HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK ORDER - RFP - 7392 CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN DRAFTING & SURVEY SERVICES ON-CALL`/ (� t 7 z3 EXHIBIT trAll . WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE C I ITY OF FORT COLLINS and AEC OM DATED: March 26,2013 Work Order. Number: 04-254902105-13 Project Title: Arthur Ditch 1—Mountain Avenue Commencement Date: March 26,2013, Com.pletion. Date; September 30,2013 Maximum Fee: (time and reimbursable directs costs): not to exceed $74,910.00 Project Description- Design services for the Arthur Ditch CBC . Replacement,I Scope of Services: Develop the design & prepare construction drawingsand specifications required.for. the reconstruction of the Mountain Avenue over Arthur Ditch irrigation structure. See attached scope of ,service. Service Provider agrees to perform the services i4c'natea above and on the attached forms in accordance, with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Services Agreement between, the parties. In the event of a conflict between or aimbiguity in the terms of the Services Agreement and this work order (including the attached 'forms), the -Services Agreement shall control. Service Provider By; kl_1416*1 iiCe� P Date: Marc[126,2013 Approved The attached forms consisting of fourteen (14) pages are hereby accepted and incorliorated herein by this, reference, and Notice. to Proceed is given. hereby given. Proposal for Arthur Ditch CRC Replacements City of Fort Collins - Mountain Avenue Date March 26, 2013 use ,Structure Tad'Descrindon /;M11 Ruad,rny ")D: Uri I Llmmger .Structure {)A ,yanuger Arlrnini<hnlinn Arjec't CA DD Project- Adminietrative . E..p/nyce Clusaifrralion Al" nnger Eugincer / Drafter 11 - Engineer 1/1 Manager Enginccr / Engineer I/ A.,hianl Suh Toud .Sub Cam Nrrtm l,nris Clu'd Jcmi Ferguson C'hris/.ivherg Dnvclindahl Kennnh• Gary Maji .Seun.Viminc! Chipuum Megan Pennon 5 165 S 75 S 85 S 120 S 165 S 75 S 85 5 60 Summary Task I — Project Coordinalion77am Collection 22 18 8 16 4 0 0 4 72 $ 8,480 Tavk 2—. Prelininary Design 28 66 88 12 16 32 0 6 248 $ 23,890 lark 3-90%(17RIFOR) Design /'lnar 28 88 102 40 16 58 8 4 344 $ 32,600 Task a—Adrerlivemaru Plan SuGruillal 10 20 16 0 6 10 4 0 66 $ 6,590 'Polo1 Hours 88 192 214 68 42 100 12 14 730 $ 71,560 Total Direct Labor $ 71,560 ODCs (.ree helou) $ 3,350 Total Costs $ 74,910 Other Direct Cns[e' Reps Iuc ion/priming $ 150 Povtagc/F_rpresx Mail $ 50 Mileage $ 150 CTL 77romp., $ 3,000 Total ODCs $ 3,350 Fee Estimate April 2, 2013 City of Fort Collins — Engineering Department 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580 Attention: Mr. Jin Wang, PE Subject: Fee Estimate for Geotechnical Consultation Services Arthur Ditch Concrete Box Culvert Mountain Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado CTLIT Proposal No. FC-13-0102C CTL I THOMPSON CTLIThompson, Inc. is pleased to provide this fee estimate for geotechnical engineering services for the replacement of the Arthur Ditch concrete box culvert at Mountain Avenue between Sherwood Street and Whitcomb Street in Fort Collins, Colorado. We understand the culvert will be constructed as a four-sided cast -in -place structure on mat or spread footing foundations. The culvert will be approximately 10 to 15 feet wide and an approximately 2.5-foot inside height. We understand the project will also include replacement of sections of the roadway and additional improvements at each location. Based on our understanding of the project, we recommend conducting two borings and provide you with design recommendations and construction criteria for the new culvert and roadway improvements. We will obtain the necessary permits for borings within the roadway right-of-way and provide traffic control as necessary. The borings will extend to depths ranging from 15 to 25 feet below the existing ground surface. We will provide you with a report that presents recommendations for foundation types and pavement recommendations, as well as other construction criteria for the project. We will rely upon the City to provide design traffic numbers for the pavement design. We estimate our fee for this investigation will not exceed $3,000. Our fee estimate is based on our unit rates from our existing contract with the City of Fort Collins (2012) for on -call services. We understand the fee estimate we are providing will be used for budgetary purposes and to issue a work order. We can begin work on this project immediately and anticipate completion within four to six weeks of your notice to proceed. 