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RFP DUE: 3:00 PM MST (OUR CLOCK), APRIL 13, 2020
The City of Fort Collins is requesting proposals from qualified consulting firms for design,
construction management and support, engineering services and general plant
operational/engineering services for projects at or related to the Fort Collins Water Reclamation
and Biosolids facilities.
As part of the City’s commitment to Sustainable Purchasing, proposals should be submitted
online through the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System (RMEPS) at
http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-fort-collins. Note: please ensure adequate time to
submit proposals through RMEPS. Proposals not submitted by the designated Opening Date and
Time will not be accepted by the system.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:00 AM MST, on March 25, 2020. The Go To
Meeting information is as follows:
RFP 9103 Engineering Services for WRB Design and Construction Management - Pre-Proposal
Discussion on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3112
Access Code: 254-404-109
All questions should be submitted at any time, in writing via email, to Pat Johnson, CPPB, Senior
Buyer at pjohnson@fcgov.com. Final questions shall be submitted no later than 4:00 PM MT (our
clock) on March 30, 2020. Please format your email to include: 9103 Engineering Services for
Water Reclamation and Biosolids Facility Design and Construction Management in the subject
Questions received after this deadline may not be answered. Responses to all questions
submitted before the deadline will be addressed in an addendum and posted on the Rocky
Mountain E-Purchasing System webpage.
Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System hosted by BidNet
A copy of the RFP may be obtained at http://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-fort-collins.
This RFP has been posted utilizing the following Commodity Code(s):
92596 Wastewater Treatment Engineering
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
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Prohibition of Unlawful Discrimination: The City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the
provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 US.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-
4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract
entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded
full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated
against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
The City strictly prohibits unlawful discrimination based on an individual’s gender (regardless of
gender identity or gender expression), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age
40 years or older, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or other
characteristics protected by law. For the purpose of this policy “sexual orientation” means a
person’s actual or perceived orientation toward heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
The City also strictly prohibits unlawful harassment in the workplace, including sexual
harassment. Further, the City strictly prohibits unlawful retaliation against a person who engages
in protected activity. Protected activity includes an employee complaining that he or she has been
discriminated against in violation of the above policy or participating in an employment
discrimination proceeding.
The City requires its vendors to comply with the City’s policy for equal employment opportunity
and to prohibit unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation. This requirement applies to
all third-party vendors and their subcontractors at every tier.
Public Viewing Copy: The City is a governmental entity subject to the Colorado Open Records
Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-72-200.1 et seq. (“CORA”). Any proposals submitted hereunder are subject to
public disclosure by the City pursuant to CORA and City ordinances. Vendors may submit one
(1) additional complete proposal clearly marked “FOR PUBLIC VIEWING.” In this version of the
proposal, the Vendor may redact text and/or data that it deems confidential or proprietary pursuant
to CORA. Such statement does not necessarily exempt such documentation from public
disclosure if required by CORA, by order of a court of appropriate jurisdiction, or other applicable
law. Generally, under CORA trade secrets, confidential commercial and financial data information
is not required to be disclosed by the City. Proposals may not be marked “Confidential” or
‘Proprietary’ in their entirety. All provisions of any contract resulting from this request for
proposal will be public information.
New Vendors: The City requires new Vendors receiving awards from the City to fill out and submit
an IRS form W-9 and to register for Direct Deposit (Electronic) payment. If needed, the W-9 form
and the Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization Form can be found on the City’s Purchasing website
at www.fcgov.com/purchasing under Vendor Reference Documents. Please do not submit with
your proposal.
Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall
have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment,
material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any
decision-making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to
be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift,
gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has
or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited.
Collusive or Sham Proposals: Any proposal deemed to be collusive or a sham proposal will be
rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this proposal assures
that such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal.
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The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
irregularities or informalities.
Utilization of Award by Other Agencies: The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to allow
other state and local governmental agencies, political subdivisions, and/or school districts to
utilize the resulting award under all terms and conditions specified and upon agreement by all
parties. Usage by any other entity shall not have a negative impact on the City of Fort Collins in
the current term or in any future terms.
