HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - AGREEMENT MISC - BATH INC (3)Fort Collins Planning, Development & Transportation Engineering Department 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580 970.221.6605 970.221.6378 -fax fcgov.com/engineering Menima llm To: Gerry Paul, Director of Purchasing and Risk Management From: Erika Keeton, Special Project ngm�'G^� Date: March 5, 2014 �^ Re: South Transit Center Sole Source Request — Bath Landscaping and Irrigation The contractor for the South Transit Center (STC) was terminated in July 2013. The bonding company assumed control of the project and liquidated damages continue to be withheld by the City. Work Change Directive 021 was issued on December 12, 2013, which requested pricing for removal of the landscaping and irrigation for the South Transit Center from the contract. Corresponding Change Order 12 was executed on February 19, 2014. This change was made to allow the Contractor relief from this scope of work as the schedule for installation is expected to extend into early spring 2014, beyond completion of the building. Removal of this scope allows for earlier completion of the STC building project and avoids additional liquidated damages to be withheld by the City for completion of the landscaping. The subcontractor providing the landscaping and irrigation for the STC contractor is Bath Landscaping and Irrigation. As Bath had already been under contract with the prime and is familiar with the project, the City requested a quote for all remaining landscaping and irrigation. Bath's quote dated January 28, 2014, honored the original bid price of $133,245.70. Change Order 12 removed an equivalent amount from the contract plus 1 % for the prime bond rate ($1332.46) totaling $134,578.16. The project team met with Bath to discuss the scope on January 23, 2014, and a quote was provided on January 28. Further clarification of the scope was received on January 30. The price is reasonable as it is exactly what would have been paid under the original contract, aside from variations in bond rates. The following documents are attached for reference: • January 28, 2014 Quote • January 30, 2014 Revised/Clarified Scope • February 19, 2014 South Transit Center Change Order 12 o January 21, 2014 GBI Proposed Change Order o December 12, 2013 Work Change Directive 021 The project team requests a sole source contract with Bath Landscape and Irrigation for $135,910.61 ($133,245.70 base bid, plus 2% Bath bond rate $2,664.91). This work includes irrigation, soil preparation, Erika Keeton From: Kevin <klaman@bathlandscape-irrigation.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:07 PM To: Erika Keeton Subject: Max BRT South Transit Station Attachments: Landscape Signature.jpg; SKMBT_C25314012811520.pdf; SKMBT_C25314012811521.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Erika, Per your request, please see the attached Proposal for the remaining landscape and irrigation for the Max BRT South Transit Station. I have also included a billing work sheet on where we currently stand with Growling Bear. Of course the Proposal is based on all monies received by Growling Bear (or the paying authority) on the previous contract. Thank you, Kevin Laman Bath Landscape and Irrigation Office: (970)-488-1707 Fax: (970)-484-0470 Landscape & Irrigation 2000 E. Prospect Rd. January 28, 2014 LANDSCAPE AND, IRRIGATION Ft. Collins, CO 80525 1 P; (970) 488-1707 F: (970) 484-0470 Attn: Erika Keeton City of Fort Collins Re: Max BRT South Transit Center We are pleased to provide the following pricing for the Remaining Landscape and Irrigation to date for the above referenced project. Total Landscape & Irrigation before bond $133,245.70 Total Landscape & Irrigation with bond $135,910.61 See attached Schedule of Values (including bond) Clarifications: — All irrigation sleeving is deemed to be in place through previous contract. — This quote is based on a vegetation free L.rade of+/- .1-foot final grade by others including berms, etc. prior to installation by Bath, Inc. Subgrade for pavers and catch basin cobble by the G.C. — The attached list of trees are deemed to be available @ Bath Nursery and paid for under previous contract. — Prices will be held for 30 days from the bid date above. — Addendum 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are acknowledged. Inclusions — Irrigation — Soil Prep — Plantings — Mulches — Cobble @ Type I and Type 2 Catch Basins — Basalt Columns (6) — Crusher Fines — Davis Bacon Wages — Bond www.bathgardencenter.com Exclusions: — Repair work and/or remodeling of any existing landscape or irrigation disturbed during construction. — Subgrade for pavers and Catch Basin Cobble Pebble — Irrigation sleeving — Pavers — Installation of any site furnishings, fencing, above ground planters, site lighting, retaining walls, tree grates — Bike racks, trash cans and rip rap. — Sales tax. — Protection or pruning of any existing trees. — Annual flowers — Topsoil. — Maintenance. Thank you, K�v�.L-lima Vice President Bath, Inc. P: (970) 488-1707 F: (970) 484-0470 klaman@bathlandscape-irrigation.com Max BRT South Transit Center Schedule of Values Soil Prep $10,533 Irrigation $47,065 Plantings $46,908.70 Beds $19,778 Cobble $2,237 Basalt Columns $4,392 Seeding $2,332 Bond $2,664.91 Total $135,910.61 -Max BRT Stared Material @ [Bath Wholesale Nursery 1801 McLaughlin L_ n., Fort Collins, Co -'Size IPIant7ype iQuan JUoR lExt. _ -- M Canyon Maple _ 16-8' Cl .h.'S� 205 $525.00 M _.Spring Snow Gab _ 11.5" � `l, 105 $105.00! M anttdeerpear _ 11.5" a 1051 _ $420.00 M 'HotwingsTatarianMaple MS 9. 105' $420.00' N Autumn8rl11fnaceServiceberry — 105 _ $315.00: N Warns Crabapple _ _ _ _JM5 11.5" _ 1' 105, $105.00� N _ThunderchlldGab _ _.- 1.5" 1: 1051 $105.00, N 11apanese Tree Wac `1.5 i2 105 $210.00 - d ShademasterLocust !3" 17< 2201 $3,740.001 A Skyline Locust 3" 12^ 2201 $2,640.001 A_ IKentuckyCoffee Tree 13 " 8 220 $1,760.00 A 1Shumard Oak 13" -M nni Saannnl - m •ourri_raR_ Ij_ r3i. M Chfnkapin Oak I3" _ M !WesternHackberry 13" 3 M iWestern Catalpa '3" 5'• ; M IFastigate Norway spruce 120 Gals ....:_;"1y 1 1 _ .