HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - RFP - 8631 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (10)FACILITIES REQUISITION FORM VENDOR LTDATE Enviornmental Inc. 4/27/18 REQ BY: Work Order # Billable? Y/N Ethan Cozzens PR-600102 Yes, to BRM CHARGE# 510102.521160 TOTAL COST: - BUYER:Pat Johnson OTY DESCRIPTION COST $8,047.00 ADDITIONAL INFO COMPUTER INPUT INFORMATION: VENDOR# REQUISITION # DATE ENTERED: $8,047.00 Provide Phase I ESA, complete asbestos, lead-based paint, and GAC surveying & report services for the old water treatment building and the two historic buildings at Gateway Natural Areas. Work Order Form Official Purchasing Form Last updated 10/2017 WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO A MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND LT ENVIRONMENTAL INC. WORK ORDER NUMBER: PR-600102 PROJECT TITLE: Gateway Water Treatment Plant Historical Preservation Work ORIGINAL BID/RFP NUMBER & NAME: N/A MASTER AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: February 28, 2018 WORK ORDER COMMENCEMENT DATE: 4/24/18 WORK ORDER COMPLETION DATE: 5/31/18 MAXIMUM FEE: (time and reimbursable direct costs): $8,047.00 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE OF SERVICES: Provide Phase I ESA for the site, complete asbestos, lead-based paint, and GAC surveying & report services per the attached LTE proposal dated March 9, 2017. Service Provider agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Master Agreement between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the Master Agreement and this Work Order (including the attached forms) the Master Agreement shall control. The attached forms consisting of 8 (eight) page(s) are hereby accepted and incorporated herein, by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given after all parties have signed this document. SERVICE PROVIDER: Date: John D. Peterson, COO ACCEPTANCE: Date: Ethan Cozzens, Project Manager REVIEWED: Date: Pat Johnson, Buyer or Senior Buyer ACCEPTANCE: Date: Gerry Paul, Purchasing Director (if greater than $60,000) 4/25/18 COMPLIANCE / ENGINEERING / REMEDIATION LT Environmental Inc. 4600 West 60th Avenue Arvada, Colorado 80003 T 303.433.9788 / F 303.433.1432 March 9, 2017 Mr. Ethan Cozzens City of Fort Collins 300 Laporte Avenue, Building B Fort Collins, CO 80522 RE: Proposal for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Asbestos and Lead Based Paint Survey Portion of the Gateway Park – Former Water Treatment Plant Larimer County, Colorado VIA EMAIL Dear Mr. Cozzens, LT Environmental, Inc. (LTE) is pleased to present this proposal to the City of Fort Collins (City) to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA), asbestos and lead-based paint survey and sampling of granular activated carbon of select buildings located at the Gateway Park located within Larimer County, Colorado (Subject Property). The Subject Property is currently owned by the City of Fort Collins and is identified as Larimer County parcel number 0933000903. The Subject Property includes a two-story building that was formerly used as the City drinking water treatment plant and two associated out buildings that were to be included as part of the study area. The City informed LTE the structures are planned for potential for future renovation. The City indicated other structures (i.e. ranger residences, bathrooms, etc.) were not included as part of this work. The Phase I ESA will be conducted in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E-1527-13. The purpose of the ASTM E-1527-13 compliant Phase I ESA will be to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs), Historical RECs (HRECs), and Controlled RECs (CRECs) that may associated with the Subject Property. In the event of any inconsistency between the requirements of the ASTM Standard E-1527-13 and this proposal, the requirements of the ASTM Standard E1527-13 will govern, except with respect to requirements of this proposal that are in addition to the requirements of the ASTM standard, if any. SCOPE OF SERVICES PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT: • Review of historical records including aerial photographs, topographic maps, Sanborn ® maps, and city directories as available to LTE; • Review of local, state, and federal records; • Conduct interviews with individuals familiar with the Subject Property, as available; Cozzens, E. Page 2 • Review of User supplied documentation; • Inspection of the Subject Property; and • Preparation of a report. 1. Review of Historical Records LTE will review readily available historical information in an effort to identify current and historical activities which might suggest that the Subject Property has been impacted by hazardous materials or wastes. LTE will review readily available historical topographic maps, Sanborn ® fire insurance maps, aerial photographs, and city directories of the Subject Property and adjoining properties. 