The selected Vendor shall be expected to sign the City’s standard Agreement prior to
commencing Services (see sample attached to this Proposal).
Gerry Paul
Purchasing Director
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A. Objective
The City of Fort Collins is requesting proposals from qualified engineering consultants for
design, engineering studies and analyses, construction management and support
services, and general plant operation services for work at or related to the Water
Reclamation and Biosolids Facilities (WRB), which include the Drake Water Reclamation
Facility (DWRF), Mulberry Water Reclamation Facility (MWRF), and Meadow Springs
Ranch Biosolids Management Facility (MSR), other associated facilities and supporting
It is anticipated the primary use of these on-call engineering services will be in the areas
of wastewater process engineering studies and capital improvements, plant and facility
replacement and minor capital projects, engineering consulting services related to plant
and facility operations, or other general water and wastewater engineering services
related to Water Reclamation and Biosolids operations.
The first capital improvement to be designed under this contract will be Headworks
Improvement Project at DWRF. The objectives of this project are replacement of major
preliminary treatment equipment, improvement of facilities to meet current standards,
extend operational effectiveness and meet current and future regulatory requirements.
Please see Section III, Article F for further details.
B. Background
Fort Collins WRB began treating wastewater in 1948, when the Mulberry Water
Reclamation Facility (MWRF) went online. In 2011, MWRF, which treats up to 6 MGD,
was upgraded to a 3-stage anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic facility. MWRF employs Ultra
Violet (UV) disinfection, which was installed in the 1990s. MWRF has the ability to divert
all flows to the Drake Water Reclamation Facility (DWRF) as needed.
DWRF, a 3-stage biological nutrient removal facility, has a treatment capacity up to 23
MGD and treats all solids from MWRF. DWRF converted from chlorine gas to UV
disinfection via a capital project which was completed in 2018.
The Meadow Springs Ranch Biosolids Facility (MSR) consists of 26,000 acres of land near
the Wyoming border purchased in 1990 for the purpose of land applying class B biosolids.
The MSR solicits bids from grazing organizations for the grazing of cattle as part of its land
In 2019, both water reclamation facilities received the NACWA Platinum Peak
Performance awards for outstanding consistent performance over a five-year period. The
MSR was recently awarded the gold level in the National Biosolids Management
A. On-Call Services Scope of Work
The following is a list of services which may be requested of the awarded Consultant.
While it identifies several services needed, it may not be all inclusive of the scope required.
General Scope of Services for Future Projects for WRB
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1. Perform wastewater process modeling and master planning for all water
reclamation and biosolids facilities.
2. Provide a depth and breadth of expertise and abilities needed in the design
disciplines of process improvement, hydraulic, electrical, mechanical,
geotechnical, HVAC, odor control, structural, piping and pumping.
3. Perform wastewater modeling utilizing the latest version of BioWin. Such modeling
may be in the context of capital improvement design or analysis of existing plant
4. Update existing maps and schematics for all water reclamation and biosolids
facilities in the context of design, analysis, and update of new and existing
infrastructure and operations.
5. Prepare construction documents and technical specifications using CSI format.
Drawings will be AutoCAD (version 2014 or newer) generated. “As-Constructed
drawings” will be provided to the City on flash-drives/thumb drives at the
completion of each project. Each “as-constructed” drawing will be stamped original
at the completion of each project, which will become the property of the City of Fort
Collins Utilities.
6. Identify all easements or properties required for any off-site construction projects
and prepare all legal descriptions and exhibits needed by City staff for acquiring
any and all easements and/or properties. This task should include all required
7. All existing utilities and structures will be identified, located and shown horizontally
and vertically in relationship to the proposed improvements, using GPS, including
updating the WRB yard and utilities schematic as required.
8. Prepare permit applications as required.
9. Provide resident engineering, construction administration, submittal review and
field inspection services. Resident Engineering duties must be performed with
experienced and qualified personnel approved by the Utilities.
10. Provide all surveying required for the design of the project and baseline control for
construction contractor use during construction.
11. Provide all geotechnical services required for the design process and for testing
during construction of the project.
