HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - PURCHASE ORDER - 9141691OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES TS Demei ColurMo epiinpn RCoPm�. 9a357y 115 _,_ 718b741113 %?. ... ,. Fax 3IX+5741118 Fmi 7196/41133'- F®i 9X}ZL3S85B Remit to DBIos.P., P.O. Box 975070 Doha,; TX 75397-5070 F.01) 841454189 Quotation Page 1 of 16 Quote k s ,Number "7:�r . V „Quote e �. >• „Date t_" ,. ' ;Y�°fTU �a ,, �. ,�: ._.. .. _, . 3 nx cs>;veniA St;CustomerxOrder Number„a, _'i 1k�" Mrr'"�— xI,Cus[omer ;„Number .T'fi' h h' ..i�.ar ° G Y t d_r __ Account ? I' i , 5 r [„,3},,;k{a Repres_entabve .,;, rn _..' .Pro)ect i, # ID'-+i 39178 03/04/14 / 16 q / CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston QUOTE TO: JOLENE REED SHIP TO: CITY OF FORT COLLINS CITY OF FORT COLLINS POLICE SERVICES P.O. BOX 580 2221 TIMBERLINE ROAD FINANCE DEPT. FORT COLLINS, CO 80525 FORT COLLINS, CO 80522 P: 1.970.416.2462 Ter1115: NET 10 DAYS Tax No: 98-04502 .. 4 , iwm -a". 5a g t g .. ti: +! "�` W...4 ^Yg�`� Catalog Numbe�l,Descn s'tloni I t,f .! Apse:. _ _ ,v Umt P.dce:.. .. �"q`IW Extended Amount ROOM 1123 ----------------------------------------------- PRICING IS QUOTED DELIVERED AND INSTALLED ON THE BETTER TOGETHER CONTRACT. LEADTIME FOR THIS PRODUCT IS CURRENTLY RUNNING 5 WEEKS AFTER RECEIPT OF ORDER. ----------------------------------------------- IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT TIFFANY RAULSTON @ 970-223-5959 ENT 2223 OR TRAULSTON@OFFICESCAPES.COM 1 1 TS7PK24X STEELCASE 75.66 75.66 Kit -Power, 3+1, 24W Tag For: U 2 2 TS7PK30X STEELCASE 75.66 151.32 Kit -Power, 3+1, 30W Tag For: U 3 1 TS7PK42X STEELCASE 75.66 75.66 Kit -Power, 3+1, 42W Tag For: U 4 1 TS7PK48X STEELCASE 75.66 75.66 Kit -Power, 3+1, 48W Tag For: U 5 1 TS7PK60X STEELCASE 114.66 114.66 r, y [n [ [u [ne Dees[ ur my rend O9a- tna as as tare luuxdwil: antl rota ores ,.r t foe [he ahip to adtlrexxI and ill b. that houltl i[ I o de[erminad wr 9 at a later 1. th ones hartage will ba s:d ti the bu �er to [ha atller and m9a will ba ro.. atl m [he boyar by aellee. Bu �a agrees [ tha a Iles Tarma and Condibona and ehnowladgez having racaived and road a copy of a h. Pricing is v Ld br 30 Gaya. A .pte,] by Titles pate OFFICESCAPES Remit to °R' Quotation 'P.O. Buz 975070 HARDER WORKING SPACES NL@.,TX 75397-5070 Demrer CabraBo Spingr FtCuirn, 888 1115 7if15741113 900221x9. _. Fed ID B+1454189 Page 10 of 18 Fai 9[K15761118 Fmi 7196]41133' Fai 974T136�S. - Quote Quote - Customer - Account j Project Number "Date ,,, Customer Order Numbere_.. -Number: Representative: ., ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston .. .. 'r p-= =�`x"":"s n- -F, .vs� ':: Extended i i ,Line Quanti k�'3x.:i:. '.i Catalo Number/Descn tioni.. ..M, Matlmt Price' Amount. Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 12H x 30W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F2 10 29 1 TS71242TK STEELCASE 40.95 40.95 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 12H x 42W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F2 a 30 1 TS71248TK STEELCASE 44.07 44.07 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 12H x 48W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F2 31 1 TS71260TK STEELCASE 49.53 49,53 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 12H x 60w SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F2 In anr;a plin9 lhia quote, verify Ih a[ 1 the beat of my knowledge, the sales ax lunztl 4an _n e e orreo....... am o atltlre sa, and agree Ihal should it ba da[arm in ed wr flat a later date. eny ahortafle will be paid by the buy r to Iha Ile and any ove�efle will be ralu nded to the b.17 by zallar. B.,qre es to the zallarz Te, ma end Condition. and cicnowledq ea h avin9 received lid for 1. Day z_ Accepted by Title [Data OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES 7196 Cala7E74-0111S11`73 9RL5'/L1115 _ Faoi3IX4d741118 Fm 7195/1133' Remit to: P.O. S 97 . 