HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLESSING WHITE - CONTRACT - AGREEMENT MISC - BLESSING WHITE (2)200 Clocktower Drive, Ste 102 Hamilton, NJ 08690 USA
t: 609.528.3535 f: 609.528.3534
Statement of Work No. 1
This Statement of Work incorporates by reference the terms and conditions of the Master
Services Agreement dated January 11, 2017 (“Effective Date”) between City of Fort Collins
(“Client”) and BlessingWhite, A Division of GP Strategies (“BlessingWhite”).
5-point Likert scale item – a question that gives respondents only 5 options to choose from
ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
Standard Items – one of the researched based and statistically valid 27 questions
BlessingWhite provides in their standard engagement survey. These include our 22 standard 5-
point Likert scale items and 5 multiple choice questions.
Open Ended Item – a question that allows respondents to write in free form text responses for
up to three (3) topics per question.
High Level Engagement Report (HER) – company roll-up report that captures Engagement
levels, item favorability, detailed item breakdown, satisfaction and contribution drivers, flight
risk and other Engagement drivers.
Organizational Summary Presentation – presentation of results that includes organization-
level data, an agreed-upon benchmark, period over period data (if applicable), and 1 key
demographic data cut (e.g., Department). Additional data cuts will be added by BlessingWhite as
the story emerges through the data analysis.
Snapshot Analysis Report (SAR) – BlessingWhite’s standard report format that will be
delivered to all eligible managers of workgroups that have 6 or more respondents.
Stoplight Report – A report available in Excel and PDF that provides a comparative view across
a single demographic (e.g., department) using color coding to visually indicate trends in the
Stoplight Drilldown Report – A type of stoplight report that is available for any leader who
has managers reporting into them. This report provides rolled up data of any manager who rolls
into a leader based on the organizational hierarchy.
Engagement Portal – a web based, online tool for managers to access their reports and to
complete their action plans based on team engagement results meetings.
Engagement Champion Certification – the process that BlessingWhite uses to ensure Client
Engagement Champions are experts, advocates, and coaches to managers in the engagement
X-Model – BlessingWhite’s copyrighted engagement model/methodology contained in our
manager resources and a critical component of our engagement champion certification process.
BlessingWhite will conduct an employee engagement survey for Client that will be launched in
Q1 2017 (February or March). The process includes the following phases:
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Project Management Services
BlessingWhite shall assign a project manager to lead the planning and implementation of
the project through project completion as indicated by the project plan. They will act as
the key contact for BlessingWhite throughout the implementation.
The assigned project manager shall be available to Client on an as needed basis
during BlessingWhite’s operating hours, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am - 8:00 pm ET
(excluding holidays observed by BlessingWhite).
Client will assign a project manager/key contact.
Should the assigned project manager not be available to Client, a backup project manager
shall be provided by BlessingWhite.
BlessingWhite’s project manager shall lead a project kick-off meeting/conference call to
review a detailed project plan, including timing and milestone deliverables. Conference
calls shall continue throughout the project to ensure milestones are met and Client
questions are answered.
Client and BlessingWhite shall mutually agree to the project plan and implementation
timeline for the survey, communications, report delivery, and presentation to Client’s
Senior Leadership Team.
Phase 1.1 Set-Up: Survey Creation
BlessingWhite shall perform the following services to create a new survey for Client:
Provide a standard survey template and a list of custom items to be considered by Client
for inclusion in the new survey.
Analyze Client’s past survey data for applicability in the creation of the new survey (if
Provide consulting to help develop the overall survey and custom items based upon
BlessingWhite’s recommended best practices.
BlessingWhite shall create the survey and present a final copy of the survey site to Client
to review and approve.
Internet surveys will be distributed via email. BlessingWhite shall individually email a
unique survey link to all Client employees as specified in the Original Demographic File.
