DATED: 8/7/2015
Work Order Number: 04
Purchase Order Number:
Project Title: Accela Application Consulting – Electronic Plan Review
Original Bid/RFP Project Number & Name: 8086 Accela Application Consulting
Commencement Date: 2/1/2017
Completion Date: 11/15/2018
Maximum Fee: (time and reimbursable direct costs):$219,995 (estimate time and expenses to complete tasks as
explained below)
Project Description:
Assist the City of Fort Collins IT Department with the development and configuration of the
Accela Automation Application environment and ancillary systems in order to take advantage
of Accela Electronic Document Review for Building and Planning / Development Review
Scope of Services:
The Accela Electronic Document Review features were released in v7.2 FP2 of the Accela Automation system and
have since been further updated and enhanced. Accela Automation clients are licensed for these features and
they are available in version of the product currently installed at the City (version 7.3.x). The start to finish
timeframe of an implementation will depend on how fast the agency can make decisions on internal policies and
procedures around the EDR process.
Internally your agency will need to create the rules and policies for the EDR process and address the following
questions and tasks.
• What type of plans will you allow?
• Will you start a pilot project with a few professionals?
• Adobe Acrobat Pro purchase
• Workstation requirements and large monitors requirements
• Stamp creation
• Electronic codes
• What changes will be made to current workflow (EDR does not currently work well with an Accela
workflow that uses "In-process task Activation")
• Changes to ACA
Sample EDR Configuration Concepts -
The following is the concept of a possible EDR configuration:
1. Submit a new application via ACA
2. Add attachments to the ACA page flow so the citizen/contractor can attach the plans
3. Trigger scripts when plans are accepted from the workflow. For example a status of "Plans Accepted
for Review" can trigger scripts.
• Look up the required tasks/due date requirements based on application input
• Use this info to default TSI fields on the Plans Distribution task.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: ECC1B913-14E2-4A83-ACDE-FD71278CF47A
• Once all the reviews have been set the Plans Distribution workflow task can be updated to a status of
something like "Ready for Electronic Review" or "Ready for Physical Review''.
o If electronic review is selected a script runs on WTUB that checks to make sure there is a
document attached that is eligible for electronic review.
o If everything checks out then the scripts look at the TSI to determine which reviews should be
active or not.
The scripts can either deactivate the tasks that are not required or delete them all together
Scripts can also create the document review task for each applicable document, associate
it to the appropriate workflow task, and assign it to whomever the workflow task was
assigned to.
• Each reviewer can now review the document
o They can see their assignments either from the document task list in My Tasks, or their normal My
Tasks list under the workflow tab.
o On the workflow task they can get to the document by clicking on the sub-task tab and they will see
the document there. They can click the Review link and start the Adobe review.
o When they are done they can either update the document review task or update the workflow.
o Once all the parallel tasks are complete then the Plan Coordination step is now active.
o If revisions are required,
The Plan Coordinator can check in the document, and then update the workflow that
revisions are required. Notification template emails can notify the primary applicant with
instructions and includes a deep link to the record on ACA.
Revised plans can be updated through ACA. A script can look for the resubmitted and
updates the appropriate Task to "Re-submittal Received" when it has been uploaded. This
could also trigger a notification to someone internally.
o If Approved the workflow can forward to "Ready to Issue"
o Again scripts can be put in place that look at the reviews, so when updating to "Ready to Issue" if
any of the reviews say "Revisions Required" it won't let them move forward.
Services Include –
Installation: Work with Agency IT staff to configure workstations that will use Electronic Document Review.
Business Analysis: Analyze and document the Electronic Document submission and approval process. Work with
your agency to identify and review:
• What documents will be submitted online through Accela Citizen Access and Accela Automation for EDR.
• How workflows associated with the document review process will need to be modified.
• Requirements for workflow tasks assignment
• Versioning of documents
• Process steps within the Agency's workflow associated with reviewing the plan.
• Requirements for notifications via email.
• Stamps to be used on submitted documents.
• Information that will be presented via Accela Citizen Access.
