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CITY OF FORT COLLINS 8106 UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR WATER, WASTEWATER AND STORMWATER FACILITIES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSAL CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY POUDRE PIPE REHAB May 7, 2015 City of Fort Collins Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor Fort Collins, CO 80522 RE: Proposal – 8106 Utility Infrastructure Construction Services for Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Facilities Capital Improvements To Whom It May Concern: Hydro Construction Company, Inc. is pleased to submit the enclosed documentation for your consideration. The following documents demonstrate Hydro Construction’s key abilities and experiences related to this scope of work. Some of the benefits provided by Hydro Construction are as follows: x Colorado-based firm for forty-one years. Hydro Construction is based in Fort Collins; we are a local firm with local personnel and other established relationships in Colorado that will assist in the success of the proposed project as well as the added benefit to respond quickly and effectively to emergency situations. x A staff which has past working relationships with solid foundations. We have a very in-depth knowledge of the City’s raw water supply system, large diameter finished water system and the elements associated with the City’s cathodic protection components. Additionally, our staff has been trained and has practiced elements of emergency response based upon a written plan expressly composed for the City of Fort Collins. x An in-depth knowledge of the industry and current technologies. Hydro Construction is a firm that specializes in the construction and upgrades of treatment facilities and all associated piping. This knowledge provides our project partners with previous experience specifically related to the scope of work. x Focused team, with the proven ability to deliver quality, innovative and cost effective solutions. We trust you will find the enclosed documents demonstrate that our team has the experience and ability to successfully complete your project. Our team will be a focused team member, always trying to deliver more while being respectful and creative at all times. In conclusion, we are committed to teaming with the City of Fort Collins and will constantly strive to exceed your expectations. We thank the City for the opportunity and are excited for the possibilities. Respectfully Submitted, Hydro Construction Company James E. Eurich Chief of Operations 301 E Lincoln Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 p: 970.225.2211 f: 970.225.2991 hydro@hydroconstruction.com www.hydroconstruction.com CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION & EXPERIENCE FORT COLLINS WTF MISSION STATEMENT To promote strong ethics, honesty, growth and quality within the construction industry through teamwork, education, technology and communication. CORE VALUES Ensure that every employee has the safest possible work environment Honesty, integrity and ethics in all aspects of business. Develop and execute methods of giving back to the community. Respect, acknowledge and encourage the individual and their growth potential. Quality and accuracy is the fi rst product of every employee action. Contact Person: Jim Eurich Title: Chief Operations Offi cer Phone: 970-225-2211 Cell: 970-567-1599 Fax: 970-225-2991 E-mail: jim@hydroconstruction.com Address: 301 E. Lincoln Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL KEY PROJECT STAFFING FORT COLLINS WTF Principle In Charge Jim Eurich Project Manager John Moore Superintendent Freddi Baladez Tom Noble Subcontractors (See Section 4) ORGANIZATIONAL CHART KEY PROJECT STAFFING CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL FORT COLLINS WTF JOB DESCRIPTIONS & AVAILABILITY Name and Title: Jim Eurich, Chief of Operations Project Role: Principal in Charge Availability & Percentage Involved: Available - 50% (Additional Time As Needed) Job Description: Mr. Eurich’s duties will consist of contract negotiations, estimating, overall management of the project, including cost control management. In addition, Mr. Eurich will assist with any permits needed and is available to assist with all aspects of the project. Name and Title: John Moore, Project Manager Project Role: Project Manger Availability & Percentage Involved: Available - 100% Job Description: Mr. Moore will be the chief contact. He is responsible for estimating, managing the formal bidding process, project scheduling, overall management of the project, submittal generation, equipment review and procurement, subcontractor review and award, cost tracking and project start-up. Name and Title: Freddi Baladez/Tom Noble, Superintendent Project Role: Project Superintendent Availability & Percentage Involved: Available - 100% Job Description: Mr. Baladez’s duties will consist of estimating assistance, daily project supervision, coordination of all eff orts (including subcontractors), safety and quality control program management, daily communication with City staff and engineers and all other duties related to the on-site eff ort. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL KEY PROJECT STAFFING FORT COLLINS WTF Jim Eurich PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE HIGHLIGHTS • Mr. Eurich has participated in the design, construction and commissioning of numerous water and wastewater treatment facilities varying in size from 2 to 85 MGD. Mr. Eurich’s responsibilities and eff orts as Principal in Charge have consisted of the coordination of design eff orts, constructability reviews and cost analysis. DETAILED EXPERIENCE Frisco Wastewater Treatment Facility, Frisco, CO Principle in Charge - Construction Manager at Risk Rehabilitation of digester and AWT fi lters, addition of redundant UV, demolition of steel 100’ aeration basin, construction of 100’ diameter concrete basin with fi ve cells including three oxic zones and two swing zones, piping and equipment installation, various HVAC additions, electrical and instrumentation and controls. Crawford Wastewater Treatment Plant, Crawford, NE Principle in Charge - Design/Bid/Build Construction of an activated sludge treatment plant including a masonry building housing an offi ce, blower room and screen, UV system, HVAC, electrical, instrumentation and controls and sludge reed drying beds. Dillon Valley Water Treatment Facility, Dillon, CO Principle in Charge- Construction Manager at Risk Demolition of existing fi lters, piping, valves, and tanks. Stock frame building addition to match existing. Installation of micro-fi ltration equipment, associated piping and valves, electrical , instrumentation and controls. Construction of chemical doc, equipment and tubing. Upgrades to existing intake, lighting and HVAC, all while maintaining plant operations. Laramie - City Springs OSHGS, Laramie, WY Principal in Charge – Design/Build Design/Build of an on-site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation System including tanks, pumps, heat exchanger, and associated piping. Milliken Wastewater Treatment Plant, Milliken, CO Senior Project Manager – Design/Build Construction of an Aero-Mod treatment plant, dewatering building and UV/laboratory building including piping and equipment install, HVAC, electrical and controls. EDUCATION & TRAINING Mesa State College, Grand Junction, CO Civil Engineering, Metro State College, Denver, CO Hydro Construction Safety and Workplace Training MEMBERSHIPS ACI member since 1981, Vice-President, Rocky Mtn. Chapter 1988-1990 CMAA member since 2002 AWWA member REFERENCES Kevin Gertig City of Fort Collins (970) 221-6637 Owen Randall City of Fort Collins (970) 221-6809 Kevin Heff ernan CH2M Hill KEY PROJECT STAFFING CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL FORT COLLINS WTF HIGHLIGHTS • John has been part of the Hydro Construction team for over ten years. As a project manager and fi eld engineer, John’s experience includes both water and wastewater treatment facility expansions, under design/build contracts, consisting of A-basin and digester construction, UV treatment and chemical feed systems, post tension concrete construction, and membrane fi ltration installation. His ability to eff ectively coordinate projects provides effi cient and quality construction to the satisfaction of the entire project team. • Very involved with owners, engineers and plant staff during design and off ers constructability review and value engineering options through team approach • Specializes in mechanical problem-solving, including complex re-routing and retrofi tting of mechanical piping (without detailed drawings) DETAILED EXPERIENCE Leadville Mine Gravity Filter, Leadville, CO Project Manager – Design Build Demolition and removal of a gravity fi lter from a wastewater treatment facility involving lead abatement and high pressure water cutting. Design, construction and implementation of a new, updated media, gravity fi lter system utilizing FRP tanks and special, fabricated pipe systems. Gravity fi lter rated for 2,290 GPM. Modifi cations included additional coatings, valve work and tank cleaning. Western Sugar, Scottsbluff , NE Project Manager - Design/Bid/Build Completion of a new diversion wall and outfall with fl ume diverts water from their outfall ditch to a new Parshall Flume. Water is then channeled under the river bed to a diff user manifold with elastomeric, duckbill valves. Although the diversion wall is a simple structure, installation of the complete system required 404 Permitting with US Army Corps of Engineers and a large coff erdam and dewatering in the North Platte River to excavate under the river bed. The diversion structure is sized to handle up to 8 MGD of fl ow. This project also included lining two lagoons with Aeration improvements and a new UV Disinfection Building and System. Sheridan VA Medical Center Water Treatment Plant, Sheridan, WY On-site Project Manager – Bid/Build Project consists of installation of a temporary water system, removal of existing water treatment equipment from an existing water treatment building, furnishing and installation of new UF/ MF fi ltration water treatment equipment into the existing water treatment building, installation of owner-supplied feed pumps, updating of electrical and control systems within the water treatment building, and construction of a new chemical feed building including yard piping. John Moore, ASP PROJECT MANAGER EDUCATION & TRAINING B.S. in Construction Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 30-hour OSHA Certifi cation Pinnacol Assurance Safety Program Training 8-hour Susan Harwood Training for Hazards in Construction Medic First Aid Certifi cation Hydro Construction Safety and Workplace Training REFERENCES Chris Bieker Upper Thompson Sanitation District (970) 586-4544 Jack Bryck Malcom Pirnie, Inc./ARCADIS (602) 797-4609 Chris Jones CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL KEY PROJECT STAFFING FORT COLLINS WTF Tom Noble PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT HIGHLIGHTS • Maintains broad knowledge of industry, from pump stations to municipal water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants • Has 15 years of experience with chemical feed systems and a majority of his project experience has been with Design/Build or Partnering projects • Has supervised diverse projects ranging from lift stations, to pipe line repair, to the complete construction of new water and wastewater treatment facilities DETAILED EXPERIENCE Fort Collins Water Treatment Plant, Fort Collins, CO Project Superintendent - Alternate Project Delivery System Recent projects have consisted of backwash pond lining, generator replacement, process improvements and electrical modifi cations Maple Grove Water Treatment Plant Phases I-III, Lakewood, CO Project Superintendent - Design/Build and Design/Build Partnering Construction of a pretreatment building with chemical feed equipment, piping and storage tanks, structures for sedimentation, fl occulation and PAC tanks, 18 MGD treatment facility including skid mounted microfi ltration units, concrete wet-well, chemical feed systems, and post tensioned concrete tank with 18 MGD pump station Upper Th ompson Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Estes Park, CO Project Superintendent - Design/Bid/Build Construction of a new concrete aeration basin and retrofi t of an existing aeration basin with new equipment Fort Collins Emergency Pipeline Repair, Fort Collins, CO Project Superintendent - Alternate Project Delivery System On-call emergency and system pipe repair services, several repair and improvement projects consisting of various types of piping ranging from 10” to 54” in diameter Milliken Wastewater Treatment Plant, Town of Milliken, CO Project Superintendent - Design/Build Construction of an Aero-Mod treatment plant, dewatering building (1930 