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CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pages BID INFORMATION 00300 Bid Form 00300-1 - 00300-3 00430 Schedule of Major Subcontractors 00430-1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00500 Agreement Forms 00500-1 00510 Notice of Award 00510-0 00520 Agreement 00520-1 - 00520-6 00530 Notice to Proceed 00530-1 00600 Bonds and Certificates 00600-1 00610 Performance Bond 00610-1 - 00610-2 00615 Payment Bond 00615-1 - 00615-2 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00630-1 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00635-1 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00640-1 00650 Lien Waiver Release (Contractor) 00650-1 - 00650-2 00660 Consent of Surety 00660-1 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 00670-1 - 00670-2 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00700 General Conditions 00700-1 - 00700-34 Exhibit GC -A GC -Al - GC-A2 00800 Supplementary Conditions 00800-1 - 00800-2 00900 Addenda, Modifications, and Payment 00900-1 00950 Contract Change Order 00950-1 - 00950-2 00960 Application for Payment 00960-1 - 00960-4 ' List of AGi Vendors -Sub -Vendors who's scope exceeds 20% of total contract amount This is the list of AG I, Vendors/sub-vendors that need to be.Iisted with the. client because their combined scope of work exceeds .theclient.prescribed.20% of the total contract value — (note this vendors scope of work in below this thresh -hold for their scope in Zones.#1 and.#10, however because it exceeds the ' threshold in Zone #11 the client has requested that welist them under this contractual requirement in an effort to simplify, the billing and contracting.of.this vendor) Subsequent vendors.who fall within this framework will need to be treated in the same manner though at this stage none of the currently qualify ' yet this could potentially,change when additional: Zones are released. These works should be treated as change orders and thus circumvent this requirement. This still needs to be confirmed with the client prior to contracts being executed in my opinion. Vendor#1 Boston Production Inc.. 290 Vander biltAvenue, Suite 1, ' Norwood,, MA02062 ' Contact: Jillian, Domenici Tel: No. +1 — 781-255-1555 ext218. . idomenici@bostonprodoctions.com www.bostonproductions.com See attached proposal which is currently being revised and redefined to reflect current scope of works aswe_understand it from the current design documentation. 1 wn3snw Xd3noDsia SNMOD lb OJ 'aI I WN p�`a LL O �E 4 M ry K W LL ' O m N O d N W J ------------------- N N� 2 WO a �;Z Np Y �f U W V Q \ I II' N W Z Q U n F O 2 O ¢1 0 1 W f r _ ® O .0-Z .Z-.0 .01-.Z p L .>-.Ot e W = o oavaoioD'SNmoDlaoa —y M o- o Wf snw,l 3AODSIG 03� SNIIIOJ -DdO3ti V r i. s LL O N N N 19 e o F LL � 7 4a•H tttt ,M" v S i i J sr , r� 4 ffff S W LL �✓id r n + o¢ ol ra UW ` rQ � O ve Ar x'Y ! n o r w o ? a wi c Z J pp J OF Q W � N u J Z U1 I11 Q Q 0. K LL N 11 0 oavaoioD'SNlnODDdO4 n —x INIAo e wn3snw Xd3noDsia = Nw �0 N G=iql°' x SNMOD lbOd W ti 0U " o.�. o`.,. { - LL O LL I I .OIL Z-,E U \ 1l U I J O O S{. N I LL 1 ' 111 I O O 1¢ ...•aetiNCE1 U LL O LL: Io N Om o m • I I W 6 w m N o ¢ w \ { Z w 3 iv 'Vr U u o O iF J O i O J Y � W a_. .—._ _.—.— _ _— o ZRZ l U ~ Z W Q J J J i Q 4 J o J f O J v - .6 l cl-,E w UI w 010 0<. SW O C;U llJ WJ LL3W " K� W Dow OOw 2ti0 0(1"010:)'SNIl1071110J q -y Ln wn3snw Xd3AOJSl4 N a SNMOD ZdO0 = 0U I I .OL,ZI I -0L .0-.L ,8 _ Y p 1 O -o-.z -e m • 'R Z U W Z U w o rnQ o Z ; LL N Z j LL m 3 W Q W a w Ja w 7 I I .0-.Z ff .0✓.Z .e,l 0 , E .S c. o w w ¢ ¢ `- ------- - o - - u 0 u W 6 W p U N LL y) 010 LL h � N I I 53121tlA S31atlA = 531tlVA .ZR S31tltlA y rx.x z N • .r�. ,�.y Z f p a J J_ ¢ ¢ . _,,_s w w r = Y w 3 U U 4 ¢ J U w U w > u a Y 2W W Y W W C •n N O C Q �O O wm Q m (O m o0 m W? 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Oi N N U W W W J p F t Q U Qo W z wo i f f 2 2 2 2s f f f z i i E f r E f f f 2 2 2 1 2 z i 2 i 'a a H = Z U S n n'i n O a 3 U U z O K p p U U U O () p p U p U U p O w N L I �I SECTION 00510 ' NOTICE OF AWARD DATE: MARCH 20, 2012 TO: ART GUILD INC PROJECT: 7184 DISCOVERY MUSEUM EXHIBIT FABRICATION PHASE II OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your proposal dated September 29, 2011 for the above project has been considered. You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for 7184 Discovery Museum Exhibit Fabrication Phase II. ' The Price of your Agreement is Three Hundred Thirty -Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty -Six Dollars ($332,256). Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. ' You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is by April 5, 2012. 1. You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents. Each of the Contract Documents must ' bear your signature on the cover of the page. 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions (Article 5.1) and Supplementary Conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. ' Within ten (10) days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents ' attached. II Citv of Fort Collins OWNER �: By: %„ti James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP 14.L_.A?Director of Purchasing & Risk Management 1 OCIVbOIOJ'SNIIIOJ 1NOJ s � —^ N wn3snw ,M3AODSIG Z c� < N w U O SNIllOD 1210J LLON �� a I I .0-.9l .0-.E I � t - 8 I6�O. 2 II /� Z j _ 1 O I o / I � � 1 O 1: ________________________________ ______ w 0 K________________________________ ----- VA w F7OR y ro / ------------- d w ww O W T _ul o-.r J J fm Q US > > J > H 0] N r O] w N I I I I I ,' I 1 I I 1 [1 h 1 r I oavaoioD'swiioDlaoJ y o s wn3snw ,M3nODSIa <S2 N LL a ------------------------- i - __ _ --------------- s a a :`- u F Y ' F a4u W. w � Q w z � ¢ ¢ Q v-w Y U J> N W�� Z J F Gll O U• Z U U' Q sf Q¢ < 2 m U 6 W E Z l) Q 2¢ W < j Z g J Q Z z a W z w LL Q O N N x f F w ¢ s z v u¢ LL z o w w m a w w a u Y w a w F i J g O J rc> i E Q 2 K V K 2 ¢^¢ Q Z Z Z p J5 Z O O m W 2 0 2 J 2? 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O -g.E i .9-.E .9-.L .o-.Z i J of , �00$ z rnQ g w $ J a a a w z = I - z C w a0� Q WLLU Q VI WZF Q of N x" rJ jz ao zt' l<O Z¢ 0 0 No Text 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 I t oavaoioD'sNmoD laoa � r 110 o m= wmsnw,�3nODSia _ Q22 z W u a K 0 LL O J l 1 s N Z f QN n UO ME 6Or NONa n 'u<- p^ W Jn 06n Oa LL l\ 6Il NLLS¢ -- - ::::==:= N W W X UI N Q > Z O W Z L Q O � LL F O F w m 4 � n w O rc w w Z ~O m u Z 0(3"010J'SNIIIOJ lUOJ wn3snw Xd3AODSIG 2�- M SNMOD ZdO0 I I LL J � � W W W 2 m m m m r > g m m _ a a 4//III U O- \ U 2 1 S I / ° J o m o m I o- LL' , n w :. O O O U m J mQ 4 Q n Q d O p I, a a m 1 m Q a a U P7 d m H w W >W n w a W m m4 71 1. 7 O W J 7 O W O O W C'J U dU d z U d U p � N I, t LL d J J m fi O O 4 J 4 O;Eli d 6 CD O W N O W Z Q Z Q m N m N H / J O a 1 1 1 1 t 1 OaVNOIOJ'SNIIIOJ 1H0� N rn wn3snw X f3AODS14 Z NOD Y.l - Q— W O y W may. SNMOD12dOA _ LLON"mw� cr i r• s � , h Y 4 f r� p r� F•i �� Jam. x M „ '1te�• r p �Ff ai V J3� r t O a m O o w wnu Z�OU O a z woz� m O�Z OZZ =.{i' W Z O m> r w� O<Dw INN y z � a ��.• •� is '� �' z w Z « s ¢ w t F O r ¢ Y w x w r N i O y y z 2 O U Z y 2 S W H 6 Z u �m O w Ja Ve L V KOYya m y LL �w 6w P. y¢ U¢ 6¢ I ' SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT ' THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 20`h day of March in the year of 2012 and shall be effective on the date this AGREEMENT is signed by the City. ' The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and Art Guild Inc. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK ' CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as the construction of the 7184 Discovery ' Museum Exhibit Fabrication Phase II, the fabrication and installation of the Zone 4, Wildlands & Wildlife, Exhibits, as detailed by the drawings and descriptions, for the Discovery Museum at 408 Mason Court. ' ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER ' The Project has been designed by Gyroscope, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the ' rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ' ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIMES ' 3.1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete by October 18, 2012 as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions within five (5) calendar ' days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. 3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the ' Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3.1. above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General tConditions. They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving in a legal preceding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed ' on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and 11 0C]"OlOD'SN1110Dlaoa y r r o s wn3snw �M3noDsia _<9 � o � Z N W VI O U O SNIT OD ZdOA w � mW(n0 sac 3 44� ��� H `f 4 i Y .M � >7 � �if� * w i "'Y y,,�+"d�^< 3 i �i' �•�� c +i�� l� It ' 1�Vt'u�Ile�s{ t .... s,t 1� t ".c W Z U N ' � OW 2 ry�ti Sv+(l 'J Z N � J F U J K F N _ = OCI"010:)'SNmoDlao� N N _, o= wmsnw ��3nODSIa zwJew =Nua � No2 �r SNIIIOD EdO� o °� c E ng p oz U dN z T Q O .6,4Z e� Hai OW Z. Ua6� N H�QW nw¢O Na Q 4 OavaOIOD'sNmOD LaOJ 0 c7 o Z- = wn3snw,k�3nODSia Jew Napo i SNMOD DdO� _ �� mw�o o. I U a313N1b3d.f 013dOlS'dAl WN.OL I, I .8 c z �3, i 33a � R 3` r �6{ Uwx00 t �wmo<MON 1 stir mar`=4. �'d G; g � z w ,e o UU 7 W W ,� W \ w 4.� v w o 0 rz W i.�. Uw2m'S �, Z ~NW W U w m 0 1 Z Z root' O d LL,zw �:... W z J F z U ry U z � w 6 n N UJ N N rW ZZ �a I ZFK Qry 022W UlN 02�- WZ. WLLm 2 WN z < H w wo ¢O W K U _ OCMOiOD'sNmOD fdOd u m x o a 3 Wf13Sf1W ,�3nODSla < z o Z 0 WO w m u- Y K I w / U w 0 e zilv Yy�'� . ♦ �3<a s sr -t OII —4ift �4F. �4 Y !� K y J �tll�N?r I'fri���{t o r If w}j K ril l Si o1i rf^i o :• i o i c z ` � w ul a ul 0a�a w r zr Kamm N m m 1 y v m p m w z Z w W m O U Q m N U a .. W s= E OavaOiOD'srvmODlaod wYLo wn3snw X83nODSia _ Q o N V = S SNMOD BdO0 mw0 _a. I _ I O O ZO _ F Z C Q J Y Y Y w 4 w 4 w 4 U W V W V < O w V 0] m Ql m m O m N p u O O 3 0 w O i U Z Q O O T a I I At-.t Q Z , O J J LL W lA - G U U N W W V W LGj W V Qf yL OJ m m m W p0 y WO G mO � Lp m OLL N O V 9p QO $ p O K N Z Z .L/L m a o z z W U \ Q q J W aJ w /n nt� O U W J Y W G u 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 OavaOIOD'SNmOD BdO� N ` wn3shw Ald3AODSIG Z N N o v SNIIIODi2O0 = LLo� m=� - -If--If I of I s o° ►� .c� -.If- _ I r O Z h ' O 5 w I m a w Ln 30 3. 3a w W w m m m N m m � 4,1 -• i A. J � 30 m _ 2.0' 0 F � m I I I I .f-.f II Ij � O U / Q I .L/t f-,L .L/L L f-.L .UL l N B O Y � W O Y Y W 4 ' Q � U J U J N Q N Q OK N WO N O m O, m O0 p 2W O S0 3 ao 3 ¢ O 0 0 LY m .V..L .o-,z q AL-,L N L/L .L/l L O — O Z \ ^h Q O L U w U w U w m N N WO W N N WO m 0 Oj m OO O O z� O OFp Q Q O O O O K K OCI"010:)'SNmoD laoJ x x x a wn3snw �M3nODSIG Nyr, o SNIIIOJ -Dd0� .ore o-s lI�1 (J Ul C f L I I { Y .e .>ie 9-.s Fl � Y O f �44Q W m q } p o 5 u W s w 'v a w z w N K m N Q o m U w r � 0 o m rn Q O W U K K m w i a ` U F B Q Z Fq- N I I m� 1 .°fee .Ln L .L I_919 t .9/L © e a � 06 m a I \ F q o Q o 2 WQ i 2 w 2 W O p ry O p ry O p g w r¢ g w n Q g U W w w d N m IU 6 N W� N d N N N r LL) N UIIIIZI f/t L \ v z ' I 01 o Z W O 1 Z ¢ (F y a a qp 1 II 3 3 w O w w ! 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F- F- iU a u � N c s g Y r- V 0 4 3 V H N O 2 N f p O 0 H V d. 00 , pV _ p J ^u 0 O j 3 n W I N O � Y � � O 0 N p5: p F N lU O w p1 N m O F N O • O k<m <3io j3 i � ci ro Fcxi u V mac F 3 w a m pda � om OQx O� 2 m: gaW> V w 0 N O F W N O a r H Z O Q W o 0 q Z A-.Z o a a .8-.Z N N .0-.8 .Z/L .v t N VIE 0.3 p o O - par o a3 0 ~ V Z J �51, 0 rpm r V V 5 Eoi Yo � Y a V p U m J a V N N N N 9 E O P Q T 0 J m o�3SLL Oz3 mda m3�p21 N O a F 2 a -- a O . t W w a 4 r O Z �N I I 1 CONTRACTOR agree that as Liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter. 1) Substantial Completion: One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the October 18, 2012 deadline for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete. 2) Final Acceptance: After Substantial Completion, Zero Dollars ($0.00) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the five (5) calendar day period for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: Three Hundred Thirty -Two Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty Six Dollars ($332 256), in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference. ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1. PROGRESS PAYMENTS. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work. 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion, Owner will be entitled to withhold as contract retainage five percent (5%) of each progress payment, but, in each ' case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. If , in the sole discretion of Owner, on recommendation of Engineer, Owner determines that the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER may ' determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work j PHASE 2 — SCOPE EXCLUSIONS tGeneral: ' 1. It has been agreed by all parties that AGI will detail suggested connection details for supplied elements. These details will be reviewed and approved by the client and their design/engineering team prior to AGI starting the fabrication process of any element. 2. Any and all power and data connections required at any and all locations are to be provided, tested and approved by the client ' prior to any element being installed. 3. Any and all Artifacts are to be provided by the client and the client team unless it has been agreed by AGI in writing prior to any and all ' fabrication starting. 4. Any and all Graphic files required throughout the Museum. 5. Any and all consumables throughout the AGI scope of work. b. Any and all touch screen monitors and/or plasma/LCD displays are to be provided by the client unless previously agreed to in writing by ' AGI prior to fabrication commencing. 7. Any and all Way finding signage is to be furnished and installed by the client unless previously agreed to in writing by AGI prior to the ' start of fabrication. 8. Any and all additional backing in any surface that allows for secure connection to the facility. ' 9. Any and all gallery or facility lighting unless previously agreed to in writing by AGI. 10. Prototyping unless previously agreed to in writing by AGI. Zone 4 - Wildlife & Wildlands ' 1. All of exhibit 4.1 Pangaea Story: Project Globe is not in scope. 2. 4.2 furnish and installation of Thasassomedon skeleton cast. 3. 4.2 media software and installation of same. 4. 4.3 media software and installation of same 5. 4.3 acquisition and installation of artifacts. b. 4.4 Bisons and mounts by FCMOD. Integration of mounts to platforms by AGI. AGI to provide labor assistance during the installation of moun)-s and artifacts. 7. 4.4 "Smoking Gun" 'arrow, arrow mount and installation by FCMOD. 8. 4.5 books by FCMOD i. ' Page 1 of 2 t 1 1 1 u Zone 5 - First Peoples 1. 5.1 media software and installation of same. 2. Characteristics survey for graphic G5.1.5 3. 5.2 artifact acquisition, mount making or installation. 4. All of exhibit 5.3 American Indian Perspectives is not in scope. Zone 6 - Food, Forage & Farm 1. 6.1 wall preparation prior to installation of graphic G6.1.1 2. 6.1 furnish and install full size section of linear irrigator. (linear irrigator exhibit graphics and interactive furnished and installed by AGI) 3. 6.6 recipe box activity furnished and installed by FCMOD. 4. 6.6 digital picture frames and content furnished to AGI by FCMOD. 5. 6.6 cookbook and/or photo album activity furnished and installed by FCMOD. 6. 6.6 regional cookbooks furnished and installed by FCMOD. 7. 6.6 software for Community Stories furnished and installed by FCMOD. 8. 6.6 Apron display case in not in scope. 9. 6.8 installation of Wind Mill Blade. 10.All of exhibit 6.8 Local Brewing is not in scope. Zone 7 - People on the Move 1. All of exhibit 7.1 Shadow Compass Projection is not in scope. 2. All of exhibit 7.3 Map of Population Movements is not in scope. 3. 7.5 climb -on saddle interactive is not in scope. 4. 7.6 Trains Through Fort Collins installation of Railway Crossing Sign. 5. 7.7 media software and programming. 6. 7.8.9 Growth of the City installation of Traffic Light. 7. All of exhibit 7.9 City Building Case is not in scope. 8. All of exhibit 7.10 Mythology of the West is not in scope. 9. All of exhibit 7.11 Climb -on Penny Farthing is not in scope. 10.Only the knee wall of exhibit 7.16 is in scope. The display case and interactive element within are not in scope. Acknowledgment of Scope Exclusions 9tial .01 d AGI/ Date Initialed FCMOD/ Date 1 Page 2 of 2 I 1 completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial ' Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed. 95% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided ' in paragraph 14.2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application Section 00520 Page 3 for payment. ' 5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount sufficient, if necessary, to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions or as provided by law. ' 5.2. FINAL PAYMENT. Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION ' In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General ' Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of "Contract Documents" in Article 1.10 of the General Conditions, and such other items as are referenced in this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by ' this reference. 7.2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following: ' 7.2.1 Certificate of Substantial Completion 7.2.2 Certificate of Final Acceptance ' 7.2.3 Lien Waiver Releases 7.2.4 Consent of Surety 1 I 1 I I I 1 7.2.5 Application for Exemption Certificate 7.2.6 Application for Payment 7.3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as follows: Zone Plans Wildlands & Wildlife 4.0.0-4.0.2 Fossil Wall 4.2.0-4.2.9 Regional Bio-diversity Wall 4.3.0-4.3.20 Bison Enclosure 4.4.0-4.4.9 Spotting Scope & Field Guides 4.5.0 The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated. Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated. 7.4. Addenda Numbers 1 to 5, inclusive. 7.5. The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions, including Contractor's proposal, project schedule, subcontractor list, and Scope of Work exclusions. 7.6. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or incorporated by reference in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document. 8.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, Agreement and obligations contained in the Contract Document. OWN • CITY OF FORT COLLINS CONT CTOR: rt Gu By: By: JAME B. O'NEILL II, CPPO, FNIGP DIR OR OF PURCHASING AND RISK MANAGEMENT Douglas R. Zegel PRINTED Date: Attest City Clerk/bIA4 '•. + Address for giving notices: P. O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Approves t rm Assista City A torney Title: President Date: 6/1 /2012 (CORPORATESEAL). Attest: Address for giving notices: Art Guild, Inc. 300 Wolf Drive, West Deptford, mi 08086 License No.: I 1 SECTION 00530 1 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work: 7184 Discovery Museum Exhibit Fabrication Phase II 1 To: Art Guild Inc. 1 This notice is to advise you: That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the 1 CONTRACTOR and the OWNER. That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been 1 received by the OWNER. That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents. 1 Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within () calendar days from receipt of this notice as 1 required by the Agreement. Dated this day of 20 1 The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be 20_ and , 20_, respectively. 1 City of Fort Collins OWNER 1 By. Title: 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE 1 Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this _day of 20 1 CONTRACTOR: Art Guild Inc. By: 1 Title: 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 11 SECTION 00300 BID FORM lJ 1 t I 1. 1 1 INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY 1 GENERAL PURPOSE RIDER 1 To be attached to and form part of Bond Number PAIFSU0556364 dated effective November 10, 1 2011, executed by Art Guild, Inc., as Principal, and by International Fidelity Insurance Company, as Surety, in favor of the City of Fort Collins, as Obligee. 1 Now, therefore, it is agreed that the sum of the bond is increased as follows: 1 From: Two Hundred Seventy Thousand One Hundred Sixty Nine and No/100 ($270 169.00) Dollars 1 To: Five Hundred Ninety Two Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Four and No/100 ($592,424.00) Dollars 1 It is further understood and agreed that all other terms and conditions of this bond shall remain unchanged. 1 This rider is to be effective the 31." day of May, 2012. 1 Signed, sealed and dated this 31s` day of May, 2012. 1 INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY 1 By. f - Christine A. Dunn, Attorney -in -Fact i 1 1 No Text I SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Insurance. 1 1 1 aRTr u3 OP ID: CW I 1 1 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE iMMI00IYYYY) DAT06/05112 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements . PRODUCER 856-845.3636 The Martin Company $56-845.9191 500 Jessup Road West Deptford, NJ 08066 Sam Martin HpMEACT FAX acsri at E: AIC No: E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICp INSURER A: Hartford Insurance Co. 19682 INSURED Art Guild, Inc./Syma Systems INSURER B: Firemen's Fund Indemnity Co. INSURER C : 300 Wolf Drive Thorofare, NJ 08086 INSURER D; INSURER B : INSURER F: COVER THIS I INDICA CERTI S TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD TED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS FICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAMS. INSR LTR TYPE or INSURANCE A B POLICY NUMBER MMICDYIYYYY MMIDOYIYYYY LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE 3 2,000,00 PREMISES Eaocmoerm $ 300,00 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 13UUNU14295 01/01112 01/01/'13 MEO EXP (Any one person) $ 10r00 CLAIMS -MADE a OCCUR PERSONAL S ADV INJURY 3 2,000,00 GENERAL AGGREGATE S 3,000,00 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGO S 2,000,00 Emp Ben. $ 1,000,00 POLICY X PRO LOC I OMBINED SINGLE LIMIT COMBINED 3 1,000,00 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 80DILY INJURY? Per person) s A X ANY AUTO 13UENAF5567 OV01/12 01/01/13 BODILY INJURY (Per acciden0 $ ALLOWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS Os NON -OWNED DAMAGE Poramidenl $ HIRED AUTOS AUTOS $ X UMBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR EACHOCCURRENCE $ 10,000,00 AGGREGATE 3 10,000,00 IS LIAR CLAIMS -MADE SUO 00024015315 01/01112 O1f01/13 DED I I RETENTIONS 3 WORXER$COMPENSATION WCSTATU- OTH- A AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y� 13WBR06744 01/01/12 01/01/13 E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E 1,000,00 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E 1r000,O0 OFFCER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandalory in NH) NfA E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 3 11000,00 If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below A EXhitrition 8 Displ 13MSU16084 01101/12 01/01/13 500,000 Limit Floater, Transit DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, AdEI0en.I Remark. Sabedule, IT man ..... 1. "ulrad) RE: The FT Collins Disoovrey Musuem, East Side of Martinez Park at the North End of Mason Street, Ft Collins, CO 80522. SEE ATTACHED NOTE City of Ft Collins 215 N Mason Street 2nd Floor Ft Collins, FL 80522 ACORD 15 (20111011 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Sam Martin ©1988.2010 AC ORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD NOTEPAD. NOWER CODE ARTGU-3 PAGE INSURED'S NAME Art Guild, Inc./Syma Systems OP ID: CW DATE 06/05/12 I 1 1 1 11 ' SECTION 00635 CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (OWNER) ' DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: PROJECT TITLE:7184 Discovery Museum Exhibit Fabrication Phase 11 PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL LOCATION: Fort Collins, Colorado INCLUDE: ' OWNER: City of Fort Collins CONTRACTOR: Art Guild Inc. ' CONTRACT DATE: March 20, 2012 The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by authorized representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the project or specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date. A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the ' responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1 I I I ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated. CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the project as substantially complete and will assume full possession of the project or specified area of the project at 12:01 a.m., on . The responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under the Contract Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks" below. CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO OWNER REMARKS: 1 21 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 20_ TO: Art Guild Inc. Gentlemen: You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20_, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by Art Guild Inc. for the City of Fort Collins project, 7184 Discovery Museum Exhibit Fabrication Phase II. A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated March 20, 2012. In conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the following date: 20 Sincerely, OWNER: City of Fort Collins By: Title: ATTEST: Title: I I I [1 SECTION 00650 LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM: Art Guild Inc. (CONTRACTOR) PROJECT: 7184 Discovery Museum Exhibit Fabrication Phase II 1. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project. 2. In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U.S.C.A. 270 a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against any fund of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project. 3. The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same have been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns arising out of the project. 4. The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, the lender, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or ' assigns arising out of the project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims. ' 5. The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set forth above constitutes and adequate description of the property and improvements to which this Lien Waiver L Release pertains. It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor and material bonds for the project. Signed this day of 20_ CONTRACTOR: Art Guild Inc. By: Title: ATTEST: Secretary STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF LARIMER ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: Notary Public 20_, by SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") CONTRACTOR: Art Guild Inc. ' PROJECT: 7184 Discovery Museum Exhibit Fabrication Phase II CONTRACT DATE: March 20, 2012 ' In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for ' (Surety) on bond of ' hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of , 20 (Surety Company) By: ' ATTACH: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in-Fact. o Iv i DR 0172 (12/98) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE DENVER CO 80261 (303)232-2416 CONTRACTOR APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Statute Section 39-26.114(1)(a)(XIX) A i , uo orr�i.c The exemption certificate for which you are applying must be used only for the purpose of purchasing construction and building materials for the exempt project described below. This exemption does not include or apply to the purchase or rental of equipment, supplies, and materials which are purchased, rented, or consumed by the contractor and which do not become part of the structure, highway, road, street, or other public works owned and used by the exempt organization. Any unauthorized use of the exemption certificate will result in revocation of your exemption certificate and other penalties provided by law. A separate certificate is required for each contract. Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue. It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors. (See reverse side). FAILURE TO ACCURATELY COMPLETE ALL BOXES WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE DENIED. Registration/Account No. (to be assigned by DOR) Period 89 - 0170-750 (999) $0.00 - CO`NTRACTOR INFORMATION Trade name/DBA: Owner, partner, or corporate name: Mailing address (City, State, Zip): Contact Person E-Mail address: Federal Employer's Identification Number: Bid amount for your contract: Fax Number. ( ) Business telephone number: Colorado withholding tax account number. -- p�A A Copies of contract:or,agreementipages-(1)'identifying the contracting parties . EXEMPTION, T INFORMATION. �IO,N, and (2) containing signatures of contracting,parties-must be attached. , Name of exempt organization (as shown on contract): Exempt organization's number: 98 - Address of exempt organization (City, State, Zip): Principal contact at exempt organization: Principal contact's telephone number: Physical location of project site (give actual address when applicable and Cities and/or County Iles) where project is located) Scheduled Month Day Year Estimated Month Day Year construction start date: completion date: I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner, partner or corporate officer: Title of corporate officer: Date: UV INV 1 VVRI I C 6CLVVV 1 1110 LIINt ' Special Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past, please note the following changes in procedure: ' The Department will no longer issue individual Certificates of exemption to subcontractors. Only prime contractors will receive a Contractor's Exemption Certificate on exempt projects. Upon receipt of the Certificate, the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractor's name and address and signing it. The original Certificate should always be retained by the prime contractor. Copies of all Certificates that the prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractor's place of business for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit. Once an 89# has been assigned to you, please use the next five numbers following it for any applications submitted for future projects. This should be your permanent ' number. For instance, if you were assigned 89-12345-0001, every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 on the application. The succeeding numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue. DO NOT enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application. I L L II L SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS I I I I 11 I I 11 I I I - I I I 11 I I GENERAL CONDITIONS um CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACT These GENERAL CONDITIONS have been developed Irv, using the STANDAMGM-NTRAL CONTDITIONS br 'f.IfE CONSTRUCTION CONMZAC-7 prepared nY- IIIC CflgnlQCr3 10ilit COnt."Cl DOCkinlent.q. Commlitce. FJCIX:No, 19,10-8 (19,911 Edition); as base. Changr-ito. that docunient ire shown by undcrlining,,toa that his been added and striking tlirvumh text that has Lmccn dctctcd. FJCDC GENERAL CONDFRONS 191 O=8 (1990 EDITION) WITH CITY OF Follcl COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (RLV 9/09) I Article or Paragraph Number &Title DEFINITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS.OF GENERAL. CONDITIONS Page Article or Paragraph No In be r Number &Titic 1.1 Addenda .................................... ......... V 1?. Agreement ..........................................1 1.3 Application For Psyrnient ....................... I 1.4 Asbestos ......................... I...................! 1.5 Bid L6 Biddinp Documents__ ................. L7 Biddinit Requirements,,,.,..,-,,, ... . ...... L3 Bonds .......... J ].(j Change Order................_..........._........I I.l(I Contract Documents 1.11 Contract 1.12 Contract Times...:......:.:..:........:._..._:_.I 1: 13 CONTRACTOR ................................. : 1 1.14 ddfectivt� ........ ................... : ......... ......I. 1.15 1_)rmvings ................... _ _J I : 16 Effective Datcbf the Agreement * _..,_....I 1.17 IN 1.13 CNIGNEER!s Consullafi I ..................__I 1.19 Field Order.,..,, ... .......... 1-10 General Requirements ....... I ................ 2 1.21 Hazardous Waste..,.,,,,__ ....... .. 1.22.a I Laws and Regulations: Laws Or Regulations ............ .......... 1.22-6 Le.,nd Holidaxs . .....................:...............2 1.23 Liens ...... ...................................... 1. 7d ',GIcstone ...................................... 1.25 Notice of Award i,2C) Notice to Proceed 1.17 OWNER ........................................ 1.28 Partial Utilization ................................ 2 1-29 PCBs ............ ............. I 1.30 Petroleo In .. _...._.. III Project.....:._ ............. ........... 1.31a Radioactivc Material ............................a 1.32.b Regular Working.Hours 133 Resident Project Representative 1.34 Samples .............................................. 1.35 Shop Drawings ....................................2. 1.36 Specifications .............. .... . .. . . ..... . * 2 L37 ly Su--ontractor ........ ............. ................ 2 1-33 Substantial Completicia% L39 Supplementary Conditions ... ....... 