HomeMy WebLinkAbout113984 WAGNER EQUIPMENT CO - CONTRACT - PURCHASE ORDER - 9125196WAGNER EQUIPMENT LESSEE CITY OF FOR', COLLINS 'A political tgcncy or s odd ,icon O hhc Smtn of Colorado" ADDRESS: PO 13OX'SO FORT COLLINS. CO 80522 GOVERNMENTAL LEASE CHASE AGREE ENLI. Lease Number, u2UJS Doted u.cor Settle ... ben I, 2011 LESSOR WAGNER EOUIPA ENE CO ADDRESS- ISUUU SNI I'10 IiO,AD A 1)RORA, CO LORA DO 8II011-3511 Lcuor, in elia cc on Lessce•s select Inn of the eg.,hucnt described belmv I ToWa, 'Units"1. a "e,r 10 ncquue. lease. In and sell the Luna. to Lessee. nod Lessee, curves o rent, terse, him unit purchase the ILOa fluor Lessor. D"enplorn ur Knit.) Sri hurl C\TERPILL.AR966N WHEF.LLOADF.II "1'FSD11121, 11a,ruent ScbeduleallocliM. Leaseenn: Jfnounihs PAYMENT PROVISION: Tiring-,u (361Inland vunseemive rrtunutll nrsteuU.Un onnuar:neing October 1. 20I1. The cuedioner has the option to return the equipmen after 12.24ur 36 month, ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: RIDERS: NONE 'I'ERA1S AND CONDI"PIONS I. LEASE *1'E111; NON -A PPROPIIIATIONS: 'I,he Lease who for cuch Unit Shull c.'ean nee on the date Lessee or its ugeol recerees possession or takes control of the Unit. herein mfvned to as it. Delirery Duo-, and shall continue through the Iasi day of Lessee's Fiscal rear in which the Delivery Due occurs and. duneaftm, shall atnonudeally be emended for success ,c annual IKnrtds careening .,ith Lessee's fiscal years Lessee shall c,ecuhe and deliver to Lessor a Delivery Supplement using Lcsmfs standard Inner In the event no funds or iruulTniew fords we appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise not available in any fiscal year for payments due under this Lease, Lessee sill inmeditrely ouhify Lessor of such occurrence and dos Lease shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal rear Ibe which appropriations wefv received wilhon penalty or cxVeose to Lessee, ercccpt as to the portions ul' poymcrus herein agreed upon for ,Inch funds' shall h:n'e been nppropriuied and budgeted or are otherwise variable. Nohvihhstani ing the foregoing, Lessee agrees that, to the extent pemritted by law, i1 will not cancel hire Ixue under the provisions Of this Section I If arp' duds are appropriated to it or by h for the acquisition, retention or operation of the Units or mire, egmputen [.if urnu 1, functions similar ar the Units for the fiscal year in which mrnrnaion occurs or the next succeeding fiscal pea. 2. PAYMENT'S; NET LEASE: Dvnng the Lease tenn, Lessee shall pity to Lessor rcnl for each Lira as stated in the touched Phyntent Schedule and according to the above Payment Provision_ An annunt equal to one oayment fur all of the Units nest nccontpany' this Lease. If Lessor accepts and e,vcwes this Leue told nnlnunl shall he applied 10 the lust payrncnl disc. If Lessor does not execute this Leese. said umrzatl ,ill be returned to Lessee. It Lessor does no: recehee :r payment on the date it Is due, Lessee shall pay I. Lessor, on denund, a late pay rival eharee equal to the lesser of Five pincent (5t If of the pa verem nod pod when due or the hrghcsi charge all.,,,d by law, ahmhever is less. 'rhis Lease is u net lease. and Lessee stall not be entitled to am atraenicn ar reduction of paymerm ur any setoff o nst rayineml, ssilefl er unsing by reason of any put, present or fella. claims of ary nature by Leasce ugautst Lessor or othcrvlsc. Except as otire ... is, expressly' ...... died hear. the When ens of Lessor and Lessee shall wI he atfeeted b r any detect if, dartatic to, loss Of possession of ci ttl any w thon, hnerer caused. by the allacllnhnr of;... ;IDdm V hen In mire, or10 ropy Unit. by anith y one, Terence w Lessee, use of the Unit, or for any other cause, wliethei f under or dissimilar m the foe,n nq. any prescnl or thin" Inv In file co on y nniwithmi.... hou,. 