HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - RFP - 7663 HUD CONSOLIDATED PLANCity of Fort Collins RFP 7663 HUD Consolidated Plan Proposal Prepared For: City of Fort Collins Financial Services, Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Submitted By: Community Strategies Institute P.O. Box 140387 Edgewater, CO 80214 (303) 902-9028 Date: July 17, 2014 www.csicolorado.org 303-668-2534 P.O. Box 140387, Edgewater, CO 80214 2 | P a g e July 17, 2014 Ed Bonnette, Senior Boyer City of Fort Collins Financial Services, Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Dear Mr. Bonnette, The Community Strategies Institute (CSI) is pleased to submit this proposal to prepare a Consolidated Plan for the City of Fort Collins. CSI Directors and Associates have been working with local governments throughout the West to improve their housing programs since 2003. As former Managers of government housing agencies, we have a wealth of knowledge related to housing market analysis, assessing housing needs, and developing recommendations to local governments for meeting identified housing needs. Directors Hart and Rodgers have worked with many local governments and government agencies to design agency responses to needs, including determining the roles and responsibilities of local government staff and local housing providers. We work efficiently and in a timely manner with all clients. We have worked with local governments, preparing data in numerous Consolidated across Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and Montana. Our HUD required planning documents, including Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and Five Year Consolidated Plans, have been accepted by HUD. CSI is composed of two Directors and four associates. Tom Hart and Jennie Rodgers, the CSI Directors, lead each CSI project. For purposes of the Fort Collins proposal, you may contact Tom Hart, Director, (303) 902- 9028 tomhart875@mho.com. Our firm address is P.O. Box 140387, Edgewater, CO 80214, and our web address is csicolorado.org. Please do not hesitate to contact Tom with any questions about this proposal. Sincerely, Jennie Rodgers, Director, Authorized Signatory 303-668-2534 www.csicolorado.org P.O. Box 140387, Edgewater, CO 80214 RFP 7663 HUD Consolidated Plan 1 | P a g e Executive Summary The Community Strategies Institute, a local consulting firm, is pleased to provide this proposal in response to RFP 7663. CSI offers a unique approach to the HUD Consolidated Plan. CSI understands that the work outlined in the RFP must meet the requirements of HUD. CSI has unique experience and expertise to offer the City of Fort Collins because we are one of the consulting firms that HUD has engaged to develop training materials and toolkits to assist local governments in learning to use the new eCon Planning Suite to complete their Consolidated Plan. 1. Project Approach: The City of Fort Collins Consolidated Plan will be a report that meets all HUD guidelines for submittal of the Five Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan and which serves as the basis for the City’s Funding Allocation processes and for assessing performance on an annual basis. A public outreach and participation component will conform to the City Public Participation Plan, and provide citizens and stakeholders with multiple opportunities to be informed and provide input and comments to determine needs, objectives, goals and priorities. Staffing: CSI will provide an expert, experienced staff to both lead the process and carry out all tasks involved. CSI Directors Hart and Rodgers have many years experience in working on Consolidated Plan documents. CSI Associates have unique education and qualifications to form a strong team that has been working together for over nine years. Pricing: CSI has provided a detailed budget proposal. Project Understanding: CSI specializes in providing detailed analysis of housing needs and strategies to communicate those needs to local and state governments. Our team has written numerous Housing Needs Assessments for local governments in Colorado and the West, statewide housing needs assessments for the states of Colorado and New Mexico, as well as Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and Consolidated Plans at the state and local level. Our work is recognized as being thorough and detailed, with recommendations that go beyond those of other firms, which may not have the depth of expertise and background in HUD program management, Consolidated Plan development, and local level affordable housing development and program management that CSI brings to the table. The City of Fort Collins Five Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan will meet all HUD guidelines, and be consistent with established planning documents for the City of Fort Collins, including the City Plan and the Affordable Housing Strategic Plan. CSI presently is under subcontract to HUD to create training presentations and toolkits to assist local governments in implementing the eCon Planning Suite. CSI Directors are national leaders in training communities on use of the new eCon Planning Suite RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 2 | P a g e Consolidated Planning tools, and will develop a plan that uses the new tools in conjunction with local and other state and national data and reports, though the final plan will follow the traditional HUD format for Consolidated Plans. CSI has reviewed the Scope of Work and developed an approach that meets the requirements and intent of the City of Fort Collins RFP and the expectations for the final products. CSI works hard to satisfy our customers by setting out a detailed work plan with local staff at project initiation, providing frequent bi-weekly phone or personal updates on progress, allowing local staff to review and comment on draft documents, and presenting materials to local leaders, industry members, and residents in a way that educates and engages the public. We have learned from past projects how best to engage our clients while not overwhelming them during a project. We utilize best practices for involving residents and the community in the development of HUD plans, and design studies that not only meet checklists and criteria, but that help local staff create their own strategic plans, goals, and objectives. The proposed budget reflects the need for active cooperation from Fort Collins staff. In developing the work plan for the study, CSI will rely on local leaders in a number of areas, including:  Logistical planning-making arrangements for gratis meeting rooms for focus groups.  Providing CSI with names and contact information for members of the community who have involvement in housing, including real estate, and other economic sectors, as well as those who represent major employers and human service agencies.  Providing CSI with copies of previous surveys, maps, studies, plans, ordinances, and other relevant information to determine the regulatory environment within the area.  