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nlI> sCmWtJLE I - BASE UfO (NoJl-I"ederal) Item No, Description lJnit Contract Unit Price Total Quantity 202.01 Sawcul Concrete/ Asphalt (0" < 4") Linea! Foot 20 $ 2.95 S S9.00 202.02 Sawcul Concrete/Asphalt (4" < 6") Lincal Foot 20 S 3.10 S 62.00 202.03 Sawcu! ConcretelAsphalt (6" < 8") I -ineal Foot 20 S 3.45 S 69.00 202.04 Sawcut Concrete/Asphah (8" < 10") Lineal Foot 20 5 4.71 S 94.20 202.05 Sawcut - Additional I" Depth Lineal Foot 25 S 1.15 S 28.75 202.06 gemovc Concre1e Sidewalk Sqllal"e Foot 2100 S 2.30 S 4,830.00 202.07 Rcmove Concretc Curb & Gultcr Lineal Foot 850 S 3.60 S 3,060.00 202.08 Remove Monolithic Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Square Foot 1300 S 2.45 $ 3, J 8S.00 202.09 Remove Concrete Driveway/ Apron/Crosspan Sqll<lre Foot 3000 S 2.55 S 7,650.00 202.10 Remove Concrete Pavement - 10" Square Foot 300 S 3.97 S 1,191.00 202.11 Remove Concrete Pavement - Additional 1" Depth Square Foot 100 $ 1.50 S 150.00 202.12 Remove Asphalt - 6" Square Fool 200 5 2.20 S 440.00 202.13 Remove Asphalt - Additional I" Depth Square Foot 500 S 1.25 S 625.00 202.14 Rcmove Inlet Each 5 $ 480.00 S 2,400.00 202.IS Remove and Haul Driveway Fille! Each 5 S 50.00 $ 250.00 202.16 Remove Flagstone Square Foot 200 S 3.00 S 600.00 203.01 Excavation - General Less Than 50 CY Cubic Yard 25 $ 4S.00 $ 1,125.00 203.02 Excavation - General Over 50 CY Cubic Yard 125 S 40.00 $ 5,000.00 203.03 Excavation - Walls Only Cubic Yard 100 $ 11.50 $ 1,150,00 203.04 Excavation - Ncw Inlet Each 5 $ 40S.00 S 2,025.00 203.05 Borrow - Less th3n 100 'ron Ton 50 S 27.00 $ 1,350.00 203.06 Borrow - Over 100 Ton Ton 125 $ 22.00 S 2,750.00 208.01 Storm water Protection -Rock Filled Wattle Lineal Foot 100 $ 10.00 $ 1,000.00 208.02 Stonnwater Protection -Recycled Rubber Filled Wattle Lincal Fool 25 S 15.00 $ 375.00 208.03 Stormwater Protection - Straw B,lIe� Each 5 S 30.00 $ ISO.OO 210.01 Reset Flagstone Square Foot 100 $ 3.50 S 350.00 210.02 Reset Brick Pavers Sq\wre Foot 250 $ 9.00 $ 2,250.00 21O.D3 Adjust Manhole Each 10 $ 85.00 S 850.00 210.04 Adjust Valve Box Each 10 S J 10.00 $ 1,100.00 304.01 Aggregate Base Course/Recycled Concrete Base S; 5 TOIlS Ton 75 $ 27.00 $ 2,025.00 304.02 Aggn.':gale Base Course/Recycled Concrete Base> 5 Tons Ton 50 $ 30.00 S 1,500.00 304.03 Recycled Asphalt Base Ton 25 S 25.00 S 625.00 403.01 lemporary Asph<llt Patching Ton 100 $ 170.00 S 17,000.00 601.01 Exposed Sand Finish - Additional Chargc Square Foot 500 $ 2.20 $ 1,100.00 602.01 Reinforcing Steel Pound 250 $ 0.70 $ 175.00 602.02 Reinforcing Steel - Epoxy Coated Pound 250 S 1.10 $ 275.00 604.01 Install