-__94_ _ _ SOUTH TRANSIT BILLING WORKSHEET- GROWLING BEAR as of 1.24.14 INVOICE DATE TOTAL PMT RECEIVED RETAINAGE WITHHELD- 10% 12220-0001 4/24/2013 $16,120.00 $14,508.00 $1,612.00 12220-0003 6/25/2013 $3,611.00 $3,249.90 $361.00 12220-0004 8/26/2013 $1,200.00 $1,080.00 $120.00 12220-0005 9/25/2013 $500.00 $450.00 $50.00 12220-0006 10/21/2013 $2,804.00 $2,523.60 $280,40 12220-0007 1/23/2014 $3,370.00 27 NO PMNT RECEIVED YET Erika Keeton From: Kevin <klaman@bathlandscape-irrigation.com> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 8:55 AM To: Erika Keeton Subject: Re: Max BRT South Transit Station Attachments: mage001.jpg; Landscape Signature.jpg; SKMBT C25314013008320.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Good Morning, Erika, Please see the attached plant list and revised Schedule of Values for the total plant material to be installed and the trees that are currently in stored materials from the previous contract. The total cost to install all the plant material is $63,783.00 less the $17220.00 for stored material leaves a balance of $46,563.00 The revised Schedule of Values reflect a correction typo on the irrigation which changed the plantings line also. The difference between the $46563.00 and the SOV Plantings of $46,368.70 is $194.30. This is the amount short from my original contract with Growling Bear but since you wanted to keep the new contract amount to your $133,245.70 1 was willing to eat the $194.30 in the interest of the overall project. The native seeding for the detention pond is in our scope. Hope this clarifys your request. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Kevin Laman Bath Landscape and Irrigation Office: (970)-488-1707 Fax:(970)-484-0470 Landscape & irrigation From: "Erika Keeton" <EKEETON(c)fcgov.com> To:"klaman (a)bath landscape-irrigation.com"<klaman(a)bathlandscape-irrigation.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:06:37 AM Subject: RE: Max BRT South Transit Station Thanks Kevin, could you please provide us a little more breakdown on the plant materials that need to be installed? Also, please clarify where the native seeding for the detention pond falls —who's scope is this? Thanks! From: Kevin fmailto•klamanC)bathlandscaoe-irrigation.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:07 PM To: Erika Keeton Subject: Max BRT South Transit Station Erika, Per your request, please see the attached Proposal for the remaining landscape and irrigation for the Max BRT South Transit Station. I have also included a billing work sheet on where we currently stand with Growling Bear. Of course the Proposal is based on all monies received by Growling Bear (or the paying authority) on the previous contract. Thank you, Kevin Laman Bath Landscape and Irrigation Office: (970)-488-1707 Fax:(970)-484-0470 Landscape & Irrigation Max BRT South Transit Center Schedule of Values Soil Prep $10,533 Irrigation $47,605 Plantings $46,368.70 Beds $19,778 Cobble $2,237 Basalt Columns $4,392 Seeding $2,332 Bond $2,664.91 Total 135,910.61 MAX BRT-South Transit Center Plant List Please email quotes to klamanCoDbathlandscaoe-irrigation.com or Fax: 970-484-0470 Dot" V Plant List Scientific Name Number -AV Size Deciduous Canopy Trees ' Shademaster Honeylocust Gleditsia Triacanthos inermis Shademaster 17 /y 3" Cal Skyline Honeylocust Gleditsia Triacanthos inermis Skyline 12 /2 3" Cal Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioica 8 P 3" Cal Shumard Oak Quercus shumardii 4 y 3" Cal Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa 3 3 3" Cal Chinkopin oak Quercus muehlenbergii 2 3" Cal Western Hackberry Celtis occidentalis 3 3 3" Cal Western Catalpa Catalpa Speciosa 5 j/ 3" Cal Skymaster English Oak Quercus robur'Pyramich' 6 3" Cal Ornamental Trees Hot wings tatarian maple Acer tataricum "Garann' 4 multi stem y 1.5" Cal Canyon maple AcerGrandidentatum 5 multi stem.S� 1.5" Cal Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' 3 multi stem,3 1.5" Cal Adams Crabapple Malus Adams 1 1 1.5" Cal Spring Snow Crabapple Malus Spring Snow 1 1 1.5" Cal Thunderchild Crabapple MalusThunderchild 1 / 1Y Cal Chanticleer Pear Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer 4 y 1.5" Cal Japanese Tree Lilac Syringa reticulate 'Ivory Silk' 2 ,Z 1.5" Cal Conifer Trees Fastigate Norway Spruce Picea abies'Cupressina' 19 /7 20 gal Evergreen Shrubs Broadmoor Juniper Juniperus Sabina'Broadmoor' 60 5gal Icee Blue Juniper Juniperus horizontalis Icee Blue 31 5 gal Compact Pfitzer Juniper Juniperus x media 'Pfitzeriana Compacta' 35 5gal Deciduous Shrubs 5 gal Regent Serviceberry Amelanchier alnifolia'Regent' 2 5 gal Black Chokecherry Aronia melanocarpa elata 40 5 gal Crimson Pygmy Barberry Berberis thunbergii'Crimson Pygmy' 7 5 gal Blue Mist Spirea Caryopteris x clandonensis'Blue Mist' 11 5 gal Cardinal Dogwood Cornus stolonifera 'Cardinal' 6 5 gal Colorado Dogwood Cornus stolonifera coloradense 6 5 gal Isanti Dogwood Cornus stolonifera'Isanti' 56 5gal Yellowtwig Dogwood Cornus stolonifera "Flaviramea' 5 5 gal Kelsey Dwarf Dogwood Cornus stolonifera 'Kelsey!' 