Serving as advisors and reviewers of CSI draft documents. Our firm is local, and our two Directors will be the lead staff conducting interviews, working with local staff, and writing the reports. Our firm has three Associates who will work alongside the Directors to create data elements of the plans, create maps, and conduct research. Because our firm is fairly small, our clients have the benefit of working alongside the Directors throughout a project. Our projects are never assigned to “junior” staff members. Our Directors have worked in Fort Collins during our 25+ year tenure at the State Division of Housing and at CSI, and are familiar not only with the community, but with the affordable housing projects, programs, and providers within the community. Project Timeline: CSI proposes the following work schedule, which assumes an October 1, 2014 project start date. The schedule can be adjusted if a contract is not executed by September 1, 2014. The timeline can be adjusted during negotiations. CSI plans to meet the timeline laid out in the RFP, and is used to producing planning documents for HUD within required timeframes. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 3 | P a g e Calendar October November December Five Year Plan Calendar: Kick off Meeting with Staff and Leaders Key Informant Interviews Online Survey Development and Administration Data Analysis and Compilation Completion of Draft Housing Market Analysis Draft of Housing Needs Assessment Draft of Community Needs Assessment Five Year Plan Calendar: January February March Strategic Planning Meetings, Focus Groups Preparation of Draft Strategic Plan Section Preparation of Draft Annual Action Plan Five Year Plan Calendar: April May June Preparation of Draft Annual Action Plan 30 Day Review Process for Consolidated Plan, Action Plan Public Hearing - One Evening Meeting Preparation of Final 5 Year Consolidated Plan/Annual Action Plan 2. Scope of Work and Deliverables To begin the City of Fort Collins Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan, preparation process, CSI will hold a kick off meeting to better understand the intent and desired outcomes of the City of Fort Collins staff. This will help CSI staff to establish a more informed work plan, and become acquainted with those local government staff that will be working on CDBG and HOME program planning. CSI will use the IDIS Consolidated Plan system template to prepare the plan. CSI will gather information about community agencies, City resources, existing documents, reports, and research, and contacts at this Kick Off Meeting. Executive Summary The Executive Summary will include the objectives and outcomes identified in the plan. Consultation CSI will set up a series of consultation interviews with the:  Northern Front Range Continuum of Care,  public and private agencies that address the housing, health, human and social services, employment, or education needs of low-income individuals and families, of homeless individuals and families, of youth, and/or of other persons with special needs, and  Publically funded institutions such as health-care facilities, mental health facilities, foster care and other youth facilities, child welfare agencies,, agencies receiving HOPWA funds, and seniors and corrections programs and institutions when RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 4 | P a g e developing the Consolidated Plan Homeless Strategy and Lead Based Paint Hazards sections.  CSI will also consult with adjacent units of local government, especially Larimer County and Loveland, and metro-wide planning organizations, to understand problems and solutions for regional issues.  CSI will consult with the Fort Collins Housing Authority regarding public housing needs, planned programs, and activities The consultation process and the Citizen Participation requirements are closely related in the Consolidated Plan preparation. CSI has designed and facilitated a number of meetings which were designed with the purpose of providing government officials, stakeholders, housing developers and members of the public the opportunity to become informed about local housing needs and how those needs might be addressed. CSI will coordinate with City of Fort Collins staff to hold two public meetings to present a draft Housing Needs Assessment and Market Analysis sections of the Consolidated Plan with tentative findings and strategies for the Strategic Plan. Participants will be asked to provide input on priorities and actions as referenced in the draft assessment report. The public will also be asked to provide comment and reaction to past performance for the programs and actions contained in the previous action plan. Fort Collins staff will determine the location of the meetings and arrange for space for up to 50 people that is accessible. Once the Consolidated Plan is in its final form, a third public meeting will be held to review the report and its findings. CSI believes that focus groups are a good tool to gain input from stakeholders and beneficiaries of the programs the City sponsors through its Consolidate Plan. Three focus groups will be held in locations determined by the City staff. The focus group meetings will be held early, as soon as preliminary data and recommendations are available in order to incorporate the focus group findings into the draft of the Consolidated Plan. CSI will ask for stakeholder input on the following topics:  Confirmation of local housing and community development needs Input on how priorities should be arranged in the Consolidated Plan  Comment on how past performance has met previous goals and objectives  Suggestions for actions over the five year period to ensure that identified priority needs are met within resource limitations In addition to meetings and focus group sessions, it is important to involve the community through the use of the Internet and other media. As CSI prepares for the meetings to discuss the draft housing needs assessment and the meeting to discuss the final draft of the report, it is important that the product is widely available to the citizens of Fort Collins. CSI recommends that in conjunction with City staff, press releases are prepared to inform citizens that they may look at the text by clicking on a button on the City website. There may be other Fort Collins stakeholders that also would sponsor a link to the draft report through their website. The City will also have to make free, paper copies available to anyone who requests one at a designated City office. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 5 | P a g e Citizen Participation CSI will develop an online survey that will be distributed through city staff contacts, local housing and service organizations, and which will be available on the city website. This survey will focus on providing agency personnel and the public an easily accessible tool for offering comment on needs and possible strategic plan priorities. The web address of the survey instrument will be widely promoted through public circulation media such as newspapers and websites. The survey will be available on line in English and Spanish. Paper copies of the survey instrument will be available for reproduction to citizens who are not computer literate or who do not have access to the Internet. Paper copies will be available at the public meetings as well. E-mails will be distributed to various advisory groups, lenders, City of Fort Collins contacts, housing and homeless providers, the Board of Realtors, senior and special needs organizations, and other community organizations serving special needs populations including the chronically mentally ill and developmentally disabled, and disadvantaged and underserved populations. Results of the survey will be used to identify highest priority needs and actions for the Consolidated Plan. Residents who will be encouraged to respond to the survey will include low and moderate income residents where CDBG, HOME and other HUD funds may be spent, minorities and