Should some participants not have email access a kiosk approach can also be leveraged
for no additional charge. For this approach, BlessingWhite will provide a Client-specific link
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that can be leveraged at kiosk locations set up by Client. Participants will be required to
enter two unique identifiers to access the survey (e.g., employee ID and last name).
Translations of the survey are available and must be agreed upon prior to signing of
contracts. Fees are applicable.
BlessingWhite will provide templates to Client for all communications. BlessingWhite will
work directly with Client on all communications to provide feedback and best practices in
this area.
Client to provide BlessingWhite with company logo for co-branding of survey site and
Client shall be responsible for:
1. Briefing of senior management team
2. Communication to all participants by senior leaders or core team members to
position the initiative and encourage participation.
3. Communication to all managers ahead of the main distribution to position the
initiative and provide answers to questions managers will likely receive from team
4. Communication to all employees on the outcome of the survey and next
BlessingWhite shall be responsible for:
1. Main distribution of the survey.
2. Reminders to complete ahead of the close of the survey (as defined below in Phase
1.2 Survey and Analysis).
3. Confirmation that the survey is completed and thanks for participating.
Standard survey construct is as follows:
Definitions to clearly guide the respondent as to the intended meaning of “Manager”
and “Senior Leaders” (fully customizable by Client).
Core 22: 5-point Likert-scale items (comprised of the following indices that
constitute the BlessingWhite IME Model): 8 (I) Individual, 9 (M) Manager, and 5 (E)
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Executive items. Wording can be altered, but construct must remain intact for
benchmarking and comparative purposes.
5 Pick list items that examine the following topics: top factor influencing
satisfaction, contribution, flight risk, thoughts about staying, and possible causes of
leaving the organization.
Additionally, Client can elect to add up to 20 additional 5-point Likert-scale items that are
developed by Client and the BlessingWhite Project Manager.
BlessingWhite and Client determine the demographics that will be captured and any
groupings required for manager-specific reporting.
Client provides BlessingWhite with a list of all employees who will be invited to participate
in the survey including detailed demographic information required for reporting purposes.
Client will provide, at a minimum, a listing of employees (first and last name), email
addresses, employee ID, and direct manager so that responses can be tracked, duplicates
eliminated, response reminders sent to those not yet completed, and workgroup reports
created and distributed.
Should Client require changes to the original demographic file after final submission to
BlessingWhite and up until 5 days before the closing of the survey, Client shall provide a
new demographic file to be loaded and BlessingWhite shall make such change at no
additional cost to Client. No new users shall be added to the survey while the survey is
live (BlessingWhite requires all users to be confirmed in the demographics file 5 days prior
to launch). Should client require changes to original demographic file after closing of the
survey, there will be a flat fee of $3,000 to reload and test the demographics file and re-
generate all reports. All deliverable dates per the implementation plan may be subject to
BlessingWhite will provide an initial response rate report that will show the potential
respondents by agreed-upon demographic for Client approval.
Phase 1.2 Survey and Analysis
BlessingWhite sends out a unique survey link to all Client employees in the original
demographic file or Client employees can access via centralized kiosk computer with a
generic link and 2 security identifiers (e.g., employee ID and last name).
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Employees complete the survey.
BlessingWhite will send out reminder emails to those employees who have not yet
completed the survey as appropriate, in a format and frequency agreed upon by Client per
the project plan (typically up to 4 reminders per survey live period).
BlessingWhite will provide (via email in Excel format) response rates to Client by
demographics mutually agreed upon prior to launch of survey and at frequency agreed to
between Client and BlessingWhite Project Managers.
BlessingWhite analyses the data for agreed-on demographic categories (Note: data for
demographic categories of less than 6 respondents will not be included in reports to
protect employee anonymity).
Data Storage and Delivery
All data transmitted between the respondent’s computer and BlessingWhite’s servers shall
be encrypted with SSL (Secured Socket Layer).