3. DISCLAIMER OF \\'ARRANT IRS: Lessee acknmrl dges and agrees that Lessor is the nunnfantuer of ire Louts) into Iha[ Lessee has elected each Unit based on Lessees own ludenrnt without any,chance niuisoeerr tin any simemm�ts or representations node by Lessor AS BE] %lTEN LESSOR AND LESSEE, IHE UNI"I(S) ARE PROVIDED 'AS IS" W1"1'11OUf AN)' WARRANfIFS OF ANY KIND LESSOR HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS a) ALL WARRANTIES OF N IERCH.ANI ADILI'I) by ALL \1'ARRAN1 IES OF 1:11 iNESS FUR A PAR 'I'ICUTAR PURPOSE, AND c) ALL WAIMAN'IIES AG:\INSI' INFRINGENIFNrl OR ME LIKE. Lessor assigns u) Lessee its inherev n any of the nanofnnurer's wurrmtiea on the lhihs(s) d. POSSESSION, USE AND NIAIN'r F.NANCE: I.usee shall nod (a) arse, operate, meianu or sere any U... I ran, perly, cat elessly, unssfely or in ,odiaron of any applicable law or regulation or for any' pugaow other ;bar, a the eonducl of Lesscc, busoress; (b) abandon airy Unit; (c) sublease any Unit pviout the use of ail,. Unit by :nly'one other thin Lessee. cluing, the nee of any End floor that specdied in the attached Application Surx,y/Usage Rids, or change the locution of ;my Unit four [bat specified above without the prior vntwn comet of Lessot. or half sell, assign or transfer, or deadly or ioduccih create or suffer to e.aut any' hen, clam, security interest or eucunbrance on any of its rights hereunder or in any Unit 'Ibe Units a c and shall ..team pelsonul "open, irrespective oflhar use In r nnnei of a[tarhmern to really. Upon poor notice to Lessee, Lessor or its agenl shall have the noht (hut not Ih, obh,,auon) at all reasonable limes to nstacel any Unit and no.Ncnsncc ..cords relating thereto Lessee shall, a1 us c•grense end a all times during the Lease Iene. mamvmr the Urns o, prod ..... nonoun, order rap;ur and condition and sh:dl perfnrnl nmrntnnonce al least as 1}equen lk as sit fah in any applicable Operator's nude, scr'ice manual. and lubncuion and ounitl:nanec ,aide for Ibe Unit, Less" shall not title, any Unit or aRln an, accessory or equipmmnt to any Unit it'suer ;dleralrun or adduion awould unpaur no, uriguaily Intended function or use nr reduce the value of such Ulul Any donation or ioldonor to at,, Unn shall be Ox, ,espo.... Inn, OI'and o1 the sale risk al Lessee. All punsaceessnries and eyaprnelu alliserl to any Unit shall he subject to the secinmv interest of Lcssur granted hereunder R Lcssur supplies Lessee with labels slating that the Una is leased trio... Lessor, Less,, shall nfiix and keep it uill ronunevt pine, tin If,, Unit SEA. REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDI'I PENAL'I ERAIS AND CONDI'I IONS LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING RECKI VEIL A FILLY COMPLEI ED AN 1) I'S ECU ED COI', Or'I'111S AGREEMENT Lessee: CI 1 11 RI'C01,I,INS Lessor: R'AGNEZINIGIN"1' .0 Namc(PI21Nl) "Ll.- N:unc (1'I{I:VI'1 Vicki Sayre I itl, ��_ Q� C 7fljL Q� P�1Q�[.