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City of Fort Collins Purchasing SPECIFICATIONS _►o Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2n' Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6775 970.22 1 .6707 fcgov.com purchasing CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR CONCRETE MAINTENANCE PROJECT PHASE I 2018 RENEWAL BID NO. 8469 PURCHASING DIVISION 215 NORTH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter. 1) Substantial Completion: One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for each working day or fraction thereof that expires after the One Hundred Sixty -Five (165) working day period for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete. 2) Final Acceptance: After Substantial Completion, One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for each working day or fraction thereof that expires after the Five (5) working day period for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: One Million Eight Hundred Thirty -Six Thousand Two Hundred Eighty -Nine Dollars and Thirty -Six Cents ($1,836,289.36), in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference. ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1. PROGRESS PAYMENTS. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work. 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion, Owner will be entitled to withhold as contract retainage five percent (5%) of each progress payment, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. If, in the sole discretion of Owner, on recommendation of Engineer, Owner determines that the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed. 95% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in 2017 CONCRETE MAINTENANCE PROJECT — PHASE 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS INDEX SECTION 01010 Summary of Work 01040 Coordination 01310 Construction Schedules 01330 Survey Data 01340 Shop Drawings 01410 Testing 01510 Temporary Utilities 01560 Temporary Controls 01700 Contract Closeout 01800 Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment PAGE NUMBERS General Requirements 2-3 General Requirements 4-5 General Requirements 6-7 General Requirements 8 General Requirements 9-11 General Requirements 12-13 General Requirements 14 General Requirements 15-16 General Requirements 17 General Requirements 18 SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK This work shall consist of the removal and/or installation of concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, crosspans, aprons, drive approaches, inlets, concrete pavement, and pedestrian access ramps and placement of temporary asphalt patching adjacent to new concrete on designated streets in the City of Fort Collins. The General locations are described in Section 3500, Project Map and approximate types and location of removal and repairs show on the Street web site at: http://www.fci4ov.com/streets/maps/maps/20]6concrete mm.html A. Protection and Restoration. 1. Replace to equal or better conditions all items removed and replaced or damaged during construction. Restore all areas disturbed to match surrounding surface conditions. Also see tree protection standards. B. Construction Hours 1. Construction hours, except for emergencies, shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Working hours on arterial streets within 200 feet of signalized intersections may be restricted to 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Engineer. After hour equipment operation shall be in accordance with Section 1560. 2. Any work performed by the Contractor outside of the construction hours, whether or not authorized by the Engineer, shall entitle the Owner to deduct from compensation due to the Contractor sufficient funds to cover the Owner's costs in providing field engineering and/or inspection services because of such work. The cost for field engineering and inspection shall be $50.00 per hour. 1.2 NOTICES TO PRIVATE OWNERS AND AUTHORITIES A. Notify private owners of adjacent property, utilities, irrigation canal, and affected governmental agencies when prosecution of the Work may affect them. B. Give notification 48 hours in advance to enable affected persons to provide for their needs when it is necessary to temporarily deny access or services. C. Contact utilities at least 48 hours prior excavating near underground utilities. D. Contact all agencies at least 72 hours prior to start of construction. Notify all agencies of the proposed scope of work schedule and any items which would affect their daily operation. E. Darren Moritz/Tom Knostman will be the Program Manager/Project Engineer Darren Moritz 970-221-6618 Office 970-556-1495 cell Tom Knostman 970-221-6576 Office 970-679-7947 cell F. Names and telephone numbers of affected agencies and utilities in the area are listed below for Contractor's convenience. General Requirements - Page 2 of 18 SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK UTILITIES Water: City of Fort Collins, Colorado 221-6700, Meter Shop 221-6759 Storm Sewer: City of Fort Collins, Colorado 221-6700 Sanitary Sewer: City of Fort Collins, Colorado 221-6700 Electrical: City of Fort Collins, Colorado 221-6700 Gas: Xcel Energy Emergency 1-800-895-2999 Local Contact: Pat Kreager 970-566-4416 Telephone: UNCC / 1-800-922-1987 Local Contact: Debbie Kautz 970-689-0635 Traffic Operations: City of Ft. Collins, Colorado 221-6630 Cable Television: Comcast 493-7400 Emergency 800-934-6489 *Utility Notification Center of Colorado (UNCC) - 811 1-800-922-1987 AGENCIES Safety: Larimer County Sheriffs Department: Non -Emergency: 221-7177 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 844-3061 303-844-5285 Denver Office Fire: Poudre Fire Authority Non -Emergency: 221-6581 Poudre Valley Hospital Non -Emergency: 484-1227 970-495-7000 Emergency: 911 Police: City of Fort Collins Police Department Non -Emergency: 221-6540 Emergency: 911 Postmaster: US Postal Service: 225-4111 970-472-4022 Transportation: Transfort: 221-6620 Traffic Engineering: 221-6630 END OF SECTION General Requirements — page 3 of 18 SECTION 01040 COORDINATION 1.1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Coordinate operations under contract in a manner which will facilitate progress of the Work. B. Conform to the requirements of public utilities and concerned public agencies in respect to the timing and manner of performance of operations which affect the service of such utilities, agencies, or public safety. C. Coordinate operations under contract with utility work and private development to allow for efficient completion of the Work. D. Coordinate all operations with the adjoining property owners, business owners, and surrounding neighborhoods to provide satisfactory access at all times and keep them informed at all times. E. The Contractor shall ensure that Subcontractors shall have visible company names on all vehicles that enter the work zone. 1.2 CONFERENCES A. A Pre -construction Conference will be held prior to the start of construction. Contractor shall participate in the conference accompanied by all major Subcontractors, including the Traffic Control Supervisor assigned to the project. Contractor shall designate/introduce Superintendent, and major Subcontractors' supervisors assigned to project. The Engineer shall invite all utility companies involved. The Utilities will be asked to designate their coordination person, provide utility plans, and their anticipated schedules. The Engineer shall introduce the Project Representatives. B. Additional project coordination conferences will be held prior to start of construction for coordination of the Work, refining project schedules, and utility coordination. C. Engineer may hold coordination conferences to be attended by all involved when Contractor's operations affects, or is affected by, the work of others. 1. Contractor shall participate in such conferences accompanied by Subcontractors as required by the Engineer. 1.3 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Contractor and Engineer shall schedule and hold regular progress meetings at least weekly and at other times as requested by the Engineer or required by the progress of the Work. B. Attendance shall include: 1. Contractor and Superintendent. 2. Owner's Representatives. 3. Engineer and Project Representative. 4. Traffic Control Supervisor 5. Others as may be requested by Contractor, Engineer or Owner. General Requirements — page 4 of 18 SECTION 01040 COORDINATION C. Minimum agenda shall include: 1. Review of work progress since last meeting. 2. Identification and discussion of problems affecting progress. 3. Review of any pending change orders. 4. Revision of Construction Schedule anticipated two weeks in advance. D. The Engineer and Contractor shall agree to weekly quantities at the progress meetings. The weekly quantity sheets shall be signed by both parties. These quantity sheets, when signed, shall be final and shall be the basis for the monthly progress estimates. This process ensures accurate monthly project pay estimates. END OF SECTION General Requirements - Page 5 of 18 SECTION 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1.1 GENERAL A. The contractor shall prepare a detailed schedule of all construction operations and procurement after review of tentative schedule by parties attending the pre -construction conference. This schedule will show how the contractor intends to meet the milestones set forth. 1. No work is to begin at the site until Owner's acceptance of the Construction Progress Schedule and Report of delivery of equipment and materials. 1.2 FORMAT AND SUBMISSIONS A. Prepare construction and procure schedules in a graphic format suitable for displaying scheduled and actual progress. B. Submit two copies of each schedule to Owner for review. 1. Owner will return one copy to Contractor with revisions suggested or necessary for coordination of the Work with the needs of the Owner or others. C. The schedule must show how the street, landscaping, and various utility work will be coordinated. 1.3 CONTENT A. Construction Progress Schedule. 1. Show complete work sequence of construction by activity and location for the upcoming two week period. 2. Show changes to traffic control. 3. Show project milestones. B. Report of delivery of equipment and materials. 1. Show delivery status of critical and major items of equipment and materials. 2. Provide a schedule which includes the critical path for Shop Drawings, tests, and other submittal requirements for equipment and materials; reference Section 01340. 1.4 PROGRESS REVISIONS A. Submit revised schedules and reports at weekly project coordination meetings when changes are foreseen, when requested by Owner or Engineer, and with each application for progress payment. B. Show changes occurring since previous submission. 1. Actual progress of each item to date. 2. Revised projections of progress and completion. C. Provide a narrative report as needed to define: 1. Anticipated problems, recommended actions, and their effects on the schedule. 2. The effect of changes on schedules of others. General Requirements - Page 6 of 18 SECTION 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1.5 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY A. Owner's review is only for the purpose of checking conformity with the Contract Documents and assisting Contractor in coordinating the Work with the needs of the Project. B. It is not to be construed as relieving Contractor from any responsibility to determine the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction as provided in the General Conditions. END OF SECTION General Requirements - Page 7 of 18 SECTION 01330 SURVEY DATA 1.1 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. The Owner shall provide the construction surveying for the street and landscaping improvements. City Survey Crews will perform the surveying required. B. The Contractor must submit a survey request form to the City Surveyor a minimum of 72 hours prior to requiring surveying. C. If the requested surveying cannot be accomplished in the time frame requested by the Contractor, the survey personnel shall notify the Contractor with the date on which the requested work will be completed. D. Should a sudden change in the Contractor's operations or schedule require the survey personnel to work overtime, the Contractor shall pay the additional overtime expense. E. The Contractor shall protect all survey monuments and construction stakes. If it is unavoidable to remove a survey monument or construction stakes, the Contractor is responsible for notifying the Surveyor and allowing enough time for the monuments or stakes to be relocated. The Contractor will be responsible for the cost of re -staking construction stakes and for the cost of re-establishing a destroyed monument. F. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to concrete removal when property line markers are inscribed in the surface of the existing concrete, typically designated by "+" or "x" markings. The Contractor shall NOT reinstall all existing property line markers in the surface of the new concrete. The Contractor may NOT offset the existing mark for reinstallation but shall notify the City Survey Crews and request the offset location prior to removal of the concrete. If markers are removed without offsetting and reinstalling, the Contractor shall be responsible for all costs, including survey costs, associated with relocating and reinstalling the markers. G. The Contractor shall be responsible for transferring the information from the construction stakes to any necessary forms and for constructing all pipelines, drainage ways, pavements, inlets, walls, and other structures in accordance with the information on the stakes and grade sheets supplied by the Owner. END OF SECTION General Requirements — page 8 of 18 SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS 1.1 GENERAL A. Submit Shop Drawings, Samples, and other submittals as required by the individual specification. 1. Engineer will not accept Shop Drawings or other submittals from anyone but Contractor. B. Schedule: Reference Section 01310, Construction Schedules. Submittals received by Engineer prior to the time set forth in the approved schedule will be reviewed at any time convenient to Engineer before the time required by the schedule. C. Any need for more than one re -submission, or any other delay in obtaining Engineer's review of submittals, will not entitle Contractor to extension of the Contract Time unless delay of the Work is directly caused by failure of Engineer to return any scheduled submittal within 10 days after receipt in his office of all information required for review of the submittals or for any other reason which prevents Engineer's timely review. Failure of Contractor to coordinate submittals that must be reviewed together will not entitle Contractor to an extension of Contract Time or an increase in Contract Price. D. Resubmit for review a correct submittal if errors are discovered during manufacture or fabrication. E. Contractor shall not use materials or equipment for which Shop Drawings or samples are required until such submittals, stamped by Contractor and properly marked by Engineer, are at the site and available to workmen. F. Contractor shall not use Shop Drawings which do not bear Engineer's mark "NO EXCEPTION TAKEN" in the performance of the Work. Review status designations listed on Engineer's submittal review stamp are defined as follows: 1. NO EXCEPTION TAKEN: Signifies material or equipment represented by the submittal conforms with the design concept, complies with the information given in the Contract Documents and is acceptable for incorporation in the Work. Contractor is to proceed with fabrication or procurement of the items and with related work. Copies of the submittal are to be transmitted for final distribution. 2. REVISE AS NOTED: Signifies material or equipment represented by the submittal conforms with the design concept, complies with the information given in the Contract Documents and is acceptable for incorporation in the Work in accordance with Engineer's notations. Contractor is to proceed with the Work in accordance with Engineer's notations and is to submit a revised submittal responsive to notations marked on the returned submittal or written in the letter of transmittal. 3. REJECTED: Signifies material or equipment represented by the submittal does not conform to the design concept or comply with the information given in the Contract Documents and is not acceptable for use in the Work. Contractor is to submit submittals responsive to the Contract Documents. 4. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: Signifies submittals which are for supplementary information only; pamphlets, general information sheets; catalog cuts, standard sheets, bulletins and similar data, all of which are useful to Owner in design, operation, or maintenance, but which by their nature do not constitute a basis for determining that items represented thereby conform with the design concept or comply with the information given in the Contract Documents. Engineer reviews such submittals for general information but not for substance. 1.2 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Include the following information as required to define each item proposed to be furnished. 1. Detailed installation drawings showing foundation details, and clearances required for construction. 2. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials. General Requirements — page 9 of 18 SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS 3. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. 4. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers. 5. Drawings, catalogs or parts thereof, manufacturer's specifications and data, instructions, performance characteristics and capacities, and other information specified or necessary: a. For Engineer to determine that the materials and equipment conform with the design concept and comply with the intent of the Contract Documents. b. For the proper erection, installation, and maintenance of the materials and equipment which Engineer will review for general information but not for substance. c. For Engineer to determine what supports, anchorages, structural details, connections and services are required for materials and equipment, and the effect on contiguous or related structures, materials and equipment. 6. Complete dimensions, clearances required, design criteria, materials of construction and the like to enable Engineer to review the information effectively. B. Manufacturer's standard drawings, schematics and diagrams: 1. Delete information not applicable to the Work. 2. Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to the Work. C. Format. Present in a clear and thorough manner. Minimum sheet size: 8 ''/2" x 11 V. Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent products and models. Individually annotate standard drawings which are furnished,. cross out items that do not apply, describe exactly which parts of the drawing apply to the equipment being furnished. Individually annotate catalog sheets to identify applicable items. Reproduction or copies of portions of Contract Documents: a. Not acceptable as complete fabrication or erection drawings. b. Acceptable when used as a drawing upon which to indicate information on erection or to identify detail drawings. Clearly identify the following: a. Date of submission. b. Project title and number. c. Names of Contractor, Supplier and Manufacturer. d. Specification section number, specification article number for which items apply, intended use of item in the work, and equipment designation. e. Identify details by reference to sheet, detail, and schedule or room numbers shown in the Contract Documents. f. Deviations from Contract Documents. g. Revisions on re -submittals. h. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying to review of submittal, verification of products, field measurements and field construction criteria, and coordination of the information within the submittal with requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. 1.3 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other contractor. B. Minimum number required: 1. Shop Drawings. a. Three (3) copies minimum, two (2) copies which will be retained by Engineer. General Requirements — page 10 of 18 paragraph 14.2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application Section 00960. 5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount sufficient, if necessary, to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions or as provided by law. 5.2. FINAL PAYMENT. Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 6.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions. 6.3. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6.2 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4. CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provision of paragraph 4.3 of the General Conditions. SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS 1.4 RE -SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Make corrections or changes required by Engineer and resubmit until accepted. B. In writing call Engineer's attention to deviations that the submittal may have from the Contract Documents. C. In writing call specific attention to revisions other than those called for by Engineer on previous submissions. D. Shop Drawings. 1. Include additional drawings that may be required to show essential details of any changes proposed by Contractor along with required wiring and piping layouts. f �1►1��7,�.`IX��L�7►1 General Requirements — page 1 I of 18 SECTION 01410 TESTING 1.1 GENERAL A. Provide such equipment and facilities as the Engineer may require for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. Do not use any materials or equipment represented by samples until tests, if required, have been made and the materials or equipment are found to be acceptable. Any product which becomes unfit for use after approval shall not be incorporated into the work. B. All materials or equipment proposed to be used may be tested at any time during their preparation or use. Furnish the required samples without charge and give sufficient notice of the placing of orders to permit the testing. Products may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at the site of the work. C. Tests shall be made by an accredited testing laboratory selected by the Owner. Except as otherwise provided, sampling and testing of all materials and the laboratory methods and testing equipment shall be in accordance with the latest standards and tentative methods of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). D. Where additional or specified information concerning testing methods, sample sizes, etc., is required, such information is included under the applicable sections of the Specifications. Any modification or elaboration on these test procedures which may be included for specific materials under their respective sections in the Specifications shall take precedence over these procedures. 1.2 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Owner shall be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with testing for the following: 1. Soil tests, except those called for under Submittals thereof. 2. Tests not called for by the Specifications of materials delivered to the site but deemed necessary by Owner. 3. Concrete test, except those called for under Submittals thereof. 1.3 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. In addition to those inspections and tests called for in the General Conditions, Contractor shall also be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with testing required for the following: 1. All performance and field testing specifically called for by the specifications. 2. All retesting for Work or materials found defective or unsatisfactory, including tests covered under 1.2 above. 3. All minimum call out charges or stand by time charges from the tester due to the Contractor's failure to pave, pour, or fill on schedule for any reason except by action of the Engineer. B. Contractor shall notify the Engineer 48 hours prior to performing an operation that would require testing. 1.4 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM A. General: The Contractor shall establish a quality control system to perform sufficient inspection and tests of all items of Work, including that of his subcontractors, to ensure conformance to the functional performance of this project. This control shall be established for all construction except where the Contract Documents provide for specific compliance tests by testing laboratories or engineers employed by the Owner. The Contractor's control system shall specifically include all testing required by the various sections of these Specifications. B. Foreman: The Contractor shall employ a full time foreman to monitor and coordinate all facets of the Work. The foreman shall have adequate experience to perform the duties of foreman, shall be assigned solely to a project, and shall remain on site during construction activities. General Requirements — page 12 of 18 SECTION 01410 TESTING C. Contractor's quality control system is the means by which he assures himself that his construction complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Controls shall be adequate to cover all construction operations and should be keyed to the proposed construction schedule. D. Records: Maintain correct records on an appropriate form for all inspections and tests performed, instructions received from the Engineer and actions taken as a result of those instructions. These records shall include evidence that the required inspections or tests have been performed (including type and number of inspections or test, nature of defects, causes for rejection, etc.) proposed or directed remedial action and corrective action taken. Document inspections and tests as required by each section of the Specifications, and provide copies to Engineer weekly. END OF SECTION General Requirements — page 13 of 18 SECTION 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES 1.1 UTILITIES A. Furnish all utilities necessary for construction. B. Make arrangements with Owner as to the amount of water required and time when water will be needed. 1. Meters may be obtained through the Water Utility Meter Shop at 221-6759 2. Unnecessary waste of water will not be tolerated. C. Furnish necessary water trucks, pipes, hoses, nozzles, and tools and perform all necessary labor. 1.2 SANITARY FACILITIES A. Furnish temporary sanitary facilities at each site for the needs of construction workers and others performing work or furnishing services on the Project. B. Properly maintain sanitary facilities of reasonable capacity throughout construction periods. C. Enforce the use of such sanitary facilities by all personnel at the site. D. Obscure facilities from public view to the greatest practical extent. END OF SECTION General Requirements — page 14 of 18 SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY CONTROLS 1.1 NOISE CONTROL A. The Contractor shall take reasonable measures to avoid unnecessary noise when construction activities are being performed in populated areas. Refer to Revision of Section 108 for additional requirements. B. Construction machinery and vehicles shall be equipped with practical sound muffling devices, and operated in a manner to cause the least noise consistent with efficient performance of the Work. C. Cease operation of all machinery and vehicles between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 1.2 DUST CONTROL A. The contractor shall abide by the City of Fort Collins "Dust Control and Prevention Manual" located herein the contract documents under Section 4000. The City of Fort Collins has implemented this manual for all projects performed for the City of Fort Collins or located within the City of Fort Collins City limits. B. The Contractor shall be respectful to pedestrians and bicyclists when sweeping road surfaces. The Contractor shall cease operation until the citizen(s) has cleared the area. C. Chemical dust suppressant shall not be injurious to existing or future vegetation. 1.3 POLLUTION CONTROL A. Prevent the pollution of drains and water courses by sanitary wastes, concrete, sediment, debris and other substances resulting from construction activities. 1. Retain all spent oils, hydraulic fluids, and other petroleum fluids in containers for proper disposal off the site. 2. Prevent sediment, debris, or other substances from entering sanitary sewers, storm drains and culverts. 1.4 EROSION CONTROL A. Take such measures as are necessary to prevent erosion of soil that might result from construction activities. 1. Measures in general will include: a. Control of runoff. b. Trapping of sediment. c. Minimizing area and duration of soil exposure. d. Approved temporary materials such as rock wattles and inlet filters to prevent the erosion due to construction activities. B. Preserve natural vegetation to greatest extent possible. C. Locate temporary storage and route construction traffic so as to preserve vegetation and minimize erosion. D. Comply with the City of Fort Collins' Storm Drainage Erosion Control Manual. 1.5 TRAFFIC CONTROL A. Maintain traffic control in accordance with the latest revisions of the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD), the City of Fort Collins "Work Area Traffic Control Handbook," and the "Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards." In the event of a conflict between the MUTCD criteria and the City's criteria, the City's criteria shall govern. See Revision of Sections 104 and 630. General Requirements — page 15 of 18 SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY CONTROLS 1.6 PARKED VEHICLES A. See Revision of Section 104 for issues related to parked vehicles. 1.7 HAUL ROUTES The Engineer reserves the right to set haul routes in order to protect pavements, both new and old, from heavy loads. These pavements may include, but are not limited to, recently constructed pavements, recently overlaid pavements, and/or pavements whose condition would be significantly damaged by heavy loads. Asphalt material hauled in and out of the Martin Marietta Taft Hill Plant location is required to be hauled only to/from the north on Taft Hill Road to County Road 54G. END OF SECTION General Requirements — page 16 of 18 SECTION 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1.1 CLEANING AND RESTORATION A. Return the premises and adjacent properties to conditions existing or better than existing at the time the work was begun. This will include providing labor, equipment and materials for cleaning, repairing, and replacing facilities damaged or soiled during construction. The Engineer will be the judge of the degree of restoration required. 1.2 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain on the job site, and make available to the Engineer upon request, the project material tickets and a log of any significant interactions with private citizens and the traveling public. B. These record logs along with any survey records, photographs, and written descriptions of work as may be required by the Engineer shall be submitted prior to project acceptance. END OF SECTION General Requirements - page 17 of 18 SECTION 01800 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT 1.1 DEFECTIVE WORK A. Owner shall not pay for defective work and repair or additional work required to bring the project to a point of acceptance. 1.2 BID PRICE A. The Total Bid Price covers all Work required by the Contract Documents. All work not specifically set forth as a pay item in the Bid Form shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of Contractor and all costs in connection therewith shall be included in the prices bid for the various items of Work. B. Prices shall include all costs in connection with the proper and successful completion of the Work, including furnishing all materials, equipment and tools, and performing all labor and supervision to fully complete the Work. C. Unit prices shall govern over extensions of sums. D. Unit prices shall not be subject to re -negotiation. 1.3 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES A. All quantities stipulated in the Bid Form at unit prices are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the Work and for the purpose of comparing the bids submitted to the Work. The basis of payment shall be the actual amount of materials furnished and Work done. B. Contractor agrees that he will make no claim for damages, anticipated profits, or otherwise on account of any difference between the amount of Work actually performed and materials actually furnished and the estimated amount therefor. END OF SECTION General Requirements — page 18 of 18 The 2011 Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and the standard revisions controls construction of this project. The following special provisions supplement or modify the Standard Specifications and take precedence over the Standard Specifications and plans. The Larimer County "Urban Area Street Standards" (hereafter referred to as the "LCUASS Standards "), latest revision, are made a part of this Contract by this reference. In those instances where the Standards specifications conflict with any of the provisions of other parts of the standards the governing order of precedence shall be as follows: 1. The Special Revisions written herein this document of the latest revision of CDOT's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" 2. The Standard Revisions of latest revision of CDOT's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" 3. CDOT's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" 4. The latest version of the Larimer County "Urban Area Street Standards" (Referred hereafter to as the "Standard Specifications) INDEX OF REVISIONS SECTION 104 Scope of Work 105 Control of Work 107 Legal Relations and Responsibility to Public 108 Prosecution and Progress DIVISION 201 Clearing and Grubbing 202 Removal of Structures and Obstructions 203 Excavation and Embankment 208 Erosion Control 212 Seeding, Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Sodding 304 Aggregate Base Course 403 Hot Mix Asphalt 601 Structural Concrete 604 Manholes, Inlets, and Meter Vaults 608 & 609 Sidewalks and Bikeways / Curb and Gutter 623 Irrigation System 627 Pavement Markings 630 Construction Zone Traffic Control Project Specifications - Page I of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 104 SCOPE OF WORK Section 104 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 104.04 —Maintaining Traffic - is revised to include the following. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to clear parking from the streets when such parking will interfere with the work. Prior to work that requires the street(s) to be closed to parking and/or traffic, the street(s) shall be posted for "NO PARKING". "NO PARKING" signs shall be placed at a minimum of 100 foot intervals. The placement of these signs shall take place at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of work and shall clearly show the type of work, and the day, date, and times that the message on the sign is in effect. (For example, if a street is to be repaired on Wednesday, July 2, the street shall be posted no later than Tuesday, July 1, by 7:00 a.m. with a sign that reads similar to "NO PARKING, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 7:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M., Concrete Repairs (see sample "NO PARKING" sign on page 4). "NO PARKING" signs shall remain in place until the street is opened to traffic and all clean-up operations completed. No Parking signs shall only be placed, maintained and removed by a representative of the Contractor, the Traffic Control Supervisor, or Flagger. The contractor shall not have "No Parking" signs up and posted where work is not anticipated. Signs that have been posted where work will not commence as posted shall be turned away from traffic. All information on the "NO PARKING" signs, with the exception of the type of work, date, and time shall be in block letters permanently affixed to the sign. Any information added to a sign, such as dates, shall be clearly legible and written in block style letters. The "NO PARKING" signs shall be in effect for one or two days only. In the event the Contractor deems it necessary to remove a vehicle that has not adhered to the "NO PARKING" notification, the Contractor shall first make every reasonable effort to locate and contact the owner of the vehicle. Should the Contractor be unable to locate the owner of the vehicle, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer to arrange for towing. If the "NO PARKING' sign has been in place for a minimum of 24 hours, the City will make every reasonable effort to remove the offending vehicle within four (4) hours of notification from the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation for delays associated with the towing of illegally parked vehicles. The Contractor shall have an approved Traffic Control Plan on site at all times. Traffic control signage on the construction site shall be set up in accordance with the approved traffic control plan and in accordance with the specifications. Work performed by the Contractor without an approved traffic control plan or when "NO PARKING" signs have not been placed as required by the specifications shall not be paid. The Contractor shall also be subject to a pay deduction of up to $1,000.00 per occurrence per day for traffic control not in compliance with referenced specifications or requirements contained herein. Issues subject to deductions may include but are not limited to: Traffic Control Supervisor not on the project site at all times (unless pre -approved by the Engineer) An approved traffic control plan not on site Traffic control device set up by flagging personnel unless assisting the Traffic Control Supervisor Traffic control signage not set up in accordance with the approved traffic control plans Inadequate flagging personnel and/or flagging equipment The Engineer shall issue a written warning to the Contractor, Subcontractor, and/or Traffic Control Supervisor documenting the type of violation. The Engineer shall determine the deduction amount based on the Engineers' opinion of the infraction severity and the number of previous infractions. Upon issuance of a third violation, the Engineer may request the Subcontractor, Traffic Control Supervisor and/or flagging personnel be removed from the project. Removal from the project in which the violations were issued shall be in effect for the remainder of the contract. The contractor shall find replacement Traffic Control Subcontractor, TCS, and/or flagging personnel within two weeks of the third notice without an adjustment to contract price or working days or the Contract may be terminated and rebid. Prior to the end of each work shift the approved Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS), and the Engineer shall meet to discuss the placement of upcoming traffic control devices to include "NO PARKING" signs. The quantity of traffic control devices used that day and for the next day shall be agreed upon by the Contractor and the Project Specifications - Page 2 of 48 6.5. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.6. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of "Contract Documents" in Article 1.10 of the General Conditions, and such other items as are referenced in this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. 7.2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following: 7.2.1 Certificate of Substantial Completion 7.2.2 Certificate of Final Acceptance 7.2.3 Lien Waiver Releases 7.2.4 Consent of Surety 7.2.5 Application for Exemption Certificate 7.2.6 Application for Payment 7.3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as follows: N/A The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated. Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated. 7.4. Addenda Numbers n/a to n/a, inclusive. 7.5. The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. 7.6. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or incorporated by reference in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due REVISION OF SECTION 104 SCOPE OF WORK Engineer. Any necessary adjustments shall be made. The Contractor and Engineer shall also review and determine the proposed means of handling parking and traffic control for the upcoming work. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to minimize any inconvenience to the public as a result of their work. The Contractor shall maintain access at all times to all businesses within the project. The installation schedule shall be communicated to all businesses and residents affected by the work at least 48 hours prior to starting work. Any changes to the traffic control, as directed by the Engineer, including additional signs, barricades, and/or flaggers needed shall be immediately implemented. Traffic control shall be paid under Revision of Section 630, "Construction Zone Traffic Control' found herein. Project Specifications - Page 3 of 48 NO PARKING wled JUlY 2 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM CONCRETE REPAIRS END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 4 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK Section 105 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 105.01 - Authority of the Engineer - is revised to include the following: No phase of construction shall start until the Traffic Control Plan has been approved. Failure to have an approved Traffic Control Plan shall constitute cause for the Owner to stop work. During periods of Traffic Control non-compliance the work will be stopped and the Contractor may be assessed $1,000.00 per day, may forfeit payment of work and materials installed, and may lose contract working days as determined by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation for delays associated with non -compliant periods. No construction shall commence until all utilities are located within the construction area per state law. The Contractor is responsible for identifying all utilities of concern and calling for appropriate locates. After contacting 811 to get locates, the contractor may be required to call for clarification and/or additional locates, or may be required to contact a City of Fort Collins department associated with certain types of utilities. Due to the high demand of locate companies during the construction season, the City of Fort Collins recommends that the Contractor schedules a locate company at least one week in advance to minimize any possible delays. If the locate marks become expired then contractor shall get an extension and request that the markings are redone and freshened up. If the Contractor does not have locates on a project scheduled to start work that day, the work shall be "stopped" and the Contractor shall be charged working days until that said marking is completed and work has commenced. Subsection 105.02 - Plans, Shop Drawings, Working Drawings, Other Submittals, and Construction Drawings - is revised to include the following: The Contractor shall furnish the required submittals in TABLE 105-1 one week before the commencement of work. Three (3) copies shall be furnished to the Engineer, two (2) copies will be returned to the Contractor upon approval. Submittals shall not be measured and paid for separately but shall be considered incidental to the work. TABLE 105-1 SUMMARY OF CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS Section No. Description Approval Needed Reoccurring 105.10 Contractor Management Packet — Environmental Management System Yes No 107.02 Topsoil Soil Analysis or Soil Sample Submittal Yes Yes 108.03 Schedule of Work Yes Yes 203.05 Borrow Material Gradation Yes Yes 208.02 Erosion Control Devices Yes No 208.04 Storm Water Management Plan Yes Yes 208.06 Spill Kit: List of items included within kit Yes No 212.02 Sod/Seed Yes No 304.02 Aggregate Base Course/Recycled Concrete Soil Analysis Yes No 608.00 Concrete Mix Designs Yes No 608.00 Curing Compound Yes No 608.00 Finishing Aide Yes No 608.00 MSDS Sheets for Curing Compound and Finishing Aide Yes No 630.00 Traffic Control Plans Yes Yes 630.11 TCS Qualifications (reoccurs when TCS and flaggers change) Yes No Project Specifications - Page 5 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK Subsection 105.09 - Coordination of Plans, Specifications, Supplemental Specifications, and Special Provisions - shall have the second paragraph removed and replaced as follows: In case of discrepancy the order of precedence is as follows: (a) Contract Agreement (b) Revisions to CDOT Standard Specifications (Project Special Provisions) (d) Standard Special Provisions (e) General Conditions (f) CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (g) CDOT M&S Standards (h) City of Fort Collins Development Construction Standards Subsection 105.10 — Cooperation by Contractor - shall be revised to remove the following sentence: "The Contractor will be supplied with a minimum of 6 sets of contract documents" Subsection 105.10 is revised to include the following: The City of Fort Collins is committed to comply with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Streets Department Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements that vehicles on City projects shall comply with the "Anti -Idling Policy" to reduce environmental impacts related to construction. Contractors and Subcontractors shall comply with turning off vehicles and equipment instead of idling for long periods (more than thirty (30) seconds after stopping at destination and/or not more than five (5) minutes aggregated within sixty (60) minutes). Exceptions for powering auxiliary equipment and for safety or health emergencies are allowed. The Contractor shall submit the Contractor Management Packet in accordance with Table 105-1 Summary of Contract Submittals Subsection 105.11— Cooperation with Utilities - is revised to include the following: Concrete construction and reconstruction operations at intersections may involve the destruction and replacement of traffic signal loop detectors and/or new detectors may be installed at intersections where they do not currently exist. The existing traffic signal loop detectors shall be removed by the Contractor at no additional cost. New and replacement loop detectors shall be installed by the City Traffic Division. The Contractor shall cooperate with the schedule of this work to insure the timely installation of loop/camera detectors. The Contractor shall coordinate with the City Traffic Division to insure that their work is completed before concrete placement operations begin. Subsection 105.12 — Cooperation Between Contractors - shall be removed and replaced with the following: The City, County, CDOT, and local utilities including but not limited to Xcel Energy, Comcast and CenturyLink may contract for and perform other or additional work on or near the Work of the project. When separate contracts are let within the limits of the project, each Contractor shall conduct the Work without interfering or hindering the progress or completion of the work performed by other Contractors. Contractors working on the same project shall cooperate with each other as directed. City forces will perform the following work as required by this project: Permanent Signing Traffic Pedestals/Fiber Optic Lines Street Lights Traffic Coordination The Contractor shall coordinate with the City Traffic Engineer for all traffic control activities. This shall include, but not be limited to, closure of any City Streets, closure of any partial intersection movements, lane reductions, and detours. Project Specifications - Page 6 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK City Traffic Control Contact: Syl Mireles Phone:(970)221-6815 Email: smireles(-)fcgov.com The City will remove existing and install all pedestrian traffic signal equipment. City Traffic Signal Contact: Britney Sorenson Phone:970-222-5533 Email: bsorenson(Mcgov.com The Contractor shall coordinate with the City Traffic Engineer to schedule the traffic signal work/fiber optic line relocation in conjunction with other project activities taking into account time needed for order and delivery of materials. The Contractor shall cooperate with the City Traffic Department in their removal and installation operations so that progress is expedited, duplication of work is minimized, and impacts to traffic are minimized. The City will remove and install all permanent signing. City Signing and Striping Contact: Rich Brewbaker Phone:970-221-6792 Email: rrewbaker n,fcgov.com Street Light Coordination City Light and Power Crews will remove and install all street lighting and associated electric utilities for the project. City Light and Power Contact: Luke Unruh Phone: (970) 416-2724 Email: lunruh _ fcgov.com The Contractor shall cooperate with the City Light and Power Department in their removal and installation operations so that progress is expedited, duplication of work is minimized, and impacts to traffic are minimized. Refer to Utility specification for additional information. Each Contractor involved shall assume all liability, financial or otherwise, in connection with the Contract and shall protect and save harmless the Owner from any and all damages or claims that may arise because of inconvenience, delay , or loss because of the presence and operations of Contractors working within the limits of the same or adjacent project. The Contractor is responsible to coordinate with private utilities. Any work to be performed by private utilities shall be identified in Contractor's schedule. Delays due to coordination issues will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Subsection 105.16 — Inspection and Testing of Work - is revised to include the following: The Contractor shall keep the Engineer informed of its future construction operations to facilitate scheduling of required inspection, measuring for pay quantities, and sampling. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours in advance of starting any construction operation that will require inspection, measuring for pay quantities, or sampling. Failure by the Contractor to provide such notice will relieve the Engineer from any responsibility for additional costs or delays caused by such failure. Inspection of the work or materials shall not relieve the Contractor of any obligations to fulfill its contract or complete warranty elements as prescribed. Work and materials not meeting specifications shall be corrected and unsuitable work or materials may be rejected, notwithstanding that such work or materials have been previously inspected by the Engineer or that payment therefore has been included in the progress estimate. Project Specifications - Page 7 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 105 CONTROL OF WORK MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION Subsection 105.19 — Maintenance During Construction - is revised to include the following: The roadway area, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk, adjacent to and through the construction area shall be cleaned of debris generated by the Contractor at the earliest opportunity, but in no case shall the area not be cleaned after the completion of the day's work. Debris as determined greater than one (1) inch and regardless of the source, shall be picked up and disposed of offsite at the Contractor's expense. Smaller particulate debris shall be blown from the sidewalks, driveways, curb, and gutter into the street where it can be picked up by a sweeper without transmitting debris back on sidewalk areas. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide the necessary manpower tool and equipment to have the roadway cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional costs. The Contractor shall utilize a combination of pick-up brooms, side brooms, and/or other equipment as needed to clean the streets. The requirement to sweep the street shall be suspended during the leaf fall period between September 12`h and November 12`h unless directed by the Engineer for areas with minimal leaf fall. All sweeping and clean up equipment shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of work. The Contractor shall maintain the streets during the construction process as prescribed above. All cost to maintain the work construction area and before the work is accepted, shall not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in corresponding unit price bid item.. Subsection 105.22 — Dispute Resolution - is revised to include the following: The Colorado Department of Transportation will not participate in the resolution process for any claims filed by the Contractor. N101106=4 TWIIS] 21 Project Specifications - Page 8 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 106 CONTROL OF MATERIAL Section 106 of the Standard Specifications shall be revised to include the following: Subsection 106.03 — Samples, Tests, Cited Specification - is revised to include the following: The City of Fort Collins will be responsible for all expenses associated with Quality Assurance (QA) and Independent Assurance (IA) testing. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Quality Control (QC) testing costs. Test frequencies shall be in accordance with the project specifications, CDOT Field Materials Manual and the approved Quality Control Plan (QCP). END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 9 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 107 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC Section 107 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 107.06 — Safety, Health, and Sanitation Provisions - is revised to include the following: Personnel on Street Maintenance Program (SMP) projects shall use protective equipment prescribed by Local, State, and Federal safety regulations to control or eliminate hazards or exposure to illness or injury. The Contractor and Subcontractors are responsible for providing and insuring the use of the required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Only Personal Protective Equipment complying with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI) regulations shall be used. The Contractor shall be responsible for the compliance of their employees and the Subcontractor's employees. The Contractor's safety representative shall make regular field inspections to audit and document compliance. An employee of the Contractor to include all Subcontractors who refuses to use the prescribed protective equipment designed for their protection, or willfully damages such equipment, constitutes cause for the Engineer to request removal of the employee from the site. The Contractor's personnel shall be required to wear safety vests, hard hats, and steel/composite toed boots while on the construction site(s). Subsection 107.12 — Protection and Restoration of Property and Landscape — is to include the following: The fact that any underground facility (sprinkler systems, utility services, etc.) is not shown on the plans, details, or construction documents shall not relieve the Contractor of its responsibilities to protect the underground utility as provided for in the Contract. Any pruning of vegetation shall require the written permission of the property owner and/or the Engineer. When the landscape removal area adjacent to the concrete repair is six (6) inches or less in width, the Contractor shall repair any subsurface utilities including irrigation systems, clean the area of all construction debris (i.e. concrete, road base, etc.) to a minimum depth of four (4) inches, prepare all edges to a clean and vertical place and compact imported topsoil,(until firm, but not over compacted) utilizing an approved hand operated roller or other method acceptable to the Engineer. When the disturbed area is greater than six (6) inches in width and greater than 12 inches in length adjacent to the concrete repair, the Engineer may require the Contractor to clean and prepare the area along the entire length of the repair location as stated above to a minimum one foot (12 inches) wide, place sod on the prepared surface, water the new sod once thoroughly, and notify the property owner in writing of the nature of the work that has taken place. The Contractor shall also notify the property owner that the sod will be watered only once by the Contractor and provide the property owner the recommended watering schedule suggested by the sod supplier. The Contractor shall make every effort to minimize the need for sod placement. If the existing asphalt along the concrete toe is in good condition and salvageable during concrete removal, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor shall preserve the existing asphalt. Minimizing the landscape removal areas behind the sidewalk, curb and gutter shall continue to be the primary goal. The pay item for "Asphalt Pavement Preservation" is intended to compensate the Contractor for additional removal time, backfill, sprinkler repair, and sodding that shall be required while preserving the existing asphalt and minimizing the removal area behind the repair. "Asphalt Pavement Preservation" shall provide compensation for this type of repair and shall be measured and paid in addition to the concrete pay item for the type of repair (i.e., Driveover Curb, Gutter and 6" Sidewalk — Remove & Replace). Revision of Section 608 and 609 defines the measurement and payment for these removals. The placement of backfill and top soil for concrete repair locations shall be completed within two (2) working days of the placement of the concrete. Excavated soils from the repair locations may be stockpiled on site and used as backfill for areas behind the new concrete installation and below the top four (4) inches of the surface. Imported Topsoil shall consist of loose friable river bottom or farmland loam, reasonably free of manmade materials subsoil, refuse, stumps, roots, rocks, brush, weeds, noxious weed seeds, heavy clay, hard clods, trash, Project Specifications -Page 10 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 107 SAFETY AND PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY AND LANDSCAPING toxic substances, or other material which would be detrimental to the proper development of vegetative growth. Imported topsoil shall have 100% passing the 1/4" screen and shall contain a combination of sand, clay, and friable loam. The Contractor shall submit a soil analysis or sample for approval by the Engineer. The topsoil shall be in a relatively dry state but shall contain sufficient moisture to allow compaction and shall be placed during dry weather. The topsoil shall be fine graded to eliminate rough and low areas and ensure positive drainage. The existing levels, profiles, and contours shall be maintained. If the area to be repaired is only damaged on the surface, the Contractor shall remove the damaged areas of sod to a depth that will allow new sod to be placed, place new sod, water once and notify the property owner in writing of the nature of the work that has taken place. The Contractor shall also notify the property owner of the fact that the sod will be watered only once by the Contractor and provide the property owner the recommended watering schedule suggested by the sod supplier. The minimum overall width of the area to be sodded shall be one (1.0') foot. For concrete repair locations, the placement of sod shall be completed by the end of the first working day of the week following the placement of the concrete. Sprinkler systems - Sprinkler systems designated for relocation shall be capped off at the limits of construction and protected from damage by the Contractor. Sprinkler heads shall be salvaged and stockpiled on each property for use when reconstructing the sprinkler systems. Sprinkler systems damaged outside of the construction limits as a result of construction operations shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense within three (3) working days from the date of damage. All landscaping that is damaged due to construction operations shall be replaced by the Contractor at its expense unless a written waiver is obtained from the property owner and submitted to the Engineer. Re -sodded lawns shall be watered once by the Contractor. All costs for protecting and restoring landscaping and lawns shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor in connection with the various items of the Work and no measurement or payment shall be made separately for the protection and restoration of landscaping and lawns. All restoration of landscaping and lawns damaged by construction operations, other than concrete repair, shall take place within three (3) working days from the date of damage. In areas where the Engineer directs new work or the reconstruction area requires grade adjustment, the placement of topsoil, sod, and sprinkler relocation will be provided by the City under separate contract. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, incidentals, and work involved in protecting or repairing underground facilities shall be considered incidental to the Work and shall not be measured and paid for separately. Subsection 107.18 is hereby removed and revised to include the following: For this project, all insurance certificates shall name the City of Fort Collins as an additionally insured party. For this project, insurance coverage shall meet the requirements and limits per CDOT Standard Specifications and Revision of Section 107.15 Responsibility for Damage Claims, Insurance Types and Coverage Limits. In case of a conflict between the City's General Contract Conditions and CDOT Standard Specifications, the more stringent of the two shall apply. Subsection 107.25 — Water Quality Control (c) — is revised to include the following: All work associated with preparing, securing and concurring with the required permits (refer to Revision of Subsection 107.02) will not be measured and paid for separately, but shall be included in the work. END OF SECTION END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 11 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 108 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS Section 108 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: SCHEDULE Subsection 108.03 - Schedule - is revised to include the following: The Contractor shall provide the number of working days per area to complete all work items covered by the contract and this number shall not exceed the number of contract working days. Location of vicinity maps are referenced in Section 03500 which show the limits of each project specified. Further detail of project scope can be found at the following web address: http://www.fcgov.com/streets/maps/maps/20]7concrete—mm.htmi Prior to award, mutually acceptable milestones shall be determined by the Contractor and the City based on the schedule of working days discussed above. Note: General project limits are indicated in section 03500 Maps. The contractor may utilize as many crews as necessary to complete the work within their contract. If the Contractor choses to perform work on two (2) separate projects at once, the Contractor shall provide two (2) separate crews to perform the work unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Subsection 108.05 — Limitation of Operations - is revised to include the following: The work shall be completed within the following calendar months (shaded months): mml®mm®®m®mmM :yr ;> :.••.• ,Y . 't::. '.'vt}kx rtx:;a:•:;s::r •`a::;r ... .:• :•>: o-...�; r:•: -•: -• •::..; ;t :•: is w u :•::;:v S #%iS}.::#sr k ?. t.:: rxh�.. ,• £,• ##;,• .:• .;:..:.}$}.i?:•. --r::�:2�:fr:aa:•:::?t;}:::•�•::r•:::.:.,,•:.£.•,,:�:.::•�-:;f:.#�:..::�:.t:•:a•::;ttz#'Y#i:;�S:R�::`.::k•'•'•.�z:>•:::#�:�:#�rr:#�i��#�:�it�•::•:.t:•::#•:.t•�: Subsection 108.08 — Determination and Extension of Contract Time - is revised to include the following: Contract working days shall be completed in one -hundred and seventy (170) working days and during the months of March through December. The Contractor shall mobilize to begin work within ten (10) working days of the Notice to Proceed and shall continue installations through completion of the contract. CONTRACTUAL MILESTONES Milestones for this contract are outlined below. If the milestones are not met without reasonable justification and/or approval determined by the City Engineer, the City reserves the right to collect liquidated damages of one -thousand ($1000) dollars per day, and remove any or all future projects from the contract and allow another Contractor to complete said work under a different contract. The milestones shall be based off of the allotted working days described in section 108.08 above. The contracted working days shall commence upon a written or verbal Notice to Proceed given to the Contractor by the City Engineer. The working days shall be monitored on a daily basis by the City Representative, and written on a weekly tracking sheet. This sheet shall be signed by a representative of the Contractor at the weekly progress meetings. Any change to the contract amounts during the construction season will be accompanied by a negotiated change in working days for the contract. Milestone 1: o Upon reaching one-third (1/3) of the contractual days allotted to complete the contracted work, one fourth (1/4) or twenty-five percent (25%) of the contracted value shall be exhausted. • Milestone 2: o Upon reaching two-thirds (2/3) of the contractual working days allotted to complete the Project Specifications - Page 12 of 48 may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document. 8.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, Agreement and obligations contained in the Contract Document. OWNER: CITY By: RIN A a ORT COLLINS Y, C Y ANAGER By: ' I GERRY PAIULV PURCHASING DIRECTOR Date -.— Attest Address for giving notices: P. O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Approved as to Form /e__ Assfstant Ci y Attorney 11 CONTRACT M Lyc; PRINTED TFIELD ENT PISES INC. Title: Date: 3 _1 6 4 , ,e rJ (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: �t J Address forgiving notices: r-�-f cohl,AS �a gas License No.: REVISION OF SECTION 108 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS contracted work, one half (1/2) or fifty percent (50%) of the contracted value shall be exhausted. Milestone 3 o Upon working for the total amount of contractual working days, the Contractor must have reached substantial completion of the contracted project. o Upon determination by the Engineer that the Contractor cannot and/or will not meet the needs of the contractual obligations in terms of production and/or resources, the Engineer reserves the right to remove remaining projects and have a different contractor perform that work. This action will not relieve the Contractor from any assessed liquidated damage charges. ■ Conversely, if the City Engineer determines that the Contractor is performing at a high level and can take on additional work that other contractors are not able to complete and/or a City addition of newly identified projects, the Engineer reserves the right to add projects to the contract quantities without line item price negotiations upon an agreement with the Contractor to take on the additional work. For example: o The Contract is for $1, 000, 000.00. o The allotted working days are indicated to be 100. ■ Milestone 1 • $250,000 would need to be completed by the 33`d working day of the contract. ■ Milestone 2 • $500,000 would need to be completed by the 671h working day of the contract. ■ Milestone 3 • All projects identified in the contract documents under section 3500 would need to have reached substantial completion by the 1001h working day of the contract. Subsection 108.09- Failure to Complete Work on Time - is revised to include the following: Failure to mobilize within the days specified, and/or complete the contracted money amount within the allotted working days specified in 108.08, and/or failure to meet the contractual milestones may result in liquidated damages assessed against the Contractor. At the Engineers discretion, liquidated damages in the amount of $1,000.00 per day may be retained from any monies due the Contractor, or the Engineer may retain a Contractor(s) to complete the work, or portion thereof to restore the contract to schedule, and retain any costs incurred above and beyond the bid prices of the Contract from any monies due the Contractor in lieu of liquidated damages. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 13 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 201 CLEARING AND GRUBBING Section 201 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS The following sentence in subsection 201.02 shall be removed: "Branches of trees extending over the roadbed shall be trimmed to give a clear height of 20 ft. above the roadbed surface." Subsection 201.02 is revised to include the following: "Branches of trees and shrubs shall be trimmed to 14 feet above the road. When tree roots are encountered during construction operations, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to root removal. The Engineer and the City Forester's representative shall then make a determination regarding removal. When it is apparent that the tree roots have heaved the -asphalt section, the Contractor shall remove the section(s) of asphalt as early as possible to allow time for inspection and to schedule root grinding operations, under separate contract. Root grinding will be scheduled as soon as possible to minimize delays in construction. Delays to planned work due to root grinding shall not be considered for additional traffic control payment or traditional days added to the total contract working days but shall be anticipated in the Contractor's schedule. Where it is anticipated that tree roots may be encountered, great care shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent any damage to the roots with tools or equipment. Damage to roots during concrete removal shall be trimmed and cut with a sharpened, sanitized saw, cut orthogonally to its longitudinal axis as closely as practical, to leave the freshly cut root surface in a clean and smooth condition. Axes or other blunt objects shall not be used to cut tree roots. BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 201.04 is revised to include the following: All costs for removing tree roots shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor in connection with the various items of the Work and no measurement or payment shall be made separately for the removal and trimming of tree roots. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 14 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 202 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS Section 202 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 202.01 is revised to include the following: This work consists of sawing and cutting to facilitate controlled breaking and removal of concrete, asphalt, and flagstone to a neat line. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 202.02 is revised to include the following: Sawing of concrete and asphalt shall be done to a true line having a vertical face, unless otherwise specified. The depth of the saw cut in concrete and asphalt shall be of sufficient depth to ensure a vertical, smooth face, free from breakage, or as directed by the Engineer. Cuts in asphalt or concrete pavement shall be made such that each edge shall be parallel or at right angles to the direction of traffic. Dust created by sawing shall be mitigated by wet sawing or other means approved by the Engineer. Residue from sawing shall be removed by the Contractor at the earliest opportunity. Residue will not be allowed to run through the gutter flow line for more than fifty (50) feet. The Contractor shall prevent tracking of residue onto the roadway or walkway and shall prevent discharge into the storm drainage system. The Contractor shall use a storm water protection device or other means of controlling run off of residue as approved by the Engineer. See Section 208 "Erosion Control and Inlet Protection" contained herein. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Subsection 202.11 shall include the following: Sawing shall be measured by the lineal foot. This item shall only be measured and paid where the Engineer directs sawing not already being paid under another item. Sawing related to the items described in Revision of Section 604 - Inlets and Culverts, and Section 608 & 609 Sidewalks, Curb & Gutter, Drive Approaches, Aprons, Crosspans, Pedestrian Access Ramps, Flatwork, and Concrete Pavement, shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, and shall not be measured and paid for separately. Erosion control measures used during sawing are considered incidental to sawing operations and shall not be measured and paid for separately. BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 202.12 is revised to include the following: Payment shall be made under: Pay Item Unit 202.01 Sawcutting 4 to 6" Lineal Foot The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in Sawcutting as specified in these specifications, as shown on the plans, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 15 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 203 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT Section 203 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 203.01 shall be removed and replaced with the following: This work shall consist of removing and disposing of the existing pavement, base or other soil material, preparing the subgrade for the subsequent course, and placing borrow in accordance with the specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, and typical cross sections shown on the plans or as designated by the Engineer. All excavation will be classified, "General Excavation", "Muck Excavation", as hereafter described. The Contractor shall dispose of all excavated material off -site in an environmentally responsible manner. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 203.05 — Excavation - shall be removed and replaced with the following: General Excavation shall consist of the excavation of all materials of whatever character required for the work not being removed under some other item. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the subgrade/base course until subsequent courses have been placed. The excavation will be accomplished in the following manner: General Excavation: The areas to be removed will be marked on the surface with paint by the Engineer. A straight vertical cut shall be made through the pavement, if necessary, to provide a square or rectangular opening, such that each edge will be parallel or at right angles to the direction of traffic. Wheel cutting, ripping, and tearing of asphalt using construction equipment such as a grader (blade) shall not be allowed. If the subgrade material is determined unstable by the Engineer, it shall be removed to the limits and depths designated. Where excavation to the finished grade section (including General Excavation and Patching) results in a subgrade of unsuitable soil, the Contractor shall remove the unsuitable materials and backfill to the finished grade section with approved material as directed by the Engineer. After the material has been removed to the depth specified by the Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare the subgrade by compacting with a sheepsfoot roller, rubber tired roller, and/or other compaction equipment as approved by the Engineer. The subgrade preparation shall not be measured and paid for separately, but shall be included in the contract unit price for General Excavation. Borrow: Borrow shall be placed as directed by the Engineer. The minimum amount of borrow shall be one load (approximately ten (10) ton). The cost for compaction shall be included in the contract unit price for Borrow. Borrow material shall meet the grading requirement for Class I (Pit Run) or Class 5 (Road Base) Aggregate Base Course. Class 1 Aggregate Base Course need not be crushed and can be of the pit run variety provided it falls within the gradation requirements as shown in the Standard Specifications. The material required for the specific location shall be directed by the Engineer. Load slips shall be consecutively numbered for each day and submitted to the Engineer daily. Project Specifications - Page 16 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 203 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Subsection 203.13 is revised to include the following: The Contractor and the Engineer shall field measure and agree upon the excavated quantity before any further work continues. Should the Contractor fail to request the Engineer to measure any work and performs other work that would prevent the Engineer from measuring pay quantities, the Contractor shall not be compensated for materials not measured by the Engineer. Borrow shall be paid by the ton at the proper moisture. Haul and water necessary to bring mixture to optimum moisture content will not be measured or paid for separately, but shall be included in the contract unit price for Borrow. Aggregate Base Course that is placed as a result of excavation of unsuitable subgrade shall be paid for at the unit price for Borrow. The accepted quantities of Excavation will be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard, complete -in - place. Subgrade preparation, moisture conditioning, compaction, haul, and disposal will not be measured and paid for separately. BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 203.14 and 207.05 shall include the following: Payment shall be made under: Pay Item Unit 203.01 General Excavation Cubic Yard 203.02 Borrow Ton The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in Excavation and Borrow including haul, stockpiling, placing material, watering or drying soil, compaction, proof rolling, finish grading, complete -in -place, and disposal of unusable materials as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 17 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 208 EROSION CONTROL AND INLET PROTECTION Section 208 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 208.01 shall be revised as follows: This work shall consist of constructing, installing, maintaining, and removing when required, erosion control measures during the life of the Contract and at a minimum at all inlets to prevent or minimize erosion, sedimentation, and pollution of any waterways. Work shall be in accordance with the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (latest edition), The City of Fort Collins Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Urban Drainage Criteria Manual, and the City of Fort Collins Environmental Standard Operating Procedures contained herein, Section 04000. Any loss of time or materials related to erosion and erosion control shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Any damage to surrounding properties or facilities (either onsite or offsite) related to erosion caused by construction of this project, will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor MATERIALS Subsection 208.02 shall be revised to include the following: The Contractor shall submit the type of material to be used for erosion control measures prior to beginning the work. See Details Section 03000 contained herein. Contractor shall submit the type of material to be used for erosion control measures prior to beginning the work. 1. Inlet protection shall include sufficient length to protect around the perimeter of the inlet opening. 2. Erosion control devices around inlets near a load site shall be required. 3. Erosion control devices on the downstream side of an aggregate stockpile or truck washout area shall be required as directed by the Engineer. Recycled Rubberized Inlet Protection shall meet the following requirements: 1. Infill material: Shredded recycled rubber 2. Weight: approximately 10 Ibs per linear foot 3. Diameter: Approximately 9 inches 4. Geotextile fabric: Made of a durable fabric with atypical weight of 6-10 ozlyd. CDOT Gravel Bag Inlet Filter shall meet the following requirements or approved Equal: 1. Infill material: CDOT #67 washed rock or approve equal 2. Weight: approximately 20 lbs per linear foot 3. Diameter: Approximately 5 inches 4. Geotextile fabric: CDOT Class 1 Erosion Control Fabric, typical weight of 6-8 oz/yd. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 208.03 is revised to include as follows: All erosion control measures must be installed prior to starting work. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all roadways near the project are kept clean of construction debris and sediment. The Contractor shall continuously maintain all erosion and sediment control features so that they function properly during site construction. Project Specifications - Page 18 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 208 EROSION CONTROL AND INLET PROTECTION All inlet protection devices shall be inspected and repairs made after each runoff event. Sediments shall be removed when one half the design depths has been filled. Sediments shall also be removed immediately from the traveled way of roads and disposed of properly. Subsection 208.04 — Best Management Practices for Stormwater - is revised to include the following: The Erosion Control Supervisor (ECS) is responsible for paperwork including completion of the Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) in the submittal process, 14 calendar day inspections, and post storm inspection shall be conducted within 24 hours following a storm event. On the 14 day inspection the ECS should use the maintenance log in Appendix B of the SWMP. If storm occurs the post storm is equivalent to a 14 day inspection, and the next inspection would occur 14 days after the last storm. ECS should make daily inspections of erosion control features on the job to ensure compliance and correct the control features when needed. A daily inspection is not required the day of a 14 calendar day inspection. 14 day inspections will be paid upon submission and engineer determines that the Contractor has been compliant with SWMP best practices. Subsection 208.06 - Materials Handling and Spill Prevention - is revised to include the following: Appropriate Spill Kits shall be on site with each piece of equipment at all times during installation of the Work and during equipment maintenance and fueling (see Section 04000 ESOP). The Contractor shall submit a description of the items contained in each Spill Kit for approval by the Engineer. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Subsection 208.11 is revised to include the following: Payment for Wattles (rock bags and recycled rubber bags) shall be made by the lineal foot for inlet protection at each location as required and accepted by the Engineer. The length shall be sufficient to protect the opening and sides of the inlet grate. A maximum of four (4') lineal foot additional to the opening width shall be paid. Excessive lengths shall not be paid. When a protection device is installed at a new location, whether the protection device is new or has been relocated, an additional lineal foot payment will be made for the protection of the location. Devices that become non-functional during construction shall not be paid. A protection device shall be installed at load sites and on the downstream side of stockpiles, base piles, and truck washout areas, or as directed by the Engineer and shall not be measured and paid for separately. Excavation required for removal of accumulated sediment from traps, basins, and other clean out excavation of accumulated sediment, and the proper disposal of sediment, shall be considered incidental to the work and not be measured and paid separately. All construction material that enters an inlet due to the Work shall be removed from the inlet interior and removed from the site to an approved disposal location. This work shall not be measured and paid for separately. Street sweeping will not be measured or paid for separately but shall be incidental to the work. Erosion control measures used during saw cutting are considered incidental to all saw cutting operations and shall not be paid for separately. "SWMP Maintenance Log-14 day inspection" shall be measured on a per event basis or once every 14-days without rain fall. An event shall be considered more than a 0.1 inch of precipitation. The Contractor shall have the Erosion Control Supervisor inspect all active projects under the contract after each significant rainfall event for BMP failure or missing BMPs or excessive sediment release. The inspection shall include preparing a log with pictures of the deficiencies and failures of the BMPs to contain sediment and actions taken to mitigate/clean up the problems and modifications to the proposed BMPs to address the deficiencies. Payment shall be made for each event verified through the inspection log at the Engineer's discretion. Project Specifications - Page 19 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 208 EROSION CONTROL AND INLET PROTECTION BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 208.12 shall be amended to include the following: Payment shall be made under: Pay Item Unit 208.01 Stormwater Protection — CDOT Gravel Bag (Rock Sock) Lineal Foot 208.02 Stormwater Protection - Recycled Rubber Filled Wattle Lineal Foot 208.03 Stormwater Protection — CDOT Gravel Bag Inlet Filter Each 208.04 SWMP Maintenance Log- 14 Day Inspection Each The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in installing, maintaining, removing, and relocating when required, erosion control measures, as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 20 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 212 SEEDING, FERTILIZER AND SODDING Section 212 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 212.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of soil preparation and furnishing and placing topsoil and blue grass sod in accordance with these specifications, accepted horticulture practice, and in reasonably close conformity with the existing topography of the location. This work shall not include locations of concrete repair in which grade changes and additional work is directed by the Engineer. See Section 107 "Safety and Protection and Restoration of Property" found herein. MATERIALS Subsection 212.02 — Seed, Soil Conditioners, Fertilizers, and Sod - is revised to include the following: Topsoil Topsoil shall conform to the requirements of CDOT 207. Sod Bluegrass sod shall be nursery grown, 99% Kentucky Blue Grass and 99% weed free. Other sod type may be used only if approved in writing by the Engineer. The 1% allowable weeds shall not include any undesirable perennial or annual grasses or plants. Soil thickness of sod cuts shall not be less than 3/4 inch nor more than one inch. Sod shall be cut in uniform strips with minimum dimensions of 12 inches in width and 48 inches in length. The Contractor shall submit a sample of the sod he proposes to furnish and the sample shall serve as a standard. Any sod furnished, whether in place or not, that is not up to the standard of the sample may be rejected. Sod that has been cut for more than 24 hours shall not be used. Each load of sod shall be accompanied by a certificate from the grower stating the type of sod, and the date and time of cutting. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 212.05 — Sodding - is revised to include the following: Soil Preparation: The area shall be cleaned with a minimum depth of four (4) inches (where topsoil does not exist) and a minimum width of one (1) foot, all irregularities in the ground surface shall be removed, and all edges clean and vertical. Sticks, stones, debris, and other similar material more than '/z inch in diameter shall be removed. Any objectionable depressions or other variances from a smooth grade shall be corrected. Topsoil Placement: Topsoil shall be placed and compacted with a minimum depth of four (4) inches. The amount of compaction required shall be as directed by the Engineer. Sod Placement: The minimum width for sod shall be one (1) foot. The area to be sodded shall be smooth. The sod shall be laid by staggering joints with all edges touching. On any slopes, the sod shall run approximately parallel to the slope contours. The Contractor shall water the sod once and notify the property owner in writing of the nature of the work that has taken place, that the sod has been only watered once, and provide the recommended watering schedule for new sod placement as recommended by the sod supplier. Sod placement/replacement required due to Contractor negligence shall follow the requirements of this section but shall not be measured and paid for under the terms of this contract. Project Specifications - Page 21 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 212 SEEDING, FERTILIZER AND SODDING BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 212.08 is revised to include the following: No measurement or payment shall be made for re -sodding or seeding lawns damaged by the Contractor adjacent to new concrete when the grade of the existing lawn reasonably matches the grade of the new concrete. Re - sodding and seeding in this instance shall be considered incidental to the work being performed. Seeding and Sod shall only be paid when requested by the Engineer for specific situations, shall be paid by the square foot at the contract unit price, and shall include full compensation for items noted below. In areas where the Engineer directs new work or the reconstruction area requires grade adjustment the placement of topsoil, sod, and sprinkler relocation will be provided by the City under separate contract. Payment shall be made under: Pay Item Unit 207.01 Imported Topsoil Cubic Yard 212.01 Sod Square Foot 212.02 Landscape/Irrigation Labor Hour The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in the placement of seeding and sodding, including haul, stockpiling, placing material, repairing sprinklers, watering or drying soil, compaction, finish grading, complete -in -place, and as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 22 of 48 SECTION 00530 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work: 8469 Concrete Maintenance Project Phase I - 2018 Renewal To: Lightfield Enterprises Inc. This notice is to advise you: That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER. That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been received by the OWNER. That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents. Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within ( ) calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by the Agreement. Dated this day of 120 The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be 20 and , 20_, respectively. CitV of Fort Collins OWNER By: Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this day of 20_ CONTRACTOR: Lightfield Enterprises Inc. By: Title: REVISION OF SECTION 304 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE Section 304 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 304.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of furnishing and placing one or more courses of aggregate base or recycled concrete on a prepared subgrade. luY4111 [4GIIby Subsection 304.02 - Aggregate - is revised to include the following: Aggregate Base Course shall meet the grading requirements for Class 5. Recycled concrete may be substituted for Aggregate Base Course as authorized by the Engineer. Recycled asphalt shall not be used as subgrade beneath concrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 304.04 — Placing - is revised to include the following: The contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the subgrade/base course until subsequent courses have been placed. Load slips shall be consecutively numbered for each day and submitted daily to the Engineer. Borrow or Aggregate Base Course that is placed as a result of excavation of unsuitable subgrade shall be paid for at the unit price for Borrow under Revision of Section 203, Excavation and Embankment. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Subsection 304.07 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantities for Aggregate Base Course shall be measured and paid for at the contract unit price per ton at the proper moisture. Haul and water necessary to bring mixture to optimum moisture content including compaction efforts shall not be measured and paid for separately, but shall be included in the contract unit price for Aggregate Base Course. Aggregate Base Course shall be paid at 90% of the daily total amount as determined by the daily load slips submitted to and as accepted by the Engineer at the end of each day. The intended use of Aggregate Base Course is to bring the subgrade of the concrete repair area to finished grade. The remaining 10% of the daily quantity anticipates Aggregate Base Course being used as form board reinforcement, storm water protection, or for other incidental items. If excessive waste above 10% becomes apparent, the quantity shall be adjusted and deducted from the total daily quantity as determined by the Engineer. Aggregate Base Course contaminated from failure to protect open excavations shall not be paid. Borrow or Aggregate Base Course that is placed as a result of excavation of unsuitable subgrade shall be paid for at the unit price for Borrow under Revision of Section 203, Excavation and Embankment. Project Specifications - Page 23 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 304 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 304.08 is revised to include the following: Payment shall be made under: Pay Item Unit 304.01 Aggregate Base Course Ton The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all work involved in the placement of Aggregate Base Course including haul and water, stockpiling, placing material, watering or drying soil, compaction, proof rolling, finish grading, complete -in -place, and disposal of unusable materials as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 24 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 403 HOT MIX ASPHALT Section 403 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 403.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of the placement of hot mix asphalt as a temporary repair to provide vehicle or pedestrian access, until such time as the permanent repair can be made. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 403.03 is revised to include the following: ASPHALT PAVEMENT PRESERVATION "Asphalt Pavement Preservation" shall be measured and paid by the lineal foot along concrete gutter, drainage pans and aprons that were replaced with the project The Engineer shall assess the asphalt condition and determine the required removal. This item shall only be paid when the concrete removal can be accomplished without damage requiring permanent patching to the existing asphalt along the concrete toe base on the Engineers judgment. This item is provided as incentive to preserve the existing asphalt and provide compensation for additional costs that may be associated with the removal and restoration of the landscaping. TEMPORARY PATCHING In all concrete repair locations where asphalt preservation is not viable, the Contractor shall remove no more than six (6) inches in width of asphalt pavement. The pavement areas shall be temporarily patched with Hot Mix Asphalt grading `S', `SX', or as approved by the Engineer. Temporary asphalt patching shall be placed at the typical depth of two (2) inches. The depth of patching may be increased to a maximum depth of six (6) inches as directed by the Engineer. Prior to opening newly installed concrete to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the contractor shall ensure that any changes in elevation to the adjacent surfaces have been remedied by the use of hot mix asphalt placed in a 12:1 wedge, or as directed by the Engineer. The asphalt used for this operation shall be measured and paid for under item 403.02 "Temporary Patching" until such time as the permanent repair can be made. Prior to installation of two (2) inches of temporary asphalt patching the Contractor shall use a bond breaking material (i.e., curing compound, form oil, etc), as approved by the Engineer. The bond breaking material shall be applied to the face of the new concrete adjacent to the temporary patch installation. Temporary asphalt depths greater than two (2) inches shall have a paper bond breaking material or other bond breaking method approved by the Engineer to mitigate damage to the new concrete during permanent patching. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Subsection 403.04 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantities for Temporary Patching will be measured and paid for at the contract unit price per ton. Pavement cutting, excavation, subgrade preparation, haul, disposal, bond breaking material, installation, and bituminous material will not be measured or paid for separately, but shall be included in the contract unit price for Temporary Patching. Load slips shall be consecutively numbered for each day and shall include the batch time, asphalt grading, and weight of asphalt. BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 403.05 is revised to include the following: Project Specifications - Page 25 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 403 HOT MIX ASPHALT Payment shall be made under: Pay Item Unit 403.01 Asphalt Surface Preservation Lineal Foot 403.02 Temporary Patching Ton The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in Temporary Patching, including pavement cutting, excavation, haul, disposal, surface preparation, and bituminous materials, complete -in -place, as shown on these plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 26 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 601 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE Section 601 of the Standard Specification is hereby revised as follows DESCRIPTION Subsection 601.14 — Finishing Hardened Concrete Surfaces - is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of preparing, rolling, spraying retarder, and exposing the sanded concrete surface sand including all materials, labor, tools and incidentals to obtain an exposed sand finish. The unit cost shall include the additional work and materials only for exposing the sand finish and shall be paid in addition to the unit cost for the item installed (i.e., Flatwork 4", Flatwork 6", etc.). Concrete shall meet the requirements specified in Revision of Section 608 and 609 contained herein. Material deviations from Revision of Section 608 and 609 shall be submitted and approved by the Engineer. CHI 027 Surface Treatment or approved equivalent shall be applied to the concrete surface to create the texture. The Engineer shall specify the depth of penetration of the retarder. Slabs may be sealed in accordance with the manufacture's recommendations. The Contractor shall have a minimum of five (5) years' experience exposing the sand finish for cast -in -place concrete. The Contractor shall submit a list of prior installation locations for review and evaluation for quality and installation expertise to the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit samples showing finish, color, and sealer including a color chart, product data, and equipment data. The slab thickness, jointing, reinforcement (if any), and expansion joint locations shall be approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall place one (1) on -site test section determined by the Engineer to determine surface consistency. All concrete work shall be performed by a skilled Craftsman with a minimum of two (2) years' experience in exposing the sand finish. A minimum of one qualified Craftsman is required at each finishing operation requiring exposed sand finish. The subgrade shall be prepared and forms installed as specified herein. After concrete placement, the Contractor shall screed the concrete to the finished grade. Exposed sand finish surfaces shall be prepared using a double drum roller tamps prior to floating. The roller shall provide uniformity during rolling including the surface areas in the corners of the slab. Deviations from this process must be approved 48 hours prior to scheduled placement of fresh concrete. The retarder shall be applied per the manufacturer's recommendations using an approved sprayer to achieve a uniform and consistent application rate. Area(s) adjacent to the new installation shall be protected from damage as required by the Engineer. At the appropriate time, the concrete paste shall be washed from the surface with a power washer or other means as approved by the Engineer. The overall texture shall be free from texture deficiencies such as deep or shallow surface inconsistencies. Care shall be taken to contain the cement paste when washed from the concrete surface. Wattles or containment pits shall be required to ensure that no residue runs through the gutter or enters inlets. The method of containment shall be approved by the Engineer. The paste residue shall be removed from the site and properly disposed. After the initial curing period the surface of the slab shall be sealed. Project Specifications - Page 27 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 601 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE METHOD OF MEASURMENT Subsection 601.19 shall be amended to include the following: Concrete placement shall be in accordance with Revision of Section 608 and 609. Concrete materials, placement, forming, subgrade preparation, including equipment, tools, and labor to install concrete shall not be included under "Exposed Sand Finish — Up Charge" and shall be paid at the contract unit price for the corresponding type of installation (i.e., Flatwork 4", Flatwork 6", etc.) "Exposed Sand Finish — Up Charge" shall be measured and paid by the square foot at the contract unit price for the accepted quantities and shall include labor, materials, and equipment for retarder application, tamp rolling, exposing the sand finish, storm water protection, and cleanup. BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 601.20 shall be amended to include the following: Payment will be made under: Pay Item Unit 601.01 Exposed Sand Finish — Up Charge Square Foot The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all additional work involved in "Exposed Sand Finish — Up Charge" as specified in these specifications, as shown on the plans, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 28 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 604 INLETS AND CULVERTS Section 604 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 604.01 shall be amended to include the following: This work shall consist of the installation of, or removal and replacement of inlets, inlet decks, and sidewalk culverts in accordance with these specifications, and in reasonably close conformity with the lines and grades shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 604.04 - Manholes, Inlets, and Meter Vaults - is revised to include the following: Type R Inlets shall be installed per CDOT M&S Standards, latest revision, standard plan number MS-604-12. Care shall be taken during removals to salvage hardware material to the maximum extent feasible (i.e., frames, grates, adjustable bonnets, angle iron faces, steel rods, etc.). Salvable material shall be reinstalled in the structure or remain the property of the City of Fort Collins and shall be stockpiled by the Contractor at specified locations within the project limits. The Contractor shall safeguard salvable materials and shall be responsible for the expense of repairing or replacing damaged or missing material until it is re -incorporated into the work or is loaded onto City equipment by the Contractor. All reinforcing steel encountered during removal shall be replaced with new steel of the grade and size as shown on the details found herein and shall not be measured and paid for separately. When concrete is to be removed and replaced around an existing grate without disturbing the deck or basin, this shall not constitute "Reconstruct Inlet Deck". These locations shall be measured and paid for separately under the items described in Revision of Sections 608 and 609. Expansion joint material shall be installed every 500' in long runs and between the new structure and existing concrete slabs, where called for, and around fire hydrants, poles, inlets, sidewalk culverts, mid -block ramps, radius points at intersections, and other fixed objects (i.e., slabs or curbs). Expansion joint material shall be full depth, installed vertically, and in accordance with the CDOT M&S Standards for Concrete Pavement Joints, MS-412-1. The joint shall be edged with a suitable edging tool and sealed in accordance with CDOT Section 412.18, sealing joints. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Subsection 604.06 is revised to include the following: Items defined with "Remove & Replace", for each inlet type and concrete sidewalk culvert, shall be measured and paid per each under the corresponding type of inlet, shall include two, three and one half foot (3.5) transitions measured from inside face of box on each side, and shall include furnishing new hardware material (i.e., bonnet, frame, grate, etc.). "Material Only" items for the corresponding structures shall not be paid in addition to items designated "Remove & Replace ". Items defined with "Reconstruct", for each inlet type shall be measured and paid per each under the corresponding type of inlet, shall include two three and one half foot (3.5) transitions measured from inside of face of box on each side, and shall include salvaged hardware material (i.e., bonnet, frame, grate, etc.) When only the throat (gutter area only, excluding the hood/deck) of the inlet is marked for repair, the installation shall be measured and paid by the square foot under Revision of Section 608 and 609, "Crosspan 8" — Remove & Replace". "Material Only" items shall be paid per each only when existing material for the structure cannot be salvaged, does not meet current specifications, cannot be provided by the City, or as requested by the Engineer. "Material Only" shall be paid in addition to the "Reconstruct Inlet Deck" or "Metal Sidewalk Culvert - Salvaged Project Specifications - Page 29 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 604 INLETS AND CULVERTS Material" items for the corresponding structure as directed by the Engineer. "Material Only" shall not be paid when damage to the existing hardware material was due to construction operations or carelessness during removal and shall be replaced by the Contractor at the Contractors expense. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately when issues prevent salvage of the existing material. "Metal Sidewalk Culvert - Salvaged Material" shall be measured and paid per each and shall include reinstallation of salvaged hardware material (i.e., frame, grate, etc.). The Contractor shall provide new brass or galvanized screws for the plate reinstallation. "Metal Sidewalk Culvert — Salvaged Material" shall be constructed per the standard details contained herein for Attached Vertical and Drive -Over Curb and Gutter (details D-10, D-11) with the following modifications: Concrete for the floor beneath the metal plate shall be three (3) feet wide centered beneath the plate. The subgrade beneath the concrete floor shall be compacted, firm, and non -yielding and have a transition slope length of one (1) foot beyond the floor on each side (see details D -10 and D-11, sections B-B) and shall be sloped to match the bottom of the grade for the adjacent or proposed concrete sidewalk. Expansion material shall be installed full depth and set vertically at the top of the subgrade slope on each side of the chase. The typical structure length, measured parallel with the sidewalk, shall be five (5) feet with fifteen (15) inches on each side from the edge of the plate to the expansion material. `Metal Sidewalk Culvert' shall not include adjacent sidewalk beyond the five (5) feet structure dimension." The installation of the plate shall typically be aligned flush with the back of the existing sidewalk and shall be offset from the vertical plane of the flow line by a minimum of three (3) inches. Dimension variances of existing plates and offset from the flowline shall be field fit to match existing conditions and shall be modified as directed by the Engineer. In no case shall the plate extend flush with the vertical plane of the flow line or be less than four (4) feet when measured perpendicular to the sidewalk. Hollywood style curb and gutter, an exception to standard installations, shall be installed as directed by the Engineer and measured and paid as agreed between Contractor and Engineer utilizing existing pricing to the maximum extent possible. "Metal Sidewalk Culvert — Material Only" shall be measured and paid per each based on 11.25 square feet (standard plate size) and shall be paid only when existing material cannot be salvaged, does not meet criteria, cannot be provided by the City, or as requested by the Engineer. "Material Only" shall be paid in addition to the "Metal Sidewalk Culvert - Salvaged Plate". The standard dimensions shall be two feet six inches (2.5' measured parallel with sidewalk) by four feet six inches (4.5' measured perpendicular to sidewalk), or 11.25 square feet. Actual dimensions may vary and shall be verified. "Metal Sidewalk Culvert - Additional 5/8" Plate" shall be measured and paid by the square foot, shall include the 5/8" thick plate and frame as designated in the drawings contained herein, and shall be the basis to increase or decrease payment when variances from the typical structure sizes are required. The cost per square foot shall be used to add or deduct from payment under "Additional Square Foot Plate". Payment shall be made in addition to "Metal Sidewalk Culvert — Material Only". "Concrete Sidewalk Culvert" shall be constructed per the standard detail contained herein (D-12) with the following modifications: The #5 bars shown in Detail D-12, section C-C, shall be extended to the end of the transitions on both sides of the culvert and shall have three (3) inches of clearance from the expansion material installed at each end of the culvert. Expansion material shall be full depth and set vertically on each side of the culvert. When only the throat (gutter area only, excluding the hood/deck)) of an Inlet, Sidewalk Chase, or Concrete Sidewalk Culvert" is marked for repair, the installation shall be measured and paid by the square foot under Project Specifications - Page 30 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 604 INLETS AND CULVERTS Revision of Section 608 and 609, "Crosspan 8" — Remove & Replace". The thickness of the expansion material shall be one half (1/2) inch or one (1) inch as directed by the Engineer. Expansion shall be measured and paid as "Expansion" by the lineal foot under Revision of Section 608 and 609, "Expansion". Sawcutting for items contained in this section shall be incidental to the work and shall not be measured and paid for separately. Erosion control measures used during sawcutting are considered incidental to all sawcutting operations and shall not be measured and paid for separately. 1:7LyRK61a71VAuWON 1 Subsection 604.07 is revised to include the following: Payment shall be made under: Pay Item Unit 604.01 Type R Inlet — Remove & Replace (5' Opening, 5' Max depth, CDOT, M-604-12) Each 604.03 Type R Inlet — Reconstruct Inlet Deck (5' Opening, CDOT, M-604-12) Each 604.05 Type R Inlet — Material Only (CDOT, M-604-12) Each 604.06 Area Inlet - Remove & Replace (5' Max depth, Detail D-9A) Each 604.08 Area Inlet - Reconstruct Inlet Deck (4' Opening, Detail D-9A) Each 604.10 Area Inlet - Material Only (Detail D-9A) Each 604.11 Catch Basin - Remove & Replace (5' Max depth, Detail D-13B) Each 604.13 Catch Basin - Reconstruct Inlet Deck (Detail D-1313) Each 604.15 Catch Basin - Material Only (Detail D-1313) Each 604.16 Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet - Remove & Replace (5' Max depth, Detail D-13A) Each 604.18 Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet - Reconstruct Inlet Deck (Detail D-13A) Each 604.20 Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet - Material Only (Detail D-13A) Each 604.21 Concrete Sidewalk Culvert - Remove & Replace (Details D-12, D-13) Each 604.22 Metal Sidewalk Culvert - Salvaged Material (Details D-10, D-11) Each 604.23 Metal Sidewalk Culvert - Material Only (Details D-10, D-11) Each 604.24 Metal Sidewalk Culvert - Additional 5/8" Plate (Details D-10, D-11) Square Foot The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in Inlets and Culverts, including demolition, disposal, reinforcement, and materials, complete -in -place, as specified in these specifications, as shown on the plans, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 31 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 608 AND 609 SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTER, DRIVE APPROACHES, APRONS, CROSSPANS, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS, FLATWORK, AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT Sections 608 and 609 of the Standard Specifications are to be deleted and replaced with the latest revision of the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards, except as noted herein: DESCRIPTION This work consists of the construction of concrete sidewalks, curb and gutter, drive approaches, aprons, crosspans, pedestrian access ramps, and concrete pavement in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines and grades shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. MATERIALS The mix designs for all types of concrete to be utilized shall be determined by the Contractor, submitted to the Engineer two weeks prior to beginning work, and approved a minimum of one week prior to the beginning of construction. Cement used shall conform to the Standard Specification for Portland Cement, ASTM C 150-85, AASHTO M85, Type I, Type 1/II, or Type III. The air content shall be four (4) percent to eight (8) percent. "High Early" concrete shall be used for all concrete repair locations. "High Early" concrete shall have a specified required field compressive strength of 4000 psi and a minimum 48 hour compressive strength of 3000 psi. The concrete shall have a maximum water/cement ratio of 0.45. The type of concrete placed at a particular location may be modified by the Engineer but shall not have less than the minimum required compressive strength specified herein and shall be approved by the Engineer. See Section 10.5.2 `Rigid Pavement Design' Section 22.4 Non -Structural Concrete and Section 22.5.5 `Portland Cement Concrete Pavement', in the "Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards for Street Construction". Water Reducing Agents shall conform to ASTM C 494-82. Accelerating Agents shall conform to ASTM C 494-82. Calcium Chloride shall not be utilized as an accelerating agent. The Contractor shall furnish a load slip containing the information required by AASHTO M157, Section 13, Subsection 13.1 and 13.2, with each batch of concrete. In addition, the type of concrete (mix code) shall be shown on each load slip and a copy of the batch weights shall accompany each concrete ticket. Concrete delivered without a load slip containing complete information as specified will be subject to rejection. Curing materials shall be white pigmented liquid linseed oil based or paraffin based curing compound, and shall conform to ASTM Specification C 309-81 Type II, Class B. The application rate for curing compound shall be a minimum of 150 sq. ft./gal. The curing compound shall be applied immediately upon completion of the finishing in a uniform pattern resulting in complete coverage of the exposed concrete area. Curing compound shall also be sprayed on the concrete surfaces after removal of the forms (back of curb and toe face of gutter). CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS "Remove and Haul Fillet" shall be defined as concrete or asphalt installed in the flow line of the gutter and shall be paid per each. Care shall be taken during removal of fillets to protect the existing concrete sidewalk and gutter from damage. Any damage to the existing concrete shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractors expense. Monolithic hybrids of curb, gutter, sidewalk and highback vertical curb and gutter will be replaced using the same configuration as it was originally installed, unless a flaw in its engineering should become apparent. In these cases the design may be modified by the Engineer. The finished exposed surface and edging of the concrete shall have a broomed finish. Smooth surfaces around the perimeter of the adjoining concrete shall not be matched unless directed by the Engineer. Project Specifications - Page 32 of 48 SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate REVISION OF SECTIONS 608 AND 609 SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTER, DRIVE APPROACHES, APRONS, CROSSPANS, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS, FLATWORK, AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT All newly installed concrete shall be date stamped by the Contractor. If the installation is larger than one concrete section, only one stamp per area of installation shall be required. The stamp shall include the Contractor's name and year of installation. The concrete shall be stamped at the appropriate curing time so the Contractor's name and year of installation are clearly legible. Typically, the stamp shall be installed at the back edge of the sidewalk, on the right hand side when viewing the installation from the street, or as directed by the Engineer. The maximum spacing for transverse joints in crosspans, concrete pavement, and sidewalk shall be ten (10) feet or as directed by the Engineer. All concrete control joints shall be tooled to one quarter (1/4) of the concrete thickness or as directed by the Engineer. All construction joints for crosspans and/or aprons adjacent to new or existing concrete shall be constructed in accordance with the detail for "Concrete Construction Joints" contained herein. This item will not be measured or paid for separately under the terms of this contract. Forms shall be installed at the full depth of the concrete placement. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the subgrade and/or base course until the concrete is placed. The Contractor shall protect the concrete against moisture loss, rapid temperature change, rain, flowing water, mechanical injury, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and Contractor's equipment for a minimum of 36 hours after the placement of curing compound for 48 hour high early concrete. Asphalt patching against fresh concrete shall not be permitted during the time frames for protection of the concrete. The Contractor shall not sprinkle water on the surface of the newly placed concrete to assist with finishing. The use of a finishing aide may be approved on a limited case by case basis only when the material to be used has been submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to use in the field. Concrete blankets shall be used when the ambient temperature is expected to fall to 327 or below within 36 hours after placement and shall remain in place for a minimum period of 36 hours for 48 hour high early concrete. This item will not be measured or paid for separately under the terms of the contract. The debris immediately adjacent to a concrete repair location shall be completely cleaned up on the work day following the placement of the concrete. If required, the concrete shall be protected as stated above. Any damage caused during the cleanup process shall be the Contractor's responsibility. In locations where concrete pavement is replaced, the new pavement shall have a minimum thickness of eight (8) inches. Existing pavement shall be saw cut to obtain a straight and neat edge for paving and shall be deep enough to cut through the entire pavement thickness. The subgrade plane shall not vary more than one half (1/2) inch in ten (10) feet. All concrete pavement joints shall be sealed with an asphalt filler compound, or approved equal, in accordance with the detail for "Concrete Pavement Joints" contained herein or as directed by the Engineer. The cost for joint sealing shall be included in the contract unit price for "Concrete Pavement 8"- Remove & Replace." The top of the new pavement shall be even with the existing concrete pavement and the newly installed concrete shall be consolidated with a mechanical vibrator. All construction joints shall be tied and doweled except for expansion joints, joints along existing curb and gutter, and contraction joints, in accordance with the CDOT detail for "Concrete Pavement Joints" contained herein. All retro-fit, remove and replace, new paving panels shall be connected to the adjacent existing pavement with 18-inch deformed #5 tie bars drilled into the existing pavement as shown section T. Any new traverse paving joints between contiguous panels shall have smooth, epoxied load transfer dowels per section DC on detail M-412-1. The holes may be drilled so the rebar fits snuggly or installed using a concrete adhesive. Dowel bars for adjacent panels shall be coated entirely with a bond breaking material approved by the Engineer. Project Specifications - Page 33 of48 REVISION OF SECTIONS 608 AND 609 SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTER, DRIVE APPROACHES, APRONS, CROSSPANS, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS, FLATWORK, AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT When a batch of concrete delivered to the site does not conform to the minimum specified air content, an air entraining admixture shall not be allowed to be added on site. Restoration of landscape shall be in accordance with Revision of Section 107, "Safety and Protection and Restoration of Property and Landscape" found herein. The time frame for restoration shall be within two (2) working days from the time the concrete was placed for backfrll with topsoil and by no later than the end of the first working day of the following week for sod replacement. Concrete washout/truck washout areas shall be contained in such a manner that no visual evidence of cement or aggregate spoils remain on the site. In addition, direct washout to curb and gutter flow lines or inlet structures is prohibited. Washout may be accomplished by use of an identified off -site location or a designated spoil/base pile (see Section 208 Erosion Control and Inlet Protection), and shall include the placement of a Stormwater Protection Device on the downstream side of the washout area. Methods shall be submitted and approved by the Engineer. Flagstone sidewalk, brick pavers and trolley roadbed bricks shall be salvaged to the maximum extent feasible. All flagstones, pavers, and bricks shall become the property of the City of Fort Collins. Flagstones shall be hauled by the Contractor and delivered to the City's site located at 1500 Hoffman Mill Road. Loading, unloading, and hauling shall not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in "Remove Concrete". In areas where the Engineer directs the re -setting of flagstone, the existing flagstone shall be salvaged and reset on a compacted base. The elevation of the flagstone shall match as closely as possible the surface treatment of the surrounding area. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Sawcutting related to the items in this section shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, and shall not be measured or paid for separately. Erosion control measures used during sawcutting shall be considered incidental and shall not be measured or paid for separately. "Remove Concrete" shall include removal and disposal or salvage of existing asphalt, concrete, or flagstone. This item shall be paid where the Engineer directs removal only, and removal is not already being paid under another item. "Apron 8" shall be paid by the square foot and, when installed on a radius, shall include the area of 8-inch Pavement from the back of the curb to the apron legs (A and C) and from point of curvature to point of curvature. The area of an Apron shall be calculated as follows (see diagram below): r1 ((A*C) - (rr (A-B) (C-D)/4)) Truncated Domes i� Project Specif Cms - Page 34 of 48 REVISION OF SECTIONS 608 AND 609 SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTER, DRIVE APPROACHES, APRONS, CROSSPANS, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS, FLATWORK, AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT "Pedestrian Access Ramp" shall be measured by the square foot and shall include the area between the back of the curb and both points of curvature, if on the radius, or the top of transition if mid -block. "Pedestrian Access Ramp Highback Curb" shall be measured by the square foot. The width shall be measured from the back of the curb to the top of the transition at the back of the ramp, and the length shall be measured at the midpoint from PT to PC. All Pedestrian Access Ramps shall be placed in accordance with the details contained herein. Ramp items shall include all labor, materials (except truncated domes), equipment and incidentals, saw -cutting, removal, haul, and disposal, and for doing all work involved in removal and replacement of pedestrian access ramps. "Add Domes to Existing Ramp" shall be measured by the square foot (SF). The length and width shall be measured as per the area removed from the existing ramp, as directed by the City Engineer. This area of new concrete shall have a minimum thickness of six (6) inches, and shall have 18-inch #5 dowel bars at 12 inches on center, or as directed by the Engineer. "Add Truncated Domes to Existing Ramp — Dry Set Placement" is intended for use on existing ramps that will not be reconstructed and do not currently have truncated dome panels. This item shall be measured and paid for by the square foot (SF) of truncated panels used and is intended to cover all costs associated with the installation of the dome panels per the manufactures instructions. The City of Fort Collins will supply the dome panels in either a two foot by two foot (2' x 2') or a two foot by four foot (2' x 4') variety. The work included in this installation may include: cleaning the existing surface, applying adhesive, impact drill, and installing hardware, and any other specific instructions per the manufactures specifications. The truncated dome panels shall be provided by the City of Fort Collins from the following providers: • Tuff ile — www.tuftile.com • Armor -Tile - www.armor-tile.com • An approved equal with similar installation processes as outlined above Please view the websites listed above for specific manufacturing instructions and further information regarding the supplied products "Truncated Dome Panels" shall be paid by the square foot, placed in all pedestrian access ramps, and shall be paid in addition to "Pedestrian Access Ramp", "Pedestrian Access Ramp Highback Curb", or "Add Domes to Existing Ramps". This item shall include all labor, materials, and surface preparation to supply and place the panels at pedestrian access ramps. Truncated dome panels shall be cast iron, and shall meet all American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The type of truncated dome panels to be used shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to installation. Dome panels shall be placed at the same time as the initial ramp placement. There shall be no voids beneath the bottom of the dome panels and the concrete. "Colored Concrete San Diego Buff — Upcharge" shall include the additional cost for the color additive only and shall be measured and paid by the square foot in addition to the corresponding item installed (i.e., Flatwork 6", Splashblock 4"). "Alley Approach 8" shall be measured by the square foot from the lip of the gutter (if the gutter has been removed) to the back of the sidewalk and the width shall be measured at the midpoint. "Expansion" shall be measured and paid by the lineal foot. The thickness shall be one half (1/2) inch to three quarter (3/4) inch, and be installed every 500' in long runs and between new structure slabs, existing concrete slabs, and around fire hydrants, poles, inlets, sidewalk under -drains, mid -block ramps, radius points at intersections, and other fixed objects (i.e. ends of sidewalk slabs and curbs), as directed by the Engineer. Expansion joint material shall be full depth, set vertically, and installed in accordance with the CDOT M&S Standards for Concrete Pavement Joints. The joint shall be edged with a suitable edging tool. "Exposed Aggregate — Up Charge" shall include only the additional cost for exposing the aggregate including labor, water, other incidentals, and clean up related to exposing the surface aggregate and shall be measured and paid by the square foot in addition to the corresponding item installed. (i.e., Flatwork 6", Splashblock 4"). Project Specifications - Page 35 of 48 REVISION OF SECTIONS 608 AND 609 SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTER, DRIVE APPROACHES, APRONS, CROSSPANS, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS, FLATWORK, AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT "Reset Flagstone" shall be measured and paid by the square foot of re -set area in addition to "Remove Concrete". Material for leveling, moisture conditioning, and labor for installation and compaction shall not be paid separately. "Haul & Dispose Concrete with Wire/Rebar" shall be paid for separately by the ton only when the Hoffman Mill site does not accept concrete containing wire and/or rebar. Weight slips shall be required for each load transported to any locations other than Hoffman Mill. "Exposed Sand Finish — Up Charge" shall be measured and paid by the square foot for the accepted quantities and shall include retarder material and application, tamp rolling, and exposing the sand finish, including retarding, sealer, equipment, labor, storm water protection, and cleanup. Pay items followed by "Remove & Replace" shall include all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and all work involved in the removal and installation, complete -in -place, including sawcutting, hauling, disposal, etc. BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 608.06 shall be amended to include the following: Payment shall be made under: Pay Item Unit 608.01 Remove Concrete Square Foot 608.02 Remove and Haul Fillet Each 608.03 Apron 8" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.04 Crosspan 8" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.05 Driveover Curb, Gutter, and 6" Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Detail D-6) Lineal Foot 608.06 Driveover Curb, Gutter, No Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Detail D-702) Lineal Foot 608.07 Vertical Curb, Gutter, and 6" Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Detail D-6) Lineal Foot 608.08 Vertical Curb, Gutter, No Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Detail D-6) Lineal Foot 608.09 Vertical Outfall Curb, Gutter - Remove & Replace (Detail D-703) Lineal Foot 608.10 6" x 18" Barrier Curb - Remove & Replace (Detail D-703) Lineal Foot 608.11 Hollywood Curb, Gutter, and 6" Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Detail D-6) Lineal Foot 608.12 Hollywood Curb, Gutter, No Sidewalk - Remove & Replace Lineal Foot 608.13 Highback Curb, Gutter, No Sidewalk - Remove & Replace Lineal Foot 608.14 Pedestrian Access Ramp - Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.15 Pedestrian Access Ramp Highback Curb — Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.16 Truncated Dome Panel Square Foot 608.17 Flatwork 4" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.18 Flatwork 6" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.19 Replace Flatwork — I" Additional Depth Square Foot Project Specifications - Page 36 of 48 REVISION OF SECTIONS 608 AND 609 SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTER, DRIVE APPROACHES, APRONS, CROSSPANS, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS, FLATWORK, AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT 608.20 Colored Concrete 4" San Diego Buff — Up Charge Square Foot 608.21 4' Valley Pan 6" — Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.22 Concrete Pavement 8" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.23 Alley Approach 8" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.24 Expansion (1/2 to 3/4 inch thickness) Lineal Foot 608.25 Splashblock 4" — Remove & Replace Square Foot 608.26 Exposed Aggregate 4" — Up Charge Square Foot 608.27 Reset Flagstone Square Foot 608.28 Haul & Dispose Concrete with Wire/Rebar Ton 608.30 Add Domes to Existing Ramp Square Foot 608.31 Add Truncated Domes to Existing Ramp — Dry Set Placement Square Foot 608.32 Barrier Curb 6" Wide, Doweled (Detail D-703) Lineal Foot The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all work involved in Sidewalks, Curb and Gutter, Drive Approaches, Aprons, Crosspans, Pedestrian Access Ramps, Flatwork, and Concrete Pavement including sawcutting, removal, haul and disposal, finish grading, materials, complete -in -place, as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. I NO 0C AW X41 114011 Project Specifications - Page 37 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 623 IRRIGATION SYSTEM Section 623 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 623.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of furnishing and installing irrigation sleeves beneath the new concrete, or for sleeves placed in concrete for the installation of road signs, as directed by the Engineer. MATERIALS Subsection 623.02 is revised to include the following: The irrigation sleeve shall be three (3) inch or four (4) inch diameter PVC pipe, schedule 40. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 623.14 is revised to include the following: The irrigation sleeve shall be installed to a minimum depth of four (4) inches below finished subgrade. Backfill over pipe shall be compacted prior to concrete placement. A survey stake shall be installed at the ends of each sleeve, and painted blue. The stake shall be installed at a height that will not create a pedestrian or maintenance hazard as approved by the Engineer. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Subsection 623.32 is revised to include the following: "Irrigation Sleeve" shall be paid for by the lineal foot complete -in -place. BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 623.33 is revised to include the following: Payment shall be made under: Pay item Unit 623.01 Irrigation Sleeve — Three (3") inch PVC Lineal Foot 623.02 Irrigation Sleeve — Four (4") inch PVC Lineal Foot The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in installing the three (3") and four (4) inch irrigation sleeve, including excavation, installation, compaction of backfill, haul and disposal, as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 38 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 627 PAVEMENT MARKINGS Section 627 of the Standard Specifications is revised to include as follows: DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of furnishing and maintaining traffic control devices in place of permanent striping once removed in accordance with the latest revisions of the Fort Collins Traffic Operations Manual, City of Fort Collins Work Area Traffic Control Handbook, Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS), Colorado Department of Transportation Road and Bridge Construction , and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), and in conformity to the lines, dimensions, patterns, locations, and details shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 627.03 is revised to include the following: Permanent pavement markings shall be installed by the City of Fort Collins. The Contractor shall be required to supply and maintain traffic control devices in areas where permanent striping has been removed by the Contractor to perform the work until the City of Fort Collins Traffic Department is able to perform permanent striping. BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 627.13 shall be amended to include the following: All costs for maintaining traffic control devices until the City of Fort Collins can perform striping shall be incidental to the work. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 39 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Section 630 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: DESCRIPTION Subsection 630.01 shall be amended to include the following: This work shall consist of furnishing, installing, moving, maintaining, and removing temporary construction traffic control devices, including but not limited to signs, advance warning arrow panels, variable message boards, barricades, channelizing devices, and delineators as required by the latest revisions of the City of Fort Collins "Work Area Traffic Control Handbook," the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" (MUTCD), the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS), and the Colorado Department of Transportation Road and Bridge Standard Specifications (CDOT). In the event of a conflict between the MUTCD criteria and the City's criteria, the City of Fort Collins criteria shall govern. MATERIALS Subsection 630.02 — Signs and Barricades - is revised to include the following: All traffic control devices shall meet or exceed the required minimum standards set forth in the City of Fort Collins Work Area Traffic Control Handbook and the MUTCD. Traffic control devices shall be clean and in good operating condition when delivered and shall be maintained on a daily basis. All traffic control devices shall be clearly marked and free of crossed out information or any other form of defacement that detracts from the purpose for which they are intended (i.e. crossed out information, information written in long -hand, etc.) Sign blanks with sign faces on both sides must have the back sign face covered when in use to avoid confusion to motorists and bicyclists traveling in the opposite direction and residents potentially affected by information the sign may present. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Subsection 630.10 — Transportation Management Plan - is revised to include the following: CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring safe passage through the work zone for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. The City of Fort Collins shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to equipment due to theft or vandalism or -for any damages to public or private property caused by the Contractor's construction activities. Private or public property which is damaged by the Contractors' installation, equipment, or employees will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor may be required to use Variable Message Boards to advise road users about upcoming work on Arterial and Collector streets as required by Traffic Operations through the approved traffic control plan. When required, the Engineer will issue direction for the number of boards, general locations for placement, and message verbiage. The typical quantity of Variable Message Boards shall be: Six (6) on Arterial streets, four (4) on Collector streets, none on Residential streets, but may be modified as directed by the Engineer. Variable Message Boards shall be placed a minimum of 5 working days prior to the project start date. If full closures on Arterial and Collector streets are authorized, Variable Message Boards shall remain in place until completion of the project. Lane closures on Arterial and Collector streets shall require message boards to remain in place for two days after starting work. Fully automated Variable Message Boards shall be installed and operate continuously during the afore mentioned durations on Arterial and Collector streets. Two-way traffic shall be maintained at all times unless approved by the Engineer. Lane width shall be Project Specifications - Page 40 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL maintained at a minimum of ten (10) feet between traffic control devices. The Contractor will provide 24 hour minimum notice to the City of Fort Collins Traffic Department when project operations will be near a signalized intersection. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN - GENERAL Hand drawn plans shall NOT be accepted. Notification of residents and businesses shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, Contractor Representative, Traffic Control Supervisor or the Traffic Control Supervisor Representative and shall consist of distributing letters indicating the nature of the work to be completed, any special instructions to the residents (i.e. limits on lawn watering during concrete placement, etc.), dates and times of the work, and parking and access restrictions that will apply. Sample notifications shall be submitted to the Engineer for review prior to starting the project. Notification letters or door hangers shall include a local phone number which residents with questions may use to contact the Contractor and a link to the City of Fort Collins Street Department web site where citizens may find additional information and project updates at "www.fcRov.com/streets". Only approved notifications shall be distributed a minimum of 48 hours prior to the commencement of each phase of the Work. Traffic Control Plans shall be submitted for approval prior to commencement of all work. Traffic control conditions vary significantly in the field and the Contractor is responsible for submitting traffic control plans for each work location. Minimum traffic control requirements for Arterial, Collector, and Residential streets are contained herein. Plans shall be specific to the project area showing street names, existing signing and striping conditions at intersections and the location for proposed devices. Devices temporarily not in use shall be removed from the area. Moving shall include devices removed from the project and later returned to use. Devices may be temporarily placed and/or stored in the City right-of-way in such a manner that minimizes the hazards to pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles, as approved by the Engineer. Traffic control devices shall be removed from the site immediately upon completion of the work for any street(s). In the event there is a safety issue, the Engineer may issue a "Stop Work Order" until the issue(s) is corrected. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for delays associated with the "Stop Work Order". Approved traffic control plans shall be available on site at all times for review and inspection. See Revision of Section 104. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN - PROJECT Traffic control plans shall be submitted for all work locations prior to commencement of any work. Plans shall be submitted along with the City of Fort Collins Traffic Approval Forms. Traffic control plans shall be prepared by a Traffic Control Supervisor certified by the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) or a Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor certified by the Colorado Contractor's Association (CCA). Hand drawn plans shall NOT be accepted. Typical Traffic Control Plans for work within the right-of-way shall be submitted for approval to the Engineer as follows: Typical submittals for scheduled residential work shall be submitted by 8:00 a.m. two (2) working days prior to commencement of the work. Typical submittals for residential work scheduled on Monday and Tuesday shall be submitted the previous Thursday by 8:00 a.m. Submittals for full closures on residential streets shall be submitted five (5) working days prior to the commencement of work. Project Specifications - Page 41 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Submittals for full closures on Arterial and Collector streets shall be submitted ten (10) working days prior to the commencement of work. All plans shall be delivered to the Engineer, 625 Ninth Street, Fort Collins. Facsimiles of plans shall not be accepted. No phase of the construction shall start until the Traffic Control Plan has been approved. Failure to have an approved Traffic Control Plan shall constitute cause for the City to stop work. See Revision of Sections 104 and 105. A Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted for each Arterial and each Collector street scheduled for work. Each residential area shall have one typical Traffic Control Plan submitted for the area. When changes to the Area Traffic Control Plan(s) are required, a re -submittal for the area shall be provided for approval. For required closures in a residential (i.e., closure for a crosspan repair) a separate submittal from the Area Traffic Control Plan shall be provided. The Traffic Control Plan shall include, as a minimum, the following: 1. A traffic control "Approval Form" submittal with each traffic control plan. The "Approval Form" shall be legibly written and filled out completely. 2. A detailed diagram which shows the location of all sign placements including advance construction signs (if not previously approved) and speed limit signs; method, length and time duration for lane closures, and location of flag persons. 3. A tabulation of all traffic control devices shown on the detailed diagram including, but not limited to: construction signs; vertical panels; vertical panels with lights; Type I, Type II, and Type III barricades; cones; drum channelizing devices; advance warning flashing or sequencing arrow panels. Certain traffic control devices may be used for more than one operation or phase. However, all devices required for any particular phase must be detailed and tabulated for each phase. 4. Number of flaggers to be used and flagger locations. Flagger locations shall be located where approaching motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians have sufficient distance to safely stop at the specified point. 5. Parking and access restrictions to be in effect. 6. Detailed pedestrian and bicycle movement. 7. All applicable notes (i.e., sign spacing, taper length and posted speed limit, pedestrian routes, etc.) Approval of the proposed method of handling traffic does not relieve the Contractor of liability specifically assigned under this contract. Project Specifications - Page 42 of48 SECTION 00610 PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. RCB0007567 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that Lightfield Enterprises Inc. 2600 Midpoint Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (an Individual) , (a Partnership), (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal' and (Firm) Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company (Address) PO Box 3967, Peoria, Illinois 61612 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins, 300 Laporte Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 a (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER", in the penal sum of One Million Eight Hundred Thirty -Six Thousand Two Hundred Eiahty-Nine Dollars and Thirty -Six Cents ($1.836.289.36) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 15th day of March in the year of 20.1§, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins Project, 8469 Concrete Maintenance Project Phase I - 2018 Renewal. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said Agreement during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the OWNER, with or without Notice to the Surety and during the life pf the guaranty period, and if the Principal shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such Agreement, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all cost and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the OWNER all outlay and expense which the OWNER may incur in making good any default then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL FIGURE 630-1 TYPICAL ARTERIAL TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN OWNER CONTRACTOR TRAFFIC CONTROL COMPANY CANTACT NAME DATE PHONE # TCSCERT# SHEET# TABULATIONDEVICE 2 - ROAD WORK AHEAD 2 - LEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD 2 - TRANSITION(L) 40 - 28" TRAFFIC CONES TYPICAL LEFT LANE NOT DRAWN TO SCALE ARTERIAL STREETS - Shall include flagging personnel required for the road classification, control of cross traffic, and as required for the Contractor's daily work activities in addition to the minimum signage required by the specifications. Flagging shall be paid separately under "Flagging". Approved Variable Message Boards shall be required for Arterial streets, shall be shown on the drawing, and shall be paid for separately under "Variable Message Board". Advance Warning Arrow Boards may be requested by the Engineer and shall be paid for separately under "Advance Warning Arrow Board". Project Specifications - Page 43 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL FIGURE 630-2 TYPICAL COLLECTOR TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN OWNER CONTRACTOR TRAFFIC CONTROL COMPANY CANTACT NAME DATE PHONEX TCS CERT # SHEET* DEVICE TABULATION 2 - ROAD WORK AHEAD 2 - ONE LANE ROAD AHEAD 2 - FLAGGER AHEAD 20.28" TRAFFIC CONES NOT DRAWN TO SCALE COLLECTOR STREETS - Shall include flagging personnel required for the road classification, control of cross traffic, and as required for the Contractor's daily work activities in addition to the minimum signage required by the specifications. Flagging shall be paid separately under "Flagging". Approved Variable Message Boards may be required for collector streets and shall be shown on the plans and paid for separately under "Variable Message Board". Advance Warning Arrow Boards may be requested by the Engineer and shall be paid for separately under "Advance Warning Arrow Board". Project Specifications - Page 44 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL FIGURE 630-3 TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN OWNER CONTRACTOR TRAFFIC CONTROL COMPANY CANTACT NAME DATE PHONE# TCS CERT # SHEET # RESIDENTIAL STREETS - Shall include flagging personnel required for the road classification, control of cross traffic, and as required for the Contractor's daily work activities in addition to the minimum signage required by the specifications. Flagging shall be paid separately under "Flagging". Variable Message Boards are typically not required for residential streets. TRAFFIC CONTROL MANAGEMENT Subsection 630.11 shall be amended to include the following: The Contractor shall designate an individual, other than the Superintendent, to be the Traffic Control Supervisor. Traffic Control Management shall be performed by a Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS). The TCS(s) shall possess a current American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) certification as a Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor or a current Colorado Contractor's Association (CCA) certification as a Traffic Control Supervisor. Proof of certification for all personnel assigned to the project(s) shall be provided to the City Traffic Department and the Engineer. The Traffic Control Supervisor shall have approved traffic control plans for the work site and current copies of the City of Fort Collins' "Work Area Traffic Control Handbook", and Part VI of the MUTCD, pertaining to traffic control for street and highway construction, available on site at all times. Project Specifications - Page 45 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL The TCS shall have a minimum of one year experience as a certified TCS. Qualifications shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval a minimum of five (5) working days prior to commencement of the work. The TCS shall be required to be on site at all times during construction. It is the intent of the specifications that the TCS be the same throughout the year. The TCS shall be equipped with a cellular phone. Traffic Control Management shall be maintained on a 24 hour per day basis. The Contractor shall make arrangements so that the Traffic Control Supervisor or their approved representative will be available on every working day, "on call" at all times, and available upon request of the Engineer during non -working hours. A 24 hour telephone number shall be provided to the Engineer. Outside of construction hours, the response time from the Engineers' contact shall be 30 minutes or less and correction of the issue(s) shall be one (1) hour or less. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, any traffic control individual does not perform their duties at or to the minimum industry standard, the Contractor will be required to replace that individual. TCS duties shall include, but are not limited to: l . Supervise and direct project flaggers. 2. Prepare, revise, and submit Traffic Control Plans as required. 3. Coordinate all traffic control related operations, including those of the Subcontractor and supplier. 4. Coordinate project activities with appropriate police and fire control agencies, Transfort, school districts and other affected agencies and parties prior to construction. 5. Notify residents and businesses at least 48 hours prior to construction. a. Notifications may be accomplished by a representative of the TCS such as a flagger and shall be hand typed and hand delivered to all businesses and residents. 6. Inspect traffic control devices on a calendar day basis for the duration of the project to ensure devices are functioning properly and are clean and legible. 7. Oversee all requirements covered by the plans and specifications which contribute to the convenience, safety, and orderly movement of traffic. 8. Breaking flaggers for short periods of no more than fifteen (15) minutes over a sixty (60) minute period. 9. Set up and removal of traffic control device. 10. Maintain a project traffic control diary which shall become part of the City's project records. This diary/log shall be submitted to the Engineer daily and shall include the following information as a minimum a. Date. b. The time of traffic control inspections. c. Project description and location. d. Traffic Control Supervisor's name. e. Types and quantities of traffic control devices used per approved MHT. f. List of flaggers used, including start time, stop time and number of flagging hour breaks. g. Traffic control problems (traffic accidents; damaged, missing or dirty devices, etc.) and corrective action taken. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Subsection 630.15 is revised to include the following: "Traffic Control" shall be paid based on the cost of the total actual work performed during the pay period using the traffic control cost percentage in 630.20. The total cost of the work for the pay period shall be multiplied by the established percentage and shall be added to the pay application. This percentage of total work performed shall include all traffic control equipment, Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS), and all other incidentals to the work excluding Variable Message Boards (VMB), Flaggers, Advanced Warning Arrow Boards, and items 630.60 through 630.67; these items will be paid for separately. Items such as traffic control submittals, sand bags, sign stands, fencing, lighting, electricity, fuel, and Project Specifications - Page 46 of 48 REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL caution tape shall not be measured and paid for separately and shall be considered a subsidiary obligation in conjunction with traffic control items. Business signs, Neighborhood Traffic Only signs and Detour Placard street names are not considered Specialty Signs and shall not be measured or paid for separately but shall be included in the percentage cost for the month. "Variable Message Board" shall be measured and paid per each per day in addition to the monthly percentage. "Flagging" shall be measured and paid per hour in addition to the monthly percentage and shall be provided based on the Contractors daily work activities, number/location of intersections, or as directed by the Engineer, and shall include all related equipment and incidentals (i.e., Stop/Slow paddles, communication devices if required, personal protective equipment). Hours of non -flagging work in excess of those authorized shall not be measured and paid for separately but shall be at the Contractor's expense including personnel break times, and stand by time. Flaggers shall be provided with hand signs such as Stop/Slow paddles and electronic communication devices when required and follow the current MUTCD standards. Flagger equipment and devices shall not be measured and paid for separately. "Advance Warning Arrow Board" shall be paid per each per day in addition to the monthly percentage. All costs associated with Traffic Control Plan review shall not be measured or paid for separately, but shall be considered incidental to the Work including re -submittal fees. The City may deduct from compensation due the Contractor $10.00 per day for each traffic control device not removed from the site immediately upon completion of the work or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor may provide larger construction traffic signs than those typically used in accordance with the City of Fort Collins Work Area Traffic Control Handbook and the MUTCD as approved by the Engineer, however, no payment shall be made for the additional panel size. Items 630.60 "ART — Small Area Up -Charge $0 to $1,000" through item 630.67 "RES/COL — Small Area Up -Charge $10,000 to $15,000" are to be paid in the corresponding line item as a lump sum per area and are not to be included in the total sum of work for the pay period applied to the percentage in 630.20 "Traffic Control." The intent of these items is to compensate the Contractor for their mobilization and additional traffic control costs when one of the project areas in the pay period is small and/or contains few repairs. For example, if the Contractor performs work on an arterial roadway and the total work performed during that project has a total of $12,500, the item 630.63 "ART — Small Area Up Charge $10,001 to $15,000" shall be applied to the pay application total. The City of Fort Collins "Standard Master Street Plan Map" depicting the street classifications (Arterial, Collector, and Residential) can be found at the following link: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/?dt=Master+Street+Plan+Map&dn=GIS+MAPS&vid=192&cmd=showdt BASIS OF PAYMENT Subsection 630.16 is revised to include the following: Payment shall be made under: Pay Item 630.20 Traffic Control 630.30 Variable Message Board Unit Percentage Per Each/Per Day Project Specifications - Page 47 of48 REVISION OF SECTION 630 CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL 630.40 Flagging 630.50 Advance Warning Arrow Board 630.60 ART — Small Area Up -Charge $0 to $1000 630.61 ART - Small Area Up -Charge $1001 to $5000 630.62 ART - Small Area Up -Charge $5001 to $10000 630.63 ART - Small Area Up -Charge $10001415000 630.64 RES/COL - Small Area Up -Charge $0 to $1000 630.65 RES/COL - Small Area Up -Charge $1001 to $5000 630.66 RES/COL - Small Area Up -Charge $5001 to $10000 630.67 RES/COL - Small Area Up -Charge $10001415000 Hour Per Each/Per Day LumpSum/Per Area LumpSum/Per Area LumpSum/Per Area LumpSum/Per Area LumpSum/Per Area LumpSum/Per Area LumpSum/Per Area LumpSum/Per Area The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in setup/removal/modification, notifications and delivery for Construction Zone Traffic Control as directed by the Engineer. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR WORK ON ARTERIALS AND COLLECTORS NOTE: cross street traffic shall be maintained at all times unless authorized by the engineer in writing. NOTE: full closures on arterial and collector streets shall be allowed under extreme circumstances and only upon approval of the engineer. plans shall be approved a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of work and/or the time required to adequately notify the public through the media. NOTE: construction or repair work will not be permitted at or in the vicinity of a signalized intersection or any arterial and collector streets that have major traffic volumes between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m or 3:30 p.m to 6:30 p.m. (except in the case of an emergency). Exceptions may be made for construction or repair work on arterial and collector streets between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6: p.m., Monday through Friday excluding holidays, when all equipment, labor, traffic control devices, and construction are not in the vicinity of an intersection. the engineer shall authorize such work and specify the required distance from the intersection. NOTE: time restrictions on s.h. 287 and hwy 17 (College Avenue and Mulberry Street east of Lemay Avenue) shall typically be restricted from 9:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. NOTE: construction hours, except for emergencies shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding holidays, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the engineer. Special conditions for work on residential streets NOTE: full closures on all residential streets shall be allowed as shown on the traffic control plans. END OF SECTION Project Specifications - Page 48 of 48 SECTION 02500 QUANTITY ESTIMATE Specific locations are described herein in section 03500 of the contract documents; however, additional quantities may be included in the Bid Schedule for locations not yet identified at the time of the bid. All quantities stipulated in the Bid Schedule associated with unit pricing are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the Work and for the purpose of comparing the bids submitted to the Work. The basis of payment shall be the actual amount of materials furnished and Work completed Contractor agrees that he/she will make no claim for damages, anticipated profits, or otherwise on account of any differences between the amounts of Work actually performed, the materials actually furnished, and/or the estimated amount in these documents. SECTION 03000 DETAILS Curb and Gutter 701 Curb and Gutter/Sidewalk 702 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Details D-6 Median (Island Curbs) 703 Standard Driveway Approach (I & II) 706.1-3 Standard Driveway Approach (III & IV) 707.1-2 Street Intersection Crosspan 708 Metal Sidewalk Culvert for Vert. Curb & Gutter and Sidewalk D-10 Metal Culvert for Drive -Over Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk D-11 Curb Inlet Type R M-604-12 (1,2) Concrete Sidewalk Culvert D-12,13 Area Inlet D-9a Modified Type 13 Inlet 13-A Catch Basin 13-B Alley Intersections 803 Standard Manhole Cover 1201 Standard Sidewalk 1601 Sidewalk Detail 1602 Access Ramp Details 1603 Pedestrian Ramp Detail 1606 Truncated Dome Warning for Access Ramps 1607 Concrete Pavement Joints M-412-1 Nn 6' 1 12'R. N I 2'R. ---.� Gutter edge may be ___ �� n • : " tapered or battered. -' (Typlcal for all Curb & a & Gutter Types) = ' < Eb /CMTIC"% A 30' 4.5' 21.75' loop, 3.75' R b.5'' 3' 2' A ROLL-OVER (LOVELAND) CURB AND GUTTER LARIMER COUNTY NO: 1 DRAWI ING SNSTRUCTI TREET URBSTANDARDS AREACGDRAWINGSON 03/01/02 701 DATE. 17' 1' min. (F.C.) 2' min, (L) Slope to curb 1 /4"/Ft. I 4.1 max. •�; :� '. U 48:1 min, t • See Drawing 1601 For Thickness o a DRIVE -OVER CURB, GUTTER AND DETACHED SIDEWALK "a 2 min. . 1 /47R. CURB & GUTTER IN A CUT OR FILL Excavation 17 ~"94W 11 1' min. 3'.9' (F.C.) 1 CO 1 1 /2'Fill I � I 18�� 18"- \I DRIVE -OVER CURB, GUTTER AND ATTACHED SIDEWALK IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in three (3) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this 16th day of March— , 2018 IN PRESENCE OF: Z/1 S"G" T r (Title) (Corporate Seal) IN PRESENCE OF: IN PRESENCE OF: (Surety Seal) Principal Lightfield Enterprises, I f'f- (Title) 2600 Midpoint Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 _ (Address) Other Partners M Surety: Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company \\\\4' ANp/Hs � ONp.NG 0 G ovkpoo- Vs a Cr SEA PO Box 3967, eoria, IL 61612 ••az 0•'. (Address) • • ' • . , , , . .� �CLINOIs \\\���` //11111I l00\\ NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Agreement. If CONTRACTOR is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. LIMITS OF C do C z 14 IN.�r� 17 IN. 3 FT. 9 IN. n (1.17 FT.) �� \ (1,42 FT.) (3.75 FT.) z \ 2 M I M !2 \ 1 1/2 IN, FLOW UNE _ e �° •? • a n a e I 6 IN. r> 1 A \ a 6 IN. �L_ e 4 d c I�� \ zt2N DRIVE —OVER CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK 2 FT 6 IN. WHERE WALK ADJOINS A CURB, I BE 6 IN:— CONSTRUCTED 1/4 INCH THE CURB. 4 1/2 IN. SL WALK TO CURB — 1 1/2 IN. 4 IN. TO 1/2 IN. PER FT. 2I� 1 1/2 IN- R_ 4 ON. IN. z c � 2 IN. R n j� u a a r I 611N. r ` 4 FT. MIN. 4 1 a 12 IN. d- VERTICAL 6 IN. CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK EDGED 1/8 IN. R. 3/4 IN. MIN, 4.43 FT. 1.15 FT, 58 FT 2.67 FT. n •��'-1 � /d SIN. .09 FT. ' ..a.. , ' , •: 30 FT. 11 FT. 1+ l D DUMMY JOINT FOR WALKS n 6 IN, > COMBINATION CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK "HOLLYWOOD" (OBSOLETE — FOR REPLACEMENT ONLY) CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK DETAILS CITY OF FORT COLLINS STORMWATER APPROVED: DETAIL DATE: t I/13/o0 UTILITIES My i� ram+ CONSTRUCTION DETAILS D _ DRAWN BY: NBJ R 1-1/2' 4-1 Z 1 1/2'R. 1-1/2'TO 2' R. U OUT FALL CURB & GUTTER (FORT COLLINS ONLY) 6' 6" 4' 1 /8' TO 1 /4'R. 1 /8' T 1 P 1 1i2" 1-R. 1'+ 1/4' �~ n 1'± 1/4' Z ,45, e 11 1 1/2'ASPHALT OR 3 1 j2' * 6' w/concrete pavemen C CR_ PAVEMENT 8' w/asphalt �»;A BARRIER CURB ( MOUNTABLE CURB EY AY OR EPO (SECTION B) (SEC N s' , _ 6- 1 1/4' I e n o ROADWAY - '• PAVEMENT Ad 4 4 8- BARRIER CURB 6' MOUNTABLE CURB (CDOT TYPE 2 SECTION B M-609-1 CURB W/6' REVEAL) Notes: a.) Bottom of curb shall be poured to a depth no less than on the compacted subgrade of the pavement. b.) Raised center medians shall be 8' barrier curb or 8' epoxy curb only. MEDIAN (ISLAND CURBS) LARIMER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION REVISION NO: 2 DRAWING URBAN AREA DRAWINGS STREET STANDARDS DATE: 04/01/07 703 W aY it��. x = Curb Transition Length W �qht ot, • . - - Y = Parkway Width Varies : a_tgct�- W =Driveway Width, See -\ . • , Standard Drawing Series 707 T = Concrete Thickness - 6• Residential, • ��� 4 8' Commercial + \ X� Refer to Chapter 25 for minimum removal dimensions. PERSPECTIVE W = Width T Ramp if necessary A Ramp if necessary - ROW • ' ' �.: + s ":iz�`)`I I' r1:12(max I` .. . . Detached . ., +..I i'. .•'= .`. �� %4 S9dewalk Varies Varies •• �.4 .L .. 4 • Ramp Length :, Ramp Length ti .y 1 .y w w �y► �- v- 4. Back of curb ' Lin See note 3 I A See Note 3 See Note 2 x=2' (min.) Driveway Width x-2' (min.) See Note 2 Varies NOTE: " Ramp length not to exceed 16-0', slope must be uniform. m 1. Concrete driveway must be S provided to the property line, -' 2. tr Curb Height, ¢ }[�• mi» - 2' max See Section A -A L' 3. Standard Curb and Gutter a Walk Y _ Section, See Standard Drawing 701 1:50 (max.) 1:12 (max.) : • ' + 114' per ft. ---._ 1 ` per ft. Expansion Joint if drive SECTION A -A T a continues as concrete N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE STANDARD DRIVEWAY APPROACH DETACHED WALK (Type I) LARIMER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION REVISION NO: 4 DRAWING URBAN DRAWINGS STREET STANDARDS DATE: 06/26/14 706.1 W t;4r& of ya� L�1e ed X = Curb Trans4ion Length, Varies' W = Driveway Width (See Drawing Series 707) T = Concrete Thickness - 6' Residential, 8' Commercial. Refer to Chapter 25 for minimum removal dimensions. PERSPECTIVE W =Width 'A Retaining Curb (Optional, See Drawing 1603 (TYP) ROW - - - -�- - - - - �Y �Y �L •L �L 4, qL NY 'Y Y y ;� • - ,; . ' ' . •' -i a 2 (max.} ` E E r 1:12 (max.} . `• ' :Attached * I `', r�::� (; . .. Q •Sidewalk back of curb See Noie 3 I A See Note 2 Varies ' Driveway Width Varies Varies Ramp length not to exceed 1'5'•0'. Slope must be uniform. Expansion Joint it driveway continues as concrete NOTE: 1. Concrete driveway shall be provided to the property line. 2. 0' Curb Height, See Section A -A 3. Full Curb and Gutter, See Standard Drawing 701. Y 3 Yz' min - 2" max o a 1:12 (rnax)- 1 `CD Per n. m 1:50 (max.) t 1/4, per rf.� SECTION A -A N.T.S. — See Note 3 See Note 2 2' NOT TO SCALE STANDARD DRIVEWAY APPROACH ATTACHED WALK (TYPE II) LARIMER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION REVISION NO: 4 DRAWING URBAN AREA DRAWINGS STREET STANDARDS DATE: 06/26/14 706.2 M a� y a r= tvz tz CA y Cif r„ o En Cn d to 9, 0 0 ,--• IV m � o � a rn En w c� En SIDEWALK 5' 4--�-- UP-- — — — See Note 5 -J DRIVEWAY WIDTH PER DRAWING 707 CONTRACTION JOINT (TyP) SIDEWALK / —6 WING --�-� Varies P NOTE: ADDITIONAL ROW OR AN EASEMENT MAY BE NEEDED, SIDEWALK TO BE INSIDE ROW. f I 1.9 4' MIN. 6' WING See Note 5 •-"f q--J `- Flowline ` See Note 5 DRIVEWAY WITH SIDEWALK ATTACHED TO CURB S SIDEWALK 7TBA OF CURB See Note 6 } DRIVEWAY WIDTH �— 5 � 6 PER DRAWING 707 6 � 5 —�•►� MATCH FLOWLINE RAMP - VARIES 4' MIN. CURB &GUTTER �7(a•perA..� 1' t 0 Max Z � A 1:12 LAX. �- ; 00 T—T T T ._' rn n SECTION A -A NOTES: 1. See LCUASS Drawing Series 707 for driveway width. 2. Concrete class per LCUASS Section 22 3. Rough broom fish full width of ramp and wings. Trowel and use light hair bnx nt finish for sidewalk area 4, T = 6' for residential and 8' fcr commercial 5.0' curb height. See Section A -A 6. Standard curb and gutter section. See Standard Drawing 701 CA) �C—� ►J3 y,,,`.d t � d CA c� z� n Cn a x z a � � o C z � o z .P rP L=J O � b ►--- z Flare Drr�ay r I If Concrete Driveway = / Expansion Joint — r V per ft. Detached 1:12 J —� Detached Sidewalk (max) / See Note 6 I Sidewalk Parkway. t O See Note 4 See Note 3 FLJ A TYPE III DETACHED WALK 1:50 Slope 1:12 (max.) 1 /4"Der it_ ft t SECTIONS A -A iti YZ N.T.S. ���4�►��. NOTES: 1. 6' for z wide pan residential streets. y 2. All intersections to have access ramps, 3. Standard Curb and Gutter Section, See Standard Drawing 701 C 4. t)' Curb Height, See Section A -A 5. All of these pedestrian improvements shall be in ROW or a pedestrian or public access easement 6. Detectable Warning to extend the full width of the ramp and be 2'-0' in the direction of travel. Material to be approved by local engineer 7. T = 6' for residential and 8' for commercial. 8. Distance from back of curb to the beginning of Detectable Warning cannot be greater than 5'-0' DRIVEWAY WIDTHS CLASS04CATI0N APPRCAC 4 MINOMM MAXIMUM TYPE wIDT}i WIDTH RESIDENTIAL: Single Family I or lI 12, 24' ' Multi Family • I, 11, 111, or IV 24' Commercial I, 11, III, or IV 24' '9 Industrial 1, 11. III, or IV 24' 36 • High volume driveways (Type III or IV) allowed for 350 or greater trip ends/day. * 30' maximum for 3 car garages. * No single opening shall exceed 36'. Wider driveways shall be divided w/a median not less than 6 wide. C=] Lf] Htd� yyjjj H O � a d t= M t!J n PCto o C cz � O O 0 2 � O d N � rn t?� to a � � Z 4� Flare If Concrete Driveway I Expansion Joint � A O, Fit N � r`M Afar TYPE IV ATTACHED WALK 1:50 Slope 1:12 (max,) i /4' per ft 1' per ft rL SECTIONS A -A N.T.S. NOTES: 1. 6- wide pan for residential streets. 2. All intersections to have access ramps. Z 3. Standard Curb and Gutter Section, See Standard Drawing 701. 0 4. 0' Curb Height, See Section A -A 5. A I of these pedestrian improvements must be in "9 ROW or a pedestrian or public access easement. O 6. Pedestrian lendingarea, minimum required d It length x 4 It width, n max slope in any direction is 1:50 or J' per foot. 7. Deflectable Warning to extend the full width of the landing area and be 2.0 in the direction of travel beginning 6' from flowtine. Matenal to be approved by the local engineer. 8. T a Concrete thickness. 6' for Residential and 8' for Commercial See Note 5 A See Note 6 See Note 4 aV See Note 3 A Ramp It walk continues on Private Property. Pedestian landing area, See note 6 Retaining Curb (Optional), See Standard Drawing 1603 Sidewalk F111119.Lv:T,1 � 1 - ■ CIl+SSIFiCAT1pN APPROACH MNMUM MNOMUM TYPE WIDTH WIDTH RESIDENTIAL: Single Family • I or 11 1 z 24' ' Multi Family * 1, II, III, or IV 24- 36 ' ' Commercial 1, It, III, or IV 24- 36 Industrial I, It, 111. or IV 24' 3E • High volume driveways (Type III or M allowed for 350 or greater trip ends/day, * 30' maximum for 3 car garages. * No single opening shall exceed 36. Wider driveways shalt be divided w/a median not less than 6 wide. �-3 3 t y � � a n O t2itv a y t=j t=j ►- 3 az � y � rTj CC/] z � �-3 tV x 0 a r� � > C O O 2 C/) 0 2 C/) � o ►b o_ Z O iV t7 � a o � co Y WIDTH CONTROL JOINTS CONTROL JOINT REQUIRED FOR PANS OVER 40' A Ii LENGTH WALK TRANSITION FROM C & G SECTION TO PAN SECTION, TYPICAL BOTH SIDES. 6' MINIMUM (LOCAL) 8' MINIMUM (COLLECTOR) 10' MINIMUM (ARTERIAL) d a +' e 8" MIN. FOR RESIDENTIAL. USE CONCRETE PAVEMENT DESIGN + 1/2" FOR COLLECTOR & ARTERIALS. SECTION A -A NOTE: ALL INTERSECTIONS TO HAVE ACCESS RAMPS — CONTROL JOINTS (TYP.) ,TOOL JOINT_ AT 10' O.C. A TOOL JOINT DOWELL IF (for monolithic pour) COLD JOINT (See Standard Drawing 714) PLAN VIEW PARALLEL STREET CLASSIFICATION W CROSS PAN WIDTH LOVELAND DEPTH OF INVERT FT. COLLINS DEPTH OF INVERT d (SIN.) d (MAX.) d Arterial 10' 1 1 /4" 2 1 /2" 1 1 /2" Collector 8' 1 " 2" Local 6'-x 3/4" 1 1 /2" 7/8" * 8' MIN. WIDTH WHERE CROSSING A COLLECTOR ROADWAY. lF6r,op-\ impt -- A— FT 2 V"T .�•tt it PLACE FIRST SCREW tI x x x SEE DETAIL "A" X x 6 IN. FRONT EDGE LX11 "�`�B t�f , B 5/8 IN. X 2 FT. 6 IN. X 4 FT. 6 IN. RAISED PATTEREN NON-SKID GALV. STEEL PLATE (AASHTO M-111) PLAN VIEW SLOPE PLATE TO MATCH 4 FT. 6 IN. SIDEWALK 2 FT. 0 IN. 6 IN 4 FT. 0 IN. 2 FT. 0 IN. 1/2 IN.-]— I FLOMJNE (AS SHDWN ON PLAN 6 IN • • R .+ 6 IN, SECTION A --A 3 IN, 2 FT. 0 IN. for ��/Q•J 3 IN. 4 5 8 IN. 1/4 1W� (/+44IN. 4 a; IN. MIN. 7 i/2 IN. 2:1 SLOPE l 3 FT. 0 IN. — 2:1 SLOPE 5 FT. 6 IN. SECTION B—B s/a IN. 3%8 ii BRASS scR>EAD F U as l iiALVANIZED W/ CaUNSER5UNK HEAD ii,l)5H PLATE W/ PLATE 3-W/8 IN. 114 W GALVAW2FD ANGLE I NO. 3 MAR ----^""` AN04OR-16 IH. Q.C. Y `c DETAIL 'A' REV. DATE 12/11/13 METAL SIDEWALK CULVERT FOR VERT. CURB & GUTTER AND SIDEWALK crry Ins �� s 5TORMWATER ������'boU DETAIL iirr roar couma. co. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DATE: 12/12/OO D— 1 O twrol a`1'6740 DRAWN BY: NBJ 5/8 IN. X 2 FT. 6 IN. X 4 FT. 0 IN. RAISED PATTEREN NON-SKID GALV. STEEL PLATE (AASHTO M-111)` 77 2 SEE DETAIL 'A" B — — — — NOTE: FLOW INTO STREET I SLOPE PLATE TO MATCH PLAN VIEW DEWALK 14 IN. 14 IN. 4 FT. 0 IN. 2 FT. 0 IN. 1/2 IN. /2 — 1IN. 12 .1 FLOWLINE (AS SHOWN ON PLAN SECTION A —A 3 IN. 2 FT. 0 IN. 3 IN. J. 41 2 7 8 IN. IN, 1/4 IN IN. 5 3/4 IN 2:1 SLOPE 3 FT. 0 IN. 2:1 SLOPE 4 FT. 11 IN. SI ECTION B-13 5/5 IN, 3/_8 W. BRASS sa"—la IN. c.c. GALVANIIE�D COUNTERSUNK WAD FLUSH PLATE W*� PLATE 3x2x3/8 IN. GENERAL NOTESj GALVANIZED ANGLE I. WHEN THE CURB IS SEPERATED FROM THE SIDEWALK THE STEEL PLATE SHALL BE PLACED ON THE SIDEWALK AND THE CONCRETE CHANNEL(WTH 6 IN. NO. 3 REBAR THICK WALL ON EACH SIDE) CONTINUED INTO THE ANCHOR-18 IN. ar- CURB AND GUTTER. DETAIL 'A' REV. DATE 12/11/13 METAL CULVERT FOR DRIVE —OVER CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK - MY OF �FORTES STORMWATER APPROVED: DETAIL hnss UTMITIES Foiticoum,co. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DATE: 12/18/00 (9") ZZL-eM DRAWN BY. N6J D-11 SECTION 00615 PAYMENT BOND Bond No. RCB0007567 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that Lightfield Enterprises Inc. 2600 Midpoint Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (an Individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal' and (Firm) Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company (Address) PO Box 3967, Peoria, Illinois 61612 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Collins, 300 Laporte Ave. Fort Collins Colorado 80522 a (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER", in the penal sum of One Million Eight Hundred Thirty -Six Thousand Two Hundred Eighty -Nine Dollars and Thirty -Six Cents ($1,836,289.36) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 15th day of March in the year of 20.1.§, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins Project, 8469 Concrete Maintenance Project Phase I- 2018 Renewal. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall make payment to all persons, firms, subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such Agreement and any authorized extension or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools, consumed, rented or used in connection with the construction of such Work, and all insurance premiums on said Work, and for all labor, performed in such Work whether by subcontractor or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. l=S{ B }'—� INfi PAx LfNCTH RN BUFFER B PI AN VIEW INLET GENERAL NOTES: BARRIER CURTB FACE W5'TRANSITION SEE SHEET 2. WHEN A TYPE R INLET 73 USED *it. YOU TABLE CURB Ale CRIER 5 FT. TRAISITON BIMI'L CBNSTRUCiEO WUITABLC TRANSITION SXAL BE PAID GRB FACE FOR AS CNN AND WiTER. RDUNTABLE CURB AM GUTTER TRANSITION CURB ♦- FOR A — PAN SLOPE 1• PER Ft. I,.ry 4.-4.. v.' SLOPE 2S i0 CUTTER W le• e1G 1%' R 409.8 O.C. • %nWK • 1"/FT. 601 CUT OFF OR BEND OARS TO CLEAR MANHOLE L--L•5'-0" L•10'-0' L-&Y 3^ FLUSH p�AC 1" 2„ WIK 109 BUT SOS I !09 �{°9 �409 PE R-SEC. 70) I I YAAiBLE (T� B' 6• IM.ET STFPS q 403 NOS 1a5 103 I I 2.� aR' XEO'0 FOR AL 601 2^ CLR. Sot 601 rAl 601 6• Pll I t: �- 701 2" 5T3 _ X 2 P-6" 'o1 o J• aR. 101 ( ® 401 a /07 f�Nl I zs 9h" D.c, 5%:' Oc. - D.c.� L= S' MN ]" CLR� '�1 H4, ,, 2:1 P/E' PIPE SPACER 12. D.C. L=To" 15'^. H55' a 9. 0.0 TYP V D.C. Ne 1%" LOfM NIT I6" YAK. B, T 3" OUR. ]^ OCR, /W wT B^ {Ei� IT IyL" DIA.A 24" R A 2 IN.OIAMETER TEMPMARY 102 /D. 101 11' ' T C E J - Y, AL - CAV. STEEL R� NBLE :OR ORMH,v:E SXAL 11' O.C. 101 u• O.C. 9' O.L. ,yTOU1a rib^ OC. BE PtA= AT SUBGFAOE 3" CLA. 105 106 IDS 1D. IDS 108 (TYP.) IV' ENBEC4Ev� ELEVATION X OR A MININM 11" O.0 a Dc a' D.C. 6• D. 6" O,C' Nh FDADTHREEBMENTHE HOLE -F- 6' B' 11 8' 16'-S 3 O-" %" PLATE &HALL RE.. PLUGGED WITH 403 , SECTION A -A REGULAR INLET ACCEPTANCE p CURB FACE ASSEMBLY NEn �1 C � l•TO'-0'� C � L=IS'-0� *PLACE ENTIRE A95EmsLY BuTRE PORING CCNCRLIE. 2' AL M-1MG ' 503 502 4"502 Sot SOI t09 9 B' S09 113 1°] CONS IMT 409 /0] 113 1Q3 4 5'-0" 3' 0.R. WR,. 0.52 SLOPE ^III 103 N CbxS ANi •08 9" O.C. 4DI 101 gn �- - J'-A" 406 4D5 3^ OR 413 6" CC. 6" O.C. N 5' 411 412 413 III eu I SECTION B-B vARIAaE las °� D +' C 112 — •-- — END VIEW 1" ttR. L ' NOTE: WAFELE RING AND COVER,StATIDN POINT l06 AM OUTFLOW PIPE SHALL M LOCATED SECTION A -A INLET — J-D ^ AT T«E 9ANE TO OF Tlx PACT. Q. lae IN[TH DROP BO% A HY5 FT. n' B.c. SECTIONS C-C & D-0 (DO11E0 eANs Ax w sfcna o-01 Computer File Information Sheet Revisions Colorado Department of Transportation STANDARD PLAN NO. Luz. Mutl5E.7 O7" D4=V120,/BA/I2 ;Lob LaA commem: IM)o r o�°�� ,,°� " oao °80222 CURB INLET TYPE R FMR Potty:....°,ao.oamoL.mmieutmes:/aoP1 N,ev°POFI I� Ft- . 303) T5T-9oe3 M-604-I2 D.o•m9 PIT, Nome: BDID:zolo2.a9N :�Rr�Lwls F— t3o3) 75]-9820 Q vt•,: Lr Neslm�ee ve sow: IO2e9 sow mle: E- - Project Development Branch DD/LTA Iswea BY: P.°iect Dwtlo — W—h S Ay 4, 2012 Sheet No. I of 2 16' 4 I B' FOR LENGTH ILI ID FT. OR MBRS. PROVIDE 409 li9 MAINTENANCE ACCESS AT BOTH ENDS WITH AN AMITIONA MANN LE RING AND COVER. -L - A CUT REPEORCEYENt BAR ACCORBIMYY. 6. +BTApaN PD114T AT YIOPOINT OF.NLET AONC FIDnPTT 5 RODS ENDS BE 8 I BE. IN IS' INLET J" LLR. FACE OF ---- CUNB 10" Xr J',EACN EIa MEE9T UPf. C' MAMA BARRIER COPH MO CUTTER HERE. DIRECTION aF ROw SEE LNAYEI LAYOUT ON SIEEi 1. BLA. I TRANS,+ nI GUTTER IR I%. _ eEes 1,48M i®®!Y0aliiEiii9liAY� 'i_' 1 I�®�® t 't Nam 1tty®010i1i11ttttl�tttiitttttt� 11®��It®tttt�ttt���l�t��tOts� i1�ItttOY Q�� �Oa010�i©�®�10cm0� ® IOvT"A pl�IO�tlid �aoml�Ir.�I���ilat®I�Ili��a mm ma�a0lo�lo�a�n©mom '® ��01�Itltttt��lttttt®�IO�ttI0lttZi� mo©e�oi 1a�1©�i©moo t�ll��ttttt�l�ltttsr.�o�ltt�l l�ls W VARIABLE MEER TO TIRE TWO v INCLUDE E,: 18 BE. BATS (SLL CHMNEL LAYOUT) REDEEM INLET $ map BOI WRETS TABLE ONE — BAR LIST FOR CURB INLETS.TYPE "R" �®®100��IE4�ETal�®I0m E�ti•1®®I��IiE!•m �®®Effii100 ��E�It000dI�A1���A ttt�tt�ttl�lt0®t�Olt�®' ll��ttt� mmt��®It00t��' t®®�r• �_t�' 0' �_tt�ttt�t�'.W+111t_ot= ®�®®®®®1�' 9I11f� ®�Iu 0 ®I�� �1���® 11111® mm01MMI mmlaml=�I��®01t��10�1� IIIIIM®t®�I�t®t�'.',� l�t� !tom®KM i momlm®I��11�1� NOIESFOR L 5 FT., "10 FT., AND L-15 FT. REGULAR INLETS: TOT QUANTITIES NEEDED ARE RTSIDE THE HEAVY BLACK EINE- OROP BOX INLETS TInk QUANTITIES NEEDED ARE INSIDE THE HEAVY BLNIX LIAR. STEEL WEIGHTS 0O HOT INCLUDE STRLCTURk STEEL CHNNNEL. TABLE TWO N BARS AND QUANTITIES VARIABLE WITH "H" fAVN SEE NOTE 11 PLAN VIEW 1 ELEVATION VIEW MANHOLE COVER (TYP.) GENERAL NOTES L CONCRETE SHkI BE CLASS B.BAET NAY BE CASMN+LALE OR FEC91. 2. CONCRETE WELS SHEL BE FORMED DIN BOTH SIDES AD SMAEL BE 8 IN, THICK. 7. INLET STEPS SHkL BE IN AWOHNAVCE WITH AASHTO Y PIS, ,. CURB FACE ASSEWLY SHAL BE GALVANIZED *TER WELDING 5. EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS SINLL BE CWNFERED Y, IN,CUNB AND CUTTER CFANERS SIEL BE FINISHED TO MATCH THE EXISIIHG CURB AID GETTER BEYOND THE TRANSITION CUTTER. 6. REUIFURCINC BARS SHALL BE DEEMED AID SYALL HAYS A 2 R:.IRNIWN CLEARANCE. kI REINFORCING BANS SHN.L BE EPUXY DENIED. 7. OIMENSICNS AND WEIGHTS OF TYPICAL N4RDLE FOR AD DOER ARE NOMINAL. 8, MATERIAL FOR IEAADLE RINDS AD CMERS SNkL BE GRAY OR DUCTILE CAST 111 IN NCaTlDACE WITH SU95ECIION 7i2.1 9. SINCE PIPE ENTRIES INTO THE DALE ANE TIM—E, THE DWCNS105 SHOWN ARE IYPICN., KTUk DIMENSIONS AND Q'JMIIFIES FOR CONCRETE AND REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE AS REWIRED IN PC WOM, QUNUITIES INCLUDE VRNIES OCCUPIED BY PIPES. 10. STRUCTURAL STEEL S4LL BE GA --ZED AD SIWL BE IN <CDTO NCF WITH SUISECTION 71206, U. ALL MNWIOF COVERS SH LL BE CAST WIN A 14D O UPING CRANS TO STREAM" I[SSRCE AD A FISH SYDIR, THE SU rACE O THE MARDIE W'ER SHED NAPE A NMPSLW PATTEDD 2„ONES FOR 5 FT. 1% 35"ONE 0/ IN.HOEv-10•z9" 2,' ]," I," 29", J14 E+ BARS MLTHREE 1Y, IN. LAD SEETIIA At /ENE ITYP.) PLAN VIEW n• 22^ 2z• zr zo' u^ zr zz" IT" 8 H BARS 1 fat 15 FT, INLET �E I," I 3.5'•-.L. 3,r—L 30.-.1--3o'•-L-m"- 1 35• IS1.Ipl. FIVE 1% IN HOES ELEVATION VIEW WEINTS: WYER A 125 LBS. +RIWD. 135 Los. CHANNEL LAYOUT DETAILS SEE CURB FALE ASSEMBLY ON SHEET 1. MANHOLE RING (TYP.) TOT& = sea LWS. TYPE 11 TYPC III TYPE IV +,• ` 79-�li"C TYPE V ^� TYPE VI ,OS j TYPE VEI Ir'.. TYPE VIII TYPE X �II 51H ),�y MIL= O1 BAR BENDING DIAGRN.fS ti (DIMENSIONS AftE OUT -TO -CUT OF BAR) wrrwuier Eve inrormac— I I pfleel I Colorado Department of Transportation STANDARD PLAN NO. Cre Ow Dale: 07/04/12 w,:vle: OD Date: Cumm.en;n ,201E t rVNRn4aR Avenue Lee, Mc6Nm,ien Del,: 07/04/12 Inllbls: LTA or F�o-�,,(s�}>>s7- U8 22 CURB INLET TYPE R M-604-12 fu11P4lh:wrw.cold.ptlo0pt.inlW/pusinesR/Gc^.ignsVpport F— (303) 757-9820 m,vvin FNe Name: 600:20202.d cN3 ve.: MY'.st— TIES s— "IG sNN. UNIY, E'4 h Project Development Branch DD/lTA I.... Dy: Props, D.rel—.I..... Jury ,, 20t2 Sheet No. 2 Of 2 3 C 4 IN, L 6 IN. THICK SIDEWALK (TYPJ 4 FT. 1 FT. 6 IN B (TYPJ L 6 IN. 11 IN. 2 FT. N4 APS A I 12 N OC 8C 8.5 FLUSH m EXTEND WALK I FT. BEYOND NORMAL BACK OF WALK. 604 BARS 5 03 BARS AT C 9 1N. O.C, 2 03 BARS AT 6 IN. O.C. B BACK OF CURB SEE DETAIL 'A' VAPPF] CUP L BE8.5 WITH 1 1/2 IN. DIA. HOLE IN CENTER - EXTEND CHANNEL TO OUTSIDE El Ut I AIL A SEE DETAIL `g• 14 BARS 6 IN. 6 IN. f5 BARS 8 1/2 IK 'I— • 111% SLOPE WITH CURB FACE 1 1/2 M. R /c4 gAR / f8 14 BARS -, 6 IN, IN. /4 1N.-1 TN. LEG � LCNG /4 BARS-12 IN. O.C. 2 IN.BOTHWAYS ' SECTION A —A 2 IK 4.1 6 IM 6 IK z1 658 3 FT. 6 IN. 4 FT. 0 IN. 3 F7. 6 IN. a, WARPED GUTTER DEPRESSED GUTTER WARPED GUTTER 1 1 /2 IN. PPE SPACER IN. + MID 1 1/4 LOCK NUT �.--TIIP OF CURB 2 IN B lN. - . • ". . ; 1 1 //4 IN. DIA. X 24 IN. GALV. 3 IN.STFEL ROD — THREADED ---- --------- -- ---- 3 1/2 IN. AT TOP. . • • y , , • - . ,. • .• • :3 NORLiAL FLOW LINE " TE��p f1 OW LINE; .a ' r 6 IK r' 41N SECTION B-B 3 IN. x 3 IN. x 3/8 IN, (REINFORCEMENT NOT SHOWN) PINE 6 IK DETAIL "B" 11 FT. 0 IN. I FT, GENERAL NOTESI 1 4 BARS s BARS 1. SIDEWALK SHALL BE 6 IN, THICK FOR 3 FT, ON 6 IN. EITHER SIDE OF CULVERT. 2. TOP SLAB OF CULVERT SHALL BE SLOPE TO ADD 1 N 4 BARS •DD}i f 4 BARS MATCH SIDEWALK, SEE D-6. 14 1/2 IN, 3. EXPOSED STEEL SHALL BE GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M-111. 4. KEY JOINTS WHERE WALLS CONNECT TO TOP SLAB AND BASE. 4 goVAARSS-12 IN. O.C. 5. REINFORCEMENT IN WALLS AND BASE SHALL BE 3 IN. FROM THE SIDE EXPOSED TO EARTH. SECTION C—C REINFORCEMENT IN TOP SLAB SHALL BE 1 1/2 IN CLEAR. CONCRETE SIDEWALK CULVERT FOR VERT. CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CITY OF FORT COLLINS STORMWATER APPROVED: DETAILDATE: UTILITIES cTaT ofrm+ cam, CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 12/19/00 D -12 DRAWN BY: NBJ 3 FT_ 9 pi 6 1N. THICK 1 SIDEWALK tTYP 1 4 rT 6 M-- I FTC f B it ' 1 17 IN I , Ia IN 04 i. A ' r_ 1y _�3 fT_6_IN:- I A� TEND NORMWALK BA s FT BENORMA L AL BACK or WALK, 6 R4 644 BARS i' AT 11 IN, DC 34 ._ I T I 3 03 BARS AT 8C 8 5 WITH t 1/2 IN, DIA HOLE 9 IN. D.0 IN CENTER - EXTEND CHANNEL TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF WALL. —I fi WALL rI 6 1N5 BARDCS AT B ( ! BACK Or CURB--, 8 IN, , J U -SEE DETAIL 'A• 1 �' Ir� r r .. • M. M A--� ..ram... nears 8C 8.5 FLUSH ----� WITH CURB FACE i �1 1/2 IN. R / #418 IBA�ONG I `, L- /4 IN. -I IN. LEG / 1 2 IN. I 2 IN 4:1 6 IN. 1 j 6 IN 2 1., / 5 BA -Y• I �. t 1 /2 IN. PIPE SPAtER .I AND 1 1/4 N LOCK NUT 8 IN.� 3 IN. X 3 IN. X 3/8 IN. PLATE FLDWLU 1 1 1/4 IN. DIA X 24 W GALV I IN STEEL ROD - THREADED T 3 1/2 IN.. AT TOP. 6 IN. r T A t. Ne M GENERAL NGTESI 1. SIDEWALK SHALL BE 6 IN. THICK FOR 3 FT. ON EITHER SIDE OF CULVERT. 2, TOP SLAB OF CULVERT SHALL BE SLOPE TO MATCH SIDEWALK, SEE D-6. 3. EXPOSED STEEL SHALL BE GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M-111, 4. KEY JOINTS WHERE WALLS CONNECT TO TOP SLAB AND BASE. 5. REINFORCEMENT IN WALLS AND BASE SHALL BE 3 IN, FROM THE SIDE EXPOSED TO EARTH. REINFORCEMENT IN TOP SLAB SHALL BE RADI. j 2 FT. 0 IN. , �5_fT, 6 IN. — (—SEE DETAIL �I -g u..—N4 BARS I 1 I 6 IN. 6 IN. �`/5 BARS $ 1j2 IN M SLOPE -- L �( 6 IN. '`14 EAa" 5 — 1 :. y4 BARS-12 W. O,C BOTHWAYS SECTION A -A 3 FT, 6 IN 4 FT, 0 iN..1- 3 FT. 6 IN _ WARPED GUTTER I' DEPRESSED GUTTER WARPED GUTTERW I ---TOP OF CURB ILA -- ■��®. NVKMAL- 1 .. 1 �. 1'1 --' I I -cc1 � Zi, Flow LINEL - J ``0`"I `I•,L SECTION --B (REINFORCEMENT NOT SHOWN) 11 FT 0 IN I , p 4 BARS ,1 5 BARS 6 W ADD I N 4 BARS — ADD I! a GARS 14 1/2 IN" .I I• r^ . •pp 4 BAPS-12 W. O.0 x BOTHWAYS SECTION C-C CONCRETE CULVERT FOR DRIVE -OVER CURB, GUTTER AND WALK ® CITY OF FORT COLLINS STORMWATER APPROVED. DETAIL DATE: t2 UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION DETAILS /20/00 D-13 ���� DRAWN BY- NBJ A B -NO. 12 GRATE AND FRAME BY MOCLEAR OR APPROVED EQUAL. A -—I PLAN VIEW 35 3/4 IN. 6 IN. 23 3/4 IN. INN. R LF. TA- O.F. f4 O 12 IN. CTRS. (TYP.) IN. CTRS. 8 IN. TYPICAL WALLS MO FLOOR SECTION A —A SECTION B—B GENERAL NOTES: 1. AREA INLETS MAY BE USED FOR ORAINAGEWAY OTHER THAN STREETS. (EXAMPLE, PARKING LOTS, MEDIANDS, SUMP BASINS) AREA INLET APPROVED: DETAIL CITY OF FORT COLLINS STORMWATER DATE: 1ED: UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION DETAILS D - 9 A CPI of � DRAWN BY: N$J 10 6' — 23 1/4' 22 3/B' Aw. 8. 1 TO 12 1 /2'r-1 3/4* TYP Q / 20 1/2' 4' — 6' 28 1 /2' — 38 t/2' I NOTE: I. TOTAL OPEN AREA IS 336 SQUARE INCHES. i 2' 24" TRANS. S� SEE Nor£ 3 3'-3" RAIL EMBED EOUAL w NO FLANGE L£NGTH 1N BOTH WALLS ,44 0 12" 00 .: FEE PLANS 5' SEE NOTE 5 NOTES.' 2. 5' 1. — n ,� rsr+s ouu .r aa.rna.ert9 ...Rn..r a.... an c z MMMM f*QW AID oaur IS =nN IP ar J_WA - MAC OMIt, air AW 'a .X MM !ate MN .Sftt'Y V Sre?AW A LMUN Ar !S : MM AV SAWWALK At m Or PFACM CMW ,fDAr== SQD NCK OM 0T o"T AV" am MNIL t ALL Stff XUW soot At CAST /V /YAC1r CAtl=M LOEM 0"eWOW AU7IM= pr rK olwu 8 —I 8 " I-- 30 " 8 In t a0 N M r I I Type 13 Inlet STANDARD NUMBER 6a Detail Type 13 — A City of Fart collim CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REMENfD. TAT6-' A 6' 34' PLAN VIEW n(s C4 1/4' st eel angle (welded ciX-ners) Tab 2 1/2* Tab 213 FRAME n 9 , I . 112' 1/2'rrbar amnors 12-OC ' f-n�r 4— L 2 1/2' x 2 1/2'x t-1 IF;'x 32' —Warp inside qutter grads 11* 24' CaCh Side of inTilt to mewl grade of inlet 3 31er Norma( putter grade at back T.. —31/2 grade at outside of walk. CSlandard 4: curb line ' 2-112*4, rebar's 23 6. ''Y 3-1112*0 retars 12'OC. .01 1 slope 1'pet it to outl E _"w3-1JZ4 rcbars 12'0.C. $EU12N A -A. ats. NOTE' A 12'transition cent-1 on the e- Snail be constrkiedi. All reinforcing steals4ll be Grade 4o C14 CATCH BASIN DETAILS ' (DRIVE -OVER CURS NITTPA A C: I n CXA I A 1 1,1 ENGINIPF-PlKirz E= �__ 2 401, 1 ') -0 12 ya I e- ny Mat Jr,,jr or jvXovcd cqjaL Q RAT E Border R.O.W. (TYP.) Alley Drtve-Over or Vertical Curb & Gutter 117X1l7 I l mi o' SIGHT Construction Joint Ij SIGHT Curb AREA, AREA Cr Curb 1 12_ Welk I gla B' minimum thick 1.12 ' — Walk to rn11TT� concrete Or Curb `" T e me - Parkway U'Curb©R Parkway W g C n 8' Curb e- Curb STREET r Deter ALLEY W/ SIDE DRAINAGE Drainage May Cross the Walk Up to a Maximum of 0.5 cfs for the Design 2 Year Storm. Alley FL- I wI / Concrete :+ Alley Drainage Inlet or Other Drainage Collection R.O.W. System shall be designed (Np.) for 2 year storm m!nimum. a // 1tTXto' ` 1t7XII9 SIGKrSIGHT \ \ AREA / \ AREA Walk t 24 m I �'vu 8' minimum thick 1�24 Walk �11-� concrete cr Cr Curb ' Curb Parkway Parkway 6' Curt, _ Ft fj Curb 8-1 �tfti'DervbQr-.. 8-2 ForSeebilles Rad& STREET Requirements ALLEY W/ CENTER DRAINAGE Drainage May Not Cross the Walk Unless The Water Is Sheet Flow and does not Interfere with pedestrian use of walk - ALLEY INTERSECTIONS LARIMER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION REVISION NO: 2 DRAWING URBAN AREA DRAWINGS STREET STANDARDS DATE: 04/01/07 803 'mow .9 t =o �' .. a CD O m 3 v cn ca D t o E N co O () c ci I L �= m Q m N D t 30 Cc. L E Q D � � r o a 'n U .= N Cpc p o D a O o C� �' m � � o m s as x oM E a ° m a r: _ a m Ec g a m Z 3 ni ri a MLn m �� a$:3 �3 y corm U .C� LL 0 z o a C\2 A 0 0 � z � O cn w = A x z coo A F� � zA A � d' A z W d O U E co m E-F C/7 Y ` . ♦ ♦ - . . - • . . . ♦ . ♦ . . . ♦ . . . ♦ . . . . . . ♦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`. . . . . . . Y . - . - ♦ ♦ . ♦ . . . . ♦ . . . . . . . ♦ . . . . ♦ . ♦ ♦ ♦ . . . . . ♦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attached Sidewalk T.C. 6'-0' 1 F.L. Min. Lip W Commercial 12' Expansion 6' Residential Joint Material 1i2' Expansion Joint Material Detached Attached 5' ' . Sidewalk' ; .... brivewaY - ._'' Sidewalk K. + SECTION A -A All Sidewalk Thickness Shall Be 6♦ minimum. NOTE 1. Sidewalk grade shall remain consistent across driveway 2. For driveway design requirements, see CONST. DWG. Series 7D6 & 707 I This detail applies to Residential & Commercial driveways. NOT TO SCALE STANDARD SIDEWALK LARIMER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION REVISION NO: 3 DRAIIING URBAN AREA DRAWINGS STREET STANDARDS DATE: 05/01/13 1601 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in three (3) count each one of which shall be deemed an original, this 16th day of , rch 2018 IN PRESENCE OF: (Title) (Corporate Seal) ► ' C Yzi01401111561a Principal �/ r) Lightfield Enterprises, Inc. rIes J4 (Title) 2600 Midpoint Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (Address) Other Partners By: By: IN PRESENCE OF: Surety: Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company ✓i, -4c A�D �.� NQING AIVI) By coo PO Box 3967, Peoria, IL 61612 o •• SEAL X = •. (Address) �- • (Surety Seal) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Agreement. If CONTRACTOR is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. Stops edtmatk to Curb 114• per toot LA.jj a �d . r 4` 4 ' . r •. '+- NOTE: Coriatnwt sidewalk vAm lottta at ttri•itervala .4 enU afprx d v*rj aCOAn9 on Curb. 4- , 4, ATTACHED SIDEWALK DETAIL DETACHED SIDEWALK DETAIL R 11$' 114 SLAB THICKNAS 4. 4 • WEAKENED PLANE JOINT 1 /2- Expansion Joint material a �• R114• 4 w •, 12' •': :, 4 ra '4• v INSTALL IN LOCATIONS SPECIFIED IN CHAPTER 22 EXPANSION JOINT r- SIDEWALK DETAIL LARIMER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION REVISION NO: 2 DRAWING URBAN AREA DRAWINGS STREET STANDARDS DATE: 04/01/07 1602 Retaining Curb (Optional) to retain ground behind the walk, it needed 2 (Radius varies) Wood float finish thru ramp Transition back of walk (typ) ',z- 12 Walk Broom finish h Curb_.. Gutter See Note 6 See Note 5 CORNER LOCATION / Wood float finish thru ramp Walk Broom finish Curb Gutter Retaining 3 Curb (Opt cnal 7' R.\ siope I 6. I 5' i 6. (max.) ..T .� ~ I (max.) MID -BLOCK LOCATION 2'-& 1:50 see ft. y , � g note 2 A SECTION A -A See Note 6 See Note 5 Detectable Weminq, See Note 4 • Curb to match slope of sidewalk, Ramp length not to exceed 1 S-0' Retaining Curb (Optional) Transition back of walk (typ.) Broom finish — Detectable Wam ng, See Note 4 On a radius hold 61 at the comers of the truncated dome waming. Ij ti•7 E NOTES: 1. T = Concrete thickness, 6• minimum for entire ramp area. 2. 1:50 Max unless a landing behind ramp (then ramp can be 1:12 with 1:20 on the detectable warning). 3. See CONST. DWG. 1606(a) and 1607 for Port Collins. 4. Detectable Waming to extend the full width of the ramp. Material to be approved by Local Engineer. 5. 0• Curb height, See Section A -A, 6. Standard Curb and Gutter Section, See Standard Drawing 701. NOT TO SCALE r- ACCESS RAMP DETAILS LkRIMER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION REVISION NO: 2 DRAi9ING URBAN AREA DRAWINGS STREET STANDARDS DATE: 06/26/14 1603 Standard Curb end Gutter, See Standard Dwg 701 (TYJP) 0' Curb Height, See Section A -A (n'p) 4' (min) (rYP) A r_i 2 Transition (rYP.) + 2' (nvn) W . ► + + W w ry W Curb „ W Rare Y W w w V' ♦ W r w w • + W W + + Detectable Warning + ♦ jjj � W W w w .%� • + i Pedestrian V Landing Area, Detectable See Note 2 SIDEWALK Warning r-- 0' Curb I A + �_ �--a W + + Y V + `-Curb Option, ' W + ` + See Note 5 ` + Cu I 2 Radius = B' W + uy W W W + + rr + 7 + w Curb' + W W W W++ w 7y,�(max} I Per 1:20 (max) rL �' �' + + • + ,.' � 12' per n. rL W W .` W W W .` aIr ♦ . Lip of Gutter PLAN VIEW T. see Note a N.T.S. SECTION A -A j%%a— NOTES: N.T.S. sv-ox%" 1. No joints are allowed in the flowline. Six inch wide curb or'dummy joint may be tooled no closer than 6 inches from flow line as shown. 2. Pedestrian landing area required 4 ft length x 4 ft width, max slope in any direction is 1:50 or Y,' per toot. 3. .Joint pattern to be according to intersection gutter detair or as determ'ned by the local entity. 4. Wood float finish is required over the sloped surface of ramp and flares. 5. A 6' wide curb option may be poured along side of the ramp as shown it required. If curb is used it shall match style of adjacent curb and gutter. 6. Minimum ramp width shall be four feet, or the same as the widest adjacent sldewa!k, whichever is greater, up to a maximum width of 8 feet. 7. Detectable warning is to extend full width of the ramp and be a minimum of 2.0' in the direction of travel. Material to be approved by local engineer B. T = Concrete thickness, 6' minimum for entire ramp area. NOT TO SCALE DIRECTIONAL ACCESS RAMP DETAIL & DETACHED SIDEWALK LARIMER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION REVISION NO: 4 DRAWING URBAN AREA DRAWINGS STREET STANDARDS DATE: 06/26/14 1606 [n � d 0 n Mz C z O z y O C (") rn N Cn to t 7 oil O� O q.Center line of ramp v D BOC-Back of Curb FOC -Face of Curb \ BGC I -Flow fine A� 3 Rare Ramp Rare Ramp Rare Ramp M m0 O 0 Rare 0 � � 000� 00000 � { 000 Flare � 4 o pane(PaneE�s o Panels fociG0.�0 ]OPjan'Pariellu 0 0 O0-0 OHO U� �0 0 00 N Oc�ooBQC GFlare o f Panels O 'i_n vv 0-0- O Curb N 0 0 O to �] Gutter O; Q O T Curb --q or A o 0 Apron r- Case 1-Directional Ramps °' Case 3-Mid-Block Ramps z Case 2-Non-Directional Ramps Cl) O Notes: Ramp Panel Width Z hinnfirim- < 1. Truncated dome warning panel: 4.5' 2+2.5' m Install panels along with the 5.0' 2.5'+2.5' concrete pour for the ramp. 6.0' 2+2+2 in Specifications for the panel and 7.0' 2.5'+2+2.5' 1:20 1:12 max slope installation instructions will be 8.0' 2'+2+2+2 Slop -� _ provided upon request. Z 2. This drawing shows vertical curb. Note: O For Drive Over Curb the warning Truncated dome panels are `3 Panels embedded in the detection location shall be placed in available in 2x2' squares 0 concrete ramps the same position 6' back from the and 21x2.5' rectangles. back of curb. Combine the widths to fit n 3. If curb and gutter are poured the ramp. Panels maybe monolithic with ramp, place dome cut to no less than a 2'x1,5' edge at back of curb as shown. If size. Section A -A (Center line of ramp) not poured monolithic, place dome NTS edge 6' from back of curb. ;IATOJN4 SQU BE STAWRD AT San' NIERVALS ON EACH OUT510C 1WIENE'3/IRIEN AS SM4-+HI+ GENERAL NOTES TYPCAQ NO® ANT SPACING 15' I THG STN6A® PL44 DOGS Not ARMY 10 TIM CFKTETE 043E ATS (nRTET0"X) L6 is' IS' r 12. 7. LOCATE IQ JpMi AT A Q JdNI OR A wWEM OF 7 R. fPOu A Q Xpi ,. t ICI C C C C 1 ]. i1Q JW lA1LUi SZBE USM AS A M45AM FDA THE At(T LAW MIT THE PROJECT. APPROA[N SITE C C C i TTE CaY1FACIU7 fiiC44YS NIAU7Db EFON iNN4 STUaNm al TIC PT(OIECf FUS 11AT4NL (IF I111110 N CCWTM NOT CDARED H RM TIE CIONIM1(1R V LL PII PA E A PA DXM JOM . LKYW FM APPNC K Bf THE 04CHEO. STABS 14 ET. N NOF( SIKL. BE CII61ANICT© ONLY NOi Scr BANS tdCD?S..AAERALS HICH DESTONiII}D di TI[ AIYE PANS�FOR CCIAAS OF 12 C A. NEN A CEIRFMODS WOTH OF PAWICql IS FORM WOLF THAN 40 ET_ 14 "1 W[AFE51 SUIT AND JET IS' PCQ)fRRUE SHALL BE AN IMIT[B O WENT. , E 1 ON 1 OAlOED FIGENA M 2 WE DIECTOwR. PAE.IEN( AND BOTH SHOIAXRS %AU IX"M ORW DECK 1Y 90 mTH E laL0N0PUE SAWED CONTRACTION JOINTS is' b. ON YAfiA$E WIDTH SLABS. THE 2 Fl, OR 4 n CM CF SLAB IUTN ORENSION MAY VARY' IS TICKS C) C C L' C C C (C C T 70 ¢ tSCD MEOW ilAT7C RAN[ a Amin sn%VATnr OR FOR TAPERS OR SPEED CHANCE LANES. AUTRtAtNE JCNT t0CATOt6 AT STIED CHANCE LANE LAY a I= E APPR0.m. • tld6 f0ilfl (D(>EI R TYPICAL JOINT LAYOUT FOR DIRECTION Of MA'Q JOINT LEGEND CONC'F= ROADWAY WITH CONCREJE SHOULDERS up A A L� NORQ�� i' HOW . TRAFFIC` _ FLOW T(S4R11Gl 5TcCM 12' HaE7 5Xry. t IS PAVEMENT THICKNESS FROM PLANS uDm PLAN VIEW SECTION AA SECTION A —A .NDWNO Noma. RNOHR. TRANNSTATONN, SNv► c VEAtKAL TOLERANCE SHOWM KRUM WM TOLERANCE � DOWEL BAR DETAILJ JOINT WITH la Fi. AND t2 FT. LANES AND HORNr. serr TOLER,.Nc s FOR t1 DETAILS ILLUSTRATING DOWEL PLACEMENT TOLERANCES SET SUBSECTION 417 U(b)2 FOR ALLOKD TOLERANCE VALUES. N4TUwr? E mg"cs (SCE NOTE 3) l tiw��� �asus em --- TFAHMRSE CCNT XIM -- LactT8044 COHSTR,ICtim CONNTAIRETgN 'T'lJ'�"""'�:/'-r >dNCC016TAt1CTTON PEAL TRANSKM CONSIRWTION 4+1 TC Y RAMP Na SPMl clwa ,''LANE 020508011; FOR JONIs OILY. SEE NAe FOR STRPIC LOCATIONS AITIAWYK OWNW4 (SEE NOTE 3) ' e*= ttT HI 1T 1T I-FI OPTIONAL LONGITUDINAL JOINT IN CENTER FOR SINGLE LANE SPEED CHANCE LANE Computer File Information Sheet Revisions Colorodo Deportment of Tronsportotion CONCTE STANDARD PLAN NO. r—tbm Date 07/04/06 1.00,' SJR - � 0e1a: Canments 4,701 EMT Ark— AVsnUa Last Uodtion Delve: 07/04/06 I.RiO. LTA UFo Drt_. Cetarddo BEIM i Pnma (303) 757-SECS PAVEMENT JOINTS M-412-1 ro Path. .w.aRt. atote c¢m/Desims,.aaat/ �} Far. (303) 737-Y52D wo..+q rre Hdme: u2Dlmos Project Development Branch SRJATA limed By: PTOjeC1 Development Branch on My 04, M Sheet No. 1 of 5 CAD v . 9—o Aatoo VO Sack Nat to State Ls4. 04a* JOINT LEGEND (SEE qw 5 roN 10.rt CcAts) �— NtAIf.SWRV CCNTFACMN LONGr11A1Pt CMTKC" R7 ON 196C L C �• CONSWOKIN r AM 9NrD L7IAICE s Oct sa nArc URMC LDCAWKI& OPTIONAL LONGITUDIN&h 0114T IN CENTER FOR SINGLE LANE ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION LANE (iQ NO2 1) Computer File Information 1 tip � Sheet Revisions Colorado Department of Transportation 42111 Ee.t AAiat.m A-11 D"'Mje• ��� � Ph— (-%W) 757-90e1 ...-_......—.— F— (303) 757-SM Project Development Branch SRJ/LTA CONCRETE PAVEMENT LMENT JOINTS STANDARD PLAN NO. 0.1.. Commm!� C n1c 0at.: 07/04/06 In itwl.: SF M412-1 Last W.0.1 UQ. aotr 07/04/06 MINA%. LEA two Path: ... daL..tate.co.usfDevw5.ppo/t/ 4=td By. Project OevekMent Brmrh on July Oa , M Sheet No. Z of 5 H. r at7s t o CAD #4 1 i r�o YR t14O+tatgn va Scn4. N01 IO Sces Lint[ Cnqun VW tct 1�A a.aa. a �c..aal � f E1PgL"Jdl C CONTRACTION LONCrt1AW1 CONSTRUCTION COWPACMN R11671RTA.TpN K1111HNHHHIN i MHMHN�WNIV- T \{ CONIIRUCiOV NOTE 1, 10F16RU0t JOMS 91AL1 BE PLACED ADAU:ENI TO LNC uVdtKS HEN POSSH[; NO PAA A MUMA SPACK Or 12 n.-6 Pt (15 n. 6 PVMMO NTH UOMLOW CURB MO CUMR) 2. COTSTRtA.T TU066ETLSE JO M PERPENDO" TO THE CENO73X OF PAW[WW uO EXTEND rRIOUON OE a" OR alt6 00 amtR. * S RACE ii RL M MMSTIT JORTE nl1ETR a TOP 6 it Or aM JONT Al IITEWC11W KTL" PAOM PdNtS, 1. 3C OWMACM Vu L uAQS O11AlSS SOPN ON TIC PEAM S= NO M: A BOO etU1mt AT Hti WAMW APO S" SU STRUCTAM SIAil" SrRUCIU(ES Y" AS VRLL[ AM YONUM NT BOLES AASL AW ICWK A BOO WA9X i HQt A WNOO1b14L Jpn K=3 UM THM i ft. FROM A CASt-01-PM"ENT Wmal OR WEAR WE STILJCnW- A nPIWL 1 n. MOPE JOM. AS SOW Rt TW OnAtS, %UAJ BE URO. L. vA6M4a imm SPAtl or," IE u= T1s c" OF Cut" YN11o17S XO men pi 91 AT UAW . n. AMY nIBY Tts = OF MCUM WMIOLES. 5¢ aA0 "D BOAOUT OCTAL ON 410ET S JMTS51 TH XlaeNiM OR S{WL Rap < T6' "I a AATT REOURID r CURB AND -WIDEC WRER 6 POURED 1pNOUDiC41T MYTH AD.L{CENi LAM. 1 �l' UWAN n' 6U.. cvc 6' TW-X OR LESS Y L t' m. Is' WAX. mrc MET? 6' Twx A 1 « « A A t t 40R5 CUtB HET 3 eman u A�+li ' cc ' � WOW * � s tai D5) ox t « « D WAS # E -'1 v cn s) E_ _oc E D E « - - - DC 001" 2' 1 6• ° t L (SEE CtTK OR «TYP L h� °�AJ19O/ r ► rm. vcn sS * 1NTECAX XWt tuts¢ * ROU DW OF AN0.E BT CUFS Ill? 011 2 E FO R 04 OR SUKORU Punic YNOOU r PENUDMIR . VAT K AL04ED W N A /' A [R BICX 6 MLA PAVEMW fWA PAVEwhT TYPICAL CURBED PAVEMENT_ AIOINT LAYOUT Computer File Information » Sheet Revisions Colorado Department of Transportotion AZOI ER.t Arlratsa. A- Dtnw, Cd= 80222 Pbm.: (=) 757-90" tw F� ice} 757-5a2o Project Development Branch SRJATA L`ONl .TE PAVEMENT JOINTS STANDARD PLAN NO. Creation 0.1.: 07/04/06 tnilkov SJR 0W... C--l. L.11 uvp�fcalian DOA.: 07/04/06 W6Wr LTA to it Al �1_1 M-41 G t Fv. �.,n: .. eol a.,..u.u./De.:pn5upoat/ Dr-q r,e Nang A170T0305 a. Ismed Ely Project 6evdcpment Brmch aO July 04. 2OD6 Sheet No. 3 of 5 CAD va- Wa IJZLW ve Scdc 1401 1, Score Wl EnW+ JOINT LEGEND NOTES (SM $KET 5 TOR JMl OL'YLSY 1, LONCITtMAt JWnS %Ott e[ PLACED ADLILEW TO Wt U4"14M, "" 70481- AND Nq( YAG M !PACK Or 12 n.-6 N. (t5 n. K PIRVMCD NON U(VWNC CSRB AO CURTER), A 00'N750 2. CMGTp CI fPAJ4%M JONTS PCRPEIO[" TO TE CE aMM Of PAAUENT 00 OCTEW i1W91" ME OM OR G1UB AM L:111Ot. TPAWAnt C CCHTRACIM * S. PtA4 Vz N. Wt. CAPANSCTtt JOW TRIER N TOP 6 N Dr CURB JOW Al MCRSECTIOR PETLAN 00W PMTS LOILTTiMVl COrGTR cTw A. TW CMnVX 01T SWl LWM3 Or EMM 940" DR ME RiNQ S11M A0 USE A MW WAKM AT MM t1AN10lCS AO UALM Sa SMXPA M SYALM STJMCtucs Sllrll AS V AW A 10M EW UMn OMU[D MANM16( 00 NOT REMW A WM WrAIEIL Dc -`� CONTRACTCN 5. WMM A LUOTUDWL JONT YOM PASS LESS TWI T n. TROY A C 51-N-PAAMM 4A+QC OR SUW iVC STRUC7URL A TMCAL 7 Pl, WAAL JOW. AS `110Mt/ N W DETAAS. 9�LL BC ySCO. Lp+7TtOPW. v MMIRALTO! E TROBWM JON17 UWL CT11ER WMrl TE a141R OF COW" RA IS 00 REE73 OR BE AT IEASI �LE� A nA. T TTPt TMmCC Or OW.#A "OCU-1 SQ MW R&D ®N C13AA. ON %W 3. •�• - COtJ5TR11C'T7Rl * s r+NHr1M1H0i Hi/F/NNKN+i�C COKTRt{Tti1 A # s yaRS D oR p a" ARD amQ SI0lL0tR L C # OC �. T — .1— 4 1T' L I I T t # AN ESTRA A3NT sTwL nAcm LEiE Em.t RTOT DOE SNOlAOER C O a RGiC THW A 17 Ti: W fi MM A JDNI LOUT@ Al A AN DMA JOW %VU BE RIA= MW (PIP.). MEN TIEAf C _ _ an wM pow AD D( PRIM JONT a M3W TWW A 12 FT. W WMM A JOKT CM BREW POW A CM 9EM POND AO TTE RENOM JMWI CLM #iM *GMT t1' I I I i I a L '~ •� 11' ♦ _ 14 T sR� rR # � Y, ♦ CkPA1Ki}I WtiRRt AT C C BRW N CUNB AfJEENI (rtv.) C SHM LTRN A0 CUT" D OR o MULTI —LANE UMA PA%TAEM INTERSECTIQN WITH SPEED CHANGE LANE AND CONCRETE SHOULDERS Computer File Information � ® Sheet Revisions Cdorado Department of Transportation 1201 Eetl AlY — A—"* D�^�-. tea°°° so= Phanc (YU) 757-20L! rot (3a3) 757-6620 Project Oevelopment Branch SRJ/LTA CONCTE PAVEMENT JOINTS STANDARD PLAN NO. Oate: Canmmt3 C,-6 n Dolt: 07/O4/06 :n2I lt= SJR M-412-1 L-t Yod:tkatTan Datt: 07/DA/06 Ihllkl.: LIA full Pplh +�. dal. Atar•CO uf{DtigaSupPa•t/ Issued By. Project Delelopment Brmch m My 0�, 2006 Sheet No. 4 Q 5 Ora..q FA. Name: A12010A05.d.q CAD vN: M..stotm 19 5c* Nat Io sv* um, Flo StAtT � I I RCWQMY SV8 SEE � P1AN iD!{ flYll Y '+- 1- �. %- fE1DE 41NFAn' _ PIE101 ANT .. WtEPl1l ,f EXPANSION JOINT BRIDGE APPROACH TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT fD1.W:YERXFLW �)EMD I 1/2 TIE SWS O LONGITUDINAL CONTRACTION JOINT 1111s Div[ t+•EAAS7em ME TRA14S'StIA .ONE N UNIZIFINID cults AN Dim w si BE SOO To THE SIA DUTH AS TW PAVEENT. ♦%1r ow or 5AN cut � O LONGITUDINAL o USE CKY IT 12 a N. rDRY DKY MILE cEMAr AM'MT 5 XLOM To ASail it c1l" 40 n hws 04 •• APFJIM fill PIM I . rf2 CON14Vna •r i/2 1 LONGITUDINAL O CONSTRUCTION JOIN TRANSVERSE CON57RUGIj(�N _ JOINT . SEC WKI SPACNC • N TRAWL Ul45 ON DE PWIS ( ` �il P= tRl0E0 •' ASSEMY O o< DOWELED TRANSVERSE CONTRACT7 JOINT --i i- Tr e M BKrCP Rtp •Aii � �A EAl LONGITUDINAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT " USE MYrTcaN PAVMNI THICKNESS tn. � AS 9011% ON DIE PUNS. PAKUFNI na0 NrsS (I) Nr PAP S17r Dow PAP D" Ire I< e IN N 4 1 IN 8 IN Z i$ to IN N 5 125 IN 1 D 1N > is 15 1N N a 1 50 IN 9 � tEtEIA'ER xu xN. OCR I �` { ` OaRO A A NTECM CU" INLET OR MANHOLE OAST IN PAVEMENT T7' w INSWI Tt1A1MARZ.1DNt AT D c wm u=xn omm if 00-M 15 a n. OR 1D04ER, e• la1 AP" FUEss CURB INLET BOXOUT SIN ET OR 4.1 TAP[R ►vn+aE To IECT APRDN +r F p Dv"L) w INIS Lj t 41 I 101EP� S RUCDME" -. �/' Otl tiKxER RDO • 94ALL DE OAT ran LONcnlKxw .tanks ACnc sues 14 n. N WIDTH. SAWED JOINT —Q SECTION-0— MLOW PAM WND DN DTIO APPRD,m WnGm nw PlIEWNTS auhu . L,om user rNe mrormotlon anceE ncnslons Colorado Department of Transportation �'Ot`(l.itJ:TE STANDARD PLAN NO. C-1t Date: 07/04 /06 InH iOS. S.IR ® ® (=I Date: COmmehts AZDi Easl AAtansas AMae Oerlw, Cdorado 60222 Phmr_ (�) 757_90a5 e" :tom Fox (]03) 757—QSM Project Development Branch SRJ/LTA PAVEMENT JOINTS Last UoeiGcalwn Dale 07/04/06 Inil.dr. LTA M-412-1 rWl Path:... .dptifat—.—/De.,gnSupp.t/ 0,0.09 Tie Name: at 2010505.0. Issued By Project Development BtW& on .41y 04. 2DW Sheet No. 5 of 5 CAD wt: 0yo$wt— ve sloe Not to s[de U." E.J h I BRIDGE APPROK4 SLAB SEE BRIDLE BANS F n DECK STATIONING SHALI RE STAPED AT 500-IMUIWMS ON EACH BUT SIW NADLWE SHOULDER AS —To" ®MINT SPKttNG �.-- IY — TYPICAL JOINT LAYOUT FOR DIRECTION W TRAVEL CONCRETE ROADWAY WITH CONCRETE SHOULDERS 15—� C SMOLDER ♦ p'5^ I ♦INCHES 150 1FROM 6553 14' EWE OF SHol TO DONETS 2 1 O .0 C C SIAILWR DOWEL BAR DETAIL FORCOC)JOINT WITH 14 FT ANO 12 FT.LANES ALTERNATIVE DIMENSIONS (SEE FATE 71 SHOLUDER C 12' OR 11' E ltE B 5 76" TRS. DC 12' SFRRAWR R M' DC C RURALTWO—LANE GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS STADARD PLAN DOES HOT OKI TO THIN CONCRETE OVERLAYS (WMTETFW. F' 1 LL• 2. LDCAIC (l% DINT AT A ©.HINT CA A MINIMUM 6 6 FI. FBI A (K)MINT. 11 J. THIS MINT LAYOUT SNAIL BE USED AS A STNONN O 1K MINT LAYOUT FOR 79 PR0.ECT, IF GW COMRAOTDR PROPOSES VARIATIONS FROM THIS STANDARD OR THE PROJECT HAS WJSWL OR IRREGULAR CONDITIONS NO' COVERED HEREIN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE A PAVEMENT MINT LAYOAT FOR APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER. SLATS IK IF 7" IN WTD'N SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ONLYERE COMBATTED ON THE PLANS - HIGH MINERALS A. M "71LARE DIVIDED HIGHWAYS, THE HLLTk ATE D.RECTH)NAL PAVEMENT AND BOTH SUNDERS SHALL BE PLACED WITH (D tON:rUxN_ SAWED CONTRKIIDN AIMS, 5. ON MOTILANE DIVIDED HIGHWAYS SEPARATED BY A CONCRETE BARREN, A 0AIN7 SH&L BE CONSTRUCTED AT ONE ONE BARREN FACES. 6. ® MINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BETWEEN THE TWO OPPOSING DIRECTIONS OF TRAVEL ON A MILTILANE "IVIDEG HIGHWAY WHEN AL W THE FOLLOWING APPLY: A PAVEMENT IS CONTIfLBUS KRDSS BOTH DOE[TIC. W TRAVEL. 6. THERE IS NO MEDIAN BARRIER. C. tNE WIDTH W THE PAVEMENT IN DA'E DIRECTION IS GREATER THAN 90 FEET. 7. ON VARIABLE WIDTH SLABS, THE 2 FT. OR 4 FT, END W SLAR WIDTH DIMENSION YAY VARY is REHS. 6. O MINTS ARE TO BE USED WHEN A TRAFFIC LAE IS ADDED SEPARATELY, OR FOR TAPERS, OR FOR SPEED CHANGE LANES. ALTERNATIVE LONCI'wlWl MINT LOCATEMS AT SPEED CHANGE LANES MAY DE USED IF APRBVED, B. WHIR[ Q MINTS ARE SNAWN UI 7K W LOUM1 R, THE OODA+, WILL RE RACED M Ir CENTERS STARTING A1� 6 rpaL IM r HmAnwnx®MIN . JOINT LEGEND HOR12 TRANSLATION ����mm L(WNCITUDINAL VERTICAL TRAFFIC (SIDE) SHIFT i/ RANStAtION VERTICA RD"ATIONAL TA( 2 rAItwENi (SEE SHEET 5 FOR MINT DETAILS) o- CONTRA11. FLUWRU' -- V.--LONGITIAINK CONSTPHICTION IMSITTR.SDIN NORM.-' 1 IS PAVEMENT THICKNESS ROW10NA1 ALIGNMENT FROM PLANS DOWELED TRANSVERSE --` a� COMRKiION PLAN VIEW SECTION A -A SHOWING M)R12, DEANUFF AN, SHOWING VTOL RA LONGITUDINAL (SEE) SHPr AND iRANSMIDN TOLERANCE HLRfE.flOiAiIONA AIOMENL SECTION A -A BATWING VERTICA ROTATIONAL ALIOYF.NT Lola W;IIw corsTRucnvN L E OR TRACTwWA CONTRACTION i iNNMS7v SE LOSiRiICiION T RAW AND SPEED CHANCE LANE OIDAILY. HIND FOR FO S GAY, SEE R,WS FOR STRIPING LOCATIONS. DETAILS ILLUSTRATING DOWEL PLACEMENT TOLERANCES TE BINS 76" C/R5 _�-r L E /SEE BEET ] FOR RNP —1 BAR DEIMLS_ SEE SUBSECTION A12170)2 FOR ♦LOTTED 10LERAE[ vAUES. R all I IN — MULTI -LANE WITH SPEED CHANGE LANE AND CONCRETE SHOULDERS Ne SPEED Ell iIMENSIONING FOR ONLY, SEE PLNS RIPING ISO TIONS, EET 2 FOR RAP BAR GEIAILS or M Computer File Information Sheet Revisions I Colorado Department of Transportation CONCRETE STANDARD PLAN NO. Cr..fi.n D.I.: 07/04/12 I.1w Dc D.M.: a,n,...,t. 4201 Ease A, an A..n.. Last M-fi .b- Ol 07/24/12 INtlar. LTA � CET/24/12 a.. .- >•. E sl soli 2 M-412-1 FMhPDIN:....G.wr.a.e.Emra/DM.N,.AN/a.v ncupa.rL (� -- - PAVEMENT JOINTS Dr.win FiN Nmna: 412010IDSA n WASAYWmAWmW F.a: (7D3) 251- 0 cAD V.r: I&rs+.Rm vB sr101 55 Project Development Branch DD/LTA IsVwd BY%Pr.Ject N1 dl.P•H.nt Br.n.N .n a,y 4, 2012 Sheet NO. I of5. City of Fort Collins �PucM1asing SPECIFICATIONS ► 1j Financial Sen ices Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2n' Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins. CO 80522 970.221.6775 970.22 1 .6707 fcgov. comlpurchasing CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR CONCRETE MAINTENANCE PROJECT PHASE I 2018 RENEWAL BID NO. 8469 PURCHASING DIVISION 215 NORTH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS RLI ®cnis aRU Company 9025 N. Lindbergh Dr. I Peoria, IL 61615 Phone: (800)645-2402 1 Fax: (309)689-2036 Know All Men by These Presents: POWER OF ATTORNEY RLI Insurance Company Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company That this Power of Attorney is not valid or in effect unless attached to the bond which it authorizes executed, but may be detached by the approving officer if desired. That this Power of Attorney may be effective and given to either or both of RLI Insurance Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, required for the applicable bond. That RLI Insurance Company and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, each Illinois corporations (as applicable), each authorized and licensed to do business in all states and the District of Columbia do hereby make, constitute and appoint: W.R. Withrow, Megan A. Brown, Laurie Lewis, Renee Dameron, Don Berndt, jointly or severally in the City of Denver , State of Colorado , as Attorney in Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred upon him/her to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver for and on its behalf as Surety, in general, any and all bonds, undertakings, and recognizances in an amount not to exceed Ten Million Dollars ( $10,000,000.00 ) for any single obligation. The acknowledgment and execution of such bond by the said Attorney in Fact shall be as binding upon this Company as if such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of this Company. RLI Insurance Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, as applicable, have each further certified that the following is a true and exact copy of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of each such corporation, and now in force, to -wit: "All bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers of Attorney or other obligations of the Corporation shall be executed in the corporate name of the Corporation by the President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, or any Vice President, or by such other officers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The President, any Vice President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurer may appoint Attorneys in Fact or Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies or undertakings in the name of the Corporation. The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers of Attorney or other obligations of the Corporation. The signature of any such officer and the corporate seal may be printed by facsimile or other electronic image." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, RLI Insurance Company and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, as applicable, have caused these presents to be executed by its respective Vice President with its corporate seal affixed this 3rd day of April, 2017. State of Illinois County of Peoria On this 3rd day of 1AlW411110 1 2017 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Barton W. Davis who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that he signed the above Power of Attorney as the aforesaid officer of the RLI Insurance Company and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. RLI Insurance Company Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company W ly.-FIT2 Barton W. Davis Vice President CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned officer of RLI Insurance Company, and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, each Illinois corporations, do hereby certify that the attached Power of Attorney is in full force and effect and is irrevocable; and furthermore, that the Resolution of the Company as set forth in the Power of Attorney, is now in force. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the RLI Insurance Company and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company this 1 6th day of larch 2018 . IP X� RLI Insurance Company Gretchen L. Johnigk Notary Public Contractors ;�ning and Ins rance Company GRETCHEN L JOHNIGK �• � Noiacv "OFFICIAL SEAL" Barton W. Davis Vice President uau STALE OF, M Commisaion Ex ILLINO7Sj Y PfaS �®' May 28, 2020 0575578020212 A00591 15 7• C _ 0 I�SJItl: (ADC�R C 1� t I —IT Q INCHES 132 iJJ11,,E INSICfIN I 108 (E) ROW Ip a• OC I DC DOKLS �, AR 35 2l 12 E C C SP.aIL aR C RAMP "A" DOWEL BAR DETAIL FOR DC JOINT WITH A Ii FT LAN MIEs nE EMS 34" CTRS I I 12.5' ♦ fi6 54 OC AXES FR. � IB 30 p AINi E FD DONELS I B -,B 54� I1.5' 64 � pc RAMP "B" DOWEL BAR DETAIL FOR DC JOINT WITH CENTER LONGITUbIN I SPI iT IANF nE OMS 3fi'CTRS. Is MULTI -LANE WITH ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION LANES AND CONCRETE SHOULDERS FIE 84RS 34" CTRS JOINT LEGEND (SEE SICET 5 Fat NINi DETARS) ---Lf TRN54ERSE Ca11RA[I@! —'--'-�—— lalL1FIDItW Cal$iRUC"ial =�L� � CDIIELED IRNtiVFR# E0t1'NdtiiON L E - L[NGIlLOINAL CONSTAUC IIIk! ON I.a1GIiLCINFI CaltRACTIa! 1 IR.g15YFR5C CDNSifiKTICN AMP W SPEED CNNICE L" DINRRSIaneG FOR MTS X1, SEE PLNIS / FOR STRLPIIFG LOCATIGM, iS101 NS (SEE NDiE 31 MLOER U-1 '' R— ME SPEED CNWGE LH D KII61MING FOR X%TS DULY. SEE KAW FOR STRIPING LOCAtIDNS. I 1 M � I�NII INNMINNN!NNKINIINK� III I�I I IMINII I I I I iININI I�I ' -' 11� IIN�I�I NIINKo" �INIKIIM�I���II�I� o OPTIONAL LONGITUDINAL JOINT IN CENTER FOR SINGLE LANE ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION LANE Colorado Deportment of Transportotion CONCRETE STANDARD PLAN NO. Creation Dote: p7/D4/12 Inil:ala: DD Dale: Comments a201 Eggl Mkonsas Avenue Ful 1 4odilicolion Dgte: D]/24/12 Initials: LTA 07/24/12 <ua�ere na ex ree.�•x mam �o• i" �e^ )() i Denver, CGgrgEq SO222 as Pclb:»»».gagrq�qdql.infg4,vsigess,aeslRn:qPPort -- —� Ph- - 313]) 757-9083 PAVEMENT JOINTS M-a�z-i Oreninq roe Nome: 4t2010205. J9n F".: (303) 757-9820 cAD Yer: Ymtgst.li. Ye sf- Nm m -'l utl: E4.1n � Project Development Branch DD/LTA Iszxea aY: P.gie=1 D..elopmenl 131-0 oo dwr a, 2.12 Sheet No. z of 5 �Tr:Ia;w:nnrNcrlEs3 JOINT LEGEND ry,'EXPN,SION TRANSVERSE —T� CONTRACTION LWDIT1.0I4k _V CONSTRUCTION DOWELED TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION LONCIiRRI CONTRACTION /�. LONCHUDINk CCASTRUCTIIW CONST 1R.WSPVEBCRSE ` H««rArANAALH.OfNN«rr,N«�,N 110N NOTES L LONGITUDINAL JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED ADJACENT TO LANE NNIXINCS WHEN POSSIBLE, AND HAVE A —1— SPACING OF 12 FT.i IN IL4 IFT. 15 PERMITTED WITH VONOLITHIC CLNB AND GUTTER). 2. COBS. nhCT TRANSVERSE MINTS PERPENDICIAM TO THE CENTERLINE OF PAVENENT AND ESTEND TMUUGH THE CURB 0? CUD AND GUTTER 3. PLACE '/} IN. MIN. EXPANSION MINT FILLER IN TOP 6 IN, OF CIMB MINT AT INTERSECTIGNI RETLPN RADIUS POINTS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, UNLESS BTMRW:SE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, SELECT AND 16E A BOND BREWR AT ITEE IS, MANGLES AND SIMILAR SIZE STRUCTURES. SMALLER STRUCTLRES SUCN AN VALVE AND NDANENT BOXES SNKL NOT PEOLORE A BOND BRENER. S. WHERE A LONGRDOINAL MINT PASSES LESS TNNI 111. FNa1 A CAST -ON -PAVEMENT MANGLE OR SMEAR S:ZE STRXTURE, A TYPICAL 2 FT, RADIAL MINT, AS S OWH ON THE DETAILS, SHALL BE USED. 6. TRAIN VERSE MINIS SW. EITHER 1117 ECI 11F ENTER OF CIRCINAR YIAIFILES ND INLETS OR OE AT LEAST A FT, AWAY FRN THE EDGE IF CIRCULAR MNNINDLES. SEE CURB INLET B-0 DETALL CH SHEET S. ]. LOCATE (D MINT AT A ® MINT OR A NINDPW O 6 FT. FRW A ® MINT. 6, TIE ENGINEERS SHALE HAVE AN 3PTFCK TO USE INDIVIDUAL DOWELS IN THE DC MIN- ON SWRt RN11 a' A &I m CiRB RADIUS RCILPHS. MET PE MISCIBLE ALTERNATIVE OR MINTS WITH OVER 6- THICK (SEE GET AIL ON ON L I BC E /t* ANSHIN iIF MINT FRLER EXP FAu PAVELENS (,F1 % Y 16" TIP. RCAT DCTrlE GN SECT 5; �:� RBIMOING OF ANGLE B• E A\..�' / IONBIAG ON 511- PAVING TNIEGRA, IN.EI MNaNKE E CURB '116 j A PERUI55t&� Ax IE ALIGNED IN IMWI INN BACK IY MHA PAVEIENI CURB TYPICAL CURBED PAVEMENT JOINT LAYOUT Computer File Information Sheet Revisions Colorado Department of Transportation 4201 Eust ArR n 7p Cenver, CRINr dole 80222Ue _N — PM1one: 303) -0003 6XWrS.��Ta(3D37 CST 9820 Project Development Branch DD/LTA CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINTS STANDARD PLAN NO. Crea .,n Dote: 07/04/12 10;ft: OD Dote: Ccmmen is "'t-aiz->. L— Modlficnt- gale: 07/04/12 Ini!,.IG: LTA FaIIPn:Nv.rw.c:McreCnOnL.infe,luslnese/de,;gnscppert Drovin Fik Name: 4T201n365.e n CO) Issued By: P,j,e D,.emame,I S,—h o, NIX 4, 2012 Sheet No. 3 of 5 cAD vn.: WNrPsmr va seine: Na HP xmA H,ri!A'. E,BE,n i JOINT HEET 5 FOR JOINT DETAILS) NOTE 1. LONGITUDINAL JOINTS SHULL BE PLACED AD -ENT TO LAVE MARIGRGS HEW PDRSIELV,AND HAVE NUMM SPACINC 0FT REFERENDUM .1. CURB AND GUTTER. RLWINLEXPANSICH M:NT FILLER IN TOP 6 IN. OF CURB.RADIUS C&STRUCTIy� . , DOWEL 0 iSVERF AT INLE S,WANIIOLES AND SIMILAR SUE STRUCTURES SMALLER STRUCTURES SUCH AS V&YE ARD NOWUNIENT BOXES ........ ....... _ LNG TUDINk 5. WHERE A LONGITUDINAL. MINT WOULD PASS LESS THAN I FT. FROM A CAST-111-PAVENENT WARBLE OR SIMILAR SIZE CONTRACTION STRUCTURE, A TYPICAL 2 FT. RADIAL MINT, A� SHOWN IN THE DETAILS, SPAI.L. BE USED O 6, ltl IN VERSE VINTS SH&L EIHER INTERSECT THE CENTER CIF CIRCULAR UANHOLtS AND INLETS OR BE AT LU17 p CONSTRUCTION ►�©��I�°i,�1�■I■',■■I JA II■I■I■L'i■:■.■■,■!■■I■■■■■�I■;■, I■■■■;■�■I■■i■ =■1�- I■■i■I:�■-■I■I■I■I!, I��■il■i■■■I�■I�IL■I�■■!■i■II (—AN =0TRAM HT 5.1. BE At& ITYPI. N THERE IS W� HIM A 12 FT. GAP BENEEN A MINT LOCATED ■■I■I�`■■'■■: L 1! IS MORE THAN A 12 Ft. GAP BETWEEN A JOINT LOCATED AT A CURB ON- NT ARE THE PREVIOUS MIN 1 ,' AT A MAPS BREAN POINT AND THE PREVIOUS MUIT CM MEAN POINT CURB Ff. PRINT ■�I■�■��■. I � ar—r—rl/r.��w.w �II�I� I � � � �; hl�i�i����l� lI�I w��.-�--�. �'�■N�I■�■ � �'■■ � ��I■i,■I�� ■�■I;..iC::SHOULDER r ICI ��.�,�■,■ �I�,rr_,�Ilwil I■I� � � . I��I■I��I � i� I■,■ I ■i I �; ■�■I�;�,�.�■_� --IIIII■I�I®I - I�I■■I ■I ■�■�I■ii■I/�wiwrl„•.--�-■� ,`� O O ill MLILTI-LANE INTERSECTION WITH SPEED CHANCE LANE AND CONCRETE SHOULDER Computer File Information Sheet Reviews Cal rado Department of Transportation /G Project Development Branch DD/LTA CONCRETE STANJARD PLAN NO. cas .....,... .. - .... �a» cos:1 ■ IPPROKH �� LOVLREIE ' SLAB AIINL H RDIDWAY 4/e /, • ° ----- ----_•_-- TIE TRNSVERSE .wD11 IN•SEE BRIDGE SHALL LIBE CURB NL E GUTTER RAN FOUi I I SWLL BE SAWED 10 11E $NE DESIGN 3` —F )—• -1 S pFpiH AS PIE PAVEMENT. BRIDGE APPROACH BOT70M OF SAW Cut BELOW SURFACE %•, K. SILICOf ESE • t° T 5EN1NT DI •1� D ..I,Ivy ° + • �,•°. 1 •6 MIN DR ED I T2 TE &BB + p I •. TRANSVERSE LONGITUDINAL LONGITUDINAL EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION JOINT CONTRACTION JOINT LONGITUDINAL CIXJSTRUCTION JOINT CONS TRUCT� ION JOINT nRM5YER5E WEAKENEDRCNDItLwNAL WtAKaEo aaY n r z B IN. PLANE .own RAY JD:NI) USEOULT If 1 <B IN. FORM ONLY FEMME KEYWAY A KEYWAY 15 NLDWEO tR • ° • RIE BANS FAC1nAlt 115E 6 DENT IS• IY 1 nE eANs OR APPROVED r 1 " IS•, 7/2 T'a0 PECE COMECi0R5 . L CTRS T/2 •. � • T1E BARS °.1 LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE CONSTRUCTION JOINT CONSTRUCTION JOINT JWFr SEALANT JDINT SEAANT SEE DOWEL SPACING �' • • IN 7RANEL PAYS 1 . 1 R• v ON THE RAPS. ° 00, BnDKER ROD RIGID BELOIT BACXER ROD ,ASSEMBLY DOWELED TRANSVERSE SEAL AT VAL BE 0.47 FOR LONGITUDINAL aIN" CONTRACTION JOINT CONSTRUCTION JOINT SAWED ALONG J ONWlOix. SAD OINT"'® NOTE PAVEMENT IHINNESS (11.3114L BC AS SIM. ON ihE PLANS. PAVEUENI THICKNESS (T) DOWEL BM DIAJETER It. 8 IN, 2 T 110 IN. 125 N. 10 IN. ) t 515 IN, 1.50 IN. REINFORCING SIZE TABLE TIE BAR SIR IS NO.5 W1[N PAVEMENT IS PLAOED O1 UtROUIe BASES. TIES IS N0.6 WIEX PAVEMENT 15 RAC:O W LBE TREATED SDIL,ASPKiLT OR CEMENT TREATED, PILLED ASRIW.I,GR RECYCLED ASPNALT BASES � , mo rrrlc7l 1gND BRCN(ER 24^ BIN(EA EIDA 0 . - LEss 9 � .whir 1 n,w A A INTEGRAL CURB A lVJ INLET OR MANHOLE CAST IN PAVEMENT INSTALL TRANSVERSE MINI AT �� C BDTN RE OUT COWERS IF Darfur IS D FT. OR LONGER. B° YIN. APRON c II" RECESS CURB INLET BOXOUT INLET w 1. TAPER LGVIWPtE TD YEEi MRCM II" T (SEE JOINT 0DETNU M BOND WMER Y;' RECESS SECTION A -A NLET OUR • MNl pE MEN 0 LEET StRLCTK E. SECTION B-B EBn BEAKER E BE CIRPOSED a RAS11C SWEET, WILDING PAPER OR OTHER APPRP/ED MATERIAL THAT PREVENTS BOUNCING. Computer File Information Sheet Revisions Colorodo Deportment of Transportation CONCRETE STANDARD PLAN NO. Cl! Oole: 07l04/12 fnit.2. . 0—: C�.m.^•.ent. 4201E L Nkpnse. Av LDPT YDaNCDMo�Dot.: D7/24,12 mNitli: LTA L� a«,....;awD..pp Da2zz°• PAVEMENT JOINTS M-412-1 FNP Path:wwW.<darodneolinfo/DusineRo/DOAiRnsupport 07/24/12 R PMne: (303) 757-9083 ym r �nnr a in. Ari>,wa Ma. ,x... emv FD.: (303) 757-020 Drawin FiIW Nome: 41201o505.Mq. i� Sheet O. O rN N,. M...5K.1Mn VR ..: N.11. S.. Lbb: E.. � ro Project Development Branch DO/LTA I....d By: Pm D..Nopmpnt B—Ch on JNy 4, 2012 SECTION 03500 PROJECT INDEX Project area in alphabetical order: • Brown Farm • Cottonwood 1 • Hickory 1 • College Heights 1 • Cedar Village 1 • Cedar Village 2 • Willow 1 • Woodwest 1 • Silverwood 1 • Westbrooke 2 • Lark 1 • Larkborough 1 • Larkborough 2 Fort Collins ` Streets d projects Adjacent2018 projects 2017 Projects City L iurface treatment --Surface treatment Surface treatment iZ2 Schoc overlay —Overlay ■ ■ Overlay Concrete_Pvmt - - Recon w Ct dam°na dN ,o �„ part Sl W Stuart St Morgan Ct Clydesdale Ct __` Clydesdale Dr plpestone Dr �y §Z§1 Ot �o G a a 0,odsc� a STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 6 of 40 N Revised October 21, . W + L S K Romeldale Ct lqo�%ajP �ehith Ct v Bluegrass Dr a U m � U m a Lodi Ct co _ o U Seccomb St 'U y ■ ■ .■ ■ Y r y 2017 (Quail i ► r Hollow) r. • 3 W Drake Rd Fox Run Ct 3 O (9 3 Tuns Cir coctw0/0, Merino Ct BLEVINS MIDDLE SCHOOL Panama Ct O� o� G\ �v\ a�a '! Gapeoo To- \ a`z�O G, 0 e`O N� (D a Va/fie FOr9e q �e Hampshire Sq nVJITL�E�BEA Hampshire Ct T Water m Blossom Ln 3: Co — C E LL. Moss Rose Ln 1,400 Feet I Brown Farm 0 350 700 L�l 0) C) 0 0 m cD n n o m m n o O non A s _ N'n n CDa z St Stover y St Stover Cape Cape ette St an,m ,m-,o,n O•n�A z-6 z ~ ya7for c m m m 0 m CD _ C� Cape S Lemay Ave oSP C ry n (i � (D O y m m D m n m a o �23 (D i ° c � m �y 9 S 1 ffmQ Cape 1�0 Apache Ct Osage _.._.. St m Shawnee Ct Cape 3 eaa,~`~~ Mohawk St Amherst St Ouraya I Capp cl e mom„ � Sequoia St 0 z n ID Navajo Or Seminole Dr Pawnee Dr o p < C 4 n N � m � N m 3 (D D a O < <D a m a) n N (D m � 3 0 (D � ■ `. N � m o Z7 0 0 C/) m ° < C v w o o � � w FF v (D 3 0) (D �+ -0 CD = ;a CL)O n y D n � � o N O -� o c/) —'' CD M O (1) .� Fort Collins Streets gend 118 projects Adjacent2018 projects 2017 Projects City Limi ®Surface treatment --Surface treatment Surface treatment ®Schools -Overlay —Overlay ■ Overlay Concrete_Pvmt Recon POL Harts Gardens Ln Peregoy Farms Way I 0aK STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 19 of 40 N Revised October 21, . \V ; L I S Hemlock St Hibdon Ct 287 Q N7 zT .; Of U' 2 POL Conifer St Conifer St c 0 ca 2 Z Pinon St Alpine St 0 440 880 1,760 Feet Hickory 1 'Fort Collins 1 Streetss ' !gend 318 projects Adjacent2018 projects 2017 Projects City Limi Surface treatment —Surface treatment _ Surface treatment r7?Schools Overlay —Overlay Overlay Concrete_Pvmt Recon STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 11 of 40 N Revised October 21, 2016 W E S .c 1 0 ...E Rutgers Ave 0 � A �o DukeLn o vsooOwb� Gott n e > Q 3 3 )87 ¢' m ° L 0)<a m m m a Columbia Rd Columbia Rd3a o o LL a) Cornell Ave Yale Way Cape Cottonwood 7 Cape ambndge Or U Q�cG`e Tulane Dr ProfilePOL W Drake Rd E Drake Rd U rj N J • �_` a ; E Thunderbird Dr ■ ■ a� W Thunderbird Dr ' ' so; t s Ct' of grown Ave, Cape o Queens Cape U) Ct 0 � e � 3 (D o CNRISTIAN COREf r ACADEMY U ■ N y � N C C ®l4 �i e o i U) r. r o" cv r r m ■ S 0 370 740 1,480 Feet College Heights 1 Fort Collins 1 Street ` nd 8 projects Adjacent 2018 projects 2017 Projects City Lii Surface treatment ----Surface treatment " Surface treatment = School Overlay —Overlay g ■ Overlay Concrete_Pvmt Recon STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 9 of 40 ■ �C hr j w 9 O N■N C®C �," W Drake Rd N Revised October 21, . W + E S a� Hanover Ct I Glen Haven Dr �i POL Hastings Dr POL C) 0 N (n OJ C Fremont Ct N V a w c �= O E N a, o C O t1 C C c ±—� U Hull St —. _ _ -CHILDRENS -.._.__. ---- -- _ _ '--SL WORKSHOP W.0 0 170 340 680 Feet i I , , Cedar Village 1 SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Insurance in accordance with the following requirements: 1. The Contractor will provide, from insurance companies acceptable to the City, the insurance coverage designated hereinafter and pay all costs. Before commencing work under this bid, the Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance showing the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective dates and date of expiration of policies, and containing substantially the following statement: "The insurance evidenced by this Certificate will not reduce coverage or limits and will not be cancelled, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by the City of Fort Collins." In case of the breach of any provision of the Insurance Requirements, the City, at its option, may take out and maintain, at the expense of the Contractor, such insurance as the City may deem proper and may deduct the cost of such insurance from any monies which may be due or become due the Contractor under this Agreement. The City, its officers, agents and employees shall be named as additional insureds on the Contractor 's general liability and automobile liability insurance policies for any claims arising out of work performed under this Agreement. 