Official Purchasing Form
Last updated 10/2017
ORIGINAL BID/RFP NUMBER & NAME: BID NO. 8475 Civil Engineering Professional On-Call
MAXIMUM FEE: (time and reimbursable direct costs):
Service Provider agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with
the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Master Agreement between the parties. In the event of a
conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the Master Agreement and this Work Order (including the attached
forms) the Master Agreement shall control.
The attached forms consisting of ( ) page(s) are hereby accepted and incorporated herein, by
this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given after all parties have signed this document.
Michael Oberlander, Project Manager
Britney Sorensen, Project Manager
Elliot Dale, Senior Buyer
Gerry Paul, Purchasing Director
(if greater than $60,000)
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Prepare a base map with survey to be provided by King Surveyors, create a conceptual signal layout, provide
Subsurface Utility Engineering for signal design, and prepare final plans, specifications, bid tabulations and
cost estimates for the project.
College & Troutman Traffic Signal Design
scope of work
College Ave. & Troutman Pkwy Traffic Signal Design Scope Interwest Consulting Group
Page 1 of 2 6/3/19
Project Description
The College Avenue and Troutman Parkway Traffic Signal Improvement Project will include replacing the
aged traffic signal with new traffic signal equipment which will include installing yellow arrow left-turn heads. In
addition, the existing porkchop island on the northwest corner of this intersection may need to be rebuilt to
provide more room for the new traffic signal pole since the existing traffic signal will need to stay operational
while the new signal is being installed.
The Interwest Team members will provide the final design documents for a signal upgrade at this intersection. No
work is planned outside the existing right-of-way. Also, the existing traffic controller on the southwest corner of
the intersection will be used for this signal upgrade so no electrical design services are anticipated for this project.
Currently all the handicap ramps at this intersection look like they have been upgraded during the recent repaving
project with CDOT. If it is necessary to rebuild the porkchop island on the northwest corner, then Interwest may
need to modify the ramps at this location. All other handicap ramps will not be affected by this signal upgrade.
We anticipate preparing the plans on 11” x 17” sheets.
The Work Order will be an hourly-not-to-exceed contract. The anticipated construction date for this Traffic
Signal Improvement Project is Fall of 2019.
Scope of Work
Based on the scoping discussions, the following elements of the project will be achieved as part of the Interwest
Consulting Group (ICG or Interwest) Team Scope of Work:
Base map preparation from survey provided King Surveyors
Conceptual Signal Layout for review
Subsurface Utility Engineering (Level B) at the proposed signal locations and conduit locations
Subsurface Utility Engineering (Level A) including 8 potholes in the corners, 6 potholes in College Ave,
and 4 potholes in Troutman
Final Plans, Specifications, Bid Tabulation and Cost Estimate
Following is a detailed explanation of each key team member’s responsibility on this project:
Topographical Survey:
King Surveyors (King) will provide the topographic survey
for this project (see right for survey limits). The survey will
include full topo of the corners of the intersection as well as
Troutman Parkway within the proposed survey limits and
will be limited to the flowline of curb and gutter along
College Avenue. No striping or topo of asphalt will be
included on College Avenue since King will not be
disrupting traffic on College Avenue. This survey will be on
the Fort Collins Ground Master coordinates systems and will
be tied to the City of Fort Collins Bench Mark (NAVD
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
College Ave. & Troutman Pkwy Traffic Signal Design Scope Interwest Consulting Group
Page 2 of 2 6/3/19
King will conduct the general property search through the County Assessor’s site and develop a base map that
shows the right of way. No property pins will be set as part of this scope.
Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE):
Farnsworth Group will be providing the subsurface utility engineering services for this signal upgrade. Their
entire 9-page proposal is included for your review.
Signal Design:
Fox Tuttle Hernandez Transportation Group (FTH) will provide the traffic engineering design services for this
traffic signal upgrade project. The following design services for this project include:
FTH will meet with the project team and City Staff to discuss traffic design issues, confirm signal
equipment specifications and maintenance and phasing of the project during construction.
Once the survey is complete, FTH will perform a field visit to document all existing signal equipment to
be included in the base plans.
FTH will develop a draft signal plan set (60% design level) per CDOT Standard plans and specifications
except as modified by City Traffic Operations Staff.
Based on 60% level design review comments received by the City, FTH will revise the draft plans and
submit final bid plan sets.
