PURCHASE ORDER 914337er Page
C117f Of43375 ' of 2
F6r} Collins` ls number must appear
!V1�`` V 1 , on all invoices, packing
lips and labels.
Date: 06/17/2014
Vendor: 537966
P O BOX 580
Delivery Date: 06/16/2014 / Buyer: PAUL, GERRY
Note: /
Line Description antity UOM Unit Price Extended
P PA —
I Development Fee Study
City of Fort Collins Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
This order is not valid over $5000 unless signed by Gerry S. Paul
City of Fort Collins Purchasing, PO BOX 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580
Phone:970-22"775 Fax: 970-221-6707 EmaTpurchasingQafogov.com
Invoice Address:
City of Fort Collins
Accounting Department
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Pt h+u Order T rmm and Cnd ficris
Page 2 of 2
Ta. aempiom. By ssume Ne Csry of Fon Cel vs o aaTgt f sate and heal... Thu, Ewo, on Nombm 6
9"50l. Fe.kral Everse Two, Eserrptim Carlifw-ae of Regiury 8afi000587 is mgjrcr0d with Tx CoOwa of
Failure of the Farmhouses to imisT span ruin perfaTevaem of dr temm and aatlidam banner, fw,,, To, delay D
lacmal Rmaae,Caters. Colorado(Ref. CobnOo Raised Swma 1973, Chapter 39-26,I1e(a).
excro a any right or morwdies paired hemwabylaw. faihue a pmmpTly atify sloe Scriber 6r The even Ora
b.xulb tooacepmem of or payment fa gads Mreunda a approsal ofhe dnigs, mall too Mwn she Sirl of
Grab RejeanN GOODS REJECTED due to failure a mean specifications, eider wlr, shipped a it. or defeat of
any or the w'mmeia was miigatiaro of Nis pnnhva once, anal shill new be deemed a Towvar army right of de
downe In staid,, may be mmed to you for credit staff am be, or be aplYN exempt upon taelpl or mium
Wtchw,so msnt ttpM sma parataMa bneOra an, ofm right or mralm, as To my such goods. agumbu.
imVaaiat from the City of Fort Collins.
ofwhen shippd, writhed or aemprN, m lO any prior a mhmqumt hf Il heavndn, nor shill my proposal
oral modification or rminla of this pualute ender by aM Pun'haar Operate as it waives of my or The demo
Inspman. GOODS are aubjen ro the City of FW Collins impadm on arieol,
FinA Acceptance. Receipt of fire merchandise. services a muipmea in rapture to This order can result in
m lusi.d NSr^ent on the pm of the City OF Fort Culliru. Howrm, it is to be udcnsoad Nat FINAL
Seller ms the Pwchwr raeegin Nan in wail cemwmk pa ina, aarcbvga resuming from on in w
ACCEPTANCE is dependent upon conplaim ofall applicable rmuinal inspection praNus.
violation are in fact home by the Purchsser.lMfgfwe. for god cause ad acatiaentiav for executing this
"'chsse atla, tx Seller Mreby assigns to shePuha nmy and all [buns it may taw' love Or hereafter
Freight Tea. Shipment mass be F.O.B., City of Fen Collins 700 Wood SL, Fan Collins, CO 80522, unlm
un acquired da (deal a sure antitrust lows for such ov.Mges misting to The panicukv goods or sakes
aTxwiu spcifiN on this order. If permission is tva t To prepay (Right and elotge separately, too original fight
purchasrder acquiml by the: Pwehauvpotuaot to this po,asc oncis.
bill most seeompany incvia Additional show afpacking will sex meeptet
Shipment Distance. SVIum erwrrrrfwm.rac M: duaibwing point, in sviem pats of The Oumry, shipment is
IfTx Portman di.mlhe Sella b warm vwwmafamiTgm defeurcgadwbyadmm to bit, armed war by The
-,,led I.. the natal duvibution point on deumtim, and eacg freight will br ddwud from Invoice when
Ptucas ad tx Seikr, ad the Sella thereder indiasais mobility or unwllerressm wrolty. the Pturloo,a
shipments an made from grata disarm.
ray muse The, work To be mrf.M by the most e.,alkioa tams morilobk to it, ms do Soller mall pry all
caws mmmisted with such wak.