SF) and UV/ laboratory building (1930 SF) EDUCATION & TRAINING B.S. in Construction Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Hydro Construction Safety and Workplace Training Medic First Aid Certifi cation Crane Operator Certifi ed OSHA 10-hour Certifi cation REFERENCES Chris Jones Consolidated Mutual Water Company (303) 238-0451 Chuck Gross City of Fort Collins Utilities (970) 221-6898 Tim McTague City of Fort Collins (970) 224-6039 KEY PROJECT STAFFING CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL FORT COLLINS WTF Freddi Baladez SUPERINTENDENT HIGHLIGHTS • Four years of military experience, two year veteran of combat • Six years of water and wastewater experience with Hydro Construction executing projects ranging in value from $270,000 to $13,000,000 • All projects have been executed on/ahead of schedule, on/under budget, and to specifi cations DETAILED EXPERIENCE Wellington Wastewater Treatment Plant; Wellington, CO Superintendent - Construction Manager at Risk - Contract Amount: $4,389,014 Construction for the expansion of 0.9 mgd maximum month design fl ow for a wastewater treatment plant. The plant includes addition of third channel to the aeration basin, two secondary clarifi er and two digesters. The project also includes concrete work, process piping and appurtenances, site work, various mechanical and electrical systems, and modifi cations to the existing RAS/WAS pump room. Sterling Water Treatment Plant, Sterling, CO Project Foreman - Design/Bid/Build - Contract Amount: $14,845,400 This project consists of well improvements and control systems, construction of a process building including the administrative area and process area, chemical building, potable water treatment process consisting of reverse osmosis, disinfection, chemical feed systems, clean in place system, potable water blend stream process consisting of fi ltration, concentrate process consisting of piping and pumping, contact chamber, clearwell, concentrate tank, fi nished water pumping, yard piping, site utilities including power, natural gas, communications, site work including driveways and sidewalks, fencing, storm water drainage and treatment system, landscaping Buff alo Wastewater Treatment Plant, Buff alo, WY Project Craftsperson - Design/Bid/Build - Contract Amount: $10,474,841 Construction of new earthen aeration basins, new headworks building, secondary clarifi ers, RAS/WAS pumps and associated piping, UV system, new laboratory and offi ce (all within a 7,000 sq. ft. facility), and construction of solids storage facility Buff alo Water Treatment Plant, Buff alo, WY Project Laborer – Design/Bid/Build - Contract Amount: $9,587,305 Construction of a new 13,200 sq. ft. pre-engineered metal building, installation of dissolved air fl oatation system with cast-in-place concrete basins, existing building retrofi t to micro fi ltration, on-site sodium hypochlorite generation system, various yard piping and water storage tank modifi cations EDUCATION & TRAINING 10-hour OSHA course in Construction Safety & Health 4-hour Wyoming Excavation Safety Standards Training Permit Required Confi ned Space Training OSHA Signal Person Training OSHA Qualifi ed Rigger Training Hydro Construction Safety and Workplace Training Health and Safety Institute First Aid Certifi ed for CPR, AED, and First Aid Stormwater Management During Construction/CDOT Erosion Control Supervisor REFERENCES Owen Randall City of Fort Collins Utilities (970) 221-6809 CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SUBCONTRACTORS FORT COLLINS WTF Hydro Construction Company, Inc. has the unique ability to self-perform a wide range of tasks. In fact, we anticipate self- performing a majority of the tasks required for this project. When required, however, we can rely on a group of highly quali- fi ed subcontractors to provide services necessary when dictated by project requirements. The subcontractors listed below have provided services on numerous water, wastewater, and pipeline projects throughout Colorado and Wyoming, and their quality control and safety measures are in-line with Hydro Construction’s. The following is a list of potential subcontractors including previously completed projects with Hydro Construction that may be utilized on future projects: Safety Consultant: • Hellman & Associates (All projects) Surveying: • King Surveyors (DWRF – SPT Improvements, Greeley CBT Turnout) • Northern Engineering (MWRF Phase I-V) QA/QC: • CTL Thompson (DWRF – SPT Improvements, MWRF Phases I-V) • Ground Engineering (Sterling Deep Injection Wells, Sterling WTP) Traffi c Control: • Quality Traffi c Control (LaPorte Valves, Loveland WWTP – Emergency Bypass) Asphalt/Concrete Saw Cutting & Core Drilling: • DeAndrea (LaPorte Valves, DWRF Mulberry Redundancy) • Penhall Company (DWRF SPT Improvements) Blasting: • Hardrock Blasting Inc. (MWRF Phase I, Greeley CBT Turnout) Asphalt Paving: • Martin Marietta (MWRF Phase IV, LaPorte Piping Modifi cations) Dewatering/Bypass Pumping: • Rain for Rent (Loveland WWTP – Emergency Bypass, Loveland Misc. Projects) Welding: • Flash Portable Welding (MWRF East Gate Relocation, ) Shoring: • Schnabel Foundation Company (DWRF – SPT Improvements) Line Stopping/Valve Insertion: • Municipal Pipe Services (LaPorte Valves) Directional Boring: • Temple Construction (LaPorte Valves) Concrete: • B.E.I. Concrete (DWRF – SPT Improvements, Wellington WWTP, Greeley CBT Turnout) SIMILAR PROJECTS MICHIGAN DITCH SPECIFIC EXPERTISE CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SIMILAR PROJECTS MICHIGAN DITCH SIMILAR PROJECTS COMPLETED IN LAST 5 YEARS CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SIMILAR PROJECTS MICHIGAN DITCH CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SIMILAR PROJECTS MICHIGAN DITCH LAPORTE AVENUE ǧ 2014 PHASE 2 Fort Collins, Colorado Owner w/contact information: City of Fort Collins, Jay Rose, 970-224-6106 Architect/Engineer w/contact information: Stantec, Don Silar, 970-482-5922 Original Contract Amount: $294,038 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $204,031 Start Date: 6/15/14 Scheduled Completion: 8/30/14 Final Completion Date: 8/30/14 Percent with Own Forces: 74 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Jim Eurich Project Superintendent: Freddi Baladez Contract Model (delivery method): Alternate Product Delivery System Project Description: Removing existing valve vault and 20” valves and replacing with new 24” waterline, valves, valve manholes and abandoning the existing 20” waterline. GREELEY CBT TURNOUT Greeley, Colorado Owner: City of Greeley, Sam Boone, 970-622-8769 Architect/Engineer: N/A Original Contract Amount: $365,852 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $389,062, 1 owner-initiated Change Order, $23,174 (For unanticipated rock blasting and rerouting the pipeline around the Pleasant Valley Pipeline due to incorrect elevations recorded on the as-built drawings for the Pleasant Valley Pipeline.) Start Date: 1/24/14 Scheduled Completion: 4/30/14 Final Completion Date: 4/30/14 Percent with Own Forces: 80 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Jim Eurich Project Superintendent: Freddi Baladez Delivery Method: Negotiated Bid/Build Project Description: Installation of concrete turnout structure and 300 lf of 36” DI pipe. DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE SIMILAR PROJECTS CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL MICHIGAN DITCH LOVELAND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ȃ EMERGENCY BYPASS Loveland, Colorado Owner: City of Loveland, Tom Greene, 970-219-8681 Architect/Engineer: N/A Original Contract Amount: $100,000 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $148,718, 1 owner-initiated Change Order, $48,718 ( To provide a temporary reconnection of the 20” force main after the inves- tigation was completed.) Start Date: 9/15/13 Scheduled Completion: 12/31/13 Final Completion Date: 12/31/13 Percent with Own Forces: 100 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Stan Javernick Project Superintendent: Chad Oeltjenbruns Delivery Method: Emergency Contract Project Description: This project included the installation of a plug at infl uent structure due to 20” force main damage during fl ood, setup of temporary bypass system for Southside Lift Station, 2,100 ft. of 8” PVC pipe above grade across Big Thompson River for 500GPM of wastewater, and investigation of damage to 20” force main. LEWSTONE CREEK Fort Collins, Colorado Owner: City of Fort Collins, Brian Varrella, 970-416-2217 Architect/Engineer: Ayres Associates, Chris Pletcher, 970-223-5556 Original Contract Amount: $344,569 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $295,778, Cost Savings, ($48,791) Start Date: 9/16/13 Scheduled Completion: 12/31/13 Final Completion Date: 12/31/13 Percent with Own Forces: 80 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Jim Eurich Project Superintendent: Chad Oeltjenbruns Delivery Method: Alternate Project Delivery System Project Description: Securing of the Poudre pipelines at the Lewstone Creek crossing from further loss of cover of lateral or vertical channel scour. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SIMILAR PROJECTS MICHIGAN DITCH LAPORTE PIPING MODIFICATIONS Fort Collins, Colorado Owner: City of Fort Collins, Jay Rose, 970-224-6106 Architect/Engineer: N/A Original Contract Amount: $223,419 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $223,419, 0 Change Orders Start Date: 4/27/13 Scheduled Completion: 7/15/13 Final Completion Date: 7/15/13 Percent with Own Forces: 100 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Jim Eurich Project Superintendent: Tom Noble Delivery Method: Alternate Project Delivery System Project Description: Abandoned water main, and changed services and secondary line connections in Laporte Avenue. FORT COLLINS WATER TREATMENT FACILITY YARD PIPING MODIFICATION Fort Collins, Colorado Owner: City of Fort Collins, Dean Saye, 970-221-6212 Architect/Engineer: CH2M Hill, Kevin Heff ernan, 303-713-5254 Original Contract Amount: $1,931,695 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $1,931,695, 0 Change Orders Start Date: 7/15/13 Scheduled Completion: 5/1/15 Final Completion Date: 5/1/15 Percent with Own Forces: 81 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Jim Eurich Project Superintendent: Tom Noble Delivery Method: Alternate Project Delivery Systems Project Description: Pipeline replacement project. Project consisted of a connection to the 54-inch diameter manifold downstream of the HRPDV, reducing to 48-inch diameter and connection to the existing 42-inch diameter pipeline supplying the Flow Blend Facility. SIMILAR PROJECTS CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL MICHIGAN DITCH JEFFCO ǧ CONIFER WW IMPROVEMENTS Jefferson County, Colorado Owner: Jeff erson County School District, Mark Schlindwein, 303-982-2517 Architect/Engineer: Olsson & Associates, Chance Urich, 303-986-0733 Original Contract Amount: $1,786,315 Final Contract Amount: $1,786,315 Start Date: 5/31/11 Scheduled Completion: 1/20/12 Final Completion Date: 1/20/12 Percent with Own Forces: 39 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: John Moore Project Superintendent: Tim Steinman Delivery method: Construction Manager at Risk Project Description: Installation of three pump stations and approximately 11,000 feet of force main by horizontal directional boring LAPORTE VALVES Fort Collins, Colorado Owner: City of Fort Collins, Jay Rose, 970-224-6106 Architect/Engineer: N/A Original Contract Amount: $296,461 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $275,110, 1 negative Change Order, ($21,351) Start Date: 5/25/12 Scheduled Completion: 9/15/12 Final Completion Date: 8/15/12 Percent with Own Forces: 61 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Jim Eurich Project Superintendent: Tom Noble Delivery Method: Alternate Project Deliver System Project Description: Project consisted of removal and replacement of three 20” valves in Laporte Avenue using line stops to facilitate installation. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SIMILAR PROJECTS MICHIGAN DITCH STERLING WATER TREATMENT PLANT Sterling, Colorado Owner: City of Sterling, Jeff Reeves, 970-522-9700 Architect/Engineer: Hatch Mott MacDonald, Mark Youker, 303-831-4700 Original Contract Amount: $12,115,500 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $14,845,406, 10 owner-initiated Change Orders, $2,729,900 (were issued by the City of Sterling throughout the nearly 3 year construction project. Change order #10 was a credit back to the owner as part of change order #9 which was issued as a “design build GMP” to expedite construction.) Start Date: 6/11/11 Scheduled Completion: 1/31/14 Final Completion Date: 1/22/14 Percent with Own Forces: 60 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Preston Randall Project Superintendent: Preston Randall Delivery Method: Design/Bid/Build Project Description: Construction of a new 10MGD RO water treatment plant. Main treatment plant site includes 20,500 sq. ft. building and includes a process and administration area. An ad- ditional 4,000 sq. ft. chemical building sits adjacent to the main building and provides chemical pumps and storage. Plant includes two cast-in-place water storage tanks, chemical feed systems, three RO trains, concentrate pumping system and process and yard piping. Concentrate water from the RO skids is disposed of in two deep wells. A deep well pump station was constructed to pump concentrate water into one of the deep wells. This pump station includes two 300 HP, 550PSI multi stage pumps and associated stainless steel high pressure 900lb. fl anged piping. POUDRE PIPELINE REHAB 2012 Fort Collins, Colorado Owner: City of Fort Collins, Dean Saye, 970-221-6212 Architect/Engineer: Stantec, Don Silar, 970-482-5922 Original Contract Amount: $674,004 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $674,004, 0 Change Orders Start Date: 9/17/12 Scheduled Completion: 6/7/13 Final Completion Date: 6/7/13 Percent with Own Forces: 42 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Jim Eurich Project Superintendent: Tom Noble Delivery Method: Alternate Project Delivery Method Project Description: Pipeline rehabilitation. SIMILAR PROJECTS CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL MICHIGAN DITCH MULBERRY WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY PHASE IǧVI Fort Collins, Colorado Owner: City of Fort Collins, Link Mueller, 970-222-0465 Architect/Engineer: MWH, Shelley Trujillo, 303-291-2128 Original Contract Amount: $20,087,901 Final Contract Amount w/ Change Order Summary: $20,012,598, 1 negative Change Order, ($75,303) Start Date: 8/24/08 Scheduled Completion: 7/1/11 Completion Date Achieved: 6/1/11 Percent with Own Forces: 65 Principal in Charge: Jim Eurich Project Manager: Stan Javernick Project Superintendent: Tim Steinman Delivery Method: Alternate Project Delivery System Project Description: Initial cost analysis, cost estimating and value engineering were per- formed before and during construction. The following description is broken out into the six phases of the construction process. Phase I: demolition of existing structures, II: procurement of critical path equipment, III: replacement of various pretreatment process equipment and construction of odor control equipment and piping, IV: construction of activated sludge basin, B.R.E.W. building, remaining odor control and site improvements, V: construction of diversion line and infl uent improvements and VI: installation of site security and communication network. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL COMPANY RESOURCES COO - Jim Eurich CEO - Rodney Rice Vice President of Operations - Stan Javernick Project Manager - John Moore Project Manager - Preston Randal Project Manager - Samantha Bair Superintendent - Tom Noble Superintendent - John Podeyn Superintendent - Chad Oeltjenbruns Field Engineer - Gabe Barnett Field Engineer - Tyler Bolton Foreman - Don Hart Craftsperson I - Clyde Greenwood Craftsperson II - Greg Carr Craftsperson II - Sebastian Marin Craftsperson II - Owen Davis Craftsperson II - Mike Richter Labor II - Kacey Coffee Labor II - Ryan Baniste Labor II - Daymon Davis Labor III - Mason March (PT) Labor III - Josh Gambill Labor III - Josh Lindsey Labor III - Connor Allison (PT) Labor III - Andrew Hendrickson Labor II - Cole Fix Labor II - Marcell Green Labor II - Adam Rice Craftsperson II - Scott Bearss Craftsperson II - Tylor Switzer Craftsperson II - Dave Ludders CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL COMPANY RESOURCES LAPORTE VALVES Work Trucks (varying capacity, ½ - 1 ton) Construction Tool Storage Units Tattle-tale On-Site Security Systems Dump Trucks, 15 c.y. capacity Water Truck, 5000 Gal. Capacity 185 CFM Compressor Skytrak Forklift 938G Cat Loader w/ attachments Hypac 832 Compactor 350 Hitachi Excavator w/attachments 624K John Deere Front End Loaders 644K John Deere Front End Loader 225D John Deere Excavator 35D John Deere Excavator 470 GLC John Deere Excavator 305CR Cat Mini Excavator John Deere Gators 430 Cat Backhoe w/ attachments RT535E Grove Crane Spyder Crane 236 Cat Skidsteer w/ attachments 246 Cat Skidsteers w/ attachments Thawzall Ground Heaters TopCon GPS Systems Leica Total Station Pentax Total Stations Spectra Physics Lasers Confi ned Space Equipment Various Scaff olding Systems Various Testing Equipment (hydrostatic testing pumps, pump alignment tools) Various Pumps and Generators, with varying capacities and ratings Various Small Tools Various Trench Boxes The average age of our equipment is fi ve years. We have found that having a fl eet of modern, well-maintained equipment results in reduced down time, increased effi ciency and a higher degree of safety. On the few occasions when we need to go to outside sources, we have been able to rely on our excellent relationships with several local rental equipment vendors. As a testament to these relationships, Wagner Equipment has frequently delivered needed equipment within three hours when necessary. Other equipment vendors continually provide certifi cations on forklifts, manlifts, and material lifts for all our employees. This ensures that trained and certifi ed professionals perform the needed certifi cations and inspections, which translates to higher safety, reduced liability and lower costs. Our equipment is task suited, insuring very few idle pieces. Our equipment is based, maintained and repaired locally. This results in reduced mobilization costs and reduced down time when maintenance or repairs are needed. This assists in maintaining a low overhead and translates into lower project costs benefi ting the project owner. EQUIPMENT All manpower resources shown on the previous page are available to help with any and all projects as they arise. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL PARTNERING EXPERIENCE MULBERRY WRF Hydro Construction Company, Inc. believes strongly in the partnering approach, and it is a technique we implement on all of our projects. We feel that it is of the utmost importance to work closely with the project owners and engineers in order to produce the highest quality, most eff ective project at the most economical cost. We are convinced that project partnering is one of the best methods to achieve these results. Hydro Construction Company, Inc. has participated in numerous partnering projects to date. We have numerous years of experience with several engineering fi rms varying in size, fi rms such as Montgomery Watson, CH2M Hill, Stantec, Black & Veatch, Malcolm Pirnie, Jacobson Stachell, Olson & Associates, RTW, Diamond Back, Dietsco and many more. Hydro Construction has completed projects using partnering techniques with various municipalities including Fort Collins, Pinedale, Wellington, Fort Lupton, Julesburg, Fraser, Johnstown, Milliken, Frisco, Granby Sanitation District, Riverdale Peaks Sanitation District, Consolidated Mutual Water Company and the Clear Creek School District. We have participated in numerous partnering projects over the past eighteen years and have found the practice to be extremely rewarding and cost eff ective. A project matrix can be found on the next page. It identifi es negotiated contracts and APDS projects with references. Additional information on some of the listed projects can be found in the Similar Projects section. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL PARTNERING EXPERIENCE MULBERRY WRF The listed projects include a representative sample of negotiated projects completed by Hydro Construction within the last fi ve years. All of the listed projects utilize a partnering technique. One or more of the proposed key staff memebers have participated in all of the highlighted projects. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL PARTNERING EXPERIENCE MULBERRY WRF CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SAFETY RECORD MAPLE GROVE WTF Over the past forty one years, Hydro Construction Company, Inc. has achieved an impeccable safety history. We be- lieve that it is essential to perform work in the safest manner possible, consistent with good construction practices, to ensure success in the construction industry. To fulfi ll the requirements of this policy, an organized and eff ective safety and health program is carried out at each location where work is performed. Accidents are prevented through proper planning, training and a cooperative eff ort in all areas of operations. To prevent death, injury, occupational illness and hazards to our employees and the public, we have established an on- going safety and health program. Some of the key elements to our program are as follows: Internal and External Jobsite Safety Inspections Drug-free Workplace Documentation Annual Employee Safety Training Daily Stretch & Flex Program Cost Containment Certifi cation Continuous On-the-Job Safety Program First Aid and CPR-trained Personnel Internal Safety Incentive Program Pre-employment Assessment Physicals Seasonal Training in Equipment Operation and Various Procedures Hydro Construction has been awarded the State of Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s Workers’ Compensation Safety and Cost Containment award. Hydro Construction has been Cost Contained Certifi ed by the State of Colorado since 2003. Our Workers’ Compensation Experience Modifi cation Rate (EMR) is consistently under .90; the past three years are as follows: 2013 - 0.85, 2014 - 0.84, 2015 - 0.71. Hydro Construction or its sub-contractors have not recieved an OSHA citation on a jobsite in the last three years. Safety Program Hydro Construction Company, Inc. maintains an outstanding safety program. Safety meetings are held every morning on each jobsite with additional meetings prior to complex tasks. In addition, Hydro Construction has employed an independent safety consultant to conduct random safety inspections at each jobsite and subcontractors are required to submit a Job Safety Analysis prior to commencing work on-site. Our safety program is continually updated by our Safety Director to maintain current standards. “I have witnessed Hydro Construction pursue and maintain their safety program at a level of excellence that is consistent with everything they do and am proud to call them a client.” Tim Batz Certifi ed Safety Professional IMA Risk Control SAFETY RECORD CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL MAPLE GROVE WTF Our goal is to continually improve our safety program and to be a Safety leader in the construction industry. In order to do this our focus is on two primary objectives: Injury and Illness Prevention and Job Safety Analysis. Injury and Illness Prevention Hydro Construction’s goal is to have an injury free workplace. We prevent injury and illness at our worksites by properly training our employees and delegating responsibility and accountability to everyone involved in our operations. By utilizing these methods and communicating eff ectively with each and every worker, hazards can be avoided, thereby preventing any injury or illness. Our safety program includes ten special focus programs, i.e. Fall Protection, Trenching & Excavating, Confi ned Space Entry, Ladder Safety and Hearing & Respiratory Protection in order to ensure prevention. We also certify all rough-terrain forklift operators and all crane operators per OSHA requirements. A daily stretch and fl ex program has also been implemented for preventing many musculoskeletal injuries. With a foundation of proper training and good communication we believe an injury free workplace is achievable. Job Safety Analysis As stated previously, we require subcontractors to submit a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) prior to commencing work. The JSA supplements the analysis Hydro Construction conducts for each project. Hydro Construction crews also complete task JSAs at the beginning of each work day. By performing these analyses, hazards can be recognized early and be avoided by prior planning. Partnering As an experienced water & wastewater contractor, we understand that many of our clients maintain their own Safety & Health programs. It has always been our goal to harmonize safety programs cooperatively so that our client’s goals can be achieved in addition to our own. Safety training opportunities for our employees are always available to utility personnel and we are always willing to implement specifi c programs required by our clients. As every person involved in the project works together to avoid hazards and prevent injuries, an injury free workplace can truly be obtained. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION COST FACTORS DILLON WTF Hydro Construction utilizes a collection of Timberline based software systems for estimating and job cost accounting. This seamless integration between the estimate and the budget allow for reporting that is easy to track throughout the various phases of the project. The cost factors used to determine the Guaranteed Maximum Price are detailed below. We follow the open book philosophy required by the partnering delivery model. Time and material projects will be subject to similar mark-ups, with negotiated hourly costs based on published rates. Change order items will be calculated using the same cost structure to determine the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). Any potential change orders will be calculated with the same mark-ups shown. Throughout the project, costs will be monitored with a variance report. We are very accustomed to open-book procedures and can produce reports as often as required. Monthly or quarterly reporting of project costs, as well as at project comple- tion, can be transmitted electronically for review by the owner and engineer. Total Base Bid Costs Labor + Burden Cost Equipment Cost Consumable Materials Cost Permanent Materials Cost Subcontractors Cost Overhead & Profi t Costs Overhead 6% Profi t6% Guaranteed Maximum Price Total Base Bid Costs + Overhead + Profi t CONSTRUCTION COST FACTORS CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL DILLON WTF SAMPLE PROJECT PRICING NO: 1 PROJECT: Sample Project LOCATION: Fort Collins ITEM: na LABOR $ Subsist Total Employee Hr. Fringe Hours Sub-Total Burden Labor Project Manager $40.00 $0.00 1079.4 $43,176.00 42% $61,309.92 Field Engineer $32.00 $0.00 1028 $32,896.00 42% $46,712.32 Superintendent $40.00 $0.00 1079.4 $43,176.00 42% $61,309.92 Operator $31.00 $0.00 1028 $31,868.00 42% $45,252.56 Craftsmen $29.00 $0.00 2056 $59,624.00 42% $84,666.08 Laborer $19.00 $0.00 2005 $38,095.00 42% $54,094.90 Project Coordinator $29.00 $0.00 40 $1,165.00 42% $1,654.30 $250,000.00 Total This Item $355,000.00 EQUIPMENT $ Wk Weeks Sub-Total Equipment Owned $0.00 25.7 $0.00 $80,000.00 Equipment Rented $0.00 0 $0.00 $40,000.00 Field Office $0.00 0 $0.00 $25,000.00 Total This Item $145,000.00 CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES Incidental tools and materials $25,000.00 Fuel $60,000.00 Total This Item $85,000.00 PERMANENT MATERIALS Permanent materials incorporated into the work $250,000.00 Total This Item $250,000.00 SUBCONTRACTORS & SERVICES Subcontractor $35,000.00 Total This Item $35,000.00 INDIRECTS Sales Tax $125,000.00 x 7.4% $9,250.00 Total This Item $9,250.00 Labor $355,000.00 Equipment $145,000.00 Consumable Materials $85,000.00 Permanent Materials $250,000.00 Indirects $9,250.00 Sub-Total Cost $835,000.00 Profit & Overhead $100,200.00 12% Total of Above: $935,200.00 Sub-Total of Above Items: $935,200.00 $13,092.80 1.40% Total This Item $948,292.80 Payment & Performance Bonds = equipment rented and consumable supplies CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL PROJECT BUDGET & COST CONTROL LOVELAND PIPE REPAIR Hydro Construction Company, Inc. believes that procedures for project control and record keeping are indis- pensable tools to all participants in the construction process during the execution of a project. These controls and procedures provide both an indication of the progress and potential issues associated with a project as well as an accurate record of the fi nancial transactions. Hydro personnel focus mainly on resource utilization (scheduling), accounting, quality monitoring and control during a project. Additional eff orts are given to integrating the schedule, budgetary cost and estimated cost to complete information. Project Management - Approach & Team Organization Hydro Construction Company, Inc. utilizes a number of diff erent systems and procedures for the management of all projects. These systems are discussed below; however they are the responsibility of all Hydro personnel assigned to the project. The Project Manager working in partnership with the Project Superintendent and the rest of the project team (including the Project Engineer and Owner) will be consistently gathering the needed information to provide accurate and timely information required to implement the necessary controls. Com- munication is constant and is encouraged between all project team members. Members of the Hydro Construction team conduct project review meetings weekly (or as needed) to discuss issues related to project submittals, equipment delivery, subcontractor coordination and any other potential project issues. This eff ort identifi es any specifi c challenges or potential issues that need to be brought to the attention of the rest of the project team. Hydro Construction has several tools in place such as submittal logs and procurement logs which are integrated into our project management software to identify the status of the various phases of the specifi c task (submittal received, transmitted, material status, etc.). This information is tracked and available on-line so all members of the project team can easily access information when needed. When issues arise and the potential for disputes present themselves, Hydro Construction has found that com- munication is key. We strive to remedy the issue and encourage others involved to do so as well. Hydro strives to ensure that the process for resolution is fair, all involved are actively listening to the issues and all parties take reasonable responsibility for the issues at hand. Please see the “Safety Record” tab for a summary of Hydro Construction’s safety management. Project Cost Control Hydro Construction utilizes many resources to ensure that project costs are up-to-date, accurate, and calculable to maintain the project budget. PROJECT BUDGET & COST CONTROL CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL LOVELAND PIPE REPAIR Hydro has used Sage Timberline Project Management software for many years to manage project costs. This system allows for accurate job cost accounting with multiple reporting options for invoices, purchase orders and subcontracts. In addition to Sage Software, a custom, integrated, Excel-based reporting software is utilized to report cost variance as the project progresses. Hydro personnel understand that by maintaining detailed control of project costs and projecting accurate completion costs, we can ensure identifi cation of any potential issues well in advance. Standard Estimate Report Page 1 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Project name DWRF UV 2-11-2014 Labor rate table Labor - Bare Equipment rate table Equipment Report format Sorted by 'Structure/Prop Item#/Assembly/Group phase' 'Detail' summary Allocate addons Standard Estimate Report Page 2 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Phase Item Description Takeoff Qty Labor Amount Material Amount Subcontract Amount Name Equipment Amount Other Amount Total Amount * unassigned * * unassigned * 0223- Building Excavation 2000.000 SITEWORK 2317.210 40 Bldg Exc Earth-Backhoe/Truck 334.00 cy 1,489 - - 2,314 - 3,803 2319.302 40 Bldg Fill Earth-Backhoe/Truck 300.00 cy 892 - 2,611 - 3,503 SITEWORK 2,381 4,925 7,305 29.89 Labor hours 72.03 Equipment hours Building Excavation 1.00 ls 2,381 0 0 4,925 0 7,305 29.89 Labor hours 72.03 Equipment hours 0254- Bituminous Paving only by SY (Palm) 2000.000 SITEWORK 2740.120 60 Bituminous Base Course 6" 46.67 sy - - 3,583 - - 3,583 2740.120 160 Bituminous Binder Course 6" 46.67 sy - - 3,583 - - 3,583 2740.120 260 Bituminous Top Course 6" 46.67 sy - - 4,095 - - 4,095 SITEWORK 11,261 11,261 Bituminous Paving only by SY (Palm) 46.67 sy 0 0 11,261 0 0 11,261 02643- 72" SE-Influent 2000.000 SITEWORK 2502.010 8 Trench Excav & Lay Pipe 6- 8' 160.00 lf 1,650 - - 1,827 - 3,477 2502.012 b 8 Trench Box 8' Deep 160.00 lf - - - 4,383 - 4,383 2502.014 50 Utility Bed Peastone 42.12 cy 474 2,159 - - 2,633 2502.016 50 Utility Cover Peastone 42.12 cy 474 2,159 - - 2,633 n 2511.401 c 64 DI Pipe RJ - Class 52 160.00 lf 597 67,680 - - - 68,277 n 2511.414 d 64 DI RJ Std Wgt 90 3.00 ea 627 19,437 - - - 20,063 SITEWORK 3,822 91,434 6,210 101,466 100.11 Labor hours 52.850 Equipment hours 3000.000 CONCRETE 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 4.00 cy - 935 - - - 935 CONCRETE 935 935 72" SE-Influent 120.00 lf 3,822 92,370 0 6,210 0 102,401 100.11 Labor hours 52.850 Equipment hours Standard Estimate Report Page 3 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Phase Item Description Takeoff Qty Labor Amount Material Amount Subcontract Amount Name Equipment Amount Other Amount Total Amount 0316- Pier Footings 2000.000 SITEWORK 2315.925 300 Fill Gravel Process 266.67 cy - 2,253 - - - 2,253 2317.105 110 Excavate Footings to Stockpile 373.333 cy 2,081 - - 4,041 - 6,121 2319.316 2 Bldg Fill Gravel 35.00 cy 88 1,229 - 443 - 1,759 SITEWORK 2,169 3,482 4,483 10,134 34.07 Labor hours 84.52 Equipment hours 3000.000 CONCRETE 3210.104 202 Footing Rebar 17.23 tn 9,928 18,092 - - - 28,020 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 32.00 cy - 3,696 - - - 3,696 3310.160 3 Pump Place Caissons 32.00 cy 2,567 - 8,813 - - 11,380 CONCRETE 12,495 21,788 8,813 43,096 162.53 Labor hours Pier Footings 32.00 cy 14,664 25,270 8,813 4,483 0 53,230 196.593 Labor hours 84.52 Equipment hours 0320- Concrete Walls - Basic 3000.000 CONCRETE 3100.180 b 8 Panel Form System 4-8' 1,610.00 sf 31,957 6,762 - - - 38,719 3100.310 22 Strip & Oil Wall Forms 1,610.00 sf 1,072 - - - - 1,072 3210.104 210 Wall Rebar 3.73 tn 4,964 3,912 - - - 8,876 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 29.82 cy - 3,444 - - - 3,444 3310.260 3 Pump Place Walls 29.82 cy 3,040 - - 807 - 3,847 3350.110 20 Finish- Top of Wall & Curb 161.00 sf 188 - - - - 188 3350.130 2 Grind/Patch Walls 1,610.00 sf 578 16 - - - 594 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 1,610.00 sf 111 17 0 - - 128 3510.610 6 Waterstop 6" Flat 200.00 lf 72 1,050 - - - 1,122 CONCRETE 41,981 15,201 807 57,989 1,217.67 Labor hours Concrete Walls - Basic 29.82 cy 41,981 15,201 0 807 0 57,989 1,217.67 Labor hours 0320- Concrete Walls - Basic 3000.000 CONCRETE 3100.180 b 8 Panel Form System 4-8' 1,060.00 sf 21,040 4,452 - - - 25,492 3100.310 22 Strip & Oil Wall Forms 1,060.00 sf 706 - - - - 706 3210.104 210 Wall Rebar 2.72 tn 3,623 2,856 - - - 6,479 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 21.59 cy - 2,494 - - - 2,494 3310.260 3 Pump Place Walls 21.59 cy 2,201 - - 584 - 2,786 3350.110 20 Finish- Top of Wall & Curb 48.00 sf 56 - - - - 56 3350.130 2 Grind/Patch Walls 1,060.00 sf 380 11 - - - 391 Standard Estimate Report Page 4 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Phase Item Description Takeoff Qty Labor Amount Material Amount Subcontract Amount Name Equipment Amount Other Amount Total Amount CONCRETE 28,099 10,102 584 38,785 807.723 Labor hours Concrete Walls - Basic 21.59 cy 28,099 10,102 0 584 0 38,785 807.723 Labor hours 0320- Concrete Walls - Basic 3000.000 CONCRETE 3100.180 b 8 Panel Form System 4-8' 1,060.00 sf 21,040 4,452 - - - 25,492 3100.310 22 Strip & Oil Wall Forms 1,060.00 sf 706 - - - - 706 3210.104 210 Wall Rebar 2.72 tn 3,623 2,856 - - - 6,479 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 21.59 cy - 2,494 - - - 2,494 3310.260 3 Pump Place Walls 21.59 cy 2,201 - - 584 - 2,786 3350.110 20 Finish- Top of Wall & Curb 48.00 sf 56 - - - - 56 3350.130 2 Grind/Patch Walls 1,060.00 sf 380 11 - - - 391 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 1,060.00 sf 73 11 - - 84 3510.610 6 Waterstop 6" Flat 53.00 lf 19 278 - - - 297 CONCRETE 28,099 10,102 584 38,785 807.723 Labor hours Concrete Walls - Basic 21.59 cy 28,099 10,102 0 584 0 38,785 807.723 Labor hours 0330 1- S-O-G for Tank Slab 2000.000 SITEWORK 2315.925 300 Fill Gravel Process 12.963 cy - 110 - - - 110 2317.105 10 Bldg Excavation to Stockpile 12.963 cy 72 - - 140 - 212 2319.316 2 Bldg Fill Gravel 12.963 cy 33 455 - 163 - 651 SITEWORK 105 565 303 973 2.593 Labor hours 4.59 Equipment hours 3000.000 CONCRETE 3100.120 12 S.O.G. Edge Form > 1' 180.00 sf 2,158 151 - - 1,205 3,514 3100.310 24 Strip & Oil SOG Form 180.00 sf 120 - - - - 120 3210.104 208 SOG Rebar 2.593 tn 3,454 2,723 - - - 6,177 3220.110 900 Mesh Support - bricks 55.00 ea 15 10 - - - 25 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 25.93 cy - 2,994 - - - 2,994 3310.230 3 Pump Place Slab on Grade 25.93 cy 1,891 - - 702 - 2,592 3350.110 10 Finish- Hard Trowel 350.00 sf 762 11 - - - 773 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 350.00 sf 24 4 0 - - 28 CONCRETE 8,424 5,893 702 1,205 16,224 188.19 Labor hours S-O-G for Tank Slab 25.93 cy 8,529 6,458 0 1,005 1,205 17,197 Standard Estimate Report Page 5 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Phase Item Description Takeoff Qty Labor Amount Material Amount Subcontract Amount Name Equipment Amount Other Amount Total Amount 2000.000 SITEWORK 2317.105 10 Bldg Excavation to Stockpile 254.00 cy 1,415 - - 2,749 - 4,165 2319.316 2 Bldg Fill Gravel 12.963 cy 33 455 - 163 - 651 SITEWORK 1,448 1,515 2,912 5,875 21.88 Labor hours 55.954 Equipment hours 3000.000 CONCRETE 3100.120 12 S.O.G. Edge Form > 1' 280.00 sf 3,357 235 - - 1,875 