1512 Eureka Road, Suite 220, Roseville, CA 95661
Tel: 916-782-7821 | Fax: 916-782-7824
2600 Tenth Street, Suite 411, Berkeley, CA 94710
Tel: 510-647-9674
627 S. Highland Avenue, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: 323-559-7470
February 26, 2016
Ed Bonnette, CPPB, CPM, Senior Buyer
Honore Depew, Project Manager
City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division
215 North Mason Street, 2nd Floor
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Subject: Proposal for Regional Wasteshed Planning Study – RFP 8251
Dear Mr. Bonnette and Mr. Depew:
R3 Consulting Group, Inc. (R3) is pleased to submit this proposal to complete the Regional Wasteshed
Planning Study (Study) for the City of Fort Collins (City) and the North Front Range Wasteshed Planning
Coalition (Coalition). R3 believes that we are the firm best suited to conduct this Study on behalf of the
Coalition thanks to:
Our extensive hands-on expertise in solid waste facility operations and facility assessments,
including waste reduction and resource recovery systems;
Our grounded and practical approach to solid waste planning projects, including working with a
diverse set of stakeholders in those planning processes; and
Our knowledge and experience of sustainable wasteshed management, including tailored
implementation plans to facilitate high diversion of resources from landfills.
R3 previously proposed and interviewed for Request for Proposals (RFP) 8208, and we remain very
enthusiastic about this Study. We look forward to delivering a top-rate study on time, on budget, and with
well-substantiated findings and recommendations.
Our completed Vendor Statement required by the RFP is included at the end of this proposal. Should the
City/Coalition award this project to R3, we will agree to provide and follow the City’s insurance, billing and
other required terms and forms as stated in the RFP. We appreciate the opportunity to submit our
proposal to the City/Coalition. Should you have any questions regarding our proposal, or need any
additional information, please contact me by phone at (510) 292-0853 or by email at gschultz@r3cgi.com.
Garth Schultz | Principal
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Section 1 Methods & Approach
The purpose of this Study is to recommend a comprehensive and detailed list of feasible strategies
(strategies) for managing waste in the region upon the 2025 closure of the Larimer County Landfill
(Landfill). R3’s approach to developing recommended strategies is to develop them within the context of
the on-the-ground reality that Coalition members face every day, with respect to their current
infrastructure, programs and policies. Our view is that providing the Coalition with a list of strategies that
are not only feasible, but can realistically be implemented within the region, requires a customized and
focused work plan that includes:
Assessment of the physical infrastructure currently operating in the region, including potential
opportunities for expansion / enhancement of that infrastructure;
Assessment of current solid waste policy in the region, as well as opportunities for enhancement
of those policies; and
Detailed forecasts of the amount of waste that will be generated within the region upon closure
of the Landfill in 2025, and well into the future.
Our proposed work plan – outlined by task below – fulfills each of the primary tasks described in the RFP,
suggests additional tasks necessary to complete the Study, and outlines the objectives, methodology, and
deliverables (outcomes) of each task.
Task 1 Data Request and Kick-off Meeting
Objective: Gather information from Coalition members necessary to the completion of subsequent tasks,
and collaboratively engage Coalition members in the Study process.
Methodology: Upon receiving notice to proceed with the Study, R3 staff will request information from
Coalition members pertinent to the Study, including but not limited to:
All current policies related to waste management in the region, such as the City’s Zero Waste Plan,
the City’s Waste Reduction and Recycling Report, the City’s draft strategic plan for the
Environmental Services Department, and any other corresponding documents from Coalition
A list of current solid waste infrastructure in the region, including a main point of contact with
contact information and address;
A list of opportunities or barriers to the enhancement, expansion or development of additional
infrastructure previously identified by Coalition members;
Data regarding rates of solid waste generation, disposal, recycling, composting (for the last 5 years
or more) and population growth in the region (as available); and
Waste composition data for the regions (last 5 years or as available).
