HomeMy WebLinkAbout143797 ANDERSON CONSULTING ENGINEERING INC - CONTRACT - RFP - 7490 POUDRE RIVER DOWNTOWN PROJECTAmendment #01 Professional Services Agreement 7490 Poudre River Downtown Project Reach 3, Phase 1- Design, Construction Assistance and Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) This first Amendment (“Amendment #01”) is entered into by and between Anderson Consulting Engineering, Inc. (the “Professional”) and the City of Fort Collins, Colorado (the “City”). WHEREAS, Professional and the City have entered into a Professional Services Agreement executed as of June 4, 2013 (the “Agreement”); and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2016 the City Council passed Resolution 2016-020 approving an exception to the use of a competitive process for expansion of the Poudre River Downtown Project; and WHEREAS, both parties agree to expand the Agreement Scope of Work to include certain tasks required to complete Reach 3, Phase 1 – Design, Construction Assistance and Letter of Map Revision (LOMR); and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual promises herein contained, the parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. Exhibit A, Scope of Work shall be expanded to include Tasks 1 through 6 and 8 from the attached Scope of Work dated April 21, 2016 incorporated herein by reference. Tasks and associated funds authorized by this Amendment #01 shall include: a) Task 1 – $820.00 Preparation of Outreach Graphics and Vine Drive Property Planning; b) Task 2 – $6,435.25 Filed Survey and Base Map Preparation; and c) Task 3 – $6,008.10 Ecological, Habitat and Cultural Resources Evaluations; and d) Task 4 – $29,816.00 Schematic Design; and e) Task 5 – $285,232.00 Design Development (50% Design)/Preliminary Development Plan; and f) Task 6 – $128,393.71 Permitting; and g) Task 8 – $127,835.78 Project Coordination. 2. At the City’s sole option and subject to appropriation of funds, the City shall have the option to expand the Scope of Work to include any or all additional Tasks from the attached Scope of Work including Tasks 7, 9, 10 and/or 11. Tasks included as options include: DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 a) Task 7 – $272,713.00 Construction Documents/Final Development Plan; and/or b) Task 9 - $233,232.00 Construction Assistance; and/or c) Task 10 – $22,355.00 Prepare As-Built Drawings; and/or d) Task 11 – $44,960.00 Prepare LOMR Application. 3. Exhibit C, Compensation, of the Professional Services Agreement dated June 4, 2013, shall be expanded to include the attached Total Project Budget dated April 21, 2016 incorporated herein by reference. The total value of Amendment #1 is not to exceed $584,540.84. Except as expressly amended by this Amendment #01, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the Agreement and this Amendment, this Amendment shall prevail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment the day and year shown. CITY OF FORT COLLINS: By:___________________________ Gerry Paul, Director of Purchasing Date: _____________________ ANDERSON CONSULTING ENGINEERING, INC. By:_____________________________ Date:____________________________ ATTEST: ____________________________ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Senior Assistant City Attorney DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 5/9/2016 5/10/2016 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 1 of 11 SCOPE OF WORK FOR POUDRE RIVER DOWNTOWN PROJECT REACH 3, PHASE I – DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE, AND LOMR The following scope of work and accompanying budget are based on the anticipated site plan attached as Exhibit 1. The intent of the design portion of this scope of work is to combine and refine the previous scopes of work associated with Tasks II and III of the Poudre River Downtown Project. The work effort identified below will serve to carry Phase I of the Reach 3 improvements identified in the Poudre River Downtown Master Plan (October 2014) through the design and permitting process, resulting in a set of construction drawings and contract documents for the project. It is noted that the budget associated with Task 8 (Project Coordination) will be tracked separately during the design portion of the project, with monthly updates provided to the City Project Manager regarding coordination cost to date and remaining budget. For the construction assistance portion of this scope of work, it is understood that the City will provide full time construction oversight for the estimated construction period from July 2017 to May 2018. ACE Project Team members will assist the City Project Manager on an as-requested basis for this same construction period. The budget for this task was developed based on an assumed level of effort. If either the construction period changes or the actual level of effort is different than assumed, the cost associated with this task may vary from the accompanying budget. For the Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) portion of this scope of work, it is assumed that the project will include the elements shown in the anticipated site plan. If the final project varies from this plan in configuration or complexity, the level of effort associated with the LOMR (including the as-built survey) may change. Portions of the scope of services defined below were completed prior to April 2016. This prior work effort is reflected in the associated budget which shows the original budget prepared for this scope of work, expenses for work completed to date, and the net budget remaining. DESIGN TASK 1. PREPARATION OF OUTREACH GRAPHICS AND VINE DRIVE PROPERTY PLANNING The purpose of this task is to clarify by illustration the project elements currently anticipated for the Phase I work in Reach 3, in order to support public and stakeholder outreach and fundraising efforts. In addition, this task will evaluate potential opportunities for project enhancements if properties along Vine Drive are acquired by the City. The