HomeMy WebLinkAbout111511 THE LIGHTCENTER - CONTRACT - PURCHASE ORDER - 9125412BOGO Promotional Agreement for Fall 2012 Efficient Lighting Program The Light Center and City of Fort Collins, Colorado AGT # FC2012-02 The Light Center, Inc., 2725 South College Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 (Retailer) and City of Fort Collins, Colorado (Sponsor) herebyjointly agree to participate in a special "mark-down promotional fee" program is order to promote the sale of efficient light emitting diode (LED) holiday lighting products through the Retailer in Fort Collins, Colorado. The Sponsor will pay a markdown incentive fee to the Retailer for each eligible product sold at the 2725 South College Avenue location at a discounted price under the terms of this Agreement. This is a component of the Sponsor's Fall 2012 Efficient Lighting Program. Exhibit "A" lists the products eligible for the mark-dowu incentive, the mark-dowu incentive amount per product sold, customer sales limit, estimated quantities of products and the not -to -exceed limit on the Sponsor's funds under this Agreement. At the option of the Sponsor, based on actual sales during the promotion, a change order may be issued to increase/decrease quantities of this Agreement. Article 1. Term This promotion and Agreement shall be effective for qualifying retail sales on or after November 23, 2012 and no later than November 25, 2012, and on December 7, 2012 and no later than December 8, 2012, except that Sponsor's obligation to pay the markdown incentive reimbursements provided hereunder shall be limited to the amounts set forth in Exhibit "A". The parties may agree in writing to extend the term of this Agreement. Article 2. Reimbursement Stipulations All of the following stipulations must be met in order for retail sales to be eligible for markdown incentive reimbursement payment from Sponsor: 1. The eligible products will be available on the sales floors of the Retailer by the starting date for the promotion. 2. All Retailer -produced point -of -purchase and advertising materials related to this promotion must be approved by the Sponsor before production and placement of this material. 3. The Retailer will allow the Sponsor to place point -of -purchase signage in the vicinity of the promoted products that includes the Sponsor's logo, the discounted prices and the customer sales limit. The signage will remain in place throughout the term of this Agreement. 4. The Retailer sells the products listed in Exhibit "A" of this Agreement, at a retail price reduced by the Sponsor's markdown incentive. 5. The Retailer provides actual store sales data on the products listed in Exhibit "A" of this Agreement, for the period of the promotion. All sales data must be generated from the Retailer's computer -based point -of -sale system or an alternative format approved by the Sponsor. Alt example of sales data must be submitted by the Retailer and approved by the Sponsor prior to the beginning of the promotion. 6. The Retailer's staff is trained about LED holiday lighting and the specifics of the promotion by the Sponsor, prior to the beginning of the promotion. 7. All Redemption/Invoice Guidelines listed below are adhered to. Page 4 of 4 BOGO Light Center 2012.doe Article 3. Redemption/Invoice Guidelines Redemption/invoicing for incentives for product sold through this promotion will be subnatted by the Retailer to the Redemption Agent. Such Redemption Agent will be designated by the Sponsor, and Sponsor will notify the Retailer in writing of such designation. In the absence of such designation, the Sponsor will act as the Redemption Agent and requests for payments shall be submitted to: Fort Collins Utilities, Attn: Efficient Lighting Program, P.O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522. The Redemption Agent shall reimburse the Retailer the instant markdown incentive amount listed in Exhibit "A" for products sold under the terms of this Agreement, Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the properly documented invoice from the Retailer. The following procedure must be followed to receive payment: 1. The Retailer must submit an invoice itemizing incentives for which the Retailer is seeking payment; invoice must include product model numbers and descriptions, quantities of each product sold, markdown incentive amounts for each product, and extended costs. 2. The Retailer must attribute all specific invoices to AGT #FC2012-03 and use the Sponsor -provided redemption form cover sheet (available from the Redemption Agent) when submitting for reimbursement. 3. Invoice may be submitted within 30 to 60 days after promotion ends at the option of the retailer. 4. The Retailer must submit SKU-level sales data for the eligible product by store location. These sales data must match the invoice and invoice cover sheet. Sales data must be reported in a format consistent with the sales and inventory management system(s) used by Retailer. Article 4. General Terms The laws of the State of Colorado will be applied in the interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Agreement. 2. Venue for any legal action regarding the interpretation, execution or enforcement of this Agreement shall be in Larimer County District Court in Fort Collins, Colorado. 