Number Requirement Response Comments
1 The ADMS Solution should ….. Additional information to support "Response"
RFP Instructions
The format of this RFP is designed to make answers succinct and streamlined. In many cases, there are opportunities for the vendor to
expand upon their answers. It is desirable that these answers be as brief and to the point as possible. In some cases, the amount of text
entered into a cell will exceed the allowed space and the cell will not automatically adjust its size. This should not be a cause for concern
as the data is still present in the cell and can be viewed by the evaluators.
Many questions are formatted to allow a simple answer along with adding any additional comments.
Do not embed files or documents into any cell. Some questions will request or suggest an attachment to be added to the response
Within this spreadsheet, tabs are color coded to differentiate requirement types. Blue tabs indicate non-functional requirement types that
will be important for IT management of the solution.
Within this spreadsheet, tabs are color coded to differentiate requirement types. Green tabs indicate requirements captured based on as-
is processes/systems and near term ADMS requirements that are intended to be in place as part of this project phase (i.e. Business
Release I-II).
Within this spreadsheet, tabs are color coded to differentiate requirement types. Purple tabs indicate future ADMS requirements. The
intent is to select an ADMS solution that can later scale or be extended to support these future requirements.
One of six (6) discrete pick-list selections for the Response column should be selected for each requirement as shown below:
In the example above, the vendor should select from the available answers in the "Response" column based on whether the
particular feature or capability is currently available. When selecting that answer to any question, additional information should
be provided in the "Comments" field.
SF - Standard Functionality: The software provides the requested functionality without screen, code, or design changes. The product can
satisfy the specification "out-of-the-box" without any modification to the standard baseline software. "SF" is only to be used if the baseline
software as delivered in the current release fully meets the requirement "as is" or though software configuration and has been implemented
by at least one (1) other utility.
TP - Third Party Software Required: The desired feature or functionality is not available as part of the standard baseline software
functionality but is a standard feature of third-party software proposed to satisfy the specified requirement. The third-party software, which
is fully integrated with the proposed primary solution, provides the requested functionality without screen, code, or design changes. The
proposed third party product can satisfy the specification "out-of-the-box" without any modification to the standard baseline software. Only
use "TP" if the third party software fully meets the requirement.
NA - Not Able to Meet Requirement: The desired feature or functionality is not available as part of the standard baseline software
functionality, in the next software release, through modification/enhancement, reporting/query tools, or third party software. The
requirement would most likely need to be met by a process workaround or by interfacing to an alternative software/application. Additional
information such as when the feature will be available or how the software partially meets the requirement can be included in the
"Comments" section
NR - Available in Next Release: The next release of the software will include the requested functionality without screen, code, or design
changes. Only use "NR" if the very next release of the baseline software will fully meet the requirement. Only formal releases that have
been published and are accessible from software vendor shall be considered when addressing this requirement. An identifier/description
of the referenced release should be included in the "Comments" section.
MD - Modification: Modifications must be made to the standard software offering to satisfy the specified requirement. A brief explanation to
support the proposed modification should be included in the "Comments" section. Estimated costs and work effort associated with the
modification must be addressed and included in the cost proposal.
RQ - Provided through Reporting or Query Tool: The software supports the data elements necessary for the report/query, but a custom
report/query would need to be developed to meet the requirement. Estimated costs and work effort associated with the custom
report/query must be addressed and included in the cost proposal.
Table of Contents
Click on any of the cells below to go to the designated matrix tab.
RFP Instructions
Please read these instructions for explanation of this matrix and how to answer
the requirements and questions.
Outage & Load Management
This section covers the existing FCU EDAR system outage and load management
requirements to which the vendor must meet to be considered for further
This section covers the ADMS functional requirements desired for
implementation in the near term
ADMS Mobile
This section covers the mobile field requirements of the system to meet
the needs of sharing ADMS content to the field
This section covers the ADMS functional requirements desired for later
implementation as part of future business release phases
ADMS System
This sections covers the vendor's ability to deliver ADMS system and non-
functional requirements
ADMS Maintenance & Support
This section provides the requirement for Maintenance and Support
offering of the vendor solution
ADMS Solution Roadmap
This section provides a mechanism for the vendor to provide future
enhancements and advancements of their solution
ADMS Testing and Training
This section provides the requirements of system testing and training to
be provided by the vendor
ADMS Security
This section covers how the vendor will design and meet the security needs for
the overall ADMS solution
NOTE: Spreadsheet must NOT be reformatted in any way. Failure to follow this instruction may
result in incorrect scoring of the proposal.
RFP 8752 Advanced Distribution Management System
Requirement Response Comments
Receive Outage Notification
Out_079 Ability to receive outage event notifications from SCADA system for use in managing outage events
Out_080 Ability to display real time information on Substation and Transmission devices from SCADA.
Out_081 Ability to display SCADA information at Distribution Substation locations (such as loading on Circuit Breaker,
Transformer, Operational State of Switches).
Out_082 Outage lifecycle shall include the following stages - predicted, verified, assigned, dispatched, working, closed and
completed. Changes in stage shall be recorded along with a date and timestamp
Out_083 Comments/notes shall be allowed to be recorded against an Outage event
Display Outage
Out_013 Outage and Fault locations can be graphically identified and displayed on a map during outage events (including
configurable symbology based on status)
Out_014 Ability to display a visible indication of Normal Open points (via Arrow, Highlight, other)
Out_016 Provide the ability to display all current outages/trouble calls for internal and external use/communication
Out_017 Ability to allow key customers (Commercial) to be identified and prioritized
Out_020 Ability to store how long a customer was out for entire outage event history
Out_023 Ability to provide a spatial display of current Outage and Service Interruption related events in real-time or near-
real time
Ability to provide a spatial display of current customers affected by an Outage or Service Interruption event, by
individual location, and aggregated counts by Spatial representation (such as Counts per Feeder, Counts per Zip
Out_025 Ability to select an Outage (planned and unplanned) and provide both a spatial and list display of all current
customers affected by that outage
Out_026 Ability to provide a spatial display of current damage (Pole / Line Down and other Damaged Facilities) numbers
Out_032 Ability to display Customers impacted by an Outage.
Out_033 Ability to display Customers that will be impacted by a Planned Outage.
Out_034 Ability to display Customers impacted by multiple Outages.
Out_039 Outage events shall be associated with Trouble Calls. The list of Trouble Calls for an outage shall be viewable
Out_114 Ability to provide a spatial display for Outage events who have exceeded, or are about to exceed (within a specified
criteria) the Estimated Restore Time (ERT) that has been communicated to Customers
Out_132 Ability to symbolize outage and non-outage related trouble calls.
Out_138 Ability to filter outage calls for non-payment customers
Load_015 Ability to display Customer Counts by type and phase for a Substation, Feeder, Protective Device, any switchable
device location in the electrical model.
View Basemap
View Basemap Load_048
Ability to launch a Google Earth and Google street view from a selected location on the map to show underlying
satellite imagery basemap with facilities draped on top
View Electric Assets
View Electric
Assets Out_118
Be able to display internal views (schematics, photos, specifications, settings, etc.) of Substations, Vaults, etc. in
relation to the feeder network
View Electric
Assets Out_119 Provide the ability to search for network devices and display them with a larger symbology for ease of viewing.
View Electric
Out_120 Provide the ability to display Open Tie Switch locations.
View Electric
Out_122 Provide the ability to list all facilities or electrical equipment on a selected feeder and downstream of any point in
the electrical model.
View Electric
Out_123 Support ability to set and enforce user access permissions to Control Zones/Areas
View Current Electric Configuration
View Current
Out_078 Ability to provide a spatial display of Energized and De-energized Devices and line Segments
View Current
Out_110 The electric network can be viewed dynamically in ADMS showing switching changes and temporary network
modifications and update the default GIS view in real time
View Current
View Current
Out_146 Ability to symbolize a switch by its ability to open one phase at a time or if it opens all three phases ganged
View Current
Load_053 Provide the ability to identify normal operating state (GIS) while displaying currently switched state (OMS/DMS)
Access Meter Data
Access Meter
Out_001 Provide the ability to trace from an Outage point to find the closest meters either side of the Outage and perform a
meter ping through the AMI system to aid in the outage/restoration analysis process.