following two graphics will be prepared. GRAPHIC ONE – PHASE I PLAN A graphic will be prepared that depicts the Phase I improvement plan illustrating only those features that are funded as part of the original $7.5M budget. GRAPHIC TWO – REVISED REACH 3 CONCEPT PLAN A graphic will be prepared that shows potential enhancements to the Reach 3 Concept Plan, including possible changes to the Master Plan for Reach 3, which would be possible if four of the properties along Vine Drive (101, 103, 105 and 203) were acquired in conjunction with this project. This graphic would be formulated based largely on a charette to be held with Park Planning Staff to generate early design concepts, and will include items that were previously removed from the Phase I project. Along with this graphic, a concept-level opinion of cost will be prepared for the additional/modified improvements and DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 Exhibit A April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 2 of 11 features. This opinion of cost will provide the basis for developing a priority list of unfunded enhancements, thus defining additional fundraising opportunities for the project. Since it is unclear at this time whether or not additional fundraising efforts will be successful such that the four properties along Vine Drive can be acquired and the Revised Reach 3 Concept Plan implemented in conjunction with this project, the remaining scope of work assumes that this project only includes the Phase I improvements. TASK 2. FIELD SURVEY AND BASE MAP PREPARATION Field survey data within the project area previously collected by King Surveyors will be compiled and reviewed with respect to current accuracy and applicability for use in the final design of improvements. Supplemental field survey data will be collected to support the preparation of topographic site mapping, consisting of 1-foot contours and above-ground site features, including all shrubs and trees (6-inch caliper or greater). Utility locates will be requested and all utility locates surveyed and included on the topographic site map. Utilities that are determined to be critical to the design will be potholed and surveyed to provide both horizontal and vertical information. It is assumed that the City’s contractor will be utilized to conduct any potholing efforts, while King will survey the horizontal and vertical location of the utilities. It assumed that all wetlands, vegetative communities, invasive species, species of concern, and terrestrial wildlife and raptor habitat identified as part of Task 3 will be included on the base map using the hand-held GPS mapping data collected by the respective Project Team member, while the geotechnical boreholes advanced by EEC as part of Task 5 will be surveyed by King and added to the base map. A property survey will be completed identifying the location of property boundaries adjacent to the project area. It is assumed that this will include all properties both north and south of the river, from the UPRR to approximately 300 feet downstream of the BNSFRR, including railroad rights-of-way, and approximately 400 feet of Vine Drive adjacent to the currently proposed parking lot. In addition, all existing easements will be identified. The result of this task will be two project base maps, both showing topography, site features, subsurface utilities (to the extent known based on locates and selective potholing), and property ownership/ easements. For the design base map, all survey information will be horizontally referenced to the City of Fort Collins ground master network and vertically referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). An electronic surface of existing terrain in ground master/NAVD88 will also be produced. For the floodplain base map, all survey information will be horizontally referenced to Colorado State Plane North (NAD1983) and NAVD88. An electronic surface of existing terrain in State Plane/NAVD88 will also be produced. TASK 3. ECOLOGICAL, HABITAT AND CULTURAL RESOURCES EVALUATIONS Previous fieldwork identifying wetlands, vegetative communities, invasive species, species of concern, and terrestrial wildlife and raptor habitat will be reviewed and supplemented with additional field reconnaissance, including inventory and mapping (via handheld GPS) of natural resources not identified in existing information. Biohabitats will lead the effort with respect to wetlands and vegetative communities, while Ecology and Environment (formerly Walsh Environmental) will be primarily responsible for terrestrial wildlife and raptor habitat. Any potential threatened and endangered (T&E) species within the project area will be identified. If T&E species habitat is identified, detailed species inventories will be conducted under a supplemental scope of work and budget. MEC will review fish species data from the Master Plan and update as needed for Phase I. The results of the work outlined DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 3 of 11 above will be used to provide information for: (a) ecological design objectives during Schematic Design – Task 4; (b) the Environmental Characterization technical memorandum – Task 5, and; (c) the 404 permit application – Task 6. A detailed cultural resources investigation will be conducted to supplement the initial investigation completed as part of the master planning effort. Both historical and archaeological resources surveys and analyses will be completed within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) recently defined by the USACE regulatory specialist. The APE is shown on the attached Exhibit 2. At this time, it is assumed that the USACE will not require the historical CSU Engines and Energy Conversion Lab building to be included in this investigation. The intention of this effort is to complete the fieldwork, research and written documentation necessary to support Section 106 compliance under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as well as meeting