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HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett TT22550000eeMMFFPP SSaalleess QQuuoottee PPrreeppaarreedd ffoorr CCiittyy ooff FFoorrtt CCoolllliinnss TThhiiss ddooccuummeenntt wwaass pprreeppaarreedd bbyy:: NNaammee:: Benjamin DeVries TTiittllee:: Solutions Specialist CCoommppaannyy:: Professional Document Solutions PPhhoonnee #:970.402.7135 EEmmaaiill:: bdevries@pds-co.com DDaattee:: 2015-09-29 Pricing in this document is valid for 3300 days. NNeewwllyy ddeessiiggnneedd,, ttwwoo--rroollll,, wweebb--ccoonnnneecctteedd eePPrriinntteerr wwiitthh ssccaann aanndd ccooppyy ccaappaabbiilliittiieess IInnnnoovvaattiivvee uusseerr eexxppeerriieennccee Eliminate the output clutter—get flat, collated prints thanks to the integrated output stacking tray. Gain control—monitor media rolls, view printer status on the touchscreen, and track jobs during printing. Load two paper rolls effortlessly—even when seated—with front loading and automatic paper-roll alignmen Print up to A0/E with this compact, 36-in printer designed with a flat surface for quick checking of your printouts. PPrriinntt,, SSccaann aanndd CCooppyy wwiitthh aa ssiinnggllee ddeevviiccee Speed up your workflow—easily scan and e-mail sketches and hand-annotated drawings directly to your partners. Instantly share and manage content—scan to your network folder, FTP, USB drive, or directly to the clou Help cut downtime—print multiple jobs on a variety of media types and sizes with two rolls and smart switching. Create A1/D-size prints in 21 seconds—Original HP inks deliver dark blacks and true neutral grays. PPrriinntt ffrroomm vviirrttuuaallllyy aannyywwhheerree Use your Apple® or Android™ smartphone or tablet to print from virtually anywhere. Access and print projects when you’re out of the office, using HP Designjet ePrint & Share or USB printing. Automatically save copies of your projects to the cloud when you print using HP Designjet ePrint & Share. Print without drivers using a USB stick or directly email projects to your HP Designjet T2500eMFP. TThhee bbeenneeffiittss ooff uuppggrraaddiinngg ffrroomm HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett 88xxxxMMFFPP ttoo aa HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett TT22550000eeMMFFPP More productive - 2 rolls versus 1 roll More compact footprint Integrated 50 page stacker Integrated 36” CIS Scanner Ink cost per copy on monochrome prints – 20% less Ink cost per copy on color prints – 20% less Print up to 4.8x more prints per hour More file processing memory – 128GB versus 96MB Intuitive color touchscreen Walk-Up USB Drive Printing 6 ink system versus 4 (wider color gamut, true gray prints) Improved line accuracy 0.1% Embedded Web Server Secure Disk and File Erase from the Embedded Web Server Encrypted hard drive HP Designjet ePrint & Share capable PPrrooppoossaall HHPP DDeessiiggnnJJeett TT22550000PPSS eeMMFFPP 3366”” PPoossttSSccrriipptt eePPrriinntteerr HP SKU CR359A#B1K City Price: $88,,224466..2255 Shipping: $280.00 TTOOTTAALL:: $88,,552266..2255 WWhhaatt’’ss iinn tthhee bbooxx?? HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett TT22550000 eeMMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonn PPrriinntteerr,, pprriinntthheeaadd,, iinnttrroodduuccttoorryy iinnkk ccaarrttrriiddggeess,, ssttaacckkiinngg ttrraayy,, pprriinntteerr ssttaanndd aanndd mmeeddiiaa bbiinn,, ssppiinnddlleess,, qquuiicckk rreeffeerreennccee gguuiiddee,, sseettuupp ppoosstteerr,, ssttaarrttuupp ssooffttwwaarree,, ppoowweerr ccoorrdd Additional information: Comes with 1 Year Hardware Warranty. Add Extended Service agreement for $299.99 Extended service agreement maintenance - 1 incident on-site response time: 2 business hours. Shipping Estimate - $280.00. Will add actual shipping costs onto Final Invoice. TThhee bbeenneeffiittss ooff uuppggrraaddiinngg ffrroomm HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett 11005500CC,, 11005555CCMM,, 11005555CC++,11005555CCMM++ ttoo aa HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett TT22550000eeMMFFPP More productive - 2 rolls versus 1 roll Similar footprint Integrated 50 page stacker Integrated 36” CIS Scanner Ink cost per copy on monochrome prints – 30% less Ink cost per copy on