Description of BID 7275: Computerized Maintenance Mgmt. System
OPENING DATE: 2:00 PM (Our Clock) November 23, 2011
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described
above, the following changes/additions are hereby made and detailed in the following
sections of this addendum:
1. Phone and Tablet Functionality:
CMMS shall display, at a minimum, the following information on a tablet:
• Work orders and ability to closed completed work orders
• Job instructions if necessary
• GIS-based maps for assigned work orders
• Asset attributes (size, age, material type, last inspection date, etc.)
• Ability to update asset attributes
• Route for work
• Order of priority of assignment
• Inventory needed to do the assigned work
If applicable, CMMS shall display on a phone:
• Number of open work orders
• Estimated time to clear backlog
• Number of completed work orders
• Hours logged on completed work orders
2. Closed circuit television data capture for wastewater mains
There is currently no separate program that captures condition information for
wastewater mains via CCTV. A system called Granite XP that is produced by the
Cues Company, http://www.cuesinc.com/Granite-XP.html, is currently being
considered for capturing wastewater main CCTV information, but it is not certain
that this system will be purchased. If purchased, it will not be in place prior to
procurement of a CMMS but may be in place prior to the wastewater collection
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
system being brought online in the CMMS implementation schedule. Once the
application is purchased, integration with the CMMS would be expected.
3. CMMS information on handheld devices shall be encrypted.
Data kept within the CMMS on laptops shall be encrypted to protect Utilities
customers’ personally identifying information. Additionally, information around
critical infrastructure shall be encrypted from the general public so as to keep this
information private. Each vendor shall propose their solution, if one is available,
for encrypting this information on mobile devices of all kinds – laptops, tablets,
and phones.
4. Exhibit C – Replace the materials in Exhibit C in the original RFP with the
materials in the attached Exhibit. Disregard all sheets in the original Exhibit C
that were labeled “Financial, Strategic, and Risk-Based Requirements.”
Please contact Opal Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer, Buyer at (970) 221-6779 with any
questions regarding this addendum.
System Requirements
# Title The system shall provide the ability to … Vendor Response Comments
Select one of the following responses:
WM1 Manage the routing, escalation and approval of work requests and work orders
The system must be able to electronically route work orders to the appropriate person(s)
for approval. The system must also have the ability to escalate a WO based upon pre-
determined parameters.
WM2 Enable user classification of work orders (such as proactive and reactive- PM and
The system must have the ability to differentiate between Proactive and Reactive work
WM3 Associate work orders with an asset, facility or asset component In the lab, many assets have multiple parts. The system must be able to assign work
orders to a specific part as well as the asset, and asset parent (facility)
WM4 Manage a work order that relates to a group of assets, location or function (e.g.
valve exercising)
allow one work order to apply to many identical activities. Valve exercising or hydrant
flushing are examples where you don’t want to create a WO for each hydrant that needs
to be flushed. The system must allow the one WO to cover all these identical activities.
WM5 Include/Manage template work orders (that have work and safety steps,
inspection checklists and standard operating procedures)
To more efficiently perform the work order, include the steps, safety precautions, and
inspection checklists to have all essential information listed on the WO.
WM6 Provide the ability to have parent and child work orders (associate work orders) If a person is out in the field to perform a work order and notices an issue with the same
of another asset, they need to be able to create a work order and tie it to the original.
WM7 Provide high visibility (alert) safety notifications - both asset/location/work order
For a situation such as confined space, or high voltage, the work order needs to have a
highly visible alert to let the field technician know what they are facing while performing
the WO.
WM8 Manage work permits (such as confined space and hot work) Incl.Tailboard
The system must be able to link permits to a work order to assure the proper permit is in
place to allow the work to be performed.
WM9 Manage material handling safety requirements (e.g. material safety data sheets
Associate the proper MSDS with the assets to give the technician the proper knowledge
in handling whatever might arise.
WM10 Manage reactive maintenance work orders and related asset failure information
Allow the user to view reactive maintenance work orders and see which assets the
reactive work orders are against. The goal is to see which assets cause the most
reactive work orders and cost the most money to maintain.
WM11 Ability to associate documents & images to work orders & work order templates The documents don’t need to reside in the CMMS, but the work order needs to have
specific documents and images associated.
WM12 Avoid duplicate work order numbers (offline) When the system is run offline (typically by the field crew) and a WO is entered, the WO
numbers must remain unique.