351 Linden Street I Suite 140 1 Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 Telephone:970-206-9455 Fax:970-206-9441 Fee Estimate If you have any questions or would like us to modify the above scope, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, CTL I THOMPSON, INC. 406o-e4-1 Spencer Schram, PE Project Engineer CITY OF FORT COLLINS CTLIT PROPOSAL NO. FC-13-0102C Ir March 26, 2013 A=COM Scope of Service City of Fort Collins Arthur Ditch CBC Replacement at Mountain Avenue Design Services Summary Develop the design and prepare construction drawings and specifications required for the reconstruction of the Arthur Ditch Irrigation structure at Mountain Avenue. Project Overview The goal of this project is to replace the structurally deficient, concrete structure while improving the approach roadway profiles, promoting positive roadway drainage along the curb sections and bringing adjacent sidewalk/pedestrian access ramps to current City of Fort Collins design standards. The City has identified locations along the Arthur Ditch Irrigation system that are in need of replacement This proposal includes: • Mountain Avenue over Arthur Ditch (Str No. Mtn-W-Whtm) This location fails to provide positive roadway drainage along the roadway section, has substandard curb and gutter and has sidewalk sections in need of repair or replacement. Several of the roadway intersections adjacent to the structures have substandard pedestrian curb ramps that fail to meet current ADA requirements and will need replacement to current City standards. Assumed plan limits of the ditch irrigation replacement structure extends from back face of sidewalk to back face of sidewalk beneath the given roadway. In addition, concrete transition structures will be required beyond the limits of the sidewalk to connect the new stricture replacements with the existing adjacent box section. Temporary easements for these transition structures will be required. Other proposed structure considerations: • Structure replacements and hydraulic openings need to be maintained to accommodate the ditch irrigation flow requirements. Minimum inside structure height is 2.5 feet. • Access manholes required near each end of the replaced structures. • Existing flow -line elevations along the Arthur Ditch shall be maintained. • Although a load rating submittal is not part of the project scope, each structure replacement shall accommodate AASHTO LRFD design loading and be able to provide load rating factors above 1.0. Scope of Service Arthur Ditch CBC Replacement At Mountain Avenue Task 1 — Project Coordination/Data Collection LI Project Coordination/Project SchedalelMeetings Progress/Coordination meetings will occur at the preliminary and final design milestones. One progress/coordination conference call is assumed each month. Project Schedule: This schedule assumes that the Notice to Proceed (NTP) will occur early April and includes the following: Early April Kick-off meeting with the City of Fort Collins • Initiate survey coordination and utility locates for required project survey • Begin utility co-ordination • Site visit / field review • Begin preliminary design based on project aerials to confirm existing drainage conditions and identify proposed structure limits. May Initial Preliminary Design Submittal for the Mountain crossing location. • Review proposed improvements, design criteria and compliance with City's design standards • Initial structure design and initial roadway grade design for Mountain Avenue to City for review • Preliminary structure design and preliminary roadway grade design for Mountain Avenue to City for review • Submit refined preliminary design of the Mountain Avenue crossing to Arthur Ditch Irrigation Company for review and approval August Early to mid -August approval or comments from Arthur Ditch Irrigation Company for the Mountain crossing FOR Meeting for the Mountain Avenue crossing location after addressing any comments from the Arthur Ditch Irrigation Company. September Project Advertisement for Mountain Avenue crossing location. The review meetings will be used as a tool to keep the City up to date on design progress and receive City feedback. Formal plans will not be prepared for these meetings. Design base files will be reviewed electronically, on roll plots, or as status sets. 1.2 Design Sarvetls, Mapping and Right-of-Wny The City of Fort Collins will provide ROW support at all locations and the design survey at all locations. AECOM will coordinate with the City's surveyor for the survey required for design and mapping of dry utilities. 1.3 Utility Coordination AECOM will identify existing utilities and potential conflicts and coordinate proposed construction with utility companies. The City's surveyor will survey known utilities and provide existing utilities in the survey base file. No utility relocations are anticipated based on the scope of work. Anticipated utility work associated with this project includes minor adjustments of valve boxes and manholes associated Page 2 Scope of Service Arthur Ditch CBC Replacement At Mountain Avenue with pavement reconstruction. Utility design is not included in this scope. Potholing is not included in this scope. 