Access Meter
Out_002 The LPO Solution shall be able to receive outage/restoration/momentary event details published from AMI/MDMS
Access Meter
Out_003 Provide ability to support integration with AMI to ping meters in order to track the progression of outage
restoration from start to power restored
Access Meter
Out_022 Ability to ingest AMI Outage or Event status from an AMI or MDMS Platform
Identify Outage History
Identify Outage
History Out_040 Allow outages/trouble calls to be archived
Identify Outage
History Out_041 Allow archived outages/trouble calls to be viewed and found by address
Identify Outage
History Out_042 Allow a history of work and outage/trouble call to be displayed for a specific customer or location
Identify Outage
History Out_043
Provide a configurable list of outage/trouble call identified issues (Outage, No Problem Found, Billing Question,
Limb on Line, etc.)
Identify Outage
History Out_044 Ability to capture and store Historical Data on the number of customers identified by (or connected to) a feeder
Identify Outage
History Out_046 Ability to produce ad-hoc reports against historical outage data
Trace Network
Trace Network Out_097 Allow a feeder to display connected customers/service delivery points in the same color as a displayed/traced
feeder and by phase
Trace Network Out_098 Ability to trace upline from any point on the system to identify protective devices, wire sizes and span lengths,
feeder identification, abnormal system conditions, and substations. Trace results must be highlighted
Trace Network Out_099 Identify/display first, second, x devices to check upstream of an outage as part of the outage resolution analysis
Trace Network Out_100 Ability to determine if a single or multiple transformers are out below a switch/protective device as part of
identifying outage spread
Trace Network Out_101
Ability to view and trace the connected model of the Distribution networks from the High side circuit switchers
and/or breakers at the Distribution Substation downstream including primary metered customers switchgear.
Trace Network Out_102
Ability to trace the connected model through the Electric Distribution network from a selected point and highlight
and display (in tabular format) all connected downstream devices, segments, faults/potential faults, and available
fault currents.
Trace Network Out_103 Provide the ability to list and display facilities and devices in a Feeder trace.
Trace Network Out_104
Provide the ability to list and display customers (including primary metered customers) connected in a Feeder
Trace Network Out_105
Provide the ability to list and display by phase customer and transformer count, customer classification and
connected kVA for devices in a Feeder trace.
Trace Network Out_144
Ability to provide field crews with up to the minute map switching status including the ability to trace up and down
stream from any point in the network in under 5 seconds.
Trace Network Load_037 Provide the ability to trace to Distributed Generation (DG) Locations
Trace Network Load_038 Allow electric system to be traced downstream and display/report the connected Distributed Generation Locations
Trace Network Load_039 Provide the ability to display relationships between Distributed Generation locations and Transformer locations.
Trace Network Load_040
Provide the ability to display relationships between Electric Vehicle Charging Station locations and Transformer
Trace Network Load_041 Provide the ability to trace the connected network and view; KVA by Phase, Customer Count, and Aggregated KVA.
Create Switch Order
Create Switch
Out_004 Provide the ability to display de-energized subdivision prior to the switching that is done to energize.
Create Switch
Out_008 Provide the ability to display Switching Procedures and SOP's associated with certain Devices.
Create Switch
Out_009 Support the manual creation of switching orders
Create Switch
Out_011 Support the catalog/history capture of switching orders
Perform Switching
Switching Out_066
Provide the ability to perform open/close switching activities in real-time and have that information available to
Utilities personnel including field crews in real-time
Switching Out_067 Provide the ability to display graphical evidence of switching activities (for example via graphical flags)
Out_068 Provide ability to switch with different optimizations - Hold for hours/days/weeks, Minimize number of device
operations, Weighting toward automated vs. manual devices
Offeror shall describe the solutions functionality supporting the following Planned Switching requirements:
• Generate customer list
• Generate critical customer list
• Device-based graphical switching
• Keep track of partial restorations
• Use templates of existing switch plans to generate new plan
• Use power flow analysis to perform what-if analysis for specific switch plan
• Use suggested switching to generate future switch plan
• Use switch management module to see other planned switching events
• Use switch management module to simulate switching plans
• Integrated requests for switching plans for all jobs from WMS
Offeror shall describe the solutions functionality supporting the following Unplanned Switching requirements:
• Generate customer list
• Generate critical customer list
• Device-based graphical switching
• View downstream related conditions/tags
• Device-based graphical tagging
• Device-based graphical addition of notes
• Complete auditing of switching operations
• Keeps track of partial restorations
• View SCADA outages
• Use power flow analysis to perform what-if analysis for specific switch plan
• Use multiple views: georeferenced, circuit/feeder view, backbone view
Ability to add and remove temporary switches
Ability to correlate distribution system model to allow prediction of outage cause and upstream protective device
based upon affected meters/customers and fault current information to identify probable cause/area indicating
the source/areas of trouble on the system
Out_074 Reflect real time switching/sectionalizing or other changes on distribution system and automatically alter its
prediction engine accordingly
Out_075 Ability to provide a real time interactive map that can show switching operations as they are performed rather than
waiting and sending as a system refresh (i.e. zero latency)
Out_134 Dispatchers must have ability to easily alter timestamps associated to switching events
Out_135 Ability to "undo" executed switching steps, including outage statistics
Ability for dispatchers to quickly change switch status at any point in the system (single and 3 phase) and provide
immediate feedback of load warnings, loop creation and feeder tie creation. Symbology shall indicate each of these
three conditions.
Out_142 Ability to place and show lockout tags and ground placement locations and symbolize circuits with Hot Line Order
Restore Outage
Out_045 Support the ability to calculate and store the Estimated Time of Restoration (ETOR) for Outages.
Out_073 Ability to collect damage information or other text/image assessments and assign to distribution system model
Notify Customer
Customer Out_059 Able to identify customers that need follow up in outage situations
Customer Out_061 Provide automated mechanisms for customers to confirm outages and restorations
Out_063 Ability to provide a spatial display of the destinations and/or associated outages that crews are responding to,
associated with a crew
Out_064 Ability to provide a spatial display for Outage ETR (Estimated Time to Restore) events, by Event
Out_065 Ability to send text, phone call, E-mail messages to Customers when their Meter is scheduled for Install/Exchange.
Out_139 Ability to show a version of planned and unplanned outages on a web map for external customer use showing
Outage groupings, outage state e.g. planned, meter reported outage, Oms verified outage, restored.
View Analytics
View Analytics Out_106 Support calculation and configuration of all key performance metrics (ASAI, SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIFI, MAIFI)
View Analytics Out_107 Support the ability to view SAIDI and SAIFI by Feeder and protective device by phase spatially.
View Analytics Out_108 Ability to display aggregated load by Substation, Bus, Feeder, and any other point in the distribution model.
View Analytics Out_109
Support the ability to Calculate and store System Average Interruption Duration/Frequency Index(s) (ASAI, SAIDI,
SAIFI, CAIFI, MAIFI) and other related indices including statistics for each customer.
View Analytics Out_131 Ability to easily edit outage step/start/restoration time stamps and outage statistics
View Analytics Out_136 Support a dashboard showing total outages, customers affected, length of outages, ERTs, crew dispatch status
View Analytics Out_137 Support a separate historical dashboard showing outage statistics
Predictive Outage Analysis
Support an outage prediction process that uses the current state of the distribution system model and trouble calls
and real- time system events. The outage prediction process will determine the most probable point of interruption
on a distribution circuit and create an outage record associated with the predicted device
Out_127 Ability to predict all common protective devices upstream from reported service points up to the substation
Out_128 Ability to predict, for underground sections, protective devices immediately if two customers on the same feeder
report outages.
The LPO solution shall provide no delay or filtering on the percentage of customers reporting outages. For instance
if one meter is out fed from one distribution transformer and another meter is out fed from a different transformer
but both are on the same circuit, the upstream fuse should be immediately identified as the common protective
device. Two different outages should not be predicted on different transformers.
Out_038 Outage events created by the outage prediction process shall have a status of “predicted” (where the outage
cannot be verified from SCADA, AMI, or field) or “verified”
Out_149 Ability to show planned and unplanned outages on a web map for internal use showing Outage groupings, outage
state e.g. planned, meter reported outage, Oms verified outage, restored.
Switching Study Mode
Study Mode
The LPO solution can support a switching study mode to support simulations and training
Create Reports
Create Report Load_051 Offeror shall describe the standard and custom reporting capabilities available in the solution
Create Report Load_016
Ability to support report creation for Conductor Summary (including secondaries) for System with contents similar
to legacy report
What is legacy reporting system? Will sample
reports be supplied to vendors?