Allow for information to be added to a "closed" work order in the case where the
work in not all done at once (road repair not done until spring) Add as script
Provided through a future release
Not available
Core Functionality Scoring
Work Management
System Requirements
# Title The system shall provide the ability to … Vendor Response Comments
Core Functionality Scoring
Proposers shall respond to each Requirement, noting all versions, releases, patches, and certification dates, where applicable. Any product version upgrades, additional software,
WM14 Dropdown lists must be dynamic - constrain the options to only those applicable -
the first choice limits the second
This is an interface component where only valid dropdown choices are available to the
user. The typical example of this is if you choose a state, the next dropdown list shows
only the cities in that state.
WM15 Ability to query work by area and function
In the plant we heard that often times work is divided into area or function. The system
must contain the proper metadata to allow all work orders in a certain area or function to
be filtered out.
WM16 Associate a Bill of Materials to the WO The system must have the ability to show a list of all materials needed to perform the
work and the cost of each part
WM17 Track water quality complaints - would tie to access Fort Collins. Service request
would be entered and may become a work request/work order
The system must have the ability to convert a service request into a work order through
an automated workflow
WM18 Mapping that tracks real time location - GPS in trucks (NOT for tracking truck
location or logging)
The mapping system must show the current location of the truck on the map and as the
person drives the truck, they can always see on the map where they are.
WM19 GPS for tracking vehicle location The ability for the vehicle location, speed, and other key components to be tracked
WM20 Send automatic alerts for assigned and overdue work - for certain types of work The system needs to be able to send alerts when certain types of work is not done
within the pre-determined time period.
WM21 Executives and managers can sign up for alerts on certain critical assets
If there is a certain customer or asset that is very key to the organization and an
executive would like to be notified of any disruption in service or asset malfunction, the
system must allow the executive to set up and alert where an email or txt message is
sent upon the alert being triggered.
WM22 allow individuals to set notification preferences
Allow users to decide if alerts will be sent upon occurrence, once a day, once a week,
once a month, etc… this is to ensure that people are not bombarded with unwanted
emails thus reducing their effectiveness.
WM23 Manage work orders against the same asset - determine if they are duplicate When a work order is assigned against an asset, the system must be able to pull up all
WOs against the asset to allow the user to determine if the WO is a duplicate.
WM24 Comment (Text) fields must be searchable The system must full text index all fields in the system and allow them to be searchable
WM25 Quickly find and view last WO for an asset The system must allow for quick discovery and display of the last WO against an asset.
The reason is to allow an operator to quickly see the last time work was performed.
WM26 Allow a user to easily create and complete a work order AFTER the work is
If a person is out in the field to perform a work order and notices an issue with the same
of another asset, they need to be able to create a work order and tie it to the original.
They also must be able to enter the WO and since it's already complete, they must be
able to close it without routing the WO through the approval chain.
WM27 Ability to find an asset in the CMMS system with a URL The ability to get to an asset with a URL would help in integration of disparate systems
WM28 Ability to automatically rotate PMs amongst staff
In cases where preventative maintenance work is constantly rotated to give all
employees cross training, the system must have the ability to perform the work rotation
WM29 Ability to assign and re-assign work orders If a WO has been assigned, but the assignment must be changed, the system must all
this to happen
WM30 Ability to read/write/edit and asset and a WO with the computer in a disconnected
mode (offline usage of the system)
The FCU field crews do not have connectivity, but they require use of the CMMS in the
field. The system must be able to operate in the field in an offline mode while still
allowing read/write/edit capabilities.
WM31 Must store a capital project number on a WO Many work orders are tied to capital work. System must have the ability to store the
System Requirements
# Title The system shall provide the ability to … Vendor Response Comments
Core Functionality Scoring
Proposers WM34 Creation shall respond of a work to order each from Requirement, another system noting all versions, releases, patches, and certification E.G. Using web dates, services
where applicable. Any product version upgrades, additional software,
GIS1 Ability to view ESRI powered GIS maps within the CMMS The CMMS must have an integration mechanism such that the ESRI GIS maps can be
viewed from within the CMMS allowing users to interact with the maps.
GIS2 Ability to search for an asset from the map interface Ability to search for an asset or location from the map interface. "Fuzzy" search is
GIS3 Ability to zoom, pan and center the map at a specific location
GIS4 Ability to perform electric and water tracing from the CMMS mapping interface E.G. Showing customers affected by outage, associating customers to a work order.