Permit. Seller sail procure . select sank cos all rivamry parr i, eeni0eetes mJ licenus national by ell
aMikable too, ngmwtom, aCiaaa and ruksnf the awe municipality, sar oryar pditknl subdivision whim,
The work is mrfirmd, or m,aird by any other duly ro rni u al Public marI, avingj.r dlnim ova the wank
of nnown. Sella funkier •Crap to WW The City of Fun Collins hamkat f and sgiml call liability ad loss
ineurricil by them by n arm Often resod or esmblishd violation of my wash laws, Mulatio s, ordimnaa, mks
am rmulanrn.
Awariradon. All pmr'a a Ns a sewar agree tal The na, m fxt boa fine and priew ss full wd
anmkm authority to bid raid Forma.
LIMITATION OF TERMS. This realistic, Order apenty limns acceptance 10 the reran ad ambitious smta5
haoin err (Inch and my wWlememmy or additional went and cWiriom smaxd hash or kromomed Mew by
rcfemae. Any ddniwal of diR I sans aril cordimmts Proposal by scfler vrt Tritiated a ad herebymjmled.
PLEASE ADVISE PURCHASING AGENT worwi ucly if Sou carves make mmplefe shipment to arrive on your
promised delivery doe as coned. Time uofNe etcee. Delivery and peficia a mote be, eHcard widin the Time
stared m die pu,,M. order and ran docu . misled Irma. No arts of the Purthssen including, without
the Po ins, m[mmae e. i anal him deliveries, pall opmc bl a ernitee Trf reds Provision. In the amr afany Nloy,
The Poldin, mSshill aye in addition aorderlegal it ,lcmiabk hall.1s, Ilanoptionof,Tw,,s This order elsewhere
cad balding ILe Seger able for Jumuga. However, live Sense salt rot be liable for Tiamaga r r tnu0 Of deal r.
due as causer, Out mewnaMy fortacwble which cam , g beyond ids Twsanabk control ms withal IT, fmldani., sprier.
such pro id dal, acts of civil T e militaryncannoes, gatemmmal iven a O Emr, strikes, Ibd, firm
(5) can, wafs a
time what
del aria of too coalitions causing such Tkmy is given a den PuwhaTa a within Ova (5) Jays of The
time when erT Sella d a paaiad knowkdge Nsnuf. In the event of rmy such delay, the due ordeliaary Sall x
stared for f grind ryml m the time x.allY Iw by Tuscan of The delay.
The Sella mentions That 91 grads, ankles, uotesuds ms wak anara by This arhr will eonfam with appi o ble
drawing, specifications, amnphs aWa alter duaiptwns ghrn mill W fit few The proposes masher. and
prfamed with f higM4 dRm of ac and an. his sbevdvre with acapd stalidirds rar awl: of is
similar past The Scila stores no NOW the pgehsser homeless from my lows, damage or amnse w'h the
Poschssee may sulfa of wean on acaw arrive Sella bench of wamnty. The Sella "I replace. farm a sake
y ed, wiobul cou a she pvrehas, my defeat or bells asi, w'uhio as (1) y0v a widin sah banger peril of
time as may be pTacribed by law or by The teens of my applicable wo remty pmsided by Jae Sella after the dale of
acepTaae Of the goods famished hmvda (acap.'vic'e, too to but, tmrrssotsbly d oz ml), mWling front unpmfecs
or detective work ma or m'ttaws f rmishal by be Sella. Acaimur, or use isygoords by The ruabuts atoll aT
ca ndilum. writes of my claim powder This wwrvnr, acep. as alheewwo provided in This w uchose order, The Sell.
liability McuMa shall calms W WI darosga formality rained by tx breach of my of the fiampimg whammies
or guwunt0es but such liability shill in no emu wchlt lass ofpofa or Ig ofa . NO IMPLIED WARRANTY
The, Purtimu may make mama a kM tens by writen change Tr.da.