19 5 gal Emerald n Gold Euonymus Euonymus fortune'Emerald n Gold' 4 5 gal Lodense Privet Ligustrum vulgare'Lodense' 69 5 gal Emerald Mound Honeysuckle Lonicera x xylosteoides'Emerald Mound' 72 5 gal Arnold's Red Honeysuckle Lonicera tatarica'Arnold's Red' 21 5 gal Compact Oregon Grape Holly Mahonia aquifolium compacta 12 5 gal Oregon Grape Holly Mahonia aquifolium 12 5 gal ortC .Fins plantings, mulches, cobble, basalt columns, crusher fines, and carries all the contract requirements, plans, and specifications of the original South Transit Center contract. Bath should be utilized for this particular work effort since it would be less cost effective to have another contractor provide these services at 2014 prices. Bath is prepared to start work as soon as weather permits, and much of the plant material is being stored by Bath as it was selected and paid for previously as stored materials under the original contract. City legal staff inquired with FTA legal counsel, Ted Uyeno, regarding this procurement method. Mr. Uyeno indicated FTA rarely interferes with a local jurisdiction's decision to award a sole source contract. Rather, FTA generally defers to the local jurisdiction's discretion when the findings supporting the sole source award are reduced to writing and satisfy the procurement requirements of the respective jurisdiction. The applicable requirements for Fort Collins are found at Section 8-161 of the City Code. I have prepared an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) also attached, utilizing prices from the existing MAX BRT contract with Concrete Express for $163,788.12. The assumptions of the ICE are detailed in the attached ICE spreadsheet. The differences in cost are assumed to be due to the varied and wide spread work zones on the MAX contract. The estimate provided by Bath is reasonable as compared to the ICE, and as such, I recommend approval of $133,245.70 for this sole source request. Sutter's uom votentilla Potentilla fruticosa 'Sutter's Gold' 14 5 gal Creeping Western Sandcherry Prunus besseyi 'Pawnee Buttes' 11 5 gal Western Sandcherry Prunus Besseyi 14 5 gal Yellow Flowering Currant Ribes aureum 41 5 gal Double White Shrub Rose Rosa x'Iceberg' 4 5 gal Boulder Raspberry Rubus deliciosus 19 5 gal Goldf lame Spirea Spirea japonica 'Goldflame' 30 5gal Magic Carpet Spirea Spirea japonica 'Magic Carpet' 17 5gal Flowering Choice Spirea Spirea x'Flowering Choice' 38 5 gal Miss Kim Dwarf Lilac Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' 17 5 gal Ornamental Grasses Variegated Reed Grass Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam' 52 1 gal Karl Forester Feather Reed Calamagrostis acutiflora 111 1 gal Grass Tufted Hair Grass Deschampsia cespitosa 58 1 gal Blue Avena Grass Helictotrichon sempervirens 27 1 gal Blue Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' 43 1 gal Dwarf Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopercuroides'Hameln' 98 1 gal Little Bluestem Grass Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blaze' 41 1 gal Perennials, Groundcovers, & Vines Coronado Hyssop Agastache surantiaca 'Coronado' 36 1 gal Prairie Winecups Callirhoe involucrata 18 1 gal Plumbago Ceratostigma plumbaginoides 49 1 gal Sweet Woodruff Gallium odoratum 5 1 gal White Evening Primrose Oenothera caespitosa marginata 6 1 gal Missouri Evening Primrose Oenothera macrocarpa 20 1 gal Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia 25 1 gal Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldstrum' 13 1 gal CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 PROJECTTITLE: Mason Corridor- South Transit Center CONTRACTOR: Growling Bear Inc. PROJECT NUMBER: 7382 PURCHASE ORDER NO.: 9124530 DESCRIPTION: Landscaping and Irrigation Deletion 1. Reason for change: See attached Exhibit A 2. Description of Change: See attached Exhibit A Only this amount is agreed upon all references to non approved change orders and revised contract amount is rejected 1 3. Change in Contract Cost: 4. Change in Contract Time: 0 calendar days for substantial completion 0 1 calendar days for final completion TOTA6-AP1pRGVED-GHANGE9R9ERS TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDERS TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTALOF-GRIGINA"GWRACT, a'kIIS-GO: TOTAL-° OF-ORlGINAL-GQNTRAGT, AL-�G9S ADJUST6&CONTRAGr-GGST (Assuming all chancii ACCEPTED BY: Contractor's Rec ;1WWWAVAri l Construction Manager APPROVED BY: City Project Manag APPROVED BY: Director of Infrastructure Services TE: 2 /l /�i y DATE: DATE: DATE: - - �1—/ L/ APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over S60,000 w: c:bc'erk A.rchiteU Co4raccr Engineer Pmjea File Pu"Chasing Fort Collins February 18, 2014 Mr. Curt Hartter Universal Surety Company 601 South 12th Street, Suite 100 P.O. Box 80468 Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Planning, Development & Transportation Engineering 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580 970.221.6605 970.221.6378 - fax fcgov. corn/engineering RE: South Transit Center— City of Fort Collins Project No. 7382 Response to Universal Protest of Change Order 12 . Mr. Hartter, Delivery by email to: cucth versalinland co n The City is in receipt of a letter from Universal/Growling Bear dated February 11, 2014 accepting only the value of Change Order 12 and rejecting the total contract amount and all other referenced change orders. In addition, Universal has modified the City's change order form to reflect this opinion. The City has executed the change order in this format only in the interest of formalizing approval of the Change in Contract Cost value. The City's acceptance of the modified form is not a settlement, accord & satisfaction, or other compromise of any prior change order value or the calculation of total impact to the contract price of all project change orders to date. The City reserves all rights with regard to such prior values and calculations, including the stated Adjusted Contract Price as reflected in Change Order 12, as provided by the City on January 31, 2014. Sincerely, Erika Keeton, RE Special Projects Engineer City of Fort Collins CC: Kent Mills, Universal Surety Keith Meyer — BRT Construction Manager Cyril Vidergar — Assistant City Attorney John Stephen — Senior Buyer Gerry Paul — Director of Purchasing and Risk Management Ron Kechter —Project Engineer TGrowling Bear Co. Inc. 2/11/13 South Transit Center Change order 12 Only the amount of change order 12 is accepted references to total amount of all change orders, total contract amount, and all other change orders references are rejected and all rights are reserved. Growling Bear and Universal Surety have not signed nor agreed with city on change orders 2, 3, and 6 — 11. Gary Shironaka Growling Bear co Inc 144k&YHar1ter/.4&, Universal Surety 2330 