-[r}C�y 6LX1Sllc Iiu:mcial D;rlc (•i,� UT -Dal, )MI''II V: I,,,. I x n --iol lay'. P.J. M1N,.rnnr .,I.r.n 1 1 o,on,,i in 5. LESSEES REPRESENTATION AND N'AR 'IUS: Lessee reprecns and %.loions to Lessor that (a) Lexc is a full, ora inkle m tinl subdi%iaon of ligeov, July."ow"i and rigbg.ndn We Cormiwtian ad laps of Nc stet, where the Upp; pill bt located: ILL Lcesa, has tht pe.v, m vemr ism and p:rromr lips Leave and bar akcn all nttesser. mid aplraryrum.eion w amhwaa the cvccmlur dclism' and pc,fomancc hrCoF (e)III, (casc rarslitums a valid. and legal, binding and enformble obligatioO of Lessee: W) the or tecg poynNe by -,Ise, h,cooder it,,,, erchdable fans ixopm far Fd«al ipcoml I... fi. WrWses pursuant w Secion 103 of the ham.) Rercnuc Cod, of logow ancerukd (Ilse "C'edc"J. aodlei Less, has wReten, apprupriauons O, Other funds amiLAAc to pay all snwuns due hercuach, for the tomcat pistol year and maeonabay Iwl e,c , Ito June; can the obtained .n R)eicnl to make all pa}mcnlS daring the Lem, of this [.case. Less¢ nprcmns Nat the use of the Units is amrl.1 lot Lesu,I p,pe, efrcicnl and ,copula, uWrationtsssec wl.po, ledges will agrees 11131 the pa.mens have been calculamll b. Laver assuming Jut Ne imercnt re,tta of eachf SOON is 1A,) o tie from gross i:eunsa fir so he iwana mmrrLi pwWnot Lessor such ..,Ar acl antz and covenants these In Lessee lie v,ecub %lair the information reporting ,I,Izd b, La of icc,ioa Io, ill tire CWe. as ... same n v h aernnhd form line m line. and such eumpllan,e shall induce but nut i Lori it Ica Lo checinew of o fwmxion nammens, cods, by Lessar: ill L.eucc rill nn do or taus, w h coal an, Oct.hi.. hill apse. sir by omission of am ow allow, tart Leap ri h ofi ably le d onion Wes.corm, of lion 14 t.) crop of the Cake U hued .vial h, Lev or cause m L done abl of which %till cause, vat be bl t t nee of nm'ta a11o% this Lease w tic a prism 9(r) o. Mod ssitbin the ,a,Of of Section IJ Iles) of the Code; (d) Lesee will ,imdy payw the ectem of available hinds, anpunts equireJ m h tetanal to the llmmd Sates purcunn to Sediun IJpO of the Cuxi,. Ica Lessee Brill nor du or se to be dose am'act..hiel, will aupp, or by onissue,.1 an, all all.". Ora inato Punion of lire pa% el1a w h or become let Wile it y.rs [..mire for Federal invent, urarion W,xi undo Ihe Coca: and M Lax- hill be the ccclteol...It. pus and operator of the Uniu. Lessee fludl Provide to Lessor on opinion ofccupspl sablmnrmlh in tle font, aaahcd In.,o. 6. TAXES: Lessee agmes to usual pay or lei ntense Lessor for all fees and azcs of an, nature tagcder with an perrnitic, pins or additions or tam or interest daacun fall of Nc foregoing Meatier lire Tntposi,ionsT, arising at an%fume prior In. during or subs,qucnuo the Leap, let., and [wed to any rasipg auJu.n , old. rIf,,l d or if vomm,,lem put any Unit, escbdin, Inunrr, ores nemurd by Lessor's per iwone (of btu W cadent, aIy her iwortte taus rhieh. b, the con of the statue pitfall such m. eapnssl. relieve LafS or Lessor front the pri of arty hnposiuonz nhich Lessor ,,.Old other sic be obligated I. on, or reimburse) If lesor is nor entitled to a corrmlunNng and equal deduchon rcith respect to out Imposition vvlpeL Lessee is required to pay or minsborse unit such pop ant or teimbnacm,nl copstiwpn income 1. Jaime. then Lessee shall id", pat to Lessor Die amoinl Or .,it Ira,., ions which I.cssn s chhguted it pay it ra,,ac, of fa) such po.nanr or n i n fursenxnt b. Felice ad L) an. pacnrnl b. L.asee nude pu Stain 10 this sentence. L.aspe shall pelu,e:sod fee, ill a nraua, smrslxwn to Lessor ap aanns err reams .Inch mac h'I'trad with ra,"t 1. are Ihis. For purposes of this Section.