The Purehvee may make any'bangs to the .mu.Other ran kgJ rum, including addoiaas to in deaiwe fratur
me qumtilies originally ordered in The, apairwYort or Mu'ing, W e'e1W I at wnnrn menage order. If my atten
mange Mfecis de.mant due or TM Time ofineformaxe hwunda, in wtable adjmaal.holl be made.
The Pu whowo may at any Time by written change cancan. morrimin, dis are.um as to any at all Fma;ont of The
gads tan nor shipped, subjea m any equitable Tul emcnT W. the ynict ... my, wad or alMaB Ihen in
prugtas pm'Wh i Tha the Furhua That aT be liable for say claims fen mtkim al nofts no The weamtplad
pmion of dr grad w dfor work. for incklamil Or crosbaucti.l drmaga, ad Tics, nor such edjTm ovis it, nude m
t,,Or ofthe Seller vied mama to any Hook which are The Sella. arnda d stork. No such knoimntio n wall nlme
The Purchaser of the Sella ofmY e[de'vahligtimn as to any goodshlivead McudcT.
Any clamor fen djuwmu rout be awned within thins (So) days fears the dart whe, change of cemdnau..is
The Sella xemg throw DI goods said hmada dull form beer predeseck sold, a ivomor out fuTo'nMf is auks
anpliaae wvh.11 applicable law d .gulm ass to xhricir The goods eR subject That Seller shill aerate ms
delArr sTTchdavmenb as Truly be requlm-0 b arms Or aides a compliance. All bens and regslaliom missed b be,
aaporated in agmmeg of this character are, hereby incapacitated Mein by Nis afemae. The Sella cress as
htdemdly ad NOW The, Purchases bmnlsss From all cans and Camaga suRerN by The Pumhaw as r Tart of live
Seuas fail. or comely wid such law.
Neither surly sill sssirk tmafa. or anvry this OuTb, army mesa due as to Meame dam Ir,under without Tx
prim written cement ofthe other party.
10. TITLE.
The Sellerwamms full.elw and wmsarined tide m the, Rumbas for all muipanL materialo, and ilea ttunisMl
m prromtnee of alms ogrmmevt. free and claw of my eN all gens, .teianians, emanations. Worley wlerai
arvmbTnra and clang of axe
ax Sera mall release the Purchaser sal its com soon of any tin from all Hudwitity mud claims of any mtua
resulting rum the paf nice ofsud week.
This nelmae sill apply even in The an of fault of invigmm of de Nmy released rod shall atd to de
dhccrors. o(brrn" employees of such party.
TM Sclifs conlranual obliglions, including wormy, shall Two br clamed m the ndeerd. in my essay. beaus
such wort is performed or wad a x perfomrd by ds Purehaia.
kl'saimr The Sella is emptied so too,soy design, chime, manurial or Process ooamod by Imes, Form vadnmh
or ww ri&, tbr Sella sbll'nal mnity and sate haTnlw ale Purthaa room my Tom all clauv fir infriegemeet
by reasaa of The use of such "coed design. denim, i urerial a proem in connection with the roman, tad
sansiomntly the Pueclo rfmyaw. apeme Or dmage wtiN II may he Millar n pay by,awn orwcb
infringement ad my lime during The, P.,k. or after the mmPlalon of the wok. In wse said mviprcnr, ar
my Ilan Thereof Or the Intended tau of tx goods, is in such suit held it combine infirin,cnena and the ass of
mid equipment ar pan is enjoined, The Sella dull, al is awn airtime ad et is writ either pmcwsc for the
P ehma The right to enn ram sing said ryo ipmml or pan, rmlam the same dal sumo. molly egml boo
nnninfringmg m.i,.t. Or codify it to it baanss twnmfinyirt"
If the Seer shall became insuhad or bmkeupl. make an gignment for The beaGt of a rdiima, tppwnl a
Or Twice for my of the Sell. property Or busing. Nis Order rosy forthwith be canceled by the
PmduurwitlwT humbly.
The defimiess, sTuda the, ituape.dmofthe .8aaanTand ea rights ofdl yetis hemvdashallbr
reasoocd antler, ad gvvemd by the law arrive Sam ofCobrasb. USA.
