DATED: January 10, 2019
Work Order No. _______8__________
Purchase Order No. ________________
Project title: Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program
2019 Minor Bridge Inspections
Commencement Date: January 25, 2019
Completion Date: June 14, 2019
Maximum Fee: $73,887.25 (See attached Fee Schedule)
This scope of work is for bridge inspection and related services of minor structures for the 2019 inspection cycle.
Minor structures range in length from 4 feet to 20 feet with types that include, but are not limited to; bridges, box
culverts, pipe culverts, multi-plate arches, and rigid frames. Each structure shall be inspected at a frequency not to
exceed 24 months (or more frequently if determined by the City). Some structures may have limited access (confined
space) and provisions for additional equipment and safety precautions are included within this scope.
Michael Baker International, Inc. (Michael Baker) will inspect a total of 91 structures. The breakdown of structures is
as follows: 91 re-inspections and 0 new inspection. Michael Baker will provide all information collected from the field
inspections to the City for record keeping, including report output in a format consistent with the City’s asset
management program (see below for more information).
Existing structures will be evaluated to compare current conditions to the conditions documented from the previous
inspection. Structures inspected for the first time, as well as those structures where the inspection reveals significant
changes from previous inspections, will required either a visual or load rating. It is anticipated that 0 load ratings, and
91 rating verifications will be performed.
This work order is performed under the master agreement for the City’s Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, and
Replacement Program. Any variations to the number of the anticipated inspections and ratings from that listed above
will be documented and addressed with a contract amendment, if necessary.
Exhibit A - Work Order Form
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program – 2019 Minor Bridge Inspections
January 2019 2 of 5
This contract will follow a Lump-Sum contract type.
• All work associated with the inspections (field inspections, reporting, ratings, traffic counts, etc.) will follow
a Lump-Sum contract type. Costs for performing this work will be in accordance with the pre-negotiated
inspection rates established with the Master Contract for the 2016/2017 work cycle.
Michael Baker is the prime design consultant and will be responsible for managing all consultant related
activities for this project, as authorized and directed by the City. Idax Data Solutions will perform traffic
count data at each structure as a subconsultant to Michael Baker.
All deliverables will be in the following current software platforms:
• PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access
• Others as applicable
All inspections will be conducted in accordance with current NBIS standards and supervised by personnel meeting
the requirements outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 23 CFR 650.307. Applicable standards include:
• CDOT PONTIS Bridge Inspection Coding Guide
• Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation’s Bridges (Report No.
• Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (Publication No. FHWA NHI 12-049)
• CDOT Bridge Rating Manual
• Michael Baker Inspection Reporting and Database Tool
• Any other applicable documents as approved by the City
There are three primary elements that will completed as part of this project. These are:
• Project Administration
• Field inspection and reporting
• Structure ratings and verifications
I. Project Administration
Upon notice to proceed, Baker will perform project administration duties throughout the length of the contract.
A. Invoices will be provided to the City on a monthly basis and will include a billing summary and a progress
report for work performed during the current billing period and project to date.
B. All documents will receive a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) review, in accordance with the
Baker Way, prior to submittal.
C. The following meetings are anticipated:
Exhibit A - Work Order Form
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program – 2019 Minor Bridge Inspections
January 2019 3 of 5
• One Progress Meeting
• One Project Delivery Meeting
II. Field Inspections and Reporting
Michael Baker shall perform all inspections and reporting in accordance with the GUIDELINES AND REFERENCES as
described below. There are a variety of inspection types that will be performed under this work order: re-inspection
(unconfined space), new inspection (unconfined space), and re-inspection (confined space). In all cases, the general
work activities include:
• Inspection Preparation. At the outset of the project, all inspection information will be compiled and
organized. The project team will determine the preferred inspection order and schedule.
• Obtain Average Daily Traffic Count (ADT). Baker will use traffic counting devices to take a 24-hour traffic
count at each location.
• Field Inspection. Baker will perform structural inspections at each location specified by the City. Inspectors
will evaluate and assess the structural condition of appropriate elements, take or update field
measurements, take new photos, assess overall performance including scour (if applicable), perform a visual
rating (if applicable), and document recommended maintenance/repair activities.
• Documentation and Sketches. If available, previous documentation and sketches will be revised as
necessary. If no existing information is available, new documentation and sketches will be prepared. CADD
drawings will be prepared in Microstation.
• Report Production. Field inspection data will be collected, processed, and output through the Michael Baker
Inspection Reporting and Database Tool (currently in development through a separate contract).
• Inspection and Report QC. All inspection and reporting data will be reviewed for verification of quality
control procedures and data accuracy.
