2133 S. Timberline Road – Suite 110
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Delivery by email
October 23, 2017
Tyson Vogel
Banner Concrete
715 Peterson Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
RE: 7658 Miscellaneous Concrete Annual
Transfort Bus Pad Upgrades 2017 – Work Order 10
Dear Tyson:
This scope of work follows the agreement for 7658 Miscellaneous Concrete Annual work for the City of
Fort Collins. This package contains a work order for concrete bus pads at various locations around the
City of Fort Collins. Attached please find a detailed scope of work and details.
Please let me know if you have any questions or require further information regarding this scope of work.
I can be reached by phone at 480.745.5910 and email george.latour@ditescoservices.com.
George Latour, CCM - Operations Manager
Cc: file, Transfort
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Exhibit A
Transfort Bus Pads Upgrades 2017 (additional)
A. This project includes improvements, and additions to bus pad locations throughout Fort Collins, see
attached drawings for specific locations. The Work includes demo and haul off of existing concrete pavement
and existing curb and gutter, grading and re-compaction of existing subgrade, and placement of new concrete
bus pads. In addition to the bus pads, several locations include adjacent concrete replacement, including
concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and ADA accessible handicap ramps as noted on the attached drawings.
B. The Service Provider must provide all labor, materials and equipment, including traffic control and
barricading to accomplish the work in accordance with City standard specifications. Replacement of curb,
gutter and sidewalk shall match existing, i.e., vertical curb shall be replaced with vertical curb, etc., or as
directed by Engineer or Project Manager.
C. Concrete bus pads shown on the plan must be constructed in accordance with current Transfort Bus Stop
Design Standards & Guidelines, and LCUASS Standards.
D. Handicap ramp layout and design shall be coordinated in the field with the Project Engineer. All ramps
shall conform to current ADA and LCUASS Standards.
A. Service Provider must refer to the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS) latest edition.
These documents are available on the internet at www.larimer.org.
B. The Service Provider must submit concrete mix designs for approval by the City Streets Department prior
to starting work, with the exception of City of Fort Collins Streets Department pre-approved concrete mix
A. A bid schedule is attached which utilizes pricing established in the Agreement.
B. Service Provider will invoice for all jobs completed on a unit price basis with the prices established in the
Bid Schedule section.
C. Work order number must be included on the billing invoices.
D. All jobs must begin within a ten (10) day period following issue of a work order, or as directed by Engineer.
Each work order shall be signed and returned to the issuing department within 48 hours. If the low responsive,
responsible Service Provider cannot meet this performance specification, the City has the right to offer the
project to the next lowest responsive, responsible Service Provider according to prices listed from their
submitted bid schedule. Exceptions to this policy will be made for inclement weather preventing a timely
response by the Service Provider (a one-day extension for each day of bad weather will be given), or a
previous understanding between the Service Provider and the City's departmental representative allowing
more flexibility with regard to the individual project. It will be the Service Provider's responsibility to make
these arrangements with the City's Representative.
A. Not used
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A. It shall be the Service Provider's responsibility to notify the City Engineer, or their representative, that the
work is ready for inspection. Every request for inspection shall be made at least twenty-four (24) hours before
inspection is desired. Any work completed by the Service Provider and not inspected and accepted by the
City engineer's office shall be removed and replaced at the Service Provider's expense.
A. Prices bid shall be based upon Project Specifications and it shall be each Service Provider's responsibility
to familiarize themselves with the complexities involved for all work.
B. Service Provider shall submit invoices to Ditesco monthly. Payment will be processed by City
Departments upon the presentation of invoicing and work order.
C. Payment will be made based on field measurements of actual as-constructed quantities per the contract
unit prices.
A. All traffic control, work zone protection, and/or parking control and permits shall be the responsibility of the
Service Provider, and provided in accordance with the latest revisions of the “Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices for Streets and Highways” (MUTCD), the City of Fort Collins “Work Area Traffic Control
Handbook”, and the attached revisions of Sections 104 and 630, Traffic and Parking Control and Traffic
Control Devices respectively.
B. The work described in this work order will be performed entirely on City of Fort Collins property at the
Transfort Bus Pad locations. Coordinate with Transfort and Ditesco operations and provide advance
notification before disrupting normal traffic flow through the facility.
A. Warranty will be for 24 months for all work from date of acceptance by the City.
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Work Order No. 10
Stop Location Estimated Cost
1496 Howes and Mountain (NB) $6,662.16
885 Laporte and Loomis (WB) $4,289.72
949 Laporte and Lyons (WB) $1,625.59
889 Laporte and Fishback $11,182.05
336 Drake and Redwing $4,039.62
483 Shields and Drake $9,429.32
1279 Harmony and Ziegler $5,068.44
1555 Harmony and Corbett $6,136.11
1281 Harmony and Snow Mesa $17,467.88
1460 Harmony and Innovation $15,631.94
TBD Prospect and Seely $11,793.14
Contingency $6,000.00
Total $99,325.97
2133 South Timberline Road– Suite 110
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Delivery by email
October 23, 2017
Melina Dempsey
250 North Mason Street
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
RE: 7658 Miscellaneous Concrete Annual
Transfort Bus Pad Upgrades 2017 – Work Order 10
Independent Cost Estimate
Banner Concrete was directed through Transfort Bus Pad Upgrade work order to replaced/upgrade existing bus
pads, the adjacent sidewalks and handicap ramps. The work includes removal and replacement of concrete pads,
sidewalks, ramps and curb/gutter, joint sealing and miscellaneous traffic control associated with the work. Please
find the attached Banner signed preliminary work order documentation.
In reviewing the request, an independent cost estimate has been prepared, reflecting current construction costs for
similar work undertaken in the state of Colorado. This has been reflected in the attached Independent Cost
Estimate (ICE) attached to this document. Several sources were utilized to provide a direct material and labor
comparison. Utilizing previous City of Fort Collins Concrete Maintenance Contract pricing and the 2015-2016
CDOT cost data manuals, the attached ICE pricing includes all cost associated with the install. Based on these cost
sources, the independent estimated cost for the work order is $106,278.91.
Considering the value of the ICE, I find Banner’s work order total, in the amount of is $99,325.97 to be reasonable
for the required scope. As such, I recommend acceptance of this work order cost to the contract.
Please let me know if you have any questions or require further information regarding this scope of work. I can be
reached by phone at 480-745-5910 and email george.latour@ditescoservices.com.
George Latour, CCM – Project Manager
Cc: file, Transfort