Ncw Area Inlet Each 5 S 1,015.00 S 5,075.00 604.02 Area Inle1·· Additional Foot Depth Lineal Foot 5 S 115.00 $ 575.00 604.03 Reconstrllct Area Inlet Deck .. Remove & Replace Each 5 S 1,330.00 $ 6,650.00 Item No. J)escription lillit Contract lJnit Priee ·rotal Quantity 604.04 Reconstrllct Area Inlet Deck - Additional Foot Opening ,. Remove & Re )lace Lineal Foot 5 S 117.00 S 585.00 604.05 Reconstruct Catch Basin Deck - Remove & Replace Each 10 $ 160.00 $ 1,600.00 604.06 Reconstrllct Catch Basin Deck - Additional Foot Opening- Lineal Foot 10 $ 125,00 S 1,250.00 Remove & Retllace 604,07 Install New Curb Inlet --4' Opening l�ach 5 $ 1,240.00 $ 6,200,00 604.08 Curb Inlet Additional Foot Depth Lineal Foot 10 $ 90.00 $ 900.00 604.09 Reconstruct Curb Inlet Deck ." Remove and Replace Each 10 $ 400.00 S 4,000.00 604.10 Reconstruct Curb Inlet Deck·� Additional Foot Opening-- Remove Lineal Foot 15 $ 90.00 $ 1,350.00 and Reolace 604.11 Install New Type R [nlet - 5' Opening Each 10 $ 3,010.00 S 30,100.00 604,12 Type R Inlet--· Additional Foot Depth Lineal Foot 15 $ ]30.00 $ 1,950.00 604.13 Reconstruct Type R Inlet Deck Remove and Replace l:ach 10 S 485.50 $ 4,855,00 604.14 Reeonstrllct Type R Inlet Deck '" Additional Foot Opening-' Lineal Fool 10 $ 98.00 $ 980.00 Remove ,md Reniace 604.15 Install New ModiHed Type 13 Curb Inlet (includes new Frame, E:ach 5 $ 1,180.00 $ 5,900,00 Grate & Adiustable Curb Bonnet) 604.16 Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet -- Additional Foot Depth Lineal Foot 10 $ 120.00 S 1,200.00 604.17 Reconstruct Modified Typc 13 Curb Inlet Deck Remove & each 6 $ 513,00 $ 3,078.00 Re )Iace 604.18 Reeonstrllet ModiHcd Type 13 Curb Inlet Deck Additional Foot Lineal Foot 10 $ 169.25 $ 1,692.50 Opcnin ,.-- Remove and Replace 604.19 I!Modified (tiustablc Type bonnet 13 (Curb East Jordan Inlet·" Jron Materials Works only 7030 - (Frame, or Equivalent Grate, & Each 5 $ 620.00 $ 3, I 00.00 Material) 604.20 Concrete Sidewalk Culvert 4' opening Each 5 S 410,00 $ 2,050,00 604.21 Metal Sidewalk Culvert - 2' Opcning, Remove & Replace Each 4 $ 385.00 S 1,540,00 604.22 Metal Sidewalk Culvert - 2' Opening, Materials Only Each 5 $ 1,770,00 $ 8,850.00 604.23 Additional Square Foot 5/8" Plate Square Foot 15 $ 185.00 $ 2,775.00 608.0 1 Driveover Curb, Gutter & 6" Sidewalk Lineal Fool 1,200 $ 23.00 $ 27,600.00 608.02 Driveover Curb and Gutter - No Sidewalk Lineal Foot 525 $ 17,00 $ 8,925.00 608.03 Vertical Curb, Gu!ler and 6" Sidewalk Linca! Foot 1000 $ 24.50 $ 24,500.00 608.04 Vertical Curb and Guller - No Sidewalk Lineal Foot 2300 $ 19.50 $ 44,850.00 608,05 Oul Fall Curb & Gutter Lineal Foot 100 $ 16.20 $ 1,620.00 