-Lssor" shall arri wm IfFlaweJ gaunt', plWn the morning .l Seaian 1>61 0l Lie CW, of loch Lessce 11 a member far am scar in schivh a consolidated or caabind im-ane Ias raum is tied for the off limed group. ], LOSS OR DAMAGE; INSURANCE: Lessee after. all rills and liabilne, of to. cartage or Cuuphv Occoneoc, has hevinahe dcfn,d) fur an. Gaup uhatsmcer, for conJemnatmn Of an. Unit prior Ica, during or subpyucm to lunlil the Unit is retained to Lessor ppsu:ws to Scams Iv) the Lease tent. and for ,at, m Or death of ern, person or Jaruga to an, prl itpeppier wii b fitOfo oilman 0,the lruspsson use, opera itch, storage itfilic Usint. Iles % Ian( kcuncs damaged Gomall, e r r l shall It, less P It t' v lima! I ( Lcsw, r.asaabl. dcmm,incs Nat such domsyc as riot mc,wI I la Jon L,l.a IpJL a Its c,,e era ranopfl, rnwee I., Lail w the evnal I u v,p11,d by Ae ern I shove. 11 on, If t b_m, res %mm caul, lug, li dstooe arc ina,probf, dawgcd has acanrnabl, deenioad 6, Lcvoq front am cam" rhalsol to Iak,n by food eruna(mn err W",ie lonv such mcnmmc )prcafwr a -Caswell. OswpwoO-) par so. during In wbne,eant In (until tine Unit is returned to Lessor pursuant it' Sector lU) Ve Leap tams. Lessee dull giv" Lessor pmnlPL petite theeof. In the c%anl of a Casualty Occumncc. Lessce shall re, to [Beier, w the colic, of la) the Gm pe,peni date 6WILnrblg such Casualty (Acuncrnc or (b) thin. (J.) doss fullmsing wch Cmuah. Ote.naec, .Boor (the Twowrtiar Value') equal to lot) the 'Beginning BAci (as f ,cifnd in its, notched Punnen, SelxdulO as Of Iry ue.a pa.n:aa due F.Ile,,og salt Cumally Ocem,a,n, pal 1 b) the atnown Of it. in voi I.M. I. epcificd in tM ralsrcnt Schedule).!the re,m gnorum due full.,, mg such Cnsn:dt, Of-pu nor nudlyfin:d b, a ftaetioa Ibc nu:ucntas.l'r hrch is d numberofJps front tle her Of (0 the Deli, ary Date of the Unit or (b) the do, date of roc p,pncn( ii nnaclaalr preacding such C'aspohy Occommac until the due d le of Jet Iupncni due hereunder in respect Of such Cason[. Occurrence and th denamiruma of.hi,h is ih.. L.,". a rtaeya,se, s)ydl Loon each Unit innned agaustall rills fur not tell than Oh' appllLeble Beginning Balance still « ffect to sutlh Unit and shall plat main worn,,hennna public liabdov insmar¢c covering each Unit for nor less Nan SI 000FO U fur co ploald cover,,: for bodily injury and printer,, dais., All insurance shall (a) be in a furor ad with such canparks as Lein shall eppro,c. DO) sfcci(y Lessor [Or its ekngwe) ..,it Lesee as named insured',, L) M priman. onirnnl ngln of eonvibuimn fr." anp .deer thswao,c ranted br Lessor. Ida ptoadc Ira mch msuatec nuv oar he camclled or ahe,,d w as in Wlew dx, rmoresr of Lc ... I ourcell a [cmnhin, (3O) da.i pnor evivaa ..1. lot 1 essn, and (I) tame Lessor for is dsigne:) as Ias Ppee and be P.).We wleay to Lewd, Lessee ngwes m notifc Tissue of w% occurrence nhich may recaps, die MST, of an inmmnc claim heeunder wall no, Ica male an, d,.,l late wnh i.are,, %litho n Lc.xas polls s•ro en consent. Lessee hercb% m ownbh nppvins Lcswr its anoana%-nr-fat to receive papnent of slid saworse all checks and offer doe vents and to take env other actions recessn, to pursua insurance eluinn, Tour w that Gen Ikahen Dale of am Unit Lessee shall tell", 1. Lisa satisfoemrl eeldacn of such rvnranee vows, IF \S'AIS'Ell AND INDEMNITY: "TO TUE EXTENT 1'EPNI L'FIED UY LAW, LESSEE HEREBY AGREES I'0 RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS LESSOR, 1'TS DIRECTORS. OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES. AGENTS AND ASSIGN'S FROM AND AGAINST' ANN' CLAIMS OF LESSEE Oil I FIRD PAR -TIES. INCLUDING CLAINIS BASED UPON BREACH OF CONTRACT', BRF.ACD OF WARRANTI'. PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERI"1' UAMAGE, STRICT