Roadway Design Plans Conceptual, 60% and Final Documents:
Interwest will be responsible for the traffic signal improvement project from start to finish. Interwest will
coordinate all of the design and documentation requirements of the team prior to releasing information for review
to the City.
If the porkchop island in the northwest corner needs to be rebuilt, Interwest will provide a site layout plan for the
island and ramp modifications to accommodate the new traffic signal pole. After approval of the conceptual
layout, the team we will prepare 60% design level plans, specifications, bid tabulation, and cost estimate for
submittal to the City. Based on 60% level design review comments received by the City, the team will revise the
draft plans and submit final plans, specifications, bid tabulation and cost estimate along with the SUE Quality
Level A plans. At this time it is assumed that the SUE information for the conduit runs will just be the elevation
of the utility crossing the apparent conduit location and profiles of the conduits will not be required.
No modifications of the streets will be required aside from possibly the island in the NW corner of the
No drainage design or erosion control plans will be required.
No traffic control will be required for the required field work.
Signal timing will not be changed with the project. Traffic engineering will not be necessary.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
$ 130.00 $ 125.00 $ 115.00 $ 110.00
Topographic Survey and Base Map $ 2,400 $ - $ 2,400
Conceptual Project and Signal Layout 8 8 4 $ 1,000 $ 100 $ 3,580
Sub-Total $ 1,040 $ 1,000 $ - $ 440 $ 2,400 $ - $ 1,000 $ 100 $ 5,980
Subsurface Utility Engineering (Quality Level A & B) at Proposed Caisson and Conduit Locations with Plans (No Report) $ 31,600 $ - $ 31,600
Roadway and Signal Plans, Specs, Bid Tab 16 16 4 40 $ 9,500 $ 300 $ 18,740
Project Management / Meetings 816 $ 100 $ 3,140
Sub-Total $ 3,120 $ 4,000 $ 460 $ 4,400 $ - $ 31,600 $ 9,500 $ 400 $ 53,480
TOTAL $ 2,400 $ 31,600 $ 10,500 $ 500 $ 59,460
College Avenue and Troutman Parkway Traffic Signal Improvement Project
Interwest Team - Fee Estimate - 6/3/19
Project Engineer
Sr. Project
Project Manager
Sr. Project
Fox Tuttle
Total Cost Per
$ 14,460
King Surveyors Est. Reimb.
Engineering Services Group
Interwest Consulting Group - 2017 Contract Rates
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
1612 Specht Point Road, Suite 105
Fort Collins, CO 80525
p 970.484.7477 f 970.484.7488
www.f -w.com | www.greennavigation.com
May 31, 2019
Interwest Consulting Group
1218 Ash Street
Suite A
Windsor, CO 80550
Attention: Michael Oberlander, PE, LEED AP
Re: Farnsworth Group Proposed Scope of Work for SUE Services at Intersection of
Troutman Pkwy. And College Ave. – Fort Collins
Dear Mr. Oberlander:
Farnsworth Group is pleased to submit our proposed scope of services and fee for the
Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services for the intersection signal project at the
intersection of Troutman Pkwy. and College Ave. in Fort Collins, Colorado. Thank you for the
invitation to submit this proposal and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this
A utility investigation will be executed in accordance with American Society of Civil Engineers
Construction Institute Standard 38-02 (ASCE/CI 38-02). J.C. Cundall from Farnsworth Group
will be the Project Manager on this portion of the project. Kinetic Industry will perform the utility
locating and test hole efforts.
J.C. Cundall has over 20 years of experience in Civil Engineering. Most of them in the Municipal
utility sector. He has the experience necessary to review and certify the utility information
collected by Kinetic Industry. Austin Snow has approximately 5 years of experience with
Municipal Engineering and most of his experience has been in the utility sector. Austin’s work
will be overseen by J.C. Cundall and is a PE himself.
Kinetic Industry is a detail oriented, full service Subsurface Utility Engineering company. They
pride themselves on providing superior underground utility locating, utility mapping, and hydro-
vacuum excavation/utility test hole services. Their utility locating, and test hole services are
performed to the standards set forth by ASCE/CI 38-02. The Work to be performed includes the
following activities:
The SUE effort encompasses designating buried utilities and mapping above ground utility
features within the project corridor identified by Interwest Consulting Group (Interwest). The
general description of the area is the intersection of W. Troutman Parkway and S. College
Avenue in Fort Collins. The goal of this project is for signalized intersection design. See Figure
below for general location and extents of the project:
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Subsurface Utility Engineering Services
Intersection Street Signal Design –Fort Collins
2 of 5 Quality Level B and A
Task 1: Two-Dimensional (2D) Quality Level B Data Acquisition:
Using electromagnetic (EM) and other geophysical technologies, characterization, and
depiction of existing utility infrastructure data to develop a reliably qualified base map
and data set from which to develop and support future design, coordination, and
construction decisions will be collected.