608.06 I-Iollywood Curb, Gutter and 6" Sici ewalk Lineal Foot 500 5 20,00 S 10,000.00 608.07 Hollywood Curb and Gutter - No Sidewalk Lineal Foot 300 $ 12.70 $ 3,810.00 608.08 Highback Curb and Guller - No Sidewalk Lineal Poot 500 $ 27.00 5 13,500.00 608.09 Barrier Curb - 6" x 18" Lineal Foot 100 S 22.00 $ 2,200.00 608,10 BalTICI' Curb - Key Way Style Lineal Foot 100 $ 22.00 $ 2,200.00 Itcm No, Dcscription linit Contract Vnit Price Total Quantity 608.20 Valley P,m -6" Square Foot 500 $ 6.60 $ 3,300.00 608.21 Flatwork -4" Square Foot 1,850 S 2.50 $ 4,625,00 608,22 FlatlVork -6" Square Foot 3,800 S 3.70 $ 14,060.00 608.23 Replace Flatwork -1" Additional Depth Square Foot 250 $ 0.85 $ 212.50 608.24 Concrele Pavemellt 8" (Joints Sealed) Square Foot 1,500 $ 5.80 $ 8,700.00 608,25 Alley Approach -go' Square Foot 1000 $ 5.40 $ 5,400.00 608.26 Enhanced Crosswalk -10" Tile Red Square Foot 450 $ 11.00 $ 4,950.00 608.27 Enhanced Crosswalk -10" San Diego Buff Square Foot 450 S 8.90 $ 4,005.00 608.28 Enhanccd Crosswalk -10" Brick Red, Stamped Square Foot 450 $ 11.20 S 5,040.00 60S.29 Colored Trail wilh Fibermesh -5"'Yosemite Brown Square Foot 400 $ 4.90 $ 1 ,960.00 608.30 Mow Strip -4" x 12" Lineal Foot 150 S 8.80 S 1,320.00 608.3 I Splashblock -4" Exposed Aggrcgate Square Foot 325 $ 6.25 $ 2,031.25 608.32 Splashblock - 4" San Diego Buff Square Foot 350 $ 6.55 $ 2,292.50 60S.33 Median Cover' 4" San Diego Bllff Square Foot 400 $ 6.55 $ 2,620.00 608,34 Fibcrmesh -Added to Any Item -Additional Charge Pounds I 75 $ 5.30 $ 397.50 Cubic Yard 60S.35 24 I-lour High Early Concrctc -Added to Any Item - Additional Cubic Yard 25 $ 16,50 $ 412.50 Char 'e 60S.36 Siamp Pattern -Added to Any Item, Additional Charge Square Foot 150 $ 2.40 $ 360.00 60S,37 6" Concretc Bollard Each 5 S 115.00 $ 575.00 608.38 8" Concrete Bollard Each 5 S 145.00 S 725.00 608.39 Flowable Fill Cubic Yard 25 $ 75.00 S 1,875.00 608.40 Non-reinforced Concrete Wall - 8" Square Facc 400 S 14.00 $ 5,600.00 root 608.41 Non-reinforced Concretc Footcr -8" Square Foot 200 S 14.00 $ 2,800.00 . 608.42 Concrete Staining/Scaling Square root 150 $ 2.90 $ 435,00 608.43 Expansion and Caulking Lineal Foot 250 S 4.50 $ 1,125.00 608.44 Joint Sealant (Pavement) Linea! Foot 100 $ 2.45 S 245.00 60S.45 Irrigation Sleeve Lineal Foot 20 $ 2.25 $ 45.00 608.46 Dump Fcc TOll 5 $ 45.00 S 225.00 626.01 Mobilization .. Invoices Under $500 Lump Sum 25 $ 300.00 $ 7,500.00 630.01 "NO PARKING" Sign With Stand Per Each Per 375 S I.S5 $ 693.75 Day Per Each Per 630.02 Vertical Panel Without Light Day 400 S 0.75 S 300.00 630.03 Channelizing Barrels Per Each Per 650 $ 0.75 $ 4S7.50 Itcm No. Dcscrilltion 