HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - PURCHASE ORDER - 9140361Gerry S. Paul From: Lance Murray Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 8:58 AM To: Gerry S. Paul Subject: Pine Street UST Attachments: img-326092423-0001.pdf, Copy of 14085_2014_0220_Site Rem Cost Est (2).xls Hi Gerry, Our current PO # 9140361 for CGRS to complete remediation on the abandoned tank at Pine street has $11,235 remaining on it. I don't think we ever added money to this PO to account for the $30,000 quote for the remediation work, I have a bill right now for the cleanup of $17,004.82. There is 4 quarters of monitoring that still need to take place. (two of which will take place in 2015) 1 am anticipating $1,000 per quarter for monitoring so will need $2,000 for the remainder of this year. Current Billing $17,004.82 2 Qtr. Monitoring $2,000.00 Total $19,004.82 Current PO Difference To Add to PO Thanks Gerry Lance Murray City of Fort Collins Risk Manager (970) 221-6807 $11,235.00 $7,769.82 Is there anything more fundamental to ourjobs than our safety or the safety of our employees? EXHIBIT "A" WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND CGRS, INC. DATED: 3/27/2014 Work Order Number: Pine and Jefferson_3.27.2014 Purchase Order Number: Project Title: 7436 Environmental Services Commencement Date: 04/01/2014 Completion Date: TBD Maximum Fee: (time and reimbursable direct costs):$ 30,414.75 Project Description: Orphan UST Soil Excavation, Additional Well Installation, Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting Professional agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Professional Services Agreement between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the Professional Services Agreement and this work order (including the attached forms) the Professional Services Agreement shall control. The attached forms consisting of Exhibits _, _ _ consisting of _ (_) pages are hereby accepted and incorporated herein, by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given. City of Fort Collins Submitted By: Project Manager Date: Reviewed by: Environmental Regulatory Specialist Date: Approved by: Date: Risk Management Professional: --t- Approved by: By: S=\ v, `tw Director of Purchasing & Risk Management 1 (if over $60,000.) Date: Jl �ls��-1 Date: COST ESTIMATE Project Loralion: City of Fan Collins- Pine and Jefferson Streets Orphan UST Fan Collins. CO Description ofadkilirs to be performed: Orphan UST Soil Excia"lion, Additional Well Installation, Quanedy Cnaundwaty Monitoring and Report g Quantity Units Rate Total w/Mark-Up TRAVEL AND EXPENSES Employes Mileage: 50 miles @ $0.560 $28.00 Expenses 5 day @ _ $20.00 $100.00 Total: 5128.00 FIELD TIME Travel and Prep Time: 5 hrs @ $50.00 $250.00 Feld Oversight (Exc. drill. samplig): 52 hrs 0 $55.00 $2,1M.00 Feld Supervision: 8 hm 0 $75.00 $600.00 Total: $3,710.00 FIELD EOUIPMENT Bailers: 12 ea @ SI5.00 $I80.00 PID 3 day 0 575.00 $225A0 Surveyequipment 1 day 0 $50.00 $50.00 Water Ilvel Indicator. 4 day @ $30.00 $120.00 Total: $575.00 OFFICE TIME Project Management (permitting. scheduling meeting. etc.): 12 hrs @ $75.00 $900.00 H@S Plan Update: 1 hrs 0 575.00 $75.00 Data Review: 4 hrs0 575.00 $300.00 Work Plan/Repon Prep: 24 hrs 0 $75.00 $1,800.00 Report Review: 4 het @ $100.00 $400.00 Drafting: 12 hrs 0 $44.00 5528.00 Clerical: 6 hrs 0 538.00 $229-00 Total: $4,231-00 SUBCONTRACTORS Drilling: (includes coring. borings. 2' wells) 1 each 0 $2AOO40 $2,760.00 Potholing 1 each @ $550.00 $63250 Was¢ profildmanifests 1 each @ $100.00 $115.00 TCP (drill) 1 each 0 $70.00 $80.50 Excavator (inc/soil disposal. tmnspon. asphalt. bancades) Ieach 0 513,600.00 $13,600.00 Implemem drilling TCP I each 0 $500.00 $575.00 Dmm disposal 3 each 0 $150.00 $517.50 BTEX.TVPH. TEPH 5 soil @ $163.00 $937.25 BTEX/MTBE.TVPH. TEPH 12 water @ $185.00 $2553.90 Total: $21,770.75 Total Estimated Project Cost: $30,414.75 tb I CM d lJpl.m11 rm.9r $4m Gr ta42=% Req. # Entered by: Date: PURCHASE ORDER REQUISITION FORT COLLINS UTILITIES Vendor CGRS, Inc Address 1301 Academy Court Fort Collins, CO 80524 ` QT,Y _ 7 --'DESCRIP� ,ION'- .'M r 1 UNIT1 F °, f' T.OTAL� i' CHARGEjNIJSIBEW, Orphan UST Soil Excavation, Additional Well Installation, Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting $30,414.75 602506071.521210 Comments Errin Henggeler March 26, 2014 Requested By Date Authorized By Date COST ESTIMATE Project Location: City of Fort Collins -Pine and Jefferson Streets Orphan UST Port Collins, CO Description of activities to he performed: Orphan UST Soil13xcuvation Additional Well Installation, Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Quantity Units Rate Total w/Mark-Up TRAVEL AND EXPENSES Employee Mileage: 50 miles SOS60 $28.00 17xpcnscs 5 davit $20.00 SI00.00 Total: $128.00 FIELD TIME 'Travel and Prep Time: 5hrsn 550.00 $250.00 Field Oversight (Exc, drill, samplig) 52Itrsn 555.00 $2,860.00 Field Supervision: 8 hrs no, $75.00 5600.00 'I ond: S3,710.00 FIELD EOIIIPJIF,NT Bailers: 12 can 515.00 $I80.00 PID 3day n $75.00 5225.00 Survey equipment 1 day no $50.00 550.00 Water Level Indicator: 4 day no, $30.00 5120.00 Total: $575.00 OFFICE TIME Project Management (permitting, scheduling meeting etc.): 12 Furs n $75.00 $900.00 H&S Plan Update: 1 Furs n $75.00 575.00 Data Review: 4 hrs an $75.00 $300.00 Work Plam Report Prep: 24 hrsn 575.00 $1,800.00 Report Review: 4hrs0 $100.00 5400.00 Dm0ing: 12 Firs no 544.00 $528.00 Clerical: 6 hrs no 538.00 $228.00 I (.it: $4,231.00 Drilling: (includes coring borings, 2" wells) 1 each n $2,400.00 52,760.00 Potholing 1 eachn 5550.00 5632.50 Waste profile/manifests 1 eachn $100.00 5115.00 TCP(drill) 1 each 570.00 580.50 Excavator line/soil disposal, transport, asphalt, baricades) 1 each n $13,600.00 $13,600.00 Implement drilling TCP 1 eachn 5500.00 $575.00 Drum disposal 3 each an 5150.00 5517.50 BTEX,TVPI 1, TBPH 5soil n $163.00 $937.25 BTEX/MTBE,TVPFI, THPH 12 water n $185.00 $2,553.00 Total: S21,770.75 Total Estimated Project Cost: $30,414.75 Page s copy 0 hoes 2014_o22o_sne Rem cost Est Ixl.xis