non- English speaking persons, persons with disabilities, residents of public and assisted housing developments, recipients of tenant based rental assistance, local businesses, philanthropic organizations, community and faith based organizations, and residents of targeted revitalization areas. CSI will also work with Fort Collins staff to hold one public hearing to review proposed actions and funding allocations in the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. CSI will have one team member help plan the meeting with county staff, and who will also attend and facilitate the hearing. CSI will work with county staff to utilize electronic information channels as the primary communication channel for review of the draft Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. Most written information can be effectively posted in websites. Because not all citizens have access to the sophisticated computers necessary to download large documents, some paper copies of the draft plans should be made available for reproduction and circulation as needed and for use at public hearings. Once final versions of the Consolidated Plan Documents are approved, they will be submitted to HUD. Paper originals will also be made available of the finalized documents to be distributed to stakeholders without electronic means. Citizens will be provided the mandatory 30 days to review the draft plans before final publication. CSI will summarize citizen comments, and include these comments in the final Consolidated Plan. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 6 | P a g e Consolidated Plan Sections within the IDIS Template CSI will follow the requirements outlined in 24 CFR Part 91 and subsequent guidance offered in other HUD IDIS Consolidated Planning tools. CSI will use the Desk Guide for Using IDIS to Prepare the Consolidated Plan, published in August of 2013 to create a data analysis that will include pre-loaded into IDIS demographic, housing and economic data specific to the City of Fort Collins. CSI will work with Fort Collins staff to gain access to the Consolidated Plan Template within the Fort Collins IDIS system. HUD encourages grantees to use the data provided within the template, unless the local government can show that the data is flawed. With this in mind, CSI will download all pre-loaded data at the beginning of the project and analyze it to ensure that HUD provided data appears accurate. CSI will provide supplemental data and narrative by manually in putting it into the IDIS template as attachments. Housing Needs Assessment (Con Plan Template Screens NA-10-NA-30) Preloaded data that will be used in the Housing Needs Assessment analysis includes:  Population and household numbers and trends  Median income and changes over time  Households by type and HUD income range  Housing problems by tenure and income range  Number of housing problems by tenure and income range  Cost burdened households by tenure and income range  Overcrowded households by tenure and income range  Disproportionate Housing Problems by race and ethnicity CSI will complete the Needs/Housing Table within the template, and prepare the required narrative. In this narrative, we will describe the estimated housing needs projected for the next five year period for the following categories of persons:  extremely low-income, low-income, moderate-income, and middle-income families;  renters and owners;  elderly persons;  single persons;  large families;  public housing residents;  families on the public housing and section 8 tenant-based waiting list;  persons with HIV/AIDS and their families;  victims of domestic violence  persons with disabilities; We will discuss specific housing problems, including: cost-burden, severe cost-burden, substandard housing, and overcrowding (especially large families) and substandard conditions being experienced by extremely low-income, low-income, moderate- income, and middle-income renters and owners. We will identify any racial or ethnic group that has a disproportionately greater need (Screens NA 15-NA30) for housing RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 7 | P a g e than the population as a whole. We will define the terms “standard condition” and “substandard condition but suitable for rehabilitation:, and analyze lead based paint hazards within the Fort Collins housing stock. We will use information from the City of Fort Collins Affordable Housing Strategic Plan, City of Fort Collins Community Gaps Analysis, Homeward 2020, 2010 Census, 2012 American Community Survey, CDP Maps data, IDIS Online, local MLS data, Division of Housing Rent Survey data, Colorado Demography Section population projections, and Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Labor Market Information, and Supplemental Housing Inventory Data and Analysis Homeownership. Using the above mentioned data sources, current MLS listing and past sales, CSI will provide data on:  The number of units currently for sale by structure type including single family detached housing, town homes , condominium units and modular housing;  Current mean and median sales prices by structure type;  Listing price distribution of current units by structure type;  Trends in listings by structure type;  Mean and median sales prices of sold units by structure type;  Trends in units sold by structure type;  Trends in distribution of sales prices of units sold by structure type; Future trends in housing construction will be examined. Rental Housing. Using the Division of Housing Rental Vacancy survey of rental properties in Fort Collins and other available rental market data, CSI will provide data on:  Current rent levels;  Trends in rent levels;  Current year and trends in rent per square foot rates;  Current year information and trends in vacancy rates. Public and Assisted Housing (Consolidated Plan Template NA-35) In cooperation with the Fort Collins Housing Authority, CSI will describe the needs of public housing units, including:  the number of public housing units in the City,  the physical condition of such units,  the restoration and revitalization needs of public housing projects within the City,  the number of families on public housing and tenant-based waiting lists and  results from the Section 504 needs assessment of public housing projects located within the City. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 8 | P a g e CSI will also describe the number and targeting (income level and type of household served) of units currently assisted by local, state, or federally funded programs in the City and provide an assessment of whether any units are expected to be lost from the assisted housing inventory for any reason, (i.e. expiration of Section 8 contracts). Characteristics of current public housing residents by public housing program type from the Public and Indian Housing Information System will be presented, including:  incomes,  household size,  race and ethnicity  disability or elderly status,  length of stay CSI will analyze the 504 needs of public housing tenants, and identify the number and types of families on the waiting list for public housing and Section 8 tenant based rental assistance program. CSI will compare their housing needs to the housing needs of the population at large. Supplemental Housing Gaps and Estimated Housing Need Data and Analysis Supply Demand Analysis. Information from the City of Fort Collins Affordable Housing Strategic Plan and Community Gaps Analysis, as well as supplemental CSI gaps analysis, will be added to