• Submittal. All deliverables will be submitted to the City at the end of the project. See DELIVERABLES below
for more information.
Any emergency inspections shall not be included with this work order, but shall be considered as part of a separate
work order. General work activities for emergency inspections shall follow those listed above, but may also require
additional activities, as determined on a case-by-case basis.
III. Structure Ratings and Verification
The work activities for this effort fall into one of three categories: verification of the existing rating, preparation of a
new visual rating, or preparation of a new load rating. The following chart defines when each of the activities is
Determination of
Rating Type
Existing Plans
Existing Plans Not
Re-Inspection Verification * Verification *
New Inspection Load Rating Visual Rating
* Visual or load rating if deemed necessary due to significant
changes to structural condition, and as approved by the City
A. Verification of Existing Rating
All existing structures should already have a rating assigned through previous inspections. In this case,
Michael Baker will verify that the element conditions defined with the existing rating have not changed
significantly. If conditions have changed such that further investigation is warranted, Michael Baker may
perform a new rating (load or visual) if directed by the City. Such work will be considered out-of-scope and
not included with this work order.
Exhibit A - Work Order Form
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program – 2019 Minor Bridge Inspections
January 2019 4 of 5
B. Visual Rating
When applicable, Michael Baker will prepare a visual rating for the inspected structure. The visual rating shall
be based on the condition of the structure at the time of the inspection and prepared in accordance with the
C. Load Rating
When applicable, Michael Baker will prepare a load rating for the inspected structure. The load rating shall
be based on the structure as originally constructed (if possible) and include such effects such as new
rehabilitation elements, deterioration or damage. The load rating shall be performed using Load Factor
Design methodology with the HS-20 design vehicle. All load ratings shall be prepared using hand calculations,
AASHTOWare BrR® software, and/or other applicable software. Quality Control for the calculations and
report shall be prepared in accordance with CDOT policy.
The following is an estimate of the deliverables required for this project. As the project develops, the type and number
of deliverables may vary. Refer to the detailed discussions above for further information. All inspection information
shall be compiled onto a single CD and delivered to the City at the end of the project.
A. Project Administration (Ongoing)
• Monthly progress reports with monthly invoices
• Meeting and telephone conversation documentation
• Quality Control review of all project deliverables prior to submittal
B. Inspections (Delivered at End of Project)
• No printed deliverables will be required. Format of deliverables will be as follows:
o Misc. Documents (drawings, streambed data, etc.)
\[Bridge ID]\Misc\[Bridge ID] [Description].xxx
o Photos (individual photo files, in digital format):
\[Bridge ID]\Photos\[Photo Date YYYYMM]\[Bridge ID] [Photo number].xxx
Example: \ANDRPK-PLEASVL\Photos\201803\ANDRPK-PLEASVL (1).jpg
o Inspection reports:
One PDF file of the bridge inspection report for each bridge inspected, including a one-page
summary sheet indicating “Urgent”, “Routine”, and “Safety Repairs Required”, with costs and
sufficiency rating
[Bridge ID]\Report\[Bridge ID]_[Report Date YYYYMM].pdf
Example: \ANDRPK-PLEASVL\Report\ANDRPK-PLEASVL_201803.pdf
o Our filing directory setup are:
Bridge ID
• Misc
• Photos
• Reports
• Excel file data delivery – Per the Fort Collins Bridge Inspection Data Template
Exhibit A - Work Order Form
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program – 2019 Minor Bridge Inspections
January 2019 5 of 5
• Electronic sketches of the bridge in a Microstation format
• One PDF file of the load rating calculations, if applicable
• Recommendations for re-rating of bridges, if any
• An updated file of the Fort Collins Inspection Database Tool in Access (Access Database program to be
provided to Michael Baker by the City for inspections through the 2017 cycle)
All field inspection data shall be gathered by April 29, 2019. All Final Deliverables (as outlined in previous section)
shall be delivered to the City by June 14, 2019.
1/11/2019 1 of 3
Exhibit "B"
Task Order 5 Fee Summary
Michael Baker International, Inc.
City of Fort Collins
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program
2019 minor structure bridge inspections (Inspected between March 2019 and April 2019.
Project Administration & Meetings 50 $8,250.00
Inspections/Reporting/Rating (Using CoFC Inspection Database Tool) 493 $52,486.25
Subtotal -- $60,736.25
Copies & Plotting (B&W) (1,800 x $0.05) -- $90.00
Copies & Plotting (Color) (250 x $0.50) -- $125.00
Mileage (16 trips x 150 mi x $0.565 / mi) -- $1,356.00
Misc. Field Supplies & Equipment -- $1,000.00
Subtotal -- $2,571.00
Idax Data Solutions $10,580.00
Subtotal $10,580.00
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Task Order 8 Fee Schedule
Michael Baker International, Inc.