Excergy: assumption is yes, we provide a sample
EDAR report on the share drive for reference.
Create Report Load_017 Ability to support report creation for Conductor Summary by Feeder with contents similar to legacy report
What is legacy reporting system? Will sample
reports be supplied to vendors?
Excergy: assumption is yes, we provide a sample
EDAR report on the share drive for reference.
Create Report Load_018 Ability to support report creation for Conductor Summary by Phase with contents similar to legacy report
What is legacy reporting system? Will sample
reports be supplied to vendors?
Excergy: assumption is yes, we provide a sample
EDAR report on the share drive for reference.
Create Report Load_019 Ability to support report creation for Current Feeder Loads with contents similar to legacy report
What is legacy reporting system? Will sample
reports be supplied to vendors?
Excergy: assumption is yes, we provide a sample
EDAR report on the share drive for reference.
Create Report Load_020 Ability to support report creation for Transformer Count by Phase with contents similar to legacy report
What is legacy reporting system? Will sample
reports be supplied to vendors?
Excergy: assumption is yes, we provide a sample
EDAR report on the share drive for reference.
Create Report Load_021 Ability to support report creation for Conductor graphs with contents similar to legacy report
What is legacy reporting system? Will sample
reports be supplied to vendors?
Excergy: assumption is yes, we provide a sample
EDAR report on the share drive for reference.
Create Report Load_022 Ability to support report creation for Spotload Summary with contents similar to legacy report
What is legacy reporting system? Will sample
reports be supplied to vendors?
Excergy: assumption is yes, we provide a sample
EDAR report on the share drive for reference.
GIS/ADMS Field Tool Functional
Mobile map shall provide the ability to search by, Switch Point number, transformer number, switch number,
service address, general addresses, intersections, substation, feeder. All searches are able to be performed in
Out_148 Ability to provide field crews with up to the minute map switching status including the ability to test switch plans
prior to actual switching in under 5 seconds.
View Current
Mobile map viewer shall show up to the minute status when connected to WiFi. When disconnected, map shall still
be fully functional. All mobile changes and changes made in dispatch office shall be transmitted immediately and
automatically when WiFi is reestablished.
Switching Out_150
Provide the ability to perform open/close switching activities in real-time and to send these switch orders to field
crews in real-time when connected
Information ADMS_082
Mobile map shall provide the ability for crews to easily turn on/off various layers of: secondary, primary, water,
wastewater, stormwater, fiber, street addressing, street names, lot lines, edge of street, all proposed electric
construction areas, surrounding Utility providers and various basemaps including aerial photos provided by ESRI
and City Of Fort Collins owned sets.
? What is the "750"? Remove it?
Excergy - removed "750"
Requirement Response Comments
ADMS_089 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to turn on/off layers based on zoom level and user profiles; change
symbology based on zoom level
ADMS_090 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to "highlight" feeders or affected equipment based on selected feeder
or equipment
ADMS_091 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to display raster data, e.g., aerial photos under vector data
ADMS_005 Offeror shall describe solution ability to integrate with SCADA to carry out Voltage Reduction and with AMI to
detect bellweather meters
ADMS_006 Offeror shall describe solution ability to support interactive Online PowerFlow Results in real time at all points in
the distribution model
ADMS_007 Offeror shall describe solutions ability to provide Engineering PowerFlow analysis/peak load analysis including the
ability to handle 3-phase unbalanced, radial and weekly meshed distribution feeders, closed loops
ADMS_009 Offeror shall describe solutions ability to provide indicators of where no measurements exist and alert dispatchers
to trouble spots based on the absence of such measurements
ADMS_010 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to support On-Line PowerFlow study mode
Offeror shall describe the data requirements and integrations required to support ADMS On-Line PowerFlow in
their solution (systems to consider are the Esri GIS, SCADA, Elster EAMS Smart Grid & Sys. Ops.., Maximo Asset
Management and/or legacy Access databases, CIS)
ADMS_053 Offeror shall describe their approach to rollout of ADMS solution from a software and hardware (field devices)
perspective (substation by substation, etc.).
ADMS_055 Offeror shall describe the use of reporting and analytics in their solution. Please also describe experience of
publishing/using centralized analytics outside of ADMS for presentation and reporting on ADMS data/results.
ADMS_073 Offeror shall describe the solutions ability to display the distribution system models in the following view:
Schematic, Geo-referenced, Substation One-Line, Single Feeder, Backbone of System
ADMS_080 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to making operating area jurisdiction visible by device/symbology
Load Models
and Estimate
Load Models
and Estimate
ADMS_076 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to support "As-operating" and "As-proposed" distribution system
models including appropriate symbology to distinguish between the states
Load Models
and Estimate
ADMS_077 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to provide a customer (Load) distribution system model
Load Models
and Estimate
ADMS_095 Offeror shall describe how proposed facilities replacing existing facilities are used in OMS/ADMS for functions such
as On Line Power Flow (OLPF).
GIS Updates
Offeror shall describe their approach for consuming GIS data for low fidelity (GIS has single point feature for
Transformer "Bank" with related/tabular transformer information and expands to high fidelity model needed for
OMS/ADMS operations) vs. high fidelity (GIS has similar hierarchical/spatial model as required by OMS/ADMS)
GIS Updates
ADMS_057 Offeror shall describe the tools and integrations in place to make edits to the electric model in ADMS and push
required changes back to the GIS model.
GIS Updates
ADMS_078 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to provide a zero latency update of the distribution system model from
GIS without losing switch position status
GIS Updates
ADMS_081 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to synchronize common GIS facility information including the
following: Size, Make, Kind, Construction Standard, Designed Operating Voltage, Circuit, Line, Fuse Sizing
GIS Updates
ADMS_096 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to perform incremental updates from GIS to ADMS shall be in real-time
GIS Updates
Offeror should explain solutions ability to import the electric system network and assets without losing current
switch status. This must be done for all switch points (over 10,000 locations). Ability to export from ADMS to GIS
including switch point status.
ADMS_036 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to request, management, and planning of outage requests
(including geographically)
ADMS_037 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to the creation and monitoring of safety protection guarantees (i.e.
tags and grounds)
ADMS_098 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to be able to read OPC tags and data from SQL SCADA historical
Excergy: Renumbered to ADMS_098 to avoid
duplication with already numbered ADMS_085
Perform Short
ADMS_044 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to support Fault Magnitude, Fault Type (phase), and Protective Relay
Targets from Relay IED
Perform Short
ADMS_045 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to Provide Short Circuit Analysis tools to determine possible fault
locations based on pre-fault loading data from SCADA, OLPF, distribution feeder model
ADMS_046 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to support a map view that is capable of changing to match what
happens when either manual or automated switches open/close, including loadbreak and switch operations
incomplete thought: "what happens when either
many or automated switches??? Open? Change?
Excergy: added "open/close"
ADMS_092 Offeror should explain solutions ability to identify "normal open" switch points (flag or indicator) in addition to the
current switch status. This is different from maintaining a "designed" state map.
ADMS_050 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to control distributed assets for fault identification, switching, control
of smart inverters, and energy storage
ADMS_066 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to compare measurements against operating limits and alert operators
to abnormal conditions
ADMS_067 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to support of the following: Conditional alarms, Alarm prioritization,
Alarm filtering, Routing
ADMS_068 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to integrate with LPO SCADA (Iconix) system for alarm processing and
view of SCADA status and analog values
ADMS_069 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to support analysis of network topology to generate meaningful alarms
at the highest level
ADMS_070 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to provision for software generated alarms
Study Mode
ADMS_079 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach using different symbology to view distribution model between
abnormal vs. nominal state vs. operating states
Requirement Response Comments
ADMS_008 Offeror shall describe solution ability to integrate with the existing Elster EAMS Smart Grid & Sys. Ops..
for all metered consumption data
Dynamic Line &
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Dynamic Line & Equipment Loading including any
specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also
include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Dynamic Line & Equipment Loading.
Describe how the solution can provide the ability to perform Dynamic Line & Equipment Loading using
existing City of Fort Collins systems and data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
Planning ADMS_017
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Emergency Planning including any specific data needs
and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of
prior experience implementing the solution for Emergency Planning
Management ADMS_025
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to IED Management including any specific data needs and
integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of prior
experience implementing the solution for IED Management
Long Range
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Long Range System Planning including any specific data
needs and integrations required to existing (i.e. Milsoft Windmil) or proposed City of Fort Collins systems.
Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Long Range System Planning.
Describe how the solution can provide the ability to perform Long Range System Planning using existing
City of systems and data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to managing Protection & Control settings of the utility
devices including any specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort
Collins systems. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Protection &
Control settings
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Configuration Management of Protection & Control
settings including any specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort
Collins systems. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Configuration
Management of Protection & Control settings
Analysis ADMS_047
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Predictive Analysis including any specific data needs
and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of
prior experience implementing the solution for Predictive Analysis. Describe how the solution can
provide the ability to perform Predictive Analysis using existing City of systems and data sources vs. using
an established Smart Grid Data Repository
Outage Analysis ADMS_048
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach for integration with the City of Fort Collins SCADA (Iconix)
and integration with existing Historian (or use of solutions own Historian) for management of time series
data including any specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort
Collins systems. This should also include commentary and experience on the use of Enterprise Service
Bus for the solutions integration. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for
Offeror shall describe their approach to establishing/providing a Smart Grid Data Repository (SGDR) as
part of the solution to centralize the utility management and use of information for ADMS functions. This
shall include any specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins
systems. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for SGDR
Describe the SGDR solution for:
• IED Data Management (including Substation IED Data Templates, Communications Infrastructure within
Substation, and how the solution encompasses Enterprise Data Management/Data Mart, impacts to
business processes)
• Centralizing data from IED Operational data, IED Non-Operational data, Meter data, SCADA data,
Outage data, Asset Maintenance data, and Weather data
• Integration with Content/Document Management
Offeror shall describe how the solution uses SGDR in the following ADMS functions:
• Historical Reliability Analysis
• PQ, DG and Performance Analysis
• Predictive Analysis
• Condition Based Maintenance
• Reliability Centered Maintenance
• P&C Configuration Management
• Dynamic Ratings
• Equipment Ratings
Short Range
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Short Range System Planning including any specific
data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Short Range System Planning. Describe how
the solution can provide the ability to perform Short Range System Planning using existing City of systems
and data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
Study Mode
Offeror shall describe how their solution supports an ADMS training simulator with the following aspects:
1. Power system simulator allowing realistic simulation of power system operating conditions
2. System responds to simulated commands as if sent from SCADA/DMS
3. Instructor ability causing events (faults, equipment malfunctions, etc.) and define/control/monitor
training scenarios (with the ability to save for future use)
Monitoring and
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to DG/DER Monitoring and Control including any specific
data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for DG/DER Monitoring and Control
Please comment on the solutions ability to manage the following:
• DER output and status monitoring
• Transfer tripping
• Dynamic model of all DERs
• Impact of DER on distribution power flow
• Fault current contribution of DG units
• Management of intentional islands
• Monitoring and control of energy storage facilities
• Load Management
• Drives DR/CDM programs
• Scheduling/Dispatching of DERs
Forecasting ADMS_026
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Load Forecasting including any specific data needs and
integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of prior
experience implementing the solution for Load Forecasting
State Estimation ADMS_062
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to State Estimation as an input into the OLPF process
including any specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins
systems. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for State Estimation
Specific consideration should be applied to the need to have accurate and reliable real-time
measurements from specific feeders analyzed, and the OLPF results need to match the required
measurements. Also please comment on how the solution deals with or offeror has experience of:
• OLPF results being easily corrupted by missing data, bad data, and time-skewed data
• How state estimation is used to determine a set of “measurements” and “pseudo” measurements upon
which to base OLPF
Restoration ADMS_063
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Storm Planning including any specific data needs and
integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of prior
experience implementing the solution for Storm Planning
Restoration ADMS_064
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Storm Restoration including any specific data needs
and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of
prior experience implementing the solution for Storm Restoration
Optimization ADMS_071
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to System Optimization including any specific data needs
and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of
prior experience implementing the solution for System Optimization
Forecasting ADMS_083
Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to display/integrate weather data streamed from a potential
3rd party service provider
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Volt/Var Optimization (VVO) including any specific data
needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for VVO
Please comment on the solutions ability to manage the following:
• How Volt-VAR Optimization develops and executes a coordinated “optimal” switching plan for all
voltage and VAR control devices
• How DMS uses OLPF program to determine what actions to take
• How VAR Optimization (VVO) accomplishes one or more utility specified “objective” functions
• Fully coordinated, optimal solution
• Flexible operating objectives
• Able to handle complex feeder arrangements
• Works correctly following feeder reconfiguration
• Handles high penetration of DER properly, including proper handling of reverse power flows
Forecasting ADMS_085
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to using Weather Forecast data including any specific data
needs and integrations required. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution
with integrated Weather Forecast data
Condition Based
Inspections ADMS_003
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Condition Based Inspections including any specific data
needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Condition Based Inspections. Describe how
the solution can provide the ability to perform Condition Based Inspections using existing City of Fort
Collins systems (i.e. Maximo) and data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
Condition Based
Maintenance ADMS_004
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Condition Based Maintenance including any specific
data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Condition Based Maintenance. Describe how
the solution can provide the ability to perform Condition Based Maintenance using existing City of Fort
Collins systems and data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
DG Connection
Assessment &
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to DG Connection Impact Assessment & Planning
including any specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins
systems. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for DG Connection Impact
Assessment & Planning
DG, PQ &
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to DG, PQ & Performance Analysis including any specific
data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for DG, PQ & Performance Analysis. Describe
how the solution can provide the ability to perform DG, PQ & Performance Analysis using existing City
systems and data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Historical Reliability Analysis including any specific data
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Reliability Centered Maintenance including any specific
data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Reliability Centered Maintenance. Describe
how the solution can provide the ability to perform Reliability Centered Maintenance using existing City
of Fort Collins systems and data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
Decision Tool
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to providing an Asset Investment Decision Tool (AIDT)
including any specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins
systems. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for AIDT
DG Dispatch ADMS_013
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to DG Dispatch including any specific data needs and
integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of prior
experience implementing the solution for DG Dispatch
Management ADMS_027
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Load Management including any specific data needs
and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of
prior experience implementing the solution for Load Management
with CDM/DR
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Load Management with Continuous Demand
Management/Demand Response (CDM/DR) including any specific data needs and integrations required
to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of prior experience
implementing the solution for Load Management with CDM/DR
Load Models
and Estimate
ADMS_032 Offeror shall describe how their ADMS solution can support distributed automation for automated load
balancing should FCU chose to enable this capability
Load Shedding ADMS_033
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Load Shedding including any specific data needs and
integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of prior
experience implementing the solution for Load Shedding
& verification of
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to measurement & verification of demand response (DR)
including any specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins
systems. Also include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Measurement &
verification of DR
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Optimal Network Reconfiguration (ONR) including any
specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also
include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for ONR
How does the solution leverage the following for use in ONR:
• SCA results
• P&C settings
• OLPF results
• Load forecasting
• Weather forecasting
• DG/DER forecasting
Restoration ADMS_065
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Supply Restoration including any specific data needs
and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include examples of
prior experience implementing the solution for Supply Restoration
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Transformer Load Management (TLM) including any
specific data needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also
include examples of prior experience implementing the solution for TLM
Category Requirement Response Comments
TR_ARCH Architecture
For the ADMS solution provide an Architecture diagram and/or table which shows all components
(modules/servers) of the solution in a Logical and Physical View, required to support City of Fort Collins
Requirements. The system shall be readily scalable to accommodate 5% annual growth. Include Server Size (i.e.
RAM, Processor Speed/Spec Rating), for each of the following environments: Production / QA / Development and
Disaster Recovery.
For the ADMS solution provide an Architecture Table which shows all components of the solution and lists which
server type that component is resident on, and also includes a) Purpose of the Component b) Required O/S and
Version No. c) Required third-party software (i.e. RDBMS Technology, Java, .NET Framework, etc.) and version d)
Whether this component is provided as part of the Implementation, or is a dependency on City of Fort Collins IT to
For the ADMS solution propose an Architecture view which supports a High Available (HA) server configuration,
including any dependent server configurations required to support failover and/or server redundancy. Describe how
the solution supports failover for any critical components, and any situations that may result in data loss in
restarting or recovering from a failover event.