12. Provide partnering facilitation services for project partnering and project team
13. Provide detailed written monthly progress reports throughout the duration of the
design and construction of all work. The progress reports will be part of the monthly
billing submittal.
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The intent of the City of Fort Collins Utilities is to award a contract to one qualified
Consultant for engineering consultation services during the assessment, design and
construction phases of capital improvement, rehabilitation and other projects. The
resulting Agreement will have an initial term of one (1) year and may be extended at the
City’s option for additional one year periods not to exceed four (4) additional one year
periods, subject to mutual agreement by both parties. The selected Consultant may be
retained to provide studies, analyses, master planning, modeling, engineering design,
which may include electrical, mechanical, structural, process and geotechnical services,
surveying and construction management services for projects as required as well as
general plant operational/engineering services.
B. Delivery Approach
The Headworks Improvement Project will be delivered using one of the City’s alternative
delivery methods – APDS (Alternative Product Delivery System). The selected Consultant
team, and the Contractor’s team (chosen through a separate RFP) will join a collaborative
project team, which includes City Project Manager(s) and staff, beginning at 0% design.
Multiple design and construction components, including but not limited to equipment
evaluation, selection of equipment along with construction phasing to maintain 24-hour
treatment, require the Contractor’s invaluable input to contribute to a successful project.
Future Projects proposed under this Agreement may be managed utilizing alternative
delivery methods in which construction contractors and subcontractors may be included
early in design starting between 0 and 50% design stages. Delivery method selection will
be determined by the City of Fort Collins Utilities on a project-by-project basis dependent
on variables which may include, but are not limited to, anticipated budget and project
complexity. Experience with alternative delivery methods wherein contractors are included
during various stages of design and construction is critical.
The Consultant will be part of a project team consisting of City Project Manager(s) and
other City staff, project construction contractor’s staff, and the selected engineering
consultant’s staff, subconsultants and subcontractors. This team will work together in a
collaborative manner during design phases through the completion of construction. Each
team member has significant involvement in the development and execution of design and
construction concepts which are utilized for the successful completion of projects.
Participation by all team members throughout the project is expected and encouraged to
allow innovation and to enhance project quality and value. Work will be on an as-needed
basis with the scope of work to be defined and a work order negotiated prior to
commencement of each project.
C. Anticipated Schedule
The following represents the City’s target schedule for the RFP. The City reserves the
right to amend the target schedule at any time.
• RFP issuance: March 17, 2020
• Pre-proposal meeting: 10:00 AM MST March 25, 2020
• Question deadline: 4:00 PM MST on March 30, 2020
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• Final Addendum issued: 4:00 PM MST on March 31, 2020
• Proposal due date: 3:00 PM MST (our clock) on April 13, 2020
• Interviews (tentative): Week of May 4, 2020
Anticipated DWRF Headworks Improvements Design Milestones (tentative):
• Design/Consultant-Contractor Partnering Kickoff August 2020
• Major Equipment Selection/Preliminary Engineering October 2020
• Final Design June 2021
• Final Construction Estimate for Budgeting for Outcomes September 2021
D. Interviews
In addition to submitting a written proposal, the top-rated Consultants may be interviewed
by the RFP assessment team and asked to participate in an interactive presentation to
provide an overview of the company, approach to the sample projects and delivery method
and to address questions. The evaluation criteria for the oral interviews will be the same
as the criteria for the written evaluations and is included in Section IV. Interviews may be
held remotely with shortlisted firms asked to arrange the web conference.
E. Travel & Expenses
Vendors are to provide a list of fees for reimbursable expenses. Reasonable expenses
will be reimbursable per the current rates found at www.gsa.gov.
F. Subconsultants
Consultants will be responsible for identifying any subconsultants in their proposal. Please
note that the City will contract solely with the awarded Consultant; therefore,
subcontractors will be the responsibility of the Consultant.
G. Financial Qualifications (CONFIDENTIAL)
Consultants are to submit the most recent financial statement (audited preferred) including
balance sheet and income statement, as well as a statement of cash flows. Also provide
a banking reference (name, address and phone number). The financial information shall
be submitted in a separate file marked Confidential. The financial information will be
considered confidential commercial and financial data pursuant to the Colorado Open
Records Act (C.R.S. 24-72-201 et. seq.).