'P.O. Box 97507U Da16i,.7X 75397-5070 R COPvIi. 97dII35a9 Fed ID MA454189 F. 9702I3,M .. . Quotation Page 11 of 18 (cont'd) Quote ;,_, Number y ouote �' �y I - i CustomeI ,Xi; eNr „; Ciustomer Order Numlier Nurntie� Account - 8� Project ' 'M.e 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston rLine.. -: ouantit , pp i IIhM k: I'..212 6v dxii u, milt tf:a 1 k .. # .s.,, ., ,la.= d,:.Ca[alo Num6er7,Descn lion i' t, �sr3Y a .0 .r-Und"Pnceka E%gentled PAm."M a: 32 1 TS72424TK STEELCASE 48.36 48.36 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 24H x 24W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag Fox: F1 33 1 TS72442TK STEELCASE 56.55 56.55 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 24H x 42W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag Fos: F1 O 34 1 TS72448TK STEELCASE 60.45 60.45 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 24H x 48W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F1 thla 9uole. 1 arify'.a' to "a beat f my knaare cor owledfle, the salsa lx luriadiction and at. racI for that ship to address, ^fl and agree that ebould rt ba determined wronfl et a later dale, any ahortafle will be Paid by the buyer to lMa taller and ny ov r C9a will ba rafundetl [o the buyer by :altar. Buryer egress to the fellers Terms and Conditions —d acknowled, av hined hg re awed and raa oapy of suc. Pricing is alid 1., 30 Da, ACoeptacl 0y Titles pate OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES uemr wesido SPa,, 3m5741115 714674-1113 Fmi 3833741178 Fmi 7196731133 _■_ Remit to: Omm P.O. Box 9757S070 DAW.TX 75397-5070 R Gans. 97( aMS959 Fed 1D 84-14541Be Fmi 9702235853 .. . Quotation Page 12 of 18 (cont'd) Quote O"ate Ill I; �,'q' 111 y1' Customer' Account 1 Project Number Date CustomersOrtler NumbeG, Number Representative ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston y,t � Extended i � Line Ouanti Catalo iNumbe,1Descri tion. '¢,,:,r: :: Unit Pdce Amount 35 1 TS72460TKy STEELCASE 67.08 67.06 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 24H x 60W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F1 a 36 1 TS73630TK STEELCASE 72.93 72.93 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 36H x 30W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F3 37 1 TS73660TK STEELCASE 109.59 109.59 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 36H x 60W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F3 0 38 1 TS74824TK STEELCASE 70.98 70.98 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 48H x 24W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F4 In accepting this quote, I vatffy that to the best of my knowledge. the sales tax l—tro r ano rate are collet a e nr add—ss, and agree that should ,I be determinad wrong at a total data, any shortage will be paid by the In, to the caller and rage will be relu nded to the buyer by seller. Buyer agrees the callers Terms and Conditions and acknowladoas having received end read a copy or xuch. Pricing is valid for 30 Days. Accepted by Title Data OFFICESCAPES Remrtro asssi:ip, Quotation P.O. B. 975070 HARDER WORKING SPACES Dda'TX75397-5070 Deliver. Coloss, Bpinlje F1 cri 9IXt57a1115 719871-.1113 9TF9186953 Fed ID 841454189 Page 17 of 18 Fmc MM7a1116 Fix7lWil-113a Fmi 9i0.T1a5858 (cont'd) Quote l]u`dte i,_ ')• t Customer „ r Account I Projec4 )Numbes,�3Osa e x f, 'Customer Order Number, ;F"r, Number,' x,,3 ;eRepresentaLve l7.,_ :. ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston Extended f 'Catalo � °�`,'Unrt Llne�" ..-.- Quanti Number70escri lion Pnce�'�.>=x ?