2. Insurance coverages shall be as follows: A. Workers' Compensation & Employer's Liability. The Contractor shall maintain during the life of this Agreement for all of the Contractor's employees engaged in work performed under this agreement: Workers' Compensation insurance with statutory limits as required by Colorado law. 2. Employer's Liability insurance with limits of $100,000 per accident, $500,000 disease aggregate, and $100,000 disease each employee. B. Commercial General & Vehicle Liability. The Contractor shall maintain during the life of this Agreement such commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance as will provide coverage for damage claims of personal injury, including accidental death, as well as for claims for property damage, which may arise directly or indirectly from the performance of work under this Agreement. Coverage for property damage shall be on a "broad form" basis. The amount of insurance for each coverage, Commercial General and Vehicle, shall not be less than $1,000,000 combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage. In the event any work is performed by a subcontractor, the Contractor shall be responsible for any liability directly or indirectly arising out of the work performed under this Agreement by a subcontractor, which liability is not covered by the subcontractor's insurance - C) r Bassick St Querida St T 3 n Dunbar Ave x m 0 St �erp/ume 0r �A4� Sutton Ct =,A O`2 UC� v 0 a G) CD _ 2 m CD n N � 00 < Cp n < G O (D l0 0 G (D C� N (D 3 CD a Orp� cID N O N � O O (D OD N 'p 3 6 (D M n N 6 a m`: N a » o xC-)OipV N O < C O = D O O m 41 `O = N (l p (D ,< (p n N < v n n °o m 3 y 11 00 r t' Cr C/) O CD r— CD r— Y 1 T� N m m D_ Z N � z Z cD D T gZ a� n mm C v m 0 n a � CD D o Q o o ., 0 -,, �. N fD n N O Cl) i ��Fort Collins �� Street�� STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 39 of 40 Legend 2018 projects Adjacent 2018 projects 2017 Projects City Limits Surface treatment —Surface treatment Surface treatment 22 Schools Overlay — Overlay Overlay Concrete_Pvmt Recon N Revised October 21, W + E S 0 550 1,100 2,200 Feet WIlloX 1 C-7 N Cn C.Ji O w 0 C) -n CD f'D i O O cM G m 11• Santa m °� Fe Ct y Lymen St �`S =•z;c°� W m H i =CL 1Z'� ;z C S Shields StCD ww POL Conestoga Ct Wagonwh Dr c. Tumblewe Gunnison Dr POL Rustic Ct Ln POL r �. Silverthorne Dr Placer St Placer Ct Bch O A POL POL So o � Yellow POL Appaloosa Ct Pine Ct O A i1twnu�N, l �< Cima Ct Worthington Ave ndmill Dr ` _ a Sun Disk Ct Justice Ct � Riva Ridge Dr 3 (D (7 o� Colony Dr ya1� O< `CotonYDr n°� :_ Q Cumberland Ct ! '0 0 rT +m o 0 � ; Q N ■ < o o� Q� colt Ct y a O n POL Zuni Cir Cavalry Ct 5 Meadowlark Ave / p Lark 7 o m Lark 1 3 � V � 91 MI a Bozeman Ct s s s Rocky Mountain Ct o O Cn E n N a 3. 0 m o (D N 3 D O � (D v � � o m C. m -a 3 o m � ■ N t ■ � ;0 0 O Cn " M O < C M 0 v < (D ICD v m 3 3 CD 0 n g 3 11 O r) Ir n�O I� Cn p rn � Co U ■■�■ in m m D Z m 0 Z oD Z n m (D �O EZ n fD D O CD . Cn t' n O 0 .� - o v C Q Cr 0 o R ° C kbor N °U9h Ct w 0 0 rn = n 0 0 a o Eindborough Dr Fauborough Ct Cape Brookwood DDPPII Rockwood Dr 0 a ° cD o a C) a C) ro (D � _. Cape Bro _ iv = CD CC Q eyLooaO y 0 d T Feathergrass Dr Bluebc Ln N >CCv N� �c Ge �o Sao Eldorado 1 Peppe C� Elfloradu f �000, m aC1BJ . , Granada Hills Dr U) a f Ln m= E 0 _. 09 Fe _ _, i L opeto6>t3 � o wooa at] )jaajD aanllg n W O o 0 �0 (D r- (D !- L 11 N r < n fD o m � m � cD y 3 m �P i a a < C n m m N 0 N < m a m � v � 3 0 m � N Y Q N M 6 ;a00 (n" m 0 < v CD 0 m m o m 71 m <3 3 (D 0 r 3 m U) m m D Z N � M z Z 00D Z A� n �m as O �0 � �D CA) O 0 -- o 0 Cn � 0Cl)- Cl) Fort Collins 1_ Streetts'� STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 37 of 40 lend 18 projects Adjacent 2018 projects 2017 Projects City Lim Surface treatment ---Surface treatment Surface treatment 22 Schools Overlay —Overlay ■ ■ Overlay Concrete_Pvmt Recon Nunn Creek Ct t Soda Creek Ct 7 WEBBBBER d� �%%MIDDLE c !y lI,SCH00L o m " °o �P s� 1d o__ --------- o �o , R Q. P9Poo oo�i, L ¢ d W Harmony Rd U co N O a I i 0 280 560 1,120 Feet N Revised October 21, 2016 W' +1', S Cdpe i W Troutman PkwY oW Troutman PkwY 0 z m Dui Kremmling Ln i I ". Deer Creek Ln Stoneflower Ct Stonecrop Ct c J L N N m Westbrooke 2 City of Fort Collins 1 � reets Legend 2018 projects Adjacent 2018 projects 2017 Projects City Limits Surface treatment —Surface treatment Surface treatment E3Schools —Overlay —Overlay ■ ■ Overlay Concrete_Pvmt Recon C% 7� co o� c 0 N "O ❑ Wagonwheel Dr U U <Y m a TARN o GH �__ 0) U 0 O ti N O = N U v m 0 a 3 i, c 0 Blvd Winchester Dr m Sr C, W Drake Rd HAR SH 0 -- -- PRESCHOOL�AND KINDEAGARTEN 2017 (Meadowlark 1) (' o 0U 4.1 ■ e o # � aC)" r r♦ ■ Morsma�V MoORocky �V0 # r stain Wa ♦; + s co c U O a o anm r7 0 ■o). m cc (D ■ ^ 3 ■ 5 o rQ ■ w 60 coo Frontier Ct o_ a U a c o Cavalry Ct U duest 1 �i- Ql ox",- Silverth°toeFairplay "'e C\ / \o,pond D, hO^ Q oapr 0 rn o ❑ ❑ jc >c 7 > 6 N U Q t mestead c� 0 ocAi28; 1 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 23 of 40 N Revised October 21, . W \ E S ■ ■ iCA- ti U •Y •#e��r f'•�ti '�. • f + ■o '##ay��\JSwyri ;r ■ ♦ ♦ s � fir■ UE�EMENITARY • i ncort ■ x y W Swallow Rd Q Bobolink Ct Robin Ct Cardinal Ct eC/eb'_a cO2i e/t Way U °sage e Citation t planter /'ion U JusG� O Way ado TIIerCtCf °i a° Apollo Ct N m Riva dge Ln Affirmed Ct3 m v��cO o > o � a Tradition Ct U Odd oc U C� ha Y o` Colony Ct m t Cl) Riv�idge Om LEARNING W Horsetooth Rd „n,,... ,,..,..�........_... t- HOUSE.. c UJ m — L > Arbor Ave m m 3 = c� m e Bonita w o o Naves Ave CD � t c > P°n o� B yl U p ,C1 E S t V � � ❑ v, E Drake Rd c, co Z i m! W Thunderbird Dr. i E Thunderbird Dr t S ■ pJten m ■ St W Harvard St 287 RuthS� �c a 0) Qe o` • S E V� Q d \�tpdVhoet ■ o■ LL ■ 2017 (E • E Swallow Rd SVlaNOSV) ■ E Swallow Rd i i i CI o` rn+ ors• _--- N C ■ Q LL �r U � 1 ■ r V e, A,' Sly � � 1 20 sew Footh�tt ; i F W Monroe e� M°��° e� m :3 o Dr E �- W Monroe 11 F c c N N N to 7 v rn U 'n o E Horsetooth Rd ° John F C ■ Q, • s Kennedt, Q 2 Pkwy C') N i 0 650 1,300 2,600 Feet i I i i Lark 1 Fort Collins Streets — �gend )18 projects Adjacent 2018 projects 2017 Projects City Limit Surface treatment —Surface treatment - F Surface treatment ®Schools —Overlay —Overlay a ■ Overlay Concrete—Pvmt Recon �j Y Butte Pass Dr d U V Y N m U O N N �U Great 3 C Plains Ct STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 24 of 40 Q _------ __ Pkwy Outman ti U kMi • mm W�tOutmanP a' _ c m — + c� � m■ O ■ C7 o • Iu ■ —U • U■ io ■ a a ■ E „ Bear Creek Dr � ....■■......■■.s.a ■■■.■■` ee� �i Gee ,�. (J ■ a d d� ca Blue Mountain Dr • 2017 (Willow Park 1) Ln <btush POL ° m QV U 3 2 d K Wakerobin Ln 0 3 Un pOL U N Marigold Ln 2 W Harmony Rd Bentley PI � a m m m m m O Stoddard Dr C) N Revised October 21, 2016 W +6 S ¢' Starling St f0 N m Q C C co L C @ � m � N m N Q Guillemont St Q. POL 0 T 0 Thrasher St POL v � or Q � a o a m E tj Y 3 m 0 U Chukar Gt Owl Ct _J 0 Ei. Towhee St 0 335 670 1,340 Feet I I i i Larkborough 1 Fort Collins �� Streets STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (SMP) 2018 Maintenance Projects Map 25 of 40 Legend 2018 projects Adjacent 2018 projects 2017 Projects City Limits —Surface treatment —Surface treatment - = Surface treatment ®Schools —Overlay —Overlay ■ ■ Overlay Concrete_Pvmt - - Rarnn Starling St W Troutman Pkwy W Troutman Pkwy N Revised October 21, W r G S 0 140 280 560 Feet I I I I Larkborough 2 SECTION 04000 Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fugitive Dust Prevention Index: Part 1 - Dust Prevention and Control Manual Part 2 - Environmental Standard Operating Procedures City of Adopted by Ordinance No. 44, 2016 Fort Collins ^ Fax: (970)221-6775 1 ® ACORO CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) L.� 03/16/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Tad Borrett NAME: Security Insurance Group, LLC PHONE 970-378-4818 ac No: 970-3784820 8219 W 20th St, Ste A ADDARESS, sig@sL-curityinsurancegroup.net Greeley, CO 80634 INSURE S AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC0 _ INSURERA: mrst mercury Insurance Vom an INSURED INSURER B: Auto Owners Insurance 32700 Lightfield Enterprises, Inc; Lightfield Properties, LLC INSURER C: Pinnacol Assurance 2600 Midpoint Dr INSURERD: Fort Collins, CO 80525-4414 INSURER E: INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 00000000-982934 REVISION NUMBER: 128 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYpE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER MMIDDNYYY MMIDD/Y XP LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE rx-1 OCCUR Y Y i WA-CG L-0000072619-01 04/21/2017 04/21/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES Ea occurrence) $ 50,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER:, POLICY [j] jEa n LOC OTHER' GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $ 2 000 000 $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X ANY AUTO OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON -OWNED X AUTOS ONLY X AUTOS ONLY X Hired PD Y Y 11 5033346600 W21/2017 04121/2018(Ea COMBINE acadeDiSINGLE LIMIT $ 1. 000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accident $ $ 50000 A X UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB X OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE Y Y ! CAEX0000053666-03 04/21/2017 04/21/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 DIED I X RETENTION $ 10,000 $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE YIN OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below NIA Y 4173268 05/01/2017 05/01/2078 TH- X PETATUTE R OER S E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Project: 8469 Concrete Mainenance Project Phase 1. If required by written agreement, the certificate holder is included as additional insured for ongoing operations under general liability and auto liability. r`CDTICIr`ATC Lull r1CD r AMr'FI I ATI(lAl City of Fort CollinsSHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE ED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Purchasing Division THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOB CE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 2nd Floor AUTHORIZE REP ENTATII� �� 215 N Mason Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 TCB (0 1988-2015 AGUKU GUKYUKA I IUN. All rignts reservea. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Printed by TCB on March 16, 2018 at 10:23AM CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Title 1 1.2 Purpose of Manual 1 1.3 Applicability 1 1.4 Definitions 2 2.0 Fugitive Dust and the Problems it Causes 5 2.1 What is Fugitive Dust, Generally? 5 2.2 Why is the City Addressing Fugitive Dust? 5 2.3 Health and Environmental Effects 6 2.4 Nuisance and Aesthetics 6 2.5 Safety Hazard and Visibility 6 3.0 Best Management Practices 7 3.1 Earthmoving Activities 8 3.2 Demolition and Renovation 10 3.3 Stockpiles 12 3.4 Street Sweeping 14 3.5 Track-out/Carry-out 15 3.6 Bulk Materials Transport 16 3.7 Unpaved Roads and Haul Roads 18 3.8 Parking Lots 19 3.9 Open Areas and Vacant Lots 21 3.10 Saw Cutting and Grinding 22 3.11 Abrasive Blasting 24 3.12 Mechanical Blowing 26 4.0 Dust Control Plan for Land Development Greater Than Five Acres 28 Dust Prevention and Control Checklist 31 5.0 Resources 32 5.1 Cross Reference to Codes, Standards, Regulations, and Policies 32 5.2 City of Fort Collins Manuals and Policies 35 5.3 References for Dust Control 35 Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page i 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Title The contents of this document shall be known as the Dust Prevention and Control Manual ("the Manual"). 1.2 Purpose of Manual The purpose of the Manual is to establish minimum requirements consistent with nationally recognized best management practices for controlling fugitive dust emissions and to describe applicable best management practices to prevent, minimize, and mitigate off -property transport or off -vehicle transport of fugitive dust emissions pursuant to Chapter 12, Article X of the Fort Collins City Code (§§12-150 et. seq) for specific dust generating activities and sources. The purpose of Chapter 12, Article X of the Code is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public, including prevention of adverse impacts to human health, property, sensitive vegetation and areas, waters of the state, and other adverse environmental impacts and to prevent visibility impairment and safety hazards caused by emissions of particulate matter into the air from human activities. 1.3 Applicability This Manual applies to any person who conducts, or is an owner or operator of, a dust generating activity or source, as defined in the Code and described in this Manual, within the City of Fort Collins, subject to the exclusion set forth in Code §12-150(b)(3). Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 1 1.4 Definitions Abrasive blasting shall mean a process to smooth rough surfaces; roughen smooth surfaces; and remove paint, dirt, grease, and other coatings from surfaces. Abrasive blasting media may consist of sand; glass, plastic or metal beads; aluminum oxide; corn cobs; or other materials. Additional best management practice shall mean using at least one additional measure if the required best management practices are ineffective at preventing off -property transport of particulate matter. Additional requirements shall mean when applicable, any measure that is required, e.g., a dust control plan when project sites are over 5 acres in size. Best management practice shall mean any action or process that is used to prevent or mitigate the emission of fugitive dust into the air. Bulk materials transport shall mean the carrying, moving, or conveying of loose materials including, but not limited to, earth, rock, silt, sediment, sand, gravel, soil, fill, aggregate, dirt, mud, construction or demolition debris, and other organic or inorganic material containing particulate matter onto a public road or right-of-way in an unenclosed trailer, truck bed, bin, or other container. Lode shall mean the Fort Collins City Code, as amended from time to time. Lover shall mean the installation of a temporary cover material on top of disturbed soil surfaces or stockpiles, such as netting, mulch, wood chips, gravel or other materials capable of preventing wind erosion. Dust control measure shall mean any action or process that is used to prevent or mitigate the emission of fugitive dust into the air, including but not limited to the best management practices identified in this Manual. Dustgenerating activity or source shall mean a process, operation, action, or land use that creates emissions of fugitive dust or causes off -property or off -vehicle transport. Dust generating activity or source shall include a paved parking lot containing an area of more than one half (112) acre. Earthmoving shall mean any process that involves land clearing, disturbing soil surfaces, or moving, loading, or handling of earth, dirt, soil, sand, aggregate, or similar materials. Fugitive dust shall mean solid particulate matter emitted into the air by mechanical processes or natural forces but is not emitted through a stack, chimney, or vent Local wind speed shall mean the current or forecasted wind speed for the Fort Collins area as measured at the surface weather observation station KFNL located at the Fort Collins Loveland Municipal Airport or at Colorado State University's Fort Collins or Christman Field weather stations or as measured onsite with a portable or hand-held anemometer. The City will use anemometers whenever practicable. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 2 Maximum speed limit shall mean the speed limit on public rights -of -way adopted by the City pursuant to Fort Collins Traffic Code adopted pursuant to City Code Section 28-16 for private roadways, a speed limit shall be established as appropriate to minimize off -site transportation of. Mechanical blower shall mean any portable machine powered with an internal combustion or electric -powered engine used to blow leaves, clippings, dirt or other debris off sidewalks, driveways, lawns, medians, and other surfaces including, but not limited to, hand-held, back- pack and walk -behind units, as well as blower - vacuum units. Off -property transport shall mean the visible emission of fugitive dust beyond the property line of the property on which the emission originates or the project boundary when the emission originates in the public right-of-way or on public property. Off -vehicle transport shall mean the visible emission of fugitive dust from a vehicle that is transporting dust generating materials on a public road or right-of-way. On -tool local exhaust ventilation shall mean a vacuum dust collection system attached to a construction tool that includes a dust collector (hood or shroud), tubing, vacuum, and a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. On -tool wet dust suppression shall mean the operation of nozzles or sprayers attached to a construction tool that continuously apply water or other liquid to the grinding or cutting area by a pressurized container or other water source. Open area shall mean any area of undeveloped land greater than one-half acre that contains less than 70 percent vegetation. This includes undeveloped lots, vacant or idle lots, natural areas, parks, or other non-agricultural areas. Recreational and multi -use trails maintained by the City are not included as an open area. Operator or owner shall mean any person who has control over a dust generating source either by operating, supervising, controlling, or maintaining ownership of the activity or source including, but not limited to, a contractor, lessee, or other responsible party of an activity, operation, or land use that is a dust generating activity or source. Particulate matter shall mean any material that is emitted into the air as finely divided solid or liquid particles, other than uncombined water, and includes dust, smoke, soot, fumes, aerosols and mists. Required best management practices shall mean specific measures that are required to be implemented if a dust generating activity is occurring. Sensitive area shall mean a specific area that warrants special protection from adverse impacts due to the deposition of fugitive dust, such as natural areas (excluding buffer zones), sources of water supply, wetlands, critical wildlife habitat, or wild and scenic river corridors. Soil retention shall mean the stabilization of disturbed surface areas that will remain exposed and inactive for 30 days or more or while vegetation is being established using mulch, compost, soil mats, or other methods. Stockpile shall mean any accumulation of bulk materials that contain particulate matter being stored for future use or disposal. This includes backfill materials and storage piles for soil, sand, dirt, mulch, aggregate, straw, chaff, or other materials that produce dust. Storm drainage facility shall mean those improvements designed, constructed or used to convey or control stormwater runoff and to remove pollutants from stormwater runoff after precipitation. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 3 Surface rougliening shall mean to modify the soil surface to resist wind action and reduce dust emissions from wind erosion by creating grooves, depressions, ridges or furrows perpendicular to the predominant wind direction using tilling, ripping, discing, or other method. Track -out shall mean the carrying of mud, dirt, soil, or debris on vehicle wheels, sides, or undercarriages from a private, commercial, or industrial site onto a public road or right-of- way. Vegetation shall mean the planting or seeding of appropriate grasses, plants, bushes, or trees to hold soil or to create a wind break. All seeded areas must be mulched, and the mulch should be adequately crimped and or tackified. If hydro -seeding is conducted, mulching must be conducted as a separate, second operation. All planted areas must be mulched within twenty- four (24) hours after planting. Wet suppression shall mean the application of water by spraying, sprinkling, or misting to maintain optimal moisture content or to form a crust in dust generating materials and applied at a rate that prevents runoff from entering any public right-of-way, storm drainage facility or watercourse. Wind barrier shall mean an obstruction at least five feet high erected to assist in preventing the blowing of fugitive dust, comprised of a solid board fence, chain link and fabric fence, vertical wooden slats, hay bales, earth berm, bushes, trees, or other materials installed perpendicular to the predominant wind direction or upwind of an adjacent residential, commercial, industrial, or sensitive area that would be negatively impacted by fugitive dust. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 4 2.0 Fugitive Dust and the Problems it Causes 2.1 What is Fugitive Dust, Generally? Dust, also known as particulate matter, is made up of solid particles in the air that consist primarily of dirt and soil but can also contain ash, soot, salts, pollen, heavy metals, asbestos, pesticides, and other materials. "Fugitive" dust means particulate matter that has become airborne by wind or human activities and has not been emitted from a stack, chimney, or vent. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) estimates that more than 4,300 tons of particulate matter are emitted into the air in Larimer County annually. The primary sources of this particulate matter include construction activities, paved and unpaved roads, and agricultural operations. The quantity of dust emitted from a particular activity or area and the materials in it can depend on the soil type (sand, clay, silt), moisture content (dry or damp), local wind speed, and the current or past uses of the site (industrial, farming, construction). 2.2 Why is the City Addressing Fugitive Dust? Colorado state air regulations and Larimer County air quality standards generally require owners and operators of dust generating activities or sources to use all available and practical methods that are technologically feasible and economically reasonable in order to prevent fugitive dust emissions. However, state regulations and permitting requirements typically apply to larger stationary sources rather than to activities that generate dust. Larimer County fugitive dust standards apply only to land development. Although state and county requirements apply to many construction activities, they do not address many sources of dust emissions and City code compliance officers do not have authority to enforce state or county regulations. Fort Collins is experiencing rapid growth and development that has contributed to local man-made dust emissions. The City has established Chapter 12, Article X of the Code (§§12-150- 12-159) to address dust generating activities and sources that negatively impact citizens in Fort Collins. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 5 2.3 Health and Environmental Effects Dust particles are very small and can be easily inhaled. They can enter the respiratory system and increase susceptibility to respiratory infections, and aggravate cardio-pulmonary disease. Even short-term exposure to dust can cause wheezing, asthma attacks and allergic reactions, and may cause increases in hospital admissions and emergency department visits for heart and lung related diseases. Fugitive dust emissions can cause significant environmental impacts as well as health effects. When dust from wind erosion or human activity deposits out of the air, it may impact vegetation, adversely affect nearby soils and waterways, and cause damage to cultural resources. Wind erosion can result in the loss of valuable top soil, reduce crop yields, and stunt plant growth. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), studies have linked particulate matter exposure to health problems and environmental impacts such as: •Health Impacts: o Irritation of the airways, coughing, and difficulty breathing o Reduced lung function and lung cancer o Aggravated asthma and chronic bronchitis o Irregular heartbeat and increases in heart attacks •Environmental Impacts: o Haze and reduced visibility o Reduced levels of nutrients in soil 2.4 Nuisance and Aesthetics Dust, dirt and debris that become airborne eventually settle back down to the surface. How far it travels and where it gets deposited depends on the size and type of the particles as well as wind speed and direction. When this material settles, it can be deposited on homes, cars, lawns, pools and ponds, and other property. The small particles can get trapped in machinery and electronics causing abrasion, corrosion, and malfunctions. The deposited dust can damage painted surfaces, clog filtration systems, stain materials and cause other expensive clean-up projects. 2.5 Safety Hazard and Visibility Blowing dust can be a safety hazard at construction sites and on roads and highways. Dust can obstruct visibility and can cause accidents between vehicles and bikes, pedestrians, or site workers. Dust plumes can also decrease visibility across a natural area or scenic vistas. The "brown cloud" often visible along the Front Range during the winter months, and the brilliant red sunsets that occur are often caused by particulate matter and other pollutants in the air. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 6 3.0 Best Management Practices This Manual describes established best management practices for controlling dust emissions that are practical and used in common practice to prevent or mitigate impacts to air quality from dust generating activities and sources occurring within Fort Collins. The objective of the dust control measures included in this Manual is to reduce dust emissions from human activities and to prevent those emissions from impacting others and is based on the following principles: Prevent— avoid creating dust emissions through good project planning and modifying or replacing dust generating activities. Minimize — reduce dust emissions with methods that capture, collect, or contain emissions. Mitigate — when preventing fugitive dust or minimizing the impacts are not feasible, the Manual provides specific measures to mitigate dust. More specifically, the Manual establishes the following procedures for each dust generating activity outlined in this Chapter: Required Best Management Practices — this section includes the specific measures that are required to be implemented if the dust generating activity is occurring. For example, high wind restrictions (temporarily halting work when wind speeds exceed 30 mph) are required best management practices for earthmoving, demolition/renovation, saw cutting or grind, abrasive blasting, and leaf blowing. Additional Best Management Practices —this section includes additional measures if the required best management practices are ineffective at preventing off -property transport of particulate matter. At least one of the additional best management practices outlined in the Manual must be implemented on the site to be in compliance with the Manual and Code. 3. Additional Requirements —When applicable, additional measures are also required, e.g., a dust control plan when project sites are over 5 acres in size. The Dust Prevention and Control Checklist included on page 31 of this Manual provides a "quick guide" to dust control BMPs covered in the following sections of the Manual. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 7 3.1 Earthmoving Activities Above: This figure illustrates earthmoving, which is an activity that can generate dust. Dust emissions from earthmoving activities depend on the type and extent of activity being conducted, the amount of exposed surface area, wind conditions, and soil type and moisture content, including: • Site preparation (clearing, grubbing, scraping) • Road construction • Grading and overlot grading • Excavating, trenching, backfilling and compacting • Loading and unloading dirt, soil, gravel, or other earth materials • Dumping of dirt, soil, gravel, or other earth materials into trucks, piles, or receptacles • Screening of dirt, soil, gravel, or other earth materials Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any person, owner, or operator who conducts earthmoving that is a dust generating activity or source shall implement the following best management practices to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Minimize disturbed area: plan the project or activity so that the minimum amount of disturbed soil or surface area is exposed to wind or vehicle traffic at any one time. (ii) Reduce vehicle speeds: establish a maximum speed limit or install traffic calming devices to reduce speeds to a rate to mitigate off -property transport of dust entrained by vehicles. (iii) Minimize drop height: Drivers and operators shall unload truck beds and loader or excavator buckets slowly, and minimize drop height of materials to the lowest height possible, including screening operations. (iv) High winds restriction: temporarily halt work activities during high wind events greater than 30 mph if operations would result in off -property transport. (v) Restrict access: restrict access to the work area to only authorized vehicles and personnel. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 8 (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.1(a)(i)-(v) are ineffective to prevent off - property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Wet suppression: apply water to disturbed soil surfaces, backfill materials, screenings, and other dust generating operations as necessary and appropriate considering current weather conditions, and prevent water used for dust control from entering any public right-of-way, stormwater drainage facility, or watercourse. (ii) Wind barrier: construct a fence or other type of wind barrier to prevent wind erosion of top soils. (iii) Vegetation: plant vegetation appropriate for retaining soils or creating a wind break. (iv) Surface roughening: stabilize an active construction area during periods of inactivity or when vegetation cannot be immediately established. (v) Cover: install cover materials during periods of inactivity and properly anchor the cover. (vi) Soil retention: stabilize disturbed or exposed soil surface areas that will be inactive for more than 30 days or while vegetation is being established. (c) Additional requirements: Any person, owner, or operator who conducts earthmoving that is a dust generating activity or source at a construction site or land development project with a lot size equal to or greater than five (5) acres also shall implement the following measures: (i) Dust Control Plan: submit a plan that describes all potential sources of fugitive dust and methods that will be employed to control dust emissions with the development construction permit application or development review application (see Chapter 4 of this Manual). A copy of the Dust Control Plan must be onsite at all times and one copy must be provided to all contractors and operators engaged in dust generating activities at the site. (ii) Construction sequencing: include sequencing or phasing in the project plan to minimize the amount of disturbed area at any one time. Sites greater than 25 acres in size may be asked to provide additional justification, revise the sequencing plan, or include additional best management practices. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 9 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 33 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH YOU This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured any person or organization for whom you are performing operations when you and such person or organization have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that such person or organization be added as an additional insured on your policy. Such person or organization is an additional insured only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured. However, the insurance afforded to such additional insured: 1. Only applies to the extent permitted by law; and 2. Will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. A person's or organization's status as an additional insured under this endorsement ends when your operations for that additional insured are completed. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply: This insurance does not apply to: 1. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: a. The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or b. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the claims against any insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the "occurrence" which caused the "bodily injury" or "property damage", or the offense which caused the "personal and advertising injury", involved the rendering of or the failure to render any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services. CG 20 33 04 13 © Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 1 of 2 3.2 Demolition and Renovation Above: This photo illustrates restricting access (a required best management practice) and a wind barrier (an additional best management practice) for demolition and renovation activities. Dust generated from demolition activities may contain significant levels of silica, lead, asbestos, and particulate matter. Inhalation of silica and asbestos is known to cause lung cancer, and exposure to even small quantities of lead dust can result in harm to children and the unborn. In addition to complying with the dust control measures below, any person engaged in demolition or renovation projects must comply with applicable state and federal regulations for asbestos and lead containing materials and notification and inspection requirements under the State of Colorado Air Quality Control Commission's Regulation No. 8, Part B Control of Hazardous Air pollutants. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any person, owner, or operator who conducts demolition or renovation that is a dust generating activity or source shall implement the following best management practices to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Asbestos and lead containing materials: demolition and renovation activities that involve asbestos or lead containing materials must be conducted in accordance with 2012 International Building Code (IBC), as adopted by the Code Sec. 5-26 and amended by Code Sec. 5-27 (59) (amending IBC §3602.1.1) and all other state and local regulations; (ii) Restrict access: restrict access to the demolition area to only authorized vehicles and personnel; (iii) High winds restriction: temporarily halt work activities during high wind events greater than 30 mph if operations would result in off -property transport; and (iv) Minimize drop height: Drivers and operators shall unload truck beds and loader or excavator buckets slowly, and minimize drop height of materials to the lowest height possible, including screening operations. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 10 (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.2(a)(i)-(iv) are ineffective to prevent off - property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Wet suppression: apply water to demolished materials or pre -wet materials to be demolished as necessary. Prevent water used for dust control from entering any public right-of- way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse. (ii) Wind barrier: construct a fence or other type of wind barrier to prevent onsite dust generating materials from blowing offsite. (c) Additional requirements: (i) Building permit compliance: comply with all conditions and requirements under any building required pursuant to the Code and/or the Land Use Code. Above: This photo illustrates reducing drop height, a required best management practice. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 11 3.3 Stockpiles Above: This photo illustrates wet suppression, an additional best management practice for stockpiles. Stockpiles are used for both temporary and long-term storage of soil, fill dirt, sand, aggregate, woodchips, mulch, asphalt and other industrial feedstock, construction and landscaping materials. Fugitive dust can be emitted from stockpiles while working the active face of the pile or when wind blows across the pile. The quantity of emissions depends on pile height and exposure to wind, moisture content and particle size of the pile material, surface roughness of the pile, and frequency of pile disturbance. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any owner or operator of a stockpile that is a dust generating activity or source shall implement the following best management practices to prevent off property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Minimize drop height: Drivers and operators shall unload truck beds and loader or excavator buckets slowly, and minimize drop height of materials to the lowest height possible, including screening operations. (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.3(a)(i) is ineffective to prevent off -property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Wet suppression: Apply water to the active face when working the pile or to the entire pile during periods of inactivity. Prevent water used for dust control from entering any public right- of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse. (ii) Cover: install cover materials during periods of inactivity and anchor the cover. (iii) Surface roughening: stabilize a stockpile during periods of inactivity or when vegetation cannot be immediately established. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 12 (iv) Stockpile location: locate stockpile at a distance equal to ten times the pile height from property boundaries that abut residential areas. (v) Vegetation: seed and mulch any stockpile that will remain inactive for 30 days or more. (vi) Enclosure: construct a three -sided structure equal to or greater than the height of the pile to shelter the pile from the predominant winds. (c) Additional requirements: (i) Stockpile permit compliance: comply with all conditions and requirements under any stockpile permit required under the Code or the Land Use Code. (ii) Erosion control plan compliance: implement and comply with all conditions and requirements of the "Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual, as adopted in Code Sec. §26-500; specifically, Volume 3 Chapter 7 "Construction BMPs". The Stormwater Criteria Manual may require the use of Erosion Control Materials, soil stockpile height limit of ten feet, watering, surface roughening, vegetation, silt fence and other control measures. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 13 3.4 Street Sweeping Left: This figure illustrates the use of a wet suppression and vacuum system, an additional best management practice for street sweeping. Street sweeping is an effective method for removing dirt and debris from streets and preventing it from entering storm drains or becoming airborne. Regenerative air sweepers and mechanical sweepers with water spray can also be effective at removing particulate matter from hard surfaces. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any owner or operator that conducts sweeping operations or services on paved or concrete roads, parking lots, rights -of -way, pedestrian ways, plazas or other solid surfaces, and whose operations are a dust generating activity or source shall implement the following best management practices to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Uncontrolled sweeping prohibited: the use of rotary brushes, power brooms, or other mechanical sweeping for the removal of dust, dirt, mud, or other debris from a paved public road, right-of-way, or parking lot without the use of water, vacuum system with filtration, or other equivalent dust control method is prohibited. Mechanical or manual sweeping that occurs between lifts of asphalt paving operations or due to preparation for pavement markings are excluded from this prohibition, due to engineering requirements associated with these operations. (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.4(a)(i) is ineffective to prevent off -property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Wet suppression: use a light spray of water or wetting agent applied directly to work area or use equipment with water spray system while operating sweeper or power broom. Prevent water used for dust control from entering any storm drainage facility or watercourse. (ii) Vacuum system: use sweeper or power broom equipped with a vacuum collection and filtration system. (iii) Other method: use any other method to control dust emissions that has a demonstrated particulate matter control efficiency of 80 percent or more. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 14 3.5 Track -out / Carry -out Above: This figure illustrates on installed grate (left) and a gravel bed (right), both of which are additional best management practices associated with track-out/carry-out. Mud, dirt, and other debris can be carried from a site on the wheels or undercarriage of equipment and vehicles onto public roads. When this material dries, it can become airborne by wind activity or when other vehicles travel on it. This is a health concern and can cause visibility issues and safety hazards. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any owner or operator of any operation that has the potential to result in track -out of mud, dirt, dust, or debris on public roads and rights -of -way and whose operation is a dust generating activity or source shall implement the following best management practices to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Contracts and standards: comply with track -out prevention requirements and construction best management practices as set forth in the Code, City regulations or policies, as specified in applicable contract documents, and as set forth in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual. (ii) Remove deposition: promptly remove any deposition that occurs on public roads or rights - of -way as a result of the owner's or operator's operations. Avoid over -watering and prevent runoff into any storm drainage facility or watercourse. (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.5(a)(i)-(ii) are ineffective to prevent off - property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Install rails, pipes, grate, or similar track -out control device. (ii) Install a gravel bed track -out apron that extends at least 50 feet from the intersection with a public road or right-of-way. (iii) Install gravel bed track -out apron with steel cattle guard or concrete wash rack. (iv) Install and utilize on -site vehicle and equipment washing station. (v) Install a paved surface that extends at least 100 feet from the intersection with a public road or right-of-way. (vi) Manually remove mud, dirt, and debris from equipment and vehicle wheels, tires and undercarriage. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 15 3.6 Bulk Materials Transport Above: This figure illustrates covered loads, a required best management practice for bulk materials transport. Haul trucks are used to move bulk materials, such as dirt, rock, demolition debris, or mulch to and from construction sites, material suppliers and storage yards. Dust emissions from haul trucks, if uncontrolled, can be a safety hazard by impairing visibility or by depositing debris on roads, pedestrians, bicyclists, or other vehicles. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any owner or operator of a dust generating activity or source for which vehicles used to transport bulk materials to and from a site within the City on a public or private road or on a public right-of-way shall prevent off -vehicle transport of fugitive dust emissions. To prevent off -vehicle transport of fugitive dust to and from the site, the owner or operator shall implement the following measures: (i) Cover Loads: Loads shall be completely covered or all material enclosed in a manner that prevents the material from blowing, dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping from the vehicle. This includes the covering of hot asphalt and asphalt patching material with a tarp or other impermeable material. (ii) Minimize drop height: Drivers and operators shall load and unload truck beds and loader or excavator buckets slowly, and minimize drop height of materials to the lowest height possible, including screening operations. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 16 (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.6(a)(i)-(ii) are ineffective to prevent off - vehicle transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Wet suppression: apply water to bulk materials loaded for transport as necessary to prevent fugitive dust emissions and deposition of materials on roadways. Prevent water used for dust control from entering any public right-of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse. (ii) Other technology: use other equivalent technology that effectively eliminates off -vehicle transport, such as limiting the load size to provide at least three inches of freeboard to prevent spillage. Above: This figure illustrates minimizing drop heights, a required best management practice for bulk materials transport. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 17 3.7 Unpaved Roads and Haul Roads Left: This figure illustrates surface improvements on an unpaved road, an additional best management practice. Road dust from unpaved roads is caused by particles lifted by and dropped from rolling wheels traveling on the road surface and from wind blowing across the road surface. Road dust can aggravate heart and lung conditions as well as cause safety issues such as decreased driver visibility and other safety hazards. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any owner or operator of an unpaved road located on a construction site greater than five acres on private property or an unpaved road used as a public right- of-way shall implement the following best management practices to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Reduce vehicle speeds: establish a maximum speed limit or install traffic calming devices to reduce speeds to a rate that prevents off -property transport of dust entrained by vehicles. (ii) Restrict access: restrict travel on unpaved roads by limiting access to only authorized vehicle use. (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.7(a)(i)-(ii) are ineffective to prevent off - property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Wet suppression: apply water to unpaved road surface as necessary and appropriate considering current weather conditions, and prevent water used for dust control from entering any public right-of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse. (ii) Surface improvements: install gravel or similar materials with sufficient depth to reduce dust or pave high traffic areas. (iii) Access road location: locate site access roads away from residential or other populated areas. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 18 3.8 Parking Lots Above: This figure illustrates an unpaved parking lot in Fort Collins. This section applies to paved and unpaved areas where vehicles are parked or stored on a routine basis and includes parking areas for shopping, recreation, or events; automobile or vehicle storage yards; and animal staging areas. Best Management Practices to Control Dust- Unpaved Parking Lots (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any owners or operator of an unpaved parking lot greater than one-half acre shall use at least one of the following best management practices to prevent off - property transport of fugitive dust emissions (i) Surface improvements: install gravel or similar materials with sufficient depth to reduce dust or pave high traffic areas. (ii) Vegetation: plant vegetation appropriate for retaining soils or creating a wind break. (iii) Wet suppression: apply water as necessary and appropriate considering current weather conditions to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions. Prevent water used for dust control from entering any public right-of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse. (iv) Wind barrier: construct a fence or other type of wind barrier. (v) Reduce vehicle speeds: establish a maximum speed limit or install traffic calming devices to reduce speeds to a rate that prevents off -property transport of dust entrained by vehicles. (vi) Restrict access: restrict travel in parking lots to only those vehicles with essential duties and limit access to hours of operation or specific events. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 19 2. 'Bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: a. All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or b. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section III — Limits Of Insurance: The most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1. Required by the contract or agreement you have entered into with the additional insured; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. Page 2 of 2 © Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 CG 20 33 04 13 Best Management Practices to Control Dust- Paved Parking Lots (a) Required Best Management Practices: An owner or operator of a paved parking lot greater than one-half acre and shall use at least one of the following best management practices to prevent off - property transport of fugitive dust emissions. (i) Maintenance: repair potholes and cracks and maintain surface improvements. (ii) Mechanical sweeping: Sweep lot with a vacuum sweeper and light water spray as necessary to remove dirt and debris. Avoid overwatering and prevent runoff from entering any public right-of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse. (iii) Reduce vehicle speeds: establish a maximum speed limit or install traffic calming devices to reduce speeds to a rate that prevents off -property transport of dust entrained by vehicles. (iv) Restrict access: restrict travel in parking lots to only those vehicles with essential duties and limit access to hours of operation or specific events. Above: This photo represents improving the surface of a parking area, which is one measure to comply with the Manual. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 20 3.9 Open Areas and Vacant Lots Left: This photo represents adding vegetation by hydroseeding, which is one measure to comply with the Manual. Open areas are typically not a significant source of wind-blown dust emissions if the coverage of vegetation is sufficient or soil crusts are intact. However, if soils in open areas are disturbed by vehicle traffic, off -highway vehicle use, bicycling or grazing, or if they have become overpopulated by prairie dogs, dust emissions can become a problem. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any owner or operator of an open area greater than one-half acre shall use at least one of the following best management practices to stabilize disturbed or exposed soil surface areas that are intended to or remain exposed for 30 days or more and to prevent off - property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Vegetation: plant vegetation appropriate for retaining soils or creating a wind break. (ii) Cover: install cover materials over exposed areas during periods of inactivity and properly anchor the cover. (iii) Surface roughening: stabilize an exposed area during periods of inactivity or when vegetation cannot be immediately established. (iv) Soil retention: stabilize disturbed or exposed soil surface areas that will be inactive for more than 30 days or while vegetation is being established, using mulch, compost, soil mats, or other methods. (v) Wet suppression: apply water to disturbed soil surfaces as necessary and appropriate considering current weather to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions. Prevent water used for dust control from entering any public right-of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse. (vi) Wind barrier: construct a fence or other type of wind barrier to prevent wind erosion of top soils. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 21 3.10 Saw Cutting and Grinding Above: This photo illustrates concrete cutting and how the activity can generate dust. Cutting and grinding of asphalt, concrete and other masonry materials can be a significant short-term source of fugitive dust that may expose workers and the public to crystalline silica. Inhalation of silica can cause lung disease known as silicosis and has been linked to other diseases such as tuberculosis and lung cancer. Using additional best management practices during cutting and grinding operations can significantly reduce dust emissions. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any person, owner, or operator that cuts or grinds asphalt, concrete, brick, tile, stone, or other masonry materials and whose operations are a dust generating activity or source shall use the following best management practices to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Restrict access: prevent the public from entering the area where dust emissions occur. (ii) High winds restriction: temporarily halt work activities during high wind events greater than 30 mph if operations would result in off -property transport. (iii) Equipment and work area clean up: use wet wiping, wet sweeping, or vacuuming with HEPA filtration for equipment and work area clean up and do not cause dust to become airborne during clean up. (iv) Slurry clean up: prevent water used for dust control or clean up from entering any public right-of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse by using containment, vacuuming, absorption, or other method to remove the slurry, and dispose of slurry and containment materials properly. Follow additional procedures prescribed in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual or contract documents and specifications. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 22 (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.10(a)(i)-(iv) are ineffective to prevent off - property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) On -tool local exhaust ventilation: use a tool -mounted dust capture and collection system. (ii) On -tool wet suppression: use a tool -mounted water application system. (iii) Vacuuming: use a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter simultaneously with cutting or grinding operations. (iv) Wet suppression: use a water sprayer or hose simultaneously with cutting or grinding operations. (v) Enclosure: conduct cutting or grinding within an enclosure with a dust collection system or temporary tenting over the work area. Above: These photos illustrate how dust generated from cutting con be minimized by applying on -tool wet suppression, an additional best management practice associated with saw cutting and grinding. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 23 3.11 Abrasive Blasting Above: This photo illustrates abrasive blasting without dust mitigation in place. Abrasive blasting is used to smooth rough surfaces; roughen smooth surfaces; and remove paint, dirt, grease, and other coatings from surfaces. Abrasive blasting media may consist of sand; glass, plastic or metal beads; aluminum oxide; corn cobs; or other materials. Abrasive blasting typically generates a significant amount of fugitive dust if not controlled. The material removed during abrasive blasting can become airborne and may contain silica, lead, cadmium or other byproducts removed from the surface being blasted.* Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any person, owner, or operator who conducts outdoor abrasive blasting or indoor abrasive blasting with uncontrolled emissions vented to the outside and whose operations are a dust generating activity or source shall implement the following best management practices to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions: (i) Restrict access: prevent the public from entering the area where dust emissions occur. (ii) High winds restriction: temporarily halt work activities during high wind events greater than 30 mph if operations would result in off -property transport. (iii) Equipment and work area clean up: use wet wiping, wet sweeping, or vacuuming with HEPA filtration for equipment and work area clean up and do not cause dust to become airborne during clean up. (iv) Slurry clean up: prevent water used for dust control or clean up from entering any public right-of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse by using containment, vacuuming, absorption, or other method to remove the slurry, and dispose of slurry and containment materials properly. (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.11(a)(i)-(iv) are ineffective to prevent off - property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Enclosure: conduct abrasive blasting within an enclosure with a dust collection system or temporary tenting over the work area. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 24 (ii) Wet suppression blasting: use one of several available methods that mix water with the abrasive media or air during blasting operations. (iii) Vacuum blasting: conduct air -based blasting that uses a nozzle attachment with negative air pressure to capture dust. (iv) Abrasive media: select less toxic, lower dust -generating blasting media. * Blasting on surfaces that contain lead paint or wastes from sand blasting that contain hazardous materials may be subject to additional state and federal requirements. Above: This photo illustrates wetsuppression blasting, an additional best management practice. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 25 3.12 Mechanical Blowing Above: This photo illustrates mechanical blowing without dust mitigation in place. Mechanical blowers are commonly used to move dirt, sand, leaves, grass clippings and other landscaping debris to a central location for easier pick-up and removal. Mechanical blowing with a leaf blower can be a significant source of fugitive dust in some situations and can create nuisance conditions and cause health effects for sensitive individuals. Mechanical blowing can re -suspend dust particles that contain allergens, pollens, and molds, as well as pesticides, fecal contaminants, and toxic metals causing allergic reactions, asthma attacks and exacerbating other respiratory illnesses. Best Management Practices to Control Dust (a) Required Best Management Practices: Any person, owner, or operator who operates a mechanical leaf blower (gas, electric, or battery -powered) in a manner that is a dust generating activity or source shall use the following best management practices as necessary to prevent off -property transport of fugitive dust emissions (i) Low speed: use the lowest speed appropriate for the task and equipment. (ii) Operation: use the full length of the blow tube and place the nozzle as close to the ground as possible. (iii) High winds restriction: temporarily halt work activities during high wind events greater than 30 mph if operations would result in off -property transport. (b) Additional Best Management Practices: In the event 3.11(a)(i)-(iii) are ineffective to prevent off - property transport, the person, owner, or operator shall use at least one of the following best management practices: (i) Alternative method: use an alternative such as a rake, broom, shovel, manually push sweeper or a vacuum machine equipped with a filtration system. (ii) Prevent impact: do not blow dust and debris off -property or in close proximity to people, animals, open windows, air intakes, or onto adjacent property, public right-of-way, storm drainage facility, or watercourse. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 26 (iii) Minimize use on dirt: minimize the use of mechanical blower on unpaved surfaces, road shoulders, or loose dirt. (iv) Wet suppression: use a light spray of water, as necessary and appropriate considering current weather conditions, to dampen dusty work areas. Prevent water, dirt, and debris from entering any storm drainage facility, or watercourse. (v) Remove debris: remove and properly dispose of blown material immediately. Above: These photos illustrate alternative methods to mechanical blowing that can minimize dust generation. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 27 4.0 Dust Control Plan for Land Development Greater Than Five Acres A dust control plan is required for all development projects or construction sites with greater than five (5) acres in size. If the project is required to obtain a development construction permit, then the dust control plan shall be submitted with the development review application or the development construction permit application. A copy of the dust control plan shall be available onsite at all times for compliance and inspection purposes. For dust control plans associated with a Development Construction Permit (DCP) issued by the City, applications for the DCP are available online at www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/applications.php. The dust control plan may be submitted on the Dust Control Plan Form included in Chapter 4 of this Manual or other equivalent format and shall include the following information: • Project name and location. • Name and contact information of property owner. • Project start and completion dates. • Name and contact information of the developer, general contractor, and each contractor or operator that will be engaged in an earthmoving activity. • Total size of the development project or construction site in acres. • A description of the project phasing or sequencing of the project to minimize the amount of disturbed surface area at any one time during the project. • A list of each dust generating activity or source associated with the project. • A list of each best management practice and engineering control that will be implemented for each dust generating activity or source. • A list of additional best management practices that will be implemented if initial controls are ineffective. • A signed statement from the property owner, developer, general contractor, and each contractor or operator engaged in an earthmoving activity acknowledging receipt of the Dust Control Plan and an understanding of and ability to comply with the best management practices in the plan. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 28 r City Of F6rt Collins DUST CONTROL PLAN PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name Project Location Start and Completion Dates Total Size of Project Site (acres) Maximum disturbed surface area at any one time (acres) Property Owner name, address, phone, e-mail Developer name, address, phone, e-mail General Contractor name, address, phone, e-mail Subcontractor or Operator of a dust generating activity or source name, address, phone, e-mail Subcontractor or Operator of a dust generating activity or source name, address, phone, e-mail Subcontractor or Operator of a dust generating activity or source name, address, phone, e-mail PROJECT PHASING OR SEQUENCING Provide a description of how this project will be phased or sequenced to minimize the disturbed surface area. Attach phasing plan or map if available. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 29 POLICY NUMBER: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 37 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s) Location And Description Of Completed Operations As required by written contract executed prior to Any location where "your work" is performed, but the "bodily injury" or "property damage". only with respect to completed operations covered under this policy for "Commercial Construction". "Commercial Construction" means all construction activity that is not "Residential Construction". "Residential Construction" means any construction operations, work or activities performed on any "residential property". "Residential property" means any of the following types of buildings, units or structures: single or multi -family dwellings, apartments, condominiums, townhomes including zero lot line townhomes, cooperative apartments, time-shared properties, and the entirety of any commercial or mixed use building, unit or structure of which any of the foregoing forms a part. "Residential property" also includes any common areas and infrastructure associated with any of the foregoing. Any building, unit or structure that becomes or is converted to "residential property" shall be deemed to be "residential property" as of the date of its original construction.) Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. A. Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the Schedule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products -completed operations hazard". However: 1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and 2. If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. CG 20 37 04 13 © Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 1 of 2 DUST CONTROL PLAN CERTIFICATION I certify the information and attachments contained in this Dust Control Plan are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I and the project's subcontractors have received a copy of this Dust Control Plan and acknowledge my understanding of and ability to comply with best management practices for controlling fugitive dust emissions. I hereby permit City officials to enter upon the property for the purpose of inspection of any dust generating activity or source for which I am the responsible person, owner, or operator. Name: Title: Role on project: Address: Phone: Signature: Date: *********************************************************** List of Subcontractors: Title: Role on project: Title: Role on project: Title: Role on project: Title: Role on project: Title: Role on project: Title: Role on project: Title: Role on project: Title: Role on project: Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 30 Dust Prevention and Control Checklist Instructions: For projects over 5 acres, in addition to developing a Dust Control Plan (see chapter 4 of the manual), place an X in each box indicating all best management practices (BMPs) that will be implemented for each activity. Fully shaded boxes are required BMPs, hatched boxes are additional BMPs. For projects less than 5 acres, the BMPs for bulk materials transport and saw cutting/grinding are required; other BMPs are listed for use as a guide for preventing and controlling dust. Dust GeneratingActivity b Y /Best Management Practice b to 5 o t' w C o o }, +' > O o aE, v p oc v Q �c UO - c 'Q a v 3 N v v~ N \ �, : o V U ca y, a) o� °" C Y m a a co co o o W -0 j M (a= m own Y a* v a) 0 co o o J CL a) m v I Q C W 0 o m do c � 3 C M Ln ago +� `° j - a co U m 'E c M 3 U o W co 2 Abrasive media Asbestos or lead materials Construction sequencing Cover Cover Load Enclosure Equipment & work area clean up Erosion control plan High winds restriction Location Mechanical blowing techniques Minimize disturbed area Minimize drop height On -tool local exhaust ventilation On -tool wet suppression Other method Reduce vehicle speeds Remove deposition Restrict access Slurry clean up Soil retention Stockpile permit Surface improvements Surface roughening Sweeping Track -out prevention system Uncontrolled sweeping prohibited Vacuum Vegetation Wet suppression Wind barrier *Note that in the parking lot and open area standards, only select one of the required BMPs to be in compliance. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 31 5.0 Resources 5.1 Cross Reference to Codes, Standards, Regulations, and Policies EarthmovinR Activities Fort Collins Land Use Code Article 3 General Development Standards §3.2.2 Access, Circulation and Parking. Fort Collins Land Use Code Article 3 General Development Standards §3.4.1(N) Standards for Protection During Construction. Fort Collins Land Use Code Article 3 General Development Standards §3.4.2 Air Quality. Fort Collins City Code, Chapter 5 Buildings and Building Regulations, Section 5-27 (59) §3602.1.1 Building demolitions. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 23 Public Property §23-16. Permit required; exception in case of emergency. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual, Volume 3, Chapter 7, Section 1.3 Policy, Standards and Submittal Requirements, §1.3.3.e.5. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual — Fact Sheet SM-1 Construction Phasing/Sequencing and Fact Sheet EC-1 Surface Roughening. Larimer County Land Use Code §8.11.4. Fugitive dust during construction. State of Colorado, Air Quality Control Commission, 5 CCR 1001-3, Regulation No. 1, §III.D.2.b Construction Activities. OSHA Safety and Health Regulations for Construction 29 CFR Part 1926.55 Gases, vapors, fumes, dusts, and mists. Demolition and Renovation Fort Collins Land Use Code, Division 2.7 Building Permits §2.7.1 Fort Collins City Code, Chapter 5 Buildings and Building Regulations, Section 5-27 (59) §3602.1.1 Building demolitions. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 32 Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. State of Colorado, Air Quality Control Commission, Regulation Number 8, Part B Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants, 5 CCR 1001-10. Stockpiles Fort Collins Land Use Code, Division 2.6 Stockpiling Permits and Development Construction Permits §2.6.2. Fort Collins Land Use Code §2.6.3 (K) Stockpiling Permit and Development Construction Permit Review Procedures. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual Volume 3, Chapter 7, Section 1.3 Policy, Standards and Submittal Requirements, §1.3.3.e.7. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual - Fact Sheet MM-2 Stockpile Management. State of Colorado, Air Quality Control Commission, 5 CCR 1001-3, Regulation No. 1, §III.D.2.c Storage and Handling of Materials. Street Sweeping Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual - Fact Sheet SM-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming. Track-out/Carry-out Fort Collins Traffic Code, Part 1407 Spilling loads on highways prohibited. Fort Collins Land Use Code §5.2.1 Definitions Maintenance (of a newly constructed street). Fort Collins City Code: Chapter 20 — Nuisances, Article V - Dirt, Debris and Construction Waste, §Sec. 20-62. Depositing on streets prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual, Volume 3, Chapter 7, Section 1.3 Policy, Standards and Submittal Requirements, §1.3.3.e.8. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 33 Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual — Fact Sheet SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual — Fact Sheet SM-7 Street Sweeping and Vacuuming. State of Colorado, Air Quality Control Commission, 5 CCR 1001-3, Regulation No. 1, §III.D.2.a.(ii).(B) General Requirements. Bulk Materials Transport Fort Collins Traffic Code, Part 1407 Spilling loads on highways prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. State of Colorado, Air Quality Control Commission, 5 CCR 1001-3, Regulation No. 1, §III.D.2.f Haul Trucks. Colorado Revised Statutes. 42-4-1407 Spilling loads on highways prohibited. Unpaved Roads and Haul Roads Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. State of Colorado, Air Quality Control Commission, 5 CCR 1001-3, Regulation No. 1, §III.D.2.a Roadways and §III.D.2.e Haul Roads. Parking Lots Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. Open Areas and Vacant Lots Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. Saw Cutting and Grinding Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual — Fact Sheet SM-12 Paving and Grinding Operations. Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 34 Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Section 208.04 Best Management Practices for Stormwater. Abrasive Blasting Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. Mechanical (Leaf) Blowing Fort Collins City Code Chapter 20 Nuisances, Article 1 In General, §20-1 Air pollution nuisances prohibited. Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26 Utilities, Article VII Stormwater Utility, §26-498 Water quality control. 5.2 City of Fort Collins Manuals and Policies Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and- developers/development-forms-guidelines-regulations/stormwater-criteria City of Fort Collins Parks and Recreation Environmental Best Management Practices Manual 2011, Chapter Four: Best Management Practices for Construction http://www.fcgov.com/parks/pdf/bmp.pdf City of Fort Collins Building Design and Construction Standards, Oct. 2013 http://www.fcgov.com/opserv/pdf/build ing-design-standards2.pdf?1390850442 City of Fort Collins, Recommended Species and Application Rates of Perennial Native Upland Grass Seed for Fort Collins, Colorado. City of Fort Collins Plant List, April 2011. 5.3 References for Dust Control Leaf Blowing A Report to the California Legislature on the Potential Health and Environmental Impacts of Leaf Blowers, California Environmental Protection Agency —Air Resources Board, Feb. 2000. http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/mailouts/msc0005/msc0005.pdf Abrasive Blasting Sandblasting and Other Air -based Blasting Fact Sheet, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Dec. 2011. Protecting Workers from the Hazards of Abrasive Blasting Materials, OSHA Fact Sheet. California Air Resources Board, Abrasive Blasting Program. http://www.arb.ca.gov/ba/certabr/``certabr.htm Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 35 Saw Cutting OSHA Fact Sheet on Crystalline Silica Exposure https://www.osha.gov/OshDoc/data General Facts/crystalline-factsheet.pdf State of New Jersey — Dry Cutting and Grinding Fact Sheet http://www.state.nj.us/health/surv/documents/dry cutting.pdf Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Engineering Controls for Silica in Construction http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/silica/cutoffsaws.html Shepherd-S; Woskie-S, Controlling Dust from Concrete Saw Cutting. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2013 Feb; 10(2):64-70. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nioshtic-2/20042808.htm] Akbar-Khanzadeh F, Milz SA, Wagner CD, Bisesi MS, Ames AL, Khuder S, Susi P, Akbar-Khanzadeh M, Effectiveness of dust control methods for crystalline silica and respirable suspended particulate matter exposure during manual concrete surface grinding. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2010 Dec;7(12):700-11. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058155 HSE, On -Tool Controls to Reduce Exposure to Respirable Dusts in the Construction Industry —A Review. Health and Safety Executive, RR926, 2012, Derbyshire, U.K. http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrpdf/`rr926.pdf Croteau G, Guffey S, Flanagan ME, Seixas N, The Effect of Local Exhaust Ventilation Controls on Dust Exposures During Concrete Cutting and Grinding Activities. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 2002 63:458-467 http://deohs.washington.edu/sites/default/files/images/general/CroteauThesis.pdf Unpaved Roads, Parking Lots, and Open Areas Dust Control from Unpaved Roads and Surfaces, Code 373, USDA-NRCS, April 2010. http://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE DOCUMENTS/nres143 025946.pdf CPWA, 2005, Dust Control for Unpaved Roads, A Best Practice by the National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure, Canadian Public Works Association. Colorado Forest Road Field Handbook, Colorado State Forest, Editor: Richard M. Edwards, CF; CSFS Assistant Staff Forester, July 2011. Fay L., Kociolek A., Road Dust Management and Future Needs: 2008 Conference Proceedings, Western Transportation Institute, March 2009. Chemical Stabilizers Interim Guidelines on Dust Palliative Use in Clark County, Nevada. Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Feb. 2001. http://ndep.nv.gov/admin/dustpal.pdf Bolander, Peter, ed. 1999. Dust Palliative Selection and Application Guide. Project Report. 