CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc.
WORK ORDER NUMBER: Work Order - No. 1
PROJECT TITLE: Environmental Services for Halligan Water
Supply Project
ORIGINAL BID/RFP NUMBER & NAME: RFP #8737, Environmental Services for
Halligan Water Supply Project
MAXIMUM FEE: (time and reimbursable direct costs): $ 241,466
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE OF SERVICES: Services include review of environmental
permitting document, development of conceptual mitigation plans, and permitting agency
coordination. Refer to Attachment A – Scope of Services
Service Provider agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms
in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Master Agreement
between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the
Master Agreement and this Work Order (including the attached forms) the Master
Agreement shall control.
The attached forms consisting of seven (7) pages are hereby accepted and incorporated
herein, by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given after all parties have signed
this document.
By: Date:
Name: Title:
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8737 Environmental Services for Halligan Water Supply Project
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Albert Paquet Designated Manager
This Work Order and the attached Contract Documents are hereby accepted and
incorporated herein by this reference.
ACCEPTANCE: Date: ______________
Adam Jokerst, Project Manager
ACCEPTANCE: Date: ______________
Carol Webb, Deputy Director, Utilities
REVIEWED: Date: ______________
Pat Johnson, Senior Buyer
APPROVED AS TO FORM: Date: ______________
Name,City Attorney
(if greater than $1,000,000)
ACCEPTANCE: Date: ______________
Name, Title
ACCEPTANCE: Date: ______________
Kevin Gertig, Utilities Executive Director
(if greater than $1,000,000)
ACCEPTANCE: Date: ______________
Gerry Paul, Purchasing Director
(if greater than $60,000)
ACCEPTANCE: Date: ______________
Darin Atteberry, City Manager
(if greater than $1,000,000)
ATTEST: Date: ______________
City Clerk
(if greater than $1,000,000)
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Attachment A - Scope of Services
Attachment A to the AGREEMENT between the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, a Municipal
Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the City, and CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc., hereinafter
referred to as the Professional, for a project generally described as Professional Services for the
Environmental review and conceptual mitigation planning for the Halligan Water Supply project.
This scope of services will be performed under a Work Order issued in accordance with the
Professional Service Agreement for RFP #8737 Environmental Services for Halligan Water Supply
The Professional’s services for the project are detailed hereinafter.
Project Objective: To provide environmental services and permitting support that.
It is understood the City will designate Mr. Adam Jokerst as the City Project Manager (PM) and
primary point of contact with respect to the work performed under this AGREEMENT, with
authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and interpret and define City policies and
decisions relative to elements pertinent to the work covered by this AGREEMENT.
Task 1: Onboarding and Background Review Schedule
Task 1 objective: bring Professional up to speed and integrate with the City team.
1. Kickoff workshop(s)
a. Prepare for and attend City’s presentations of project history, timeline, issues, etc.
and engage in question and answer (Q/A) session. Assumes attendance by four
team members at one meeting in Denver. A second workshop focused on
strategy will be held at the City’s service center, to be attended by three team
2. Document Review:
a. Purpose: Professional will review existing documents to prepare for the following:
i. Onboarding
ii. Identify fatal flaws
iii. Formulate mitigation
b. Review the following documents:
i. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Chapter 1
ii. Technical reports, listed in table below. Note: Reports labelled in the
Background Review column in the table below will be reviewed as part of
Work Order 1.
iii. Showing Document (partial)
1. Executive Summary
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2. Aquatic Resources Appendix
3. Miller Aquatic Habitat Appendix
4. Minimization Appendix
Technical Report (with lead 3rd
party contractor) Status*
Background Review
Aesthetics and Visual Resources
(CDM Smith) Final Draft Low No
Air Quality Report (CDM Smith) Final Draft Low No
Altered Flows - Wetland and Riparian
Resources (WEST)
Final Draft; S.D.
Addendum High Yes
Alternatives Screening Report (DWC) Final Draft High No
Aquatic Resources Baseline (GEI) Final Draft High No
Aquatic Resources Impact (GEI) Prelim Draft; S.D.
Revisions High Yes
Cultural Resources Technical Report
(Centennial) Final Draft Low No
Geology (CDM Smith) Final Draft Low No
Groundwater (CDM) Final Draft Low No
Hazardous Sites (CDM Smith) Final Draft Low No
Hydrologic Modeling (Fort Collins -
Final Draft; S.D.
Addendum Low No
Noise (CDM Smith) Final Draft Low No
North Fork Baseline Geomorph S/T
(ACE) Final Draft Med No
North Fork Baseline WQ (CDM) Final Draft Med No
North Fork Sediment
Transport/Geomorphology Impact
Prelim Draft in progress N/A Yes
Operations Plan (Fort Collins) Prelim Draft Med Yes
Purpose and Need (HE) Final Draft Low No
Socioeconomics, Recreation and Land
Use (Harvey) Final Draft; S.D. Revisions Med Yes
Soils Report (CDM Smith) Final Draft Low No
Species of Concern (WEST) Final Draft; S.D.