Subsequent to requesting and receiving the requested information from the Coalition members, R3 will
schedule an on-site kick-off meeting with Coalition members to discuss and confirm our scope of work,
answer any questions, and establish the methods by which R3 will engage with and update the Coalition
during the course of conducting the Study. R3 will also use the kick-off meeting as a starting point for
initial identification of strategies that the Coalition may have already identified as being of particular
interest for consideration in the region, or conversely, strategies that may have clear and present barriers
to future implementation (and thus may not be feasible for implementation). Finally, using waste
generation and composition data, R3 will perform an analysis of the potential for additional diversion from
landfill of waste, providing an initial basis for how much non-landfill processing capacity could be needed.
Request for information from Coalition members;
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Schedule, develop agenda, and run kick-off meeting (scheduled in conjunction with Task 3);
Initial list of strategies meriting consideration; and
Analysis of potential diversion.
Task 2 Policy Assessment and Analysis
Objective: Assess current Coalition member policies relating to solid waste and identify gaps or
opportunities for enhancement.
Methodology: R3 staff will review and assess each of the pertinent policies in order to understand the
various solid waste goals and objectives of Coalition members. We will develop a matrix listing each of the
pertinent policies by Coalition member, and highlight the purpose and effects of each of those policies,
allowing for easy comparison between Coalition members and an overall assessment of how Coalition
members compare to each other. Then, drawing from the results of the more than 200 other projects R3
has completed (and our cumulative 65+ years of solid waste experience) R3 staff will identify potential
frameworks that may be worth considering as future waste management strategies for Coalition
members. This initial list will be further refined and evaluated in Task 5 (below).
Comparative matrix of current coalition member solid waste policies; and
Initial list of potential policy frameworks for Coalition consideration, and further refinement in
Task 5.
Task 3 Infrastructure Assessment and Analysis
Objective: Assess status of existing solid waste infrastructure in the region and identify opportunities for
enhancement/expansion, barriers to same, and where infrastructure gaps may exist.
Methodology: In coordination with the Task 1 Kick-off Meeting, R3 staff will spend four (4) days on-site
in the Larimer County region assessing the operations of each of the primary solid waste operations in the
region. We anticipate that we will conduct on-site assessments with all primary processing facilities,
hauler operations, and other key solid waste infrastructure stakeholders in the region, including Coalition
members, and other parties identified by Coalition members (insofar as these assessments can be
completed in the time allotted for this task in our Budget per Section 6). During these on-site assessments,
R3 will observe operations, interview key facility staff, and request copies of pertinent report documents
in order to evaluate the processing capabilities of each of the facilities as they relate to:
The types and quantities of solid waste materials handled and/or processed (or disposed);
Opportunities for the enhancement or expansion of operations in order to increase the amount
and/or types of materials handled; and
Barriers to achieving such enhancements of expansions (e.g. regulatory permitting, siting,
economics, politics, etc.).
Upon completion of the on-site assessments, R3 will analyze the collected information and develop key
findings regarding the current handling and processing capabilities, opportunities for enhancement of
those capabilities, and barriers to achieving them.
Flow chart demonstrating how material tons currently “flow” to solid waste facilities;
Matrix detailing the current handling and processing capabilities for each of the primary solid
waste operations in the region, including types and quantities of materials handled, as well as:
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o Opportunities for potential enhancement/expansion of current operations; and
o Barriers to potential enhancement/expansion.
Task 4 Needs Assessment
Objective: Identify the gap between future waste generation and ability of current infrastructure to
handle and process that amount of waste subsequent, to the closure of the Landfill.
Methodology: R3 will estimate the additional need for solid waste infrastructure in the region based on
the difference between projections of future waste generation by material stream (garbage, recyclables
and organics) and the ability of current solid waste infrastructure (not including the County Landfill) to
handle those tons forecast from 2020 through 2050. Our forecast will be based on:
The current number of annual tons generated by material stream in the region, adjusted for
population growth; and
The number of annual tons of each stream that could feasibly be handled and processed by
current infrastructure (i.e. material flow to these facilities).
By comparing the projected annual waste generation by material type to the ability of current
infrastructure to process that amount of material, R3 will be able to identify and estimate the amount of
additional processing capacity needed for each material stream. Our projections of needs will be tabulated
using Excel, and will be presented in graphical and tabular form.