federal requirements associate with the Section 404 Permit. This work will include a detailed field survey of historical resources, along with a Class III archaeological resources survey, within the APE. It is assumed that neither excavation nor evaluative testing will be required, and artifacts will not need to be collected in support of this work. Written documentation presenting the results of this investigation will be prepared for inclusion in the 404 Permit document. TASK 4. SCHEMATIC DESIGN Schematic design will include preparation of plan view drawing showing the phase one site improvements, including the location and nature of proposed improvements, with sketches depicting the character of the anticipated improvements. Alternates and enhancements will be identified for specific locations and features within the project area. The schematic design will provide the basis for preparing initial grading concepts, consisting of a potential bed profile and representative cross sections. Proof of concept will be tested with initial hydraulic modeling of the 100-year event in an effort to determine whether or not the initial plan will produce the intended no-rise condition relative to existing conditions (as defined in Task 6). The various optional improvements will be discussed with City Staff in order to identify the preferred alternative for each element of the project. Based on these discussions, a final schematic design will be prepared, including an illustrative plan. Concurrently, a concept-level grading plan will be developed and tested with hydraulic modeling of a range of flow events, using the 2-year through 500-year discharges identified for the FEMA Riskmap study of the Poudre River, along with the ½-foot rise floodway. If a no-rise condition cannot be demonstrated for the 100-year flood or adverse impacts to the floodway are shown, the grading plan will be modified until these effects are mitigated. If necessary, adjustments will be made to the schematic design. Based on the schematic design information, the project cost estimate will be updated and the extent of potential impacts to adjacent properties ascertained. The footprints of both potential permanent easements and temporary construction easements required for the project will be identified. It is anticipated that all of this information will be reviewed by the Staff Advisory Committee and used as the basis for this committee to define the project scope and construction extents. Once these parameters are established, the schematic design will be the subject of an outreach effort intending to reach the City Departments/offices and regulatory agencies. One meeting will be held with each of these entities to present the schematic design and discuss issues that may need to be addressed during Design Development. It is assumed that City Staff will conduct outreach efforts associated with adjacent property owners and stakeholders, including (but not necessarily limited to) the following: Xcel Energy, Colorado Department of Transportation, Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad, CSU Engines & Energy Lab, property owners along Vine Drive, the boating community, and East Larimer County Water District (ELCO). DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 4 of 11 TASK 5. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (50% DESIGN) / PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN Existing utilities that may require modification or relocation will be identified, and a utility potholing plan prepared. It is anticipated that potholing will be completed by either City crews or a City contractor under separate contract. The potholes will be surveyed an added to the base map. A subsurface/geotechnical engineering investigation will be conducted by EEC to characterize subsurface soil conditions and support structural design requirements for the project. It is anticipated that up to fourteen (14) borings will be advanced each to a depth not to exceed 25 feet. Observed groundwater levels will be recorded, along with depths to bedrock. For the borings associated with the pedestrian bridge structure, these borings will be extended a minimum of 10 feet into bedrock or to refusal. Laboratory testing will be conducted of recovered samples to characterize and classify soils, and identify engineering properties for use during final design. EEC will document the results of this work in a written report, which will also include pavement and subsurface design recommendations for the parking lot. Design development drawings will be prepared to approximately a 50% design level based on the schematic design and comments received through the outreach effort. The grading plan will largely be finalized and shown on the site plan sheets, which will reflect the proposed phase one improvements. Plan and profiles will be prepared for the river channel, pedestrian bridge, three retaining walls, trails, and Vine Drive curb and gutter, along with elevation views, typical sections, and river cross sections through the project reach. Detailed sections associated with the two boating features will be prepared. Also included with this plan set will be a cover sheet, general notes, a survey control/geotechnical information sheet, a demolition plan and a utility relocation plan for two water lines one each owned by the City of Fort Collins and ELCO. It is assumed that the new retaining walls will not require modification of the existing railroad bridge or the bridge abutments and foundation. Also included in the design development drawings will be improvements to the water quality pond located at the northeast corner of the site to accommodate runoff from the proposed parking lot, as well as existing runoff entering the pond from Innosphere and Vine Drive. Improvements may include limited regrading, a staged outlet structure, and plan and profile of the outlet pipe (to connect to the proposed Coy Ditch storm drainage pipe being designed by City Stormwater Staff). Preparation of