HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - PURCHASE ORDER - 9190796 (2)480 E 55TH AVE DENVER CO 80216-1743 Phone: 720-590-5500 Fax: 720-590-5550 To: CITY OF FT COLLINS (CD) - PBCO 700 WOOD STREET FORT COLLINS CO 80521-1945 Attn: DAVE HANES Phone: 970-416-2810 Email: Fax: Date: 03/14/2019 Project Name: GB Quote #: 0232286474 Purchase Order Nbr: 031419 DAVE HANES Release Nbr: Additional Ref#: Revision Nbr: Valid From: 03/14/2019 Valid To: 04/13/2019 Contact: John Westling Email: john.westling@graybar.com Proposal We appreciate your request and take pleasure in responding as follows Item Quantity Supplier Catalog Nbr Description Price Unit Ext.Price 100 2 COMMSCOPE FGS-MSHS-B 6IN HZ STRGHT SEC 6FT LNG $106.19 1 $212.38 GB Part#:91023121 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:POMONA, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 200 12 COMMSCOPE FGS-MFAW-B 6IN SNAP FIT JUNC $23.24 1 $278.88 GB Part#:22085351 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:DENVER, SERVICE CENTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 300 7 COMMSCOPE FGS-MDSP-B 6IN DOWNSPOUT $100.04 1 $700.28 GB Part#:91023114 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-FRESNO, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 400 2 COMMSCOPE FGS-HMEC-B FGS 4X6 END CAP KIT $16.87 1 $33.74 GB Part#:91023042 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-FRESNO, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 500 7 COMMSCOPE FGS-MTRM-A 4IN TRUMPET FLARE KIT $55.07 1 $385.49 GB Part#:96077582 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-FRESNO, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes: This equipment and associated installation charges may be financed for a low monthly payment through Graybar Financial Services (subject to credit approval). For more information call 1-800-241-7408 to speak with a leasing specialist. Subject to the standard terms and conditions set forth in this document. Unless otherwise noted,freight terms are F.O.B. To: CITY OF FT COLLINS (CD) - PBCO 700 WOOD STREET FORT COLLINS CO 80521-1945 Attn: DAVE HANES Date: 03/14/2019 Project Name: GB Quote #: 0232286474 Proposal We appreciate your request and take pleasure in responding as follows Item Quantity Supplier Catalog Nbr Description Price Unit Ext.Price 600 7 COMMSCOPE FGS-MTRM-D VERT TRUMPET 4X4 $55.07 1 $385.49 GB Part#:25241684 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:DENVER, SERVICE CENTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 700 5 COMMSCOPE FGS-HNTR-5/8 5/8IN NEW THRD ROD MTG KT $29.89 1 $149.45 GB Part#:91023077 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:DENVER, SERVICE CENTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 800 5 COMMSCOPE FGS-HTHR-5/8 -12 THREADED ROD 5/8-11X12IN $11.26 1 $56.30 GB Part#:91023046 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-SPRINGFIELD,MO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900 5 COMMSCOPE FGS-HLDR-5/8 FGS-HLDR-5/8 KITLDR RACKBRKT5/8 ROD $21.13 1 $105.65 GB Part#:91023079 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-FRESNO, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1000 2 COMMSCOPE FGS-MSHS-B 6IN HZ STRGHT SEC 6FT LNG $106.19 1 $212.38 GB Part#:91023121 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:POMONA, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1100 10 COMMSCOPE FGS-MFAW-B 6IN SNAP FIT JUNC $23.24 1 $232.40 GB Part#:22085351 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:DENVER, SERVICE CENTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This equipment and associated installation charges may be financed for a low monthly payment through Graybar Financial Services (subject to credit approval). For more information call 1-800-241-7408 to speak with a leasing specialist. Subject to the standard terms and conditions set forth in this document. Unless otherwise noted,freight terms are F.O.B. shipping point prepaid and bill. Unless noted the estimated ship date will be determined at the time of order placement. Page 2 of 5 To: CITY OF FT COLLINS (CD) - PBCO 700 WOOD STREET FORT COLLINS CO 80521-1945 Attn: DAVE HANES Date: 03/14/2019 Project Name: GB Quote #: 0232286474 Proposal We appreciate your request and take pleasure in responding as follows Item Quantity Supplier Catalog Nbr Description Price Unit Ext.Price 1200 6 COMMSCOPE FGS-MDSP-B 6IN DOWNSPOUT $100.04 1 $600.24 GB Part#:91023114 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-FRESNO, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1300 2 COMMSCOPE FGS-HMEC-B FGS 4X6 END CAP KIT $16.87 1 $33.74 GB Part#:91023042 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-FRESNO, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1400 6 COMMSCOPE FGS-MTRM-A 4IN TRUMPET FLARE KIT $55.07 1 $330.42 GB Part#:96077582 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-FRESNO, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1500 6 COMMSCOPE FGS-MTRM-D VERT TRUMPET 4X4 $55.07 1 $330.42 GB Part#:25241684 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:DENVER, SERVICE CENTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1600 5 COMMSCOPE FGS-HNTR-5/8 5/8IN NEW THRD ROD MTG KT $29.89 1 $149.45 GB Part#:91023077 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:DENVER, SERVICE CENTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1700 