BlessingWhite shall store all data in a Microsoft SQL Server database, hosted in a secure
environment with access provided on a need to have basis for managing the production
BlessingWhite shall provide data to Client via two different systems:
a. Online manager’s portal secured via SSL, if applicable.
b. SharePoint extranet site, secured with SSL. Access to SharePoint site is limited to
designated Client representatives responsible for high-level report delivery.
Aggregate survey data may be included in BlessingWhite’s benchmarks with no reference
to Client and will not be included in any other BlessingWhite reports or research.
Phase 1.3 Report Creation and Presentation
Upon completion of the survey by Client’s employees, BlessingWhite shall aggregate the
data according to the demographic file provided by Client. (Note: data for demographic
categories of less than 6 respondents will not be included in reports to protect employee
anonymity). If the minimum respondent size of 6 is required to change per Client request,
a fee of $3,000 will be charged to Client for the technical coding adjustments and
additional QC process.
BlessingWhite shall compare Client’s overall company results against an agreed-upon
benchmark in the HER (High Level Engagement Report PDF) and include the results in
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BlessingWhite’s Organizational Summary presentation to Client (can be either in-person or
virtual depending on Client needs). Should the Client change the agreed-upon external
benchmark after reports have been run, additional fees will apply.
BlessingWhite shall produce a comprehensive narrative (Organizational Summary)
presentation inclusive of key demographic data highlighting key findings and insights as
well as a detailed breakdown of the data (1 key demographic only). If more than 1 key
demographic is required by client, a fee of $350 per hour will be charged to complete.
BlessingWhite conducts an initial results presentation(s) via WebEx (High Level
Engagement Report) with executive sponsor followed by an onsite presentation to Client’s
Senior Team. BlessingWhite will provide up to three (3) of these presentations.
BlessingWhite produces all available Snapshot Analysis Reports (SARs), captured in
demographics file to be used by managers determined by Client. This report contains two
data points based on survey findings (workgroup and company overall data) and links to
online resources for interpreting the report and taking action. The Snapshot Analysis
Reports will be available 2 to 3 weeks from the closing of the survey and distributed in
PDF file format.
BlessingWhite produces all available Stoplight Reports captured in demographics file to be
used by HR and/or senior level leaders to analyze data across demographics. They
compare results across each demographic (e.g., the department Stoplight will show data
generated for each department).
BlessingWhite produces all available Stoplight Drilldown Reports on named hierarchy only
(direct report or other demographic cuts are not included), captured in demographics file
to be used by senior and mid-level leaders to analyze data across those groups that roll
into them based on organizational hierarchy. Stoplight Drilldown Reports will be delivered
to Client via SharePoint for them to deliver, as appropriate, to leaders.
If Client chooses to select a write-in item (Open Ended Item), BlessingWhite utilizes a
category approach. BlessingWhite project managers will consult with Client to confirm the
Open Ended Item as well as up to 15 topics (categories) that respondents can select from
when responding to the question. The write-in functionality will allow respondents to
select and respond to up to three (3) topics related to the Open Ended Item. This
category approach allows BlessingWhite to provide verbatim comments to Client by theme
at both the company level as well as by larger demographic groupings such as Business
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Unit, Division, etc. (to be agreed upon with Client). Write-in comments have a 2,000
character limit per response.
Should Client request for BlessingWhite to provide customizations to the Snapshot
Analysis Report, BlessingWhite shall develop the customized SAR at a rate of $350 per
Should Client request additional custom reports that were not provided to BlessingWhite
in the demographic file, there will be an additional fee of $350 per custom report. Client
will work with Project Manager to submit the request in writing via email. For all custom
reports, there is a standard turn-around time of two (2) weeks. If the request exceeds the
typical complexity of a standard report, the Project Manager will notify Client of a more
accurate report delivery time.