2 1.411 Supplier,:,:;;,,,. ... ; ... 1-1,F-1 ...... 1.41 Underground Faci [it ies ..... L42 Unit Price Work ...................... 11 .......... 3' 1.43 Work .................... I .............. 1.44 Work Change- Directive......__ 1.45 Written Am-ndrnent_ pane Nurahcr PRELIM114ARY MATTERS...... 3 2A Delivery of Bonds ....... 3' Copies of Docuracnin ..... ...... 2.3 Cornmencement.of Contract Timcs:, Notice to Proceed ............... . 3 2.4 Starting the Work .......... .................. 3 2.5-2.7 Before Starting Cbnstructicirtl CONTRAcTOR!s Responsibility to Report; Prelial inary 33clicililes; Delivery of Cerrificaics of Insurance 3-4 1.8 Precon'struction Confercnqe,_.,,_,,.,;,.4 2:9 Initially AcceptribleSchedules ....... 14 CONTRACT D(V_UMENTS! LNTENT AMEN TMNG. REUSE ............ 4 .1.1-12 Intent 3.3 Refercree'tu Standards and Speci'- rications of rechnicat Societies: Reporting and Resolving Dis- crepanci6s ............ A ........... Intent of Certain Terms or ................................ 5 3's AmendiriL Contract Documents.,., 3.6 Supplementing Contract Documents, .................................. S 33 Reuse of Documents........-.,.._.........' AVAILABILITY- OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: REFERENCE POINTS 5 4.1 Avadability of Lands .................. 5-6 4,2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions........... 4.22. 1 Reports and Diawiniis ............ ......... p 4.2.2 Limited Reliance by CONTRAC- TOR Authorized; Technical Data............................................. 6 4.13, Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions .......... : ...... ;jG 4:14 F NGF3N'Fr.R!s Review ....................... P 4;2.5 Possible Contract Docunients Clianizc .........................................6. 4.2.6 Pcissible Price and Times Adjustments 1-7 43 Physical Conditions-41ndaground Facilities....................................... 7 4.3.1 Shown di [ndimted .. .......... 7 4.3.2 tiw Shown or Indicated_:.,. 7:-7 4,4 Mercrec Points ...............................7 k:JCL)C ()ENERAJ, CONVI I IONS E910-3691'iO EDIPOM %V1 CITY OF FORT COLUNsmoninCATTONS f'REV I 7 i,� 0 I U 0 U U 0 0 Artielc or Paragraph Number .L' 'ride Page Artidc:nr Iaragraph Nam* Number&Title 45 Asbestos. PCBs. Petroleum, iazardous Waste or Radioactive &Iaterial7-3 BOND'S A141) I NSI1RANGE' ......................... Y. 5,1-0.2 PerfOrmanQc, Paymcnt emit Other Bond, ................_ r.......................... 8', 5.3 -Licensed Sureties and Insurers; Certificates of Insurance .------- ............. 3 4 COM.RACCOR°s Liability Insurance., ........... I.......................`J 5.5 OWNER's Liability Insurance,,,,•_-_.... _ 9' 3i6 Property Insurance„ :....... ........... .....9-10 5.7 Bailer and S4achinery or Addi- tional Property insurance .................. 5.8 Notice of Cancellation Protision,, 10 5,9 CONTR:\CTOR'sResponsibility for Deductible Amounts ;11,1 S.1Q Other Special Insurance................._„t1i, 5.11 Waiver of Rights;,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,,, 5.12-*,13 Receipt anti Application of Insurance Proceeds._ .... .............. 10-11 5,14 r\cccptanev of Buncis and Insur- ance; Option. to Replace,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.1i Partial Utilization --Property Insurance ...:..................................... I I CONTRACTOR'S RF:SPONSMILffiE3 6.1-6,2 'Supervision and Superintendence 6.3-65 I,aboc Materials and Equipment, 6:6 Prowess Schedule 12 6:7 Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items; CONTR:\CT.ORs. Expense; Substitute Constriction Methods or Proccdure$t ENGINEER's.Evalcation ..12-.13 6.S6.11 ConcerningSubcontractors, Suppliers and Others: Waiver of Rights,.........................13-14 6;12 Patent Fees and Royalties....................14 Permits W 6.14 Laws and Regulations,_., .. __.. _._ 14 6.15 Taxes 14 1 6.16' Use of.Premises.............. .:................ 15 6:17' Site Ck.mlinrs;,,,,,,, 15 (),Is Safe Structural Loading ..................... I5 6.19. Record Documents .... ::........:..............15 6.20 Safety and Protection.,:_ 6'1 Safety Representative..._,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I6 6.?? Hazard Communication Programs,,.... In 6.23 Emergencies .................................... 16 6:24 Shop Drawings and Sample . ............. Pigs Number, 6.:25 Submittal Proccedures;CON- TIL4CTOR's Review Prior To Shop Drawing or Sample Subm itrd I6 6. G Shop Drawing 3: Sample Submit- tals Review by ENGLNb6R',.,,..16.17 6.27' Responsibility ror Variations From Contract Docuinents,,:,-,,,,-,17 6.28 Related Work Performed Prior to Ii%K0IDrF.F:R's Review'and Approval of Required Submittals...._ :...................:..._,._ 17 6.29 Continuing the Work-„,_, ...... , 17 [.30 CONTRACTORsGeneral Warranty and Guarantee ............ _l7 6.31-6.33 Indemnification.__-_.-_ 17-1.8 6.34 Survival of Obligations„.................1 R T.;OTIIERWORF... __............ ............................. IS 7.1-7.3 Related Work at Site,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,1S 7.4 Coordination._ ------- , - ., ,.: ,.._ 13 8: OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES ...................... y3 S.1 Communications to CON- TRACTOR _ ...............:......::..:.... 18 S.2 RcplacemenDof ENG .NEER;;IS 8.3 Furnish Data andPay Promptly Whcn (lire.:................................IS 3.4 Lands an.l Easements; Reports_ and'Casts .......................... 'J S-19 3:5 Insurance ............................ ....... ..::19 S.6 Change Orel:rs .......... 19 3-7 Inspections, Tests and Approvals,_ ... ............. :.............. : 19 S:4 Stop or Suspend Work; Terrtiinate COWRACTOR's Services.- ......... ;.....,1.n 3.9 Limitations onOIVNER'S Responsibi Litres ................... 19 9.1o, A%hestos, PCBs, Petroleum,. Hazardous Waste or Radioa&tnc. ivlateri.il... ................ .19 S:I f Evidence ofFinancal Arrangcm en is.„-.......... .._....... .:19 7. ENGEN'IMR'S STATCCS DURIN-G COMTRUCMON.:..................................... _.....19 9.1 O%V�uF.R's Representative-.,.,_,.__, 19 Visits to Site,:,,,,,,,; _--19 l3 Project Representative.-„.,,,,.19-21 51.4 Clarifications and fnterpre- tations ...................................:.....'- I 9,51Authorized Variations in Pork_1 UJODC CL•'NLRAL CONDMONS l vl a-Si 1 vro EDITION w"CITY. OF FORT COLUNs At0D(F1c:i ncxNs (REV 91991 0 Article or Paragraph Page Article or Paragraph Page Number & T it le Num her Nunnhcr & *Title ,lumber 96 RejeciJing Defective kk,'orl . .......... 2 1 13.3-139 Uncovering Work• at L-:-.,NCI- 9.7-9.9 Shop Dr�awings, Change Orders NMERs Request ..................... '77-28 and Payments .................. .............. 13.10 OWNM May Stop the Work: ......... :M. 9.10 Dacrminaticns for Unit Pric . cs. . 21-22 13.11 Correction or. Removal of 9.11-9.12 Decisions on Disputm El,101- Dvfectiv&.Wark: ............... ............ 8, NEER. as Initial Interpreter ...... 13.12 Correction Period I .... I ..... I., ............. 23 9.13 Limitations on ENGINEERs 11- B Acceptance of Defective Work ......... 28 Authority and Responsibilities,,22-13 13.14 OWNER May Correct 13rfectivi. .......... ............. ...... Work-.- 28-29 CILANGES IN THE WORK ............. 23 10.1 OWNER's Ordered Change,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ?3 14. PAY.mEN-rs 'To coN(RACTOR ANI) IU.2 Claim for Adjustment,,,, ID CO.MkEHON, 10.3 Work Not Requircd bv Con net 14 b Schedule ofV,6es, Documents .....................................23 14.2 Application for Progress 10.4 Change Orders D Payment ...... ........... ............... 29 10.5 Notification of SI]Ic't'V"* ------------------ 23 14.3 CON'TRAcroin w a*rranLy of Title .......... 11, ............. ...... ; ......... 29 CKANGE OF CONTRAC-l' PRICE.. . ............23 14:4-147 Review or Applicati6ns-f8r ,11.1-11.3 Contract Pride, Claim r Progress Payments ............ .... 29-30 Adjustment'. Value of 14.8-14.9 Substantial Completion.,:,,_,.,,,. �30 the Work,.,:-,.._ ... 231-24 14.10 Partial Utilization I 11.4 Cost or Lh ' c Work ................ ............ �4-25 14.11 Final Inspectiurl .............................. 31 11.5 Exclusicri� to cost of the worh ..... 3i. w. 12 Final Application .for Paymcn( ........ 31 11.6 CONTRAdTOR's Fee.. ..... 15 14; 13- 14.14 Final Payment and Acceptance,- .... 31 11.7 Cost Records ..................................27 -26 14.15 Waiver of Claims-,,,--...... 11.3 Cash Allowances 6 11.9 Unit Price Work ................................ 26 15. SUSPENSION OF WORK \i\.-,D TERMINATION 32 CHANGE OF CONTRACT MMES ............................. 26, 1 & I OWNIER!\,[ay Suspend Work .......... 3 2 12; 1 Claim for Adjustment ......................... 26, 15.2- 15.4 OWNER mav'rerminate .................... -7 1 Time orLhe Essence ...........................26 15.5 CONTIZA60R.&Iay Stop 123 Delays Beyond CONTRACTORs Work or Terminate,,;,;,,,,;,,;,,;, Control- ... 4 .................. ; .... 26-:27 1-2-4 Delays Beyond 0WINFRs and 16, DISPUTE RESOLUTION_ ............................... 33 CONTRACTOR'S Control 27 17. vI ISCH LIIANEOUS 31 TESTS AND DISPECTIONSi CORRECTION. 17.1 Giving Notice ....... .......... 33- RENIOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF 17.2 Computation of Time!k .................... 33 DL,:,rEC77flL* WORK ..................................... ............=7 17-3 Notice orClian ............................. :33 13A Notice of Defects ........................ ........ ,7 17.4 Cumulative Remedies 33 112 Access to the Work 27 17.5 Protessional Feesand'Court 1;-3 Tests:and [nskctmns', Costs Included ................. ...... CONTP--\mR, Cooperation,.........-7 17.6 Applicable State Laws ......... ...... 33-34 13.4 OWNER's Responsibilities; Intentionally left blank .......................... .......... [ndependent. Testing Laboratory. ...... 27 133 CO"Yf RACTOR:q F-%MBIT GC -A: (Optional) Responsibilities;_.-...- .......; ........... Dispute Resolution Agreement .................... �QC-Al 13.6-13.7 Covering Work Prior to Inspec- 1e.1-16,6 Arbitration-. ........................... GC -Al lion -Testing or Approval. '27 16.7 Mcdiation.. GC -Al LJCIX: GUNEICAL CONDITIONS 1910-9 0990 HDII10N1 w,'CM OF FORT C.'01.1.[N5,%[Or)[nCATIO.Ng fREV91M I I I I I I I 11 11 I I 11 I I I I I INDEX TO Gr,.Nu�.Pw. coNDmm� City of Fort Collins modifications to,the General Conditions of the Construction Contrict nie not shown in this index , Article or paragraph Number Acceptance of- Bandsind [risurtmetz 5. 14 defective Work... . ......................... 10.4� 1. 13.5' 13.13 final payment:...-....._ ....................... -. 19.1 ? 14:15 insurance -, .................................. , ........... ......... 5� 14 ,other Work. by CONUMCTOR ......................... ,73 Substitutes and "Or -Equal. [tams ...... -61TI Work by O%Vi\MR ......... .......... 2.5. 6.30, 634 Access to the-- Linds. O1VNER andcoN'rRACTOR responsibilities .. -, ---- ...... 4,1 site. related Work,,:..____..:_ :...z_ ............ Work . ..........................................13.2, 1314, 14.9 Acts or Omissions--, Acts and Omissions" CONTRAGMIZ 69:1, 9,13.3 ENCYINTEER ... ......... ........ ..... 6.2(-k 9.13.3 OWNER.......... ........................ ................ - 3.9 Add.enda-definition of (also see definition of Soecificution,,)....... (I t6, 1.10, 6.19' ), 1: 1 Additional property (nsurancej ..... ..... I ......... Adjustments - Contract Price or Contract .......... __f,5; 1-5. 41- 43:2, 4.i.2". ........... ........ ... It)-2-10.4, 11 12 JAR 15 1 .............. ........ progress schedule ........................................... c1.6 Agreement- &flnitidn of ......... ................................ ...... L2 "all -Risk" Insurance. policy form ............................ 5.6.2 AllmvHnces, Cash ............. ....................................... 11,3 AmendingCorturact Documents.., ... ........ t ........ - ... - -, 3.5 Amendment. Written- in,gcncr3l., ................ 1, 10, 1, 4 5. 3.5, 5:10, 3,11 6.6.2 ............... 4 ........ C- 3,11 6.19, 10. 1, 10.4, 11.2 12.1. 13.12.2, 143,12 Appeal, OWNER mr CONITIZACTOR intent.to ....................... 2 _.Q. 11). 9. 11, 10. 4. 16, 2. 16.5 Application for Payment-; ,definition of... ......... -:::-, ...... 13. MNORNF M-s Responsibility ..................... .......... 9,9 final payment,,,,,,.... ....... 9 in "eneral .......................... 18, 11) 15.5 .. - PrOUTeSS payment.-„--.,_:._.- .. :.: ......... _-_-14.1-14.7 review of ----- ............ i_ .......... ........ % 14:4- L4.7 Arbitration , ........... I ........... ............ ........... 16.1-16.6 Asbestos -- claims pursuant thereto,,,-,__--....,,._,,.,,., 4; 4.5.3 CONTRACTOR authorized to stop Work ..... ... . 4.5.2 definition 6( ................. __ .................................. t.4 Article or Paragraph Number. OWNRP responsibility tiar .................... .... 4.3. 1, 8. 1 u. possible price.ind times change.._ .................... -�.5.2 Authorized Variations in Work, ......... 13.6. 6.25. 6,27, 9.5 Availability of L.mids ........................................... 41. S. 4 Award, Notice of -defined 1 25 Pefore Starting Construction,,,.,,,,, __ .................. Bid-definitibn of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1:5 (1.1, 1.10, 2.3.33, '** --- "....... -.4.9-6.4. 6.13. 11.4.3. 11.9.1) Bidding Documents -definition of .................. .. .. .. Bidding Requirements -definition of 1 7 (L li 4,16.2) Bonds;- acceptance of......................................................14 additional bonds 10. 5.. 1 1A.5.9 Cost of the Work ................... - ................ 11.5.4 definition ................... -------------- 3 delivery o( ...... ...... ...; I ..... bl ..... w .... W., .......... 1. 5; 1 final Application for Payment .................. 14. 1 14.14 general ,, ........... ...................... _L10, 5.1-5:3, 5.13, 9.11 Mi. H.7.6 Performance, Payin ent anti Other ......... SA-3.2 Bonds and Instuance-in general ............ .................... . i Builder's risk "all-risk" policy foriq__ .................. 5.6-7 Cancellation Provisions, Insurance;;,,;,;, .4. Cash -A I 16%vances I Certi ricate. of Substantial Completion ........ 1.38, 6.30.23, ..................................................14.8, 14.10 Certificates of Inspection . - 13.5, 14.12 Certi orates of 2,7 5,3; 5A.11. 5;4,1.3. ........................ 5.6.5, 5.R� 5.14, 9.13.4, 14.12 Change in Contract Price Cash Allowances ....:..:.:.::::.:....:......„._,-;;,,,;-;-:,.-I LS claim for price adjustment,,.,, „ 4A, 42.6, 4.5. 5. 1 }. 6.8.'�, 7A .......... 11, 10,2, IU; 11. 2; 1319. ............ :6 ........ 13'13; I Y 14, 14.7, 15. 1, 1515 CO vTTRt\OTOR's Fee 11.6 Cost of the Work ,general ......... ................................. .... 11.4-11.7 Exclusions to..._..:.::I....... 1.5 Cost Rcords: 11.7 in general ............. 1,19,.1.44, 9.11, 10.4.2, 10.4:3. 11 Lump Sum Pricing ..................... ...... ....... 11.1i - Notificationof Surctv...... .............. s4v of, - ....... 10.3.14:4 Testin.g.and Inspection. Uncovering the Work: ............ ........... 13.9 i:1CLCGE:NMVLC0N'DM0,NS M0.30990 M*11010 WOTY OF FORT (.RFV 9i7T) I Urift Price Work. .......................................... 11-9 .Article or Paragraph Number Value of Work Changc in Contr3ct'rime.%7- Claim for times adjustmcnt, ........ 4. 1; 4.16, 4. 5. 5.15, 6.S:2, 9:4. 9.5, 9. 1 I� 10.1 10.3: 12, 1. .............. 13.Si, 13.13, 13-14, 14.7. I5.1, lij ContractuA time limits .......... Delayi beyond CONTRACTOR'., control ........ Delays beyond OWNER's and coNTRACToEn control ification i Li ification of surety.., ......................................10.5 Not Scope of change ........................................ 10.3-10.4 Change Orders -- Acceptance of De&efiv, Work ------------------------- :_13.13 Amending Contract D ocum cnLs ..................:.:......}.'I Cash Allmvancc�, ................ ....... ............... 114 Change of.Contrac.t Price,,.--..._ .......................... I I Change uCCuntraut Tim es:v.. - :!T'-1 12 Chan. S in,the Work ........... 10 COINTRACTOR!s fee ........................................ 1,1.6 Cost or the Work ............ 11'.4-11.7 Cost Records definition of emer"uncics, 0. 23 ENGMERs responsibility ....... 9.S. 10.4. 11.2, 12.1 c-xccution 6l......................................................10.4 Indemnifictiorl 12, 6, 16, 6.31-6.33 insurance, Bonds and ................... --- 5_10v_5.13, 10.5 OwMM may terminate .............................. 15.2-15.4 OWINERs Rcspmsibilitv ........ ;_.J.6. 10.4 Physical- Conditions,- Subsurface and.....:.......................................:I(]. Underground JFacilities-_ ........................... Record DccumcnLs 6.19- Scope of Change... ........... . ..... ................. 10.3-10:4 Substitutes ...... ..................................... -6.7.3; 6.8-2, Unit Price Work .............. ................................ jI.9 value of Work, covered by, ............................. 11.3, Changes in the Work..,,-..._-----:.._ ................ ...... 10 Notification of surety_.,._..._-_.,_,_ .. ........ 10-5 O1.VN'ERs and Covrs responsibilities........... _............. ...... ........ JOA Right toan adjustment_...... 1 .!11 - - . 7 ....... : - 10,2 Scope ol7change,,,,, I ...................... 10.3-10.4 Claims -- ,,against CON rRACTOR,_.,_,..... ......................... 6.16 a,minst E.NON-EER.-_ ..... - against 0WOER, .............................................. 32 Chan of Contract Price ge ... ............... ...... - Change of Contract Times ........................... 9.4, 12.1 c61NTRACTORs ............. 4. T 1 9.4. 9.5. 9.11. . 10:2. 11,9, 12.1, 13.9, 14.8,. ISA. 15.5. 17.3 CONTRAG-rOR's Fee 1 V.6 .Article or Paragraph Nurn Ler CONTRACTOR'S liabiliry_ ......... 5.4, 6.1 6, 10, 6.31 Cost or the Work 11,3 Decision.s.on Disputes .............................. JAI, 9. 12 Dispute Resolution ............................ ............... J6.1 Dispute Resolution Ageement ... ............... 16:1-16.6 ENGINEER,as irtitiacinterpreior ....... :.:.),I, Lump Suin Pricing_ ------ O-Z iIoticc of_ .... ........ ........... _ ................. j3j MVNER's .................... 9.4, 9.5; 9.11, W.2' 11.2, 11.9 13.9. 13.13. 13.14.-17.3 OkV1NT-R!sIiabilitv,__M .... -7_ 5:5 OWNER may re[we to make payment ................14.7 .Professional Fees and Court Costs Included 7.3 request for formal decision do ......... ......... 9.11 Substitute Items ......................... 6.7-1-2 ........ Timc:Esteni;ion.................................... Time requiremerits_ ....................... 9.11, 11.1 Unit Price -11-9;3 Value of ...... Waiver of --on Final Payineril. .................. :J.1.3 14,14, 14.13 Work Chvinge'Directive 10.2 written notice required,,,;;,,,,,,,,_...., .. 9.11. [L.I 111 Clarifications and Interpretations ... I ........ ,3.6. Clean Site _ .......................... .................. 6, 17 ............ ccxl.c% or'rechnicaTNmicty, Organization or Association .. .... ..........................................3.33 Commencement of Contraci.Times 1.3 Communications— [Inz,,ud C.ommilnication Progrmug_, ....... : ...... 1,C).22 Completion— Final Application for Prwent _ ............ ....... ... t4. I Final Inspection --------- - ........ ........ 14.11 Final Payment and Acce . ptanc . 14.13-14.14 .Partial Utilization .. I....... 14.10 Substantial Completion ...................... 1.38, 14.8-149 Wailer of Claims ............ j4.15 Compi4tation of Times - - * --- * ... * ------- - 17:2.1,17:2.2 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others I I Conferences— initially acceptable schedules._,_ preconstruction, ............................................. Conflict. Error, Ambiguity, Discrepancy- Co,N-rR,kc,rbR to Report.........._._.,._.._- 2:5, 3.3.2 Construction, before starting by CONTRACTOR .................... ................. 1.5-17 Construction Nfachinery. Equipment, etc_ ........ ...... 6.4 Continuing the Work .....................................6.29, 10.4 Contract Docuruents Amending................... ....................................... . 3.5 - l3orids i" EJCDC GENERA. COSLATIONS 1910-311990 ED1110NO wi cify GF Fc)R,r COLLINSMOMFICATToNS, (RFV9)M')) h I F� I I I I I I I 1, I i I I k 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cash Allowances_,.,..__„ .... ................................. II.S. Article or Pdragrdoh NTuml.vr Change of Contract Price .................................... 11 Change of Contract Times,, ... .......... 12 (;hinges in the Work ................................ M-4- 1 .Check and verify .......... ............ ......... Clarifications,qml Interpretations ,3,2, 3.6, 9.4, 9. 11 definition of .. ........ F N G 1 "4 f, .ER is initial interpreter of,,,, 9-11 FNGINEEP as OWNER!s representative ............. .9, 1 t:cneraD insurance, - T I 1 7 7: 1 - I I I 1 7 : I I - 111 T I 1 1 1 3 Intent .............................. 11-3.4 minor variations III the Work_ ............................ 16 MWNFWs responsibility to furnish data-,-...-..-. OWTIER's responsibility to make prompt payment .... ..................... Y_3' 14!4. 14.13 precedence._ ......... ......... _ .. .............. 1. 1. 33.3 Record Documents - " *: .... t ... t .............. '.19 !"! Reference to Standards and. Specifications of Technical Societics 33 Related Work _ .................. ..................... T2 Reporting and Resolving Disciepilcieq, ...... 2.5,3.3 ReuseZ.. _.; ... : .......................... ................ �.7 :Supplementing ... ).6 Termination of ENGINEERs Emply)-tilent. 9.1 Unit Price Work_ ... .......................... ............... 11.9 virimions... ....................................... :3.6. 6,23.,6:27 Visits.to Situ, lt"NGINIEFR's. ........ .................. Contract Price - adjustment or ...... 4-1 9.4,.10.3, 11.2-11.3 Change of:. Decision on Disputes...:....................................9.11 definition of... ................................................... JAI Contract Times- adjusu "nt of t__15, 4.1. 9.4, 103. 12 Change of.: ..... .................... ................... 12. 1-1 2.4 Commemement.o( ............................................. 2.3 definition of;:., ........2. J- I C0NLTR_A,CT0R" Acceptince of Instirance .. .................................. . 14 Communications ...................................6. ..... ...... fj Continue Work 6.29. 1 a 4 coordination andscheduling,,,,,,,,.,,,"'--, ............... 6,9. Z . . definition of ............. ............................ 1.13 Limited Reliance on Technical Data Authorized .......... ...... 4. 2. 2 May Stop Work or Terminate:,:-::,.,.,.,_..__ 11-115.5 provide site access to others .......................... 7.2. 13,2 Safety,and Protection .... ....... ...... :, 6.16, 6. 1S' ....... * ......... ......... 6. 2 1 -6. 23j 7. " 13. 2' Shop Drawing and Sample Review Prior to Submittal ......................................... 6.25 Stop Work requirements -. ................................ 4-5:2 COYMACUOR'g Articlepi. Paragraph Number Compensation_ ..............................I 1.1-1 L2 Continuing Obligation, .................................... 14- 15 De Clive Work ................ 9.6. 13AG-13A4 Duty to correct dcywiv,� Work ......................... 13AI Ditty to Report- Changes'in the Work caused by Emergency' . ......... .............. . ....... Defects in WQrK.of0t1icrs ............................. 7.3 Differint, conditions.. .............. .......... !' 4:13 Discrepancy in Documents;,,,._ 2.5, 3.3.2, 6.14-1 Underground Facilities not indicated._ ....... 4.3.21 Cniergencies, .................................................... 6.23 Equipment and Machinery Rental. Cost or the Work,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1145.3 Fee --Cost Plus- I 1.4,5.6, 11 J: 1, 11.6 General Warranty and Guarantee ....................... 6.30 Hazard Communication Programs.........., ............. 6.22 Indemnification... ....... ...... �, 12� 6. 16, 6_31-0.33 inspection of die Work ......................... ...... 7:3, 13:4 Labor, lvIatefials and Fquipmenj..* ................... 6.3-6..5 Laws and Re-ulations, Compi innee: by .... ...... _.6,14.1 Liability Insurance.-,:.:-.:.:.. ......... ...... . Notice offfitent.to Appeal ......................... �.10. L6.4 olthgation to perform and complete the Woz k ().30 Patent Cecs and Royalties, paid for by ................ �,A 2 Performance and Other Bonds..:....:,......5.1 Permits, obtained and p7aid for by ....................... 0.13 Progress Schedulq. 16X19, 6A (�29, 10A 153.1 Request for formal daci�ionon disputes,,;,,,,,,,,;, Responsibilities— ChangeS in the ..... 10.1 Conce-mint,.Subcontrictors. Suppliers and Othcrs 11 Continuing the Work 6.1-9. 10-4 CON,FfRATOR's cxllcnsc. (0.1 CONTRACTORs General Warranty and G=antee ................... .............. 6.30 CONITF-ACTOR's review prior to Shop Drawing or Sample submittal, ............ ... Coordination of Emergencies ...............................................Y.23 13INGINT-ERs evaluatlon, Substitutes or "Or -Equal" Items..........6. 73 For Acts;and OmNsions a C Others -6.c). 2, 9.113 for deductible amounts, insurance...................5.9 general ......... : ......... .............. e, 73, 7.3, 8.9- Ilizirdoui; ' Communication Propranl*,, .......6,22 Indemnifeation ... .................... I ....... ,.. 6.31-6.33 EJC'I)C GENERAL CONDI I tONS 1910-S i 100 COITION1 %V/617 OF FORT COIJJNS NIOFJIFICATIQNi.Rr.v eo-)) I i I '6 3c 1 �2 is Ui e' g$B i I I -I � �ql � 1 I 1 1 I I . I I I Y I I i 00 1 i i i i YI E I Labor, Materials and Equipment .............. 0. 3-6. 5. Laws and Regulations 14 Liability Insurance --- .... .... Article or PatragrApli . . NNuin Ix-r Notice of variation from Contract Documents................ . ........................ Patent Fees and Rovaltics,: .......... PcrrnIts,.,_ Progress Schedule.-_ ----------- ....... ....... Record Documents 6.19 i elated Work performed prior to E.NG[NEERs approval of required submittals )8 safe structural loading ................................. 6.18 -0, 7.2, 13.2 Safety and Protection ....................... j. I Safety Reprcsentati've-____ .... ................. 6.21 Scheduling' the Work; ........... ..................... 6.9.2 Shop Drawings and Samples . . ........ . .:'.v Shop Drawings and Sample Review I by ENGINEER : . - t ..... . . 6:226 .Site Cleanliness -------- I ........... 17 Submittal Procedures 6. Z5 Substitute Construction.Methods and Procedures, ------- ----- 1:_z, ... Ll ....... 6.7.2 Substitutes and �'Or-Equal' [tems _6.7.1 Superintendence�_ . I ........ 1. 1 .................... Supervision......................................6. I .Survival of Obligations,.,,.,.,,.. , G.34 Taxes ................ 15 Tests and Inspoctichs 13-5 To Report .................. ......... ...... 7. Use of Premises 16-6.18, Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal .................... ... * ......... *"*'*' 6.25 Right to adjustment for changes in the Work ..... 10.2 right to claim 4, , , , , ............. 1 o .2,11..', 12A. 13.9, 14.3, 15.1. 15.5; 17.3 Safety and Protection ., ........... ....j5.20-62-2. 7.2. 13.2 Safety Representative ........................................ 6.21 Shop Drawingsand Samples Submittals 6.24-6.23 Special Consultants ------------------- ----- - ------------- 11.4-4 Substitute Construction Methods. and Proccdurea.6,7 Substitutes and "OrEqual" Items. Expense.._ ......... -------------- .............. G3,1. 6.7.2 Subcontractors.. Suppliers and Others...:,,, 11.6.8-6.11 Supervision and Superintendence ......... 6,1. 6. 2. 6,21 Taxes, Payment by .......... ...................... i ........ _6. 15 Use of Premises..-.._.,.- 126.16-6.18 Warranties and guarantecs_: . ..... 6.30 Warranty ofTitle ..............................................I4.3 Written Notice Required -- CONTRACTOR -,top Work or terminate,.,,,,,; l5J Reports of Differing Subsurface and Ph"'ical Conditions ........................4.13 Substantial Completion................................ tiii ('Oi\Yr RACTO RS --other.. ............................ ? Contractual Liability Insurance Contractual Time Limits,.,,,,,,_, ...........--- 12.2 Article or Paragraph Number Coordination— C01VURACTOR's responsibility . ........................ §;9.2 Copies of Documents .................................... ...... n. Correction Period ...... Correction. Removal or Acceptance of Dqj�otive Work-- in general.,, .................. .; ........... ., 13.10-11'14 Acceptance of Dgfective,Wark, ........ __ .............. 13,1-3 Correction or Removal of Defective Work ................................. 6.30, 13.11 Correction Period.........._ ..................... : ... 13,12 OWNE"R Nlay Correct Defective Work ....... ....... 13.14 OWNER May Stop Work ................... ..... 13.10 Cost-- orrest,, and Inspections._.... 1 ................... 114' Records 11. 7 Cost of the Work - Bonds and insurance, additional .......... ........ 11:4.5,9 Cash Discounts 71.4.2 COINTRACTOR's 1.6 -Employee Expenses..,:,.:_:_.......... ........ . 11.4,3.1 Exclusions.to 1 1'.5 G eneralll.4-11.> Hufne office -and overhead cxliynses 11,5 Losses and damages .....................................11.4.5. Materials,and equipm en"t ....... * ' ' I '*--** ........ 11 4.2 N,linor expenses ......... .......... 11 ... .................. 11.4. 5. 8 Payroll costs,on changes,,,,., ; ........ : .... 11.41 performed by Subcontractors ........ ...... 11.4.3 Records 11,7 Rentals of construction equipment and machinery .............. ......... .........,,,,I IA.5.3 Rcyiiity paymerim permits and license fees Site office and temporary faciliC.rs................. 11.4.5 2 Special Consultants, CCNITRAGTOts ........... _1 1:4.4 Supplemental ... .. :': ---------- ---------------- IAJ Taxes related to the Work- ............................ 11.4:5.4 _ - Tests and Inspection ......................................... J 3. 4• Trade Discounts..__._..._.........___..............11.4.2 Utilities: fuel and sanitary faciliti . ........ 1.4-5.7 Work after regular hours_ . ......... ...... ....... I L4,1 Covering Work ............ ......................... 3 ..... )3.6-13 Cumulative Remedies __17.4-17.3 Cutting, fitting and patching 7.2 Data, to be fifirnished by ()WN'FR ............. U ...... Day -,definition of ...................... ...................... 17.2.2 Decisions on Disputes... ............ ..................... 9.11,9.1-1 defecrive-definition of_., uefevrive Work-< - Acceptance u( ...................................... 10.4.1. 13.13 I;J(.LY,: GUNEU&CONVI'lIONS Ill G -3 (1990 EDITIOM wi klTY OF FOR r IREV 'WV)) I I I I I I I I H I I I I I I I I I I I [I I I I I I I I I I 11 I Correction -or Removal of 13.11 Correction Period.____ ......... ,in general._., ... :__ ......... . ............ 11.43, 14.7. 14.11 Article or Paragraph Number Observation by ENGIINEER .................. ............ 19,11 OWNER.May Stop Work ................................. 13AU 'Prompt Notice of.Dofects. ... ......................... 13.1 Uncov&ing the Work, .... .......... -------- ...... J3.8 Definitions ...... I Dclqys ......................................4i1, 6. 29. Delivery of Bonds cal.' nsurance DeIivcryo(ccrffi esoli MIT, _7 Determinations for Unit Prices„ ........ ...................... 9.10 .Differing Subsurface or physical , Conditions— Notice of * ............ ................ - ___ ............ .. 4.2.3 FNNG1L\1EERs Review .................................. ; .... 42.4 Possible Contract Documents Charige . ............. 4.15 Possible Price and Times Adjustments .............. 4:2.6 Discrepancies-Rcportim, .and Resolving__ 1s; 3.3.16, 14.2 Dispute Resolution- Agrectricrit, ............. ; ................................ J6.1-16.6 Arbitration general 16 Mediation 16.6 Dispute Resolution Agreement , ...... ........ t6.1-16.61 Disputes, Decisions by FiNGINFER ...... ............ 9.11-9:12 Documents -- Copiesof... ......... ........ ....... ....... . ...... ............. Record 6.19 Reuseof_.... ...... :__: .......... L.4 ...... ........ J.7 Drawings--defiriftion ...... ...... 1: 15 Easements ;.4,1 Effective date of Agreement - dctinition qf ............. )(16 Emergencies..... ............ EN1GFNrEER-- as initial interpreter an disputes;_ ............. ). 11-9; 12 deinition.of ........ * ....... . .. ... .............. ` ......... 1.. 17 : Limitations on authority and rcsponsibilitics., 1). 13' Replacement of. ---------------------- _ ... ........ ........ ,2 Resident Project Reprcicntative ... . .............. 93 ENGFINEERs Consultant -- definition If .................... 1.18 ENGLLNEEFZ!s-- authorityrind responsibility, limitations on-, .... 9.13 Authorized Variation--, in ihe,Worl 9,5- Change Orders, responsibility for._.., 9.7, 10,'11, 12 Clarifications. and Interpretations ....... _3.6.3, 9.4 Decisions an Disputes,,,,;-.... q11.9.12 defective Work, notice of " .. .... * ........... ........ ;1 3:1 Evaluation of Substitute films ........................... 6.7.3 Liribility ............................... 3 2, 9.1 Notice Work is AcccptabIe__7;11 14.13 Observations ................... 6.30.� 9.� (.-)WNkJVR'.% Roprc.scmaiivc ................... I ............ Paviments to the COk\rI'RA(,roR_ Responsibitity for R&bmmdndaIk)n of Payment, ... _ ....... ,,_14_4, 14'13 Article or Paragraph- gumbcr Responsibilities --Limitations on ................ 9.11 -9.13 Review of Reports on Differing Sub �-fficc and Physical Conditions ... 4'.4.2.4 Shop Drawings and Samples. review responsibility .. ____ ............................... 6. 26 Status During Construction -- authorized variations in the Work__ ............. 