For the ADMS solution propose an Architecture View and description which supports a Disaster Recovery (DR) /
Failover Site, for any critical components, located in a physically separate location Include any expected
dependencies and expected recovery time, based on scenarios where an expected restoration of service to the DR
site is within 1 hour, 4 hours, or 24 hours.
TR_ARCH-5 For the ADMS solution provide a list of required routine maintenance procedures to be carried out on the Enterprise
GIS solution, and the impact of this maintenance on the Solution availability.
For the ADMS solution provide a description of the Software Platform used as part of the core development of the
Platform (i.e., .Net, Java, etc.), and any software development tools typically required to integrate with the solution,
if any. Describe any software testing tools that may support integration testing for your solution. Provide a
comparison review to the City's and Utilities technology standard or reference model in comparison to
recommended designs.
For the ADMS solution provide a description of the support for server Virtualization. Include description of
Virtualization software required/supported, and any customers/locations which have implemented the solution in a
Virtualized Production Environment.
For the ADMS solution provide a description of how your Solution employs an RDBMS (i.e. Oracle/SQL Server
specific versions such as "Enterprise" or "Standard") and SAN storage as means of storage, data redundancy, and
recovery during service interruption, both within a Primary Data Center and between a Primary and an Alternate/DR
Data Center. What is the expected DBA FTE support time required for the solution, based on City of Fort Collins
For the ADMS solution provide a description of how your Solution, and processes that operate within your solution,
can be integrated with third-party monitoring and logging tools. Include a list of third-party monitoring tools your
solutions has been integrated with.
TR_ARCH-10 For the ADMS solution describe how and where configuration, and operation parameters are managed and stored
(within the relational database, XML files, etc.).
T0A5X ADMS System & Non-Functional Requirements
TR_ARCH-11 For the ADMS solution describe the standard interfaces that will be used (MultiSpeak, CIM, IEC 61968, etc.). Provide
a description of how each integration maps to any standards.
Provide Diagram and/or Table describing the various core Integration methods (i.e. Web services/SOAP/REST/Batch
file) supported by the ADMS solution for the integrations listed above. For each method, describe the means of
securing this integration (i.e. HTTPS/SSH/SFTP).
TR_ARCH-13 Describe the various ESB/SOA/EAI/Messaging Technologies that the proposed solution has been integrated with in a
Production environment.
TR_ARCH-14 Offeror shall adhere to all of City of Fort Collins IT standards, policies and procedures in the delivery, configuration
and maintenance of the proposed ADMS solution.
TR_ARCH-15 Offeror shall indicate if any aspect of its solution for ADMS is a hosted solution. If it is hosted, explain in detail the
connectivity with the solution and how data transfer is securely managed.
TR_INT Integration
Offeror shall describe how their solution caters for 1. a centrally located data repository and 2. multiple, distributed,
repositories in regard to sharing of data between departments within City of Fort Collins and also other, external,
City departments.
TR_INT-8 Offeror shall describe available integration adaptors available for CIS (Banner), EAM (Maximo), GIS (Esri), System
Planning (Milsoft EA-Windmil), and SCADA (Iconix)
Offeror shall describe support for integration standards like the Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol
(ICCP), Common Information Model (CIM), and the service oriented architecture to support the exchange of real
time and historical power system information.
TR_INT-10 Offeror shall describe how their ADMS solution functions together with an Esri based geometric network model
representation of a GIS electric utility network.
TR_INT-11 Offeror shall describe how their ADMS solution functions together with an Esri based utility network model
representation of a GIS electric utility network.
TR_INT-12 Offeror shall describe how FCU can maintain a GIS-based "high fidelity" electrical network model that supports
OMS/ADMS functionality
TR_INT-13 Offeror shall describe how ADMS will or will not leverage FCU GIS and Work/Asset/Materials Management System
(Maximo) for asset model sources
TR_INT-14 Offeror shall describe the data requirements and integrations required to support ADMS Switch Order Management
in their solution
TR_INT-15 Offeror shall describe the solutions ability to integrate with IVR and prior experience with specific IVR systems that
have been integrated with/to
TR_INT-16 Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to SCADA integration/data supported to at least the substation
TR_PERF Performance
TR_PERF-01 The system shall be able to render all of the electric distribution network within 120 seconds.
TR_PERF-02 The system shall be able to render a single electric feeder within 5 seconds.
TR_PERF-03 The system shall be able to trace a single electric feeder within 5 seconds.
TR_PERF-04 The system shall be able to render aerial photography within 10 seconds
TR_PERF-05 Structural facility edits and switching operations to the electric network made by system control
operators/dispatchers must be available to field crews in (near) real time
TR_PERF-06 The system shall retain information such as zoom scale and the layers users had last turned on between sessions.
TR_MBLE Mobile
TR_MBLE-01 Offeror shall describe mobile display ability to provide a browser and device agnostic display (i.e. responsive design)
TR_MBLE-02 Offeror shall describe the features and functionality of the mobile platform that ensures ease of use.
TR_MBLE-03 Offeror shall describe how the mobile platform maximizes system/wireless connectivity.
TR_MBLE-04 Offeror shall describe how the mobile platform manages disconnects and re-connects from wireless connections.
TR_MBLE-05 Offeror shall describe how the mobile platform simplifies and streamlines the process of mobile data viewing and
editing (including redlining tools).
TR_MBLE-06 Offeror shall describe how the mobile platform synchronizes data to and from the mobile devices and back to the
office systems (including tabular, vector, reference drawings and documents).
TR_MBLE-07 Offeror shall describe the solutions ability to provide “Speech to Text” functionality on the mobile device.
TR_MBLE-10 Offeror shall describe the solutions ability to display real time traffic conditions.
TR_MBLE-11 Offeror shall describe the solutions ability to provide simple tools for turning on and off individual layers and groups
of layers.
INT Interfaces
GIS to ADMS - Esri GIS to ADMS sending network model information (either high fidelity based on Esri
utility network model or integration enhancing the model during ETL) for nominal state and proposed
INT_005 ADMS to GIS Portal - Publication from ADMS to GIS Enterprise Portal for display of ADMS outages and
restorations, switching, and operational state temporary edits
INT_007 SCADA to ADMS - providing fault distance/magnitude IED data
INT_008 SCADA to ADMS - events/messaging from field devices
INT_009 ADMS to MDMS - for device control transactions (meter Ping/Power Status Verification, and On Demand
INT_010 MDMS to ADMS - delivery of latest interval/register reads and Outage/Restore/Momentary events
INT_011 Weather Service to ADMS - 3rd party Weather service data to ADMS for use in Outage Management
INT_012 ADMS to Access Fort Collins external web site - and to Customers via various media for delivery of outage
and restoration information
INT_013 Banner CIS to Esri GIS and ADMS for delivery of customer information
INT_014 Banner CIS to Esri GIS and ADMS for delivery of customer information
INT_015 Banner CIS to ADMS for delivery of customer load information
INT_016 LPO mobile Field Tool to ADMS for delivery of Crew Status and Locations
INT_017 Call Net to ADMS - After Hours/Call Net to ADMS for update of after hour calls handled by the 3rd party into
ADMS Maintenance & Support
Category Requirement Response Comments
MS-1 Technical Support
Describe the technical support to be provided to customer during deployment and post deployment.
Technical support shall include but not be limited to phone support, email support, on-site support,
24/7 support. Technical support shall address any element of the Vendor’s solution.
MS-1.2 Technical support hours of operation and escalation policies and procedures for problem
MS-1.3 Technical support standard certification procedures for support personnel and average years
of service in the support organization.
MS-1.4 Support metrics to demonstrate support performance and resolution capabilities.
MS-1.5 Are emergency response services available independent of any maintenance contract so as to
handle critical or catastrophic situations? Please describe.
MS-1.6 Are there differences in support services based on the type of deployment (owned/hosted by
customer, hosted by vendor, managed services provided by vendor)? Please describe.
MS-2 Services Support
Vendor shall provide options for post-implementation support. Describe the post-acceptance support
to be provided, including all elements of the system so that customer can successfully operate the
system over its expected operating life.
MS-2.2 Vendor shall provide system installation, configuration, and support for user acceptance testing, as
required to implement the functional requirements of this specification.