Client may request SAR’s to include prior period comparative results for verbatim
demographic matches for a flat fee of $3,000 (this includes mapping across all
demographics supplied to BlessingWhite by Client). Prior period mapping for non-
verbatim matches will be presented to the client to re-map the discrepancies, if
appropriate. Should Client’s prior period data be from 2015 or earlier, the flat fee charge
will be $5,000 to account for additional IT programming time.
BlessingWhite will provide Client a “Town Hall Template” (PowerPoint) to facilitate
cascading communications of survey findings. BlessingWhite can also populate these
templates for a workgroup for an additional fee of $1,000 per presentation created.
Optional Additional Service: BlessingWhite can group Snapshot Analysis Reports for
delivery to HR Business Partners (or a similar high-level role) based on 1 demographic
(e.g., Department). BlessingWhite will batch the reports into sub-folder directories that
can be zipped and delivered to Client or HRBP via a file exchange link sent by email. A flat
fee of $5,000 will be charged for this service.
Phase 1.4 The Engagement Portal
BlessingWhite provides access to the Engagement Portal to allow Client managers to
download their reports, plan team meetings, log action planning agreements, and for
administrators to monitor manager activity.
BlessingWhite tailors content to reflect client executive message, expectations of
managers, and implementation details. If the customization exceeds the typical tailoring
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scope, the Project Manager will notify Client that additional fees may apply ($350 per hour
based on client requirements).
Maintenance, which includes inviting users to access the portal and loading reports for
managers once the initial portal launch has been completed, is included for a period of 6
months from the launch of the portal. Any additional invitations after the initial launch
schedule will be batched monthly for BlessingWhite to set up and send. If maintenance is
required after the initial 6 month term, there will be an additional fee of $2,000 to extend
the term for an additional 6 months. If Client requires bi-monthly portal access updates,
fee is $2,000. The Engagement Portal shall remain available for Client’s reference and use
for a period of twelve (12) months following the launch of the survey.
BlessingWhite shall invite managers and load reports to the portal, as identified by Client
in the demographics file. The Engagement Portal is a self-administered site that, once
accessed, provides users with online instructions for using the site.
All engagement content (intellectual property, models, reports, analysis) provided to
Client via the Portal or throughout the engagement must be maintained on a secure site
(e.g., on a secured intranet site only accessible by employees). Client agrees not to make
any engagement content accessible via an unsecured public website.
Phase 1.5 Custom Engagement Services: Additional Presentations (Optional)
BlessingWhite will create and deliver up to X custom presentations so that the Business
Unit/Division leaders may internally support their engagement initiatives. BlessingWhite will
provide the following:
Prepare presentation, including studying prior survey results (if applicable), analysis of
sub-groups that comprise the Business Unit/Division, and benchmarking data.
One presentation review with Client’s project team in advance including results and
recommendations specific to the group data being examined and prepared.
Presentation delivery (can be onsite or virtual, depending on Client needs)
Phase 2.1 Engagement Champion Certification
BlessingWhite will deliver a one-time certification consisting of pre-work, up to 2 WebEx
training sessions, and a one day onsite for up to 15 Engagement Champions so that they
may internally support their engagement initiative. Certifications can be tailored to meet
client requirements and can include the following engagement activities:
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o Champion kickoff (prior to survey launch)
o Report and Resource Overview
o Visualize the Prize: Great Days at Work
o Engagement Fundamentals: X Model, 5 Levels, , Engagement Drivers, IME
o Managing Your Own Engagement
o Managing Reactions to Survey Findings
o Coaching Leaders on their Reports
o Handling Specific Manager Situations
o Using the Resource Guide
o Tips for Team Meetings and Handling Frequently Asked Questions
Customizations to the materials and certification activities beyond co-branding and
implementation details will be charged at $350 per hour based on client requirements.
If additional champions are desired (over 15), Client will be billed $500 per person, for up
to 25 champions in total.
