HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSIGHT DIRECT USA INC - CONTRACT - AGREEMENT MISC - INSIGHT DIRECT USA INC•:~flffl~r ~1 Note Enter the applicable active numbers associated with the documents below Microsoft requires the associated active number be Indicated here, or listed below as new. This signature fowi and all contract documents identified in the table below are entered into between the Customer and the Microsoft Affiliate signing as of the effective date identified below I~7flfl~ThI)LeJ.jIit’ij4i1 <Choose Agreement> I <ChooseAgreement> I <Choose Agreement> <Choose Agreement> ~fl*h. _____________________ <Choose AgreementWJS~* ‘~L4’ , _________________________________________ Select Plus Affihiate’l3~tr~fl6&Formv’ £‘ ~r*QO-O49fl~ <Choose En~oljr?fentIRegi~tratTon> a ~, <Choose EnràllmentlRegistrajion> ~ , ~$f#~ <Choose Enrollment/Registration> % ;?~Vp~’ ~ <Choose EnrollmentlRegistration> ~~ ~. .~ ~ ... .. . ••:4~:.~, ~ ~ E By~$~’g below Customer and the Microsoft Affiliate agree that both parties (1~ have received, r~ad and understand ihe above contract documents, including any websites or documents incorporated4 by reference and any amendments and (2) agree to be bound by the terms of all such documents. indicates required field Microsoft Vàlume Licensing Program Signature Form MBNMDSA number I Agreement number 6370469 Customer Name of Entity (mu . legal entity name) City of Fort ilins Slgnature* — Printed First and LaJt~ame Js4;’,ES cdO42t’_c Printed TItIV t~’~”,ci.t~t0~ c-t~ ~ (~ d41+SZEI?L) L~ Signature Date 3/ -~ c/i ~ Tax ID ~ Prog rarnSignFom,(MSS19n)(NA,LatAm)EXBRA,ML1(ENG)(0ct2012) Page 1 or3 Microsoft Licensing, GP Signature Printed First and Last Name Printed r~u. Signature Date (date Microsoft Affiflate counteislgns) Effective Date flay be different than Microsotts signature date) ~~osoftLcen;ç. GP Rose Yturbide uy U orize on Microsoft Licensing, GP idicates required field t — 4.. if Customer requires physical media, additional contacts, include the appropriate form(s) with this signature form. After this signature form Is signed by the Customer, send it and the Contract Documents to Customer’s channel partner or Microsoft account manager, who must submit them to the following address. When the signature form is fully executed by Microsoft. Customer will receive a confirmation copy. Microsoft Ucensing, iW Dept 551, Volume Licensing 6100 Neil Road, Suite 210 Rena, Nevada 8951 1-1137 USA Optional 2~d Customer signature or Outsourcer signature (If applicable) Name of Entity (must be legal entity namer Customer Name of Entity (must be legal entity Slgnature - p nd Last Na,he* e S~T~atureDate* - - q or is reporting multiple previous Enrollments, Pmg ramSIgnro,m(MSSlgnXM&I.atAm)E~C5RA,MLl(ENGXOct2O12) Page 20(3 Prepared By Cindy Krogh ckrogh@Ins~ghtcom Prog ram n Fo Fm (MSSI9A) (NA. LaLAm)ExBRA.MLI(ENGXO~t2612) Page SofS — 6~ -- •~ Microsoft Volume Licensing Select Plus Affiliate Registration Form State and Local Rag bbatlon Type Rerb complete Agreement Number MIUDiQILO, Raeiert~i19IetS Quarif~dng Contmd Reseperlo complete Lead Affiliate Pubflocustomer Number (PCN) ReSe#erLD complete Md tional MThate Public Customer tter Q’CN) Roseliwmn complete Change Affiliate Annlversg ReSSIOUO complete By registering. Registered Affiliate accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms of the agreement and any applicable attachments (the “agreement’), and will be allowed to acquire Products in accordance with the Agreement Each Registered membershi - include So1~~Assuranöe with Select Plus Software Aséurènce 4 Qualifying systems Ucenses. The operating this pthgram are upgrade Licenses only. Full operating system Licenses are 7mm. If Customer selects the Windows Desktop Operating System Upgrade, airq~r~d.de~ktops rjwhioh the Customer runs the Windows Desktop~SystemUpgrademustbeItcethed.to run one of the qualifying operating systems identifiQd ,Wth~’PtbdUct Ust at httn:lk,ww.microekrJft.comllicencinsfc9atracts. Exdu~lofls ar~ new versions of Windows are released. ,. L!