Excel model of future waste generation projections; and
Charts and/or graphs demonstrating the difference between future annual waste generation by
material type and the ability of current infrastructure to process that amount of material.
Task 5 Develop Comprehensive Feasible Strategies
Objective: Develop a list of feasible solid waste management strategies for Coalition member
consideration and comment.
Methodology: Based on the results of Tasks 2-4 above, and drawing on our extensive experience
assessing, designing, and implementing similar strategies for our wide range of municipal clients
throughout the nation, R3 will develop a list of strategies that addresses the needs for any additional
solid waste handling and processing in the region. These strategies will address the needs for additional
tonnage capacity identified in Task 4, while taking into account the financial and political realities faced
by Coalition members. Initially, our view is that the list of feasible strategies will likely focus on facilitating
opportunities to enhance and/or expand the capacity of existing infrastructure (if possible) and reducing
or eliminating barriers to those opportunities, as these may represent the most financially and politically
feasible options available to the Coalition. As specified in the RFP, this list will specifically describe the:
Policy foundations needed for implementation of each of the potential strategies;
Infrastructure necessary for implementing them;
Estimated costs for implementing strategies that involve the development of infrastructure; and
Other parameters that may be necessary to the implementation of any of the strategies.
Additionally, the list of strategies that R3 will develop will identify the benefits that the Coalition may
expect to receive as a result of pursuing each of the potential strategies, in terms of reduced landfill
tonnage (thus extending the life of regional landfills), decreased disposal costs (if any), greenhouse gas
(GHG) reductions, economies of scale, and others still to be determined.
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Customized list of comprehensive feasible strategies with the details described above.
Task 6 Report Results
Objective: Keep Coalition members updated and apprised of progress on the Study, seek Coalition
feedback on draft report, and provide final report of the Study.
Methodology: Upon completion of Tasks 1 through 5, and by May 15, 2016, R3 will submit an electronic
draft report to the Coalition for review and comment. The report will include sections with an Executive
Summary, Background, Methodology, Analysis, and the list of Feasible Strategies, along with all Task
deliverables noted above. The draft report will be crafted to facilitate easy public understanding of the
data, analysis, and concepts presented. After submittal of the draft report, R3 will schedule a conference
call with Coalition members to discuss the report and take comments and questions. Following the call,
R3 will ask for written comments from Coalition members, which will be addressed during completion of
the final Study report. R3 will submit the Regional Wasteshed Planning Study to the Coalition electronically
by June 15, 2016.
Three (3) monthly status reports and conference calls with Coalition members;
One (1) electronic copy of the draft report including sections noted above, and charts, graphs, and
data appendices detailing all Task deliverables provided electronically in Word, Excel and PDF;
One (1) conference call with Coalition members for discussing the draft report; and
One (1) electronic copy of the final Regional Wasteshed Planning Study.
R3’s Approach to Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line
The three “R”s – Resources, Respect, and Responsibility – serve as the guiding principles of R3 Consulting
Group. Our mission is to assist municipal clients in identifying challenges and opportunities, evaluating
alternatives, and implementing cost-effective, environmentally sound and community-friendly solutions.
R3’s commitment to sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line is evident in our work with our clients to
achieve positive and ongoing social, environmental, and financial results. Our day-to-day business
encompasses key sustainability principles, which are also reflected in this proposal, including:
Social: R3 takes an active role in local non-profit and environmental causes, including support for local
bike trails and waterways. R3 regularly sponsors employee participation in regional benefit walks, runs
and rides, as well as local non-profit art and cultural events. As a small business, we depend on our
employees to take ownership and responsibility for the success of the firm and to exemplify our firm’s
mission. In return, we provide our employees with excellent health and profit-sharing benefits,
telecommuting opportunities, flexible work schedules, in-office lunches and snacks, and other benefits.
Our view is that firm success is ultimately dependent on a productive and content workforce, which is
directly related to how our employees are cared for.