H. Current standards
All work and/or materials must meet current standards in force by recognized technical
and professional societies, trade and materials supply associations, institutes and
organizations, bureaus and testing laboratories, and national, federal, state, county, and
local laws, codes and ordinances.
In addition, EMS Guide for Contractors and Consultants are to be adhered to. Lack of
compliance with this document is grounds for cancellation of the purchase
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I. Fees, Licenses, Permits
The successful Consultant shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses, fees
or permits without additional expense to the City. All equipment shall be properly licensed
and insured, carry the appropriate permits and be placarded as required by law.
J. Laws and Regulations
The Consultant agrees to comply fully with all applicable local, State of Colorado and
Federal laws and regulations and municipal ordinances. The Consultant further agrees to
comply fully with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, all regulations issued there
under and all state laws and regulations enacted and adopted pursuant thereto.
K. Agreement & Term
The intent of the City of Fort Collins is to award a contract to a qualified Consultant and
subconsultants for the services outlined in this RFP. The Consultant and the City will
enter into a Services Agreement known as the “Master Agreement”. This Master
Agreement will cover the design/preconstruction and construction phases of work. It is
anticipated that design/preconstruction and construction work will be conducted in
phases, with Work Orders negotiated and issued for each phase of work as the project
progresses. The Master Agreement contains the terms and conditions of the contract, a
general scope of work, hourly rates, insurance, etc. The City intends for the term of the
Master Agreement to encompass the duration of the project, subject to Consultant’s
Included with this request for proposals is a sample Master Agreement that the City
intends to use for obtaining the services of the Consultant. The Consultant is required to
review the Master Agreement and indicate any objections to the terms of the Agreement.
If revisions to the contractual terms are requested, provide suggested revisions as part
of the proposal.
L. Work Orders
Work will be conducted in phases under the Master Agreement and authorized by
individual Work Orders (a sample is included in the attached Master Agreement) as the
project progresses. The Contractor shall provide all personnel, materials, equipment and
supplies necessary to complete the services set forth in the applicable Work Orders.
Each Work Order form must include a start and completion date, total cost and a general
summary of work. Subsequent supporting documentation pages may include the
Contractor’s quote which includes a detailed scope of work, project schedule, deliverables,
number of hours, cost detail supporting total cost including hourly rates, personnel details,
materials, subcontractors, fee schedules and expenses. Cost factors outlined in the Work
Order will be based on the budgetary cost factors submitted in the RFP response and
subsequently negotiated and incorporated in the contract. Consultant and subconsultant
Fee Schedules will be firm for the first year of the Master Agreement and may be updated
annually in subsequent years based on fair market indices, upon the agreement of both
It is possible that the City will choose not to incorporate one or more portions of the general
scope of services described in this RFPs into any contract(s) executed pursuant to this
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RFP. Similarly, additional similar services may be added to the Master Agreement if
No work order over $5,000 will be considered valid until signed, at a minimum, by the
Consultant, Project Manager and Purchasing Department representative and a purchase
order is issued. Depending on the cost and nature of the work, additional signature
authorization may be required.
Any changes to the dates, cost or scope of any Work Order must be agreed upon in writing
utilizing the City’s Change Order (included in the sample agreement) and will not be
considered valid until signed, at a minimum, by the Contractor, Project Manager and
Purchasing Department representative.
M. Invoicing and Payment
Invoices should be emailed monthly to invoices@fcgov.com with a copy to the Project
Manager. The cost of the work completed shall be paid to the Consultant each month
following the submittal of a correct invoice by the Consultant indicating the project name,
Purchase Order number, task description, hours worked, personnel/work type category,
hourly rate for each employee/work type category, date of the work performed specific to
the task, percentage of that work that has been completed by task, 3rd party supporting
documentation with the same detail and a brief progress report.
Payments will be made using the prices listed on the agreed-to Price Schedule. In the
event a service is requested which is not listed on the Price Schedule, the Consultant and
the City will negotiate an appropriate unit price for the service prior to Consultant initiating
such work.