9.5 Clarifications and Inierpictatio.mi-, ... . ........ _9.4 Decisions on Disputes„ .............. 9. 11 -9,12 Detenninitions on Unit Price„-„-,,,-„.„..„--.. 9 - 10 ENGINEER as Initial Interpreter. .9,11-9.12 FNIGIINMERi Responsibilities ............ I p . 9i.141 . Limitations on l-.*NGfNEEW.q Authority and Responsibilities . ............. .............. 9:13 OWNT-R's 9.1 Project Representative, .............. ...... 9.3 Rejecting Defective Work ...... ......................... 9.6 Shop Drawings, Change Ordcrs� and Payments .............. 9. 7-9. 9 Visits to Sie� __ ... __ ... ........... ........... ----- 9.2 Unit Price determinations ................................... .9,11) Visits to Site z Written consent required .............................. Equipment, Lab)r, Materials and., .......................¢'3_6 5 Equipment r-enuil, Cost of the Workk, ...... ........ 11A.53 Equivalent• Mawrials and Equipmenk .............. error or omissions__ .......... ... !:.6.33 Evidence of Financial Arrarigements.,_ I I Explorations of physical conditions .......... ;_421 Fee, CONMLACTOR's--Costs Plus .,_ ..................... j 1,6 Field Order - of 19 issued by ENGINEER................................ Final Application for Payment , ....... ...................... 14.12 Final Inspection,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,_J4.11 Final Pavruent ,and Acceptance 14.13-14,14 Prior to, for cash allo%wces General Provisions_ ...... 3- 173 17:4 General Ria Nuii rements- definition of 1,2(1 principal rc�e're'nces IQ ............ _16, 6A..6.6-6.7 6.24 Giving..... 1;1 ---- I— ... ---------- ----- - .17.1 Gummce of Work --by CON.TP--\CT(DR ..... 14.1 _2 Hazard Communication Programs ............. Hazardous Waste— definition general............ 7 ...................... • ........ 4. OWNFR'i responsibility fur„ .... ................ ........ x,lo L*xDc c;r.I4mkL C()Nbirozms 1910-8 i I WO EDITIONI %Y'C.ITY. OF FORT COI.J.INS.%tODIFICAn(),N.% IAEV91991 I I Indemnification 6. 116-1 6.3 1 t6.33 Initially Acceptable Schedules.-,-,.-,---- .... . .. Inspection-- Cerdfzmtekot',,, ...... ...... 9A 3.4, 13. 5, 1412 Final 14.'. 1. 1 Arti&c or ParagFiph Number Special, requinid byENGINEER......................... 2.6 Tests and 13.3-13.4 LnsLLrance-- Acccptancc of; by OWIVE.R_ ............................. 5A4 AdditionaL required by change.,; in the Work Before starting the Work ................. ....... 2.7 Bonds and --in _,cncra(............ ......... . ................... 5 Cancellation Provisions,_,,......, ...... .................. 5,8 Certificates of .................... 2-7. 5, 5:3, 5A. V 1. 5.4.13. ........................ 5.6,5.5-S ' 5.14. 9-114. 14,12 completed operations '......................... .CONITR.AC'rOR!s Liability...._...._..._-- . ............. ..5;�4 CONTRACTORs objection to 5.14 Contractual Liability---' 5A.10 deductible amounts, CONTF-ACTOR's responsibility, ......... b ..................... ...... :. i.9 Final Application for Payment - ...... -A 4. 12 Licensed Insurers ... ........ :; ... __ .... ...... ; ..... 5.3 Notice requirement-,. material changcq ........ 5. S, 1 (1.5 Option to Replace__.........................................5.14 6Lhcr special insurances,,,,,,,,,,,;, ...... 5.10 OWNER as fiduciary for insureds .............. 5- 12- i. 13 OWNjERs Liability ........... I ............................. ... OWNER!s Respcnsiblli(Y.................................... . Sb5. Partial Utilization, Property Insurance ...1.,,-.,,-.. 15.15 Property:__1 .......... ................. 1 ........ 0 Receipt and Application of Insurance Procecds .............................................. 5.12-5.13 Special Insurance, _ - ----------------- 5.10 Waiver of Rights_ --- ;..: ............. 3.11 Intent ofContruct Documents ............. .......... 3.1-3.4 Interpretations ind'ClarificaLion.s..... ................, Investigations of physical-conditionj.,... ... ...... 4,1 Libor, Mmedils and Equipment ....... ...... Lands— and Easements ........... M availability of ................................... ...... A. 1. 8.4 Reports and Tests.........__ : ...... t,.. . ...... . ...... SA Laws and Regulations --Laws or Regulations -- Bondsz ............................................. _.J. Changes in the Work..:::......._...I.-1 ........ _'Ji ' 1.4 Contract Docents ................................. :_z .... 4 ... 3.1 CONTRACTOR's Responsibilities .................... 6.14 Correction Pericd.dereclive Work ..................... 13.12 Cost of the Work, taxes ............................... 11,4:5.4 definition of ... ...... 7 ................ ---------- aeneral614 Iridcmnificaivn 6.31-6.33 Insurance 5-3 Precedence 1, 3.3.3 Reference 3.3.1 Safety and Protection-.,. ....... ...... ... 6.20, 132 Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others;,,, ...... 6.4-6, I I Article or Paragraph Number Testa and Inspections . ............................. .... 13. i Use of .......... ....... Visits to Site 9.2 Liability rnsurinc&- CONTRALTO R's. ..... I ......................................... 5.4 owRLRs.'_ ". . . ....... . ...... . ....... ; ..... ---- 5:5 Licensed Sureties and Insurers ...... : .. ............ - Liens -- Application for Progress Payment.,-,,,, ....14.2 CONTR_ACI*OR's Wirrantyof'fitle ........ -------- 14.3 Final Application for Payment .......................... 14.12 definifion of 1.23 Waiver orcia"Jxfts•: Limitations on ENNGRNE M-s authority and responsibilities-, ....... Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized 6 ........ 6..... : 4 ... ........ .......... .... 4-2:2 Maintenance and Operating Mqnunls Final A pplication foi ...... t 4, 1'2 Manuals (of others) -- Precedence .................................. Merence to in Contract Mcumentss ............... 3..3.1 Materials and equipment-- rurnishcd by co\rrR_AcToR., ... ............... & I not incorporated in "lurk ............... 6 ....... 44 .......... 14.2 X-laterials or equiomcntcqu ivalcrt, ...... ..... . � 63 Mediation (Optional)_;_ ......... ........ j 67 \cfilestoncs_de fin ition of ..... 4.4 ................ ............. 1. 2-V MiscOlinoous Computation orrime%...... 17.2 ............. 1 7�. 4' Giving Notice ............ ......... 17.1 Notice orclaim ..... .............................. 4 ...... :1 Professional Fees and Court Cmis Included 7. 5 Multi -prime contracts ........ ............ ; ------- .......... ... L\Tot Show6 or Indicated ................................. ...... :3. 2 Notice of -- Acceptability of Prcjcct, ................................... 1'4. Ij Award. definition of---- ......... ....... ....... Claim ...................... ........... ...... ..... jT3 Defects.13.1 DifferingSubsurfacEor Physii:al Conditions;.--- 4.23 Giving - Tests and Inspections ............. ........................ _1 3:3 Variation, Shop Drawing and Samplq. ............. _6:27 Notice to Proceed— definition of .................... 1 _26 giving of ..... ............................ ............ .............. 2.3 EXUC GLNUtAL CONDITIONS I91 a-3 0990,EDITION) %v/ CITY OF FORT COLLINSMODIRCATIONS (REV')/'Y)) I 11 L I I i I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I Nlotifiezition to yurqty. ................. I ....... ......... testing, independent: ....... _.. _... . .................. 13.4 Observ.1tions, by ENGINEM 9.2 use -or occupancy Occupanev of the Work, ..... 15. 4.10 . of the Work ..... ..... $AS6.30.14. 14.10 Omissions or ncLq b%, CC)1,FrIL,),C.TOR --.5 ?1 9,13 written consent or 2pproval Open Peril policy for-m. Insurance ......................... 6.2 required ................. ....................... 9-1 63. 11A Option to Replace ....................... ............ .............. i. 14 Article or N.rigrqph N uni her "m Or Equal" Ites ............................ ......... ...... 7 Other work.7 Overtime Work —prohibition o(.., -------- ------------- 63 Acceptance ofdefitcriv, Work ........................... 13J3 appoint an ENGLINELIZ ............ &'2 as fiduciary,. ........ - � ....... 5-112-il ij 'r'e'sponsibility Availabilit'y, jrjL-a,-n"c'h-; .................... 4. I definition o( ................... ,1.-17 data, furnish ....... I ...... ....... 83 &Iay Correct Defectivu Work .... ......... ..... J3.14' .-May, refuse to mak� payment 14�V ............................. Nlay Stop the Work ..... ............................ ---13. tQ V Suspend Work, Terminate, ....... 13.1U. 15;1-15,4 Payment, make prompt . ................... _$.3, 14A, 14J3 performanu: ofuther %vark,., .............................. T 1 permits and licenses, requirements,,,,_,.,:,-„ , _ ... 6q 13' purchased insurance requireattent4__ .......... 5,6-5: 10 Acceptance of the Worh.............................. ¢. 3 U. 15 Change Orders, obligation to executq .......... �1.6. 10.4 Conimunicationq ..................... ..................... SA Cocrdination of thc-Work--'1 7.4 Pisputes: request for decision.,: ......................... �. I I Inspections, tests and 114 Liability ........... :5:5 Notice or Defects.,; ........................................... 13.1 Rcpr esentatisc--During Construction, HINIGINHIiWs Status 9,1 Responsibilities-- Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum: Hazardous Waste or Radioactive &Iaterfifl Change Orders, .......... 1: ...... I.; ................... . Changes in the Work _--- ........ ---------- ......8.6 communications CONrfR-CTOR's rcspansibiliticq ..................8.9 evidence oC financial S.11 ' inspections, tests and approvals:,,,,.,_„-,--_..., .83 insurance lands and t s 8,4 prompt payment by 8.3 repNceruent of ENG E R .... _ ...... ........... 2 reports and le-qts ............................ .......... NA: stop or suspend Work ................... US. 13. 10: 15. I terminate CONTR-ACTORs services separate representative at sity- ................... _93 xi UJCDC CENEPUL CONDMONS 1,910 -:3 i1990 1:01 HON) %Y"CITY. OF FORT COLUN,mornncxnOXi I Article or Paragraph Num her written notice required,;; I ... ....... ;.7-1. 9.4: 9. 11, ................................... ................... H:2-, 11.9. 14.71 t,54 PCBs -- definition of 129 general..............................................................4 O%VNER!s responsibility (or ............................. Partial Utilization - definition of-_.::,: -_.:,;- ......... ....... J-28 general 630.2-4, 14,11) Property Insuraricc ............................................ 5.13 Ntcrit - t,Fecss and Royalties ......................................... �- i Payment Bonds 5.1-5.2 Payments, Recommendation of ... .......... 14.4; 14- 7, 14.13 PaymeriLs to cb,,rrRACTbR and Completion -- Application for FrogressPayments ........... ...... J 4. 2 CONTRACTOR's Warranty arritic ------- ....... 1.4.3 Final Application lbr Pnymem ....... W- ..... Final [rispection ............................................... 14.11 .Final Pavment and Acceptarm; ............... 14,13-14. 14 ggeneral.... A3; 14 Partial Utilization,------ 71 ... !:.- Retainage.............................. ........................... 14.22 Review of Applications for Progress Payments., 14:4-'14.7 prompt payment. ....................... z ...... Schedule of Values 14.1 Substan(iql Comptcuork•................. ............ 14.8-1-4.9, Waiver of Claims ............................................. 14-15 when payincrits due ................................ 14.4, 14A3 withholding payment_- I ......... I ........ I ......... I ....... 14.7 Performance Bonds .................................I ......... ij -5.2 Permits ..:::::::::....::.:......a.......:::......: :Z: ...... a ....... - ........ ............ 6.13 Petroleum— definition of ...... ....................................... j:3() general........................................sass, ................. 4,5 OWNER!q responsibility ror-T ..... , I'laysicctl Conditions -- Drawings or, in,or relating to ......................... 4 11. 2 F.NLGTN"FFR Is review ......... : .... ................... ; ...... 4. 71.4 existigstructures, --- ------ : .................. ........ I --- 42.2 general 4.2, 1-2........... ...... ....................... Notice of Differing Subcairficc or.... ......... ......... 4.2.3 Pcssiblc Contract Documents Change,,,,,,-.,--.-- - - Possible Price and Times Adjustments..,.,,,-,.._. Reporis and Drawing?............................I.........4.11 Subsurface and:.................................................. 4,' Subsurface Conditions ...... ... Ll ........ ii3*"* Technical Data, Limited Reliance by CWTRAC-TOR. Authorized., ...... Underground Facilities— general.........................................................4.3. Not Shown or Indic.ted ......... Protcction of ......................................... 4. 1. G3() Article of Paragraph ,\join her Shown or :-.4.3.1 Technical Data ............ 4.2.1 Prc1Jonstructibn Confcrencq,, ... 2,3 Preliminary Matters ----------- preliminary Schedules .............................................. ....................... Premises. Use of :fi. Price, Change of ' Contrat . c:......................................I ..... ** ...... ..... **'*'* ...... I I Contract--definitionPrice, Conact--dcfinition --------------- w 111 Progress Payment, Applications for-.. ..... ................. 14.2 Progress Pavnient--rctainaac: . ............. ............ 14.2 Progress schedule, CONTRACTOR!s ............ -16, 2A'2.9, 6.6. 6.,29;. 10. 4. 15: 11 Project Status During Construct ion ...... ..... 9.3 Project Representative, ResidIantr-clefinition of ....... ..- 1.33' prompt payment by MWER ... .: ....... .............. 8:3 Proli erty I nsurn nco= - Additional qi7 llenera[5.6-5. 10 arfial Utilization.......,--..-;_75.15, 14.102 receipt and application of proceeds ............. x 12-51 13 Protection, Salctyand ............. I ........ 1313 Punch list Radioactive Nfidterial-- defintfort of 1,32 goneral4.5 OWNFR's responsibility far ........... ........... :,S. I a Recommendation of Payment .................. 14.4, 146. 14.13 Rcord Documents 6.19, 14.12' P'lurds, procedures for.maintainin .. ....... ........... Reference ....... ............................ 4:4 Reference to Standards and Specifications of Technical Societies .................... ......... j.3 Regulation,.;. Laws and(or) ......................................q.14 RcjcctingDejkfive Work- 9.6 Related Work -- atsite ...................... ............... .............. 7.1-7.3 Performed prior to Shop Drawings .and Simples submittals review;,,,,,;,,,,,,,,;,,,„ o:28 Remedies, cumulative .............. ............... 17!5 Removal or Correction ofDqjacfiva Wark .......... 13.11 rental wrecancrits. OWNTR Hpprov'l required ..... replacement of ENGINELP, by MINER Reporting and Resolving Diepimcies .............. .................. 2.5, 3.1-1, 6,14',2 Reports -- and Drawings.._................s ............ 4.2:1 and Tests, OWINTM's resognsibility,. ............ 3'.l Resident and Project Representative -- definition (if ............................................I.......1.33 provisionfor ......................................... I ................... 9:3 xii LJCL)C GENEM CONDIFIONS 1910-3 (1990 ED111011t) W (ITY OF FORT COf.f.i&S MODIFICATIONS (MV-M11.) I I I I I I I ki I LJ I I I I I I I I Article or Paragraph INIumber Resident Superintendent, Responsibilities- CONTR--V-TORs•in general ............. .................... 6 E-NGNEERs-in-enerat 9 ' Limitations 11 i3 OWNTER's-in ........ -1,8 Retainage.- ... - .... I .............. .. ........... - ........ 14:2 Reuse of Documents ....... ............ ........ - ............... 3.,7 Review by CONTRACTOR: Shop Drawings. and Samples Prior to Submittal.-........, ... .... Ci.25 Review of Applications for Progress Payments .... * ......... * ......... * ............. 14.4-14.7 Right to in adjusamenu...........................................1q3 Rights of Way---`-.._.__ ........ ........... __ ........ .......... 4 . I Royalties, Patent Fees mid il 6.12 ,Sit-- Su ucruial Loading..........................................6: 1 S Safety -- and Protection... ...... ___ ............... 4.3.21 6.16, 6. L 8, 7.2. 112 genera..................... .......................... -6:23 Representative, CONTRACTOR's,; .................... ei. 21 SsInples- definition of . ...... ;J.34 general ........4 ........................................... 6.24-6. 28 7 Review by CONTRACTOR.......... ...... ........... 6.25 Review by FNGI NEER ..............................C36, 6.27 related Work... .......................... - ............... 28 submittal of 24.2 submittal procedures ' .........................................6.b ............ 6. -1-5 Schedule of prcgrcss.. .:........:....:.?.6. *2.S-,):9, 6,6. ................... 10.4, I5.25J Schedule of Shop Drawingand Sample Subriiiiials .............................. 624-6.,28 Schedule of Values........... . .................... .2 �6, 2.8-2.9, 1411 Sthedules-- Adherence to 2. 1 Adjusting............................. .............................. ¢.6 Change 6CContmct Times: ................................ 10.4 Initially AccQptable ......... ...................... 9 Piclimiriary .... ....... ............. --- ......... 2.6 Scope of Changes..4 ...................... _4 ........ 10.j- 10.4 Subsurface Conditions ........................................ Shop Drawings - and Samples, general'., ............................. 46. 24-6.2S Change Orders & Applk-ntians for Payments, and ........... ;._ ................. definition of;--__ ;.1.35 ENIG INNFER's approval of,--............................3.6.2 ENGENTEERs responsibility for review ............................... 4 ...... 9,7, 6-24-6.29 related Work----_--- I -------- 7--- ......... ............. .:28 review procedures....,.. 4 ......................... 2.,N. 6.24-6:22S E Artic1c,or Paragraph Number submittal required ......... ...................................... 6,24:1 Submittal ProudUres .............. .......................... 6,23 7 use to,' approve substitutionS-,-,.,-,,, ... Shown or Indicated i Site Access .......................................... - ........... 7.7, 13.2 Site CleinLiness 17 Site, Visits to-� by EINGENTEER ..... ............ ............. : ......... 9-2. 132 byothers--...-. ................................. ...... ...... special causes of loss" PQI;cy form, in suranuc ................. i. 6.2 definition,of ............. : ................. L 36 Specifications - definition o( of'rechnical Societies, reference to precedence .................................. ................ �3.3 Standards and Specifications of Technical Societies �33 Starting Construction, Before; .... ........... Starting the Work........ ...... ---------- ?:4 Stop or Suspend Work - by t.ONTRACTOR ... ...... _ ...... .............. ........ L5. 5 by OWNER,,,_, ................... _8X 13.10� 15,1 Slora,-e of materials and 7.2 Structural Loading. Safely .......................... ............ 6. IS- SuIxontractor- Concerning ........................... .................... 6.3-6.11 definition of,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........................................ 1.37 delays - ............................................. ............. 123 waiver of rights, ............................................... !' I I S6becritracturs-in general,;,,;,,,,,,,;,,,, ....... ----6,8-6.11 Subeontracts-required provisions 6 1-1, 11.4.3 .Subs ittals- Applications for Payment .................................. [4-2 wffinremincc and Operation Manuals 14A 2 Procedures.... ......... ........ ....... 16.25 Progress Schedules, ........ I .............. I ....... 2.9 Samples ...... ..................................... ....... 6.24-6.18 Schedule or Values 2.6, 14,1' Schedule of Shop Drawings and Smu plus Submissions .... I ........ ................. ...... 16, 2.8=.9 Shop Drawin.gj ............. ........................... 6-24-6. 18 Substantial Completion - certification .... 6.30-2.3, 14,8-14.9 dertnition of Substitute: Construction Methods or Procedures,.;_,- G:7.2 Substitutes and 'Or ti*qual" items 6.7 CONTTRACTOR!r Expenscm---.. .1 - ....... ".(.7.1.3 ENGINEER's Uvaluation., ........... ............... I ... 6-7.3 "Or -Equal ..................................................... 6.7.1:1 SutwiEutoConstruction Methods EJCDC GENDULCONDITIONS 1910.8 i1990 LDITIONI WCITY CIF roK,rcom.iNS.%I0FJtFJCA nONS (Rriv 9299) I I Article or Paragraph Number or Procedures:..:.........................................1.7.?. Substitute Items, ...... _........ ....................._:._,.n:7.1? Suhswfacc and Physical Conditions-- Drawings of, in or relaLfig to .............. { 11.2 ENGNEER's Review......................................A1 2.4 general. - .... ............. .::......... :... 4:-2 Limited Rel once bv' CONTR, TOR Authorized ._ - -.................................... I ^_? Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions,.-,:--,...: ,, . i.4.3 Physical Conditions:....._.........,_....._.,...,.:;..4?.l Possible Contract Documents Change,,, ,,,,,,,,, Possible Priceand-fimes Adjustments.,_.........-9.2.6, Reports and f)raaingq-._..._..__...:_.._...._......;1?.1 Subsurface and ......:.......:...:....:.:.......I................. 4;2 Subsurface Conditions at the. Sit................ .... a, 2, 1-1 Technical Data ... ............ ___ ............................ 3.-2.2 Supervision— CONTRACTOR's responsibility -------------- :........... 6-1 OWNER shall not suparvisc..................................9- ENGINFFR shall not supervis4 „ ...I..., 9:2, 9.I:i:2 Superintendence.. ........................ :............ .fr 2 Superintendent, CONTRACTORs resident,... ........... 6.2 Supplemental costs...............................................11.4.5 Supplementary Conditions— definition o(................... ......................... ......... 1,39 principal references to ................. j,11), 1.13,,1','17;. .......S.11. 6.S. 6.13; 7.4. 3.11, 9.3..9. t0 Supplemcrifin""Contract.Documents ..... ;......... :..:....... Supplier -- definition of.. ......................................... ........ ..IAQ principal refernces to ........... 3.7, 6.5, 6.S-6.11, 6.20, .- .. ................6 N, 9.13, 1.1.12 Waiver of Riahts„.,_.. , •,,, 6.11 Surety — consent to final payment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14.13-, -14.14 ENGrNEER has no'duty to.., ...................... ... I .... 9.13 Notiticationof.,._:__------------ :..........JU.I, ti).5, 15;2 qualification of ...__.....................................:2,1 S.3 Survival of Obligations...........................................6.3.1 Suspend Work. OWNER May ................ .....I.13,10-15.1 Suspension of Workand Termination .................... -15 CONTRACTOR vtny Stop Work . or Tenn mate ................. .......:.::..................15.5 OWNER Ntay Suspend Work_.. 15.1 OWNER May Tarm inatc.................. _.....:.. 15:2-15.4 •I•ascs•-Payment by CON l7R.i(.fUR....................... J.1' Technical Data-- L un ited Reliance by CONTRACTOR, ................ 1.2. _) Povible Price and Times Adjustments_„_.._.,,,- KeporLs of Differing Subsurface and Physical Conditions....................................4.? 3 :iv Temporary construction facilities ............................. a.l Aiticle or Paragraph Nrum bet rermination-- by CONI IL4Cf012 .................. 15.5 by OWNER:........... .. .. S:S, I5.1-1i.4 of ENGL�lEER's emplovmctit .............................. S3. Suspensio'n of Work-in general ............................. 1 _ Terms and Adjectives_" .4 Tests and �Gtspcetioits-- Access to the Work, by others ................ .............. 13.2 CON'1'RACTOR's responsibilities ...................... 13.5 Lout of 13.4 covering Work prior to ....... :. ....... T.:........... 13.6-13.7 Laws and Regulations(or).............................. 13.5 Notice.of Defects... .................................... ....... 1 33. I OWNIER Ntav Stop Work.......................:.....__13.11) OWNFR's independent testing ........................:.13.4 special, required by ENGINEER ....... ................... 9;6 timely notice required.............„........................13.4 Uncovering the Work tit ENCLNEER's request.__ .... __-..,_.,......,;.. ...............I 3.5-13.4 files-- :Adj usting:........ ................ 6,6 Change of Contract.......: _......:...:..... .........12 Computation of...:.........._.....................::.:::._J 7:_ Contract Times --definition o( ........................... 1._12 day..... .... .......... .... .... ......................... .....17,3:3 M ilckunes:.........................................................12. Requirements-- appeals.................................................9.10, 16 clarifications, claims and disputes,,,,,,,,;;,,, , na i. 11.2, 13' Commencement of Contract Timeg ...... .:....:....... 3 Preconstruction Confcrencet ..:......................'.e schedules.........................................).G. Startm the Work Z!4' Title. Warranty of-.... ,.. - ... ... 14.3, Uncoverin.- Work ........................................ ._ 13 5. 13.9, Underground Facilities, Physical Conditions — definition or ............... :.................................... J.41 Nor Shown a Indicated .::. ::....:...... : 4.3. T protection of ............................... 4:3. 6.2Q ................. Shown or Indicate.........................................4.3.1 Unit Price Work— definition of ..................................................... 1.4_ generaIl l.9, 14.1. 14.5 Unit Prices — general 11.3.1 Determination for ............................................ 9,lo Use of Premises ,,,,,,...I ........ .............. 6,16, 6.13, 6.30?.4 Utility owners.............................6.13; 6:30, 7.1-7.3, 13.2 Utilization, Partial.-,-,,.---•..,L2S. 5.15, 630._.4. 14.10 Value of the Work................................................... 1 1.3 Values. Schedulc0E.............;.............''=.6:'_.S ... 2,9. 14.1. EJU)C OENEtAL CONIA I IONS 1916-3 0990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLMS MODtfICATIONS fU V 9 ?ll 1 I v 1 1 I I I r I I I krarimions in Work --Minor Authorized,_I.- .... . . or rm-riph Visits to Site —by ENIGMTEElk ......................... .......... 91 Waiver of Claims -on Final Waiver of Rights.by insured panic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... Warranty and Guarantee. Gericral-_[ .... CONTRAC7.01Z ......................... ................... 6.30 Warranty ciffitle. CONTRACTORs, 4.3 WorAck___ cess 13.2 byothers,... ............................................................ 7 Changesin the .. .................. Continuing (he .................. .... 7___ CONTIR-ACTORMay Stop Work .............. �:6.29 or Term inate; .... ........ 15. 5 Coordination of 7.4 Cost of the _J: definition or ...................................................... 1.43 neglected by CONTRACTOR .................. _ ........ 13.14 other Work 0"r"V'ER '\lay Stop Work:'-'T'7;7'• 13 If? OWNFRIMay Suspend Work ............ 15.1 Related, Work at Site......... .......................... .. 7. 1 -7.3 Starting 14 Stoppine by CONTRACTOR ...... ......I.3-5 Stepping by OWNER ................................. 1571-15.4 Variation and deviation authorized. minor .. ___J.6 Work Change Directive — claims pursuant to ........................... ............... J0.2 definition of 144 principal references to ....................... 3.513, 10.1-10.2 Written Amendment -- definition or,,,,,,,,,,,,, :.:_ ------ : ....... 1.45 principal references to ..... ......... IJO, 15, 5-1111,13:1n �,.6,2, 6.8.2. d.19, 10.11 10.4, .......... ............... 1.1, IT 1 14:7.2 Written CtariGattions and Interpretations ................................... 3.6,3' 9.4. 9.11 Written Notice Required — by CONZ7MCTOIi ................ ....... 7. 1, 9j 0-9.11, O ........... a ........ --------------- by OWNER ..................... 9. 10-9, 11, 10, 4, 11, 2— lje4 Ld I I xv I I UJCDC GLNLRkL CONDI TION, 1910-S UM E01110M WCITY OF PORT COLUN.", 11 h crhos page Ictt'hlank intentionally), i 1 1 1 i G [1 1 1 1 1 1 LA 1 1 CJi 1%; OENERAL. CONDI [ IONS 19104i 0990 LD1110YF w� crry OF PORT S:OLLI S;\R�DIFiC.\TIO\S (2EV yiTq 1 1 i I u 1 I 1 I 1 r 1 I CENEkAL GONDaTom .ARTICLE L DE('UMONS Wherever used in these-Gencrtl Conditions or in the other Contract Documents the following 'terms; ha"vc the, meanings" inditatetl which are' applicable •to both the. _`ingular and,plural thereoG I.L. Ackkiieia-Written or graphic instruments issued prior to -the opening of Bids which clarify., correct or change the Bidding -Requirements or 'the Contract Documents. 1.3.. Agreenteni-The wn aen contract henvctn OWN HR. aritQONTRACTOR o vermg the Work to be performed:. other tontract'Documents arc anachcd to die Agreement and made a part thereof as prervidedtherein. 1.3. Application.far Puentant-The form accepted -by I�MINIF.ER. which is to Le used by CONI'RACI'OR in rcquiesiin prognsd or final. payments and which is to he accompanied by .such suliNnmg dowmentntion as is rcquircdby the Contract Documents.. 1 ., Asbestos; -Any material;ihat contains more thin one, Nrunt asbestos and is triable or is releasingsishestos,fih:rs into the air above currmt fiction levels esmhlrshed by die, United States Occupational. Safety and, Health Administration - I.;; Rid -The offer or, prop tistl of the hidder :mbmiucd on the pie:xribed form stetting forth the. prices for Alit Work td be performed. 1.6, Rickfing Drxunrents—The advertisement or invitation to Bid instructions.to biddzrsvthe Bid Conn, and the,propded Contract. Docuniems (including al(Adderida issued prior to receipt of Bid:;). 1;7., Ridding Requirements -The advertisement or invitation to OCUmstnrctiorts tobiddem and the Bid form. 1.3.. Bonds—Performprice'andPayment bonds nnd'cthee instruments of security., 1.9. Change Ottkr—A document recommended by, sLNGE-4MR_ which, is signed by CONTRACTORand OWNER sin ('authorizes an adman. deletion a revision in the Work, or .;in adjustment in the Contras. Pace or the Contract Times, issued on or after the Effective -Date_ of the Agreement 1.10. Contract Docimic<irti—Tlic. ilgieeinenl; .Addcn6 (which pertain to the Contract Documents),, C'ONTRACI'OR•s 13id (including docwncitation accompanying the Bid'and any post Bid documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when auached as an exhibit to the.Agrunicrit, the Notice to.Proccecc the Bonds, these -General Conditiorm the Supplementary (;onditions, the Specitiratitms and tied Drawings as the. �cncue,.ete,�, coivurno,aa�uts ti?,•�u Ed;cioir WI CIY OF FORT COLLIES \tOUll•7C.\ rI0N5 tl LEV ,ir0t)()l same are m6re specifically identified in the Ayecthznt. together with all' Written Amendments, Change Qrders,. Work Change Directives, Field Orders and ENGINEER'.s written interpretation and clarifications issued pursuant to puragraphs15, 3.6.1 and3.6.3 on or utter the Effective. Dateof the Agreement, :Sliop Drnv�ing'suliniittals approved pursuantto paragraphs 6.26 aml' 037 and the repoms mid drawuy s referred to in pa ravaaphs'4 =:1 and 4.2.3 arc not Contract Documents, L11, Cormnc't Price —The monevs-payttbla by OWN -ER to CONTRACTOR forcompletiun of the Mork in accordance with the Contract Documents a,. stated in the Agreement (subject, to the provisions. of lxtragrapli 1 19-1 in the case of Unii Price Wort;). 1a3. Contract Tirnes='Plie numbers af- days or the datcs.stated in the hgrcemcnr, (i) to ache vc Suhstantiil Completion. and (ii). to-complctc the Work so that, itis ready for firm piynicnt,as evidenced by HN(iINHHR's written recommendation of final pave -in accordance with paragraph 14,13. 1-13. CMIRACPOR—The person, Unit or corporation with whom <]WNF R. has ctuetcd into the Agruni cnL 1:14, &fzetivr An ,adjective which when modifying dic word' Work relers to Work that is misatistactury, faulty, cv' deficient in thatit vlees not, conform to die Contract Q&uments, or dries notmeet the requirementsof any inspection, reference standard, test or approval referred to iri the Contract Dgevnicrim,orhas.been damaged prior to IINGIINEER's recommcridadon:of final payment (urdess responsibility for the protection therepf has been assumed bi• OWNTJ�at Substantial Completion in accordance with paragniph 1 c.8 or 1-4.10). 1-15. Druivinys—The drawings which show the scope, extent and character of the Work to be fumished'Snd prformed by CONTRACTOR, and which hive been pirereredor approved by.ENGLVEGR.nnd are rzterred to in the Contrifet Documents. Shop, drawingsare not Drawings as so defined. I.16 Effective Dare of theAgrasmeW—The date indicated in the _%reementon which it becomes errective, Wit* ifnc such Dale is indicated it nieansthz date onvvliich the Aenxment. is .signed and delivered In• the last of the: two parties to sip and dehvcr. 1.17- CAGINEER—The person, •Cvrtt or corpcatition named as such in the Agreement. 1.13. F.UGhVEFR's CothwIlkitt-,A person, lime or corporation having a crmtmd.with.ENUINEER to ftunish services us .ENGNEGR's independent puofessioital associate or consultant with rosp5etto the: Project aril who is identified as such in the Supplementary Conditions.. 1:19: Pield Oider•—A written order issued . by EiGi; LEER which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 9. i taut which does not involve a change in die Contract Price or the .Coniraet-Times: L s a U� U 3:3 a I E I E z c 2!5 2i, FIE 2. E F E l,M General Requirements —Sections of Division I of the Spccifi afiomc I I_ Hasanlgrts IYoste—TF>r 4�r:n t[avarduus.Wtistc i;}tall have the meaning providcddin Sccuon,.1004 of the'Salid lVa-ste C)ispos11 Act_ (42 USC'Seciii�n t5903) as aniended from time to time. I.'