Populating utility data with hydraulic information (pipe data, invert
measurements/elevations and images) from the field investigation.
Although Task 1 utility designating of buried infrastructure will have a goal of Quality
Level B, some facilities such as non-conductive water, storm drainage and sanitary
sewer pipes are pragmatically designated to a mixture of Quality Level C (based on
surveyed surface features and record data), B, and A (exposed survey grade
observations, such as possible at manholes) during Task 1.
Farnsworth Group will meet with Kinetic Industry staff in the field for two days to review
the existing drawings and verify these conditions in the field.
Task 1 Work Plan:
a. Preparation, Management, Meetings, Miscellaneous Coordination:
i. Project preparation and on-going project management
ii. Field and office personnel meetings, field meeting(s) with utility
representatives and field crews
iii. Submittal of progress reports (if necessary)
iv. Prepare field books, log sheets, and crew schedule for initial field effort
v. Identify contacts, protocols, etc.
vi. Develop traffic control plan
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Subsurface Utility Engineering Services
Intersection Street Signal Design –Fort Collins
3 of 5 Quality Level B and A
b. Utility Records Review:
i. Coordination with necessary entities to receive record information
ii. Coordination with 811 and entities that have utilities in the project area
iii. Review of record information
c. Mobilization and Field Designating:
i. Mobilization of field crews for the horizontal location of the existing utilities
ii. Field work required to conduct designating of existing utilities within the
project corridor in accordance with ASCE/CI 38-02 (to a goal of achieving
Quality Level B depictions as is practical and pragmatic during the Task 1
d. Engineering/Location Survey:
i. Farnsworth Group surveyors will collect utility locate data for this project.
1. Farnsworth Group surveyors have assumed that survey control
will be provided by Interwest and/or their surveyors, so that our
survey data is on the same horizontal and vertical datum that the
topographic survey was completed on.
2. Also, that the control points will be undisturbed at the time of this
survey effort.
3. Farnsworth Group is not responsible for delays due to inclement
ii. Review survey data collected
e. CAD Development (Task 1 Data):
i. Process survey files (provided by others and Farnsworth Group will
incorporate our survey data)
ii. Develop CAD utility reference file
f. Utility Data:
i. Process field notes, sketches and log sheet information
g. Quality Assurance and Quality Control
i. Quality review of the Task 1 investigation
ii. Compare field notes and sketches to utility record information provided by
affected entities
iii. Verify utility reference file matches field notes and sketches
h. Final Submittal Preparation
i. This includes the final submittal upon completion of the SUE Task 1 field
work and Quality Level B data acquisition
ii. Preparation of Task 1 Plan Sheet. No Report will be prepared.
iii. Submittal of summary report and existing utility CAD file
Task 2: Three-Dimensional (3D) Quality Level A:
Data acquisition using vacuum excavation methods (a.k.a. Test Holes) to identify
pothole information relative to the project for determination of the presence of, and the
verifiable horizontal and vertical location of, existing utilities. This information provides the
design engineers with a clear understanding of potential conflicts in the project.
We assume eight (8) potholes at the locations of the four (4) proposed Signal Poles and
ten (10) in the paved roadway (6 in College and 4 in Troutman).
As part of this proposal, we have included time (6 hours) of alternative specialized
geophysical exploratory methods, ground penetrating radar (GPR). This is to ensure that
we provide the best product.
Test hole locations will be coordinated between Farnsworth Group, Kinetic Industry, and
Interwest based on identified utility conflicts and areas where more detailed data,
including 3D coordinates, are required to complete designs and mitigate/accommodate
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Subsurface Utility Engineering Services
Intersection Street Signal Design –Fort Collins
4 of 5 Quality Level B and A
These excavation locations will also need to be coordinated based on areas where 2D
Quality Level B mapping has been completed.
Written logs for all test holes are used, derived elevations are transcribed onto CAD
reference files, and points are mapped (surveyed) to Quality Level A on the plans.