GIS5 Offline map viewing
GIS6 Offline map editing
GIS7 Offline map tracing
GIS8 Ability to view asset information from the map interface
GIS9 Ability to view work orders from the map interface
GIS10 Ability to edit spatial information from the map interface
GIS11 Ability to edit asset information from the map interface Using Role-Based Permissions (not all users can edit)
GIS12 Ability to "redline" the map
GIS13 Supports Offline Maps on Mobile Devices
GIS14 Ability to quickly turn on and off many background layers
GIS15 Ability to quickly turn on and off the various Utility layers
GIS16 Ability to select a standard “theme” of layers commonly used by Electric, Water,
GIS17 Ability to search for an asset on the map by street intersections:
GIS18 Ability to search for an asset on the map by address
GIS19 Identify Electric circuit number
GIS20 Ability to view multiple types of information related to an asset from the map e.g. CCTV, WO, Work history, asset attributes
GIS21 Ability to show thematic maps based upon asset information E.G. By Asset condition, material, criticality
GIS22 Ability to show thematic maps based upon work orders E.G. By Work Type, Crew, failure mode
GIS23 Measure linear distances
GIS24 Measure areas of a user entered polygon.
GIS25 Ability to print a map with assets/work orders indicated
GIS26 Ability to keep maps on field devices up to date taking into consideration various
schedules of field workers.
PM1 Manage labor groups and technicians and their availability (Resource level tasks) Help to resource balance work loads
PM2 Manage the recording of technician labor hours Allow for hours to be recorded against work orders
PM3 Manage craft / certification requirements per work type "Annual demonstration of capabilities"
PM4 CMMS has access to accurate labor rates Whether they are actual or labor rate "bands", there needs to labor rates in order to
support asset lifecycle cost tracking.
Personnel Management
System Requirements
# Title The system shall provide the ability to … Vendor Response Comments
Core Functionality Scoring
Proposers PM5 DOT shall License respond Tracking to each (expiration Requirement, dates) noting for operators all versions, releases, patches, and certification Added by L&dates, P Field
where applicable. Any product version upgrades, additional software,
PM6 Training and certification management (CPR & First Aid, trench safety, confined
space, EPA, FEMA, etc.) Added by L&P Field
PM7 Apprentice hours / skills tracking Added by L&P Field
PMM1 Automatically create proactive maintenance work orders (Requests) Automatically create a PM based upon a pre-established schedule
PMM2 Manage proactive asset maintenance work schedules based on usage, condition
and calendar
Allow PM work orders to be created based on multiple criteria. Many times PMs are
established solely on a calendar schedule, however the system must allow for PM tasks
to be established based upon the asset's condition or on amount of usage (running
cycles or whatever other metric is appropriate)
PMM3 Ability to mass update proactive maintenance work schedules based on a
selected group of assets
If there are multiple PM work orders that are accomplished as a group, allow the system
to close them out and a group and allocate cost equally across each asset.
PMM4 Route creation and maintenance (order and sequence) The system shall advise of the most efficient route to travel in accomplishing the PM
work orders.
PMM5 Manually create proactive maintenance work orders (Requests) Allow the user to manually create PMs
PMM6 Allocate a block of time against a group of similar assets - based on a PM The system should be able to take the time required to perform maintenance against a
block of assets and equally distribute that time across the assets.
PMM7 Ability to print out a map of the route. The computer generated route should be available to print in a readable format.
AM1 Manage the configuration information related to the City’s planned, installed and
de-commissioned assets (ownership, management responsibility, etc.) (Simplify) Storm water and fiber - commercial electric service
AM2 Manage asset hierarchy and locations The assets in the system must be a part of a customizable hierarchy
AM3 Manage assets and asset attributes including criticality (make sure you can add
custom attributes)
The system must have the ability to capture and store key asset attributes such as
criticality and then use those attributes in determining the PM work orders
AM4 Manage asset placement history within locations For assets that are not in a fixed place, need to track the history of where and when it
was used in other locations
AM5 Monitor asset condition and usage Regularly examine asset to determine condition. System must be able to retain the
condition and usage values
AM6 Manage asset failure modes When an asset fails, the reason (failure mode) must be captured
AM7 Manage work safety requirements per asset If an asset has specific safety requirements, they must be captured and recorded
against the asset.
AM9 Ability to associate documents & images to assets and asset groups The system should not be required to store documents and images in the system, but
should be able to associate documents and images to an asset and class of asset
AM10 Warranty Tracking For any and all assets with a warrantee, the warrantee dates much be recorded and the
expiration date managed.
AM11 Manage assets not owned by utility Certain assets (Fiber is a good example) are not owned by the utility, but are maintained
by the utility. Proper management of these assets is important
AM12 Need to include outside entities in the work order system to support work orders
against FCU assets
There are occasions where outside firms are brought in to perform work on FCU assets.
An example is roof work on the water plant.
