HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - PURCHASE ORDER - 9176469Req. # Entered by: Date: PURCHASE ORDER REQUISITION FORT COLLINS UTILITIES Vendor Address Requested by Date Authorized by Date Authorized By Date Authorized By Date Authorized By Date Authorized By Date QTY. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL CHARGE NUMBER 1 Other Prof & Tech Services $624,941 13500000.529999.9080.13500000.c Total Comments The funds of this requisition are to be included in a new PO. DocuSign Envelope ID: 954ADEFE-BD20-41B5-AFCA-E21DAAC557DB +HDWKHU  $312,948.68 Please create NEW PO for the balance of the original PO 9170661 Change of vendor 9/25/17, updating PO with new info and balance left on org. PO 9170661 see attached letter PO Box 200209 Dallas, TX 75320-0209 Itron - 105347 DocuSign Envelope ID: 46A9B50C-7931-40CD-A8DE-77F760B5E394   57766   Re:NoticeofAssignmentofagreement(s)fromItronDistributedEnergyManagement,Inc.toItron,Inc.  Towhomitmayconcern,  NoticeofAssignment: OnJune1,2017,Itron,Inc.acquiredComverge,Inc.(nowknownasItronDistributedEnergyManagement,Inc.)asa whollyowned,indirectsubsidiary.InconnectionwiththeacquisitionandtheintegrationoftheComvergebusiness,we plantoassigntheagreement(s)withyoutoItron,Inc.Sincetherearenorestrictionsonassignmentintheagreement(s), thisletterisnoticethatItronDistributedEnergyManagement,Inc.isassigningitsrights,interestsandobligationsto Itron,Inc.,whichforallpurposeswillreplaceComverge,Inc.underthetermsoftheagreement(s),effectiveOctober2, 2017.  Invoicing: AswetransitionourbusinesstransactionswithyoufromComvergetoItron,Inc.,pleasenotenewinvoiceswillbegin shippingtoyoubeginningOct.1,2017.  Inordertomakethistransition,x ACHandwirepaymentsshouldbedirectedtoItron,weneedyourhelpwithcompletingafewitems:Inc.:bankaccountnumber4375688983; Fedwirecode x x Checkpaymentsshouldbesenttoourlockboxaddress:121000248;Fortaxpurposes,andswiftcodeWFBIUS6SXXX.pleasefaxoremailupdatedexemption( ItronInc.s)certificatesanddirectpaypermitsinthenameof ,POBox200209,Dallas,Texas,75320Ͳ0209. Itron,Inc.to855Ͳ831Ͳ9264orDanielle.armitage@itron.comandPatty.collins@itron.com.Pleasenote,if updatedexemptions/directpaypermitsarenotreceivedbyOct.1,Itronwillberequiredbylawtochargeand remittaxonalltaxabletransactions.  Movingforward,pleasesendanyaccountsreceivablequeriesandpaymentremittancesto USͲGBSͲAccountsreceivable@itron.com.  Asweworktogether,weaimtokeepthisprocessasseamlessandstreamlinedforyouaspossible.Asalways,welook forwardtoprovidingyouandyourcompanywiththebestproductsandsolutions.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorneed assistancewithfillingouttherequiredforms,pleaseletmeknowandIwillgetyouintouchwiththerightcontactat Itron.  Pleaseconfirmreceiptofthisnoticewithinfivebusinessdaysbyreplyingtomyemailaddressindicatedbelow.  Bestregards,  CraigA.Snedeker DistributedEnergyManagementDeliveryServices craig.snedeker@itron.com  DocuSign Envelope ID: 46A9B50C-7931-40CD-A8DE-77F760B5E394 Req. # Entered by: Date: PURCHASE ORDER REQUISITION FORT COLLINS UTILITIES Vendor Comverge Address 5390 Triangle Parkway Suite 300 Norcross, GA 30092 Requested by Date Authorized by Date Lisa Rosintoski__________________ Kevin Gertig___________________ Authorized By Date Authorized By Date Gerry Paul Authorized By Date Authorized By Date QTY. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL CHARGE NUMBER 1 Other Prof & Tech Services $624,941 13500000.529999.9080.13500000.c Total $642,941 Comments The funds of this requisition are to be included in a new PO. Pablo Bauleo John Phelan DocuSign Envelope ID: 954ADEFE-BD20-41B5-AFCA-E21DAAC557DB       +HDWKHU  DocuSign Envelope ID: 46A9B50C-7931-40CD-A8DE-77F760B5E394 SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 PROJECT TITLE: Peak Partners CONTRACTOR: Comverge PROJECT NUMBER: 9136913 DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: To extend software support, program maintenance, and field services through 2017 2. Description of Change: Extension of Field & Project Execution Services 3. Change in Contract Cost: $624,941 4. Change in Contract Time: 12 months ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $ 4,039,347.00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER $ 821,076.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER $ 0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 624,941.00 TOTAL % OF THIS CHANGE ORDER 12.86% TOTAL C.O.% OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 15.47% ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $5,485,364.00 (Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's Representative REVIEWED BY: Pablo Bauleo - DATE: _________________ REVIEWED BY: John Phelan - DATE: _________________ APPROVED BY: Lisa Rosintoski - DATE: _________________ APPROVED BY: Kevin Gertig - DATE: REVIEWED BY: Pat Johnson - DATE: APPROVED BY: Gerry Paul - DATE: Purchasing Director (over $60,000) %FDFNCFS  Digitally signed by David Neal DN: cn=David Neal, o=Comverge, Inc., ou=COO, email=dneal@comverge.com, c=US Date: 2016.12.30 13:30:18 -05'00' DocuSign Envelope ID: 954ADEFE-BD20-41B5-AFCA-E21DAAC557DB       DocuSign Envelope ID: 46A9B50C-7931-40CD-A8DE-77F760B5E394 cc: City Clerk Contractor Engineer Project File Architect Purchasing CHANGE ORDER #7 Date: November 16, 2016 Project: Advanced Meter Fort Collins Purchase Order No._______________ C.0 .