630.12 Light 630.13 Advance Warning Flashing or Sequcncing Arrow Panel 630.14 Variable Message Board 630.15 Traffic Control Supervisor 630.16 Traffic Control Supervisor 630.17 Flagging FORCE ACCOUNT LABOR RATES FAI L.1borer FA2 Foreman FA3 Finisher FM Fonn Setter FA5 Skid Steer FA6 Mini Trackhoe FA7 Dump Truck FA8 Backhoe BID SCHEDULE 1 - BASE BID (written cost) Four Hundred Ninety Two Thousand Three Hundred Nine S;Company gnod � �Ie Inc. Cheek One: __ -:;-__ Individual Doing Business in Company Name X Corporation _____ Partncrship Unil Quantity Contract Unil Price Total Pcr Each Pcr 20 $ 0.45 $ 9.00 Day Per Each Per 15 $ 70.00 S 1,050.00 Day Pcr Each Pcr 110 $ 132.00 $ 14,520.00 Day Pcr Day 25 $ 325.00 $ 8,125.00 Hour 450 S 34.70 $ 15,615.00 Hour 650 $ 22.00 $ 14,300.00 Hour 15 $ 24.00 $ 360.00 Hour 15 $ 37.00 S 555.00 ]'Iour 15 $ 35.00 S 525.00 Hour 15 $ 32.00 $ 480.00 Hour 75 $ 85.00 S 6,375.00 Hour 15 $ 85.00 S 1,275.00 Hour 15 $ 70.00 S 1,050.00 Hour 15 S 85.00 S 1,275.00 BASE BID 1 TOTAL COST S 492,309.20 Dollars and Twenty Cents Address 6330 South College Ave. Fort Collins, CO. 80525 Phonc/Fax 970-484·3880 970·226·2659 Item No. 202.0] 202.02 202.03 202.04 202.05 202,06 202.07 202.08 202,09 202.10 202.11 202,12 202.13 202.14 202.15 202.16 203.01 203.02 203.03 203,04 203.05 203.06 208.01 208.02 208.03 210.0] 210.02 210.03 210,04 304.01 304.02 304.03 403.01 601.01 602.0] 602.02 604,01 604.02 Description lJnit Price Total BII) SCIIEDlJLE 2 - FEl)JmAL REQUIREMENTS WITH DAVIS BACON Description Unit Contract Unit J)ricc Total Quantity Sawcut Concrete/Asphalt (0" < 4") Lineal Foot 10 , 3.00 $ Sawcut COl1crc!c/Asphalt 4" < 6" Lineal Foot 10 S 3.20 $ Sawcut COllcretC/Asphalt 6" < S" Lineal Foot 10 $ 3.55 $ Sawcut Concrete/Asphalt 8":s ] 0" Lineal Foot 10 $ 4.80 S SawCllt- Additional 1" Depth Lineal Foot 10 S 1.15 , Remove Concrete Sidewalk Square Foot 100 $ 2.35 S Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter Lineal Foot 100 $ 3.65 S Remove Monolithic Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Square foot 100 $ 2.50 $ Remove Concrete Driveway/ Apron/ Crosspan Square Foot 100 $ 2.60 S I�emovc COllcrete Pavement- 10" Square Foot 500 $ 4.05 $ Remove Concrete Pavement- Additional 1" Depth Square Foot 100 $ 1.55 $ Remove Asphalt - 6" Square Foot 100 $ 2.25 $ Remove Asphalt - Additional 1" Depth Square Foot 100 $ 1.25 $ Item No. 604.03 604.04 604.05 604,06 604.07 604.0S 604.09 604.10 604.11 604.12 604. !3 604,14 604.15 604,16 604.17 604.1S 604.19 604.20 604.21 604.22 604.23 60S.01 60S.02 608.03 608.04 608,05 608.06 60S'{)7 60S.0S 60S.09 60S_10 60S.ll 608.12 608.13 608.14 60S.15 60S.16 608.17 60S.18 60S.19 