2. Review of Local, State, and Federal Records LTE will review topographic, geologic, and hydrologic information for the Subject Property and vicinity. In addition, LTE may contact and, if available, review information from the local building, planning, fire, and county assessor offices. LTE will also obtain and review a commercially available database of near-by sites (i.e., sites within a radius as specified by ASTM E-1527-13) that may pose an environmental risk to the Subject Property. In general, the database will include property records, regulatory permits, and local, state, and federal records of sites that are known or suspected of being hazardous material or waste storage, transportation, release or remediation sites. 3. Conduct Interviews LTE will conduct interviews with personnel familiar with the history of the Subject Property, as they are available. In general, the interviews will be used to acquire information regarding the past occupancy and historical and current activities at the Subject Property, and thus, if past or current uses and/or operations conducted at the Subject Property may have led to environmental impairment of the Subject Property. 4. User Supplied Information ASTM E-1527-13 notes that it is the User’s responsibility to obtain certain data that they may share with the Phase I ESA provider. While ASTM E-1527-13 does not mandate that the User submit this information to LTE, LTE will review information regarding the Subject Property supplied by the City. User supplied information supplied to LTE could include: • Title records; • Environmental liens and Activity and Use Limitations (AULs); • Specialized knowledge; commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information; • Valuation reduction for environmental issues; • Owner, property manager, and occupant information; and Cozzens, E. Page 3 • Reason for performing the Phase I ESA. Per ASTM E-1527-13, LTE will submit a User Questionnaire for you to complete. Information provided in the User Questionnaire will be used to prepare our conclusions and recommendations regarding the Subject Property. For purposes of this scope of work, LTE assumes that the City has access to a Chain of Title, Environmental Search, and/or an Activity and Use Limitation search which LTE can review upon request. If the City does not have access to these items, LTE can order these documents for the City for an additional cost. 5. Subject Property Inspection LTE will coordinate with the City regarding access and potential escorts for inspection of the Subject Property. Generally, LTE will inspect the Subject Property for evidence of the storage, use, disposal, or release of hazardous materials or wastes. Specifically, LTE will inspect the Subject Property for evidence of: • Hazardous substances and/or petroleum products; • Strong odors; • Pools of liquid; • Drums; • Unidentified containers; • Storage tanks; • Polychlorinated biphenyls; • Stains and/or corrosion; • Drains and sumps; • Pits, ponds, and/or lagoons; • Stained soil/pavement; • Stressed vegetation; • Solid waste and fill/debris areas; • Waste water discharges; and • Adjacent properties to identify high-risk neighbors and the potential for known or suspected contamination to migrate onto the Subject Property. LTE will use a standardized checklist to assess the Subject Property. Photographs will be taken of the Subject Property and surrounding areas. Photographs of pertinent environmental concerns/issues will be included in the Phase I ESA report. Cozzens, E. Page 4 6. Report Preparation LTE will prepare an ASTM E-1527-13 compliant Phase I ESA report on the Subject Property. The report will include a discussion of procedures, results, and conclusions associated with the Subject Property. If LTE concludes that additional investigation outside the scope of this Phase I ESA is warranted, those recommendations will be submitted under separate cover. ASBESTOS AND LEAD-BASED PAINT SURVEY FIELD VISIT AND BULK SAMPLE COLLECTION, AND SAMPLING OF GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON 1. Limited Asbestos Survey LTE was informed by the City that a previous limited asbestos survey was completed for the main building at the Subject Property. Based on the information provided by the City, LTE will conduct a limited asbestos survey, which will include a review of the previous survey and include sampling of bulk samples from of additional suspect building materials identified by LTE found within the building and two associated outbuildings for the purpose of future potential renovation. LTE will collect bulk samples of suspect building materials. LTE will assess the condition of the suspect materials and the potential for damage for each suspect material. LTE will also determine if the material is friable or non-friable. These suspect materials will be sampled by a Colorado Certified Asbestos Building Inspector (CABI) and analyzed per PLM (Polarized Light Microscopy). All samples collected will be sent to Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. for analysis. 2. Lead-based Paint Survey LTE will collect paint chip samples and bulk samples to be evaluated for lead content. All samples collected will be submitted to Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. for atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). AAS provides a percent lead value. 