Task 2 Work Plan:
a. Work Plan, Traffic:
i. Create Task 2 work plan
ii. Develop traffic control plan
b. Mobilization and Test Hole Staking:
i. Mobilization of field crew
ii. Kinetic Industry will assist the Farnsworth Group Surveyors in
setting/marking the test hole target locations.
1. Farnsworth Group surveyors have assumed that survey control
will be provided by Interwest and/or their surveyors, so that our
survey data is on the same horizontal and vertical datum that the
topographic survey was completed on.
2. Also, that the control points will be undisturbed at the time of this
survey effort.
3. Farnsworth Group is not responsible for delays due to inclement
c. 3D Quality Level A Locating:
i. Field work required to complete the vacuum excavations
d. Engineering Survey:
i. Review survey data provided to Kinetic Industry and Farnsworth Group
(Again, Farnsworth Group surveyors will incorporate utility data collected
into base maps provided by others)
e. CAD Development
i. Update CAD file with results of the Task 2 investigation
ii. Process field data and files
f. Update Utility Information
g. Quality Assurance and Quality Control
i. Quality assurance review of the Task 2 investigation
ii. Research and review of record information
iii. Compare field notes and sketches to record information
h. Submittal Preparation:
i. Preparation of the Task 2 Plan Sheet. No Report will be prepared.
ii. Submittal of CAD file, report, and utility information
Project Deliverables:
SUE deliverables include digital and hard copy submittals of the following:
CAD utility reference file based on Task 1 and 2 findings
Data summary report for both sanitary sewer and storm drain installations (invert
measure downs and elevations)
Test hole summary report which provides the utility depth, size and material (where
A final drawing providing a summary of this investigation, again with highlights of
unusual findings. No Report will be prepared for this Project.
We will also provide ongoing interpretive support to assist Interwest with subsequent
findings and ensure submitted data is properly understood and utilized.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Subsurface Utility Engineering Services
Intersection Street Signal Design –Fort Collins
5 of 5 Quality Level B and A
Project Assumptions:
All right-of-entries, access agreements to allow field crews to work in areas outside the
ROW, including all private property will be provided by others.
All survey work, in conjunction with SUE, will be coordinated in conjunction with
Interwest. This includes both Task 1 and 2 operations. Farnsworth Group (surveyors and
engineers) and Kinetic Industry will coordinate schedules with Interwest, to ensure that
utility marks are surveyed in a timely manner. (Utility Locate Survey to be completed by
Farnsworth Group surveyors)
Farnsworth Group surveyors will survey the inverts of the sanitary and storm sewer
manholes, vaults, inlets, culvert inverts, and test hole exposed utilities.
Confined space entry will not be required for this project.
Interwest will provide information showing the project limits, alignment, profile, relevant
design, and topographic CAD files, and any other applicable information.
Fees for Professional Services provided for scope of work items listed above shall be a Time
and Materials, Not to Exceed fee of $31,574. Detailed project cost breakdown is attached. We
have attached a spreadsheet identifying all the costs, along with Farnsworth Group’s 2019 Rate
Sheet and Kinetic Industry’s estimate sheets for your reference.
Fees are based on services to be commenced upon notice to proceed and to be completed per
the project team schedule as agreed upon with the owner/client and project team without
prolonged project interruption.
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to
work with you and completing a successful project.