Phase Description Fixed Fee
Engagement Survey $38,000
1.1 Set up and Survey Creation
Survey population up to 2,000 conducted electronically via
email address in English
Standard questions - 22 5-point Likert scale items
(construct of the core 22 cannot be changed/altered) and 5
pick list statements
Customizations include:
up to 20 additional 5-point Likert scale items
Edits to the multiple choice statements
1 Open Ended Item (category approach)
1.2 Survey, Analysis & Benchmarking
Survey Launch and up to 3 reminder emails.
Help desk support for survey respondents
1.3 Report Creation & Presentation
One High Level Engagement Report Presentation with
project team via Webex
One Preliminary Organizational Summary Report
presentation via WebEx with project team and executive
One Organizational Summary Report presentation to
Senior Leadership Team (onsite or virtual).
Snapshot Analysis Reports (SAR) generated from
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electronic demographics delivered in PDF file format. All
auto generated SAR reports based on supplied
demographics will be provided at no additional charge.
Stoplight Reports generated from electronic
demographics are delivered in Excel and/or PDF file
format. All auto generated Stoplight reports based on
supplied demographics will be provided at no additional
Stoplight Drilldown Reports (based on Client approved
manager hierarchy) generated from electronic
demographics are delivered in Excel file format. All auto
generated Stoplight Drilldown Reports will be provided at
no additional charge.
Town Hall Template based on Organizational Summary
Report Presentation structure included ($1,000 per
presentation if BlessingWhite will populate).
Additional group or one-on-one executive presentations
will be based on a senior level consulting rate of $3,500
per day. Most additional presentations require 1.5 – 2
days to analyze, prepare and deliver the presentation.
Any additional custom requirements not addressed
above will require an additional Statement of Work
based on Consulting of $2,000 per day.
Optional Additional Service: Batching and delivery of zip
folders of Snapshot Analysis Reports to HR Business
Partners by 1 demographic. ($5,000)
Not Included
Not Included
1.4 Online access to Engagement Portal for action planning
1.5 Custom Engagement Services – Additional Presentations Optional
2.1 Engagement Champion Certification for up to 15 Champions
including Intellectual Property license to use, print and
distribute certification materials including the X model of
Engagement for 1 year from execution date of this
agreement. Any materials distributed by Client throughout
their organization must be secure (e.g., on a secured
intranet site only accessible by employees). No materials
may be posted in an unsecured, public area.
Total costs of SOW 1 $60,000
Invoicing for the project will occur per the MSA as follows:
Payment 1 in the amount of $30,000 (50% of SOW 1) will be invoiced upon the
survey links being sent out.
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Payment 2 in the amount of $30,000 (50% of SOW 1) will be invoiced after delivery to
SharePoint of the High Level Engagement Report and all Snapshot Analysis reports.
Payments for customizations and reports will be billed as incurred.
All shipping and all actual, reasonable travel and living expenses and in accordance with
Client’s travel policy will be billed back at 110% cost to account for administrative processing.
If Client decides to change the scope of the engagement BlessingWhite shall notify them
immediately about the cost implications. No additional fees are applicable unless a change
order to this Statement of Work is mutually executed.
If a survey is cancelled more than 15 business days before the survey is scheduled to
launch as identified in the implementation plan, 50% of payment 1 shall be due and
payable. If the survey is cancelled less than 15 business days before the survey is
scheduled to launch as identified in the implementation plan, 100% of payment 1 shall be
due and payable.
If a survey launch date is postponed more than 20 business days after the original launch
date identified in the implementation plan, 50% of payment 1 will be billed at the time of
Now, therefore, both parties agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions of this
City of Fort Collins BlessingWhite, A Division of GP Strategies
300 Laporte Avenue 200 Clocktower Drive, Ste 102
Fort Collins, CO 80522 Hamilton, NJ 08690
By: Gerry Paul By:
Title: Purchasing Director Title:
Signature:_____________ _______
Date:__________________ ______
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6A232251-3E44-4206-B013-68158CE3D691
Matthew Varara