design development drawings will be supported with an evaluation of erosion countermeasure requirements including rock riprap sizing calculations, scour analyses, toe down depths for boulder and riprap installations, and identification of the location and extent of erosion countermeasures. An erosion countermeasure plan will be prepared, along with typical sections of these installations. A property impact plan will prepared that identifies adjacent impacted properties, and defines the limits of disturbance and easement acquisition requirements for each property. Legal descriptions will be prepared to support the acquisition of either permanent or temporary easements from property owners. It is anticipated that up to eight (8) legal descriptions will be prepared. It is assumed that City Staff will present these documents to the respective property owners for approval and recording. The project cost estimate will be updated based on the current design information. The design development drawings will be used as the basis for submittal to City Planning to initiate the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) process, including the PDP Hearing. The design development drawings will be submitted to the Staff Advisory Committee for review by City Staff selected by the Advisory Committee. The properties adjacent to the river are included in the POL and CCR zone districts. The river corridor itself is not included in a zoning category. Uses such as parks, recreation and open lands are permitted within the POL and CCR zone districts and are subject to a Type 1 administrative review. DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 5 of 11 PDP SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS:  Application form – BHA  Filing fees – waived or paid by city  3 lists of adjacent property owners (2 of which are printed mailing labels) – City  Statement of Planning Objectives – BHA  Site Plan – BHA  Subdivision Plat, Legal Description – King Surveyors  Architectural Elevations (vault toilet) – BHA  Landscape Plan – BHA  Transportation Impact Analysis (traffic study) – Delich Associates  Utility Plans – ACE  Drainage and Erosion Control Report – ACE  Soils Report – EEC  Photometric Site Lighting Plan – ESC  Hazardous Materials Impact Analysis – n/a, assumed waived  Street Cross-Section Schematics – ACE  Explanation of variance requests, modification requests, or alternative compliance requests – BHA  Environmental Characterization Study, Wetland Delineation – Biohabitats  Written responses to Development Review’s comments – All  PowerPoint presentation for public hearing – BHA with support from all TASK 6. PERMITTING CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION (CLOMR) The Duplicate Effective analysis will be initiated by obtaining the Effective hydraulic (HEC-2) models for the study reach and using them to re-analyze the 10-year, 50-year, 100-year and 500-year floods, as well as the ½-foot rise floodway. Modeling results will be compared to data provided in the effective FIS in order to confirm agreement with published 100-year water surface elevations (WSELs) and floodway widths and surcharges. To complete the Duplicate Effective analysis, the HEC-2 models will be converted to HEC-RAS Version 4.1 for the reach from upstream of Linden Street to upstream of the UPRR; the HEC-RAS models will be used to analyze the 10-year, 50-year, 100-year and 500-year floods, as well as the ½-foot rise floodway. The resulting Duplicate Effective HEC-RAS 100-year WSELs and floodway widths will be compared to the Duplicate Effective HEC-2 results, with all differences identified. It is noted that all Effective and Duplicate Effective modeling and WSELs have been developed based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29). Corrected Effective condition hydraulic models will be prepared by incorporating the City’s 2013 topographic mapping (NAVD88), supplemented with field survey data produced as part of Task 2. These models will be utilized to analyze the 10-year, 50-year, 100-year and 500-year floods, as well as the ½- foot rise floodway, along the Poudre River from approximately the BNSRFF to the UPRR. If a split flow path is indicated along Vine Drive east of the BNSFRR, the discharge which could potentially leave the Poudre River corridor at that location will be identified but a split flow path will not be modeled or otherwise evaluated. The Poudre River modeling will assume that all flows up to and including the 100- year discharge will remain within the river corridor. The resulting Corrected Effective 100-year WSELs and floodway widths will be compared to both the Duplicate Effective HEC-RAS results and Effective values, which will require conversion of the NGVD29 WSELs to NAVD88. Corrected Effective flood DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 6 of 11 hazard mapping will be prepared, including the 100-year and 500-year floodplains, and ½-foot rise floodway. In support of the schematic design effort, the Corrected Effective models will be revised to reflect the approximate grading plan associated with schematic design. These models will be used to analyze the 10-year, 50-year, 100-year and 500-year floods, as well as the ½-foot rise floodway. The resulting preliminary Proposed Condition 100-year WSELs and floodway widths will be compared to the Corrected Effective results, the Duplicate Effective HEC-RAS results and Effective values. If the schematic design grading plan does not demonstrate compliance with floodplain regulations, revisions will be made to the grading plan to bring the schematic design into compliance with floodplain regulations, as well as the flood mitigation goals of the project. Upon completion of the grading plan associated with the design development drawings, the Corrected Effective models will be revised to reflect Proposed Conditions. These Proposed Condition models will be used to analyze the 10-year, 50-year, 100-year and 500-year floods, as well as the ½-foot rise