Addendum High Yes
Surface Water Quality (Hydros -
Final Draft; S.D.
Addendum High Yes
Vegetation Resources Technical
(WEST) Final Draft; S.D. Revisions High Yes
Water Resources (CDM Smith) Final Draft; S.D. Revisions Med Yes
Wetland Resources, North Fork
Baseline (WEST) Final Draft Med No
Wildlife Technical (WEST) Final Draft; S.D.
Addendum High Yes
* S.D. = Showing Document. S.D. resulted in additional information being generated for various
technical reports, addressed either by addendums or revisions. City/Jacobs will review any new
information generated by S.D.
Task 2: Environmental Review of Permitting Documents
Task 2 Objective: Provide comments on future Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) materials
shared by United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) with the City.
1. Review final drafts of EIS technical reports as provided by USACE (reports listed as
‘Yes’ in the Additional Review column in the table above) and generate comments for
submittal. Task assumptions:
a. Mary Powell (Corvus Environmental) to lead reviews related to wetlands.
b. May require independent analysis in certain cases.
Task 3: Develop Conceptual Mitigation Plan
Task 3 objective: Develop conceptual mitigation plan for release with draft EIS that has agency
1. Effects analysis and mitigation needs (document in memo/report to City)
a. Determine level of impacts based on document review, discussions with City, etc.
b. Review Fort Collins mitigation concepts developed to date
c. Suggest preliminary avoidance and minimization measures
d. Suggest preliminary CM measures
e. Suggest possible enhancements
2. Develop preliminary conceptual mitigation measures (document in technical
memorandum to USACE and Cooperating Agencies (CAs).
a. Provide simple listing or outline of mitigation measures
b. Mitigation measure outline is for incorporation in EIS, if possible given that EIS is
currently being drafted.
3. Develop final conceptual mitigation plan (develop report for public release)
a. Final product due at time of draft EIS release
b. Will require soliciting input from USACE and CAs per Task 4 below.
Task 4: Study Planning, Data Collection, and Agency Coordination
Task 4 objective: Initiate activity on other permits (401 Certification, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
(CPW) mitigation, Bureau of Land Management Right Of Way (BLM ROW), 1041) so the City can hit
the ground running after the draft EIS is released.
1. The City will be required to obtain various federal, state, and local authorizations
(“Other Permits”) for the Halligan Project to proceed. Such Other Permits are distinct
from the Clean Water Action Section 404 permitting process, but may utilize data and
findings developed for the Section 404 permit and NEPA documents. Professional will
assist the City in initiating activity on other permits, which may include
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a. Clean Water Action Section 401 water quality certification;
b. Consultation and mitigation under Endangered Species Act regulations;
c. National Historic Preservation Act coordination;
d. Mitigation planning pursuant to CRS 37-60-122.2;
e. Coordination Larimer County reviews pursuant to CRS 24-65.1-101; and
f. Right-of-way acquisition on federal land managed by the Bureau of Land
2. Applications for Other Permits will be made after the draft EIS is released and will be
included in Work Order 2; however, the City desires to being planning, coordination,
and data collection for such authorizations in the coming year.
Task 2 includes effort for up to 40 hours of field work may be necessary to prepare information
for other permits within the next year.
Task 5: On-Call Technical Support
Task 5 objective: Provide general technical support to City staff for Halligan Project permitting
On call assistance may include, but is not limited to:
1. Miscellaneous USACE and CA correspondence
2. Legal/lobbying issues
3. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and landowner concerns
4. Public engagement
5. GIS/mapping
6. Internal communications
Task 6: Project Administration and Meetings
The Professional’s project manager (PM) shall prepare, implement, monitor, and update the
project work plan as required throughout the project. Professional’s PM will prepare and submit
to the City’s PM, on a monthly basis, a brief cost and schedule status report. The report shall
include a narrative description of progress to-date, actual costs for each Task, estimates of percent
complete, and potential cost variances. The scope assumes:
1. Professional will perform necessary project administration.
2. Preparation and participation in status calls and meetings.
3. Two to three of Professional’s staff will attend up to three meetings in Ft. Collins and
participate in up to four conference/Skype meetings.
• Monthly project cost and schedule status report, (pdf format).
Professional will work expeditiously to support the City’s schedule. An anticipated schedule is
shown below in Table 1.
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Table 1, Project Schedule
Activity Completion Date
Notice to Proceed (NTP) August 2018
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
October 2018
April 2019
April 2019
June 2019
June 2019
June 2019
Assumptions Used in Developing this Scope of Services
The Professional’s estimate of engineering costs for the project is based on the elements included
in task descriptions above, and the following assumptions:
1) City will examine information submitted by Professional and render in writing or
otherwise provide decisions within two weeks.