#: #7 Pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement for UTILITY SERVICE DEMAND RESPONSE SOLUTION SERVICES (The "Agreement") dated December 18, 2013, you are hereby directed to proceed with the Work covered by this Change Order. Changes described below include modifications concerning software support, direct installations, schedule and scope of services. As a result of these changes, the Agreement Pricing will be increased by the sum of Six Hundred Twenty Four Thousand and Nine Hundred Forty One Dollars, ($624,941) as full and complete adjustment of compensation for all claims of any and every nature on account of complete performance or omission of work included in this Change Order. The performance of this Change Order is to be in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement except as may be identified herein. SCOPE OF CHANGE ORDER: This Change Order #7 incorporates the below changes to the Statement of Work, attached as “Exhibit B” to the Agreement. • Scope and Schedule: 1. Software Support a. Contractor will extend Software Support and Hosting through December 31st, 2017 as defined in task #6 of the Statement of Work in the Agreement. 2. Program Management & Operations a. Contractor will extend Program Management services from the end date of December 31st, 2016 as indicated in Change Order #6, to December 31st, 2017 as defined in task number 1 of the Statement of Work (SOW) in the Agreement. b. Contractor to extend Call Center Services from the end date of December 31st, 2016 as indicated in Change Order #6, to December 31st, 2017 as defined in task #11 of the Statement of Work (SOW) in the Agreement. c. Contractor will provide Program Marketing and Preseason Notifications to customers in Q1and Q3 of 2017, as defined in task number 9 of the Statement of Work (SOW) in the Agreement 3. Direct Installation Services a. Contractor will continue to provide service calls through December 31st, 2017 as defined in task number 10 of the Statement of Work (SOW) in the Agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 954ADEFE-46A9B50C-7931-BD20-40CD-41B5-A8DE-AFCA-77F760B5E394 E21DAAC557DB i. Please note that “Installation Services” is a fixed monthly fee for up to 83 truck rolls per month, after which a variable fee of $110.00 per truck roll will be applied. • Cost - (See Appendix for total Agreement value update) 1. Software Support and Hosting -$174,008 2. Program Management and Operations- $330,933, which includes: • Program Management • Communications (Cellular Data Fees) • Call Center • Marketing and Preseason Notifications 3. Direct Installation Services - $120,000 CONDITIONS OF CHANGE: Except as may be otherwise provided in the Scope of this Change Order, the undersigned agrees to furnish all labor, equipment and materials and perform all Work required to complete the above described work change in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement for the stated consideration. It is understood and agreed that payment pursuant to this Change Order constitutes full and complete compensation for any and all costs and claims related to delay, acceleration, time extensions; for any and all costs, and claims related to performance of unchanged Work including, without limitation, rescheduling, cumulative impact, changes in the sequence of work, project management, disruption, inefficiencies, compression and any other impact related to this Change Order. All work under this Change Order is to be completed in accordance with the Milestone Dates with no additional time adjustment or extension, except as otherwise provided in this Change Order. The attached payment schedule and any all applicable taxes, are payable in accordance with the Agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 954ADEFE-46A9B50C-7931-BD20-40CD-41B5-A8DE-AFCA-77F760B5E394 E21DAAC557DB Appendix Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Total 2017 Baseline Costs $213,377 $39,369 $53,842 $34,983 $34,983 $34,983 $34,983 $34,983 $34,983 $38,491 $34,983 $34,983 $624,941 Fixed Date Costs Licensing Fees $0 Hosting Fees $124,008 $124,008 Software Support $50,000 $50,000 Program Mgmt & Ops $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $24,983 $299,792 Options Fixed Marketing $4,386 $4,386 $4,386 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,509 $0 $0 $16,667 Preseason Notification $0 $0 $14,474 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,474 Timing Costs Solution Delivery Equipment Installation Services $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $120,000 Variable Contingency Rolling Total $213,377 $252,745 $306,588 $341,570 $376,553 $411,536 $446,518 $481,501 $516,484 $554,975 $589,958 $624,941 $624,941 Rolling Total + Contingency $213,377 $252,745 $306,588 $341,570 $376,553 $411,536 $446,518 $481,501 $516,484 $554,975 $589,958 $624,941 $624,941 DocuSign Envelope ID: 954ADEFE-46A9B50C-7931-BD20-40CD-41B5-A8DE-AFCA-77F760B5E394 E21DAAC557DB