HomeMy WebLinkAbout476648 NOVAK CONSULTING GROUP - PURCHASE ORDER - 9143232 (2)Fort Collins
Date: 06/1012014
Vendor: 476648
PO Number I Page
9143232 1of2
his number must appear
on all invoices, packing
sli s and labels.
Delivery Date: 06/10/2014 Buyer: ED BONNETTE
Note: PER 7623 Department of Social Sustainability Staffing and Structural Analysis
Line Description Quantity UOM Unit Price Extended
Ordered Price
r Staffing and Structural Analys 1 LOT LS 10,000.00
2 Staffing and Structural Analys
s Staffing and Structural Analys
4 Staffing and Structural Analys
City of Fort Collins Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
This order is not valid over $5000 unless signed by Gerry S. Paul
City of Fort Collins Purchasing, PO BOX 580. Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Phone:970-221-6775 Fax: 970-221-6707 Email:pumhasing@fcgov.00m
Invoice Address:
City of Fort Collins
Accounting Department
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Page 2 of 2
Tax incarnations. Dy storm the City ofFon wer Collim s empt from se ant local taxes Our Our Exemption Number is
98-04502. Fedrml Elastic TO. Campanili Cenifrch, of Regulr, g-6WR58y u registered with the Coliseums or
Failure of urn Purzhan to insist upon uric[ f f the lams and aMitiom hrtof. (ailurz or dell to
piahe n 1. inm led herein b Performanceof
s m I die the Seller. the even. of o
exercise any rig provided Y promptyn y
lemma. Revmar.Germ, Coloreds(Ref. Colorado Revised Statute 1973, Chapter 3Y36. 114(a).
branch, the acceptvKc ofor paymcm for goods hreundn or apDrmal of the drown. slash tea reliance the kiln of
Gaol Rcjcmed. GOODS REJECTED doe in failan to men fpecifaatiom, either whrn shipped M don no delbcs Of
mY of tM1c wamntm or oblisations of Nis Wrtllase eadn and shall nose he deemd a waisxr afmy right of ant
damage in mops t, may he rctumd re you (o cruet ar-0 are net to be replaced mcepl upon tensile of "non
purthaur w imst upon strinpes(omsvar herrofm mY of ice righu ar rtmdKsm tO mY wch godds, rtyrtlkas
imnucaom fmm Me City of Fact Collins.
of.1m, ahipardi. reccka omeroa At to my prior or aubsequmt erfauh hereuM., no shall any purported
oml small fiahn or rtee'ission of this pmhaa ours, by she Purchases apemfe As e wsivcr of Any of de IfTI[
Impacfon. GOODS art subject w the Ciry of Foes Collim mcfea, ban an arrival.
Fire[ Aarparce. Receipt of the mnchaMiea, mrviam or cgnipmere in response m this order -a null .
amharicid payment no the pan of the City of Fort Cultists. Rollover, it s la he urcestod the,, FINAL
Seller And don P ... man rtognae rht in xwal nnwmic practice, soorhAl msulti , Dam mtioust
ACCEPTANCE sdapcdera upon wmpktianaf ell apDlkable rsqui ad iol,icnnn pmenlara.
viroamse art in fact borne by the Purchase, Thurdofort, far good a u AM os mmidemlun for attracting this
purchase older, Me Stile, hereby assigns se the Purrhares, mY And all slims it may saw have n homier
Freight Terns. Shipments must be F.O.D., City or Fort Collins, 700 Wand St, Fan Collim, CO 80522, unless
acquifed under federal or sr a natural, taws for moth mvncM1argts relating to the particular gods of rervic-
otherwise ApminedanNisorder .Ifpernmiion is givenw ptryy Geight and charge trawl the original Ron&
purchased or er,rired by Me Posdusn ..a, I. Am purchase older.
bill moss Accompany, invoice. Additional charges for parking will not be accepted.