Environmental: Because we specialize in providing professional recycling and solid waste management
services to our clients, achieving positive environmental benefits for the communities we serve is core to
the success of our business. Externally, our work reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, increases
the amount of resources that are recovered for recycling, and provides other environmental benefits to
the communities we serve. Internally, R3 is committed to “walking the walk” and actively engages in the
following, including:
Using recycled content paper for all printed materials, submitting work products digitally to clients
when allowed by the client, and sourcing other office supplies made from recycled materials;
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Sourcing reused office furniture and equipment, offering them for reuse when no longer needed,
and promoting in-house use of reusable food wares, water bottles, and shopping bags;
Training staff in conservation practices for energy, water and waste by recycling and conserving;
Utilizing daily-use hybrid and bio-diesel vehicles for site visits and meetings; and
Promoting and encouraging conference calls in lieu of on-site meetings when feasible.
Financial: In our work on recycling and solid waste matters with our clients, financial responsibility is
necessarily addressed hand-in-hand with social and environmental responsibility. Our clients may, at
times, be faced with choices that appear to put environmental responsibility at odds with financial
interests; our role is to help identify, evaluate, and pursue “win-win-win” opportunities to achieve mutual
benefits consistent with the Triple Bottom Line.
Section 2 Qualifications & Experience
R3 specializes in providing solid waste management consulting services to public agencies. Incorporated
in California in 2002, R3 has been in business for 14 years. We have twelve dedicated R3 employees,
including eight staff consultants available for this engagement. R3 provides a range of services to our
municipal clients, including:
Zero waste and wasteshed planning and
Competitive procurement of collection,
processing and disposal services;
Legislative compliance;
Development and implementation of
contracts and franchise agreements;
Compliance audits;
Operations and performance reviews;
Rate reviews and cost-of-service
studies; and
Financial and technical analysis of
programmatic and policy alternatives.
R3’s senior staff have more than 25 years of experience in the solid waste industry, and have designed
and implemented numerous solid waste collection, recycling, composting and disposal programs and
facilities for cities, counties and regional authorities throughout the United States. R3 emphasizes the
creation of technically and financially-sound solutions that can be effectively implemented and
maintained over the long-term. Our broad experience has allowed R3 to address a variety of issues that
typically confront our municipal clients during the implementation of programs and facilities, including
regulatory compliance, community outreach and public education, land-use planning and permitting,
inter-jurisdictional coordination, planning requirements and diversion mandates, labor issues, and
customer service and billing functions. R3 has successfully performed a number of similar planning studies
similar in purpose (and larger in scope) to the services requested by the Coalition via this RFP. Three such
similar projects are described below.
Location: Eureka, CA Service Provided: Regional Strategic Planning Assistance
Project Summary: The HWMA engaged R3 to assist in the drafting of a Strategic Plan to provide a
framework to guide the development, implementation and management of new and existing regional
programs and facilities over ten years (the HWMA includes the County and each City within the County).
The following tasks were conducted as part of the Strategic Planning Process:
Developed a comprehensive list of policy, program, facility, funding and contractual options;
Prepared an Additional Diversion Potential Analysis;
Conducted a Needs Assessment and engaged stakeholders through a series of workshops;
SIMILAR PROJECT #1 Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA), CA
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Assisted in the drafting of a Mission Statement, Vision Statement and goals; and
Finalized policies and developed an implementation plan.
Date of Service: July 2012 – December 2012
Contact / Reference Overseeing the Planning Effort:
Karen Sherman, Program Analyst | (707) 268-8030 | ksherman@hwma.net
Work Product Sample:
Location: Marin County, CA Service Provided: Regional Zero Waste Strategic Plan
Project Summary: R3 conducted a Regional Zero Waste Strategic Plan for the JPA to investigate options
for program improvement and develop new programs to implement. The goal of the study was to achieve
the Zero Waste goals established by the JPA (the JPA includes the County and each City within the County).
This included the role and responsibility for program support by JPA staff. The unanimously adopted plan
successfully integrated multiple parties’ diverse needs into a cohesive strategic plan. The following tasks
were conducted as part of the Strategic Planning Process:
Conducted a Needs Assessment and engaged stakeholders through a series of workshops;
Assisted in the drafting of a Mission Statement, Vision Statement and goals;
Evaluated and further developed the list of policy options; and
Finalized policies and developed an implementation plan.