AM13 Manage work performed by non-FCU City staff there are occasions where city staff (non-FCU) is brought in to perform work on FCU
assets. This work must be managed by the system
AM14 Track Reliability At the asset level, reliability must be tracked within the system
PM Management
Asset Management
System Requirements
# Title The system shall provide the ability to … Vendor Response Comments
Core Functionality Scoring
Proposers shall respond to each Requirement, noting all versions, releases, patches, and certification dates, where applicable. Any product version upgrades, additional software,
AM15 Track Availability At the asset level, availability (% of the time the asset is available for use) must be
tracked within the system
AM16 Must be able to handle replacement of a section of a pipe/asset - retain history
and deal with condition scoring
If a section of pipe is replaced, the one asset has now become 2 or 3 separate assets.
The details of all two/three assets must now be tracked.
AM17 Caution code - if the maintenance has a caution message, alert the user
AM18 Can associate an asset with multiple physical addresses - using a connectivity
tracing mechanism
AM19 Critical services - flag if the asset supplies a critical service such as a hospital,
medical equip. etc. designates services that must always be online
AM20 Project when assets will need to be replaced - automatically depreciate the asset
and account for inflation in the predicting the future replacement cost
Dwight's example of tracking his trucks on a sheet that predicts when the truck will need
to be replaced.
AM21 Set asset condition to "assumed" or "verified" depending upon the situation
When putting a scoring system in place, some asset will have their condition assumed
based upon a subset of inspections. As those asset are specifically examined, the
condition will be changed from assumed to verified. The system must have this
AM22 Asset Work History All history on an asset must be recorded and available for query
AM23 RFID (Radio Frequency Identifier) or other tagging for assets
The inventory and laboratory systems need a method for tracking inventory whether
chemicals or other materials. The CMMS must be able to incorporate the use of
tracking mechanisms
AM24 Maintenance Contract Tracking The system should have the capability of linking maintenance contracts to specified
AM25 Track Asset Priority
Asset priority is a calculated value taking into consideration asset condition and asset
criticality. The system should calculate this value and store it for capital investment
planning use.
AM26 Add a placeholder for a new asset in the system e.g. valve was located, but is not in the system. Add a placeholder to be completed
PUR1 Management of purchase requisitions
PUR2 Pull purchase order records from JDE and import into CMMS - Pull PO#, amount,
PUR3 Integrate with JDE to obtain up to date blanket purchase order balances
PUR4 Integrate with JDE to obtain vendor records
PUR5 Integrate with JDE to obtain invoice records
PUR6 Associate purchase requisitions, purchase orders and service agreements with
work orders
PUR7 The routing and approval of purchase requisitions
IM1 Manage storerooms and inventory The CMMS should have an inventory module
IM2 Manage materials re-ordering triggers The CMMS should be able to automatically create a materials re-order list based upon
an inventory threshold being reached.
IM3 Define material requirements within work orders and automatically debit inventory
when issued or when WOs is closed
The inventory module should be linked to work orders where a work order will
automatically debit the materials inventory database.
Purchasing Management
Inventory Management
System Requirements
# Title The system shall provide the ability to … Vendor Response Comments
Core Functionality Scoring
Proposers shall respond to each Requirement, noting all versions, releases, patches, and certification dates, where applicable. Any product version upgrades, additional software,
IM4 Manage material item master (official list of material items and their manufacturer,
model and specifications)
The inventory module should hold product specifications and not rely on manufacturer's
part numbers
IM5 Manage material issues, receipts and transfers including MSDS The inventory module should use MSDS to suggest proper handling of materials
IM6 Scanning or bar coding ability The inventory module would need to incorporate scanning or bar coding for easy
inventory tracking
IM7 Hold photo of each part type in the warehouse Each part type held in inventory must have an image of the part linked to the inventory
system for ease of part identification
IM8 Hold list of associated parts
Manage cable on a per reel level - can see how much is remaining on each reel -
weight per unit length and the tare weight of a reel - also by length (using the
sequential footage markers - both directions)
Reels of cable are stored in inventory and lengths of cable are used. It is important that
the amount of material remaining on the reel be managed.
IM10 Vendor list and specification - can update the specs so the part description is not
vendor dependent - e.g. per Fort Collins spec 369100
The inventory module should hold product specifications and not rely on manufacturer's
part numbers
IM11 Track per year costs on repairs
IM12 Track repairs on serialized assets in the warehouse Some serialized assets are "loaned" assets in that they go to the field and then return.
These assets although part of the warehouse, must be tracked
IM13 View up to date inventory levels including inventory reserved by work orders but
not picked up yet The inventory levels must be real time and on-line for viewing by users
IM14 Ability to mark materials as hazardous
IM15 Automatically update price db and track price history when a new price is entered
on a PO Keeps the most current price in the master list.