Configuration: Configuration of Accela Automation to accomplish the items identified and agreed to during
Business Analyses.
Event Scripting: Creation of Event Scripts to automate process whenever possible.
Final Testing and Acceptance: Work directly with Agency staff to test the configured EDR process from beginning
to end.
End-User Training: Provide train-the trainer type training for the Agency trainers.
Go Live Support: Be available to support questions or issues when EDR is put into production.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: ECC1B913-14E2-4A83-ACDE-FD71278CF47A
Assumptions and Responsibilities –
• Prior to configuration of EDR
o The Agency will install .Net Framework 4.0 Client Profile and Adobe Acrobat Pro software. Adobe
Acrobat Pro must be purchased and installed separately for each Agency user who will be
interacting with Accela Electronic Document Review for plan review and markups. The Agency will
use the standard Accela installation for Adobe.
o The Agency will be installed on Accela Automation 7.2 FP2 or higher.
• For the duration of the project the Agency will:
o Make available the appropriate subject matter experts to provide needed information, participate in
the analysis and verify the accuracy of the information provided.
o Adhere to agreed-upon timelines
o Provide access to Agency equipment and network.
• Implementation will take place in a Development environment and moved to Production at go-live.
• The configuration of Accela Electronic Document Review will build on the configuration, record types, and
workflow tasks the Agency already has in place and allow for modifications to the document review
process. Processes to submit, review, and accept documents will leverage the current configuration.
• Note: In preliminary discussions with City staff, potential issues were identified with current EDR
functionality not supporting auto-assignment of document review tasks to specific individuals (document
review tasks can be assigned at a "department" level) as well as with the manner under which documents
are currently submitted to the City in multiple pieces for plan review task assignment. TruePoint will work
with the City to determine what effect, if any, these issues may have on current City business processes
and identify options for potential solutions or workarounds. Changes to submittal/review business
processes may be required as part of solutions/workarounds needed to address these potential issues.
• The configuration of Accela Electronic Document Review will build on Accela Citizen Access configuration
that the Agency already has in place. Application processes through Accela Citizen Access will have
already been configured and enabled. Configuration of new online applications and new or updated page
flows constitutes additional scope.
• The Agency will leverage stamps provided out-of-the box. Basic instruction on the creation of stamps will
be provided. One custom stamp for static text only, simple dynamic stamp and dynamic stamp with input
will be created. These samples will be used as training exercises. The Agency will be responsible for
creating any additional stamps that will be required.
• The Agency will leverage buttons provided out of the box and provide training and instruction on the
creation of custom buttons with links.
• The Agency will use the EDMS/ADS currently in place for documents.
• The Agency will be familiar with the basic functionality of the Adobe Acrobat software.
• In Final Testing and Acceptance, the Agency will:
o Develop use cases I test cases needed to test the configuration.
o Allocate appropriate staff to the testing effort to ensure that the system is operating per signed
specifications and ready for the move to production.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: ECC1B913-14E2-4A83-ACDE-FD71278CF47A
Professional agrees to perform the services
identified above and on the attached forms in
accordance with the terms and conditions
contained herein and in the Professional Services
Agreement between the parties. In the event of a
conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the
Professional Services Agreement and this work
order (including the attached forms) the
Professional Services Agreement shall control.