LIABILII"S' Olt NEGLIGENCE. FUJI ANN' LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY CAUSED BY OR RELAI"ING I'DI HE DESIGN, NIANUFACT ORE. SE.LECI'ION, DELIVERY, CONDITION, OPERATION, USE, ON%NERSHIP, MAINTENANCE Olt REPAIR OF ANT UNIT. FURTHER, LESSEE AGRE.F_S 10 BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES, INCLUDING REASONABLE A IT'ORNEYS. FEES, INCURRED UY LESSOR OR I'IS DIRECI'DRS. OFFICERS. EMPLOS'FES, AGEN"IS AND ASSIGNS IN DEFENDING SUCH CLAIMS OR IN ENFORCING *1'LIS PROVISION. UNDER NO CONDITION OR CAUSE OF ACTION SHALL LESSOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF ACI UAL OR ANI ICIPAI ED BUSINESS Olt PROFITS Oil AN) ' SPECIAI„ INUIRECI OR CONSEQUENT"IAL DAMAGES. 9. EVENTS OF DEFAULT: REMEDIES: Each of the follo.ing shall croup na as "Enm of Mark" hmcundcr: (a) Leswe shall fail w make arc ppment m Lassa salon due (b) all, mP:L'senulion....rants of Lessee mnmincd hi or in ans docwne,nl handled to Lasser im mvnmtioa hemnith shall Ill ilra.ao or misleading when trade. (I) L c.c shall fail to ohxne an prom[ an, other amenanL, agecrletn Of o2ra , .,We b. Lase bwounde and such failure shall I'onin ee for tun 11J) days after uriuen notice thereof to LcOe, (d) Lessee shall fail to make ap W)mem on its b.Wed hdtbledness Shen due: per (a) tlrre shall be a default by Lessee under Inc Wte, agrlemmol bcumn, Lcswr.,to Lesga. If Inc Event of Defauh shall .'cur. Lesso, at its Win.. nay ad prne,d by appmpnas coon cedmls) to enforce this Leusc or IO ¢cover djure cs fur Nat bread, thercuf. Ib) by notice in rating to 4spe. lcnsrnare Nis Lcasc. bill Lowe shall ,Irwin liable as hcrclruf er no tdcd, and Ihcre upon Lessor o,q; al ill option slot any ova or a." or Ore falikelf.: Ill- 1) valve, forsh... in from Lcnaa (1) an' avl all ..if then one under this Lc,p or which huv ham xc,wd an the des a of loch termination, hi I as durnaW, for bss of tle M ,inin and w( as a pr.all,, a in, cgoal m IW 1u, mans due with respell ..he Units card additional ttcuritc during the Wlare of the fiscal ,car, and (ill) re. additional out a,, and a ....... stamcd be lasso by r,as. of Jrc broach of ant co,vnwa. represenufinn err uartaml ca,tained in Ihis [.cam other than for the pamem of anmunts due hereunder. R-]) enforce the securm interest gi¢n Icmurt I631 pnlnmt notice. [iabibn or legal process, enter trion the prcmips o here any of if,, Opis or addomfol pmriy nay be and take paspzsiun tlm.mL and (b-I) cgniiry Lessce Ia lemur the Units and additiowl wct,rit% as pro%ided in Semma IJ Lessor shall hnve all lights gircn to a .cured pan. la,. Imv. Provided less,, mcdves froessmn of the Units and add,(,.na1 mapaih oh.,,, an Event of Dela.L Lessor ,,a,. al i..,,...... deraCooc ke nelca llm y asonable eflbn to c11 or,I-tram the Units and additional le,uriry, and the prowlers Of Inc suds nnle or m-lease shall h applied: Gast, an mnnbuoe Lessor for all aeasorabla cxyenses of retaking. hulding, pr,paring for sal^ or ea -loose and selling Or e-leasing di, Uniu and additional security. including all uses and camnabhc apum,,'s few and esPcnxs: sc wad, Ica the c.,,nl at pcvmosla paid b. Lessee, w pov Lear Ill ...error creep Vsow, spceiGcd bdms, nhich undo de tams of fl rs Laaa, arc due or hate accrued at of the data of Lcsso's receipt of said fr«ends; shill. as pa. all Ice pap,nn, ehzrys pas cam to Scotian 2 hcrcaC aid fount, to pay lessor the applicable Tcmnnnion Value mills resPcel to the Unils. Am surplus shall be paid Ica Am person entitled thereto. Lessee shall pramptlr