3. Sampling Granular Activated Carbon During the visit to the Subject Property, LTE observed vaults containing granular activated carbon (GAC) which appeared to formerly have been used in the water treatment process. Based on discussions with the City it was determined that samples of the GAC should be sampled to evaluate disposal options of the GAC, if needed. LTE is proposing to collect samples of the GAC for analysis by toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) for volatile organic compound (VOC) and RCRA 8 Metals. 4. Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint and Sampling Granular Activated Carbon Survey Reporting LTE will provide a report detailing the field observations, laboratory analytical results, and conclusions of the findings of the asbestos, lead-based paint and granular activated carbon. Cozzens, E. Page 5 COSTS AND ASSUMPTIONS The cost to complete the Phase I ESA will be completed as a lump sum cost of $2,200.00. The cost of the asbestos, lead-based paint survey and GAC sampling will be completed on a unit rate basis not to exceed $5,847.00. The cost provided is based on the following assumptions: • Scheduling can be arranged so the inspection of the Subject Property can be completed within one business day; • The Subject Property is fully accessible; • The City will provide an individual(s) knowledgeable about the Subject Property and current operations to interview and potentially act as an escort during the site inspection; • Additional file review as required by ASTM-E-1527-2013, if any, will not exceed two hours. LTE will notify you if file review is expected to exceed four hours. The cost of the additional review will be based on a rate of $83.00/hour; • The Phase I ESA does not include media sampling (surface water, soil, groundwater, or vapor) for asbestos, lead, mold, radon, or other potential contaminants; • Only an assessment of vapor migration will be assessed. Additional investigation for the potential for vapor intrusion will not be conducted; • All existing environmental reports or property files in the City’s possession, if any, will be made available to LTE, • The final Phase I ESA report will be submitted electronically; • No more than 75 asbestos bulk samples will be collected and submitted on standard turnaround time (5 day turnaround). If additional PLM samples need to be collected, the City will be charged $8.80 per sample to be added to final invoice cost. LTE will not complete the any additionally sampling without written approval from the City; • No more than 10 PLM samples will require potential further analysis by point count analysis. Point count analysis will be completed on a 24-hour turnaround. If additional point count analysis is required, the City will be charged $42.40 per sample to be added to the final invoice cost. LTE will not complete any additional point count analysis without written approval from the City; • Up to 20 lead paint chip samples will be collected; • No destructive investigation will be completed as part of the asbestos survey; Cozzens, E. Page 6 • Up to eight TCLP sample of GAC samples will be collected; and • All samples will be completed on a standard turnaround. SCHEDULE LTE will complete and deliver the Phase I ESA to the City no later than April 30, 2018, or 15 business days following receipt of the fully executed work order giving LTE authorization to proceed (whichever is later). The Phase I ESA will be conducted per RFP 8361 Environmental Services Contract. The asbestos, lead and GAC report will be supplied to the City within 10 days of receiving the final analytical analysis. LTE looks forward to working with you on this project. Please contact the undersigned at 303.433.9788 if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, LT ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Nick Talocco, P.E. Senior Engineer TABLES FORT COLLINS, COLORADO LABOR Senior Staff Staff GIS/ Admin/Clerical ENG SCI/ENG II SCI/ENG III CADD TASK 1 - Limited Asbestos Survey, Lead-Based Paint Survey, Granular Activated Carbon Sampling- Site Visit 16 1 TASK 2 - Asbestos Survey Reporting 2 12 4 4 1 TOTAL HOURS 2 12 20 4 1 RATE ($) $145.00 $85.00 $75.00 $70.00 $55.00 LABOR COST $290.00 $1,020.00 $1,500.00 $280.00 $55.00 LABOR SUBTOTAL $3,145.00 SUBCONTRACTOR QTY. UNIT COST UNIT UNIT TOTAL PLM Analysis of Bulk Samples 75 $8.00 /Each $600.00 Point County Analysis 10 $42.00 /Each $420.00 Paint Chip Samples 20 $10.00 /Each $200.00 TCLP Sampling (VOC and RCRA 8 Metals) 8 $125.00 /Each $1,000.00 10% FEE $222.00 SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL $2,442.00 OTHER DIRECT COSTS (ODCs) QTY. UNIT TOTAL TASKS 1 Field Vehicle 2 $110.00 /Day $220.00 Asbestos Sampling Kit 2 $20.00 DAY $40.00 ODC SUBTOTAL $260.00 SURVEY AND SAMPLING ESTIMATED TOTAL $5,847.00 COST/UNIT TABLE 1 COST ESTIMATE GATEWAY PARK - FORMER WATER TREATMENT SAMPLING CITY OF FORT COLLINS LIMTED ASBESTOS SURVEY, LEAD-BASED PAINT SURVEY AND GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON SAMLING