A Train Marketing Communications Inc.
DATED: November 25,'2014
Work Order Number: 2 -JF
Purchase Order Number: 9136822
Project Title: Community Funded Technology Platform Development
Original Bid/RFP Project Number & Name: 7572 FortZED Marketing and Community Engagement
Commencement Date: December 1, 2014
Completion Date: December 31, 2016
Maximum Fee:. (time and reimbursable direct costs):$24,000
Project Description: Development of technology platform with Community Funded, sub -contractor of A
Train Marketing.
Scope of Services:
To successfully install EmpoweredBy technology on the City of Fort Collins or FortZED website and help
successfully train the.platform managers on how to use the technology to best achieve the established
objectives. The understood objective late pilot an Innovative and scalable technology and financing
mechanism for energy efficiency projects to compliment the effort of the City of Fort Collins in an effort to
win the Georgetown Energy Prize Challenge. This is a 2 year proposal dependent on the decision to
renew after year 1.
This Includes:
• A platform installed on your any website and URL preserving your brand
• Working with A -Train Marketing and the City of Fort Collins on strategy.
• Discovery / Kickoff meeting to establish baselines and objectives
• Strategy review and recommendations
• Marketing consultation
• Developing a scalable and repiicable financing mechanism for energy efficiency projects
• Assistance developing internal systems, policies and procedures
Ongoing support
• Discounted pricing for piloted process, development and support.
1. Agree on scope of work details.
2. Sign EmpoweredBy CF agreement.
3. Hold discovery meeting. - By March 1, 2015
'4. Create a work plan. with milestones. - By April 1, 2015
5. Operational Consultation - By May 1, 2015
6. Install technology. -By May 1, 2015
7. Assist in project creator training. - By June 1, 2015
8. Launch platform. - By June 1, 2015
9. Post launch communications. - Through 02, 03, Q4 2015
10. Evaluate and refine. - Ongoing
Date (by)
Year 1 Annual Subscription
$6 Ol)0.00
Hold discovery meeting.
March 1, 2015
Create.a work plan;with milestone's.
April 1, 2015
Operational Consultation
May 1, 2015
Technical Integration
May 4, 2015
$1 000.00
Assist in project creator training.
June 1, 2015
Launch platform,=.
June.1, 20J5 •„
Post launch communications.
Through 02, 03, 04 2015
Year1 Project DevetoPmedt
i �Year2'Su6scrptionCosts"'
$12,000 00
$21, N.OD
Services Provided
• Discovery Meeting:
• To ensure a good working relationship from the start, Community Funded will hold a two-hour
meeting with both teams to establish platform goals, deliverables, timeline, points of contact,
expectations and communication styles.
• Technical Integration:
Community Funded will Install the EmpoweredBy technology on one URL. The payment
processor will be W ePay.
• Operational Consultation
Up to 4 hours of In person Operational Consultation
- Policies 8 procedures recommendations.
- Systems evaluations and recommendations.
- Strategy Consultation
- Platform training.
- Determine objectives
- Determine baselines
• Up to 8 hours of additional email and phone support pre launch
Marketing Consultation
• Work with A -Train to develop a strategy.
• Project Creator Training
- Project creator trainingvideos
• Review of CF Resources Including:
CF Wiki
Consultation on currently known "best practices"
• Video resources
• Social media recommendations
Email Marketing recommendations
Ongoing Support
• Up to 4 hours of email and phone training, consultation, and support post launch per month.
• Work with A -Train on a monthly basis.
• Invitation to "platform administrator° forum.
• Shared insights and Information based on ongoing data collection and analysis.
• Project Development Cost: $12,000
• Additional costs may apply based on certain development requests required.
• Potential second year costs for ongoing subscription, support and maintenance. $12,000'"'
'**If.contract is renewed for Year 2.
If additional hours are required in a given month, Community Funded will obtain appropriate and written
approval for budget overage prior to exceeding the number of hours covered under the retainer.
This price quote expires 30 days from the date listed on this scope of work. We are happy to provide an
updated quote after that time, it requested.
50% of 1" annual total, $6K, will be billed at onset of project and remaining balance due at time of
platform deployment. If project continues in year 2, renewal of full amount $12k due at beginning of year.
Assumptions of City of Fort Collins Utilities and Sustainability Services
Community Funded assumes that City of Fort Collins Utilities and Sustainability Services will help support
the above efforts in the following ways:
• City of Fort Collins Utilities and Sustainability Services will provide consistent feedback to
Community Funded (re: specific to client goals & objectives)
• Prompt ability to answer questions (email, text, cell)
• Supportlfollow strategy to maximize results as outlined in the plan
• Share news, quotes, testimonials, etc. with Community Funded
• Share analytics: from website, social media, financials (increase/decrease), etc. Community
Funded will need access to statistics and feedback from you to make sure our efforts are a
Professional agrees to perform the services
identified above and on the attached forms in
accordance with the terms and conditions
contained herein and in the Professional Services
Agreement between the parties. In the event of a
conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the
Professional Services Agreement and this work
order (including the attached forms) the
Professional Services Agreement shall control.
City of Fort Collins
Submitted By:
P ct Mina er , f
D e: (G ` 1
Reviewed by:
Senior Utility Engineer
The attached forms consisting of _ (_) Ap roved by:
pages are hereby accepted and incorporated �rmg ie
herein, by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is � __.� ,��-Gerviceggpera3ions Manager
hereby given. Cc Date:
Professio I Approved by:
Utilities General Manager
(over $1,000,000)
Da If 7F., 1 Approved by:
Director of Purchasing & Risk Management
(if over $60,000.)