pa% an. deGcicncv Ica Lessor. Lesstt xI,., kc,,i that sales for ash or on credit to u 11 holesaler. mallcr or user Of tall tints etc all wmmeerall, re Otehic [twat aarca to pm al) rcuwnabll .1pr a foes and all coils wad arpcnpf incurred by Law, ire arl"ons this Lcasc l It, rancdi" laver pmooad O.Al be tnaul.o,a mid m addaron to all other ro,dtes a1 It... Or ,, cgaN: ,sided, lawarcp Lessor shall Out be created to cane, a fmawr anca n, is daonn}es than tsssoa could have paned Ihntugh Iesme i hill, bneh mid com,ka, p:rfvnpance order Bow L,at. plus all fccs. coos and a,Wnms i e.on d br Lessor an statement, Ass Lcam and of 1.1, payman( da,ga pnrspapl m Section 2 If Lis« fails to parforin an% of is offset nm under this Lea... Lcswr play I but need .1.eon. Jinx Nv,-f,., per font seth oN j,anOn. ual if. eaP:.pa,,wurtcd in aorrrtvnito Jwr"ntill shall hl"` able b. U:ssea uWn dcmund. IB. RETURN OF UN'I"I: Ups, an, Wrmitulion of IM rcm, writes Lcasc ntlb rcs,o Ica each Len or rT Lesov shall nghtfulh dsiund possession of ant Lou. Lcacc, in is ,,i shall fortlry nh aka isef the Unit to Lasso, amr.pna¢h promemd and it tle .ad, of regpp ell br S,aior J. al the game or L"'Of. m are yamsas of the scams, Cam, pit l ar deal e, 11an, c.prim tan Of he sane Iqe as Life Unit. or no board such carrier of I.mso, shall s,,iN mJ sllgq,inp the sans,. 11 eight collect b) the desml,16011 dnrgnmed be Lesor 11 file Unit is on in Ihe condition cloned b% Seeriun J. Lessee shall pay w [esnn, on dcnund..1I cogs aid crWnses ins well by Lesson 11 roan Ilia Urn into said coodiuon I I. RF,PO FIT TO 1!Ui: 1-11 will cppn this Le. I. Ne Internal PC%Cape Service by piling Fluor 903 NG. WIN -GC Oa ghig nhicic, er 1s to,ki il, Failure IO do so rill taus, the Leap Io I.sc nee ma "On'. ..,as Lcncc ayles in., it 'he a apa"inc fora, is ,.I pike. to ime:cn rate rill M adjusted m an cwi. save, ,.able ,macs, all, 12. "1'1"fLE. SECURI I Y INTER FSI' AND FORA IEll ASSURA N CFS: I'm%ided (a) Lase, Itas escaped call, tlniI on is ddimr. dale. 111) nO F ap of I)d..]L cat11. cs of the Dells Cq I} w of Ibe Unit ,itla to each Unit shall res, In Iessm on N, Dah, ere Let, of the Unit. 11.1 ! hen a, at lhat,I tire ,eat Of this Ilmp is remninatcd Pursuwn pt Section I hereof or lit) an F.%car of fir fanal ],as occurred and is connoting title to Oc Unit shall i,nmdiw 1, is, as, w Lcswr. Ire, of an% right. it tle and imareg of Ieszec. unless Lessor dcets OthaxvIse to It filing Lessee hereby giants to Lessor a continuing peuri,p imeeea in the Units, melnding all machmtals. feee...ics and opuonal remdres nvbnhva of nor insmllcd hereon) and all onauim(io', reowearear, aditions awl acolassions themm, will all pnncads or .11 of the Oregon, 1.secure the ppmcal of all surus one. lessee .OL at its aspens, do ant further act anm d ecue, adnuu kd,e, dance,, file. O,wmc, and ,cad Inc furtbcr doeormss nhich Lasso sac c wblc mgacg in prow to Pmla't Lesues pann, micas[ in the Units and Lessor's rights and benefits under Otis Leap. Lessce hat apWints Lt. as Lsme's Alumc,'-i,s-Fml for One ngm.