HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK ORDER - RFP - 7392 CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN DRAFTING & SURVEY SERVICES ON-CALLEXHIBIT "A" WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND AECOM Dated: 7/15/2012 Work Order Number: Purchase Order Number: cic-�&&35 Project Title: Fossil Creek Trail Underpass @ B.N.S.F. Railroad Design_ Commencement Date: 1/1612013 Completion Date: 111612014 Maximum Fee: $66,141.00 Project Description: Work shall primarily include project development from conceptual options through a preliminary design set including estimation of cost. It shall include sheparding the project through the PUC/BNSF Scope of Services: See attached pages of scope for details J f Acceptance P It Planni & D elopment User Service Provider agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Services Agreement between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the Services Agreement and this work order (including the attached forms) the Services Agreement shall control. Service Provider 8: Date: ! CC: Purchasing The attached forms consisting of eight u pages are hereby accepted and incorporated herein by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given. City o Fort Collins By:",?" Date: 1 1 2 f 3 Director of Purchasing and Risk Management if over $60,000 City of Fort Collins, Colorado Park Planning and Development Fossil Creek Trial Underpass At BNSF RR Preliminary Design Scope of Services January 8, 2013 Fossil Creek Trial Underpass At BNSF RR Design Preliminary Design Scope of Services January 8, 2013 Page 2 IIiy7Z•Il�L�3iPIi' The City of Fort Collins Park Planning and Development Department Is planning a trail connectivity project to finalize the connection of the existing Fossil Creek Trail. Planned improvements extend west to east from the Fossil Creek Parkway/Pleasant Hill Court Intersection to the trail underpass location at College Avenue. As part of our On -Call Engineering Services Contract, AECOM will support the City with this effort by developing design drawings and construction documents for the construction of a trail underpass beneath the BNSF Railroad. This task order will focus on the development of several conceptual layout and structure type alternative concluding with a conceptual submittal to the BNSF RR. It is assumed this effort will occur over a two to three month timeframe. A. PROJECT INITIATION AND CONTINUING REQUIREMENTS Kick Off Meeting. The team will conduct a project kick-off meeting to confirm the project scope, funding, schedule and deliverables. This meeting will be held at the City of Fort Collins Offices and will include city representatives from Park Planning & Development, Engineering, Survey/ROW and Floodplain Management. 2. Initial Local Agency/Key Stakeholder Coordination. AECOM will identify and confirm the local agency and key stakeholders to integrate their coordination requirements in preparation of the project submittals. This effort will Include a kick-off teleconference meeting with BNSF RR to introduce the project and discuss project schedule and expectation. 3. Project Scheduling. AECOM will develop and maintain a project schedule (in Microsoft Excel format) and assign tasks that detail the project milestones and completion dates. This schedule will be updated monthly and submitted to Fort Collins accordingly. 4. Progress Meetings. Fort Collins and the AECOM Project Team will meet periodically as required (typically at two -week intervals). A total of 4 progress meetings are included in this task order. These progress meetings will be used to coordinate and track the work effort and resolve problems. Half of the project meetings will be held via Teleconference and/or WebEx with the others occurring at the City of Fort Collins Offices and will review the following: • Activities required to be completed since the last meeting • Problems encountered and effectiveness of previous meeting. • Late activities • Activities required to be completed by the next meeting. • Solutions proposed for unresolved and anticipated issues. • Information or items required from other agencies The consultant will maintain an active action item list of activities that will become a rolling agenda for this meeting that is updated at each progress meeting. This agenda will assign responsible party and deadlines for any action items identified. The rolling agenda will serve as the meeting minutes that will be continually updated at the conclusion of each progress meeting and distributed to the team as appropriate. Fossil Creek Trial Underpass At BNSF RR Design Preliminary Design Scope of Services January 8, 2013 Page 3 5. Project Management. AECOM will coordinate the work tasks being accomplished by the entire AECOM Project Team to ensure project work completion stages are on schedule. Project staffing and assigning of tasks, scheduling and invoicing are included within this task. B. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 1. GIS Data Collection. AECOM will meet with City of Fort Collins Staff to obtain all relevant GIS project design information (i.e. aerial topography, contour elevations, right-of-way, floodplain hydraulics, environmental and utility) at the project location. This data will be used as part of our conceptual design alternative analysis efforts. 2. Conceptual Undercrossing Layout and Development. As part of our conceptual design efforts, AECOM will perform the following: a. Design Criteria Development. Review the City of Fort Collin's Trail Design Guidelines to develop project specific trail design requirements for the Fossil Creek trail. Confirm profile grade, vertical and horizontal clearances and desired trail sight distances. b. Location Study. AECOM will investigate two proposed undercrossing locations for the trail connection. GIS design data will be used to confirm the existing topography in order to establish conceptual trail horizontal and vertical alignments. We will confirm the project site constraints (ROW, floodplain, topography, etc.) to identify and quantify design impacts associated with ROW, utility, embankment and structural requirements. c. Conceptual Structure Design. Develop design criteria and conceptual structural design solutions for three structure type alternatives including: concrete box culvert; bridge structure and tunneled concrete section. Design efforts will confirm material section requirements, identify project site constraints, constructability concerns and compute select quantity and cost requirements for each alternative. 3. Alternative Analysis and Evaluation. Develop evaluation criteria for the conceptual undercrossing locations and review the location study and conceptual structure designs. As part of this effort, we will prepare a decision matrix that will conclude with a preferred alternative. Including as part of this evaluation will be a "trade off' matrix for each alternative for screening and decision making. Summary will include conceptual costs, ROW, utility and floodplain hydraulic Impacts, and schedule and phasing considerations. 4. Conceptual Design Report. AECOM will summarize our findings from the data collection, conceptual undercrossing design and alternative evaluation efforts into a conceptual design report. This task includes a review meeting with the City of Fort Collins and select stakeholders to discuss review comments and gain early consensus as to the required report revisions. Fossil Creek Trial Underpass At BNSF RR Design Preliminary Design Scope of Services January 8, 2013 Page 4 5. BNSF RR (Conceptual) Underpass Structure Submittal. Prepare and submit the Conceptual Railroad submittal in accordance with the most current BNSF/UPRR Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects. 6. Public Utilities Commission Submittal. Work with the City of Fort Collins to submit a PUC application for the pedestrian trail underpass at BNSF RR crossing location. Coordination with City of Fort Collins and PUC staff will be required. C. PRELIMINARY DESIGN InRoads Software and MicroStation CAD Software will be used in the development of the preliminary design. CAD files and digital surfaces will be cross compatible with AutoCAD 2007 or later in order to integrate with the City of Fort Collins adjacent projects. As part of this preliminary design, AECOM will perform the following activities: 1. Design Review. AECOM will meet with City of Fort Collins Staff to confirm the results of the Project Development Phase. Preliminary design efforts will proceed with the City of Fort Collin's approval of the conceptual design. 2. Design Survey Coordination. AECOM will prepare survey request documentation for the City of Fort Collin's survey staff as required for this project. We anticipate that a complete design survey with topographic, utility and right-of-way information within the project limits will be required in order to complete the preliminary design efforts. Design survey will also be required within BNSF's right-of-way in order to confirm grades and track profiles. Electronic CAD design survey information will be provided to AECOM based upon an approved project horizontal/vertical coordinate system. Note that all project design survey activities will be provided by the City of Fort Collins including: pre -survey conference, survey data research, secure rights of entry, project control survey, land survey/boundary survey, TMOSS survey, terrain survey and utility survey tasks as required. 3. Geotechnical Subsurface Investigation. AECOM will coordinate with the City of Fort Collins' geotechnical consultant as required to perform a subsurface soils investigation and develop a foundation recommendations report. This effort will require coordination to communicate access entry requirements, initiate field borings at the project site based upon the preferred undercrossing location and provide proposed design conditions to finalize the geotechnical report. 