floodway, all along the Poudre River. It is assumed that the Proposed Condition will eliminate any previously identified 100-year split flow path along Vine Drive east of the BNSFRR. Even if the Proposed Condition analyses indicate that a nominal portion of the 100-year flow would be directed east on Vine Drive, the Poudre River modeling will assume that all flows up to and including the 100-year discharge will remain within the river corridor. The resulting Proposed Condition 100-year WSELs and floodway widths will be compared to the Corrected Effective results, the Duplicate Effective HEC-RAS results and Effective values. Proposed Condition flood hazard mapping will be prepared, including the 100-year and 500-year floodplains, and ½-foot rise floodway. A hydraulic modeling/flood hazard mapping report will be prepared that meets both City of Fort Collins and FEMA requirements, including a description of all analyses and assumptions, water surface profile comparisons, comparative flood hazard mapping, graphical flood profiles, floodway data tables, and Flood Insurance Study text. A GIS database will be prepared that identifies changes in 100-year flood levels and floodplain/floodway limits for each property within the effective 100-year floodplain. Using the information in this database, ACE will assist Stormwater Staff to prepare up to twenty (20) property owner notification letters identifying anticipated changes in regulatory flood conditions for the affected properties. A CLOMR application will be prepared, along with all required supporting documentation; in addition a City of Fort Collins Floodplain Use Permit will be prepared. The CLOMR and Floodplain Use Permit will be submitted to the City for review. Upon approval by the City, the CLOMR application will be submitted to FEMA for review. It is noted that addressing review comments from either the City or FEMA will be limited to responding to questions and providing clarification. Since the potential nature and extent of comments cannot be foreseen, any revised modeling, mapping or documentation would need to be conducted under a supplemental scope of work and budget. STATE ENGINEER’S OFFICE In addition to the hydraulic modeling conducted in support of the CLOMR, low flow analyses will be conducted to support evaluation of the potential for aquatic organism passage through the project reach and development of a stage-discharge rating curve at the historical location of the Coy Diversion. These low flow analyses will be conducted concurrently. Upon completion of schematic design, up to five low flows will be analyzed using the preliminary Proposed Condition model in an effort to evaluate hydraulic conditions, primarily flow depths, velocities and stream power, to support the evaluation of the potential for aquatic organism passage through the project reach. In addition, a detailed low flow stage-discharge rating curve will be developed to support the measurement of low flows (ranging from 5 cfs to 30 cfs) at the Coy Diversion site. DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 7 of 11 Once the design development (50%) drawings are complete, up to five low flows will be analyzed using the Proposed Condition model to confirm previously identified hydraulic conditions, primarily flow depths, velocities and stream power, in an effort to validate the prior evaluation of the potential for aquatic organism passage through the project reach. In addition, the previously developed detailed low flow stage-discharge rating curve at the Coy Diversion site will be modified to reflect current design conditions. Two brief hydraulic modeling/low flow analysis reports will be prepared. One report will document the methodology and results associated with the low flow analyses conducted to support the evaluation of aquatic organism passage through the project reach. The second report will document development of the in-stream low flow rating curve at the historical location of the Coy Diversion. Included with this second report will be pertinent portions of the design drawings and specifications related to the measurement device/system. This report will be submitted to the State Engineer’s Office for review and approval. If comments received from the SEO require significant changes to the streamflow measurement facilities or system, it is likely that revisions to the design development drawings and any associated engineering analyses would need to be conducted under a supplemental scope of work and budget. INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT Requirements for an individual Section 404 Permit will be coordinated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) during the outreach effort conducted at the conclusion of schematic design. A 404 Permit report and supporting documentation will be prepared by Walsh and submitted by ACE to the USACE that will address the following: floodplains, wetlands, threatened and endangered species, critical habitat, and cultural resources. Supporting the 404 Permit will be a series of individual memos and/or reports prepared by various members of the Consultant Team that document: (a) existing wetlands, existing vegetation (including T&E species), and riparian habitat condition (Biohabitats); (b) terrestrial wildlife and raptors (including T&E species), and terrestrial habitat condition (Walsh) (c) aquatic habitat function (MEC & S2o); (d) geomorphology and stream stability/sustainability (ACE); (e) existing recreational facilities and proposed recreational plans (BHA & S2o); (f) cultural resources, based on the Class III investigation conducted as part of Task 3; and (g) hazardous materials/brownfields investigation (previous Phase II investigation completed in conjunction with the Poudre River Downtown Master Plan – Terracon/Troy Sanders). It is anticipated that design modifications required pursuant to comments received through the 404 Permit process will be incorporated into the 75% design drawings, to be prepared as part of Task 7. Once