Rick Bachand
Project Manager
Fort Collins Natural Areas Program
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
PROJECT: Lincoln Bridge Ecological Enhancement Support – Additional Work
PROJECT NO. 14912.11 2014 Ecological Restoration On-Call
Dear Mr. Bachand,
Biohabitats has been providing support services for the Lincoln Bridge replacement project.
Under our current authorization, we coordinated with the Lincoln Bridge and Willow Outfall
projects and put together designs and a draft plan set for Udall Natural Area in coordination with
the Lincoln Bridge CLOMR submittal preparation process. This work exceeded our original
budget limit. As you requested, we are submitting this letter and the attached scope of work to
cover the additional work that has already been completed in addition to the work necessary to
complete final design and permitting for the Udall Natural Area.
Thanks for your consideration of this proposal and for the opportunity to continue to assist you
and the Natural Areas Department. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at
(303) 477-0660.
Michael Lighthiser, Project Manager
Udall Natural Area Ecological Restoration Project
Final Design Proposal
Restore the Earth & Inspire Ecological Stewardship 1 01/03/2017
1. Biohabitats will develop the final design and produce design/build construction documents
for the ecological restoration of the Udall Natural Area, covering mainly the downstream
right bank of the Poudre River channel from the downstream edge of the proposed Lincoln
Avenue Bridge to the spillway from the stormwater pond. The final restoration design will
be based on the draft design already completed for the bridge CLOMR submittal.
2. In addition, Biohabitats will prepare and submit a permit application for US Corps of
Engineers 404 wetland permitting.
3. The proposed fee also includes unbilled time already spent for ESA coordination and
development of the draft design associated with the Lincoln Bridge CLOMR submittal.
a. Biohabitats will meet with Natural Areas staff for a kick-off meeting to review this
scope and discuss actions that have occurred since the CLOMR submittal. The meeting
will cover:
project tasks and schedule
updates on CLOMR status
field review of draft design
roles, expectations, and communication
existing information that may be needed for permitting
any remaining data gaps and how to fill them
b. Biohabitats will review existing data and collect any remaining readily-available
information that is needed for design and permitting, including utilities information,
CLOMR hydraulic model results, existing wetland delineation data from bridge and
outfall projects, and topographic data.
c. Biohabitats will complete field work to support final design development. We will look
at ground elevations, vegetation, locations of existing key features and channel and
floodplain conditions. This task also includes ground truthing wetland information for
preparation of the wetland permit application.
Deliverable: kick-off meeting summary.
a. On behalf of the City of Fort Collins, Biohabitats will fulfill all requirements to secure a
§404 permit verification under Nationwide Permit 27 Aquatic Habitat Restoration,
Establishment, and Enhancement. The components provided will include the following
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Final Design Proposal
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Wetland delineation covering the entire project area, based on existing
information modified according to field observations.
A pre-application meeting with the USACE.
U.S. Clean Water Act 404 wetland permit application. (The permit submittal
will be based on the Draft Plan).
b. Once the permit application is submitted to the USACE, we will track the permit
review and serve as the primary point of contact for the USACE, available to answer
questions and provide clarifications as needed. Comments by regulatory agencies that
impact project goals and objectives will be discussed and resolved with the City, and
incorporated into the final design plans, as appropriate.
c. Completion of a stormwater management plan (SWMP) as part of the design plans.
The SWMP will be necessary for eventual submittal of an application to the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) for Stormwater Discharges
Associated with Construction Activities permit (COR030000), which will be part of the
Construction Services phase not covered under this scope of work.
d. Prepare and submit a City erosion control report. This task assumes that the City will
approve the project with no additional information requests or production of new
supporting documentation. If additional material is needed to gain approval, then the
scope and fee would need to be amended accordingly.
Deliverable: 404 permit application and City erosion control report.
a. Based on our field assessment, data review, and CLOMR hydraulic modeling results,
Biohabitats will refine the key design elements, such as channel modifications,
floodplain grading extent and elevations, and species composition and configuration
for planting design.
b. We will prepare the Final Plans to a level suitable for design/build by Biohabitats based
on available aerial photography and existing contour information. We assume that the
2013 LIDAR derived 1-foot contour data from the Risk Map project will be used for
the base topography. The Final Plans will incorporate comments received by the City
and regulators, as appropriate, and will include plan views, typical details and cross
sections, and planting schedules.
c. Biohabitats will develop a design memorandum which will include an opinion of
probable construction cost. The cost estimate will be based on this final plan set.
Deliverable: Final design/build plan set with opinion of probable construction cost.