J.C. Cundall, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Attachments: Project Cost Breakdown
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Fort Collins Intersection of College and Troutman RFP SUE Fee Spreadsheet 05.31.2019.xlsx
City of Fort Collins - Intersection of College and Troutman
For Interwest Consulting Group
J.C. Cundall
Project Manager
Austin Snow
Kinetic Industry Utility
Kinetic Industry Utility
Potholing (Soft Surface)
Kinetic Industry Utility
Potholing (Paved Surface)
Ground Penetrating Radar
Kinetic Industry Incidentals
(Traffic Control, Permit
Coord., and Backfill)
Land Survey Manager
Senior Project Land Surveyor
Project Designer (Office)
Technician 2 - Field (rodman)
Chief Technician - Field
Robbie Lauer
Senior Project Designer
Date: 5/23/2019
SUE Work
Farnsworth Group
Subconsultants Project
Total & Other Not to Exceed
Task Hourly Rate, $/hr. $194 $135 $107 $495 $495 $250 $100 $194 $172 $150 $98 $126 $169 $70 Labor Direct Costs Total
1 SUE Investigation and Report (Survey by Others)
1.1 Kick-off Meeting with Project Team 1 1 $329 $329
1.2 Collection and Review of Existing Utility Documents 1 $135 $135
1.3 Task 1 - SUE Field Investigation (Surface) 1 6 8 3 2 2 10 $4,346 $4,346
1.4 Task 2 - SUE Field Investigation (Subsurface) 2 16 4 32 2 $6,536 $6,536
1.4A Hydro Vacuum Excavation Per Pothole (Soft Suface) (Assume 8 Potholes) 8 $3,960 $3,960
1.4B Hydro Vacuum Excavation Per Pothole (Paved Suface) (Assume 10 Potholes) 10 6 $6,450 $6,450
1.4C Pothole/Locate Incidentals (Kinetic Industry) 58 $5,800 $5,800
1.5 SUE Report and Drawing 4 14 8 $4,018 $4,018
Task 1 - Subtotal 8 38 8 8 10 6 58 3 2 6 32 12 8 0 $31,574 $0 $31,574
Project Total 8 38 8 8 10 6 58 3 2 6 32 12 8 0 $31,574 $0 $31,574
TOTAL $31,574
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Schedule of Charges - January 1, 2019
Engineering/Surveying Professional Staff Per Hour
Administrative Support .................................................................................................................................... $ 70.00
Engineering Intern I/Cx Specialist I ................................................................................................................. $ 112.00
Engineering Intern II/Cx Specialist II ............................................................................................................... $ 123.00
Engineer/Land Surveyor/Senior Cx Specialist ................................................................................................ $ 135.00
Senior Engineer/Senior Land Surveyor/Cx Project Manager .......................................................................... $ 141.00
Project Engineer/Project Land Surveyor/Senior Cx Project Manager ............................................................. $ 155.00
Senior Project Engineer/Senior Project Land Surveyor/Cx Manager .............................................................. $ 172.00
Engineering Manager/Land Surveying Manager/Senior Cx Manager ............................................................. $ 194.00
Senior Engineering Manager/Senior Land Surveying Manager/Senior Cx Director ....................................... $ 204.00
Principal/Vice President ................................................................................................................................... $ 212.00
Technical Staff
Technician I ..................................................................................................................................................... $ 73.00
Technician II .................................................................................................................................................... $ 98.00
Senior Technician ............................................................................................................................................ $ 109.00
Chief Technician .............................................................................................................................................. $ 126.00
Designer/Computer Specialist/Lead Technician ............................................................................................. $ 136.00
Senior Designer ............................................................................................................................................... $ 141.00
Project Designer/Project Technician ............................................................................................................... $ 150.00
Senior Project Designer/Systems Integration Manager .................................................................................. $ 169.00
Design Manager/Government Affairs Manager ............................................................................................... $ 181.00
Technical Manager .......................................................................................................................................... $ 192.00
Senior Technical Manager ............................................................................................................................... $ 205.00
Architecture/Landscape Architecture/Interior Design Professional Staff
Designer I ........................................................................................................................................................ $ 101.00
Senior Interior Designer/Designer II ................................................................................................................ $ 112.00
Architect/Interior Design Manager/Designer III/Project Coordinator ............................................................... $ 128.00
Senior Architect/Senior Project Coordinator .................................................................................................... $ 135.00
Project Architect/Project Manager ................................................................................................................... $ 148.00
Senior Project Architect/Senior Project Manager ............................................................................................ $ 162.00
Architectural Manager ..................................................................................................................................... $ 173.00
Senior Architectural Manager .......................................................................................................................... $ 182.00
Principal – Architecture .................................................................................................................................... $ 206.00
Overtime, If Required by Client – Non-Exempt Employees Only .......................................................... 1.25xbilling rate
Expert Testimony ......................................................................................................................................... 2xbilling rate
Per diem ...................................................................................................................................................... . $55.00/day
ATV & Trailer ................................................................................................................................................... $11.00/hr
Field Vehicle .................................................................................................................................................... $14.00/hr
Automobile mileage ........................................................................................................................................ $0.61/mile
Software/CAD/Revit Station ............................................................................................................................ $15.00/hr
Hand Held GPS ............................................................................................................................................... $11.00/hr
GPS Unit (each) ............................................................................................................................................... $22.00/hr
Utility Locator/Robotic Total Station ................................................................................................................ $26.00/hr
Stationary Scanner………………………………………………………………………………………………….$300.00/day
Subconsultants & Other Reimbursable Expenses Related to Project* ....................................................... Cost+ 10%
*Includes the actual cost of prints/copies, supplies, travel charges, testing services, conferencing services, and other costs
directly incidental to the performance of the above services.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Kinetic Energy Services
P.O. Box 530
Milliken, CO 80543
(720) 552-1221
Valid Until: 06/30/2019
Quote Number : 2704193000002994024
Farnsworth Group, Inc.
