DATED: January 21, 2014
Work Order Number: 400902100MB14
Purchase Order Number:
1!1(-1066 q
Project Title: Bridge Inspection; Maintenance; Repair and Replacement Program
2013 Minor Bridge Inspections — Confined spaced/inspections
Original Bid/RFP Project Number &Name:
Commencement Date: January 21,.2014
Completion Date: April 30, 2014
Maximum Fee: (time and reimbursable direct costs): $21,593.39
Project Description: See attached project description.
Scope of Services: See attached scope'of, services.
Professional agrees to perform, the services
identified above and on the attached forms in
accordance with the terms and conditions
contained herein and in the Professional Services
Agreement.between the parties. In the event of'a
conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the
Professional Services Agreement and this work
order (including the attached forms) the
Professional Services Agreement shall control.
The attached forms consisting of six (a) pages are
hereby accepted and incorporated herein, by this
reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given.
Bv:.,Y 1J1 ti�Y a,t tcJ)
Date:_ i���
City of Fort Collins
Project Manager 1
Gerry Paul
Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
(over $60,000.o0)
Exbibit "A"
DATE D:.January 20, 2014
Work Order No.
Purchase Order No.
Project title: Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program,
2013 Minor Bridge Inspections
Commencement. -Date: January 20. 2014
Completion Date: April 30, 20.14
Maximum Fee' $21,59339
This scope of -work is for bridge inspection and related,`services of minor structures for the 2013-2014
inspection cycle (structures inspected .between November 2013 and April 2014). This work order is
performed tinder the master agreement for 'the City's :Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, `Repair; and
Replacement Program. Work elements include project administration, field inspections and reporting, and
structure ratings. A detailed description of each anticipated service is describedbelow.
Minor structures range in length from 4 feet to 20 feet witii, types that include, but are not limited to;
bridges, box culverts, pipe culverts, multi -plate arches, and rigid frames. Each structure shall be inspected
at a frequency not to exceed four years (or more frequently if determined by the City). The majority of the
City's minor structures have previously been inspected and load rated. However, there are a number of
strictures that are either new or have not previously been included. in the inspection program. Some
fin structures .may have limited access (coned space) and shall be considered separately from other
Additionally Baker will locate, expose, and mark buried manholes on Arthur Ditch and relay location to the
Finally, Baker will develop an Excel spreadsheet utilizing the City's PONTIS database that determines if a
structure is Structurally Deficient (SD) or Functionally Obsolete (FO) as defined by the. FHWA guidelines.
Baker will inspect a total of .15 structures; The breakdown of structures is: 15 re -inspections and 0 new
inspections. There are 15, confined space structure re -inspections. Baker will provide all information
collected from the field inspections to the City for record keeping, including report output in an excel
format consistent with the City's asset management program (see below for more information).
Exhibit A = Work order Form
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replocement Program - 2013.2014 Minor Bridge Inspections
Existing stiitctures will be evaluated to compare current conditions to the conditions documented from the
previous inspection. Stnicttres rated for the first time, as well as those structures where the inspection
reveals significant changes from previous inspectionwill required either a visual or load rating. It is
anticipated that 0 load ratings and 15 rating verifications will be performed.
Any variations to the number of the anticipated inspections and ratings from thai 'listed above will be
documented. Baker will coordinate with the City to modify the work order, as necessary.
The City has requested that Baker locate, expose, and mark buried manholes on Arthur Ditch at various
locations. Manhole location information will be presented to the City in a r erriorandum which will include
sketches noting the approximate location of the manholes relative to the structure.
Work elements include: field locating, exposing, and marking-inanhole locations, and documentation of the
locations with a memorandum. The memorandum will be included with the other inspection reports as
defined in this Scope of Work
Develop Excel Spreadsheet for Structural Classification
The City has requested that Baker.developan Excel spreadsheet that determines the structural classification
(SD or FO) for all of their minor structures.
Work elements include: extracting the data from the City's PONTIS database; importing the data into excel
and develop equations that determine the structural classification based on the criteria.currently stipulated
by the FHWA. The spreadsheet will be included with the other.inspection reports as defined in this'Scope
of Work.
T. Project Adlninistratiori
Upon notice to proceed, Baker will perform project administration duties throughout the length, of the
A. Invoices will be provided to the. City on a monthly basis and will include a billing summary and a
progress report for work performed during the current billing period and project to date.
B. All documents will receive a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) review, in accordance
with the Bicker May, prior to submittal.
C. The following meetings are anticipated:
• Two Progress Meetings (Assume plione meetings only)
• One Project Delivery Meeting
D. Baker will prepare documentation of meetings and telephone conversations and provide them to -the
City for review and recording keeping.
