ly/JU>I f''tf l'I f!t14('ill'�llff 4(P�%Ill% rr rr t r rat, !r [ � OrfJtf�bJdl,�1,1�/v� o careen[ commitment for title insurance pour)'. rGa,(Irdr/N:rr•(y�ilr/P>/t�./Guc/iSh/sLrJ li�l �t second pt�arty N. ihJJA.,,h/�>`e+,p'd. f,rft•f, j, �.2Fp.rty will deliver the title insurance policy to the other party after closing 6ntM,uy the I' prep, iu ma h,-reon. F.xce pt us staled in pa rographs I and :, if title is not merchantable and written notice of defect(.) is given by fit her party to the other purty within the time herein provided for deli ve ry of deed and all all not be rendered merc•hunluble within 60 days uftur such written nutirr, Then this contract, el the option of the party giving such notice..hull Le void and of uu erfrct and ruch party hereto shall be released from all obligations hereunder: provided, I however, that in lieu of correcting such defect{,), the party receivinK such notice may, within said 61 days, oLtain a colntnilment for uw-ner's title insurance policy in the amount of the purchase price rrrlecting title insurance prutrc. Lion in rrgurd to such Jrrect(s), and the port) giving such notice shall have the option of accepting the then existing econa insured title in lieu of such merchantable title. Tha--I,a rt3 _t-i+i nc- 4.—ti— shall pay the full premium fur such nw ner's title insurance policy, and the abstract, if any, shall be returned by the other party. S. Cenrrul taxes for the year of el —hit: shall la• uppurlioned lu dales of delivery of d—lz bused tin the most recent levy and lbe must "t-rit assess ma•nt. I'rrsuual property luxes, prrpuid relit., water rents, sewer rents, FIIA muriguge insurancr prrmiums, interest till rncuud,ranres, ifuny, and — _none.-_-____ _ skull he upporliwwd to autr or delivery or Jred with re..prrt to inch property. Farb party shall give credit at rlusing fur any lenm ell security deposit.. Loan bal:u u-a•.. arc to Le adjusted ul lLr time u(rluaing. Any cnrumLru are required to Lr pail nuty IK- pai.l ell t Lr lime of setllruu•nl (rani the proceeds of lhi. transarliun ur (rum any ul Lrr sou roc. G. Fuck party sgrers to execute and deliver Lis deed to the other purly on .._— _. , 19-93- or, by muta,d .greeutrul, at nn earlier .lute, runvcying his property free and clear of all taxes (including special impruvrmruta now installed, wlrther 3—bsnl or not unless specificull) herrinafler exceplydl, except grnrrul taxes for the yeur or closing which —id other party assumes and agrees to pay subject to the adjustmrnl herein pruvided for. The prupert)or each p:,rl)• .lull be cubjert to building and zoning regulutiuus pertaining thereto rod shall Ire subject la uup lrnunrirs he rt•inufler art f..rth meld sliuli he free and clear or all liens and encumbrance. rxcept those` herrin:druve des-0-1, and cxrcpU 'As to thr property descri Led in paragraph one none 'As to the Imrulrrrly described in pari.gruph two none 7. The buur :.lid ldarr ufrlusing-1-111r lc.iVnaLed by FiLst—Party---- X. possession of the premises slu. 11 br delivere.l to each purehuser concurrently will, the transfer of title ur as full uws: __- -- 1;/A _--- --- The prulterty desrriLr.I its parugrrpb one she 11 I- sul,jeet to the fullawing la•u.a s or lenunrie.: none and the• properly descriled in paragraph two 0h 11 Le snbjrct to tl,e fullowing Jeuses and tenancies: none ..... ...a.. ....�..a.. rrw a ..r..�n., ,.....r -at. ...., I,rr . • . rr w. a.. era , Iw Colorado State University SBA Meeting - February 10, 1993 1-4(c) P. In the event that either of the properties is clanged by fire or other casually prior to time of closing in an amount of not more than ten percent of the value of the properly, lilt seller of said dnmAced pruperly shall be obligated to repair the same before the dale herein provided for delivery of deed. In the event such damage cannot be repaired wil.hin said time or if such damage shall exceed such value, this contract cony he cancelled At the option of the other party. Should the other party elect to carry out this agreement despite such damage, such other party shall be entitled to all the credit for the insurance proceeds resulting from such damage not exceeding, however, the total value. Should any fixtures or services fail between the dale of this agreement and the dale of possession or the date of delivery of deed, whichever shall be earlier, then the owner of such prnperly shnll be respnnsilde for the repair or replacementofruch fixtures or services with a unit of similar size, age and qunlily,or un cquivulent credit. 