Fort Collins
November 10, 2015
Uptown Services
Attn: Neil Shaw
7234 Cortez Lane
Boulder, CO 80303
RE: 8179 Broadband Strategic Plan - Feasibility Analyisis
Dear Mr. Shaw:
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St. 2no Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6707- fax
fcgov. corn/purchasing
The Project Team is requesting firms selected for interviews to submit an excel file work sample
that addresses modeling capability as required by 'Deliverable #4 — Feasibility Analysis' of the
City of Fort Collins Feasibility RFP "8179 Broadband Strategic Plan — Feasibility Analysis". The
file should demonstrate functionality that would yield revenue, cost and net profit elements
calculated from multiple variable inputs. The file should also clearly highlight the necessary
information to make an informed decision between multiple business models. It is not required
that the work sample is original to this project; it may be derived from previous projects.
Please submit this sample no later than 10:00 A.M. (our clock) November 12, 2015 to Andres
Gavaldon, RFP Project Manager at agavaldon(@fcgov.com, with a copy to Jill Wilson, Buyer, at
iwilson(a)fcgov.com. The work sample will be evaluated in conjunction with the oral interview
assessment process and will not be released to the public.
We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing this sample, and look forward to
your oral presentation.
Jill Wilson
City of
Fort Collins
November 10. 2015
Magellan Advisors
Attn: John Honker
999 18`h Street, Suite 3000
Denver, CO 80202
RE: 8179 Broadband Strategic Plan - Feasibility Analyisis
Dear Mr. Honker:
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6707- fax
The Project Team is requesting firms selected for interviews to submit an excel file work sample
that addresses modeling capability as required by 'Deliverable #4 — Feasibility Analysis' of the
City of Fort Collins Feasibility RFP "8179 Broadband Strategic Plan — Feasibility Analysis". The
file should demonstrate functionality that would yield revenue, cost and net profit elements
calculated from multiple variable inputs. The file should also clearly highlight the necessary
information to make an informed decision between multiple business models. It is not required
that the work sample is original to this project; it may be derived from previous projects.
Please submit this sample no later than 10:00 A.M. (our clock) November 12, 2015 to Andres
Gavaldon, RFP Project Manager at agavaldon(c�fcgov.com, with a copy to Jill Wilson, Buyer, at
jwilson(cDfcgov.com. The work sample will be evaluated in conjunction with the oral interview
assessment process and will not be released to the public.
We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing this sample, and look forward to
your oral presentation.
Jill Wilson
City of
Fort Collins
November 10, 2015
NEO Fiber
Attn: Diane Kruse
PO Box 2664
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602
RE: 8179 Broadband Strategic Plan - Feasibility Analyisis
Dear Ms. Kruse:
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St. 2ntl Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6707- fax
The Project Team is requesting firms selected for interviews to submit an excel file work sample
that addresses modeling capability as required by `Deliverable #4 — Feasibility Analysis' of the
City of Fort Collins Feasibility RFP "8179 Broadband Strategic Plan — Feasibility Analysis". The
file should demonstrate functionality that would yield revenue, cost and net profit elements
calculated from multiple variable inputs. The file should also clearly highlight the necessary
information to make an informed decision between multiple business models. It is not required
that the work sample is original to this project; it may be derived from previous projects.
Please submit this sample no later than 10:00 A.M. (our clock) November 12, 2015 to Andr6s
Gavald6n, RFP Project Manager at agavaldonCa)fcgov.com, with a copy to Jill Wilson, Buyer, at
jwilson(c)fcgov.com. The work sample will be evaluated in conjunction with the oral interview
assessment process and will not be released to the public.
We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing this sample, and look forward to
your oral presentation.
Jill Wilson