II. Field Inspections and Reporting
Baker shall perform all inspections and reporting in accordance with the GUIDELINES AND
REFERENCES as'described below. There are a. variety of inspection types, that will be performed under this
lonuary 20, 2014
2 o%S
Exhibit A - Work Order Form
work order: re -inspection (unconfined space), new inspection (unconfined space), re -inspection (confined
share), and new inspection (confined space). In all cases, the general work activities include:
o Inspection Preparation. At the outset of the project, all inspectiali information will be
compiled and organized, The project team will determine the preferred inspection order
and schedule. The anticipated schedule will also be provided to the City.
o Obtain Average Daily Traffic Count (ADT). Baker will use traffic counting devices to
take a 24-hour traffic count at each location.
o Field Inspection. Baker will perform structural inspections at each location specified by
the City. Inspectors will evaluate and assess the structural condition of appropriate
elements, take or update field measurements, take new photos, assess overall
performance including scour (if applicable), perform a visual rating (if applicable), and
document recommended maintenance/repair activities.
c )Documentation anti Sicetehes. If available, previous documentation and sketches will
be revised as necessary. If no existing information is available, new documentation and
sketches will be prepared. CADD drawings will be prepared in.Microstation.
o Report Production. Field inspection data will be input into PONTIS 4.1.1, or an
alternative database software program, for purposes of recording and. managing the
inspection data. Specific report output shall be prepared as requested by the City;
including six (6) excel output files.
o Inspection and Report QC. All inspection and reporting data will be reviewed for
verification of quality control procedures and data accuracy,
o Submittal. All deliverables will be submitted to the City at the end of the project. See
DELIVEMOLES below for more information.
Any emergency inspections shall not be included with this work order, but shall be considered as part of a
separate work order. General work activities for emergency inspections shall follow those listed above, but
may also require additional activities, as determined on a case -by -case basis.
M. Structure Ratings and Verification
The work activities for this effort fall into one of 'three categories:. verification of the existing rating,
preparation of a new visual rating, or preparation of a new load rating. The following chart defines when
each of the activities is required.
., ly �.Ver(ficattonar
1 oad Rfltmg ;II ��sV.sualRatin
* Visual or load rating if deemed necessary due to significant
changes to structural condition, and as approved by the City
A. Verification of Existing Rating
All existing structures should already have a rating assigned through previous inspections. In this
case, Baker will verify that the element conditions defined with the existing rating have not changed
significantly. If conditions have changed such that fiurther investigation is warranted, Baker may
perform a new rating (load or visual) if directed by the City: Such work will be considered out -of
scope and_ not included with this work order.
January 20, 2014
3 of
Exhibit A - Work order form
Bridge inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replocement Program - 2013-2014 Minor Bridge Inspections
B. Visual Rating
When applicable, Baker will prepare a visual rating for the inspected structure. The visual rating
shall be _based on the condition of the structure at the time of the inspection .and prepared in
accordance with the GUID&AND REFERENCES as defined below.
C. Load Rating
When applicable, Baker will prepare a load rating for the inspected structure, The load rating shall
be based on the structure as originally constructed (if possible) and include such effects such as new
rehabilitation elements, deterioration or damage. The loan rating shall be performed using Load
Factor Design methodology with the HS-20 design vehicle. All load ratings shall be prepared using
hand calculations, AASHTOWare VIRTIS® software, and/or other applicable software. Quality
Control for the calculations and report shall be prepared in accordance with CDQT policy.
All inspections will be conducted in accordance with current NBIS standards and supervised by personnel
meeting the requirements outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 23 CFR 650.3071. Applicable
inspection standards include:
C CDOT PONTIS Bridge Inspection Coding -Guide
o Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation's
Bridges (Report No. FHWA-PD-96-001)
O Bridge Inspector's Reference Manual. (Publication No. FHWA NHI 12-049)
c AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2—'a Ed„ 2011
o CDOT Bridge Rating Manual
6 Any other applicable documents as approved by.the.City
The following is an estimate of the deliverables required for this project. As the project develops, the type
and number of deliverables may. vary. Refer to the detailed discussions above for further information. All
inspection information shall be compiled onto a single CD' and delivered to the City at the end of the
Project Administration (Ongoing)
o Monthly progress reports with monthly invoices
o Meeting and telephone conversation documentation
• Quality Control review of all project deliverables prior to submittal
2. Inspections, (Delivered at End of Project)
o One printed copy of bridge inspection reports (rating form and photos in color)
o One PDF file of the bridge inspection report for each bridge inspected, inch iding a one -
page summary sheet indicating "Urgent", "Routine", and "Safety Repairs Required",
with costs and sufficiency rating
All photos in a digital format with descriptions
a Electronic sketches of the bridge in a Microstation format
o One PDF file of the load rating calculations, if applicable
Jonuary20, 2014
Exhibit A - Work Order form
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and. Replacement Program— 2013-2614 Minor Bridge Inspections
o PONTIS output of six (6) tables in excel format (bridge, eleminsp, insp_weand,
inspevnt, roadway, and ugerbrdg)
• Recommendations for re -rating of bridges; if any
3. Locate Buried Manholes on Arthur Ditch
a PDF file of a memorandum
o Electronic sketches of the bridge in a Nlicrostation or AutoCad format
4. Develop Structural Classification Spreadsheet
• PDF file of a memorandum explaining the functionality of the spreadsheet
o Electronic version ofthe Excel spreadsheet
All, work shall be completed by April 30, 2014.
January 20, 2014 5 of S
Exhibit "B"
Task Order 14 Fee Summary
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
City of Fort°Collins
Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Program
2013 minor structure bridge inspections (Inspected between October 2013 and April 2014).
January2o, 2014
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