9977-1207- SDTDC. San Dimas, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, San Dimas Technology and Development Center. http://www.fs.fed.us/eng/pubs/html/99771207/99771207.htmi Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 36 Techniques for Fugitive Dust Control — Chemical Suppressants, City of Albuquerque NM, website last accessed on Oct. 25, 2014. h_ttp:/Iwww.cabg.gov/airguality/business-programs-permits/ordinances/fugitive-dust/fugitive-dust- control USDA BioPreferred Catalog: Dust Suppressants http://www.biopreferred.gov/BioPreferred/faces/catalog/Catalog.xhtml USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center Project: Environmental Effects of Dust Suppressant Chemicals on Roadside Plant and Animal Communities, http://www.cerc.usgs.gov/Pro*ects.aspx?Proeectld=77 Street Sweeping U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Stormwater Best Management Practices: Street Sweeper Fact Sheet. http://environ ment.fhwa.dot.gov/ecosystems/ultraurb/3fs16.asp Agriculture and Livestock Agricultural Air Quality Conservation Measures - Reference Guide for Cropping Systems and General Land Management, USDA-NRCS, Oct. 2012. http://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1049502.pdf Dust Control from Animal Activity on Open Lot Surfaces, Code 375, USDA-NRCS, Sept. 2010. http://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE DOCUMENTS/nres143 025821.pdf Residue and Tillage Management Reduced Till, Code 345, USDA-NRCS, Dec. 2013. http://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1251402.pdf Herbaceous Wind Barriers, Code 603, USDA-NRCS, Jan. 2010. http://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE DOCUMENTS/nres143 025927.pdf Michalewicz, D. A., J. D. Wanjura, B. W. Shaw, and C. B. Parnell. 2005. Evaluation of sources and controls of fugitive dust from agricultural operations. In Proc. 2005 Beltwide Cotton Conference. http://caages.tamu.edu/Publication-Particulate%20Matter.htmi Harner J., Maghirang R., Razote E., Water Requirements for Dust Control on Feedlots, from the proceedings of Mitigating Air Emissions From Animal Feeding Operations Conference, May 2008. http://www.extension.org/pages/23966/water-requirements-for-dust-control-on-feedlots California Air Pollution Control Officers Association Agriculture Clearinghouse http://www.capcoa.org/ag-clearinghouse/ U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service - Nevada, Fugitive Dust: A Guide to the Control of Windblown Dust on Agricultural Lands in Nevada. Jan. 2007. http://www.cdsn.org/images/FugitiveDustGuide v7 201 .pdf Demolition and Renovation CDPHE, Demolition and Asbestos Abatement forms and information httpsl/www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/asbestos-forms Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 37 Earthmovina Activities CDPHE, An Overview of Colorado Air Regulations for Land Development, August 2014 https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/AP Land -Development -Guidance -Document 1.pdf Working With Dirt When the Wind Blows http://www.gradingandexcavation.com/GX/Articles/Working With Dirt When the Wind Blows 5455 .aspx EPA — Stormwater Best Management Practices: Dust Control http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/npdes/swbmp/Dust-Control.cfm EPA — Stormwater Best Management Practices: Wind Fences and Sand Fences http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/npdes/swbmp/Wind-Fences-and-Sand-Fences.cfm EPA — Stormwater Best Management Practices: Construction Sequencing http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/npdes/swbmp/Construction-Sequencing.cfm EPA — Stormwater Best Management Practices: Construction Entrances http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/n pdes/swbmp/Construction-Entrances.cfm An Overview of Colorado Air Regulations for Land Development. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment —Air Pollution Control Division. https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/AP Land -Development -Guidance -Document 1.pdf Health Effects of Particulate Matter U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter. EPA/600/R-08/139F Dec. 2009. http://cfpu b.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=216546#Download World Health Organization, Health Effects of Particulate Matter- Policy. 2013 http://www.euro.who.int/ data/assets/pdf file/0006/189051/Health-effects-of-particulate-matter- final-Eng.pdf Preventing Silicosis in Construction Workers, NIOSH http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/96-112/ General Dust Abatement Handbook, Maricopa County Air Quality Department, June 2013. http://www.maricopa.gov/aq/divisions/compliance/dust/docs/pdf/Rule%20310-Dust%20Handbook.pdf Fugitive Dust Control: Self Inspection Handbook, California Air Resources Board, 2007. http://www.arb.ca.gov/pm/fugitivedust large.pdf WRAP Fugitive Dust Handbook, Western Governors' Association. Sept. 2006. Managing Fugitive Dust: A Guide for Compliance with the Air Regulatory Requirements for Particulate Matter Generation, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. March 2014. Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Rules and Regulations, Rule 805 Odors and Dust http://cogcc.state.co.us/ Dust Prevention and Control Manual Page 38 SECTION 04000 EROSION CONTROL AND INLET PROTECTION INDEX OF ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEEDURES (ESOP) New Construction Activities for Municipalities 1 of 2 Street, Curb, and Gutter Replacement and Construction 1 of 3 Street, Curb, and Gutter Maintenance Spill Prevention and Response Utility and Storm Sewer System Maintenance 1 of 3 1 of 4 1 of 4 Utility and Storm Sewer System Replacement and Construction 1 of 3 Power Washing 1 of 3 Vehicle Fueling 1 to 3 Outdoor Fleet Maintenance 1 of 4 Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance 1 of 4 B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section III — Limits Of Insurance: If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. Page 2 of 2 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 CG 20 37 07 04 ❑ New Construction Activities for For More Information Name Municipalities Address City, State Description Phone This fact sheet covers new construction activities disturbing less e-mail than one acre not subject to a CDPS Construction permit. New Possible Pollutants construction includes, but is not limited to buildings, structures, capital improvements, roadways, and recreational components Sediment such as trails, restrooms, and other structures. Procedures Chemicals provided are general in nature and can be applied to any scale Organics or type of municipal construction. Trash When services are contracted, this written procedure should be Good Housekeeping provided to the contractor so they have the proper operational Waste Management procedures. In addition, the contract should specify that the Employee/Contractor Training contractor is responsible for abiding by all applicable municipal, state, and federal codes, laws, and regulations. Proper Cleanup and Disposal Procedures Procedures Related Procedures Obtain all applicable federal, state, and local permits for Heavy Equipment and Vehicle construction projects. Maintenance ■ The Colorado Stormwater Construction General Parks and Open Space Maintenance permit applies to construction sites disturbing one acre or more, or less than one acre but part of a larger Spill Prevention and Response common plan of development. Street, Curb, and Gutter Replacement and A larger common plan of development is defined as Construction a contiguous area where multiple separate and Utilities and Storm Sewer distinct construction activities may be taking place at System Replacement and different times on different schedules under one Construction plan. Vehicle Fueling ■ A dewatering permit may be required if construction activities require the removal and discharge of groundwater offsite. ■ A U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 Permit may be needed if the work will be conducted in or impact waters of the United States, including wetlands, washes, drainages, ditches, creeks, streams, and rivers. Applicable sediment and erosion controls may be installed, such as inlet protection, silt fence, sediment traps, erosion control logs, check dams, and vehicle tracking control. Sediment and erosion controls will be Page 1 of 2 • installed and maintained in accordance with approved design criteria and/or industry standards. • Material stockpiles will not be stored in stormwater flow lines. Temporary sediment control will be used during temporary, short-term placement while work is actively occurring. • Where feasible, grading activities should be scheduled during dry weather. • Best management practices will be periodically inspected and maintained as necessary. • Waste containment for concrete washout, masonry, paint, trash and other potential pollutants will be available when these activities are being conducted. • Where practicable, non-structural controls will be used, such as phased construction, dust control, good housekeeping practices, and spill prevention and response. Employee Training • Train applicable employees who perform new construction activities on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who perform new construction activities. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. References City of Centennial SOP: New Construction SOP, August 2007. Mesa County, Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program, July 2005. Page 2 of 2 Street, Curb, and Gutter For More Information Name Replacement and Address Construction City, State Phone Description e-mail Procedures involving the replacement and Possible Pollutants construction of streets, curbs, and gutters have the Fine-grained sediment potential to impact stormwater quality. Materials Organics involved in these activities should be used efficiently and disposed of properly. Oil Saw -cut slurry When services are contracted, this written procedure Trash should be provided to the contractor so they have the Good Housekeeping proper operational procedures. In addition, the Dumpster/Waste Management contract should specify that the contractor is responsible for abiding by all applicable municipal, Employee/Contractor Training state, and federal codes, laws, and regulations. Proper cleanup and disposal procedures Procedures Dry cleaning methods General Related Procedures Obtain all applicable federal, state, and local Spill Prevention and Response permits for construction projects. Street Sweeping The Colorado Stormwater Construction Street Sweeper Cleaning and General permit applies to construction sites Waste disturbing one acre or more, or less than one Street, Curb and Gutter acre but part of a larger common plan of Maintenance development. ■ A larger common plan of development is defined as a contiguous area where multiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules under one plan. ■ A dewatering permit may be required if construction activities require the removal and discharge of groundwater offsite. ■ A U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 Permit may be needed if the work will be conducted in or impact waters of the United States, including wetlands, washes, drainages, ditches, creeks, streams, and rivers. Page 1 of 3 • Applicable sediment and erosion controls may be installed, such as inlet protection, silt fence, sediment traps, erosion control logs, check dams, and vehicle tracking control. Sediment and erosion controls will be installed and maintained in accordance with approved design criteria and/or industry standards. • When saw cutting, ensure that no slurry enters the storm drain. Let the slurry dry, sweep it up, and properly dispose of the sweepings or vacuum while saw cutting. • Do not perform concrete or asphalt paving work during wet conditions whenever possible. • Monitor construction equipment for leaks and use drip pans as necessary. • Leaking material containers should be properly discarded and replaced. • Store materials in containers under cover when not in use and away from any storm drain inlet. • Wash out mixers, delivery trucks, or other equipment in the designated concrete washout area only. • Locate concrete washout, portable toilets, and material storage away from storm drain inlets. • Material stockpiles will not be stored in stormwater flow lines. Temporary sediment control will be used during temporary, short-term placement while work is actively occurring. • Sweep or vacuum the roadway as needed, during construction and once construction is complete. • Best management practices will be periodically inspected and maintained as necessary. • Where practicable, non-structural controls will be used, such as phased construction, dust control, good housekeeping practices, and spill prevention and response procedures. • Where practicable, non-structural controls will be used, such as phased construction, dust control, good housekeeping practices, and spill prevention and response. Bridge Construction • Do not transfer or load any materials directly over waterways. • Suspend drop cloths or nets below any bridgework where wastes, scraps, or drips might be spilled into a waterway. Concrete Work • Minimize the drift of chemical cure on windy days by using the curing compound sparingly and applying it close to the concrete surface. • Ensure there is a concrete truck washout area available or require the contractor to wash out at the batch plant. Page 2 of 3 • Whenever possible, recycle concrete rubble; otherwise, dispose of it as solid waste. Asphalt Work Control the placement of road base or asphalt used in embankments or shoulder backing; do not allow these materials to fall into any storm drain or watercourses. Whenever possible, recycle asphalt. If recycling is not possible, dispose of as solid waste. Painting and Striping If possible, schedule painting and striping projects during dry weather. Use thermoplastic or epoxy markings in place of paint whenever feasible. Use care to prevent splashing or spilling of any liquid material. Follow the Spill Prevention and Response procedure should a spill occur. Employee Training • Train applicable employees who perform street, curb, and gutter construction on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who perform street, curb, and gutter construction. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. References City of Centennial, Department of Public Works: Asphalt and Concrete Program, No Date. City of Centennial, Department of Public Works: Asphalt Program, No Date. PACE, Stormwater Best Management Practices: Street Maintenance, No Date. Optional Additional Resources Concrete truck washout BMP specifications. Gravel road maintenance procedures. Page 3 of 3 Street, Curb, and Gutter For More Information Name Maintenance Address City, state Description Phone Street, curb, and gutter activities include concrete and e-mail asphalt installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement; bridge maintenance; and painting and Possible Pollutants striping. Procedures involving the maintenance of Fine-grained sediment streets, curbs, and gutters have the potential to impact Organics stormwater quality. Materials involved in these Oil activities should be used efficiently and disposed of Saw -cut slurry properly. Trash When services are contracted, this written procedure Good Housekeeping should be provided to the contractor so they have the Dumpster/Waste Management proper operational procedures. In addition, the Employee/Contractor Training contract should specify that the contractor is Proper cleanup and disposal responsible for abiding by all applicable municipal, procedures state, and federal codes, laws, and regulations. Dry cleaning methods Procedures Related Procedures General Spill Prevention and Response • Protect storm drain inlets and drains with curb Street Sweeping socks, rock berms, inlet protection, or drain Street Sweeper Cleaning and covers/mats prior to any maintenance activity. Waste • When saw cutting ensure that no slurry enters the storm drain, let the slurry dry, sweep it up, and properly dispose of the sweepings. • Do not perform concrete or asphalt patch work during wet conditions whenever possible. • Leaking material containers should be properly discarded and replaced. • Store materials in containers under cover when not in use and away from any storm drain inlet. • Monitor equipment for leaks and use drip pans as necessary. • Sweep or vacuum the roadway once maintenance activities are complete. Page 1 of 3 Bridge Maintenance • Do not transfer or load any materials directly over waterways. Secure lids and caps on all containers when on bridges. • Suspend drop cloths or nets below any bridgework where wastes, scraps, or drips might be spilled into a waterway. Concrete Maintenance Minimize the drift of chemical cure on windy days by using the curing compound sparingly and applying it close to the concrete surface. Ensure there is a concrete truck washout area available or require the contractor to wash out at the batch plant. Whenever possible, recycle concrete rubble; otherwise, dispose of it as solid waste. Asphalt Maintenance Sweep to minimize sand and gravel from new asphalt from getting into storm drains, streets, and creeks. Do not allow asphaltic concrete grindings, pieces, or chunks used in embankments or shoulder backing to enter any storm drain or watercourses. Apply temporary perimeter controls. Install silt fence until the structure is stabilized or permanent controls are in place. • Whenever possible, recycle broken asphalt. If impossible, dispose of as solid waste. • Drainage inlet structures shall be covered with inlet protection during application of seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, and/or fog seal. Painting and Striping • If possible, schedule painting and striping projects during dry weather. Use thermoplastic or epoxy markings in place of paint whenever feasible. The pre -heater for thermoplastic striping and the melting tanks used during pavement marking must be filled carefully to prevent splashing or spilling of materials. Leave 6 inches at the top of pre -heater and the melting tanks to allow room for material to move and splash when vehicles are deadheaded. Employee Training • Train applicable employees who perform street, curb, and gutter maintenance on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. • Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who perform street, curb, and gutter maintenance. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: Page 2 of 3 • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. References City of Centennial, Department of Public Works: Asphalt and Concrete Program, No Date. City of Centennial, Department of Public Works: Asphalt Program, No Date. PACE, Stormwater Best Management Practices: Street Maintenance, No Date. Optional Additional Resources Concrete truck washout BMP specifications. Gravel road maintenance procedures. Page 3 of 3 Spill Prevention and For More Information Name Response Address City, State Description Phone Due to the type of work and the materials involved, many e-mail activities that occur either at a municipal facility or as part of municipal operations have the potential for accidental Possible Pollutants spills. Some municipal facilities operate under Spill Chemicals Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans Toxics that include procedures for spill response. Proper spill Oil response planning and preparation enables employees and Paint contractors to effectively respond to problems and Fuel minimize the discharge of pollutants to the storm sewer Good Housekeeping system. Waste Management When services are contracted, this written procedure should be provided to the contractor so they have the Employee/Contractor Training proper operational procedures. In addition, the contract Proper cleanup and disposal should specify that the contractor is responsible for procedures abiding by all applicable municipal, state, and federal Related Procedures codes, laws, and regulations. Fertilizer, Pesticide, and Herbicide Application Procedures Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Spill Prevention Maintenance • Keep work areas neat and well organized. Material Storage • Maintain a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Materials Management each hazardous chemical. Follow the Outdoor Outdoor Vehicle Maintenance Material Storage procedures. Vehicle Fueling Provide tight fitting lids for all containers. Keep containers clearly labeled. Labels should provide name and type of substance, stock number, expiration date, health hazards, handling suggestions, and first aid information. Store containers, drums, and bags away from direct traffic routes to prevent accidental spills. Inspect storage containers regularly for signs of leaking or deterioration. Replace or repair leaking storage containers. Use care to avoid spills when transferring materials from one container to another. Page 1 of 4 Use powered equipment or get assistance when moving materials to and from a storage area. Use care to prevent puncturing containers with the equipment. • Do not wash down or hose down any outdoor work areas or trash/waste container storage areas except where wash water is captured and discharged into the sanitary sewer (if approved). • Conduct periodic inspections to ensure that materials and equipment are being handled, disposed/recycled, and stored correctly. • Provide adequate spill kits or lockers with sufficient equipment and supplies necessary for each work area where the potential for spills or leaks exists. • Inspect each spill kit or locker regularly and after each spill response. Replace any spent supplies or repair any equipment that is worn or not suitable for service. • Stock adequate personal protective equipment. Spill Response Safety Consider safety at all times. Anticipate and avoid all likely hazards. Never approach, contact, or sample an unknown substance. If a highly toxic or flammable substance is discovered, staff should leave the immediate area and contact the appropriate identified response authority, such as the fire department. If there is any question about a substance, contact the appropriate identified response authority or other designated representative. Procedures • Stop the leading edge of the spill. Block or divert the spill to avoid discharge to the storm sewer system and to minimize the area requiring cleanup. • Determine the source of the spill and stop the spill at its source by closing a valve, plugging a leak, or setting a container upright. Transfer material from a damaged container. • Identify the material and volume spilled. Contact the appropriate identified response authority or other designated representative if you cannot identify the material and its properties. • Refer to the MSDS to determine appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and safety glasses and appropriate cleanup methods. • Clean up spills immediately to prevent spreading of wastes by wind, rain, and vehicle traffic and potential safety hazards. • Use sand absorbents or socks, pillows, or pads to quickly capture spilled liquid and properly dispose of all clean-up materials. Use dry clean-up methods only. • Complete all necessary reports. Page 2 of 4 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Person or Organization: Any person or organization you have agreed in a written contract to add as an additional insured on your policy provided the written contract is executed prior to the "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" Effective Date: The later of the effective date of this policy, the date of this endorsement, or the date on which "your work" first started on the project to which this endorsement applies, but in no event later than the policy expiration date or applicable earlier termination date of this policy) The following is added to Paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us of Section IV - Conditions: We waive any right of recovery we may have against the person or organization shown in the Schedule above because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations. This endorsement applies only. 1, to ongoing operations performed by the Named Insured for the person or organization named above on or after the effective date of this endorsement. and 2. when you and such person or organization have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement entered into prior to the loss or occurrence that such right of recovery is waived; and 3. when the "suit" for damages against the person or organization in the Schedule is based on the Named Insured's sole negligence. Subrogation shall not be waived with respect to any liability arising directly or indirectly out of any of the following actions of persons or organizations named above: 1. "Professional services"; 2. Modifying or changing specifications without the express written consent of the Named Insured, or 3. Any activities beyond the scope of monitoring the progress of the Named Insured For the purposes of this endorsement, "professional services" includes but is not limited to the following. 1. Preparing, approving, recommending, or failing to prepare, approve, or recommend maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, designs, specifications, hazard assessment plans, response actions, abatement methods or products, air monitoring plans, or insurance requirements; 2. Supervisory, inspection, training, or engineering services, and/or 3. Monitoring, testing, analysis, legal, accounting, architectural, medical, processing, consulting, or advisory services. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY REMAIN UNCHANGED. This endorsement forms a part of the Policy to which attached, effective on the inception date of the Policy unless otherwise stated herein. (The following information is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to reparation of the Policy ) WA•-C.G-L-Qg Endorsement effective y- Z - Policy No. - 7 % Endorsement No Named Insured "" ' "'l� ��'` P'�i� i� Countersigned byi� F M I C-G L-2490(10/2013 ) Spill Reporting • A spill of any chemical, oil, petroleum product, or sewage that enters waters of the state of Colorado (that include surface water, ground water, and dry gullies and storm sewers leading to surface water) must be reported immediately to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. • Release of a substance into a storm drain, or onto a parking lot or roadway as part of a storm sewer leading to surface water, is reportable. However, if the material can be contained and cleaned within the storm sewer system to the degree that a subsequent flow in the storm sewer will not flush the substance to waters of the State, it may not need to be reported. • Contact the appropriate identified response authority within the municipality or other designated representative and be prepared to provide details needed to report the spill to the necessary agencies. • Detailed spill reporting guidance can be found at http: / / www.cdl2he.state.co.us/ op/ wgcc / Resources /Guidance/ sl2ilIguidance.12df and http:/ /www.cdphe.state.co.us/hm/spillsandreleases.litm Employee Training • Train applicable employees who perform spill prevention and response on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. • Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who perform spill prevention and response activities. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Records of any major spills and the action taken. • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. References City of Centennial, Department of Public Works: Good Housekeeping, No Date. City of Centennial, Department of Public Works: Materials Management, No Date. City of Centennial, Department of Public Works: Spill Prevention and Control, No Date. City of Golden, Stormwater Qualihf Pollution Prevention Guide for Municipal Operations: Parks Department Golf Course, January 2004. City of Lafayette, Spill Clean Up, No Date. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Environmental Spill Reporting, January 2009. Mesa County, Municipal Operation and Maintenance Program, July 4, 2005. USEPA Menu of BMP: Spill Response and Prevention, cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/, accessed July 5, 2009. Page 4of4 Utility and Storm Sewer System Maintenance Phone Description This procedure addresses utility and storm sewer system e-rm4il maintenance. Utilities include power, sanitary sewer, Possible Pollutants water conveyance systems, and the storm sewer system. Sediment Power includes electrical and gas utilities. Maintenance Nutrients of power may require excavation and reinstallation of Metals lines including open cut trenching or directional boring Hydrocarbons in landscaped areas or street right of way. Electrical and Trash gas line maintenance ensures services are provided to Good Housekeeping businesses and households without interruption. Waste Management The sanitary sewer system is cleaned as part of routine Employee/Contractor Training maintenance and on an emergency basis. Without proper maintenance, sanitary sewer back-ups and Proper Cleanup and Disposal overflows may occur and can result in potential property Procedures damage and significant health concerns if not properly Related Procedures managed. Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance Water conveyance systems are flushed and pressure tested as part of routine maintenance. Potable water Parks and Open Space Maintenance systems must be properly maintained to ensure delivery of water that meets State and Federal health standards. Spill Prevention and Response Failures result in water main breaks that can cause Street, Curb, and Gutter property damage including erosion. Replacement and Construction The storm sewer system is cleaned as part of routine Utilities and Storm Sewer maintenance and on an emergency basis in the event of System Replacement and flooding. Maintenance will remove pollutants and Construction ensure the system functions properly to avoid flooding. Vehicle Fueling Flooding, ponding, and uncontrolled sheet flow can result in property damage and increased soil erosion. When services are contracted, this written procedure should be provided to the contractor so they have the proper operational procedures. In addition, the contract should specify that the contractor is responsible for abiding by all applicable municipal, state, and federal codes, laws, and regulations. Page 1 of 4 Procedures General • Conduct routine inspection and maintenance on utility and storm sewer systems. • Where feasible, schedule maintenance activities during dry weather. • Monitor the jet/vacuum truck closely for leaks and use a drip pan as needed. • Wash and fuel the jet/vacuum truck per the Heavy Equipment/Vehicle Maintenance procedure. • Properly dispose of vac truck contents. • Stay alert for any signs of illicit discharges. This includes "dry weather" flows or pipes or hoses emptying directly into waterways or the storm sewer system. • Report any suspicious discharges or dumping to your supervisor. Electrical and Gas Utility Maintenance • To prevent sediment, mud and particles generated by power utility maintenance from entering the stormwater system implement inlet protection, perimeter control, street sweeping, vehicle tracking control, stockpile management and material management BMPs. • Restore landscaped or hardscaped areas promptly. Potable Water Line Flushing • Remove any debris from the gutter that could wash away with the water. If possible, sweep the flow line before flushing the line. • Direct the water so that it is not flowing over exposed soil areas in order to minimize erosion. Water Line Breaks • Contain spoils by building berms or installing rock socks around the area of disturbance. • Dewater the excavation by using a vac truck. • Discharge high chlorine water to the sanitary sewer via the nearest manhole, to a water truck, through a dechlorinating diffuser, or other method of dechlorination. • Remove sediment from the street, curb, gutter and storm inlets as needed immediately following the repair. • Where needed, install a temporary patch or repave as soon as practicable following the repair. • If necessary, revegetate areas as soon as practicable following the repair. Sanitary Sewer Backup • Clear line stoppage to prevent backup into house basements and manhole overflows. Page 2 of 4 • Contain overflows by using emergency generator, pump and/or a vac truck to intercept flows. It may be necessary to construct additional containment. Clean up spills by washing and vacuuming the affected areas. Lime may need to be applied for disinfection of affected areas. Lime must be removed once disinfection is complete. Storm Sewer System Pipes, Catch Basins, Inlet and Outlet Structures, and Culverts Clean storm sewer system by manual cleaning or jetting the pipes using a jet/vacuum truck to remove the material. Do not temporarily store collected storm system cleaning debris adjacent to any surface water, storm drain inlet, or drainageway. Storm sewer system maintenance wastes may be either non -hazardous or hazardous. Solid non -hazardous waste may be disposed in a sanitary landfill or recycled. Liquid non -hazardous waste must be evaporated before disposing of it into the landfill or discharged to the sanitary sewer system with the approval of the local wastewater treatment plant. Hazardous waste, as defined under Colorado Hazardous Waste Regulations (6 CCR 1007-3), must be transported and disposed of at a permitted disposal or treatment facility. Replace or maintain "no dumping' stencils or plaques as necessary. Remove trash from trash racks and grated openings. Detention and Retention Ponds Inspect the outlet works and remove trash or vegetation from the trash racks and grates. • Inspect side slopes of the pond for erosion and reestablish vegetation as needed. • Remove and service fountains and aerator motors as recommended. Report any suspected water quality problems such as a change in growth or appearance of vegetation. Report excessive sediment accumulation, standing water beyond the designed drain down time or damage requiring additional maintenance. Drainageways Drainageways include drainage channels, ditches, grass swales, and washes. • Inspect drainageways for erosion and repair if necessary. • Remove and properly dispose of trash and debris from the drainageways. Remove sediment which could impede flow in drainageways. Leave an unmown buffer when mowing adjacent to drainageways to filter pollutants. Do not leave grass clippings in or next to the drainageway. Do not apply landscape chemicals in the buffer area. Page 3 of 4 Employee Training • Train applicable employees who perform utility and storm sewer system activities on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. • Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who perform utility and storm sewer system activities. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. References Center for Watershed Protection, Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Practices: Version 1.0, September 2008. City of Centennial SOP: Detention Pond Maintenance SOP, August 2007. City of Centennial SOP: Inlet, Pipe, and Vault Cleaning and Disposal SOP, August 2007. City of Centennial SOP: Drainageway Maintenance SOP, August 2007. City of Golden Stormwater Drainage Maintenance Plan, February 2008. City of Greeley, Department of Public Works: Storm Water Drainage Program, January 2008. City of Greeley, Department of Public Works: Ditch Program, No Date. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Ditch Cleaning, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Cleaning Storm Drain System, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Manhole Cleaning, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Potable Line Flushing, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Sanitary sewer Backup, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Waterline Breaks, March 2009. Mesa County, Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program, July 2005. Partners for a Clean Environment, Storm Drain Maintenance, No date. Optional Additional Resources Municipal codes and ordinances that relate to utility or storm sewer system maintenance. Inspection and maintenance frequency plan for the storm sewer system. Specific instructions on how to operate applicable equipment. Instructions on how to track the amount of debris collected. Treated Water Discharge Plans for potable water maintenance. Page 4 of 4 Utility and Storm Sewer For More Information Name System Replacement and Address Construction City, State Phone e-mail Description This procedure covers utility and storm sewer system Possible Pollutants replacement and construction. Utilities include power, Sediment storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water conveyance systems. Chemicals When services are contracted, this written procedure Organics should be provided to the contractor so they have the Trash proper operational procedures. In addition, the contract Good Housekeeping should specify that the contractor is responsible for abiding by all applicable municipal, state, and federal Waste Management codes, laws, and regulations. Employee/Contractor Training Proper Cleanup and Disposal Procedures Procedures General Related Procedures Obtain all applicable federal, state, and local Heavy Equipment and Vehicle permits for construction projects. Maintenance Parks and Open Space The Colorado Stormwater Construction Maintenance General permit applies to construction sites Spill Prevention and Response disturbing one acre or more, or less than one acre but part of a larger common plan of Street, Curb, and Gutter development. Replacement and Construction A larger common plan of development is Utilities and Storm Sewer defined as a contiguous area where multiple System Replacement and separate and distinct construction activities Construction may be taking place at different times on Vehicle Fueling different schedules under one plan. ■ A dewatering permit may be required if construction activities require the removal and discharge of groundwater offsite. ■ A U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USAGE) Section 404 Permit may be needed if the work will be conducted in or impact waters of the United States, including wetlands, washes, drainages, ditches, creeks, streams, and rivers. Page 1 of 3 Applicable sediment and erosion controls may be installed, such as inlet protection, silt fence, sediment traps, sediment control logs, check dams and vehicle tracking control. Sediment and erosion controls will be installed and maintained in accordance with approved design criteria and / or industry standards. • When saw cutting, ensure that no slurry enters the storm drain. Let the slurry dry, sweep it up, and properly dispose of the sweepings or vacuum while saw cutting. • Where feasible, grading activities will be scheduled during dry weather. • Do not perform concrete or asphalt paving work during wet conditions whenever possible. • Monitor construction equipment for leaks and use drip pans as necessary. • Leaking material containers should be properly discarded and replaced. • Store materials in containers under cover when not in use and away from any storm drain inlet. • Wash out mixers, delivery trucks, or other equipment in the designated concrete washout area only. • Locate concrete washout, portable toilets, and material storage away from storm drain inlets. • Material stockpiles will not be stored in stormwater flow lines. Temporary sediment control will be used during temporary, short-term placement while work is actively occurring. • Sweep or vacuum the roadway as needed, during construction and once construction is complete. • Best management practices will be periodically inspected and maintained as necessary. • Where practicable, non-structural controls will be used, such as phased construction, dust control, good housekeeping practices, and spill prevention and response procedures. Emergency Repair and Replacement Emergency Discharges are defined as situations in which it is not possible to implement all of the available BMPs due to the uncontrolled nature of the discharge. The primary focus during these events is to identify and mitigate the cause as soon as possible. Clean up of resulting sediment or other pollutants will be performed as soon as practicable following the emergency. Refer to the Spill Prevention and Response procedure for reporting requirements. Page 2 of 3 Employee Training • Train applicable employees who perform utility replacement and construction activities on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. • Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who perform utility replacement and construction activities. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. References Center for Watershed Protection, Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Practices: Version 1.0, September 2008. City of Centennial SOP: Detention Pond Maintenance SOP, August 2007. City of Centennial SOP: Inlet, Pipe, and Vault Cleaning and Disposal SOP, August 2007. City of Centennial SOP: Drainageway Maintenance SOP, August 2007. City of Golden Stormwater Drainage Maintenance Plan, February 2008. City of Greeley, Department of Public Works: Storm Water Drainage Program, January 2008. City of Greeley, Department of Public Works: Ditch Program, No Date. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Ditch Cleaning, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Cleaning Storm Drain System, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Manhole Cleaning, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Potable Line Flushing, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Sanitary sewer Backup, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Waterline Breaks, March 2009. Mesa County, Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program, July 2005. Partners for a Clean Environment, Storm Drain Maintenance, No date. Page 3 of 3 City of Fort Collins Regulatory and Government Affairs Division City of Collins F\-rtf, Verification Originator Revised I Approved Issued Initials Date LR Oct.09 ss 10/19/09 Environmental Standard Operating Procedure (ESOP) ESOP —Power Washing (Pressure Washing) wastewater Persons who will City staff who perform power washing, and their supervisor/manager. use this ESOP: A variety of City departments perform power washing. The employee Area of who power washes, and his/her supervisor/manager, will use the application: information in this SOP to guide their power washing, and supply purchasing, activities. Document I:\RGA Division\SOPs\ESOPs location: Revisions Rev. Date No. Description 001 002 Procedure Index 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Scope 3.0 Process 4.0 Training Requirements 5.0 References/Related Documents 6.0 Records Revision date: 10/19/2009 Page 1 of 3 PINAFAA COL ASSURANCE Lightfield Enterprises Inc 2600 Midpoint Drive Fort Collins, CO 80525 ENDORSEMENT: Blanket Waiver of Subrogation 7501 E Lowry Blvd Denver, CO 80230-7006 303-361-4000 / 800-873-7242 www.pinnacol.com NCCI #: WC000313B Policy #: 4173268 ICA/Security Insurance Group LLC 8219 W. 20th St. Greeley, CO 80634 (970) 378-4818 We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us. This agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the Schedule. SCHEDULE To any person or organization when agreed to under a written contract or agreement, as defined above and with the insured, which is in effect and executed prior to any loss. Effective Date: May 1, 2017 Expires on: May 1, 2018 Pinnacol Assurance has issued this endorsement April 19, 2017. Diversified Center of Excellence Phone (303) 361-4200 / (866) 820-6129 Fax (303) 361-5200 / (888) 329-2216 7501 E Lowry Blvd Denver, CO 80230-7006 Page 1 of 1 P MILLERS - Underwriter 04/19/2017 20:54:53 4173268 48950323 359-B City of Fort Collins Regulatory and Government Affairs Division City of Fort Collins Verification Originator Revised I Approved Issued Initials Date LR Oct.09 ss 10/19/09 Environmental Standard Operating Procedure (ESOP) ESOP —Power Washing (Pressure Washing) wastewater 1.0 Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this ESOP is to describe the appropriate methods of handling power washing wastewater. 2.0 Scope 2.1 The scope of this ESOP is limited to the description of the allowable methods of the disposal of power washing wastewater and the protection of the storm drainage system; the scope does not include specifics on how to power wash. 3.0 Process 3.1 Power washing wastewater must be prevented from running uncontrolled in the City's storm water system. The system includes streets, inlets, gutters, ponds, creeks, ditches, and the Poudre River. During the power washing activity, ensure the wastewater is controlled by the utilization of the natural slope of the land, or barriers such as inlet covers. Use of barriers on an impermeable surface also requires that the wastewater be vacuumed, collected, and disposed of properly. 3.2 General pollution prevention procedures: A. Use dry methods for surface pre -cleaning, such as using absorbent on small oil spots and sweeping up trash, debris, dirt, and used absorbent before power washing. B. Minimize the amount of water used during power washing activities. C. Avoid using cleaning products that contain hazardous substances (e.g., hydrofluoric acid, muriatic acid, sodium hydroxide, bleach) that can turn wastewater into hazardous waste. 3.3 Prior to power washing, decide on one of the following methods of disposal: D. Landscape --power washing wastewater may be discharged to landscaped areas if the materials used and the material removed are not harmful to vegetation, there is no ponding, and there is no uncontrolled runoff to the stormwater system. E. Wastewater treatment system-- As long as the collected wastewater does not have an oil sheen, has a pH between 5 and 11, and does not contain any hazardous or toxic substances, the wastewater may be disposed of into the City's wastewater treatment system. u If you add anything to the wash water (ie—a cleaning agent) or if you have questions about the content of your power washing wastewater, Revision date: 10/19/2009 Page 2 of 3 City of Fort Collins Regulatory and Government Affairs Division City of FOrtCollins � Verification Originator Revised Approved Issued Initials Date LR Oct.09 ss 10/19/09 Environmental Standard Operating Procedure (ESOP) ESOP —Power Washing (Pressure Washing) wastewater please contact the industrial pretreatment office at 221-6938. Disposal into the City's wastewater treatment system may be done either by discharging directly to an inside drain, or by pump truck at the Drake wastewater treatment facility. Disposing by pump truck requires a waste hauler's permit, and a 5 cent/gallon fee will be charged. For fee information, or to obtain a permit, contact the industrial pretreatment office at 221-6938. F. Truck the waste to a different waste disposal facility. 3.4 Once wastewater has been collected, visible solids remaining in the collection area must be swept up to prevent future discharges to the storm drain. 3.5 A sewer manhole cover may not be removed for disposal to the wastewater system. 3.6 If you are working in an area that is serviced by a neighboring wastewater district, such as South Fort Collins Sanitation or Boxelder, it is necessary to contact that district's industrial pretreatment coordinator before discharging to their system. 4.0 Training Requirements 4.1 The training requirement associated with this procedure is knowledge of the proper management of power washing wastewater. 5.0 References / Related Documents 5.1 http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/wq/PermitsUnit/PolicyandGuidance/powerwash.pdf 5.2 I:\RGA division\Illicit Discharge Program\Complaint Calls\pressure washing\City power washing guidance.pdf 6.0 Records 6.1 The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. • List of power washing activities and departments responsible for conducting power washing. Revision date: 10/19/2009 Page 3 of 3 For More Information Ve h i c l e Fueling Name Names Description Spills of gasoline and diesel fuel on the ground or on vehicles City, State during fueling can wash into a storm drain and cause water Phone pollution. e-mail When services are contracted, this written procedure should be Possible Pollutants provided to the contractor so they have the proper operational Metals procedures. In addition, the contract should specify that the Hydrocarbons contractor is responsible for abiding by all applicable municipal, Toxins state and federal codes, laws, and regulations. Good Housekeeping Procedures Drip pans General Secondary containment . Fuel vehicles at approved locations (municipal fueling Automatic shutoff nozzles station or offsite fueling station). Signs Provide spill kits near the municipal fueling location. Spill response plans Spill cleanup materials ■ If fuel is stored in an above -ground tank, store fuel in enclosed, covered tanks with secondary containment Dry cleanup methods e.g., concrete barrier or double -walled tanks). Employee training All fuel tanks will be inspected per State and Federal Related Procedures regulations. Heavy Equipment/Vehicle Maintenance • Periodically inspect municipal fueling locations for the Outdoor Fleet Maintenance following: Spill Prevention and Response For above -ground tanks, inspect tank foundations, connections, coatings, tank walls, and piping systems. Look for corrosion, leaks, cracks, scratches, and other physical damage that may weaken the tank. ■ Check for spills and fuel tank overfills due to operator error. Clean up any leaks or drips. Clean up is not completed until the absorbent is swept up and disposed of properly. Report leaking vehicles to fleet maintenance. Page 1 of 3 Vehicle Fueling • Follow all posted warnings. • Ensure that the nozzle is properly inserted in the filler neck of the vehicle before dispensing any fuel. • Remain by the fill nozzle while fueling to ensure the nozzle stays in place. • Do not top off the tank of the vehicle once the nozzle has shut off the fuel. • Follow the procedures outlined in the Spill Prevention and Response Procedure to respond to any leaks or spills. • Clean fuel dispensing areas with absorbent material. • Never use water to clean up a spill. Mobile Fuel Truck • Provide inlet protection (e.g., berms, weighted inlet covers) for nearby storm drain inlets when transferring fuel and fueling a vehicle. • Use secondary containment when transferring fuel from the tank truck to the fuel tank. All gas cans must be placed in the secondary containment box/pan and remain on the ground when fueling. • Use a funnel to transfer fuel to vehicles and equipment. After the transfer is complete, the funnel should be dried with a rag or placed in a container to avoid dripping fuel on the ground. Employee Training • Train applicable employees who fuel vehicles on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. • Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who fuel vehicles. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. References Center for Watershed Protection, Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Practices: Version 1.0, September 2008. City of Centennial SOP: Vehicle Fueling, August 2007. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Vehicle and Equipment Fueling, March 2009. Mesa County, Municipal Operation and Maintenance Program, July 4, 2005. USEPA Menu of BMPs: Municipal Vehicle Fueling, cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/, accessed June 18, 2009. Page 2 of 3 Optional Additional Resources Municipal codes and ordinances that relate to vehicle fueling. Locations of approved offsite fueling stations. Locations of nearby spill kits. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan. Page 3 of 3 Outdoor Fleet Maintenance For More Information Name Description Address Although it is recommended that fleet maintenance City, State activities be conducted indoors or under cover, it is Phone sometimes necessary to perform fleet maintenance e-mail outdoors (e.g., equipment is too large to fit inside the Possible Pollutants maintenance building, temporary repairs need to be made before the equipment can be moved to the maintenance Metals building, breakdowns, service calls). Toxins Solvents (degreasers, paint Some potential pollutants typically associated with outdoor thinners, etc.) fleet maintenance activities include oil, antifreeze, brake Antifreeze fluid and cleaner, solvents, batteries, and fuels. Consult the Spill Prevention and Response procedure and the Vehicle Brake fluid and brake pad dust Fueling procedure for additional information on those Battery acid topics. Motor oil When services are contracted, this written procedure Fuel (gasoline, diesel, kerosene) should be provided to the contractor so they have the Lubricating grease proper operational procedures. In addition, the contract Good Housekeeping should specify that the contractor is responsible for abiding Drip pans by all applicable municipal, state, and federal codes, laws, Tarps and regulations. Covered outdoor storage areas Procedures Secondary containment Fleet Maintenance Proper disposal of used fluids • Fleet maintenance should be performed inside Spill cleanup materials whenever possible. Dry cleanup methods If indoor maintenance is not possible, ensure Employee training maintenance is performed in a location where Related Procedures contact with stormwater is minimized, through Heavy Equipment and Vehicle berming and appropriate routing of drainage. Maintenance Provide inlet protection (berms, weighted inlet Material Storage covers, etc.) for all adjacent inlets when work is Spill Prevention and Response occurring in close proximity to a storm drain Vehicle Fueling inlet. Have absorbent pads and drip pans accessible to capture leaks and spills during maintenance activities. Keep equipment clean and do not allow excessive build-up of oil and grease. Page 1 of 4 • Perform regular preventative maintenance to minimize the occurrence of leaks and major repairs. • Recycle and/or dispose of all wastes properly and promptly. • Do not dump any liquids or other materials outside, especially near or in storm drains or ditches. Sweep and pick up trash and debris as needed. • Clean up spills promptly using dry methods (do not hose down). Consult the 52ill Prevention and Response procedure for more information. Cleanup is completed only after absorbent and rags are disposed of properly. Body Repair and Painting • Whenever possible, conduct all body repair and painting work indoors. • Use dry cleanup methods such as vacuuming or sweeping to clean up all metal filings, dust, and paint chips from grinding, shaving, and sanding. Dispose of the waste properly. Debris from wet sanding can be allowed to dry overnight, then swept and vacuumed. Liquid from wet sanding should not be allowed to enter the storm drain. Never discharge these wastes to the storm or sanitary sewer systems. • Minimize waste from paints and thinners by carefully calculating paint needs based on surface area and using the proper sprayer cup size. • Clean spray guns in a self-contained cleaner. Do not dispose of cleaner waste in the storm drain. • Use sanding tools equipped with vacuum capability (if available) to pick up debris and dust. Material Management • Store maintenance materials and waste containers (e.g., used oil and antifreeze) in labeled containers under cover or in secondary containment (e.g., double -walled tanks). Chemicals should not be combined in containers. • All hazardous wastes must be labeled and stored according to hazardous waste regulations. • Carefully transfer fluids from collection devices to designated storage areas as soon as possible. Do not store the transferred fluids adjacent to the containers. • Store new batteries securely to avoid breakage and acid spills. • Store used batteries indoors or in secondary containment to contain potential leaks. Recycle used batteries. • Conduct periodic inspections of storage areas to detect possible leaks. Page 2 of 4 Do not wash or hose down the storage area except in areas where the wash water will only enter the sanitary sewer drain as an approved discharge. Use dry clean-up methods as often as possible. Keep lids on waste barrels and containers, and store them indoors or under cover to reduce exposure to rain. Periodically inspect and maintain all pretreatment equipment, including sumps, separators, and grease traps to ensure proper functioning. Parts Cleaning • Use designated areas for engine, parts, or radiator cleaning. Do not wash or rinse parts outdoors. If parts cleaning equipment is not available, use drip pans or other containment to capture parts cleaning fluids. • Use steam cleaning or pressure washing of parts whenever possible instead of solvent cleaning. • When steam cleaning or pressure washing is used, only discharge wastewater to an oil/water separator connected to the sanitary sewer. • When using solvents, rinse and drain parts over the designated solvent tank so that fluids will not drip or spill onto the floor. Use drip boards or pans to catch excess solutions and divert them back to the tank. Allow parts to dry over the hot tank. • Recycle cleaning solution when it becomes too dirty to use. Never discharge cleaning waste to the storm or sanitary sewer systems. Vehicle and Equipment Washing Vehicles should be washed, whenever possible, in the municipality's vehicle and equipment wash area/ or taken to a commercial car wash. Employee Training • Train applicable employees on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who perform outdoor vehicle maintenance. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Record of any major spills and the action taken. • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. • Heavy equipment and vehicle maintenance logs. Page 3 of 4 References Center for Watershed Protection, Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Practices: Version 1.0, September 2008. City of Centennial SOP: Vehicle and Equipment Storage SOP, August 2007. City of Centennial SOP: Vehicle Maintenance SOP, August 2007. City of Centennial SOP: Vehicle Washing SOP, August 2007. City of Golden. Fleet Maintenance Standard Operating Procedure, July 29, 2007. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Repair, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Vehicle and Equipment Washing, March 2009. Mesa County, Municipal Operation and Maintenance Program, July 4, 2005. Partners for a Clean Environment. Stormwater Protection: Vehicle Repair. Spring 2009. USEPA Menu of BMP: Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance, cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/, accessed May 27, 2009. USEPA Menu of BMP: Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Washing, cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/, accessed May 27, 2009. Optional Additional Resources Municipal codes and ordinances that relate to fleet maintenance. Chemical purchasing policies. Guidelines for staff to dedicate a percentage of their time to vehicle and equipment maintenance. Specific directions on how to use the municipality's vehicle wash area. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan. Page 4 of 4 For More Information Name Address City, State Phone e-mail Possible Pollutants Metals Toxins Solvents (degreasers, paint thinners, etc.) Antifreeze Brake fluid and brake pad dust Battery acid Motor oil Fuel (gasoline, diesel, kerosene) Lubricating grease Good Housekeeping Drip pans Tarps Covered outdoor storage areas Secondary containment Proper disposal of used fluids Spill cleanup materials Dry cleanup methods Employee training Related Procedures Material Storage Outdoor Fleet Maintenance Spill Prevention and Response Street Sweeper Cleaning and Waste Vehicle Fueling Vehicle Washing Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance Description Regular maintenance of municipal vehicles and equipment, or municipality -contracted vehicles and equipment prolongs the life of the municipality's assets and prevents the leaking of hazardous fluids commonly associated with normal wear and tear of vehicles and equipment. Potential pollutants generated at vehicle maintenance facilities include oil, antifreeze, brake fluid and cleaner, solvents, batteries and fuels. When services are contracted, this written procedure should be provided to the contractor so they have the proper operational procedures. In addition, the contract should specify that the contractor is responsible for abiding by all applicable municipal, state, and federal codes, laws, and regulations. Procedures Maintenance activities should be performed inside a maintenance building unless the equipment is too large to fit inside or temporary repairs need to be made before the equipment can be moved to the maintenance building. Consult the Outdoor Fleet Maintenance procedure when it is necessary to perform repairs outside of the facility (breakdowns, service calls, etc.). Vehicle Storage Monitor vehicles and equipment closely for leaks and use drip pans as needed until repairs can be performed. When drip pans are used, check frequently to avoid overtopping and properly dispose of fluids. Drain fluids from leaking or wrecked vehicles and from motor parts as soon as possible. Dispose of fluids properly. Page 1 of 4 SECTION 00635 CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (OWNER) DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: PROJECT TITLE: 8469 Concrete Maintenance Proiect Phase PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL INCLUDE: LOCATION: Fort Collins, Colorado OWNER: City of Fort Collins CONTRACTOR: Lightfield Enterprises Inc. CONTRACT DATE: March 9. 2017 The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by authorized representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the project or specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date. A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated. CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the project as substantially complete and will assume full possession of the project or specified area of the project at 12:01 a.m., on . The responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under the Contract Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks" below. CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO By: OWNER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE REMARKS: Vehicle Maintenance • Conduct routine inspections of heavy equipment and vehicles to proactively identify potential maintenance needs. • Perform routine preventive maintenance to ensure heavy equipment and vehicles are operating optimally. • Recycle or dispose of all wastes properly and promptly. • Do not dump any liquids or other materials outside, especially near or in storm drains or ditches. Sweep and pick up trash and debris as needed. Body Repair and Painting • Whenever possible, conduct all body repair and painting work indoors. • Use dry cleanup methods such as vacuuming or sweeping to clean up all metal filings, dust, and paint chips from grinding, shaving, and sanding, and dispose of the waste properly. Debris from wet sanding can be allowed to dry overnight on the shop floor, then swept or vacuumed. Never discharge these wastes to the storm or sanitary sewer system. • Minimize waste from paints and thinners by carefully calculating paint needs based on surface area and using the proper sprayer cup size. • Do not use water to control over -spray or dust in the paint booth unless this wastewater is collected. This water should be treated and permission granted by the wastewater treatment plant prior to discharge into the sanitary sewer system. • Do not dispose of spray gun cleaner waste in the storm drain. • Use sanding tools equipped with vacuum capability (if available) to pick up debris and dust. Material Management • Store maintenance materials and waste containers (e.g., used oil and antifreeze) in labeled containers under cover or in secondary containment (e.g., double -walled tanks). Chemicals should not be combined in containers. • All hazardous wastes must be labeled and stored according to hazardous waste regulations. • Carefully transfer fluids from collection devices to designated storage areas as soon as possible. Do not store the transferred fluids adjacent to the containers (for example, oil drip pans with used oil in them should not be placed next to the used oil tank). • Store new batteries securely to avoid breakage and acid spills. • Store used batteries indoors or in secondary containment to contain potential leaks. Recycle used batteries. • Conduct periodic inspections of storage areas to detect possible leaks. Page 2 of 4 Do not wash or hose down storage areas except where wash water will enter the sanitary sewer as an approved discharge. Use dry clean-up methods whenever possible. Keep lids on waste barrels and containers, and store them indoors or under cover to reduce exposure to rain. Periodically inspect and maintain all pretreatment equipment, including sumps, separators, and grease traps to ensure proper functioning. Parts Cleaning Use designated areas for engine, parts, or radiator cleaning. Do not wash or rinse parts outdoors. If parts cleaning equipment is not available, use drip pans or other containment to capture parts cleaning fluids. • Use steam cleaning or pressure washing of parts whenever possible instead of solvent cleaning. • When steam cleaning or pressure washing, only discharge wastewater to an oil/water separator connected to the sanitary sewer. • When using solvents to clean parts, rinse and drain parts over the designated solvent tank so that fluids will not drip or spill onto the floor. Use drip boards or pans to catch excess solutions and divert them back to the tank. Allow parts to dry over the hot tank. • Recycle cleaning solution when it becomes too dirty to use. Never discharge cleaning waste to the sanitary sewer or storm sewer. Vehicle and Equipment Washing Vehicles should be washed in the municipality's vehicle and equipment wash area/ or taken to a commercial car wash. Employee Training Train applicable employees who perform heavy equipment and vehicle maintenance on this written procedure. Information regarding how to avoid and report spills will be presented during the training. Periodically conduct refresher training on the SOP for applicable employees who perform heavy equipment and vehicle maintenance. Records The following records could be used to document activities performed: • Record of any major spills and the action taken. • Records of employee training with sign -in sheet. • Heavy equipment and vehicle maintenance logs Page 3 of 4 References Center for Watershed Protection, Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Practices: Version 1.0, September 2008. City of Centennial SOP: Vehicle and Equipment Storage SOP, August 2007. City of Centennial SOP: Vehicle Maintenance SOP, August 2007. City of Centennial SOP: Vehicle Washing SOP, August 2007. City of Golden. Fleet Maintenance Standard Operating Procedure, July 29, 2007. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Repair, March 2009. City of Lafayette Standard Operating Procedure: Vehicle and Equipment Washing, March 2009. Mesa County, Municipal Operation and Maintenance Program, July 4, 2005. Partners for a Clean Environment. Stormwater Protection: Vehicle Repair. Spring 2009. USEPA Menu of BMP: Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance, cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/, accessed May 27, 2009. USEPA Menu of BMP: Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Washing, cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/, accessed May 27, 2009. Optional Additional Resources Municipal codes and ordinances that relate to vehicle and equipment maintenance. Chemical purchasing policies. Loading and unloading bulk materials. Guidelines for staff to dedicate a percentage of their time to vehicle and equipment maintenance. Specific directions on how to use the municipality's vehicle wash area. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan. Page 4 of 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS BID INFORMATION 00300 Bid Form CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00500 Agreement Forms 00510 Notice of Award 00520 Agreement 00530 Notice to Proceed 00600 Bonds and Certificates 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (Contractor) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00700 General Conditions Exhibit GC -A GC -Al - GC-A2 00800 Supplementary Conditions 00900 Addenda, Modifications, and Payment 00950 Contract Change Order 00960 Application for Payment SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 20 TO: Lightfield Enterprises Inc. Gentlemen. - You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20_, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by Lightfield Enterprises Inc. for the City of Fort Collins project, 8469 Concrete Maintenance Project Phase I - 2018 Renewal. A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated March 15, 2018. In conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the following date: , 20. Sincerely, OWNER: City of Fort Collins By: Title: ATTEST: Title: SECTION 00650 LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM: Lightfield Enterprises Inc. (CONTRACTOR) PROJECT: 8469 Concrete Maintenance Project Phase 1 - 2018 Renewal The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project. 2. In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U.S.C.A. 270 a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against any fund of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project. 3. The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same have been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns arising out of the project. 4. The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, the lender, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or assigns arising out of the project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims. The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set forth above constitutes and adequate description of the property and improvements to which this Lien Waiver Release pertains. It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor and material bonds for the project. Signed this day of , 20 CONTRACTOR: LIGHTFIELD ENTERPRISES INC. By.- Title. - Secretary STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF LARIMER ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires: day of 20_, by SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") CONTRACTOR: Lightfield Enterprises Inc. PROJECT: 8469 Concrete Maintenance Promect Phase I - 2018 Renewal CONTRACT DATE: March 15, 2018 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for (Surety) on bond of hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of , 20 (Surety Company) 0 ATTACH: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in-Fact. SECTION 00670 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE DR 0 172 (08/30/13) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Denver CO 80261 - 0009 (303) 238-SERV (7378) Contractor Application for Exemption Certificate Pursuant to Statute § 39-26.708(1),(2),&(3) The exemption certificate for which you are applying must be used only for the purpose of purchasing construction and building materials for the exempt project described below. This exemption does not include orapplyto the purchase or rental of equipment, supplies, and materialswhich are purchased, rented, orconsumed by the contractorand which do not become a part of the structure, highway, road, street, or other public works owned and used by the exempt organization. Departmental Use Only IIII' IIIII IIII III'IIIII!�II'lll III IIII!IIII IIIII IIII IIII IIII III 130172 19999 Any unauthorized use of the exemption certificate will result in revocation of your exemption certificate and other penalties provided by law. A separate certificate is required for each contract. Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue. It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors. (See reverse side.) Send completed forms to: Colorado Department of Revenue, Denver, CO 80261 - 0009 Failure to accurately complete all boxes will cause the application to be denied. Contractor/Account No. (Leave blank if filing for the first time) Period (cai,i,w-r.ir-i,vvlS) 89- Contractor Information Trade name/DBA Owner, partner or corporate last name First Name Middle Initial Mailing Address city State JZip E-Mail Address FEIN Bid amount for your contract Fax number Business Phone number Colorado withholding tax account number Exemption Information Copies of contract or agreement page, identifying the contracting parties, bid amount, type of work, and signatures of contracting parties must be attached Name of exempt organization (as show on contract) Exempt organization's number 98 Address of exempt organization City State Zip Principal contact at exempt organization -Last Name First Name Middle Initial Physical location of project site (give actual address when applicable and Cities and/or County (ies) where project is located) City State Zip Principal contact's telephone number Scheduled construction start date (MMlDDivv) Q Estimated completion date (MM/DDnv)© I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of the business owner, partner or corporate officer 7_of corporate officer Date (mwDDirr)Q (Do not write below this line) Special Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past; please note the following changes in procedure: The Department will no longer issue individual Certificates of exemption to subcontractors. Only prime contractors will receive a Contractor's Exemption Certificate on exempt projects. Upon receipt of the Certificate, the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractor's name and address and signing it. The original Certificate should always be retained by the prime contractor. Copies of all Certificates that the prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractor's place of business for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit. Once an 89# has been assigned to you; please use the next five numbers following it for any applications submitted for future projects. This should be your permanent number. For instance, if you were assigned 89-12345-0001, every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 on the application. The succeeding numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue. Do not enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application. SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT These GENERAL. CONTDITIONS have been developed by using the STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. EJCDC No. 1910-8 (1990 Edition), as a base. Changes to that document are shown by underlining text that has been added and striking through text that has been deleted. EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 EDITION) WITH CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) Article or Paragraph Number & Title TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GENERAL CONDITIONS Page Article or Paragraph Number Number $ Title DEFINITIONS......................................................1 1.1 Addenda...................................,.........1 1.2 Agreement....... ................................... 1.3 Application for Payment ......................1 IA Asbestos.............................................1 1.5 Bid....................................................1 1.6 Bidding Documents .............................1. 1.7 Bidding Requirements ..........................1 1.8 Bonds.................................................1 1.9 Change Order,. . ................................... I 1.10 Contract Documents1 L I I Contract Price.., ........... I.......................1 1.12 Contract Times. ................................... 1 1.13 CONTRACTOR 1 1,14 defective.............................................1 1.15 Drawings., ..........................................1 1.16 Effective Date of the Agreement:........... l 1.17 ENGINEER........................................I 1.18 ENGINEERS Consultant 1 1.19 Field Order...............„_.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,..,.,1 1.20 General Requirements ...... ........ __ ..... _2 1.21 Hazardous Waste., . .......... ................... 