5,467 3100.310 24 Strip & Oil SOG Form 280.00 sf 187 - - - - 187 3210.104 208 SOG Rebar 4.59 tn 6,115 4,820 - - - 10,935 3220.110 900 Mesh Support - bricks 155.00 ea 41 29 - - - 71 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 44.31 cy - 5,118 - - - 5,118 3310.230 3 Pump Place Slab on Grade 44.31 cy 3,232 - - 1,199 - 4,431 3350.110 10 Finish- Hard Trowel 750.00 sf 1,634 23 - - - 1,656 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 750.00 sf 52 8 - - 59 CONCRETE 14,617 10,233 1,199 1,875 27,923 324.12 Labor hours S-O-G for Tank Slab 44.312 cy 16,065 11,747 0 4,111 1,875 33,798 346.00 Labor hours 55.954 Equipment hours 0330 1- S-O-G for Tank Slab 2000.000 SITEWORK 2315.925 300 Fill Gravel Process 12.963 cy - 110 - - - 110 2317.105 10 Bldg Excavation to Stockpile 12.963 cy 72 - - 140 - 212 2319.316 2 Bldg Fill Gravel 12.963 cy 33 455 - 163 - 651 SITEWORK 105 565 303 973 2.593 Labor hours 4.59 Equipment hours 3000.000 CONCRETE 3100.120 12 S.O.G. Edge Form > 1' 180.00 sf 2,158 151 - - 1,205 3,514 3100.310 24 Strip & Oil SOG Form 180.00 sf 120 - - - - 120 3210.104 208 SOG Rebar 2.593 tn 3,454 2,723 - - - 6,177 3220.110 900 Mesh Support - bricks 55.00 ea 15 10 - - - 25 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 25.93 cy - 2,994 - - - 2,994 3310.230 3 Pump Place Slab on Grade 25.93 cy 1,891 - - 702 - 2,592 3350.110 10 Finish- Hard Trowel 350.00 sf 762 11 - - - 773 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 350.00 sf 24 4 - - 28 CONCRETE 8,424 5,893 702 1,205 16,224 188.19 Labor hours S-O-G for Tank Slab 25.93 cy 8,529 6,458 0 1,005 1,205 17,197 190.783 Labor hours Standard Estimate Report Page 6 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Phase Item Description Takeoff Qty Labor Amount Material Amount Subcontract Amount Name Equipment Amount Other Amount Total Amount SITEWORK 136 143 393 673 3.37 Labor hours 5.96 Equipment hours 3000.000 CONCRETE 3100.120 10 S.O.G. Edge Form < 1' 56.00 sf 1,023 67 - - 375 1,465 3100.310 24 Strip & Oil SOG Form 56.00 sf 57 - - - - 57 3220.110 900 Mesh Support - bricks 53.00 ea 22 15 - - - 37 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 5.56 cy - 642 - - - 642 3310.230 1 Truck Place Slab on Grade 5.56 cy 556 - - - - 556 3350.110 8 Finish- Broom 300.00 sf 802 3 - - - 805 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 300.00 sf 31 5 0 - - 36 CONCRETE 2,491 732 375 3,598 81.03 Labor hours Sidewalk 5.56 cy 2,628 875 0 393 375 4,271 84.393 Labor hours 5.96 Equipment hours 0331 1- Interior S-O-G Concrete - Basic 3000.000 CONCRETE 3210.104 208 SOG Rebar 6.422 tn 8,555 6,743 - - - 15,298 3220.110 900 Mesh Support - bricks 153.00 ea 41 29 - - - 70 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 64.222 cy - 7,418 - - - 7,418 3310.230 3 Pump Place Slab on Grade 64.222 cy 4,684 - - 1,738 - 6,422 3350.110 10 Finish- Hard Trowel 1,156.00 sf 2,518 35 - - - 2,553 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 1,156.00 sf 80 12 0 - - 92 3390.180 4 Seal Floors 1,156.00 sf 56 0 9,433 - - 9,489 CONCRETE 15,933 14,236 9,433 1,738 41,340 315.83 Labor hours Interior S-O-G Concrete - Basic 64.222 cy 15,933 14,236 9,433 1,738 0 41,340 315.83 Labor hours * unassigned * 1000.000 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1050.100 10 Building Permits by LS 1.00 ls - - - 13,390 13,390 1065.100 10 Survey & Layouts 1.00 ls 2,580 0 2,550 - 670 5,800 1100.100 14 Project Manager 36.00 wk 99,072 - - 9,144 2,410 110,626 1102.100 14 Superintendent 36.00 wk 92,880 - - 11,430 2,410 106,720 1102.100 14 Field Engineer 36.00 wk 58,824 - - 0 2,410 61,234 1250.100 12 Office Trailer 9.00 mo 4,644 - - 11,430 9,038 25,112 1260.100 18 Telephone Charges 9.00 mo - 0 - - 1,446 1,446 1260.100 18 Toilet 9.00 mo - - - 3,615 3,615 1260.100 20 Internet 9.00 mo - 0 - - 3,013 3,013 1260.100 20 Supplies 9.00 mo - - - 1,808 1,808 Standard Estimate Report Page 7 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Phase Item Description Takeoff Qty Labor Amount Material Amount Subcontract Amount Name Equipment Amount Other Amount Total Amount GENERAL CONDITIONS 266,170 4,590 69,469 67,526 407,755 4,402.00 Labor hours 4,400.00 Equipment hours 1900.000 OWNED EQUIPMENT 1900.005 25 Thawzall 2.00 mo - - - 10,909 - 10,909 1900.120 20 Grove RT535E Crane 4.00 mo - - - 34,544 - 34,544 OWNED EQUIPMENT 45,453 45,453 2000.000 SITEWORK 2220.980 16 Dump Fees 1.00 ls 430 0 - 958 670 2,058 2221.105 30 Core Drill 10.00 ea 289 - 5,100 271 335 5,994 2221.105 30 Core Drill 2.00 ea 58 - 4,080 54 67 4,259 2221.110 30 Saw Cut Concrete 90.00 lf 774 - - 846 241 1,861 2221.110 40 Concrete Prep 16.00 ch 1,156 - - 1,263 214 2,633 2221.250 24 Demo Equipment 1.00 ls 4,300 - - 564 335 5,198 2222.015 420 Demo DI Pipe 40.00 lf 344 - - 451 80 875 2222.015 540 Demo DI Pipe 60.00 lf 516 - - 676 121 1,313 2223.100 18 Demo Concrete 850.00 sf 1,462 - - 1,082 285 2,829 2223.100 202 Demo Bituminous Pave > 3" 3,500.00 sf 2,709 - - 2,005 1,172 5,885 2319.316 2 Bldg Fill Gravel 275.00 cy 694 9,653 - 3,472 - 13,818 2502.010 8 Trench Excav & Lay Pipe 6- 8' 50.00 lf 516 - - 571 - 1,087 2502.012 b 8 Trench Box 8' Deep 50.00 lf - - - 1,370 - 1,370 2502.014 50 Utility Bed Peastone 14.56 cy 164 746 - - 910 2502.016 50 Utility Cover Peastone 14.56 cy 164 746 - - 910 n 2511.350 42 DI MJ Compact Cap 1.00 ea 78 220 - - - 298 n 2511.350 54 DI MJ Compact Cap 1.00 ea 78 320 - - - 398 n 2511.401 c 64 DI Pipe RJ - Class 52 50.00 lf 187 25,050 - - - 25,237 2770.160 16 Curb & Gutter 70.00 lf - - 1,856 - - 1,856 SITEWORK 13,917 36,735 11,036 13,582 3,518 78,788 312.01 Labor hours 168.79 Equipment hours 3000.000 CONCRETE 3100.104 2 Mat Foundation Edge Form 264.00 sf 7,034 - - 1,767 8,801 3100.124 2 Form Suspended Slab 0-15' 369.090 sf 4,425 - - 2,471 6,896 3100.124 30 Slab Edge Form < 1' 78.00 sf 717 - - 522 1,239 3100.310 6 Strip & Oil Suspended Slab Frm 369.090 sf 246 - - - - 246 3100.310 18 Strip & Oil Mat Found. Form 264.00 sf 176 - - - - 176 3150.700 22 Grout Bearing Plates 4.00 ea 400 6,000 - - - 6,400 3150.700 100 Set Anchor Bolts @ Pumps 4.00 ea 107 36 - - - 142 3210.104 208 SOG Rebar 1.07 tn 1,421 1,120 - - 7 2,549 3210.104 214 Suspended Slab Rebar 1.37 tn 1,821 1,435 - - 9 3,265 3220.110 900 Mesh Support - bricks 32.00 ea 9 6 - - - 15 3310.100 20 Pipe Fill 65.00 cy - 6,484 - - - 6,484 3310.100 20 2000 psi Lean Concrete 60.00 cy - 5,985 - - - 5,985 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 10.67 cy - 1,232 - - - 1,232 3310.100 40 4000 psi Concrete 13.67 cy - 1,579 - - - 1,579 Standard Estimate Report Page 8 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Phase Item Description Takeoff Qty Labor Amount Material Amount Subcontract Amount Name Equipment Amount Other Amount Total Amount 5000.000 METALS 5530.400 150 Alum Floor Grating 1.50" 1,534.00 sf 4,987 53,690 - - - 58,677 5590.100 30 Misc. Metals 1.00 ls 6,192 25,000 - - - 31,192 METALS 11,179 78,690 89,869 361.071 Labor hours 7000.000 THERMAL & MOIST PROTECT 7720.100 11 Hatch 5x5 2.00 ea 557 11,000 - - - 11,557 THERMAL & MOIST PROTECT 557 11,000 11,557 18.00 Labor hours 9000.000 FINISHES 9960.100 -sub Sub - Special Coatings 1.00 ls - - 66,300 - - 66,300 FINISHES 66,300 66,300 11000.000 EQUIPMENT 11240.005 200 Chemical Feed Skid 1.00 ea 5,504 65,000 - - - 70,504 11270.060 100 U.V. 1.00 ea 13,926 985,000 - - - 998,926 11286.050 48 Slide Gate 48" x 48" 4.00 ea 7,166 100,000 - - - 107,166 EQUIPMENT 26,596 1,150,000 1,176,596 963.86 Labor hours 13000.000 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13122.100 10 Building 2,650.00 sf 45,580 29,150 418,965 47,802 28,387 569,884 13230.100 20 Weir Covers Prep 1.00 ls 5,160 25,000 - - 30,160 13230.100 20 Weir Covers 1.00 ls 15,480 220,000 - - 235,480 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 66,220 274,150 418,965 47,802 28,387 835,524 800.00 Labor hours 2.00 Equipment hours 14000.000 CONVEYING SYSTEMS 14600.100 50 Overhead Cranes 1.00 ea - - 66,300 - - 66,300 CONVEYING SYSTEMS 66,300 66,300 15000.000 MECHANICAL 15060.200 b 20 Pipe Support Small 2.00 ea 400 - - - 400 15060.200 b 20 Pipe Support Small 2.00 ea 400 - - - 400 15060.200 b100 Pipe Support Small 3.00 ea 600 - - - 600 15060.200 b120 Pipe Support Large 4.00 ea 3,000 - - - 3,000 15060.200 b120 Pipe Support Large 4.00 ea 3,000 - - - 3,000 15060.200 b120 Pipe Support, Large 6.00 ea 4,500 - - - 4,500 15060.200 b120 Pipe Support, Small 2.00 ea 400 - - - 400 15060.200 b120 Pipe Support, Large 6.00 ea 4,500 - - - 4,500 15060.200 b120 Pipe Support, Small 2.00 ea 400 - - - 400 15110.050 b 60 Ball Flgd 1.00 ea 90 13,935 - - - 14,025 15110.050 c 20 Ball Srd Bronze 150# 2.00 ea 75 300 - - - 375 15110.050 c 20 Ball Srd Bronze 150# 2.00 ea 75 300 - - - 375 15203.001 10 DI Flanged Joint Pipe 16.50 lf 607 - - 22 629 15203.001 16 DI Flanged Joint Pipe 22.00 lf 1,760 - - 29 1,789 15203.001 16 DI Flanged Joint Pipe 30.00 lf 2,399 - - 40 2,440 15203.001 20 DI Flanged Joint Pipe 24.00 lf 2,687 - - 32 2,719 Standard Estimate Report Page 9 DWRF UV 2-11-2014 5/7/2015 12:01 PM Phase Item Description Takeoff Qty Labor Amount Material Amount Subcontract Amount Name Equipment Amount Other Amount Total Amount 16000.000 ELECTRICAL 16000.001 -sub Electrical Sub 1.00 ls - - 164,010 - - 164,010 ELECTRICAL 506,940 506,940 * unassigned * 415,534 1,677,931 1,074,131 176,306 104,350 3,448,252 7,831.35 Labor hours 4,570.79 Equipment hours * unassigned * 586,264 1,870,748 1,103,638 202,151 109,010 3,871,811 12,118.832 Labor hours 4,851.27 Equipment hours * unassigned * 586,264 1,870,748 1,103,638 202,151 109,010 3,871,811 12,118.832 Labor hours 4,851.27 Equipment hours Estimate Totals Description Amount Totals Hours Rate Cost Basis Cost per Unit Percent of Total Labor 586,264 12,118.832 hrs 12.39% Material 1,870,748 39.52% Subcontract 1,103,638 23.31% Equipment 202,151 4,851.270 hrs 4.27% Other 109,010 2.30% 3,871,811 3,871,811 81.79 Perform & Payment Bond - 2 yr. 81,238 B 1.72% 81,238 3,953,049 1.72 Profit & Overhead 399,807 10.500 % T 8.45% Contingency 380,769 10.000 % T 8.04% Total 4,733,625 CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL PERSONNEL & OWNED EQUIP. RATES MAPLE GROVE WTF The proposed team off ers extensive experience related to APDS/Negotiated projects and similar pipeline projects, which is demonstrated throughout this proposal. Team Member Title Design Hourly Rate GC Hourly Rate Benefi ts during Design Phase Jim Eurich Principal in Charge $65.00 $45.00 Extensive experience with design & construction of similar wastewater treatment facilities and specifi cally, CMAR delivery model. Expert at conceptual estimating and rou- tinely provides conceptual esti- mates for projects to owners and engineers. John Moore Project Manager $65.00 $40.00 Current experience with CMAR contracts, DBE and Davis Bacon requirements, and project manage- ment of similar projects, including development of GMP, scheduling, and subcontractor selection. Tom Noble/ Freddi Baladez Project Superin- tendent $65.00 $40.00 Specifi c fi eld experience in con- structing wastewater treatment facilities. Off ers realistic construc- tability reviews and has a strong understanding of mechanical, treatment processes and problem solving. Consultants/ Subcontractors N/A $65.00 TBD Subcontractors and consultants can off er information regarding a specifi c area of expertise. If uti- lized during the design phase, this can help alleviate issues later on during construction, minimizing costly delays. PERSONNEL & OWNED EQUIP. RATES CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL MAPLE GROVE WTF OWNED EQUIPMENT RATES Equipment Rates Monthly Rental Rate Backhoes/Loaders: CAT 430D $ 3,180.00 John Deere 624/644K $ 5,330.00 Compactors: Multiquip Vib Plate Compactor $ 750.00 C832 Hypac Compactor $ 3,428.00 Cranes: Grove RT 535 E $ 7,384.00 Spyder Crane $ 4,200.00 Skid Steer/Fork Lift Cat 246 w/ attachments $ 3,015.00 Skytrak Forklift $ 3,000.00 Excavators: JD 225D Excavator $ 6,750.00 Hitachi ZX350 Trackhoe $ 9,420.00 305CR CAT Mini Excavator $ 2,709.00 Misc/ Support Equipment: Air Compressor (185 cfm) $ 599.00 Portable Generator $ 125.00 Trench Box $ 1,000.00 Pumps: 2" Submersible $ 200.00 3" Submersible $ 250.00 4" Submersible $ 500.00 6" Submersible Pump $ 1,000.00 Trailers: Office Trailer $ 346.00 Trucks/Vehicles: Company Pickup $ 1,050.00 Mack Granite 713 $ 4,800.00 Miscellaneous Equipment: Cell Phone $ 55.00 Trash Dumpster $ 200.00 Total Station $ 670.00 TopCon GPS System $ 950.00 Confined Space Equipment $ 500.00 Temporary Toilet $ 110.00 All owned equipment is priced at current rates. All rented equipment will be billed at the invoiced rate plus applicable overhead and profi t. Each project rents a small tools connex box at $1,000.00/MO to help cover the cost of small tools. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL BONDING COMPANY GRANDBY WWTF May 5, 2015 City of Fort Collins Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor Fort Collins, CO 80522 Re: HYDRO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Request for Proposal: 8106 Utility Infrastructure Construction Services for Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Facilities Capital Improvements Dear City of Fort Collins: As a representative of Berkley Insurance Company, our agency manages the surety bond program for Hydro Construction Company, Inc. Our management team has known the principals and staff of Hydro Construction Company, Inc. for over thirteen years, and we are proud to provide a surety reference for them. Hydro maintains an outstanding reputation as individuals of high integrity, with a vast knowledge of the construction industry, producing a quality product, in a timely and cost effective manner. Hydro is proactive and innovative whenever needed, and, simply put, Hydro Construction is a great team to work with. Surety bonds for Hydro Construction Company, Inc. are underwritten by Berkley Insurance Company, which maintains an “A+ XV” rating by A.M. Best Company, and is listed on the U.S. Department of Treasury list of approved sureties While no maximum bonding limits (single or aggregate) have been established for Hydro, the surety has approved individual projects in the $35 million range, with an aggregate program in the $45 million range. Berkley Insurance Company would give favorable consideration to a request for bonds on a project the size of the captioned project, should they be asked to do so by Hydro Construction Company, Inc. The surety’s consideration and approval of bonds is subject to the size, type and location of project, favorable review of the contract documents financing and other pertinent underwriting criteria. We are proud to recommend Hydro Construction Company, Inc. to you. If you should have any questions, or require additional information, please contact Sheryll Shaw at (303) 534-4567. Sincerely, Sheryll Shaw Vice President of Surety cc: Hydro Construction Company, Inc. Berkley Insurance Company Risk Management, Insurance, Surety, and Employee Benefits Dallas | Denver | Kansas City | Wichita www.imacorp.com Protecting Assets. Making a Difference.SM IMA, Inc. dba IMA Insurance Services, CA Lic #0H64724 1705 17th Street Suite 100 Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303-534-4567 Phone: 800-813-0203 Fax: 303-534-0600 CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SEQUENCING & SCHEDULING LAPORTE VALVES Hydro utilizes standard Critical Path Method (CPM) for schedule control on all major projects with Primavera P6 software. This method allows the project team to review a detailed Work Breakdown Structure from design tasks all the way through project commissioning. The project schedule will provide a synopsis for the entire project, ensuring completion in the timeframe provided. Including weekly updates to provide a foundation for detailed task analysis and planning for the project team. In addition to the overall project schedule, superintendents also create detailed “three week look ahead” sched- ules. These schedules are also updated weekly but give us a more detailed look over the next three weeks including critical items such as shut downs, tie-ins, material delivery, subcontractor requirements and other items that require in depth discussion and planning by the project team. This is very important and helps us identify potential issues early on and help maintain deadlines. Hydro Construction has several tools in place such as submittal logs and procurement logs which are integrated into our project management software to identify the status of the various phases of the specifi c task (submittal received, transmitted, material status, etc.). This information is tracked and available on-line so all members of the project team can easily access information when needed. These controls and procedures provide both an indication of the progress and potential issues associated with a project. These tools and controls are very useful when projects are fast tracked or have critical deadlines. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SEQUENCING & SCHEDULING LAPORTE VALVES Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Remaining Duration Start Finish Total Float 12-12-01-01-26262 6DPSOH3URMHFW 148.00 48.00 10-Sep-12 A 03-Apr-13 -24.00 12-01-262 262.01 Pre-Construction 141.00 20.00 10-Sep-12 A 22-Feb-13 4.00 12-01-262 262.01.1 Mobilization 3.20 0.00 10-Sep-12 A 12-Sep-12 A 10 Notice To Proceed 0.00 0.00 10-Sep-12 A 20 Mobilization 3.20 0.00 10-Sep-12 A 12-Sep-12 A 12-01-262 262.01.2 Procurement 141.00 20.00 10-Sep-12 A 22-Feb-13 4.00 12-01-262. 01.2.1 Submittal 99.00 4.00 10-Sep-12 A 31-Jan-13 20.00 50 Piping & Valves 4.00 0.00 10-Sep-12 A 12-Sep-12 A 180 Electrical 8.00 0.00 19-Sep-12 A 01-Nov-12 A 90 Precast Concrete 8.00 0.00 20-Sep-12 A 26-Oct-12 A 40 Concrete 8.00 0.00 24-Sep-12 A 16-Oct-12 A 110 Automated 130 Micron Filter 8.00 0.00 25-Sep-12 A 16-Oct-12 A 140 Overhead Door 8.00 0.00 25-Sep-12 A 11-Oct-12 A 170 8,000 Gallon FRP Tanks 8.00 0.00 02-Oct-12 A 08-Oct-12 A 120 Pre-Fabricated Metal Building 12.00 0.00 04-Oct-12 A 10-Oct-12 A 30 Backfill/Structural Fill 8.00 0.00 08-Oct-12 A 09-Oct-12 A 100 Rebar 8.00 0.00 09-Oct-12 A 17-Oct-12 A 60 Submersible Pump Station 12.00 0.00 16-Oct-12 A 19-Nov-12 A 160 Inline Static Mixer 8.00 2.00 16-Oct-12 A 29-Jan-13 6.00 80 HVAC 12.00 0.00 31-Oct-12 A 15-Dec-12 A 130 Door & Hardware 8.00 0.00 28-Nov-12 A 03-Dec-12 A 740 Instrumentation 5.00 0.00 06-Dec-12 A 15-Jan-13 A 70 Polypropylene Graduated Cylinder 8.00 0.00 10-Jan-13 A 14-Jan-13 A 150 Plumbing 8.00 4.00 26-Jan-13 A 31-Jan-13 7.00 12-01-262. 01.2.2 Equipment/Material 53.00 20.00 10-Sep-12 A 22-Feb-13 4.00 320 Clarifiers 24.00 0.00 10-Sep-12 A 04-Jan-13 A 210 Precast Concrete Manhole 8.00 0.00 26-Sep-12 A 08-Oct-12 A 240 8,000 Gallon FRP Tanks 32.00 0.00 08-Oct-12 A 04-Jan-13 A 300 Pre-Fabricated Metal Building 32.00 0.00 10-Oct-12 A 04-Jan-13 A 260 Overhead Door 24.00 8.00 11-Oct-12 A 07-Feb-13 10.00 190 Piping & Valves 4.00 0.00 16-Oct-12 A 11-Jan-13 A 330 Automated 130 Micron Filter 8.00 0.00 16-Oct-12 A 26-Oct-12 A 220 Rebar 2.40 0.00 17-Oct-12 A 31-Oct-12 A 230 Submersible Pump Station 24.00 0.00 19-Oct-12 A 21-Dec-12 A 310 Electrical 32.00 0.00 01-Nov-12 A 16-Jan-13 A 270 HVAC 32.00 12.00 15-Nov-12 A 14-Feb-13 8.00 250 Door & Hardware 24.00 8.00 03-Dec-12 A 07-Feb-13 10.00 200 Polypropylene Graduated Cylinder 8.00 8.00 15-Jan-13 A 07-Feb-13 12.00 960 Instrumentation 20.00 20.00 28-Jan-13 22-Feb-13 -24.00 290 Inline Static Mixer 12.00 12.00 30-Jan-13 19-Feb-13 6.00 280 Plumbing 8.00 8.00 04-Feb-13 14-Feb-13 7.00 12-01-262 262.02 Construction 143.00 43.00 10-Sep-12 A 27-Mar-13 -19.00 12-01-262 262.02.1 Site Work 143.00 43.00 10-Sep-12 A 27-Mar-13 -19.00 340 Demo 23' x 25' Concrete Pad 1.00 0.00 10-Sep-12 A 10-Sep-12 A 350 Demo Existing Chain Link Fence 1.00 0.00 10-Sep-12 A 10-Sep-12 A 440 Re-Locate Truck Sander Support Frame 1.00 0.00 11-Sep-12 A 12-Sep-12 A 370 Survey & Layout 1.00 0.00 12-Sep-12 A 12-Sep-12 A 390 Install 6" Raw Water & 1" Water Line (Lines 4 & 5 - C102) 3.00 0.00 19-Sep-12 A 10-Oct-12 A 380 Demo Abandoned Pipeline (Line 1 - C101) 2.00 0.00 26-Sep-12 A 26-Sep-12 A 410 Demo Existing 6" Raw Water As Needed (Line 3 - C101) 3.00 0.00 26-Sep-12 A 28-Jan-13 20.00 400 Pre-Treatment Building Excavation 2.00 0.00 01-Oct-12 A 30-Oct-12 A 430 Pre-Treatment Bldg Subsuface Inspection 5.00 0.00 01-Oct-12 A 01-Oct-12 A CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SEQUENCING & SCHEDULING LAPORTE VALVES Procurement Log Sample Project Suppliers Items submitted on, but not returned Items w/ returned submittals & ordered, not received Items Shipped, but not received Partial Delivery On-Site Phase Spec Section Item Supplier Contacts Phone # Commitment # Date Sent Date Returned Credit Card Pymts? Submittal Req'd? Submittal Rec'd Submittal Sent (to engineer Approved Submittal Sent Ordered Date Lead Time Expected Date On-Site Complete Order On-Site O&M's Rec'd? Last Contacted 1 02490 ASB Pump Station Wet Well & Valve Vault Colorado Precast Kim Fentress 970-669-0535 2381 12/22/08 02/16/09 Yes 12/24/2008 01/09/09 1/28/2008 01/28/09 02/20/09 N/A 2 11141 Horiz. Recessed Impellar - Grit Pump Falcon Environmental Barry Stone 303-499-7131 2382 12/22/08 03/23/09 Yes 02/25/09 02/26/09 04/09/09 04/09/09 12 Weeks 05/07/09 05/04/09 Yes 01/26/10 2 11141 Grit Pump Start-Up Falcon Environmental Barry Stone 303-499-7131 2389 01/15/09 No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 11332 Mechanical Step Screen Water Technology Group/Vulcan Brian Dieke 303-584-9000 x110/712 2380 12/22/09 01/14/09 Yes 02/04/09 02/09/09 03/24/09 03/24/09 18-22 Weeks 08/05/09 06/23/09 Yes 06/18/09 2 11356 Screw-Type Wash Press Water Technology Group/Vulcan Brian Dieke 303-584-9000 x110/712 2380 12/22/08 01/14/09 Yes 02/04/09 02/09/09 03/24/09 03/24/09 18-22 Weeks 08/05/09 06/23/09 Yes 06/18/09 2 11451 Coarse Bubble Diffusion Equipment (Grit Tank) Water Control Corporation Clark Tuck 303-477-1970 2383 12/22/08 01/27/09 Yes 02/12/08 02/13/08 02/25/08 02/25/09 8-10 Weeks 04/20/09 04/13/09 Yes 03/24/09 2 11501 Positive Displacement - Grit Blower Fluid Technology Charlie Grimm 303-233-7400 2385 12/22/08 01/19/09 Yes 02/10/09 02/11/09 03/09/09 03/09/09 8-10 Weeks 05/08/09 05/13/09 Yes 05/13/09 2 13272 Biofilter Aeration Floor BacTee Rodney Kleven 701-775-8775 2384 12/22/08 01/14/09 Yes 01/14/09 01/19/09 01/29/09 01/29/09 2-3 Weeks 02/23/09 02/20/09 Yes 02/02/09 2 15254 Slide Gate W/ Frames Hydrogate Matt Kelly 303-288-7873 ext.256 2410 02/12/09 03/12/09 No N/A N/A N/A 04/16/09 14-16 Weeks 07/27/09 07/08/09 Yes 08/04/09 3 02565 Grit Tank Drain Piping HD Supply Kevin McGettigan 303-292-1112 2398 01/26/09 02/03/09 Yes 01/28/09 02/08/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 3-4 Weeks 03/16/09 03/16/09 N/A 04/14/09 3 03200 Reinforcing Steel (Grit Tank & Biofilter) CMC Banner Rebar Eric Wagner 303-298-7822 ext.27 2399 01/27/09 02/27/09 Yes 02/09/09 02/09/09 02/24/09 02/24/09 N/A 03/04/09 03/06/09 N/A 02/26/08 3 03300 Concrete (DWRF Mixes) LaFarge Ken Nelson 970-407-3636 2402 01/03/09 03/05/09 Yes 02/16/09 02/16/09 03/03/09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 01/29/09 3 03300 Concrete LaFarge Ken Nelson 970-407-3636 2402 01/30/09 03/05/09 Yes 03/13/09 03/13/09 03/30/09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 05500 Misc. Metals Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2400 01/27/09 02/09/09 Yes 03/02/09 03/11/09 04/06/09 04/06/09 Various Various Various N/A 02/10/09 3 05500 Handrail Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2400 01/27/09 02/09/09 Yes 04/23/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 06/08/09 N/A 05/26/09 3 06610 FRP Grit Tank Covers & Valve Vault Covers PVFCO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 2405 02/11/09 03/03/09 Yes 05/04/09 05/04/09 06/17/09 06/17/09 3-4 Weeks 07/14/09 07/15/09 N/A 06/23/09 3 06610 FRP Angle Inserts PVFCO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 N/A Pd. 4/13/09 N/A Yes Yes 03/25/09 03/25/09 04/06/09 04/13/09 04/14/09 04/14/09 N/A 04/13/09 3 06610 FRP Stop Logs PVFCO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 2423 03/05/09 03/12/09 Yes 03/23/09 03/23/09 04/15/09 04/15/09 05/27/09 05/28/09 N/A 05/06/09 3 06620 FRP Arched Covers Nemato Rein Aaslepp 905-571-5305 ext.116 2394 01/27/09 03/02/09 Yes 04/06/09 04/29/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 8-9 Weeks 07/16/09 07/14/09 Yes 07/14/09 3 15000 Process Piping/Yard Piping/Headworks Piping HD Supply Kevin McGettigan 303-292-1112 Mulitple N/A N/A Yes 01/28/09 2/3/09 02/26/09 Various Various Various Various N/A 05/04/09 3 15812 FRP Ductwork Insert Edge Mechanical Mark Labac 303-744-3343 2409 02/12/09 02/27/09 Yes 02/09/09 02/09/09 02/24/09 02/24/09 03/23/09 N/A 03/17/09 3 06000 Redwood Redwood Lumber & Supply Keith Kersell 415-492-0500 2427 03/16/09 03/19/09 Yes No N/A N/A N/A 03/19/09 2 Weeks 04/01/09 03/31/09 N/A 03/25/09 3 05500 Manual Barscreen Replacement Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2429 04/03/09 04/07/09 No N/A N/A N/A 04/07/09 06/01/09 N/A 05/12/09 CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL QUALITY ASSURANCE MULBERRY WRF Quality Control Plan (QCP) Hydro Construction’s approach to managing the quality of projects includes a combination of quality control by the Project Manager & Superintendent and quality assurance by an independent third party testing fi rm. The approach also includes periodic oversight by a primary Quality Control Inspector (QCI). The Quality Control / Quality Assurance Plan (QCQAP) will detail the systems and controls that Hydro Construction will put in place to ensure the quality of the project will meet the requirements specifi ed in the project documents. Hydro Construction provides defi nition and overall management of the quality approach to be followed by subcon- tractors and vendors. Implementation will be ensured through an integrated system of quality control performed by the Project Manager/Superintendent and quality assurance provided by