4th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado 8o631 Phone: 97o-353-6964 Fax: 970-353-6974 CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 PROJECT TITLE: Mason Corridor- South Transit Center CONTRACTOR: Growling Bear Inc. PROJECT NUMBER: 7382 PURCHASE ORDER NO.: 9124530 DESCRIPTION: Landscaping and Irrigation Deletion 1. Reason for change: See attached Exhibit A 2. Description of Change: See attached Exhibit A 3. Change in Contract Cost: $ (134 578.16) 4. Change in Contract Time: calendar days for substantial completion IF 0 calendar days for final completion TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS $ 142,990.83 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDERS $ TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER $ (134,578.16) TOTAL % OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT, THIS C.O. -3.09% TOTAL % OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT, ALL C.O.'S 0.19% ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $4,364,978.37 ,(Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's Representative REVIEWED BY: DATE: Construction Manager APPROVED BY: DATE: City Project Manager APPROVED BY: DATE: Director of Infrastructure Services APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over $60,000 cc: City Clerk Architect Contractor Engineer Project File Purchasing • CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 Exhibit A Project: Mason Corridor — South Transit Center Project No. 7382 Date: January 31, 2014 Description of Change: MAX Field Construction Office 3000 South College Ave., Suite 201 Fort Collins, CO 80526 fcgov.com/maxconstruction This change order removes the landscaping, plantings, seeding and irrigation from the Universal Surely/Growling Bear contract. This change is being made to allow the Contractor relief from this scope of work as the schedule for installation is expected to extend into early spring 2014. Removing this from the contract will allow earlier completion and avoid extended liquidated damages being withheld by the City. Change in Contract Value: The contract value is being decreased by $134,578.16. Please see attached pending issues log summary and work change directives as summarized in the table(s) below. ' �uork;Ch na ge Direct vel `s/ltems Item Number Description Contract Value WCD021 Delete Landscaping and Irrigation -$133,245.70 Reduction for Bond @ 1% -$1,332.46 - Total Work Change Directives Change: -$134,578.16 Change in Contract Time: This change order authorizes a contract time extension of zero (0) calendar days. Page 1 of 1 Pending Issues Log may: Date: 01/31/14 Ref. No. COO SCC Spec Sewer, Item Description Requested Arnoun< Status 1 20.04 Vanes Tree Removal' Septic and Leach ReW7 Artwork 11/26/2012 $20IW.57 Adds time removal. senfic tank and leach tank removal, arlwodereloca8on 2 20.04 none Adds weather days to contract V26/2013 $0.00 Adds lB weather days to corbaG� unilateral by City 3 MINI none Demoblliced *emobillcati. 322/2013 $0.00 2 days granted; cost disputed; unilateral by City - awaiting position from Universal 4 20.04 DIv16 Conduit for can elunication and electrical work; vaults 5/14/2013 512.630.53 Atlds vaults for fiber, cam era communications and Bow fill for trenches 5 20.04 By 2/15 Backnew preventer relocation 5/242013 $9804.40 Relocates BFP into $ adl Ben buildin ;ram ova vault 6 20.04 Gv2 Stour Sewer Profile A adjulibeent (utility connids) 562013 f6810.56 Ad'usls storm Profile A - awaitin position from Univesal' processed Payne rot in pay Pat, 13 WCDO01 7 20.04 Gv2 FCLW D watedine lowering(Fwsll Bhd) W12013 $22,229.00 Atlds waterline lowering in Fossff Bhtl, patching (tacked units and materals) -awaiting position from Universal' processed Dam ent in Day pop 13 WCOUO2 8 20.04 Div Structural changes to pridline#8 antl#9 516M13 $13.146.88 Adds reinforcing and formwork at gddline8 and 9-awaiting position from Universal; folow up on calculations from City. undo final review WC0003 11 20.04 Dv Site negradinq- norlhwal comer connexion to quidewary 3282013 51,488.55 Ades grading to northwest tamer of site to match guideway (T&M); pending completion by cnval T&M costs paid in PA 15 WC0004 10 20.04 Div Detention need re rading W28/2013 $3,293.67 Adds mina moral to retention pond lT&M WCD005 10 20.04 Div Tie beam Plan discrepancy 6/2512013 54.847.21 Was tacked a time and material costs for pa ant; Paid inpayaso 13 WCD006 11 20.04 Bv.3 Oaspal Wemin son 91122013 $15;19555 Chen I t�%aciabI worming imps (orengm;to vast Irm);,rxeh uptlatad and ands iewew', uanOtles neetl to be recondl WCD007 11 20.04 Dv Storm inlet and pipe connection at tail chase 9PI2013 53709.59 Adds an area Inlet and pipe connection to dafn the Mason(allL awalin completion ponlaxar W�� G72 BRi.•aab. roflle end'�hel M.Uen eat. latfams 9i /7/2013� $1�9.11,oedi � aet"`ea tnot as'ioNdeO:'.Gm9wlll� Ihselr lthrw 01T - 1 PA1 Gar on rub WCDO09 10 20.04 Div2 Adds eaMa cum at future connectlon toSadl Ban 9/7/2013 $392.05 Adds 12' tell bamer curb at road to Soadle Ban WCD010 10 20.04 Div 16 Electrical chomga to lninition and monument sign circuits 9f7=13 $3.960.55 Adds an independent circuit to each locafion missingfrom design WCD011 20.04 Varies Buildingmockup W712013 $0.00 Clarifies modau parameters and adds $aof worie $24752 -not acceptedb Owner WCDO12 10 20.04 Div2 Concalcossil Inlet wok-T&M 5/21/2013 $3,028.10 Tacked as time and material costs for ore ent` aid in pa a 13 WC0013 10 20.04 Div antl 16 Sprinkler Tap.Ion ation Sleremq, Controller Relocation 8/2WO13 51351.05 Cosh in response to RF)070 for im ation and tap locaJon change; tap paid Ina asp13 WCM14 10 20.04 Gv2 watedine Loop Connectlor#abandon service to house 9/22f2013 $12.821.16 Tacketl as tiro a and m sternal costs for payment WCDO15 11 20.04 Dv2 Concrete -HMA pawn transition W28/2013 50.00 Changes concrete to asphalt paling transition at site entrance (GBI claim $1.463.83); amount not agreed to by City - details Provided to Contractor; no restores as of 1241 13; GBI agreed to $0 value on12-23-13. WCM16 11 20.04 Gv2 Codes at East Ramps 912WO13 $0.00 Chen es atlas at east handicapnames WC0017 11 20.04 Div3 Dowels at DA'ants In concrete awn 10/10/2013 $3.084.03 Adtls doweled emaalon pints to concrete awn around platform WCDO18 10 20.04 Div To raper for PlaHorm curb 1012MG13 $1.956.17 rebar be rods from Platform curb to concrete pawn WCM19 11 20.04 DIv2 Downspout connections to storm i ingon platform 10/21/2013 $3689.37 R uatspaymentfor downspout connections to steon drains M GL3 519; under review by City his 9 20.04 Gv3 ESD Damaged curb at BRTGddewav 11/21/2013 ($1,521.90) Rapair Pf ESD damaged curb by CEI WC0020 13 20.04 Dtv 27 Changes to MDF aas, - 12/122013i 53397.82 - Chan a/cladfia MDF rack pad numbers WC0021 12 20.04 Gv2 Delete Undriesping, and lmgation lWl MO13 3134578.16 Removes temstion and landscaping balance from contract WCM22 13 20.04 !. Dv27 Conduit racewal for Redlo installatlen 12/126013`""- $634&1 Addsiceirduithachway for radio installation in building WCD023 MN Gv16 WM 30A dmult 13 50.00 Ran Uan a onl' no cost per Universal WrCD0240_rm:04Y Br'v.1�6'dscannect atmainsenAce en to buildin Pendin Chan es to concrete mix desi n 791�912013 $0.00 Owner does nor accept cost for than eto mix desi n,no pameflt shown Comactor $12.673COP058 Runob0zetlpn costs for Pikes Peak Steel (terminettch 13 50.00 Rem obilfcatfon cosh fa structural steel subcontac or after GBI termimatlon' $5,706.42 not ace led Coffee Sho Rollin Door 13 $0.00 Owner prowtled letter to Install calling door per contact drawings;nointegral ,036.tCOP062 accepted Pending Issues Log Data: 01/31/14 NO. No. Cox SDC Spec Section 1t Descriptbn Requ a NrgtM Stews Pending Mal: $12,N .83 Total rgnal oMrnct NnwM 358,585. 'oste orllraci MM)pM pr oaetl ,3 029%53 PeM nB Issues m a % oMract armuM 19% lun a tlor asa promo . 9% • needs reconcile5on between owner/cpntragor e needs action by Owner • needs ec8on by ContMdor Universal Surety TRANSMITTAL No. 00035 PROJECT: FC South Transit TO: Fort Collins South Transit Center 4915 Fossil Blvd Fort Collins, CO 80525 ATTN: Ron Kechter DATE: 1/21/2014 REF: COP 064 Landscaping Dele WE, ARE -SENDING: ❑ Shop Dmwin s ❑ Lencr SUBMITTED I R: ❑ A roval ❑ Your Use ACTION ❑ ❑ T AKENi Approved as Submitted Approved as Noted ❑ ❑ ❑ Pdras Change Order Plans ❑ As Re ucstcd ❑ Review and Comment ❑ ❑ ❑ Returned After Loan Resubmit Submit ❑ sam tes SENT -VIA: `' ❑ Returned ❑ ❑ specifications Other: ❑ Attached ❑ Separate Cover Via: 10 ❑ Returned for Corrections Due Date: ITEDI ' PACKAGE kklflTAL DRAWING' %' REV: ITCM 1 O0; " COPIES DATE' - DESCRIPTION ... - STATUS' Remarks: CC: 001 1 1/18/2014 COP 064 landscaping Delete Signed: tar<uaw� o Kent Mills Growling Bear Construction Inc. 2330 4th Ave Phone: 970-353-6964 Greeley, Colorado 80631 Fax: 970-353-6974 TITLE: WCD 021 Delete Landscping PROJECT: FC South Transit TO: Attn: Kent Mills Universal Surety RE: To: DESCRIPTION 6F 11116POSAL Delete Remaining Landscaping excluding pavers From: PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER No. 00064 DATE: 1/21/2014 I: CONTRACT NO: Number: Item Description:.=:: Stock#: Quantity>_Units Unit Price"-:TaxRateiai'AinountNet*AinOont 00001 2C Landscaping -1.000 LS $92,215.70 0,00% $0.00 ($92,215.70) 00002 2d Seeding & landscape -1.000 LS $10.166.00 0.00% $0.00 ($10,166.00) 00003 2d Shrubs and Plants -1.000 IS $7,328.00 0.00% $0.00 ($7,328.00) 00004 2d ornamental Twes 25" -1,000 1S $506.00 0.00% $0.00 ($506.00) 00005 Shade Trees -1.000 LS $17,908.00 0.00% $0.00 (S17.808.00) 00006 2d Sprinkler irrigation -1.000 LS $5,222.00 0.00% $0.00 ($5,222.00) APPROVAL: By: Date: Gary Shironaka Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Lump Sum: Lump Tax: Total: ($133,245.70) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 / ($133,245.70) �LLI��KI tGr_ehrs�viii1 /o� �'n'c . `SCC AN4r�Kotl By: Date: Kent Mills John Stephen From: Gerry S. Paul Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 8:59 AM To: John Stephen Cc: Erika Keeton; Sandy O'Brien; Keith Meyer; Jon Spencer (Jonathan.Spencer@CH2M.com) Subject: RE: Bath Sole Source Request Us iTi1111 This sole source purchase is approved in accordance with City Municipal Code Chapter 8, Article IV, Sec. 8- 161, d(1), b; Although there exists more than one (1) responsible source, a competitive process cannot reasonably be used or, if used, will result in a substantially higher cost to the City, will otherwise injure the City's financial interests or will substantially impede the City's administrative functions or the delivery of services to the public. Regards, Gerry Paul Director of Purchasing and Risk Management 215 N. Mason City of Fort Collins 970-221.6779-0 970-567-9040-C gspaW@Jcgovcom From: Erika Keeton Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 8:53 AM To: Gerry S. Paul Cc: John Stephen; Sandy O'Brien; Keith Meyer; Jon Spencer (Jonathan.Spencer0bCH2M.com) Subject: Bath Sole Source Request Gerry, please find attached our request for a sole source contract to Bath. Thanks, Erika r Aa Keeton, Pr_ Special Projects E_ngineer City of tort Collins F,ngineering Department 970-22 t -6521 970-222-0787 elceeton@fcgov.com Universal Surety PCO 064 1/21/2014 CM $ 125.00 1 $ - MHR OHP 15.00% $ Subtotal $ Subcontractor $ (133,245.70) LS OH&P 5.00% $ Subtotal $ (133,245.70) Bond 1.00% $ Insurance $ 3.55 $ Total Costs $ (133,245.70) Adjustment $ Time Extension 0 Calendar Days Total Cost Increase $ (133,245.70) All rights Reserved AW iee,4v t X h*a em k; //, 330, 46 -?4uc,74r/ .,579,16 max WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE TO CONTRACTOR: Growling Bear Inc. WCD NO: 021 PROJECT: Mason Corridor- MAX BRT (South Transit Center) PROJECT NO: 7382 OWNER: City of Fort Collins - Engineering Department ENGINEER/ARCHITECT: Aller The following additions, deletions, or revisions to the Work have been ordered and authorized: WCD): Delete Irrigation and Landscaping This work change directive directs the Contractor to price, and if accepted, remove all irrigation and