2 1.22.a Laws and Regulations; Laws or Regulations ...................................... 2 1.22.b Legal Holidays., ... ........... 2 1.23 Liens..................................................2 1.24 Milestone ............................................ 1.25 Notice of Award ................................. 2 1.26 Notice to Proceed.................................2 1.27 OWNER.............................................2 1.28 Partial Utilization, .... ................. 2 1.29 PCBs..................................................2 1.30 Petroleum...........................................2 1.31 Project ..................... .......................... .2 1.32.a Radioactive Material,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 1.32.b Regular Working Hours ........ ......... 1.33 Resident Project Representative,.,.,,,.,.„z 1.34 Samples..............................................2 1.35 Shop Drawings .................................... 1.36 Specifications ..................................... 2 1.37 Subcontractor,, 2 1.38 Substantial Completion ....................... 1.39 Supplementary Conditions...................2 1.40 Supplier_ ...........................................2 1.41 Underground Facilities, ....................2-3 1.42 Unit Price Work ................................... 3 1A3Work ..................................................3 1.44 Work Change Directive ........................3 1.45 Written Amendment ...........................3 Page Number 2. PRELIMINARY MATTERS ................................ 3 2.1 Delivery of Bonds, .... ................... 3 2.2 Copies of Documents ........... ............ 3 2.3 Commencement of Contract Times; Notice to Proceed ............... 3 24 Starting the Work ........................... 3 2.5-2.7 Before Starting Construction; CO1N'TRACTORs Responsibility to Report; Preliminary Schales; Delivery of Certificates of Insurance. .................................. 3-4 2.8 Preconstruction Conference,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 2.9 Initially Acceptable Schedules ........... 4 3. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS! INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE.............................._..........4 3.1- 3.2 Intent ...................................... ....... 4 3.3 Reference to Standards and Speci- fications of Technical Societies; Reporting and Resolving Dis- crepancies ................................. 4-5 3.4 Intent of Certain Terms or Adjectives" ...... I., ...................... 5 3.5 Amending Contract Docunents,........ 5 3.6 Supplementing Contract Documents ..............:.................... 5 3.7 Reuse of Docum ents.........................5 4. AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS.........................................5 4.1 Availability of Lands,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$-6 4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions .................................... 6 4.2.1 Reports and Drawings.....................6 4.12 Limited Reliance by CONTRAC- TOR Authorized; Technical Data........................................ 6 4.2.3 Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions..................6 4.2.4 ENGINEERs Review.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6 4.2.5 Possible Contract Documents Change......................................... 6 4.2.6 Possible Price and Times Adjustments...............................4-7 4.3 Physical Conditions --Underground Facilities, ...................................... 7 4.3.1 Shown or Indicated 7 4.3.2 Not Shown or Indicated....................7 4.4 Reference Points ..............................7 EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS NIODMCA71ONS (REV 9199) Article or Paragraph Page Article or Paragraph Page Number & Title Number Number & Title Number 6. 4.5 Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material ...... ........ 7-8 BONDS AND INSURANCE ................................. 8 5.1-52 Performance, Payment and Other Bonds.............................................. S 5.3 Licensed Sureties and Insurers; Certificates of Insurance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 5.4 CONTRACTORs Liability Insurance..........................................9 5.5 OWNER's Liability Insurance...............9 5.6 Property Insurance ..........................9-10 5.7 Boiler and Machinery or Addi- tional Property Insurance„................10 5.8 Notice of Cancellation Proision......... 10 5.9 CONTRACTOR's Responsibility for Deductible Amounts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 5.10 Other Special Insurance .....................10 5.11 Waiver of Rights................................11 5.12-5.13 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds 10-11 5.14 Acceptance of Bands and Insu- ance; Option to Replace..................11 5.15 Partial Utilization --Property Insurance ........................................ 11 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES ...............11 6.1-6.2 Supervision and Superintendence.,,.,,, 11 6.3-6.5 Labor, Materials and Equipment.., 11-12 6.6 Progress Schedule.. ............................ 12 6.7 Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items; CONTRACTOR's Expense; Substitute Construction Methods or Procedures; ENGrN''EER's Evaluation ............ .12-13 6.8-6.11 Concerning Subcontractors. Suppliers and Others; Waiver of Rights ........................13-14 6.12 Patent Fees and Royalties, ................... 14 6.13 Permits.... - ...........................14 6.14 Laws and Regulations ........................14 6.15 Taxes...........................................14-15 6.16 Use of Premises ................................ IS 6.17 Site Cleanliness ................................ 15 6.18 Safe Structural Loading.....................15 6.19 Record Documents ............................. J 5 6.20 Safety and Protection ....................15-16 6,21 Safety Representative ....................... 16 6.22 Hazard Communication Programs,,,,.. 16 6.23 Emergencies ........................ ............16 6.24 Shop Drawings and Sample* ........... ..16 6.25 Submittal Proceedures; CON- TRACTOR's Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal....................................16 6.26 Shop Drawing & Sample Submit- tals Review by ENGINEER. _....16-17 6.27 Responsibility for Variations From Contract Documents,,,.,.,,,,,,i7 6.28 Related Work Performed Prior to ENGINEER's Review and Approval of Required Submittals...................................17 6.29 Continuing the Work.....................17 6.30 CONTRACTORS General Warranty and Guaranteq..............17 6.31-6.33 Indemnification.. ..... ........ I ... 17-18 6.34 Survival of Obligations ...................18 7. OTHER WORK.................................................18 7.1-7.3 Related Work at Site.......................J8 7.4 Coordination.................................IS 8. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES .........................18 8.1 Communications to CON- TRACTOR.................................19 8.2 Replacement of ENGINEER ............ i s 8.3 Furnish Data andPay Promptly When Due .................................. is 8.4 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests.._. ..... .......... .... _.. j 8-19 8.5 Insurance.......................................19 8.6 Change Orders. ........................ 9 8.7 Inspections, Tests and Approvals...................................19 8.8 Stop or Suspend Work; Terminate CONTRACTOR's Services.....................................19 8.9 Limitations on OWNER'S Responsibilities . ...........................19 8.10 Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material19 8.11 Evidence of Financal Arrangem ents ...........................19 9. ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION ............................................. 19 9A OWNER's Representative, ............... 19 9.2 Visits to Site..................................19 9.3 Project Representativq............... j9-21 9.4 Clarifications and Interpre- tations ........................................ 21 9.5 Authorized Variations in �Wk........ 21 E.it"DC GENERAL CONDMONS 1910-8 (1990 EDITION) wl CITY OF FORT COLUNS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9l99) SECTION 00300 BID FORM Article or Paragraph Page Article or Paragraph Page Number & Title Number Number & Title Number 9.6 Rejecting Defective Work... ................ 21 13.8-139 Uncovering Work at ENGI- 9.7-99 Shop Drawings, Change Orders NEER's Request .....................27-28 and Payments....................................21 13,10 OWNER May Stop the Work .......... 28 9.10 Determinations for Unit Prieeg....... 1-22 13.11 Correction or Removal of 9.11-9.12 Decisions on Disputes; ENGI- Defective Work ...........................28 NEER as Initial Interpreter..............22 13.12 Correction Period ............ ,..... ,,.,, ... .28 9.13 Limitations on ENGINEERs 13.13 Acceptance ofDefeetive Work .......28 Authority and Responsibilities4,,,,22-23 13.14 OWNER Ma-v Correct Defective Work 28-29 CHANGES IN THE WORK ....................................... 23 10.1 OWNER's Ordered Change................23 14. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND 10.2 Claim for Adjustment ........................23 COMPLETION .................................................. 10.3 Work Not Required by Contract 14.1 Schedule of Values, .......... ............. 29 Documents ...... .......... ,..................... 23 14.2 Application for Progress 10.4 Change Orders..................................23 Payment .......... .......... ,................ 29 10.5 Notification of Surety .........................23 14.3 CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title...........................................29 CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE .............................23 14.4-14.7 Review of Applications for 11.1-11.3 Contract Price, Claim for Progress Paym ents.................29-30 Adjustment; Value of 14.8-14.9 Substantial Completion... ............ _ 30 the Work ................................... 23-24 14.10 Partial Utilization ..................... 30-31 11.4 Cost of the Work ..........................24-25 14.11 Final Inspection........................ 31 11.5 Exclusions to Cost of the Work .......... 25 14.12 Final Application for Payment ........ 31 11.6 CONTRACTORs Fee ......... _.............25 14,13-14.14 Final Payment and Acceptance ....... 31 11.7 Cost Records....................I............25 226 14.15 Waiver of Claims... ................... 31-32 11.8 Cash Allowances..............................26 11.9 Unit Price Work................................26 15. SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 32 CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES ...........................26 15.1 OWNER May Suspend Work .......... 32 12.1 Claim for Adjustment .........................26 15.2-15A OWNER May Terminate,,..,,,,..,,,,,, 32 12.2 Time of the Essencq ..........................26 15.5 CONTRACTOR May Stop 12.3 Delays Beyond CONTRACTOR's Work or Terminate... ............ _2-33 Control ....................................... 26-27 12.4 Delays Beyond OWNER's and 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,........ 33 CONTRACTOR's Control ................. 27 17. MISCELLANEOUS 33 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, 17.1 Giving Notice ................................ 33 REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF 17.2 Computation of Tim es....................33 DEFECTIVE WORK..................................................27 17.3 Notice of Claim ............ .................. 33 13.1 Notice of Defects...............................27 17.4 Cumulative Remedies, ..................... 33 13,2 Access to the Work ............................27 17.5 Professional Fees and Court 13.3 Tests and Inspections; Costs Included .......................... 33 CONTRACTOR's Cooperation.........27 17.6 Applicable State Laws,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33-34 13.4 OWNER`s Responsibilities; Intentionally left blank ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35 Independent Testing Laboratory,,.,., 27 13.5 CONTRACTOR's EXHIBIT GC -A: (Optional) Responsibilities...............................27 Dispute Resolution Agreement.,,,,,,,,_,,,,,.,..,, GC -Al 13.6-13.7 Covering Work Prior to Inspec- 16.1-16.6 Arbitration . ......... ..........QC -Al tion, Testing or Approval.................77 16.7 Mediation ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GC -Al iv E1CDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.9 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COUINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9199) INDEX TO GENERAL COMMONS City of Fort Collins modifications to the General Conditions of the Construction Contract are not shown in this index Article or Paragraph Number Acceptance of — Bonds and Insurance...................................I....5.14 defective Work ............................10.4.1, 13.5, 13.13 final payment ........................................9.12, 14-15 insurance ............... ....... ................................. 5,14 other Work, by CONTRACTOR ..........................7.3 Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items ...................... 0.7.1 Work by OWNER ..............................2.5. 6.30, 6.34 Access to the -- Lands. OWNER andCONTRACTOR responsibilities............................................. 4.1 site, related Work ...............................................7.2 Work, .......................................... 13.2,13.14,14.9 Acts or Omissions--, Acts and Omissions -- CONTRACTOR ............................. ..... 6.9.1,9.13.3 ENGINEER .......................................... OWNER_ .................................................. 0.20,89 Addenda —definition of (also am definition of Specifications) .......(1.6,1.10,6.19),1.1 Additional Property Insurance; ................................. 5.7 Adjustments — Contract Price or Contract Times ........................... I.S. 3.5, 4.1, 4.3.2, 4.5.2, ......... - ....... I ...... .4.5.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.2-10.4, .........................................11. 12, 14.8. 15.1 progress schedulq ...............................................6.6 Agreement -- definition of ........................... .).2 "All -Risk" Insurance. policy forth...........................5.6.2 Allowances, Cash ... ........ ....................................... 11.8 Amending Contract Documen4 ................................ 3.5 Amendment, Written — in general ................1.10, 1.45, 3.5, 5.10, 5.12, 6.6.2 ..........................0.8.2, 6.19,10.1,10.4,11.2 1 ...... .... I ....................... 12.1,13.12.2,14.7.2 Appeal, OWNER or CONTRACTOR intent to ..........................9.10, 9.11. 10.4. Application for Payment — definition of......................................................).3 ENGINEER!s Responsibility., ...... ___ ........ ........ 9.9 final payment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9.13.4, 9.13.5, 14.12-14. 15 in general ..........................2.8. 2.9. 5.6.4. 9.10. 15.5 progress payment ..................................... J4.1-14.7 review of .................................................. 14.4-14.7 Arbitration ... .......... ...................... .............. 16.1-16.6 Asbestos — claims pursuant therctq ..........................4.5.2, 4.5.3 CONTRACTOR authorized to stop Work,,,,,,,,,, . 4.5.2 definition of .......................................................1.4 Article or Paragraph Number OWNER responsibility for............................ possible price and times change ........................ 45.2 Authorized Variations in Work..... .... 5.6,, 9.5 Availability of Lands ......................................... 4.1,8.4 Award, Notice of--defined......................................1.25 Before Starting Construction, ., . .... ...................... 2.5-2.8 Bid —definition of ................ ........ 1.5 (1.1, 1.10, 2.3. 3.3. ........................., 6.13, 11.4.3. 11,9. 1) Bidding Documents —definition of 1.6(6.8.2) Bidding Requirements —definition of .... ........ I ...... (1.1, 4.2.62) Bonds — acceptance of, ................................................... 5,14 additional bonds .................................. 10.5, Cost of the Work 11,5A definition of 1.8 deliveryof ................................................... final Application for Payment ................. 14.12-14.14 general ......................................1.10, 5.1-5.3, 5.13, ........................................ 9.13, Performance, Payment and Other .... _ ........... 5.1-5.2 Bonds and Insurance —in general ..... ........................... 5 Builder's risk "all-risk' policy form,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 542 Cancellation Provisions, Itisttrano ......... 5.4.11, 5.8. 5.15 Cash Allowances.................................................... )1.8 Certificate of Substantial Completion ........ .................................................. )4.8,14.10 Certificates of Inspectioil ...................9.13A. 13.5, 14.12 Certificates of Insurance.............2.7, 5.3, 5,4.11, 3.4.13, ....................... 5.6.5, 5.8, 5.14, 9.13.4, 14.12 Change in Contract Price -- Cash Allowances 11.8 claim for price adjustment,..,,..,,,,, 4.1. 41.6, 4.5. 5,15, 6.8.2. 9.4 ...................., 10.2, 10.5, 11.2, 13.9, .......................J3.13, 13.14, 14.7, 15.1, 15.5 CONTRACTORsfee .........................................11.6 Cost of the Work general ............................... .......... _1 1.4-11.7 Exclusions to 11,5 CostReourds .....................................................11.7 in general ..... __ ... 1. 19, 1.44, 9.11, 10.4.2. 10.4.3, 11 Lump Sum Pricing ..........................................11.3.2 Notification of Surety.........................................10.5 Scope of ........................................... ....... J 0. 3-10.4 Testing and Inspection, Uncovering the Work ..................................13.9 EXDC GENERAL COMMONS 1910-9 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COLUNS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) Unit Price Work ................. - .... ............. ... 11.9 Article or Paragraph Number Value of Work ..................................................11.3 Change in Contract Times — Claim for times adjustment ......... 4,1,41.6,45,515, ....... 6.8.2, 9.4, 9.5. 9.11, 10.2, 10.5, 12. 1, .... ... I ... ... 13.9, 13.13, 13.14, 14.7, 15.1, 15.5 Contractual time limit;.....................................12.2 Delays beyond CONTRACTORs control........................................................12.3 Delays beyond OWNERS and CONTRACTORs control .............................12.4 Notification of surety .........................................10.5 Scope of change ........... ................ ........... 10.3-10.4 Change Orders — Acceptance ofDofective Work .........................13.13 Amending Contract Documenq ..........................3.5 Cash Allowances ..............................................11.8 Change of Contract Pricq .....................................I I Change of Contract Times...................................12 Changes in the Work .......................................... JO CONTRACTORsfee ........................................11.6 Cost of the Work 11.4-11.7 Cost Records....................................................11.7 definition of .......................................................1.9 emergencies .....................................................0.23 ENGINEOVs responsibility ....... 9.8,10.4,11.2, 12.1 execution of .....................................................10.4 Indemnifictioq .........................0.12, 6.16. 6.31-6.33 Insurance, Bonds and ................... _ 5.10, 5.13, 10,5 OWNER may terminate ............................ 15.2-15.4 OWNER!s Resporisibility ........... ................ $.6,10.4 Physical Conditions -- Subsurface and,.............................................4.2 Underground Facilities-............................. 4.3.2 Record Docum ents 6.19 Scope of Change .... .................................. 10.3-10.4 Substitutes ............................................. 63.3,6.8.2 Unit Price Work ...............................................31.9 valueof Work, covered by .................................11.3 Changes in the Work.................................................10 Notification of surety .........................................10.5 OWNER's and CONTRACTOR!s respmsibilities, ........ .................................. 10.4 Right to an adjustment ......................................10.2 Scope of change ....................... ............. _103-10.4 Claims — against CONTRACTOR......,.. ...........................6.16 against ENGINEER ......................................... 16.32 against OWNER.. ......... ... 1.."...." .."(02 Change of Contract Price ..... ........... .......... Change of Coritract Times .......................... 9.4,12.1 CONTRACTORs ..............4, 7.1. 9A, 9.5. 9,11, 10,2, .......................... JU 11.9, 12.1, 13.9, 14.8, .................................... 15.1,15.5,17.3 CONTRACTOR!s Fee 11.6 Article or Paragraph Number CONTRACTORS liability ........... 5.4,6.12, Cost of the Work ....................................... 11.4,11.5 Decisions on Disputej ............................... Dispute Resolution ............ .......................... -- ' 16.1 Dispute Resolution Agreement ................... 16.1-16.6 ENGINEER as initial interpreto;.......................9.11 Lump Sum Pricing .........................................11.3.2 Noticeof .......................................................... k7.3 OWNERs ............ ...... .,9.11,10.2. ILZ 11.9 ' ......... * ....... 12.1,139,13,13,13,14,17 3 OVt7NERs liability .............................................. 5.5 OWNER may refuse to make payment ................14.7 Professional Fees and Court Costs Included .....................................................17.5 request for formal decision on ........................... 9,11 Substitute Items............................................. Time Extension.................................................12.1 Time requirements ............... .................... 9,11,12.1 Unit Price Work .............................................11.9.3 Value of 1.1.3 Waiver of --on Final Payment ................ J4.14,14.15 Work Change Directive .....................................10.2 written notice required ......................9.11. 11.2,12.1 Clarifications and Interpretations............ . 3.6.3,9.4,9.11 Clean Site 0..17 Codes of Technical Society, Organization or Association ..................................................3.3.3 Commencement of Contract Times ........................... �3 Communications — general .............................................. 6.2, 6.9.2, 8,1 Hazard Communication Programs, .................... 6.22 Completion — Final Application for Payment ..........................14.12 Final Inspection ..............................................14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance ............... 14.13-14,14 Partial Utilization, ............. .......... ........ .......... 14,10 Substantial Completion ...................... 1,38.14.8-14.9 Waiver of Claims ............................................14.15 Computation of Times .. ..................... .... _17.2.1-17.2.2 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers andOthers ................................................. Conferences — initially acceptable schedules ..................... ......... 2.9 preconstructiorX .................................................. 2.8 Conflict, Error, Ambiguity, Discrepancy — CONTRACTOR to Report .......................... 23,33.2 Construction, before starting by CONTRACTOR 2.5-2.7 Construction Machinery, Equipment, etc ................... 6A Continuing the Work ... ............. .................... 6.29,10.4 Contract Documents — Amending..........................................................3.5 Bonds 5.1 EJCDC MMkAL CONDITIONS 1910 -9 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COUrNS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9199) Cash Allowances..............................................11.$ Article or Paragraph Number Change of Contract Price .................................... 11 Change of Contract Times ................................... 12 Changes in the Work., ............................... 10.4-10.5 check and verify ............. .......... 2.5 Clarifications and Interpretations ..........................3.2, 3.6, 9.4, 9.11 definition of......................................................1.10 ENGINEER as initial interpreter of ...................9.11 ENGINEER as OWNER's representative.............9.1 general3 Insurance.... . ..... . .... ..................................... . ......5.3 Intent............. .................................... ....... 3.1-3.4 minor variations in the Work ..............................�.6 OWNER's responsibility to furnish data,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8.3 OWNER's responsibility to make prompt payment ..........................0.3, 14.4, 14.13 precedence................................................3.1, 3.3.3 Record Documents............................................6.19 Reference to Standards and Specifications of Technical Societies ................................... 3.3 RelatedWork.....................................................7.2 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancieg,..,....2.5. 3.3 ReuseOf. ............................................................ 3.7 Supplementing............................. _................... 3.6 Termination of ENGINEER's Employment ,,,,,,._„8.2 Unit Price Work...............................................11.9 variations .......................................... 3.6, 6.23, 6.27 Visits to Site, ENGINEERsi ............................... 9.2 Contract Price -- adjustment of ............... 3.5, 4.1, 9.4, 10.3, 11.2-11.3 Changeof..........................................................31 Decision on Disputes........................................9.11 definitionof.....................................................1.11 Contract Times -- adjustment of ...........................3.5. 4.1, 9.4, 10.3, 12 Change of_ ............................................. 12.1-12.4 Commencement of..............................................2.3 definition of....................................................1.12 CONTRACTOR— Acceptance of Insurancz.................................. 5.14 Communications......................................6.2, 6.9.2 Continue Work........................................6.29, 10.4 coordination and schedulin8............................4.9.2 definition of. ............... .................................. A. 13 Limited Reliance on Technical Data Authorized, ........................................ 4.2.2 May Stop Work or Terminate............................1,5.5 provide site access to others .......................7.2, 13.2 Safety and Protection,.... . ............. 4.3.1 - Z 6.16, 6.18, 6.21-6.23, 7.2, 13.2 Shop Drawing and Sample Review Prior to Submittal........................................6.25 Stop Work requirements..................................4.5.2 CONTRACTOR's— Article or Paragraph Number Compensation...........................................11.1-11.2 Continuing Obligation....................................14.15 Defective Work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.......... 9.6, Duty to correct defective Work ..........................13.11 Duty to Report -- Changes in the Work caused by Emergency ........................................... 6.23 Defects in Work of Others .............................. .3 Differing conditions...................................4.2.3 Discrepancy in Documents,,,.,,,, 2.5, 3.3.2, 6.14.2 Underground Facilities not indicated,.,,.,,.,, 4.3.2 Emergencies.....................................................0.23 Equipment and Machinery Rental, Cost of the Work........................................... Fee --Cost Plus.........................., 11.5.1, 11.6 General Warranty and Guarantee, ....... ...... .... _030 Hazard Communication Programs ....................0 22 Indemnification ........................0.12, 6.16, 6.31-6.33 Inspection of the Work ............................... 7.3, 13.4 Labor, Materials and Equipment ....................0.3-6.5 Laws and Regulations, Compliance by ............. 6.14.1 Liability Insurance,_ .......................................... 5.4 Notice of Intent to Appeal .........................9.10, 10A obligation to perform and complete theWork....................................................0.30 Patent Fees and Royalties, paid for by................6.12 Performance and Other Bonds 5.1 Permits, obtained and paid for by.......................0.13 Progress Schedule ..........................2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 6.6, ........................................6.29, 10.4, 15.2.1 Request for formal decisionon disputes,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9.11 Responsibilities -- Changes in the Work..................................10.1 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others ..................................... 6.8-6.11 Continuing the Work ..........................6.29, 10.4 CONTRACTOR's expense ... ........................ ¢.7.1 CONTRACTOR's General Warranty and Guarantee6.30 CONTRACTOR s review prior to Shop Drawing or Sample submittal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.25 Coordination of Work................................6.9.2 Emergencies ............................................... 6.23 ENGINEER's evaluation, Substitutes or "Or -Equal" Items.............................6.7.3 For Acts and Omissions of Others 6.9.1-6.9.2, 9.13 for deductible amounts,insurance...................5.9 general........................................6, 7.2, 7.3, 8.9 Hazardous Communication Program*........., 6.22 Indemnifncaticn................................... 6.31-6.33 vii EJC"DC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-9 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (ItEV 9/99) Labor, Materials and Equipment..............6 3-6.5 Laws and Regulations..................................6.14 Liability Insurance, ................................... 5.4 Article or Paragraph Number Notice of variation from Contract Documents,_ ... ...... .............. ........ .6.27 Patent Fees and Royalties............................6.12 Permits ............................. ......................... ¢.13 ProgressSchedule.........................................6.6 Record Documents ...................................... 6.19 related Work performed prior to ENGINEER's approval of required submittals ............................................. 6.28 safe structural loading.... ............................. 6.18 Safety and Protection ..................... .20, 7.2, 13.2 Safety Representative_ .... ............................ 6.21 Scheduling the Work..................................6.9.2 Shop Drawings and Samples ........................0.24 Shop Drawings and Samples Review by ENGINEER ..................................... 6.26 Site Cleanliness 6.17 Submittal Procedures...................................6.25 Substitute Construction Methods and Procedures .................................... 6.7.2 Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Item*................§33 Superintendence ............................ _........... 6.2 Supervision. . .................. .................. ..........6. l Survival of Obligations...............................6.34 Taxes................. ........ . ...... ............ I .......... .. 6.15 Tests and Inspections...................................13.5 ToReport......................................................2.5 Use of Premises ............. ......... 6.16-6.18, 630.2.4 Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal, ....................................... 6.25 Right to adjustment for changes in the Work ..... 10.2 right to claim,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 21, 9.4, 9.5, 9.11, 10.2,11.2 .... I ... ,.11.9. 12.1. 13.9. 14.8. 15.1. 15.5, 17.3 Safety and Protection .................6.20-6.22. 7.2, 13.2 Safety Represertative....................................... 6.21 Shop Drawings and Samples Submittals,,,, 6.24-6.28 Special Consultants........................................11.4.4 Substitute Construction Methods and Procedures, 6.7 Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items, Expense .......................................... 6.7.1, 6.7.2 Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others .......... Supervision and Superintendence ......... 6.1, 6.2, 6.21 Taxes, Payment by.,..........................................6.15 Use of Premises, ....................................... 6.16-6.18 Warranties and guarantees, ........................(.5, 6.30 Warranty of Title...............................................14.3 Written Notice Required -- CONTRACTOR stop Work or terminate ,....... 15.5 Reports of Differing Subsurface and Physical Conditions ....................... 4.2.3 Substantial Completion...............................14.8 viii CONTRACTORS--other..............................................7 Contractual Liability Insurance .............................. j.A.10 Contractual Time Limits ..... ... ............ ....I-- ............ 12.2 Article or Paragraph Num IV Coordination— CONTRACTOR's responsibility ........................6.9.2 Copies of Documents................................................2.2 Correction Perim ............................ _................... 13.12 Correction, Removal or Acceptance of Defective Work-- in general...................................10.4.1. 13.10-13.14 Acceptance of Defective Work...........................13.13 Correction or Removal of Defective Work ..............................„ 6.30, 13.11 Correction Period., .......................................... 13.12 OWNER May Correct Defective Work..............13.14 OWNER May Stop Work.................................13.10 Cost_ of Tests and Inspections ...... ......... ...................... 13.4 Records] 1.7 Cost of the Work -- Bonds and insurance, additions) ................... Cash Discounts..............................................11.4.2 CONTRACTOR' Fee.......................................11.6 Employee Expenses...................................... Exclusions to . ..................................................... 11.5 Generalll.4-11.5 Hone office and overhead expenses ....................11.5 Losses and damages ..................................... Materials and equipment................................11 A.2 Minor expenses........................................... Payroll costs on changes.................................11.4.1 performed by Subcontractors............................11.4.3 Records 11.7 Rentals of construction equipment and machinery ...................................... Royalty payments, permits and license fees............................................1 I.4.5.5 Site office and temporary facilities ................ Special Consultants, CONTRACTOR's............ 11.4.4 Supplemental, ............... ................ .................11.4.5 . Taxes related to the Work.............................1, Tests and Inspection .................. ......... ,............ .13.4 Trade Discounts.............................................11.4.2 Utilities, fuel and sanitary facilities.............. Work after regular hours.. .... ................ ......... 11.4.1 Covering Work...............................................13.6-13.7 Cumulative Remedies ..................................... ] 7.4-17.5 Cutting, fitting and patching .................................... 7.2 Data, to be furnished by OWNER..............................$.3 Day --definition of................................................17.2.2 Decisions on Disputes .................................... 9.11. 9.12 defective --definition of...........................................1.14 defective Work -- Acceptance of.......................................10.4.1, 13.13 EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COUINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 91") Correction or Removal oC ............ ........ JO.4.1, 13.11 Correction Period ............................................13.12 in general .........................................13, 14.7,14.11 Article or Paragraph Number Observation by ENGINEER ............................... 9.2 OWNER May Stop Work, ... ............................ 13.10 Prompt Notice of'Defects...................................13.1 Rejecting...........................................................9.6 Uncovering the Work .......................................13.8 Definitions................................................................ I Delays ... ..... I ............................. Delivery of Bonds .....................................................2.1 Delivery of certificates of insuranok ...........................2.7 Determinations for Unit Prim ........ ............ ........... 9.10 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions — Noticeo.........................................................4.2.3 ENGINEERS Review ...................................... 4.2.4 Possible Contract Documents Change,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.2.5 Possible Price and Times Adjustments..............4.2.6 Discrepancies -Reporting and Resolving ................................2.5, 3.3.2, 6.14.2 Dispute Resolution — Agreement .............................. ................ 16.1-16.6 Arbitration ............................................... 16.1-16.5 generall6 Mediation.........................................................16.6 Dispute Resolution Agreement ..................... .... 16.1-16.6 Disputes, Decisions by ENGINEER .................. 9.11-9.12 Docurn ents— Copiesof ...........................................................7.2 Record 6.19 Reuseof ................. ...... ......... ......................... 3.7 Drawings —definition of...........................................1.15 Easements 4.1 Effective date of Agreement -- definition qf ............. 1.16 Emergencies.................. ..................................... _6.23 ENGINEER — as initial interpreter on disputes .......... __9.11-9.12 definition of .....................................................1.17 Limitations cn authority and responsibilities,,,,. . 9.13 Replacement of .................................... ............. 8.2 Resident Project Representative .............. ............9.3 1ENGrNEERs Consultant -- definition of ..................1.18 ENGINEERS — authority and responsibility, limitations oil....... _9.13 Authorized Variations in the Work ......... .......... 9.5 Change Orders, responsibility for....... 9.7.10,11. 12 Clarifications and Interpretation;k .............. 3.6.3,9.4 Decisions on Disputes ............................... 9.11-9.12 defective Work notice of ...................................13.1 Evaluation of Substitute Item4 ..........................4.7.3 Liability ................................................... Notice Work is Acceptable..............................14.13 Observations ................... ...................... 6.30.2,91 OWNER's Representative...................................9.1 Payments to the CONTRACTOR, Responsibility for . .................................... 9.9,14 Recommendation of Payment ................... 14.4,14.13 Article or Paragraph Number Responsibilities —Limitations oxi ............ . _ 9.11-9.13 Review of Reports on Differing Subsurface and Physical Conditions .............................4.2.4 Shop Drawings and Samples, review responsibility .............................................. . 6.26 Status During Construction -- authorized variations in the Work..................9.5 Clarifications and InterpretationA ..................9.4 Decisions an Disputes ....... ......... _9.11-9.12 Determinations on Unit Price ......................9.10 ENGINEER as Initial Interpretq .......... 9,11-9.12 ENGINEER!s Responsibilities ................ 9.1-9.12 Limitations on ENGINEER Authority and Responsibilities .............................. 9.13 OWNER's Representative ..............................9.1 Project Representative ...................................9.3 Rejecting Defecdw Work ............................... 9.6 Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Payments .... _ ....... ..................... 9.7-9.9 Visits to Site .................................................9.2 Unit Price determinations.................................9.10 Visits to Site .......................................................9.2 Written consent required ............................. 7.2, 9.1 Equipment, Labor, Materials and ........................ 0.3-6.5 Equipment rental, Cost of the Work .................. Equivalent Materials and Equipment .........................0.7 error or omission* ..................................................0.33 Evidence of Financial Arrangements ............ .......... 8.11 Explorations of physical conditions,, ...................... 4.2.1 Fee CONTRACTORs-Costs Plu!k ..........................11.6 Field Order — definition of ..................................................... 1.19 issued by ENGINEER ................................ 3.6.1,9.5 Final Application for Payment ..... ......................... 14.12 Final Inspection ...................................................14.11 Final Payment — and Acceptance ..................................... 14.13-14.14 Prior to, for cash allovances ...............................11.8 GeneralProvisions ................... ..................... 17.3-17.4 General Requirements — definition of .....................................................1.20 principal references t9 ............., 6.".7, 6.24 Giving Notica.........................................................17.1 Guarantee of Work —by CONTRACTOR,,..,.,, 6.30,14.12 Hazard Communication Programs ........................... 0.22 Hazardous Waste — definition of ......................................................1.21 general............................................................. 4.5 OWNER's responsibility fo............................... ,10 EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLIN'S MODIFICATIONS (REV 91") Indemnification 0.12, 6.16, Initially Acceptable Schedules,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2.9 Inspection -- Certificates of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9.114, 13.5, 14.12 Final.... .......................................................14.11 Article or Paragraph Number Special, required byENGINEER ..........................9.6 Tests and Approval.............................$3,13.3-13.4 Insurance -- Acceptance of by OWNER...............................5.14 Additional, required by changes in the Work-..........................................11.4,5,9 Before starting the Work ................................._ 2.7 Bonds and --in general ..................... ....... _ ........... 5 Cancellation Provisions ..................................... 5.8 Certificates of ...................2J, 5, 5.3. 5.4.11. 5.4.13, ........................j.6.5. 5.8, 5.14, 9.13.4, 14.12 completed operations......................................5.4.13 CONTRACTOR's Liability... ............................... 5.4 CONTRACTOR's objection to coverage.............5.14 Contractual Liability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.4,10 deductible amounts, CONTRACTORs responsibility ................................................ 5.9 Final Application for Payment ................. _ ...... 14.12 Licensed Insurers...... ........................... ............. 5.3 Notice requirements, material changes,.,,,.. 5,8, 10.5 Option to Replace ............................................ J.14 other special insurances ................................... 5.10 OWNER as fiduciary for insureds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5.12-5.13 OWNER's Liability............................................5.5 OWNER's Responsibility.....................................8.5 Partial Utilization, Property Instuance...............5.15 Property........... _ _................ _ _ .................$.6-5.10 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds .............................................. 5.12-5.13 SpecialInsurance.............................................5.10 Waiver of Rights..............................................5.11 Intent of Contract Documents . ....... ...................... 8.1-3,4 Interpretations and Clarification8 .....................3.6.3, 9A Investigations of physical conditions ,,,,,,..4.2 Labor, Materials and Equipment.,.,,,„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,C.3-6.5 Lands -- and Easem ents...................................................$.4 Availability of.............................................4.1, 8.4 Reports and Tests...............................................8.4 Laws and Regulations --Laws or Regulations-- Bonds......................................................5.1-5.2 Changes in the World ................................. 10.4 Contract Documents........ ...... 5'l CONTRACTORs Responsibilities ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,¢,14 Correction Period, defective Work....................13.12 Cost of the Work, taxes............................... definition of... ................................................. J.22 general6.14 Indemnification ....................................... 6.31-6.33 Insurance .............................._. 53 .......................... Precedence................................................3.1. 3.3.3 Reference to...................................................8.3.1 Safety and Protection,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.20, 112 Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others ........... 6.8-6.11 Article or Paragraph Number Tests and Inspections, .................... ............. 13.5 Useof Premises.................................................¢,16 Visits to Site, . ..................................................... R.2 Liability Insurance -- CONTRACT OR s ............................. _................ 5.4 OWNER s...........................................................5.5 Licensed Sureties and Insurers ................................. 5.3 Liens -- Application for Progress Payment......................14.2 CONTRACTORS Warranty of Title....................14.3 Final Application for Payment ..........................14.12 definition of......................................................1.23 Waiver of Claims. . ... .................................. __J4.15 Limitations on ENGINEERS authority and responsibilities..................................................9.13 Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized ....................................................... .2.2 Maintenance and Operating Manuals -- Final Application for Payment ..........................14.12 Manuals (of others) -- Precedence........... _ .... _ _.............. .. .............. Reference to in Contract Document* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3.3.1 Materials and equipment -- furnished by CONTRACTOR...............................0.3 not incorporated in Work ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14.2 Materials or equipment --equivalent ...........................03 Mediation (Optimal), ............................................. 16.7 Milestones --definition of........................................1.24 Miscellaneous— Computation of Times .................. ............... ...... 7.2 Cumulative Remedies........................................17.4 Giving Notice....... ................. ......................17.1 Notice of Claim.................................................17.3 Professional Fees and Court Costs Included ,,,,,,,,17.5 Multi-primc contracts...... .......................... I ..... ......... 3 Not Shown or Indicated__....................................4.3.2 Notice of -- Acceptability of Project....................................14.13 Award. definition of.........................................1.25 Claim. ...... ....... _..................... ..,.............. ..... 17.3 Defects,13.1 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions,,,,,, 4.2.3 Giving............................................................1.7.1 Tests and Inspections........................................13.3 Variation, Shop Drawing and Samplg.................4.27 Notice to Proceed -- definition of .................... * ......................... ...... 1.26 givingof............................................................2.3 EJCDC OENMAL CONDITIONS 1910.9 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS tREV 9/99) Notification to Surety .............. ............................ ]0.5 Observations, by ENGINEER.............................30, 9.2 Occupancy of the Work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.15,, 14.10 Omissions or acts by CONTRACTOR ...............0.9. 9.13 Open Peril policy form, Insurance, ..... ..................5..6.2 Option to Replace....................................................5.14 Article or Paragraph Number "Or Equal" Items......................................................6.7 Other work 7 Overtime Work --prohibition of ... .......... I................... 6.3 OWNER -- Acceptance of defective Work .... .................. .:...13.13 appoint an ENGINEER ...................................... 8.2 as fiduciary ...............................................5.12-5.13 Availability of Lands, responsibility....................4.1 definition of.....................................................1.27 data. furnish......................................................8.3 May Correct Defective Work...........................13.14 May refuse to make payment.............................1.4.7 May Stop the Work...._...................................13.10 May Suspend Work, Terminate............................$.8, 13.10, 15.1-15.4 Payment, make prompt.....................8.3, 14.4, 14.13 performano: of other work... ......... ........... _... 7.1 permits and licenses, requirement* .... ................ 6,13 purchased insurance requirements ...............5.6-5.10 OWNER's-- Acceptance of the Work.............................. Change Orders, obligation to execute,,,,,,,,,, 8.6, 10.4 Communications................................................ 8.1 Coordination of the Work ................................... 7.4 Disputes, request for decision............................9.11 Inspections, tests and approval*, ....... ........ .8.7, 13.4 Liability Insurance...._ ........ _........ ....... ...... 5.5 Notice of Defects...................._.,,...,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.13.1 Representative --During Construction, ENGINEER's Status., .............. ..................... 9.1 Responsibilities -- Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material................F.10 Change Orders, ... I .............................. I ... 1 ... 8-6 Changes in the Work...................................10.1 communications............................................8.1 CONTRACTOR'S responsibilities .................. 8.9 evidence of financial arrangements .............. 8.II inspections, tests and approval$.....................8.7 insurance..................................................... 8.5 lands and easementg..................................... 8.4 prompt payment by ........................................ 8-3 replacement of ENGINEER ...........................$.2 reports and tests............................................8.4 stop or suspend Work .................. 8.8. 13.10. 15.1 terminate CONTRACTOR's services..........................................8.8, 15.2 separate representative at site, ............................. 9.3 testing, independent.,.,,,............................13.4 use or occupancy of the Work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.15,, 14.10 written consent or approval required.........................................9.1, 6.3, 11.4 EJCDC GENERAL. CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990 EDITION) w! CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9199) Article or Paragraph Number written notice required ....................... ?.1, 9.4, 9.11, ....................................11.2, 11.9, 14.7, 15.4 PCBs__ definitionof......................................................1.29 general..............................................................4,5 OWNER's responsibility for...............................8.10 Partial Utilization— definition of...............................,...,,................1.28 general6.30.2.4, 14.10 Property Insurance ............................................ 5.15 Patent Fees and Royalties_ . ............. .................. ..6.12 Payment Bonds ...... ............................................. 5.1-5.2 Payments, Recommendation of ........ ..... 14.4-14.7, 14.13 Payments to CONTRACTOR and Completion -- Application for ProgressPayments ......................14.2 CONTRACTOR's Warrantv of Title...................14.3 Final Application for Payment .........................14.12 Final Inspection..............................................14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance ...... 1., ,,._,14.13-14.14 general... ................... .................................... $ 3, 14 Partial Utilization 14.10 Retainage......... ................................................. 14-2 Review of Applications for Progress Payments ............................... j4.4-14,7 promptpayment.. ............................................... F.3 Schedule of Values. ................... ........................ 14.1 Substantial Completion ...... ........................ 14.8-14.9 Waiver of Claims.............................................14.15 when payments due ................................ 14.4, 14.13 withholding payment........................................14.7 Performance Bond$............................................j.1-5.2 Perm its 13 Petroleum -- definition of...........................................I..........1.30 general...................................................... ........ 4.5 OWNER's responsibility for ............................... 8.10 Physical Conditions -- Drawings of, in or relating tq ........................ ENGINEER's review ........................................ 4.2.4 existing structures...........................................4.2.2 general4. 2.1. 2 .................... . ...................... . ............. . Notice of Differing Subsurface or..................._4.2.3 Possible Contract Documents Change ........... ... 4.2-5 Possible Price and Times Adjustments..............4.2.6 Reports and Drawings....................................4.2.1 Subsurface and— ................................................. 4.2 Subsurface Conditions ........ .............. _.......... Technical Data, Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized ....................... 4.2.2 Underground Facilities-- general........................................................ 4.3 Not Shown or Indicted................................4.3.2 Protection of. . ............ _ ......... ....... ...... 4.3,6.20 Article or Paragraph Number Shown or Indicated ................................................ 4.3.1 Technical Data...............................................4.2.2 Preconstruction Conferenc@.......................................2.8 Preliminary Matters.....................................................2 Preliminary Schedule; ........................ ..................2.6 Premises, Use of ............. .. ...............,,,,,.......... 6.16-6.18 Price, Change of Contract,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11 Price, Contract --definition of..................................1.11 Progress Payment, Applications for ..........................14.2 Progress Payment--retainage...................................14.2 Progress schedule, CONTRACTOR'S, .... ,...... 2.6, 2.8, 2.9. ................................. 6.6, 6,29, 10.4, 15.2.1 Project --definition of...............................................1.31 Project Representative— ENGINEER's Status During Construction ............9.3 Project Representative, Resident --definition of .........1.33 prompt payment by OWNER.....................................9.3 Property Insurance -- Additional............ ............................................. 5.7 gencra15.6-5.10 Partial Utilization ............................... 5.15, 14.10.2 receipt and application of proceeds,,,,,,,,,.„5.12-5.13 Protection, Safety and..............................6.20-6.21, 13.2 Punch list.......................................................... 14.11 Radioactive Material-- defintion of ...................: .......:....... . 1.32 general4.5 OWNER's responsibility for...............................$.10 Recommendation of Payment................14.4, 14.5, 14.13 Record Docum ents ..............._........,..............6.19, 14,12 Records, procedures for maintaining ..........................2.8 Reference Points 4.4 Reference to Standards and Specifications of Technical Societies., .... I .................................. 3.3 Regulations, Laws and (or), 6,14 Rejecting Defective Work..........................................9.6 Related Work -- atSite ........ ......._....................................... 7.1-7.3 Performed prior to Shop Drawings and Samples submittals review,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.28 Remedies, cumulative,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17.4, 17.5 Removal or Correction ofDefective Work .............. 13.11 rental agreements, OWNER approval required, ... ,l replacement of ENGINEER, by OWINTER................... 82 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies.................................2.5, 3.3.2, 6.14.2 Reports -- and Drawings,..... ........................................... 4.2-1 and Tests, OWNER's responsibility ..................... 8A Resident and Project Representative -- definition of....................................................1.33 provision for.. ............... ....................... .................. 9.3 xii EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1914-9 0990 EDITION w/ C1TY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) Article or Paragraph Number Resident Superintendent, CONTRACTOR'$ ................ .2 Responsibilities— CONTRACTOR's-in general, .......................... ....... 6 ENGINEER's-in general.................................. Limitations on.............................................9.13 OWNER's-in general.............................................8 Retainage............................... .. ........................... 1.42 Reuse of Documents..................................................$3 Review by CONTRACTOR: Shop Drawings and Samples Prior to Submittal .........................6.25 Review of Applications for Progress Payments ...... ............. .................. 14.4-14.7 Right to an adjustment.., ......................................... 10.2 Rightsof Way..........................................................4.1 Royalties, Patent Fees and......................................6.12 Safe Structural Loading..........................................6.18 Safety -- and Protection................................4.3.2, 6.16, 6.18, ........ ....... .......... ........ ...6.20-6.21, 7.2, 13.2 general .................................................... 4.20-6.23 Representative, CONTRACTORs ......................6.21 Samples -- definition of ... .................................................. .1,34 general.....................................................0.24-6.28 Review by CONTRACTOR ............................... 6.25 Review by ENGINEER..............................ft.26, 6.27 related Work....................................................6.28 submittal of ......... ... .................. .,.................... 6.24.2 submittal procedures.........................................6.25 Schedule of progress.............................2.6, 2.8-2.9, 6.6. _.......................................6.29, 10.4, 15 2.1 Schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample Submittals .....,,•„-„.................2.6, 2.8-2.9, 6.24-6.28 Schedule of Values .............................. 2.6, 2.8-2.9, 14.1 Schedules — Adherence to ................ .................................. 15,2.1 Adjusting...........................................................0..6 Change of Contract Timeq.................................10.4 Initially Acceptable •„-„ ......... •••,-„•••..2,8,2.9 Preliminary........................................................2.6 Scope of Changes......................................10.3-10.4 Subsurface Conditions ,••,,,,,,,•,,,,••.....................•. Shop Drawings -- and Samples, general, ...... I ........... __ ......... 6,24-6.28 Change Orders &c Applications for Payments, and. ........................................ 9.7-9. 9 definition of... _ . ...... ........................................ 1.35 ENGINEER's approval of.................................3.6.2 ENGINEER's responsibility for review ..................................... 9.7, 6,24-6,28 related Work..............................-......................6.28 review procedures ...... ............. ............ 2.8, 6,24-6,28 Article or Paragraph Number submittal required .................................... ,.,........ 6.24.1 Submittal Procedures.. ....................................... 6.25 use to approve substitutions...-„.............•-........6.7.3 Shown or Indicated ............................................... 4.3.1 Site Access ...................................... -........ .......a.2, 13.2 SiteCleanliness......................................................6.17 Site, Visits to -- by ENGINEER .......................................... 9.2, 13.2 byothers..........................................................13.2 "special causes of loss" policy form, insurance ......................... .............$,6.2 definition of. ............................. ...................... 1.36 Specifications— defination of .................................................... ).36 of Technical Societies, reference t9...................3.3.1 precedence......................................................3.3.3 Standards and Specifications of Technical Societies .............................•......... 3.3 Starting Construction, Bcforq.............. ................ 2.5-2.8 Starting the Work.....................................................2A Stop or Suspend Work -- by CONTRACTOR...........................................15.5 by OWNER ......................... I ...... ..... 8,8, 13.10, 15.1 Storage of materials and equipment• .................... 4.l, 7.2 Structural Loading, Safety........................................6.18 Subcontractor-- Concerning ............................................... 6.8-6.11 definition of.....................................................1.37 delays.............................................................12.3 waiver of rights................................................6.11 Subcontractors --in general.. ............................... 6.8-6.11 Subcontracts --required provisions, .,,,,...5.11, 6.11, 11.4.3 Subm ittals— Applications for Payment.................................14.2 Maintenance and Operation Manuals„.............14.12 Procedures.......................... ............6.25 Progress Schedules.. .... _ .............................. 2.6. 2.9 Samples...................................................6.24-6.28 Schedule of Values ................ ,•„2.6, ................ 14.1 Schedule of Shop Drawings and Samples Submissions......................................2.6, 2.8-2.9 Shop Drawings ........................................ ............ Substantial Completion -- certification of............................ 14.8-14.9 definition of__ ..........................._.... ............1.38 Substitute Construction Methods or Procedures •..-,,,,6.7.2 Substitutes and "Or Equal" Items ............................... 6.7 CONTRACTOR's Expense............................6.7.1-1 ENGTNEER's Evaluation6.7.3 " Or -Equal" ................................................... Substitute Construction Methods xiii EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COUX.NS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) Phase 1 Item No. Item Description Unit 2018 Contract Quantities 2018 Proposed Cost per Unit 2018 Contract Cost 202.01 Sawcutting 4 to 6" Lineal Foot 75.00 $2.00 $ 150.00 203.01 General Excavation Cubic Yard 40.00 $22.00 $ 880.00 203.02 Borrow Ton 40.00 $20.00 $ 800.00 207.01 Imported Topsoil Cubic Yard 75.00 $44.00 $ 3,300.00 208.01 Stormwater Protection - CDOT Gravel Bag (Rock Sock) Lineal Foot 1,000.00 $6.00 $ 6,000.00 208.02 Stormwater Protection - Recycled Rubber Filled Wattle Lineal Foot 1,000.00 $20.00 $ 20,000.00 208.03 Stormwater Protection - CDOT Gravel Bag Inlet Filter Each 1.00 $20.00 $ 20.00 208.04 SWMP Maintenance Log -14 Day Inspection Each 26.00 $100.00 $ 2,600.00 210.03 Adjust Manhole Each 10.00 $150.00 $ 1,500.00 210.04 Adjust Valve Box Each 10.00 $150.00 $ 1,500.00 212.01 Sod Square Foot 2D0.00 $2.50 $ 500.00 212.02 Landscape/Irrigation Labor Hour 50.00 $31.50 $ 1,575.00 304.01 Aggregate Base Course Ton 3,000.00 $31.50 $ 94,500.00 403.01 Asphalt Pavement Preservation Lineal Foot 1,500.00 $3.20 $ 4,800.00 403.02 Temporary Patching Ton 75.00 $175.00 $ 13,125.00 601.01 Exposed Sand Finish - Up Charge Square Foot 75.00 $2.60 $ 195.00 602.01 Reinforcing Steel Pound 1,000.00 $3.25 $ 3,250.00 602.02 Reinforcing Steel - Epoxy Coated Pound 1,000.00 $4.25 $ 4,250.00 604.01 Type R Inlet - Remove & Replace (5' Opening, 5' Max Depth, CDOT, M-604-12) Each 1.00 $2,655.00 $ 2,655.00 604.03 Type R Inlet - Reconstruct Inlet Deck (5' Opening, CDOT, M-604-12) Each 1.00 $1,055.00 $ 1,055.00 604.05 Type R Inlet - Material Only (CDOT, M-604-12) Each 1.00 $525.00 $ 525.00 604.06 Area Inlet - Remove & Replace (5' Max Depth, Detail D-9A) Each 1.00 $905.00 $ 905.00 604.08 Area Inlet - Reconstruct Inlet Deck (4' Opening, Detail D-9A) Each 1.00 $212.00 $ 212.00 604.10 Area Inlet - Materials Only (Detail D-9A) Each 1.00 $420.00 $ 420.00 604.11 Catch Basin - Remove & Replace (5' Max Depth, Detail 13B) Each 1.00 $1,065.00 $ 1,065.00 604.13 Catch Basin- Reconstruct Inlet Deck (Detail 13B) Each 1.00 $845.00 $ 845.00 604.15 Catch Basin - Material Only (Detail 13B) Each 1.00 $475.00 $ 475.00 604.16 Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet- Remove & Replace (5' Max Depth, Detail 13A) Each 1.00 $1,070.00 $ 1,070.00 604.18 Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet - Reconstruct Inlet Deck (Detail 13A) Each 1.00 $635.00 $ 635.00 604.20 Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet - Materials Only (Detail 13A) Each 1.00 $735.00 $ 735.00 604.21 Concrete Sidewalk Culvert - Remove & Replace (Details D-12, D-13) Each 1.00 $1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 604.22 Metal Sidewalk Culvert- Salvaged Material (Details D-10, D-11) Each 5.00 $1,015.00 $ 5,075.00 604.23 Metal Sidewalk Culvert- Material Only (Details D-10, D-11) Each 5.00 $1,265.00 $ 6,325.00 604.24 Metal Sidewalk Culvert - Additional 5/9" Plate (Details D-10, D-11) Square Foot 10.00 $135.00 $ 1,350.00 608.01 Remove Concrete Square Foot 750.00 $2.10 $ 1,575.00 608.02 Remove and Haul Fillet Each 2.00 $21.00 $ 42.00 608.03 Apron 8" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 15,000.00 $9.85 $ 147,750.00 608.04 Crosspan 8"- Remove & Replace Square Foot 5,000.00 $9.90 $ 49,500.00 608.05 Driveover Curb, Gutter & 6" Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Detail D-6) Lineal Foot 6,500.00 $48.35 $ 314,275.00 608.06 Driveover Curb, Gutter, No Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Drawing 702) Lineal Foot 200.00 $27.75 $ 5,550.00 608.07 Vertical Curb, Gutter and 6" Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Drawing FC1602) Lineal Foot 250.00 $51.00 $ 12,750.00 608.08 Vertical Curb, Gutter, No Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Drawing 701) Lineal Foot 750.00 $33.00 $ 24,750.00 608.09 Vertical Outfall Curb, Gutter - Remove & Replace (Drawing FC703) Lineal Foot 100.00 $26.75 $ 2,675.00 608.10 Barrier Curb 12" - Remove & Replace (Drawing FC703) Lineal Foot 25.00 $17.00 $ 425.00 608.11 Hollywood Curb, Gutter and 6" Sidewalk - Remove & Replace (Detail 0-6) Lineal Foot 4,100.00 $45.00 $ 184,500.00 608.12 Hollywood Curb, Gutter, No Sidewalk - Remove & Replace Lineal Foot 300.00 $25.50 $ 7,650.00 608.13 Highback Curb, Gutter, No Sidewalk - Remove & Replace Lineal Foot 100.00 $41.00 $ 4,100.00 608.14 Pedestrian Access Ramp - Remove & Replace Square Foot 13,500.00 $9.85 $ 132,975.00 608.15 Pedestrian Access Ramp Highback Curb - Remove & Replace Square Foot 3,000.00 $10.27 $ 30,600.00 608.16 Truncated Dome Panel Square Foot 3,500.00 $38.00 $ 133,000.00 608.17 Flatwork 4" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 4,000.00 $6.15 $ 24,600.00 608.18 Flatwork 6" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 5,000.00 $7.25 $ 36,250.00 608.19 Replace Flatwork -1" Additional Depth Square Foot 100.00 $1.05 $ 105.00 60&20 Colored Concrete 4" San Diego Buff - Up Charge Square Foot 10.00 $2.10 $ 21.00 608.21 4' Valley Pan 6" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 10.00 $6.25 $ 62.50 608.22 Concrete Pavement 8" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 100.00 $12.50 $ 1,250.D0 608.23 Alley Approach 8" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 5,300.00 $9.85 $ 52,205.00 608.24 Expansion (1/2 to 3/4 inch thickness) Lineal Foot 5,300.00 $2.65 $ 14,045.00 608.25 Splashblock 4" - Remove & Replace Square Foot 10.00 $6.95 $ 69.50 608.26 Exposed Aggregate 4"- Up Charge Square Foot 10.00 $2.10 $ 21.00 608.27 Reset Flagstone Square Foot 25.00 $2.10 $ 52.50 608.28 Haul & Dispose Concrete with Wire/Rebar Ton 2,S00.00 $26.25 $ 65,625.00 608.30 Add Domes to Existing Ramp - Remove and Replace Square Foot 2,800.00 $40.00 $ 112,000.00 608.31 Add Domes to Existing Ramp - Dryset Placement Square Foot 100.00 $32.00 $ 3,200.00 608.32 Barrier Curb 6" Wide, Doweled (Drawing FC703) Lineal Foot 10.00 $16.50 $ 165.00 608.33 Concrete Pavement Joint Sealing Lineal Foot 10.00 $3.75 $ 37.50 623.01 Irrigation Sleevie, three (3) inch PVC Lineal Foot 40.00 $2.10 $ 84.00 623.02 Irrigation Sleevie, four (4) inch PVC Lineal Foot 40.00 $3.15 $ 126.00 630.20 Traffic Control Percentage 1.00 12% $ 185,511.36 630.30 Variable Message Board Per Each Per Day 20.00 $65.00 $ 1,300.00 630.40 Flagging Hour 4,000.00 1 $25.25 1 $ 101,000.00 Article or Paragraph Number or Procedures.............................................6.7.2 Substitute Items............................................6.7.1,2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions -- Drawings of, in or relatbg to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ENGINEER's Review ...................................... 4.2.4 general..............................................................4.2 Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized.................................................4.2.2 Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions ......................................... 4.2.3 Physical Conditions....................................... Possible Contract Doemnents Change ............... 4,2.5 Possible Price andTimes Adjustments,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.2.6 Reports and Drawings ..................................... 4.2.1 Subsurfaceand, ................................................... 4.2 Subsurface Conditions at the Shot...................4.2,1,1 Technical Data,, .......... ___ ............ _ .............. 4.2.2 Supervision— CONTRACTOR's responsibility .......................... (.1 OWNER shall not supervise................................8.9 ENGINEER shall not supervisq................ 9.2, 9.13.2 Superintendence.......................................................0.2 Superintendent, CONTRACTOR s resident...............0.2 Supplemental costs..............................................11.4.5 Supplementary Conditions-- definition of.....................................................1.39 principal references tq............... .1.10, 1.18, 2.2, 2,7, .......................4.2, 4.3, 5.1. 5.3. 5.4. 5.6-5.9. ................. .11.6.8,6.13,, Supplementing Contract Document*..........................3.6 Supplier -- definitionof...................................................._1.40 principal references tq........... , 6.5, 6.8 6.11, 6,20, ..........................................6.24, 9.13, 14.12 Waiver of Rights..... ..........................................6.11 Surety -- consent to final payment. ... ................... 34.12,14.14 ENGINEER has no duty to................................9.13 Notification of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............. ...10.1, 10.5, 15.2 qualification of .... ......................................... 5.1-5.3 Survival of Obligations ............................................ .34 Suspend Work, OWNER May.. .................... J3.10, 15.1 Suspension of Work and Termination-,......................15 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate . .............................. ............... 15,5 OWNER May Suspend Work.............................15.1 OWNER May Terminate.............................15.2-15.4 Taxes --Payment by CONTRACTOR ........................ 6.15 Technical Data -- Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR................4.2.2 Possible Price and Times Adjustments .............. 4.2.6 Reports of Differing Subsurface and Physical Conditions,... . ............................... 4.2.3 xiv Temporary construction facilities ............................. 4.1 Article or Paragraph Number Term ination-- by CONTRACTOR...........................................15.5 by OWNER.........................................8.8. of ENGINEER's employment..... .......................... $1 Suspension of Work-in general,,,,,,,. .............15 Terms and Adjectives ............................... ...3.4 Tests and Inspections -- Access to the Work, by others ...........................13.2 CONTRACTOR's responsibilities .......... ........ ....13.5 cost of 13.4 covering Work prior to..............................13.6-13.7 Laws and Regulations(or) ............................_.. 13.5 Notice of Defects..............................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13.1 OWNER May Stop Work.................................13.10 OWNER's independent testing ..........................13.4 special, required by ENO EER..........................9.6 timely notice required ......................................13.4 Uncovering the Work, at ENGINEfiR's request................................................13.8-13 9 Times -- Adjusting. .................................................. . .......0.6 Change of Contract.............................................12 Computation of................................................17.2 Contract Tithes --definition of ...........................).12 day.........................................................17.2.2 Mrlestones..........................................................12 Requirements-- appeals..................................................9.10. 16 clarifications, claims and disputes ................. 9,11, 11.2, 12 Commencement of Contract Time* ................2.3 Preconstruction Confereneq ..........................2.8 schedules ............................. .........2.6, 2.9, 6.6 Starting the Work.........................................2.4 Title. Warranty of...................................................14.3 Uncovering Work ...................... ...................... 