ShipmentDistance,Me.camefe rmnufsaaro hoax dlsuiim ad uf,Md
ingot ueltttivx goods byadve m be on by do,
Pans adHSella, wles
oarean excess bright wit from',shimwhen
,aunt Rom .aim w kaaiwion, bM a<sss (night will be Jeducat from Invoire when
ard! r, Win. thermos indimn its inab.liry«nedid, ingots to comply. the Fireman
Purticam and AK Sella, end Me Meefee in
marks ji
d.ipmene m nude Dom gvrerdisuroe.
m greater
e, Sag, All
red M the terns expeditious mans amibble in ill mat the Sells imll WY All
may Dose the work w he reed
case as o'le red wUh ouch wads
Pemlim. win am[] laarun as sellers ak cost all nnesary permits, canifimin and homers required by all
applkable laws, agulmlaµ odlmmes And I. of the mute, muningaliry, anion,. political mdivuion wherm
the work is perlivmN, or required by any other duly constituted public authority having juriadinion over fie week
of raisins, kllsr further Agrees to hold the City of Fat Collins harmless from and Against all liability and lass
ineuved by them by reason of an asserted or istablubed violation of any each laws, ugulmi ns, Odamons, rvks
and agrocassas.
Aulhoriztion. All aches la this wntmct agme that flue reprtsentation ma, in fact, bons fide and possess full and
c urplem mllwriry wberd said parties.
LIMITATION OF TERMS. This Purchmr Only expressly limits acap'.ma m the .erns AM codidom awed
himer an (ores and my •upptaea m0' or Militarist urns ant wtdituns same and harm or incorporated herin by
reference. Any additional or dilf nl hour and conditions proposed by ulln Am objected a and thereby attached.
PLEASE ADV EL PURCI IASMG AGENT immrdiahely if you moron make mmplem shipment lA amve an your
,remained delivery time As cored. Time is of the csnence. Grills, and paffolmanre mua be elremed within the time
atoned on the purchase order And the documents amchd home, No acts Of the P relsmas including, without
limdnlion. Acceptance of partial lam deliveries, shall operate sea A w'anver of Mis Provision. In the sent ofir, delay,
Am Purchaser Mail hare, in addition a ac m legd AM rquimble umaiea, the option of pLular, Mis order eluslore
and belding the Soler liable fa damages. Honm'esJhe Seller stall act he liable for damages As a result of drlaya
due- a,.—,atlyfaminabk which Are beyond he mewmble normal And without its fault ofergligence,
such ens ofGod. As. of rilil ac milons, and o itim, govamwcnml priorilis, Tres, strikes, Road, epidemic, wens or
riots proaidd dot raniee .(Me rodiuons arming such deky 0 given to Me, Purchaser mush five (5) days ofthe
time when the Seller first earned kmwledge thmf. in Me, elm of my such delay, the doe of,hinery shut be
extedd far the period apul in de Mne:nually lorby mo son of Me dairy.
The Seller amomme than all goods, miles, matcerids end weak rorered by Mis older will oonform with appfaxbk
drawings, sp cificatio s, s"Ier mdfor other descriptiom gisxn, will be Et for the pummes intndd, AM
pnfoamd wif the highest degas of erne eM eampnrnce in acrodrae with maptd smrdaw far wart of A
miry court. To, Seller agues to hold the purchaser hamslms from Any Ions, damage or npenae which the
Purthaun may suffir, . incur on reamanl offs Sellers bmen hl'wvtaaty. The Sells [hall o plea, repair m make
good, without cml As Me pmeMun my deflects or fm16 arising within me D) year or wihin such rouges period or
time ten mayhe Proscribed by law or by the house army applicable wamruy provided by Area Slier after Me date or
.a'. of the goads filmishN heeudn (aceepurce As. an be unreasonably delayed). reselling lion imperfnt
or Acfinfi a wall done or meudah fommbed by the Seller. Anchorite, or sew of goods by the Parchaer shall ml
amen ,.I. A waiver of., claim under his wanmmy. Eeapr as whoww provided in this mach:ue order, Me Sri lm
HIM iIiy heeudes shall mach w all damage proximately caused by Me breach of my of Me foregoing wemenoes
of gomntme, but such IiabiI iry shell in h o event aalde Ions of profits or bass of use. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY
The Pachaser may make allergen to legal terms by written change codes.