�:ikAmdunt�'4 39 1 TS74830TK STEELCASE 75.66 75.66 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 48H x 30W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F4 O 40 1 TS74842TK STEELCASE 87.36 87.36 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 48H x 42W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO OPTIONS * * OPTIONS FAB DIR "OPT:FABRIC DIRECTION HORS STD:HORIZONTAL APPLICATION Tag For: F4 41 1 TS74848TK STEELCASE 100.62 100.62 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 48H x 48W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO OPTIONS * * OPTIONS FAB DIR *OPT:FABRIC DIRECTION HORZ STD:HORI20NTAL APPLICATION Tag For: F4 l.a Ptin9 fn.x qu ta, I erily Ihnl to lha befr[ f ' Knowledge. this eclair [ x juriedialion and rate are oorwftat for the hip [ addmzz, and aor Ihel should alba determined wrong at a isle' data, eny horta9a will ba aid by Iha buyer fo the x Ilm and or, overage will bis ralundad to Iha bucar by seller. Buyer grass to Iha sellers To,—. and Candilio a and acknpwladgaa having faoaand d read a copy of such, Pricing is valid for 30 Days. Acca pTad by Titles pate OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES Derc -Colorado Spmpr 9m5]N 113 7)ab741113 Fax3D35741118 F®1719614-1133- Remit to: om�, P.O. 8oz 975070 Da1b3; TX 75397-5070 R Copma. 970I66959 Fed ID 84-1454189 Far p]4 Sasa Quotation Page 14 of 18 (cont'd) Quote Number Quote -Date . �ai SS rJ . r. 1 g!'W" L p Custome -.Customer Order NumherRp Numberr,s i fii r a Y" . Account ` ,• Project . �C ,tea,: '::a Representative, ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston d' -sLihe.:+5 Duanh s, i.-CatalogINu/mber.1Descn ■y. l.. x 1, ia'4. 1"-.. .wnY� '>�" hon i'.'.. d i % I _ :e.rr xF-`i�s `l. a lull_ P.nce ffi'Ertended. Amount, V 42 1 RBB24QCTAK STEELCASE 284.66 284.66 Universal; Bin -Over the case, Radius front, Technology / Answer / Kick application, 24W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE LOCK :9201 POLISHED CHROME KEYS :SK PLUG OPTIONS * * OPTIONS DOOR OPT *OPT:DOOR OPTIONS NO ASST STD:NO ASSIST LOCK OPT *OPT:LOCK OPTIONS LOCK STD:LOCK BRACKETS *OPT:OPTIONAL BRACKETS NOOPTBKT STD:NO OPTIONAL BRACKETS OPT ACC *OPT:OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Tag For: OH/24 0 43 1 RBB30QCTAK STEELCASE 294.12 294.12 Universal; Bin -Over the case, Radius front, Technology / Answer / Kick application, 30W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE LOCK :9201 POLISHED CHROME KEYS :SK PLUG OPTIONS * * OPTIONS DOOR OPT *OPT:DOOR OPTIONS NO ASST STD:NO ASSIST LOCK OPT *OPT:LOCK OPTIONS LOCK STD:LOCK BRACKETS-OPT:OPTIONAL BRACKETS NOOPTBKT STD:NO OPTIONAL BRACKETS OPT ACC *OPT:OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES In accaptin9 this quote, 1 verify that to the beat of my Knowles d9 e. the salsa tart jurisdiction and rat ar c ct lo, [ha ship to addtaaz, and awe that zhould it ba determined wrong a1 a later del.. a a horta9e will ba paid by the buyer to the Iler and hav n9 r c9a ved bedrelu d a Dt. opy albuch. b Pr cil^r. B Vyaer aOaaz the Iles Termz and Condibona and adcnowledgea ra an ma o e . i. lid for 3o Daya. Accepted b Titles Date OFFICESCAPES Remit to OBmSopb Quotation P.O.8c,<975070 HARDER WORKING SPACES WW.1TX75397-solo DenJv. ctiim.S*& RCnPms. SWil7 1115 71%741113 9NY23-5959 Fed ID 84-1454189 Page 15 of 18 Fa13IX4574-1118 Fat7196141133' • - .- Fait 9747Pa545B .. - (cont'd) Quote Ouote. '4 a, Customer _Account _ - Project Number ;pzte 1 .,}: Customer Ord Number., , f,,Numbe '* Regresentatrve .. .,; j' ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston w . ii , - .d ab xn' !!55��..,.e�lnded `? .SLine: - .Ouanb 3r `, CatalogNumber'/D`e`scn hon __ ,x _:;�-`, 1 `.Unrt Pnce" r - k :3CfAmount, Tag For: OH/30 , 44 1 RBB42QCTAK STEELCASE 314.76 314.76 Universal; Bin -Over the case, Radius front, Technology / Answer / Kick application, 42W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE LOCK :9201 POLISHED CHROME KEYS :SK PLUG OPTIONS • * OPTIONS DOOR OPT *OPT:DOOR OPTIONS NO ASST STD:NO ASSIST LOCK OPT *OPT:LOCK OPTIONS LOCK STD:LOCK BRACKETS *OPT:OPTIONAL BRACKETS NOOPTBKT STD:NO OPTIONAL BRACKETS OPT ACC *OPT:OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Tag For: OH/42 45 1 RBB48QCTAK STEELCASE 323.36 323.36 Universal; Bin -Over the case, Radius front, Technology / Answer / Kick application, 48W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE LOCK :9201 POLISHED CHROME KEYS :SK PLUG OPTIONS * * OPTIONS DOOR OPT *OPT:DOOR OPTIONS NO ASST STD:NO ASSIST LOCK OPT *OPT:LOCK OPTIONS LOCK STD:LOCK BRACKETS *OPT:OPTIONAL BRACKETS NOOPTBKT STD:NO OPTIONAL BRACKETS In cce plin9 this quote. 