2) City will give prompt notice to Professional whenever City observes or becomes aware of
any development that affects the scope or timing of Professional’s services, or of any
defect in the work of Professional.
3) Professional will provide the City with deliverables as defined respectively in this scope of
4) Deliverables will be distributed electronically via email (pdf format).
5) Meetings with the City will be held at the City’s service center office.
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Task Description
Jim Clarke ,
Project Manager
Patrick Hickey,
Wetland Ecologist
Whitney Wimer,
404 Permitting
Patrick Basting,
Sr. Wildlife Biologist
Kristina Neptun,
Aquatic Ecologist
Christy Payne,
Wildife/Fisheries Biologist
Moha Parikh,
Air Quality
Susan Butler,
CWA Regulatory Comp.
Todd Wang, Permitting
Senior Technical Strategist
Shawn Snow,
Cultural Resources
Ann Doud,
Diane Yates,
Wetland mitigation
Klint Reedy,
Water Supply
Kyle Hamilton, Principal
Technical Consultant
Ryan Mitchell,
Troy Slocum, Hydraulic
Rebecca Birtley,
GIS Mapping
Al Paquet, Project
Patti Steinholtz, NEPA
Technical Writer
Lisa Hoffman Clerical
Amy Stapley Accounting
Total Labor
Total by Task
Code 03 06 07 06 06 07 04 03 02 08 05 04 03 04 05 04 07 03 19 19 19 (hours) ($) ($)
2018 Billing Code $ 235 $ 160 $ 142 $ 160 $ 160 $ 142 $ 205 $ 235 $ 250 $ 129 $ 185 $ 205 $ 235 $ 205 $ 185 $ 205 $ 142 $ 235 $ 142 $ 90 $ 90
Task 1 Onboarding and Background Review 24 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 4 32 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 144 $ 28,480 $ - $ 100 $ 28,580
Kickoff workshops 12 12 12 6 4 2 48 100
Document Review 0
EIS Chapter 1 2 2 2 6
Technical reports 8 40 4 24 4 80
Showing Document 2 4 2 2 10
Task 2 Environmental reviews of permitting
documents 18 40 10 10 10 20 4 10 28 0 0 0 15 20 20 5 35 0 4 2 2 253 $ 46,508 $ 3,150 $ 2,500 $ 52,158
1a(i) Wetland delineation, function, and impacts 2 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 54 $ 3,150 $ 500
1a(ii) Impacts to riverine aquatic biological
resources 2 2 10 8 20 10 10 62 $ 500
1a(iii) Hydrologic modeling and impacts 2 2 10 20 10 5 49 $ 500
1a(iv) Effects to geomorphology and sediment
CONTRACTOR shall submit Certificate of Insurance in compliance with the Contract Documents.
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transport 2 2 5 10 5 5 29 $ 500
1a(v) Surface water quality impacts 2 12 2 5 21 $ 500
1b(i) Provide review comments to City for 1a items 8 12 4 8 4 1 1 38
Task 3 Develop Conceptual Mitigation Plan 20 80 0 40 8 40 0 2 8 0 4 30 20 0 20 20 30 8 16 1 1 348 $ 61,312 $ 3,150 $ 500 $ 64,962
Develop mitigation plan 20 80 40 8 40 2 8 30 20 10 20 30 8 16 1 1 334 $ 3,150 $ 500
Task 4 -Study planning, data collection, and
preliminary regulatory agency coordination 26 8 0 48 14 60 0 20 6 30 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 $ 38,860 $ 2,100 $ 2,400 $ 43,360
i. Clean Water Action Section 401 water quality
certification; 2 2 20 6 30 $ 500
ii. Consultation and mitigation under Endangered
Species Act regulations; 4 2 8 4 40 58 $ 1,050 $ 500
iii. National Historic Preservation Act coordination; 4 30 34 $ 500
iv. Mitigation planning pursuant to CRS 37-60-
122.2; 4 2 40 10 20 76 $ 1,050 $ 500
v. Coordination Larimer County reviews pursuant
to CRS 24-65.1-101; and 8 2 10 $ 200
vi. Right-of-way acquisition on BLM 4 16 20 $ 200
Task 5 On-Call Technical Support 26 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 20 0 114 $ 20,446 $ 2,100 $ 2,500 $ 25,046
On Call Support 26 40 20 0 8 20 0 114 $ 2,100 $ 2,500
Task 6 Project administration, status calls, and
meetings. 26 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 7 20 125 $ 22,760 $ 2,100 $ 2,500 $ 27,360
26 40 20 12 7 20 125 $ 2,100 $ 2,500
TOTAL 140 266 10 98 32 120 4 32 98 30 20 30 39 52 40 25 65 28 28 32 23 1,212 218,366 12,600 10,500 241,466
Exhibit C - Compensation
Project Environmental Studies NEPA and Regulatory Compliance Water Resources Support services Totals
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** Priority listed for Task 1
*** Review for Task 2.
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