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9�� City, 9�� Planning, Development & Transportation Engineering (�f F6 r�� CoWns 281 NMh CoRge Aven \\ P.O.94M 5N Engineering FonCoe=,Coeo522.05s0 970,221.8805 970.221.0378 - Im Change Order Form PROJECT TITLE: Troutman Underpass PROJECT NUMBER: 400903206.6 (Bid 07338) CONTRACTOR: Structures, Inc. (PO #9122331) CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 in preparing cltange oraers snow in Greer as separate numoen 1. Reason for change. 2. Description of change. 3. Change in contract cost. 4. Change In contract time. 1.&2. See attached invoice for details 3. The contract coslwill decrease by ($255,847,51) 4. There will be no change In contract time. ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST Change Order Form PROJECT TITLE: Troutman Underpass PROJECT NUMBER: 400903206.6 (Bid 07338) CONTRACTOR: Structures, Inc. (PO #9122331) CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 in preparing cltange oraers snow in Greer as separate numoen 1. Reason for change. 2. Description of change. 3. Change in contract cost. 4. Change In contract time. 1.&2. See attached invoice for details 3. The contract coslwill decrease by ($255,847,51) 4. There will be no change In contract time. ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $2,107,122.39 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS $0.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDERS $0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER ($255,847.51) TOTAL% OF THIS CHANGE ORDER -12.14% TOTAL C.O. % OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT -12.14% ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $1,851,274.88 ACCEPTED BY: ^'/�_ �— DATE: ?-3I'2yri (Contractors Representative) REVIEWED BY: f DATE: 7/311% f 3 (Engineer) c� — SUBMITTED BY: DATE: v� (Project Manag APPROVED BY: DATE: (Depar entHead) APPROVED BY: DATE: (Purchasing Agent over $60,000) cc Contfeclof Purchas'ng Project File <•:, -' ::. :......... "-S:,RECONCILE CHARGE ORDER :: :.:, k. •. Troutman Road Improromant Projoct • .. -'SUMMARYOPWORK TOTAL ($255,847.51) .:: ::. ..:. ..:• ! :REASON FOR CHANGE .,: :...:.::,.-: -:°.:, • .. :....: :.:.: .:... .:. ,.:.' ;';' This change order reconciles the contract value to reflect the actual work performed. It accounts for minor under -runs and 1 over -runs differences between measured quantities and estimated plan quantities. See backup Spreadsheet Documentation for descriptions. .---..,::.:. -.:'WHEN POSTED .'.:-. L... . Posted July 10, 2M TROUTMAN UNDERPASS RECONCILE CHANGE ORDER 711012013 CDOT AQC M455-089, PROJECT CODE 16526 Structures, Inc. ITEM ITEM NO ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST Total Quantity To Date Total Paid To Data %Complete Over -Run / Under -run Ovar-Run / Under -Run, Description, Notes 1 201 Clearing and Grubbing LS 1 $3,360.00 $3.360.00 1.00 $ 3.360.00 100.00% $ 2 202 Removal of Asphalt Mat(Planning) SY 883 $5.14 $4 538.62 859.44 $ 4.417.52 97.33% $ 121.10 Plan Quantity Exceeded Measured Quantity 3 202 Removal of Fence LF 26 $1.25 $32.50 26.00 $ 32.60 100.00% $ 4 202 Removal of Sidewalk LF 208 $6.20 $1,289.60 208.00 $ 1,289.60 100.00% $ 5 203 Muck Excavation CY 422 $58.00 $24.476.00 38.61 $ 5.150.98 21.05 % $(19,325,02).Plan Quantity Exceeded Measured Quantity 6 206 Structure Excavation CY 7,441 $21.40 $159.237.40 7442.00 $159,258.80 100.01 % $ 21.40 Additional ) CY Excavation for Footing that was designed too shallow 7 206 Structure BaekfiU Class 1 CY 3,399 $34.00 $115.566.00 3483.00 $118,422.00 102.47% $ 2,856.00 Additional quantity used in lieu