HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK ORDER - RFP - P1117 CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES FUTURE WATER WW SW FACILITIES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (38)Requisition Form r 5COO Vendor: Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. Today's Date: Ship To: Fort Collins, CO Date Required: Special Instructions: February 12, 2013 ASAP Requisition No.: Date Entered: Date Approved: Date Denied: 439,75 Item # Quantity Unit Description . Unit Price Total Charge Number 1 1 LS Engineering Services for 27" Waterline Improvements - Final Design and Construction Phase $53.146.00 $53.146.00 5026415012.3.521210 R uested By-. Dean Saye, Special acts agar e WOREtS%Fr WWr era tmm,cm. war n"q " ft and Field Services Operations Manager •. —. 0. "j Work Order Number: Purchase Order Number: Project Title: Commencement Date: Completion Date: Maximum Fee: Not to exceed Project Description: Scope of Services: PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. DATED:JULY 15,2008 27" WATER TRANSMISSION LINE IMPROVEMENTS — COTTON WILLOW ESTATES SUBDIVISION. LaPORTE - CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES October 2012 February 2013 $ 53 146.00 (See attached EXHIBIT B) (time and reimbursable direct costs) (See attached EXHIBIT A). (See attached EXHIBIT A). Professional agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Professional Services Agreement between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the Professional Services Agreement and this work order (including the attached fors) the Professional Services Agreement shall control. The attached fors consisting of EXHIBITS A and B, six (6) pages are hereby accepted and incorporated herein, by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given. Prof By: Title CITY OFF T COLL Approved By: Dean �0. Date: QZ� Reviewed By: _A Owen L. Date: 2 Manager Engineer Approved By: Jon Haukaas. Water Engineering and Field Services Operations Mgr. Date: Approved By: Brian Janonis, Utilities Executive Dir. (over $1,000,000) Date: Approved By: Date: James B. O'Neill Il, CPPO, FNIGP Dir. of Purchasing and Risk Management (over $60,000.00) Exhibit A City of Fort Collins Scope of Services for 27" WATER TRANSMISSION LINE IMPROVEMENTS COTTON WILLOW ESTATES SUBDIVISION, LaPORTE, COLORADO Final Design and Construction Phase Services I. Introduction This scope of services represents the final design and construction phase services associated with the City of Fort Collins 27" water transmission line project in LaPorte, Colorado. The scope is intended to accompany, and work in unison with, the project Fee Estimate. The Estimate, included as EXHIBIT B, is a spreadsheet representing an overview of the project with individual work tasks represented in rows and anticipated professional staff effort represented in columns. II. General The project involves final design and construction administration and observation tasks relative to rehabilitation of a section of the City's 27" pipeline in the LaPorte area north of Fort Collins. The existing 27" steel pipe has experienced leaks due to what appears to be external corrosion and has been temporarily repaired using techniques such as plugging the holes with wood stakes and metal plates. The location of the line through the back yards of a number of homes in the Cotton Willow Estates Subdivision makes access for repairs difficult and placed the homes at risk should a significant leak occur. Investigative services are presently being performed by Stantec with the City's and Gamey's assistance. The preferred method for rehabilitation of the pipe appears to be by lining the pipe with a HDPE liner. This method would be performed with a qualified installer in the capacity of a subcontractor to Garvey. Installation of the liner is anticipated to begin in December of 2012. V 5_ 7i lrimi c' I X7 I W! 7 inwiaganem;l•'ct m: nu:C1I MRIMOO INAI-P.:.ii ilia A-)wu aoc The remainder of this document describes our understanding of the scope of work. Several assumptions were made in developing the scope: • Work will occur in October. through January of 2013. • All project deliverables will be made available to the City in electronic as well as hard copy format. Electronic files will be