1 veri'r �le yat to the beat of my Ono wle dfl e. tM1e salsa e- iuriadiotion and la a orra cl to, the hipalo address, antl spree that bould it be darmined wrong a o later data, any shortage will be peid by the buyer I- " a e elbr ntl hav nfl 'a9a wild) bedraf� tl a copy d.ol to elb oh. b Prie.1— Buy lid for 30 Dayaa sellers Term. and Condiliana andaina�knawled9ae Accaptatl by Titles [Data OFFICESCAPES Rerrotto Ori sc, a Quotation P.O.Box 97S070 HARDER WORKING SPACES OWW.`TX 75397-5070 Denier Cabrado SPlnB+ FlCafmi, 9Qi61Ht16., , TIeb741113 �5�, fed ID 841464189 Page 16 of 18 _ Fmt3o36741116 F.719641133- F.MM` B jeont'd) Quote Quote Customer r .. ACNn�olunt i'tl' Project' _ Number Date Custome_r,Order Number Number , „ ,,, Representativ_e ID - 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston y Aatalo Extended is :@ibe Quanti a.,. �. :c Numbed Descn bon.' "s Und Pnce. -�i:. Amount OPT ACC 'OPT:OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Tag For: OH/48 ` I 46 1 UPEC3072 STEELCASE 218.01 218.01 Worksurface-Bullet peninsula, Plastic edge, Laminate, Curved, 30D x 71 1/2W EDGE :6698 FIELDSTONE TOP-SURF:2592 BLONDE ON MAPLE OPTIONS ` OPTIONS ` ` WKSF OPT 'OPT:WORKSURFACE OPTION SCALLOP STD:SCALLOPS Tag For: 72/30 47 1 US2442 STEELCASE 83.07 83.07 Worksurface-Straight, Plastic edge, Laminate, 1/2 cord drop, 23 1/2D x 42W EDGE :6698 FIELDSTONE TOP-SURF:2592 BLONDE ON MAPLE OPTIONS ' ' OPTIONS * ` WKSF OPT 'OPT:WORKSURFACE OPTION SCALLOP STD:SCALLOPS Tag For: 42/24 48 1 US2498 STEELCASE 98.28 98.28 Worksurface-Straight, Plastic edge, In acceptinfl this quota, 1 verify that to the be of my kio—lodaa, the sales [ax lurisd-Gon and rate am corrael for the ahi to a ddra and e?re [ha should it be dt m ed w on a la r date sho to will b said by the bu t the Ile and aqe w II ba afundad to the buyer by allc f Bu9 qr t [ the eliers rTe ma and Condition, and acrknu-.ad.as M1 vinq mcaived end read a copy of each. Pndn9 is alid br 30 Oey: s Accepted to Titles Date OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES Dr.-Cakrmi. Spiga 8119S 1115 7N15741113 Fm3035741118 Fmi719F441133 Remit to is 7 9 P.O. B Box P.O. 5070 lhllai;jTX 75397-5070 Fl CaPns. 379 5959 Fed ID 84-1454189 F. 874ZIJ5353 . . Quotation Page 17 of 18 (cont'd) if Quote Quote Y hv% 3 CustS omernwx , q RUIN Account P.roJect E E ww*";�Date „ °�y'„". Customer Orde�Number - _ .3 II,Num�lie 3!I fi _ Representative: 39178 03/04/14 / 2 /CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston h k I Extended' ,.,:.uuQuanh „ r .. ICa[al 'Number tbn'!�: , ,...:"_ . , 3:, 1U Laminate, 1/2 cord drop, 23 1/2D x 48W EDGE :6698 FIELDSTONE TOP-SURF:2592 BLONDE ON MAPLE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS WKSF OPT *OPT:WORKSURFACE OPTION SCALLOP STD:SCALLOPS Tag For: 48/24 49 1 US2460 STEELCASE 111.93 111.93 Worksurface-Straight, Plastic edge, Laminate, 1/2 cord drop, 23 1/2D x 60W EDGE :6698 FIELDSTONE TOP-SURF:2592 BLONDE ON MAPLE OPTIONS ' * OPTIONS ' * WKSF OPT *OPT:WORKSURFACE OPTION SCALLOP STD:SCALLOPS Tag For: 60/24 50 2 TS720WSP STEELCASE 24.18 48.36 Support plate, 20D 51 2 USSBR STEELCASE 13.65 27.30 Bracket -Side support Tag For: 2 V V 52 1 UCOL STEELCASE 100.62 100.62 In ec epti ^fl [M1ia quota, I verify that [ the beat f m knowledge- the salad tax jurisdiction and rate a correct for the ship to addresa, and a ea [hat hould it ba determined wr g at a later date, anye sh.ltac. will be paid by the buyisr to the Ilan and ny over ego —ill r ba rafunded tc the buyce, by sotto r. B yyaer ogre es to the a Ibra Terms and Co diliona and ck np wle dfl ea Yravin9 ra eivee and read a copy cl a h. Pricing iE lid lo, 30 Days. Accepted by Tjtla mate OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES N.