MS-3 Alternative Service Offering (Optional)
Vendors are welcome to propose any other optional service offerings. If proposing an alternative
service offering, provide details such that customer sufficiently understands your offering and its value
to customer.
DOC-1 General Documentation Requirements
Customer shall be provided with all installation guides, testing, maintenance, operating and other
manuals and guidelines deemed appropriate to oversee successful installation and sustained
operation, monitoring, maintenance and troubleshooting of the system, including software
specifications and operating manuals. Including all necessary materials and installation guides.
Describe the online/portal documentation access/capabilities that the vendor provides.
Vendor shall supply or ensure web-based access all necessary up-to-date and accurate
documentation for installation, testing, quality assurance, equipment tracking, security, and operation
of the system. Customer requires that all software and associated release documentation must be
provided electronically in common Microsoft Office and Acrobat Reader PDF formats. The associated
documentation includes release notes, application notes, configuration documentation, installation
details, etc. No hardcopies with this information are to be provided to Customer.
DOC-1.3 Vendor shall provide training and user documentation. All training materials shall be provided in
electronic format to FCU for unlimited use by FCU.
DOC-1.4 Customer shall have the right to make and distribute as many paper and digital copies of all
documentations as it deems necessary for internal Customer use.
DOC-1.5 Vendor shall provide Customer new or updates to the manuals when they become available.
DOC-2 Documentation List
Vendor shall provide, with RFP, a complete list of all system documentation that shall be made
available to Customer including a Table of Contents and Index for each document. Customer requires
that this list of documents will include, at a minimum, the following areas:
Vendor shall provide, with RFP, System Architecture Documents, including system architecture
overviews, logical and technical architectures, and physical architectures of Customer
DOC-2.3 Vendor shall provide, upon award, User Manuals, describing the functions of the system.
Vendor shall provide, upon award, System Administration Manuals, including user account
management, levels of authority, backup and restore procedures, troubleshooting procedures,
Vendor shall provide, upon award, Database Management System Manuals, including data load,
incremental update, data errors and troubleshooting guide, data backup and restore procedures
for the system and the Disaster Recovery system.
DOC-2.6 Vendor shall provide, upon award, Configuration Manuals for the system.
DOC-2.7 Vendor shall provide, upon award, Maintenance and/or Troubleshooting manuals for the
DOC-2.8 Upon System Acceptance, Vendor shall fully document the As-Built system and provide to
Customer this documentation.
Vendor shall provide, upon award, system integration and standard interface specifications.
Systems integration requirements and designs specific to the Customer implementation shall be
supplied to Customer as part of the vendor's implementation services.
SA-5 Maintainability
All system components shall have the capability for remote firmware and software upgradeability.
Describe in detail the mechanisms and processes used to update the system and all necessary
components including, but not limited to meters/modules, network equipment, communication
modules, etc. without system service interruption. Software/firmware updates shall be processed
remotely and run automatically once initiated.
SA-5.2 Describe in detail the process to recover from a corrupted software/firmware update to any device on
the system including, but not limited to meters, communication modules, network equipment, etc.
The ADMS shall support patching with standard recommended patches, OR the vendor must supply
patch information and testing within 30 days of patch releases from vendors. Please describe who is
responsible for patches and/or patch compliance and recommended patch procedures.
The ADMS should be easily upgraded. Please describe the process for release and implementation
of software upgrades and tools included in the proposed ADMS solution to facilitate the upgrade
Describe the testing processes prior to each software release and what information is provided with
each upgrade (Attach the most recent software release notes and instructions provided with the most
current release).
Describe the tools included in the proposed ADMS Solution and recommended practice for validating
and migrating configurations and data from a Test environment to a Production environment. Please
include, as an attachment, your standard template for recording and change management for the
ADMS head-end configuration.
The ADMS should not require frequent upgrades. Describe when the utility must upgrade to the most
recent release and any impacts to operating without upgrades. Include a list of the upgrades, service
packs and head-end released for general availability over the last 36 months.
ADMS Solution Roadmap and Future Enhancements
Category Requirement
RM-1 Product Roadmap, Lifecycle and Enhancements
RM-1.1 How long has the vendor been offering an ADMS solution?
How many ADMS implementations does the vendor currently have in service?
In service is defined as the ADMSI solution is in production, operated on a 24x7
RM-1.3 Please provide the product roadmap for the next 24 months in the section to
the right. Alternatively, a separate attachment can be provided
Describe the Software Development Lifecycle, including but not limited to
Vendor's unique methodology, tools, best practices, quality gates and example
For the Vendor's proposed system: a) define the planned major releases of the
product over the next 3 years. Provide an overview of the significant features
and capabilities planned or anticipated to be provided.
RM-1.6 Provide a history of major releases for the product over the past 24 months.
Describe Vendor's process to solicit and incorporate customer feedback on
features, functions, enhancements, etc. that the customer would like to see
Vendor incorporate into future releases.
Describe Vendor's support of its system upgrades and service patch releases.
Specifically address the process and timeframe to regression test Vendor's
system with each service patch release and major operating system revision
release. Describe Vendor's schedule for major releases.
Vendor shall indicate compliance and provide the definition of on-going
software updates and upgrades in relationship to base License and annual
Maintenance Fees or any additional required cost anticipated.
a) “Updates” and "Upgrades" mean product or other maintenance releases of
the Software that correct processing errors and other faults and defects found
in the previous minor or major releases of the Software. This includes all
modifications, revisions, additions, alterations, error corrections of the Software
that represent minor or major releases of new versions of the Software. All
updates would be provided under the maintenance and service agreement at
no additional cost. Vendor shall indicate compliance with this requirement.
b) New Software modules which create new functionality and would not be
enhancements. Enhancements to existing functionality would be considered
Updates. Will these be considered amendments to the base license and
amended to the master license agreement?
Vendor shall describe the communications, license term, support services and
process that would be offered to support a future core product change that
would effectively render the currently licensed version into a future state of "un-
supported" or retired version.
Vendor shall provide or describe the Change Management Plan in support of
software Updates. This plan should address a minimum of basic elements
including: Communications; Change Risk; Priority; Customer Impact;
Description of Change; Systems affected; Programs Impacted; Implementation
Procedure; Back-out Procedure; Testing Procedure; Post Change Success
Criteria; Post Change Review Notes. Vendor shall include a sample Release
Notes document.
ADMS Testing and Training
Requirement Response Comments
TT-2 Functionality Acceptance Test (FAT)
The Vendor shall execute, with Customer oversight, a functionality acceptance test of the
solution. The purpose of the FAT is to verify that the technical, functional, performance,
information, and commercial specifications proposed by Vendor to Customer can be realized as
expected. Successful completion of the FAT by Vendor, and acceptance of the results by
Customer, shall be a pre-requisite for continuance of solution deployment. Vendor shall
acknowledge its compliance with this requirement.
TT-8 Training
TT-8.2 Vendor shall provide functional training to Customer personnel as necessary to install, test,
troubleshoot, operate, and maintain the system through its operating life.
Vendor shall provide system integrator/administrator training for personnel assigned to
configure, integrate, operate, and maintain the software, including training on the design and
use of all Vendor supplied administration and configuration tools.
Vendor shall provide, with RFP, a syllabus of its training courses that encompass all aspects of
the system from installation through sustaining operation. Vendor shall provide its
recommended schedule for such training, including recommended attendees by organization.
ADMS Security
Category Requirement
SC-1 Access Domain
SC-1.1 Describe your policies and processes to ensure that default account configurations including
names, passwords, etc. are changed across all systems and assets
Describe your established Access Management policies and processes for employee and
customer accounts including requests, approvals, provisioning, password assignment
requirements, access controls, de-provisioning, etc.
SC-1.3 Describe your process and timing requirements for revoking access for employees and other
actors which leave the organization or assume new roles
SC-1.4 Describe your policies and controls to enforce unique userIDs and restrict account sharing
among multiple people/actors
SC-1.5 Describe additional compensating controls in place to ensure user accountability for shared
user accounts
SC-1.6 Describe how systems and other assets enforce account lockout after a configurable number
of failed authentication attempts, including constraints/limitations
SC-1.7 Describe all controls in place to protect files, scripts or other assets that may have user,
system or other passwords/credentials stored within them.