these changes are incorporated into the design, supplemental information will be prepared and submitted to the USACE in support of the 404 Permit application. If comments received through the 404 Permit process substantially change the nature, extent and function of the improvements represented in the design development drawings (including, but not limited to, grading changes that would require changes to the hydraulic modeling and CLOMR application) and/or the comments are not received prior to completion of the 75% drawings, it is likely that revisions to the design development drawings and any associated engineering analyses, floodplain modeling, mapping and documentation would need to be conducted under a supplemental scope of work and budget. In addition, if wetland mitigation planning is required, this would be conducted under a supplemental scope of work and budget. DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 8 of 11 TASK 7. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS / FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Based on comments received through the PDP process, from the Staff Advisory Committee, and through the permitting process, the design development drawings will be advance to a 75% level. The project cost estimate will be updated based on the current design information and submitted along with the 75% drawings to the Staff Advisory Committee for review and comment. City review comments will be addressed and additional design detail added to bring the drawings to a 95% level of completion. (It is assumed that approval of the CLOMR by FEMA and the 404 Permit by USACE will be received prior to initiating this work.) During this step, all civil, structural, architectural and landscape details will be included in the drawings. The project cost estimate will be updated based on the current design information. The 95% design drawings will be used as the basis for submittal to City Planning to initiate the Final Development Plan Review. The 95% design drawings will also be submitted to the Staff Advisory Committee for review. It is anticipated that the 95% design drawings and final ‘for construction’ plan set will include the following 112 sheets (all sheets will be completed by ACE unless otherwise noted):  Cover Sheet  General Notes  Survey Control/Geotechnical Information  Demolition Plan (2 sheets)  Erosion Control Plan (2 sheets)  Water Line Relocation Plan and Details (2 sheets)  Traffic Control, Ingress/Egress and Staging Plan (2 sheets)  Detailed Grading Plan and Profile for River (4 sheets)  Typical Cross Sections for River (3 sheets)  Erosion Countermeasure Plan (4 sheets)  Erosion Countermeasure Typical Sections and Details (4 sheets)  Detailed Site Grading Plan and Profile for Wave Features (2 sheets) – S2o  Wave Feature Details (4 sheets) – S2o  Detailed Site Grading Plan and Profile for Rock Riffles (2 sheets)  Rock Riffle Details  River Channel Cross Section Sheets (6 sheets)  Streamflow Measurement Facilities Plan and Details (2 sheets) – ACE & WET  Detailed Grading Plan and Profile for Trails and Walks (8 sheets) – ACE & BHA (South – 2, NE – 1, NW – 1, NW Spur – 1, South Connector – 1, North Connector with Bridge – 2)  Bridge Plans – Elevation, Section and Details (6 sheets) – bridge fabricator, to be selected by the City  Plan and Profile for Retaining Walls (3 sheets) (BNSFRR South (two-level) – 160 LF & 90 LF, BNSFRR North – 80 LF, Terrace – 150 LF)  Detailed Grading and Civil Plan for Parking Lot  Plan and Profile for Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk along Vine Drive (approximately 400 LF along south side of street only)  Grading and Improvement Plan for the Water Quality Pond DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 9 of 11  Plan and Profile for the Water Quality Pond Outlet Pipe  Water Quality Pond Outlet Details  Vault Toilet Elevation and Details (2 sheets) – BHA, based on manufacturer information  Urban Landscape Site Plan (2 sheets) – BHA  Urban Landscape Layout Plan (2 sheets) – BHA  Urban Landscape Construction Details (8 sheets) – BHA  Landscape Boulder Plan, Schedule and Details (2 sheets) – BHA  Landscape and Planting Plan (6 sheets) – BHA w/ Biohabitats (South – 1, NW – 1, NE – 1, Central – 2, Parking Lot – 1)  Planting Details – BHA w/ Biohabitats  Irrigation Plan (4 sheets) – Hines Irrigation Consultants  Irrigation Details (2 sheets) – Hines Irrigation Consultants  Lighting Plan (2 sheets) – ESC  Lighting Details, Wiring Diagrams, Panel Details (2 sheets) – ESC  Structural Details – Retaining Walls (4 sheets) – SM&RC  Structural Details – Bridge Abutments and Pier (3 sheets) – SM&RC  Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk and Trail Details – ACE & BHA  General Details (6 sheets) – ACE & BHA It is assumed that comments generated from the review of the 95% design drawings will be minimal. Final ‘for construction’ drawings will be prepared and submitted to the City in both hardcopy and electronic format. A total of eight (8) half-sized (11” x 17”) and eight (8) full-sized (24” x 36”) final for construction sets will be provided for distribution. A digital pdf copy of the final set of drawings will also be produced and submitted. Standard City of Fort Collins technical specifications will be compiled and utilized for this project. It is anticipated that specifications not included in the City standards may be required. If necessary, these technical specifications will be produced. Along with a final bid schedule, a final opinion of construction costs will be prepared. It is assumed that the front end documents will largely be prepared by City Staff. A total of eight (8) bound hardcopies of the bid documents and specifications will be produced and submitted for distribution. A digital pdf copy of these documents will also be provided. TASK 8. PROJECT COORDINATION Coordination to be conducted prior to initiating project design will include various departments within the City of Fort Collins and regulatory