-Coaat,io spine; Fael 41115 "11eb741113 Fati3IXi5]41113 Fmi7136141133- Remit to: P.O. Box 975 . el 'P.O. Boa 975070 D.JIaz,,TX 75397-5070 R Cafms. 910T14895a Fed ID 84-1454189 Foi97"Z 585E _. Quotation Page 18 of 18 (conYd) quote quote 1.4 "rst'rt� Cus omer § I1 Accoun[ ,� Project �. Number Date, �_ Customer Order Number Number y{'m'S al _ ,;_�� RepresentaLve,;,�';,; �.,; ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston °'rR+GY..aS! 51 :Line" quanu v5 :';•ry ,Catalo Number)Descn I ion .' ter,.: Unit Pncei i.1 ,1_Extended Amount _'Z : Column support-Worksurface BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE Tag For: AC 53 1 DESIGN/LAYOUT OFFICEFORT 50.00 50.00 DESIGN SERVICES TO INCLUDE VERIFICATION OF ROOM DIMENSIONS, GENERATING LAYOUT OPTIONS, TECHNICAL CHECK OF PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS, MODIFICATION OF CAD PLANS AND INSTALLATION DRAWING. QUOTATION TOTALS Sub Total 6,267.52 Service Sales 0.00 Gov't S Non-profit 0.00 Grand Total 6,287.52 Images are provided as a preliminary color and type representation and should not be used for final color and product selection. Due to Individual computeAmonitor/printer settings: color, texture, pattern, size and feature rendering may vary from the actual sample. For accuracy, order and view an actual sample. *******End of Quotation'**** Ina eeptinfl thm 9u te. I verify that to the best of my knowledge. the selea late lun.di l.i and 't,tt, e, a eel Io, the ship to add vac. and agree the[ hould it bee determined wr , at a later date- nny shortage will be paid by the buyer to the xe-ller and e cgeuee will be refunded I- the buyer by aellar. Buyae, grace to Inca s liars Tarma end Contli lion. antl avacknowledges hing ra rd and read a copy u1 fuCh. Pricing la Ind for 30 Days. Accepted by Title [Date OFFICESCAPES Rem@to qff" " Quotation PO Brat 975070 HARDER WORKING SPACES Nbi:7X 753971-5070 Demdr Colorado Side i; RGiant 3Xt874-0115 7196741113 979ffi5958, Fed ID 84:1454189 Page 2 of 18 . Fai 3Si5]41118 Fmi 7196/4-1133 Faz 9/O2B, (coned) tit r Quote Ouote z. .'S�-4v..+1" _ � ,' '4 62. C,ustom�er PsV Sy �1 I }'F r I a Account -. ` 0,46cl 4t�, ID Number _i�.;; . Dater,,Customer Or2ler Number >"I, �Numberp _,,. , ,RepresentaLve; 39176 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston Irti.,,i?dd; 9yyy���, �idlli'9a$9c•,--;x'e'Je rs'� Eutended ! n4: .: try 14 k Line, Quanb !: "Carole Numbedl Descn bon aI. J n 1 Pnce ;.: Amount Kit -Power, 3+1, 60W Tag For: U 6 4 TS7ISSX STEELCASE 15.21 60.84 Receptacle -System ground, Line 1, 3+1 PLASTIC :6654 SAND Tag For: 1 7 1 TS76BPX STEELCASE 95.16 95.16 Power infeed, 3+1, 6L in ft PLASTIC :6654 SAND Tag For: BPI 8 1 RPXFTAKFP STEELCASE 24.18 24.18 Filler -Flush steel front pedestal, Technology / Answer / Kick application BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE Tag For: IF 9 2 RPF2427AF STEELCASE 228.93 457.86 Pedestal -Fixed, 2 box / 1 file, Flush steel front, 22 5/13D x 15W x 27H BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE LOCK :9201 POLISHED CHROME KEYS :SK PLUG OPTIONS - - OPTIONS DWR OPT *OPT:DRAWER FEATURE OPTIONS FULL DWR STD:FULL DRAWER PULLS *OPT:PULL OPTIONS INT PULL STD:INTEGRAL J, PULL Tag For: B/B/F In aaceptlnfl this quote_ I varily that to the best al my knawbdfle, the vales I.. iurisdiction end rote are armor In, the hip to address, and eflree that should it be determined w n, at a late, data, any horte9amwill