To: Pat Johnson
Cc: Melissa Walker; Jennifer Authier
Subject: Closeout of the Boxelder Creek Outfall Project (5040452308)
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 11:00:20 AM
This past January we finally completed the final work on the Boxelder Creek Outfall Project. This was
a very complex project that lasted from 2012 (Preliminary Design) through 2020, which includer the
interaction with Engineering, on the Prospect Road and Bridge design & construction over Boxelder
Creek, large amounts of earthwork, drainage channel construction, major utility relocations, inverted
siphon construction, drainage culverts under prospect, easements, agreements etc..
The project involved many PO’s probably 10-15 and in fact I remember work on some of them with
you. So now I am trying to close out the project so the remaining funds can transfer back into the
Stormwater Fund.
When I looked at the Capital Project Status Report I was surprised to see that 3 account strings still
had funds in them. I thought I had closed all the PO’s as the job progressed. So I contacted Jen to
find out what exactly was going on.
She let me know that yes, there were still three PO’s with funds in them and they need to be closed
to close the overall project.
The PO’S are:
· 9157687 with Anderson Consulting Engineers with $1,239.30 remaining (Don’t really remember
this PO but apparently it was a change order to add a sub-consultant)
· 9166287 with Streets for Traffic Control Services with $11,557.04 remaining (We had a large PO
Number set up with Streets for Traffic Control on the Job and this is what did not get used)
· 9162155 with Colorado Boring with $11,572.00 remaining ( This was work done by Colorado
Boring to relocate the Electrical duct bank, I believe that Janet McTague set this up and I provided a
charge number for our portion of the work.)
These PO’s go back years but still they need to be closed. So I am asking you to close them.
Let me know your thoughts on this.
Jay Rose
Utilities Project Manager
City of Fort Collins, Colorado
970 218-1733