agencies. Coordination within the City will include Parks, Natural Areas and Stormwater in order to assist City Staff to define the project schedule and identify project issues and processes. In addition, a coordination meeting will be held with each of the following: Planning Department, Regulatory and Government Affairs Division, and City Attorney’s office. With respect to permitting agencies, initial contact will be made and a meeting held with representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE), Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and State Engineer’s Office (SEO). It is assumed that City Staff will conduct pre-design outreach efforts associated with adjacent property owners and stakeholders, including (but not necessarily limited to) the following: Xcel Energy, Colorado DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 10 of 11 Department of Transportation, Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad, CSU Engines & Energy Lab, property owners along Vine Drive, the boating community, and East Larimer County Water District (ELCO). In addition to the pre-design coordination identified above and the post-schematic design outreach effort defined in Task 4, the following coordination activities with City Staff are anticipated throughout the project design. In all cases, ACE will prepare project update meeting and progress meeting agendas, as well as prepare and distribute meeting minutes.  Two early project update meetings, one at the conclusion of the base map preparation and ecological, habitat and historical evaluations, and a second at the conclusion of schematic design to discuss relevant findings, possible opportunities and potential conflicts.  Monthly progress meetings (with bi-weekly meetings during critical stages of the design) with City’s Project Manager and other Staff, as needed, during the design development phase (8 meetings).  Two mid-course project update meetings, one each at the conclusion of document preparation for the CLOMR application and 404 Permit application. At this time, one additional outreach meeting will be held with DPW and USACE to discuss habitat, cultural resources and related permitting issues.  Monthly progress meetings (with bi-weekly meetings during critical stages of the design) with City’s Project Manager and other Staff (as needed) during the construction documents phase (10 meetings). In addition to the formal meetings identified above, it is anticipated that as-needed coordination between the City Project Manager and ACE Project Manager will be conducted via email and phone calls during the 2-year duration of this project, but not to exceed an average of 2 hours per week. In addition, project status will be reported to Matt Zoccali with City of Fort Collins Regulatory and Government Affairs Division via email (with supporting documents when needed) on a quarterly basis or when significant project milestones are anticipated. If additional coordination, public outreach and/or outreach to City management is required, these services can be provided under a supplemental scope of work and budget. All services conducted under this Project Coordination task will be tracked on a time-and-materials basis throughout the project, with a summary of costs incurred and budget remaining under this task provided with each invoice. CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE TASK 9. CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE Construction support services will be provided on an as-needed basis through the anticipated construction window. Staff from various member of the ACE Project Team will respond to requests by the City Project Manager to address specific issues that may arise during construction. It is assumed that this effort will include the following: (a) Respond to contractor questions (b) Prepare design addenda (c) Attend pre-construction meeting (d) Review shop drawings DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_ SOW_2016-04-21.docx Page 11 of 11 (e) Respond to contractor RFIs (f) Periodic site visits* (g) Coordinate with City Project Manager and ACE Team Members** (h) Attend substantial completion walkthrough (i) Prepare punch list (j) Attend final acceptance walkthrough LETTER OF MAP REVISION (LOMR) TASK 10. PREPARE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS A field survey of as-built conditions within the Phase I project area will be conducted to include all new site features and 1-foot contour interval topographic mapping. As-built drawings will be developed based on this survey information, as well as as-built information collected by the City Project Manager during construction. TASK 11. PREPARE LOMR APPLICATION The proposed condition hydraulic model prepared for the CLOMR will be modified as necessary to reflect revised conditions defined by the as-built topographic site mapping. Revised condition hydraulic analyses for the Poudre River will include the 10-year, 50-year, 100-year and 500-year events, as well as the ½-foot rise floodway. (As with the CLOMR analysis, it is assumed that the Revised Condition will not reflect a 100-year split flow path along Vine Drive east of the BNSFRR. Even if the Revised Condition analyses indicate that a nominal portion of the 100-year flow would be directed east on Vine Drive, the Poudre River modeling will assume that all flows up to and including the 100-year discharge will remain within the river corridor.) For the Revised Condition, floodplain boundaries for the 100-year and 500- year events will be revised, as necessary, through the study reach, along with the ½-foot rise floodway boundaries. The resulting Revised Condition 100-year WSELs and floodway widths will be compared to the Corrected Effective results, the Duplicate Effective HEC-RAS results and Effective values. Revised Condition flood hazard mapping will be prepared, including the 100-year and 500-year floodplains, and ½-foot rise floodway. The hydraulic modeling/flood hazard mapping report prepared for the CLOMR