color prints – 20% less Print up to 4.3x more prints per hour More file processing memory – 128GB versus 64MB Intuitive color touchscreen Walk-Up USB Drive Printing 6 ink system versus 4 (wider color gamut, true gray prints) Improved line accuracy 0.1% Improved printing resolution 2400 x 1200 dpi versus 1200 vs 600 dpi Embedded Web Server Secure Disk and File Erase from the Embedded Web Server Encrypted hard drive HP Designjet ePrint & Share capable TThhee bbeenneeffiittss ooff uuppggrraaddiinngg ffrroomm HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett TT1111xxxxMMFFPP ttoo aa HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett TT22550000eeMMFFPP More productive - 2 rolls versus 1 roll Smaller footprint Integrated 50 page stacker Integrated 36” CIS Scanner Print up to 1.2x more prints per hour More file processing memory – 128GB Intuitive color touchscreen Walk-Up USB Drive Printing Improved Embedded Web Server Functionality Secure Disk and File Erase from the Embedded Web Server Encrypted hard drive HP Designjet ePrint & Share capable UUppggrraaddee ffrroomm oollddeerr HHPP DDeessiiggnnjjeett TTeecchhnnoollooggyy Data sheet HP DesignJet T2500 eMultifunction Printer series Newly designed, two-roll, web-connected ePrinter with scan and copy capabilities Innovative user experience • Eliminate the output clutter—get flat, collated prints thanks to the integrated output stacking tray. • Gain full control—monitor media rolls, view printer status on the touchscreen, and track jobs during printing. • Load two paper rolls effortlessly—even when seated—with front loading and automatic paper-roll alignment. • Print up to A0/E with a compact, integrated 36-inch multifunction printer that prints, scans, and copies. Print, scan, and copy with a single device • Speed up your workflow—easily scan and e-mail sketches and hand- annotated drawings directly to your partners1. • Instantly share and manage content—scan to your network folder, FTP, USB drive, or directly to the cloud. • Increase uptime—print multiple jobs on a variety of media types and sizes with two rolls and smart switching. • Create A1/D-size prints in 21 seconds—Original HP inks deliver dark blacks and true neutral grays. 1 Requires an HP DesignJet ePrint & Share account, Internet connection to the printer, and connected Internet-capable device. When using the HP DesignJet ePrint & Share mobile app, a compatible Apple® iOS or Android™ device and Internet connection are required. Data or connection charges may apply. Print times may vary. For more information, visit hp.com/go/eprintandshare. 2 Scanning of PDF files only available with HP DesignJet T2500 PostScript® eMultifunction Printer. 3 Only files in TIFF, JPEG and PDF format can be e-mailed with a size limit of 10 MB. 1. With Aurasma installed, please go to the HP DesignJet channel at http://auras.ma/s/ke25m 2. Without Aurasma installed, please download it: a. Google Play - http://auras.ma/s/android b. Apple Store - http://auras.ma/s/ios Once done, go to the HP DesignJet channel at http://auras.ma/s/ke25m 3. Open the application and point to the image to view the HP DesignJet video Print from virtually anywhere1 • Use your Apple® or Android™ smartphone or tablet to print from virtually anywhere1. • Access and print projects from the cloud when you’re out of the office, using HP DesignJet ePrint & Share1. • Automatically save your work to the cloud when you print and scan with HP DesignJet ePrint & Share1. • Print and scan without drivers using a USB stick and directly email3 projects to your T2500 eMFP1, 2. Eco Highlights • Help save paper with automatic print settings and image nesting • Less ink wasted due to efficient installation and maintenance routines • Free, convenient HP ink cartridge and printhead recycling1 • Works with FSC®- and PEFC™-certified HP papers2 Please recycle large-format printing hardware and printing supplies. Find out how at our website hp.com/ecosolutions 1 Program availability varies. Please check hp.com/recycle for details. 