_'_.a. La+n and Rquiations; Laws- or Regrdatrons-,,Goy and all applicable laws: rules, regulations. ordinaries; ,codes fonf. orders of any and all go'yerrtmental doilies. agencies,auilioritiesand courts having -jurisdiction. 1 "_.b. Lnul Hdlidmd-shall be those holidays observed liltthe.CityorFortCollins. _ 1.23. Liens —Liens, charges. security 'interests or encumbrances upon real properly or ficrsonal property- 1,24: ",tiilwone-A principal event spxificd in die Contract Daumcnts.rclating to an in completion date- or time prior to Suhctantint C;omnicuon of all the. Work. 1.25, N'ri c'eofAwont 4 wn rittenotice by OWNTER to theapparerrt. ucecssful blddar,stiting tFmtuptm compliance In' the apparent successful' bidder with the con ditloms precdutf enumerated therein, within the time specified;. OWNER will sig 'find deliver the.;\_vicesncnt. :Vatice to Prtxeedi- A written notice given by UW�IIdR to CC)N'rRACrOR fwith a copy to ELNUrN EER) fixing the date oil which -the Contract Times will commence to r n,and on which CONTRACTOR shrill start to p,:rfnrm. CONTRACTOR'S- obligationsunder the Contract Documents. 1.27, r]t6'NER—The public body Or authority, corporation, association, lirm or person. With whom CONTRACTOR has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be provided. 1.18. Partial Utili_adon-Use by OWNER of a suhvtantially competed pan OftheUiork .For, the purpose. For Which it is intended for a related purpose) prior to SuNtantial Completion oral) the Work_ 129. PCBs -Polychlorinated biphenyk. 1.30. Petroleum --Petroleum; including truck oil Or any fractions thereof d'hich is liquid at. astridrrd conditions of temperature .und pressure(W dctaees Falucnheil and 14,7 pounds poi square. inch absnlutc), such . as Oil, petroleum. fuel oil oil sludge; oilrefuse- gasoline: kerosene and oil me(ed with other non -I lazardlous Wastes and crude oils_ 1:31. Project —The total constructiun of which the Work to be provided under the Eorrinct Documcidt; niay be the whole, or a part as indicated elsewhere 'in the Contract Documents 1.32:a. Ruckoactive dlutetial-Source: spccial;nuch-tlr. or hyproduct material as defined by the Atnlrtrc F:nere4yr itct of EJCD(;0ENMIIV COVU!'1101M 1J10-3 099V Etlili"ll, :vt CTIY OF PORT COLLI \S SIUOIfIC'd'110NS I I:EV .ti2aUa1' 10s4 (42 USCSection '_'Olt et seg:) .as'aniended front time to time. 132.b. Rrxulnr g6Aine Hours-Reeular workine hours are defined as 7:00am to, &00om unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements- - 1.33. Resident Project Repesantirtive-The authorized representative Of ENGRtEER who may y be assigrtcd'to the site or any part thereof. 1.34, Stunplrs-Physical -examples. of materials, equipment,. or workmanship that. are representative of some portion of the Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be iudeccl- 1.35. Shop Dnarvrngv-.All drawings diacrvns, illustrations, schedules and, other data or irrfe'rmation �whrch arespemhc911y prepared ocnsscmbicd by or for CONTRACTOR and submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrmesome portion of the Work. 1.36- Spec catnrnc=l'hgse. polls .o is of the Contract C.kVuntcnts consisting of ivrnten technical do iriptions of materials, equipment; constriction s),stems; standards'and workmanship as .applied. to the. Work andcertain adniinistmtive, dcutils a[Ji)licnhlc thereto: 137, Subcontruclor -An individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with CUN :rR\C; rOR or with any other Subcdntmetor for the performartce.of n part of the Work at the site 1.35, Sgbsta dW Completion --The Work (or a specified'port..thereof) has proare.sseti to the point where. its the opinion of ENGiNFFP. :s evidenced by ENGLNEE12:s definitive certificate of. Substantial Completion. it is suliiciently, compete, in accordance with the Contract Doamenta, so:that. the Work (qr specified part) cat i be utilized for thc'puipgses ,for which it is intended; (it if no -such certihcate'is'issued, when the Work. is compete and ready for final ,payment. as evidenced by F:NCrrNP.'F.R's %vritten fammmendiaiori of tisits P payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13':. The terms "substantially complete" and "substimually completed" as apptiid'to all or Wtt of the Work rely to Substantial Completion thercoh 1.39. Supplententmy Conditions -The pert of the Contract Documents which arnendsor supplement;: three General Comliliurs. 1.41 1 Supplier -;A. manufacturer, fabricator,. supplier. distributor_ materialman or vendor having a direct comma with' CONTRACTOR or With tiny Subcontractor to furnisn.maleritils or equipment to be. inwrpoidtedin the Wank by CONTRACTOR or-any'Jubconlmctor. 141. tiildiergrurmcl Facilities -All pipelines conduits. ducts, cables- wircs manholes.. vaults, tanks,. tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any enc;rsements containing such facilities, which have been installed underground,to.fumish any of the Collowing services or 1 1 I [I 11 1 I I I 1 I materials: electricity, gals- stennt, liquid petroleum products., telephone' or .other communications. cahle television, sewage and, drainage, r'movaL_ traffic or other. ' coiarol systems or water. Lai, Char Price 4ork—Work to be pnid t'6r on die:basis' OE unitprices. i 43. fi'oris-Thc entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be' furnished under the Contract Document Wort irtcludes mid is the result oC performing or furnishing labor and turnishuing and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction, and perforating or fumishing wrvices and fiirmshing documents all as required by the Ccintmcr Documents. 1,44. lf,ork Change Dbucriv'e-A. written directive to CON-rl2AC TOR issued on or after the EtFecuvc Dateof �rccommcodcd the. Agreement and signed by OWNER and by ENGINEER ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or, res-mmling to differing or ;unforeseen physical conditions underwhich the .Work is. to he pertormed as provided in par orli 4:2 or 43or to -Work, eme.rgcncics under paragraph 6.23. A Change Directive will not change the Contract Nice or the. Contract Timm but is eVidence: that the panics cspcetthat the change -directed or docuincntcd by a. Wotk Change: Directive will be incorporated in a .sultscquently issued Change Vrder followingnegotiations by the partiesa% to its effect, if any. on. the Contract Price or Contract 'fates as provided in pnragaph i (!.' 1 45. ftrrrten.-lmunednent--A written amendment of the -signed Contract Dcicuments, by OW NFR and CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective .Date of the :.gFetanent and nornially dealing with the noncngincer'rrig• or hohteclutical rather than. wicily construction -related aspects of the Contract. Dot--uments. ARTICLE Z-PRELLlI ARY:MATTERS ' 'Delivery of SnaiG: _1.. When COAPr[L\CTOR'. delivers. the executed Azreenimts to .O%V\rEP, CO-NITRAC:TOR. shall also deliver to OWNER such Borxis as.CCt_NTRACTOR may be required to furnish in,accartlance with paragraph 5-1 Copies ojDocunrenti: 22- OMVNER shall furnish to.CONTRACTOR up to len ' copies (unless otherwise specified in the Supplementary Conditions) of the' C:omi act Documi•nts as are reasonably racesaty for.the execution o0he Work. additional copies will be furnished, upuit_rvqu§t: at tic cost of reproductitm. 1 Cannteneerrrent of Contract Tiniev,-Notice to Procee L The Contract 'Cimeswill cummence to run: on the ihirUtfi day after the Effective Dntc.of the }\gr&miene,.oi, EJCI)Cul7,41-at,V;.coVurno,s:t9llti-S (1WO Edtia t 'n9Qry OFFORTCOLLIti\IODII'IC,\T1O\4i(REV, 2tltliJ) if -it Notice to Proceed is given. on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. ANigice.to Proceetf may.be given tit any time within thirty flays alter the Effective. Date of the ,, greemant. In—ni*—aveft lullI-thu--E:iriFFrt t=F'urecs eemmnrwa-to-run-I eFeFthru+-thust+tiieE<`r-da}-altar-t}tc4lay .pFBid�optnirigawthethrtibtlydav attar -the !-Fteetive-lJnta oGtha:4grec�nenEwhichever-ektte•rytiuliar: Storting the !VorAr 2 4. CONTRAG7QCe shall suet to perform, the Work on the da a -when the CORImctTim25 commence to run.. but no Work. shall be done. it the site. prior to.the date on which the CoritractTimes commence to run 13ejnre,Srartvig tbnffructiar: 'Before undertaking each .part- or the Work, CONTRACTOR shall care Cully study and compare the Contract Docunicrus and check and vcrify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements CO\TRAGMP, shill promptly rer6rr in writing; to HNOINEFR.any conflict, error; ambiguity or discreliancy'which 'CONTRACTC)R, may discover and shall obtain a"anitcn-interpr [anon or,clanncation Crom ENUINFGR before proceeding with.any Work afrcctcd theicb)% ho%vaer, CONfILaCrOR.shall 'not be liable.ai OWNER or F.NGINEERlbr tailuicto relxrrt.anycdril ci, error, ambiguity ,or discrepancy in the Contract r)ocumenet unless CONI'kACI'OR_ knew'or rc.w bly should have known.thereof. 2.(. Within ten days- after the Effective' Date of the Agreement (unless othcrosc specified in the Ciencnl Requir-ments), CONTRACTOR. shall submit to ENG LNEER for review; 261. a preliminary progress schedule indicating the times (numbers of days or dates) for -starting and completing the various stages'uf the Wort:, uieluding any Mdestones,pecified in the Contract Do6unients;: a preluninnry schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample suhniitmis which will list each ivyuired submittal and the times for,sulunittuig, review•ingand "pmcgssing Stich submitw P. 3_62L In no case will a schzdiile .be acceptable which allmv° less than 21 calendar dues for each review by Engineer. '.G.1 A preliminary schedule of.valucs,fdr all .of the Work which will include quantities and priccs of items aggregating the Contract. Price and will subdivide the Work into component pains in sufficient detail to serve as the br.is for progress payments during constriction Such prices will include' an appropriate amount .uf overhead and profit applicable to each deal of Work. 17. Before .any Work at the site, is started. QON'I'RACI'OR etid-J1 VNE'4 shall eareh deliver to the other OWNER_ with copies- to cHsh--hkktxtal—imwed ideFui€led-it>-d>�tittpplenlenrary-Canditions E\GWI EF.R: certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance• wkish—aEn -�--m—r 2z,—�T—Ftnv—El�ktiuonttl--tnsUFi�t1—mn� wasonabl:---request requested by OWNER). which CONTR>C.COR_- 'lrresL?nstivrly-are is required to purchase and maintain in-' acl:ordarice with psmgraphn 1 i.&fend-G,-7: Preconstruction Conference:• Within twenty days Lifter the Contract Times start to run but before any Work at the site is starter. a. cohterence. aiiended'by CON TRACTOR. Et O(NEER and others as nppmpiiate will be held to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work and to discuss the schedules referred .to in. pamgrapt ?.6, procedures for" handling Shop Dmw•in" and other submittals pracessmg Applications for Payment and maintaining required records. Initially: I eceptable Schedalec:' 2.().. Unless otherwise provided in the .Concise m Docuents; at1eesi-terrelays-Lxtixr-suFx»i:�i.-,etuf tlx-first lien-fex'Fn}'anent before any work at the site bezns,. a conference attended by C'ONTRACT01z" FMCchWEER and others a_ . ap[sbpriaw designated by OWNT-R will be- held to ra Lew for aeeeptabnhty.to CNGINI HER as provided' below the 'schedlules. submitted in accordance with panwaph:'_.6. (add Division I - Ggigr l Re iitgmenls. CONTRACJTOR shall have an aulitional'ten days to make corrections and adjustments and m comple a and resubmit. the schedules. No progress payment shall be made to CONTRACTOR until the schedules are submitted to and acceptable :to Eht61NERR as provided liclow. The progress_ schedule will he acceptable to FNGNkR its FF providing an orderly progression of. the Work, to completitat within any specified Nlilestims dad the Contract Times, but such acceptance will neither itnposse on "GNGhi.'EER: respomibilily for the sequencing scheduling or progress or the Work nor atter(cre ivith or relieve COlJTR\GTOR front CONTRACTORS fll+ responsibility tfiardbr. CONTRACTOR'S Schedule of Shop .Dmwing and Sample submissions will be acceptable to FNTGfNMER as providing a workable arrangement•for reviewing and pr&escing the rcquircd 'submittals CONTFL\CTOR's schedule cif Values will be acceptable to Erx:Gh`T:ERas•(o r6rm and substance. ARIICLE'3—CotvTmkcr DOC_ [i;NMTCS: wrENT: ANLENDLNG„REUSE Intent: 3,1, The Contract DocumenLs comprise the entire atueemcnt b"ewveen O\WEIt and CONTRACTOR coriecrrithg the Work. The Contract Documents are complementarw, what is called (or by one:is as bindine. as it sinned .for by all. The Contact Doamems will' tk construed in accordance with the law of the, place of, the Project. 32. It, is the intent of the Contract. Documents to FJCDC GENER.u: CONDCIIONS 19t0-8 (19/U Etliiioil tut CTIY OF FORT COLLINS NODIPICATIONS 1REy a l? 00) describe i functionally complete Fivject (or part. thereot) .to be consuucted in nccurdance with the Contrict :Documents. Any Work materials or equipment that may remonmly be interred from the Contract Documents or ,from prcvailin_e ewtiim qr trade usmLe as bein- required to produce the intended' result trill fe turnished and performed whether or not,specifically called Corr, When words o[,phrf ses.which "havd a %vell;knowni techrllctl or construction industry or (rade meaning are used to dcscnbc Work. matcriit s or equipment, such words or phrases. shall be interpreted in uccordan`ca with that meaning. Glariftaiuons.and tmerpremtiors oC the Ct 66act Docatruents shall be issued by LiNGINEEK as provided' in paragraph 9.•i., 3.3.: Refierence. to Siandarr& and Speeificatron.c of, 'Technical S(Kiclies; Reporting, an(( Resob•ing Discrepancies: 3:3:1: Reference. to standard;, specifications, manuals-ercocks of any technical society, organization or association,, or to the l,ntvs or ReSuilatioro of any govcmntcnLll nuihoriiy, whether such reference "be spe'cihc or by implicnnon,, shall mean -the latest stnndird, :aliccifcntion, manual, cute or laws or' Regulhtions m4thct at: uric Lima"p(olaning of Bids (or; on the EitTcctnc Dam of the Qgrccmcra if there. were no .Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the contract Docilments. 13.2. IC during the rerfonnance of. the Work, c6,\r'RAc•rOR. discd�ers any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract Documents or hnvem the, Oontmct Doc:umcnts and any provision or any such Law or Regulation applicable. to.thc rerformance of the Work or of any such stand ri, spxdication, manual or code or of:my tnstructionof any, Supplier rct2rwd tb un paragraph 6.5, CONTRACTOR shall report it to ENGENEER in writing at once, and, CONTRACTOR shall not 6roceed with the Wprk aflzeted therebi (except in in emergency as- authwriad by pamcsuphi 623) until an amendment or supplement to the Contract Documents has .been issued by one of the nictlimis indicated in pingraph 3:? or 3.6; provided however, that CONTRACTOR shall not be:liabld to OWNER or ENGMT-R' I'or tltiluiu to report one such conflict, error, ambiguity or - discrepancy unless C6' ITR�ACT'OR knew or reasonably shoOd h aye. known thereof: 3.3.3. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents or as may he provided by amendment or supplement thereto issued by one of the methods indiatted. in tximoxaph 3S - or 3.6, the provisions of' the Contract Dcuments shall U—d prmMmcc in rtsolvirw airy conflict.. error• ambiguity or discrepancy lxnveen the proviwons of the Contract Documents and: 33.3.1. the provisions of any such standard speciticanon nnrnLal codc'orrirntruction(whethier or not specs icallyiricorporatcd by reference in the Contract Documents); or U I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 3,3.3;^_..the provisins of any such Umwi oi" Regulations appliunlileto theperformance of* the Work (Linte'ss' such an ihtetpretatibn of the: provisions of the Contract Documents wouldresult in violation of such Law or Rcwlation). - No provision of any -such standard specification: manual, code or irtstruction shall be effective to change the duties and responsihiltfies of QWNER, CGNTta\C'rOK or h_NGINEER; .or any of their suhcontrictors, consuhtans, agents or employces from those set forth in the Contract ks Iumumts nor Shall &the effective to amign toOWNCR. F.NGMSER or am of FNG NEERs Consulraiit_s, agents err employees any, duty,or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or perllnnance of the Work or any duty or authority, to undertake reiponsibility inconiiswntwith the provisions of paragraph 9,13 or any other provision of the Contract Documents. 3.4_ Whenever to die Contract Documents the tints "as ordered".. 'is directed", "as required", "as allowed_", "as' approved or menus or like cITect or import are use(t or the adjectives 'rer&)nable ".suitable 'acceptable ,proper" tit "satt5ctory" or adjL&Uves of i lKc-cffcct' or unport are used to rlesctibe a requrement direction. review, or judiumcnt o[R> ,GLVEERas to• ie Work, it is inientled lht. such requreme,ni .direction, 'reviettr or judgment will be solely to eiahutta, at general, the completed Work. for compliance with the requirements of and informatton'in dig Contract Documents 'and, contbi-mance with the-Aesign concept ofthecontlilctcd ProjeLtas a. tunctidning.whule as. shown or indicated in the Contract Documents _(unlesi there is'a specific statement:. indicating. othcrtcise)- The'use of any such term or adjective shall not't� ett2ctive to assign to DiGNEER any duty or authority to supervise or. di -rest the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority tt urt-d hake responsibility contrary to' tho provisions of pitragruph 9.13 or any other provision of the Contract Documents.. Imenrting anti Supplementing Contract DocummW. 3.5. The Contract Documents may be amended ,to provide fur additions, deletions,und revisions. in-thc Work'. or to medify.thc terms and conditionsthereofin one' or me[e of the tollown�- ways. 3,5.1.. a,formal Written Amendment 3.5-1 a Chatie_e Order (pursuant to pantgaphtl(1.4)- or kJCUC'OEVhYaL,GONUCt1G`.>"1410.R 0wo Edition a'/ CITY OFEO[t"1' COLLI:lS �IUUIPICdT10:VS iaLl+d20a0i 3.53, a Work: OwLe Directive (pursuant to paramph IU.I). 3.6. In addition, the re(luiiements of the Contract DocumenL: may be supplcmented'and minor variations tvtd deviations in the Wort: tnnyljz author ml;'iit or or moreofthe following.ways: 3.6,1: AField -Oivarjpumianttoparagraph9.S} 162 CIGINMER's approval of a Shop'Drmving or Sataple (pursuantlo parayn'aphs6;26 and 6.27), or 3;6.3: LNGNEER's written interpretation or clarification (Pursuant to panragrph 9.4) Rense,of UocumenLr: 3:7. CON'fRACCUR, and any Subcontractor or Supplier or other person or organiatirm performing or furnishing any of. the tVoil under tt. d rest .er indirect with OWNER (i) shall not have or noquire any title to ,or .ownership nghm in any of the Drawings, Specifications. qr other documents (or copies or 'any thercot) prepared by nr Bearing theseal of FNGljNj;I pv 6r •Fs,4'GfNFF.R's Consultan4,and•(ii) shall not reuse.mmy of such'Dnwmgs. Specifications. other docurncntsar topics rut emissions of the Proicet or any other project. without writteirdonwnt 61.OWNER and LNGL\T-ER and specific written verification or adaptation by HLNOINF.F.R. ARTICLE 4—AN",ULABILITY OF -LANDS; SUMSURFACE AND 'PHYSICAL CONDI'riONS; RF.FFRE,\CE POINTS. vailabili+v of bineLvi 4,L OWNTM- nhall htrnnft,aiss indicated in the Contract Documents, the landa ,upon which the Work is' to be perfomtacl, rights -of -tray and easenwritsfor access thereto, andsuch other lands which are tl �;ignated for the use ofCONERACT.OR - pomreasonnbla-sv'rtften-request: 4nv tvnK- Man lucnuly tiny encumor noes or restrictions not of general application but. specifically.related Co use of Is" so furnished iviih which CONTRACTOR will have to comply. in performing the Work. &tsemerim for permanent structures or permanent chances in existing facilities willbe ublaincd and paid tot by-OMITER unless otherwise provided in the Contract- Dectuncnts. If CUNCR.A(C'TOk'.mtd OW\TER' are crucible to agree on camtitltment to or the amount or cxtont of any adjustnments in aw-Contract Price or the Contract Times as it result of any delay in OWNLR's furnishing. these. Innds, rights -of - way or easements. CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles I l and I'_ I CO`FTRt\CTOR_shall provide for till additibial I.inlds and indienWIn die:Contmct Documents. or access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or. storage of -materials and is of an unusual.ralurc, and differs equipment. materiidly from conditions ordinarily encountered and generally ret:ognlaed'as inherent in work of ' J. Subsurfaceandk1hy.vcalCondtions• -the diameter proytdtd for in the Ceritract "Docuntcntsi, then. 4 a:1. R41ions ivid Divivi ng Reference is made to, the Supplemenlaryfionditions for idemitication ol: CONFrRACTOR shall:. prempll+ immediately. :allir 'becoming aware thereof rod before further disturbing �1 4.^_ 1 l Jubsinfirce Condnnarns Those reporu; of "conditions affected thereby" or perfuming any 1Vmk in e.�plorations-imcl tests oC subsurCaca.conditiarls at or connection therewith (except in an emergency as contigudus4o the site thathave beenutilind by permitted by pragraph,6:23), notify 'OWNER and ENGWEER in preparing the Contract Documents., - ENGINEER, in writing about such condition, and CUN'I•E:AC:rOR-shall not further disturb such conditions ' or perform any )York in connection thcreyvith (cgccpras 42.1.1 P(n,sicul Conditions: Those drawings of aforesaid) until receipt or written order to do so. physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures tit or contiguous to the site 4 2.4 <: yG1:VEEIVt Recieu- f NUlltnEER will (cxccpt Underground Facilities) that hat been promptly review the pertinent eonclitions, determine the ' utilized. by E-NONEER .in pieparing the Contract necessity of OWNEWs obtaining additional exploration or Documents, tests with resrxct thereto and advise OWN'RR. in writing (with a copy m CONTRACTOR) of ENGP1EFWs 4,2.1_ Linniled Relimnce by C9 v"7KaC7tIK 4a1)wri:a ;" findings and conclusioms, 7:•clvacal.Oara: CO\rRAUTOR may rely upar the gencral,acctimey ordn. technical datn contetmd in Such 4.2-5- Posible Contract pod:nnrents Change: If ' reports and cfmyvmgs but sucli rtportcand drawings are not. FiNGINEER concludes that a change in the Contract Contract Documc=: Such'tecfmimrl cLhm" is identilied in Docuincrita.ls required as a. Result of a condition thatmic'em dld'Stipplemenmry Conditions Except rorsuih reliance on one or mole ortht e togories in, i5arayaph.4 3, a Work such "technical data"; COiN CRAC'TOR. may not rely upon Change' Directive nr a Change Order will be issued tie or make any claim am gnst.Ot1`NER, hNGINTH R or any of provided in At ficle lit td redecr and document the ' ENGFNEF.R'sConsultants wlthsespect to: consequences of such change. 4 2.1 .the completeness of such reports and 4.36 Pbscihlr Price and tnntes Id?f uVmdntst .An drmyings for COhrTRAC'TOR's Purposes, tgiiimhlc adjustment in the Contract Price or in. t}n including. but not Gntiwd to env :upects of they Contract Times. or Coal; will be allowed to the extent that ' means, meth"-.' techmyuts: sequences and .the existcnee of such uncovered or fevealed condition procedures of construction to be employed by muses an aterease' or decrease err CONTRACTOR's cost CC 1NTR1CTbR. and safety preeaulici s. and of, or time n:quireel for pertomiance ok the Work; subject, progmnisincident theretoqor however, to the following: ' 4.2^_ 2. other data, interpretations, opinions 2.6. L such condition must -meet any one or and information contained ,insuchrep6asorshown more, of tile' categories described •111 ix mdi©ted in such drawings or paragraphs 4 2 3; l dirouvh -1.2.3 4 inclusive; '.3_ any CONTRACTOR interpretation of 4-16.2 a chanfe in the Contract Dccuments or conclusion drawn tium any_''techiiical data" or pursuant to patagmph, 1.15 wall 1161 ha an any such data. interpremLions, opinions or automatic authoriration of nor a condition information. precedent to cnudement to any such adjustmcTt; 4. 3. r\once if nitrurr; Strbxwfzee or Plniicul r' 4 6.3. with respect to Wick that is paid for Unit Price Busis, 6 Contract' prndilio ns , If CON 1 RACfOR believes that, any suhsuffacuor physical condition at or contiguous to the site on u. any adjusunent .Pricewill bz: subject to the. provisions of that is uncovered or revealed either; paragraphs9t10 uncl 1 f9: and » ^3.1, isof such a nature as to establish that CONTRA'TOR'sh4ll not be,entided any "technical dat." on which CONIT'RtC:TClf1, is to anv ad)uunlent in the Curtuact Price or Times entitled to -rely as provided in parasaphs 4;_'A and if: 4 a is materially inkcuhile. or 42641. CONTRACTOR knew of is of such a •nature as to ro4uire a. the .exixtence of such conditions at the change in the Contract DocunicriLs.or time C'UFIR\CrOR made a final corumitment to OWNER in respect of ».^_33 differs materially trom'that shown. or CSntracr Prim and Comract'I'inie_s bv.the ' Ekuc o2*,4 R.u. CONLtt'noH5 it to '3 (15vu Edifice) �' con it"rY OliFOR'rC0[LthZ \(Ou1FiC.4R0\S QtL•l'•V?daft) 17 ' "submission of a bidor becomingbound rmder.a negotiiited contrecii of the existencc of such condition could reasonably have Evert discovered or revealed 'are n result of any. xa emination tm'estitzatron, .exploration,. -site test or study of the ' ;end contiguous areas regtiucd by. the Bidding Requirements or Contract Documents to be conducted by or for CONTRACTOR prior to CONE RACTOR's making 'uch final commitment; or 4?'6.43. C. rR;4Gf.OR failed 'to give the'wrineh nonce within the iimmand Us required by paragraph 4 _3. If OWNER and CG!VfRA(.TOR am unable to agce on entitlement to or as to the amount or length of any such equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Times, n claim may he made thcrefcir.as, provided Jn Articles I I and 12:. However,.OWNiER," FNGNEER and 'r1N(rINEF•RsC«iculuynts shall not be liable- to C ONTRAC'rOR for any claims, costs, losses or .images• sustained by CO\ fTRACTOR•on or'in vonnecuon with,any other proicet ocameipated project. e 4.3. Thyrich!'Conrhnon.S?-C%mler rorinrl.Fnuhties: 4.3; I. Sfiolm or h0cated: :The infannnnan and.data: shown or indicated in. the Contmct':Doi umcnti tvfth respect to cxisting .Underground Facilitics. at or contiguiius to"the site is hosed on information and data. furnished to OWNFR or FNIOTNFFR by the owners of such Underolound_ panlaacs or by others. Unless,it is otherwise expressly providxt'm the Supplementary. "Conditiorts: ' 43.1 I OWNER and ENGmrcm shnii not be responsible For the accuracy or completeness of any suck inlurmation.or data; and 4.3 1 Z, The cost of all of the, ollowing will bc� included in the Contract Priceand'CONMACTOR a shall have frill regxv ssibility fort (i) reviewing and checking all such inlomietion and data: (u) loatinw all Underground Facilities shownor indicated is the Contract Documcnfs,(ii) coordination of the Work with the owners of Stich Underground Facilities during,constrne'tion, aril (Iv) the Safely, and protot tiom of ;ill such. Underground f acihlies as provided' in pamgmph630 and repairing deny damage thereto resulting from the Work. 8 4.3.2. Mot Showrur hu6culeek. If an Under_rotind Facility is. uncovered or riA;tn Ied"al or contiguous. to the site which was nut shown oir indicated in the Contract Documents.shall, promptly immediatelv'saer becoming aware (hereof andMore a further disturbing conditions affected thereby" or txrforming any Work in connectn'there ith (except m in an emergency' as requiredby paragraph6.-23),. identify the owner of such Underground Facility and FJC'UCtit,ft7Gil. (:ONf)I'n Jtvj.l'/IV3 tt l%n Ec!iliuii W/ Q'!Y OFFOK'C COCLI \; \IOUIL'IC.I O0\'S IaGV dR_0001 8 give, writtennotice, to -that owner and to OWNER and, ENd NT;FR- IRMINICER will promptly review the Underground Facility and dftermine the, extent, if any, to which a chanee is required in the -Contract. Ducuments to reflect and documenr.the consequences of :the. existence of the Underground Facility, if ENGINEER concludes that a•change in the Contraact% Documents is required. a Work Change Dtratitive,ora Change Order will be issued as provided in Artiefe!10 10,rclka' and document such cunsequcnces.. During such time. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the safety anti pioiection of such Undergound Facility as, provided in paragraph6:'_t1. CONTRACTOR shall may be allowed an increase in the Contmet.Price or an extension- of the. Contract 1'iincs, or both, totheextent that they are attributable to the existence of any Unde4utnd Facility that was nog shown or indicated in the Contract .Documents and that CONTRACTOR (Ed not know of and Could not reasonably have lien cxpected to be awnrc of or to leave anticipated. if OWNTER and CONTRACTOR are finable to agree on entitlementto or the amount or length of any such adjustment rn Coaaract "Price or Contract Times, (,'ONTRACTOR may�make a claim, therefor ❑s provided m Articles I I and 12. However, OWNER, ENGINEER and T•NGNFF.R's Consultants shall not lk liable to CON rRACfOR for- anyp claims, cost:., _kisses- or damages- incurred or sustained b,V M.NTR:\CTOR on or iit •connection widi any' other projector anticirrdcd project Reference Points: 44- OWNER shall provide engincerina survgx to c.:tahlishreference pointsfor construction which in Lt�NGNEER'.s judgment are necessary to enable awrRACTOR. to pwocoed with ,tic Work. CONTRACTOR shall' be responsible for layiag.oui the Work;. shall protect and preserve the es4ablisfied reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written Approval of 0\\%NEPL CONTRACTOR shalt report to ENGINEER whenever any reference point is 16st or. destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changesin grades or locations, and shall be responsible for the aoeurate repinceinent or.relocmion of such reference points b professiun fly qualified persomiel. 4.5. .-b'beVOY, PCBs. Petroleum, lla-urilhus ff i"e or .Rndlouctire'llateri.4k, - 4.5.1, OWNER shuLl be responsible for any Asbestos, N-Ts„ Petroleum,, Hazardous. Waste or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings.or Specifications or identified in the Contract DmImens to be within the scope of the Work tuid- which may present-w substantial Bringer to persons or- propertV expuwd thurctu in connection with the Work at the site. OWNER shall not.1be rm-pcnsible for env such materials brought to the site by CONTRACTOR, Subeommctors Suppliers' or .unybnc, else for whom CONTRACTOR is mT;Poiisible I� I ARCICUE -5--BONFDS'.A-Y 1NSuR'11';CE1 Performance. PaymentandOrkerBont& i. 1, CONrTR.ArTOR.shall fumish Nribr-mance aird �yrmeot Bonds, each' in an nuiount aJemA equal, to the Contract Price as 3ccurity for the faithful kCormance. and payment of all ' CONMLAUEOWs obligations under, the 'Conurau Documents. These, [3cmds shall remain in effect I at trait -until uric yezr after Lhe-,jaie"%%4i-en fall p'a"Y'ren"t •beconnets do(!, except as providcl otherwisc'by Laws or Regulations or by the Contract. l5ocuments. CONURACI-OR *111. also' *rumish such. cther, Rorids',.Lq arc required by -the SupplcrrcntM, Conditions. All fronds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Dcc'unicnts exec tas provided otherwise by Laws or Regulatiom and shall ewcutud by such suretiEs-as are namedin the current list of "CompaniesHoldim CcrtifitcitLs of .authority asALctptabI; Bonds and its Acceptible Rains-urme Companies" ns published in Circular DO (amended) by the Audit 'Stdff, Bureju of Government Firvincial Operations, U.S:"Treasury 0cpartmcnt All Bonds signed by in iecra must he icconip5mied by'a certified wPY of such agents s authenty - toact )2. If, the sureq, on any Bond rumlshcd by Co' , ifl:PACTOR is d-,chied a bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do busirkss-is terminated in any stit ' Z.Mcrcany part ofthe-Proicct is lc�cat.cdorlt cases to rum tfic requircruents,of paragraph5.1, CONTRACTOR: shall, jvkhFn wn dAy-A thercaller substitute another Bond and sur4,.lxuh of which must be acceptable to OkVNkTR. 53. Licv.nsM Suretier wid lasurem; e.erfiftcatecv of Insurrince.'. -3,1. All Bonds and insurance required b%' the C S " htmct Qklcumemi to be-purchosqd and maintairted by OWNER- or -00NFTR.A&0R. obtained 'shall be. obtain uQui surety or Lasurance, compartes ftt are duly liccnsed or'nwhoriy�d in the�urtsdiction in which the Project is locatedto issue Bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so requifed S6chstuety and' ircwqnce companies shall :dw 111ect such additional requirements and qualifications as may be Provided in the -Supplementary Cmdiddm. 532 CQNTRkLTOIR. slot] deliver to OWNTER, widi copies to each additional insured -identified in the ry .'Upplm mia ' Conditions, certilicaie ' s of insurance Cand other 6vidence of insurance rcyuestcd. by OWNER or anv. other additional t=red) which CONTRACTOR is required to•purihase und'iniiintHin in aCa;ordzmce with p;Inlera - pit 5.4, 6["13R-shall no ded fa-srrly OFF v -Plid EXI)CCIENER-U. CONUMONS 0104 (199U 66(kW� WCATY Oil FOR COLM NS MOPI9CA11ONS IttLV-1120(MY I I f7 COAT21C11OR'..iLiabiluv Insurance: i 4.. C&NMACTOR shall ptirc,hax and maintain such liability and other insurance as is appropiistt for the Work - hcang performed and tiirmshed- and is, will. provide protection from claims setforth below which may noise out of or eeaull. Front coNTR•\GCOR's. performance and furnishing of the Work and CO\TRaCTOR's, other obligations under the Contract Dbl:umcnta whether it is to to performed or furnished by CONTRACTOR, xny Subcoairactar or Suppfier;, or by anyone directly or. indirectly employed by :iny.of them to pert'orm;or furnish any of tin Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of their may he liable: 514.L claims under workers' compensation• disability benefits and other similar eanployeerbcnefitacts; K4i_. claims for dannagcs Ixcause of hccdih' it occupational sickness or diseasel or death of COMC KAf fOK's employees; . 