SC-1.8 Describe how systems and other assets provide protection (e.g., encryption, hashing, jailed
files, etc.) for stored credentials
SC-1.9 Describe how all systems and assets that store or process customer information implement
and enforce access controls based on "deny by default" and "least-privileged" methodologies
Describe any use of Multi-Factor Authentication for systems and assets including scope,
implementation, tools, and scenarios (e.g., always, remote access, etc.) and specifically for
privileged users such as Administrators
Describe your established Password Management and Requirements policies and processes
including but not limited to password length, complexity, strength, entropy, aging, retries,
reuse, limitations on userID or account names in passwords, as well as assuring that there are
no master/default passwords embedded in firmware, etc.
SC-1.12 Describe how your systems and assets support and enforce Role-Based Access Control for all
users/actors, with Roles and Permissions assigned to those Roles
SC-1.13 Describe your established Access Review process including scope, frequency,
roles/permissions, approach, approvals, evidence, audits, etc.
SC-1.14 Describe how your assets (servers, workstations, mobile devices, etc.) implement authorized
use banners and provide examples of typical verbiage
SC-2 Application Domain
SC-2.1 Describe how your application protects against common inbound attacks such as SQL
Injection, XSS, etc.) in both the client-side and server-side areas of concern.
SC-2.2 Describe how your application protects data at-rest (e.g., encryption, etc.) and in-transit (e.g.,
TLS, etc.) including specific technologies and versions.
SC-2.3 Describe how your Application protects sensitive data (e.g., passwords, PII, etc.).
Describe how your Application protects outbound data to ensure that sensitive information
(e.g. username or password) is not presented back to the end-user following data validation,
authentication or other errors.
Describe how your Application implements Directory services (e.g., Active Directory, LDAP,
etc.) for Authentication, Authorization. For a Managed Services solution describe if and/or
how your system would integrate with Customer's Active Directory.
SC-2.6 Describe all Application capabilities for logging and auditing user transactions including data
elements and linking specific users to specific transactions.
Describe your approach and infrastructure for deploying, updating and utilizing anti-virus, anti-
malware, anti-spyware tools on all Application assets including servers, desktops, laptops,
mobile devices and other assets regardless of platform including but not limited to tools,
update frequency, scan scope (on-access, quick, full-system, etc.), scan frequency, etc.
Describe all password and authentication rules/requirements/policies enforced by your
application including but not limited to minimum length, complexity, aging/expiration, reuse,
retries, etc.
SC-2.9 Describe how your Application supports and enforces Role-Based Access Control for all
users/actors, with Roles and Permissions assigned to those Roles
SC-2.10 Describe all formal Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL) and Software Development Lifecycle
(SDLC) methodologies in use by your organization
SC-2.11 Describe all mechanisms used by your Application to implement user session functionality
(e.g., cookies, etc.).
SC-2.12 Describe any capabilities and configurability for your Application to impose session time-out
and/or lockout triggered by user inactivity or other conditions.
SC-2.13 Describe how your Application implements or integrates with SSO solutions (e.g., SAML, etc.)
SC-2.14 Describe how your Application implements authorized use banners, all methods of
configuration and provide examples of typical verbiage
SC-2.15 Describe your process for communicating application vulnerability information to your
customers and performing vulnerability remediation
SC-3 Cloud Domain
Describe your backup approaches, procedures and infrastructure including:
Approach (3-2-1 or similar)?
Storage location, format and protections/controls for backup media?
Length of time to retrieve backups to start of restore?
Personnel access to backup media?
Backup and restore testing approaches and frequency?
Approach for securely providing backup data and media to customers at service end *OR*
end-of-life disposal?
Confirm Cloud Domain as a consideration for ADMS solution with FCU?
Describe your BCP and DR approaches, procedures and infrastructure including:
Formalized BCP & DR plans?
Frequency of updates for these plans?
Are current copies of these plans stored off-site from the production facilities to which they
Specific facilities and assets included in the plan?
Testing methodology (e.g., tabletop, walk-through, failover/failback, etc.), frequency,
documentation, results?
Formalized RPOs and RTOs?
SC-3.3 Describe all controls employed for data segregation from ALL other shared environments,
Describe all components which are deployed in Virtual environments (e.g., servers, storage,
network, etc.) and the virtualization approach and components in use (e.g., VMWare, Hyper-
V, Xen, etc.)
SC-3.5 Describe all components which use proprietary approaches or components for segregation or
virtualization including developer and previous security testing performed
SC-3.6 Describe requirements and procedures for document control and destruction of physical
documents (e.g., shredding, incineration, etc.)
SC-3.7 Describe requirements and procedures for media control and destruction of digital
information (e.g., degauss, physical destruction, secure wipe, etc.)
If to be included as part of proposed ADMS solution, describe explicit details for:
Hosting Provider?
Hosting facilities' location(s)?
Hosting models proposed (e.g., SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, NaaS, etc.)?
SC-3.10 Describe all internal and external/3rd party compliance and vulnerability audits performed by
provider including auditors, frequency, results
SC-3.11 Provide a copy of ALL audit results for the last 3 years including attestations of finding
Describe any use of third parties for providing services in your cloud model including details
Names and roles?
Contractual and security requirements in force for each third party?
Security assessments and results performed for each third party?
SC-4 Data Domain
Describe data backup policies and processes including but not limited to scope, schedules,
frequency, encryption, archival, disposal, completeness reviews, restoration verification,
on/off-site storage, adherence to 3-2-1 methodology, etc.
Can you ensure hard drive encryption consistent with validated cryptography standards as
referenced in FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules for all personal
SC-4.3 Describe any Data-Loss Prevention (DLP) controls/solutions that you utilize
SC-4.4 Describe all data masking capabilities for data repositories, applications and other assets that
will obfuscate/replace/protect sensitive data elements
SC-4.5 Describe all policies and procedures for ensuring and monitoring the security of customer
Describe all approaches for securing customer data AT-REST including but not limited to
encryption (e.g., type, key standards, key management, key administration, etc.) and other
Describe all approaches for securing customer data IN-TRANSIT including but not limited to
encryption (e.g., type, key standards, key management, key administration, etc.), SFTP+PGP,
VPN and other approaches/controls
SC-4.8 Describe all additional security controls that protects data that contains PII, CIP-constrained
or other highly sensitive data
Will our data be co-mingled or co-located with data from other clients? Describe the logical
and physical controls and partitioning in-place to protect data confidentiality, integrity and
SC-5 Network Domain
SC-5.1 Describe any access you require to our network resources, and if so your
SC-5.2 Describe your approach to monitor, identify and prevent unauthorized network connections
or connection points (e.g., rogue access points, etc.)
Describe your approach to host/network-based integrity checking for endpoints that allows
only endpoints with sufficient OS, patching, malware protection, etc. to access networks and
other assets
Describe your approach to email traffic monitoring and protection including scope, tools,
spam filtering, malware monitoring, support for email encryption (SMTP/TLS, S/MIME, other),
Describe your approach to establishing, deploying and managing Network Enclaves that will
protect the our systems and assets, including but not limited to network segmentation (logical
and/or physical), firewalls, NAC, IDS/IPS, malicious traffic monitoring, etc.
SC-5.6 Describe all security controls implemented for any wireless networks within your corporate,
hosting and data processing facilities
SC-6 Personnel Domain
Describe all established elements, binding scope and conditions of any confidentiality and non-
disclosure agreements for all employees, contractors and partners engaged with your
Describe all established elements and binding scope of a formal, documented Security
Awareness Program for all employees, contractors and partners engaged in your organization
including but not limited to: training scope and frequency, drills/tests, etc.
Describe your established policies and procedures for conducting background checks for all
employees, contractors and other personnel including but not limited to criminal, drug, credit,
employment history, etc.
SC-6.4 Describe all current or planned use of offshore (outside of USA) resources as part of your
customer delivery strategy
Describe all physical security controls protecting all data processing assets and facilities
including but not limited to access card systems/doors/gates, security guards, CCTV, sensors,
mantraps, etc.
SC-7 Security Management Domain
SC-7.1 Describe all elements of your established Business Continuity Plan (BCP) including priorities
based on risk and impact analysis to your organization and your customers' organizations
SC-7.2 Describe all elements of your established Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) including priorities
based on risk and impact analysis to your organization and your customers' organizations
Describe all policies, procedures and timing o ensure that your BCP and DRP elements are
tested for effectiveness including approach (e.g., tabletop, walk-through, partial/full failover-
failback, etc.)