be paid by the buyer to the saller and vinfl re ei will be and lu dad qpy the lb ch. b P,aller. B valid for as t athe sellers Ter. and Conditions and Maacknowladpa: F Oc,.Ptetcl 6y Titles [Data OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES ben+er-Cobrado S{m9t 9R45lbi115 7I95741113 Fmi 393d741118 Fmi 7196/47133' A Remit 10 Ot rca.97 P.O. B. 7i070 DdW,,TX 75397-5070 R CO ,, 91D� Fed ID 861454189 Faz9167 sxa _. .. .. .. Quotation Page 3 of 18 (cont'd) e Quote Duote i Customer. ,� 1e(Account Project Number :, Rex ,; :. Customer Ortle�NumberFx _ - Number. :iaz Re entative 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Raulston i ��.x11�*�TT1iffany AA m ':s Extended ..ataIONuberms T ,rUntce�k Axtt I 10 1 RPF2427BF STEELCASE 222.69 222.69 Pedestal -Fixed, 2 file, Flush steel front, 22 5/SD x 15W x 27H BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE LOCK :9201 POLISHED CHROME KEYS :SK PLUG OPTIONS * * OPTIONS PULLS *OPT:PULL OPTIONS INT PULL STD:INTEGRAL J, PULL Tag For: F/F 11 1 RPH2427BF STEELCASE 345.54 345.54 Pedestal -Mobile, 2 file, Flush steel front, 22 5/8D BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE LOCK :9201 POLISHED CHROME KEYS :SK PLUG OPTIONS * * OPTIONS PULLS *OPT:PULL OPTIONS INT PULL STD:INTEGRAL J, PULL Tag For: M/F/F 12 4 LT2 STEELCASE 135.66 542.64 Underline; Light -Task, T2, 22W BASIC :7021 DARK CHAMPAGNE In aooaptinp this qu te, 1 Varify that to Ibc 1e 1 f my knowledge, Iba salad lex juriadiolion and r le re orracl for Iha xbip [o addlass, and a.raa Thal should ,[ ba determined - on. at a latar data, any shortage will be paid by [ha buyer [o the sallair and ny ave�a 9a will ba tofu nded tq the b Car by sells r_ Buyaar 9�e as to Iha avll a rs Terms and Condition and received ach no wla d9ax having and read a copy of a h. Pncing is Ind fo, 30 Day.. Accepted by Titles Data OFFICESCAPES Rernu to: qr sgp;, Quotation P.O. Box 975070 HARDER WORKING SPACES e0ts Dalm:TX 75397-5070 Dernw Colorado Bplhgf RCMni. 800 V rI115 ')j9b141113 9]D22S. Y9 Fed ID 84-1454180 Page 4 of 18 FM3036741116 FwOIM751133 FaoiB]o71IS5859 - - (conl'd) r Quote Duote'+ n�q�; I'P1 Customer Account;08 Project �y; Number .;Dater. ,, Customer 0rdeyNumhe1-h,::� Number -7 ,,, ,.,,_; Representative;, .;}, z ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston i2!Cine Quan4 "`;,.: ,.. ��.:: l' ::.?:,. CatalogNumb erl.Desction. :4„6a.._� : :. .Um4Price._ Amount Tag For: T2 13 1 TS724HF STEELCASE 38.61 38.61 Frame -Oval, Horizontal package, 24W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * - OPTIONS * * TC OPT *OPT:TOP CAP OPTIONS STD CAP STD:STANDARD TOPCAP CABLEOPT *OPT:CABLE TRAY OPTION CBL TRAY CABLE TRAY BASE OPT *OPT:BASE TRIM OPTIONS KO BOTH STD:KNOCKOUT BASE BOTH SIDES TRAY OPT *OPT:BASE TRAY OPTION BASETRAY BASE TRAY Tag For: 24/54 14 1 TS730HF STEELCASE 42.51 42.51 Frame -Oval, Horizontal package, 30W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS * * TC OPT *OPT:TOP CAP OPTIONS STD CAP STD:STANDARD TOPCAP CABLEOPT *OPT:CABLE TRAY OPTION CBL TRAY CABLE TRAY BASE OPT *OPT:BASE TRIM OPTIONS KO BOTH STD:KNOCKOUT BASE BOTH SIDES TRAY OPT *OPT:BASE TRAY OPTION BASETRAY BASE TRAY Tag For: 30/42 In acts pti . IFif quota. I verify that la the bast of my Icno wle tlfl a- IM1a t.. ono rota era comae[ [ [ [na xn: o addmo, a d a9raa Ibat zbould it ba datarminad w o . at a late, date •any will ba paid by the buys to On. Ibr a d Mavinfl ma a wed and wed ad oplbaf such. by�ac'I^,fl .-valid for .. Days. ..I.- Terms and Ccndi6i and acknowladpa¢ Accepted by Title nata OFFICESCAPES Re7nftto ORIeslapatl, Quotation P.O. Box 975070 HARDER WORKING SPACES D=%?;JX 75397-5070 D.. Colorado Spnrp FlCo�> 9Ct45]41115 7I9570113 - a7d `e'+?.. Fed ID 841454189 Page 5 of 18 . Fmt 3035]41116 Fmt7lW41133' .. .