13.8-13.9 Underground Facilities, Physical Conditions -- definition of....................................................1.41 Not Shown or Indicated,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. 4.3.2 protection of 4.3, 6.20 Shown or Indicated..........................................4.3.1 Unit Price Work— claims.........................................................11.9.3 definition of .................................................... J.42 general 11,9, 14.1, 14.5 Unit Prices-- general11.3.1 Determination for.............................................9.10 Use of Premises................................6.16. 6.18. 630.2.4 Utility owners.............................0.13, 6.20. 7.1-7.3, 13.2 Utilization, Partial... ................ ).28,5,15, 6,30,2,4, 14.10 Value of the Work .............................................._ A 1.3 Values, Schedule of_ ................. .......... 7.6,2.8-2.9, 14.1 EXMC GENERAL COMMONS 1910-9 (1990 EDMOM wl CITY OF FORT COUJNS MODIFICATIONS 0TV 91") Variations in Work --Minor Authorize......................................... .25. 6.27, 9.5 Article or Paragraph Number Visits to Site --by ENGINEER ................................... 9.2 Waiver of Claims --on Final Payment ......................14.15 Waiver of Rights by insured parties..................5.11, 6.11 Warranty and Guarantee, General --by CONTRACTOR................................................0.30 Warranty of Title, CONTRACTORS ....................... J4.3 Work -- Accessto..........................................................13.2 byothers............................................................... 7 Changes in the.....................................................10 Continuing the..................................................0.29 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate...............................................15.5 Coordination of..................................................7.4 Cost of the >............................................11.4-11.5 definition of......................................................1.43 neglected by CONTRACTOR...........................13.14 otherWork........................................................... 7 OWNER May Step Work.................................13.10 OWNER May Suspend Work...................)3.10, 15.1 Related, Work at Sitz....................................7.1-7.3 Starting the........................................................2.4 Stopping by CONTRACTOR.............................15.5 Stopping by OWNER.................................15.1-15A Variation and deviation authorized, minor ........... 3A Work Change Directive — claims pursuant to.............................................10.2 definition of......................................................1.44 principal references tq......................3.5.3. 10.1-10.2 Written Amendment -- definition of......................................................1.45 principal references tq..............1.10, 3.5, 5.10,15.12, .........................042, 6.8.2, 6.19, 10.1, 10.4, ,,,,,,,,""**, '*,,,,11.2, 12.1, 13.12.2, 14,7.2 d. Written Clarifications and Interpretations...................................3.6.3, 9.4, 9.11 Written Notice Required -- byCONTRACTOR............................1.1, 9.10-9.11, ................................... 10.4, 11.2, 12.1 by OWNER ..................... 9.10-9.11, 10.4, 11.2, 13.14 xv EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-9 (1990 EDITION) wl CITY OF FORT COI.UNS MODIFICATIONS XV 9199) (This page left blank intentionally) ni EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.9 (1990 EDITION) w/ aTY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1—DEM, ITIONS Wherever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Documents the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: 1.1. Addenda —Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct or change the Bidding Requirements or the Contract Documents. 1.2. Agreement —The written contract between OWNER and CONTRACTOR covering the Work to be performed, other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made a part thereof as provided therein. 1.3. Application for Pa)yrtent--The form accepted by ENGINEER which is to be used by CONTRACTOR in requesting progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 1.4. Asbestos --Any material that contains more than one percent asbestos and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibers into the air above current action levels established by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration. I.S. Bid -The offer or proposal of the bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed 1.6. Bidding Documents —The advertisement or invitation to Bid, instructions to bidders, the Bid for and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 1.7. Bidding Requirements --The advertisement or invitation to Bid, instructions to bidders, and the Bid form. I.S. Bonds —Performance and Payment bonds and other instruments of security. 1.9. Change Order —A document recommended by ENGINEER which is signed by CONTRACTOR and OWNER and authorizes an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 1.10, Contract Documents —The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to the Contract Documents), CONTRACTOR's Bid (including documentation accompanying the Bid and any post Bid documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement the Notice to Proceed, the Bonds, these General Conditions, the Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications and the Drawings as the EICDC GENERAL CONDITION5191 M (1990 Eagan) uv CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS ('REV 41L000) same are more specifically identified in the Agreement, together with all Written Amendments, Change Orders, Work Change Directives, Field Orders and ENGINBER's written interpretations and clarifications issued pursuant to paragraphs 3.5, 3.6.1 and 3.6.3 on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. Shop Drawing submittals approved pursuant to paragraphs 6.26 and 6.27 and the reports and drawings referred to in paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4 2.2 are not Contract Documents, 1.11. Contract Price —The moneys payable by OWNER to CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11.9.1 in the case of Unit Price Work). 1.12. Contract Times —The numbers of days or the dates stated in the Agreement: (i) to achieve Substantial Completion, and (ii) to complete the Work so that it is ready for final payment as evidenced by ENGINEER's written recommendation of final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13. 1.13. CONTRACTOR --The person, firm or corporation with whom OWNER has entered into the Agreement. 1.14. defective —An adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient in that it does not conform to the Contract Documents, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, reference standard test or approval referred to in the Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to ENGINEER's recommendation of final payment (unless responsibility for the protection thereof has been assumed by OWNER at Substantial Completion in accordance with paragraph 14.8 or 14.10), I.15. Drawings --The drawings which show the scope, extent and character of the Work to be furnished and performed by CONTRACTOR and which have been prepared or approved by ENGINEER and are referred to in the Contract Documents. Shop drawings are not Drawings as so defined. I.16. Effective Date of the Agreement —The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. LIT ENGINEER —The person, firm or corporation named as such in the Agreement. 1.18. ENGINEER's Consukant--A person, firm or corporation having a contract with ENGINEER to furnish services as ENGR MER's independent professional associate or consultant with respect to the Project and who is identified as such in the Supplementary Conditions. 1.19. Field Ogler —A written order issued by ENGINEER which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 9.5 but which does not involve a change in the Contract price or the Contract Times. 1.20. General Requirements —Sections of Division 1 of the Specifications. 1.21. Hazardous Waste —The term Hazardous Waste shall have the meaning provided in Section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC Section 6903) as amended from time to time. 1.22.a. Laws and Regulations, Laxs or Regulations --Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, cocks and orders of any and all governmental bodies, agencies, authorities and courts having jurisdiction 1 21b. Legal Holidays --shall be those holidays observed by the City of Fort Collins 1.23. Liens --Liens, charges, security interests or encumbrances upon real property or personal property. 1.24, 14itestone-A principal event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1.25. Notice of award —A written notice by OWNER to the apparent successful bidder stating that upon compliance by the apparent successful bidder with the conditions precedent enumerated therein, within the time specified, OWNER will sign and deliver the Agreement. 1.26. Notice to Proceed —A written notice given by OWNER to CONTRACTOR (with a copy to ENGINEER) fixing the date on which the Contract Times will commence to run and on which CONTRACTOR shall start to perform CONTRACTOR'S obligations under the Contract Documents 1.27. OWAIER—The public body or authority, corporation, association, firm or person with whom CONTRACTOR has entered into die Agreement and for whom the Work is to be provided 1.28. Partial Utilization—Usc by OWNER of a substantially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which it is intended (or a related purpose) prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1.29. PCBs —Polychlorinated biphenyls. 1.30. Petroleum --Petroleum, including crude oil or any &action thereof which is liquid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute), such as oil, petroleum, fuel oil, oil sludge, oil refuse, gasoline, kerosene and oil mixed with other non -Hazardous Wastes and crude oils. 1.31. Project —The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole, or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 1.32.a. Radioactive A4aterial—Source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of EJCUC 0EINTIU1 CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 Mon) W/ CITY OF FORT COIAANS MODIFICATIONS (REV 42000) 1954 (42 USC Section 2011 et seq.) as amended from time to time. 1.32.b. Regular Woriing Hours —Regular working hours are defined as 7:00am to 6:00W unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements. 1.33. Resident Project Representadw—The authorized representative of ENGINEER who may be assigned to the site or any part thereof. 1.34. Samples —Physical examples of materials, equipment, or workmanship that are representative of some portion of the Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be judged 1.35. Shop Drawings All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data or information which are specifically prepared or assembled by or for CONTRACTOR and submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrate some portion of the Work. 1.36. Specifrcations—Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. 1.37. Subcontractor --An individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. 1.38. Substwifial Completion --The Work (or a specified part thereof) has prooggrressed to the point where, in the opinion of ENGI EER as evidenced by ENGINEER's definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is sufltciently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so that the Work (or specified part) can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended, or if no such certificate is issued, when the Work is complete and ready for final payment as evidenced by ENGINEER's written recommendation of final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13. The terns "substantially complete" and "substantially completed" as applied to all or part of the Work refer to Substantial Completion thereof. 1.39. Supplementary Conditions —The part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. 1.40. Supplier —A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman or vendor having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor. 1.41. Underground Facilities —All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities which have been installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials: electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal, traffic or other control systems or water. 1.42. Unit Price iiork—Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. 1.43. Bork --The entire completes) construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing or furnishing labor and furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the constriction, and performing or furnishing services and furnishing duwments, all as required by the Contract Documents. 1.44. fflwk Change Directive —A written directive to CONTRACTOR, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and signed by OWNER and recommended by ENGINEER, ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen physical conditions under which the Work is to be performed as provided in paragraph 4.2 or 4.3 or to emergencies under paragrapl16.23. A Work Change Directive will not change the Contract Price or the Contract Times, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Times as provided in paragraph 10.2. 1.45. Written Anwnthnent—A written amendment of the Contract Documents, signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and normally dealing with the nonengineering or nontechnical rather than strictly constmction-related aspects of the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 2—PRELIMINARY MATTERS De@very of Bondy: 2.1. When CONTRACTOR delivers the executed Agreements to OWNER CONTRACTOR shall also deliver to OWNER such Bonds as CONTRACTOR may be required to furnish in accordance with paragraph 5.1. Copies ofDoeuments. 2.2. OWNER shall furnish to CONTRACTOR up to ten copies (unless otherwise specified in the Supplementary Conditions) of the Contract Documents as are reasonably necessary for the execution of the Work. Additional copies will be funvshed, upon request, at the cost of reproduction. Comnrencenrent of Contract Times; Notice to Proceed• 2.3. The Contract Times will commence to run on the thirtieth day after the Effective Date of the Agreement, or, E1CDC GENERAL. COND[TIOM 1910-3 QM Edtian) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICAnoxS (REV 42000) if a Notice to proceed is given, on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time ltithin thirty days after the Effective Date of the Agreement r :rr .m e Costraot Timag sonmrmetlse t day- q -the' day c� Ehe-t�rcent�E; phi®Irever-date is earlier: Starting the Work: 2.4. CONTRACTOR shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Contract Times commence to tun, but no Work shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract Times commence to run Before Starting Construction: 2.5. Before undertaking each part of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. CONTRACTOR shall promptly report in writing to ENGINEER any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy which CONTRACTOR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding with any Work affected thereby, however, CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for failure to report any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, unless CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should have known thereof. 2.6. Within ten days after the Effective Date of the Agreement (unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements). CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review: 2.6.1. a preliminary progress schedule indicating the times (numbers of days or dates) for starting and completing the various stapes of the Work, including any Milestones specified in the Contract Documents; 2.6.2. a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submittals which will list each required submittal and the times for submitting, reviewing and processing such submittal, In no case will a schedule be aeceMble which allows less than 21 calendar da):s for each review by_En ig neer. 2.6.3. A preliminary schedule of values for all of the Work which will include quantities and prices of items aggregating the Contract Price and will subdivide the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction Such prices will include an appropriate amount of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work. 2.7. Before any Work at the site is started, CONTRACTOR and -OWNER shall each deliver to the ether OWNER, with copies to ideRt&d in the Supplemen", Gen" ENGINEER, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance reasoria re ested by OWNER) which CONTRACTOspeetively are is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with Paragraphs 5A, 5..€rand 5. . Preeonstruction Conference: 2.8. Within twenty days after the Contract Times start to ruq but before any Work at the site is started a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER and others as appropriate will be held to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work and to discuss the schedules referred to in paragraph 2.6, procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals processing Applications for Payment and maintaining required records. Initially Acceptable Schedules: 2.9. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents Application -fvr-Payment before any work at the site be -gins a conference attended by CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER and others as appropriate designated by Q N-ER, will be held to review For acceptability to ENGINEER as provided below the schedules submitted in accordance with paragraph2.6. and Division l - General Reguirements. CONTRACTOR shall have an additional ten days to make corrections and adjustments and to complete and resubmit the schedules. No progress payment shall be made to CONTRACTOR until the schedules are submitted to and acceptable to F,NGINF.ER as provided below. The progress schedule will be acceptable to ENGINEER as providing an orderly progression of the Work to completion within any specified Milestones and the Contract Times, but such acceptance will neither impose on ENGINEER responsibility for the sequcncin scheduling or progress of the Work nor interfere with or relieve CONTRACTOR from CONTRACTOR's full responsibility therefor. CONTRACTOR's schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions will be acceptable to ENGINEER as providing a workable arrangement for reviewing and processing the required submittals CONTRACTOR's schedule of values will be acceptable to ENGINEER as to form and substance. ARTICLE 3—CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE Intent: 3.1. The Contract Documents comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. The Contract Documents will be construed in accordance with the law of the place of the project. 3.2. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to EKDC GENERAL, CONDITIONS 1910-8 (19" Echtim) w! CiTY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4I2000) describe a functionally complete Project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any Work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as being required to produce the intended result will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for. When words or phrases which have a well-known technical or construction industry or trade meaning are used to describe Work, materials or equipment, such words or phrases shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by ENGINEER as provided in paragraph 9.4. 3.3. Reference to &andards and Specifications of Technical Societies; Reporting and Re-whing Discrepancies: 3.3.1. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the Laws or Regulations of any governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard, specification, manual, code or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids (or, on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Rids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. 3.3.2. It; during the performance of the Work, CONTRACTOR discovers arty conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and any provision of any such Law or Regulation applicable to the performance of the Work or of any such standard, specification, manual or code or of any instruction of any Supplier referred to in paragraph 6.5, CONTRACTOR shall report it to ENGINEER in writing at once, arid, CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby (except in an emergency as authorized by paragraph 6.23) until an amendment or supplement to the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in Paragraph 3.5 or 3.6; provided, however, that CONTRACTOR shall net be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for failure to report any such conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy unless CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should have known thereof. 3.3.3. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents or as may be provided by amendment or supplement thereto issued by one of the methods indicated in paragraph 3.5 or 3.6, the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and:, the provisions of any such standard, specification, manual, code or instruction (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents); or the provisions of any such laws or Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work (unless such an interpretation of the provisions of the Contract Documents would result in violation of such Law or Regulation). No provision of any such standard, specification, manual, code or instruction shall be effective to change the duties and responsibilities of OWNER, CONTRACTOR or ENGINEER or any of their subcontractors, consultants, agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents, nor shall it be effective to assign to OWNER, ENGINEER or any of ENGINEER'S Consultants, agents or employees any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of paragraph 9.13 or any other provision of the Contract Documents. 3.4. Whenever in the Contract Documents the terms "as ordered", "as directed", "as required", "as allowed", "as approved" or terms of like effect or impart are used, or the adjectives "reasonable", "suitable", "acceptable", "proper" or "satisfactory" or adjectives of like effect or import are used to describe a requirement, direction, review or judgment of ENGINEER as to the Work, it is intended that sued requirement, direction, review or judgment will be solely to evaluate, in general, the completed Work for compliance with the requirements of and information in the Contract Documents and conformance with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as shown or indicated in the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). The use of any such term or adjective shall not be effective to assign to ENGINEER any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of paragraph 9.13 or any other provision of the Contract Documents. Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents: 3.5. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the following ways: 3.5.1. a formal Written Amendment, 3.5.2. a Change Order (pursuant to paragraph 10.4), or EJCDC GENERAL CONLHT1om i 9 i o-s (1990 Editim) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REIN 4R000) 3.5.3. a Work Change Directive (pursuant to paragraph 10.1). 3.6. In addition, the requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work may be authorized, in one or more of the following ways: 3.6.1. A Field Order (pursuant to paragraph 9.5), 3.6.2. ENGINEER's approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample (pursuant to paragraphs 6.26 and 6 27), or 3.6.3. ENGINEER's written interpretation or clarification (pursuant u) paragraph 9.4). Reuse of Documents: 3.7. CONTRACTOR, and any Subcontractor or Supplier or other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with OWNER (i) shall not have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of ENGINEER or ENGINF,ER's Consultant, and (ii) shall not reuse any of such Drawings, Specifications, other documents or copies on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of OWNER and ENGINEER and specific written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER ARTICLE 4--AVAILABILITY OF L.AN))S; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS Availability ofLandr: 4.1. OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights -of -way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands which arc designated for the use of CONTRACTOR OWNER— AA, : ' -a--vurreet seeordeaoa—with--applieahia—Lews--and--Itegulat OWNER shall identify any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of lands so furnished with which CONTRACTOR will have to comply in performing the Work. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by OWNER unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR and OWNER are unable to agree on entitlement to or the amount or extent of any adjustments in the Contract Price or the Contract Times as a result of any delay in OWNTER's furnishing these lands, rights -of - way or easements, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. CONTRACTOR shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.2. Subsurface and Physical Conditions: 4.11. Reports and Drawings: Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of 4.2. L L Subsurface Conditions: Those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents; and Physical Conditions: Those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents. 4.2.2. Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized- Teetulical Data: CONTRACTOR may rely upon the general accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Except for such reliance on such "technical data", CONTRACTOR may not rely upon or make any claim against OWNER, ENGINEER or any of ENGINEER's Consultants with respect to: 4.22.1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for CONTRACTORS purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by CONTRACTOR and safety precautions and programs incident thereto, er other data, interpretations, opinions and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings, or any CONTRACTOR interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any such data, interpretations, opinions or information. 4.2.3. Notice of Differing Subsutface or Physical Conditions: If CONTRACTOR believes that any subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site that is uncovered or revealed either: is of such a nature as to establish that any "technical data" on which CONTRACTOR is entitled to rely as provided in paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.22 is materially inaccurate, or is of such a nature as to require a change in the Contract Doctuments, or differs materially from that shown or EXVC OENSLe CONDMONS 1919-3 (1990 Edition) w/ CITY OF FORT COLUNS MODIFICATIONS (REV 42000) indicated in the Contract Documents, or 423.4 is of an unusual nature, and differs materially from conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents; then CONTRACTOR shall, promptly immediately after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as permitted by paragraph 6.23), notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing abut such condition. CONTRACTOR shall not further disturb such conditions or perform any Work in connection therewith (except as aforesaid) until receipt of written order to do so. 42.4. ENGINEER's Review: ENGINEER will promptly review the pertinent conditions, determine the necessity of OWNER's obtaining additional exTloration or tests with respect thereto and advise OWNER in writing (with a copy to CONTRACTOR) of ENGINEER's findings and conclusions. 4.2.5. Possible Contract Doctmrents Change: If ENGINEER concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required as a result of a condition that meets one or more of the categories in paragraph 4.2.3, a Work Change Directive or a Change Order will be issued as provided in Article 10 to reflect and document the consequences of such change. 4.2.6. Possible Price and Times A4ushwnts: An equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or in the Contract Times, or both, will be allowed to the extent that the existence of such uncovered or revealed condition causes an increase or decrease in CONTRACTOR's cost of, or time required for performance of, the Work; subject, however, to the following: such condition must meet any one or more of the categories described in paragraphs through 4.23.4, inclusive; a change in the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraph 4.2.5 will not be an automatic authorization of nor a condition precedent to entitlement to any such adjustment; with respect to Work that is paid for on a Unit Price Basis, any adjustment in Contract Price will be subject to the provisions of paragraphs 9.10 and 11.9; and CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price or Times if; 4 2.6.4,1. CONTRACTOR knew of the existence of such conditions at the time CONTRACTOR made a final commitment to OWNER in respect of Contract Price and Contract Times by the submission of a bid or becoming bound under a negotiated contract; or the existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered or revealed as a result of any examination, investigation, exploration, test or study of the site and contiguous areas required by the Bidding Requirements or Contract Documents to be conducted by or for CONTRACTOR prior to CONTRACTOR's making such final commitment; or CONTRACTOR failed to give the written notice within the time and as required by paragraph 4.2.3. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on entitlement to or as to the amount or length of any such equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. However, OWNER. I2NGINE1-,R and ENGINEER's Consultants shall not be liable to CONTRACTOR for any claims, costs, losses or damages sustained by CONTRACTOR on or in connection with any other project or anticipated project. 4.3. Physical Conditions -Underground Facilities: 4.3.1. Shown orindieated• The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to OWNER or ENGINEER by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: OWNER and ENGLKEER shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and The cost of all of the following will be included in the Contract Price and CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility for: (n) reviewing and checking all such information and data, (ii) locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents,(iii) coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during construction, and (iv) the safety and protection of all such Underground Facilities as provided in paragraph 6.20 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. 4.3.2. Not Shown or IndicatedIf an Underground Facility is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall, promptly immediately after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by paragraph 623), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 191M (1990 Eddion) w/CITY OF FORTCOLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) give written notice to that owner and to OWNER and ENGINEER ENGINEER will promptly review the Underground Facility and determine the extent, if any, to which a change is required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence of the Underground Facility. If ENGINEER concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required, a Work Change Directive or a Change Order will be issued as provided in Article 10 to reflect and document such consequences. During such time, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the safety and protection of such Underground Facility as provided in ragraph 6.20. CONTRACTOR & all may be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both, to the extent that they are attributable to the existence of any Underground Facility that was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents and that CONTRACTOR did not know of and could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of or to have anticipated If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on entitlement to or the amount or length of any such adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Tunes, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. However, OWNER, ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants shall not be liable to CONTRACTOR for any claims, costs, losses or damages incurred or sustained by CONTRACTOR on or in connection with any other project or anticipated project. Reference Points• 4.4. OWNER shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction which in ENGINEER's judgment are necessary to enable CONTRACTOR to proceed with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for laying out the Work, shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall report to ENGINEER whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of nccessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such reference points by professionally qualified Personnel. 4.5. Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, 11az rdous Waste or Radioactive 3laterial: 4.5.1. OWNER shall be responsible for any Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work and which may present a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto in connection with the Work at the site. 0WNER shall not be responsible for any such materials brought to the site by CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, Suppliers of anyone else fo whom CONTRACTOR is responsible. 630.50 Advance Warning Arrow Board Per Each Per Day 50.00 $35.00 $ 1,750.00 630.60 ART -Small Area Up -Charge $0 to $1000 Lump Sum/Per Area 1.00 $100.00 $ 100.00 630.61 ART- Small Area Up -Charge $1001 to $5000 Lump Sum/Per Area 1.00 $100.00 $ 100.00 630.62 ART- Small Area Up -Charge $5001 to $10000 Lump Sum/Per Area 1.00 $100.00 $ 100.00 630.63 ART - Small Area Up -Charge $10001-$15000 Lump Sum/Per Area 1.00 $100,00 $ 100.00 630.64 RES/COL - Small Area Up -Charge $0 to $1000 Lump Sum/Per Area 1.00 $100.00 $ 100.00 630.65 RES/COL- Small Area Up -Charge $1001 to $5000 Lump Sum/Per Area 1.00 $100.00 $ 100.00 630.66 RES/COL -Small Area Up -Charge $5001 to $10000 lump Sum/Per Area 1.00 $100.00 $ 100.00 630.67 RES/COL- Small Area Up -Charge $10001-$15000 Lump Sum/Per Area 1.00 1 $100.00 $ 100.00 Contract Total $ 1,836,289.36 ARTICLE 5--BONDS AND INSURANCE Performance, Payment and Other Ban A, 5.1. CONTRACTOR shall famish performance and Payment Bonds, each in an amount at least equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and payment of all CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. These Bonds shall remain in effect at least until one year after the date when final payment becomes due, except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations or by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall also furnish such other Bonds as are required by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations and shall be executed by such sureties as are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staft Bureau of Government Financial Operations, U.S. Treasury Department. All Bands signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agent's authority to act. 5.2. If the surety on any Bond famished by CONTRACTOR is declared a bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located or it ceases to meet the requirements of paragraph 5.1, CONTRACTOR shall within ten days thereafter substitute another Bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to OWNER. 5.3. Licensed Sureties and Insurers; Certifecates of Insurance: 5.3.1. All Bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents to be purchased and maintained by OWNER or CONTRACTOR shall be obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located to issue Bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required Such surety and insurance compames shall also meet such additional requirements and qualifications as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 5.3.2. CONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNER. with copies to each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by OWNER or any other additional irulued) which CONTRACTOR is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with paragraph 5.4. AVa4ER-4mll ,qt •,w��nT*sssn�tr-rsfnrs� , EJCDC OENBUI. COMMONS 1910-8 (1994 Edition) wJ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) CONTR4CTOR's Liability Insurance: 5.4. CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain such liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from CONTRACTOR's performance and furushing of the Work and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed or furnished by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly, employed by any of them to perform or famish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: 5.4.1. claims under workers' compensation, disability benefits and other similar employee benefit acts; 5.4.2. claims for damages because of bodily, injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of CONTRACTOR's employees; 5.4.3. claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than CON'TRACTOR's employees; patnJuty-lsalrility-eoversgc�vhielrart-sustained: i.irestly related to the ermpley ant-kudrperse-lay t3 by -an eFher-Feaier� 5.4.5. claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury, to or destruction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resulting therefrom; and 5.4.6. clavns for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. The policies of insurance so required by this paragraph 5 4 to be purchased and maintained shall: 5.43. with respect to insurance required by paragraphs 5.4.3 through 5.4.6 inclusive and 5.4.9, include as additional insureds (subject to any customary exclusion in respect of professional liability), OWNER, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultants and any other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions, all of whom shall be listed as additional insureds, and include coverage for the respective officers and employees of all such additional insureds; 5.4.5. include the specific coverages and be written for not less than the limits of liability provided in the Supplementary Conditions or required by Laws or Regulations, whichever is greater; 5.4.9. include completed operations insurance; EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 191M (19K Edtiai) W CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4rMO) 5.4.10. include contractual liability insurance covering CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations under paragraphs 6.12, 6.16 and 6.31 through 6.33; 5.4.11. contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be cancelled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days prior written notice has been given to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and to each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been isuted (and the certificates of insurance furnished by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to paragraph 5.3.2 will so provide); 5.4,12. remain in effect at least until final payment and at all times thereafterwrlien CONTRACTOR may be correcting, removing or replacing d�(ective Work in accordance with paragraph 1112; and 5.4.13. with respect to completed operations insurance, and any insurance coverage written on a claims -made basis, remain in effect for at least two years after final payment (and CONTRACTOR shall famish OWNER and each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued evidence satisfactory to OWNER and any such additional insured of continuation of such insurance at final payment and one year thereafter). OWNER'sLiabiGty Insurance. 5.5. In addition to insurance required to be provided by CONTRACTOR under paragraph 5.4, OWNER, at OWNER's option, may purchase and maintain at OWNER's expense OWNER's own liability insurance as will protect OWNER against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract Documents. Property Insurance: S.r.6�:>rtless-otlix�vtse-pre�idnd-tn Nue-Supplementary prerperty frtsufffie uponAhe-Woik-ft Mesita -in theamewit S6i—atelud2—tom itiE�sts of 9W�R; Ita+vs-erxl-ar}y-0tkter-per�orns-er erntities-idanti€ted-err-thd �upplemaraary-6ens�iens, endshall-ba listzd es en-iristtred er-additional-irt5ured; s6� wr' 1-risk" err open -peril or-eciei onuses t damage -to -the Work—tempefety-buildings;-felsewerk and WeAi inife irEt of least the perils: —£ire, hghtiiiit. waeaded am" of Laws �i speei eellyrcquiredby the Su my Canditimis; • 4 1 _ •4 •i•I • 4 n• i • . Y • • n. 4 1 L 8 t'i _ II' ; n. I. 8 _ 5.9, OWNER shall not be responsible for purchasing and maintaining any property insurance to protect the interests of CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors or others is identified in dte &1=1481,y; Genditism. The risk -of eperry-insurancee t>orehasae .veme. EK'DCOENEM CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990Edition) to cal C [TY OF FORT COLLIM MODIFICATIONS (REV V2000) ojeeEo less or damage te Ow eemplete Rpart thereof &MiearnpaFt thereof by OWNM i,* perual utik�atien pu ant to pstt�a-p�agt�H-�4.8-er-e#ar-peyraant _ _ �� Y • . V C.2 h. �, •. •1•• M. oll _S. f. �•Y • . Receipt and Application of Insumce Proceeds: 5.12. Any insured loss under the policies of insurance required by paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 will be adjusted with OWNER and made payable to OWNER as fiduciary for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the requirements of any applicable mortgage clause and of paragraph 5.13. OWNER shall deposit in a separate account any money so received, and shall distribute it in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach If no other special agreement is reached the damaged Work shall be repaired or replaced, the moneys so received applied on account thereof and the Work and the cost thereof covered by an appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. 5.13. OWNER as fiduciary shall have power to adjust and settle any loss with the insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within fifteen days after the occurrence of loss to OWNER's exercise of this power. If such objection be made, OWNER as fiduciary shall make settlement with the insurers in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach If no such agreement among the parties in interest is reached, OWNER as fiduciary shall adjust and settle the loss with the insurers sue#r<laties. Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; Option to Replace: 5.14, If OWNER has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the Bm* er insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the `a CONTRACTOR in accordance with Article 5 on the ss of non-catforniance with the Contract Documents, the party ary OWNER will notify CONTRACTOR in writing within Ira fifteen days after reeeipt delivery of the certificates (er e a ideasa feque_q to OWNER as required by paragraph 2.7. the mpefft of ;he pony who %Vs req'4 Partial Utilization —Property Insurance: 5.15. If OWNER finds it necessary to occupy or use a portion or portions of the Work prior to Substantial ElcmaEN taComnomt9tosas9oE(itim) wJ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS ftN 42000) Completion of all the Work, such use or occupancy may be accomplished in accordance with paragraph 14.10; ovided that no such use or occupancy shall commence before the insurers providing the property insurance have acknowledged notice thereof and in writing effected any changes in coverage necessitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be cancelled or permitted to lapse on account of any such partial use or occupancy. ARTICLE 6—CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES Supenision and Superintendence: 6.1. CONTRACTOR shall supervise, inspect and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction, but CONTRACTOR shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or specification of a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. 6.2. CONTRACTOR shall keep on the Work at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be CONTRACTOR's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR. All communications to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to CONTRACTOR Labor, Materials and Equipment: 6.3. CONTRACTOR shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey, lay out and construct the Work as required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the site. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours and CONTRACTOR will not permit overtime work or the performance of Work on Saturday, Sunday or any legal holiday without OWNER's written consent given after prior written notice to ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR shall submit requests to the ENGINEER no less than 48 hours in advance of arty Work to be performed on Saturday, Sunday, Holidays or outside the Regular Working Hours. 11 6.4. Unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements, CONTRACTOR shall famish and assume M) responsibility for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the famishing, performance, testing, start-up and completion of the Work. 6.4.1. Purchasing Restrictions: CONTRACTOR must comply with the Ci 's Chas' restrictions. A con y of the resolutions are available or review in the offices of the Purchasing and Risk Management Division or the City Clerk's office. 6.4.2. Cement Restrictions: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-121 requires that suppliers and producers of cement or irroducts containing cement to certify tin the cement was not made in cement kilns that bum dous waste as a fue 6.5. All materials and equipment shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. All warranties and guarantees specifically called for by the Specifications shall expressly run to the benefit of OWNER. If required by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall fitmish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used cleaned and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Progress Schedule: 6.6. CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the progress schedule, established in accordance with paragraph2.9 as it may be adjusted from time to time as provided below: 6.6.1. CONTRACTOR shall submit to LNGINLER for acceptance (to the extent indicated in paragraph 2 9) proposed adjustments in the progress schedule that will not change the Contract Tunes (or Milestones). Such adjustments will conform generally to the progress schedule then in effect and additionally will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 6.6 Proposed adjustments in the progress schedule that will change the Contract Times (or Milestones) shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 12.1. Such adjustments may only be made by a Change Order or Written Atttendment in accordance with Article 12. 6.7. Substitutes and "Or-Equal"Items: 6.7.L VL'henever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the specification or description EKDC OEN aM COND1710M 1910-S (1990 E(9tim) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFI CATIONS (REV 4/7000) contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or "or -equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment or material or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by ENGINEER under the following circumstances: "Or -Equal". If in ENGINEER's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Rork will be required, it may be considered by ENGINEER as an "or -equal" item, in which case review and approval of the proposed item may, in ENGfNEER's sole discretion, be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for acceptance of proposed substitute items. Substitute Items If in LNGINEER's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR does not qualify as an "or -equal" item under subparagraph, it will be considered a proposed substitute item. CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information as provided below to allow ENGINEER to determine that the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and an acceptable substitute therefor. The procedure for review by the ENGINEER will include the following as supplemented in the General Requirements and as ENGINEER may decide is appropriate under the circumstances. Requests for review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not he accepted by ENGINEER from anyone other than CONTRACTOR If CONTRACTOR wishes to furnish or use a substitute item of material or equipment, CONTRACTOR shall first make written application to ENGINEER for acceptance thereof, certifying that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design, be similar in substance to that specified and be suited to the same use as that specified The application will state the extent, if any, to which the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute will prejudice CONTRACTOR's achievement of Substantial Completion on time, whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute and whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified will be identified in the application and available maintenance, repair and replacement service will be indicated. The application will also contain an itemized estimate of all cost-, or credits that will result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitutc, including casts of redesign and clauns of other contractors affected by the resulting change, all of which will be considered by ENGINEER in evaluating the pr sect substitute. ENGINEER may require CO RACTOR to furnish additional data about the proposed substitute. COAMUCTOR`s Expense: All data to be provided by CONTRACTOR in support of any proposed "or -equal" or substitute item will be at CONTRACTOR's expense. 6.7.2. Substitute Construction Medtods or Procedures If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction acceptable to ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information to allow ENGINEER in ENGINEERS sole discretion, to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that exTressly called for by the Contract Documents. The procedure for review by ENGINEER will be sim flat to that provided in subparagraph 6.7.3. Engineer's Evaluation: ENGINEER will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuant to paragraphs and 6.7.2. ENGINEER will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "or -equal" or substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized without ENGINEERS prior written acceptance which will be evidenced by either a Change Order or an approved Shop Drawing. OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish at CONTRACTORSs cpence a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to any `or -equal" or substitute. ENGINEER will record time required by ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants in evaluating substitutes proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR pursuant to paragraphs and 6.7.2 and in making changes in the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for work on the Project) occasioned thereby. Whether or not ENGINEER accepts a substitute item so proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall reimburse OWNER for the charges of ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants for evaluating each such proposed substitute item. 6_8. Concerning Subcontradors, Suppliers and Others: 6.8.1. CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization (including those acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER as indicated in paragraph 6.8.2), whether initially or as a substitute, against whom OWNER or ENGINEER may have reasonable objection CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization to famish or perform any of the Work against wham CONTRACTOR has reasonable objection. EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 191 M (19" E3tim) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4PM00) 6_9. CONTRACTOR shall mform not less than 20 percent of the Work with its own forces (that is without suboontnacting). The 20 perceant requiremernt shall be understood to refer to the Work the value of which totals not less than 20 percent of the Contract Price. 6.8.2. if the 9uppimenAmy Cmditi Siddin Documents require the identity of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers or other persons or organizations (including those who are to fwnish the principal items of materials cr equipment) to be submitted to OWNER "prior to the Effective Date of the Agreement for acceptance by OWNER and ENGINEEI;4--mW if OWNER'S or ENGINEERs acceptance (either in writing or by failing to make written objection thereto by the date indicated for acceptance or objection in the bidding documents or the Contract Documents) of in w brnif all igrned will constitute a condition of the Contract requiring the use of the reamed subcontractors, suppliers or other persons or organization on the Work unless M written anoroval is obtained from OWNER and ENGINEER. No acceptance by OWNER or ENGINEER of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization shall constitute a waiver of any right of OWNER or ENGINEER to reject defective Work 6.9.1. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to OWNER and ENGINEER for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or fumishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with CONTRACTOR just as CONTRACTOR is responsible for CONTRACTOR'S own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization any contractual relationship between OWNER or ENGINEER and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of OWNER or ENGINEER to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor. Supplier or other person or organization except as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. OWNER or ENGINEER may furnish to any subcontractor, supplier or other nelson or organization evidence of amounts Void to CONTRACTOR in accordance with CONTRACTOR'S "Applications for Payment". 13 6.9.2. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the Work of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR shall require all Subcontractors, Suppliers and such other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work to communicate with the ENGLNEER throtigh CONTRACTOR 6.10. The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control CONTRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or Suppliers or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.11. All Work performed for CONTRACTOR by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of OWNER and ENGINEER. �rne+er teR h ag&Fetnetit additional-irv9ured -on-the-property-itts�rtnce-Iirevided-tn 5.', t#�—agraante�—batwaet�—t#ia eon previsions -whereby -the £u waivw all .:. is agiimst 93rrwr4 (;QNTRAr-rnr3 R�GDTE 11 —11-RQ3ER;& ant and all other additional-aysuneds-fen-�r�gas-eaused by: arising otrf ef-er-rts eevertch by suc#i{poliEias-arid stlrriiiceapphisnlile-tc3 separate-wee-fontis�o- bes 'ter -or Patent Fees and Ro}mlties: 6.12. CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design, process, product or device is speafied in the Contract Documents for use in the performance of the Work and if to the actual knowledge of OWNER or ENGINEER its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by OWNER in the Contract Documents. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultants and the officers, directors, employees, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arising out of or resulting from any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Work or resulting from the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device not specified in the Contract Documents. EKW GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 Edition) wl CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) Permits- 6.13. LWess otherwise -wiled in the Supplementary Conditions, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses. OWNER shall assist CONTRACTOR, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses CONTRACTOR shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of die Work, which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids, or, if there are no Bids, on the Effective Date of the Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the Work, and OWNER shall pay all charges of such utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as plant investment fees. 6.14. Laws and Regulations: 6.14.1. CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, neither OWNER nor ENGINEER shall be responsible for monitoring CONTRACTOR's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. 6.142. If CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting therefrom; however, it shall not be CONTRACTOR's primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laves and Regulations, but this shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of CONTRACTOR's obligations under paragraph 3.3.2. Taxes: 6.15, CONTRACTOR shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required to be paid by CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the place of the Project which are applicable during the performance of the Work. 6.15.1. OWNER is exempt from Colorado State and local sales and use tares on materials to be taemianeni incorporated into the nroiect Said taxes shall not be included in the Contract Price. Address: Colorado Department of Revenue State Capital Annex 1375 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado, 80261 Sales and Use Taxes for the State of Colorado, Regional Transportation District (RTD) and certain Colorado counties are collected by the State of Colorado and are included in the Certification of Exemption. All applicable Sales and Use Taxes (including State collated taxes), on any items other than constiuction and building materials physically incorporated into the pniect arare to be paid y CONTRACTOR and are to be included in approlxiate bid items. Use of Premises: 6.16. CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of workers to the site and land and areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, rights -of -way, permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the performance of the Work. Should any claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or other dispute resolution proceeding cx at law. CONTRACTOR shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultant and anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arising out of or resulting from any claim or action, legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against OWNER, ENGINEER or any other party indemnified hereunder to the extent caused by or based upon CONTRACTOR's performance of the Work. 6.17. During the progress of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work CONTRACTOR shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery and surplus materials. CONTRACTOR shall leave the site clean and ready for occupancy by OWNER at Substantial Completion of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall restore to original condition all property not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. 6.18. CONTRACTOR shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall CONTRACTOR subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. Record Documents. EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (19%Edtion) wJ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 472000) 6.19. CONTRACTOR shall maintain in a safe place at the site one record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Written Amendments, Change Orders, Work Change Directives, Field Orders and written interpretations and clarifications (issued pursuant to paragraph 9.4) in good order and annotated to show all changes made during construction These record documents together with all approved Samples and a counterpart of all approved Shop Drawings will be available to ENGINEER for reference. Upon completion of the Work, and prior to release of final payment, these record documents, Samples and Shop Drawings will be delivered to ENGINEER for OWNER. Safety and Protection,, 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 6.20.1. all persons on the Work site or who may be affected by the Work. 6.20.2. all the Work- and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site- and 6.20.3. other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and Underground Facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction - CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss, and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. CONTRACTOR shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and utilityy owners when prosecution of the Work may of ect then,, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All &amage, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraphs 6.20.2 or 6.20.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the )Fork or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of OWNER or ENGINEER or ENGINEER's Consultaru or anyone employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them). CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and ENGINEER has issued a 15 notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraph 14.13 that the Work is acceptable (except as otherwise expressly provided in connection with Substantial Completion). 6.21. Safety Representative: CONTRACTOR shall designate a qualified and experienced safety representative at the site whose duties and responsibilities shall be the prevention of accidents and the maintaining and supervising of safety precautions and progams. Hazard Communication Programer 6.22. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for coordinating any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available to or exchanged between or among employers at the site in accordance with Laws or Regulations. Emergencies: 6.23. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto. CONTRACTOR without special instruction or authorisation from OUNIFR or ENGINEER, is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER prompt written notice if CONTRACTOR believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If ENGINEER determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by CONTRACTOR in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action 6.24. Shop Drawings andSamples.- 6.24.1, CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drawings to ENGINEER for review and approval in accordance with the accepted schedule of Shop Drawings and Sample submittals (see paragraph 2.9). All submittals will be identified as ENGINEER may require and in the number of copies specified to the General Requirements. The data shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, materials and similar data to snow ENGINEER the materials and equipment CONTRACTOR proposes to provide and to enable ENGINEER to review the information for the limited purposes required by paragraph 6.26. 6.24.2. CONTRACTOR shall also submit Samples to ENGINEER for review and approval in accordance with said accepted schedule of Shop Drawings and Sample submittals. Each Sample will be identified clearly as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the use for which intended and otherwise as ENGINEER may require to enable ENGINEER to review the submittal for the limited EKDCOENERAL COM71ONS 1910.8 (1990E(fitim) 16 wl C[TY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) purposes required by paragraph 6.26. The numbers of each Sample to be submitted will be as specified in the Specifications. 6.25. Submittal Procedures: 6.25.1. Before submitting each Shop Drawing or Sample, CONTRACTOR shall have determined and verified: all field measurements, quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar information with respect thereto, 6.25.12 all materials with respect to intended use, fabrication, shipping, handling, storage, assembly and installation pertaining to the performance of the Work, and all information relative to CONTRACTOR'S sole responsibilities in respect of means methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. CONTRACTOR shall also have reviewed and coordinated each Shop Drawing or Sample with other Shop Drawings and Samples and with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents 6.252. Each submittal will bear a stamp or specific written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied CONTRACTORS obligations under the Contract Documents with respect to CONTRACTORs review and approval of that submittal. 6.25.3. At the time of each submission, CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER specific written notice of such variations, if any, that the Shop Drawing or Sample submitted may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, such notice to be in a written communication separate from the submittal; and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing and Sample submitted to ENGINEER for review and approval of each such variation 6.26. ENGINEER will review and approve Shop Drawings and Samples in accordance with the schedule of Shop Drawings and Sample submittals accepted by ENGINEER as required by paragraph 2.9. ENGINEER's review and approval will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. ENGINEERS review and approval will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction (except where a particular means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is specifically and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and approval of a se to item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. CONTRACTOR shall make corrections required by LNGINEER, and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and submit as required new Samples for review and approval. CONTRACTOR shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for by ENGINEER on previous submittals. 6.27. ENGINEER's review and approval of Shop Drawings or Samples shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR has in writing called ENGINEER's attention to each such variation at the time of submission as required by paragraph 6.25.3 and ENGINEER has given written approval of each such variation by a specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop Drawing or Sample approval; nor will any approval by ENGINEER relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for complying with the requirements of paragraph 6.25.1. 6.28. Where a Shop Drawing or Sample is required by the Contract Documents or the schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions accepted by FNGr F.F.R as required by paragraph 2.9, any related Work performed prior to ENGINEER's review and approval of the pertinent submittal will be at the sole expense and responsibility of CONTRACTOR Continuing the Rork: 6.29. CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with OWNER. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as permitted by paragraph 15.5 or as OWNER and CONTRACTOR may otherwise agree in writing. 6.30. CONTRACTOR's Genera! ['arrant' and Guarantee: 6.30,1. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees to OWNER, ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. CONTRACTOR'S warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: 6,30.1.1. abuse, modification or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than CONTRACTOR Subcontractors or Suppliers, or normal wear and tear under normal usage. 6.30.2. CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordinice with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990 Edtion) w! CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4R000) accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of CONTRACTOWs obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: observations by ENGIlN'EER; recommendation of any progress or final payment by ENGINEER; the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by OWNER to CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents; use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by OWNER; any acceptance by OWNER or any failure to do so; 6.30 <.6. any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample submittal or the issuance of a notice of acceptability by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 14.13, any inspection, test or approval by others; or any correction of defective Work by OWNER Indemnification: 6.31. To the fullest extent permitted by laws and Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, F'rrTGExTEER, ENGINEER's Consultants and the officers, directors, employees, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages (including, but not limited to, all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) caused by, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, cost, loss or damage: (i) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible proPerty (other than the Work itself), including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (ii) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of CONTRACTOR any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not caused in part by any negligence or omission of a person or entity indemnified hereunder or whether liability is imposed upon such indemnified party by Laws and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such person or entity. 6.32. In any and all claims against OWNER or ENGINEER or any of their respective consultants, agents, officers, directors or employees by any employee (or the survivor or persorhal representative of such employee) of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by AGREEMENT FORMS 00510 Notice of Award 00520 Agreement 00530 Notice to Proceed any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under Paragraph 6.31 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for CONTRACTOR or any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization under workers' mrperrsation acts, disability benefit ads or other employee benefit acts. 6.33. The indemnification oblt'gations of CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.31 shall not extend to the liability of ENGINEER and ENGRNEERs Consultants, officers, directors, employees or agents caused by the professional negligence, errors or omissions of any of then. Sunival of Obligations: 6.34. All representations, i-ndemnifications, warranties and guarantees made in, required by or given in accordance with the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents, will survive final payment, completion and acceptance of the Work and tenmination or completion of the Agreement. ARTICLE 7--OTHER WORK Relaled Work at Site: 7.1. OWNER may perform other work related to the Project at the site by OWNERS own forces, or let other direct contracts therefor which shall contain General Conditions similar to these, or have other work performed by utility owners. If the fact that such other work is to be performed was not noted in the Contract Documents, then: (i) written notice thereof will be given to CONTRACTOR prior to starting any such other work and (ii) CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12 if CONIRAC•fOR believes that such performance will involve additional expense to CONTRACTOR or requires additional time and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof. 7.2. CONTRACTOR shall afford each other contractor who is a patty to such a direct contract and each utility owner (and OWNER, if OWNER is performing the additional work with OWNER's employees) proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work and shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with theirs. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and integrate with such other work. CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of ENGINEER and the others whose work will be affected. The duties and responsibilities of CONTRACTOR under this paragraph are for the benefit of such utility owners and other contractors to the extent that there are comparable EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990 E(lition) 18 w! CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) provisions for the benefit of CONTRACTOR in said direct contracts between OWNER and such utility owners and other contractors. 7.3. If the proper execution or results of any part of CONTRACTORS Work depends upon work performed by others under this Article 7, CONTRACTOR shall inspect such other work and promptly report to ENGINEER in writuig any delays, defects or deficiencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results of CONPRACTOR's Work. CONTRACTOR's failure so to report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration with CONTRACTOR's Work except for latent or nonapparent defects and deficiencies in such other work. Coordination: 7.4. If OWNER contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the following will be set forth in Supplementary Conditions: 7.4.1. the person, firm or corporation who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various prime contractors will be identified-, 7.4.1 the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and 7.4.3. the extent of such authority and responsibilities will he provided. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, OWNER shall have sole authority and responsibility in respect of such coordination ARTICLE 9--OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1. Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, OWNER shall issue all communications to CONTRACTOR through ENGINEER. 8,2. In case of termination of the employment of ENGINEER, OWNER shall appoint an engineer agaittst whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former ENGINEER 8.3. OWNER shall furnish the data required of OWNER under the Contract Documents promptly and shall make payments to CONTRACTOR promptly when they are due as provided in paragraphs 14.4 and 14.13. 8.4, OWNEKs duties in respect of providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.4. Paragraph 4.2 refers to OWNERSs identifying and making available to CONTRACTOR copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site and drawings of physical conditions in existing structures at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents. and maintaining liability and prope.epee giro- set feAh in per sgt$p5�5egh 5 1& 8.6. OWN'ER is obligated to execute Change Orders as indicated in paragraph 10.4. 8.7. OWNER's responsibility in respect of certain inspections, tests and approvals is set forth in Paragraph 13.4. 8.8. In connection with O)ANTER's right to stop Work or suspend Work, see paragraphs 13.10 and 15.1. Paragraph 15.2 deals with OWNIER's right to terminate services of CONTRACTOR under certain circumstances. 8.9. The OWNER shall not supervise, direct or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. OWNER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. F 1E� - t� s rc�spor tilt}-itrrespect ef-undiselosed Asbavtes, I�s�;?etroletrm, lle�dotrs—l�'esta--0r leA-$t-�lre-site-is 914—lfn;u -egeed-te-firrrrish arrangentenrs -lat - -been-trta&-te--satisffy--OWP.'ERS rosparrsibrlriy rn respect Alsace©r ,.