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SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. 01 PROJECT TITLE: Transfort CNG Site Maintenance Contractor CONTRACTOR: Ward Alternative Energy PROJECT NUMBER: 7384 DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: increase usage of CNG fuel at Transfort Facility 2. Description of Change: adjustment I increase to annual contract amount in year 3, 4 and 5 Reference repricing proposal by Ward Alte·rnative Energy-5/8/15 3. Change in Contract Cost: as per a fixed rate of $0.17 per DGE time's annual volume Estimate Annual Total year 3 = $55.467- pro-rated from 5/1/2015 to 9/30/2015 Estimate Annual Total Year 4 = $ 64.711 Estimate Annual Total Year 5 = $ 64.711 4. Change in Contract Time: Q ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST- estimate year 3, 4 & 5 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER TOTAL fHIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL% OF THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL C.O.% OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT . ADJUSTED ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST APPROVED BY:_~.,_,r--'"--;o~---1'----- Title: ------lr-+-11--- f--:f--:-+------- cc: City Clerk Project File Contractor Archilect Engineer Purchasing DATE: $ 109,584.00 0.00 0.00 $75,305.00 69% 69% $ 184,889.00 DATE: _6-_-~B_-...;_1~ __ _ DATE:·------~-- ..- DATE: ~-- L I - tJ REPRICING PROPOSAL Customer: Transfort -~~~~ergy veer ComraaYeJJr. 1 2 · 3 4 5 !lurunc · ; Sep zii: 2012 . c Stp 20. 2013 · · Sep 20, 2014 Sep 20,2015 .5ep 20. 2016 If ow BUSES Orlt: Buseut End of Period !lew: B~MntE'ndofPerlod 01\IGifiAl CONl'RAcr at 01\BIIlAl VOLUMES Ann~al Volume, Gal Weekly Routine Malnt.e11ance SCheduled Maintenance Annual Toll!! Monthly Total Per DGE Estimate flEW !;' . PROPOSAl ·-·- . . . at . . II£VI5EO •. .•. VOlUME$ . - _,- ........... -~ 'Annual Volume, Gel flEW! 'week!yRoutll1e·r;,lilnteriance iSCheduled Maintenance · uew1 Annuanotal Monthly Total Per DGE Esttmlilt %DELTA Annual Volume, Gal Weekly Routine Maintenance SCheduled MAintenance Annual TotAl MonlhlvToul Per DGE ~sllmaiA. DElTA Ann~al Velum~. Gal We~•tv Routine Main~tnance SCheduled Malnten•nce Annuallotal Monthly Total Per DGE Estimate g 9 t54,080 $15,971 22,106 53Jl,on $3,173' :50.2.5 154.<.080 $1S,97~ 22.J06 Sls.on 53,173 so.zs· so so so.oo 3CI i!D 242,44~ 51~,292 16,261 $U,S5!1 S2.7U ·so.u 242,442 . si.e.i11i: . 16,267 $32,559 S2.7U $0.13 1m DYo 0% 0 $0 so $0 $1) so.oo 31! 4l 271,895- $16,623 19,230 . $35,853 $2.1188 50.13 S26,~7s ... 516,623 38.844 $55.467 . S4:&ll $G.ll ss~ ssr. 29Y. 5~;379 $0 $~!1.614 51!1,614 $1,6$4 so.04 3D' 4:!. 273,896 $26,964 23,444 '$40,401 S'-3&7 50.15 380,654 si&;964 . 47,747 564.711 ss.m 50.17 108.758 so $~4.303 i!O 42 271,896 S17,31S 16,008 SJJ,JU · Si777 so.u . 3~.~( S17.US 47,396; $64,711 SS,39J .W.17 l03,7Ss so $31.!JSS su.ssa· $2.616 SO .OS Averaae $36,528. SJ.044 ) so.u $61.630 5.136 $0.17 Aven~re lS,tOZ 2.C)92 $1l.CI4