10. Both parties hnve examined the properties and accept the snme in the present condition. Neither party is relying on representations of the other party or real estate broker or agcnL, As to toning other than as specificnlly seL forth herein. 11. 1'l is agreed lhaL actinc As broker for the First I'Arty And n' A — --- --- is actinc ns broker far the Second Party. If the broker named for each party herein shall he same, then each of the parties nerees that said broker may Act as hrol.er for each party And may receive such commissions from each party as may be established by eeparnte ncrecment. 12. First Party herewith deposi Ls with broker for the Secoud I'nrty IP =QI-- _— try (cash) (check) (note) and Second Party herewith deposits with broker for the First Party $ —0— by (cash) (check) (note), as A guaranty of good faith, to be returned to the respective parties when the transaction is completed. 13. Time is of the essence hereof, And irAny payment nr other condition hereof is not nlade, tendered or performed by either of the partier hereto as herein provided, then this contract, at the option of the pnrLy who is not in default may be terminated. In ease of such termination, any deposit made by the defaulLing party shnll be retained by the broker for the non•defaultinc party, on behalf of said non•defsulting party, and the payments Ao retained AhAll be divided bKtween the Asid broker and the nnn-defaulting party, one-half thereof to the broker, but not to exceed a sum equal to the Agreed commission, and the balance to the non -defaulting party. In the event of such termination, any payments made by the non-defaullinc party shall he returned to Acid party, and the non-defnulLing party may recover such additional damages As may be proper. In the event, however, the non -defaulting party elects to treat this contract as being in full force and effect, the non -defaulting party Ahall have the right to nn Action for specific performance and damages. 14. This contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, and assigns. 16. A,cidilionalprovisions: See attached 16. In the event this instrument is not signed by all parties hereto on or before 19_, this agreement shall become void and of no effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands and seals. Date F.— r.rlr s.<.ad r.rrr a r.Y.• ar.�.r By: Date Colorado State University SBA Meeting - February 10, 1993 15. Additional provisions: between the Colorado State Partners, Limited, dated (to Contract to Exchange Board of Agriculture and , 1993) Real Estate Timberline (a) The parties understand and agree that this exchange of real estate is upon the request of Second Party, prompted by the installation by Second Party on property of Second Party of an incorrectly located sanitary sewer main. Therefore, all expenses of this transaction, including those normally incurred by the other party, shall be paid by the Second Party. Such expenses shall include, but not be limited to the following: title insurance premiums for both parties, all expenses for required or necessary surveys, and all recording costs for both parties. (b) The parties understand and agree that upon the property being exchanged by First Party to Second Party is located a service road. Second Party agrees, at Second Party's cost, to replace said service road to specifications equivalent road, to be located as shown on Exhibit "C" attached hereto. Said replacement shall be accomplished within ninety (90) days from even date hereof. Should Second Party fail to replace said service road as provided, First Party shall have the right to replace the same itself and be reimbursed by Second Party for all associated costs expended by First Party in so doing. 11 . (c) The parties agree to record a corrected legal description for that certain Easement Agreement between the parties dated , 1992 and recorded at Book , Page , Larimer County, Colorado. Said corrected legal description shall conform to the actual location of the sanitary sewer main installed by Second Party pursuant to said Easement Agreement, which legal description shall be prepared and certified by a licensed surveyor acceptable to First Party at the expense of Second Party. (d) The value insured under the title insurance policies called for in paragraph 4 of the Contract shall be Twenty -five -thousand -six -hundred -sixty Dollars ($25,660.00). Colorado State