I)escl'iption Reconstruct Area Inlet Deck -- Re!llove & Replace Rceonstnlc( Area Inlet Deck - Additional Fool Opening - Remove & Re )Iace Reconstruct Catch Basin Deck - Reillove & Replace Reconstruct Catch Basin Deck - Additional Foot Opening· Remove & Re llace In"tull New Curb Inlet --- 4' Opening Curb Inlet -- Additional FOOl Depth Reconstruct Curb Inlet Deck Remove and Replace Reconstruct Curb Inlel Deck '" .Additional Foot Opening·� Remove and Re )Iace Install New Type R Inlet - 5' Opening Type R Inlet -- Additionul Foot Depth Reconstruct Type R Inlet Deck -- Remove and Replace Reconstruct Type R Inlet Deck -Additional Foot Opening-- Remove ,md Re )lace Install New Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet (includes new Frame, Grate & Adiuswble CIJrb Bonnet) Ilcm No. Ikscrip'lion lJnit Contract Vnit Price Total Quantity 608.20 Vulley P'all - 6" Square Poot 20 $ 6.60 , 132.00 608.21 Flatwork -4" Square Foot 25 $ 2.60 $ 65.00 608.22 Flatwork - 6" Square Foot 100 $ 3.90 $ 390.00 608.23 Replace Flatwork - I" Additional Depth Square Foot 960 $ 0,85 S 816.00 608.24 Concrete Pavement 8" (Joints Sealed) Square Foot 500 $ 6.10 S 3,050.00 608.25 Alley Approacll- 8" Square Foot 25 S 5.40 S 135.00 608,26 Enhanced Crosswalk - 10" Tile Red Square Foot 25 S 11.00 $ 275.00 608.27 Enhanced Crosswalk - 10" San Diego Buff Square Foot 25 $ g,90 $ 222.50 608.28 Enhanced Crosswalk - 10" Brick Red, Stumped Square Foot 25 $ 11.20 $ 280,00 608.29 Colored Trail with Fibennesh - 5" Yosemite Brown Square Foot 25 $ 5.15 S 128.75 608.30 Mow Strip-4" x 12" Lineal Foot 25 $ 8.80 $ 220.00 608,3] SpJashblock - 4" Exposed Aggregate Square Foot 25 S 6,25 $ 156.25 608,32 Splash block - 4" San Diego Huff Square Foot 25 $ 655 $ 163.75 608.33 Median Cover - 4" San Diego Buff Square Foot 25 S 6.55 $ 163.75 608.34 Fibennesh -Added to Any Hem - Additional Charge Pounds I 25 $ 5.30 $ 132.50 Cubic Yard 608.35 24 I-lour High Early Concrete· Added to Any Item - Additional Cubic Yard 20 $ 18.00 $ 360.00 Char 'e 608.36 Stamp Pattern - Added to Any Item, Additional ChHrge Square foot 25 S 2.40 S 60.00 608.37 6" Concrete Bollard Each 5 S 115.00 S 575.00 608.38 8" Concrete Bollard Each 5 $ 145.00 S 725.00 608,39 Flowable Fill Cubic Yard 25 S 80.00 $ 2,000.00 608.40 Non-reinforced Concrete Wall - 8" Square face 25 S 14.00 $ 350,00 Foot 608.41 Non-reinforced COllcrete Footer -8" Squarc Foot 25 $ 14.00 $ 350.00 608.42 Concrete Staining/Scaling Square Foot 25 $ 2.90 $ 72.50 608.43 Expansioll and Omlking Lineal Foot 50 $ 4,75 $ 237.50 608.44 Joint Sealant (Pavement) Lineal Foo! 50 S 2.55 $ 127.50 608.45 Irrigation Siceve Lineal Foot 25 $ 2.25 $ 56.25 608.46 