landscaping project components as defined herein. • Delete all irrigation mainline, laterals, sprinklers, drip system as defined in plan sheets IRI.0, IR1.1, IR2.0, IR2.1, and specifications section 02810. The Contractor shall be compensated for work in place included sleeving. • Delete all landscaping materials and installation as defined in plan sheets D4.0, D5.0, L1.0, L2.0, LSI.0, and LS3.0 including trees, shrubs, sod, seed, compost application and mixing, planting bed mulch supply and installation (rock and wood), weed barrier fabric and crusher fines path according to specification sections 02550, 02920, 02930. The Contractor shall provide a summary of landscaping materials already paid as stored to reconcile the remaining materials to be purchased as shown in the plant lists contained in the project drawings. The Contractor shall fine grade all planting areas to within 0.1' of plan grade as part of substantial completion. The Contractor shall maintain the base bid items defined in the sheets listed above that are not landscaping or irrigation elements (e.g. fencing, concrete, benches, bike racks, etc.). The elements shall remain part of the base contract. This work shall be priced as a two lump sum credits to the based contract. One credit for irrigation and one credit for landscaping/plantings. Each credit shall be accompanied by a detailed listing of costs to support how the Contractor developed the credit for each lump sum amount. The detailed listed shall include all labor, equipment and materials that were estimated as part of the base bid to develop costs provided in the Schedule of Values items 1) STC Building item 2d - Landscaping; 2) SIC Park and Ride item 2d - Sprinkler Irrigation; 2d - Seeding and Landscape; 2d - Shrubs and Plants; 2d - Ornamental Trees; 2d - Shade Trees. This change is being initiated by the City as Growling Bear/Universal Surety do not have the contract time to complete the work. The City desires to complete this work in the Spring of 2014 outside the Growling Bear contract. WCD021-DELETE IRRIGATION AND LANDSCAPING-12-12-13-FINAL PAGE 1 OF 2 Attachments (List Supporting Documents): It is understood that this Work Change Directive may change the Contract Price and/or Time, and is evidence that the parties expect a Change Order request for approval to subsequently follow this Work Change Directive. Ordered By: (t ' vner/� „ Recommended By: �! y Construction M 7/t�ager Copy: Omer; Engineer/Architect; Field File - SharePoint December 12, 2013 Date December 12, 2013 Date WCD021 DELETE IRRIGATION AND LANDSCAPING 12-12-13 FINAL PAGE 2 OF 2 atyaf Michael Baker Jr., Inc. -Change Order # 11 Fort Collins Independent Cost Estimate / '11i Mason Corridor MAX BRT Final Design Date of Estimate: d-Mar-14 Contract Type: TdM Existing Contract or PO (Y/N): Y Description of Goods (A) or Services IF): B Work includes irrigation, sell preparation, plantings. mulches, cobble, basalt columns, crusher fines, and carries all the contract requirements, plans, and specifications of the original South Transit Center contract. Material unit prices were taken from an existing contract with Concrete Express, except for the unit price for the soil preparation which was taken from the 2013 COOT cost data book I him obtained the following eatimato from; Published Price List / Pest Pricing (dale) Engineering or Technical Estimate (performed by) Karl Craven Independent Third Party Estimate (performed by) Other (specify) Cost Estimate Oetaris: (Estimate caku/afed n US Dollars) Cost of Standard ham. Product Cost $/ea) Cori Lea Noles/Data Source OeWered iNo Freight Total Coat of Services, Repairs, or Non -Standard acme Iten✓Task Materials or Work Description Other Direct Costs Ouani Unit Unit Price Allocated Overhead SG3A' Profit TOTAL Soil Preparation 785 Cy $ 1.26 $ 989.10 11/4'PVC Class 200 1,800 LF $ 1.44 IS 2592.00 21/2' PVC Class 200 Sleeve No LF $ 2.15 $ 1,892.00 Back Flow Prevemer 1 EA $ 2132.00 g 2,132.00 Irrigation Controller Unit Pedestal t EA $ 2.421 00 $ 2,471.00 1'Drip Remote Control Valve Assemb 15 EA $ 332.00 $ 4,900.00 Remote Control Valve Assembly 12 EA $ 2W.00 $ 2,472.00 Drip Flush Cap Assembly 35 EA $ 47.06 is 1,647.10 Thenciring 1,800 LF $ 4.36 $ 7,848.00 Decidious Trees 3' 100 EA $ 543.00 $ 54.300.00 Deddious Shrubs 125 EA IS 25A0 $ 3,200,40 Eve reen Shrubs 1.037 EA $ 30.25 $ 31,369.25 Perennials 217 EA $ 10.52 $ R262.64 Mulch 23,450 OF $ 0.60 $ 14,O70.00 Cobble I" CY $ 131.00 s 24.104.00 tandsca Boulder 6 EA $ 567.30 $ 3.403.80 ae mg 9,755.00 $ 4.034.63 Total$163788.12 Signature of Preparer. Date: Colorado Department of Transportation 09:58 Monday, February 24, 2014 8 2013 Cost Data INDEX AND AVERAGE UNIT BID PRICES FOR 01/01/13 THROUGH 12/31/13 .................................................................................................................................... ITEM NUMBER ITEM TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT TOTAL COST AVERAGE PRICE 210-04015 Modify Manhole 210-04020 Modify Inlet 210-04028 Modifications to Existing Portals 210-04030 Modify Guardrail 210-04050 Adjust Valve Box 210-04051 Adjust Valve Box (Special) 210-04200 Adjust Guardrail 211-00007 Mine Strap 211-00010 Rock Excavation (Class A) 211-00011 Rock Excavation (Class B) 211-00012 Rock Excavation (Class C) 211-00013 Rock Excavation (Class D) 211-00014 Rock Excavation (Class E) 211-00015 Rock Excavation (Class F) 211-00980 Spile #9 x 14 Foot, Grade 60 Grouted 211-00981 Spile #11 x 20 Foot, Grade 60 Grouted 211-00982 Arch #9 x 16 Foot, Grade 75 Dowel, Resin Grouted 211-00983 Sidewall #9 x 12 Foot, Grade 75 Dowel, Resin Grouted 211-00984 Sidewall #9 x 16 Foot, Grade 75 Dowel, Resin Grouted 211-00985 Supplemental Rock Reinforcement (Dowels) 211-00986 Supplemental Support #9 x 14 Foot, Grade 75 Spile Gro 211-00987 Pillar #9 x 16 Foot, Grade 75 Dowell Cement or Resin 211-00988 Portal Protection Canopy (Furnish and Install) 211-01190 Optical Survey Targets 211-01250 Rock Bolt 211-01300 Rock Anchor 211-03005 