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Requisition Form Vendor: Today's Date: April 20, 2020 Requisition No.: Ship To: 700 Wood St. Date Entered: Date Required: May 15, 2020 Date Approved: Special Instructions: Attn: Dave Hanes Date Denied: Item # Quantity Unit Description Total Charge Number 10009662 40,000 Ft. $8,400.00 5050010001.55499 64283BK5300 21,200 Ft. $46,004.00 5050010001.55499 WCMSC-03656 50 Ea. $105.00 5050010001.55499 125-1874 600 Ea. $10,740.00 5050010001.55499 125-1877 400 Ea. $10,800.00 5050010001.55499 125-1101 600 Ea. Primex - Wall Outlet Wall Transition Box $6.13 $3,678.00 5050010001.55499 RTK-S (3080184) 20 Ea. Tii Technologies - Riser Guard 7/8 x 60" (30 Per Box) $21.48 $429.60 5050010001.55499 MU\LC-CLK-C 10 Ea. Fujikura -Connector Cleaners LC/APC (One Click. Pkg Qty 5) $43.56 $435.60 5050010001.55499 SC-CLK-B 10 Ea. Fujikura -Connector Cleaners SC/APC (One Click. Pkg Qty 5) $43.56 $435.60 5050010001.55499 SMOUV-1120-01 10 Ea. Commscope - Heat Shrink 60mm (Qty 100) $19.00 $190.00 5050010001.55499 18444 40 Ea. Rhino - Labels (Rhino - Label Maker) Per Roll $11.87 $474.80 5050010001.55499 18445 40 Ea. Rhino - Labels (Rhino - Label Maker) Per Roll $14.60 $584.00 5050010001.55499 $82,276.60 Requested By: David Hanes, Fiber Engineer I Authorized By: Name,line title typed here under the line Name, title typed here under the Dura-Line - MicroDuct 8.5MM MICRODUCT WITH 1 STR SM INSTALLED Maxcell - 3" 3-cell Maxcell (Reel 5300') Vericom - FLEX CLIP BLACK 7 & 11 7/8IN SCREW-IN (QTY. 100) Total: Wesco Primex - NID 2 SC/APC Adapters. Primex - NID 6 SC/APC Adapters. Unit Price $0.21 $2.17 $2.10 $17.90 $27.00 I\ENG\FORMS\$3f781c3ff6e0$604287817DCA4C90835D079E0B54ED87.xls Description: Part#: Manfacture: RequestedQuanity: EstimatedCost: EstimatedDelivery: Notes: AdditionalNotes: CommscopeMINIFDH FD3ͲAR072J00U00P8 Commscope 8 $1,542.00 4Ͳ6Weeks CommscopeMDUWallmountSplice/TerminationBox. CommscopeCircleAWBox 12126Ͳ12SC(seenotes) BͲLINE 8 $160.54 Mfg/Stk BͲLine 12"x12"x6"Outdoor/MetalSlackStoragebox Commscope1x32Splitter FPSͲMPP1AJJ1x32 Commscope 8 $750.00 3Ͳ5Weeks 1x32SplitterforMiniFDH. MicroDuct8.5MMMICRODUCTWITH1STRSMINSTALLED 10009662 DuraͲLine 40,000Ft. 0.21 18Ͳ20Weeks 3"3ͲcellMaxcell(Reel5400') 64283BK5300 Maxcell 4 $2.17 1wk 5400'Reels. FLEXCLIPBLACK7&117/8INSCREWͲIN(QTY.100) WCMSCͲ03656 VERICOM 50Pkg. $2.1perpackage 1wk QuotingWCMSCͲ03656 NID2SC/APCAdapters. 125Ͳ1874* Primex 600 $17.90 1wk Addlogofee$1500oneͲtimepayment Note:SpecialProduct#.Logoadded.Logo'edFortCollinsConnexion NID6SC/APCAdapters. 125Ͳ1877* Primex 400 $27.00 1wk Addlogofee$1500oneͲtimepayment Note:SpecialProduct#.Logoadded.Logo'edFortCollinsConnexion WallOutletWallTransitionBox 125Ͳ1101 Primex 600 $6.13 1wk Fiberjumper1MSC/APCtoSC/APC PG1Ͳ001ͲCYDͲCYDͲ01001M Clearfield 100 $7.79 3Ͳ4wks Fiberjumper2MSC/APCtoSC/APC PG1Ͳ001ͲCYDͲCYDͲ01002M Clearfield 200 $8.15 3Ͳ4wks Fiberjumper4MSC/APCtoSC/APC PG1Ͳ001ͲCYDͲCYDͲ01004M Clearfield 600 $9.11 3Ͳ4wks Fiberjumper5MSC/APCtoSC/APC PG1Ͳ001ͲCYDͲCYDͲ01005M Clearfield 100 $9.54 3Ͳ4wks RiserGuard7/8x60"(30PerBox) RTKͲS(3080184) TiiTechnologies 20 $3.58 1wk ConnectorCleanersSC/APC(OneClick.PkgQty5) MU\LCͲCLKͲC Fujikura 10 $43.56 2Ͳ3wks ConnectorCleanersSC/APC(OneClick.PkgQty5) SCͲCLKͲB Fujikura 10 $43.56 2Ͳ3wks HeatShrink60mm(Qty100) SMOUVͲ1120Ͳ01 Commscope 10 $0.19 2Ͳ4Weeks Labels(RhinoͲLabelMaker)PerRoll 18444 Rhino 40 $11.87 1wk Labels(RhinoͲLabelMaker)PerRoll 18445 Rhino 40 $14.60 1wk *CorningorEquivelent.G657/A2Bendinsensitiverequired. ConnexionBroadband CityofFt.Collins 700Wood.St. Ft.Collins,Co.80521 Attn:DaveHanes 102795 65909 4/23/20 - hh