DUlllp Fce Ton 25 $ 50.00 S 1,250.00 626.01 Mobilization Invoices Under $500 LUIllpSU111 5 $ 300,00 $ 1,500.00 630,01 "NO ]l ARKING" Sign With Stnnd Pcr Day Pcr 25 $ 1.85 $ 46.25 Each 630.02 Vertical Panel Without Light Per Day Per 25 $ 0.75 $ 18.75 Each 630,03 Channelizing Barrcls Pcr Day Per 25 $ 0.85 $ 21.25 Item No. Dcscrilltion 630.12 Light 630.13 Advance Warning Flashing or Sequencing Arrow Ilancl 630.14 Variable Message Board 630.15 Traffic Control Supervisor 630.16 Traffic Control Supervisor 630.17 Flagging FORCE ACCOUNT LABOlt RATES FAI Laborer FA2 Foreman FA3 Finisher FM Form Setter FA5 Skid Steer FA6 Mini Trackhoe FA7 Dump Truck FA8 Backhoe TOTAL.. COST BID SCHEDULE 2 - FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS (written cost) Eighty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Nine Signed Company �,co",rete'"' Check One: __ ,,-__ Individual Doing Busincss in Company Name X Corporation _____ Partnership Unit Per Day Per Each Pcr Day Per Each Per Day Per Each Per Day I-lour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour 1·lour 1·lour Dollars and Address Phone/Fax Contract Quantity Unit Price Total 25 $ 0.45 $ 11.25 10 $ 75.00 $ 750.00 10 S 130.00 $ 1,300.00 5 $ 375.00 $ 1,875.00 25 $ 38.00 S 950.00 25 $ 25.00 $ 625.00 20 $ 28.50 $ 570.00 20 $ 45.00 $ 900.00 20 $ 41.00 $ 820.00 20 $ 38.00 $ 760.00 20 S 80.00 $ 1,600.00 20 $ 90.00 $ 1,800.00 20 $ 85.00 $ 1,700.00 20 $ 90.00 $ 1,800.00 � Fort City of Collins . Purchasirig--- ADDENDUM No.1 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of BID 7391: Miscellaneous Concrete Annual OPENING DATE: 3:00 PM (Our Clock) May 25, 2012 Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6775 970.221.6707 fcgov.com/purclJasing To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes/additions are hereby made and detailed in the following sections of this addendum: Exhibit 1 - Questions & Answers from the Prebid Exhibit 2 - Revisions to the Specifications Please contact John Stephen, CPPO, LEED AP, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6777 with any questions regarding this addendum. RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITIEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. f )eN !lJjJ p1tk�U� �� Addendum 1 - Page 1 of 3 TOTAL COST S 89,279.00 Zcro Ccnts 6330 South College Ave. Fort Collins, CO. 80525 970-484-3880 970-226-2657 Each 630.04 Type II!! Barricade Without Light Pcr Day Per 25 S 0.55 $ 13.75 Each 630.05 Type ll! Barricade Without Light Per Day PCI' 10 $ 3.40 S 34.00 Each 630'()6 Size A Sign With Stand Pcr Day Per 10 S 1.60 S 16,00 Each 630.07 Size 13 Sign With Stand Pcr Day Per 10 $ 2.05 $ 