4. Civil (Trail/Drainage) Coordination and Grading Design. AECOM will coordinate with City of Fort Collins discipline task leads for the trail alignment and hydraulic design activities as they Impact our preliminary design efforts. We anticipate at least two (2) design meetings will be required to confirm the preferred undercrossing design efforts. AECOM will develop a design surface and prepare a preliminary trail alignment and grading plan to identify the right-of-way requirements and confirm the project limits. Fossil Creek Trial Underpass At BNSF RR Design Preliminary Design Scope of Services January 8, 2013 Page 5 5.. Structure Design. AECOM will prepare a Site -Specific Structure Type Study Report for the Fossil Creek Underpass. The bridge location, as identified in the Project Development, will be used as the basis of design. Further coordination with City of Fort Collins Structural Reviewer will be accomplished to completely define the structure type and configuration requirements. Structural Data Collection. AECOM will collect and evaluate the following project information from City of Fort Collins as required to complete the preliminary design. (1) Review the structure site data. The following data, as applicable, shall be collected: Typical trail section, trail plan and profile sheets showing all alignment data, topography, utilities, conceptual design plan, BNSF RR track layout, right-of-way, preliminary hydraulics and geology information, environmental constraints, lighting requirements, guardrail types, recommendations for structure type, and architectural recommendations. (2) Conceptual Study Confirmation. AECOM will confirm and/or discuss the evaluation efforts leading to the recommended Underpass Location Study preferred alternative with the City of Fort Collins Structure Reviewer. The results of this discussion will form the basis of the preliminary design efforts. (3) Design Criteria. AECOM will prepare design criteria to be used for the preliminary and final design. Horizontal and vertical constraints will also be established based upon AASHTO and BNSF criteria and confirmed with the City of Fort Collins Structure Reviewer. The final design criteria will incorporate the information from the preliminary design and include specific bridge and pedestrian component requirements. Structure Selection Report and Layout. Prepare a structure selection report to document, and obtain approval for, the structure preliminary design. By means of the structure general layout, with supporting drawings, tables, and discussion, provide for the following: (1) Summarize the structure site data used to select and layout the structure. Include the following: (a.) Project site plan , (b.).Bike trail vertical and horizontal alignments and cross sections at the structure and approach locations. (c.) Construction phasing (d.) Utilities on, below, and adjacent to the structure (e.) Hydraulics/drainage (f.) Preliminary geology information for the structure foundation (g.) BNSF rail (h.) Aesthetic requirements (2) Determine the structure length, width, and span configuration that satisfy all horizontal and vertical clearance criteria. (3) Confirm the pedestrian/bike trail alignment and profile design that satisfies all horizontal and vertical clearance criteria. Fossil Creek Trial Underpass At BNSF RR Design Preliminary Design Scope of Services January 8, 2013 Page 6 (4) Consider bridge and jacked/tunneled precast/cast in place culvert types. Identify the structure layout and depth requirements. (5) Determine the foundation alternatives. Consider mat and/or spread footing foundations for the culverts and piles and/or drilled caissons for the bridge. To obtain supporting information, initiate/confirm the foundation investigation as early as possible during the preliminary design phase. (6) Develop the staged construction -phasing plan, as necessary for rail and flagging operations. The impact of staged construction on the structure alternatives shall be considered and reported on. (7) Compute preliminary quantities and preliminary cost estimates as necessary to evaluate and compare the structure layout, trail alignment and foundation type alternatives. Use averaged square foot unit costs for the structure types. Unit costs will be based upon recent and similar projects constructed within the project area. Costs associated with railroad operations (i.e. flagging, track reconstruction, etc.) will be based upon estimated BNSF track work labor rates, as applicable. (8) Evaluate the structure alternatives based upon relative costs and verbal discussion to support recommending anything other than the least expensive alternative. Criteria for selection will be based upon the project goals and determined with the City of Fort Collins Structure Reviewer. (9) Prepare preliminary general layout for the recommended structure. Prepare layouts in accordance with current standards. Perform an independent design and detail check of the general layout: (10)Obtain City of Fort Collins acceptance on the structure selection report and structure layout. Allow approximately two weeks for review of the structure selection report. The associated general layout, with the revisions required by the City of Fort Collins review, will be included in the preliminary plans. The structure selection report, with the associated general layout, must be accepted in writing by the City prior to the commencement of further design activities. 