The City pays invoices on Net 30 terms.
N. Award
The intent of the City is to award a contract to one qualified Consultant for these services
for an initial period of one (1) year for the On-Call Services. The resulting Agreement may
be extended for additional one year periods not to exceed four (4) additional one year
Please limit the total length of your proposal to a maximum of twenty-five (25) double sided or
fifty (50) single sided 8 ½ x 11” pages (excluding cover pages, resumes, table of contents,
dividers and Acknowledgement form). Font shall be a minimum of 10 Arial and margins are
limited to no less than .5” for sides and top/bottom. Extended page sizes, such as 11” x 17”,
count as a single page. Please, no embedded documents. Proposals that do not conform to
these requirements may be rejected.
For this section, Consultants are required to provide detailed written responses to the following
items in the order outlined below. The responses shall be considered technical offers of what
Consultants propose to provide and shall be incorporated in the Master Agreement as deemed
appropriate by the City. A proposal that does not include all the information required may be
deemed non-responsive and subject to rejection.
Responses must include all the items in the order listed below. It is suggested that the
Consultant include each of the City’s questions with their response immediately following the
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The City of Fort Collins shall not reimburse any firm for costs incurred in the preparation and
presentation of their proposal.
A. Cover Letter / Executive Summary
The Executive Summary should highlight the content of the proposal and features of the
program offered, including a general description of the program and any unique aspects
or benefits provided by your firm.
Indicate your availability to participate in the interviews/demonstrations on the proposed
dates as stated in the Schedule section.
B. Consultant Information
1. Describe the Consultant’s business and background
2. Number of years in the business
3. Details about ownership
4. An overview of services offered and qualifications
5. Size of the firm
6. Location(s) of offices. If multiple, please identify which will be the primary for our
7. Primary contact information for the company including contact name(s) and title(s),
mailing address(s), phone number(s), and email address(s). Complete Section V,
C. Scope of Proposal
1. Provide a detailed narrative of the services proposed if awarded the contract per the
On-Call scope above. The narrative should include any options that may be beneficial
for the City to consider.
2. Describe how an On-Call project would be managed and who would have primary
responsibility for its timely and professional completion.
3. Describe the methods and timeline of communication your firm will use with the City’s
Project Manager(s) and other members of the alternative delivery project team.
4. Include a description of the software and other analysis tools to be used.
5. Detail experience your proposed team has with alternative delivery methods and how
these methods have contributed to innovative and successful design and construction
6. Detail a recent partnering experience your firm has had with an entity and the
construction team.
7. Does the project team have availability to respond to emergencies which may occur
at WRB and associated facilities and related infrastructure under this Agreement?
8. Identify what portion of work, if any, may be subcontracted.
D. Firm Capability & Assigned Personnel
1. Provide a short explanation of Consultant experiences dealing with wastewater
treatment and biosolids capital improvement work.
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2. Provide an Organization Chart/Proposed Project Team: An organization chart
containing the names of all key personnel and sub consultants, principals with titles
and their specific task assignment for this Agreement shall be provided in this section.
3. A list of qualifications for your firm and qualifications and experience of the specific
staff members proposed to perform the consulting services described above.
4. Provide examples of at least two projects where you’ve worked with your
subconsultants. List the subconsultant firm(s) for this Agreement, their area(s) of
expertise, and include all other applicable information herein requested for each
subconsultant. Identify what portion of work, if any, may be sub-contracted.
5. References (current contact name, current telephone number and email address) from
at least three similar projects with similar requirements that have been completed
within the past five (5) years and that have involved the staff proposed to work on this
project. Include the owner’s name, title of project, beginning price, ending price,
contact name, email and phone number, subconsultants on the team and a brief
description of the work and any change orders The Consultant authorizes City to verify
any and all information contained in the Consultant’s submittal from references
contained herein and hereby releases all those concerned providing information as a
reference from any liability in connection with any information they give.
6. List of Project Personnel: This list should include the identification of the contact
person with primary responsibility for this Agreement, the personnel proposed for this
Agreement, and any supervisory personnel, including partners and/or sub consultants,
and their individual areas of responsibility.