IM16 Automatic creation of a materials re-order list Based upon pre-established inventory thresholds, when an inventory threshold is
reached, create a purchase list.
IM17 Automatically update quantities when the ordered materials arrives
When the order arrives, the system should have a means of updating quantities whether
it be from scanning the invoice or another method, but the inventory should not have to
be entered manually.
IM18 Flexibility around distribution inventory accounting methods- e.g. First In First Out
(FIFO), LIFO, specific identification, and Weighted Average unit cost calculation.
Sometimes the FIFO method is best, but not all times. The system must allow certain
material types to specify a specific distribution approach.
IM19 Ability to handle long lead items - set a time period for receiving new inventory
and a typical usage rate
The system should be able to handle long lead items such that it informs the user of the
need to order those items where there will be no shortage.
IM20 Remote (Field Staff) order ability Remote staff must be able to place an order through the system
IM21 Support inventory expiration dates Managing the expiration of materials
IM22 Notification that inventory levels are insufficient for WO requirements Ability for the system to compare WO needs against available materials
IM23 Ability to track multiple locations for inventory Inventory will exist at the warehouse as well as at the plants. The system needs to
track inventory at all locations in a consolidated view.
IM24 Inventory counting cycles derived from unit cost and volume classifications Added by L&P Field
IM25 Return for credit processing against original work orders (particularly important for
transformers and unused portions of cable reels) Added by L&P Field
IM26 Post-transaction validation of issue documents against work order requirements
Added by L&P Field
IM27 Accounting of shipping and USPS postage expenditures against unique work
orders or account codes Added by L&P Field
Equipment Management
System Requirements
# Title The system shall provide the ability to … Vendor Response Comments
Core Functionality Scoring
Proposers shall respond to each Requirement, noting all versions, releases, patches, and certification dates, where applicable. Any product version upgrades, additional software,
EM1 Manage special tools/equipment including reservations, checkout, condition and
EM2 Manage special tools/equipment inspection schedules (Fall protection equipment,
AEDs, hotsticks, meters, rubber gloves, etc.)
EM3 Help determine costs to bill for rolling stock Use industry standard rates for rolling stock
EM4 Track dates when equipment status changed
EM5 Collect and report historical equipment calibration Allows the organization to see trending and determine if an asset is degrading.
EM6 Show historical equipment calibration specs as a graph Tracking calibration specs helps to identify equipment that is failing
EM7 Track equipment location
SR1 Report the status of customer service request and related work orders
SR2 The creation, routing and approval of service requests To replace trouble call system
SR3 Display copies of customer service requests imported from CIS
SR4 Creation of a service request from an email
SR5 Creation of a service request from another system E.G. Using web services
FDM1 View work order & asset on hand-held
FDM2 Collect asset information on hand-held
FDM3 Create new service request on hand-held
FDM4 Complete work order on hand-held
FDM5 Dock or sync hand-held at day's start/end
FDM6 Wireless connection to live CMMS
FM1 Vehicle Maintenance Tracking to store a subset of the full data set. Only the maintenance that is NOT done by fleet
FM2 Vehicle Location Tracking
REP1 Report full lifecycle costs per asset
REP2 Ad-Hoc Reporting Capabilities
REP3 Pre-Defined Reporting Capabilities
REP4 KPI / Dashboard Reporting
REP5 Export to Excel
REP6 Gantt chart or other visual view of all PMs
Field Data Management
Fleet Management
Service Requests
System Requirements
# Title The system shall provide the ability to … Vendor Response Comments
Core Functionality Scoring
Proposers shall respond to each Requirement, noting all versions, releases, patches, and certification dates, where applicable. Any product version upgrades, additional software,
Vendor Scoring Options
capital project number on the WO
WM32 When the work order is created, include the ability to capture required data for the
asset Brad's "flushing" example - collecting turbidity values every 15 minutes.
WM33 Creation of a work order from an email
Provided through a technical modification of the software product baseline
Provided through a technical modification of the software as a customization for the client
Third party software required
Provided through a reporting tool
Proposers shall respond to each Requirement, noting all versions, releases, patches, and certification dates, where applicable. Any product version upgrades, additional software,
or special hardware items noted must be included under the separate Pricing submittal, unless otherwise specified. Proposers must clearly indicate one (1) of the listed responses
to each requirement and provide comment to describe approach. Also indicate whether fulfillment of the requirement is included in the Cost Proposal.
For each requirement answer: Is the System Requirement supported by the EAM System?
Fully provided Out of the Box
Provided through Configuration