5613 DTC Parkway, Suite 1100
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
CLIENT:Farnsworth Group, Inc.
CONTACT: J.C. Cundall
JOB NAME: College & Troutman Crosswalks SUE QL
B Locates - Locates
All Quantities are Estimated
Actual Quantities To Be Invoiced
S.No. Product Details Quantity List Price Total
1. Engineering Locates *Composite Rate* L101 1 $850.00 $850.00
2. Ground Penetrating Radar Scan Per Hour L111 6 $250.00 $1,500.00
Sub Total $2,350.00
Tax $0.00
Adjustment $0.00
Grand Total $2,350.00
Scope of Work: Locate all 4 Entire Crosswalks at intersection continue Marking for 10 feet north/south/east/west
of crosswalks. Also locate 25ft radius of all 4 corners of intersection. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Service
fees are included but will need to be approved prior to being provided; due to clay content in Colorado soils,
GPR may be inconclusive. Due to City of Fort Collins Ordinance, only city employees are permitted to locate
City owned facilities and no maps will be released. City of Fort Collins will require 10 business days to locate
their facilities and Kinetic cannot guarantee the accuracy of their marks; Kinetic will coordinate with them and
have them designate their own lines.
EXCLUDES: Locates on Sanitary Sewer Service Lateral(s) and Marking with Chalk Paint
Terms & Conditions: Payment terms are Net 30. Past due invoices are subject to a late payment charge of
2.0% per month on any unpaid balances. Kinetic Industry is authorized to proceed with scope of work at
above stated prices.
Signature: Date:
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7
Kinetic Energy Services
P.O. Box 530
Milliken, CO 80543
(720) 552-1221
Valid Until: 06/30/2019
Quote Number : 2704193000002994045
Farnsworth Group, Inc.
5613 DTC Parkway, Suite 1100
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
CLIENT:Farnsworth Group, Inc.
CONTACT: J.C. Cundall
JOB NAME: College & Troutman Potholes - Hydro
All Quantities are Estimated
Actual Quantities To Be Invoiced
S.No. Product Details Quantity List Price Total
1. Hydro Vacuum Excavation Per Pothole H300
Max Depth 10ft. Includes Core Drilling, all water fees, fuel fees and
equipment mobilization/demobilization.
18 $495.00 $8,910.00
2. Permit Coordination *Per Permit* H303 1 $250.00 $250.00
3. Permits *Pass Through Cost* H314
Estimate Only, Cost Unknown at time of quote. - Assuming "no-cost permit"
0 $0.00 $0.00
4. Traffic Control Plans H305 1 $250.00 $250.00
5. Traffic Control H302 4 $900.00 $3,600.00
6. Permanent Pothole Restoration H320
Includes Flow Fill and Hot Mix Asphalt and/or Non-Shrink Grout Cap
10 $165.00 $1,650.00
Sub Total $14,660.00
Tax $0.00
Adjustment $0.00
Grand Total $14,660.00
Scope of Work: Kinetic to provide Tornado F4 Hydrovac or equivalent unit to pothole/daylight utilities in
support of project design. It is assumed that this job will require a permit to work within the Right Of Way. All
holes will be back filled with Squeegee. All Quantities are estimated, Actual Quantities to be invoiced. Client
will need to pre-mark pothole locations. All potholes will be left open until survey data is collected by client. All
Cores will be replace with Hot Patch (asphalt cores) or Utilibond and Non-Shrink Grout (Concrete Cores) or
Utilibond as applicable.
EXCLUDES: After Hours Work, Davis-Bacon Wages, Contaminated Spoils Disposal,Concrete Panel
Replacement, Traffic Flagging or Traffic Attenuator Operations, Flow Fill Back Fill and Adverse Soil
Terms & Conditions: Payment terms are Net 30. Past due invoices are subject to a late payment charge of
2.0% per month on any unpaid balances. Kinetic Industry is authorized to proceed with scope of work at
above stated prices.
Signature: Date:
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0743657F-509E-4254-BC00-004A7DF58CA7