prepared and formatted in current industry standard software including AutoCAD and Microsoft suite. The City of Fort Collins team will include: • Owen Randall as Chief Engineer, orandall(a)-fcgov.com ; and • Dean Saye as Special Projects Manager, dsave _fcgov.com . The Stantec team will include: • Don Silar as Project Manager, dsilar(cDstantec.com ; • Tanner Randall as Project Engineer, tanner.randall(a)stantec.com ; and • Jeromy Vigil - Surveyor,ymorei0_gmail.com . The Garvey team will include: • Jeff Moore - Project Manager, and • Gary Haas -Assistant Project Manager, ghaastMgarney.com . Scope of Services To meet the intent of these phases, we propose to perform the following tasks: I. FINAL DESIGN SERVICES Task LA - Meetings Up to four (4) design team project meetings with Garney and the City will be held to discuss and plan issues related to both the development of the construction documents and construction of the improvements. These meetings will also be used as a forum for discussion with other utility companies and impacted residents. 2. Up to two (2) on -site meetings with Garvey and the City will be held to look at pipe staging and launch pit sites. During this time the need, location, and size of temporary construction easements will be discussed. Task LB - Final Design Pap 2 of 5 The goal of this item of work is to prepare a set of Construction Documents outlining the scope of the construction required to install the pipeline and appurtenances. Stantec will prepare Construction Drawings showing: a. Cover sheet with vicinity map showing the locations of the various improvements, index to the individual sheets in the drawings, list of team members and contact info, and project title and date. b. Plan sheet showing the location of the existing 27" water line and appurtenances that are to be rehabilitated. C. Sheets with line stop details, valve and transition pipe and fittings, main line connection details, and service line (re)connection details. d. We anticipate five (5) sheets will be required to fully describe the extent of the work. Drawings will be distributed to City and Garney staff for review and final copies will be placed on a FTP site to distribution. 2. Special technical specifications sections (i.e. HDPE pipe and Sliplining) will be prepared. All other specifications will use Utilities' Capital Improvements standard specifications. 3. No easements are anticipated. II. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES Task ILA — Construction Administration Stantec will perform administration duties to schedule staff, prepare in-house cost tracking materials, review monthly billings for personnel and subconsultants, prepare status reports to accompany billing invoices, and other duties as required by the work. 2. We anticipate that no more than four (4) Progress Meetings will be required. All meetings will be attended by Stantec's Project Engineer. An Agenda and Minutes will be prepared by Stantec's Project Engineer and distributed to all project personnel (i.e. City, Garvey, and Stantec staff). File: V1526i-YiR.nk-01573'plmse;OR .FT-Exr,ir, t P.-Scopo-G60020'2 ioc Page 3 of 3. Shop Drawing submittals will be reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents. These are anticipated to include, pipe, fittings, couplings, line stop and butterfly valves, concrete mix, flo- fill, asphalt, and service line pipe and fittings. Task II. B — On -Site Services 1. On -site services up to the time of Substantial Completion of the Work: a. Stantec will supply part-time field observation of the work to compliment that done by City staff. Tasks performed by Stantec will include: - Observation of the work as it is performed. Conversations with Garvey regarding items that need clarification or revision. Recording daily observations and decisions and distributing these to the City and Stantec. This will take the form of written logs and photographs. Attend and participate in construction progress meetings. - Assist in preparation of agenda and minutes. b. Stantec's Project Manager and Project Engineer will perform duties to address items and issues raised by Garvey and City during construction of the work. C. Stantec's Surveyor will stake the location of the line stops, in -line valves, launch and receiving pits, and corners of all temporary construction easements. 