of Ago Base Course under sidewalk 8 206 Shomn Area 7 LS 1 $23.540.00 $23,540.00 0.21 $ 51000.01 21.24% $ 18.539.99 Paid portion of shoring for work Involved in selling up shoring. Work was then modified to eliminate the need for shoring, so shoring was not fully utilized 9 207 Topsoil(Strip and Haul CY 515 $14DU $7.210.00 515.00 $ 7,210.00 100.00% $ 10 207 Topsoil CY 215 $23.00 $4945.00 $ $ 4,945.00 Plan Quantity Exceeded Measured Quantit 11 208 Silt Fence LF 372 $1.06 5394.32 $ $ 394.32 Plan Quantity Exceeded Measured Quanli) 12 1 208 lConcrete Washout Structure EA 1 558300 $583.001 1.00 $ 583.00 100.00% $ 13 208 Erosion Control Supervisor HR 30 $42.50 $1.275.00 38.00 $ 1.615.00 126.67% S 340.00 Measured QuantityExceeded Plan Quantity 14 208 Erosion Log LF 150 $3.75 $562.50 240.00 $ 900,00 160.00% 5 337.50 Measured Quantity Exceeded Plan Quantity 15 208 Storm Inlet Protection EA 1 $211.00 $211.00 $ $ 211.00 Plan Quantity not utilized 16 208 Vehicle Tracldnq Pad EA 1 $1,537.00 $1537.00 $ $ 1,537.00 Plan Quantity not utilized 17 210 Reset Fence LF 210 $13.40 $2,814.00 189.00 $ 2.632.60 90,00% $ 281.40 Plan Quantity Exceeded Measured Quantity 18 211 Deviatennq LS 1 $39,277.00 $39.277.00 1.00 $ 39,277.00 100.00% $ 19 212 Seeding Native ACRE 0.4 $515.00 $246.00 0.40 $ 246.00 100.00% $ 20 213 Mulch) (Weed Free ACRE 0.4 $689.00 $275.60 0.40 $ 275.60 100.00% $ 21 216 Soil Retention Blanket StrawlCoconul SY 413 $2.30 $949.90 400.00 $ 920.00 96,85% $ 29.90 Plan QuantityExceeded Measured Quantity 22 304 A ate Base Course CIa558 TON 168 $17.00 $2.856.00 $ $ 2,858.00 Paid as Structural Backfill 23 506 RI ra OuUel Protection CY 1.4 $174.00 $243.00 1.40 $ 243.60 100.OD% $ 24 507 Sloe and Ditch PavingCY 8 $325.00 $2.600.00 8.00 $ 2,600.00 100.00% $ 25 514 Pedestrian and Bkewa Railing- Type 1 LF 454 $72.00 $32,688.00 247.40 $ 17.812.80 54.49% $ (14,875.20 Railing Quentiles were not accurate on plans. Measured Quantity reflects installed Rallln s 26 514 Pedestrian and Blkewz RailingSide Mounted) -T e 2 LF 516 $47.00 $24,252.00 512.25 S 24,075.75 99.27% $ 176.25 Railing Quantltes were not accurate on plans. Measured Quantity reflects installed Railin s 27 614 Pedestrian and BikewayRailingTO Mounted) -Type 3a LF 217 $95.00K$308,028,00 00 444.25 6 42203.75 204,72% $ 21588.75 Railing Quantites were not accurate on plans. Measured Quantity reflects installed Rallln s 28 514 Pedestrian RailingSide Mounted -T 4 LF 68 $90.0000 102.50 $ 9,225.00 150.74% $ 3,105.00 Railing Quantitos were not accurate on plans. Measured Quantity reflects Installed Ratings 29 514 Pedestrian Railing(To Mounted -T 3b LF 68 $38,0000 212.83 4 312.99% . $ 5.503.54 Railing Quantites were not accurate on plans. Measured Quantity reflects installed Railings 30 515 $ ra ed on Brida Deck Membrane SY 587 $87.0000 615.62 4 104.88% S 2.489.94 Measured QuantityExceeded Plan Quantity 31 515 Wate ofm Membrane SY 193 $26.000 143.61 6 74.4l% $ 1,284.14 Plan QuantityExceeded Measured Quantity 32 601 Concrete Class D wall CY 798 S3B6D0.00 799.00 0 RB28183.5040 100,13% $ 386.00 Additional CY for added concrete at toe -wall 33 601 Concrete ClassD Box CY 43 $344.00D0 43.00 0 100.00% $34 601 Concrete ClassD Miscellaneous CY 78 $600.00.00 78.00 0 100.00% $ 35 601 Structural Concrete Coatis SY 1,401 $13,00 $18.213.00 1401,00 00 100.00% $ 36 602 Reinforcin Steel (Epoxy Coated) LB 98,4BO $1.02 $100,449.60 104044.00 $106,124.88 105.65% S 5,675.28 Paid additional steel for sidewalk reinforcement 37 603 24x9.75 Foot Concrete 3-Sided Culvert Precast AREMA LF 75 $2904.00 $217.800.00 75.00 $217,800.00 100.00% $ 38 603 24x9.75 