provide further insights into the supply and demand for affordable housing. Homeless Needs (Consolidated Plan Template NA-40) CSI will complete a Homeless Needs Table using the new IDIS format. We will provide:  a concise summary of the nature and extent of sheltered and unsheltered homelessness, (including chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth),  the number of persons experiencing homelessness on a given night,  the number of persons who experience homelessness each year,  the number of persons that exit homelessness each year;  the number of days that persons experience homelessness, in accordance with Template instructions  race and ethnicity of the sheltered and unsheltered homeless population At the present time, IDIS Online does not include homeless data because of inconsistent reporting areas between the boundaries of the local Continuum reporting of Point in Time and service data in the HMIS and the CDBG/HOME Jurisdictions. CSI will collect and use this information for Fort Collins as a base for the homeless needs assessment section of the report. This summary will identify the characteristics and needs of low-income individuals and families with children, who are currently housed but threatened with homelessness. CSI RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 9 | P a g e will use information from the Point-in-Time study, and information gathered from local homeless agencies to create this summary. Non-homeless Special Needs (Consolidated Plan Template NA-45) We will estimate, to the extent practicable, the number of persons in various subpopulations that are not homeless but may require housing or supportive services, including the:  elderly,  frail elderly,  persons with disabilities (mental, physical, developmental, persons with HIV/AIDS and their families),  persons with alcohol or other drug addiction,  victims of domestic violence, and  public housing residents. CSI will provide narrative summaries of the characteristics of these populations, their housing and supportive service needs of these special needs populations that can be entered into Table NA-45. Non-Housing Community Development Needs (NA-50) CSI will describe the need for public facilities, public improvements, and public services, including facilities and services for seniors, persons with disabilities, youth, transportation services, employment training, housing counseling, mental health services, childcare services, and others. We will discuss historic preservation needs within Fort Collins and planning needs. Housing Market Analysis (Consolidated Plan Template MA-05-MA-50) The Consolidated Plan Market Analysis is meant to provide the basis for the Strategic Plan portion of the Consolidated Plan. CSI will complete the Housing Market Analysis section of our report in accordance with all requirements included in MA-05-MA50 screens as prescribed in the Consolidated Plan Template. CSI will describe the significant characteristics of the housing market in terms of supply, demand, condition, and the cost of housing; the housing stock available to serve persons with disabilities; and to serve persons with HIV/AIDS and their families. We will provide estimates of the number housing units by tenure, type and location, the price range of housing available, the number and location of subsidized units, an analysis of planned developments and how they will impact supply, and an evaluation of the age and condition of existing housing by selected neighborhoods. CSI will also provide an estimate; to the extent information is available, of the number of vacant or abandoned buildings and whether units in these buildings are suitable for rehabilitation. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 10 | P a g e Market Analysis Overview (Consolidated Plan Template MA-05) CSI will summarize the key points and findings of the market analysis section. Included in the overview will be:  the significant characteristics of the Fort Collins housing market in general including supply, demand, condition and cost of housing  the housing stock available to persons with disabilities  the conditions and needs of public and assisted housing  an inventory of facilities, housing and services that meet the needs of homeless persons  regulatory environment as it creates barriers to access affordable housing  economic data related to jobs and income CSI will coordinate with Fort Collins GIS staff to utilize existing mapping resources to provide graphic representation of housing market conditions in the City. Additionally, CSI will utilize its own GIS capabilities to create specialized maps to illustrate various market conditions. When possible, CSI will draw on the CPD Maps HUD resources as another way of providing in-depth information on sub-areas of the County that may reflect higher housing needs or problems. General Characteristics of the Housing Market (Consolidated Plan Template MA-10 through MA-20) CSI will provide an inventory of the housing units in Fort Collins. That inventory will include tabulations to provide:  All rental properties by number of units  Unit size by tenure and price to determine the number of affordable owner units by income CSI will also describe the number and targeting (income level and type of household served) of units currently assisted by local, state, or federally funded programs in the County and provide an assessment of whether any units are expected to be lost from the assisted housing inventory for any reason, (i.e. expiration of Section 8 contracts). CSI will provide the following information to report on the cost of housing in Fort Collins:  Cost of housing – Median Home Value and Median Contract Rent  Rent paid table  Units affordable at households by income range  HUD Fair Market and HOME Rent Limits CSI will provide a narrative summarizing our findings and conclusions about the rental market in Fort Collins that can be included in the MA-10 – MA-20 Tables. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 11 | P a g e Condition of Housing (Consolidated Plan Template MA-20) CSI will provide a narrative on the condition of the housing stock with information on:  the condition of units  Year of construction  Risk of lead-base paint hazard  Vacant or abandoned units  REO Properties and Abandoned REO properties (as available) Supplemental Data and Analysis: Housing Problems: Using HUD data, local agency data, and public trustee data, CSI will provide an analysis regarding the conditions of the housing inventory, the need for rehabilitation of the current housing stock, specific community issues, and problems related to evictions and foreclosures in the region. Public and Assisted Housing (Consolidated Plan Template MA-25) In cooperation with the Fort Collins Housing Authority, CSI will describe the needs of public housing, including:  the number of public housing units and vouchers available in the County,  the physical condition of such units,  the restoration and revitalization needs of public housing projects within the County,  the number of families on public housing and tenant-based waiting lists  results from the Section 504 needs assessment of public housing projects located within the County  Strategies by housing authorities to improve the living environment of low and moderate income families living in public housing. Homeless Facilities and Services (Consolidated Plan Template MA-30) CSI will prepare an inventory of existing facilities, housing, and services in the County that meet the needs of homeless persons, particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth. Supplemental Homeless Data and Analysis: CSI will report on homeless facilities in Fort Collins by contacting homeless providers to obtain the homeless facility inventory charts for emergency shelter facilities, transitional housing units with supportive services, and permanent supportive housing for homeless individuals who need supportive services to live independently. We will list the complementary supportive services available to homeless families within Fort Collins, and those that are not but are needed. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 12 | P a g e Special Needs Facilities and Services (Consolidated Plan Template MA-35) CSI will describe the facilities and services that assist persons who are not homeless but require supportive housing within Fort Collins. Barriers to Affordable Housing (Consolidated Plan Template MA-40) CSI will determine if the cost of housing or the incentives to develop, maintain, or improve affordable housing barriers to Fort Collins residents obtaining affordable housing. Such policies that will be examined include:  tax policy  land use controls  zoning ordinances  building codes  fees and other charges for development  growth limits  policies that effect the return on residential investment Non-Housing Community Development Assets (MA-45 – MA-50) Economic Conditions. CSI will examine local economic conditions, major industries, the labor force, and local economic development resources. We will examine the location, type, growth potential and labor force needs of major industries and employers. We will highlight employment trends that may result in increases or decreases in housing demand. Employment. CSI will use HUD provided data, information from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Claritas data, the State Demographer’s Office, BEA Data, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, and local resources to gather information related to:  Historic, current and projected employment levels;  employment trends by industry;  wage trends by industry;  trends in unemployment rates and employment Strategic Plan CSI will create a Five Year Strategic Plan that meets all HUD Consolidated Plan requirements in IDIS. CSI will: Identify priority needs and allocation priorities for HUD resources. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 13 | P a g e This section of the Strategic Plan will describe the reasons for assigning the priority given to each category of priority needs (including the Needs Tables in IDIS), and identify any obstacles to meeting underserved needs. In addition, this section will describe the general priorities for allocating investment geographically within the City and among priority needs, and the process that the City will use to distribute funding resources.  Priority housing needs and activities will be specified in a narrative and the Priority Needs Table in IDIS, using the High, Medium, Low and No Priority labeling system.  Priority homeless needs will be presented, based upon the results of the Homeless Needs section.  Priority housing and supportive needs for those with other special needs besides homelessness will be specified.  Priority non-housing community development needs will be presented, with priorities based upon the data collected to identify community development needs, and public input. Summarize Priorities and Specific Objectives The Five Year Strategic Plan section will also summarize priorities and specific objectives, and describe how funds that will be made available will be used to address identified needs during the five year planning timeframe. Each specific objective identified by CSI and City staff will have proposed accomplishments and outcomes that will be achieved during specific time periods. CSI will identify specific objectives under general outcome and objective categories such as the availability and accessibility of affordable housing, sustainability of decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunity. This Five Year Strategic Plan will be entered into the IDIS Tool, and include:  Geographic Priorities (if applicable)  Priority Needs  Influence of Market Conditions  Anticipated Resources  Institutional Delivery System  Goals  Public Housing  Barriers to Affordable Housing  Homeless Strategies  Anti-Poverty Strategy HUD requires that Strategic Plans also outline actions to evaluate and reduce lead- based paint hazards, and how lead-based paint hazards will be reduced through the agencies housing policies and programs. CSI will include a section in the Strategic Plan that meets this requirement. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 14 | P a g e Another requirement in the Strategic Plan is to describe the strategy to coordinate the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program with development of housing using HUD resources. CSI will describe how the City will coordinate LIHTC resources with CDBG resources, if relevant. CSI will identify potential funding sources available to the City for housing related and community development activities. We will suggest financial terms for CDBG and HOME projects, based on project type or other related factors. CSI will also describe the standards and procedures City will use to monitor its housing and community development projects and ensure long-term compliance with program requirements and comprehensive planning requirements. Action Plan After developing the Five Year Strategic Plan, CSI will develop the Annual Action Plan, which will summarize the actions, activities, and programs that will take place during the first year of the Consolidated Plan. The Action Plan will be developed with City staff according to HUD requirements. CSI will use the Consolidated Plan data, goals and objectives from the Strategic Plan, input from agency interviews, public input, and City goals to create the Action Plan in the IDIS template. This section of the Consolidated Plan will include: Executive Summary CSI will prepare an Executive Summary of the objectives and outcomes identified in the plan. Anticipated Resources CSI will identify the sources and amounts of funding that will be used to meet annual objectives, including CDBG and HOME funds, bonding authority, tax credits, state and other resources. We will describe how HUD matching requirements will be met. Annual Goals and Objectives Using the Five Year Strategic Plan objectives, CSI will work in collaboration with the City of Fort Collins to create annual objectives for the first program year. Each annual objective will contain proposed accomplishments and outcomes according to the IDIS Goal Outcome Indicators. Projects The Action Plan will provide a concise summary of the eligible programs or activities that will take place during the program year to address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the Strategic Plan. These are each all Projects in IDIS. Geographic Distribution RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 15 | P a g e The Action Plan will identify the geographic areas of the City in which the City will direct assistance during the year. Annual Affordable Housing Goals CSI will work with the City to specify one-year goals for the number of homeless, non- homeless, and special needs households to be provided affordable housing if applicable . Activities could production of new units, rehabilitation of existing units, or acquisition of existing units. Homeless and other Special Needs Annual activities to address the emergency shelter and transitional shelter needs of homeless persons, potentially homeless, and homeless prevention activities will be described in the Annual Plan if relevant. CSI will describe planned actions to address homelessness. Other Actions Other actions are also required in the Annual Plan to address objectives regarding these issues in the Strategic Plan. CSI will complete the “Other Actions” section of the Annual Plan in coordination with City staff. These include:  obstacles to meeting underserved needs,  foster and maintain affordable housing,  remove barriers to affordable housing,  evaluate and reduce lead based paint hazards,  reduce the number of poverty level families,  develop institutional structure,  enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies, and  foster public housing resident initiatives CSI will load all required attachments into the IDIS template, and also provide the following attachments:  Source documentation and data  Interim reports, memorandums, addendums, etc.  