The attached forms consisting of 2 (of 6) pages
are hereby accepted and incorporated herein, by
this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby
Professional (TruePoint)
City of Fort Collins
Brad Morgan, Project Manager
Date: _______________________________
Reviewed By:_________________________
Pat Johnson, Senior Buyer
Date: _______________________________
By: _________________________________
Gerry Paul
Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
(over $60,000.00)
Date: ________________________________
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Attachment A
Calculated Project Estimate
Program Name : Electronic Plan Review Project: Building
Inputs Estimation Summary (Hrs and Biz days)
Risk and/or "unknown" (50% ; 25% ;
10%) 25 25% Unknown Optimistic hours 1360 227
Project Complexity scale
Extreme(100%); high(50%) ;
medium(25%) ; low(10%) 50 High Complexity Most likely hours** 1564 261
Average productive hours per day 6 City and Vendor Pessimistic hours* 1768 295
Estimation parameters Combined TruePoint City Expected Duration Hours
Requirement Gathering 12
12 Triangular distribution method 154
Research and Analysis (EDR) 92 72 20
Beta distribution
(PERT technique)
Development (Configuration and
Scripting) 250 120 130
Design (Workflow Revisions) 80 48 32
Meetings 120
120 Finish Date
Training (revised workflow and
process training) 24 24
Earliest start
date 1/2/2017
Project Management 20 20
completion 11/14/2017 Optimistic
ACA Configuration 119 79 40
completion 1/1/2018 Most likely
Testing (UAT) 32 32
completion 2/16/2018 Pessimistic
Accessibility Test 0
Pre-Deployment Process 0
Latest start date 3/1/2017
Deployment (Go Live! Support) 28 28
Latest completion 1/11/2018 Optimistic
Post Production Testing 0
Latest completion 2/28/2018 Most likely
Knowledge Transfer/ Service
Transition (Vendor) 0
Latest completion 4/17/2018 Pessimistic
Project Retrospective / Lessons
Learned 0
Documentation 0
Pessimistic case buffer (%) 30
No of resources (This will
impact the number of
business days to complete
and finish date calculation.)
* Pessimistic hours= Best case hours+
Pessimistic case buffer
**Most likely=(Optimistic + Pessimistic )/2
***Excluded Saturdays, Sundays and City
Expenses (mileage) $92 round-trip 10 10
Attachment B
Inputs Estimation Summary (Hrs and Biz days)
Risk and/or "unknown" (50%;
25%; 10%) 25 25% Unknown Optimistic hours 2681 447
Project Complexity scale Extreme
(100%); high (50%); medium
(25%); low(10%) 50 High Complexity
Most likely hours** 3083 514
Average productive hours per
day 6 City and Vendor Pessimistic hours* 3485 581
Estimation parameters Combined TruePoint City Expected Duration Hours
Requirement Gathering 16
16 Triangular distribution method 338
Research and Analysis (EDR) 200 120 40
Beta distribution
(PERT technique)
Development (Configuration and
Scripting) 350 200 80
Design (Workflow Revisions) 235 140 80
Meetings 200
200 Finish Date
Training (revised workflow and
process training) 80 40 40 Earliest start date 3/1/2017
Project Management 150 100 50 Earliest completion 11/15/2018 Optimistic
Reports (Planning/Dev Review) 120 120
Earliest completion 2/18/2019 Most likely
ACA Configuration (Doc submittal
Only) 120 80 40 Earliest completion 5/22/2019 Pessimistic
Testing (UAT) 48 48
Accessibility Test 2
2 Latest start date 5/1/2017
Pre-Deployment Process 2
2 Latest completion 1/15/2019 Optimistic
Deployment (Support - City and
Vendor) 80 40 40 Latest completion 4/18/2019 Most likely
Post Production Testing 4
4 Latest completion 7/22/2019 Pessimistic
Knowledge Transfer/ Service
Transition (Vendor) 0
Project Retrospective / Lessons
Learned 0
Pessimistic case buffer (%) 30
Documentation 20
20 No of resources (This will
impact the number of
business days to complete
and finish date calculation.)
* Pessimistic hours= Best case hours+
Pessimistic case buffer
**Most likely=(Optimistic + Pessimistic )/2
***Excluded Saturdays, Sundays and City
Expenses (mileage) $92 round-
trip 30 30
Total Hours 1617 888
Subtotal (total hours *165) $146,520.00
Expenses $2,760.00
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DocuSign Envelope ID: ECC1B913-14E2-4A83-ACDE-FD71278CF47A
Total Hours 738 423 354
Subtotal (total hours *165) $69,795.00
Expenses $920.00
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DocuSign Envelope ID: ECC1B913-14E2-4A83-ACDE-FD71278CF47A