The Purchaser my make my vic-On to the lets. asset Man legal erne, including addilims to or ArInum frcm
the grantmas originally ordered in Me spnihmtkm or dill ings, by va,hat as, wrnrm change notes. if any such
charge dTeas Are maw due or the time oflerfomrna hreutdcr, m enwaM:e djmsmtrnl doll he musk.
The Parchasn may us arty time by wriaco change oases, learrinme this .1ocanma m as any an all Portions of the
gods then not shipped, subject to any trquimble adjusment herween the parties As W any work or materials than in
,on,n. provided Met the Purebron, shell not he liable for any assume far womiy.d pm@A an the umromplad
ponies arrive gad, mdsas work, for mademal re ron"rientirl damage, vd Mot an such adjustment W made in
lava of the Sclle V kiln
Oft y fa gads which arc fie Selkrs s delisd mock. onal tcmtinAl.n shill relieve
Me Purchasases m the Sella of mY ofueir obtigriams m sO my sods delis-crtA brnudcr.
Any claim far Adjustment must be Auened within Mist' (JI) 6, Rm Me d u Me arms, Or urmiwkn is
The Sena wanmis that All goods aid bartender shall love been prducerL aid, delivemd end fumshd in was
appliance with All applieabla Iowa use nolatiom to which the goads are subject The Seller shall execute and
,alive such document. may he squired wrffenor evidenceamplionce. All 1. antregulsomu requited to he
incorporated An Agreemens of this shaxace me banby incorporated here. by this afcanre. The Strait W. to
Ildcmni(y suit MM he Purchases bamemass from tell oast, mid dkAw b wff.d by Me Purchases . A rewlt of the
Sellers floe m comply with such low.
Neither party "I Assign, namf., of remxy ahu adn, a any moat -due m an bmosa she linebacker Witham the
Palo, w'riven aoenu l de other party.
10. TULE
The Sdin marmot full, clmr ant unrtstrimcd tick loth Purchaser for All equipment, sm trials, and ivam forrshd
in prefficrinconer. of this agreement, Rae ant dam of very rd dl liens, restrictions, r.—ask., security mcco l
e steno cos and claims Of Am.
The Seller shall relat a the Furehmss ant its cor rectos of any lon tram all liability and claims of any mum
.III., from Me, pafarmame of such wmk.
This release .lull apply even in the mean 9 fault crmgligmce .(,be pain mlcasd and clan extend to fc
dimemrs, aliens and employmr ofAmh party.
The Sclless mmraual Obligations. including wanony, Abell tea he deemed to be seduced, in troy way, he wee,
such weak 0 performed or rased w be performed by Me Purchaser.
VOlcomer the Seller is acquired to see m,e dteign, device, utat.ial of pmoaxu covnd by Inner, Patna, Andcnuk
or crysigM, One Scllershall indemnifyaM son hmmlm the Perelman( Anyend all claims fat.Inngement
by =wit of the use of well ytented drib . device, material or process in romecuou with the comb. , and
.ball indemnify the Purchaser for any con, expense OF damage which it may be ubligd to May by smash of wch
infringement at any time during the proaautim as DRae the complaints of the work. In eau lid aspiration, in
any part thereof or the intended use of the goods. is in wch wit held to remtitm infringemml and the me of
aid egair... or Pan is enjaired. Ihe Seller shall, At its own sapience ad At its option, either pressure, fat the
Purchaser she right b continue using said ryuipme nl or yes, airplane Me same with wbamnially equal but
rerdnfir,ang rquiPria 1, or modify is An is hecomn mso.fingisg.
If the Sallee shill bourns imohem or hrnkmpt. make As migsment ! 0e hemM of erediwn. appo.l a
rearaver of wince for any of fie Sellers property « hurricanes. this Order may fwSwith be cuecld by Me
Fmclmser wi horn lienba,l.
The definitiae ofectms and or the.emmatim Grebe agreemary And Me rights of Ad partite hereunder shll be
romtrued under and govcmd by Ill laws of Me State ofColmdo, USA.