�., lt-' ' _ as-set-fort#r-in-the ARTICLE 9-ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION OWi ER'sRepresentative: 9.1. ENGINEER will be OIAINER's representative during the construction period The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of ENGINEER as OWNEWs representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of OWNER and ENGINEER I isits to Site: 9.2. ENGINEER will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction as ENGINEER deems necessary in order to observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress EICDCOENERAL CONDITIONS 191 M (1990 Edficn) VV/ CITY OF FORT OOLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4n000) that has been made and the quality of the various aspects of CONTRACTOWs executed Work. Based on information obtained during such visits and observations, ENGINEER will endeavor for the benefit of OWNER to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on - site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. ENGINEER's efforts will be directed toward providing for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform generally to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on - site observations, ENGINEER will keep OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard OWNER against defective Work. ENGINEER's visits and on -site observations are subject to all the limitations on ENGINEER's authority and responsibility set forth in paragraph 9.13, and particularly, but without limitation ng or as a result of ENGINEERS on -site visits or observations of CONTRACTOR's Work ENGINEER will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. Project Representative: 9.3. If OWNER and ENGINEER agree, ENGINEER will furnish a Resident Project Representative to assist ENGINEER in providing more continuous observation of the Work. The responsibilities and authority and limitations thereon of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as Provided in paragraphs 9.3 and 9.13 And in the Supplementary Conditions of these General Conditions. If OWNER designates another representative or agent to represent OWNER at the site who is not ENGINEER's Consultant, agent or employee, the responsibilities and authority and limitations thereon of such other person will be as provided in tl�e fiappl4 ndittans 9.3 of these General CAnditio� ENGINEER fwnishes a Resident Proiect Representative (R.PR) or other assistants, or if the OWNER designates a Representative or agent, all as provided in paragaph 9.3 of the General Conditions, these Representatives shall have the authority and limitations as provided in W ph 9.13 of the General Conditions and shall be subject to the following: 9.3 1 The Representative's dealings in matters pertaitting to the on -site work will, in general, be with the ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR But the Representative will keep the OWNER troperbr advised about such matters. The Representative's dealings with subcontractors will only be through or with the full knowledge and aotnroval of the CONTRACTOR 9.3.2. Duties and Responsibilities. Representative will. Schedules - Review the prcaress 19 schedule and other schedules prepared by the CONTRACTOR and consult with the ENGINEER concerning aeceptabiliV. Conferences and Meeting - Attend meeting with the CONTRACTOR such as oconstrtrction conferences o ess Mee " and other iob conferences and prepare and circulate copies of minutes of meetings. Liaison 9.3.21L Serve as ENGINEER'S liaison with CONTRACTOR working prmcipally through CONTRACTOR'S superintendent w assist the CONTRACTOR in understanding the Contract Documents. Assist in obtaining from OWNER additional details or information. when required for proper execution of the Work. Advise the ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR of the commencement of &y Work rem a S= Drawing or sample submission if the submission has not been approved by the ENGINEER of Work. Resection of Defective Work, Inspections and Tests - Conduct on -site observations of the Work in progress to assist the ENGINEER in determining that the Work is proceeding; in accordance with the Contract Documents. Mmp y vis' ' +actors representing public ot)x�r agencies having iurisdiction over the project, record the results of these inspections and report to the ENGINEER., lmemretation of Contract Documents. Report to ENGINEER when clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents are needed and transmit to CONTRACTOR clarification and interLxetation of the Contract Documents as issued by the ENGINEER Modifications. Consider and evaluate CONTRACTOR'S su¢aestions for 20 E.1CDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 OW E(htion) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4l2000) modification in Drawings or Specifications and report these recommendations to ENGINEER. Accurate]Y transmit to CONTRACTOR decisions issued by the ENGINEER Records. 9.3.2.S. Rcpots. Furnish ENGINEER periodic re as roqutred of the rRCO f the ork and of the CONTRA compliance with the progress schedule and schedule of shoo Drawin¢ and sample submittals. 9.32.82. Consult with ENGINEER in advance of whedulipg major tests inspections or start of important phases of the Work. Draft proposed Change Orders and Wank Directive Chances. obtaining backup material from the CONTRACTOR and recommend to ENGDTM Chance Orders. Work Directive Changes and field orders. Report immediately to ENGINEER and OWNER the oo urrawc of any accident., payment Requests. Review applications for payment with CONTRACTOR for gphanoe with the established procedure for their submission and forward with recommendation to PNGLNEER noting particularly the relationship of the payment requested to the schedule of values, work completed and materials and tquilxnent delivered at the site but not incorporated m the Work. Completion. Before ENGINEER issues a Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit to CONTRACTOR a list of observed items rectu iring correction or completion. Conduct final inspection in the any of the ENGINEER. OWNER and CONTRACTOR and yore a final list of items to be corrected or completed. 9.32 10 3. Observe that all items on the final list have been corrected or completed and make recommendations to ENGINEER concerning acceptance. 9.3.3. Limitation of Authority. The Representative shall W-tt: Authorize any deviations from the Contract Documents or accept anv sulntitute materials or equipment, unless authorized by the ENGINEER 9.3.3?. Exceed limitations of ENGINEER'S authority as set forth in the Contract Documents. Undertake any of the responsibilities of the CONTRACTOR. Subcontractors, or CONTRACTOR'S superintendent. 9 3.3.4. Advise on, or issue directions relative to, or assume control over anV Mpect of the means, methods, technsques, segttences or procedures for construction unless such is snecifical y called for in the Contract Documents. Advise on or issue directions regarding or assume control over safety precautions aW programs in connectiorus with the Work. 9 3.3.6. Act Shop Drawirt2s or sample submittals from anyone other than the CONTRACTOR. Authorize OWNER to occupy the Work in whole or in part. Patticinate in specialized field or laboratory tests or inspections conducted by others exeent as specifically authorized by the T t�ia 7 Clarifications and Interpretations: 9.4. ENGINEER will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 19IM (1990 Edlim) UVCITY OF FORT COLMNS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4t2000) requirements of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as ENGINEER may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents. Such written clarifications and interpretations will be binding on OWNER and CONTRACTOR- If OWNER or CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and the parties are unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof if any OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a written claim therefor as provided in Article 1 i or Article 12. Authorized l ariations in Work: 9.5. ENGLtiTEER may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on OWNER and also on CONTRACTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly. If OWNER or CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a written claim therefor as provided in Article 11 or 12. Rejecting Defective Work: 9.6. ENGINEER will have authority to dimpprove or reject Work which ENGINEER believes to be defective, or that ENGINEER believes will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity of the desists concept of the completed Proj)etact as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Docnents. ENGINEER will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.9, whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Payments 9.7. In connection with ENGINEER's authority as to Shop Drawings and Samples, see paragraphs 6.24 through 6.28 inclusive. 9.8. In connection with ENGINEER's authority as to Change Orders, see Articles 10, 11, and 12. 9.9. In connection with ENGINEER's authority as to Applications for Paymem, see Article 14. Determinations jar Unit Prices.• 9.10. ENGINTEER will determine the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER will review with CONTRACTOR the ENGINEER's preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written decision thereon (by recommendation of an Application for Payment or otherwise). ENGINEER's written decision thereon will be final and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR, unless, within ten clays after the date of any such decision, either OWNER or CONTRACTOR delivers to the other and to ENGINEER written notice of intention to appeal from ENGINEER's decision and: (i) an appeal from ENGINEER's decision is taken within the time Emits and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Exhibit GC -A, "Dispute Resolution Agreement", entered into between OWNER and CONTRACTOR pursuant: to Article 16, or (ii) if no such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been entered into, a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party in a forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to ENGINEER's decision, unless otherwise agreed in writing by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. Such appeal will not be subject to the procedures of paragraph 9.11. Decisions on Disputes: 9.11. ENGINEER will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereurxler. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the performance and furnishing of the Work and claims under Articles I 1 and 12 in respect of changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times will be referred initially to ENGINEER in writing with a request for a fonnal decision in accordance with this paragraph. Written notice of each such claim, dispute or other matter will be delivered by the claimant to ENGINEER and the other party to the Agreement promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to ENGINEER and the other party within sixty days after the start of such occurrence or event unless ENGINEER allows an additional period of time for the submission of additional or more accurate data in support of such claim, dispute or other matter. The opposing party shall submit any response to ENGINEER and the claimant within thirty days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal (unless ENGINEER allows additional time). ENGINEER will render a formal decision in writing within thirty days after receipt of the opposing party's submittal, if any, in accordance with this paragraph ENGINEERS written decision on such claim, dispute or other matter will be final and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR unless: () an appeal from ENGINEER's decision is taken within the tune limits and in accordance with the procedures set forth in EXHIBIT GC -A, "Dispute Resolution Agreement", entered into between OWNER and CONTRACTOR pursuant to Article 16, or (ii) if no such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been entered into, a written notice of intention to appeal from ENGINTEER's written decision is delivered by OWNER or CONTRACTOR to the other and to ENGINEER within thirty days after the date of such decision and a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party ty in a forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to such claim, dispute or other matter in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations within sixty days of the date of such 22 EICDC OEN RAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (19" Edition) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4PZ000) decision, unless otherwise agreed in writing by OWNER and CONTRACTOR 9.12. When functioning as interpreter and judge under paragraphs 9.10 and 9.11, ENGINEER will not show rrtiality to OWNER or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraphs 9.10 or 9,11 with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter (except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph 14.15) will be a condition precedent to any exercise by OWNER or CONTRACTOR of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matterperArtiele 16. 9.13. Limitations on ENGINEER's Authorio and Responsibilities: 9,13.1. Neither ENGIN>;ER's authority or responsibility under this Article 9 or under any other provision of the Contract Documents nor any decision made by ENGINEER in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority or responsibility or the undertaking. exercise or performance of any authority or responsibility by ENGINEER shall create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by ENGINEER to CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other person or organization, or to any surety for or employee or agent of any of them. 9.13.2. ENGINEER will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9,13.3. ENGINEER will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of CONTRACTOR or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any oilier person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work. 9.13.4. ENGINEER's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation and all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, Bonds and certificates of inspection, tests and approvals and other documentation required to be delivered by paragraph 14.12 will only be to determine generally that their content complies with the requirements of, and in the case of certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with, the Contract Documents. 9.13.5. The limitations upon authority and responsibility set forth in this paragraph 9.13 shall also apply to ENGINEERS Consultants, Resident Project Representative and assistants ARTICLE 10—CIIANGE5IN TILE WORT{ 10.1. Without invalidating the Agreement and without notice to any surety, OWNER may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work. Such additions, deletions or revisions will be authorized by a Written Amendment, a Change Order, or a Work Change Directive. Upon receipt of any such document, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically provided). 10.2. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR arc unable to agree as to the extent, if any, of an adjustment in the Contract Price or an adjustment of the Contract Times that should be allowed as a result of a Work Change Directive, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Article I 1 or Article 12. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to anincrease in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times with respect to any Work performed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended. modified and supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3-5 and 3 6, except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.23 or in the case of uncovering Work as provided in paragraph 13.9. 10.4. OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall execute appropriate Change Orders recommended by ENGINEER (or Written Amendments) covering: 10.4.1. changes in the Work which are (i) ordered by OWNER pursuant to paragraph 10.1, (ii) required because of acceptance of defective Work under paragraph 13.13 or correcting defective Work under paragraph 13.14, or (iii) agreed to by the parties; 10.4.2. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which are agreed to by the parties; and 10.4.3. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which embody the substance of any written decision rendered by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 9.11; provided that, in lieu of executing any such Change Order, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws and Regulations, but during any such appeal, CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule as provided in paragraph 6'29. 10.5. If notice of arty change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents EJCDC GENERAL CONDMOM 191063 0"0 Eatim) W CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 42000) (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Times) is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be CONTRACT )R's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. ARTICLE 11—CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE 11.1. The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable to CONTRACTOR for performing the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by CONTRACTOR shall be at CONIRACTOR's expense without change in the Contract Price. 11.2 The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order or by a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty days after the start of such occurrence or event (unless ENGINEER allows additional time for claimant to submit additional or more accurate data in support of the claim) and shall be accompanied by claimant's written statement that the adjustment claimed covers all known amounts to which the claimant is entitled as a result of said oocturmce or event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Price shall be determined by ENCYINEER in accordance with paragraph 9.11 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree on the amount involved. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this paragraph 11.2. 11.3. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be determined as follows: 11:3.1. where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in One Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the provisions of 23 paragraphs 11.9.1 through 11.9.3, inclusive); 11.3.2. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by a mutually agreed payment basis, including lump sum (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit not necessarily in accordance with paragraph 11.61); 11.3.3. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement to a lump sum is not reached under paragraph 11.3.2, on the basis of the Cost of the Work (determmed as provided in paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5) plus a CONTRACTOR's fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in paragraph 11.6). Cost of the Work: 11.4. The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by CONTRACTOR in the proper performance of the Work Except as otherwise may be agreed tom writing by OWNER such costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project. shall include only the following items and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph 11.5: 11A.1.Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. Such employees shall include without limitation superintendents, foremen and other personnel employed Rill -time at the site. Payroll costs for employees not employed full-time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall inslude,-lxrt-nct be limited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, c,cise and payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health andretirement benefits;-benuses siek leave, vaeation applicable thereto. The expenses of performing 'ork after regular working hours, on Saturday. Sunday or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by OWNER. 11.4.2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers' field services required in connection therewith All cash discounts shall accrue to CONTRACTOR unless ONVNER deposits funds with CONTRACTOR with which to make payments, in which case the cash discounts shall accrue to OWNER All trade discounts, rebates and refunds and returns from sale of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to OWNER, and CONTRACTOR shall make provisions so that they may be obtained 11.4.3. Payments made by CONTRACTOR to the Subcontractors for Work performed or furnished by Subcontractors. If required by OWNER, EX'DC OEINEM CONDITIONS 19105 (1990 Edition) 24 wt C1TY OF FORT 001-LI M MODIFI CATIONS (REV 412000) CONTRACTOR shall obtain competitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and shall deliver such bids to OWNER who will then determine, with the advice of ENGINEER which bids, if any, will be accepted If any subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work and fee shall be determined in the same manner as CONTRACTOR's Cost of the Work and fee as provided in paragraphs l I A 11.5, 11.6 and 11.7. All subcontracts shall be subject to the other provisions of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable. 11 A.4. Costs of special consultants (including but not limited to engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, attorneys and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. 11.4.5. Supplemental costs including the following: 11A.5.1. The proportion of necessary transportation, travel arxi subsistence expenses of CONTRACTOR's employee's incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. 114.5.2. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, office and temporary facilities at the site and ]rand tools not owned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost less market value of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of CONTRACTOR 11A.5.3. Rentals of all construction equipment and machinery and the parts thereof whether rented from CONTRACTOR or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by OWNER with the advice of ENGINEER, and the costs of transportation, loading, unloading, installation, dismantling and removal thereof —all III accordance with terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. 11 A.5A Sales, consumer, use or similar taxes related to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by Laws and Regulations. Deposits lost for causes other than negligence of CONTRACTOR any Subcontractor or anvone directly or indirectly employed by any of Them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. Losses and damages (and related expenses) caused by damage to the Work, riot compensated by insurance or otherwise, sustained by CONTRACTOR in connection with the performance and furnishing of the Work (except losses and damages within the deductible amounts of property insurance established by OWNER in accordance with paragraph 5.9), provided they have resulted from causes other than the negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone dir ctly or undirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of OWNER No such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining CONTRACTOR' fee. It; however, any such Ioss or damage requires reconstruction and CONTRACTOR is placed in charge thereof; CONTRACTOR shall be paid for services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 11.6.2. 11.4,53. The cost of utilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone service at the site, expressage and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. Coast of premiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because of changes in the Work. 1 I.S. The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following: 11.5.1. payroll costs and other compensation of CONTRACTOR's officers, executives, principals (of partnership and sole proprietorships), general managers, engineers, architects, estimators, attorneys, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expediters, timekeepers, clerks and other personnel employed by CONTRACTOR whether at the site or in CONTRACTOR's principal or a branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications referred to in paragraph H A I or specifically covered by paragraph 11,4.4 ail of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the CONTRACTORS fee. 11.5.2. Expenses of CONTRACTOR's principal and branch offices other than CONTRACTOR's office at the site. 11.5.3. Any part of CONTRACTOR' capital expenses, including interest on CONTRACTOR'S capital employed for the Work and charges against CONTRACTOR for delinquent payments. 11.5.4. Cost of premiums for all Bonds and for all insurance whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except for the cost of premiums covered by subparagraph above). EJCDCGENERAI, CONDITIONS 19103 (1990 Edtion) wl CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4r-000) 11.5.5. Costs due to the negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed l)y, any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to, the correction of cdefeclhe Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. 11.5.6. Other overhead or general experse costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in paragraph 11.4. 11.6. The CONTRACTOR' fee allowed to CONTRACTOR for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 11.6.1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee, or 11.6.2. if a fixed fee is not agreed upon, then a fee based on the following percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Work: for costs incurred under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 11.4 2, the CONTRACTOR's fee shall be fifteen percent; for costs incurred under paragraph 11.4.3, the CONTRACTOR's fee shall be five percent; where one or more tiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no fired fee is agreed upon the intent of paragraphs 11 A 1, 11.4.2, 11.43 and 11.6.2 is that the Subcontractor who actually performs or furnishes the Work, at whatever tier, will be paid a fee of fifteen percent of the tests incurred by such Subcontractor under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 11.4.2 and that any higher tier Subcontractor and CONTRACTOR will each be paid a fee the next to be negotiated in Rood faith with the OWNER but not to exceed five percent of the amount paid to the next lower tier Subcontractor. no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under paragraphs 11.4.4, 11.4.5 and 11.5; the amount of credit to be allowed by CONTRACTOR to OWNER for any change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in CONTRACTOR's fee by an amount equal to five percent of such net decrease, and 11.62.6. when both additions and credits are involved in any one change, the adjustment in CONTRACTOR's fee shall be computed on the basis of the net change in accordance with paragraphs through, inclusive. 11.7. Whenever the cost of any Work is to be 25 determined pursuant to paragraphs 11.4 and iI.5, CONTRACTOR will establish and maintain records thereof in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and submit in form acceptable to ENGINEER an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data. Cash Allonances. I I.S. It is understood that CONTRACTOR has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be ftnrnished and performed for such sums as may be acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER CONTRACTOR agrees that: 11.8.1. the allowances include the cost to CONTRACTOR (less any applicable trade discounts) of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the site, and all applicable taxes; and 1 ] .8.2. CONTRACTOR's costs for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the allowances have been included in the Contract Price and not in the allowances and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Channge Order will be issued as recommended by ENGINEER to reflect actual amounts due CONTRACTOR on account of Work covered by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. 11.9. Unit Price Nark. 11.9.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Fork an amount equal to the sum of the established unit prices for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will be made by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 9.10. 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. 11.9.3.OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price in accordance with Article 1 I if. 11.9-3.1. the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; EKDC OENEM CONDiTIOM 19145 OM Edticn) 26 w! CITY OF FORT OOLLIM MODIFICATIONS (REV 4,1000) and there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work; and if CONTRACTOR believes that CONTRACTOR is untitled to an increase in Contract Price as a result of having incurred additional expense or OWNER believes that OWNER is entitled to a decrease in Contract Price and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase or decrease. CONTRACTOR acknowledees that the OWNER has the right to add or delete items in the Bid or change quantities at OWNETU sole discretion without affecting the Contract Price of any remaining item so lone as the deletion or addition does not exceed twen, •five percent of the original total Contract Price. ARTICLE 12--CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIDIES 12.1. The Contract Times (or Ailestones) may only be changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustment of the Contract Times (or Milestones) shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim Notice of the extcnt of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty days after such occurrence (unless ENGINEER allows additional time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim) and shall be accompanied by the claimants written statement that the adjustment clainned is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has reason to believe it is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Times (or Milestones) shall be determined by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 9.11 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Times (or Milestones) will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph 12.1. 12.2, All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. 123. Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Times (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of CONTRACTOR, the Contract Times (or Milestones) will be extended in an amount equal to time lost due to such delay if a claim is made therefor as provided in paragraph 12.1. Delays beyond the control of CONTRACTOR shall include, but not be limited to, acts or neglect by OWNER, acts or neglect of utility owners or other contractors perfonning other work as contemplated by Article 7, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions or acts of Gal. Delays attributable to and within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control of CONTRACTOR 12.4. Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Times (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of both OWNER and CONTRACTOR, an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones) in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay shall be CONTRACTOR's sole and exclusive remedy for such delay. In no event shall OWNER be liable to CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other person or organization, or to any surety for or employee of agent of any of them, for damages arising out of or resulting from (i) delays caused by or within the control of the CONTRACTOR, or (ii) delays beyond the control of both parties including, but not limited to, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, acts of God or acts or neglect by utility owners or other contractors perform ing other work as contemplated by Article 7. ARTICLE 13--TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIfE WORK 13.1. Notice of Defects: Prompt notice of all defective Work of which OWNER or ENGINEER have actual knowledge will be given to CONTRACTOR All defective Work may be rejected, corrected or accepted as provided in this Article 13. Aecen to Work. 13.2. OWNER, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consuhants, other representatives and personnel of OWNER, independent testing laboratories and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Work at reasenabpe -times for their observation, inspecting and testing. CONTRACTOR shall provide them proper and safe conditions for such access and advise them of CONTRACTOR's site safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable. Tests and Inspections: 13.3. CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER timely, notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals, and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. 13.4. OWNER shall employ and pay for the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform all inspections, tests, or approvals required by the Contract Documents except: 13.4.1. for inspections, tests or approvals covered by paragraph 13.5 below; 13.4.2. that costs incurred in connection with tests or inspections conducted pursuant to paragraph 139 EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 191 M (1990 Edtim) W/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) below shall be paid as provided in said paragraph 13.9, and 13.4.3. as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract Documents. 13.5. If Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any Work (or part thereon) specifically to be inspected tested or approved by an employee or other representative of such public body, CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish ENGINEER the required certificates of inspection, or approval. CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests or approvals required for OWNER's and ENGINEER's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work-, or of materials, mix designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to CONTRACTOR's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work 13.6. If any Wok (or the wok of others) that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered by CONTRACTOR without written concurrence of ENGINEER, it must, if requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for observation. 13.7. Uncovering Work as provided in paragraph 13.6 shall be at CONTRACTOR's expense unless CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER timely notice of CONTRACTOR's intention to cover the same and ENGINEER has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. Uncovering Work: 13.8. If an Work is covered contrary to the written request of ENGINEER it must if requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for ENGINEER's observation and replaced at CONTRACTOR's expense. 13.9. If ENGINEER considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by ENGINEER or inspected or tested by others, CONTRACTOR, at ENGINEER's request, shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as ENGINEER may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment If it is found that such Work is defective, CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting from such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction, (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof; may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. If, however, such Work is riot found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones), or both. directly attributable to such 27 SECTION 00510 NOTICE OF AWARD DATE: March 15, 2018 TO: Lightfield Enterprises Inc. PROJECT: 8469 Concrete Maintenance Project Phase I - 2018 Renewal OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your Bid dated March 13, 2018 for the above project has been considered. You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for 8469 Concrete Maintenance Project Phase I - 2018 Renewal. The Price of your Agreement is One Million Eight Hundred Thirty -Six Thousand Two Hundred Eighty -Nine Dollars and Thirty -Six Cents ($1,836,289.36). Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is by March 30, 2018. 1. You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents. Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on the cover of the page. 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions (Article 5.1) and Supplementary Conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. Within ten (10) days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached. Gerry"Pau{✓ Purchasing Director uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacement and reconstruction; and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles I I and 12. 0WAER blay Stop the Work: 13.10. If the Work is defective, or CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, OWNER may order CONTRACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated, however, this right of OWNER to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of OWNER to exercise this right for the benefit of CONTRACTOR or any surety or other party. Correction or Removal ofDefeetive Work. 13.11. If required by ENGINEER CONTRACTOR shall promptly, as directed, either correct all defective Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by ENGINEER, remove it front the site and replace it with Work that is not defective. CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such correction or removal (including but not limited to all casts of repair or replacement of work of others). 13.12. Correction Period- 13 12.1. If within one-year two years after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNER's written instructions: (i) correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by OWNER, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective, and (ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work of others resulting therefrom. If CONTRACTOR does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, OWNER may have the defective Work corrected or the rejected Work removed and replaced, and all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such removal and replacement including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others) will be paid by CONTRACTOR 13.12.2.In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Substantial Completion of all the Work, the correction period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in the Specifications or by Written Amendment. 13.12.3. Where defective Work (and damage to other EKVCGENTRAL CONDITIONS 1910-5 (1990E(tition) 28 w! CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4d1000) Work resulting therefrom) has been corrected, removed or replaced under this paragraph 13.12, the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will be extended for an additional period of one-yzar two vears after such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily completed. Acceptance of Defective Work: 13.13. If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, OWNER (artct, prior to ENGRgMR's recommendation of final payment, also ENGINEER) prefers to accept it, OWNER may do so. CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages attributable to OWNER's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work (such costs to be approved by ENGINEFR as to reasonableness). If any such acceptance occurs prior to ENG1Iv'EER's recommendation of final payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and OWNER shall be emitted to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. if the acceptance occurs after such recommendation, an appropriate amount will be paid by CONTRACTOR to OWNER. 0WNF1t May Correct Defective Work: 13.14. If CONTRACTOR fails within a reasonable time after written notice from ENGINEER to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 13.11, or if CONTRACTOR fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, OWNER may, after seven days' written notice to CONTRACTOR, correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragraph OWNER shall proceed expeditiously, In connection with such corrective and remedial action, OWNER may exclude CONTRACTOR from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend CONTRACTOR's services related thereto, take possession of CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere. CONTRACTOR shall allow OWNER OWNEWs representatives, agents and employees, OWNER's other contractors and ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants access to the site to enable OWNER to exercise the rights and remedies under this paragraph All claims, costs, losses and damages incurred or sustained by OWNER in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against CONTRACTOR and a Charge Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work, and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the pasties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. Such claims, costs, losses and damages will include but not be limited to all casts of repair or replacement of wort: of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or replacement of CONTRACtOR's defective Work. CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones) because of any delay in performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by OWNER of O WNER's rights and remedies hereunder. ARTICLE ld--PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION Schedule of lWaes: 141 The schedule of values established as provided in paragraph 2.9 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment acceptable to ENGINTEER. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. Application for Progress Payment: 14.2. At least twenty days before the date established for each progress payment (but not more often than once a month), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by CONTRACTOR covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Document-. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location agreed to in writing the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice or other documentation warranting that OWNER has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to protect OWNER's interest therein, all of which will be satisfactory to OWNER. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated in the Agreement. Any funds that are withheld by the OWNER shall not be subiect to substitution by the CONTRACTOR with securities or any arrangements involving an escrow or execut4y the ati n form the CONTRACTOR expressly waives his ri t to the benefits of Colorado Revised Statutes. Section 24-91-101. et M. CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title: 14.3. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to OWNER no later than the time of payment free and clear of all Liens. Review of Applicationsfor Progress Payment 14.4. ENGINEER will, within ten days after receipt of each application for Payment, either indicate in writing a ExDC GENERAL CoNunom 1910-3 a"o Editim) w/ CI TY OF FORT COLLI NS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER, or return the Application to CONTRACTOR indicating in writing ENGINEER's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In the latter case, CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Ten days after presentation of the Application for Payment to OWNER with ENGINEER's recommendation, the amount recommended will (subject to the provisions of the last sentence of paragraph 14.7) become due and when due will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR 14.5, ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will constitute a representation by ENGINEER to OWNER, based on ENGINEER's on -site observations of the executed Work as an experienced and qualified design professional and on ENGDZER's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of ENGINEER's knowledge, information and belief. 14.5.1. the Work has progressed to the point indicated, 14.5.2. the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price Wort: under paragraph 9.10, and to any other qualifications stated in the recommendation), and 14.5.3. the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's being entitled to such payment appear to have been fulfilled insofar as A is ENGINEER's responsibility to observe the Work. However, by recommending any such payment ENGINEER will not thereby be deemed to have represented that. (i) exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents or (ii) that there may, not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally by OWNER or entitle OWlgER to withhold payment to CONTRACTOR 14.6. ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment, including final payment, shall not mean that ENGINEER is responsible for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to corn ly with Laws and Regulations applicable to the or performance of Work, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to perform or furnish Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, 14.7. ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment if, in ENGINEER's opinion, it would be incorrect to make the representations to 29 OWNER referred to in paragraph 14.5. ENGINEER may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any such payment previously recommended, to such extent as may be necessary in ENG11NEER's opinion to protect OWNER from loss because: 14.7.1. the Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement, 14.7.2. the Contract Price has been reduced by Written Amendment or Change Order, 14.7.3. OWNER has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work in accordance with paragraph 13.14, or 143A. ENGINEER has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs 15.2.1 through 15.2,4 inclusive. OWNER may refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by ENGINEER because: 14.7.5. claims have been made against OWNER on account of CONTRACTOR's performance or furnishing of the Work, 14.7.6. Liens have been filed in connection with the Work, except where CONTRACTOR has delivered a specific Bond satisfactory to OWNER to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens, 14.7.7. there are other items entitling OWNER to a set- off against the amount recommended, or 14.7.8. OWNER has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs 14.7.1 through 14.7.3 or paragraphs 15.2.1 through 15.2.4 inclusive; but OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate written notice (with a copy to ENGINEER) stating the reasons for such action and promptly pay CONTRACTOR the amount so withheld, or any adjustment thereto agreed to by OWNER and CONTRACTOR, when CONTRACTOR corrects to OWNER's satisfaction the reasons for such action Substantial Completion: 14.8. When CONTRACTOR considers the entire Work ready for its intended use CONTRACTOR shall notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing that the entire Work is substantially complete (except for items specifically listed by CONTRACTOR as incomplete) and request that ENGINEER issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an inspection of the lVork to determine the status of completion If ENGINEER does not consider the Work substantially complete, ENGINEER will notify CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If ENGINEER EXVC GENERAL COND171 ONS 1910.5 0 M E(titim) 30 va! CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4l2000) considers the Work substantially complete, ENGINEER will prepare and deliver to ObVNER a tentative certificate of Substantial Completion which shall fix the date of Substantial Completion. There shall be attached to the certificate a tentative list of items to be completed or corrected before final payment OWNER shall have seven days after receipt of the tentative certificate during which to make written objection to ENGINEER as to any provisions of the certificate or attache) list. If, after considerin& such objections, ENGINEER concludes that the Work is not substantially complete, ENGINEER will within fourteen days after submission of the tentative certificate to OWNER notify CONTRACTOR in writing, stating the reasons therefor. If, after consideration of OWNER's objections, ENGINEER considers the Work substantially complete, ENGINEER will within said fourteen days execute and deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a definitive certificate of Substantial Completion (with a revised tentative list of items to be completed or corrected) reflecting such changes from the tentative certificate as ENGINEER believes justified after consideration of any objections from OWNER. At the time of delivery of the tentative certificate of Substantial Completion ENGINEER will deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a written recommendation as to division of responsibilities pending final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with respect to security, operation, safety, maintenance, heat, utilities, insurance and warranties and guarantees. Unless OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree otherwise in writing and so inform ENGINEER in writing prior to ENGLNEER's issuing the definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, ENGINEER's aforesaid recommendation will be binding on ONVNF.R and CONTRACTOR until final payment. 14.9. OWNER shall have the right to exclude CONTRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Completion, but OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list. Partial Utilization: 14.10. Use by OWNER at OWNER's option of any substantially completed part of the Work, which: (i) has specifically, been identified in the Contract Documents, a (ii) OWNER, ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR agree constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by OWNER for its intended purpose without significant interference with CONTRACTOR's performance of the remainder of the Work, may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work subject to the following: 14.10.1.OWNER at any time may request CONTRACTOR in writing to permit OWNER to use any such part of the Work which OWNER believes to be ready for its intended use and substantially complete. If CONTRACTOR agrees that such part of the Work is substantially complete, CONTRACTOR will certify to OWNER and ENGINEER that such part of the Wok is substantially complete and request ENGINEER to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. CONTRACTOR at any time may notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing that CONTRACTOR considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use and substantially complete and request ENGUEER to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an irpection of that part of the Work to determine its status of Lumpletion If ENGINEER does not consider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, ENGINEER will notify OWNER and CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If ENGINEER considers that part of the Work to be substantially complete, the provisions of paragraphs 14.5 and 14.9 will apply with respect to certification of Substantial Completion of that part of the Work and the division of responsibility in respect thereof and access thereto. 14.10.2. No occupancy or separate operation of part of the Work will be accomplished prior to compliance with the requirements of paragraph 5.15 in respect of property insurance. Final Inspection: 14.11. Upon written notice from CONTRACTOR that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, ENGINEER will make a final inspection with OWNER and CONTRACTOR and will notify CONTRACTOR in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such work or remedy such deficiencies. Final Application for Payment: 14.12. After CONTRACTOR has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of ENGINEER and delivered in accordance with the Contract Documents all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates or other evidence of insurance required by paragraph 5.4, certificates of inspection, marked -up record documents (as provided in paragraph 6.19) and other documents, CONTRACTOR may make application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: (i)all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by subparagraph 5.4,13. (ii) consent of the surety, if any, to final payment, and (iii) complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to OWNER) of all Liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu of such releases or waivers of Liens and as approved by OWNER, CONTRACTOR may furnish receipts or releases in full and affidavit of CONTRACTOR that: (i) the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be filed and (ii) all payrolls, material and equipment bills, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which OWNER or OWNER's property might in any way be responsible have been paid or otherwise satisfied. If any Subcontractor or Supplier fails EJCDC GENERAL CONDIT1ON51910.3 (1990 Edliar) wl CITY OF FORT COLLIN''S MODIFICATIONS (REV 42000) to furnish such a release or receipt in full, CONTRACTOR may famish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to OWNER to indemnify OWNER aspiro any Lien Releases or waivers of liens and the consent of the surety to finalize pavment are to be submitted on forms conforming to the format of the OWNER'S standard forms bound in a Project manual. Final Payment andAeceptance: 14.13. IL on the basis of ENGINEER's observation of the Work during construction and final inspection, and ENGINEER's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation as required by the Contract Document% ENGINEER is satisfied that the Work has been completed and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, E,*I EER will, within ten days after receipt of the final Application for Payment, indicate in writing ENGINTEER's recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER for payment. At the same time ENGINEER will also give written notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR that the Work is acceptable subject to the provisions of paragraph 14.15. Otherwise, ENGINEER will return the Application to CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final payment, in which case CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Thirty days after presentation to OWNER of the Application and accompanying documentation, in appropriate form and substance and with ENGINEER's recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount recommended by ENGIN= will become due and will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR subject to paragraph 17.6.2 of these General Conditions. 14.14. It', through no fault of CONTRACTOR, final completion of the Work is significantly delayed and if ENGINEER so confirms, OWNER shall, upon receipt of CONTRACTOR's final Application for Payment and recommendation of ENGINEER, and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by OWNER for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been furnished as required in paragraph 5.1, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by CONTRACTOR to ENGINEER with the Application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terns and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. Waiver of Claims: 14.15. The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute: 14.15.1. a waiver of all claims by OWNER against CONTRACTOR, except claims arising from unsettled Liens, from defective Work appearing after final inspection pursuant to paragraph 14.11, from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the tenns of any special guarantees specified therein, or from CONTRACTOR's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and 14.15.2. A waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against OWNER other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled - ARTICLE 15--SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TEPMUNATION OJ-AER bray Suspend Work: 15.1. At any time and without cause, OWNER may suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety days by notice in writing to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER which will fix the date on which Work will be resumed. CONTRACTOR shall resume the Work on the date so fixed CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an adjustment iIt the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both, directly attributable to any such suspension if CONTRACTOR makes an approved claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. OWNER May Terminate: 15.2. Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events 15 2.1. if CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform the Work in accordance witContract Documents (including but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhere to tlac progress schedule established under paragraph2.9 as adjusted from time to time pursuant to paragraph 6.6); 15.2.2. if CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regulations of any public body, having jurisdiction; 15.2.3. if CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of ENGINEER; or 15.2.4. if CONTRACTOR otherwise violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents; OWNER may, after giving CONTRACTOR (and the surety, if any) seven days' written notice and to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR exclude CONTRACTOR from the site and take possession of the Work and of all CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by CONTRACTOR (witht)ut liability to CONTRACTOR for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid EJCDC GENERAL COM7ITIONS 191" (1990 Edition) 32 wt CITY OF FORT OOLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4R000) CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as OWNER may deem expedient. In such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by OWNER arising out of or resulting from completing the Work such excess will be paid to CONTRACTOR. If such claims, costs, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shall pay the difference to OWNER. Such claims, costs, losses and damages incurred by OWNER will be reviewed by ENGINEER as to their reasonableness and when so approved by ENGINEER incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this paragraph OWNER shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. 15.3. Where CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by OWNER, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due CONTRACTOR by OWNER will not release CONTRACTOR from liability. 15A. Upon seven days' written notice to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of OWNER, elect to terminate the Agreement. In such case, CONTRACTOR shall be paid (without duplication of any items): 15.4.1. for completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work; 15.4.2. for expenses sustained prior to the effective dale of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; 15.4.3. for all claims, costs, losses and damages incurred in settlement of terminated contracts with Subcontractors, Suppliers and others; and 15.4.4. for reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. CONTRACTOR shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate: 15.5. If, through no act or fault of CONTRACTOR, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety days by OWNER or under an order of court or other public authority, or ENGINEER fails to act on any Application for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted or OWNER fails for thirty days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due, then CONTRACTOR may, upon seven days' written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER, and provided OWNER or ENGINEER do not remedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recover from OWNER payment on the same terms as provided in paragraph 15.4, n lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, if ENGINEER has failed to act on an Application for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted, or OWNER has failed for thirty, days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due, CONTRACTOR may upon seven days' written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER stop the Work until payment of all such amounts due CONTRACTOR, includmg interest thereon. The provisions of this paragraph 15.5 are not intended to preclude CONTRACTOR from making claim under Articles 11 and 12 for an increase in Contract Price or Contract Times or otherwise for expenses or damage directly attributable to CONITRACTOR's stopping Work as permitted by this paragraph ARTICLE 16—DISPUTE RESOLUTION If and to the extent that OANM and CONTRACTOR have agreed on the method and procedure for resolving disputes between them that may arise under this Agreement, such dispute resolution method and procedure, if any, shall be as set forth in Exhibit GC -A, "Dispute Resolution Agreement", to be attached hereto and made a part hereof. If no such agreement on the method and procedure for resolving such disputes has been reached, and subject to the provisions of paragraphs9.10, 9.11 and 9.12, OWNER and CONTRACTOR may exercise such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any dispute. ARTICLE 17—MISCELLANEOUS living Notice: 17.1. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm. or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. 171. Computation of Time: 17.2.1. When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day will be omitted from the computation. EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIOIS 1910-8 0990 E(Atim) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) 17.2.2. A calendar day of twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight will constitute a day. Notice of Clain: 17.3. Should OWNER or CONTRACTOR suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other party or of any of the other party's employees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is legally liable, claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provision of this paragraph 17.3 stall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose.Cumulative Remedies: 17.4. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto, and, in particular but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations unposed upon CONTRACTOR by paragraphs 6.12, 6.16, 6,30, 6.31, 6.32, 13.1, 13.12, 13.14, 14.3 and 15.2 and all of the rights and remedies available to OWNER and ENGINEER thereunder, are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations by special warranty or guarantee or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in cortrtection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. Professional Fees and Court Costs Include& 17.5, Whenever reference is made to "claims, costs, losses and damages', it shall include in each case, but not be limited to, all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs. 17.6. The laws of the State of Colorado apply to this Agreement Reference to two txrtinent Colorado statutes are as follows 17.61. Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS8-17-101) require that Colorado labor be employed to perform 1k W_ork tQ tth e t nt�f 1 1zss than SO nercerit (80°ro) of each type or class of labor in the several classifications of skilled and common labor employed on the project Colorado labor means any petson who is a bona fide residera of the Stale of Colorado at the time of em Ip oynient_ without discrimination as to race color, creed, age, religion or sex 17.6.2. If a claim is filed. OWNER is reauired law (CRS 38-26-107) to withhold from all payments to CONTRACTOR sufficient funds to insure the payment of all claims for labor, materials. team hire. sustenance, provisions, provender, or other supplies used or consumed by CONTRACTOR or his 33 subject of suit and lis 12mdm notiee.% and shall retain only sufficient funds to inswe the payment of iudaem= which may result from the suit. EK DC OENE&AL CON MOM 1910.8 (1990 Edtion) 34 w/ QTY OF FORT COLI1M MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/I(W) Cl'his page left blank intentionally.) EICDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 191 M (19% Edition) 35 w/ CITY OF FORT COLLM MODIFICATIONS (REV 42000) EXT C OENERAL CONDITIONS I910S (1990 E(6lian) w! CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) EXHIBIT GC -A to General Conditions of the Construction Contract Between OWNER and CONTRACTOR DISPUTE RESOLUTION AGREEMENT OWNER and CONTRACTOR hereby agree that Article 16 of the General Conditions of the Construction Contract between OWNER and CONTRACTOR is amended to include the following agreement of the parties: 16.1 All claims, disputes and other matters in question between OXkNER and CONTRACTOR arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents or the breach thereof (except for claims which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided by paragraph 14.15) will be decided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining, subject to the limitations of the Article 16. This agreement so to arbitrate and any other agreement or consent to arbitrate entered into in accordance herewith as provided in this Article 16 will be specifically enforceable under the prevailing law of any court having jurisdiction 16.2 No demand for arbitration of any claim, dispute or other matter that is required to be referred to ENGINEER initially for decision in accordance with paragraph 9.11 will be made until the earlier of (a) the date on which ENGINEER has rendered a written decision or (b) the thirty-first day after the parties have presented their evidence to ENGINEER if a written decision has not been rendered by ENGINEER before that date. No demand for arbitration of any such claim, dispute or other matter will be made later than thirty days after the date on which ENGINEER has rendered a written decision in respect thereof in accordance with paragraph 9.11; and the failure to demand arbitration within said thirty days period will result in ENGINEER's decision being final and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR If ENGINEER renders a decision after arbitration proceedings have been initiated, such decision may be entered as evidence but will not supersede the arbitration proceedings, except where the decision is acceptable to the parties concerned. No demand for arbitration of any written decision of ENGINEER rendered in accordance with paragraph 9.10 will be made later than ten days after the party making such demand has delivered written notice of intention to appeal as provided in paragraph 9.10. 16.3. Notice of the demand for arbitration will be filed in writing with the other party to the Agreement and with the American Arbitration Association, and a copy will be sent to ENGINEER for information The demand for arbitration -will be made within the thirty -day or ten-day period specified in paragraph 16.2 as applicable, and in all other cases within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen, and in no event shall any such demand be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. EJCDC GENERAL, CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 E3tim) w/ CiTY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) 16.4. Fxcept as provided in paragraph 16.5 below, no arbitration arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents shall include by consolidation, joinder or in anv other manner any other person or entity (including ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultant and the officers, directors, agents, employees or consultants of any of them) who is not a party to this contract unless: 16.4.1. the inclusion of such other person or entity is necessary if complete relief is to be afforded among those who are already parties to the arbitration and 16.4.2. such other person or entity is substantially involved in a question of law or fact which is common to those who are already parties to the arbitration and which will arise in such proceedings, and 16.4.3. the written consent of the other person or entity sought to be included and of OWNER and CONTRACTOR has been obtained for such inclusion, which consent shall make specific reference to this paragraph; but no such consent shall constitute consent to arbitration of any dispute not specifically described in such consent or to arbitration with any party not specifically identified in such consent. 16.5. Notwithstanding paragraph 16.4, if a claim, dispute or other matter in question between OWNER and CONTRACTOR involves the Work of a Subcontractor, either OWNER or CONTRACTOR may join such Subcontractor as a party to the arbitration between OWNER and CONTRACTOR hereunder. CONTRACTOR shall include in all subcontracts required by paragraph 6.11 a specific provision whereby the Subcontractor consents to being joined in an arbitration between OWNER and CONTRACTOR involving the Work of such Subcontractor. Nothing in this paragraph 16.5 nor in the provision of such subcontract consenting to joinder shall create any claim, right or cause of action in favor of Subcontractor and against OWNER, ENGINEER or ENGINEER's Consultants that does not otherwise exist. 16.6. The award rendered by the arbitrators will be final, judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof and it will not be subject to modification or appeal. 16.7. OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that they shall first submit any and all unsettled claims, counterclaims, disputes and other matters in question between them arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents or the breach thereof ("disputes"), to mediation by the American Arbitration Association under the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association prior to either of them initiating against the other a demand for arbitration pursuant to paragraphs 16.1 through 16.6, unless delay in initiating arbitration would irrevocably prejudice one of the parties. The respective thirty and ten day time limits within which to file a demand for arbitration as provided in paragraphs 16.2 and 16.3 above shall be suspended with respect to a dispute submitted to mediation within those same applicable time limits and shall remain suspended until ten days after the termination of the mediation. The mediator of any dispute submitted to mediation under this Agreement shall not serve as arbitrator of such dispute unless otherwise agreed. GC -Al SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 15th day of March in the year of 2018 and shall be effective on the date this AGREEMENT is signed by the City. The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and Lightfield Enterprises Inc. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as the construction of the 8469 Concrete Maintenance Project Phase 1 - 2018 Renewal and is generally described in Section 01010. ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The Project has been designed by the City of Fort Collins, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIMES 3.1 This is a one year agreement but, at the option of the City, the Agreement may be extended for additional one year periods not to exceed Three (3) additional one year periods. Pricing changes shall be negotiated by and agreed to by both parties. 3.2 The Work shall be Substantially Complete within One Hundred Sixty- Five(165) working days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions within Five (5) working days after the date Substantial Completion. 3.3 Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3.2 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall meet Contractual Milestones set forth in in Subsection 108.08 of the Project Specifications. They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving in a legal preceding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as Liquidated damages for delay EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 Editian) GC -Al w! CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/931 SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of the Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Construction Contract (EJCDC General Conditions 1910-8, 1990 edition with City of Fort Collins modifications) and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. SC-4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions: A. Add the following language to paragraph 4.2.1 of the General Conditions. The following report(s) of exploration and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: N/A Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in the geotechnical documents, but not upon nontechnical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or upon the completeness of any information in the report. B. No drawing of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities referred to in Paragraph 4.3) which are at or contiguous to the site have been utilized by the Engineer in preparation of the Contract Documents, except the following: MIA SC-5.4.8 Limits of Liability A. Add the following language at the end of paragraph 5.4.8. The limits of liability for the insurance required by the paragraph numbers of the General Conditions listed below are as follows: 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverage A - Statutory Limits Coverage B - $100,000/$100,000/$500,000 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 Commercial General Liability policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). This policy will include coverage for Explosion, Collapse, and Underground coverage unless waived by the Owner. 5.4.6 The Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). 5.4.9 This policy will include completed operations coverage/product liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). SC-12.3 Add the following language to the end of paragraph 12.3. Contractor will include in the project schedule zero 0 days lost due to abnormal weather conditions. SECTION 00900 ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT 00950 Contract Change Order 00960 Application for Payment SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT TITLE: Concrete Maintenance Project Phase I - 2018 Renewal CONTRACTOR: Lightfield Enterprises Inc. PROJECT NUMBER: 8469 1-is]i4M9Ce]i•➢ 1. Reason for change: 2. Description of Change: 3. Change in Contract Cost: 4. Change in Contract Time: ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $ .00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER .00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER .00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER .00 TOTAL % OF THIS CHANGE ORDER % TOTAL C.O.% OF ORIGNINAL CONTRACT % ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ .00 (Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's Representative ACCEPTED BY: Project Manager DATE: REVIEWED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over $30,000 cc: City Clerk Contractor Engineer Project File Architect Purchasing Section 00960 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAGE 1 OF 4 OWNER: City of Fort Collins PROJECT: APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD BEGINNING: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT NUMBER: CHANGE ORDERS Application is made for Payment as shown below in connection with Contract The present status of the account for this Contract is as NUMBER DATE AMOUNT follows: 1 2 Original Contract Amount: 3 Net Change by Change Order: Current contract Amount: $0.00 Total Completed and Stored to Date: Less Previous Applications: Amount Due this Application - Before Retainage: $0.00 Less Retainage: Net Change by Change Order $0.00 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION: $0.00 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that all obligations of CONTRACTOR incurred in connection with the Work have been satisfied as required in Paragraph 14.3. of the General Conditions of the Contract. The above Amount Due This Application is requested by the CONTRACTOR. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is recommended by the ENGINEER. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application has been reviewed by the OWNER'S Project Manager. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is approved by the OWNER. Date: By: APPLICATION FOR CONTRACT AMOUNTS PAYMENT PAGE 2 OF 4 Work Work Work Completed Completed Completed Stored This Previous To Bid Month Periods Date Materials Total Item This Earned Percent Unit To Number Description Quantity Units Price Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Qty. 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