-.g aid (ding or such docunens v,d authori acs Lessor in dckgac those Joined 11 as, IJ. ASSIGNMENT: COUNTS R PA Ill'S: Till highs of Los.. under Ihis Lcop m.. bet na,i,n,d by Lessor at w, lime If sou God by Lessor. Lcsmc shall rake all pacmons die undo, this Islip to the pan. designated to the MUCCs without offsc, in ddnmien No assignment of Nis Le:rse Or any right cam obiigorlun wdcr O mar be rode be 1,,.r ...Omul It, pn., uriuen curl of Lessor This Lt. shall be0. binding .pat and benefit Lessor and Lx., and than resleen< wtco,sle s and assign. IF fill, Lcasc is assigned b, I.eesor ,n a VunnOrsup or vat life Icon "Lessor" shall theree,fmN meal and inquire Ile aumership an vast and shall also include. far jur,al of SeenOns I.Lola h. each puree in or harnAvI n of the parurcrilop.r Verse. Althat,l, Omhiple u.terpors of Ns dauarnl mac be ggncdmly the counterpart avvIp,,o. ea o.ol alged ad cemfied fro \S'agner Equipnrm Co. on the signmure Page thecofar tle original "Ill,otssphoc anginal chalet paper. 14. EFFECT OF \VAI VEIL: No data, or..,,siun to exercise tan right of rend%acenting m Lessor bercunder shall inrprllr a v such fghl or remcdc nor shall it lie consorted Ica M a paiser or one beach or default of [.cssaa Any%am, of cvui be 1 cute unJcr this Lease nag be per canon, specifically sat loth Ths 1.0am complmch state, the rights of Lcswr and Lessa otrh resps( to till Unrs and suprrdcs all pilot proponents ssith respee Ih<mo I"inc is of the csscwc of Nis Lcasc No ,.,,,Iran of modification of Nis Lcam shall be valid unless in .sting aid ,gned by the vtntion cd apreopown,a, or Lcswr and Lessce. All noises htewrdcr shall m• in nming, addressed I. each Wm' al IM ideas. pI forth uI the front of he, Lease or w st,h.tire, ddwsz as mac he furnished (..fund, If fors pmcisiot of this Learn shall be in end until, Inc a,flassbh L.. two prmnwn shall he dmmcd omilid bur Ne «ruining pro mpars shall be gr On eF.c. All obligation of Lsmc under this Leas: shall sun'i%a the cvp.atwn or v-m,inapon or Otis I.casc Of the even,regmred for then full obwr%an¢ and Wrformancc 1'. GFNFItt\Laois Lcasc shall h gpwnmd by anJ <onnm<J unJn the Im%s of the Stole whoa the [loos arc Iowamd. W, I'.t-G.I.I.—enJ--Jnaehe. i,I. ,ran V.�..n I I rs,'nd'ur, NON -APPROPRIATIONS ADDENDUM to FINANCIAL. LEASE ACREENIENf Lcasc Number: 4211480 between WAGNER EQUIPINIENT CO and CH Y OF PORT COLLINS DATED AS OI: September I. 2011 Lessor and Lessee hereby agree to add the following provision to the Lease, and further acknowledge that all terms contained herein are to be defined according to the provisions ofthe Lease: Lessee represents and warrants to Lessor that lessee has Snffielenl appropriations or other funds available to pay all amounts due hereunder for the current fiscal year and reasonably believes that funds can be obtained sufficient to mukc all rental payments during the turn) of the Lease. Lessee hereby covenants that it will do all things reasonably within its power to obtain funds from which the rental payments may be made. including making provision for such payments to the extent necessary in each budget submitted for the purpose of obtaining funding and using its bona fide best efforts to have such portion of the budget approved. It is Lessee's intent to make rental payments for the full term of this Lease if Funds are available therefore and in that regard Lessee represents that the use of the Units is essential to Lessee's proper. efficient and economic operation. In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise not available in any fiscal year for rental payments due under this Lease, then Lessee will immediately notify Lessor of such occurrence and this Lease shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal year for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to Lessee for any kind whatsoever. except as to the portions of rental payments herein agreed upon for which funds shall have been appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise available. Subsequent