7. Submit qualifications and detailed resumes of individuals proposed to fill key positions
highlighting experience in municipal design and construction. The commitment of key
staff is critical to the City of Fort Collins and the success of this project. It is the City’s
expectation that staff assigned to the project will remain throughout the project and act
as the City’s key resources. A resume for each professional and technical person
assigned to the Consultant’s team, including partners and/or sub consultants, shall be
submitted. The résumés shall include at least three individual references from
previous assignments. References shall be from various entities. If your firm has
worked for the City in the past, please provide two additional references beyond one
from the City.
8. Some functions of this project may require the use of subconsultants. If you intend to
utilize subconsultants you must list each and provide resumes for their key personnel.
9. Provide a list of similar projects completed in the last five (5) years by the key members
of the proposed team.
E. Sustainability/Diversity/TBL Methodology
In concise terms (no more than two pages), please describe your organization’s
commitment to sustainability and supporting values. Address how your firm strives to
incorporate all three aspects (social, environmental, and economic) of Triple Bottom Line
(TBL) sustainable practices into the workplace.
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Please also highlight any areas of opportunity in the project where applying a social,
environmental, and/or economic lens of sustainability could positively impact the project
and/or stakeholders.
Potential examples to demonstrate how TBL Methodology is incorporated in your firm may
include the following:
1. Environmental - Experience delivering projects / programs focused on environmental
health priorities in the areas of climate resiliency, water quality and watershed
protection, regulatory performance, management systems, air quality, renewable
energy, sustainable building and design, construction materials management, and
solid waste reduction.
2. Economic - Experience working and delivering projects with an emphasis on strategic
financial planning, job creation, business development, asset management, various
project delivery methods, value engineering, regional partnerships, transparency,
stakeholder engagement, strategic investments, aging infrastructure, repurposing of
existing facilities, and competing financial priorities.
3. Social - Experience working and delivering projects, programs, and/or initiatives that
support Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion throughout your firm’s workplace, including
leadership, and supply chain. Examples of this may be demonstration of working within
cultural and language gaps, development of diversity programs, diverse project teams,
equitable opportunity vendor supply chain, and how your firm has applied an equity
lens to processes such as recruitment, hiring, purchasing, career pathways, salaries,
and staff engagement.
4. Each element of the TBL sustainability criteria will receive an equal weight in
determining the final Sustainability/TBL score.
F. DWRF Headworks Improvement Project Proposal
Background: The DWRF Headworks was constructed in 1992-1994. Aging
infrastructure and equipment have been assessed for replacement; improvements to
hauled waste receiving are also desired. In order to facilitate scoping and
conceptualization, the following information will be provided:
• DWRF 2017 Master Plan Headworks Condition Assessment
• 1992 record drawings associated with Headworks
Firms interested in receiving this information should provide name, firm name, phone
number and email to Pat Johnson at pjohnson@fcgov.com. The information will be
sent via the City’s ftp site.
Scope of Services desired:
• Hydraulic analysis of headworks system to determine constraints on facility and
• Alternative analysis of major equipment replacement options. A multi-criteria
decision matrix will be required in the selection of all major equipment.
• Based on selected equipment, perform design analysis, including electrical,
mechanical, and structural, to prepare final construction drawings.
• Assist City in coordination of site application and associated permit preparation
and submittal.
• Coordinate with Contractor as needed to facilitate the Contractor’s construction
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cost estimate.
1. Provide a scope of work for the analysis and design efforts required for the DWRF
Headworks Improvements Project. The narrative should include any options that may
be beneficial for the City to consider.
2. Provide estimated hours for each proposed task by job title and employee name,
including the time required for meetings, conference calls, etc.
3. Provide the engineering fee for the DWRF Headworks Improvement Project. Include
the cost of each task identified in your scope. Provide a total not to exceed figure for
the Scope of Proposal. Price all additional services/deliverables separately.
4. Describe your recommended approach to the project and estimated hours for each
proposed task.