20.50 Each 630.08 Size A Spccialty Sign - Cost of Manufacturing Each 2 $ 63,00 $ 126.00 630.09 Size B SpceiHlty Sign - Cost ofMa. l1ufac!uring Each 2 S 74.00 $ 148.00 630.10 COlle With Rcllective Strip Per Day Per 100 $ 0.75 S 75.00 Each 630.11 Safety Fence Per Roll PCI' 5 S 3.15 $ 15,75 Day Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet·� Additional Foot Depth Reconstrl!Re 11ace CI Modified Type 13 Curb Inlet Dcck --. Remove & Reconstn!cl Modified Type 13 Curb fnlel Deck ... Additional root Opening --Remove and Rcplaee . n ' ... , ,. ::.' , , ' , adjustable bonnet (East Jordan Iron Works 7030 or Equivalent Concrete Sidewalk Culverl-" 4' op�ning Metal Sidewalk Culvert - 2' Opening, Remove & Replace Metal Sidewalk Culverl-2' Opcning, Materials Only Additional Square Foot 5/S" Plate Driveover Curb, Gutter & 6" Sidewalk Driveover Curb and Gutter - No Sidewalk Vertical Curb, Gutter and 6" Sidewalk Vertical Curb and Gutter - No Sidewalk Out Fall Curb & Guller Hollywood Curb, Gutter and 6" Sidewalk Hollywood Curb and Gutter - No Sidewalk I-lighback Curb and Gutter - No Sidewalk Barner Curb - 6" x IS" Barrier Curb - Key Way Style Barricr Curb - Epoxy Mountable Curb - 12" x IS" Mountable Curb - Keyway Style Mountable Curb '" Epoxy Pedestrian Access Ramp Pedestrian Access Ramp, Ilighbaek Curb Truncated Dome Panel Apron - 8" Crosspan - 8" lJnit r:ach Lineal Foot Each Lineal Foot Each Lineal Foot Each Lineal Foot Each Linea! Foot Each Lineal Foot Each Lineal Foot Each Lineal FOOl Each Each Each Each Sqlmre Foot Lineal Foot Lineal Foot Linea! Foot Lineal Foot Lineal Foot Lineal FOOl Lineal FOOl Lil1eal Foot Lineal Foot Lineal Foot Lineal Foot Lincal Foot Uncal Foot Lineal Foot Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Contract Unit l)l'ice Total Quantity I $ 1,370.00 $ 1,370.00 5 $ 117.00 $ 585.00 I S 180,00 $ 180,00 5 $ 125.00 $ 625.00 I S 1,240.00 S 1,240,00 5 S 90.00 $ 450.00 I $ 420.00 $ 420.00 5 $ 90.00 $ 450,00 1 $ 3)0000 $ 3,200.00 5 $ 130.00 $ 650.00 1 $ 550.00 $ 550.00 5 $ 9S.00 $ 490.00 1 S 1,220.00 .S 1,220.00 5 $ 120.00 $ 600.00 1 $ 540.00 $ 540,00 5 $ 169.25 S 846.25 2 $ 620,00 $ 1,240.00 I $ 410.00 $ 410.00 1 $ 3S5.00 $ 3S5.00 1 $ 1,770.00 $ 1,770.00 5 $ IS5.00 S 925,00 150 $ 23.00 $ 3,450.00 25 $ 17.00 $ 425,00 50 $ 25.50 $ 1,275.00 50 $ 21.00 $ 1,050.00 25 $ 18.00 $ 450.00 25 $ 20.00 $ 500.00 25 $ 12.70 S 317.50 50 $ 27.S0 S 1,390.00 25 $ 22.00 $ 550.00 25 $ 22.50 $ 562.50 25 $ 19.00 $ 475.00 25 $ 24.00 $ 600.00 25 $ 25.00 $ 625.00 25 $ 2550 $ 637.50 300 $ 5.55 $ ! ,665.00 50 $ 6.90 $ 345.00 25 $ 45.00 $ 1,125.00 20 $ 5.75 $ 115.00 20 $ .S.75 $ 115,00 Remove Inlet Each I , 490.00 $ Remove and