1.4 Environmental Investigation Coordination The City will perform any required environmental investigation and related permitting as applicable. 1.5 Right-of-Wrr17 (ROW) Support AECOM will provide design files in support and/or development of the required ROW temporary easements needed at each location. ROW exhibits and development of legal descriptions to be performed by City forces. 1.6 Ceotechnical Investigations AECOM's subconsultant, CTL Thompson, will perform the soils investigation to confirm the pavement design and foundation recommendations for this project. Refer to the attached detailed scope of work. Task 2 —Preliminary Design AECOM will perform the preliminary design services in accordance with City, CDOT M&S and AASHTO standards to complete the roadway and structural design improvements along the Arthur Ditch Irrigation system. In addition to the roadway and structural improvements, areas requiring specific civil - related needs include: • Mountain Avenue. The existing open median at the structure crossing will be removed and replaced with continuous curb and gutter section. The trolley track profile will be revised as required for design. The following sections describe the level of effort required. 2.1 Roadwav Design. AECOM will perform preliminary roadway design to promote positive roadside drainage through the project site and establish the limits of the proposed construction. AECOM will develop roadside designs that consider constructing new roadway pavement, curb and gutter and sidewalk sections in accordance with the City's latest urban design standards. Profile alignments along the roadway section, and curb and gutter will be computed to attempt to obtain positive drainage through the site. Due to constraints it may not be possible to eliminate the roadway profile humps, and the existing drainage pattern may remain. 2.2 Structure Design. AECOM will perform preliminary structural design to identify the structure limits, span requirements, transition details and dimensions needed to accommodate the proposed dead and live loading conditions. Live loading will be in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD design specifications. AECOM will coordinate with the geotechnical subconsultant as required to confirm the foundation design support requirements. 2.3 Preliminaq, Plaits. AECOM will develop and submit preliminary plans for each location in accordance with the preliminary roadway and structure design requirements. Plans will include the appropriate level of project information required identify the proposed design requirements and construction limits. It is anticipated that the following plan sheets will be prepared for the Preliminary Plan submittal: • Title Sheet • General Notes Page 3 Scope of Service Arthur Ditch CBC Replacement At Mountain Avenue • Typical Section • Removal & Reset Plan • Roadway Plans • Roadway Profiles • Intersection Details • Grading Plans • Structure General Information • Structure Layout • Structural Typical Section • Transition Details 14 Floodplain Design Coordination. Not required 2.5 Structure Hydraulic Design. AECOM will design and evaluate the proposed structure hydraulic opening requirements along the new structure and transition sections using the proposed Arthur Ditch flows to confirm the structure sizing. Design and evaluation shall be performed using the City of Fort Collins and CDOT Drainage Manuals guidelines. Detailed hydraulic design calculations reports will not be submitted. 2.6 Preliminary Review Meeting. AECOM will meet with the City to review the preliminary plan submittal and prepare a Review Comment and Sheet Resolution (RCSR) form to document the discussion. Detailed meeting minutes or preliminary construction cost estimate will not be prepared. 2.7Arthur Ditch Submittal/Comment Review. AECOM will coordinate and submit design plans to the Arthur Ditch Company in order to obtain approvals for the proposed construction. Review comments from the ditch company, will be included in the final design plan submittals. Task 3 —Final Design AECOM will perform final design services in accordance with City, CDOT M&S and AASHTO standards to complete the roadway and structural design improvements along the Arthur Ditch Irrigation system. The following. sect ions describe the level of effort required at each project location. 3.1 Roadway Plans. The following activities will be performed as part of roadway and intersection design: 3.1.1 Removal/Reset Plans Removal and reset plans will be developed to clearly illustrate required pavement removal, reset items, and miscellaneous removals required. 