5. Discuss the design and construction factors to be considered in design, major issues
you identify to be addressed, any safety and risk factors, and all assumptions made
based on the limited information provided. This effort will be used to evaluate the
Consultant’s ability to analyze a problem and propose an approach. Detailed design
effort is neither required nor desired.
6. Describe how the project would be managed and who would have primary
responsibility for its timely and professional completion. Include a description
regarding how the analysis will be performed for the various identified areas identified,
the methods and assumptions used, and the limitations of the analysis.
7. Describe the methods and timeline of communication your firm will use with the City’s
Project Manager(s) and other members of the alternative delivery project team.
8. Describe the availability of the team personnel to participate in this project in the
context of the Consultant firm’s other commitments.
9. Can the work be completed in the necessary timeframe, with target start and
completion dates met?
10. Are other qualified personnel available to assist in meeting the project schedule if
11. Provide an outline of the schedule for completing tasks.
12. Include a description of the software and other analysis tools to be used. Detail
experience your proposed team has with alternative delivery methods and how these
methods have contributed to innovative and successful design and construction
13. Detail a recent experience your firm and proposed design and construction
management team had in using formal partnering processes.
14. Identify what portion of work, if any, may be subcontracted.
G. Cost and Work Hours
Consultants are to provide a list of fees for reimbursable expenses. Reasonable expenses
will be reimbursable per the current rates found at www.gsa.gov. The Consultant will be
required to provide original receipts to the City for all reimbursable expenses.
In your response to this proposal, please provide the following:
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1. Schedule of Rates: Provide a schedule of billing rates by category of employee and
job title to be used during the term of the Agreement. This fee schedule will be firm for
at least one (1) year from the date of the Agreement. The fee schedule will be used as
a basis for determining fees should additional services be necessary. Include a per
meeting rate in the event additional meetings are needed.
2. Provide a fee schedule for subconsultants.
3. All direct costs (i.e., travel, printing, postage, etc.) specifically attributed to the project
and not included in the billing rates must be identified.
H. Additional Information
Provide any information that distinguishes the Consultant from its competition and any
additional information applicable to this RFP that might be valuable in assessing the
Consultant’s proposal.
Explain any concerns the Consultant may have in maintaining objectivity in recommending
the best solution. All potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed.
Exceptions to the Scope of Services and City Agreement (a sample of which is
attached in Section VI) shall be documented.
A. Proposal and Interview Criteria
Consultants will be evaluated on the following criteria. These criteria will be the basis for
review and assessment of the written proposals and optional interview session. At the
discretion of the City, interviews of the top-rated Consultants may be conducted.
The rating scale shall be from 1 to 5, with 1 being a poor rating, 3 being an average rating,
and 5 being an outstanding rating.
2.0 Scope of Proposal
Does the proposal address all elements of the
RFP? Does the proposal show an understanding
of the project objectives, methodology to be used
and results/outcomes required by the project?
Are there any exceptions to the specifications,
Scope of Work, or agreement?
Firm Capability &
Assigned Personnel
Does the firm have the resources, financial
strength, capacity and support capabilities
required to successfully complete the project on-
time and in-budget? Has the firm successfully
completed previous projects of this type and
scope? Do the persons who will be working on
the project have the necessary skills and
qualifications? Are sufficient people of the
requisite skills and qualifications assigned to the
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Does the firm demonstrate a commitment to all
three aspects (social, environmental, and
economic) of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
methodology of sustainability for this project and
in their company value system as evidenced by
their day-to-day business operating processes,
practices and procedures?
3.0 Project Proposal
Does the proposal’s Scope include detailed tasks
for each element as applicable and are the
assumptions reasonable? Does the proposal
include detailed cost break-down for each cost
element as applicable? Do the proposed cost and
work hours compare favorably with the Project
Manager's estimate? Are the work hours
presented reasonable for the effort required by
each project task or phase? Can the work be
completed in the necessary time? Can the target
start and completion dates be met? Are other
qualified personnel available to assist in meeting
the project schedule if required? Is the project
team available to attend meetings as required by
the Scope of Work?