will be revised to include Revised Condition as-built data, hydraulic modeling and flood hazard mapping, including a description of all analyses and assumptions, water surface profile comparisons, comparative flood hazard mapping, graphical flood profiles, floodway data tables, and Flood Insurance Study text. A GIS database will be prepared that identifies changes in 100-year flood levels and floodplain/floodway limits for each property within the effective 100-year floodplain. Using the information in this database, ACE will assist Stormwater Staff to prepare up to twenty (20) property owner notification letters identifying actual changes in regulatory flood conditions for the affected properties. A LOMR application will be prepared, along with all required supporting documentation; in addition a City of Fort Collins Floodplain Use Permit will be prepared. The LOMR and Floodplain Use Permit will be submitted to the City for review. Upon approval by the City, the LOMR application will be submitted to FEMA for review. It is noted that addressing review comments from either the City or FEMA will be limited to responding to questions and providing clarification. Since the potential nature and extent of comments cannot be foreseen, any revised modeling, mapping or documentation would need to be conducted under a supplemental scope of work and budget. DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 April 21, 2016 TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET for the POUDRE RIVER DOWNTOWN PROJECT REACH 3, PHASE I -- DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE, AND LOMR PROJECT: Poudre River Downtown Project, Reach 3, Phase I CLIENT: City of Fort Collins ACE PROJECT NO.: COFC18.01 PREPARED BY: GJK/BAS DATE: 04/21/2016 Task/Description Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost 1. Preparation of Outreach Graphics and Vine Drive Property Planning $2,240 $8,836 $820 $11,896 $11,076.00 $820.00 2. Field Survey and Base Map Preparation $4,000 $41,550 $45,550 $39,114.75 $6,435.25 3. Ecological, Habitat and Cultural Resources Evaluations $2,160 $11,145 $3,682 $2,100 $28,300 $47,387 $41,378.90 $6,008.10 4. Schematic Design $25,758 $11,646 $1,640 $1,200 $1,520 $8,900 $4,100 $54,764 $24,948.00 $29,816.00 5. Design Development (50% Design) / Preliminary Development Plan $178,744 $39,566 $46,440 $3,555 $4,800 $5,360 $3,800 $11,905 $4,000 $3,050 $10,300 $311,520 $26,288.00 $285,232.00 6. Permitting * $91,732 $2,050 $6,885 $4,610 $18,265 $3,300 $3,800 $890 $131,532 $3,138.29 $128,393.71 7. Construction Documents / Final Development Plan $148,248 $46,075 $15,460 $5,400 $1,200 $39,040 $3,540 $4,550 $9,200 $272,713 $0 $272,713 8. Project Coordination $107,120 $42,330 $8,870 $5,245 $7,115 $4,500 $5,080 $3,800 $2,911 $2,300 $189,271 $61,435.22 $127,835.78 9. Construction Assistance $108,412 $30,000 $30,000 $8,000 $4,000 $10,000 $7,000 $12,000 $8,000 $6,020 $9,800 $233,232 $0 $233,232 10. Prepare As-Built Drawings $9,320 $13,035 $22,355 $0 $22,355 11. Prepare LOMR Application * $44,960 $44,960 $0 $44,960 TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET $722,694 $180,503 $107,655 $40,415 $29,062 $21,100 $28,300 $59,480 $23,460 $23,905 $58,585 $11,801 $15,920 $38,200 $4,100 $1,365,180 $207,379.16 $1,157,800.84 * Does not include FEMA and City review fees Totals Expenses to Date Net Budget Remaining Earth Engineering Consultants Anderson Consulting Engineers Project Team Anderson Consulting Engineers BHA Design Biohabitats Miller Ecological Water & Earth Technologies King Surveyors Terracon Hines Irrigation Consultants ESC Engineering Delich Associates Walsh (E&E) S2O Design Tatanka Historical (all work completed April 2016) April 21, 2016 ACE ONLY BUDGET for the POUDRE RIVER DOWNTOWN PROJECT REACH 3, PHASE I -- DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE, AND LOMR PROJECT: Poudre River Downtown Project, Reach 3, Phase I Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. CLIENT: City of Fort Collins Direct Labor ACE PROJECT NO.: COFC18.01 PREPARED BY: GJK/BAS DATE: 04/21/2016 $160/hr $125/hr $110/hr $101/hr $94/hr $80/hr $65/hr $60/hr 160 125 110 101 94 80 65 60 Task/Description Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Cost Hours Cost Cost Cost 1. Preparation of Outreach Graphics and Vine Drive Property Planning 14 14 $2,240 $2,240.00 $0.00 2. Field Survey and Base Map Preparation 8 18 8 $100 34 $4,000 $3,932.50 $67.50 3. Ecological, Habitat and Cultural Resources Evaluations 8 8 16 $2,160 $2,000.00 $160.00 4. Schematic Design 44 8 95 62 18 227 $25,758 $13,302.00 $12,456.00 5. Design Development (50% Design) / Preliminary Development Plan 132 12 530 232 348 496 12 12 $500 1,774 $178,744 $17,262.50 $161,481.50 6. Permitting * 108 222 24 362 130 16 24 $700 886 $91,732 $0 $91,732 7. Construction Documents / Final Development Plan 122 12 428 180 222 430 20 60 $1,800 1,474 $148,248 $0 $148,248 8. Project Coordination 455 272 2 48 2 $1,000 779 $107,120 $41,473.20 $65,646.80 9. Construction Assistance 216 550 108 24 12 $500 910 $108,412 $0 $108,412 10. Prepare As-Built Drawings 4 60 16 $800 80 $9,320 $0 $9,320 11. Prepare LOMR Application * 10 8 92 230 108 8 16 $500 472 $44,960 $0 $44,960 ACE PROJECT HOURS 1,121 40 2,275 436 1,332 1,232 116 114 6,666 ACE PROJECT BUDGET $179,360 $5,000 $250,250 $44,036 $125,208 $98,560 $7,540 $6,840 $5,900 $722,694 $80,210.20 $642,483.80 * Does not include FEMA and City review fees ODC's Totals Principal Engineer Senior Project Manager Senior Engineer II Senior Engineer I Project Engineer II Expenses to Date Original Budget Net Budget Remaining Senior GIS/CADD Technician Admin. Admin. Assistant Other Direct Costs Original Hours COFC18.1_PoudreDesignCA&LOMR_ACEBudget_2016-04-21.xlsx Page 1 of 1 Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277 SM&RC Structural Original Budget COFC18.1_Poudre DesignCA&LOMR_Budget_ALL_2016-04-21.xlsx Page 1 of 1 Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. DocuSign Envelope ID: 94463F8B-DDA8-465F-B0E8-4D1256136277