HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - PURCHASE ORDER - 9157553Scope of Work for WRB NPDES Permit Review 091415 1 SCOPE OF WORK REVIEW OF NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMITS FOR THE WATER RECLAMATION AND BOISOLIDS DIVISION 14 SEPTEMBER 2015 OBJECTIVE AND BACKGROUND A. Objective The City of Fort Collins Water Reclamation and Biosolids (WRB) Division requires a qualified consultant to conduct a thorough review of wastewater treatment facility effluent permits issued by and through the Colorado Department of Health and Environment Water Pollution Control Division (CDPHE-WQCD). National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) permits will be issued for both the Mulberry Water Reclamation (MWRF) and Drake Water Reclamation Facility (DWRF), the two facilities that the WRB operates in service to City of Fort Collins customers. The original application for NPDES permits was issued in April of 2013, and the WRB anticipates that the NPDES permits will be released to the public later this month. The WRB also anticipates that the WCQD will provide for a limited time for permittees to review and comment on the permits, including the water quality modeling used to develop permit limitations and assigned compliance schedules for particular parameters. The WRB will need the help of experts to analyze and respond to specific areas in the NPDES permits that will potential impact treatment facility operations. B. Background The WRB is concerned about the limits, monitoring parameters and frequencies, and reporting requirements that will potentially impact the ability of the wastewater facilities to maintain compliance. Of particular interest are the potentially strict effluent limits for nutrients and water temperature. At issue is: 1. Impacts to MWRF outfall 001A which discharges to Cache La Poudre (CLP) River Segment 11; 2. Impacts to DWRF outfall 002A which discharges to CLP River Segment 11; 3. Impacts to DWRF outfall 001A which discharges to Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch prior to Fossil Creek Reservoir; 4. Impacts to DWRF outfall 002A as it influences CLP River Segment 12; 5. Impacts of new regulations, stream classifications, and other contributing factors that impact the City’s ability meet or exceed regulatory requirements for all wastewater outfalls as described in 1-4 above. SCOPE OF WORK Services to Be Provided: The consultant will work with the City staff to review and analyze the NPDES permits for MWRF and DWRF to identify any errors or omissions, to evaluate the City’s ability to comply with new or changed effluent limitations and to determine if any process changes and/or capital improvements must be made. This includes analysis of up-to-date water quality modeling and reasonable potential analyses. Develop and prioritize options leading to recommendations on how the City can effectively address key water quality and operational issues identified in their review and analysis. Prepare draft comments on the results of their analysis and findings that will, in turn, be used to develop the City’s reply to the WQCD in relation to the NPDES permits. Scope of Work for WRB NPDES Permit Review 091415 2 The consultants will be required to meet with the City at least twice: once to discuss the objectives and timetable of their analysis once the NPDES rationales and permits are released and again after their review is completed and draft written analysis, comments and recommendations are prepared. The consultants will be required to respond to one round of City edits and questions on their draft findings and recommendations. A. Deliverables 1. Once the WQCD sets the review deadline, the consultant will prepare a written outline of their schedule for completing the tasks. 2. The consultant will prepare an analysis of the Rationales that the Division used and their proposed NPDES permits regarding water quality impacts in CLPR Segments 11 and 12 and potential impacts on operations at the City’s water reclamation facilities. 3. The consultant will prepare a draft report of findings and recommendations for inclusion in the City’s reply to the proposed NDPES permits 4. Final written report in Word and PDF that includes: • A thorough description of research methodology • Summary of key findings and recommendations. Comments should be substantive, well-written and supported by relevant data. The best possible science should be used in arriving at all conclusions and comments that are provided to the WQCD. Comments should focus on whether or not the NPDES permit limitations are based on appropriate data, using sound methodologies, and appropriately applied science. Areas to include in the review and comments are: • Adequacy of water quality modeling and data used to develop permit limitations • Implication and feasibility of permit limitations and compliance schedules. Timeline of Contract: The work schedule will be dictated by the release date of the NPDES permits and reply deadline established by the WQCD. Comments prepared by City staff and its contractors on the technical review of the SDEIS must be issued through City Council. City’s Point of Contact: For this agreement, Jason Graham, Water Reclamation and Biosolids Manager shall serve as the City’s point of contact for this agreement. He may be contacted by phone at 970- 221-6921 or email: jgraham@fcgov.com. Limitations of this Agreement: This scope of work only covers review of the WQCD NPDES permits issued for the MWRF and DWRF. Budget: The budget for this project is limited to a maximum of $15,000.