Public announcements and proof of publications  Information packets, survey results, focus group summaries, and other handouts from public meetings  Formalized notes from events  Copied of written public comments, summaries of verbal comments, and responses  Presentation materials for focus groups and public hearings  Form 424 and Certifications RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 16 | P a g e 3. Qualifications and Experience Firm Name: Community Strategies Institute, LLC Year Established: 2003 Type of Ownership: LLC Number of Employees: CSI has two Directors and four Associates. All are technically contractors, and not employees. Normal Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Mountain Standard Profile of the Firm The Directors of Community Strategies Institute have over 60 years of combined experience in housing development, planning, market analysis, government policy, finance and training. Much of that experience has involved working for government agencies. CSI Directors and associates have worked extensively in the Rocky Mountain Region performing housing needs assessments, HUD required planning documents, market studies, and developing implementation strategies in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, and New Mexico. At the State Division of Housing, CSI Directors had direct oversight of the HOME, CDBG and ESG federal block grant programs, as well as the State of Colorado Private Activity Bond Program. Directors and Associates are experts in the rules and requirements of these funding resources, as well as others financing resources such as the Low Income Housing Tax Credit and NSP programs. Hart and Rodgers have successfully submitted Consolidated Plan Documents, Annual Action Plans and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Reports which have been approved by HUD. Tom Hart, Jennie Rodgers, Annette Boyer, and Rachel Rohner, Paula Lundquist and Jay Kenny will be the team to work on the City of Fort Collins Housing Needs Assessment should CSI be engaged to conduct the study. Overview of Services Offered and Qualifications The CSI team members have a unique working relationship. The team has worked together in a non-profit setting and in a state agency for a number of years. The Directors has been working to strengthen local communities since 1989. That depth of experience will ensure a quality product for the City of Fort Collins. CSI believes that its extensive experience in working with communities will produce a quality Housing Needs Assessment for the Five Year Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Study. CSI manages many projects, including Housing Needs Assessments and Strategic Plans for local communities, Consolidated Plans and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, nonprofit Strategic and Funding Plans, agency portfolio reviews, market studies, funding packages and technical assistance plans. We are retained by government agencies and HUD grantees because of our programmatic and program management RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 17 | P a g e expertise, and are known for our vast databank of knowledge related to HUD funding sources and program management best practices. Some examples of past projects are:  Housing Needs Assessments:  Thornton, Colorado, underway  Bernalillo County, New Mexico, underway  Arapahoe County, Colorado, 2014  City of Longmont, Colorado, 2012  Clear Creek County, Colorado 2012  City of Portales, New Mexico, 2011  Delta County, Colorado 2011  Teller County Housing Market Assessment Update, 2011  Alamosa and Monte Vista, Colorado 2010  Larimer County, Colorado, 2009  San Luis Valley Six County assessment, 2009  Provo, Utah, 2009  Montrose County, Colorado, 2009  State of New Mexico, statewide housing assessment, 2008  Bent County, Colorado, 2008  Logan and Morgan Counties, 2007  Lakewood, Colorado, 2007  Sheridan County, Wyoming, 2006.  Campbell County, Wyoming, 2005.  South Central CHDO, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, 2005 These reports outline the housing conditions and markets that exist in each community. The reports outline a strategic plan for meeting housing challenges, including identification of leaders for each step, priorities and estimated costs. Consolidated Plans: Lehi City, Utah, 2014 Bernalillo County, New Mexico, underway Arapahoe County, Colorado, 2014 South Jordan, Utah, 2012 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice: Thornton, Colorado, 2014 Bernalillo County, New Mexico, underway Arapahoe County, Colorado, 2014 Priovo, Utah, 2009 Lakewood, Colorado, 2007 OneCPD Consolidated Planning Webinar, Direct TA, and Toolkit, 2012 (current). CSI is part of an Enterprise Community Partners OneCPD technical assistance team working directly with HUD to create one of the new Consolidated Planning eCon Planning Suite webinars and Toolkits. Our work involves developing the content for a Webinar related to leverage and planning for investment of HUD dollars, and use of the new IDIS based RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 18 | P a g e Consolidated Planning system. Our team will also be developing a Toolkit with more in- depth information related to maximizing investments of HUD dollars. CSI was also involved with a team providing direct assistance to the City of Los Angeles related to CDP Maps, the new Consolidated Plan mapping tool, and the IDIS based Consolidated Planning process and content. Jennie Rodgers traveled to LA with a team which provided training to City Commissions, City Staff, and other partners related to CDP Consolidated Planning and CDP Maps as they related to the Los Angeles Consolidated Plan. City of Alexandria, Virginia Housing Master Plan. 2011. CSI was engaged by the City of Alexandria Virginia as part of the team creating the Alexandria Housing Master Plan. CSI is conducting research into developing local policies, programs, legislation and funding resources regarding preservation of affordable housing and transit oriented housing development. Denver Housing Plan. 2008. CSI prepared a Housing Resource Directory as part of the Denver Housing Plan and is also assisting the Task Force preparing the plan with identifying and crafting action steps and strategies and the cost for implementing these strategies. As part of the Resource Directory research and report, CSI directors identified gaps in the financing system for affordable housing in Denver and made recommendations on expanded and better use of existing or potential resources within the City. CSI also created an investment plan for the Denver Housing Plan and an analysis of new tax alternatives for funding affordable housing projects. State of New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority. 