~øsMo use a third party to reimage the Windows Operating System Upgrade, l3egist.eted Affihi~ must ~fflty that it has ac~uired -qualifying dperating system licenses. See the ProdU~ Li~thr détalfr. - 1. Primary Contact Information. Registered Affiliate must identify an individual from Inside its organization to serve as the primary contact This contact is also an Online Administrator for the Volume LicensIng Service Center and may grant online access to others. Name of entity City of Fort Collins Contact name*: Fhst Heather Lest Baumgartrier Contact email address hbaumgartner©fcgov.com Street address 215 North Mason Street City Fort Collins State* CO Postal code 805244402 Countly* US Phone 970-221-6332 Lead Affiliate 0 MdltionalAfflflate 6370469 83P6003F 9>~ January if Registered Affiliate registers as an Additional Affiliate, Registered Affiliate is an eligible entity of the Lead Affiliate identified above. ~ This registration is valid when accepted by Microsoft and receive an acceptance notification confirming the effective to accept a registration W there is a business registration for any reason ~4iL~0 days terminate the to represents that the Additional Affiliate will Tax ID * indicates required fields 2.. Notices and online administrator. This individual receives contractual notices. They are also the online Administrator for the Volume Licensing Service Center and may grant online access toothers. Same as primary contact Name of entity* Contact name First Last Contact email address’ Street address City’ State Postal code’ Country Phone’ o This contact isa third party (not the Registered identifiable information of the Registered Affiliate ‘indicates required fields 5. Reseller cor~Sny w. nam street addres’s (PD City’ Tempe State AZ Postal code’ 85283 country’ us \. .. ., contact name’ S ai~€ótifradt Support, - ~ñtackds1Wi address* contractsupportt~insighLcom f~?I&(es p.S:;. ‘~• TheiindSraigh’ed ô’ohfirm~-that tile informationi5 correct ‘indicates ~‘equithd fields Changing a Reseller. If Microsoft or Reseller chooses to discontinue doing business with one another, RegIstered Affiliate must choose a replacement Reseller, If Registered Affiliate or Resellers intends to terminate their relationship, the initiating party it must notify Microsoft and the oTher party, using a form provided by Microsoft at least 90 days prior to the date on which the change is totake effect. Affiliate). Warnh 3. Language pi - Select the language fort contact receives personally —. -F 1:’’ 5.. r - _— ‘] —I. •. Name of Reseller Insight Direct USA, Inc (61548062) SIgnature’ ~~.1&*t,t7 Printed name’ Kevin Osterrnan Printed titl * Director - Sale Operations Date’ ~3Jzi I Z-c’L3 -________________ SeioctPius2Ol 2ARPGoV(US)SLG(ENG)(0ct2012) Page 2 of 3 Document X20,04921 6. Supplemental contacts. Customer’s Notices Oontact iderftified, above is the default contact for administrative and other communications However, Customer may designate additional contacts using the Supplemental Contact information form. 7. Software Assurance Membership Election. Each Registered Affiliate may qualify for and receive additional benefits with Software Assurance membership By electing Software Assurance membership below Registered Affiliate is commftting for a minimum period of one year to include Software Assurance with every eligible Order, and to maintain Software Assurance for all copies of Products licensed under this program for at least one Product pool SeIectP[us2O12ARFGov~US)SLG(ENG)(Oct2OI2) Page3of3 ~owiientX2O-O4921 Microsoft Vp turne Licensing Previous Enrollment(s)/Agreement(s) Form Please provide a description of the previous Enrollment(s). Agreement(s) andior Affiliate Registration(s) being renewed or consolidated into the new contract identified above. a. Entity may select below any previous contract(s) from which to transfer MSDN subscribers to this new contract Entity shall ensure that each MSDN subscriber transferred Is either properly licensed under the new contract or is removed. b. Entity may select below only one previous conflot from which to transfer the Software Assurance (BA) Oenefit details, i.e., benefits contact (not the BA manager) and the program codes, to this new contract. c. An Open LIcen~ cannot be used to transfer eitñW.tl4?Ø~i Benefit subscribers. r.~ 1’~: ;‘ d. The date of the earliest expiring EnroNLv~nt~:: Services will be thj~tfective date of fr~&’onI/4.i Plus). . ~ . o Please ~tl~ bmoer~ and r it’d Enro”merit4~9ree9ent wit~S41.~oi - 4lservicesiir ~ ‘DL ,. ‘c~d. ~ .-~ .——— — — ., ——~..~Jt ~ s Q p ~ r •~4L.,. ~ ‘ifr . . -LI_p u- p U~ ~ p LI P 0~ p ~ p p Zn— — p ~El— LI ci— -D p El p Entity Name: City of Fort Colliná Contract that this form is attached to: Select Plus Affiliate Registation details or MSDN -SA or Online 1¼1 for Select Seiect Enrollnefit~, 7334361 PrevErrAgrForm~N)~NGflJuI2Ol I) Page 1 ot2 -o Ca I I II t%~~ 0 N C 1~) 2: C may refuse this will to the $e4ectPIus2Ol2ARFGov(US)SLG(ENG)(0Ct2012) Pa9el ofs Document X20-04921