Date of Service: December 2008 – October 2009
Contact / Reference Overseeing the Planning Effort:
Michael Frost, Deputy Director Marin County Public Works | (415) 473-3725 | mfrost@co.marin.ca.us
Work Product Sample:
Location: Monterey County, CA Service Provided: Regional Solid Waste System Options
Project Summary: R3 analyzed Monterey County’s Solid Waste Management System to develop an
integrated regional approach as an alternate to the current “split” between the two sub-regional solid
waste management agencies. Our work efforts included modeling tonnage flows between each
community, transfer stations, processing facility and disposal facilities to determine the most
environmentally sound and cost-efficient manner to manage solid waste on a regional basis. The modeling
efforts addressed costs, GHC reductions, increasing diversion from landfill, closure of landfills, and
location of transfer stations. The study’s results were presented in a series of regional workshops to
identify and develop a consensus on operational, financial, political, and legal issues as alternatives to the
status quo that best benefit all rate-payers.
Date of Service: June 2014 – September 2015
Contact / Reference Overseeing the Planning Effort:
SIMILAR PROJECT #2 Marin County Joint Powers Authority (JPA), CA
SIMILAR PROJECT #3 Monterey County, Its Cities, and Regional Agencies, CA
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Rene L. Mendez, City Manager, City of Gonzales | (831) 675-5000 | rmendez@ci.gonzales.ca.us
Work Product Sample:
Sections 3 & 4 Project Personnel & Organization Chart /
Proposed Project Team
This section includes a partial list of project personnel available to work on this project. Other highly-
qualified R3 Principals and Analysts also available to work on this project and ensure on-time successful
completion of the Study include: William Schoen (Principal), Emily Morse (Analyst), and Mekdem Wright
(Analyst). Due to space constraints, we have only included brief resumes and references for staff that we
currently anticipate will work on this project, as detailed below following our proposed organization chart.
Mr. Schultz will serve as the main R3 contact for this engagement, and will have primary responsibility for
the completion of this project. Mr. Schultz has been involved in a wide range of solid waste management
planning, analysis, and public outreach and engagement projects over the course of his career. Mr. Schultz
received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science from the University of California,
Berkeley, and a Master of Public Administration from the California State University. Currently, Mr. Schultz
is completing a regional wasteshed analysis for a six-county region, and is providing ongoing planning and
staffing support for the RecycleMore Regional Agency. In addition, he has managed dozens of successful
projects, including wasteshed needs assessments, operational and financial reviews, public outreach and
education campaigns, and other creative partnerships to maximize public benefit. His work experience
includes managing and implementing a variety of community engagement and outreach processes,
including controversial solid waste matters such as infrastructure development, financing, and policy
Scott Hanin (El Cerrito, CA) | (510) 215-4301 | shanin@ci.el-cerrito.ca.us
Stan Hakes (RecycleMore) | (510) 215-3127 | shakes@recyclemore.com
Luci Hise-Fisher (PCR Services Corporation) | (310) 451-4488 | l.hise@pcrnet.com
Garth Schultz R3 Principal
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Mr. Tagore-Erwin will serve as R3’s wasteshed planning expert for this engagement, and will provide
experienced support to Mr. Schultz. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Tagore-Erwin has worked with public
agencies to design, evaluate, and implement solid waste collection, processing, disposal, and
administrative operations. His work focuses on solid waste system strategic planning, procurement,
financial analysis, operational reviews, and sustainable development. Mr. Tagore-Erwin holds both a
Bachelor and Master of Arts Degree in Political Science, and is a certified meeting facilitator. Mr. Tagore-
Erwin is currently managing our Solid Waste System Assessment and Master Plan for Lane County, OR. He
also managed our recent Evaluation and Analysis of Monterey County’s Solid Waste Management System,
our Zero Waste System Design/Modeling and Procurement Assistance project for the City of Oakland, CA,
our Strategic Planning Project for the Humboldt Waste Management Authority, our Zero Waste Planning
Project for the City of Sunnyvale, CA, and our Zero Waste Strategic Plan and Implementation “Tool Kit”
for the Marin County Joint Powers Authority.