3.1.2 Roadway Plans and Profiles The roadway plans will be completed and review documents prepared for the roadway improvements. This design activity will include completing the horizontal and vertical alignments/control and preparation of plan and profile sheets. Plans and profiles will include the project geometrics and critical horizontal and vertical information necessary for construction. The roadway plans will include the following: proposed pavement, curb and gutter layout, proposed sidewalk, geometry and horizontal control, and known utilities. 3.1.3 Intersection Details Page 4 Scope of Service Arthur Ditch CBC Replacement At Mountain Avenue Detail sheets will be included to address the roadway drainage and pedestrian requirements. The project will be designed in accordance with City of Fort Collins standards, CDOT M&S standards and details, and AASHTO standards as applicable. The intersection detail plans will include the following: proposed pavement, curb and gutter layout, proposed sidewalk, curb ramps, horizontal control, structure transition details and known utilities. 3.2 Grading Plans 3.2.1 Grading Plans Grading design for the project area showing the proposed roadway drainage will be included Drainage report, hydrology, and hydraulic calculations are not included as part of this scope. 3.2.2 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) The Storm Water Management Plan will be completed in accordance with: • The City's Phase 11 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) requirements for permanent water quality features • City Standards and Details, CDOT's Standard Plans • City Specifications, CDOT's Standard Specifications AECOM will provide an assessment of the MS4 requirements, identify, and incorporate MS4 requirements into the plans. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining all construction permits. It is anticipated that the project total disturbed area will be less than l acre and that a Stormwater Construction Permit (SCP) per the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS) will not be required. 3.2.3 Erosion Control Plans Stormwater Management Plans (SWMP) including temporary erosion and sediment control plans will be required. SWMP plans will show construction activity best management practices (BMPs) to control erosion and sediment during construction. Preparation of SWMP plans shall be in accordance with the Colorado Department of Transportation standard specifications and M- standards. The Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3 shall also be used in the development of construction BMPs. Final site maps are not anticipated for this project. Wetlands Findings Report is not required for this project and is not included in this scope. 3.3 Traffic Control Plans AECOM will develop Traffic Control Plans that include traffic control notes for the final design submittal. The Traffic Control Plans will assume a complete roadway closure with at project location to include advance signing to clearly illustrate placement of traffic control devices for each phase. Note that signing and striping, traffic signals and pedestrian signal, and construction phasing are not included. 3.4 Structural Design Development 3.4.1 Structure Design Perform structural design calculations for the infrastructure requirements in accordance with CDOT Staff Bridge and AASHTO LRFD design criteria. Structure designs shall consider cast - in -place concrete structures that accommodate HL-93 design live loads that provide a load rating Page 5 Scope of Service Arthur Ditch CBC Replacement At Mountain Avenue factor greater than 1.0. Note that the submittal of a load rating design and/or package is not included. 3.4.2 Structure Plan Development Develop structural design plans that detail the proposed design requirements. Provide details to include proposed plan, elevation and typical section requirements, transition details from the proposed to the existing structure sections and partial structure removal plans. 3.4.3 Structure Plait Quantities Identify and compute the structure quantities required to construct the structural components and detail on the plans. 3.5 Project Specifications AECOM will provide special provisions for the project in accordance with the City of Fort Collins and CDOT requirements. This will consist of those unique Project Special Provisions which have to be written specifically for items, detail and procedures not adequately covered by City of Fort Collins or CDOT's Standard Specifications and Standard Special Provisions. Also, a list of the Standard Special Provisions which are applicable to the project will be prepared. The Project Special Provisions will be provided in CDOT format and submitted with the project plans. 3.6 Final Office Review (FOR) Engineer's Estimate AECOM will prepare an FOR estimate based on the SAQ. 3.7 Final Office Review QA/QC AECOM will check all submittals per our ISO certified QA/QC process. 