City of Fort Collins
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program
2019 minor structure bridge inspections (Field inspections between March 2019 and April 2019).
Item Structure Number New or Existing?
Existing Files
Hours Rating Type* Rating Cost
Count Cost
Count Hrs Total Cost Total Hours
1 BORD-PYRE Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
2 BRT NEW MERCER Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
3 BTCK-TMB Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
4 CEMT-MTN Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
5 CEMT-PRKS Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
6 CIPP-DART Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
7 CLRC-SWTW Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
8 CORB-CFR Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
9 CRST-COOK Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
10 CTRE-BAY Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
11 DNBR-S-BRMG Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
12 DRK-MDL Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
13 ELIZ-KMBL Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
14 ELIZ-W-SKIN Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
15 ELM-W-SHLD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
16 ENV-W-DRK Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
17 FNIN-FFIV Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
18 GDC-OVLD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
19 HISC-CSRG Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
20 HLCR-CLRV Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
21 HRMY-S-SVRG Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
22 HRMY-W-CLGE Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
23 HRMY-W-RGNC Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
24 HTH-MCL Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
25 HTH-PLT Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
26 HTH-SNCA Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
27 LAKE-W-CNTR Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
28 LAKE-WLDW Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
29 LAPT-GDV Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
30 LAPT-PENN Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
31 LMY-CON Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
32 LMY-KNLD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
Ft. Collins ADT Counts Proposal
December 17, 2018
Thank you for the opportunity to propose on this request. Please accept this bid for the proposed scope
of work for the Ft. Collins ADT project as described below.
1. (92) 24-hour ADTs (Volume only) - $115 per location $10,580
Total: $10,580
IDAX is well-positioned to assist with your data collection needs and we look forward to working with
you. Please contact me at (720) 646-1008 if you have questions regarding our team’s qualifications.
Nathan Warren | Operations Manager
(720) 646-1008
33 LMY-S-FOSL Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
34 MAXG-JSD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
35 MAXG-S-JSD-PD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
36 MDWP-MLCK Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
37 MICH-OVLD-F Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
38 MOUNTAN-BRYAN-N Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
39 MOUNTAN-BRYAN-S Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
40 MTV-W-TMB Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
41 OVLD-ELIZ Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
42 OVLD-S-LAKE Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
43 PAV-W-CLGE Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
44 PROSPT-EFRONTRD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
45 PRST-W-HRT Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
46 PRST-W-LAR Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
47 RICH-W-TURN Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
48 SENECA-HSETHT Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
49 SHLD-S-HLDL Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
50 SHLD-S-LDA-N Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
51 SHLD-S-RNT Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
52 SOMERVL-CHRLSTN Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
53 SPR-W-BRTW Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
54 STOV-DART Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
55 STOV-SWLW Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
56 STRS-HTH Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
57 STUT-S-RYEL Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
58 STUT-W-HTHR Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
59 TAFTHILL-KINSON Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
60 TAFTHL-DRAKE Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
61 TAFTHL-DRAKE-PD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
62 TMB-BTCK Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
63 TMBRWD-TMBLNRD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
64 TMB-S-HRMY Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
65 TRIL-W0.3-LMY Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
66 TRIL-W0.3-LMY-P Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
67 TRIL-W-PORT Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
68 TRT-W-SNCA Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
69 TURN-S-RICH Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
70 VINE-GRIF Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
71 WAKE-SHLD Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
72 WTWL-BTCK Re-Inspection No Yes No Yes $466 4.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $529 5.00
73 CHRY-GRNT Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
74 CHRY-SYCM-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
75 GRNT-S-MAP Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
76 LOOM-MAP Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
77 LOOM-MAP-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
78 LRL-MYRT-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
79 MAP-LOOM Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
80 MAP-W-GRNT-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
81 MAP-WHTM-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
82 MGNL-OLIV-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
83 MLD-S-LRL-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
84 MTN-SHWD Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
85 MYRT-MLD Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
86 OAK-MTN-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
87 OAK-WHTM Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
88 OLIVE-LOOMIS Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
89 OLIV-OAK-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
90 SHWD-S-MYRT-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
91 WHTM-S-LAPT-A Re-Inspection Yes Yes No Yes $696 6.25 Verification $58 0.50 $20 0.25 $759 7.00
$0 0 $0 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 0.00
$0 0 $0 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 0.00
$0 0 $0 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 0.00
$0 0 $0 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 0.00
* Any visual or load ratings deemed necessary due to a change of conditions discovered during the verification (i.e. structural damage or deterioration) will not be
included with this work order. In this case, Baker will coordinate with the City to ammend the work order as necessary.
Fee Hours
$52,486.25 493.00