Haul Driveway Fillet Each I $ 50.00 $ Remove Flagstolle Square foot 50 $ 3.00 $ Excavation - C!encral Less Than 50 CY Cubic Yard 25 $ 45.00 $ Excavation - General Over 50 CY Cubic Yard 100 $ 40.00 $ Excavation - Walls Only Cubic Yard 25 ,\ 11.50 ,\ Excavation - New Inlet Each I ,\ 420.00 $ 113orrow - Less than 100 Ton Ton 25 $ 27.00 $ Borrow- Over 100Ton Ton 100 ,\ 22.00 ,\ Stormwaler Protection· Rock Filled Watlle Lineal Foot 25 $ 10.00 $ Storlllwater Protection - Recycled Rubber Filled Wattle Lineal Foot 25 $ 15.00 $ Stonnwater Protection - Straw Bales Each 25 ,\ 30.00 , Reset Flagstone Square Foot 50 $ 3.50 $ Rcset Brick Pavers Square Foot 250 ,\ 9.00 $ Actiust Manhole Each I $ 90.00 ,\ Actius! Valve Box Each I $ 115.00 ,\ Aggregate Base CoursefRecycled Concrete Base:::; 5 Tons Ton 5 ,\ 27.00 ,\ Aggregate Base CoursefRecycled Concrete Base> 5 Tons Ton 50 ,\ 30.00 ,\ Recycled Asphalt Base Ton 10 $ 25.00 ,\ Temporal:Y Asphalt Patching Ton 20 ,\ 170.00 ,\ Exposed Sand Finish - Additional Charge Square Foot 500 ,\ 2.20 $ Reinforcing Steel Pound 150 $ 0.75 $ Reinforcing Steel - Epoxy Coated Pound 150 $ 1.15 $ Install New Area Inlet Each I $ 1,025.00 $ Area Inlet Additional Foo\ Depth Lineal Foot 5 $ 115.00 ,\ 30.00 32.00 35.50 48.00 11.50 235.00 365.00 250.00 260.00 2,025.00 155.00 225,00 125.00 490,00 50,00 150.00 1,125.00 4,000.00 287.50 420.00 675.00 2,200.00 250.00 375.00 750.00 175.00 2,250.00 90.00 115.00 135.00 1,500.00 250.00 3,400.00 1,100.00 112.50 172.50 1,025.00 575.00 Day Per !�ach Per 630.04 Type III! Barricade Without Light Day 800 $ 0.55 $ 440,00 630,05 Type III Barricade Without Light Per Each Per 25 S 3.35 $ 83.75 Day 630.06 Size A Sign With Stilnd Per Each Per 350 $ 1.65 $ 577.50 Day 630.07 Size B Sign With Stand Per Each Per 75 $ 1.85 S 138.75 Day 630.08 Size A Specialty Sign -Cost of Manufacturing Eaeh 2 $ 65.00 $ 130.00 630.09 Size B Specialty Sign -Cost of Manufacturing Each 2 $ 74.00 $ 148,00 630,10 Cone With Rcllective Strip Pcr Each Pcr 3500 $ 0,70 $ 2,450.00 Day 630.11 Safety Fence Per Roll Per 20 $ 3.70 $ 74.00 Dav 608. 11 Barrier Curb -Epoxy Lineal Foot 150 S 18.00 5 2,700.00 608,12 MoulltablcCurb- 12"x 18" Lineal Foot 125 $ 22.40 S 2,800.00 608.13 Mountable Curb - Keyway Stylc Lineal FOOl 125 S 21.55 S 2,693.75 608,14 Mountable Curb .- , Epoxy Lineal Foot 100 $ 22.50 $ 2,250.00 608.15 Pedestrian Access Ramp Square Foot 750 $ 5.45 $ 4,087.50 608.16 Pedcstrian Access R<lmp, llighback Curb Square Foot 375 $ 6.80 $ 2,550.00 608,17 Truncated Dome Panel Square Foot 100 $ 44.50 $ 4,450.00 608.18 Apron - 8" Square Foot 1450 $ 5.50 $ 7,975.00 608,19 CrosspHn - 8" Square FOOl 1200 $ 5.50 $ 6,600.00