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Biohabitats is available to begin work on these tasks within 5 days upon notice-to-proceed. The key
scheduling milestone is to begin grading at the beginning of April to allow enough time to finish all
construction, including planting, before peak runoff. The table below provides a schedule to meet
that milestone, but the construction start date is dependent on the length of the permitting process.
Description Duration Approx. End
Task 1 – Project Kickoff, Data
Review, & Field Assessment 3 weeks 01/27/17
Assumes receive Notice To
Proceed 01/06/17
Task 2 – Permitting
(overlaps with other Tasks) 10 weeks 03/17/17
Assumes 60-day Corps
review period
Task 3 – Final Design 4 weeks 03/10/17 Assumes NA review
completed by end of Feb.
TOTAL ~ 9 weeks
Compensation to Biohabitats for the services described herein are in accordance with the Scope of
Work, Work Plan and Schedule described above and our attached contract rate schedule; it also
includes completed work related to Lincoln Bridge that has not yet been invoiced. The work will be
conducted on a Time and Materials basis for a not-to-exceed budget of $52,059.67 based on the task
breakdown presented in the following table, which includes subcontractors, estimated regulatory
review fees, and expenses.
Unbilled work already completed for draft design and CLOMR submittal $ 4,603.27
TASK 1 Kickoff, Data Collection and Field Assessment $11,752.60
TASK 2 Permitting $10,524.40
TASK 3 Final Design $25,179.40
TOTAL $52,059.67
Udall Natural Area Ecological Restoration Project
Final Design Proposal
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1. The design covered in this scope of work will be based on the draft design submitted as
part of the Lincoln Bridge CLOMR. It does not include any structures for visitor use, such
as overlooks.
2. This scope of work ends at the completion of final design plans. It does not include any
construction services, which will be the project phase that follows final design. When final
design is almost complete, Biohabitats will submit a proposal to the City for construction.
3. Biohabitats’ scope of work does not include an assessment of water rights, property
ownership, or other legal issues that may be associated with the project. The City is
responsible for confirming that the project is permissible under water law.
4. This scope of work assumes that the clearance already received by the FWS as part of the
CLOMR submittal adequately fulfils ESA requirements and does not include additional
FWS coordination and biological assessments.
5. Wetland delineation will not include the storm water ponds since they will not be impacted
by the proposed work.
6. This scope of work assumes that the wetland and open water impacts will require a
Nationwide Permit 27 Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Enhancement. If, for some
unanticipated reason, a different type of permit is required, then the scope and budget
would need to be amended to include the work necessary to address the additional
regulatory issues. It also assumes that enough existing information exists regarding on-site
wetland communities to appropriately complete the permit application.
7. Hydraulic analysis will be limited to the modeling and related work already completed for
the CLOMR submittal. Sediment transport analysis and modeling are not included.
8. The scope of work does not include identification or remediation of hazardous, toxic or
radioactive waste, special-status species surveys, or detailed biological inventories.
9. Alterations in the scope of the project, such as additional design iterations, additional
meetings, presentations or exhibit displays, or deliverables other than those explicitly
identified in the task descriptions, will be considered change orders and may entail
additional charges.
10. This proposal is valid for a period of 60 days, after which it may be renegotiated.
Services in addition to those described above are to be compensated on a Time and Materials basis
(unless otherwise noted) per Biohabitats’ contracted rate schedule, attached. Additional services will
include (but are not limited to) additional meetings and field visits and major revisions to and/or
expansion of scope of services. Whenever practical, changes, additions, or modifications to the
scope of services shall be authorized by written change order request; however, the absence of such
Udall Natural Area Ecological Restoration Project
Final Design Proposal
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a written change order shall not act as a bar to payment of fees due Biohabitats, provided the change
was in fact approved and ordered by the Client or Owner.
Payment Terms
PAYABLE UPON COMPLETION. All amounts not paid within 35 days shall be subject to a late
payment interest charge at the rate of (1.5) percent per month, (eighteen percent APR) from the date
of invoice. In the event that Biohabitats does not receive payment within 60 days from the date of
the invoice, Biohabitats, after giving seven days written notice to the Client, may suspend or
terminate the contract without causing any type of financial or legal penalty or action against
Biohabitats by the Client or Owner. Work may commence once the Client has paid in full all
amounts due for services rendered and expenses incurred, including interest on past due
invoices. This proposal is based on a continuous work process. If the work schedule is delayed
and/or the project scope or budget is changed, Biohabitats can provide additional services upon
agreement by the Client to pay for additional services fees. Extensive itemized breakdowns of hourly
activities or provision of detailed backup for reimbursed expenses for accounting purposes are not a
normal procedure; however, at the Client’s request, Biohabitats will provide this service at an hourly
rate of $65.00 (sixty-five dollars) per hour.