2008. CSI completed a Regional Housing Authority Plan for the NMMFA which includes a statewide Housing Needs Assessment, regional housing needs summaries and recommendations regarding the structure and financing of the regional housing authority system in New Mexico. As part of this project, CSI has conducted community and individual meetings and interviews across the state. The finished document incorporated the elements of the New Mexico Affordable Housing Statute into a template that MFA has used a model for those local communities wishing to formulate their own housing plans. Market Studies: Chestnut, LIHTC Market Study, 2013, LIHTC Rental Development, Denver, CO The Edge, LIHTC Market Study, 2013, LIHTC Rental Development, Loveland, CO 40 West Residences, LIHTC Market Study, 2013, LIHTC Rental Development, Lakewood CO Riverside Apartments LIHTC Market Study, 2012, LIHTC/RD 515 Rental Development in Kalispell, MT Thermopolis, Wyoming Market Study, 2011, LIHTC/RD 515 Rental Development Teller County, Colorado Market Study, 2010, mixed affordable rental and for-sale development Village Creek Townhomes Market Study, 2010, expiring LIHTC property converting to homeownership Rio Grande Village Phase II Rental Market Study, 2007, affordable rentals Rocky Mountain Community Land Trust Market Study, 2007, affordable homeownership RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 19 | P a g e Riverton, Wyoming Market Study, 2004, affordable subdivision or subsidized rental project High Meadows Subdivision Market Study, Florence Colorado, 2005, affordable homeownership These reports outline the housing conditions and markets that exist in each community. Names of Similar Projects Arapahoe County, Colorado Consolidated Plan, 2014 (in IDIS Template, accepted by HUD) Linda Haley Housing and Community Development/Senior Resources Manager Arapahoe County Community Resources Department 1690 West Littleton Blvd., Suite 300 Littleton, CO 80120-5707 303-738-8089 LHaley@arapahoegov.com Lehi City Utah Consolidated Plan, 2014 (in IDIS Template, to HUD for review in mid-July 2014) Christie Hutchings, AICP Lehi City Planning Department 99 W Main Street Lehi, UT 84043 801-768-7120 ext 2 chutchings@lehi-ut.gov South Jordan, Utah Consolidated Plan, 2012 (before IDIS template was released, accepted by HUD) Jake Warner, Planner III City of South Jordan, Utah 1600 W. Towne Center Dr. (10610 S.) South Jordan, UT 84095 801-254-3742 jawarner@sjc.utah.gov These sample Consolidated Plans are attached to this proposal e-mail as PDF documents. List of Project Personnel The City of Fort Collins team will be lead by Tom Hart and Jennie Rodgers, Directors. The CSI Directors will be joined by Associates Annette Boyer, Rachel Rohner, and Jay Kenney, as well as support staff Paula Lundquist. Annette Boyer is responsible for RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 20 | P a g e demographic data, other data review and collection, and review of CHAS and HUD eCon Planning Suite data. Rachel Rohner will oversee the surveys and conduct housing research and interviews for project. Jay Kenney will produce maps of relevant data in GIS. Paula Lundquist is a research assistant and assists coordinating meetings and forums. The team has worked together on numerous Housing Needs Assessments, Consolidated Plans, Analysis of Impediments and Market Studies throughout the western United States and each is a strong performer on past projects. Ms. Rohner, Ms. Boyer, and Ms. Lundquist will be assigned to this project part time as needed. Tom Hart, Director As the former Director of the Colorado Division of Housing, Mr. Hart developed programs and plans resulting in the largest production increase of affordable housing units in the state’s history. Hart took an active lead role in formulating the first statewide affordable housing investment strategy known as the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (later the Consolidated Plan). This plan involved designing the framework and process for conducting an analysis of housing needs for the state and then identifying priorities linked to a strategic plan to address those housing needs. Under Mr. Hart’s leadership, the Division of Housing assisted local communities in identifying local needs and priorities and then linking local agencies and resources to establish programs and projects. Using a bottom up planning approach, division plans resulted in over a $100 million dollar investment in affordable housing during Mr. Hart’s thirteen year tenure. Mr. Hart is a 1972 graduate of the University of Colorado with a major in English. Over the years Hart has pursued graduate studies in management, construction trades, and real estate finance. For over 30 years, he has worked as a market researcher, real estate broker, educator, property manager, policy consultant and general partner in real estate investment partnerships. While serving as the executive director of a regional housing development organization in Southwest Colorado, Mr. Hart directed community housing and needs assessments including the La Plata County Housing Needs Study published in 1991. Mr. Hart has designed and implemented a variety of planning processes and tools to be used by communities in identifying housing needs, creating action plans to meet those needs and incorporating those plans into partnerships to create specific outcomes. Jennie Rodgers, Director (Project Lead) Ms. Rodgers has over 20 years experience in the arena of affordable housing finance and development. She has worked in the nonprofit, private and government sectors on urban and rural housing initiatives. Starting her career by developing a homeless shelter and homeless services in Durango, Colorado, Ms. Rodgers moved on to a housing consultancy firm, an urban nonprofit, and finally the State of Colorado Division of Housing. For 11 years, she helped local agencies and governments to identify housing needs, create local services, develop real estate and establish nonprofit agencies, including those in mountain communities, which was part of her service RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 21 | P a g e territory. Rodgers took the lead in writing the state’s Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice as well as the Consolidated Plan and performance reports required under the Consolidated Plan. Rodgers is the co-author of many publications on housing needs in Colorado; a guidebook to assist local governments solve their affordable housing problems and various statistical analyses on the impact state and local programs have had on Colorado’s housing needs. Ms. Rodgers has created training products aimed at local government officials, nonprofit and for profit developers, and agency staff which administer federal housing programs. Ms. Rodgers has a B.A. in Anthropology and Business from Vanderbilt University. She is a certified HOME specialist in Regulations and Administration. She served on the Fannie Mae Colorado Advisory Board and is a past member of the Colorado Coordinating Council for the Homeless, and the Legislative Committee of Housing Colorado. She is a HOME Certified Specialist in Regulations and Administration. Annette