3.8 Field Office Review Submittal AECOM will provide the plan review set to the City 2 weeks prior to the Final Design Review Meeting. The City will reproduce and distribute the plans as appropriate. It is anticipated that the following plan sheets will be prepared for the Final Design and Project Advertisement Submittals: • Title Sheet • Standard Plans List • General Notes • Typical Sections • Summary of Approximate Quantities • Tabulation of Removals and Surfacing • Tabulation of Curb. Gutter & Sidewalk • Removal & Reset Plan • Roadway Plans • Roadway Profiles • Intersection Details (2 sheets) • Grading Plans • Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) (4 sheets) • Structure General Information • Structure Layout • Structural Typical Section and Details (2 sheets) • Structure Removal Plan Page 6 Scope of Service Arthur Ditch CBC Replacement At Mountain Avenue Transition Details (2 sheets) Traffic Control Plan 3.9 Final Review Meeting. AECOM will meet with the City to review the final plan submittal and prepare a Review Comment and Sheet Resolution (RCSR) form to document the discussion. Detailed meeting minutes will not be prepared. Task 4 —Advertisement Plan Submittal After the FOR Plan Review Meeting, AECOM will incorporate final design review comments into the plans and submit the advertisement plan, specifications, and estimate package. The advertisement package will include everything submitted for the Final Design Review and will completely describe the work required to build the project including project special provisions and detailed quantities. 4.1 Advertisement Plan Submittal Following the FOR Meeting, AECOM will address all comments received and update the plans as appropriate. 4.2 Advertisement Specification Package The advertisement specifications package will include Project Special Provisions and a list of the Standard Special Provisions required to build the project and will address any comments received at the FOR Meeting. 4.3 Engineer's Estimate A final Engineer's Estimate will be prepared based on the final SOAQ. AECOM will prepare the bid tabulation based on the final SOAQ for the City to include in the contract documents. 4.4 Advertisement QA/QC AECOM will check all submittals per the companies ISO certified QA/QC process. Assumptions: • Utility design is not included, coordination only. • Bidding assistance and documents are not part of this scope. • Drainage report or analysis is not included. • The City will obtain any required permits for this project. • Preparation of CDPHE permit is not included. Additional Services: • Services After Design • Construction Management Page 7 Proposal for Arthur Ditch CBC Replacements City of Fort Collins - Mountain Avenue Date March 26, 2013 llrmm�ge & ,tirruclure Teak Dra�dnrbo. PM Roarhral• CADD Utility Mmrager Structure QA Manager I .Id..inislrntinre Anjcc! CA DD Prrjcc/ All r..bd tr..tirc E... p/ogee Claseifu is ion Manager F..rgineer l Drifter 11 Fngineer lO 6latiager Errginccr l Engineer // A.vsi,umf Sub Ta1a1 Sab Cast Notes Lewis 'Chuck Jena Ferguson Chris lisberg Dave Lindahl Xennerlp Gary Mail Sean Viosinel Chipman Megan Pearson S 165 $ 7,5 $ 85 $ 120 $ 165 $ 75 $ 85 $ 60 Tuck 1— Prryecr Coordination/Darn Callectian 1.1 ProjectrCixvdlnalionQ'rojecl Schedule/Mcoting,dG'ield Revimv 14 6 4 4 28 $ 3,660 1.2 Design S.i,evs, Mapping and Might-r f Wa.v 4 4 .Sun•ev coonlinnlian. 1.3 Willi Coordlnallo.r 4 4 16 24 $ 2,880 1.4 Euvuolm.ental hrve,vagalian Coordination 0 $ - Nal iucladed. 1.5 Rightw{f-Waa,(ROW),Sappori 4 6 12 $ 980 1.6 Genlech..wal I.. iagalian, Conrdimrdna 4 4 $ 660 Ganlech Caordh.linn Task 2— Preliminary Design 0 $ - 2.1 Roadway Dasign 16 60 3 79 $ 7,635 2.2 ,Strucnrre Design 2 4 26 32 $ 2,760 2.3 l'rc•linrinnry Plans 80 80 $ 6,800 2.4 Floodplain Design Coordination, City of FI Collins, 0 $ - 2.5 Xvdrmdic Desip, 4 4 8 12 3 3 34 $ 3,800 2.6 Prelinunary Review Meeting 4 3 4 11 $ 1,395 2.7 Arthra Ditch Svbmlltal, Comment Review 4 3 3 2 12 $ 1,500 Tusk 3 —90% (FIR/FOR) Design Plans 3.1 Roadway Islas, 3.1.1 Rentmal,01stevel Plan 8 4 12 $ 940 3, /2 Rrwdwgm v Plans ar Profle.s 2 28 18 48 $ 3,960 3.1.3 /ntersection Details 8 4 12 $ 940 3.2 Grading Plan, 0 $ - 3.2.1 Grading Plans 16 8 24 $ 1,880 3.22 Storm WalerMa iagenrm.t l'laii (,SWMP) 24 24 Is 2,880 3.23 7'rnsion Cnnunl Plan 16 16 $ 1,920 3.3 Traffe flares 8 4 12 $ 940 3.4 Structural Deml sa Development 0 $ - 3.4.1 Structure Design 2 32 34 $ 2,730 3.4.2 Slnicnnel'lan Development 60 2 12 74 $ 6,330 3.4.3 Stracnae Plan Qumrli6ev 6 6 $ 45C 3.5 Pioject,Speclpcallan, 8 4 12 $ 1,980 3.6 Final Office Res iew(FOR) linghieer's 1,stimale 2 8 2 6 18 $ 1,710 3.7 Final oJlee Review QA/QC 4 2 8 14 $ 1,670 3.8 /•mar Office Review Suennual 4 4 4 2 2 16 $ 1,780 3.9 Fii llkview Meeting 8 8 2 4 22 $ 2,490 Tusk 4—Advertisament Plan Submittal 4./ Fina7Tlan Revinv Suhmiuo7 16 16 10 42 $ 3,310 4.2 Adveraisernent Speclf.cationl'ackage 4 4 8 $ 1,320 4.3 Engineer1, Li,dnmte 4 4 2 10 $ 1,290 4.4 Advertisement QA/QC 2 4 6 $ 670