2 FSC® trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see fsc.org. PEFC™ trademark license code PEFC™/29-31-198, see pefc.org. Not all FSC®- or PEFC™-certified products are available in all regions. For more information, please visit hp.com/go/DesignJetT2500 © Copyright 2013-2015 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Adobe and Adobe PostScript 3 are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PANTONE is the property of Pantone, Inc. Apple is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. 4AA4-7153ENW, June 2015, Rev. 7 Data sheet | HP DesignJet T2500 eMultifunction Printer series Technical specifications Print Line drawings4 21 sec/page on A1/D, 120 A1/D prints per hour Print resolution Up to 2400 x 1200 optimized dpi Margins (top x bottom x left x right) Roll: 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 mm (0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 in) (borderless on photo roll media) Sheet: 5 x 22 x 5 x 5 mm (0.2 x 0.87 x 0.2 x 0.2 in) Technology HP Thermal Inkjet Ink types Dye-based (C, G, M, pK, Y); pigment-based (mK) Ink drop 6 pl (C, M, Y, G, pK); 9 pl (mK) Printheads 1 (C, G, M, mK, pK, Y) Line accuracy +/- 0.1%5 Minimum line width 0.02 mm (0.0008 in) (HP-GL/2 addressable) Guaranteed minimum line width 0.07 mm (0.0028 in) (ISO/IEC 13660:2001(E))6 Media Handling Input: two automatic front-loading roll feeds, smart roll switching, sheet feed; Output: integrated output stacking tray (from A4/A to AO/E, with up to 50 A1/D-size capacity), media bin, automatic cutter Scanner: straight-through scan paper path for sheet and cardboard originals Size Rolls: 279 to 914 mm (11 to 36 in) Sheets: 210 x 279 to 914 x 1219 mm (8.3 x 11 to 36 x 48 in) Standard sheets: A4, A3, A2, A1, A0 (A, B, C, D, E) Thickness Up to 0.5 mm (19.7 mil) Scan Scan speed Color: up to 3.81 cm/sec (1.5 in/sec) Grayscale: up to 11.43 cm/sec (4.5 in/sec) Scan/copy resolution Up to 600 dpi Maximum scan Size: 914 x 8000 mm (36 x 315 in) (JPEG) 914 x 5000 mm (36 x 197 in) (PDF) 610 x 15,000 mm (24 x 590.5 in) (TIFF) Thickness: 0.8 mm (0.03 in) Copy Reduction/ enlargement 25 to 400% Maximum copies Up to 99 copies Copier settings Copy quality, copy color roll, content type, original paper type, background removal, contrast, de-skew, blueprints support Memory 128 GB (virtual)7, 320 GB hard disk Connec- tivity8 Interfaces (standard) Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Base-T) supporting the following standards: TCP/IP, BootP/DHCP (IPv4 only), DHCPv6, TFTP (IPv4 only), SNMP (v1, v2, v3), Apple Bonjour Compatible, FTP, WS Discovery, Embedded Web Server (HTTP, HTTPs), IPSec, SMTP (Notification Alerts), Raw IP printing (9100, 9101, 9102), LPD, IPP, WS print, NTLMv1 (Scan to network folder), SSL/TLS 1.0, 802.1X authentication (LEAP, PEAP, EAP-TLS). Print languages (standard) Basic eMultifunction Printer: HP-GL/2, HP-RTL, TIFF, JPEG, CALS G4, HP PCL 3 GUI, URF PostScript® eMultifunction Printer: Adobe PostScript 3, Adobe PDF 1.7 Extension Level 3, HP-GL/2, HP-RTL, TIFF, JPEG, CALS G4, HP PCL 3 GUI, URF Printing paths Printer driver, HP DesignJet ePrint & Share, HP Embedded Web Server, HP Instant Printing, direct printing from USB flash drive, email printing Drivers (included) HP-GL/2, HP-RTL drivers for Windows®; HP PCL 3 GUI driver for Mac OS X; PostScript Windows, Linux, and Mac drivers9 Dimensions (w x d x h) Printer 1399 x 916 x 1110 mm (55.1 x 36.1 x 43.7 in) Shipping 1502 x 759 x 825 mm (59.1 x 29.9 x 32.5 in) Weight Printer 112 kg (245 lb) Shipping 137.5 kg (303.1 lb) What’s in the box HP DesignJet T2500 eMultifunction Printer, printhead, introductory ink cartridges, stacking tray, printer stand and media bin, spindles, quick reference guide, setup poster, startup software, power cord Environmen- tal ranges Operating temperature: 5 to 40�C (41 to 104�F) Storage temperature: -25 to 55�C (-13 to 131�F) Operating humidity: 20 to 80% RH Acoustic Sound pressure: 47 dB(A) (printing); 39 dB(A) (ready); <16 dB(A) (sleep) Sound power: 6.5 B(A) (printing); 5.8 B(A) (ready); <1.9 B(A) (sleep) Power consumption < 120 watts (printing), < 260 watts (maximum), < 4 watts (< 7 watts with embedded Digital Front End) (sleep), 0.1 watts (auto-off), 0 watts (off hard switch) Input voltage (auto ranging) 100 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50/60 Hz (+/- 3 Hz), 4.2 A max (peak current) Certification Safety USA and Canada (CSA certified), EU (LVD and EN 60950-1 compliant), Russia (GOST), Singapore (PSB), China (CCC), Argentina (IRAM), Mexico (NYCE), Korea (KATS) Electromagnetic Compliant with Class A requirements, including: USA (FCC rules), Canada (ICES), EU (EMC Directive), Australia (ACMA), New Zealand (RSM), China (CCC), Japan (VCCI); Certified as Class A product: Korea (KCC) Environmental ENERGY STAR, WEEE, EU RoHS, China RoHS, REACH, FEMP, EPEAT Bronze Warranty One-year limited hardware warranty Ordering information Product CR358A HP DesignJet T2500 36-in eMultifunction Printer CR359A HP DesignJet T2500 36-in PostScript eMultifunction Printer Accessories C0C66A HP DesignJet PostScript/PDF Upgrade Kit CN538A HP DesignJet 3-in Core Adapter L4R66A HP DesignJet 36-in Spindle Original HP printhead B3P06A HP 727 DesignJet Printhead Original HP ink cartridges B3P17A HP 727 40-ml Photo Black DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P13A HP 727 40-ml Cyan DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P14A HP 727 40-ml Magenta DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P15A HP 727 40-ml Yellow DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P18A HP 727 40-ml Gray DesignJet Ink Cartridge C1Q11A HP 727 69-ml Matte Black DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P23A HP 727 130-ml Photo Black DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P19A HP 727 130-ml Cyan DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P20A HP 727 130-ml Magenta DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P21A HP 727 130-ml Yellow DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P24A HP 727 130-ml Gray DesignJet Ink Cartridge B3P22A HP 727 130-ml Matte Black DesignJet Ink Cartridge10 C1Q12A HP 727 300-ml Matte Black DesignJet Ink Cartridge Original HP large format printing materials C1861A HP Bright White Inkjet Paper (FSC® certified)11 12 914 mm x 45.7 m (36 in x 150 ft) C6020B HP Coated Paper (PEFC™ certified)11 12 914 mm x 45.7 m (36 in x 150 ft) C6030C HP Heavyweight Coated Paper (PEFC™ certified)11 12 914 mm x 30.5 m (36 in x 100 ft) Q1421A HP Universal Satin Photo Paper 12 914 mm x 30.5 m (36 in x 100 ft) Service and support U0MD9E HP 3 year Next Business Day Onsite Support13 U0ME3E HP 3 year 4-hour response, 9x5 Onsite Support13 U0ME4E HP 3 year 4-hour response, 13x5 Onsite Support13 U0ME7E HP 3 year Next Business Day Onsite Support with Defective Media Retention14 U0ME9PE HP 1 year Post Warranty Next Business Day Onsite Support13 U0MF4PE HP 1 year Post Warranty Next Business Day Onsite Support with Defective Media Retention14 U0MF3PE HP 1 year Post Warranty 4-hour response, 13x5 Onsite Support13 4 Mechanical printing time. Printed in Fast mode, using HP Bright White Inkjet Paper (Bond) and Original HP inks. 5 +/-0.1% of the specified vector length or +/-0.2 mm (whichever greater) at 23°C (73°F), 50-60% relative humidity, on A0/E Matte Film in Best or Normal mode with Original HP inks. 6 Measured on HP Matte Film. 7 Based on 1.5 GB RAM. 8 Includes an embedded Jetdirect print server. 9 Included with PostScript® printers only. 10 Available only in Europe, Middle East, and Africa. 11 FSC® trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see fsc.org. PEFC™ trademark license code PEFC™/29-31-198, see pefc.org. Not all FSC®- or PEFC™-certified products are available in all regions. 12 Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs. 13 Not available in North America and Latin America. 14 Not available in Europe, Middle East, and Africa. 15 Applicable to HP DesignJet T-series Printers, ePrinters, and eMFPs. True neutral grays produced by printers compatible with the HP Three-black ink set. HP DesignJet Support Services offer solutions for business critical environments — installation, extended support and maintenance, as well as variety of value added services. For more information, please visit hp.com/go/DesignJetsupport. Use Original HP inks and printheads to experience consistent high quality and reliable performance that enable less downtime. These critical components are designed and engineered together as an optimized printing system to provide precise line accuracy as well as dark blacks and true neutral grays15. For more information, visit hp.com/go/OriginalHPinks. For the entire HP Large Format Printing Materials portfolio, please see HPLFMedia.com.