Boyer, Associate Ms. Boyer is a former statistical analyst for the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Office of the State Demographer, where she was responsible for analyzing and presenting data from the 2000 census, developing and presenting household income data and creating a model to forecast the State’s population growth by race. Boyer recently completed database projects for the City of Denver and the State of Colorado. The Access based database engine is used by Denver to track its affordable housing inventory. The state sponsored database allows online users to calculate rent burdened households for each county. While employed at the Summit County Community Development Department, Boyer was responsible for overseeing planning requests, including subdivisions, rezoning and master plans. Ms. Boyer was responsible for statistical research and development, technical writing, and making presentations as a senior planner with the City of Colorado Springs. Ms. Boyer has served on the Idaho Springs City Council. Ms. Boyer has an MA in geography from the University of Chicago and an undergraduate degree in Developmental Economics from American University. Rachel Rohner Rachel Rohner has worked in the area of affordable housing for over 20 years. Her experience includes non-profit housing and homeless service provision at the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless and at Neighbor to Neighbor, Inc. in Northern Colorado. Rachel’s experience also includes public housing program administration at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). At HUD, she also served as the Department’s designee to the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative Board (MDHI) and established interagency partnerships in the areas of Fair Housing, prevention of unfair RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 22 | P a g e lending practices, and with Health and Human Services (HHS) office of Civil Rights on disability issues. Rachel served as a Program Manager at the Aurora Housing Authority in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program prior to entering graduate school at the University of Denver. Rachel has worked for the Colorado Division of Housing to support grantees statewide in the utilization of HOME, CDBG, ESG and state housing development funds. Most recently, Rachel worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Colorado as a Clinical Case Manager in the Health Care for Homeless and VASH Voucher Veteran’s Programs (HCHV). She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) who received her Master’s Degree at the University of Denver and her Bachelor of Arts Degree at Colorado State University. She is a member of the National Association of Social Workers. Jay Kenny, CSI GIS Coordinator Jay Kenny works with CSI on GIS related projects. Mr. Kenny uses the ESRI ArcGIS platform and also works with Excel and Access Databases. His CSI projects include the Denver properties databases, and creating the data sets identifying properties along light rail lines and near high frequency bus routes. He has also created GIS analysis for various Housing Needs Assessments completed by CSI. His other projects include authoring Great Road Rides Denver, a comprehensive guidebook to cycling in Denver, including 31 maps derived from GPS ground work, regional, state, and local GIS data sets, and 13 maps for a guidebook entitled Steppin' Out West for the Colorado State Parks Department. Mr. Kenny has a graduate certificate in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Denver University College, a Juris Doctor in Law from DU, and a BA from Harvard University. RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 23 | P a g e Organizational Chart: Availability The Fort Collins Consolidated Plan will be CSIs priority work product during the project timeframe, and all will be available to work on the project during this time. CSI is available for an interview in Fort Collins the first week of August should we be invited for an oral interview. Estimated Hours by Task Task Hours/Task Kick off Meeting, Reviews with Key Staff and Representatives 12 Key Informant Interviews 36 Data Collection and Analysis - supplemental data 56 Resident Survey 31 Draft Needs Asss/Market Analysis Sections, HUD Tables 40 Focus Groups 30 Preparation of Draft Strategic Plan Section 43 Preparation of Annual Action Plan 32 Preparation of Final 5 Year Plan Report 24 Public Hearings 30 Coordination Meetings, Communication 40 Summary of Hours 374 Directors Hart and Rodgers Annette Boyer, Demographics Rachel Rohner, Housing Associate Jay Kenny, GIS Paula Lundquist, Research Assistant RFP 7663 City of Fort Collins HUD Consolidated Plan 24 | P a g e Schedule of Rates The following is the CSI rate sheet: Tom Hart $ 110 Jennie Rodgers $ 110 Annette Boyer $ 75 Jay Kenney $ 100 Rachel Rohner $ 110 Paula Lundquist $ 30 Cost by Tasks Task Cost/Task Kick off Meeting, Reviews with Key Staff and Representatives $1,426 Key Informant Interviews $3,672 Data Collection and Analysis - supplemental data $4,687 Resident Survey $2,738 Draft Needs Asss/Market Analysis Sections, HUD Tables $3,996 Focus Groups $3,564 Preparation of Draft Strategic Plan Section $4,158 Preparation of Annual Action Plan $3,802 Preparation of Final 5 Year Plan Report $2,851 Public Hearings $3,186 Coordination Meetings, Communication $4,752 Summary of Hours $38,831 Total Budget Consolidated Plan $38,730 Translation $250 Online Surveys $180 Travel $815 Total Cost $39,975 RFP 7663 HUD Consolidated Plan 25 | P a g e Recent and current CSI clients include:  Adams County Housing Authority  Adams County Community Development Agency  City of Lakewood, Colorado  City of Thornton, Colorado  Arapahoe County, Colorado  Colorado State Division of Housing  City of Denver Housing and Neighborhood Development Services Office  Denver Housing Authority  Loveland, CO Housing Authority  City of Alexandria, Virginia  Enterprise Community Partners  City of Alexandria, Virginia  State of New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority  New Mexico State Board of Finance  Redevelopment Authority of the City of Provo, Utah  Montrose County Colorado Housing Authority  City of Loveland, Colorado  Alamosa County, Colorado  Habitat for Humanity of Colorado  Denver Department of Human Services  City of Durango, Colorado  South Central Colorado Council of Governments, Colorado  Northeast Colorado Housing, Inc.  Bent County Development Foundation, Colorado  Hope Communities, Inc.  The Aurora Housing Authority, Aurora Colorado  McDermott Properties, Denver  Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation(NeighborWorks)  PacifiCap Properties Corporation  FNMA Colorado Partnership Office  Medici Communities, Inc.  MBR Development, Inc.  Rocky Mountain Community Land Trust  City of Missoula, Montana Housing Authority  City of Sheridan Wyoming Planning Department  Sheridan County, Wyoming  Sheridan Housing Action Committee (SHAC)  City of Gillette, Wyoming/Campbell County Econ. Dev. Corporation  Rural Community Assistance Corporation  Housing Solutions of the Southwest  Upper Arkansas Council of Governments  Region 10 Economic and Planning District  Wyoming Housing Network  LIFE Homeless Housing Agency, Adams County, Colorado  District XI Human Resource Council, Missoula MT  Wyoming Housing Opportunities Association, Cheyenne, WY  Enterprise Community Partners  City of Arvada Housing and Redevelopment  City of South Jordan, Utah  Lehi City, Utah