University 1-4(e) SBA Meeting - February 10, 1993 (e) This contract is and shall be conditional and contingent upon Second Party obtaining disconnection from the City of Fort Collins, Colorado of the property described in Exhibit "B". hereto pursuant to C.R.S. 31-12-501, et seq., unencumbered by any tax obligations thereunder. It shall be the responsibility of Second Party to prepare and process the application necessary therefore with the City of Fort Collins, and pay any fees and costs associated therewith. (f) To the extent necessary to effectuate the purposes, these additional provisions shall survive any closing hereunder and not merge into documents executed at closing hereunder. Colorado State University 1-4(f) SBA Meeting - February 10, 1993 U V g � OiYi J 0 g :R3DI I �1 �� ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 209 South Meldrum Street Fort Collins, CO 80521 303/482-5922 FAX 482-6368 DATE: 0 7-/-2-&/ 94 PROJECT: Dakota Ridge, Lot 13 PROJECT NO: TO: Mr. Dave Stringer City of Fort Collins Engineering Department 281 North College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80524 Dear Dave, On June 29, myself and a survey crew visited a problem site at Dakota Ridge and gathered information regarding some drainage difficulties stemming from Lot 13 (see attached sheet). In short, stormwater runoff from Lot 13 has prompted neighbors to complain about the height of this house's foundation and higher lot grading. We were contracted by Bill Gersky of KEM Homes to rectify the problem. Our solution is to install three sidewalk culverts in the spots shown on the plans. I have already discussed this plan with Glen Schlueter, Stormwater Utility, and he suggested that since these culverts will be part of the city right-of-way, I should contact you as well. Mr. Schlueter has approved the plan with the option to let us remove one of the culverts (the middle one) as this may be somewhat overkill, and also to let us decrease the width of the culverts to 1_' wide from 2' wide depending on what Bill Gersky wants to pay for. I will arrange for Bill Gersky to file the appropriate request forms and to contact you when our decisions are made. Thank you for your time in considering and reviewing this request. Sincerely, j/ RBD, INC. c/ / Pe ry E abot I i 5/8' x 2' 6" x 4'6" RAISED PATTERN NON- SKID GALVANIZED STEeL PLATE (AASHTO M-III) z A MIN. Io'O" SECTION .I� xx xxxl - x x �I I � PACE FIRST SCREW SEE xxx „ �I x I x x II 6 FROM FRONT EDGE DETAIL A„ x x OF PLATE II x xxx II 11 A -m-' PLAN VIEW F 11 SLOPE PLATE TO MATCH 4'6 SIDEWALK 2' 0" 6" 4' 0" iV - FLOWLINE (AS SHOWN ON PLANS) SECTION A -A _ ` 31' 2' d' S. [,-- -It — 2:1 SLOPE 2:1 SLOPE 3/$" BRASS SCREW-18"CLC. W/COUNTERSUNK HEAD FLUSH W/PLATEI, 5/8" GALVANIZED PLATE 10 .o::. 1.411' 3'x 2'x 3/8" b_" �•; - :: : ;.. GALVANIZED %NGLE. N0.3 R E BAf;' %.'.4 •,,: ANCHOR -18 O.C. DETAIL 'A' -- 5' 6" — SECTION B-B NOTE: WHEN THE CURB IS SEPARATED FROM THE SIDEWALK THE STEEL PLATE SHALL BE PLACED OV THE SIDEWALK AND THE CONCRETE CHANNEL (WITH d THICK WALLS ON EACH SIDE) CONTINUED INTO THE CURB AND GUTTER. METAL SIDEWALK CULVERT FOR VERTICAL CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO ENGINEERING SERVICES UNIT APPROVED BY: DATE: 3 (� REVISIONS: D-10 Page 2 of 2 August 20, 1992 Alternative "B". City Of Fort Collins' Seeding Costs (Based on Annual Landscape Bid) Disturbed Area 0 5.0 Acres = 653,400 square feet) ITEM ITEM QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT TOTAL NUMBER COST 1 Revegetation 653,400 Sq. Ft. $ 0.0294 $ 19,209.96 TOTAL $ 19,209.96 The security amount required for Alternative "B" will be 1.5 X 19,209.96 = $ 28,814.94 Alternative "C". Minimum Costs A minimum of $ 1,000.00 has been established for erosion control security amounts. Based on this analysis, Alternative "B" should be used to establish the cost for erosion control rehabilitation. $ 28,814.94 should be provided as the erosion control security amount. Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions. Si�reZV ff Couch,-P.E. oject Manager JWC/gbl cc: Chuck Betters, CDL Partnership Mike Herzig, City of Fort Collins •F=^fA I _ z A--O-J PLAN VIEW F 2rO�r 6 C-I EEIffp15 (..T I WtDT4{ 04 CFLOWLINE (AS SHOWN ON PLANS �'' ','.4 r •t. sue. `��r •ter "rQ'" `"�`.a '" O r. �.d ._!i_ SECTION A -A 4,0 of i z � I s L,o P>✓ SECTION B-B NOTE: WHEN THE CURB IS SEFARATED FROM THE SIDEWALK THE STEEL PLATE SHALL BE PLACED O� THE SIDEWALK AND THE CONCRETE CHANNEL (WITH d THICK WALLS ON EACH SIDE) CONTINUED INTO THE CURB AND GUTTER. METAL SIDEWALK CULVERT FOR VERTICAL CURB, GUTTER <ANt) RE'TAGHeD APPROVED BY: DATE: REVISIONS: I D-10A 5/811x 21 611 x 41011 RAISED PATTERN NON- SKID, GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE. (AASHTO M-III) SEE DETAIL 11A" A —101011 MIN. SECTION 4• 41xx xx EFIRST SCREW /P.AC6FROM FRONT EDGE OF PLATE A t' PLAN VIEW SLOPE PLATE TO / MATCH SIDEWALK 1411 1411 10'1 / FLDWLINE (AS SHOWN ON PLANS) SECTION A -A 311 21 0'1 311 �• C-- 7/8r� 9 a • v,' - • is .; • • - :D t' . 21 SLOPE. 1 31 0'1 2:I SLOPE — 41 1 111 SECTION B-B - 3/8" BRASS SCREW-18"QG, W/COUNTERSUNK HEAD FLUSH W/ PLATE 5/8" GALVANIZED\ PLATE ALVANIZED .NGLE o - NO.3 REBAR, ANCHOR -18 1O.C. DETAIL"A' NOTE: WHEN THE CURB IS SEPARATED FROM THE SIDEWALK THE STEEL PLATE SHALL BE PLACED ON THE SIDEWALK AND THE CONCRETE CHANNEL (WITH 6' THICK WALLS ON EACH SIDE) CONTINUED INTO THE CURB AND GUTTER. FOR DRIVE -OVER CURB, CUTTER AND SIDEWALK CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO ENGINEERING SERVICES UNIT APPROVED BY: DATE: ,3 REVISIONS: D-1 1 RBD INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, CHANNEL RATING INFORMATION SIDEWALK CULVERT STA 0.00 0„00 1.00 1.00 I N I VALUE 0.020 ELEVATION AREA (feet) (sq ft) 4.10 0.1 4.20 0.2 4.30 0.3 4.40 0.4 4.50 0.5 4.60 0.6 4.70 0.7 4.80 0.8 4.90 0.9 5.00 1.0 ELEV 5.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 SLOPE (ft/ft) ------------- 0.0200 VELOCITY (fps) 2.0 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 4.9 5.1 DISCHARGE (cfs) 0.20 0.58 1.04 1.55 2.09 2.66 3.25 3.84 4.45 5.07 10 FROUDE NO. 1.12 1.14 1.11 1.04 1.01 1?F-F-T k 0.98 0.95 0.92 0.89 Corr zity Planning and Environment Services Engineering Department City of Fort Collins N vember 4, 1994 KEM Homes Mr. Bill Gurski j(c C P.O. Box 1845 Fort Collins, Co. �L4i Re: 3312 Red Mountain Drive Dear Mr. Gurski: Recently, I was called by the property owner at 3312 Red Mountain Drive to express his dissatisfaction with the concrete driveway approach installed at this location. (It is my understanding this work was performed at the request of KEM Home in conjunction with the house construction.) In order to fully understand the property owners concerns, I made a visual inspection of those portions of the driveway approach and driveway which are in the public rights - of -way. During this inspection I noted several items which I believe will cause the concrete to fail prematurely. 1. There is a large area in the gutter pan which appears to be poorly consolidated and currently exhibits several "holes" in the concrete. These voids, trap water, which will under go several freeze/thaw cycles in the winter months, creating larger holes, making a bad condition worse. 2. The concrete has cracked at the south end of the gutter pan where the new concrete adjoins the existing gutter. These cracks allow water to enter the concrete and soil subgrade creating a weaken support for the concrete, causing structural failure. 3. The quality of the workmanship for this portion of the drive way and curb approach is less than desirable. The lack of texture and color lead me to believe that water was added during the finishing operation, creating a diluted concrete surface. This surface will begin to peel off in the near future. Based upon my observations and experience I believe this concrete will deteriorate prematurely, creating an added expense to the property owner and the City. Therefore, I must request that it be removed and replaced. Please call our inspector Dave Burke at 221-6609 to schedule an inspection of this drive approach after the existing concrete has been removed, but prior to placing the new. nk z David Stringer Chief Construction Inspector 281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box -580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0-580 • (303) 221-660� Commur � Planning and Environmental ' Engineering Department City of Fort Collins October 271 1992 Mr. Chuck Betters Timberline Partners Limited c/o CDL Partnership 375 East Horse:tooth Road Fort Collins, CO 80525 RE: Dakota Ridge P.U.D., First Filing Dear Chuck: vices The design and plans for the subdrain system proposed for Dakota Ridge P.U.D., First Filing, are far enough along that the City will allow you to proceed at your own risk, if you choose, to install the subdrain line in conformance with the Resource Consultants design dated October 9,1992, and the revised utility plans signed and stamped by Parsons and Associates dated October 26, 1992. We want you to understand that the City and Timberline Partners Limited must still enter into an amendment to the Development Agreement that will address conditions for the subdrain maintenance, operation and possible abandonment if certain conditions cannot be met. The City will withhold the issuance of any building permits until the amendment to the Development Agreement is fully executed. If you have arty questions please call me at 221-6750. Sincerely, Mike Herzig Development Engineering Manager xc: Gary Diede Dave Stringer '81 North Culle-c :Avenue • 1'.0. 