2. Stantec will contract directly with a Brierley Associates to conduct soil tests including preparing proctors, performing on -site compaction tests, and preparing reports summarizing the results of the tests. Stantec will coordinate with the firm to outline the criteria required for this project. Garvey will be responsible for scheduling Brierley and will coordinate with Stantec's RPR. 3. Stantec will contract directly with a Brierley Associates to conduct concrete tests including preparing cylinders, performing on -site slump tests, and preparing reports summarizing the results of the tests. Stantec will coordinate with the firm to outline the criteria required for this project. Garvey will be responsible for scheduling the firm and will coordinate with Stantec's RPR. 4. . On -site services after Substantial Completion of the Work: File 'VF,2c75i!asivei1ph27.esIDRAF-i-ExhibitP.-Sc=o-C3062012.dec Page 4 of i a. Stantec will make occasional site visits to observe completion of the work. b. Stantec will conduct a job walk-through with City staff and Garvey personnel, and assist in the preparation of a "punchlist". In addition, prepare recommendations for Substantial Completion, final job acceptance and final payment to Garvey. 5. Upon completion of the punchlist, Stantec will conduct a final walk- through with City and Garvey staff. Task II.0 — Drawings of Record 1. Stantec will collect and review "as -constructed" information supplied by Garvey and the City. This information will be supplemented with information recorded by Stantec's RPR during construction of the improvements. 2. Stantec's Surveyor will field survey the centerline of all new valve boxes/vaults and any service line appurtenances installed as part of the work. Field data will be reducedso coordinates and elevations can be placed on the Record Drawings. 3. Stantec will consolidate the record information into a form that can be placed on the Construction Drawings. This amended information will show modifications made during construction and will be noted by clouding the information and recording on each drawing sheet the date the sheet was modified and by whom. Upon completion and review of these drawings by the City and Garney, Stantec will forward copies to the City in electronic form and as hard copies. Exhibit B indicates the proposed number and size of these documents. 4. Stantec will record all construction photographs taken by Stantec's RPR onto DVDs and distribute to the City and Garvey. M. FEE ESTIMATE Exhibit B, as attached, summarizes the staff hours and individual hourly rates, sub -consultant fee estimates, and expenses believed to be necessary to accomplish the scope of services outlined above. END OF EXHIBIT A File. V W&iSiiICIJ e?18?-1IC ^.nvazremenllagreamC` !/CO`5UUC11Qn phosec/ORAFT•Eziiad k-Scope-0805201e doc Nae 5 of 5 EXHIBIT B 27" WATER TRANSMISSION LINE IMPROVEMENTS - COTTON WILLOW ESTATES, LaPORTE, COLORADO N;ll Cnav T,!, 3ult 7 rAS!: 10TAL PHASE PHASE TOTAL l.v' C,tn. SUBTOTALS FINAL DESIGN SERVICES Task I.A 12 12 $ 277 $ -2 - 6 6 4 s 171 5 05 1 2:34 is 10 u 0 0 4 fRll I A .1ah $ p""M S 114 $ 1,534 1 4 4 1 16 S 177 $ 2.389 1 8 48 S 628 5 8,484 2 4 $ 64 $ ess 2 — Tmhn at W01=11011 surv' 2 12 is $ 265 $ 3,573 - 16 5 -77J:::::Tft CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES Task 11A Administration 113 $ 1.521 8 P'c"... meau't $ $ 103 S 1464 kw� Mar N. b 12 2 is S 244 72 $ 076 M ",as shop U1.9 R�t.. 2 8 S -9-17r 162 6 2,186 5 6.3 Task 11.8 to On-SiSOMICOS I s ws.ftwd,ac. cimv,.ft S I 579 S 7,811 64 , I I- I . t ; - 1 3 113 S 1.521 8. 1 5 145 S 1,953 is I $ 100 S 2 3 1'.foo $ 32 .1,352 S 1.534 I s 1.100 3 32 5 1.534 2 $ $ vwii�ww' utau.pal cpwj-r'. $ 72 S 976 3 92 $ 1.248 -S— Pula wmp•Owowpn 4 4 Z200 5 7.029 Took II.0 Drawings of 9000rd $ 40 S 659 1 2 .4 8 S 100 S 1,352 4 1 r $ 227 $ 3.067 3 . - 2 L...d $ Or.T,! 0 RaWl W f. Sllfflat_ —4- S 63 1 5 849 OWN 4 4 SUbWQI:- 10 1 0 0 0 36 -- 406 I «Taul UaLho.u18_ 04 4 88 wfal coon per mbar efiltywy, xub•camw& a aspansev .0 �3.052 S 2.204 S 8,712 1S f S 1 3,800 f 2 00 f 3.774 YoUl Cmt,," 1 f 63.1;6 tqN DgS. 029 1 0.00 1 a 1.80 1 CAO 1 0.00 1 0 ." NAD 4.63 ---S 5 3 ------ CoNsIrRucnom loft-Waks; 1 0.08 1 3.55 0.40 94w c,"'. d~