3. Any notice, request, demand, consent or approval, or other communication required or pemutted hereunder will be in writing and Will be deemed to have been given when personally delivered or deposited in the United States mail with proper postage and addressed as follows: If to Retailer: Jennifer Guerriero, Manager The Light Center 2725 S. College Ave. Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 If to Sponsor: General Manager Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 Page 4 of 4 BOGO Light Center 2012.doc 4. This Agreement is [Wade for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties and shall inure to the benefit of their respective successors and assigns. It is not made for the benefit of any third party. 5. In the event any covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid by final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such covenant, condition or provision shall not in any way affect any of the other covenants, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, provided that the invalidity of any such covenant, condition or provision does not materially prejudice either party in its respective rights and obligations under the valid covenants, conditions or provisions of this Agreement. 6. By executing this Agreement as provided below, the parties accept the terms and conditions hereof and agrees to abide by them. Each party also represents and warrants that it is authorized to accept the temts and conditions hereof. The individual persons signing below hereby each represent that they are authorized to bind the party they claim below to represent to the terms and conditions hereof. ID 1 James B. O't eBl 9, CPPO, F , Director of Purchasing an sk ManagementL City Approved as to form Page 4 of 4 BOGO Light Center 2012.doc EXHIBIT "A" Fall 2012 Efficient Lighting Program Details The Light Center, City of Fort.Collins Fall 2012 Efficient Lighting Program Details LED BOGO Light String Discount Eligible Product Description MarktntlyeCer tAmmit Estimated Not -To -Exceed Quantities' Sponsor Funds. Light Emitting Diode holiday lightsstrip Up t , ower draw not to exceed g P $10.00um 250five 52,500 watts. se TOTALS 250 $2,500 1. Quantities are estimates only. Promotion sales may include any mix of quantities of the eligible products, as long as the total mark-down incentive amount does not exceed the Not -to -Exceed Sponsor Funds. Page 4 of 4 BOGO Light Center 2012.doc $4 Mark -Down Promotional Agreement for Fall 2012 Efficient Lighting Program The Light Center and City of Fort Collins, Colorado AGT 0 FC2012-01 The Light Center, Inc., 2725 South College Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 (Retailer) and City of Fort Collins, Colorado (Sponsor) hereby jointly agree to participate in a special "mark-down promotional fee" program in order to promote the sale of efficient light emitting diode (LED) holiday lighting products through the Retailer in Fort Collins, Colorado. The Sponsor will pay a markdown incentive fee to the Retailer for each eligible product sold at the 2725 South College Avenue location at a discounted price under the terms of this Agreement. This is a component of the Sponsor's Fall 2012 Efficient Lighting Program. Exhibit "A" lists the products eligible for the mark-down incentive, the mark-down incentive amount per product sold, customer sales limit, estimated quantities of products and the not -to -exceed limit on the Sponsor's funds under this Agreement. At the option of the Sponsor, based on actual sales during the promotion, a change order may be issued to increase/decrease quantities of this Agreement. Article 1.Term This promotion and Agreement shall be effective for qualifying retail sales on or after November 15, 2012 and no later than December 16, 2012, except that Sponsors obligation to pay the markdown incentive reimbursements provided hereunder shall be limited to the amounts set forth in Exhibit "A". The parties may agree in writing to extend the term of this Agreement. Article 2. Reimbursement Stimulations All of the following stipulations must be met in order for retail sales to be eligible for markdown incentive reimbursement payment from Sponsor: 1. The eligible products will be available on the sales floors of the Retailer by the starting date for the promotion. 2. All Retailer -produced point -of -purchase and advertising materials related to this promotion must be approved by the Sponsor before production and placement of this material. 3. The Retailer will allow the Sponsor to place point -of -purchase signage in the vicinity of the promoted products that includes the Sponsor's logo, the discounted prices and the customer sales limit. The signage will remain in place throughout the term of this Agreement. 4. The Retailer sells the products listed in Exhibit "A" of this Agreement, at a retail price reduced by the Sponsor's markdown incentive. S. The Retailer provides actual store sales data on the products listed in Exhibit "A" of this Agreement, for the period of the promotion. All sales data must be generated from the Retailer's computer -based point -of -sale system or an alternative format approved by the Sponsor. An example of sales data must be submitted by the Retailer and approved by the Sponsor prior to the beginning of the promotion. 