13o\ -SU - 1-on Collins, ('0 Sll;?�_�l;titl C_ommu f Planning and Environmental : vices Office of the Director City of Fort Collins March 27, 1993 Larry Odau 2451 South College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80525 Re: Building Permits in Dakota Ridge P.U.D. Dear Mr. Odau: The intent of this letter is to restate the City of Fort Collins Department of Engineering's position as it relates to the issuance of building permits in the Dakota Ridge Development. As per our March 26, 1993 meeting, City Engineering will allow building permits but, will not issue any certificates of occupancy in the Dakota Ridge Development until all of the required Code and Development Agreement conditions have been met. However, if you decide to proceed with obtaining building permits, City Engineering will release its hold provided the following conditions have been met. 1. At this time there is not a usable outfall system for the sanitary sewer system. Consequently, the manhole at the intersection of Red Mountain Drive and Cochetopa court shall be plugged at the upstream side. 2. The sewer service system in each building unit shall be plugged to prevent fluids entering the mainline sewer system. 3. The water main from Horsetooth Road to Cochetopa Ct., including Cochetopa Ct. Shall be tested and accepted by the City and water service taps shall be installed to each lot serviced by these water lines. 4. Red Mountain and Cochetopa streets shall have an all weather temporary gravel roadway constructed from Horsetooth Road to the cul-de-sac bulb adjacent to Lots 1 through 14. This access shall not be less then 20 feet in width and four inches in depth. However, when the permanent street section is constructed another temporary all weather access roadway may need to be constructed in a like manner. 281 N. College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6601 • FAX (303) 221-6378 Dakota Ridge P.U.D. March 27, 1993 Page Two 5. Any subbase or base material which is contaminated with building material, dirt, or debris will be completely removed and not used in the street construction except as a clean subgrade fill. 6. Each property buyer must be informed that the City will not issue certificates of occupancy for any building issued a building permit until such time as all of the required improvements have been constructed and initially approved by the City. In closing, I want to reiterate the City's position that CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSIIED FOR ANY BUILDING PERMIT ISSIIED FOR THESE UNITS UNTIL THE REQUIRED CITY CODE IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. The issuance of building permits for these lots is at the builders risk and with the understanding that C.O.'s will not be issued. If you understand and are willing to abide by the conditions as stated in this letter, please sign in the space provided below and return original letter to me. Larry Odau Date Sincerely, C� David Stringer Chief Construction Inspector cc: Gary Diede, Director of Engineering Commu y Planning and Environmental Engineering Department April 1, 1993 rvices Larry Odau 2451 South College Fort Collins, Co. 80525 Re: Footing and Foundation Permits at Dakota Ridge P.U.D. Dear Mr. Odau: As per our telephone conversation this morning the following requirements are required prior to Engineering allowing the release of Footing and Foundation Permits to be issued in the Dakota Ridge development more specifically Cochetopa Court. 1. At this time there is not a usable outfall sanitary sewer system for the development. Therefore, the manhole at the intersection of Red Mountain Drive and Cochetopa Court shall be plugged with an expandable or bladder type plug at the up stream side. 2. The sanitary sewer service at each building site shall be plugged to prevent fluids from entering the sewer system. 3. Curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be installed on Cochetopa Court. 4. The water main from Horsetooth Road to Cochetopa Court including Cochetopa Court shall be tested, accepted and ready for service taps. "81 '��nrth C �i!I ��,�nuc' (' ��. fio ,, 58( Fo'f (T) ,S;!'_ -ur Dakota Ridge P.U.D. April 1, 1993 Page two In closing 71 want to reiterate the Citys' position that the issuance of F & F permits does not guarantee the City will issue building permits for these homes. Prior to obtaining building permits the conditions as stated in my letter dated March 27, 1993 must be met. If you un rstand and agree to abide by the conditions as stated in this etter ple sign in the space provided and return this letter o me. Sincerely, David Stringer Chief Construction Inspector July 28, 1993 Mr. Mike Herzig City of Fort Collins P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Colo : - o t Jnix-crsit\- Office of Vice President for Administrative Services Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 (303)491-5257 FAX: (303) 491-2254 Re: Dakota Ridge Sanitary Sewer Easement - Chuck Betters Dear Mike: Attached please find copies of the State Board of Agriculture approval of the Contract with Chuck Betters to correct for the mis- placement of the sewer line. The correction involves the trading of land parcels with Mr. Betters, and correcting the legal description for the sewer easement (see para. 15.(c) of the Contract). Currently, the final documents to accomplish all of this (i.e.: deeds, title commitment, and Amendment to Easement) are with CSU General Counsel for final review. After that review, they will go for signature, which may take a few days as the signatories live out of town. A copy of the proposed Amendment to Easement is attached; we have the new legal description, but are waiting for it to come in on surveyor/engineer's letterhead. Chuck is getting that, probably today. I would hope you could accommodate Chuck in some fashion while this paperwork is being completed. If you have any questions, please advise. Sincerely, P1Y 4ABE University Contracts Advisor Attachments cc: Chuck Betters Secretary's Agenda Cc tnittees and General By ness SBh Meeting - April 13-14, 1993 1-1(k) -- `------ � U l After discussion, the Board unanimously approved the motion as set forth in Item 1-2. CSU Agenda Item 1 3 Land: Easement Agreement With Edgar Muhr of Mesa County. Colorado for Installation of Underground Pipe. Ms. Pacheco made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daniel, to approve the motion as set forth in Agenda Item 1-3. Dr. Yates explained this motion would be very beneficial to the Agricultural Experiment Station and further the Research Center. After discussion, the Board unanimously approved the motion as set forth in Item 1-3. CSU Agenda Item 1 4 Land• AnDroval of a Contract to Exchange Real Estate at the South Agricultural Campus. Mr. Isgar made a motion, seconded by Ms. Pacheco, to approve the motion as set forth in Agenda Item 1-4. Dr. Yates explained this motion is a neighborly thing to do for CSU and the South Agricultural Campus. After discussion, the Board unanimously approved the motion as set forth in Agenda Item 1-4. CSU Agenda Item 1-5• Housing Data Backbone Connect. Ms. Pacheco made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daniel, to approve the motion as set forth in Agenda Item 1-5. Dr. Yates noted this motion would allow for improved telephone service and computer service to the residence halls. Ms. Pacheco asked whether there are steps being taken with TCI to develop a working relationship with them that would allow CSU to have an infrastructure of communication that would be ongoing and could be added to at any time. Howard Lowell responded that relationships like that are being developed through the Office of Telecommunications. President Stulp asked how much extra capacity is built into projects like this for potential growth. Mr. Lowell responded the new switching vehicle being installed now is installed at over a thousand lines over capacity. Ms. Pacheco queried about how many strands of fiber are being installed. Mr. Lowell :stated there are 12 strands of multi -mode installed in most of the academic buildings. Between the main campus and foothills campus it is 12 strands of multi -mode and eight strands of single mode. One leg of SBA Meeting February 10, 1993 - Draft Page 11