- . _. .. Fait 874ZCb585B .. .. .... (cont'd) Ouo[e puole i Customer Account Project .;; Number a,, D' ea R_',�, Cus[omer,Ortler Number„_�ry Number * e ,.,_„___ ve _._, � :, ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston F� tns zu Line: Ouanh , M Fi". v;.Catalo NombeiLDescn tlon'k'<'n., 1 ri ::UniGBrice; A -Mount 15 1 TS730HF STEELCASE 42.51 42.51 Frame -Oval, Horizontal package, 30W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS * * TO OPT *OPT:TOP CAP OPTIONS STD CAP STD:STANDARD TOPCAP CABLEOPT *OPT:CABLE TRAY OPTION CBL TRAY CABLE TRAY BASE OPT *OPT:BASE TRIM OPTIONS KO BOTH STD:KNOCKOUT BASE BOTH SIDES TRAY OPT *OPT:BASE TRAY OPTION BASETRAY BASE TRAY Tag For: 30/54 16 1 TS742HF STEELCASE 50.31 50.31 Frame -Oval, Horizontal package, 42W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS * TC OPT *OPT:TOP CAP OPTIONS STD CAP STD:STANDARD TOPCAP CABLEOPT *OPT:CABLE TRAY OPTION CAL TRAY CABLE TRAY BASE OPT *OPT:BASE TRIM OPTIONS KO BOTH STD:KNOCKOUT BASE BOTH SIDES TRAY OPT *OPT:BASE TRAY OPTION BASETRAY BASE TRAY Tag For: 42/54 u te. I etiry that to the bast 1 o knowladoe, the salsa tamju,ia dia [ion and rats a cancer lo, the hipto add,assP and agree Ihat should it be determined q at a later date. a Q ahortaga will be aid by the buyer to that Ila, and nd er. a raga will be refunded to the h,., by altBuya....seat [o the Ilarz Terms end Condiliona and ackno wla dgaa hav nq rat caivad and read a copy of a h. Pricinq is valid br 30 Daya. A .Pteo t, Tjtla Matta OFFICESCAPES Remit to qqidl Quotation P.O.Box 975070 HARDER WORKING SPACES t);dW,,TK 75397-5070 Demo Gvlaado Spingt RCnPru. 331-510.1115 71967M 113 _. erriZ186959... Fed ID 8F1454189 Page 6 of 18 Fmt303h741118 Fev 7186]41133 Fam� (Cont'd) i Quo[e il. Quote i Customer Account 1111 Project `' Number .Date. Customer Order Number Number ;,, Representative,, ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston I�n'Line Quanti 'i,� r i _..Catala Number./ 'n s ...� Cini bonise ..:iac ... ..;Und Pricer :' I:' Extended Amount 17 1 TS74SHF STEELCASE 53.82 53.82 Frame -Oval, Horizontal package, 48W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS * * TC OPT *OPT:TOP CAP OPTIONS STD CAP STD:STANDARD TOPCAP CABLEOPT *OPT:CABLE TRAY OPTION CBL TRAY CABLE TRAY BASE OPT *OPT:BASE TRIM OPTIONS KO BOTH STD:KNOCKOUT BASE BOTH SIDES TRAY OPT *OPT:BASE TRAY OPTION BASETRAY BASE TRAY Tag For: 48/54 18 1 TS760HF STEELCASE 69.81 69.81 Frame -Oval, Horizontal package, 60W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS * * TC OPT *OPT:TOP CAP OPTIONS COH LEND COH TOPCAP 1 END CABLEOPT *OPT:CABLE TRAY OPTION CBL TRAY CABLE TRAY BASE OPT *OPT:BASE TRIM OPTIONS KO BOTH STD:KNOCKOUT BASE BOTH SIDES TRAY OPT *OPT:BASE TRAY OPTION BASETRAY BASE TRAY Tag For: 60/42COH In aeeep[infl Ihia quota. 1 veri/y the, [ the baat of my knowle dq e. the .staff la. luriadietion and rats ara eorreel lo, the ofin.f, [ add,ex and agree that should it be determined Sw onq a a later date, any shurtaoe will be paid by the b,al to the aalla, and aga will be elunded in the buy r by ella r. Bu ,s the alleTerm, and Conditionsac and knnwladgaw hevmg recervad and ,.ad a copy o1 such. Pricinfl is valid 1o, 30 Days. a Accepted by Title Eate OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES oraV:r 7IM71113 F.303571 7ric7N, 74: Fmi 31p5741110 Fmi71961L1i33 Re7nU to: :D89 'P.O.O. B.oa 975070 0411*Tz 75197-5070 R Cabis, 22 5` 9 Fed ID 64-1454189 Fsi9/67236853 _ ... _. Quotation Page 7 of 18 (conVd) gUOte i - x??Ce�u.stomer �gUOte�P1.11 ^h�l�q - Account Project ` Numbel„�y „ . , Da et ;. Custome Order Numbern,� *s_lNumber,'+5 .; , , I Rr:'presentatiye: ,ID 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston �� - . - � TUbit Pdt:e, uEefrtled • AmountM �:. . r 19 1 TS712CHS STEELCASE 28.47 28.47 Trim -Change of height, Oval, Slim profile, 12H TOP -CAP :6698 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS * * TRIM •OPT:TRIM PACKAGE PAINT PAINTED TRIM PKG UPRIGHT UPRIGHT TEXT PNT *UPRIGHT:TEXTURED PAINT 7238 FIELDSTONE JUNCTION *OPT:JUNCTION CAP OPTIONS STD CAP CAP - CON CORNER APPLICATION Tag For: 12 - 5 20 1 TS742IPJ STEELCASE 28.86 28.86 Junction -In line, Oval, 42H Tag For: 42 O 21 3 TS754IPJ STEELCASE 28.86 86.58 Junction -In line, Oval, 54H Tag For: 54 In vcoep infl Ihis quote. 