6. The Retailer's staff is trained about LED holiday lighting and the specifics of the promotion by the Sponsor, prior to the beginning of the promotion. 7. All Redennplion/Invoice Guidelines listed below are adhered to. Page 4 of 4 LED String Light Center 2012.doc Article 3. Itedemptiou/Invoice Guidelines Redemption/invoicing for incentives for product sold through this promotion will be submitted by the Retailer to the Redemption Agent. Such Redemption Agent will be designated by the Sponsor, and Sponsor will notify the Retailer in writing of such designation. in the absence of such designation, the Sponsor will act as the Redemption Agent and requests for payments shall be submitted to: Fort Collins Utilities, Attn: Efficient Lighting Program, P.O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522. The Redemption Agent shall reimburse the Retailer the instant markdown incentive amount listed hi Exhibit "A" for products sold under the terms of ibis Agreement, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the properly documented invoice from the Retailer. The following procedure must be followed to receive payment: I. The Retailer must submit an invoice itemizing incentives for which the Retailer is seeking payment; invoice must include product model numbers and descriptions, quantities of each product sold, markdown incentive amounts for each product, and extended costs. 2. The Retailer must attribute all specific invoices to AGT #FC2012-01 and use the Sponsor -provided redemption form cover sheet (available from the Redemption Agent) when submitting for reimbursement. 3. Invoices may be submitted on either a biweekly or monthly basis, at the option of the Retailer. Any such invoice must be submitted within 15 days of the last day of the invoice period. 4. The Retailer must submit SKU-level sales data for the eligible product by store location. These sales data mast match the invoice and invoice cover sheet. Sales data must be reported in a format consistent with the sales and inventory management system(s) used by Retailer. Article 4. General Terms The laws of the State of Colorado will be applied in the interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Agreement. 2. Venue for any legal action regarding the interpretation, execution or enforcement of this Agreement shall be in Larimer County District Court in Fort Collins, Colorado. 3. Any notice, request, demand, consent or approval, or other communication required or permitted hereunder will be in writing and will be deemed to have been given when personally delivered or deposited in the United States mail with proper postage and addressed as follows: If to Retailer: Jennifer Guerriero, Manager The Light Center 2725 S. College Ave. Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 If to Sponsor: General Manager Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 Page 4 of 4 LED String Light Centcr 2012.doc 4. This Agreement is made for the sole and giccltisive"benefit of the parties and shall,imue to tfie*.&neft of ' . their -respective successors- and assigns. lt.is ttot•made-for the'beriefit?of any third -party: ; • -'' ' S; •-ln�the'evenl any covenant, condition or provisidn of this Agreeinent.is•held to be invalid by final. - f jitdgitieut.ofAitycouit of eoinpetcnt jurisdiction;the iiidalidily`ofsuch'coSenaut ciindUiori of provision shall not in;any �vay.af%ct:any of itie.oiher covenants; cond tions.or provisions of iltis Agreement, _ pro'videddhat the invalidityof any,.such'coVenaiit,•.'coiidition.o 'provision does riot-mateiially_preju dice either_party':in its resp'eeiive•rights:aitd :obUgations.under the.valid covenants; canditioiIs or.'provisions of •this Agreement. _ , By executing this Agreement;as= pro vided UeloW; the Parkes°aecept the terms end:conditigris hereof `'•` : " i . ; ; ; and agrees Co abide by _tlierii;:Eacli p'a•;rty'also represenfs;atid tivairants'that it.isat►thorizea to accept.tlie semis and condiiionE ereof. The uidividttat,p4iMs sigtiing belowhereby eacli represent that tliey'aie • ' authorized to.bm the party they claim below to'represent to the terms and con'ditioris hereof. Jennifer: erri ' .;1Vlanager = Ttie LighfCenter,'Iric: .., ril. Ja• s 'Neill I.l, CPPO " f NIGP •Dli actor o sk-•Manngement `City of Fort Coll.16 :.Approved as to form Page 4 of t LED Siring Light Centei 2012.doc EXHIBIT "A" Fall 2012 Efficient Lighting Program Details The Light Center, City of Fort Collins Fall 2012 Efficient Lighting Program Details LED $4 Light String Discount Eligible Product Description Markdown Incentive Customer Estimated Not -To -Exceed Amount sales limit Quantities' Sponsor Funds Light Emitting Diode holiday light 10 strings string, power draw not to exceed five 54.00/string total all 1,000 $4,000 warts. products TOTALS 1,000 S4 000 1. Quantities are estimates only. Promotion sales may include any mix of quantities of the eligible products, as long as the total mark-down incentive amount does not exceed the NTot-to-Exceed Sponsor Funds. Page 4 of 4 LED String Light Center 2012.doc