5.4.31 claims for damages because of ho-oily iniury, sieknc�s ondisc:nse..or.dcath of any person othcr,thin COMER 1CTOR'i I nployeev, tens--f'ur-. drrttt ages-iitwrad-by-cvst<im cry• presona�tnjEery'-liebchw�.;yr:«>.•-wl.ieft-rzrt-ac+sttrntai E}'hY-RRY-NF9eat-aG-r.,nll�aHrrl=atT2et5t-tktF.wkFy-ar- indirretlt-ra4m�trtthrernplaym..nt-af-sttcFrpersrm-hy rvi�ern e .-�—+. .ti-:,�6.`-raja � any-IFFWFp4riF.R-tt?FFhR`f other-"eeaxan; ' 5,43_ claims For damages other than to the Work itself because of }niuy to or destruction of taneiblc property p'herever; loniid- including loss%. ot, use resulting therefrom; and ' 5,4'.6. .claims fair danfi gesbetsiuse of bodily injury or loath oEany pergon or property dnniage aristr>g out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. The policies of insurances so required bythis.paragraph.5A ' to be purchased and maintained shall: 5.4.7, with respect [O lnsimtrice required. by paragraphs 54.3 throuLln 5.46 inclusive and 54.9 uiclude as additional insureds (subject to an4' cvsromary exile ion in, respect of- professional liability). OWNER. ENGINEEK, ENUFNEEK3 Consultants and any other: persons or entities identified in. the Supplementary Conditiu¢r•all ofwhom shall be listed is additional irsvreds; and include coverage for ' the respective officers arid -employees of sill such additional i sideds• 5.4.5, include, the specific coverugcs-und be written for not lays than the limits of liability provided iii -the ' Supplementary Conditions or required by Laws. or Regulations, w'hichcver is nrnter• !!), induce completed eiparationsirsurane e; ' I?IC'UCUt?ItRrV:,i;plJUl'[ICSU t9ht3 tI'19it Editiati ev (1'tY OF FORR r COLLI N; MODIFICRrlO\'3 i[tu�' an_ Uuol 1 5.4.16- include eontmetunl, liability insurance.. covering CONYMAC'TOR's indemnity obligations underparagraphs6.11_ti.l6and.6.31 thnwgh6 33; 5,4.11 contain -a provision or endorminent,thit the coverage afforded will not be cancelled. materially changed it renewal refused until it least thirty days'. prior written notice has been,givet to OW-NER and COti' f RAC£OR and to each other acUtionsl Fniured identified in the Supplementary Conditions tn'whom, a. certificate ,of insvntnce has been 'issued (andthe certificates of .insurance furnished by the CbYCRACTOR pursuant to paragraph 53.2 will so provide); 5,4.12: remain in ct£cct at Icast until liral payment aitd at all times thereafter when COKI` R4CTOR may lie cdrrecur , removing or replacing clefee-tno Work in accordance with paragraph 11.1 _; and -4.13: With respect to completed operations insurance,,and any imumhce coverage written on. a claims -made hasiq remain in effect fix at least two years after [oral paymenthnd COM R \C TOR shill tuniish'QWNF3R':ndl each otheradditional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions tri wham o certificate of iic:utunca lidslieert issued evidence satisfactory to OWNERand :any such additional insured of continuation, of :such 'insurance at final payment and one year thereafter). OTDNER'"s Linb'iligr Insurance: 5,5. in addition to insurance reyuireil ti be provided by CONTRACTOR. under parazraph 5Ai OW_`TEP� at OWNFR's 6p60o, allay purchas,± and maintain at (JR'i`iF12's eepeme. OWNER's own liability. insurance au will protect O WD.TR against cliimis which may arise: Crom operations under the Contract Qooumcri m Awperri' Insurance: S; 6.--� (Iri I as-rHherwisa-fxac idea=in-the-Su ppleni corn ry Fondtnons,-OWYGTr-.shall purtha'se-and-maintain piuntierta-irtstirttni:tupan-tFitW ork-attHr�sitrr+-thteimytwt- uf tha-full-raplacanient-ci>st,iherroC-(�rbroet ti+-such decltictible amcwms-aLs-may-bz--providod--in-the Suppkmenta G6rdidLvis-or-required-bn -Lu.ws-rind tic_uLihens)-=£}itx-iaatmnca-.+txtlla 5 6 }—iriclude—the—nterests—ul'—��WNEK;. 410ypii'`Fr-r-.-E1R, rmcta+r. ENN6fiR-' Fs1i iF.G:1:&R'r�C,�rtwltenLS-and-anj-<�t1x�Fpreson.�cir ..•tit rtias-iddntiCted-irr'thu-yupplrmaniary-Conditions: eaehoGwtieinr is•deemedly�tiavr�ar.�instuable-imuext nnd�stial}.fxrlisted"us tn-usttred uratklaiorarl•insurotF �6a- Ira-setaeten-utrir-k3ittlde>'s-lint-aIF rill:=vr etx'rr Fieril-Ar-yRv.ta F-�tf xutirs-a!-loss�t>Et dw('t�rm--F kx t shell-et-tenst-an<Itida-insurttnr:tom-fuF'-pFtrsrzttl-{E�>�-eF da-e to ' R-4:ae6-4ailtpent. .-k..._ N' k avid-1�'orle-in-treRSil-ari l-shall-461ArrR -8Fist -9; least the--folkiwitig-peig)In.ning,--eyt,rnded covera-ee.,tha ft-,-van"ian-aM--m ali Qiou s m ition -C I ...... .. . A n . . . . . . wat6 Lhtfflfi,-w- ons; but -not ILmited teR. FS Wnting-hy k, iFWA by--& ER—arl 5 issaatk 5.9- OWNER *lU not. be responsible for purchasing and muinUinuriur any prupe v insurance to prtAect the intemsts of CONTRACTOR: Sub�ontrictom or qlhtm in low pumKt&is.dvn 6.xpens . PahCieS PF6* OWE fanee, and-die-e h- Ilp PEOPFir W Ghange -)Fde�lr 11,---- EICDCOIENERAL CONLN1101,6 W1()-S W19V C66,41") IU lvtcl,ryoi;I;ORT(',LILLI;--,.%[Cjf)ll,ICA'nQNSI.ItL\' 02000) sAt ;id�er-of Lm eanar-ACM4"S apo Gcynsuken*3 the 4 OF paft--di�,��bv-QWQN%& durin.0 puu tt . �—uldiattiun—purswnt—Eo eon Aiw -rs Willhat If- re:oveex-a:�aiiu:t-outs-aFGO�.TP.:\6TOR Subcaw•acwrt pa1EiP:�L�F4�6 i��s-Gotiw}txntyantl-the-eElieer� tkreetei=sr:tnpbyresartile>;enkse[-aa':-ef th�sr. .Receipt and(: tppticutiou of lasurudce Proceeds: 5.12. Ar:y'insurad loss.undar the policies or insurance .required by paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 will be -adjusted with O�VNFRand made,puyable to UyVN,TR as fiduciary 11cr the insureds. as their interests may,appear. subjcU to the" requirements of any appltcuble. mortyave clayce. and cif paragraph i.13. OWNER .shall -deposit in a separate account any money so received: and -shall distribute it in accordance with such agmutent as the parties in interest may retch It, no ether speciial ag•_eement is reached the damiged-Work shall bercpsired or replace!, the moneys so receivedap'plicd on account thereof and the Work and the cost -thereof covered by an appropriate; C:hangg. Gilder or Written Amendment. S.13: OWNFR as fiduciary shall have power to adjust and' settle any lets with the. irLsurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object inwriting within fifteen days after the occurrence of loss to OWNTFR's e�creisa of this power, It such abjection he made, C7 iNF.R as fiduciary shall make aculement with the insurers in accordance with suehagreement -.is the parties in interest may reach: l f'no suchagreement among the parties in -interest is reached,. O}VNL•Ras fiduc"c iyskall adjust arul settle the lyss�with thc. insurers'+F-re�uirad-ttruFitii',=-:;r;rtu-party-in inter--,: ^"'\Eft= as-drdusiery-shed give-l>Firtti=ttaFtha fuzdbr-�rtemtn'ts...�.., oung.e duties, Acceptance r jRondv and •/nu .r ce,- Option to Replace. 5.14, if either partr•-(OW?ER .r--6G?;FRAFTGR�) OWNER Ices any abjection to the cuvcrage,;dTardcrl by or other provisions of the gortds-or insurance required to be, purchased: and mainCitned by the .aHtir—party CONTR-k-TOR utaccordance with Article-5 on illy prase: of noncontormnnce widi the Contract' .-DocumenIs. 'iha objectinrparty shall -so notify the otherparty'OIV\fER will notify CO\'TRr TQR' im writing within ten,Gtieen [lays after receipt delivm' of die certificates (ar-odixr vidence requested) Olb'�FQt�as required by pamgraph-2.7, and --r-a��s:,ell-each-pwwdt-ta-Nae Partial Utili;trdonrPruperty Ltsirrrurer:. 5,15. 'if OkkWER Ctnds it necessaryto occupy ur.use a portion, or portions of the Work prior to Substantial MWUENEIGV..CO\DI'11 e\S t() I"(I wq Hai Ml W/ CI'IYOfi rOB'I' COLLI to 310DI7+IG\'110N5 (.REL' .140aq! Completion of all the Work. retch useor occupimry may be. 'accomplished in accordance with panatTtph 14:1Q, provided that no such use or occupancy shall' commmce before, the. insurers.providing the property truurbncd have acknouledixl notice thereof and in writing cfTecied any chanties in covem�-,e necessn;ated the retx The insurers providing the property, irouranee. shill consent by endorsement on the policy or policies, but. die. property insurance shall not be -cancelled or permitted to lapse on account' of any such partial us or a:cuprncy. ,Ut'rlCl',l; 6-CONTRACTOWS RESPO.NSLBILITIFS' Superi•ision and Superintendence: 'e.l. COM'12AC:roR skill supervisc, 'inspecr and direct the, Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and 'applying. such 'skills and eepertise,as;may be necessary to pertornt the -Work. in 'accordance .with the Contra& - Documents. CONTRACTOR shall he sately responske for the means, method. tecdinlqueS icquette s and procedures 'of. coruaructi6n. but CONIRAcToR shall not hc.risponsiblc for the negligence oCotheis in mho design or -specification of a'spccific means, methixl, techrailue, sequence or procedure of commuctionwhich is khown or'indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents. .coz,4 ,rcrOR shall 'be respo 'rteible to sx that the completed Work complies accurately with. the Contract Daiwnients. 6:2. CONf pv\CTOR s;h d keep on the work at all times diuin.9 its _ progress a competent tesida:nr superintendent, who shill not -be replaced without written notice to O%V\LrLR and LNGINUR. except ureter ,extraordinary cir unmsiances: The superurtcndcitt will be. MNTR(\CTORa representative it the site.ntrl shall have xuthonI -.to net on behalf of CON P-,kC_TOR, All commurua tions.to the superintendent shill be as binding as if given to COVTR \C f QR Lnbbr. dlnrerials andErluipi?wnt.: 5.3. COA'TR\CTOR skill provide: competent; suitably qualiticd "personnel to survey, lay.out and con•'aruct the Work as reiprired by' tilt Contract Dccuments. COVM\CTOR shall at. all time; maintain _ oil discipline and order atthe site. Except as otherwise requ il6d, for the, safety or protection of persons ,or the Work. or thproperty' at the, site: or adjucent'.thereto, and except aso! %ise indicated in the Contract D(kuments. all Work at the site shall be perfotmcd during. regular working hours and C'ONT R-,\CTOIL twill notpermit overtimeworkcr:the performance of Work -on Saturday,. Sunday or any 63al holiduy without OWNER's -whiten consent given after prigs %written notice tit EYurNEER CONTRACTOR shall submit requests to the ENGII,'IM-R' no 'less than 48 hours in advance of any Work to 6a; rxrl'armed an Saturday. Sunday. Ilolidavr or outside. the. Rezular Workine, Hours, q o Its ws Is -'a 2e is I^1 (A Unless otherwise specified in the General, Requirements. CONTRACTOR shall'fomish and assume full responsibility for all materials_ equipment, IaLrfr. transportation, 5nratruction 4gdi;iment and. machinery. tools..appliancm fueL power, light: heat. tclephiine;.water. W. itary .facilities•. temporary facilities and ,all other facilities and incidentals necessary for she' furnishin_,. perfornmi;4, testing, start -tip and coniple.tica of the Work. 64;1. Purchusim, -Restrictions CONTRACTOR must comply. with:the Citv's purchasine restrictions' A Wpv of the resolutions are available fur review in the. offices of the Purchasing and Risk Nfiana¢ement Division or the City Clerk's office. 6A.1 Cement Rdsaxictionc: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-12 f requires that suppliers and producers' of cement or oroduetc comainins cement to cenitG that the cement was, not made in cement,kitris that bum hazardous waste is a fuel. tie_: All materials and equipment shall be of g000d. quality and new, cxexpl .as othcnvtse provided in the Comtract Doe iments. All' .warrantiesacid guartntees speciticallycallcd'for hythe Specification shall aeprmly run.to the bctxlitofn\VNTR: (frequircd-try ENGINTF.FR,. CONTR MOR. shall furnish _tosfaaory evidence (including reports of required test's) as nt the kind and qualiq% of materials and,o:i0ipnient. All' materials and equipment shall he applied, installed, connectd;. erected, used. cleaned and conditionedin accordance with instructions of.the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Progreer.Sdiedule: 6.6. CONTRr\CFOR ;shill adhere to the prog ess schedule established in accordance with paragraph 2.9 as it: may be adjusted Crum trine to time as provided.hclow: 6.6.1. CONTRACTOR shill suhnti4 to FNGUEER (or acceptance (to- the extent indicated in paraerapl12.9) proposed adjustments in the progress .sche'aule that will. hot change the,Contract Times (or .Mlesiones). Such adjustments will conform, generally to,dhe paigress schedule then in effect and additipntilly will' comply with any provisions of - the General Requirements applicable thereto. 6.F,.2. Proposed adjustments uiahe progress schedule that will change the'Centract Times (or Mtlestonis) Shall be submitted in accordance with the rcyuiIT nts of paragraph l .h. Such acljuwnents may only be mode by a Change Order or Written }\tnendmenlin accordance with Article 12. 6.1. Sub..irittituand""Or•Equal." 1em.k, 63.1. Whenever an item of'mat2nal tit equipment is Specified of desxibal in the Contract: Documents'hv' usine the namoof a proprietary item or the rame,of a. particular Supplier, the,speeiticntion or description it intended to establish the type. function and .quality required. Unless the specification of description -F,lcuc cENEFLAL CID *4urn 0Ni a lns.it veo e�etyn. 12 fir/C.TYOF PORT UMLI\S MODIMCNI IONS IMA',PNIMI) conutins.or is Wowed byy worth reading that no li4 equivalent or "ur-equal" ahem or no Substitution 'IS - permitted.. other items of matcrial or equipatent or material or equipment of "her .Suppliers may fx accepted by LNG NI EF.R- under -the followirni, circunfstances: 6:7.1.1. 'Vr-Lgifal" If in ENGUNEERs sole discretion art dent of material or cquipmmt proposed by COrN'HLACCI'OR. is foil domlly equal w that named and sufficiendy.similar so that no change. in related work—wilf be required, it may be considered by FNGL•VRF,'R as an "or<qunl" .item, in which case review and approval of'thc proposed hone may.. in .NGfiNHVR's' Sale discretion,, bt-accomplished- tcithiut compliance ,with some or all or the requirements• for acceptance ofpmposed,sutistitute items. 6.7, L2. Shb lftuk Items: If in ENGLNEER's,sole: discrerion' an item of matcrial 'or equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR does not qualify as tin "orequal" item under.subpamgraph 6:7.1.1.,a will bd considered a proposed substitute item. CONfRACI'QR shall suhniit sutticient information as provided helow- to allrnc•, ENGINEER tti determine that thelitem of material or equipment proposed Li esscritially equivalent to tint nantil and an acceptable.sutntitutu therefor. Tlw procedure for review by the ENOMMER.will include the 'following as supplemented in the General Requirements :and as ENGINFFR' may decide is appropriate under the circumstances. Requests for review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not lic ere ccpud by NCr EDTFF.R from anvone other than CONTRz\CCOR. If. CO tR.ACfOR 'washes to I'umish or use; a substitute item, of material or equipment, CONTRACTOR shall first. make i%ritten application to-FNGENTEER for _icccptance thereof; cenifyuigihar the proposed substitute will .perform adequately the Rinctions and nehieve the results called for by the general desi� Lt similar in Substance to that specified and be suited'to the same use as diat specified The application will .state the eNtent if am•, to which the evaluation afid acceptance of the proposed substitute will picjudice CONfR\CTOd�s achievement of Substantial' Completion an time, whether or not acceptance of the substitute tot use in the Work will ieg6ire a elmrrgq in any of the Contract Dacuinenm (or in the provisions of any tither direct contract with OWNER for work on tie Projoct) to adapt thedesign to theproposed substitute and whether or not mwrporation it use of the substitute in connection with the. Work is subject to payment of any license fee or. royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified will be idmtificsl in the application and available maintenance. repair and replacement service will be intlicated.' The application will also contain tin itemized.cstimate of ill coats or credits dead will resultdirectly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, ineludiru costs of redesign and claims of. other contractors affected 11 11 LI I by the nesulting change. of, wluch yyill Le considered by L GL1VL:ERin evaluating the proposed substitute.. a;GI_VEER' may require CONTRACTOR' to funnisr additional data:about. dieproposed substitute. C AUR4(70R's.E.rpensa: Al data -to be provided by CONTRACTOR in support .of any proposed 'prequel'.' or sub stitutc_ item wdl be.at CONTRACTORS c..Verise. 6:1.3. Subdlitute Construction Merhacty or Fracadinrs. J f.a. sFecific means, .method .technique. 'sequence pr procedure. of construc•.ti' n is shown• or in hcated .in .and dxprecely required Lai the Contract Don m,uirs, CONTRACTOR may fumich or utilize a. :slbstitute means: incdivl. technique. sequence or procedure of comtruction acceptable to ENGINE'ER.. CONITIt\CTOR shall submit suflicient intormation to allow PNOINEER, in ENGINEO s sole discrction,.to, dctermure that ;the substitute propxsed is equivnlenLlo diet eNpressly called' for hy'.thd Contract Documents. The procedure for rev-icw by ,ENGINEER: will be similar tothat pmmided in suhparagrapli ri3 i,3: 6,713. Fnginee✓s F.vafuruianr: $NQR TEFR' will, hL allowed a reasonable tine within which to -evaluate each praposil or submittal made pursuant. to parargrapin h.7.1.? and 6.7.3. l 4UNTiER will bedic sole judge of acceptability, No "or-Cga'rl"' or substitute will he ordered, installed or utilize withoutF,,N,(r NEER's prior wrineh acaptancc.which:will be cvidcnced by either a Change.Order or art approved Shop Drawing. OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish at CONTRACTOR's expense a special pertbrinance guarantee or other surety 'with respkct to iuiy or -equal" -or substitute. ENGINEER will record time required -by ONGIINEER and MNGREER's -Consultants in evaluating substitutes proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR pursuant to pamgmphs 6;7,1,2 and 6:7:21 .and in makin changes in the Contract Documents (or in die provisions. of any other direct contract with. O\\TIER, for wort( on the Projcot) occasioned' thereby, Whether or near ENGINEER act e.pts.a substitute item so propgsecl'6r subm itted'b4 CONCR CTM CONTRACTOR shall reunburse OWNER for the -charges of ENGINEER anti ENGINEER's Consultants for evaluating each such proposed substitute itein. 6_8. Concerning Subcuntrneturs, Supplier' and Others: fi 8.1. CONTRACTOR_ shall not .employ, :my,, Subi:ontractor,-Suppli'a or other person or orgamuation (including those acceptable to OWNTER and LNGI:NEER_as.indicated in paragraph 6-8 ^). whedlier initially or as a ' substitutc, against wham OWNER or D\%! NEER .man h avr rewsonable oblcclion.! CONTRACTOR shad not be required to employ any Subcontra unr Supplier a other person or,organuation to. furnish or perform any of the, Work againsi whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable objeuion. ' Ercuccetitwu.coxorn6 S.Ivw (i��aEaeticau -w'i CT r t OF roar COCLI V \toDlrrCATIO]'S rt(LV aQa001 6.9 CONTRACTOR .slntll oerfoma • act less than 20 percent oC the \York with its owns forces (that is, without subcontrictinit): The '30 octcenftr quircment shall be understood to refer to the "lurk the value of which toads not less- than'10 mmenrbf the Contract. price G.B:^_ Lf—the Supplementary-Etnitiau Bidding Documents require, 'the idartity. of certain Subcontnretors. Suppliers or other persons or cruytiiations (including those. who are. to lumish the principal iiemso[' in or equipment). to fx submitted to OWNER in-advnnce—of-thrspeeified aatr pciur,lo the Effective Date of the Agrcement.Car ,acceptance by OWNER and HNGINERR—and—i OWNER's. or, HNO NEER's acceptance (either in wriung or byfailing to make writtenpbiectipn thereto by the date indicated For aoccptancc or objection in the bidding documents or the Contract Documents) af' Fvu(3IN h1SK No aacptance by V%VNftX_ or ENGTNT.ER of any s, ch Suhcontractor, Supphcr or other person, or or;anization shall consutule a aniver of any right oC OWNER. or ENGINEER.. to icject d fecrive'Work. 6A L CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible. to Ot."ER and MNODiEER for all acts and omissions of the:Subcontractors Suppliers and other I'Ne sot% anti oreanizatiors perfonn ing or funushing any of the Work tinter a direct or .indirect conceal with - CONTRACTOR just as CONTIL\t fOR is responsiblc for CONTRACTOR's own acts and omissions: e iuthing ih Lhe Contract Documents -shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor. Stipplia' or other person or 6raptuzation any contractual relationship between-,Q%VNER or ENGL.\'EER and any sueh,Subcunuactor, Supplier or other person or urganizatibn nor shall -it cmatc,any obligation on the part of OWNER or IRNGNTER to pay or to see to the paymentof any moneys due try such Su8apnuactor. •Supplier or other person or orgariicauon except as may otherwise be required• by Laws aid Rcgul atior Ol\NF h or Li LGINEI R' may'• furnish to my s6hcunlrictor saarnrlier or other person or or .anizsanon U nine of _amounts.. paid .to. ( iN I RACI OR in accordance with CONTRACTOR'S "Apolk-ntions for Payment", M n,9.3. CO; TRACTOR shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating, the 'Rork of Sitbcontmeturs. Suppliers and other persons and oiganicatiom performutg or tarnishing any of the Rork under a direct. or indirect contract with CQN'TRACTOR. 'CONTRACTOR shall require all, Subc mimctors, Suppliers,and such other, persons and ar�anizitions performing or furnishing any of the wo k to communicate wi h the NIGIDi-CL•R. through CU�fI'R-\CTUR 6:11). The divisionsandsections6fiheSpecifictitionsand the idrntificatiors of any Drawing s shall not .control CONTRACTOR in etividing the Work among 5uhconiractors or Suppliers prde-fineating• the, Wark: to he �corned by any specific trade; 6.11. All Work perforated for CONTRACTOR by a Subcontractor ar Supplier will be pursuantto am appropriate agrccmcnt between C ON I RAC1 OR •and the Much Subcontractor or Supplier s}�eciliyally bindi- the. Subcontractor or Supplier to the. nppUcabte terms and'' conditions of the Contract Documents lor'the' benefit of OML ER-and.DZINMR, VAtetvevec-artHstiaMe eimcai Pmlent FeexandRot•afties 6,12. CQ'+g7f \CTOR shall pity all license tees and royalties and assume all taus indtlent to the use in the. perforiencc of the Work or the. incorporation in the Work' 6T any invention,. design, process, product or device which is the subject of paeem rights or eopvrights held by others. if a particular invention, lsj6m, process, product or devict is specified' in the Contract Doeuments tier rase err the performance of the Work and if to the.acnual. knowledge of O\VNER or G\G4\*EE1Z its use is subject to pat2nt rights or copyrights calling for the payment orany license fee or royalty, to other's, the c6sicnee of such rights shall be disctaxd by -OWNER in'ihe Contract Documents. to the. detest extent' pemtitted by Laws and Regulations.. CONTRACTOR. shall indcainif and hull 1wrmless OWNER ENGLNEER ENG[NEER's Consultants and the officers, dirttitors, employees, agents and.otler cansWitrnts of each and tiny at -them fromand against till claims, costs.. losses and damages arising out of or resulting from anv infrira mment of pat2nt rights or copyrights inCident to the: use in the performance of the Wark.or resulting fromthe I ncorporation ih.,thr Work of any inventiort:.design. process, .product or device not Te:cificd in the Contract Documctas titcv<;ceNtxu,wNtn'nvtitiit)�(ty4oecG au, 14 trl CTfi QGPORT COLLINS Otllh7 C.A'noes cltL•V �IT_0Ua1' Permits: 6.13. _ Unless otherwise provided' in.th Su l le-mentary Conditions, CONTRACTOR shall obtain an "p y for all constructiowpennits and. licenses.. OR^ER shrill assist CONTRACTOR, When iie,I�V_Iry. in obtaining. such permits and' licenses. CONTRACTOR, shall ,pay all goveimnental charges - and. inspection fees nccessary Air the prosecution of ere \Voile which are applicable-_atthe. time of cpcning of Bids. fir.. if lhcre are no Bids. an the Effective Date of; he Aueement. CONI'RACCOR-sliall pay all shames at ,utility owners for conneciions to the Work, and .OWNER shall pay ail charges of such. utility uwmrs for capital costs. related thereto such as plant invesmtent-fees. 6.14. LainsairdRegtrlations: 6.14,1, C:ONrRAam shnll,s6nve all notices. and comply with all l.atvs and Regulations applimbicro' Curmshing and',perCennancc of the Work. Except xherc otherwise expressly required bynpplinhle laws .and Regulation,' ,neither, OWNER nor RNGINE'RR shall be iesponsible Poe monttoring CYANURACTOWs crxnpliance with any LaM or Regulations, t,.u2—.If mv- rR:\c_TOR peribnns any. Wdrk knowing or having reason to know Nail: is contrary to Laws or Regulations, C;ONTR\CrOR shall bear till claims, costs, losses, and dama.cs causedby, arising out of..or resultina therefrim;'however, it sfiall not be CONTR:\CTOR's primary responsibility .to make Rnnin that the specifications and Drp%%iiigs :ire in accordance with I;aws and. Regulations. but this shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of CONTRACTOR's obligations under paragmph 3.3 ': Taxes. C,.lj. CONTRe\C OR shall ov all sales. cortumer, use and other similar taxes,rayuircd to be paid by COMERACTOR In accordance with the .Laws and Regulations of the placa of the Projectthhidi arc applicable during the perfomtattce of the Work. 6.li.1 -O\\^TER is "empt aiuh Colorado State aml loud wets and -use =es on materials to .be nnanently, incorporated into the_urojcct. Said lases shall not be included in the.Contract Price. CONTRAC rOR . must apply far.. and receive, a Certilitiate of. Esemnlion .from thu. Colorado Department of Revenu • fir construction materials to be, phystatlly incorporated into the pru'at�l •C This Certification of Exemption provides that. .the CChxfTRACfOR shall neither pav nor include in his Bid. Sales and' fix Taxes on those bctildim%.and Construction tnutenals physically incorporated into the Droect. Address: Colorado Derrartmentof Rcvenur. Smte Caniml Annee 1 37i Sixmian'Street . Denver Colorado &),261 ;Sales and Use Taws for the., State of Cdloradb Rcomnal Trrnsportation--Districy (RTD) and certain Colorado counties are collected by the State of Colorado and' -are- included;in the Certification of Exemption. All .appliuble' Sales and Use Taxes"(mcludinu Stale collected uiees), on unv'items .other .than construction and building materials phvsically incorporated into the oroimtare to be mend by CONTRACTOR and are.to be included in ariixopriate bid items. Use r f Premises: 6.iti. CONTRACTOR, shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and _equipment areal"the operation of workers, to the site and land, and arms, identiLd,in and permitted by the Contract Documents"and other land and areas- fermitied,hy Lawsand Regulations, rights -of -way, (xrmits .and easemoss, and shalt .not unreasonably etioumtier the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment" CONTRACTOR shrill assume: full responsibility for any damage. to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupmit ticreoror ofany adjacent landor anus; resulting tioni the pertbrivimt_ 4 the Work Should any.blauii be made, by any such owner or occupant because of the performance'of.the Work, CONTRAGTOR.Aiall promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise. .resolve die claim by arbitration or other dispute resolution proceeding or at law. CONTRACMR"hall, to die fullest extent permitted by Lni%N and Regul tiomti indemnify.and (told hirmless. OWNiS. CNG[.N'ECR LNGINEERs ConsulLnif and anyone ,directly or indirectly cmpfoycd by arty of them from and against allclaan& cOSts„losses and damages aris'mg;out of or resulting- from -tiny claim pr action:. legal or' equitable, "brought by any such owner or -xcupant •agnuist OWW"ER, CNG [i,TCR or any other party indenini6ed hereunder to the -extent mused by or based upon CONT ACTOWs performance of the Work. 6.17. During the.proeress of the \York CONTRACTOR skill keep the premises ficc from accumulations of iwake Materials. rubbish and tither debris resulting front the Work At the completion of the Work, CODITRACTOR shall remove all Waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about die premises as well as all tools, appliances,". construction equipment and machinery and surplus materials, CONTRACTOR' dall leave die site cicn and ready .for, txxv, incy by (I)WNT-R. at. Substantial. Completion of the Work-. CONTRACTOR shall restore to origimil eondition•all property not desigtited for alteration Lion by, the Contract Dccurn ails. 6.I S. CONTRACTOR shall not load nor pcnmit any part Of ariv gnicture to be I�iidedi in tiny "muruicr that will - endanger the su utae. nor skiII CON'1'R;\GTC)Ct subject any part of -the Work or.adjaeent property, to stresses or prIssures that will cndangerrit, Record Uneuminatsi EICDCQENbR,XL.CONDIT OM 19104 (17)R Ei liu.) svt CI rr OF FOa"r COLLIv MOoaacATION3 tact' an_oaoj ,6.19, CONTRAC•TOR,skill maintain in a safe place at the site one recoil copy of till. Drawings, :Specifications, AdderiAa; , Wriltch .Amendments, Change Orders. Wort: .Chsinge. Directives;; Field Orders and, �%vrilten inlerpret:nioiis and clarification. (issued pursuant. to pnra_6pl19.4),'in. good order and lnngiated•.tq.shoiv all changes matte durine constriction These .record dminients, to gether with -all approved Samples and a Counterpart of" Fill approved Shop Drawings Will be available to ENGIINEER Core reference. Upon completion of the Work anti prior to releaseof limn payment, these rcwrd' dixunrems, Samples and 'Shop Drawings will be deliveredIo.ENGINE'EP fdrOWNF.R. Safety and Proteedon: 62o. CON•fR1CTOR shall' be responsible lur initiating„ traintaim6g, and "supervising _ all "safety precautions and programs in connection with. the, }York. CO`v1 RAi:TOR shall Like nit. necessary precautioits far .the safety of; and stall provide the neccssary protection to prevent damage, inNry or'loss to, 6-20.1.:all persrsons on the Work site n[•wfia may be alfcctcd by the Work: 6:211:2. all the Work and materials and equipment to tic incorponited therein, whether in storage on or olt; the s ite: and 6.203. other property at the site or adjnceht thereto, including trcc& shrub& lawns walks; p:wcmLnts, rcadways. strucuircc utilitits and Underground Facilities not designated I'or.removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction: cwl-RACI'OR shall compry with all ippliuhle'Laws and Regulations of any, publiobodv havingjurisdiction for safety of persons or property or to; protcct them- from damage, injury or loss, and skull crtit and maintain all 1wessarh safeguards for such safety and ,promotion. 'GNrfL\ 'TOR shall notify owners of adfacent property and of I nderprourid Facilities and utility owners when prosecution n .of die \Vick may affect tfieni, and shall' cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replaumunt of their property. if damage, injury or loss to. any property «teried to in purngrnphs6^_rr.3 or 6.203 amsed, directly or indirectly. in whole or in part, by CO\gkACTOR, any Sulxvritractor, Supplier or any other person or :organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them -to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts my"of than inay be liable, Shall be remedied byCONTRACTCIR (wept damage or loss attributable to the. btult of.Dravrings or Specilieations or to the acts or. omissitins orOl4NER or LNG[e iL•CTL or 1. 4GFNTER's Consultant or anyone employed by any of their or anyone ferti4hose acts any of them may, be Icable., and not at(ributable. directly or indirectly, in whole. or in Fiat, to thc, fault or ncL.ligenee of COMP KACTOR or tiny Subcontractor. Supplier or other person ax organization dinictly or indirectly employed by any of them). COiu f RACfOR's duties and responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is complcted'and HNOINEER has issued a notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraph 14. I'3 that the Work is aca:ptatilc (except as otlicrwise expressly provided in connection with Substantial Completion).. 6.21. SafieV Repretentative• CONTRACTOR shall designate. a qualified' and experienced: safely. representative At the site whose duties mid reayonsibilitics shalt be the prevention of accidentz and die maintaining and supervising of Mfety pretplutioro and programs. Ha;nrdCornmunicatrion Pro;;rurns.: 6.31 CONTRACTOR .shall be responsible for coordinating ariv cxch nge of''material'satbly data sheets or other hazard communication information "required' ic� he made available, to or exchariged between 6r, among employers at the site in .ricavilance with laws% or Regulations. 1•inergenciec. 