Karen Sherman (HWMA) | (707) 268-8030 | ksherman@hwma.net
Michael Frost, (Marin County JPA) | (415) 473-3725 | mfrost@co.marin.ca.us
Rene Mendez (Monterey County, CA) | (831) 675-5000 |rmendez@ci.gonzales.ca.us
Mr. Pinter will serve as a project analyst for this engagement and will provide tonnage flow and cost
modeling support to Mr. Schultz. Mr. Pinter’s work experience includes modeling diversion and disposal
tonnages and analyzing the costs associated with various diversion alternatives in support of developing
Zero Waste and similar plans for various jurisdictions. He has also conducted reviews of existing, new, and
planned solid waste processing facilities in the context of regional solid waste structure and planning. Mr.
Pinter is currently assisting Mr. Tagore-Erwin with our Solid Waste System Assessment and Master Plan
for Lane County, OR. As part of that process, he has reviewed County transfer stations and disposal sites,
plans for potential future facility changes, solid waste staffing levels, and current diversion practices and
programs. The project has involved a comprehensive review of the County’s overall solid waste system
structure, including the flow of all waste streams, and other services such as illegal dumping collection
and County public education efforts. Mr. Pinter has also assisted with R3’s planning projects conducted
for the Humboldt Waste Management Authority, Marin County Joint Powers Authority, City of San Jose,
and City of Sunnyvale.
Dan Hurley (Lane County, OR) | (541) 682-3761 | daniel.hurley@co.lane.or.us
Luci Hise-Fisher (PCR Services Corporation) | (310) 451-4488 | l.hise@pcrnet.com
Rene Mendez (Monterey County, CA) | (831) 675-5000 | rmendez@ci.gonzales.ca.us
Ms. Lessa will serve as a project analyst for this engagement and will provide alternative program planning
support to Mr. Schultz. Ms. Lessa has extensive communications experience in the environmental
industry, and has five years of experience developing waste reduction plans, performing audits and
creating related outreach and education campaigns. She led a nationally-awarded childcare program at
the County of Alameda, where she developed reduce, reuse, recycle and rot educational and strategic
Richard Tagore-Erwin R3 Principal
David Pinter Project Analyst
Natalie Lessa Project Analyst
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plans in more than 30 schools. Ms. Lessa has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism and Public Relations
from California State University, Chico. Ms. Lessa is currently managing our Zero Waste Implementation
Plan development for the Town of Corte Madera, CA. As part of that process, she is developing strategies
for waste reduction and diversion to assist the City in meeting its ambitious Zero Waste goals. That project
involves the development and assessment of the waste impact of over 25 strategies, including the policy
framework and potential cost implications of each.
Kelly Crowe (Corte Madera, CA) | (415) 927-5118 | kcrowe@tcmmail.org
Steve Harriman (Rancho Cordova, CA) | (916) 851-8716 | sharriman@cityofranchocordova.org
Chris Thoma (Sacramento, CA) | (916) 808-4999 | cthoma@cityofsacramento.org
Section 5 Availability
R3 is fully committed to devote the staff resources required by this project, and hereby commits to
ensuring availability of our key personnel to the successful completion of the Study. We have thoroughly
reviewed the scope of work, schedule, other project commitments and staff availability, and we are
confident that our qualified staff have sufficient time available to complete the requested tasks and
present our deliverables within the expected project timeline. R3 staff is available to interview the weeks
ending March 18 and March 25 as stated in the RFP.
Section 6 Cost Estimate & Schedule of Rates
Our proposed cost estimate (including R3 travel expenses) for completion of Tasks 1 through 6 is $34,390,
including all project costs. Please note that R3 does not charge clients for travel time or travel related
costs. This not-to-exceed cost estimate is detailed by Task, employee classification, billing rates and hours
in the table below.
R3 Consulting Group – Project Budget
Task Principals:
$120/Hour Costs Hours
1. Data Request and Kick-Off Meting 5 8 $1,910 13
2. Policy Assessment and Analysis 8 16 $3,440 24
3. Infrastructure Assessment and Analysis 32 32 $9,920 64
4. Needs Assessment 8 12 $2,960 20
5. Develop Comprehensive Feasible Strategies 24 35 $8,760 59
6. Report Results 20 30 $7,400 50
TOTALS 97 133 $34,390 230