HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK ORDER - RFP - P1149 CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES WTP (12)EXHIBIT "A" WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc. DATED: December 24, 2008 Work Order Number: CH-2013-2 Purchase Order Number: Project Title: Design of WTF Yard Pioincl Modifications Commencement Date: May 13, 2013, refer to Exhibit E — Schedule Completion Date: April 30. 2014, refer to Exhibit E — Schedule Maximum Fee: (time and reimbursable direct costs): $111,779 refer to Exhibit D — Comoensation Project Description: Professional Engineering Services for Desion of WTF Yard Piping Modifications Scope of Services: Refer to Exhibit B — Scope of Services Professional agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Professional Services Agreement between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the Professional Services Agreement and this work order (including the attached forms) the Professional Services Agreement shall control. The attached forms consisting of Exhibits B, C, D and E are hereby accepted and incorporated herein, by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given. cc: Purchasing FCU Water Treatment CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc. Professio al: CH2M HIL ineers, Inc. By: Date: 9 �/3 City of Fo Cchins: (f° Submitted By: Spe Val P oject nager Date: Reviewed 4 ater Prod y/c� n onager Date: ff// / Reviewed by�'�--�_ — WR&T Man Date: L" i Approved by: ies Ex_ Date: s . 44. rA Approved by:!✓ 1 1 l Director of Purchasing & Risk Management ,if over $100,000. Date: Page 1 of 12 Exhibit D Fee\FEE ESTIMATE 5/222013 Exhibit E - Schedule Exhibit_A_WorkOrder Page 11 of 12 Exhibit E - Schedule WTF Yard Piping Modifications Design ID __ Task Name _ ,___________ I Duration _. Start _ __ Finish Predecessors y__ June 5I5 5112 5/19 W26 6/2 16/9 6/16 6/23 _ ___ July __ LAu ust_ 6,i� 7/7 7/14 7/21 7/28L4 &11 �� 1 n Notice to Proceed 0 days Mon 5/13/131 Mon 5113/13 _ 2 ._—. .. ..Project Task 1 Pro1eManagemeni Task 1 1 Proect Management 5B tlays� 58 days Mon 51f31137 Mon 513/13 Wed 7/31/13 Wed 7/31/13155 I 3 4 5 —__— Task_1 2 Meetings Kickoff Meetng Progress Meeting � 45 days 1 -dayl 1 day Wed 5/15/13'. Wed 5/15/13. Wed 5/29/13 Tue 7/16113 Wed 5/15/13I1SS+2 days Wed 5/29/13 SSS+10 days 6 7 Progress Meeting 1 tlay Thu 620113; Thu 6/20113 6SS+16 days � I Progress Meeting 1 day .__. __ _._._e Revew Meeting------� - ---1 da� Task 2 Design 48 days _ 2.1 Basis of Design 16 days Develop BOD Report 5 days SubmR for City Review 1 day Wed 7/3(131 Wed 7/3/13 7SS+9 days Tue 7/i(�113 Tue 7/16/1319 Mon 5/20/13 Wed 7/24l13 Mon 5/20/13 Mon 6110/13I9SS+5 days Mon 520/13 Fri 5241131 Mon 5/27/13^ Mon 5/27/1312 N ! - (p _.-- 8 9 10 11 12 13 —14 City Review - 5 days Tue 5128/13 , Mon -6/3/13I73 15 -Finahze BOD Report - - 5 days) Tue 6/4/13 Mon Car10/1314 16 2 2 Design Documents Develop Drawings/Speafcahons ----T--SubmR for City Review --- City -Review Finahze Drawings/Speafcations - 43 days Mon 5/27/13 30 days Mon S27/13 1 day Mon 7/a/13 T 5 days Tue 7/9/13�Mon 5 days Tue 7/16113 Wed 7/24113 Fri 7/913II12 Mon 7/6/13117 7/151318 Mon 7/22/13�19 jj -- - - -- 1 -.. �- - _ _ ' 17 18 19 20 21 -__ ---- ---- _.._._ Submit to City Design Completion _._..._ .. ---- 2 days 0 days -- — Tue 7/23M3 Wed 7/31/13 --- Wed 7/24/1320 Wed 7131/13`21 FS+5 days -- - 3 j 9 p 7/31 22 Task 0 Milestone p External Tasks 0 Project: WO5_schedule_dmftl Date: Tue 521/13 Split Summary External Milestone 0 Progress Project Summary � Deadlines Page 1 City of Fort Collins ut services Utility Services Light & Power . Stormwater . Wastewater . Water LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ATTN: Mr. Gerry Paul Director of Purchasing and Risk Management DATE: June 5, 2013 SUBJECT: CH2M HILL Design Contract PROJECT TITLE WTF Yard Piping Modifications The following items are: ❑ REQUESTED ® ENCLOSED # Copies Description 3 Design Contract Documents ITEMS SUBMITTED ❑ For Your Review ❑ For Your Action ❑ For Your Files ❑ At Your Request ❑ For Your Information ® For Your Approval REMARKS: After review and signing, please contact Jackie Darner at 406-2328 or 217-4086 for