SC-7.4 Describe your established policies and processes for ensuring compliance relative to internal
and/or external security policies and requirements
SC-7.5 Describe your established policies and processes to ensure independent assessment and
validation of your controls
SC-7.6 Describe how you identify, monitor and enforce segregation of duties relative to assets,
information, functions and services
Describe how you extend, monitor and enforce your security management policies and
procedures to all contractors and third-party partners including agreements, risk assessments
and notification to customers of changes
Describe all formal and documented Security policies and processes published and available
to all employees, contractors and partners as well as their basis (e.g., NIST, COBIT, ISO/IEC,
SC-7.9 Describe your established process for regular review and update of all security policies and
procedures, including provisions to address any changes in laws or regulatory guidance
Describe how employees, contractors and partners are required to accept security policies
and procedures upon joining your organization and when these policies and procedures are
Identify and describe in detail your compliance with and all certifications and relevant dates
for any industry-accepted control standards (e.g., NERC-CIP, NIST Cybersecurity Framework,
NIST 800-53, SSAE-16, SOX, SAS-70, PCI-DSS, ISO/IEC 27000, etc.)
FCU may use BitSight (like a credit report for cyber security) to assess Vendor internet-facing
security. Do you subscribe to BitSight or a similar service, and if so are you willing to provide
a sanitized report?
SC-8 System Domain
SC-8.1 Describe your controls and restrictions relative to administrative access on all servers,
desktops, laptops and mobile devices
SC-8.2 Describe your organization's formal and documented Asset Management policies and
Describe your organization's established Change & Configuration Management policies and
procedures including enforcing appropriate testing, review, approval, promotion to
operations and back-out plans, etc.
Describe your formal and documented policies, processes and approach to defining,
deploying, modifying, managing, enforcing and reviewing standard security configurations
(e.g., policies, hardening standards, etc.) for all systems and assets.
SC-8.5 Describe any host-based IDS/IPS solutions that you utilize
Describe how all systems and assets are configured to capture and log successful and
unsuccessful user authentication and authorization attempts, and how long system log files
are retained to support access control monitoring, security investigations, forensics and other
relevant activities
Describe your approach and infrastructure for deploying, updating and utilizing anti-virus, anti-
malware, anti-spyware tools on all assets including servers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices
and other assets regardless of platform including but not limited to tools, update frequency,
scan scope (on-access, quick, full-system, etc.), scan frequency, etc.
Describe your organization's established Patch Management policies and procedures including
enforcing appropriate timing and processes for testing, review, approval, promotion to
operations and back-out plans, etc.
SC-8.9 Describe the logical and physical isolation/separation of your Development, Testing, QA
facilities/environments from customer Production environments
SC-9 Logging Domain
SC-9.1 Describe the auditing and logging mechanisms implemented for all systems components (e.g.,
applications, middleware, databases, operating systems, hypervisors, network devices, etc.)
SC-9.2 Describe the data elements of all logged events (e.g., date, time, event type, userID,
username, hostname, IP address, key event details, etc.)
SC-9.3 Describe logging extent (e.g., number of transactions, number of days, etc.) and retention
(e.g., by days, number of files, etc.)
SC-9.4 Describe ability to capture logs and alerts relative to sensitive files/assets, users with elevated
privileges, etc.
SC-9.5 Describe your approach for time synchronization for servers and other assets (e.g., common
source, etc.)
SC-9.6 Describe policies, processes and procedures for regular logging and audit reviews as well as
reviews in response to security events
Describe your implementation of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
technology for security log retention long-term, as well as event monitoring and correlation,
and event alerting
SC-9.8 Describe how you will support conducting vulnerability assessments and penetration testing
for assets that will house or process our information
SC-9.9 Describe all implementations of file versioning supported by all relevant assets (e.g., systems,
applications, etc.) and how many versions are configurable
SC-9.10 Describe all storage types and approaches for data housing (e.g., SAN, NAS, hybrid cloud,
storage management, etc.) and associated file systems
SC-9.11 Describe how our data is protected if law enforcement access or seizes hardware or other
assets on which our data is housed in colocation with other data
Describe all relevant SLAs, disclosure agreements, policies, processes and procedures for
notifying us in the event of security incidents, breaches or investigations; also describe timing,
points of contact for these activities
SC-9.13 Describe your support for our security team to access relevant data and artifacts in response
to forensic investigation
SC-10 Threat Management
Describe your approach to regular Vulnerability Assessment and Scanning, both internally-
performed and externally-performed, including frequency, scope, tools and communication of
findings to your security resources
Describe your formal Threat and Vulnerability Management policies and processes including
threat identification (e.g.,, alerts, scans, etc.), risk assignment and remediation management
with required timeframes.
Describe your established Incident Response policies and procedures for addressing security
incidents including responsibilities, evidence preservation, chain of custody, customer
notification, etc.
Please comment on the solutions ability to manage the following:
• How ONR Identifies ways to reconfigure interconnected feeders to accomplish user-specified objectives
• How ONR functions to : Minimize total electrical losses, Minimize the largest peak demand, Balance the
load between feeders, Combination of the prior
• How the solution performs the notion of “Operational” Planning i.e. What is the best way to operate
power system for next N days or weeks?
needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Historical Reliability Analysis. Describe how
the solution can provide the ability to perform Historical Reliability Analysis using existing City of Fort
Collins systems and data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
Offeror shall describe their solutions approach to Predictive Outage Analysis including any specific data
needs and integrations required to existing or proposed City of Fort Collins systems. Also include
examples of prior experience implementing the solution for Predictive Outage Analysis. Describe how the
solution can provide the ability to perform Predictive Outage Analysis using existing City of systems and
data sources vs. using an established Smart Grid Data Repository
T0A4X Future ADMS Requirements
Study Mode
ADMS_087 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to switch between production and training environments
ADMS_038 Offeror shall describe the impact tagging devices can have on network tracing
ADMS_039 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to provide a geographical view of tagging notes
ADMS_040 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to single query all abnormal devices
ADMS_041 Offeror shall describe if their solutions offers wizards/other driven approach to tagging based on type of tag
ADMS_029 Offeror shall describe their solutions ability to perform real-time load flow analysis taking into account electrical
storage, electric vehicles, reverse energy flows
Load Models
and Estimate
ADMS_030 Offeror shall describe the ability of the solution to provide a standard set of historic load models and how those are
utilized by On Line Power Flow (OLPF)
Load Models
and Estimate
ADMS_031 Offeror shall describe the ability of the solution to provide a load estimation function or functions and how those
are utilized by On Line Power Flow (OLPF)
T0A3X ADMS I - Business Release II
disconnected and connected communication states.
Support the ability to display a web based and mobile Outage map (including a geographical view of the location of
outages, outage status, and the number of customers impacted, and the location of Critical Care customers) with
both internal (City of Fort Collins) and external views
Trace Network Out_144
Ability to provide field crews with up to the minute map switching status including the ability to trace up and down
stream from any point in the network in under 5 seconds.
Out_147 Ability to provide field crews with up to the minute map switching status including the ability to show switching
plans created by dispatchers in under 5 seconds.
Entry of partial and complete restoration details by specifying the points on the distribution system model that
have been energized. Restoration times and the customers restored by the restoration steps will be recorded.
Generate outage stats for each group of customers restored during a restoration process
Update outage related information including outage cause, restoration steps and restoration time and type of
equipment affected. Enforce the entry of certain fields such as restoration time, outage cause code prior to
allowing a user to close an outage
Provide an incident summary screen which displays current outages and associated information including Outage
number, Outage Status, Device(s), number of trouble calls per outage #, number of affected customers per outage
scenario, start time, assigned crew(s) and operating area
Ability to display and change Operational State information for devices in real time. The status change capability
must be phase specific with the ability, for example, to operate any combination of single or multiple phases on a
three phase device in a single step
View Current
Out_115 Provide a spatial display of current Protective Device states (i.e. Open and Close states, including where those
states are abnormal) - where those states are managed by the OMS/DMS and/or SCADA
View Current
Out_116 Provide a Schematic view of selected Electric Distribution network data (i.e. substation, feeder, protective device
Out_027 Ability to display Customers impacted by an Outage.
Out_028 Provide the ability to display current and historic outages by type
Out_029 Ability to display Outage Schedules for Substations.
Out_031 Ability to display Planned Outage locations.
T0A2X OMS - Outage Management Requirements