an independent third party. A project-specifi c QCQAP will establish project procedures and general responsibilities for the quality assurance and quality control program and protocols to ensure that all phases of work will be executed in accordance with the rel- evant portions of the project drawings and specifi cations. It will defi ne procedures to ensure that activities aff ecting quality are properly documented and accomplished in accordance with the contract documents, written instructions, industry standards, codes and procedures. Furthermore, the QCQAP will defi ne methods for ensuring that activities aff ecting quality will be accomplished under controlled conditions. Quality Control Inspector(s) Hydro Construction typically relies on two individuals for periodic quality control inspection; Rodney Rice, President/ CEO and Jim Eurich, Vice-President/COO of Hydro Construction. This role involves oversight of controls for quality during construction as well as periodic site visits for the purpose of identifying and/or preventing defects early. These individuals hold full authority to implement any changes necessary to exceed or maintain quality. The Project Superintendent will exercise day-to-day authority over work crews, subcontractors and vendors in order to ensure quality standards exceed or achieve the project requirements. This process will include, but not be limited to, direct communication with the Owner’s representative, Engineers, Third Party testing agencies, subcontractors and vendors providing fl exibility to make adjustments in operations when necessary. The Project Manager will assist the Superintendent in oversight and inspection throughout the project. The Project Manager’s role will include but not be limited to periodic site visits for quality assurance, review of testing documenta- tion for accuracy and any discrepancies, and communication with subcontractors and vendors regarding process and documentation for quality assurance. QUALITY ASSURANCE CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL MULBERRY WRF Material & Workmanship Hydro Construction Company, Inc. utilizes the data submittal process as a means for identifying discrepancies with any materials and equipment prior to their approval for use in construction. After approval and delivery, inspections are made to identify any irregularities or damage during shipment. Construction progress will be monitored on a daily basis by the Project Superintendent for the purpose of identify- ing any lack of performance by subcontractors and/or in-house work forces. Hydro Construction crews typically meet at least once per week for coordination while subcontractor meetings are held weekly or bi-weekly as needed to coordinate eff orts and address any corrective measures required. In some cases, Hydro Construction has utilized internet-based camera solutions for additional surveillance and recordkeeping. Hydro Construction anticipates and encourages participation in all areas of quality control, safety and quality as- surance. Communication regarding these items should be done through the Project Superintendent, Foreman or Project Manager. Regular progress meetings are expected, as well as impromptu fi eld meetings if required. A list of some of our forms is provided here: Daily Construction Log Hydrostatic Test Certifi cate Water Holding Structure Leak Test Certifi cate Equipment Commissioning Form Concrete: Water / Cement Ratio Calculation Form & Placement Record CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL REFERENCES MULBERRY WRF 5 Owner References 1.) City of Sterling George Goode Public Works Director 970-522-9700 2.) Frisco Sanitation District Butch Green District Manager 970-668-3723 3.) Granby Sanitation District Tammy Granger District Manager 970-887-2052 4) Upper Thompson Sanitation District Chris Bieker District Manager 970-586-4544 5.) Consolidated Mutual Water Chris Jones Treatment Plant Manager 303-880-0056 Additional References Town of Wellington, CO Larry Lorenzen Town Manager 970-568-3381 City of Buff alo Ronnie Young Town Manager 970-568-3381 CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL CONSOLIDATED GATE CI CIT CITY Y O OO OF FF F F FORT ORT RT R CO COLLI LLI LLLI LL LLINS NS | 81 8 06 0 6 PRO PROO PROOO POS POSS P OSS AL AAL ALL AGREEMENT We do not take any exceptions or propose any changes to the the Standard Construc- tion Contract Agreement. CITY OF FORT COLLINS | 8106 PROPOSAL SUSTAINABILITY/TBL METHODOLOGY FORT COLLINS WTF Sustainability In other words, “being environmentally responsible” throughout every phase of construction. This is a belief we hold from design to completion. From the materials used during construction, to our equipment fl eet, recycling practices and anything else we can do to minimize our impact as a company to the environment during con- struction. This was evident during the MWRF Improvements project and continues today. During the MWRF improvement project we were able to recycle over 500,000 lbs of metal from the demolition phases. Wood dumpsters and other recycling containers were used throughout construction. Structural fi ll was created on-site utilizing existing excavated material reducing our carbon footprint from importing the required material. Existing structures were reused to eliminate the need for constructing new facilities, reducing our need for new materials and resources. Again, this is an example of our sustainability eff orts we continue to practice on all our projects. As mentioned earlier, most of our equipment and vehicles are not older than fi ve years. We are meticulous in the maintenance and care of our equipment. We also monitor our equipment during construction to help us with maintenance and effi ciency. Triple Bottom Line The three P’s of sustainability: people, planet, and profi t. People – Hydro Construction is an employee owned company. The employees of Hydro defi ne who we are as an organization; from integrity to quality to safety. They are the reason for our success. Our priority is to obtain and attract highly qualifi ed employees through competitive compensation, benefi t packages and company culture. We ensure that every employee has the safest possible work environment. We respect, acknowledge and encourage the individual and their growth potential as part of our core values. Planet – Refers to sustainable environmental practices as demonstrated above. As part of a larger community, it’s important that we think of the environment as we approach a project. Our responsibility lies in demonstrat- ing to future generations the importance and constant pursuit of excellence. Profi t – The economic benefi t to the communities in which we live and work in. One of our core values is to “de- velop and execute ways of giving back to the communities in where we live and work.” While we can positively impact others through the services we provide, we also continually strive to extend that involvement beyond our projects. The Hydro Construction Charitable Fund, a component fund of the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado, was established with the goal of creating positive, long-lasting impact on the areas which it serves. Examples include; RamsStrength, Grit Athletics, Geometry in Construction, CSU Internships & Sponsorships and Poudre Valley Hospital to name a few. Our community involvement extends well beyond the reaches of Larimer County with the focus of giving back to the communities in which we work in as well. Phone: 970.225.2211 Fax: 970.225.2991 www.HydroConstruction.com 301 East Lincoln Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80524 3 06610 FRP Barscreen Covers Delta Composites Wendy Holland 281-907-0619 N/A Pd. 4/13/09 N/A Yes Yes 03/25/09 03/25/09 04/06/09 04/13/09 3-4 Weeks 05/11/09 05/11/09 N/A 08/31/09 3 17404 Pressure Gauges & Diaphagm Seals HD Supply Kevin McGettigan 303-292-1112 Yes 05/19/09 05/27/09 Yes 05/20/09 4 02200 Drain Rock LaFarge Ken Nelson 970-407-3636 No Yes 05/14/09 05/14/09 06/03/09 N/A N/A N/A 4 02200 Filter Fabric Bowman Supply N/A 303-696-8960 N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes 05/12/09 05/12/09 06/03/09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 02200 ASB Pressure Relief System Pipe, Fittings, & Vavles HD Supply Kevin McGettigan 303-292-1112 2449 05/21/09 No Yes 05/18/09 05/19/09 06/03/09 N/A N/A 4 02490 Precast Vaults Colorado Precast Monica Hokansson 970-669-0535 2511 09/21/09 10/24/09 No Yes 08/04/09 08/28/09 09/25/09 10/21/09 2-3 weeks 11/06/09 N/A 11/19/09 4 02490 Precast Manholes Colorado Precast Monica Hokansson 970-669-0535 2511 09/21/09 10/24/09 No Yes 08/04/09 08/28/09 09/30/09 10/21/09 1 week 10/29/09 N/A 12/16/09 4 02490 Precast Storm Drain Junction Boxes Colorado Precast Monica Hokansson 970-669-0535 2511 09/21/09 10/24/09 No Yes 08/04/09 08/28/09 11/23/09 11/23/09 2-3 weeks 12/09/09 12/16/09 N/A 12/16/09 4 05500 Manhole Lids and Rungs Colorado Precast Monica Hokansson 970-669-0535 2511 09/21/09 10/24/09 No Yes 09/04/09 09/15/09 09/30/09 10/21/09 1 week 10/29/09 N/A 10/14/09 4 02570 Welded Steel C200 HD Supply Kevin McGettigan 303-292-1112 No Yes 11/12/09 N/A 4 02591 HDPE Odor Control Piping HD Supply Kevin McGettigan 303-292-1112 No Yes 10/02/09 10/09/09 10/20/09 10/20/09 12/23/09 N/A 4 03200 ASB Slab REBAR Whitecap Jorge Lopez 772-336-8496 2447 05/19/09 05/20/09 No Yes 06/01/09 06/08/09 06/26/09 ? ? 08/10/09 08/10/09 N/A 4 03200 ASB Walls REBAR Whitecap Jorge Lopez 772-336-8496 2447 05/19/09 05/20/09 No Yes 06/20/09 06/23/09 08/11/09 ? ? 09/25/09 09/25/09 N/A 4 03200 ASB Deck REBAR Whitecap Jorge Lopez 772-336-8496 2447 05/19/09 05/20/09 No Yes 08/10/09 08/18/09 09/04/09 ? ? 12/17/09 N/A 09/24/09 4 03200 BREW Concrete REBAR Whitecap Jorge Lopez 772-336-8496 2447 05/19/09 05/20/09 No Yes 06/22/09 06/22/09 07/08/09 ? ? 08/21/09 08/21/09 N/A 4 03200 BREW Masonry REBAR Whitecap Jorge Lopez 772-336-8496 2447 05/19/09 05/20/09 No Yes 06/24/09 06/25/09 07/21/09 ? ? N/A 4 03300 Concrete Pumping Southwest Concrete Pumping Rick Hocking 970-330-1290 2515 07/02/09 07/09/09 No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 03300 Concrete LaFarge Ken Nelson 970-407-3636 2512 07/24/09 07/30/09 No Yes 04/21/09 04/21/09 06/09/09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 05500 *Misc. Metals Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes N/A 4 05500 BREW Roof Metal Decking & Angles (Lower Roof) Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 09/03/09 09/17/09 10/05/09 10/05/09 N/A 4 05500 Masonry Embeds Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 09/03/09 09/17/09 10/05/09 10/05/09 N/A 4 05500 Site Bollards Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 11/16/09 11/25/09 01/14/10 N/A 4 05500 Floating Mixer Supports Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 11/16/09 11/25/09 01/14/10 N/A 4 05500 Translucent Panel Framing Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 09/03/09 09/17/09 10/05/09 10/05/09 N/A 4 05500 ASB Baffle Wall Supports Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 11/16/09 11/25/09 01/14/10 N/A 4 05500 ASB Stairs Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 11/16/09 11/25/09 01/14/10 N/A 4 05500 Pipe Supports Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes N/A 4 05500 BREW Building Stairs Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 09/03/09 09/17/09 10/05/09 10/05/09 N/A 4 05521 BREW & ASB Handrail Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 08/14/09 12/03/09 12/30/09 12/30/09 N/A 4 05521 Removable Handrail & Bollards Gig's Roy Peterson 970-223-7220 2537 07/22/09 07/23/09 No Yes 09/03/09 09/17/09 10/05/09 10/05/09 N/A 4 BREW Building Floor Hatch Dalco Tim Bosworth 303-371-3950 x 45 2538 07/22/09 10/26/09 No Yes 09/01/09 09/01/09 09/01/09 09/01/09 3-4 weeks 09/28/09 09/28/09 N/A 09/02/09 4 06610 ASB FRP Covers Pipe Valve Fitting CO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 2503 07/08/09 09/09/09 No Yes 09/09/09 10/15/09 12/28/09 12/28/09 4-5 weeks 02/15/10 02/17/10 03/31/10 4 06610 ASB FRP Covers Effluent Trough Pipe Valve Fitting CO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 2503 07/08/09 09/09/09 No Yes 09/09/09 10/15/09 01/10/00 4 06610 ASB FRP Odor Control Curtain Angle Pipe Valve Fitting CO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 No No N/A N/A N/A N/A 03/31/10 4 06610 FRP Influent Trough & Weirs Pipe Valve Fitting CO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 2503 07/08/09 09/09/09 No Yes 07/24/09 10/15/09 11/09/09 11/09/09 02/15/10 02/17/10 N/A 01/12/10 4 06610 BREW FRP Sump Pit Cover Pipe Valve Fitting CO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 2503 07/08/09 09/09/09 No Yes 12/02/09 12/04/09 12/30/09 4-5 weeks 02/15/10 02/17/10 N/A 01/12/10 4 06610 FRP Scum Pump Cover & 3' ASB Covers Pipe Valve Fitting CO Bill Massey 303-289-5811 2503 07/08/09 09/09/09 No Yes 12/02/09 12/04/09 12/30/09 4-5 weeks 02/15/10 02/17/10 N/A 01/12/10 4 08000 Doors & Frames Collins Door Justin Merit 970-221-2396 2519 07/02/09 07/06/09 No Yes 07/14/09 07/24/09 10/08/09 10/08/09 2 weeks 10/29/09 N/A 02/02/10 4 11105 Horiz. Axial Flow Pump (Mix Liquor Return) (ASB) Lee Mathews Pete Green 303-227-1002 2508 07/06/09 07/06/09 No Yes 06/19/09 06/25/09 07/15/09 07/15/09 11-12 weeks 09/30/09 10/05/09 11/16/09 4 11266 Floating Vertical Mixer (ASB) Water Control Corp/Aqua AerobicClark Tuck 303-477-1970 2528 07/07/09 09/15/09 No Yes 08/14/09 10/15/09 11/12/09 11/12/09 8-10 weeks 12/15/09 11/25/09 4 11451 Diffusers ( Fine & Coarse) Water Control Corp/Sanitaire Clark Tuck 303-477-1970 2540 07/23/09 07/30/09 No Yes 08/07/09 09/03/09 10/06/09 10/06/09 7-8 weeks 12/04/09 12/17/09 11/16/09 12/18/09 4 11132 Submersible Chopper Pumps (ASB Scum Pit) Pump Technology Brian Pyron 303-936-7996 2507 07/06/09 07/08/09 No Yes 07/24/09 07/30/09 08/18/09 08/18/09 10 weeks 11/05/09 11/09/09 11/18/09 01/26/10 4 11148 Submersible Non-Clog Pumps (PEPS) Lee Mathews Pete Green/ Gerry 303-227-1002 2543 08/05/09 08/05/09 No Yes 06/19/09 06/25/09 07/15/09 07/15/09 11-12 weeks 11/09/09 11/06/09 01/26/10 4 11100 Submersible Sump Pumps Quadna Lauren Doyle 303-430-0521 2524 07/06/09 10/13/09 No Yes 07/30/09 07/31/09 08/19/09 10/20/09 3-4 weeks 11/12/09 11/19/09 08/13/09 11/13/09 4 11134 Horizontal Screw Centrifugal Pump (RAS) (BREW) Falcon Environmental/WEMCO Barry Stone 303-499-7131 2504 07/06/09 12/08/09 No Yes 07/24/09 07/31/09 11/16/09 11/16/09 20 weeks 03/31/10 12/14/09 02/22/10 01/04/10 4 11100 Horizontal End Suction Pump (NPW) (BREW) Quadna Lauren Doyle 303-430-0521 2525 10/12/09 10/13/09 No Yes 11/16/09 11/20/09 12/09/09 01/06/10 3-4 weeks 01/20/10 01/26/10 06/18/10 01/11/10 4 11172 Rotary Lobe Pump (WAS)/Final Clarifier Pumps (BREW & FBoerger Terry Ostrom 612-435-7325 2506 07/06/09 No Yes 07/24/09 07/28/09 01/06/10 01/06/10 3-4 weeks 02/16/10 02/15/10 02/03/10 4 11500 Blowers - ASB (BREW) D.H. Lindsey /Turblex Doug Lindsey 303-843-9116 2522 07/06/09 07/09/09 No Yes 10/28/09 10/30/09 06/01/10 4 11231 Final Clarifier Mechanism Goble Sampson/WesTech Josh Queen 303-770-6418/Cell: 303 2505 07/06/09 08/05/09 No Yes 08/17/09 09/28/09 12/01/09 12/01/09 18 weeks 04/22/10 02/12/10 4 13251 Activated Carbon Media Edge Mechanical Mark Labac 303-744-3343 2510 07/06/09 09/08/09 No Yes 08/21/09 08/31/09 09/18/09 09/18/09 7-9 weeks 10/21/09 N/A 09/24/09 4 13251 Activated Carbon Odor Control Horiz. Scrub. Edge Mechanical Mark Labac 303-744-3343 2510 07/06/09 09/08/09 No Yes 10/02/09 10/19/09 12/01/09 12/01/09 12-14 weeks 05/24/10 06/14/10 12/28/10 03/11/10 4 13000 Surge Tank Pipestone Equipment David Buchwald 303-579-9658 2649 01/26/10 No Yes 01/11/10 01/13/10 01/14/10 02/11/10 3 weeks 03/04/10 02/23/10 02/05/10 4 13000 Biofilter Irrigation Yes 4 11000 ASB Portable Equipment Hoist Pump Technology Brian Pyron 303-936-7996 CO #1 2507 10/23/09 10/23/09 No Yes 09/09/09 09/16/09 11/11/09 4-5 weeks 11/24/09 11/16/09 4 11000 ASB Deck Crane Wallace Cranes Paul McFarland 1-610-647-1400x321 2617 12/15/09 02/09/10 No Yes 10/12/09 10/28/09 11/23/09 12/09/09 2-3 Weeks 01/19/10 01/28/10 01/18/10 4 11000 BREW Crane Wallace Cranes Paul McFarland 1-610-647-1400x321 2617 12/15/09 02/09/10 No Yes 10/12/09 10/28/09 11/16/09 12/09/09 2-3 Weeks 01/19/10 01/28/10 01/18/10 4 11000 PEPS Crane Wallace Cranes Paul McFarland 1-610-647-1400x321 2617 12/15/09 02/09/10 No Yes 10/12/09 10/28/09 11/23/09 12/09/09 2-3 Weeks 01/19/10 01/28/10 01/18/10 4 15184 Auto Self Cleaning Filter (Water Filter) Valve & Filter Corp Sean Moran 303-425-4242 2655 02/04/10 Yes 01/08/10 01/08/10 02/05/10 3-5 weeks 02/19/09 02/22/10 02/12/10 4 15250 Motorized Slide Gate Municiple Treatment/Rodney HunMurray McCaig 303-231-9175/Cell: 303 2536 07/20/09 08/08/09 No Yes 08/07/09 10/15/09 11/04/09 11/04/09 12-14 weeks 02/25/10 05/27/10 01/07/10 4 15254 Slide Gates (2) Municiple Treatment/Rodney HunMurray McCaig 303-231-9175 2536 07/20/09 08/08/09 No Yes 08/07/09 10/15/09 11/04/09 11/04/09 12-14 weeks 02/15/10 05/27/10 01/07/10 4 15830 Odor Control Fans Edge Mechanical Mark Labac 303-744-3343 2573 12/08/09 12/14/09 No Yes 04/05/10 04/13/10 05/03/10 05/03/10 12-14 weeks 09/20/10 12/28/10 11/13/09 4 15235 Non-Freeze Ground Hydrant - ASB Deck HD Supply Kevin McGettigan 303-292-1112 No 10/19/09 10/19/09 10/30/09 10/30/09 N/A 4 15812 FRP Ductwork Edge Mechanical Mark Labac 303-744-3343 2510 07/06/09 09/08/09 No Yes 12/04/09 01/08/10 02/04/10 02/04/10 6-8 weeks 03/31/10 N/A 03/04/10 4 15000 Pipe, Fittings & Valves HD Supply Kevin McGettigan 303-292-1112 No Yes 06/03/10 4 2200 Identification Tape Harris Industries Evelyn 1-714-898-8048 N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes 03/30/09 03/30/09 N/A 09/15/09 1 week 09/22/09 09/22/09 N/A 09/15/09 4 11000 Spray Nozzles BETE Jason Loveland 413-772-0846 N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A 02/08/10 4 weeks 03/12/10 N/A 02/08/10 As of 3/13/2014 PROCUREMENT LOG 360 Install Underground Electrical Lines 3.00 0.00 02-Oct-12 A 28-Nov-12 A 450 Install Submersible Pump Station Manhole 4.00 0.00 08-Oct-12 A 15-Oct-12 A 460 Place Pre-Treatment Bldg Fill 1.00 0.00 18-Oct-12 A 13-Nov-12 A 480 Install 8" Wet Well Overflow Line (Line 9 - C102) 2.00 0.00 22-Oct-12 A 26-Oct-12 A 520 Backfill Pre-Treatment Bldg 2.00 0.00 07-Nov-12 A 08-Nov-12 A 500 Install 6" Drain/Overflow Lines (Line 6 - C102) 3.00 0.00 12-Nov-12 A 14-Nov-12 A 510 Install 4" Floor Drain Line (Line 16 - C102) 1.00 0.00 26-Nov-12 A 29-Nov-12 A 420 Re-Route 4" Backwash Line (Line 7 - C102) 2.00 2.00 06-Feb-13 07-Feb-13 2.10 470 Install 4" Force Main (Line 8 - C102) 2.00 2.00 11-Feb-13 12-Feb-13 2.10 490 Install 3/4" Gas Service Line (Line 17 - C102) 1.00 1.00 18-Feb-13 18-Feb-13 7.00 870 Final Grading 5.00 5.00 21-Mar-13 27-Mar-13 -23.00 12-01-262 262.02.2 Submersible Pump Station 8.75 7.00 21-Jan-13 A 05-Feb-13 17.00 560 Electrical 3.75 2.00 21-Jan-13 A 05-Feb-13 3.00 550 Piping & Pump Install 2.00 0.00 21-Jan-13 A 22-Jan-13 A 540 Concrete Fillet 1.00 1.00 28-Jan-13 28-Jan-13 19.00 12-01-262.262 02.3 Pre-Treatment Building 44.00 32.00 30-Oct-12 A 12-Mar-13 -8.00 570 Rebar Placement 5.00 0.00 30-Oct-12 A 28-Nov-12 A 590 Place Concrete Footers 2.00 0.00 31-Oct-12 A 31-Oct-12 A 600 Place Concrete Stem Walls 2.00 0.00 01-Nov-12 A 02-Nov-12 A 610 Place Concrete Trench 3.00 0.00 08-Nov-12 A 12-Nov-12 A 580 In/Under-Slab Piping & Conduit 3.00 0.00 19-Nov-12 A 22-Nov-12 A 620 Place Concrete Slab 2.00 0.00 28-Nov-12 A 30-Nov-12 A 630 Install Clarifier 2.00 1.00 04-Jan-13 A 28-Jan-13 19.00 640 Install 8,000 Gallon FRP Tank 1.00 1.00 04-Jan-13 A 28-Jan-13 19.00 650 Erect Metal Building incl. Insulation 12.50 1.00 04-Jan-13 A 28-Jan-13 -25.00 530 Clean & Reconfigure 7,000 Gallon Tank 1.00 1.00 10-Jan-13 A 28-Jan-13 19.00 710 Install Process Pipe 16.00 12.00 21-Jan-13 A 14-Feb-13 3.00 690 HVAC 5.00 5.00 28-Jan-13 05-Feb-13 14.10 730 Install 7,000 Gallon FRP Tank incl. Ultrasonic 2.00 2.00 07-Feb-13 11-Feb-13 11.00 670 Install Overhead Door 2.00 2.00 11-Feb-13 12-Feb-13 10.00 660 Install Door & Hardware 2.00 2.00 18-Feb-13 19-Feb-13 6.00 700 Plumbing 5.00 5.00 18-Feb-13 25-Feb-13 720 Install Filter Feed Pump Skid 1.00 1.00 12-Mar-13 12-Mar-13 -6.00 12-01-262. 02.3.1 Electrical 30.00 30.00 28-Jan-13 08-Mar-13 -24.00 940 Service 5.00 5.00 28-Jan-13 01-Feb-13 -23.00 910 Lighting 5.00 5.00 04-Feb-13 08-Feb-13 -23.00 930 General Purpose Power 3.00 3.00 11-Feb-13 13-Feb-13 -17.00 09 16 23 30 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 03 10 17 24 31 07 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 03-Apr-13, 12-01-2 22-Feb-13, 12-01-262.01 Pre-Construction 12-Sep-12 A, 12-01-262.01.1 Mobilization Notice To Proceed Mobilization 22-Feb-13, 12-01-262.01.2 Procurement 31-Jan-13, 12-01- Submittal Piping & Valves Electrical Precast Concrete Concrete Automated 130 Micron Filter Overhead Door 8,000 Gallon FRP Tanks Pre-Fabricated Metal Building Backfill/Structural Fill Rebar Submersible Pump Station Inline Static Mixer HVAC Door & Hardware Instrumentation Polypropylene Graduated Cylinder Plumbing 22-Feb-13, 12-01- Equipment/Material Clarifiers Precast Concrete Manhole 8,000 Gallon FRP Tanks Pre-Fabricated Metal Building Overhead Door Piping & Valves Automated 130 Micron Filter Rebar Submersible Pump Station Electrical HVAC Door & Hardware Polypropylene Graduated Cylinder Instrumentation Inline Static Mixer Plumbing 27-Mar-13, 12-01-262.02 Constru 27-Mar-13, 12-01-262.02.1 Site W Demo 23' x 25' Concrete Pad Demo Existing Chain Link Fence Re-Locate Truck Sander Support Frame Survey & Layout Install 6" Raw Water & 1" Water Line (Lines 4 & 5 - C102) Demo Abandoned Pipeline (Line 1 - C101) Demo Existing 6" Raw Water As Needed (Line 3 - C101) Pre-Treatment Building Excavation Pre-Treatment Bldg Subsuface Inspection Install Underground Electrical Lines Install Submersible Pump Station Manhole Place Pre-Treatment Bldg Fill Install 8" Wet Well Overflow Line (Line 9 - C102) Backfill Pre-Treatment Bldg Install 6" Drain/Overflow Lines (Line 6 - C102) Install 4" Floor Drain Line (Line 16 - C102) Re-Route 4" Backwash Line (Line 7 - C102) Install 4" Force Main (Line 8 - C102) Install 3/4" Gas Service Line (Line 17 - C102) Final Grading 05-Feb-13, 12-01-262.02.2 Submersible Pump Station Electrical Piping & Pump Install Concrete Fillet 12-Mar-13, 12-01-262.02.3 Pre-Treatment Building Rebar Placement Place Concrete Footers Place Concrete Stem Walls Place Concrete Trench In/Under-Slab Piping &Conduit Place Concrete Slab Install Clarifier Install 8,000 Gallon FRP Tank Erect Metal Building incl. Insulation Clean & Reconfigure 7,000 Gallon Tank Install Process Pipe HVAC Install 7,000 Gallon FRP Tank incl. Ultrasonic Install Overhead Door Install Door & Hardware Plumbing Install Filter Feed Pump Skid 08-Mar-13, 12-01- Electrical Service Lighting General Purpose Power Sample Project Classic Schedule Layout 12-Mar-14 22:37 Remaining Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone Summary Page 1 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities © Oracle Corporation ORACLE PRIMAVERA P6 15203.001 20 DI Flanged Joint Pipe 14.00 lf 1,568 - - 19 1,586 15203.001 24 Pipe Package 1.00 ls 66,300 - - - 66,300 15203.014 10 DI Flanged 90 ell 2.00 ea 342 - - - 342 15203.030 1612 DI Flanged Con Red 4.00 ea 720 - - - 720 15203.030 1614 DI Flanged Con Red 2.00 ea 360 - - - 360 15203.030 2014 DI Flanged Con Red 2.00 ea 590 - - - 590 15203.030 2014 DI Flanged Con Red 2.00 ea 590 - - - 590 MECHANICAL 11,863 98,035 143 110,041 450.990 Labor hours 16000.000 ELECTRICAL 16000.001 -sub Electrical Sub 1.00 ls - - 223,650 - - 223,650 16000.001 -sub Electrical Sub UPS 1.00 ls - - 119,280 - - 119,280 3310.100 40 Concrete Supports 2.00 cy - 945 - - - 945 3310.100 40 Concrete Supports 2.00 cy - 945 - - - 945 3310.100 40 Concrete Supports 3.00 cy - 1,418 - - - 1,418 3310.100 40 Concrete Supports 3.00 cy - 1,418 - - - 1,418 3310.100 40 Concrete Supports 1.50 cy - 709 - - - 709 3310.200 3 Pump Place Mat Foundation 10.67 cy 856 - - - - 856 3310.240 3 Pump Place Suspended Slab 13.67 cy 997 - - - - 997 3350.110 2 Finish- Rough 96.00 sf 126 1 - - - 127 3350.110 8 Finish- Broom 369.00 sf 647 2 - - - 650 3350.110 10 Finish- Hard Trowel 0.09 sf 0 - - - 0 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 360.00 sf 25 4 0 - - 29 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 369.090 sf 25 4 0 - - 29 CONCRETE 19,032 29,321 4,777 53,129 523.425 Labor hours 5000.000 METALS 1270.100 10 Safety 1.00 ls 0 - 2,040 - 4,017 6,057 1350.100 16 Misc. Tools 1.00 ls - - - 11,430 - 11,430 1400.100 10 Start-Up 10.00 day 4,300 - 1,270 2,009 7,579 1470.100 10 Winter Conditions 3.00 mo 3,870 0 - 24,765 2,009 30,644 1622.100 12 Fuel 36.00 wk - - - 19,282 19,282 4.59 Equipment hours 0330 2- Sidewalk 2000.000 SITEWORK 2315.925 300 Fill Gravel Process 11.111 cy - 143 - - - 143 2317.105 10 Bldg Excavation to Stockpile 11.111 cy 94 - - 182 - 275 2319.316 2 Bldg Fill Gravel 11.111 cy 42 - 212 - 254 190.783 Labor hours 4.59 Equipment hours 0330 1- S-O-G for Tank Slab 2000.000 SITEWORK 2315.925 300 Fill Gravel Process 125.41 cy - 1,060 - - - 1,060 3390.170 2 Liquid Curing Compounds 1,060.00 sf 73 11 - - 84 3510.610 6 Waterstop 6" Flat 53.00 lf 19 278 - - - 297 Craftsperson II - Beau Mannering Craftsperson I - Bill Tjardes Craftsperson I - Josh Bigge Craftsperson I - Brian Jorgensen Foreman - Blake Juracek Foreman - Dustin Hadeen Superintendent - Kenny Samsel Superintendent - Freddie Baladez CFO - Mary Arnesan Project Coordinator - Diane Howell Admin. Assistant - Chelsea Kirckland HR - Pat Patrick Hydro Construction currently employs 43 profession- als. All teammembers are based out of our Fort Collins Offi ce. Administration/Clerical: 5 Project Management: 5 Project Supervision: 5 Field Enginner/Foreman: 5 Craftsperson: 12 Laborer:11 COMPANY PERSONNEL Jay Rose City of Fort Collins Utilities (970) 224-6106 Don Silar Stantec (970) 482-5922 Ext. 607 Consolidated Mutual Water Co. (303) 274-7410 (720) 286-5254 RESUMES