pick-up Thanks, BY: Dean Sa e Special Projects anager P.O Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522 — 0580.970-221-6700 Email: utilities@fcgov.com C\EngkP M ManuaMew Folder (5)kTransmitltr Exhibit B - Scope of Services Exhibit B to the AGREEMENT between the CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the CITY, and CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the PROFESSIONAL, for a project generally described as: Professional Engineering Services for WTF Yard Piping Modifications The PROFESSIONAL'S services for the project are detailed hereinafter Project Objective: To provide Engineering Services for the design of replacement piping on the Horsetooth Reservoir supply and relocation of finished water piping from under the Sludge Lagoons. Project drawings and specifications will be designed to support construction by the City's Alternative Product Delivery System Contractor. It is understood that the CITY will designate Mr. Dean Saye as the CITY Project Manager (PM) and primary point of contact with respect to the work performed under this Agreement, with authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and interpret and define CITY policies and decisions relative to elements pertinent to the work covered by this Agreement. Task 1 - Project Management Task 1.1 - Project Management & Environmental Management The PROFESSIONAL's Project Manager (PM) shall prepare, implement, monitor, and update the project execution plan throughout the project. PROFESSIONAL's PM will prepare and submit to the CITY's PM, on a monthly basis, a brief cost and schedule status report. The report shall include a narrative description of progress to -date, actual costs for each Task, estimates of percent complete, and potential cost variances. PROFESSIONAL will manage the health, safety and environmental activities of its staff and the staff of its subcontractors to achieve compliance with applicable health and safety laws and regulations. PROFESSIONAL will coordinate its health, safety and environmental program with the responsibilities for health, safety and environmental compliance specified in the contract for construction. PROFESSIONAL will coordinate with responsible parties to correct conditions that do not meet applicable federal, state and local occupational safety and health laws and regulations, when such conditions expose PROFESSIONAL staff, or staff of PROFESSIONAL's subcontractors, or CITY staff to unsafe conditions. PROFESSIONAL will notify affected personnel of site conditions posing an imtninent danger to them which PROFESSIONAL observes. • . Deliverables: The following deliverables will be prepared for this task: • Monthly project cost and schedule status report (pdf format). • Health and Safety notifications, if identified. Exhibit_A_WorkOrder Page 2 of 12 Task 1.2 - Project Meetings PROFESSIONAL's Project Manager and Pipeline Designer will attend up to five project meetings during the design. It is assumed that the meetings will be conducted during the project to initiate the work, communicate project status, perform coordination and review activities, and present deliverables and receive CITY comments. The five project meetings planned are a kickoff meeting, three project status meetings, and a review meeting. Meetings are assumed to be less than two hour duration. PROFESSIONAL's Project Manager and Pipeline Designer will attend one project walk through with the CITY PM. The following deliverables will be prepared for this task: Deliverables: • Draft and final meeting agendas (pdf format via email) • Final meeting summaries (pdf format via email) Task 2 - Design PROFESSIONAL shall prepare design and prepare the construction documents for replacement piping on the Horsetooth Reservoir supply and relocation of finished water piping from under the Sludge Lagoons. Horsetooth Reservoir Pipeline Replacement The design will be based on the North Alignment alternative presented in the Horsetooth Reservoir Raw Water Pipeline Relocation Technical Memorandum, prepared by CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc., dated December 5, 2012. In addition the discharge manifold will