DATE: 5/1 /2012
TO: John Stephen
FROM: Karl Gannon
Transfort I Dial -A -Ride
6570 Fortner Road
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6285 - fax
Oil �I(
SUBJECT: Security Camera Maintenance Fees — Addendum 1 - Justification of Sole
Per Services Agreement and subsequent Purchase Order (Contract) with Colorado Systems
Group (CSG), CSG and the City of Fort Collins have agreed to an annual maintenance fee of
$8,400 for all maintenance activities related to the conversion of 35 security cameras at
Transfort's facilities and associated Digital Video Recorders (5)—"Video Management System"
(VMS). Prior to full conversion of the cameras and completion of Phase 1 & 2 of the VMS, the
City of Fort Collins has agreed to a monthly maintenance fee for the cameras with the vendor of
$1,000 per month or $3,000 for each three month period.
Although this monthly maintenance fee exceeds the upon -conversion maintenance fee by $3,600
per year, staff supports the agreement with CSG because the total annual maintenance fee is 32%
lower than previous maintenance agreements and because staff anticipates full conversion of the
35 cameras by the end of the year (2012) — thus limiting the City's exposure to the higher
monthly rate.
Please let me know if you have any questions that 1 can answer.
Karl Gannon
City of Fort Collins
Transfort / Dial A Ride
Fort Collins
Independent Cost Estimate
Date of Estimate5/l/2012
Contract Type'
Existing Contract or PO (YIN) N
Description of Goods (A) or Services (B), Colorado Systems Group - Facilities Security Camera Maintenance
I have obtained the following estimate from,
Published Price List l Past Pricing(date) 602010- Prior Invoice Amount
Engineering or Techirecal Estimate (performed by)
Independent Third Party Estimate Performed by)
Other(specifiy) Existing Contract with Colorado Systems Group
Unit Cost
per Year
Ad. for CPI
2010-2011 Camera Maintenance- 35 X Analog Cameras &4 x DVRs
$ 455,82
$ 1]7]6.98
2012- Phase l Annual Maintenance for all converted cameras &5X DVRs-per contract
$ 210.00
S 840000
2012- Phase l Monthly Maintenance for all converted cameras &5 x DVRs - per contract
$ 30000
S 1,000.00
C commands and SettegsGstepbenlLocal SellingslTemporm, Inremet Files\CaMeM.Out,,dW5CBTY5NCE-2012 Camera MaintenanceCSG-Adderdum I 99aO12
City of
DATE: 8/30/2012
TO: John Stephen
FROM: Karl Gannon
Transfort / Dial -A -Ride
6570 Portner Road
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6285 - fax
SUBJECT: Security Camera Maintenance Fees — Addendum 2 - Justification of Sole
Per Services Agreement and subsequent Purchase Order (Contract) with BW Systems (formerly
known as Colorado Systems Group), BW Systems and the City of Fort Collins have agreed to an
annual maintenance fee of $8,400 for all maintenance activities related to the conversion of 35
security cameras at Transfort's facilities and associated Digital Video Recorders (5) —"Video
Management System" (VMS). Prior to full conversion of the cameras and completion of Phase 1
& 2 of the VMS, the City of Fort Collins has agreed to a monthly maintenance fee for the
cameras with the vendor of $1,000 per month or $3,000 for each three month period.
Although this monthly maintenance fee exceeds the upon -conversion maintenance fee by $3,600
per year, staff supports the agreement with CSG because the total annual maintenance fee is 32%
lower than previous maintenance agreements and because staff anticipates full conversion of the
35 cameras by the end of the year (2012) — thus limiting the City's exposure to the higher
monthly rate.
Please let me know if you have any questions that I can answer.
Karl Gannon
City of Fort Collins
Transfort / Dial A Ride
Independent Cost Estimate
Date of Estimate: 6/302012
Contract Type:
Existing Contract or PC(VM): N
Description of Goods (A) or Services (B): SW Systems - Facilities Sewnty Camera Maintenance
I have obtained me follovnng sermons from;
Published once list I Past Peeing (date) 425112 - Poor Invoice Amount
Engineenng or Technical Estimate Ipedormed by)
Independent Third Party Estimate (pe armed by)
Other(speafiy) Existing Contract vnth Colorado Systeme Group
Unit Cost
Adj. for CPI
2010-2011 Camera Maintenance- 35 X Analog Cameras 84 x DVRs
$ 455.82
$ 17,776.98
2012- Phase f Annual Maintenance for all converted cameras& 5 X DVRs - per contract
$ 210.00
$ 8p00.00
2012 - Phase 1 Monthly Maintenance for all convened cameras & 5 x DVRs - per contract
$ 300.00
$ 1 000.DO
2012- Phase l Maintenance x 3 Mouths - Addendum l- 35 x Cameras& 5 x DVRs
S 300.W
$ 3000.DO
2012- Phase l Maintenance x 3 MonthsAddendum2- 35 x Cameras 85 x DVRs
S 30000
$ 3,000.00
B Total equals the agreed amount on the contract vnth CSG.
C 2010-2011 Camera Maintenance is the total sum of 2 x individual contracts