1.0 Cost & Work Hours
Are fee schedules for Consultant and
subconsultants reasonable and competitive? Are
travel expenses included and detailed in the
Sustainable Purchasing is a process for selecting products or services that have a lesser
or reduced negative effect on human health and the environment when compared with
competing products or services that serve the same purpose. This process is also known
as “Environmentally Preferable Purchasing” (EPP), or “Green Purchasing”.
The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is an accounting framework that incorporates three
dimensions of performance: economic, or financial; environmental, and social. The
generally accepted definition for TBL is that it “captures the essence of sustainability by
measuring the impact of an organization’s activities on the world…including both its
profitability and shareholders values and its social, human, and environmental capital.”
B. Reference Evaluation Criteria
Prior to award, the Project Manager will check references using the following criteria.
Negative responses from references may impact the award determination.
Overall Performance
Would you hire this Consultant again? Did they show
the skills required by this project?
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Was the original Scope of Work completed within the
specified time? Were interim deadlines met in a timely
Was the Consultant responsive to client needs; did
the Consultant anticipate problems? Were problems
solved quickly and effectively?
Was the original Scope of Work completed within the
project budget?
Job Knowledge
If a study, did it meet the Scope of Work?
If the Consultant administered a construction contract,
was the project functional upon completion and did it
operate properly? Were problems corrected quickly
and effectively?
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Consultant hereby acknowledges receipt of the City of Fort Collins Request for Proposal and
acknowledges that it has read and agrees to be fully bound by all of the terms, conditions and
other provisions set forth in the RFP. Additionally, Consultant hereby makes the following
representations to City:
a. All of the statements and representations made in this proposal are true to the best of the
Consultant’s knowledge and belief.
b. Consultant commits that it is able to meet the terms provided in this proposal.
c. This proposal is a firm and binding offer, for a period of 90 days from the date hereof.
d. Consultant further agrees that the method of award is acceptable.
e. Consultant also agrees to complete the proposed Agreement with the City of Fort Collins
within 30 days of notice of award. If contract is not completed and signed within 30 days,
City reserves the right to cancel and award to the next highest rated firm.
f. Consultant acknowledge receipt of addenda.
Legal Firm Name:
Physical Address:
Remit to Address:
Name of Authorized Agent of Firm:
Signature of Authorized Agent:
Primary Contact for Project:
Title: Email Address:
Phone: Cell Phone:
Official Purchasing Document
Last updated 10/2017
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THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into the day and year set forth below, by and between
THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as
the "City" and , hereinafter referred to as the "Professional".
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein expressed, it is agreed by and
between the parties hereto as follows:
1. Scope of Services. The Professional agrees to provide services in accordance with any
project Work Orders for RFP issued by the City. A blank sample of a work order is attached
hereto as Exhibit A, consisting of one (1) page and is incorporated herein by this reference.
No Work Order shall exceed $ . A general scope of services is attached hereto as
Exhibit C, consisting of ( ) page(s) and is incorporated herein by this reference.
The City reserves the right to independently bid any project rather than issuing a Work Order
to the Professional for the same pursuant to this Agreement. Irrespective of references in
Exhibit A to certain named third parties, the Professional shall be solely responsible for
performance of all duties hereunder. The term “Work” as used in this Agreement shall
include the services and deliverables contained in Exhibit A and any Work Orders issued by
the City.
The City may, at any time during the term of a particular Work Order and without invalidating
such Work Order, make changes to the scope of the particular services. Such changes shall
be agreed upon in writing by the parties by Change Order, a sample of which is attached
hereto as Exhibit B, consisting of one (1) page and incorporated herein by this
2. The Work Schedule. The services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall be
performed in accordance with the Work Schedule stated on each Work Order.
3. Time of Commencement and Completion of Services. The services to be performed
pursuant to this Agreement shall be initiated as specified on each Work Order. Time is of
the essence. Any extensions of any time limit must be agreed upon in writing by the parties
4. Contract Period. This Agreement shall commence , 20 , and shall continue in
full force and effect until , 20 , unless sooner terminated as herein provided. In
addition, at the option of the City, the Agreement may be extended for additional one year
periods not to exceed ( ) additional one year periods. Renewals and pricing
changes shall be negotiated by and agreed to by both parties. Written notice of renewal