5 COMMSCOPE FGS-HTHR-5/8 -12 THREADED ROD 5/8-11X12IN $11.26 1 $56.30 GB Part#:91023046 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-SPRINGFIELD,MO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This equipment and associated installation charges may be financed for a low monthly payment through Graybar Financial Services (subject to credit approval). For more information call 1-800-241-7408 to speak with a leasing specialist. Subject to the standard terms and conditions set forth in this document. Unless otherwise noted,freight terms are F.O.B. shipping point prepaid and bill. Unless noted the estimated ship date will be determined at the time of order placement. Page 3 of 5 To: CITY OF FT COLLINS (CD) - PBCO 700 WOOD STREET FORT COLLINS CO 80521-1945 Attn: DAVE HANES Date: 03/14/2019 Project Name: GB Quote #: 0232286474 Proposal We appreciate your request and take pleasure in responding as follows Item Quantity Supplier Catalog Nbr Description Price Unit Ext.Price 1800 5 COMMSCOPE FGS-HLDR-5/8 FGS-HLDR-5/8 KITLDR RACKBRKT5/8 ROD $21.13 1 $105.65 GB Part#:91023079 FOB:S/P - F/A Ship From:ZONE-FRESNO, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total in USD (Tax not included): $4,358.66 F O B: Delivery: This equipment and associated installation charges may be financed for a low monthly payment through Graybar Financial Services (subject to credit approval). For more information call 1-800-241-7408 to speak with a leasing specialist. Subject to the standard terms and conditions set forth in this document. Unless otherwise noted,freight terms are F.O.B. shipping point prepaid and bill. Unless noted the estimated ship date will be determined at the time of order placement. Page 4 of 5 To: CITY OF FT COLLINS (CD) - PBCO 700 WOOD STREET FORT COLLINS CO 80521-1945 Attn: DAVE HANES Date: 03/14/2019 Project Name: GB Quote #: 0232286474 Proposal We appreciate your request and take pleasure in responding as follows Item Quantity Supplier Catalog Nbr Description Price Unit Ext.Price GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER; TERMINATION - Acceptance of any order is subjectto credit approval and acceptance of order by Graybar Electric Company,Inc. ("Graybar") and, when applicable, Graybar's suppliers. If credit ofthe buyer of the goods ("Buyer") becomes unsatisfactory to Graybar,Graybar reserves the right to terminate upon notice to Buyer and withoutliability to Graybar. 2. PRICES AND SHIPMENTS - Unless otherwise quoted, prices shall be thosein effect at time of shipment, which shall be made F.O.B. shippingpoint, prepaid and bill. 3. RETURN OF GOODS - Credit may be allowed for goods returned with priorapproval. A deduction may be made from credits issued to cover cost ofhandling. 4. TAXES - Prices shown do not include sales or other taxes imposed onthe sale of goods. Taxes now or hereafter imposed upon sales orshipments will be added to the purchase price. Buyer agrees to reimburseGraybar for any such tax or provide Graybar with acceptable taxexemption certificate. 5. DELAY IN DELIVERY - Graybar is not to be accountable for delays indelivery occasioned by acts of God, failure of its suppliers to ship ordeliver on time, or other circumstances beyond Graybar's reasonablecontrol. Factory shipment or delivery dates are the best estimates ofour suppliers, and in no case shall Graybar be liable for anyconsequential or special damages arising from any delay in shipment ordelivery. 6. LIMITED WARRANTIES - Graybar warrants that all goods sold are free ofany security interest and will make available to Buyer all transferablewarranties (including without limitation warranties with respect tointellectual property infringement) made to Graybar by the manufacturerof the goods. GRAYBAR MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, ANDSPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDTO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE.UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OFGRAYBAR, PRODUCTS SOLD HEREUNDER ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN OR INCONNECTION WITH (1) ANY SAFETY APPLICATION OR THE CONTAINMENT AREA OF ANUCLEAR FACILITY, OR (2) IN A HEALTHCARE APPLICATION, WHERE THE GOODSHAVE POTENTIAL FOR DIRECT PATIENT CONTACT OR WHERE A SIX (6) FOOTCLEARANCE FROM A PATIENT CANNOT BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - Buyer's remedies under this agreement aresubject to any limitations contained in manufacturer's terms andconditions to Graybar, a copy of which will be furnished upon writtenrequest. Furthermore, Graybar's liability shall be limited to eitherrepair or replacement of the goods or refund of the purchase price, allat Graybar's option, and IN NO CASE SHALL GRAYBAR BE LIABLE FORINCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In addition, claims forshortages, other than loss in transit, must be made in writing not morethan five (5) days after receipt of shipment. 8. WAIVER - The failure of Graybar to insist upon the performance of anyof the terms or conditions of this agreement or to exercise any righthereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such terms, conditions,or rights in the future, nor shall it be deemed to be a waiver of anyother term, condition, or right under this agreement. 9. MODIFICATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - These terms and conditionssupersede all other communications, negotiations, and prior oral orwritten statements regarding the subject matter of these terms andconditions. No change, modification, rescission, discharge, abandonment,or waiver of these terms and conditions shall be binding upon Graybarunless made in writing and signed on its behalf by a duly authorizedrepresentative of Graybar. No conditions, usage of trade, course ofdealing or performance, understanding or agreement, purporting tomodify, vary, explain, or supplement these terms and conditions shall bebinding unless hereafter made in writing and signed by the party to bebound. Any proposed modifications or additional terms are specificallyrejected and deemed a material alteration hereof. If this document shallbe deemed an acceptance of a prior offer by Buyer, such acceptance isexpressly conditional upon Buyer's assent to any additional or differentterms set forth herein. 10. REELS - When Graybar ships returnable reels, a reel deposit may beincluded in the invoice. The Buyer should contact the nearest Graybarservice location to return reels. 11. CERTIFICATION - Graybar hereby certifies that these goods wereproduced in compliance with all applicable requirements of Sections 6,7, and 12 of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and ofregulations and orders of the United States Department of Labor issuedunder Section 14 thereof. This agreement is subject to Executive Order11246, as amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, theVietnam Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, E.O.13496, 29 CFR Part 471, Appendix A to Subpart A, and the correspondingregulations, to the extent required by law. 41 CFR 60-1.4, 60-741.5, and60-250.5 are incorporated herein by reference, to the extent legallyrequired. 12. FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT - Buyer shall comply with applicablelaws and regulations relating to anti-corruption, including, withoutlimitation, (i) the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)(15 U.S.C. §§78dd-1, et. seq.) irrespective of the place of performance,and (ii) laws and regulations implementing the Organization for EconomicCooperation and Development's Convention on Combating Bribery of ForeignPublic Officials in International Business Transactions, the U.N.Convention Against Corruption, and the Inter-American Convention AgainstCorruption in Buyer's country or any country where performance of thisagreement or delivery of goods will occur. 13. ASSIGNMENT - Buyer shall not assign its rights or delegate itsduties hereunder or any interest herein without the prior writtenconsent of Graybar, and any such assignment, without such consent, shallbe void. 14. GENERAL PROVISIONS - All typographical or clerical errors made byGraybar in any quotation, acknowledgment or publication are subject tocorrection. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State ofMissouri applicable to contracts to be formed and fully performed withinthe State of Missouri, without giving effect to the choice or conflictsof law provisions thereof. All suits arising from or concerning thisagreement shall be filed in the Circuit Court of St. Louis County,Missouri, or the United States District Court for the Eastern Districtof Missouri, and no other place unless otherwise determined in Graybar'ssole discretion. Buyer hereby irrevocably consents to the jurisdictionof such court or courts and agrees to appear in any such action uponwritten notice thereof. 15. PAYMENT TERMS - Payment terms shall be as stated on Graybar'sinvoice or as otherwise mutually agreed. As a condition of the salesagreement, a monthly service charge of the lesser of 1-1/2% or themaximum permitted by law may be added to all accounts not paid by netdue date. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cardsare accepted at point of purchase only. 16. EXPORTING - Buyer acknowledges that this order and the performancethereof are subject to compliance with any and all applicable UnitedStates laws, regulations, or orders. Buyer agrees to comply with allsuch laws, regulations, and orders, including, if applicable, allrequirements of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and/or theExport Administration Act, as may be amended. Buyer further agrees thatif the export laws are applicable, it will not disclose or re-export anytechnical data received under this order to any countries for which theUnited States government requires an export license or other supportingdocumentation at the time of export or transfer, unless Buyer hasobtained prior written authorization from the United States Office ofExport Control or other authority responsible for such matters. This equipment and associated installation charges may be financed for a low monthly payment through Graybar Financial Services (subject to credit approval). For more information call 1-800-241-7408 to speak with a leasing specialist. Subject to the standard terms and conditions set forth in this document. Unless otherwise noted,freight terms are F.O.B. shipping point prepaid and bill. Unless noted the estimated ship date will be determined at the time of order placement. Page 5 of 5 shipping point prepaid and bill. Unless noted the estimated ship date will be determined at the time of order placement. Page 1 of 5