be replaced, with the replacement starting from the North Alignment and ending at the first flexible coupling inside the vault. Finished Water Pipeline Relocation The design will generally be based on the recommended approach presented in the Finished Water Site Piping Modifications at Solids Drying Lagoons Teclulical Memorandum, prepared by CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc., dated December 5, 2012. The new pipelines will be 36-inch diameter, include a parallel pipeline (with isolation valves), and two interconnect pipelines (with isolation valves). Modifications from this approach include extending the 36- inch diameter parallel pipeline approximately 150-feet further east to the pipe manifold, relocating the eastern interconnect pipeline to connect the 42-inch diameter and 27-inch diameter finished water pipelines with a 27-inch diameter interconnection, and adding a flow meter vault on the 42-inch diameter pipeline. The meter installation will be in accordance with the Finished Water Flow Metering Technical Memorandum, prepared by CH2M HILL Engineer, Inc., dated December 20, 2012. Electrical and I&C drawings and specifications will be provided by the CITY. CITY will utilize the Alternative Product Delivery System (APDS) contractor to perform an exploratory borehole at the meter vault Exhibit_A_WorkOrder Page 3 of 12 location to determine if groundwater is present and needs to be included in the vault design. Task 2.1-Basis of Design PROFESSIONAL will prepare a brief Basis of Design report that will include: project requirements, design criteria, design calculations, materials of construction, preliminary pipeline alignment, and recommended features. The CITY will design the cathodic protection requirements and design details for PROFESSIONAL to include in the project. The draft Basis of Design report will be submitted to the CITY for review. A review workshop will be conducted with the CITY's team to discuss review comments, and collaboratively develop the best approach to optimize the design. The workshop will be up to 2-hours in duration and held at CITY offices. It is further assumed that up to two (2) PROFESSIONAL staff will be in attendance at the workshop. PROFESSIONAL shall prepare minutes for the workshop summarizing key decisions and action items. PROFESSIONAL will transmit draft minutes to workshop attendees via email in Adobe Acrobat format for review and comment prior to finalizing. Final meeting minutes shall be submitted to workshop attendees via email in Adobe Acrobat format. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be prepared for this task Basis of Design Report (pdf format) Task 2.2—Design Documents The proposed list of 25 drawings anticipated for the project is provided in Exhibit C. The following technical specifications are assumed to be included in the project: • Manholes • Process Valves and Operators • Welded Steel Pipe and Fittings • Pipe Tape Coating • Pipe Joint Coating • Disinfection Drawings and specifications will be continuously developed during the project and reviewed at progress meetings. PROFESSIONAL will receive continuous review comments from CITY during the progress meeting. Formal submittal of drawings and specifications will be made at the end of design. A review workshop will be conducted with the CITY's team to discuss review comments. The workshop will be up to 2-hours in duration and held at CITY office. It is further assumed that up to two (2) PROFESSIONAL staff will be in attendance at the workshop. PROFESSIONAL shall prepare minutes for the workshop summarizing key decisions and action items. PROFESSIONAL will transmit draft minutes to workshop attendees via email in Microsoft Word format for review and comment prior to finalizing. Final meeting minutes shall be submitted to workshop attendees via email in Adobe Acrobat format. Exhibit_A_WorkOrder Page 4 of 12 PROFESSIONAL will prepare the final design submittal that includes the 100 percent drawings and technical specifications. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be prepared for this task: • Draft Drawings and Technical Specifications (pdf format) • Final 100 Percent Drawings and Technical Specifications (pdf format) Assumptions Used in Developing this Scope of Services The PROFESSIONAL's basis for estimating engineering costs for the project is based on the elements included in task descriptions and the following assumptions: 1. CITY will examine information submitted by PROFESSIONAL and render in writing or otherwise provide decisions within one week. 2. CITY will give prompt notice to PROFESSIONAL whenever CITY observes or becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of PROFESSIONAL's services, or of any defect in the work of PROFESSIONAL. 3. PROFESSIONAL will provide the CITY with deliverables as defined respectively in this scope of work. 4. Meeting agendas and minutes will be distributed electronically via email. 5. CITY will obtain utility locates and conduct field exploratory investigations (potholes) areas requested by the PROFESSIONAL to identify location elevation or condition of existing piping or infrastructure to support design activities and resolve unknown conditions. 6. Workshops with the CITY will be held at the Water Treatment Facility. 7. The design will be based on the federal, state, and local codes and standards in effect when the final construction drawings and technical specifications are prepared. It is assumed the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) will be used for this project. 8. PROFESSIONAL's master technical specifications (49 divisions), will be used. General Conditions and Supplemental General Conditions will not be produced by PROFESSIONAL. 9. Engineering services for construction support are not included in this scope of work and will be contracted at a later date. 10. Exhibit C lists the anticipated design drawings. The drawings will be prepared using the PROFESSIONAL's design and graphics standards. 11. CITY will prepare cost estimates using their Alternative Product Delivery System (APDS) contractor. 12. In providing opinions of cost, financial analyses, economic feasibility projections, and schedules for the project, PROFESSIONAL has no control over cost or price of labor and materials; unknown or latent conditions of existing equipment or structures that may affect operation or maintenance costs; competitive bidding procedures and market conditions; time or quality of performance by operating personnel or third parties; and other economic and operational factors that may materially affect the ultimate project cost or schedule. Therefore, PROFESSIONAL makes no warranty that CITY's actual project costs, financial aspects, economic feasibility, or schedules will not vary from PROFESSIONAL's opinions, analyses, projections, or estimates. If CITY wishes greater Exhibit_A_WorkOrder Page 5 of 12 assurance as to any element of project cost, feasibility, or schedule, CITY will employ an independent cost estimator, contractor, or other appropriate advisor. 13. CITY staff will coordinate with the CITY's development review process as necessary for the project. Permitting support is not included. 14. Electrical and I&C drawings and specifications will be provided by the CITY. Exhibit_A_WorkOrder Page 6 of 12 Exhibit C- Drawing List Exhibit_A WorkOrder Page 7 of 12 SHEET DRAWING SHEET TITLE/DESCRIPTION 01 —GENERAL 1 G-01 COVER 2 G-02 INDEX TO DRAWINGS 3 G-03 ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL CIVIL 4 GC-01 CIVIL LEGEND 5 GC-02 CIVIL DETAILS 6 GC-03 SURVEY CONTROL GENERALSTRUCTURAL 7 GM-01 ISTRUCTURALLEGEND 8 GM-02 I STRUCTURAL DETAILS GENERAL MECHANICAL 9 GM-01 MECHANICAL LEGEND 10 GM-02 MECHANICAL DETAILS SITE DEVELOPMENT 11 SP-01 OVERALL SITE AND KEY PLAN 12 SP-02 LOCATION AND GRADING PLAN C 13 SP-03 LOCATION AND GRADING PLAN D 14 SP-04 CIVIL DETAILS 15 SP-05 YARD PIPING PLAN C 16 SP-06 YARD PIPING PLAN D 17 SP-07 PARTIAL PIPING PLAN 18 SP-08 HORSETOOTH PDV PLAN, SECTION, AND DETAILS 19 SP-10 48" HTRW PROFILE 20 SP-11 36" FW AND 27" FW PROFILES 21 SP-12 42" METER VAULT PLANS AND SECTION 22 SP-13 VALVE MANHOLE DETAILS 23 SP-14 CATHODIC PROTECTION 24 SP-15 YARD PIPING DETAILS 25 SP-16 YARD PIPING DETAILS Exhibit_A_WorkOrder Page 8 of 12 Exhibit D - Compensation Exhibit_A_WorkOrder Page 9 of 12