The rmlmivg Adduimul Catdkicet apply Truly in class When The Sella is d perform wWk b.uda,
aclualiog the arnica of xll. Repreamhac(Ij m de penis ofedrrs
The Sera.Iw mrry an said week a Sell&.. riwguwil Nr. isfollycmpind ernexaemN and shall,
in rue of airy aridenh deuroctkn of injury to lr vork aMfa maeriah bed Seilds awl compktbn and
attpua, count the wok .T sell&. awn expense and to she suuafxriun 0f f Pwehns. Wan maaera:a
ms equipment are famished by ode. far mutilation or erection by TM Sella, The Sella aboh receive, wlv,L
store and handle save at The air end baome rcspomibk w[nfa as gvugh such mwenak ardor eq,iiprtern
were bang fionisheJ by the, S<Iler udcr the adcr.
The Sella shall. .1 his awn "nu, pevidc for the parmmt erworkm mmpensdoo, imhadirig aeuyruw
disause beats, to is employees employed an Or in mmation with sk woh covered by This paean. Order.
writer to their dr adruts in accordance with the law off sour or which The wed is w be Time. The Sella
call also sum eanpcanaim Harral liability imbding. Wan not limited m, mntrawal and amomahtle Public
liability insurance with bW ily injury and Jmth hmiw of at kml SIW,txp for my one serum. SMOOTO for any
a< xcW ad property dowswe limit pm .ceide s of UM.000. Tx Seller shall likewise ram. his
wnbaemra, army. to provide fen Touch compensation sal inetworm. Befar, my of she Sellers or hit eaarxnia
amployea sail den my .,it upon f proms arahm , she Sella whdl famish tbr FumbnuT with. mnifwe
That Loch rommorwo t ad insurances have been Provided. Such anifica s shall amity The Gan when Truth
ar np[owma rad inwnnm love been provided. Such mutilates wall I s aily the date when suchcompensation
ad insuzae'spinew. The Sellangrea that such comparwim cad iwuaae tall be n aboa ood until an,, Tie
cal ire wok is amploN cad erupted.
The Sella xaby gams the coma responsibility mill liability for miy and all dwmge, loss in wjury army kind
ar attune whatma.r aperwm or pwPmrly a'ud by or ..I'm, from the exawlon of the work provided few in
this'erase adrr, a in maenion xtm il, Tim Sella will iod'nnify tad 1TOW bmmkss The Purchaser sad my
or all of The Purtlusen Officers, agent and employees rmm ad .giro m and all claims, Imses, damai
chanter in apenset, xhder dired ne inducts, and rvivedrr to p we pavparry as which The Purtaw may
M pis . malice, by.am 0f cry xe, sedue. aglra, emission or debuh ant the lun of site Sella, my of his
.cm, or my of The Senor Or eonua. edflcas, W. a mployea to . my sort Or olrr
pma ndim, shill W bmugN agwu the structural Or it eRmm, agents a ann to mes as my time Two xaeums a
by TTum of my aL atba Otilina, commons defarsh ofde Saller of my of but ... Or any of itsa
Their offims, agme; or .playas as .ferssvd, tx Sella bray, specs to aswur The, ekfnse t ermf said a
defend The swic w dr Sella own aurae. a NY any anal .11 mat, manages, summers fees anal other apcass.
my ms all ldgm0s That say br incurred by a shooed aghaa live Phurhwv a my of its a Then ofM.,
agents or empbyns in such Solt or char pTaecding, ms in ass jdgnmt or seder lien be placed upon ar
mtaimd against The Pmrmory of Ibr Purehomr, or said ynie in or m . rwdt crunch its a Other paeedng,
IM Seller will a Once cause the acne 10 br dissolved mail discharyd by giving bend m aTMrmse. The Seller and
his contractors shall coke all safety patmiom. famish and insult all gads aecsssary for Our privation of
accidents, comply with DI law and resiration, with Tegrd to Way jaludwg. WT without limitation, the
Com,tioml Safay ad Health Act of 1970 and all rule and arddom ismd morear d The.
Revised 03/1010