6. BNSF RR (Preliminary) Underpass Structure Submittal. Prepare and submit the preliminary railroad submittal in accordance with the most current BNSF/UPRR Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects. 7. Preparation for the Preliminary Review Meeting: a. Coordinate, complete, and compile the plan inputs from other activities: hydraulics, geotechnical, right-of-way, utilities, civil and railroads b. General layouts for the undercrossing structures will be included in the preliminary plans. C. The preliminary plans shall comply with the general City of Fort Collins requirements and will include: title sheet, typical sections, general notes, trail plan/profile sheets, and preliminary layouts of the undercrossing. d. The trail plan/profile sheets will Include the following: all existing topography, survey alignments, projected alignments, profile grades, ground line, existing ROW, rough structure notes (preliminary drainage design notes), and existing utility locations. Typical plan sheet scales for the plan and profile sheets will be sized to best fit the 1.1 x17 plan sheets. Fossil Creek Trial Underpass At BNSF RR Design Preliminary Design Scope of Services January 8, 2013 Page 7 e. The ROW Ownership Map, developed by the City of Fort Collins, shall be included in the preliminary plan set. f. The plans shall be submitted to the Fort Collins/PM for preliminary review prior to the meeting. 8. Preliminary Review Meeting: a. Attend and prepare meeting minutes approved by the Fort Collins/PM, and distribute as directed. b. The original plan sheets shall be revised/corrected in accordance with the review meeting comments within thirty (30) working days. C. Design decisions concerning questions raised by the review meeting will be resolved in cooperation with the Fort Collins/PM. The Fort Collins/PM shall document the decision and transmit the documentation to the Fort Collins/PM for approval. d. A list of all deviations from standard design criteria along with the written justification for each one shall be submitted to the Fort Collins/PM. D. FINAL DESIGN Not included in the task order scope of work END OF SCOPE OF WORK FOR PRELIMARY DESIGN Proposal for FOss6 Creek Underpass City of Fort Collins Date January8,1013 Task Discipline: PM Sr PM Structure Soueturo Roadnny CARD Qt Manager Adminlnmsbn Sr Project P-Jed mg, (Nall . CADD Adminitaadw - Empinyre0anlJtcadon Manager Coordinator EngineerM En inrerl En ' ee, ll Dm er 11 En !near Di Assiyant . Sub Told Sub Cost Nola $ 163 J 175 J 120 J 75 J 63 J 85 J tJ0 Section A—Projectinglation and Continuing Requirement, ' 22 $ 2J90 1.0 Pmkct Kick Off Meeting 6 6 6 4 6 $ 1,010' 20 foenldgency/Key Stakeholder Coordination 4 2 - 18 20 $ 1,620 3.0 Pmject Scheduling 4 A-- 4 protect ownfktpe new.. bag via 4.0 Pojeci Meelinge 12 12 6 30 $ 3,390 takwalemoca 5.0 Project Management 16 4 20 $ 2,880 Section B—Pmjw Devetopment - 18 $ 1,B40 1.0 GIS Data Caordinadon 8 8 0 ' $ - 2.0 Caaceptual Undemm ing Layout and Devetopmeal 6 650 a Design C,,wia 2 4 4 16 2 24 46 -$ $ 4,050 b location Study 12 1,080 c ConceptualSimemre Design 4 8 28 °$ $ 2,900 3.0 Alternative Analysis and Evaluation 4 8 8 8 2 38 $ 3,600 4.0 Conceptual Design Report 4 4 16 8 4 2 32 _ '$ 3.730 5.0BNSFRR(Conceptual) Underpass Simcture Subminal 2 8 4 8 6 74 S 7,960 6.0 Public UtlUdes Commimm Submittal 16 4 4 8 40 2 Section C-PrdlminaryDerign -4 12 $ 1,460 1.0 Design Review 4 4 4 4 10 $ 970 Coordomom ant, 2.0 Design Survey Coordination 2 _ 4 $ 570 CoardhalM any 3.0 Geatechnical Subsurfare lnverdgation 2 2 42 $ 3,730 4.0 CivilOWIlDminage) Coordination and Grading Design 2 24 16 5.0 StructureDerign 4 $ 480 a SimemmlData Collection 4 132 $ 11,580 b Structure Selection Report and Layout 4 24 60 24 32 $ 3,730 6.0 BNSFRR(30%Revlew) Underpay Structure Submittal 2 8 4 8 6 2 $ 3,660 7.0 Pruhmimry Plan andpreparation 4 8 8 16 .36 22 $ 2,880 g.0 Prolimimry Review Meeting 10 6 6 Summary Section A— Prefect Initiation and ContinuingRequiremenU 42 2 0 18 12 0 0 24 98 $ 11,090 Section B— Pmject Development 28 12 36 60 58 52 e 0 252 $ 25.610 Section C. Prelimiwry Design 30 8 1 52 92 46 94 2 0 294 $ 29,080- Total Hour, 100 1 22 88 170 116 116 8 24 644 $ 65,780. Total Direct Labor $ 65.780 ODCr (see below) $ 361 Total Case, _ $ 66.141.. .. Other Direct Cost, $ SD RelmbueWkprbdarobner wrde Reproduction1prinUng $ 25 PmtagelErprcy Mail $ 286 Aanumte 4 aloes to Fat Carona Mileage Total ODCr $. 361