6,21 In emereunciies allecting thc.safety or protection of persons or dim 1Vork or property at -the site or adjacent - thereto. CONI'RACfUR, without s} eial instruction or audiorimdan.front OR'i`IER or ENGINEER, is obligateddo act to prevent threatened damage, injury or .toss: CONTRACTOR. shall give ENulidF.FR- prompt' %Vritun notice- if CUN'fRACTUR believes that tiny significant changes in the Work or variations trom the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If ENGINEER. determines that a change in die Contract. Documents is required because arthe actiontnkcn byCONTR'ACTOR .in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive - or Change Oru:r will be issued to document die consequences of such action 6.24. Shop DrawingsnnifSnnrpler 6,24.1. CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drtwinp to LNG(NIEER fair review and approval in accordance. with the acceptc& schedule of. Shop Drawings .and Simple submirmis (see paragraph 39). All submittals will be identified as ENGTNtEER may, require and in the numLer of copies specified to the Genera Rcquvenicnts. The data shown on the 5hop.Dmwirigs twill be complete with respect to quantities dimensions. specified performance and design criteria, materials and similar data to show.ENGLNGER the materials and equipment CONrfKACTOR proposes to provide and to, enable ENG INTEER to review the information for the limited� purposes required by. paragraph 6.26: 6.24.2. CON ULCi'OR shall also submit Samples to ENGLNEER, for review and Approval' in accordance with saidacceptedschedule•uf Shup Drawings and Sample submittals. EHch Sample will be identified clearly as. to mateeiaL Supplier. pertinent data: such as mtalog.numbrs and die use for which intended And otherwise as ENGINEER may .require to enable L IGfNIEER. to review the submittal for the limited 6iCUti OE:IFILW CONIR'00`S [91U LgivV Ee4timl 16 wlCYr'T OF FORT CULLUMMOWICAa 10N%(PLV-W2001 purposs recidire l by paragon ph 6,2G. The numbers of each -Sample to be submitted will he its specified in the Speci ficatigrts: 6.25. Subminnl.Procedures, 6a5.1. Delore submitting each Shop Drawing or. Sample. CONCRACTORshall havd determineiland �Vcritied; 6L'S.l,1 all Geld menstremeni& quantitics,. dimension;, specified performance criteria. installation reguiremeras- materials, catalog numbers and similar infomialicm with rc*-Ct thereto, - - - 6:25.1.1 alVinaterials with respect to intended usc., rahricatiom shippping, handling, stoic C. ass mbly and irsallaI= pertainng to the performsInce-of nix Work,. and 6.25;13, all information relative to CONTR'AUMR's sole responsibilities in n:SNct of means, methods, techniques„ sequcnczs and procedures or construction and sifcty precautions and programs incident_ thereto, CONTRACTOR 'shall' also have izviewed .and coordim ited each Shop Droving or Sample with other Shop Dmtv'ings and Samplcs and with the requirements of. -the Work and the Contract Documents. -6.25-2: h".ach submittal will hear a stamp or specitc' written indication that CONTRACTOR has sitlstied CONTR.ACTOR's obligations, under the Contract Documents with.respcot to CUNITR,\(,_'COR's review Anil approval of [liar sulznittal. 6,25.3, At, die time of each submission, CONTRACTOR ::hall give ENGLN6ER specific written noticg'6f such vanationsJf an}; diet the Shop Drawing or Siunplesubmitted may have troin. did requirements of the,Conuact Documents, such notice to be iti.a written.eonimunicntion separate from the stIhnittil_ Arid, im aiklilian_ shall cause a speaCic notation to be made on. each Shop. Driving and Sartiple submitted to ENGINEER for review and apprgwal of each such variauort. 026. ENGINEER will review and approve Shop Drawings and Stimples in accordance with the schedule of Shop Drawings and Sample submittals accepted by 113E ,RrEER as nequirml by paragraph 2 ). EtiGLNEER's revietwend ;upprovaI will bo only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, alter installation. or incorporation: in the; Work; conlorm. to the information aiven in the Contract Doeu rnents anddbc compatible with the design concept -of the completed Project. as it functionng whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. ENGNEER's review and approval will not extend to mans- methods. techniques, sequences or procedures of .construction (except where a particular means„ method, technique; seclumce or j7roceltue of construction is specifically and expressly •.called for by the- ConlracCDoLuments) ortas9Cety precuriions or programs iirc4dcnt thereto. 'ncc review and approval of it seepparate item as -such will not indicate apprnvsl of the nsv:mtily in Which the item functions, CONTRACTOR shall make corrections required by ENGINEER, and shair retur'thg required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and subm [ is required new Samples for review and approval - CONTRACTOR shall direct specific attention in Nriting to revisions. other than the corrcctioris " called for by &NFGINEER yn previcne; suhmittak 6.27. ENGLINEF.R's review and approval of .Shop. Drawinup or Samples shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for n4 variation from the requirements of the Contact Documents unless CONrRAC'rOR has in writing called ENGINEER" attention to etch: such variationat the time. or subniitsion as reilttired ,by paragraph 6.25:3 :and ENGINEER has 'given wrmen approval of each- such variation by a slxcihe written notation thereof incur crated in or accompanying the'Shop: Drawing or Sample approvat; nor will any npprohal by HNGINMR. relieve CODTTILAMOR fram, responsibility Or complying with the requirements of ljamgrnph ti.25.1, 6.28.. Where. a Slop Drawing or"Sam& is required by: the. Conmacr Documcntsor. the schedule of Shop Drawing and SaimIlL submissions accepted by FNG(,.iF.F.R' is required .bv, pan=ph 29, any related Work perforied prior to Eli tKHNFER's review and approvalof the pertinent suhmitml will boat the sole expense and 'responsibility of CONrRaC'rm Con;inuitrg the Work: 6,29. CONTRACTOr, shall carry on 'the Wotk and aclh&e to tlk {progress schedule during till, disputes ur disrigreemerim with.OWNER. No Work shall - be delayed or postponed pending resot'ution. of arty disputes or dnstgrcements, except as permitted by paragraph 15;5 or;u OWNER arts,. CONTRACTOR: mnyotherwise agree in wilting. 6.30. C04`72.17OR's CenernL Pintrantw -and Guarantee: ' 6.30,1. CONTIL•\CTOR n armnls and, guarntces .to -OWVZR Li tGNEGR and' ENGLtiGGRs Consultants" that all Work will be in accordance with die. Contract Docxumenu and - t4Jl not. Ix. ctej'cfive. CONfRkC'l;Olt's warranty and uaranice hereunder aculudrs defects or damage causal by. abuse. mudi' ication or rap coot •maMenarn:e.o[" operation by. persons,other than CONTRACTOR; SubL,=actoMur Suppliers; or 6:30.1:2: normal wear amd'tear under normal' Usage. 6:30.2, CON ACTOR's obligation to perCcirn and complete the Work to nccordancc with the Contract Documents shall -be absolute. None of the follow'uig. will: co istimre an nccclitancz of Work dint is not in EAI)COEatR.LL CONDriiQbS th has owe Etsticm %via'ryorrotrrCOLU. ,SMouo-rcarIONs(REVdrac)i accordvnce.w•ith the Contract Documents or,a release ofCON—rRACTORsobliption io_perf6rm the Work. in accordance with the Cuntrtct,Documents: 6.30?. I: observations by EN'GMER: •6.30.'. recommendation of any.prouress or fund payment by OqU [NEER: 530.23 the issuance- of a certificate of Substantial 'Completibn 'air' any paymtmL by OwNEa to C6N, TRACTOR under ibe Contract .Documents;, 6.30- -1. use or occupmicy of the Wark or any l%in thereof by.OWNF.R;, 6.30:2A. any acceptance bg OLVNBR or. any failure to dose:, any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample.submittal.or the is.;unncz'of a notice of acceptability by E�\'OINFEWpurswnt to paragraph 1 4-l3;' ,6:30.',7 'any'inspceuon: test -or approval by other•.: or 6.30AS, any o6rrcction of delretivv Work by OW, IF.R; 'lirrlennifrcutina:. 6.3 1. To the. fullest astcm permittcd by .Laws, and Regulations,. CONTRACTOR, shall inclernmiltv and hold hamnlccs. OWNQ2. o'r5[NrlSR. CNGL\tiFRs Cnosultnntkand the ofrwcf& directors, employees; agents and'other consulrints of eacli•and ariv'of'them from and against.all clrtinis;.eosts_ loses and damages (including. Ina not limited, to..nll fees' and clarges of engineers, archiiz' attomeys and attieY profzssiimnls fund all court or arbitration -or other dispute resolution casts) caused by, arising out of or resulting from. the performance, of'the Work. provided: that any such claim,.cnst, lass or &11't1gu:. (i) is attributable to'hcddy injury, .sickness, disease or death. or to injure uo or destruction of tangible pro p.erty (other than the ,fork itselt), including the loss of use resulting, therefrom, and (6) is caused in whole or in part by -,my negligent act or omission of COS iTRACCO[L. any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any. person or.organiuttion tbrectly or ihdectiv'employed by any theme to Nr(6rift .or furnish any or the Work or anyone for whose acts any of Them, may be liable; regardless of whethei or not caused in part by any negligence or omission ofa-person or entity .inclemnitied hereunder or whether liability" isimposed upon such indemnified party by Laws and Reuulatrans regardless of ific negligence el- any" such persun or entity. 6.31 In. an)- and all claims against OtVNEk or MMNEER or any of their respective corisiltanm agents officer, directors or employees by "any .employee (or the survivor or. personal representative oFsuch cmploycc) of CO\TRACTOR.: any Subconuactor, any Supplier. any IN- m. ar oraanirition directly6r indirectly employed by 17 any of them to perform or tornish. any of the Work or anyonefeuwhose wets any of them may be liable; the iridemnificaticin obligation under piragaph6.31 shall not he limited in any ugly by- -any limitation on the arnutmt es type ofidamages, compensmibn ai benefits pavable by or COr C0;qTR\C'I'(3R or.any such Suhwntractor Stipplier or other person or orgaruasaionunder workcne compensation acts, disability beitelit acts or other employee benefit acts. 633. The intlemnifcalion obligations of CONTRACTOR tinder-ptiragaph631 shall not extend to the liability of F.NGNEER and ENGNiEER's Corsultanls; officers, director& employees or .agents 'mi sed by the professional ncgl •once• errors or omissions otany of them. Survival of0hligatums.•- 634: All rprescnmtions indemnification& warranties andguurantecs made in required by or given in itccordance. with the Contract Doc imcnms,, ac wellis all 4 ontinuiti;. obligations indicated in the Contract Documents, will' survive final ,payment..00mpletion.mid acceptance of. the. Work and termination incompletion of die Agreement. AlItICLF ]--OTHER WORK Related IVork at Site: 7,1_ C-AVNER.rnay perfiiim othd, work related to the Project at floe site by OWNER's own forces, or let other direct contracts 'therefor whichshall contiin .Gcncml. Conditions similar to these; or have dither work performed by util tv owners, If the tact, that siich other work. is to be. perturtiied was not rioted in uric Contrict Documents, then: Ci) written notice thereof will be,egvert to CONTRACTOR prior to starting any stick other work and (ii)CONTP.ACTOR may mak .a claim theretor as provided in Articles l I and 1' if CONTRACTOR believe.. 'that such performance will involi e additional expense to CONMACTOR or requires additional time aced the patties arc unable toagrec as to the mrmount or cstcnt thereof. T!CONTRACTOR shall alTord each other contractor xQ is a party to such a direct contract and each utility owner (and OWrNL•R, its OWTlER is performing the additional Work with OW\M't emploves proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity For the introduction and'stonfge of materials and equipment. and the execution of such other work and shall properly connect and cmirdinata the Work with thews: [finless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. CONMACTOR shall do all cutting,'Gtting and patching of.the Work that may be n_qever uired to make its sal parts come together pro lxrly and' inter tc with stvoh bthei work. CONTRACTOR shall not endanuer any work of others by cutting " vating or othmcise altering, their work and will onlyeut or alter their work with the written consent of ENGINEER and the others whose work will be affected: The duties and .resticrosihilities of CONTRACTOR under this paragraph are far the benefit of such utility owners. and other contractorsto the extent that there are wnipamhle CicDC uCuett.u. CoNtxn 0Ns MU a 94v CeGllni r t% n'1 CITY 01; FORT OLLI tS \1OD119 C.4r1ON51aGv tt mwr provisions for the lxnefit of CONTRACTOR in .said direct contricL% betwe OW'NTiR and such utility owners and other. contractors. T3:. IT the proper execution or results of. any pm of CON•I RAUTORs Work: depends uppon w6rk performed by others under this _\icicle 7. CONTRACTOR shall irispcct .such other •%vork and promptly report to ENG NT-ER in writing.anydelays, detect; or delrcacncics in such other work that render it unavailable or uirnritable for the pro per execution-and'results of CO f[ RACTO2's Work. CONTRACTOI :s failure so to report. .will constitute an, acceptanceof such ,other %i,ork. as fa and proper for integration with CONTRACTOR's Work except for literit or nornpparenr defects and deficiencies in such Aid work,. Coor&Adrioir: 7-4. if OWNNER. contracts with others' for the performance of other work on the Project at the site: the fiillowing will.he set forth in Supplementary Conditions:, 741_ the person, firm or corporatign who will have authirity :and, rvspnnsihility for coordination of the activitiesamongthe various prime contractors will be identifedt 7A.3: the specific matters to hecovered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and. 7.4,3. the extent of such muthority and responsibilities will he provided - Unless othc?wisr provided in the Supplementary Conditions, QM%TR shall have sole authority and resporesibdity, in respect of such coordination, ARIrlCLG FL-OW_v-CR'S RESPONSLBLLPI M. 8:1. Except as otherwise provided -in these Goneral Conditions, OW^IP.R shallissue all comma micalions to CONTCv\CTOR rhnwah ENG MIM 62. Ih case or termination of the employment oC ENGrNEERL OIVNTft shall appoint an engineer mminst whom-COit.TRAr� TOR-m ekes-nu-reasurmble-ybjeit irxc whose status under the•Contiact Documents shall'be thzt of the Conner ENG NI EER. X.3. OWNIER shall, furnish the data required bf. OWNER under die 'Contract Documents-, promptly' and shall make pit}nients to -CONTRACTOR promptly- when they are due as provided'in paragraphs 14:4 and 14.13. 9.4. OWNER:; duties in respect of providing lands and easements and providing engarecring surveys to establish reterera;6' points are set, forth in paragraphs 4.1 arid, 4.4. Pmrgraph 43 refers to OW,)M's identifying and making- available. to CXJNTRACWOR copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at die site and rUawings.uf ph ysical conditions in existing. structures at or contiguous to the site that have'been vitilupd by ENG[JEEft npreparinglhe,ContmctDocturienis: g .. ^\4'ttElt�rw�_yEi4ities-urrr�e«;6et-Nurek+Asirr dRu-EitAFRFdFRtRa-iwldtl{i{—dMl---�F9pefiy--InSUFRr16«itr�: Sef forth •iRpgmgrnpha 5-5-thrvugh-571 (t; 8.6. OWNER is obligated to execute, Change Orders as indicated in paragraph, 16.4, S.j_ O\VNGR's responsibility in respect of- certain sp' inections, tests and approvals •is set forth in parneinph 13:d. S;S_ In connection with OWNF.ks right mstop Nark or stL*nd Work, sce laragraphs l3,lu and 15.1. Paragraph 15.2 deals,with OWNE'R's right to I intimate services of CON'pRAC7OR under certain circumstances, 8,9; The OWMN ;R shall nbi supervise-; direet or have control or authority over, nor -be responsible tor: CON!` R.\CTOR's.nienns, method,, techniques, sequences or Procedures of consrucrion or are safety precautions and ping rims. incident thereto; ' or for Any failure of CONTRACCOR in comply with I cos and Regulations• applicable to the,turmarang or perionnance of th Work OWNER will not be ra;p(rtsiblc for CON1'RACTO' 's failure «t perftmn or ruriti-sn the Work in accordance with the -Contract Decunients -F} 4--oLV:siE3R's-rr�tnsihilily-in-rzspesEeF�}ndisclnsed clslYsrss I8=T3ss--F�-�k�tlauRt-Fin'var.�,.m—t.V.:�t��ir Rsdi<eetivrb(at�iRLs-t:neevrrzd-eFrivrR}tt4-attitrsittt3 set-Earth-in-pnf�ssapM4-=- —Ff-ami-tc,te—trtTent-66ViFER-Fpts-rntrtecF-Fa-tiurtish GE)?µFed.'FO.L�-reasRr*thle--avi.krwa--iliac-ftntineiet tirrartgrtttants—imvrlxen—made—i �--;artsly—OW�VT(�'s. ubF!�itienrtrrider—the-C-cvttiael-Ar;�eani<.wFE-6l�'?t'E#s. resFvnsibihty-ut-respect-thereof w�l-L�.�-tu�;zt-forth-in•the Supplementary Condit tons,-. ARTICLE 9-FANCINFF.R'S STATUS. 'ppRuNG' COYSTRUCTIOr 0lVNER's Representanive-' s.L EN'GN=. , will •be .O%WER's represefttmi3e durint: the construction. ,period The dutiesand rc>, sibilities .and the limitations- of authority of h1G4vtEER as O\lrv-ER's representative during construction areset forth in the Contract Documenu and shall not be extended without written consent of OWNER and ENGINEER I13ils- to Site. 9?, 'ENfGLVEER will make visits to the "site at intervals appropiinle to the varioas stages of construction as. ENGINEER' deems necessary in order 16: obsa- e as an experienced nod qualitiLd'desigrl profes,ionsl the prcg ss: grtucol:,ltxv:.roNurn ri:�� l v its (i r�4 eiliti<q) wary or roar coffi its atoou lc tnaNs t t ti •irzouoi that has been made -and it the ilt al tj' of the various aspects of 17,01\71RACTOR's .vxetaiwd" Work, Rued 6n information obtained.during,such 1•isils and. observations. ENGINEER will endeavor for the benefit of Okk,&TER W determine. in general:. if. the Wark is proceeding in 'nccor'dance with tha Contract Documents: FN'Gb51EER will not be required to make eehaustive or continuous on - site, its pectioru to check'rhe iptebty,or cJuantity of the -Work. ENGLVEER's efTurtss will be directed toward providing for OWNERit greater dearce of confidence that the completed Work will conform generally to the •Corainct Dvxuments: On the basis of such.visi6 ar d ort- site observations, •ENGbN'EER will keep QWN'HR informed of the progress of the Work aril will endeavor to Suard. OWNER acninsr �L.fecZve Work. LNGINEER's visits, and on -site ofse Natioror are sihjcetto all the limitations on ENGINEER's authority and restvnsibility setforth in rxtragraph 9.13, and particularly. but without limitation, durirrgor as a msult of L•NGINEER's on -site visitsor ohservations: of C OA,TR:Aurok,% Work ENGNEER trill not supervue direct, control or have authority met or he, responsible for CONCRAct-OR's means; methods, rechniques, sequences or procedares of construction, or the safety precautions. and .programs incident thereta:iir for any failure of CON f RAC'IOR ro comply with, lawns .and' Rcgulafions applicable to the ,lbfnishin g or perfvirmance.of the Work. Project Repreientritive: '9.3. If OWNER and L'NGLNFER agree, ENGWEER will furnish a Resident .Project Representntiv� to assist LNGNEER in providing moro continuous observation of the Work, 'ncc rc-sponsibilitics and authority and limitations thereon of any such Resident Project Rtpre5e11L1UY2'.Md �ssisautts will be :its. provided iir lxtradralik-,9.3 and 9.1:3 And—in—the—.iuppknxhtarry Condiiions of these .General! Conditions: 1f OWNER designates .another rrpresenlaaw ur agent to,represcnt OWNER at the site who tsnot EIGUEERs Consultant, 'Agent or tniplgyee the resportsibihties and nuthorityand limitations, thereon of such other person will be as provided in the tiut>plententaty �riitdi4rare ores rgt�h_o 9.3.1. The KepresentAtives dealings- in- mutters rpc twining to.the Lin -sue work will. in general, `cx•with the ENu1N-FPR and CONTRACTOR But the Representative will keep the. OWNER. properly advised about such mailers. The :Regesentatwe tlealmcs with subcontractors will only be through or with the ttdlknowkdat and approval -of the CONI'RmaoR 93.2. :Duties and Responsibilities: 'Representative, Will: 93.2.I.1 ;chedules Review the -pros.niss 19 schedule and other schedules prMired by the LONrFR\CTOR .and consult., wish_ _ihe ENGLy-EERc6nccrninitscLv abilitv. 93.22. Conferences and Nfeeting - Attend meednu with the CONTRACTOR such is preconstruction conferences. pLagcss „meetings and_ other"lob-.cohtarences-and - prepare and eire6hite copies of mirttttu of mcerirws. •9. + 3-3. Liaison 932.31.. S�rva is. ENGWEER;S liaison with -CONTRACTOR, workim—, pcimnpalV through CONITRAt_rOR's supatntendenr to assist the CONTRACTOR m understanding the Contract•DoetxIenu 9:3 ? 3 _ Assist in obtainin_ Trom OWNEk additional demik. or infomiatiort: when required- for Proper exci:ution of the. Work., 9.3,33 Advise the ENI GINF.FR and CONTRACTOR of .the commencement of env Work requiring "a Shop- Dmwiriyor. minple submission if the'submissionlr r. rKit bccnaopmmved liy the ENGINEER. 9 i Review of Wcul Rjjec on of Detectwv Work Inspections:utd'I;ests- y.3.23.1- .Conduct on -site nb9crvatims of the Work iii ore¢n.-ss to assist the ENGINEER in d:t rroinitvx that the Work is.procndin, in ,accordance with the Connect. Pocumenls. 99,3-1..4.3. Accom rrnvvisiting_,in3pertors representing public or -other agencies having jmsdjction "ova the Proiecy acord the resttlLs' of these inspections and rcWrt' to- the ENG M. ETC 9.3__i. [mer etetation or Contract Doxtuments. Report to ENGLNLER .when clariGcuchs.and WegHetations of the Contnict D_ceuments are nto eeded .xnd transntrt CONTRACTOR chuificuiton and intcrpretatign of -the Cootmet. DecumenLs. as mual by the ENGINEER_ Llodificatitms. Consider and evalmm CONTRACTOR'S aIgg worm. for HlCDC ;ti, R,E\ . CONUrII01,13 M0 ,1(1510 EIItkAll, u%' CTiT OG furor COELI.. ; \IOUIFlC'.4r1DP:ti 1TtEV-� t'! 09111 'III oditiuitibn in Drawim i-oe Specifications an report: ihese recommendations to._ENGRNEER Accuru iy transmit .to. .CONTRACTOR dec�eiom Lssucd by the MgG4vEER 9:3:17c Records. 23 S_Reptxts. 9:33,8.1. Punish. f Ai \EER p.=r CK — Lq reportti as requirecL of the prtsjess. of the Work and or the CONTRACTOR'S .coinp2,imtcz ci•it - tht_p�o�ess�checil!le �tl schedule of shop Drrkirt .and sampL, submittalg J }?t8:2. Consult with SNGRD,"C_L•_F in aclvance• of uhedutin5 I aj tests, jimccuorts tar start of irriponnntphnses of the Work. 93?.8:3. Draft prow6ed Clare Orders :and Work Dtrcctive,_Changes;_ tibteiitmg bnckugmaterml from the CONTRACTOR and recommend to ENGRNELR Change Orders. Work Directive Cbmucs and tield orders 9.318A Report tmmedlaely to L•1iGL\TLER' anal' UtYe TER the cccurrcnu_uf env accident. Payment Requests. Review supplications tar wment with CONIRAG'rOR for.wmplianm wi h the- established prceeduic. for -their submission and forwardwith recommendation to 11 LJ 1 I L•NGLNEER noting particularly the relationship of the pavanerat reggae Iad'to the schedule of values, work completed and materials. and atiprrient. delivered .at the site-Ixtt =otilncorpwated in. the WwL 9_3:'__mil: Corrplclien. 9.3 3:IG.1_Qgtwe •1;1 iGMv'EER issues a Cetilicatc of Substantial Completion submit to CONTRACTOR a list of observed•items. requiring correction or completion: 9.32.10.). Conduct fimil irds ctiuri. in.lfie compariv of the F.NGINi '-F O\VNF.R and COMTFRAC•FOR .rind pr_pare a final.•list of items to be corrected or completed.: 9.3 2.10.3. 'Observe that all items on the final I%st havcbcen corrected or completed and make recommendations to ENGINEER concerning acceptance. 9.3:3. Limitation of Authorin•: The Representative shall not: 93.31. Authdrizc any;_�k:Jiations Boni the Contend Documents or-accelat any suhstitute inateriaLs or ec�tiipment_itnlcss audio-7,e 6 he ENGINEER. 9.33:3. .Hxcecd_ lirnitatiMs. 4' IiNCil IiEER'S: authoriy. as set forth in the Contract Documents. 93:3:3. Undertake any of .the responsibilities of the CONrTRr\CTOR: Subcontmctors. or CQNT&KInKs:sup}rimeftd—em 93.31 Advise, or issue dire'rtiorts-relative. tog or assume control &a anv_oispect of the mcaiA methods: techni ues. sequences. or PLgc.dures for construction unless IC - is s cificaliv called for in the Contract Dbcumenu;. Advise on or issue• directions regarding or assume control over safety, prcc.3uiicris and proa, -ams'in connections with: they 6Vwl:. 13.3.0. Accept ShuQ Dra\iaiirs or_:ymplc.. submittals from anyone other than .the CONTTRACTOR 9:3:3.7. .Authorize .OWNER to _ occupy. the Work in whole or in part. 9.3i:5. Participate in_sveciqlimd field or labomtery tests or inspections conducted tiv others except- as specifically authorized by the ENGINEER Clnrijicarrions mid Interpretation: 9.4. ENGUNEER will issue. with reasonable promptness such written cbrificationt . or interpretntitvis of the. F.'.t(:UC'C1t'tit7t:V; CONUI'n()xl' l9[ "(19'Jtl Editicm, M a'IY OF PORT COLLI It MONFICA 1-1015 to: P •ILano i -rcquirettaents of.thd Contract, Documents fin the Cori of Drawings or otherwise) as.CNG17 EER niav determine necesary.,which shrill be consistent with the ntent of and reasonably inferable Crum the Cuntmct Ncuments: Such }written clarificutions and interpretations will bx binding on OWNER and CONTRACTOR- if Ot%NFR or .CONTRACTOR believes that a written dtirilieation or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and the parties are unable to agree tothe amount or extent thereof, if any. OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make it wcitte claim therefor as. provided in Article Vf or Ariicic 12. : uthorized t'iirtartrons in!Fork.' y 5 . N'GM-FR may nuthoriia minol %;arcidons in the Work Crum the requitements of Ute contract Doc-uments •which do :notinvolve an adjustment: in the, C'ontruct [riec or the'Contract Times and are compatible With the 'dysign coticcpt of the completed I'rgicct.as a funclioriiN whole as indicated by the Contract I)ecum Lnts. These rmy be nccomplished by n Field Order and will Ix binding_ Qi OW'NF.R and also opt CONTRACTOP -who sliall perform the Work involver) promptlyIFOWM R or CON f RAC.TOR Ixlievcs that a Field Orderjustihcn an adiusm'jcnt in them ontmct Price'or ,the Ccmtrrcr Times and the Ixarties arc unahlc.to agree as to tim amount, or extent•, thereoF, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may, retake a written claim therefor as providod in Article I I or 12. Rejec»ing Def'ea:tire Itfiirk:. 9.6. FNGINIiER will have:authority to disapprove or rcjca Wiwk which FNGfNFFER hcliev":a in he cipctivc, or that ENGLNECR believes will not produce n completed Prujcclthat conforms to the Contract r)ocumcnt:� or tfiat will prejudice,die integrity -of thedesign concept of the. cumpleted Project as a Functioning whole'as indicdtedby the Contract Docunments.- ENGINEER will also have authority to require sNciat inspection or testing, of the Work us provided In paragrsph l3.9..whethcr or not the Work' Li fabricated; installed or completed. Chop. Drawingf. Change Orders and Payments 9.7. In connection with ENGFNEER's authority as to 'Shop Dr,,iw•ings ard'Samples.'see parragr:aphsr6._4 through 9.& 16 connection with ENGL ECfi 's authority as to •Chungge Orders, sec Articles Id. 11.and 12: 9 D. In connection with ENGiNEER's authority. as to Appliintions for'Paymentt see e\rticle 14- Dvteiminationyfiw Und Prices: 9.10. ENGLNrEER will detcmune the actual .quamiities and classifications of Unit Price Work Nrfcxmedby. CONTRACTOR- DqG rNEER will, rcviaw with CONTI ACTOR. the FN'GINFER's 'preGminan: -di:icrminations onsuch.matters be Core rendering a wriiten r4cision thereon (hy.. recommendniiott oT•an Appli�non f mU U ujUui� a O�UiU'U' o for Payment or otherwise). ENGNEER's-written decision thereon will. be final, and Binding. upon. OWNER: and .CONTRACTOR.. uness. within ten days after the date of any such decision. either MWER or CONTIZ2kCTOR delivers to the other, and to ENGINEER written notice of intention toappal tronj FV(;lk RR'q decision end: (i)an appeal from ENGINEER'sdecision is taken within the time limits and in accordance with die.proceduresset fords in Exhibit GC -.A, "Dispute Resolution Agreement", entered into between OWNER and C'ONTRACI'OR pursuanl'to Article 16,, or (it) if no,such'Dispute Resolution Agreement. has been entered into; a. formal proceeding is instituted by' the appenlidg party in a forum of competent jurisdiction.to C(ercisc such rights or remedies as the. appealing piny may have with respect to ENGINFFR's decision. 'unless otherwise agreed in writing by OWNGR and CONTR:ACfOR. Stich appeal' wilt not be subject to the .procedures of paragraph 9.11. Vecisionson Dtvpruec; 9.11. EN GINF,ER. will be the initial: interpreter of lee requirements of the Contract Documentss. and judge of the acceptability of the Work• thereunder, Ckims,.disputes and oiler manors relatirtg to the aceelxnhility or the Work or the interpretation of the requirements or die Contract Documents perta ining to,dic performance and 1'umishing of the Work and claims undue' :Articles I l and 12 in respect of changes in the, Contract Price, or Contract Tunas w•tl h referred initially to ENGINEER in writing with a request for it formal decision in accordance with this paragraph. Written notice of each such claim, dispute or other matter will be doliverod'by the claimant to ONGNEER and the other party to the :Auecjnent promptly (hut. in. no event Liter than thirty days) after the start or the occurrence or event givingrise,tiereto,.and written supporting data will' t - submitted ui F,NGINFER and the cithcr' p:uty within .sixty da}s.afterthe start ofsuch euuirence onevent unless _DibUCER' allows anadditionalperiod of Little for the submission of additional or more accurate data in support of Suchclauii, &&pule or other uialter. The opposing party shall submit any response to CNGRVEER and the claimamt within thirty days after receipt of :the claiatant's last submittal (unless l31GINF.'F.R allows. additionad time). EIGM-ER, will render it formal decision in writing within thiit:'days nRer receipt of the opposing.party's subinival, if any,: in .accordance with this paragraph. ,ENGNEER's written decisionon such claim, dispute oruther matter will' be final_ and binding upch OWNER. and CONTRACTOR unless: (i) an appeal hrnh FNGI,N}-R!s decision is mken within the time limits and in accordance with the procedures set forth in EXHIBIT - GC -A. "Dispute: Resolution Agreement-,' greement"', entered into Ixtwecn Otk NER.:md CONTRACTOR pursuant to Article 16' or (ii) if no such .Dispute Resolution Agreement. has been entered into:. a written .notice of intention toappeal from LNGIN_L•ER's written decision is delivcnxl by OWI, EIt or CONTRACTOR to the other and to ENGIINEM- within } rty hays after the date of such decision .and it formal proceeding is"instilutadby the appcalin> pant Conan in a of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to such claim, dispute or other matter in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations within sixty days. (if the ¢ntq of such �rcnc ceurx.4t, couix'nolw a lea na';u Ea6iicm -- wlCi rY O1rFURT COLLI.S�IObl19C:A110Ns tftlV.Vlunnl decision, tudess other.vfsc ngree.l'in writing byQlW-ER and CONT RACTOR.. Q.1�2. When functioning m interpreter and judge tinder paraw-aphs9.10-and 9.11: E\'GLi\"EE2 will not show p'trtisliry w.OWVF,R or. CONTR UI*<)R and will not'be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good Ludi.in such capacity. The.rrndering of a decision by ENGI2NTMR pursuant to paraizaphs 9.11) or 9. it with .respect to. any such claim; dispute w other muiter(exczptanv'which .have been waiv d by the:making or acceptance of final payment as , proviiltd in paragraph 14.13) will he a condition precedent to am' excrccsc by OWNER or COi`tr.&ACTOR ofsuch rights or remedies as either may othenviu have under the Contract Docunxnts or by Laws it 'Regulations in respectof any such claim, dispute or other mutter-purwunHe,-biisle-16: 9.13. Lunuations on LiVGINEER's Authdrity arid' Ilecpnn.d6ififievc - - - .. 9.13.1, Neither FNCrlNFF:R's authority or resixinsibility, under this AAMe 9. or wider any other provision of the'Contmet Documents nor any necision made by I:NGtNF,ER in gaol Faith either to exercise or•not escreise such: sallbority or responsibility or the undertaking, (•:crcise or pi:rtbrinance cif any authoriry or responsibility by ENGINEER shall create, impose or give rise to .any ;duty owed by �IGINEER' to =Tr RAC rOR, any Sutxontmcaor, any Supplier, any other person car organization- or.to any surety fta or employee or agent of any of then. 9;13.2. FNGMEER will notsupervise, dire, control or have authority over or be, responsible for CONTRACTOR'- _ means. metho¢c techniques. sequences or prettedures of ciautructmn. or ale safety precautions and pioerams.incidenr thereto, or for arty failure of COYFF AGfOR to comply hvnh Laws and Regulations applicable to tile' furnishing or pertominhce of the Work EiNG rRgEER will not be responsible for CONTR-ACTOR'sfailure to,perform or t unash the Wort` in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9.13.3. ENGNEER: will not be responsible forthe acts Lx ,ontasions or CONTRACTOR or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any olherperson or organization pereoraning or furnishing .anyof the Work 9.13.3. ENCiINEEKs revie%vof the final Application for Payment and accompanying da:umentahon-and all mainlenana:and operating insiructiorn, schedules, 66arantets,. Bands and ctriilicates of inspection, tests and approvals and tither documentation required to be delivered by pragraph14a2 will only. be to deicrmine gencralty that their content.compliis with the rcquicmi nw of. hod in the case of curtiticatcs of insNctiuns, tests and approvals. that the results certified indicate compliance with. the Contract Documenu.. 9,13A The limitations. upon, euthoritu and I IJ I Id IJ 1 respbrisibility set fortli in this parngmph.4,13 sl all nlso apply to L•''GMC•R's Cdxnsdnants„ Resident .Project Representative and assistants.. ARpICEE I0—C10-INCF—S hv:THE WORK 10.1. Without invalidating the Agreement and. without noticeto rmv, surety O\VDIGR may,, alam' time 'or front time .lo time„ order additions, deletionsor revisions in the Work.. Such nddtuons, deletiam or revlsnoRS will. be authorized bra Written Amendment, a Clrangc Order, or it: Work Change Directive" Upon receipt of am• such document, CONTR.,\CTOR shall promptly. proceed with .the Work involved which will tic performed under the applicable conditions of,the (.ontmet.DocumalL%(except as otherwise specifically provided): 10.2: If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are urwble'to agree. as to. the extent, if any; of an adjustment in the Contract Price or an adim--uncnt.orthe Convict Times that should be allowed as a result of a Work Gliange,Direcuve, a claim may Ix made therefor as provided in Article I I cx Article I_. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in die Contrtet Price or anexteiniim of the Contract Times. with respect to any Work performed that is not required by the Contract- Documents as amended, modihad and supplcmanted'as proi•id d in pamgraplis 3.5 and 3,6, except in thecase oran emergency as provided in paragrtph6:23 or in the case of uncovcrina Wt?tk, as. provided in paragraph 13.9, _ . 10.4. OWNER' and CONTRACTOR shall. c ccute appropriate Chartge,Orders recommended by .ENGINEER. (car \Vritlen Arrertdmentsj covering: LO,4, I. changes in the Work which are (i) ordered. by OWNER purguantto paraagmph 10,1', (ii) required because, -of acceptance of de/ecr&e Work ender paragmph'L3.13 ar"corrcting ikfective.: Work under pamxrapli 13;14 or (ui) agreed't4i by the,parrids. 10.42, changes in ilte Contract Price or Contract Times which tire agreed to by the partieii: and 10.4.3. dnnges in the. Contract. Price or Contract Time, which embody the stibstance or any written decision rendered by ENGINEER putzuanl.'to' paragraph 9.11'; provided that, in lieu of.executimg any.such Change Order, an appeal .may be taken front my such decision in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws, -and Regrnrlations, but during any such appeal, CONTRACTOR' .shall uur-y� on time Work uric! adhere to the prd*_Tess schedule as, provided in paragraph 629. l0:5. It rwtice. of ;iny ch:mge affecting the. general.scope of_the \York -or the pnwisionis.of tho Contrite( Do%uments. r1C1UCOEJ1tTG1l: i;OVU[TIOwS I't10.$ li!rJi� Editiwl w/ Q'IY OF FORT COLLINS Moowu:Ana_,Yq c,tttiv d notw) (including, hut,not limited to. Contmct'Price ,or C'onvact Times) is required by the provisions of'any Bond- to be given to a surety,. the giving of any such notice will be C0NTR4CT0R's responsibility; and the amount of each applicable. Bond will.bL adjustedacconlingly. ARTICLE II—CHANCE.OFC6N RA,cr PRICE ILt. The Contract Price constitutes the total compens.'ttion (subject to authdrired:adjustalents) payable. to CONTRACTOR for hrrtenuing the tVurk. All &fees, rcSpOn911]1I14eY and ahlngandns:asslgned to or undertaken' by CONTRAUMR'shdl beat:CU\'f R.\ETOR's expense withoutchnnse in the Contract Price. I I _, THe Contract Pricc im: only bc' changed by a Changc Order or by a Written Amendment: Any claim tier in adjustment to the Contract Price stall be based. on written notice delivered by die. party making the claim to the,other piety and to ENOINEM. promptly'(but in no event later thanthirt1.y days) -alder the stain bf the ekeurrence or *event u\trna nS.0 1:0 the claim -and stating the gtntnl 4tNrt of the claim. Notice of the ,Amount of the claim with supporting data shalt be delivered within sixty days after, the start of such occurrence or event (unless ENGNi F.F.R nllowv:additional time for claimantao suhmit additional or more 'federate data in support of tax claim) and shall Le accomp mied by claimant's written statement that the adjukmenl claimed covers all 4:rrown amounts to which the claimant. is entitled as a .result of said occurrence or event All claims for adjustment in the Contract Price 'shall bit detenuined.by GNGL`TER iim ticcoidanca with paragraph 911 iF OWNER and CONTRr\CT.OR cannot, otherwise agree on the. ame nt. involved. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be-valid'if not submitted in accordance with this paratraph 112. - I.1:3. The value or. any Work coverecl'by a 0ninge Order or ofany.claim for anmiljustmera in the,Conuact Price will be detennined'as fdllu)Vs: 11.3.1. mi�hcre the. Work involved is covered by unit prices containedin the Contract 'Ihieunncnts. by applicatibn oPsucla Unit prces to'the.quantities of the items: involved (subject- to the provisions' of 73 1 bids Gom ' paragraphs l 1.9, C throu,h t L93: inclusive); CONI'R3A(`TOZshall obtain competitive Subcontractors acceptable to MINTER and l 1.:3. wheie the Work involved is not covered by CONTRACTOR and shall deliver such bids to Unit prices contained in the Contract DoLumen" by a- OW' CR who will then determine, tvr_th the advice of mutually .agreed payment basis. Incl6din lump sum ENGLNELR. which bi&- iCmv, will be accepted:.If , (which may include in._allowance for ovcrhend and any subcontract provides that the Suh:ontrnctor is to -Cost profit. not rxessi rily .in nlceordanLc with be"paid on the basis of of the Nark plus'a'Cee, pai-demph ! L6:3); the Subcontmctn's.Cost of the Work arul fee shall be determined in the same manner as CONTRACTOR's 11.33. Vfhcm the Work involved is not coy creel by unit Cost of the Work and fee as pi-bv ceded to ' prices contained in the Conurict Datumenu; and paragraphg I.I 4 1IS 11.6 aril 117 Ali agreement to a lump sum is not ieached' under subeontmctsshall besutijecl'to the other provisioru of paragraph 11.3a on the basis of the Cast of the Work. the Conrmer Documents insotar as applicable. (detcnnned as provided in "paragraphs I;t 4 and IIS) plat a CONTRAC.I OR's fee for overh,a d rind profit I A4: Costs of special consuhtanrs,(induding bui mn (dotetnedasprovidedinparaga,ph1.1�,6T not limited to engmicm, arehito:ts, testing laboratories: sunewrs. atlorwneys and uccountants) Cna of die Work-. employed 1'or services specifically related to the. 11.4. 'The Fenn Cost of riot Work means the sum of. all costsnecessarily uuaured aril paid by CONTRAC CURan Work.. HAS. Supplement&lcvsts including die following: , the proper performance of the. Work. Except as otherwise_ may brngreed to in_nvTmng by OWNER, such costs.skill 11 4.5.1 The proportion of necessary be In amounts no higher than throe.. prevailing' in the transportation travel and sul;siSence expenses of lou-tlity a the PrnjccC shall include only the Following t ON9"IcAC, OR's employees incur c.d in Ituus and shall not include any of the costs acmaicdin discharge of dutics'connected with the Work, paragraph 11 R 11.4.5:2. Cost, including trurtspartmion find I I'A l fhyroll costs for employees in the direct maintenance of all diaterials. supplies. employ of CONTRACTOR in the pedumaanee ofthe equipment machinery, applicaee.% otlice and Work under schedules of job classifications nu'eed temparnry fn-ilib�n at. the.sate and hand tools nor , upon by OkV\r812 and CONTRACaOR. such owned by the workers whi h arc consumed in the employees shall include without limitation performance of the. Work, and coast Ass. market superintendents; foremen and other personnel. yaluaofsuch ncros used hut. not consumgcl which employed 'full -rime nt the site Payroll costs for ranmrithcpmpenvof'CONTRACTOR, employees not employed hall-tmie.on thz WorL shall' ' 6c apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Remits of all construction Worn.. Payroll costs shall include, -burnt be hntaedto; equipment and• machinery and tie parts thereof Salaries and wages plus the cat of trine berielats: whether rented from C C NTI"R•ACTOR or others in which shall include social security contributions,, aaorclanee with rental agru.mcnts approved by unerupla}mtent excise and payroll tares•. worker. OWNTRwith the ndv ace at E'�iGPiiEER,.aid the , ervnpertsatibn; health and,iedrement benefits; bonus;o;. costs of transportation; loadaru, unloading, soak-kavt-vneafierruad-ftek�rpenr applicable" therotb. irutallatian, disrnantlu>~ arid.removalthereof-cent The espenses of Nrfiann'vig. Work alter regular in accordance: with ttnns, of rnid rental working hours, on Saturday. Sunday or legal hohchys, aereements.. The rental of anti' such equipment. shall be included in the above to the -extent authorized m4chinen or parts shall cease when the use ' by.0.WWGR. thereof isno longer necesiary for the Work. 11.43. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished t t.4.5.4. Stales, coruumcr, use or similar takes and incorporated in the} Wok including costi. of related ' to the Work, and, for which. transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers Geld- CONTRACTOR' i.; liable, imposed by Laws and ' services required in connection therewith All cash- Rv�uha[ioru. discounts stool]; accrue to CONTRACTOR anlesss" OtVNEP deposits funds with CONTRACTOR wild t t.4.5.5: Deposits. lost Car causes other than which to make payments, in which ease the cash negligence of CONTRACTOR any, discounts shall ao= to OWNER. rUl trade: Su6centraclor or anyone directly or indirectly ' discounts, rebates rind ret'unds and returns Croon stile of eiriplcy'eil by any, et them or for whose ucis any surplus materials. and equipment shill accrue to of than may bthable, aril royalty pa}mmrus aril OWNER and CONTtLA(CTORshall maake provisions rmi'fur permits und ticensca. :o that they may be obtained ! l.-3.S.o. Losses and damages (end related , Payments made by CONTRACTOR to the &perues) causal• toy; damage to the Work, not Subcontractors for Mork performed. or furnished by compensated by intivance:orafherwise..sustained Subccei"Liom If required by OWNER, by CONN'RAC.TOR in .connection with .the , E1CDC OENMV. COS DITiCiNi I71t151190 E15600 l -4 wrQ'rYOF FORT COLLIMMOOMC•.41"IONS lREV•120110V I ' perfonmance and, Furnishing of -die Work (except tones':and darmiges within the tleduciible. nmounts of property insurance established by OWNER in accordance with pmmeraphs?), provided they 1 have resulted :Gum causes other than the ngce f -any. CONTR,�QmR, Secindiretly:one. directly yr c employed by am of them or for whose hots any of hem may be table. Such losses shall' include settlements made with the written consent and appr' vwnl of OW TER Nun such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in he Crest of the Work for- the _ purpose of determining CONMACTORs fee..11. however, any such loss ' or damage requires reconstruction and COYFIRACTOR is placed in charge •thdcof,- 'ACTOR CONfR shall be paid' for services it tee proportionate to flit stated in paragraph 1 IA.2. ' 11 J 5.7: The cast of utilitim Kiel and -sanitary -Facditics at thesite. I14 S. Minor czper=s such as tcicyrams,. tong distance telephone calLs; teleplxme service at ' the silt wpressage and similar petty cash Items in connccuon.with the Work- Cost of premiums Im additionahF3onds and idsu name required Lx muse of..chango 'vi (he ' Work. 11.5. The term Cost of the Work.shnllnot include any of the. following: I1.nd Payroll: costs and other compenmtiom of CONTR\CTOR's officers. executives, principals (of" parthership and,salc 1milmemrshlps);gcneml mamuger"s; engineers, architects, estimators; aitomevs, auditors.. accountants purchasing and contracting Merits,. expediters timckeeperg clerk and other lie.. melt ' employed by COidTRACTOR whether at the site or in CO\CR:ICTOR's .principal pr it branch office fair general adminiitration of he Work and not specifically included in the. ngreed' upon schedule or.. job classifications reterred io in paragraph 11 J 1 or specifically, covered by paragraph I! J Jill of which are to be considered adininislrauve costs covered by the- CO\TR ACTOR's fee. I I.5ti-, Expenses of COrrRACTOR's principal and: branch offices other than C;OivTRACTOR's office at the site. 11.53 Any part of CON'TIL\CTORs capital expenses, Including interest on CONTRACTORS capital employed for the Work and chames against CONTRACTORfor delinquent payaments. h1:5.q Cost of premiums for all Bonds, and lar..all insurance whether or not CONiTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents to -purchase and maintain the same (c..cept for the cost of tircmiumscovered by - subparagraph I L4.5:9 above). EtC'UC'Uh�i tERIL.CONUPQOP,J"1411i i 0WO Eutic t). w'1 Cry OF Fop, r LOLL[ M, NIOD,IFICATIOb'S (REV •1/2000 I15,S, Costs. clue to the negligence of CQNTRACrOR any 'Sub&inlnat6r, or anytme directly or indirectly employed by any of them. or for whose acts any, of them may be liable ncludin but no[ limited to, the correction of zklJ rive' Work_ dispoml of, materials or equipment yvroNly supplied and making etiod'any damage io property. I Li.6. 'Other overhead or general exp,:nse costs of any kind arid the Isis of uny rlenrnot specifically and cVrcislyin paragraph 11.4. 1.1,6. The: CONTR•\CTOR's tea -allowed to CO?vTRACTOR 'for overhead and piorit shall be determined asfollows- I I.G.1% a mutually acceptable fixed fee. or. 11&2: ifa fexedl.Cec is not aenLd upon then a fee' Inscd on, the tbiloi6ng percemages of the i'arioµs portions of the Cost of the Work: 11,6:2.1. for costs. incuncd under fxamgraphs 11.4. I. and I I J 2; the CONTTRAC I'OR's ree aliall,hcr tiRcenpercem:, 11.6.':2. for costs incurred under paragraph 11.43; the CONTRikTOR'sfee shall be rive percent-. 11.6:23: where one or moretiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no faxed Fedis agiecd' Upon. the anentof paragraphs.11.4.1, 11-42, 1L43.wd 11,62 Ia that ilk �ulx:ontmctor who, actually performs or furnishes the Work, it. whatever tier, avdl he paid a fec.uf til3ecn percent of the cans incurred by such Subcontractor tinder pivagraphs It,a,l and 11,4.2' and that. anv higher tier 9iJbcontmator and CO\rrRACTOR will eachaie Paid a'Fee cis-Gva-gxrcatt-uf-tha-•tuiarni�pitid-te the ne -lowu•tirr-Subcontractor: to be ne,otiated 11.6:3A: Ito fee shall be payable on the basis of.cosis itemized under paragraphs I IA.4, 11.41 and I S; . 1I.6.2,5the amount of credit to he allywed by CON FR \C'f,OF to OWNER for any change which nsulis'in 1, net: decrease in wst will bethe amount of llie'actual net decrease in cost plus It deduction In CO-NURACTOR's tee by tin amount equal to hie percent ofsuch: rietdecrease;.and 11.6.16: when both idditiohs.and credits are. involved in am one elm e he udlustmcnt ih CO\TTR\CTOR's fee shad) he computed on the basis of the net change, m accordance with piragnphs through.I LF.2.?, inclusive. LI,T F"enever the. cost of tiny Woik La to he J1 determined pursuant to pora3aphs I I'_4 and 115. CONTRACTOR will establish and mainmin records thereof in accordance with generally acceptedaccounting practicra and sUbcai[ in Ibrm acceptable to ENGI\ECR an itemized cost brrmkdu.vn touether with suMining data: Ca.6.411mvances.- I I.S. -Wis:understood that CO-Nfr ACTOkhas included in the Contract Price- all allowances so riumcd in the Contract Document and shall'eause the Wool. so covtred to L+e Ctunished' aril perCortned' Cor such sums as may be s,;cetxahie tq OWNEtt'aril ENC,t\'EF:R. CONTRACTOR agrees that:. I 1 A 1, the allowances include the: cast, ao COti rRAC't'CDR.(less anv appficable trade discounts) of materials and equipment required by the allowances lobe dclivcrrd at the sitr,.imd all applicable lases: and 11.3.2, CONTILACTOR's casts. for unloading and handling onthe site, Inbor,.installation costs; overhead;. profit and other expensc-s contcmplated for the allowances have been included in he Contract Priori. and nor in the allow•anc:es and no demand for additional paymenrarraccount of -any of the-roregoing will be valid. Prior to final payment,an eppropriatd Change Order will be issued as reconimended. by F�tGINF,F.R to,rcflectactual amounts due. CODrrR.aCToR on account of Nbrk covered by allowancm. and the Cananet [hire shall lie: cormspondingly adjusted.. I L9. Uirii Price 1Ggrk: 1 I.ya. Where the Contract Documentsprovide that all or pan. of the Work is to be; Unit Price Nark, initially the Contract Nice,will be deemed to include lair :all' Unit Price, work an nnmount equal' to the sump of the establul ed unit prices for each sgmiataly identified. item of Unit Price Work tim_ cs the estimated quantity of each item as itulicated in die :mermen[. The: estimated quantities of items ot� Knit Price Woik: are: tw[ guaranteed and are solely, for. the. pugv%e of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price.. 'Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit .Pries Work. performed by t_OMTRACTOR .will he made by DiCILVEER ti accordance with paragraph ). M- 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amoum'considered by CONTRACTOR to be.adequate, to cover CONTPACTOWs overhead and profitfor eachsepaately identified item. 1 C.93.OWNLTt or CONTRACTOR may make :a claim .Cor an •adjustmentin the Contract Prig in ac:ordamcewith:lrticle 11 if. 1 L9.3.1. thogWintity of any item. of Unit Price Work Performed b)' difles materially and sipi icantly. from the• estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; EXI)C OENMAL CONOI'i10"'S U IoLs (19Y0 Etliti"o, '26 MCTCY OFFOICr COLLIMMODIHCA7tONS IRLA'•UZatnA and I1A3:2. there is no correspondingmjuslinent wihxr spectto any other item of Work; and 1.1 9.3.3. if WiiM RACTOR biliev�s that 'CON711.4CT.OR is entitled to an increase in Contract Price is a result of Raving incurred adclitional' e*xp s or, OWNER bulicvcs that OWNER is entitled to i decrease in Contract i'rice and the partiesare urmbleto agree as to the amount of anv.such increase or decrease. 11.9.3A COVTRriCC0l2 icknow•Icecsthat the OWNFR has the riehr to add or delete items in he Slid or chaiwe quantities at OWNP.hS, sole discretion tvithout.ul&ctina die Contract Price of ,anv remaining item so lone as. the deletion or addition decent exceed twenty --five Percent of he oneinal total Contract Price. ARTICLE 12—CHALNGE OF'COiN"mik0'r'ruvCEs 173, The Contract,fines(or il4ilistares)inayonry=be changed by a Change. ange. Order or a l$riucri Amendment. And claim for an adjustment of the -Contract Times (or Milestones) shall lx Irtsed on written notice delivered by the party makirg the claim to the, other party and, to F1'GINTEIER promptly. (btu in no event later than thirty days) after the, occurrence- o(.the event giving rise'to -the claim and ranting'the genml mu re of the claim. Notice of.the extent of the claim with supporting dais shall be delivered within siv=w days after such occurrence (urdess FNGINF.P,R allows additional nonce. to ascertain more accurate data in -support of die. claim) and shall be, accompanied by the clnimaml's.uait[en statement. that the ridjusmmenfclafined is he entire adjustment to which des clniinmrtt has rriso'hro belitye it is entitled as a)result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Turves (or :Nblestones),sltiUbe determined -by E\-GI,rFFR in, accordance with.:paragraph9.11 of OWNM and CONTRAC:fOR cannot ohtrw•ise agree. No claim for an adjustmern in he Contract Times (or Mlestonees) will be valid if� not siibmitied in accordance with the requirements of this..pamgmph 12.1. 12.2. -All tune IimiLs slated in the Contract DccumenL. Are of the esserice of the AureemenL 123: Where CONTRACTOR is prevented front completing any ,part ot: the Work within the Contract Times(or Nfilestnnes) due to May beyond the control of CONTRACTOR, he Contract Times (or il40alq es) will beeMcftded in an anount equal to time Jost clue t6 Such relay if it claim is made therefor as provided in picagraph 1=.1. Ddlay's beyond hc' cUnuQ1 of CONTRACTOR shali'incfude. but not be limited to;_acts or neglect by OWNER,. ads or neglect of utility owners. or other contractors performing other work as contemplated br• article 7., fires,. floods,. epidemics. abrwrml weather conditions. or acts. of (;id. 0ehys-2'!tribmable_ to and I i I r I 1 LJ u I Li L i Within the. control of a. Subcontractor or Supplier Milli be deemed to be delays within the control of COVTFcAC_ f OR. 12.4. 'Where CONTRACTOR is prevented front completing any part of the Work within the Commct'rimcs (or .Milestones) die to delay bevond the contrest of both OWNER and CONTRACTOR an extension or the Contract "runes (or N,filesones) in an amount equal to he: time lost due to such delay shall be CONTRACTOfe3 sole and 'exclusive remedy "for such delay. In no event' shall OWNER be liable to CONTRACTOR. any Subcontractor,. any Supplier, umy other person or organization. cr to any' surety for or emplovee.or. agent of. any of them, for damages raising out of oriesuhing from (i) delays caused by or within 'the control of the CUN'rRkcrOR, or (ii) delays beyond the control of Mxh partiesincluding,-but Trot limited to, fires; floods, epidemics, abnormal. evrather c6nditiois„ acts -of Gad or actsor neglect by utility, owners or other contractors.perrorm ipg other work as contemplated by Article 7. ARTICLE l3=rwrS A:\D uxsPF.CrtONS;. COMP,,CHON, RKMOVAL OR ACCK1`YFANC:K OF DEF(?CT l 1vok k. 13.1, Notice ofDefeusi Prompt notice of till cG.JeciKe Wark,of which OWNER or riNGINF:F.R have actual, knowledge will be given to CONTRACTOR All d446ve Work. may be rejected;. corrected or accepted as provided in this .Article L3, Accoty to Work: 112. 'OWNER- LNGINTER'LNGLNLTR'sConsultants;. Aer represcntahve3'. and persohrs& of OWNER ndependen6estinj labumtories and goverruneniai ng6icics .cttfi Juri- fedora interests will have rent; to the tVork at x scnable—limns for their observation inspecting and W.trir: -CONTRACTOR-shall provide Them proper and ofe conditions for .such access and advise hem of _ONTRACTOWs site safery procedures and programs so fiat they may comply hlrewohasapplicable. Te.Vsaad In,apactions:. 133, cowYCACTOR :hall give UNGMEER ti ie(,v notice of readiness of the Work ibr till required inspections.. tests or approvals: anti .shall coup rate with inspection and testing personnelto facilitate required inspectionsor. tests. 13 4. OWNER shall employ. and pay for. he.services of an independent testing laboratory to 1wrfurm till irt*ccdor s tests, or approvals required by' the Contract Documents,excavt: 13AL for imputions, tests or approvals covemd by paragnaph 13.5dnlow: 13.4' that costs incurred in connection with tests or inspections conducted pursuant to paingrpph 1379 EVOCUENt7L-wb QONDMOM l91kt. (1990 EcHtio, rvt ri n or• rod r COttI M MODlr• ICAnoNs (.RCV ag9ap) below :shall be paid as provided in said paraerap} 13:9; and 13,43, as otherwise specifically provided• in the Contract Documents: 13.5. If Laws or Rcgulalionsoranv public body having jurisdiction requut any Work (or, pan th reot) specifically .to be irupeded.: tested or approved by an cinpfocceor other representative bf'such public bade. CONTRACTOR shall asa_rmz full respnocrbthty fur atrutging, and obtaining such-inspections..tests or approvals, pay alrcosts ,in connection therattith and Furnish ENGINEER the required certilicates of inspection, or .approval. M\F R ACTOK shall. also h: responsihle for armnging and obtaining :and shall pay all costs in connectionwith any inspections,tests or approvals required for OWNER's and ENCUNNEER's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work m or of materials. c[ desrats. a equipment submitted 9iir approval prior to CONTR.ACTORspurcliase�thereof for incorporation-inthe Work: 116: If any Work (or the work of ethers) that is to be inslxeted tested -sir approved is covered. by ! OQN7,Rr\C'TOR without written concurrence. of FNGINEPR. it crust, ie,requestcd by^hNGFNFER, be tuuuvcred for observation. 1317. Unaweriny Work as provided in pamgmph 13.¢ shallbe at CONTRACTOR^ expense unless CONTRACTOR, has [riven FKANF.'F_R timely notice of CONTRACTOR's alicntion -to cover die same and 1:"P1CiINEi'FRhas hot acted with reasonable promptness in response so such notice, Uncovering IFbrk: I13: 9f any Work. Ls. covered .contrary to the written request of ENGINMER it must, if requested' by ENGINEER: be uncovered for ENGIIN ER's observation and repinccd atCONTRACTOR's expense.. 119. if ENGINEER.considen it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by- ENGINTE R or inspected or .tested by others, CONTRA .CTOK at ENGINTER's request, shall uncover, ezpOsc or otherwise make available 'I -or observation, inspection or testing.as. LNGI1yEM may require; that.portion of the Work in gaestton furnishing all necessary labor. materinl and alitipnicnt If* it is found that such Work is defective, CQNIlRACTOR shall pay all claims, ,costs, fusses,and damages -causal by, �arismg-out of orresulting from such uncovering: eap�r.:ure,. observation, inspc- ldon and' testing .and of satisfactory .replacementor reconstruction -- (including but •hct. limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); -and OWNER shill be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the ContractPrice, and. if the Furties are- unable: to ugree.as to the amount thereof,. ratty make R claim thercfer as. provided' in :Article 11. It, however. such Work. is not found to be. e4f•ctne, CON'l RX rm shall he allowed an increase in the Contract Rice or an extension oc he Contract Times (or \•Iilesinnes), or both, directly auributahle to such 37 1 ttnmyerint_ cxposire, observation, inspectiom testing. replacement mind reconstiuciion__'and, if -the parties :tire unable to ague as to the amount or extent thereof;. CONTTIZACCOR may malt a clairu thcrefpr-as provided in Articles I L and 1 _' OIY;IFR May Stop the f tivik: 13.If. If the Work is defective, or CONCI2.ACTOR fads to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or cquipmem,-or fails to furnish or'perfiirm the Work in such a_ nay that the completed Werk will conform to ih;Conirict 'Documents, OWNTER mny order CON'fRAC'roh' to stop the Work, or any, partion thcreoC untilthe cause for such order has hewn-"eliminarcd; Ih vever, this right of c WNER to stop theWorkshall not give rise toany duty, con the pint. of -OWNER to •exercise his rich( for -the benefit of CON't-RACTOR or any surety or dthur party. Correction nr Removal ofl)afecrive Work 13:11. If required by F,NGINFER. CoNnzACTOk rJtnli. prompdy,'as directed either carrect all dafecOhg Work,. whether or not tehrimted, installed or chmpleted, or, if the. Work his b en rejected by [.'\'GINI:FR, rcmcve it from the site and Rpiace it with Work that is not clef2clive. CON'IRACfoR shall pay all, claims, cosLc losses and damages unusedby or - resulting from. such. correction or removal (incluji but not liimitetl'ro, all costs of repair or replacement of work of others), t3:12.. Gorrectian Period- 13-11]- If within one-yetrr two wars.after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer rxi`od of time as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulationsortry the terms of any applicable spcci. lF gmhramee rcyuir'd by the•ContmctDocurunts.or by any spec itic provision of .the Contract 'Documents. any lVork is- tound to be. 4.fecNve. CONTRACTOR.shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with DIVWER's. written instructions: (i) correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by OWNER- remove it from the site aril replace it with Work thatis not &Iktive, and (ii) satisfactorily corrector remove and replaceany dam age to other Work or the work of others: resultirai therefrom. If CONTRACTOR dc<s not promptly comply with the terms of such intructions,or in an'cmcrgeney where: delay would %;awc serious risk of loss or damage, OWNER may have the rk(ective Work oxreefed.or the Njiatcd Work removed and rnplacvdl and all claims,. costs.losses"and-damages caused by or resulting -from such remiaval and replacement (including but not limited to all cost; of repair or replacement of work of others) will be p iid by CONTRACTOR l312.2.Ln sixcctl cirutimstahces where. a particular items of -equipment -is placed in continuous service before Sulnumial Completion of all the \Vork the correction period for that item msy start to nun from an earlier cote if so provided in the. Specifications or by Wriitcn.Nmcndmi nt. !iI'___lVlnure de(ecrive Work (and damage to other EXI)C ceNER,u, coNurri ot,�3 a u1:i i1 "r,u Canto(. �� cot QTY OF FORT COLLINS SIODIMC4TIONS iRLV,P3GQM Work resulting then om) has" been corrected, removed or replaced undcr,this paragraph 11,12i the correction period hereunder with respect tu'such'Work will be -extended for an additional period of one-� twoveers alter such.-ccTrcctionor removal and replacement has' been.satisfactoply. cpmpleted Ac6,prnnce of Defective Work: 13,13. :It: instead of requiring correction or removal and replacementof rejective Work, OWN M- (arid, prior to [NGINEFR's recommeridation,of'anal payment; also F.NGINF.ER) prefers to accept it,.OWNER may do.so. CONTRACTOR Shall• pay, all claims, costs, losses and damages attribumble to OWAk's evaluation of and dacrminatioh w accept'such difegrhv W&k (such costs to be rtpprovcd by ENGLN'EER as to reasonableness). If arty such acceptance occurs prior to ENGLNF.ERs recommendation of firul puymrnt a Change Order will be icsucd "incorponiting the necessary revisions in:the Contract Documents with re+p"t to the Work: and -OWNER shall f.L- entitled tii:vi appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties arc unable to sgrec.as to the amounC thereof, OWN[:R may make i claim therefor its provided in Article 111 If the acceptance occurs after such�recommcndation; an nppnhpriate amount will he paid byCUNTRACTOP toOWE!ER. OIpNERMgvCorrect Defccritie lhork: 13.14. 7f CONTRACTOR Faits within: a.rensonnble-tithe after written notice from P4GENFER to earrccbdz/�•ctiik, Work.or to remove and replace rejected Work its required by F.Nt'rR FPl, in accordance with prragraph 13:1 i, or if C'ONPRACTOR Mails to purtomt the Wort: in accordance with the Contract Documents. or if CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the .Contract m Dccuents.,_OWNER may- after seven, days' written noticu•Co CONTRACTOR, correct and remedy any such deficiency: In exercising the rights and remedies under' this parngmplt OW iFR stdtll proceed expeditiously, In Wmnectmn with such correctiveand remedial action, OriVYFR nrav,eseiude. CONTl2:\CCOR froth all or p rr of the site. take posse:lion of allor part of the Work and suspend CONTRACfOR's services related thereto, take possession of CONiRACTOR's tools, appliances curutntuion Nuipmem and mactunery at the site: and incorporate in the Work. all materials and ecluipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid COifFECACfOR but which are stored elsewhere. CONrrCACTOR :hall nllo v OWNER; OWNERS representatives,. auents.tmd employees. O)VNERY.othcr umtracrors and ENO MEIt and 0413G\T-CR's Consultants access to the site to enable OWNER to exercisetherights anti.re_medies under.this p ragrtpn,. All claims, costs, losses and damn yes incurred to sustained by OWNER in ex_ere sing"sack rights and remedies will ba changed a_airst CONTRACTOR and Change Order will be iszued incorporating he necessary revisions ti the. Contract Documents with respect to the Work,, and OWNERshall be entitled to an appropriate decrease In the Contract Price, and irtie parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof. OWNER may make a claim therefor as. rrovided in Article l l" Such claims, costs, lasses and I i 1 I I I 1 I I damages will include licit not be 'limited to all casts of repair or rephcementof work (if' others .destroyed. or damaged'by correction removal or replacement of CONTR.ACTOR'sdefec/Ne Wrk. -,CO NMACTOR :half w not be ullaetl an extension of the Contract 'rime's (or \'lilestohes) because of any delay in Ni ormance of'tfi ; Work atiributa6le to the cxcrcise by,OWNL•R of O%VNER's rights and remedies hereunder. [RT.[CCE ty [ [l3mm rs ro Cozvr%. CTOR.Al I COMPLETION Sdredule of Mahier. 14.1. The schedule of values established as prowidcd in paragraph 2.9 will serve as the basis for progress paym cars and will be incorporated into a. torte of Application' for Payment aa.eptuble to -ENGINEER Proaress pa}anentson account of pnitPrice Pork will be. baseddnthe number of units'completcd. Appliurrunt fir. Progre_tc Pnvm.wrr.' 14:2. At (cast twenty days before the date esmblished for each progress payment (but not inure often than once a month). CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINNEER for revicty an Application for Payment Filled out and signed'hy CQNrRACI.OR covering the Work completed ns of the dam of the Application and accompanied by such. supporting documentation as is required by the Contract' Documents. If pa}maent us rcqucstod on the basis: of nmaterink and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored atthe site or at another ldi-ration agreed to in writing' the Application for Nyrmmt shall also�be accompanied by a bill of salc,'invoice or other documentatitin warranting that OWNT-, t' has received the nmatef6is told equipment free and clear of all Lmns anJ evidence that the materials and equipment lire covered by appropriate property insurance and other au-rtmgemcnts to. protect DWIIOCsiateresl therein, .all of which will be: satisfactory to OWNFR. The amount of retainagc with respect to progress payiments will be asstipulated in the Agreement_ :art,}• Rusk that are withheld bv_the OWNER. shall not be subject to substitution by the CONT LACTOR with securities or anv turangemenls involvinatin escrow or CliStndlanSlllp. 