to a termination of this lease. Lessee shall have no obligation to make rental payments with respect to the remainder of the Lease. In the event of such termination. Lessee agrees to return the Units to Lessor pursuant to Section 12 of this Lease. and Lessor shall have all legal and equitable rights and remedies to take possession of the Units. Notwithstanding the foregoing; Lessee agrees that it will not (a) cancel this Lease under the terms of this Addendum if any funds are appropriated to it, or by it. for the acquisition, retention or operation of the Units or other equipment perlmming functions similar to the Units for the fiscal year in which such termination occurs or the next succeeding fiscal year thereafter. and (b) give priority in the application of funds to am• other functionally similar equipment during the term of this Lease. The Addendum shall not be construed so as to permit Lessee to terminals this Lease in order to acquire wp- other equipment or to allocate funds directle or indirectly to perRu-m essentially the saute application for which the Units are intended. I.I SSFE: CITY OF FORT COLLINS By Nome (PRINT) Title f,J,T1Lf .eiY32 O�Pt/2�l lrFl SA�C� Date LI:SSOR: WAGNF,REQUIPMI; TCO BY Name (PR1N I I Vicki Savre _ 'title Financial Services Manaeer _ Date 9/01/11 %VR0 GUeernn):nlal Lejse Purchase Aereement \'er.iun I ua/la'_'WI Attachment to Governmental Lease -Purchase Agreement Lease Number: 4204801 Dated as of September I, 2011 Between CITY OF FORT COLIANS (-Lessee") And WAGiN'ER EQUIPMENT CO ("Lessor) LEASE: PAYMENT SCI-IE1)ULE 'ayment Date Payment Number Payment Amount Due - Payment Date Payment Number Paymem Amount Due 10/01/11 1 4600.00 04/01/14 31 4600.00 11/01/11 2 4600.00 05/01/14 32 4600.00 12/01/11 3 1600.00 06/01/14 33 4600.00 01/01/12 4 1600.00 07/01/14 34 4600.00 0/0 1/ 12 5 4600.00 08/01/14 35 4600.00 03/01/12 6 4600.00 09/01/14 36 4600.00 04/01/12 7 4600.00 10/01/14 37 Return Equipmem 05/01/12 8 1600,00 38 06/01/12 9 4600.00 39 07/01 / 12 10 4600.00 40 08/01 / 12 11 4600.00 41 09/01/12 12 4600.00 42 10/01/12 13 4600.00 43 1 1 /01 / 12 14 4600.00 44 12/0I / 12 15 4600.00 45 01/01/13 16 4600,00 46 02/01/13 17 4600.00 47 03/01 / 13 Is 4600.00 48 04/01/13 19 4600.00 49 05/01/13 20 4600.00 50 06/01/13 21 4600.00 51 07/01/13 22 1600.00 52 08/01/13 23 1600.00 53 09/01/13 24 4600.00 54 10/01/13 25 4600.00 55 11/01/13 26 1600.00 56 12/01/13 27 4600.00 57 01/01/14 28 4600.00 58 02/01114 29 1600.00 59 03/01/14 30 4600.00 60 Total Payments = $165.600.00 (TIN OF FORT COLLINS (Lessee) /rny dSignature Name (Print) n ,�5 S Title ©'u,'Z.,� ! Tn72 Cl 6�V - J +2 Date �! le-7 %a WAGNER EQ111P69E.'�fCO (Lessor) Signature Name (Print) Vicki Savre _ Title Financial Services klanaeer Date _9/lllill NVI ('o- nmi Lcuso Purchasz Ayrcc ni \'arson 1.I 04116/2001 DELIVERY SUPPLEMENT Lease Number, 42U480 This pertains to the Lease. dated as of September 1, 201I, between WAGNER EQUIPMENT Co as Lessor and CITY OF I'OR"I' COLLINS as Lessee. This confirms that the Lessee physically received the following Unit(s) on the possession date below. As of the date of signature of this form, (i) the Unn(s) are in all respects satisfactory to Lessee for leasing under the Lease, and (ii) Lessor has performed all of its obligations under the Lease. Description of' Unit(s) Serial # CA'1'ERPILLAR9GGK NNIHEEIL LOADER TFSO0127 Possession date 1( -13-11 CITY OF FORT COLLINS Signature _ � Name (Print) a Title: n2c� of L Date: \\'LCO-(i•mcmniamal Lcax-Yurchar. .\erccnrom %""c 1.1 a-0Io: 2011