Oewatering 212-00005 Seeding (Native) 212-00006 Seeding (Native) 212-00007 Seeding (Native) (Hydraulic) 212-00009 Seeding (Temporary) 212-00022 Seeding (Riparian) 212-00028 Seeding (Wetlands) 212-00032 Soil Conditioning 212-00047 Soil Preparation (Special) re a a on 212-00050 Sod 212-01200 Landscape Restoration 14 Each 23,220.22 1,658.59 85 Each 160,908.66 1,963.63 2 Each 23,292.84 11,646.42 2,390 Lin Foot 32,006.90 13.39 461 Each 148,286.04 317.32 3 Each 369.00 123.00 8,090 Lin Foot 47,256.84 5.84 110 Each 29,465.70 267.87 903 Cubic Yard 277,762.80 307.60 9,741 Cubic Yard 1,804,715.07 185.27 1,948 Cubic Yard 406,216.44 208.53 1,585 Cubic Yard 382,603.15 241.39 1,585 Cubic Yard 584,310.25 368.65 3,936 Cubic Yard 492,865.92 125.22 270 Each 127,745.10 473.13 58 Each 43,816.10 755.45 2,125 Each 9052037.50 425.90 222 Each 74,800.68 33B.94 48 Each 21,538.56 448.72 700 Lin Foot 19,551.00 27.93 1,400 Lin Foot 45,528.00 32.52 120 Each 95,931.60 799.43 2 Each 499,052.80 249,526.40 64 Each 33,394.56 521.79 90 Lin Foot 4,680.00 52.00 58 Each 19,140.00 330.00 4 Lump Sum 88,9B5.78 22,246.45 7 Pound 5,133.12 733.30 771 Acre 484,509.24 628.42 5 Acre 4,166.65 833.33 12 Acre 1,612.95 134.41 0 Acre -931.49 14 Acre 9,880.01 705.72 520 Acre 850,892.06 1,636.33 198 Acre. 215 418.45 087.97 Cubic Var MENWINSUENNESEREM 303277 Sq Foot 20,879.45 0.69 1 Lump Sum 4,310.00 4,310.00 CRY OF FORT COLLINS MAX BUS RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT BAT CONSTRUCTION ADDENDUM Ajm06 SEEdNO(NA CRE milt 8' 0 b. $ 21100050 SOD SF 13,3& $ 046 212-MIDI TREERERNTION AND PROTECTION U IOI $ 6000 5 6060.00 212�00900 COMPOST CY 230 $ 35.60 S B 108.00 21240901 SAND/PEATMIX CY 225.17 $ 41.25 3 5,16326 213-0OD65 G INURGANIC MULCH CF - CY B4O3 74 0, 1p4 $ 117.S0 3 8.69500 213.00070 LANDSCAPE WEED BARRIER FABRIC SY 1,340 $ 1.00 S 1340.00 � 214.00225 UIOER MaDUOUSTREE(25 INN CALIPER) Elm EA 101 13 i$ 56] 0 $ 418.00 5 5]l9)30i S 5.434,00 OE(gU0 f 31NC Ull f0.MEN== in 5 AU C NfR) Il8 $ 5-- 14 15A0 IS 4".Op S 3. 114-00508 EVERGREEN MEE(B FIXER BA LANOBURIAP) EA $ 6 E 30 3 .49610. 61.)5 4 1 2144 50 fgFN CONTA ER) PERENNIALS IS GALLIXI CONTAINER) 4 0 lO3 MOWN 42T11 EA 193 $ Ii 1330 215-OMW TRAM%AM THE E(3 TO 611 EA 4 $ 260.00 104000 2 is 00100 TRANSPLANT TREE (OVER 6 INN) CA 1 S 5700 216-00039 SOIL RETENTION BE AN[ET(STRAW) SF 14.6R $ 0.21 $ 31 21600045 SOIL RETENTION MAT (CELLULAR) BY 492 $ 330 3Dtd005 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, CIASS 4 GY 95.13 $ SSOD $ 533>31 30I-06000 AGGREGATE GASECOURSE, CLASS 6 TON 6,10100 $ +'4T✓ 3 a5�s .. . 401 HIM MIX ASPHALT (PATCHING) (ASPHALT) SY 191 $ $ -� 502f401V '0333621 NOT MIX ASPHALT(GRADING S) LED 5628) TON 6,698 $ Ai BUMi 411-10255 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT (SLOW SETING) GAL 1,073 $ 1711] S Lit4U WOf6N 412L300 CONCRETEPAVEMENTLISNH) SY 2.67 $ .YJS IS (" } 412-00600 CONCRETE PAVEMENT I6 INN) SY 1,16833 $ IA88 S �Q 412�00900 CONCRETE PAVEMENi(B INCH) SY 271.56 $ jP.q ipiNAO 41?WW2 CONCRETE PAVEMENT (61NCH)(SPEOAL)(COVV.ERCIAL DRMEWAY) 5Y ISI $ $y1L $ - SO 3,Fe9.3s 412,01001 CONCRETE PAVEMENT(20 INCH) (SPECIAL) IT 1,010 $ $' 72 46S26S,S7.0ie 4120/050 CONCRETEPAVEMEMT(10d/21NCHj SY 44.173 $ 420 Wi01 GEOTEXRLE PAVING FABRIC SY 10,252 $ 42P00112 CE07EXTME(DRAINAGE)(C1A151) SY 21033 $ 235 $ SBB 2B $03 Owls DRNLEDCAISSON(1BINCH) IF BO $ $ 3 •� 344.00 50300024 DRILLED CAISSON(24 INN) IF 2,355 $ 123.00 $ ]B9 f65A0 503 M30 DRILEOCUSfON(DOINCN) LP 210 $ 13L45 27,604.30 503-NO36 DRILLED CAISSON(36 INCH) IF 501 • 503-00054 DRILLEDCAISSON(S6INN) if 38 $ 342M $ 11t996D0 5040W50 RCINGIANDSCAPEY2Ad SF Wl $ .RDM $ 5 50601030 GFOGRIDflEINEORCEMENT SY Iy9D $ L ?G).6o y $3 c .oc Goo .8 O fii�1 S'i 1 - 70 °[ 14.60 01423.Gca 21-�Tpj!, i.gyp {4.1 i9gd _ocP 2i1411 j�s g %U .Q7 3010 CITY OF FORT COLLINS MAX BUS RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT BELT CONSTRUCTION ADDENDUM 5/390005 ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE IDRAKE) LS 1 $ 76,100D0 $ J610000 6139000E ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (BAY FARM) RWO PIATFORMSI IS 1 $ ID6,70000 � 1067W.0D 633.90007 ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE JPMSPECT) LS 1 $ 179A00D0 $ 179A0000 61390008 ELECTRICAL AFMSTRUCTURE(UNNERSNV) - IS 1 $ 15 cco.o0 $ I53,BC0➢0 613.90009 RECTIOCAL WFRAS17UCTLRE(LAURfL)(TWOPIATFORMS) IS 1 $ fA000O0 $ 6R000.00 6139DDI0 ELECTRICAL INFRAITWCNRESMULBERRVI(TWOPLATFORMS) IS 1 $ 66900.00 $ 66,900.00 613.9D011 ELECAIGt WF TMCTVRE(OLNE)(TVIOPIAtFg SI LS 1 $ 64300.00 $ "6Ewoo 6139OD12 ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (MOUNTAIN) rTV0 PLATFORMS) IS 1 $ 66,100.00 $ 66,100,00 613-90013 ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE(DOWNTOWN TRANSRCENTER) lS 1 $ 20300.00 1 10300.00 61400011 SIGNPANRICU551) $1 474.40 S IS.00 5 8539]0 6I40D012 SGNPANRIUASSE) SF 176 S 20.00 $ 35201m0 61400035 SIGN PANEL.(SPECIAL) SF AS $ 32.i0 $ 7,68150 6I4-00216 STEEL SIGN P09D( INCH TUBING) LF 1145E $ 1130 I0,675,I0 61193009 WTESISTEM EA IA S 40.916.00 $ 57I,83100 618 OD142 PRESTRESSEOCONCRETE I(BTt2) IF 489 $ 188.43 $ g2 ]t]D 619.10,25 62INCH WRDEDSTEEL PIPE(SPECUL) OACKEU) LF 0 $ $ 62090005 R1[IO OFFICEDPECUUU EA I $ 116900, $ 115.900.00 61100])0 BOLLARD EA l) $ 538.00 �- 11516.DO 623.10W0 3/4" IMMERUATION ASSEMBLY CA 5 $ S36D0 $ 26�00 623-IOMI 3/A' SUBWETM VANTERWTGN ASSEMBLY EA 6 $ A33D0 613.20001 3A'TAP ASSEMBLY CA t $ 690.00 $ }g20DO $23-10003 3/4" WATER MRfRASSEMBLY EA 5 $ 1,6tD.00 $ 5.20000 123-10004 3/4'WATER SUB -METER ASSEMBLY EA 2 $ 431.00 8M00 31000 3't'B DPR[VENTpI SEMB , 32W SD W 6]Y)ODD6 1' MASTfRVALVE ASSEMBLY EA $ I5000 S 1.SN].IW 623-/0007 ]-FLOW SENSOR ASS EAULY EA 7:: $ SLOW 633-10000 I' PRESSURE REDUCING VALVEASSEMULV EA $ 10,=.m $ IO,N00 ] 623.10009 A' ISOLATION GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY CA $ 460 910.00 03-10010 3' ISOLATION GATE VALVE ASS EMBLY fA < $ 410A0 5 2.64D00 613.10011 2-1/3' ISOLAT IN GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY EA I $ 41600 623-10012 1' GUA71011 GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY EA I $ 190.90 $ SEC.00 623-20013 1-1/2' ISOLATION GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY FA 1 S 170, $ 170.00 623-10014 1-1/4' ISCRATION GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY EA B 5 Isom $ 1,200.00 623/0015 1' QUICK COUPLING VALVE ASSEMBLY CA 15 $ 229.GO $ 5.725.00 63310016 3/4'TWE K COPPER PPE U 160 $ B.DD $ 1,100.00 6ILIDOI7 6'NDPESM"PIPE IF 60D $ 1443 $ S.S=0 623.10018 3'NDPE SDN-9 PIPE lF 41Bn $ 6.53 $ ).)0SAO Q3.10019 --__-_-- ]OC905PKPPE LF ]00 $ 36.41 $ 3,6t3.00 623-10020 6"CL2DOPVCPPE IF I'm $ 10.)B $ 1J,t63.60 - - 633-10011 4'CL100PVCPUE IF 2.2 $ 630 $ 15,59100 62310021 3-CL200PVCPIPL LF _ 1,560 $ $,92 7of 10 CITY OF FORT COLLINS MAX BUS RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT BRTCONSTRUCTION ADDENDUM BDO 623 IN24 2-CL200PVCPIPE IF 3,400 $ 1.92 $ 6.18000 623-10025 11/2-a 200 PVC PIPE IF 1,260 $ 157 5 1,97310 •14 C 1 CPIPE �— 144 123 IM27 l'CL 20GPVCPIPE IF 14D $ 132 $ 184.80 623/0028 2-1/2-CL 160PVCPIPE LF BD $ 2.15 5 172,00 61310029 2'CL 160 PVC PIPE LF 120 $ 195 $ 222.00 623/0030 1-1/2"C1160 PVC PIPE if 20 $ S69 $ 3380 623-]0031 FI/4'(116DPVG PIPE if 680 $ 16] $ 1.06].60 623.10032 1-CL 160 PVC PIPE LF 1j40 $ 1.49 5 11,42660 623-10033 O.75' W RESISTANT POLYETHYLENE PIPE LF 5,960 $ LAB I $ B,BIO.BD 623-10014 1112` REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY EA ] $ 282.00I$ 1,9)4.00 2 - $°' MOTIF CONTROL VRLVF A3 EA 230 $ I5.10 62310036 POP UP SPRAY SP RIN ME I ASSEMB LY 5 3,47300 623-10037 POP-UP ROTOR SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY EA 91 $ 48RO — $ 444990 03 OL ASS M EA 31 $ 142.00 D39 DRIP ZONE CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY 4,402.000 0041 DRIP EMRTERASSEMBLY EA 69]0 $ i.41 042 ROOT WATERING SYSTEM BUBBLER ASSEMBLY EA )l $ 50.66043 STREAM BUBBLER ASSEMBLY EA 146 $ 1].15LMOUNEA ;623-1000 j�f 3 6.00045 FA 6 PAIN/FRFFZE SENSOR ASSEMBLY 5 2woo$1,31Bd0 046 IRRIGATION CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY (Cw SYSTEM- PEDESTAL MOUNTED) EA l $ 18,534.00 3),068.00 04] PRECAST IRRIGATION'UNCTION BO%ASSEMBLY EA 1 $ 1275001DSd0 04E FLOW SENSOR COMMUNICATION CABLE LF 2,120 $ 143 SW9 CONTROLWIRE24 VOLT, OIRFRBURY LF 52,900 $ OIL 10,S30 U0 050 TRACING WIRE, DIRER BURY LF B,300 3 0. S x]a140 C23-10051 IRRIGATION DEMOLITION LS ) 9 41635dO 5 32445.00 62$.00000 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING LS 1 $ 256#46000 3 2515,460.00 62600900 MOSILRATON LS 1 $ 2,322,725.0p 3 2,312,725.00 616-00100 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER LS 1 $ 2S9"ODO4 $ 259.600.00 62600300 SYSTEM SAFETY AND SECURITY MANAGER DAY _ 320 $ S1440 200.616.DO 627-DWOB I ATEK PAVEMENT MARKINGS SF 31.947 $ 196 _ _ $ 72.416.12 6274200ID PREFORMED THFRMOPLSTIC PAVEMENT MARKING SF 2403 5 1633 $ 3)60]99 630 SWOO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 $ 731,300d0 _ $ 7311300D0 633.00001 HARMONY STATION SHELTER. ICON AND ID BEACON LS 1 $ 2BSp0000 3 285,0001DO 633-00002 TROUTMAN STATION SH ELTER. ICONAND CIO BEACON LS 1 $ 334,000.00 $ 331.00000 633-0DDO3 HORSETOOTI STATION SHELTER, ICON AND ID BEACON IS t $ 185,00040 _ _ $ 285,000.03 633-000D4 SWALLOWSTOP SHELTERS, ICON AND ID BEACOW(SHELTER PAIRS) IS 1 3 36010001I0 360000.00 633 SUMS DRAKE STATION SHELTER, ICON AND ID BEACON l5 1 $ 33SOND0 _5 5 330.00040 $ 010 CITY OF FORT COLLINS MAX BUS RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT BRT CONSTRUCTION ADDENDUM 633-OW06 BAY FARM STOP SHELTERS, ICON AND ID BEACON ISHOTER PAIRS) IS 1 $ 345,000.00 34$00000 63100007 PROSPECTSTATION SHELTER, ICON AND J IO BEACONS(PROSPECT AND LANE) IS I $ 324.00000 S 924,01 63300008 UNNERSITY STATION SHELTER, ICON AND 0 BEACON IS 1 $ 314,000,00 S 314000.00 633130009 LAUREL STOP SHELTERS AND ICON (SHELTER PAIRS) l5 I $ 366,000.00 S 3W.000.00 63340010 MULBERRY STOP SHELTERS AND ICON [SHELTER PAIRS) IS 1 $ 366.000.00 S 366,000.00 633-00011 OLIVE STOP SHELTERS AND ICON (SHELTER PAIRS[ IS 1 _ $ 340,00000 $ 310000.00 63300012 MOUNTNN STOP SHELTERS AND ICON [SHELTER PAIRS) IS 1 $ 335,00000 $ 335,0D000 63300013 OOWNTOWNTRANSITCEMER SHELTER IS 1 $ 229,000.00 S 2n,00900 6 lF 13, I 436 muffs, 935:12' 66000001 CONTROLLED SOW STRENGTH MATERIAL CY 1,991 $ 108.90I$ 216,92820 66,00002 DIRECTIONAL BORING IF 7,512 $ 7.62 $ 57,241.44 66600003 2- HOPE SOR II 1F 30,316 $ 1034 S 313,467A4 660.00004 3"HOPE SORII LP 7,SI2 S 1138�$ B9,993.76 660.00005 P HOPE SOpli if )$1] S 1l]0 $ I]OA26.10 660.00006 2•PVCSCH40 L9 18.J80 $ 2I8 S 106,340.40 66000007 3"PVCSCNIO YlF U,S82 $ 317 $ 41,I43.I4 660-00009 4'PVCSCH40 IF »,SA) $ 1.31 S S185752 660-00009 I•GRCCONOUN IF 1,700 $ 1633 S 44.02.00 66(100010 2'GR000NDUIT LF 1,683 $ 1940 S 32 S640 65000011 3"GRC CONDUIT LF 421 66G-00012 4•GRCCONOUR IF 421 $ 32671S 1 13,75407 IW00013 36'X48'VAULT EA 56 $ 3,539.00 S 198194.00 660.00014 24• X 30'X IV PULL BON U J $ 1,350.00 5 9.45000 660-ODDIS 24" N 24• N IV PULL BON U 18 $ 1,14400 5 20,59200 G60�00036 12' X 19' X I@' PALL BOX EA 37 5 7SID0 1 I76I4.00 .000017 LAYER 3 ETHERN ET SWITCH EA 9 $ 32.411A0 S 2.1.70000 660-00018 UKR 2 ETHERNET SWITCH EA 21 $ 9,1S6.00 5 194,37600 60 OOD19 WIRELESS ACCESS POINTS EA 34 $ 119M00 $ 64,600.00 66000020 EMERGENCY "it BOX fA 1] $ 5,690.00 1 119A9000 660-00021 SURGE AWSTERS EA 135 $ 301AS S 47,340.75 660-D0022 FIBER PATCH PANEL(12R1 EA 19 $ 2,951.00 S $6,069.00 660-00223 FIBER PATCH PANEL 1480) CA 2 S 5.112.00 S 10.214,00 660 00225 FIBER PATCH PANEL 148 CT 0O) EA 2 $ 5111200 5 10,224.00 GSD00013 UT 6 PATCH CABLES EA 235 $ 2712 5 6,396.70 66000024 CAT CABLES IF 7,600 S 9.80 5 74,40MI G6000025 SYSTEMS INTEGRATION TESTING IS I S 104AOOZO 5 204.00" 66D00026 BACKBONE FIBER CABLE AN O SPLICES if 31,2S9 $ 653 $ 204111.17 66000027 DROP FIBER CABLE AND TERMINAT ION PANELS lF 6364 $ 436 66000029 VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGNS EA 19 S 14,918.00 S 432622.00 663.00029 PUBLIC ADDRESS AMPLIFIER AND SPEAKERS EA 19 $ 4,04D]D S 91.963.80 660-NO30 1C001SPLAY AND DIGITAL SIGNAG[SYSTEM EA 71 $ ]],35900 $ 171,53900 9Mto