1'iY CCCCUIIrtL_' llrejapplrcltlon tor .ma'vment Font the CONTRACTOR expressly waives his ripht to the, benefits of Colorado_ Revised Statutes. Section 14-91-101 et seq. CO,VTR•t(.'TOR.v TVa rrtnq, of Title: 14.3. CONTRACTOR 'werantsAnd guaranteesthat title to .all Work;• materials art! equipment "covered by .any. Application for Payment. whether incorporated in the Protect or not.. will pass to -OWNER no.l9wr than iha'timc of payment free and clear of all Liens. of.4pplications fur Progress P4yntenc 14.4. ENO EER will within tan' days; aftdT receiptof each Application focPecm cm, either indicaia in; tvritma a. EICrOCGEVEFt:U,,COtiUI'n0\Y 19nt3 (I ION ELitiwi. iv/ ri'rr orroar COW z%s atouugc,YnoM3 u(Ev.Ic000) recommendation of'poyment and' present the Application to OWhT?R_or returthe.Application to CONTRA- crok indicating in writing .EVGLVEER's reasons rorrefusing It) recommend payment. In the latter sa.:COi•fMACTOR ma} make- the necss essary corrections and rcsubmif the .application. Ten days after presentation of the Application for Pavment to OIVNER with ENG NMERs recommendation, tire- anibUnt reeomanemled will (subject to the provisions oFthcr lastsenttm e of pargaph.l4.n. become due and when due will be pdid'by OWNER to C ?N7jRACTOIC 14.=. ENGIIiEER's recommendation of. any payment rcyucstal in an Application for payment will constifute a rcpraeentation by ENGINEER to -OWNER, based on I:IIe)INEER's on -site nhaervaiiors of the, executed Work as an experienced and qualified desigrprofessiooal and on ENGINE.ER's rcvic%v ofthe Application for Payment and the accompanying data and s:hcdule& thereto &Icst of ENGINEER's knowledgc. information and belief. 14.5.1, the [Mirk: has pro�gecscd: to 'the point indicates-, 14?:2. the quality of the Wt k- is grncmllp' in acaxdanca with the Contract,Docunicnts (subject to, anevaluation of the Work as ,a functioning -whole Prior to or upon'Subsaintial Campletiba, to theresults of* any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documnitq k� a.tinal determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price Work under paingriph 9.1Q, and to.any.othei qualifications stated* ua the n&outntcnttati0n); arid- 14.5 3, the conditions' precedent to CONTRACTOR'S being entitled to such payment appear to awe been tiilfiRd irtaafar as it lr ENGII EER's responsibility to observe ilia Work. However, 'by recommending an)' .such payment ENGINEER will noi, thereby he deemed to Bride represented that: (i) exhauttivc or continuous, on site utspectiom have been made tocheck the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINMER in the Contract Documents or (it) thatthere may not be other matters or issues betweaa the pxortaes tldtt might entitle CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally byOWVERor entitle OWN'GR to withhold, paymem to COI 1TR.ICIOR 14.& ENGLNEER`s•rcoommendation of anv payment, including final payment.. shall not mean that ENGLVEER is resFonsible fur CONTRACrORs means. methods, techniques. sequences or procedures of construction. or the stfety' precautions and prex_mams madeni' thereto_ or rdr'any failure. of CONTRACTOR Co'comply with -Laws, .red Regulations applicable to the turrushihe or. performance of Work,. or Cur any lailura of. COII.1'Rt1CIOR to perform or "ski MqK in accordance with the Contract. Documents. 143. .ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole or tiny put of airy payancnt if. in alGINEERs opinion, it .would. be incorrect to make the representations tq ,9 OIVNER.referred tout paragraph 14,5. ENPDMER ntay also.refise to recommend any such'payment_ or„ Ixcnus,: of 'subsequently diseo'vertd evidence- or the.:res-u-Itt of subsequent iicsnt pectionor tests, nullity any such payme previously recommended to such extent as may be necssirc in EiJ(;1,NEERs op"mion•to protect OWNF)i Cram loss because:. [4.7'.1,. the Work is dejrcfie, orrcomplCIed Wurkhas hendam aged requeinj: correction or replacement. 1'4.7,2. the Contract Price has been reduced by Written Amendment or Change Order, 14.7-1 OWNI FRhas been required to correct d fwtir•e Wort: or complete Work. ih:accerdance with paragraph Ij.l4. or, 11:7.4. E..NGDIEER. has actual knowledge of the: occurrence. of 'any of the events enunciatedin paragraphs 15: -'.1 thtvugh 15.2:4 incliuivc. OWNER mayy.reftisc to make [myment of the full amount recorilmended by ENGNRF,R. beeaus:: 14;77, claims Favc Nen, made against.OWINMR•.on account orCOty rk Ac;T6R's perfomtance.or tuntishina of the'W'ork. 143A Liens- have.Nen, filed in connection with- the. Work. except where CONER:ACTOR has delivered a. specific ,Bond .satisfactory, to OWNNER: to, secure the satisfaction anddiscl>.irge. of such.L tens: 14.7:7. there are other itemscntitlingQlVNER to a set- otTagainst theamount recornmen ded or W.7.8. OWNIER has actual knowledge of the occdi m6c of arty, of the events enumerated in paragmi his14.7.1 through' 14.7.3 -or, paragraphs l5?:I through 15.214 incliti•e: but OW`lER must vive CONTRAC O0 immediate: .written notice• (with a copy to FNIMINtiER) stating. the: reasons for such action and prumpily pay CONTRACTOR the im_ fount so w•ithh&L or any adjustment: thereto agreed tCt by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. when CONTRACTOR carricts to OWNBR'ssatisfaction the. reasons for suck action. :Substantial Completion: 14.s. When CO\ mAarOR considers the entire Work ready for its untended use CONTRACTOR. shall notify OWNER tad LNG QNFEER in' writing that the entire Work .is. sub- stantially complete (except for items specifically. listed by CO�FTR•\CrOR its ulcumplete) and request thatD.!Gli` ER issue a certificate of Substantial Completion: Within a reasonable time thereafter. OWNER.. CONTRACTOR -and ENiGd, EER shall make an inspection of the Work to determine the status of completion. if does not consider the Work substantially complete; ENGINEER will notify C•OVrRr\CTOR. in writing giving, the reasxs therefor, If LVGI,IEER EicDC OENER.tL CONIX1101113 I9I03 (199v L'Oiml 30 nyC(IY OF PORT C'OLLEM MOpn•7C.4r10N51REV'Ii?0001 considerz the Work -substantially complete, [1C,;Lsi}yl'i will prepare and deliver to OWNER a tentativecertificate, of Substantial Completion which shall fie the date of Substantial. Completion. There shall be attached to the certificate "a. tentative list of itemsio be completed or ccrrecte,cl before final payment OlW ER shall have seeert day% after receipt of thetentativecertificate durittg.which to make written objection to ENGINEER asto any provisions of the certificate- or attached list. If.' after considering such�obj�ctionn. ENUtNEER.concludes that the Work is not substtuttiafly complete; .GN-, 0j VEER' will he fourteen days .after submission of the tentative certificate to.OWNER notity CONITRACXOR in -writing, statine the reasons thcref6r. If, after consideration of OWNFWs objections_ ENGINEER'considers the Work substantially cornplctc.,. FNGIN'EER will within said ,fourteen days. ereculc and deliver to. OWNER and CON'rRACITOR a definitive certificate of Substantial Completion (with a revised tentative list of items to be cogjcred cr-corrcctcd).rcticciMQ such changes from the tentative certificate as.ENCriNEER believesjustifie_d after oansidertti6n of any objections front nWNER. Az, he hate of delivery of dac tentative certificate of Substantial Completion F.NGbMEER will' deliver to OIVNtiK: and (;0,NTRA(rl'OR a written recommendation as to division of rasroisibditics pending final' payment .hetwccn OtVNER and wiNIT FACTOR with respcct to security, operation, srfcty, maintenance, heat, utilities,_ irsuranm and warranties.:nd guarantees. -Unless :OkVNER and CUNTRACrOR agree otherwise in whiine and so intomt ENGINEER in writing prior to ENGNEHR's issuing the ddimti've .ccruhcate of SubAtantial .Completion, ENGNEER's aforesaid recommendation' will be, binding on OtVNriR and CC)V'1'RA(-'f ()R until rival jmt aunt. 14,9, OWNIM shall lave the right to exclude CONTRACTOR: front the Work :iher the date tit' Substmtiial_ Completion. but OWNER shall allowCONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list Perrrial Utifi:ution: 14,IQ. 'Usc by. •OWNER at OWNF.Rs option or. any substantially completed Fart of the Work which; (i) has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or (u)OWTC`tlt EgOLNEER and CONTRACTOR agree cnreaiNtcs n selxmttely fimctipningand usable p:vt of the Wv& that can be Uf xd by OWNTER' for its% intended purpose without significant interference with CONTRACTOWn performance of theiial ,remaer of the Work:. may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all'the Nark subjectto the folldwing: 14.I0.LOWDIER at Imy time- may request CO rrrL\CTOR in %rhino to, per tit OW\FRty use any such rout of the Wort: WKICh OW'NER_Mieves to Ix' ready for its intended use and substantially complete. if CONTRACI`OR agriis that such ppaart of the Work is sutis antially' cumplete, CONFIRACTOR will certify to OWNER and ENOWEER that such Part of the Work is substantially complete and request ENTOfNEER to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion 'for that part or the Work. I EJ I I I 1 I l 1 L__J I I CONTR\('TOR at any time may notify 0\4i MR and U N`G INFER in writing that COI: f RAC?OR considers any such part of the Work- ready for its intended use and substantially' complete and request.LNGLNGER to .issue a ecrtificala•of Substantial Completion for That p{irt of the Work. Within,s mason3ble time after either such request. OWNT-R CONTRACTOR and[ GN'GENEER shall make an inspeclrcn of that part of the Work to determine -its status -of completion If ENGLx1EEK dCn snot consider f aF partof the Work to be st-dy t ntially - completeNG=- ' ; LR will notify' O\VNER7 ankh: C0\r[ R ACTOR in, writing giving the reasons therefor--If.FNGINBER considers that �nrt of tha'Workto-br substantiallycompletc, the provisions of pamgraphs.l4 8 and 14.9 will apply with respect to certification of,$ubstmdal'Complotion of that part of the Work arid the division of responsibility in respect thereof and -aces% thereto. 14.1p _, No occupancy or separate operation of.part of the. Work will be accomplished prior to compliance dish the requiremeran,or paragraph 5.15 in respect of property insurance, l•inal fmrpecdan: 14.11. Upon written nciicc front Crjim,R•\CTOR that the entire Work or ;In agreed portion thereof is comptetc,. CNi'GLNEER will make a final inspection with OWNER and CANT RACTOR arxl will notity C UN[ItA6 1 OK, in writing of 311 particulars in which this inspection revenk that the Work is incomplete or deAcave. CONTRACrok. shall immcdiawly take such mcasurks as are necessary to complete such work or remicdy:such deficiencies Final .IlVicatienrfor Pn Intent• 14.1__ Alter CONTRACTOR has completed all. such corrections to the -satisfaction of ENGINEER tend delivered in .ac:ordancc with the Contract D&unherim all ninuuenance and opernfing .insets eons, rich<4lules, tniarante� Bonds_ certificates or other evidence, of insurance required by earn mph5.4. certificates of .inspection, marked -up record documcrrts (as.provided in pomgraph6.19) and other decuractits CONTRACTOR may .make application for linal'paymerrt following the procedtlie for progress paymenL% T lie tuml 'r\ppltcttiori for Payment .shall 1' accompanied (except. ws: previously delivered) by: (i)all doeumentiation called for in the Conrrici Documents, iricluding but' nut limited to the evidence of insurerse required by suhpamgr2phi4.0 �u) consent of q the sun if -my. to fmaf -payment and ui) complete and legally effective. releinu% nor waivers, (satisfactory, to OWN -Eft) of all Liens arising out of or tiled in connection:with the. Work In lieu of such reletses.or waivers of Licrs and as approved by OWNER, WNTRACfOR may furnish- rcicips or releases in full'i and alTidavivof CONTRACTOR that:. (i) the releases and receipts include all labor.. sen'iucs.' material and equipment Tor which it Lien could: tie fled, anti(ii)till *payrolts, material and equipment bills, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which 014:\'EK or OI VNEW.% property in in any way be respun siblc have been paid or otherwise :satisfied If.any, Subcontractor -or tiupplicrfails. EUDC'UENEFUW GOtiUI'0 (thy 141a t (1!M)n Editical a/ C.T'tY OB rOR't' CDLL1NS UODIFICAT16N51 REV.tl.'ihlrit to furnish arch a release or receipt in: full, COAtTRnCTOR may fitmih a Bond or other collateral satisfactary to OWNER' to indemnify'OWN'ER av_�sinst any Lien. -Release; or wHivcrsofliens and the -consent of the surety to. Finalize Lravnient -'are to be submitted -on forms cnnfomhine to the -format of the 0lt1YER'S standard _forms: bound in the -Pro iea mtnul.. Final Payment rwdA'cceptance., 14.13. If, on the basis of ENG.LNFEER's Observation of the Work during corsuucfion•and' final 'insxction and F,NGNEER's review of the finnl,Application.for Nment and accompanviig documentation as as required' >;y the Ciinnnei D&U'Ments,FNGINPF'R. is satisfied than the Work has been ccmplctcd .and (ON'rizAC 'I'OR's. other obligations under the Cuntraa Documents have been .fulfillat..ENGINEER '.will, within ten daysalicr receipt of - the Final .Applicaliori for Payment, indicate in writing. FNGINEFR's rmmmendation of payment and present the Application td.OWNFER for payment At the same timC,FNGFNEER will also give written notice to OWNER and,CON'I'R.\CR)R that the Workis acceptable suhicv:t to the provisions or pnmgraph la.l5, Othentiso, k'NG INEfi.R twill rearm the Application to CONTRACTOR, u1di6ting in writing the reasons for refusing to. recommend final payment in which, east CONTRACTOR shall make theneceu7av correctiors;md icsuUmit the Applicati6n. "thirty days after presentation to OWNbk, of the Application and accompanying documentation: -in appropriate: form and suhsance, and with FNGWEER's remmmcrxLition and notice of acceptability, thho,amount recommended by. ENO MER will become due and will be pain by OWNER to CONTRACTOR..uhiect tn. rtimgmplt 17:6.2 of these Genem� �otiditions. - 14.14. iC ;t rough no .fault of CONTRACTOR f)nal. completion, of the Work is-sitmificmtly delayed and. if EN-G[NEER so condrms..OlWi-EP,shall,, upon receipt of CONTRACTORS fuipl ,p\ppUcwion tqr Payment and recommendation of LNGLNECR and without terminatin tie Agreement• make payment of the Wlance due for that portion of thc'Work fully comps ed antl.iieivpted. If the remainingbalance to.h held by OWNER for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retamage stipulated m'the A&iecniei.(, and if Bonda have -been furnished as required in paragraph 5"1. tic waitten.cons.-ra of the surety to the ply"nienl of the balance due for that portion of.the Work filly completed and ,icwptW shall be suhr itted by CONTRACTOR to L•NGINEL•R with the Aliplianion lbr such-paymcnl Such-puymaat-zfull be made under the terms and conditipm; governing fmal puYment, except that it distil not corulaute m Waiver of claims 14nirer dfC(airn.: 14,15. 'l'he mak n and capamce of tit% l payment ;tctl uunstituta: 'L4.I5.I.a waiver oe all claims by OWNER against CONTRACTOR except clainis arising JGbm unsettled Liens, from i e(ecrive Work appearing nfier 31 I 1 1 1 I i 1 i 10 3 . 1 I j �N �Y 10 1 c N O N foal inspection pursuant ti .paragraph L{.l I, from fuilure.to comply with -the Contract Docurrimm or the terms of any special. guarantees specified thacin, or Gant CONlTRACT.OB's continuing obligations iutc_kT the Contract Ducuments: anld 14.1=: .N' waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against 0%%N'ER other than those previously made in writine and still unsettled.. ARTICLE I= -SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TMNt<iNXnos - OWNER May Suspend'll•'urk:. 15.1, At any time and without cause.. OWPTER may suspend the Work oranv portion thereof fix a period of -riot more than. ninety clays by notice in writing .to CONTR. uo p and FNGINFER which will ft he; u tr. on which Work will be resumed. CONTRACTOR:,sliall: resume the Work on the dateso fixed C,:OiNTRACTOR shall Lcallowcd an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the. Contract Times, •ar both, directly attributable to any such suspensionif C;ON1TRAC rOR makes. an alitiroved claim -therefor as ,provided. in .Articles U and 12. 01L;VER }lay Ternunatec 15 2, Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events- if CONTRACTOR rersistently fails to perform the Woik in accordance with the Contract DmuincnN (including. but not.lunited to, failurc-to supply sufficient: skilled workers or irritable materials or equipment or failure to. adhere to the. progrcc, schcdu(e established 'tinder pprngmphi.2.9 nqndjtistad front time to rusip pursuant to paragraph 6.6): 1'5,22. if CONTRAQTOR disregards Laws or _Regulations ofany public•bodv hnving jurisdiction; I.i._'i„ if CF67PT ACTOR disregards ilia adthority of .ENGINEER; or I52-4, if CONTRACTOR otherwise violates in .,any substantial 'way any provisions- of the Contract Ducuments: OWNER mAy, alter giving COYCRACfOR (anti the surety, if ainv)-seven days' written notice and to the anent permitted. by Laws; and Fteuulations, terminate the services of CON: TIZACTORR exclude CONTRACTOR from the_ site and .take possession of .the Work and of all CUNTRAC'fOR's tools. appliances, construction equipment amd machimry at Ole -site and •use the same to the full extent they could' be used by CON7RACTOR (without liability to CONTRACTORtier trespass or conversion). in irporate in the- Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which (,')WNF.R has Raid -UCDCOH`1ULV, CONUT10",*S IJ I I1-3 9vU cohort 32 w7CITY OFFORT COLLINS MC0119C.4I IONS/It6Par_UUaI CON -I ACTOR bilt 'which pre stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as.OW.tFR mnv deem expedient. In.such case CONTRACTOR shall not. be entitled to receive any l'urlher rirymentuntil-the Work is finished If the unpaid i balance of the 'omruct Price exceeds all cluims, costs. lanes and dantiiges.siigainod by OWNER arising out of of resullinst, from cemplctimg the Work such excess will be plaid to CONTRACTOR If such claims,.costs, losses and dmagess. e'-c cd such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shall pay thc.difference Iu�OWNER.. Such claims..custs. losses and'dttmagesincurred by OWNER will he mviewed b• ENGINEER as 0 their reaasorcablencs and when 'so approved.h}• ENGINEF'R incorporated in.wChan e Order, provided hat when excretal u any ng�hts o-r frmcdies raider this.pamuraph OWNER shall not be required to obtain the loµ'cit: price for die Work fjerfonm cd, 15.3. Where CO;TTRAC'mR's services -have been so temsin i ted by OWNER, the tenniimtion will not. allcct any riglsts' or remedies of 'OWNFR .against CC)NTR.ACTOR then cxislinlg or which may thereafter accrue, Any retention or ,payment of moneys clue CONTR:ACTOR- by OWNER'. will not. release. CO\ fRA\C'I'OR from liability. I ,a, Upon. :.even davy e w6tten .notice:: to, CONTR.AUI'OR and FNGINFER, OWNER - niay, without Ciaise and widiout,prcjudicc toany other right or reiriedygFOyVTTER: elect0.] tarniiniatc the-:\grctiment. [ri such case. CC)pi'fR:ACf.C)R. shall'. he paid (without duplication of any.items): 15.4.1. for completed and acceptable Work executed in.accordsnce with the Contract Documents prior to the,elTective•d-stc of termination; including hair and reasonable suntsr for overhead and probe, on such Work-. 15:4 1 for expenses sustained prior to the elkctwc date- of termination in performing :services' and turnishing labor, inati rinl 'o[,equiphsent as. required by the, Contract. Documents in cbi notion with uncompleted Work, plus fairan d-rc asonable suns for overload anti profit on such expeas&, p,a3_ fair all claims, eau ; losses and (lamages incurred in ,culcment of'tcnnmatcd conintow:with Subcontractors; Suppliers and olhers; and 1?.4:4; for reasonable expenses directly ahribittabte to terminations. C(jN, TRAUr0R shill. not Ix Raid on account of loss of anticipated profitsor revenue of other economic ltsi arising out of or resulting from such terminati6n: COIVF16tCT01?b%uy Stop (Nark or Terminate: 1:5,5. If. through nc actor fault of CUNTR MR. tiro Work issusptnded fora perital of more than ninety clays by OWNTR or under an order of court or other public authority, or FNGINF.'FR. fails, to act on.any. Application for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted ar OW'NIER fails for thin•• days to my, C:Omr'rp-m r0R.any suns finally determined to Ft dut, dierh�CONTRAGTOR may, upon seven days' written notice to OWNER and Eli TGIN'EF.R and provi ed OWNM orCNI GN'EER do not remedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate -the A=ement and recover fiom OWNTER payment on the same -terms as provided in r r3graph 15.4. In lieu of tcrminating the'Aureemenl and without prejudice to any other riglt Or remedy- if LNIGIINTMR. has faded to act on an .Application fur Payment within thirty days after it is submitted, or OWNER has failed for thirty days to pay CQNTRACTOR any sum. finally determined to be. dues. CONTRACTOR may'upan seven days written notice to OWNER and ENGINEERstop' the Work until let vment of all such amounti due CONTRACTOR. including interest thereon, The provisions of this; jaragraph 135 are not intended to preclude :WNTRACTOR'trom making claim under:Uticles l I and I'_ for un inaease in Contract Price Or Contract 'Times or bthervisc for espcnws or damage directly attributable: to CO\"TRACTOR'S stopping'1Vcrk as permitted hy- this paragraph. AR'ricu, i6-oisPUI'.E liESOLUDO:N If and to the actcnt: that Q%VNsrER and C;Oi`IiRAC'I.OR have agreed on etcmethod and procedure for resolving disputes between themthat may arise under this Agreement. such dispute resolution methodand procedure,. if an , shall he its set Borth in E.\hlbitGC-A„ .Dispute Resolution Agreernent', to h; attached.hcreto'and made a part hereof. If no suchitmement� onthe method and procedure for resoh'ine such disputes has been reached, and subject to the provisions of rmragraphs9,lu 9.1 I and 9,12. OWNER and CONTRACTOR may exercise suck rights or remedies as either may otherwise leave under the Contract Doauncnts or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any. dispute. ARTICLE 17,N1ISCELL.-lr\E0GS Giiihr Notie&- 17.1. W'herieter any provision of the Contract L1a:urnats requires the giJinc of writteri notice, it Will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in peronto the individual or to a. member of the Firm_ or to an officer of the L-ugxaationfor wham-t[' is intended' or if delivered et or sent by registered or certiliedimaif postage-prepaiek to die last business address l-rhbwn to the 6Vcr of the notice: 17.2; CgmpurationofTiinet 17.2.1, When any period -of time is referred to in the: Contract Documents by days. it will le computed to ex'cluLVthe -first and include the la3t day'of such period} If the last —day— of any .such period tarts on a. Saturday or Sunday or on a d y made it Ina I holiday by the law of the -applicable jurisdicuon such day will be omitted from the corripumnon. E.t(UC OENtY LL COVLtI'[iU� I i l U Y II `19r1 Eilirimi 'MCI r' OF FORT COLLI \; 3lODII:ICA noN , IR)ih',IrOa(i) 1.7:121 A calendar day(if twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight will constituw —a day. .Notice of L7ninrr 17.3. .Should OIVNER or CO\'TR:ICTOR sutfcr.injury or damage to person or.prcperty because of any error, omission or act of the other party or of any of theother pruty- employegaees oi'agents. or odiers'for who.v, acts the other party is llly liable: claim Mill be' made'in write%' to the other na y within reasonable time of the first ubscrvancc,of�such injury or damage.. The provisions of this paragraph 1743. shall net be construed as.a sulisritute for or waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose.Camulative Renridiet 17.4. The duties .and obligations imposed by ,these Gcrkral Conditions and the rights: and rcmediesnvailahid hereunder to the ltrties hereto., and, in particularbut without. limitation, the wormnue:, guarantees and, Obligations imposed upon: CONTRACTOR by paragraphs la?,6:16,63(1,0-1',6.32, 13.1, 13,11_; 13;Ia, I 4,3 and I'?.2' and -411 of the rights and remedies available m OWWF-R rind 6N(iNF,FR thereunder, are ih addition to, and.are not to 1x� construed in any way as,a.limitation' of -any rights and remedies available to any or all of t em which are odherwise aitposed or available' by Laws- or Regulations by special )vartanty or guarnntee. orhy other provisions of the Constrict Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph will he is clrectivc as it' repeated specifwallyin the Constrict Documents in conacetion,widh cash p articular duty, obligation; right and rcniv& III Which they. apply: Nrgfecvzuwl t• eesnnd Cara Costy Inchideib 17.5. Whenever reteience. is made to 'claims. costs, losses mid daritages', it shall include in each case, but not hp limited to, all fees arrii ckirges of epaincers. architects- atlomeys and other professionals and all court or arbitration or, other dispute resolution' costs. lj.. The laws _Qf the State gC�CS,I9ntdo ap:;l to.t»s 4%gEt nrent 2tferencz to two [pertinent ColoraLki statutes are as Follows:'. 17.6.2. 1f a claim is filed. OWNER is required b%• lak rCRS 35= n 167].to withhold from all pavmtras to CONTRICTIJR sufficient .funds to itistrre the Oyment of all claims for labor, materials, tom hire. sustemmce, provisions provender, or other supplies. used or consumed bw CONTRACTOR or, his 33 EJcoc <,e, IEF-AL CONIA'n o,,�5 a tos o 9 w eon"; 34 w: CITY OR rORT COMIZ, MODIF1CAT1oN91 tcv-IQp(jO) I I I I I I I I O(This pace Idt Blank -intentionally.) I I I I I I EMI)CUFNEXAL CO."'INFIC)EVS 1410-$ (1990 Wtivi 1 35 wl cl rY C, I c F 0 R 1, CO L L I M. N M D IFI CA I I ON3 (. R-Ell, 1000f)) I I I MDCCENMh ,: COA)MON'S 1919J(1990 UL0,M) 36 wl CITY Cli FORTCOL,G1 MODIPIC'A'RONS aLvan_QNII I I 1 I I I I I I e L'J U 0 I I EXHIBiT GC -A to•General Condiriiros of the Construction Contract 'Behveen OWNER and'CONTRACTOR :D[SPUTERESOLUTION ACf2CEMCIFT OWNER and -CONTRACTOR' hareby agree that article 16 of the General Critiditiors of the•Cfitistn(ction C niino heiween OWNER. and t'ONTRACTOh* is_ amended to include the following af3eement of the parties- 16.1. All claims, disputes and .other matters in purs6mi bdwv n OWNER. and C-ONTRACrOR,arising out of or relating to thc'(;ontraci Documents or the breach thereof (except foi cLiims which fiave been \yawed by die making or acceptanceof,fmal payment as provided by paragraph 14.15) .will be decided by arbitration in -accordance With the Construction .Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Asspciation then obtai iin„ subject to the limitations of the Article lb '['his agreement So to arbltrint te and any other agreeninor consent «i arbitrate entered into in accordmnce herewith as, prpiided in-this.Article: l6 will be,specitimlly cnforcenblc undcr the prevailing law. of any court havingjtirisdiction 16.2. No &in and for arbitration of any claim, dispute or other inaver that :is required tobe retcrred to NGWELR inluilly for decision in accordance with Riragraph 9:11 will he made until the earlier of (a) the date on which E'NGINEEh has render& I a. written decision. or (b) the thin} First dal' after the paiurww h.rvrpres:iitrddicir evidence to 1ZNG1NtER if a written decis on has not been reriderred by ENCHINTFER' b:fure that data:. Nro demand for arbitraiion of ariy such claim;, dispute, or other matter will be made later than thirty Jays nftr the (Late on Which FNCrr\rEFA has rendered a written decision in respect 'thereof in accordance. -with faragraph 9.11. and the failure to demand ar&ualion within. said thirty days. period will: result in ENGNEER's decision being final: and binding upon (Ak"NER, and CONTRACTOR II ENGINEER renders a decision alter. arbitmd6n proceedings have been initiated. such decision may be entered as evidence but will, not sa fersode the arbitration piocading% eec4t where the decisiun.is acceptable co the parries concerned, No demand for arbitration of uriv written tkcisio_n of GVGrNrEER rendered in accordance with parawipM 9.11) will be made later thanten days after. the party making such demand has ndhm. delivered' tcn notice of intention to appeal as provided in paragraph 9:10. I&I Notice of the ddmaridlair arbitration will be. tiled in writing with the other party to the A rcement and With the Ameridm Arbitritwnik4b&wtion and a copy Will be sent la UNG[NEERifar inim-niation. The demand for arbitration will be made within the thirty lay or ton -Jay period pea-ted in paragraph 16.4 as applicabte,.and in all other discs \vi lun a rrasomble time alter the clams, dispute or other matter in question has ariscn,.and'in no event shall. ariv such demand be madeafterthe date when ire;litulian of Ic @ Cor equitable proceedings based on such cli•.mh: dispute u other matter in, question ,would. lie barred � by the applicable statute ofIr itstiers. EXT)C GENERAL COND11111D:<3 i N a-s (19911 E,Eticaj +.'/:'ITT OF FOR(REV9199) 164, Except as provided in paragraph 16.5 below, no m&thni(m ❑nsmg out, of or relating 16the Contract. Dcxeuncros shalt include by consolidation, j6irkler or in any, other manner' any other person or .entity (ihcludine ENGINEER'E[IGWEER's Consultantand the officers .directors, agents employeesor consul Lrims.pf _any cif them) Who is net a party,to this contract'61M: 16.4'.1, the inclusion m'such other person or.cnlity is necessary' if complete relief is to be'afforded among: these who aini already parties t&the;arbimatiM and I6.42. such other .person or entity is substantially involved in a question uflaw or fact Which is commons to those who are already parties to the arhiirmion and whighwill arise in such pro=d_in_o*s,•rind. 164.3. 3. the wrircn consent of the other person or entity^ sought .to. be included and of O1WER and C.t)I fl'RA(TOR has been obtained for such inclusion;. which consent shall make specific reference, to this, pimgraph;,liut:nn such consent shall constitute consent to arbitration of any dispute not specifically d+iscrihcd in such. consent.or-to arbitration with tiny Rim not specifically i&nti Hcd in such consent. 16,5:-Notwalistancling paragraph 16.4, if a claim., dispute or other matter in question betWcCn OA4NER. and -00'7IL•'1CT0R involves the Work of a SUttiOntmcklr. either OWiNbR or C091'RACfOR may join such 'Subconrnctor as a party.to the arbitration between OWNER, and CONTR:ACTC)R hereunder. CONTRACIOR. shill - include in allsubcontracts required by per' 6.11 aai . specific provision'whcrehy the Suhwntractcr eonenta:to being Joined in an arbitration between OWNER- and CONTRACTOR involving the t4ork, of such Subaintract6i. Nothing in this p n(rrph 16.5 nor in .the provision or such subaxitract' consenting to. joinder .shall eTcite any claim; right or' cause of action in over of Subcontractor and against O NFU ENGLN-EER or, ENGINET'sConsultantstheftdoes'.norotherwiseexist 16:6: 'The award rendered by the arbitrators will be, final, judgment mu'p'lic entered ulxin it inany court hatvina -junschciion thereot; and' it will not be subject to mddifictitipn yr t(*al. 16.7. OWNER and CO\TR--\CfOR agree that they shall fist ' submit any and all uueided claims,. cuunterchiims, disputes and other matters in question ln,cwcca them' arising, out. of or relating to the Contract .Documents or the brc;cli thereof ('dispules,).do mcdialion by the .knicricam Arbitration Association, under the' Construction. industry' iN ediation Rules of the, American Arbitration Association prior to either of them initiatimi against. the other a demand Ibr -arbitration .pursuant to ptraarap s 16,1 . hrdugh 15 o t mess delay in mitiati ire irbnration wouldirrevocably prejudice one. or the parties The respective thirty and'leii.day lime limits within which to file a demaind for arbitration its provided in para_raphs• 16.2 and 16.3 above shall be suspended with respect to. a. dispute submittedto mediation within these -same apphcablc time limits and shall remain suspended until ten days ntler the terminationm of the mediation The mediator of any dispute submitted to mediation,undcr this Ag�ecmerit :ih all not serve as arbitrator ol'such dispute unless oihetvisc merged 1 I E16DC GENERAL 1910,3 f 199U E14114) FORT IKFV';i9 I I GC -Al I I 11 I I I I I I 1, I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 u i 1 SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 1 SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of the Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Construction Contract (EJCDC General Conditions 1910-8, 1990 edition with City of Fort Collins modifications) and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. SC-5.4.8 Limits of Liability A. Add the following language at the end of paragraph 5.4.8. The limits of liability for the insurance required by the paragraph numbers of the General Conditions listed below are as follows: 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverage A - Statutory Limits Coverage B - $100,000/$100,000/$500,000 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 Commercial General Liability policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). This policy will include coverage for Explosion, Collapse, and Underground coverage unless waived by the Owner. 5.4.6 The Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). 5.4.9 This policy will include completed operations coverage/product liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). SC-12.3 Add the following language to the end of paragraph 12.3. Contractor will include in the project schedule zero 0 days lost due to abnormal weather conditions. I SECTION 00900 ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT ' 00950 Contract Change Order 00960 Application for Payment Ll I 1 I 1 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTS TO BID FORMS ' 00430 Schedule of Subcontractors ' 1 1 11' 1 SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT TITLE: Discovery Museum Exhibit Fabrication Phase II CONTRACTOR: Art Guild Inc. PROJECT NUMBER: 7184 DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: 2. Description of Change: 3. Change in Contract Cost: 4. 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