1 verify Ibvt to III, best of my knowlade0. the sales lax jurisdiction end rate a correct for the hip to nree address, ad agthat should it be de[erminvd wrong vt a la[ r data, .1 eh-1 e, will be paid by the buyer to [he seller and ny over C9e will be refunded to the busucyyr by seller. Buyaer greet to the totters Terms end Conditions and acknowledges paving ry oivvd and read a copy of h. rr i, is lid lot 30 Dvys. Accepted by Tjtle Oata OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES Dernvr Calaado Spige 9FL5761115 7%67F1113 Fsi3N5741118 Fmi 7196/ti1133' RemiRfo: P.OBox 9 r, IS 'P.O.. Box 75070 Dd6i,,,TX 75397-5D70 lots R CaFmi. 51DaSb959 Fed ID 84-1454189 Fmi 9,4a35B58 Quotation Page 8 of 18 (conYd) - Quote {AAW OHote TT : - _ ig lit, . L .f Customelrr, :Account Prolecf ;� Number :_;;Date. _j'QustomeFOrder Number: F„ ,Number, I .w $ Representative:,. ID;: 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston 17 aw, �.'� di" l F".': ExtendedJ ki r9 Line: Qnfit YiC:atalo Numbemr/De:{scndbogn? .+ -UnLL P.nce ., Amt 22 1 TS742EPJ STEELCASE 47.19 47.19 Junction -End of run, Oval, 42H TOP -CAP :6698 FIELDSTONE UPRIGHT :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS ` * OPTIONS * * TRIM *OPT:TRIM PACKAGE PAINT STD:PAINTED TRIM PEG Tag For: 42 23 1 TS754EPJ STEELCASE 47.19 47.19 Junction -End of run, Oval, 54H TOP -CAP :6698 FIELDSTONE UPRIGHT :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS " * TRIM *OPT:TRIM PACKAGE PAINT STD:PAINTED TRIM PEG Tag For: 54 24 1 TS754LPJ STEELCASE 75.27 75.27 Junction-L, Oval, 54H TOP -CAP :6698 FIELDSTONE UPRIGHT :7238 FIELDSTONE OPTIONS * * OPTIONS * * TRIM *OPT:TRIM PACKAGE PAINT STD:PAINTED TRIM PEG In acceptino this quote, I ve,ify that to the beat of my knowledge, the sales to, Icnetl 'no [e ra --oot lot the ni — addreaa, and afl,ee that should it be dctarminatl wr g at a later date, any shortage will be paid by lha bu eer to the seller and any ov r Ogee w... be refunded to the b,y by seller. Buy—fl,e— to no sellers To— and Conditions and chnowle dges having re ,ved and read a copy of a h. Pricing is lid foe 30 Day.. Accepted In Titles Date OFFICESCAPES HARDER WORKING SPACES Is. 'Gblado5pigs sate-5]41115 _ 77%741113 Fm130357411/a 'Fmi7196/41133' Remit to P.O,_sqw., P.O. Box 975070 Ddlas,JX 75397-5070 R Cafni, ._ Fe:10841454189 Fmi 97oZIS5lt53 Quotation Page 9 of 18 (cont'd( quote Number __ T •D ...-__ate: �;[: u .:. Customer Order Number, _tix+a ' :._ rr Custom �� Numlte% ._ Account Project ,-' Repre_senatrve;ID- _._ .. . 39178 03/04/14 CIOFFC Tiffany Raulston »?:.pine: .quaritl -u3iEe �..x t 4 „Caalo Numb/Descn :�.:..: '. +I eIdc tentletl mr Aount.,, u Tag For: 54 25 1 TS712425W STEELCASE 127.53 127.53 Slatwall, 12H x 42W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE Tag For: SW1 00 26 1 TS71248SW STEELCASE 134.55 134.55 Slatwall, 12H x 48W BASIC :7238 FIELDSTONE Tag For: SW1 /' / 27 2 TS71224TK STEELCASE 35.88 71.76 Panel skin-Tackable acoustical, 12H x 24W SURFACE :5677 MOONGLO Tag For: F2 15� 28 7 TS71230TK STEELCASE 37.44 262.08 In ccaptinp this q [e. I erify Ihe, to the ba., f my knowledge the sales tax iurisdiclion and rate are c cl for the ship la adore.., and agree that should it be determined w , at a la,., data, any xhorhs, will be paid by the buyer to the seller and ny aver... w 11 be I.h—ded to the buyar by sale, Buyaer 9raas In the rollers Terms and Conditions and acknowledfles av Nin. r. c.iv d and read . copy of su ch. Pricin. is lid for .. cays. Accepted 0y Titles Data