The following Additional Continuum apply only in inner when the Shin is to perform work hneudn,
including Me servio-of Sellea Reaeunmive(s). on dace premu-of abets.
M Seller siren canyon aid wok 0listless inevitable ..it Me were s fully campMed mdaccaphd, ad ebel,
be mw of my heridenh dmaunien or injury in the wok mayor mmrias before Scads foul amplaivh and
trepan e, complete oho w,"k el Seller's awn aspens and b dK satisfaction of Me Purchases. When arterials
And rymipneem me farmland b, beset for imollmion u nation by Me Seller, Res Sslln shall meei m, untied
same Aod hmdl< same at the rile mail became responsible Mcrefm An though each mount mdhe Immaem
wart bring fbmuhdby Me Sell. under Me ceder.
The Sellem slash, at his own eapenw, powIlle for Me pmormofmilece compatsrtim including Occupations]
faease bmafits to As cmployns employed on or in ca entims with the work rosxtal by this purchase and,
mover on Men depesadarce ..awes, wish the Laws offe seen, in wthida Me work u a be, sane. Th Sailear
shall also merry mmprehasire general liability imldiag, but not limited w, eaurattud soil Automobile public
babiltry i—cree wish bodily injury And occur Lease afar fernr s.w,m for any now, Perim, S50o.000 for any
mar wrikm and pmpeny dvnaBe limit per candnot of 54 ckoik The Sallee shall likaa'ise require his
amateurs, if any, in provNe for wch remonstration od hurricanes. Before my of the kIICFb Orin orientation
employees shall do my wmk upon sse premises of alms, the Sells sMll furnish the Pmhaser wids a anificae,
that such raanpenvtion and monana base been Provided. Such rettificm- shall specify Me lea when such
or,rmalimand its-mar-hm'cban prmided.Such<enifirotn shell Apensifythermeasharanchanionminstration
wolm ceptors. l6e Srhar Agrcre Murn —beconpuad . rioniam - mouth. mainlainedismil slim lM1<
embe work 4 eompfesd Ad acegsrd.
The Seller hereby assamsa the rtirt rnpomTiliry mdlrbiliry f Auyarel elldamage, lass nmjuryofmry kind
omturewhaumv .,maom mprapertY amed byamalkgf le eeewtion hill wakpmvldd form
this pw<hac olh<o: in mmntivnlve»ith. TIK Seller will inhmify mW 6od hvmkss all Amheset meal my
or all of the Purchases Officers. agents ad employees ftm and agaimt my and all claims. Imp, menages.
clangs, or expenses, whetter, esrzn or idirnL and whesher m R or propeasy to whichthe Purchases may
be put or surreal by reason or my on. anion nnglai omission of &took an Me Pan of the Sella. any of his
amramrs, or any of the Sellers re contractors oRcas, an. a cmployns. In caw any wit or other
pacndiny shall be bwughl agdnm the Purchaser, as ill officers, eArab or employees at any time on acwunt or
by sawn of any en, anion, agien, omission ar defeats of the Earn of my of his euntmnors or any of its or
their ofian. Agents a employees As aforesaid, the Sean hereby agrees w became Me defense Unclear AM an
&read the srrK al the Sellers we relow, to say my And All mb, charges,..m fees AM other mynrsm,
my and all judgmarm that may he ime rred by or obmind All the Naehasts or my of its or ttia officers.
Agents of mploymas in each suit or arms procedings, and .erne jdgmm an Other tit he placd upon bin
obtained against Me pr..paty offer Purchases. or And pars in As As a hewn of such suits or ofn Pronominal,
t Salln will at once now Meinner to te chou edand ducharpaJ by giving bond as mhere'iae. The kiln short
his coronas All lakc all wfny pmamiorts, fiunsh anal avail All gumdc acmvey fa fe prennion of
accidnm comply with ail Ion ant ngulmiom with regard w sober, including, bon without limimuan, Me
Generational Sony AM Health An of 1970 And all codes And segurtiom unseal pa -cool (meta.
Retained 031301n