Foot Concrete 3-Sided Cubed Base Slab Precast AREMA LF 75 $2.628.00 $197.100.00 75.00 $197 100.00 100.00% $ 39 603 24x9.75 Fool Concrete 3-Sitlad Culvert Precast AASHTO LF 35.25 $2438.00 $85.939.50 35.25 $ 85939.50 100.OD% $ - 40 603 24x9.75 Foot Concrete 3-Sided Culvert Base Slab Precast AASHTO LF 35.25 $1.723.00 $60.735.75 35.25 $ 60.735.75 100.00% $ - 41 603 151nch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Class LF 145 $63.00 $9,135, 00 126.96 $ 7.998.78 87.56% $ (1,136.22), Stopped short of plan quanitity due to construction constraints of "work b others" 42 604 Trench Drain 1 81nch LF 23 $118.00 $2714.00 23.00 $ 2,714.00 100.00% $ 43 604 Trench Drain 121nch LF 245 $104.00 $25480.00 245.00 $ 25480.00 100.00% $ 44 604 Trench Drain BInch LF 23 $118.00 $2,714.00 23.00 $ 2714.00 tU0.00% S 45 604 Catch Basin 24" x 24" EA 1 5765.00 $76500 1.00 $ 765.00 100.00% S - 46 604 Manhole Slab Base 20 Foot EA 2 $4175.00 $8,350.00 2.37 $ 9,889.03 116.43% $ 1,539.03 Supplied but did not install one manhole base Mat was labelled 'work for others" 47 605 41nch Perforated Pipe Underdmin LF 395 $7.00 $2 765.00 395.00 $ 2.765.00 100.00% $ 48 607 Fence Chain Link (Special) 921nch LF 26 $113.00 $2.938.00 26.OD $ 2.938.00 100.00% $ - 49 608 Concrete Sidewalk 161nch SV 987 $37.00 $36.519.00 987.00 $ 3651900 100,00% $ 50 613 12"Electrical Conduit LF 390 $6.00 $2.340.00 390.00 $ 2,340.00 100.00% $ 51 613 In"Electrical Conduit Plastic LF 400 $8.50 $3 400.00 75.00 $ 637.50 18,75% $ 2,762.50 Plan Quantity Exceeded Measured Quantity 52 813 1 1/4' Electrical Conduit LF 130 $10.60 $1.378.00 130.00 $ 1,378.00 100.00% $ 53 613 1114' Electrical Conduit Plastic LF 440 515.00 $6,600.D0 440.00 $ 6,60000 100.00% $ 54 613 2' Electrical Conduit Plastic LF 15 $18.00 $270.00 30.00 $ 540.00 200,00% $ 27D.00 Measured QuantityExceeded Plan Quantity 55 613 3" Electrical Conduit Plastic LF 50 $22.25 $1,112.50 57.00 $ 1.268.25 114,00% $ 155.75 Measured QuantityExceeded Plan Quantity 56 613 WiringLS 1 $3,445.0D $3,445.00 1.00 $ 3.445.00 100.00% $ 57 613 Luminaire (Special) "A"T eUnder-brad eLuminaire EA 12 $922.00 $11,064.00 12.00 $ 11,064.00 100.00% $ 58 613 Luminaire (Special) B"T eSte Light Luminaire EA 17 $721.00 $12,257.00 17.00 $ 12257.00 100.00% $ 59 613 Light Standard and Luminaira ("C'Type Pedestrian 18 Foot EA 4 $2.502.00 $10,08.00 4,00 $ 10.008.00 100.00% $ 60 613 Licht Standard and Luminalre ('Cl"Type Pedestrian 18 Foot EA 1 $2,502.00 $2,502.00 1.00 $ 2.502,00 100.00% $ 61 613 Concrete Foundation Pad EA 1 $567.00 $567.00 1.00 $ 557.00 100,00% $ 62 613 Lf ht Standard Foundation EA 5 $1092.00 $5,460.00 5.00 $ 5460.00 100,00% S 63 613 Lighting Control Center EA 1 $7.171.00 $7,171.00 1.00 $ 7,171.00 100,00% $ 54 620 Sanitary Facility EA 1 $582.00 $582.00 Urn $ 582,00 10000% $ 05 626 Mobilization LS 1 $90.000.00 $90.000.00 1.00 $ 90000.00 100.00% $ 66 630 Construction Traffic Control LS 1 $31402.00 $31402.00 1.00 $ 31409 On 100.inn S TOTAL BID $1871162.39 ADDITIONAL COSTS 67 700 F/A Minor Contract Revisions FA 1 200000 $200000.00 0.01 $ 2,824.33 1,41% $ 197175.67 Minor work at Cit11s request for visibility mirrors, grouting leaky Joints, and installing mlllln s to temporarily open the underpass to pedestrians 68 700 F/A Partnering FA 1 500D 55,00000 $ $ 5,000.00 69 700 F/A Fuel Cost Adjustment FA 1 5000 $5.000.00 $ S 5,000.00 70 700 F/A On -The -Job Trainee FA 1 960 $990.00 1.00 $ 980.00 100.00% $ 71 700 F/A Rallroad FA 1 20020 $20 000.00 $ $ 20 000.00 72 700 F/A Erosion Control FA 1 SOOD E5,000.00 0.11 $ 535.00 10.70% $ (4,465.00) Rock Socks for Concrete Debris Pile $ (255,647.51)